Ilary h CHURCH. A LLEti ITER Y.— The .rt, ' IL ' . J . ir• B BOOKR. R ctor. will otlichte at di vine service In this Church on TO 310.1tHOW at half-patt ten o'clock A. M., and half- sat seven Cociock tar THE FugsT CHURCH, (Railroad treet. near Depot, N-B WHHIGHTOH. Pa. F. CROWTHER,Pastor. Preaching EVERY SABBATH. itt . lo,li A. Y. and P. Public cordially Invited. ?, ell FIRST ENGLISH EVAN.. IHELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, Sev enth street—ltev. SA3DIEL LAIRD, tor . Services Po.monno.w (sunday.) and regularly hereafter, at 10,4 A. at. and 7.4 P. Is. Sunday I School at 9A. at. eg- THE FIRST METHODIST • olluttert; FIFTH Avulturt, between • Smithfield and Grant streets, ALEX. OLA UK, Pastor. Preaching EVERY SABBAT H ' t 10.30 A. Y. and 7.30 P. M. Free seals and welcome to oil. Sunday School at 9a. X. RELIGIOUS.-Firgt Chris-- 1 Ur TIAN CHURCH'. cerner Berrecr street and 3 fontpomery avenue, 'Allegheny Cfty, Jc itEPii KING. Pastor. Public worship To,lifO ;; BOW, (Lord's Day.) at /0,/ in the mew l's° and 7).i in the Eva). ING. Free netts. and a cordial invitation given to all. i Sunday echool at 9A. B. , eg- UNIVEUSALIST CMlltell, W. N. corner D 7 bird MAAR itvenue and Grant st - reta, . VAN A , Pastor. Preaching every sabhath at /OS Mart. and 7)1 P. Y. le ta e awning Mr vAn De (late • Chplain) sylli i asdreas the apiera and taller,. busiest, ••The i Patriotic Dead.P . babbalh School at 114 it. Serfs tree____ and a wlc eorne to all. WV/REIT CHRISTIAN _ , I CHURCH OF PI telly W. .11?1%:ator, Meets statedly In NEVILLS. it r a ft:a s genet f..of Liberty and Fourth streets. Z. bt. or in_ Dry at IOS A.tlt. and 7,4* .1 Lesson ar in _ Ea r /*twang discourse, "The i : .Tits nuinit, 3 7 ar P cjar t" 1 ______ e c2l______. 2 Q— MESSIAH ENGLISH EVAN. i eral Synod GEL IfIAL LUTHERAN CHURCIL(Gen. . ) Hand Street. below Penn. Rev. J.H. ,! , W. STUCILENBEItti,Pastor. Religious beryl ces regular* on SABBATH hereafter. Sunday t Schol - St A. at. .Preaching at 10H A. It. and i P. X. 'Prayer Meeting and Lecture Wednes• s gay evenings. . Friends of the congregation and ? public are cordially invited. • ) F= • NOl'iCEe—Services wil y be i held at the PlusT METkiODIST A CHURCH, East Common. Allegheny City. TO MOItttoW at 10.1** A. ss., by Rev. Isaac Aiken, , sun at 7,}i P. kt. by Rey. Mr, btoten, recently f front. England. All are co:vally invited. Scats ave ---...___ ; t - fIarSTRAWBERIIII FESTIVAL • I — The. ladies of Plymouth Church will hold • a btrawberry Festival In EXCELSIOR HALL, corner Federal and Lacock streets, Alta i Sil'ElY. on • TDESD iIY AND WEDNESDAY - • E VENINGS, lath and 16th Inst. The =emcee and 1; lauds orstie emelt are respectfully Itmted to be present: . ..: 4int AND FESTVPAL. The Pilr m a Feetwal for the benefit of the Ski7E'NTI:I 77. P CONGREGATION .. . Of Pittsburgh, (formerly LawrencevMe,) Rev. W. A. Andrews pa tor, %inclose their Festival TH n havinlS EVENING. The ladles Of the congrega tiog the matter In charge, encouraged by the liberal contributions of itlnd friends, ex- Peet to snake the lair. exceedingly Interesttng. Tickets of admission may be hid of members or at the door. fen ; :I'IUST' PUBLISHED.. HELLiiiii) ON :INJACTIONS, NZ* RENTSED EDITION I KAY & COMPANY, 65 WOOD STREET. Jen "LISTRITO CHIN G / 3111 D.”—Just arrived from New Orleans rs large lot of old , toad yonng/itOCUNO•DIRDS. 'fury gne .iingerst: Ned Birds and Nonpareil Birds, for sale for few days on.) , at the Tremont House, No. 17 Diamond. 