6. STEEL WORKS_ DUQUESNE WORKS. COLEMAN, MILE & CO., IRON, NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINCS , DvQ,UF.SNE, L X AND JUNIATA, PLAT BAB, ROUND AND SQU (RE IRON. • BAND, HOOP, SHEET AND TANE. IRON, BR PL 0.T.E.8 AND HEADS, GUARD IRON DRAG and DROPPER' BARS, ELANGEr OUTTER BASS, OYLINDER T Am , FLAT BAIL for Coal Roads. ' CROW BaItS,WEDGEB A HARK( tW TEETH, SPRING, _PLOW AND CULTIVATOR STEEL, STEEL WINGS AND MOULDS cut to pattern. r STEEL. TIRES, 'STEEL WAFTING, A. B. BTBILL. COACH, BUGGY and Vi AGON SPRINGS and ILES, Cur !bum AND SPIKES. All Goods First Class and Warranted. OFFICES AND *ORES. liixteenth Street and klieghes* River. arid II Water Street. Pittsburgh. labs SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. BINGER, MEDIC & CO., PITTSBURGH. PA., MeantMilner* of every description of CAST AND GERMAN STEEL, RA TLW WANGS. ELL'. .:C, AND PLATFORM SPRINGS. AXLE% ESTERL TIRE. Re., 40 Warehouse, 83 Water arid 100 First Stu NLIIMER, BARB & PARKIN. imorraum PASTNIES: AIBTOALINI REUBEN MILLER. ORO. W. BARR, I TNI ORAB. . PARKIN. BIMCIAL PAItIL — B. M KIER. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, AIWA _BARR & PARKIN, Office, No. 339 Liberty St, Mtn BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORE& PARK, BROTHER & CO., iliumtsetarers of all dwriptions of • • EiPMENIEL‘ Ica and Warehouse. Ttillt TISTE, THIRTY TIBST Id ` BU 13TBSNT13. IRON WORKS. Vlll3lll. Pres , t.«.. W. P. Posts. Bart. EnTrawmat }vitae AND IRON CO., Bar Iron; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Axles Rolled; Railroad Car Axles Hainnsered; Leeomotive Frames; Locomotive Frame Shapes; Side Rodin Yokes, Straps; Piston Heads, Steamboat Shang; Steamboat Cranks; Piston Rods, wrists•, Pitisuia Jaws, Cellists, *a. Offloe, No. 177 PENN STREET, 11111111$1 Tke Trustees are now urepared - togritAlleen les .tor the nee of the RT.LERRHAIMON FRO gszs. 'The superior quality imparted to . good iron. the great Improvement In inferior Iron, and the reduced oatt.cominend it to all marinfacturera of Iran. Parties wishing to use it can obtain licenses by 'Me 10/ to • JAMES P. SPEE.R, • Attorney ihr tits Trustees. WOMB and 2, English , ' Building; 9 fourth avenue. parties interested are Invited to visit the 5110111Bilt oe altit WORM where the recess le new la earsatat -4 ion. tee:467 EVERSON, PRESTON & CO., Pennsylvania Iron Works. AsEeboue, gold itr l iasT PP"eio at ee rp24:de .R/TWOBtelitin BRASS'FOUNDERS. JOANY. COOPICIL JOHN N. COOPER & Bell and Brass Founder. BRASS CASTINGS MADE PROMPTLY TO onyx& Makable and lirey - Iron' Fittings, GAB PIPE AND TUBING, THIOTILE, WET! AND CHM ULU ALL GLOBS COCKS, limit Walt of every description for Steam, Water aad OIL YAP ueActruar.es or J : 000PKIPS Improved BlancaWheei Steam , Pomp. 4'ooto fbr Dreyfus' Patent Oil ers, the best in the Market,,, oaci and Works. corner Thirteenth and Street*. olio 1. COAL AND VOILE. COAL: COAL!! COAL!!! IteKSON, STEWART & Ruins remoied heir Offfee to NO. 567 Liipatpr STREET r )1 cLatflrclei.lhc4/i:. Anii)pfodisri,F.LbNc; . • 41, tend Amish /66e youinito eitsmir accr t c9*r. t war4, ox, Ft She wise. 4, r .,;.; •+islt % 11" ordai leltiiitheU . ,othm or egilseeeed to thee through the •111111 1 i'IM' be attended lb Preselehlr. LITHOGRAPHERS. • - 411113LIANOINMINHOLLT• QIIIGERLT &CLElf6Successon kJ to GOO. Y. OCIRIMEXAX WO , * rnw IfirfIEOWILSO' The