.YMROLEUIIII MARKET. OFFICE OP. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, t FRIDAY, June 11, 1868. The oil market was remarkably quiet to.diy, the sales in the aggregate being smaller than during any preceding day this Week, while in regard to prices there lane important change. To use a common Phrase, among oil men, there was con siderable dickering, but it did not amount to much, as it seemed almost im possible to get buyers and sellers togeth• er. The time and attention of dealers generally seems to be absorbed in figur. big in regard to production, stocks,. re ceipts and a'htpments, but as might be expected, nothing definite as yet has been arrived at, and it is difficult to find any two, who have given the matter any attention, who bring about the same re sults. There are many who believe that the statements set forth in regard to stocks and production, are not correct; Oat they are very far from being accu rate, but then there is no way of detect ing the errors complained of. Iris very important and desirable to have statistics bearing on these points, but unless they are correct, they are utterly worthless. CRUDE. . The Crude market was exceedingly quiet to-day, the sales being compara tively ineigniticant, and.while the feel ing, if anything, was trlittle weak, pri ces, compared). with yesterday, have undergone but little change. Sales of 1,000 d,elivered on cars at Venango City, at 0,30; 2,000 sailer July, on private terms; and 1,000 seller June, at 13%. REFINED Also was very quiet and as in - the case of Crude, prices are without important , change. Sale of 500 each June Apd July. at 31%; and 500 jay, at 32. Quotations may be fairly - given at 31 for Sutter 32 for July, 32%@30 for July to December; and 33 for Octoter to December. LUBRICATING OILS. Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil 40c Eclipse Railroad Axle 85c Eclipse Machinery • 75c Eclipse Spindle 80c RECEIPTS OF ORIIDE OIL Owaton 6t Sowers... ...... 1,050 bble. Fisher & Bro 1,760 " Lookhart, Frew & C 0.... ... . . 630 " Lyons & Bro • 480 " Keystone Works.. 270 " D: Sly & Co 50 " Brooks, Ballentine &Cs 2,000 " - Tank Bro 1,400 " John Gillespie 1,600 •" John Kawhinney 800 " Jackson /f. Bro 2,600 Total • 13.540 bbls. OIL 831IPPED EA ST BY V. B. B. Lockhart, Frew d: Co. 629 bbls relined to Warden, Frew it Co'. Philadelphia. Lyons,4l Bro., 702, bbls refined to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. Braun dt,VVaguer 449 bble, refined to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. -f.Montsheliner Kohler & Cb. ffoo bbls rep to Waring King dt Co., Philadelphia... Liberty 011 Works 250 bbla refined W. P..l.iogan &, Bro., Philadelphia. .Fawcett, L. &, , S. 200 bbls refined to W. P Logan it Bro.. Philadelphia. P. 'Welsenberger & Co., 194 bbls glef. to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphiii •hdaddin Oil Co.. 245 bbls lubricating to Cassell & Pierce, Philadelphia. Livingston & 8r0.,. 600 cases to War den Frew & Co., Philadelphia . Total Refined. Total Lubilcatipg..., Total Cases Refined OIL EIIIIPAIENTS PER WEST PENNA. It R. Ralston & Waring, MO bbla refined to Waring, King &CO., Philadelphia. Soldship & Co., .166 bbls refined to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. Total shipments Refined 666 , ors,. SH IPPED; EAST /BOX D1791341331Z • DBPOT. Brooks; Ballentine .& Co. 120 bbls ref. to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. I Hutchison 011 & Refining Co., 108 bbls to Warden, 'Frew, & Co, Philadelphia. Markets by Telegrapb. •NEw - YORK, June 11.