0 OLIVER ---- M'CLffrOCK COMPM II FLOE ANT FIECEmm,A FINE SELECTION OF ituirssiELs .TAPESTRY. BRUSSELS, MUM PLY ' 11 ,":` ii'q CkTtroiF4vs. \ niE LOtedST AtESOR*EST OF WlLlNAmthcirvANcy - ar Tao ; CM: CM , . STOCK FULL IN ALL DEPARTMENTS Da , ~ , fiP reunora 4- CHIPANTS . FIFTS AVENIJL MIRIE • 's 3 v ADVERTISEMENTS RIST EPISCOPAL Jel2:kaL PRICE, 57 50. LINCOLN AVENUE,ALLEGRENY, AT AUCTION.' beso 011 1 0/03T, Y, JUNE lath. at 3 o'clock , will n the prernliies, in one or two pieces. that vacant proper:y on Lincoln *rent*, opposite the new Orphan fiefliiin.loo het how and /41ifeet in depth. This Is a first c.asa sites on. ell the dwellings erected on Lincoln avenue are of the first order, rendering It aniost desirable place for residence. Terms at sale. CUNAAD STEAMERS .1=0,141.x. ALL - Oman* • For Speed and Sid'ety. PH. B. MERTZ, Agent. fotiocLANnua - PLED voters of Die Second ward. Clef of reshenr, meet at the ustim thus end lace of 'bolding election• Ca •TUZSDAY. JUNE mtld, 11100. to elm o n e per oil to serre as a member or comMou Council. to fill the unexpired term of John Ktrkpatrjek. reel 0 .0,44z0ri SIMON. DAMN. Mower. en:Mrs • OUT gq.",June /EMO t Wi t irefttaftetters of ardmin • Es deets i V l i i ° , l 4, the estate or °EURO B, B. aarlaer. /lying la' atelfeltlieeoltgan,a`el to t6'e nub. Fa,. all par son s knowlog theaveivra i s ile c tne uu d to — Sala mate or baring Claims to present .. 13 do solmaledlat.ely - P•ease , on . p rmu . A(Taalalstrof gke.cstate of Cleo- 61 - jell:112a • - .E.C11".1411413111. 1 4. V 1 OTICE "OF LO, ST CEIRTIFI- OATIC.,-NOtic shamereby given that cm WI. ease No 31,,_for20es stook to the .. Mer. ta and Manniaotonera National Bank." at rtibtupo. been the n destroyed ANAli TU. /M- N, has been lost or by fire, sou that a Pallfttlon has beau two oy the siva Mannitt Imuesou for new as in the place of that los; or Om ro red as aforesaid. • dote a, 1869. kfalibTAH THOMSON teatia -Tim . . pt•OVIC--"7-7----------.-- oßozcz wnents Willi/MIA/WILY. 11703/, Cllolo2Monsarsore, BRAZIDet Stall, _ CLIOWEIVISOO3BIII 'MAIMS, 441115. La Ini or tre barrels *each. ' WATT. Lure * co w 'lOll NW St* Wood Mmes. AMERICAN BANK. NO. 80 FOURTH AVENUE, prt h rsallßGlL CASS CAPITAZ • - • • • 8200.0% Stockholders Individuilly Liable. RAMC OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. JOHN FLOYD WM. FLOYD, President. Cashier. DIRECTORS... Thos. M. Maritsall, i John M. Menland, Wm. T. S hannon, . ' Archibald Wa-lace, James W. Arndt, • 1 Jas. 1). Kelly, Joh n Chns. Floyd, li. Letch, 1 Wm. Floyd. 1 This Eta . lc Is now fully orginfzed and prepared to do a eral tianklng bun-loess. 1 aftTST JOSEPId Latest Shapes Peal Turbans. Hair Bonnets, Le Hats. Choice French Blowers. Ribbons, alt colors 'and widths. Colored Crape!, Illusions, Laces. • Bonnet and Hat Frames.. Black and COlOred Satins. Fans, Bilk, Palm, Linen and Perfumed Fans. Sid Gloves:4n all the new shade; No. ;lit' to 13 Domestic and Flu, Cotton Hose, new lines. Hamburg Embroideries. Embroldared Linen Betts. Lace and Lace Goods. Parasols and Bun UMbrellaa a full assortment. Dress Triminings. Black and Colored Rnotted Priam. Buttons, of every description. Hoop Skirts, Fine French Corsets. At the Very Lowest Prices, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Je1277 AND 79. NARKE'r STREET. NEW CARPETS! eTtixie, 1E3E38. We are now opening an assortment unparalleled n thin city of FINEST: ;VELVETS BRUSSELS nMI-PLYS, o . f ocr ?Ira rec-nt importation and selected front eastern tutinifac amen. - The Very Newest Reargue MEDIUM & LOW PRICED INGRAINS, Very ellPeelor qoalit.Yand colors. • An Extra Quality of Rag Carpet, We are now selling many of the above at GREATLY _REDUCE!) PAIC.ES. - we:nu:nit BROS., JPo. 51 17117171 STOCKINGS ! STOC GS 2 LADIES' SILK STOCKINGS. 4mintEst BALBRIGGAN &NOSING% LADIES' OPENWOREED STOCKINGS. LADIES' LISLE THREAD STOCKINGS. CHILDREN'S PALBRIGGAN STOCKIFOS CELLDEEN'S GATE C 31E811.0 VESTS. LADIDS' GAUZE MERINO VESTS. A large fall flue of HOSIERY AT JAMES MILAN'S Old Stand Stocking Store, le/2:s No. 24 FIFTH AVENUE. A EISIONEZ „SALE • OF THE REAL E •TA UT OF THE FALLSTON %TWEE WANE woaxs. YALUITON BOR OUGH. AEAVEN 00.