oolt t _trot rattttopolohto Notoblithlment far 000ttto, Bunion cWilt DBMS' ik raV a tePtg are 44 l M=Vgt • Iltiltakto2 Wittto 11014 II raid Is !LisaMei& r istabanck. • Manufacturers of PITTSBURGH, PA. YANIITACITIZZIIII O T 323 .TARRY MILE. FOUNDERS, MA.ORINISTS. KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COYPANY. OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, - ITTSBURGH, PA. t- Engines, Rolling Mill Ma ch ery, Nail Machines, Re tor, : and Castings generally. • ATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. • Cerium Oarroll And SmallinanStiftets, (NINTH WARD,) ibri-rsircritErEL PA. WILLIAM _SMITH, Illanufaciturer of CAST IRON BOWL PIPE FOR GAB AND WATER WORE.B. My Pines are all cut inyariablyin Pits, in dry sand. and ISt Diet lengths'. Also, fun assortment of general Castings for Gas and Water Works. ‘: 'would also can the attention of Snpyrintend• enta of Gas Works to my make of RETORTS. DUQUESNE FORGE. WHIM DULLER, (Succeisor to JOS: P. HAIGH & C 0., ). Has facilities co-extensive with the leading Forges in the Eut, and is prepared to PromPtly SHAFTScIy fill allorders for STEAMBOAT , CRANKS. PISTON ROIK, LEVERS, PITMAN JAMS, WRISTS, RAILROAD AXLES, LOCOMOTIVE FRAMES t _together with every description of SHAPE WORE. Ofilce and Forge, Corner of Duquesne Way and First Street. apl4:h4o ROBINSON, BEA & CO., 11aceessors to ROMNSOL Xtlfill I =LW, WASIIINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, Xanatacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam RI- Z , a n tra o l t al i t! li d i eseriptions: .. o= and BBoller and Sheet Iron Work. =a sk Mee, o. LII. corner First and Smithfield Streets. Writ; fbr_BIFEARDES PATENT INJECTOR for imams Boilers. I ALUM THOMAS CARLIN & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Nadine Workk , BANDUBid f3T..trkiHrlflf CITY, Yanntoctarero of B Oil Plena, Finials, Shafting, Vat and Saw Mill Work , M Beams U and Mac We Castinas, Grate Bars, Wakens. Wagon Box s, to. Band to order and have on hand Salamis of all dam OENTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS 880 Penn Street. BOLLIAN, BOYD & BAGALEY. ehII Molls, WIZ Ca/ ' Bin" 801 l Lathes. ie. OILS. v ir pmirG AND KING, cosmosion Yen-Mats and Brokers la Petroleum and its Products; DALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY, 1714A-0111iP1111. ADD113:33, Boom 12', Chamberof Commerce, 133 SOUTH morn ISTBEICT. aplO ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HERBERT;I*. G TWEDDLE D NA.2O37ACTURIIR OF inbricating & flit Test Burning Oils. Salim* Sailroad 'Azle OM ,great heat witboitt ikatige; remains :Vapid at lowest temperatures— Bpeclai 011 for I, tropical climates or hot weather. . Imeansistive, Sualae„ lisiehlne . Sholh Wings/Bo:8as. , • Saw NW and Planing 111111 0111, Adapted ftwhigh_speed.' • IlDladle 011, Wrialread•JUght 011, 011' Tanners' Stuff. Sesszole, issa?/knitiablaa , oll, Grasollaa, Harness 00 Parrallisse. ARBOR VARNIM., to. preserwe Bright Iron.' Work and Machinery Ova Bast. These products are manufactured under Dr. Twaddle s_patent try Superheated Steam In Vac cno. The Lubricating 013 are almost odorless, perfectly pure, milform, and mostly light .col ored. stand a high temperature unchangl i t r a4l remain limpid duringegtregle cold. The Oils are 'unequalled. and Are In constant use on many of the principal Railroads. Samples can examined and orders left at 1.14 WOOD BTIIIIST, Works es sharp/Arum Bridge. - TACK 11.110T'HEI1S, COMMON - NERCEOTS, AllnY,DZALrag . Petroleum and its Products, sitta usoe—sezzgaos sinimpte, wrist OZ MOMS way 11119 itnfa f TOrtadelp4laoSoe—LlT DIAMOND OIL WORN.