—Cotton firmer; sales 2,900 bales at 31Mc for middling up , , , . lands. Flour; receipts 13,106 bbls; heavy and lower; sales 7,100 bbls at 84,70(e)5,17 for superfine State and western, f5,80® 6,25 for extra State, /5,504)6,25 for extra western, 18,30@7,30 for white wheat ex tra, $5,80(46;20 for round hoop Ohio, vr@ 8 for extra St. Louts, and s9@ill for good tO chola" do, closing quiet; also 2,000 bbls extra State kir last half of .fune at 16,15 delivered. Rye Flour heavy and lower at $4,3508,25. Corn Meal quiet, Whisky dull ‘ at, 95®97e for western free. Re ceipts, of Wheat, 49,126 bush; lo lower; private; cable accounts are quite unfavorable; sales 58,000 bush at 4437 for .. No. 3 spring, afloat , 11-1,4251 01.43 ~ for , -No. , 2 •do afkiat, $1.43 61,46 for No 1 do. f1,63®1,56 for choice amber Michigan, the latter price for,re. tail lots, and .1,70 far white --California. Rye a shade firmer, with some .export inquiry; sales of 3,46 bush western at 411,1734. Corti* receipts 10,824 bush; mar ket scarce anci-Aci better; sales of 49,006 bush, at 72@730 for new..,mixed western pia canal; 93®960 for do. via railroad; 86 @BBe for kiln dried; 97c for western yel T low, and 95®970 for inferior to, common old mixed western, in store. Pats; re ceipt!' 4,200 bush; market unsettled; salmi Of 84,000, bush, at 803 @B2c for western afloat, tbe latter an extreme. RiCe quiet. Coffee steady., Auger firm; Cuba I.l®lBc. *lotuses Am and ,quiet. • XlOps quiAt. getroletun qOlet, ; at ./Ot i ltr4for crude an .80 realled-T, ;011fiullt 1, 4. 1 14 1 7 , far , small lots :and 41.010 1. 0 4 - t tow, , trunientinfi steady at et r • . Rork ,firmer; Arles 980 ebbs, / 4 et ' ' l'' • , _ - 11 I fbi Atilt wow claim 7. fit, '. .:,,,i ;481, 5 - for. Oa - +m;: s' sew for row : MAO ' fer • ,Nr, -dur prime, MAN 4411ar''41Dqw antilop buyers for Jane, at & IL stead y.l i.ileet lanai drill. Cut meats ate „maim 200 pkgs at 12% 613e.101 e r rs, agsd 15f160 rotten:us Middles firm:wales 660 hi. Stratford and Staffordshire add Wort ',fibbed' at .In itlge; lAA' Oral:inland 'ent 'bit 'Private termL',_' UM:limier; *les 800 tes at 1734 feln auksienin; 'l93l6l9nefirr kettle ran red:tie:o;looles steam, buyers for :rune 'At :Ina: Butter •AteadE et r o @ 3lo Air, hio. • - tames' rateady. , ffreighte to ' Live I ;delay., l' I”',", • - , lour oroberEdrilistidOck lower' lirraf 23i det and drooping; No. 2 spring 111; . , ltve,`nulet• 'and steady at *1.17 1,18 or westbru. Oats dull at 803' @BIC for - siege& afloat.' 'Corn - steady at 84408e:for ;Mind' canal, and 03@960 for mitres& Porkquiet and firm, with sales - eilp bbl', Mereilinyer June , at 882,40. s me . dull= and; . , unchanged. , •Cu Meats iriegd.y with a moderato demand. 'Bacon le in Taltinquil7. Lard steady at 1935@193te for fair tolprime steam. Eggs quiet find IllehAnged!' •Catttuao, June 11.—Eastern exchange • diall,at par selling . Flour dull ; t 1 4 ,50(06 for spring , extra.: - ' Wheat dull• and a@,Bie lower; sates NO. 1 at $1,18@1,18ii; 14 ,8 ridtrverind 'a shadolower at 111,09% 1,40 h 'oath; and: l Bl,o93‘ig 4 0 . 9 X seller taa e, w - ciosi9s 0-4.11 II r•Rti, and ifs leak., mentor this rater. noon all and unatninged.egVernarweier and M@ 3 / 4 0lower; sales No. let 663 . 67e cash, 623;4r,:63c seller for June, 65, 1 4 c seller for the brat half of June, and 636 6334 c seller for July, closing - at 66%1667c cash; sales No. 2 at 57657X0 cash, 57c seller for June, 580 buyer for June, 596 59lic buyer for July, and closing at 57 @57340 cash; rejected quiet and easier, with sales at 506513ic; no grade at 42546 43c; sales No. 2 since 'Change at 5730 seller far June. Oats moder ately active and X(4)34c higher; sales No. 2 at 591/.660c, closing firm at 600.' Rye quiet, ranging at 93 { @96c for No. 1. Barley dull and nominal at '1,4061,46c foiNo. 2. , Highwines nominal at 906930. New Orleans Molasses at 95001. Sugar at 133<614 3 / 4 0 for fair to choice. Provis ions firm. Mem Pork is 50c higher; sales at 832,50 cash, closing at outside price. Lard quiet at 18618%c. Shoulders firm at 1214 c. Receipts for past 24 hours were 9;760 bbls Flour; 135,124 bus Wheat; 186,- 465 bus Corn; 61,634 bus Oats; 750 bus Rye; 4,301 Hogs. Shipments; 6,080 bbls Flour; 111,053 bus Wheat; 80,398 bus Corn; 16,951 bus Oats; 1784 bus Rye; 6,933 Hogs. Freights more active at 634 c for Oats, 9e for Cori arid 8 1 54 c for Wheat to Buffalo. June 11.