—FEIDAY 11.011.NINtl, June 18th, at 10 oarlock. by order at NV. A. ) Lewis. Esq.. Assignee of Bailey & ldcOandleis. hankrupts, will be sold at Commercial Booms, 1100 Sialihdeld street, the entire Isom real e late, situate in Fallston boroush. heaver county. Pa., and known as the Fallston Wooden Ware Works. Including the grounds; buildings. ma .tnel y, acct./wary /or = Anal/inuring wood en ware, tozether with Meehan/4i of power o tbe FallstonWater Company. The machinery is of the latest improvement. For ogler particulars inquire 01. W. A. Lewis, Es., 93 Liarnond bg. kinLLWAINE. Auctioneer. LOT 0111 A. LEGGATE. Air 'inner 1211511 . PITTSBITGII GAZE; SATURDAY !tie) ECEaYED 13 1 Z ORNE CO. Altan and Ctostun Hats and orn 811E1 Huta, Bea Breeze GREAT HARGAIr IN STANDARD Eboxs, Appletons" Cyclopedia. 23 role., boon din full leather. A fresh set Just reedved. Tne regular trice is $13.00 per vol. We nifer this copy unusually low ..... . ....... *— Chambers' Edinburg Encyclopedia. 10 vols. royal Svo, bonus! in Dill eitetb,ustial • price of which la $5.00 per vol. offered at a large discount .... . ..... .. .. " ... . .. . Library Edition of :Amadora Micb ks. Well acifinted for pekes in stoner elnstes and gh schools. In large Dewy Bvo, 'Kith nice( Portraits and Vignette. handsomely bonnd in cloth extra, new style .. • .... ~' . I. The Complete Works or William Shakes. peace. With a Mom aphleal skerch by GloMary Powden Clarse, and a Copious ssary ........... i .................... . ... 42,50 11. 'The Complete Poetical and P . rose rWorks of Robert Burns. With lne and - srlornta n0te5............ . .............. 2,50 Ilf. .The Miscellaneous Works of ol.ver Doldsmith .. .. ... . ..... ~ .... Lord. . ...... .2.50 -IV. Tile POCCICaI 1V 01k5 of Jima. illustrated by eminent artiste ...... .. .. . . .. 2,50 V. Josepbue. The whole works of Flavlus Joetibus. the Jewish historian. Trans lated by Whlston .... . ..... ....... VD /he Arabian Nights' Enteruani en ts . 2.50 Translated front the Arable. An entirdy new edition. Illustrated with upwards of 100 original en cravings on wood. ... . 950 VD. Dean tivrlft,s Works. Comp'ete 1 vol, .. royal BVO. This is the first Cheat. Edi tion of the Dean's Works everpublished. 2,80 B. A. CLARICE & CO, 119 WOOD STREET, .1612:Exvi sea DOOR BELOW FIFTH. AIiiORIIINANCE To Authorize the Grading of Sarah Street, front Union Avenue to Uty Line. Eigennyr I. Be it ordained and enacted by the Select and Common Councils of th. City of ettit pheny, and it is hereby ordramed and enacted by the authority of the same, That the Committee on etreets be, and they are hereby authorized and directed to in and receive proposals for the grading of .arch street as aforesaid, and to contract therefor with the lowest and best bid ' der or hldd,rs. at their discretion. SE a n dhat for the purpose of de fring the c oa texpense of said improvements, tale -be. auu Is hereby lered, a pedal tax. equally a.tessed moon the several lot , bounding and abutting nowt' the said 'Sarah treet respectively in proportion to the feet front In them respectively comprised, and bounding and abutting aforesaid. Sec. 3. T AS hat as soon as the cost and expenses of said imp , ovements shall be fu ly aacertatned, It shall be the. duty of the Street Commis' otter to assess and aportion the same am oog: the at were/ lOta bounding and abutting upon said tiarah street ,respretlvely, according to th e Tole above indicated. and thereupon proceed tooke demand and collect the eame, according t the pruatalnite of the Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, eatltied ".An AM. .1 finleg the manner of cortecting the expenses or grading