% IH, M. LONG & CO"- mice, DALZELL BUILDING, ten Duquesne wsitristoariair& NOVELTY WORKS, 'NOTELTY WORKS. Wounded A. D. JAM MUISOWEETI & op, MB UTIMMSTA_NDAUD.WATRIIANK STAT. filizr4zoATiroxact , ROOU NTll, vEICIALES. humis ism& Paiea t._Look* sad Wakes. 4 101 J. .1011AMOWNWIM Pe. 1) A 0011131 op.IWT Amu GMT EUNlblinkrroue" PITIWBUIGH -04tZliTtili SATURDAY, TUNE 12, 1869. ENGINES, -1 *MAW,: 40. Ivo L BOLE Balk. .1 Ger. Point Alley and peeing., . , . (Asia THE I , a , Engine Builders, 7 unders and I Mackin Manufacture STEAMBOAT ems and STA TIONARY ENGINES, of all es. • - • A ll t lp y eelal attention invited to urnewSTATION -OIL WELL ENGINE D PORTABLE BOILER, of 15-horsenpower.t OASTINGS,of every k__ind, *nide to order atour Foundry', on.TRIRD STREET below Market. HI • RIGS for Oil Wells, S ING, PULLEYS, RANGERS, ROUSE and TOB CROSOItEWS - and IRON Tose.ooo MEMO. bend sad wide to order, at the . • - INDUSTRIAL PronUng on the Allegheny Ell PITTBIIIM6II. I lir All orders promptly 11114 FORT PITT 1101Uill,STIU WO't 'CARROLL - & dNYDER, .J E IitANSPACTSB o TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FL D TUBULAR, PIBE-BOX AND CYLINDER BTEAM BOIL OLI. STILLS AND GILTAMTS. ' _ CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND LE ' AB P ANS, SETTLING PANS, BALT PANS AND CON. BRIDGES. DEMERS. wrzem Mg% GABOMETEBB AND' IRON Plasm DOOll3 AND COAL maw ' Office and Warehouse, Corner Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH, Pa. /Pp Orders lent to the above +dress win be promptly attended to. • =Mite WM. II ': t & CO., BOILER M K ERB . . KND SHERI' IRO liiirORRICRIS, NOS. 110, Xi, 114 PENH ST. Hiving secured a large yard and furnished It With the most approved machinery we are pre pared to manufacture every description of BOIL ERS In the best manner, and warranted equal to any made Is the country. Chimneys, Breeding, Fire Beds,• Steam Locomotive Baler.. Condensen, Salt Pans, Tanks, 011 Stills, Mita tore, Settling Pans, Boller Iron,_Bridges, Sugar nub mid sole naaufacturers of B arnhill Pat ent Minn. = -Beesiring done on shortest . notion. Aaiun JAMESM RITES, Nos. 55 and 56 Water HtresS, - NTIIIIIIIIIM6III. litainTiMlNUM ow IRON -OIL - TANKS, ri-nzaire PIFB. ocinizit, trnalt PIPS. BOLLING MILL WIACKIL And SEX= IRON WORK. • Tor Steamboats. J.IIIID D. MOIR JARED N BRUSH & SON, NANIIPACIRWA OP Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. EBERT IRON WORN. &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, 04STING8; ac. TUE BEST STOVES. A. BRADLEY ar. CO.. Missubotarers of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves, TO BE FOUND IN TEI STATE. Sarnia ibr the celebrated Sue Blaming Oler' Stoves and !Drumm for Bard Coal or Ooke. eitt theliroxid for Perior,olllce. Store or Church. lire needs no rekindling—burns all win ter. Do uotbly until you see or seed for Circular. No. 30 WOOD STREET. • Our Agents for Orientals—DEMMEß BROS., Smithfield St.; OW. NIISLItY. Allegheny City. RAP!, 11110 US & CO,, KAAIIPACTVILIZIS OF 1•177 VAILLIM or BOSTON COOKING RANGE, " THE FIERY - FURNACE," ,70.0 WA1131770 Th:014021037. THZ NEW ANTI-DUST COOKING errovz, "REGULATOR." COLUMBIA COOK STOVE, arjr. CART IRO N Mit s raL T lCTOß tr yeßa t i ib tree Malin and dull • • I' - 2.04 altd 208 - Liberty litreet, sirlS:7l7 PITTSBURGH. PA. COOK. BTOVEL CET THE BEST: dt 4.10.11 TfutIMPA:. • FOB BIT MIN OUS COAL, Wuya ated t 0 Cook, Bake Or Besot alfaii fug sear iieve li tie Odom. . ISIBSELT, & 00, 1 No s x'B6 zit;ertv'street. at _so _O3. aandiati sali. • rasLoßt incmit___. ez.t.rjolartlikil= TO BUILDEIifiI 500.000 test Dry9i Pln aa e I. ~ • ,314,111109 fselfl ar Mitt • I . IJUNIMU feat:l94l9l masa Plaakt • - 95,CHKI feet Dryl an 9 inch Oak: X.. 000 ft. St. 3,315 i 9 and 3 Inch Poplar: 15.003 lest Dry poplar Beantllngt 10,000 feet Dry 'Yellow Pine Boudet 100,009 feet Hemlock Beastliest. 353.090 f l eetNo. 1 15 Inch liaginad Onin _ 900,000 Do. 110-inch Shingles; !WOOL 50,000 Nn.,l 19.1nctililithillogi silaTeut 50,u0091zie MUM • 4: 13 0.40 1 %3 1 114 OW; ._Also,,flaw Mill Lumber, Lotnist and Cedar wade/ MN all articles In the llne on hand and for sal_ )1,1 ALEXANDER PATTICIWON. Yards— me. is t inpra street and magyar Proble and Junta , mirth ward,AileignMiy, late bor mit of Manchester, 4y:ll WEI t: iv Abu) i , 0,. 1: • • : , ........... r z Ef : tom, T rPM u I f-79 1 ", t ell . l4ll . l rr 80. i rotor= WRRIAT. ' moss aim peimapily iiniadell Is, spill ORKS, RI er, near the rola. U. PL. U . Tai us. TAIIK P Se ;alw,ml. FINANCIAL. FORT PITT BANKING COMP . N 0.169 Wood Strut. CAPITAL, : :: : $2OO, . STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIAR , DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES AND COLD. L i INTEREST ALLOWED ON TINE DEPOSITS. Collections made on all accessible points in the United States and Canada.. DIELBOTOIIik Jno. O. Risher Robt. Andrew Miller, James K. Belle! D. Hostetter. - - James Etordon. - D. Ws.Duce, I. Fawcett. BAWL. M MIKAN, D. LEFT HART, CAUGHEX BANKERS AND BRO Corner Third and Wood Streets, prx-rsstrupn. (SUCCESSORS TO HANNA, HART A 60..1 E= Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention paid to the pnrchase and sale or ' .COVERNMENT BONDS. Bight Drafts on isondOn. znyitaftt HOLMES & SONS, N. 33.fiLINT3EZ.EXt.191, 57 Market Street, rrx-r•rsaNumsfia, Collections made on all the principal points of the United States and Canadas. Siocks,Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT slip !SOLD ON COMMINNION. Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of Val i ted. States Seonrities. JAY COOKE & CO., 33a.,311r..em g 114 111017171 T 111131? STREET, PHILADELPHIA. STOOKS and BONDS of all descriptions bought and mold. ' . Special attention given to the purchase and sale of tiovernment Recurities long) CITY BANS.- 112 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAPITAL. 8100,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. FOREIGN Excnexas Bonet. and soid. and when desired remitted to Europe. Collections made on all the principal points of the United Etates and. Canada. DONCNICKItnaszpr President. JAMS'S XCCA2I4 Vice President. Jugg B. Small f, Cashier. DITLICTOREI. D. Ibtases. James McCabe, Thomas Rourke, John Savage, J. Dunlevy, Jr., Terence Campbell, Patrick Kane, James Phelan, . Chas. B. Barr, H.A.Freyvogle, Juo.Jos.Hermann, I, Thomas Barnes,-: Hugh Keating- jellts PEOPLES' SAVINGS BANE- Of Alleghehy. • CORNER FEDERAL AND LACOCK STREETS.; CAPITAL - • - • - • $lOO l OOO STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. Bank of Discount and Deposit. Pakeivrair—S. - 11. HARTMAN. CAsitten—Z. P. YOUNG. .IHREOTORS. S. H. Hartman. . H. Burt, J. I'. Henderson,. O. Plata...on, J. Kohen, B. Brown, Samuel Dyer, B. B. Megraw, W. G. Olbson. ' my2l:yl2 FIFTH AVENUE BANK OF PITTSBUROIi Will open for. Discount. Drriosit and Goiters' Banking Business on JUNE 34.1E69. at Nis.l9s rifin avenue. Any sum received nom one dol lar upwards. Interest at the rate of Mx percent. paid on time deposits. ' Rd. Dlthrldge, W. P. Weyman, • W. H. nims. Prank Seibert, W. O. Robertson, II err Meyer, Du. Kinzer, . D. M. Armor, - ; onell Peeretsl. _ HD. DITHRUDGE. President. P..H. WRENCH. Oesnier. =I MILIAN MILLER it CO,. Itos. 221 and 223 Liberty Street. Corner of Irwin., not offer to the trade at law . figures, strictly refine New Croi l l:ew Orleans Nagai , and Porto Rico, Cuba and Eng Sib Island Sugars. New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore Be• Sand do. clolden Drips, Lovering., Brungs, stuart's, woomss and Loos Island Syrups, orto Illco,-Cluba and Enullsh Island Molasses. i "ni Hytnn , Japan, /mPerlal, Gunpowder and Oo long Teas. 6 Carolina and Bangoln Blue. Java, Laguarrsand .lo Coffees. Tobacco, !Lard On, Nish, Nails , Glass, Soaps, Cotton Yarns, to., constantly on hand. • ALMON IMPORTERS' 07 Fine, Brandies,Wines and segam' Rhenish, Moselle. .ttil Sparkling Hock Wines Of Hinkel m Co.. in bottles. • ,; liparklUit Moselle. Beliarsbert and Johnanie• burg, Hootheimer, Burgundy, a°. • Brandenburg Frees , Fine Olive Oil. • d0.,;d0.- . Imported in bottles. do do White Viues..in bottles.. M. Work & Bona' Sparkling Catawba. pine dlierrY. Madeira and Port Wines. oe Old itionongenels, Bye Whiskies. pure. do Very guperiorOld Scotch• do:. .• ALSO . 1 , 01 6. _nigair —,uiiii i tailimidai i ii-e— r aifi t W., .1 , . I 1 •W ~.. r :IL rill: t, JO et . I' diligailitiAlafAMPaglie. MUNI of our own selectios sad =auto& 3 1:6111 ar0.1.23:0 g SILVER AND COUPONS Bot4ht at Highest Prices. PH. R. MERTZ, Banker Cor. 'Need and Fifth Streets. tnYB • J l Airs T. Bey it GO.• • (Successors oS. JONICd & C0..1 Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., 1 - . 33 Ak.wiac.mi=l. BUY AND SELL ALL BINDS OP GOVERNMENT SECURITIES . , GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVOBABLE TISBMS. • • or Interest Allowed on Deposit?. RT Wine) , loaned on Bovernment Bonds at loWest market rates. . Orden; executed for the Pnrrhese and Male of STOOKS, BONDS and OOLD.I JAMES T. BRADT & N. Quid GOVERNMENT BONDS ! We will register all kinds of Government Bonds free of charge. This gives the holder ab solute security against theft loss. or deetruction. JAMES T. BRADY & CO., Dealers in . Government Bonds, COIL FOLTSITII & WOOD STS. - . 6 # t 1i# 511 41 Gaidtt. FINANCE AND_ TRADE. O t sinos Prrrentrucen (*skews, FRIDAY,. June 11, 1869. S' Mcrney is easing up in New York and stocks have nearly recovered the entire decline, with few exceptions. • Governments are heavy and declined .. at' the last board about one•half per cent, on the rise In gold here and the dull • feeling - in Paris. Fyreign bankers pretend to be informed of anticipated troubles in France and have put • up the price of their bills and are buying gold. Gold opened at 139, declined to 138% ---- 1 and closed very strong at 13995.' Money is getting more