and paving Or the streets and alrey.s of the city of Aliegueny, and for other passed the thirtieth r ay of March, Ste, 4. Thlt PO much of any ordinance as may conflict with. or be supplied by the foregoing, be and the same is itereuy rep. aled. Ordained and enacted into a law this the , loth day of June, A. L. 1860. JAM'S IdoBRIER. ' President otihe Select Council, Attest: J. n. °ILLY. Cllrt of the Select Council. AI.FAED SLACK. President of the Common Council. Attest: BollltaT LfrILIifORTH, Clerk OrCOMlllutl 0000c11. ^ AN ORDINANCE To Authorize the GrUding and Pat.r. Ins of Race alley; from Isabella Street to Rose alley. - _ _ Sze. I. Be if ordained and enacted by Melia., et and Common a/nisei/eV the City of dlivolleilli. and it is AerebY enacted bii the alititortfy uf Us same.' That the Committe on Stre ete_be,a. a are hereby authorised and directed to invite the anti y receive proposals tor the grading end paving of Race alley as aforepold, and to contract therefor with the lowest and best bidder or bidders, at their discretion. Sae. 2. That fbrhe purpose of defraying the con and expenses of the said Imor.vements, there be and is hereby levied a 'pedal tax. to be . equally assessed upon Ina several lots bounding and abutting upon the nil lots alley re. spectively in proportion to the feet front in I hem respectively comprised, and bounding and abut. Rog lic aforesaid. exc. 3. That as loon as the', cost and expenses of said improvements shall be fully ascertained, it swill be the duty of the Street Commissioner to asieu and apportion the same among the sev eral lots bounding and abutting upon maid tenCe alley re s pe.tivelv, atcoreing to "the rule above indicated. and lber. 110011 proceed to mate demand and cosi A c t e t h e fiCcOrding it, tee provisions or. the of the Caner...l Assem bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, en. titled “An Act defining the Inenner of milecting the expenses of gremlins and Darius . of the streets Da and Dose alieys of the City of Allegheny, and for other 1954. ! & n passe d the thinietti day of-/larcb, Sze. 3. That so muCh of an/ 01 ;tinance iss may conflict with or be supplied by the foregoing, be and the fame is hereoy r -Peal, .1. • Urdained and enacted Into a la Old the 10th day of June, A. D. 1149. _ JAIII2B McBRiRB, President of Select Council: Attest: Toemen R. OxLitr, Clerk of tselect COtinell. , - • , ALPItED SLAOIL. ---_ : President of Cowmen tieutitiL'j Attest: RODIGT DILWOnTrt, Ow kof Common Connell. jet*. .. , A ORDINA/ITE To Authorize ihe Coustruttlorkof a Later:! Sewer oti4lerrou's alley. Sic. 1. Ss uovi .lt nion drda co ftbut insin er entsmiteg thi on e / il la e,dita: elicits/. and it to hereby enacted by the aumeetey of are 'A hat tbe tiewentge tome:fission be, and they are hereey *whorl:ad and dir ceded to Invite and reoelveleroposals for the conitructlon tenof a newer, located as follows: On h ertain's al. dingmencin atlfonDenn y avenue, and ere to nortu line or Denny prop rty, and t." contract therefor wli blue Inwest and best bidder or bidders, at lbtlr diseret on. Sec. 2. That as soon as the cost and expen es of said sewer shelf be fully ascenalned,tbe same shall be levied, assessed and rollected as pro vided for by an actor Assembly of Inc Common w,alth of Pennolvania, entitl sec ti onupplement to &supplement of the fourth ot an act entiti. o an 'Act relating to A lesheny pity,, sp. Proved Mareh 24, A. is. 2889 ~ ' MM. 4.' Tnat to mach of any ottleaece es m och.ti,ct with, or be supplied by the foregoing , be ay and the same is hereby repealed. Ordained and enacted into slaw this .t he 10th day of Jun L, Anno Domini one thousand Mehl hundred and sLtly nine. .: JAirz 4 DICIBRI2B, • Attest: J. R. Ozte President oe Select Otine ll . r. Clerkut