stringent here and binks are less inclined to discount liberally: Business is very dull. Quotations as receivea by Pn. it. Mertr.:l Gold, 139%; Silver, 131; Eighty one's, 1121; Five TWenties, 1862, 122; do 1864, 116 g; do 1865, 118%; do 1865, Consols, 1193 f; do 1867, 119'-; do 1868, —; Ten-. Forties, 108 g; New, York Central, 8934; Erie, —; Reading, 9S; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Relined, 5735; Ohio & Misissippi, 32x; ?Siichigan Southern, .106 g; Cleve land & Pittsblirgh, 9735; Chicago & Rock 1! Island, 203;; Chicago & North Western, 893 i; Chicago , * NorthMestern Preferred, 100%; Adams Express Com pany, t 59; Merchants Union Express, 15; Pacific Wail, 8434; Western Union Telegraph' Company, 40X; Gregory, —; (Inane Hill, —; Smith & Parmiee, —; Am. W. Express, 89g: • —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady & Co. Gold, 139%; United Stated Sixes, 1881, 121; Five-Twenties, 1862, 124 do. 1864, 110%; do. 1865, 11834; Ten-Forties, 10834 ; Five-Twenties, Janu ary and 'July, 1865,119%; do. do. 1867, 1l9g;41o. do, 1868, 119 8 ; Seven-Thirties, par tees, g; Due Compounds, 119; Union Pacific Railroad, ' 94; Central do. do., par; Cy. Pacifica, 107; Superiors 97. i . (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh tiszette-) , i Ju t n h e e 11, 1 aspect. 0 f Thee sudden cha sw nge • the, money market this afternoon formed , . a proMinent feature of - • Wall street and turned the whole tide of ape ctilation in thd Stock Exchange from the bear to the bOll once more. Early in the day the demand was very pressing and call Irene were made as high as g(gig per cent. per diem, in addition to the .legal rate per annum in currency. As three o'clock drew,near, however, there was a sensible abatement in the demand, and loans were made at 7 per cent. coin andel:wren cy before the banks closed, while after ward!! . money was offered at , seven per dnt. currency, -in excess .5f - the wenn:fp( brokers who had delayed mak ing back accounts: Sterling firmer. The market is bare of-prime bankers' bond and"commercial bills; 9% asked for, sixty day bills and 935 ref Used. Gold active and tinoyant, opened-at 189, and closed at 189% on private telegrams quoting 5-309 down to 795f@7935 in London, • and a rio - in sterling to a point close to specie shipping rates. Rumors of further riots in France also had an effect. Carrying rates! 7% per cent:, sloe 1-16®346t . p0r day. Clearances seienty-foitr millions. Governments ; lower;but.olosed steady. Coupons of 'Bl , 12115121 g; do. '62, /."''%• / 22 it do , ,1 4 4 .1 116 ,i44 11 7; do., '65, . 11140;1 I,t; do. ne*, 11.9 3 / 4 ®119%; do. '(l7 41.9,010119% . do. '6B, 119%®119%; 1 466, 1080108 X; Pacifies, '10634@107.: State _bonds steady: Missouri& 112.3; old Tentriniteel;66; new do:, • 62%;. - old North Carolinas, 58%; new d 0,,, 64; old Virginias, 56; new do., 61. . , .; . Snicks were &Airbag thil Morning, but pities advanced ' los per cent. on demand tO'cover Speattlatlve sib* In the afternoon ' the urirktitt biased active and very firm. - -- - - : - f Bidding `prices 'at' Vive-Tbirty:, Cain herland. 88i, Well's Express, 31%; Amer. - k 40 3 ; Adams, Ed; - United - States, 6734; Merchants Union, kir; Quicksilver, 19%vetinton, 64; Pacific Mail, 84%; West ern Irsion, 4035; Mariposa, 934; do._,pre - ferrild, 17; 'New YOrk Central, . 111DX; Eriei 2934;'i10. preferred, 5234; . Hudson, 10735;' Harlem, 14635 g.'; Reddin 98; . Terre Haute, 37; do, preferred,: 65; Wa. bash; 7855; do. preferred. 80 1 ,4; St. Paul, 759,-; do. preferred, 88X; Port •-• 'Fret M R 157; 'l Ohio it Mississippi, 81b.: Wao Central, 132; Michigan Southern, 106%; Illinois Central, 144; Pittsburgh. 3 71:1 Rock Island; 120%; Northwestern 90; 40:101tifetred, -- 100 ; Chicago- & • .Ilton, 155; tit. Joseph; 12234 ; do preferred, 120; O. 04 cir, I. .C., 41. . . Minmg shares dull. . • , . , cOppst:stookit at, Bostong:. QtlinOLY; AO; COPPli t a ills9 t:!**4 n t , l7 ' ;. 4 0 94 b/ P 4 Mtn . '4 l} -mo vi t.,, 11, $2,231, paY IX% • MeiMl, , ' . - 11 . o w e 880,666* dlsbtunements of 'win !awing% 1184180; • I 1 PITTSBURGH MARKETS OFFICE 9.1 , PlTTsinntoEt OAZETTE, FRIDAY, June 12, 1869. Business in all its various departments coutinuesdull and neglected, with but little prospect at present of any immedi ate improvement. There Is but a limi ted derriand for the leading articles, and with a light volume of business in the . . aggregate, prices generally are without important change ' though the tendency is downward, and the merchants gener ally lan) endeavoring to reduce stocks as rapidly as possible. APPLES—Fair to choice, s s @& APPLE BUTTER-75®1400, as to t quality 1 MI ER—Quiet and unchanged sales of pri eio choice at 23@25. ISEA S=-Dull at $2®2,50. CARBON OIL—Is easier but unset tled, and cannot be quoted correctly. CHEESE—gales of Western Reserve; at 18®20; and New York Goshen at 23®21, and - market steady. DRIED FRUIT—Is dull and un changed. Peaches, 14 for quarters: 15 for mixed and 18 for prime halves. Applea,l3®ls. EGGS—Safes at 21®22. FEATHERS—Firm and in limited suPplyt• we now quote live geese at 85® 90; to the trade, and $l, in a retail way. ELOUR--Is quiet and weak and hold -1 erS' g rierally are anxious to realize, thong prices, coMpared with yesterday, are w thout quotable change. Spring Whea quoted at $6®13,50 and Winter at. s7®7, 0. The Pearl Mill Prices for fresh ground flours , are as follows: Pearl Mill three star, green brand, In barrels, $9,00 and in sacks 58,70; doable extra of selected amber and white winter wheat, in barrels $7,90, and in aackss7,6o; choice selected red winter wheat flour, in bar rels $7,30, and in sacks $7,00; choice spring wheat flour in barrels $8,60 and in sacks 16,30. The Pittsburgh City Mill prices are as follows: Choice white win ter wheat flour in barrels, $B,OO, and in sacks $7,75; choice red winter wheat flour in barrels $7,25, and in sacks $7,00; choice spring: wheat flour in barrels 56,70, and in sacks $6,50 per Uriel. 1 GRAIN—Sales of No. 1 Spring -Wheat at $1,25, and No. 1 Winter at 11,30, Oats quiet and unchanged; sales on track at 66@67, and in store at 10®72. Corn is very dull and may be quoted at .70®75; on/track and.in elevator, as to quality. Rye continues very dull but unchanged; small' sales at $1,10@1,15.: Barley—but lie offeringf small sales -'of prime Suing at $1,65®1,70. HAY—Is quiet and dull but un changed; we continue to quote on wharf at 124®28,•es to quality. : • .' HOMINY—DuII; 55@525 per bbL HUSKS-Sales corn husks at 3%. HEMP—Sales at $2lO. , LARD OIL-Sales of Extra . No. lat /1,50 and No. 2 'at 51,20. ' ; LlbiE--Cleveland Lime is quoted at 57 $2 1: 52,. per bbl, and Common-White at POTATOES—SaIes of old crop in 'store, at 45®50 per bushel, and