deleot Con , ' cif. AL_PUXD SLAO74 President of women Vonnoil. Atkins B. DiaarOaTlL ' Clerk of Outman OOIMM. jeU A-P1inr...444 bag" f reilaeria Saw te arrive tier_ eleaelerj.eohurcers SELIDISIDE RESIDENCE AT AUCTION. ' On THOR DAY. JUNE 17th, at 3,4 o'clock, will ba sold by anetioh on the premles, Newton heipitifill residence of the late Orrin Esq.. at Shady- ide btat'on, on the line of tee P-nnsoli ania Ris'lroad, tnr.e and r limf miles from the Union tepin. The grounds consist of lour acre, well improved and highly ornatinented with fruit, 'Linde and forest trees, shrubbery and Boleti truly's. That portion in front of lb t house timis a bea. Wel level lawn or nearly and hundred euare. fronting on Center avenue. while the rear bra a handsome gentle slope, fronting on the raiiway. The house is a' twO a my vouble. frame, containing parlor. sitting and dining rooms, with folding 000 rs, five bed rooms. kit: hen, wash. house, pantries. clo.iets and other COUVflliellCCi. 7 here are. marble mantlee, ' Boston r;ge, bake oven. boiler, pumps. Fprlng hOUSE. handsom front and side poi chi ii, and an observa tory from which exceeningly flue views of the surrounding country is obtainable. Abundance of good soft water on the' premises. The house le a ver übstantial structure, hes a very pleasing appearance. and Is aliogeiber a first class residence.. It adJolos the residence of Dr. linisey. and is encircled by th_ se of Messrs'. iloward, Hitchcock, itens hayr.oritestrn, I awls and Graham. It is near to church and school. and but, tenetf- yarns Lem m liadyside ht Won. There are ains daily to and maim the city— eighteen ininntesidde. In view oft be spacious and comfortable- uwelling, the eligible and agreeable rituation, the emly travel, toe good neighborhood, and all the pleasant so rroundiugs. this property Should °oilman° th- especial at tstlon of business nisn desiring to .procure it beaUt'illtStlbllltbftli home. It' desired theyb intend— ing purchasers present at the saie, Y will be iprin In sections to suit. It will,however. be arm oftered eut're.' The premises are uncle." °noted, itrillrediale possession given. Kays to inspect can belied at all; Wood street. Terms—One-third cash; , balance in one and two Years. Train for sale !eaves Union Depot at 3 o'ckek, city time. AL. LEGGATE. Auctioneer. /59 rederal treet, Allegheny, IS • t NNW BARVIIN.k:: : SI,Ak- firk NOTW ITHSTANDING THE GREAT DERAP/D The Last Ten Days, TEE . POPUTAT4 13-1 ' GAIN 1)161,11e. G-00013S, Offered at this Establishment PIERCBASERS WILL FIND THAT WE HAVE STILL PLENTY OF GOODS To Offer % Them LARGE ADDITIONS NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS PIMICHABED Within the Last Days NOW OPENING AT WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, No. 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLECHENY CITY. .le/2 SATURDAY, JUNK REAL FRENCH JACONETS !axe. worth (Iwo. 111441,C5. ALPACAS, 02Mo, worth *373itt. FINEST FRENCH CAMBRICSi 45,„ worik 76e. HUT BEACH - Alt hien. Parasols, SUS 1 Unareikra; Hoop.itiarti, . . , . ' COriO3iB GLOM AND HOSthar, A Very Complete Stook. JAMES X CARR, 315,kEDERAL STREET i Azzsitkplx* atm rs. si,:~ r.: : as~.,~y__v C ONTINUED, DlaM6 FOR OF - - rrO-LET. -R oom on Od floor A- Dispatch Bull ing. Rent very ;low for Dal once of year. g as water and atallonary Blind. Enquire at Potogra h Calle' 7. Dispatch Building. 1 1 10 LET,-, - 1 -- 17 3 a? Hail fn a good _AL. location., 13. CUTHBERT g SOES,39 Sixth avenue. ' To..LET„,,—A jrum"l nI• PORTABLY hirnlshed 4 ROOM i for one or more gentlemen. Apply at 1..0. 33 Ninth, (late I Hamill.) Street. To. Let—AL fir----Ti;---E---irge new Stems Room, In,the villlute of Wilklgehurg, I dwelling, if desired. Rent low. 