ynew,crop at 13 @3,50 per barrel. • , PEANUTS—SmaII sales at 12c. . PROVISIONS—Market ' firmer— and Prices tending upward. We now quote Shoulders at 14®14/; Sides 163(@)17 for Ribbed and 173;@18 for Clear; Plain Hams 17%; Plain Canvassed 1835; Sugar Cured Canvassed 20(420%. Breakfast Bacon 20. Beef Tongues, ps,so per dozen: Mess Pork, 532. Dried Beef, 2L. ' SEEDS Occasional small •sales of Flaxseed at 12,45©2,50. No demand for Clover or Timothy. SALT—Sales of car. load iota- at 11,83 @1,85. TALLOW=Nothing doing in thitihrti de of importance, and - prices are nomi nal. . . TANNERS OlL—Straits 51,15; Bank _ _ PITTSBURGH IRON MARKET. OFFICE OF PITTSBITROX'IaISTTS, FRIDAY, Jliti URA • . - The metal market, as is usually the case at this season of the year, is quiet and dull, the volume of business being comparatively -.light, while, in regard to prices, there are no important changes, . though .the tendency, if =a nything, is = downward. The time is near at hand when the mills usually stop to take stock and make repairs and, as a conse quence, they are imying sparingly, not being dispiwaeil to carry over any stock. There is still some incipirylor desirable brands of foiaiidry irons and but little of this kind-11 market. ANTHRACITE. 20 " N0.,1 F0un.dry..,....543.50 4 mos 20 " " 4, • 41.50 4 moil 20 4, No. :2 42.00 4 mos 80 • No. 1- 44 ~ . 45,00 4 mos 20 4, Mottled ' 88.50 4 mos 200 4, Chlckies Forge 41.00 cash 50 44 No.-2 Foupdry.. 40,00 cash 10 4, -No. 2 - 4, - • .. • 40:00 5 mos 10 " No. 1 - 44 .. 42.00 4 moe 10 4 , No. 1 4, .. ... 44.00 4 mos 20 lich . ....11L004 mO4O 40 44 '-txtriffo: 2 48:404th0s 60 " No. 8 Neutral Forge 40.004 moe RITIIHINOUS-COAL SHELTER . FROM LAZE SUPERIOEHRII.' 100 ' 1 Open Grey 37.50 5 mos 300 et Extra Grey,Forge... 38.00 6 mos 100 6 1 hied Grey Forge..... 37.00 4 mos 20 66 Extra Grey Forge... 37.00 cash 20 41 - 37.60 ,•Cash 100 - . 16 Vollndry litonf , l2*: tlve ore 4200. 5 mos • • 100 'Rea Bank - ' ' 88.00 6 mos HANGING BICH. 50 No. 1 Foundry Lint noel Planets. ' • • . 11.•:—Ca e • gn d steady at 5,50(03,7834 for cows and light stews; 7 A 2f4A/50 (or good-to.oholcp peeves. liogairmeirsiS 10 0 12 )4 6 4 1 11Klier rdlizrie dium and 15®800 on upper grades; sales at 8@8,60 for light; 8,6508,9C . ,f0r medium to goodkralPrAgillt.' Beef Cattle firm at 114,50(47,50 per cwt. gross. . Shigep firm atp,bokoo peg cwt. groalL liisteti l / 2 -e and ithb dOmand higher; good Lo toi n 4asB;Bo@9,7B per cen targross. ..60(#)2,50 per head. Sr. LOlllCOitteil.=Caitle active with good ship Ding demand at 4@7e. Hogs in good d.emaud at 7 . @90. • Dry Goode Market. rßlT'Tigu4:,Tune demand is leski` Nei -1 1:mM 'the ' maikbt' never theleta buoyant for Cotton goods, es pecially brown anil,bleanhed fabrics. Pequot 4-4 browp are now firm at 1830. Unbleached muffins, the fruit of the loom have advanced to lBXcol,lsthlb Masonville and Lonsdale bytjObberti all around. Bells also have risen to 180, and Lincoln t 9 183,6 c. In other classes of goods, theriPTlNsiMo' Itnimoililit change except in bhmketsi 4 Eivhich are 2%@)50 per pound higher. • 4 1 e , .Pixitsrkstigoolune 411.---Plour market nominal. Wheat; No. 1 red winter held at 11,27, No. 2 do. at 11,16. Corn; sales MroOrienritintlelitiTaaa Petroleum: , re ned nominal at 27 for July and Ausuat - in round lots. retail obi held at 28650 fin standard White% 50.00 4 mos