'Albin. berg, 1. rge office. front room, sec Ind goor,on eth. formerly 8.. Cl I t. near the bridge. Fnqulre of JOHN W. BEATTY, Engraver, 93 lialket lit. MO LET.—House onCentre Av .,. EMI:M.—Gas. Water. die. very convenient. Out of ara!on, Rent 425.00 . per mural/. Call 1511 Centre avenue. Pittsburg/L. • 1 . , ~ Bool' STORE. , (LATEST PUIILICAT/ONS. The VIP& en the Rhine. By author of " , ,On the HctgLts. C-Inplete In one volume ..SB4OO Problentetio Character,. by IFrederick epleihagen .......... . ........... , ....... .. .. 1,73 Plairpri tt.unvoan Vlne:,.arda, Ville culture and Wine ataklntr 2 . . ~ . ........ ; ....... „,,,, Lap Carleton's "Ntw Way . Rotlll4 i he' WoriAoo Taine". Italy. Vol. A. Florence and,Vo nice. "No one who has studied art, or speculated on hlttory.or cultivated a love • for the - beautiful, or allegiance to the 7e.. rue. can help Boding rare Instruction and de,lAht In Ta!ne'e 1ta1y.',.... ........ The New West. By C. L. Brace ..., ..... .1.. A i rs The Tourists' packet Guide to dinerican Ws' critic : Placesv... ......... ~......41. ..... . R.'S. .1)..IL4I8 dr. CO., jaii.raw , 10 Liberty 8 Street: 1597 -7-1 7 MARKETTREETi. W • ELA 1111 NEB a Ohits es . , OrgawA , gegG l i , 'etkadities. These Goode have jest bees iparehaaea •; • Sad Customers will ie ..-ii.••..::.:-.:-..::...,•-•-. : ,, L . 3 ,,,.7, Arid No. 20 SIXTH, for , . • Est," ••11tr Wats, 41,0*** S. Waste. "I "Found, vs "Roardiviih` iineciffsiFOOß LINER each seitt he fn. a mut in tAese once for ozzrs: each Satanist Use Fl ossrs. • , T.OST COWS — Strayed Away on A...i WEDNESDAY, thc Btu of June, othut 4 o'lock, arCOW. with a light red and white color and a perfectly white face and small turnen In horns; a Fprl. ger !marl her calving. Any infor lmotion oni f nerwill be gladly received . and liberal . wnrded by - 1 OWEN DAYTON,JeII:kSO Woods Run. _ si TRAIN JED—OilLy Ma re. --Cam e "-I to the premises oc ihe subscribr in Scott township, a GRAY the about 12 years old. Noticelallereby given Oat 1f the owner does not call before the 24th in E. she will be.sold accord ing to law. I jell:ms. F. /12(0S. ALDERSON, 4 cott towro , 'p, Allegheny co., Pa. WA NTED -HELP UTANTED---11ELP.--AT Eall.• PLOYMENT OFFICE. No. 1 St. Cl Street, BOYesIiIRLS and MEN, for dtilerem kinds of employment. Peraona waralng hell of all kinds eau be anoP4ed on short notice. WANT ED - !AGENTS. UTANTED.—Agents to take or- DERS lag he city arid county tor ihiudnas' Patent tone-Lid Bolder. C o u nty :Wits for sale. Enquire for J. 6. t Sforrison De yol's, 75 Water strtes, Pitilburgh. • ' ' W,a B TED. --.4 pIINTS.—S7S to 4200 per moot f vitro wIl err. male and fem le, to introduce the P Plb DINE IMPROVED contmox SENSE' 1 - ') DULY ISEIVINO MA, UDINE. This machln lel st!tch, hem, fell, tuck. quilt, cord, bind, rid and embroider, lu a most superior tanner. Pr( e only 418. uny_ warranted for fire years WO will pay $l,OOO for any machine that wit sew a strouser. more I , beautiful, or, more etas lc geam than ours. I makes the " Elastic Lock titeh." Every second gtitch can be cut, and all! the cloth can not be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay agents from ns to $2OO per month and expenses, or a commission from which twice that amount can be made. Address BECOME:6c t. 0., Pittsburgh, Pa.,l3t. Louis, Mo., or Boston, Mass. Pa., -' - not be imposed upon by other ppirtles palming air worthless cast Iron machines, under the same name or otherwise. Outa Is the only genuine and really practical cheap machine Manufactured. WANTED —AGENTS.—To sell the American Knitting liatthine. Price • fiscu The timptet. cheapest and best Knitting lne ever invented.: Will knit Vi,oo stitches per minute. Liberal i nducements to yilliagents. Address AMERICAN KBITTINO AMA. E CO., Boston, Mass., Or St. Louis, Mo. I ANTED., Some First Class Mould Makers for a ?nut Glass House. Addsless, A MCIC. ,CIJCFIRAN. . Treaiarer , LawiOsce Glass Co, ifontieal. Canada. lelllo WANTED, term reLtiOr WANTI e Inger good reader,: Pittsburgh P. WANT 1 willter work will I In the brst ma za'rru OPTICS. 111QOARD1 Jut the Park, &v.. and the - C.3/;1 'menet.. Alleghen f ANTE .—A few respectable bcaniers aF 18 2.4 th street, Cate Rand street.) WANTED BOA DOERS. --- A few more bbardersleAnnlesant trouts and good boardln at. N&.10 street, Alle• (teeny. for $4.50 er Wee*. - ! WANTED —To, loan $9OO on bond or tn rtgagei for one or two years Address J. 1). nre tiazotte ottiee. IV AN TEDIII6use Of 5 or 6 rooms, with n the llnil to of the old ward:. tiona. A dress H. 8., 0, XTTZ °MCI, b toting loca- O LET 'O•LET.--• nee ZOOMS In GAZETTE ETILDING. App tinting Rooms. and 66 Flab &yew's. ~~ WILL OFFER THIS' WE ' : irt,..tlit'Oi NO. 59 MARK LOST. IVIRAf oboeickly to wpship.Alleab 'ay coq n • tY, situate ut 3:4 miles from 8,- wiokly and 3 miles hom Leetsda , e ". tailor', on P. Ft W. & O. R. R., conealning 100 ac ea, 75 cleared and tia der good 'cultivation; balance in timber. On . which there is erected a comfortab.e frame House, good Log Barn and all other necessary outbuildings. Large orchard of choice fruit. Eyeryth sue in good rder. Price $llO per acre. Alto. TA'N AIMEE, about ,Sii mile horn Fleming Staion, P. Ft. W. 6c(). R. R e xiles skarn city by Beaver road. Senth.eastposure; good sprina Cu' place; also a small stream ot water running i hrough it; will be soid in one piece, or in lots to suit Alto. other Housea and Lots in good localities. For further particulars inquire of - - - At. WhITSIOR, Corner Ohio and Sandusk y 'streets, Allegheny. .les FOR SALE. • 12 acres of COAL LAND. 3 miles from Tem peranceville, on the Little Baw Mn! Bun. 137 acres near D ouisyllle, Indiana county, P. on Livermore Station, W. P. E. E., well Im- • proved and cheap. HOUSE AND LOT on ifarket street, Manches ter. HOUSE AND LOT. on Liberty street, Pitts ' burgh. MOUSE AND LOT on Fourth avenue. 4 ROUSES AND LOTS In Elizabethtown. Choice and cheap firms in Tennessee and Ms- Bond. m 2 TUSTI If & XLEE, 9 T ---_ 87 Grant strA... —___ OHIO minpu IMPROVEMENT. Proposals for Two steamers for Re. moving Obstructions. BEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the United States Engineers, in the Cus tom Route Buliditt gittsbargh, Pa.. until 6 o'c.ock P. M. co. wIEDNI.SDA.Y., JUNE, 16th, 166% for furnishing Two Light Draught Steam ers. Crane Boats and Ylats, to be employed by contract by day's work in removing Obstructions ftom the Ohio River, Consisting of snags trees, sunken loge, boats , . barges. wrecks, &c .. Bidders must specify the price per day for each dav's work, for which they will agree tu furnish everything nicessary, and do the work under the ev erything perintev deuce Or a per son lobe appointed by the Bald Engineer. Said price to cover the tarnishing of a light draught steamer, one crane boa tongl decked flats, and the necessary s c rews Chain., to s, levers. saws. axes , fixturea, ac. suitable for such work, and incladtnir the pay 'and expenses of tiaf•talti, pilot, Engineer and crew , besides one manager or working boss in addition and one o suitable IPII each for dolng the work, and havingaccommodations for the Govern- Men t insoector. All expense* to be paid. and all risks borne by the parr proposing, It being understood that the tilliovernment Will not be responsible for the pay eat of anything more than the sum per day tat may be agreed upon re j e ct a n y The right Is 1 eeerved to any ur all bids if It shall be do med for the interest of the Govern ment so to I• DeCiliCatlollB and a blank form of propoials wilt be furnished on application, from Gila utace, e.t-er In person or by writing. The proposals must be - accompanied bv the guaranty et two responsible sureties, signed on the printed form. By ordtr of Brig-General A. A. InEIPPITREss, (Thief of Engineers of the Army of the .11.5.. W. 311L2,1011 ROBERTS, U.B. Civlt Engineer, in cliarge onto River Improvement. rirTSBUIiGH, 1.4., Jane 7, 1869. . fellikas VLUABCrir fAkiiFOli SALE. AIIDERs _ poind. good bolrd rry street. and Alto ;choir. Must he ph Box 1,313, ASTEREILS for*bi e h „ urnen. • • ; Albs() be done w., Box 8,4. - opposite ow: Bath rooms. Mme. 181 North • he. niderehrud, u fautee the Dart Won of the roll estate of AGNES' KNOX, Deceased, By order of the District Courtof Allegheny cou n . ty, will sell at public sale, On the premises, on WEDSESDAY, JUKE 80,1868, At 9 o'clock P. m.,. that very vain able-prOperty on Fifth avenue, city of eittsburghi consistlog of TWO LoTi. First—A lot Irontinit on Mar ket street 30 feet and ea tend ing,the same widt. along the south side of Fifth avenue 101 feet to • Market alley. Pecond—A lot en the opposite Ms of Market alley: fronting on Fifth avenue 110 feet and running back.- preserving tie same width, along ldsamet alley 30 feet. On the fl*st mentioned lot are FOUR Fit.Alik. TErsEMENT; and on the other a THABB STORY BRICK. B UILDISO.L. These lots are among the most valuable In the city ot Pittsburgh. being on theDelnc'pal street anti In the centre of busbies.. The attention of camellia la particularly invited to there. as they are desirable chiefly for the value of the lots; the buildings not being of muck consequence, and pos•esston for building pciposes can be obtained on 3 months. notice. The property now rents for over eight thousand dollars. The inuchater will receive the rents alter July Ist. TIM Tan OP SALE. nne-Ihlrd cub, and. the remelt:an, two•thlyds In two'eqnal annual psyments, with semi-annual Interest from day of - sale. secured 'by bond and mortgage on the premlses. June 5, 1880. .W 7: k 29 0 LOAN. 03. C), CNCOCO • 111t4i , Crates MORTGAGE, CITY i'ROP• APPI7 at 110WIAlf ROBEETh's REAL ma r.lorm AGENTS, lasrousiu AVEIII32. • ST cLAIR s TREET. K E R 4 l. ' Emr A tutor Limo or ' ' ' ..,; _ QI;COcZI-17,151, D Poplins, Colored .d/paosa, Mack Alp:sods, (irranitesidieVrs of the Importer. •t a bear/ Dtsettaat eel.. the Advantage. 3 3.1ELIEL clb C)Co., ET STItEET, merly swc=ir. -... FOR. SA 142; . Fa n 1I NV I : 11 ;0 -- tn ,f 1TigelYRA,CPrz seven rooms, with !tame addition of two'rooms, irOCKlPoring, &e; about an Nit and 4 hair or Krootl; sit' ated a short drive from Benne:Vs titAtinti, CO the, W. Penna. R. it, Immediate poll sersion given. For terns, ac., address or in qvlre of Wsf. A . SR INN. Attorney at Law, coy. Grant and Diamond St. _----- .- - - 0111 SAL E._.New Rrick Resi- AL: pENcir, bull' b days Work, hrying eight rooms, Rms• hot and waterthroughout, mar ble 11111tIties and w old tands. a bath rcom and piazza. Lot 120x140 feet. dellgtt Oily located In t'c beautitui .onn of Aill n Oblo, baying 6,000 inhabitants End notett_fe;.lits eolleges3 rapid growth, enterprise and manufactor:es. .94 miles fetwn Pittsburgh and 56 from- Cleveland Junctton. Yittsbu,gh, Ft. Wayne and Chicago. and the Cleviland and Pittsburgh Eldlways. Ad. dress Look Box 89, Aillance.o. __ jei2:k2B - vote SA CE.—DRIUG STORE.— .A: One of the beet Drug and Prescription Stores /11 Pittsburgh is offered tor sale at ctst ifs pEdied for soon • good reasons For selling. Addr as J. P. PEARSON & CO., 87 Grant street, Plitt burgh, Pa. • ; . VOR. SALE. --The one- hajf in. terest In•the Drug Store of ELACRISTON me.G.Rg,ous, bus..sellalre, Ohio. They are doing a thriving ness, and thelocatton Is one of the In Eastern Ohio. Beeson for selng, 11l health or family. Tetras reasonable.. Apply soon. P 6 17;717 J. w. F. WRITE TRUSTEE. CMS