—Cotton firm but quiet; middling 29340. Tobacco in good demand; sales 139 hhids at ..$5@17,00. Flour unchanged; family 55,50(445,75, ex tra 0,256550, superfine 062,25. Wheat quiet but firm;: the receipts are light and holders not disposed to-accept 81456 1,20 for Nos. 2 and 1 red. Corn dull, for all excepting choice, at 606620 for ear,' and 636640 for shelled; prime to choice -Tennessee ia in demand from millers at 64@06c, the letter price for chcice white. Oats dull at 438671 c- Rye very dull at 98@$1. Whisky unchanged; it, is held al 926930; but no saleS; so that the quota tions ate nominal. Mess Pork advanced to *32,25, but at the close it could not have been.: bought at • le;sa than $33. Balk meats are laeld at L1.X613p for shoulders find 15Xc for aides; bo,l.loolbs of the lat ter sold at 16c-packed. -Bacon firmer but the demand only moderate, and there is a feverish feellng , and not Much offering of any kind; shoulders sold at 14,c, aides 17%0, , and 18c.for clear rib and clear. Lard is held at 19g, but no sales and not saleable at batter than 1834 c. Butter steady; fresh 23@27c. Eggs dull at 15e. Linseed Oil quiet at $1,03161,05; Lard 011 quiet at $1,4061,45. Petroleum dull at 286300 for refined. Gold 139 buying, and 18934 selling. Exchange steady at 1-10650 per cent. discount buying. Money market unchanged. ST. 'LOUIS, ''June 11. Tobacco steady and unchanged. Hemp du11,111,25@1,40 for prime undteSsed. • Cotton, nothing tiding; Flour chill and unehanged, 54,25 @NQO -for Viillg.iand 15915456,50 for fall super Wheat, lower , for fall, weak nut unothinged tor spring; No. 2 spring $1,08®1,09®1,11@1,123i, prime to choice, fall 11.20®1,45, fancy do $1,50. • Corn firm, 61q660 for yellow to white in bulk, 87§7043 for: mixed and yellow in sacks, 75@830 for white, the.latter for fancy, all in new • sacks. Oats higher, 65®68, in new sack* Rye steady, 93@95c for prime to choice. Whisky firm, 94. Gro ceries quiet and unchanged. Provisions excited and higher. Pork: sold early at $32,76, and at the close was helci at $33: Dry salt clear sides at Cincinnati, buyers option to July 15th, at 17c. Bacon shouldeis, loose, 13%c: do packed, 1450; clear rib aides, 173,©18c; clear sides, 18 @183,!@1 1 e34e, including 500,000 lbs of the latter taken by Government contractors at 1834 c. Lard quiet; choice held at 1854. Receipts--2,700 bbls flour, 21,000 bushels wheat, 9,000 buuth corn, 11,400 bush corn, 600 bush rye, 250 bogs. TOLEDO, June 11.-Flour dull and un changed. Wheat active and prices a shade lower; amber $1,30®1,30%, white Michigan regular $1,35, No. 1 do. $1,53. Corn in speculative inquiry; No. 1 &Icon spot, seller June 66c, yellow 700, white 6744 c., ancLrejected 5&; 'Osta ateaay. at 6535erfor Michigan and No. 1. Rye dull and in no, demand; offered at $l,OO for ' Michigan. Barley inactive. Receipta , - 3,5 a! bbls flour, 7,000 bus wheat, 22,600 bias corn,' 2,500 bus oats. Shipments -1.200 bbla flour, 3,300 bus wheat, 6,400 bus oorn, 7,100 bus oats. Lonisvtatz, .7nne 11.-Sales 305 hhds tobacm at prices ranging from $5 to 18, and market steady. Provisions wive. Mess pork $33. Bacon-Shoulders 14%e; bleat rib sides 'l7y,e; clear sides 18%c: hams 19%0. Lard-tierce 194519%e. Grain quiet: Rye $1,20®1,25. Corn, oats and wheat unchanged. Flour s7@ 7,25. Barley malt $2,85. Groceries quiet and _unchanged. Righwines advanced to 94095 c. MiLweusze, June 11.-reour entirely nominal. Wheat weak at 111,104 for No. 1, andsl,lo),( for No. 2. Oats steady at 5935 for No. 2. Cotn nominal. Rye un changed. Barley nominal. - Grain P r reigkts firm and tinehanged. Receipts =8;000 barrels' new; 121,000 btothels wheat, 1,000 bushels oats. Shipments- 7.000 barrels flour;109,000 bushels wheat, 29,009 bushels . oats. Dirraorr, June 11.-Flour inactive; su perior nominalf at $B. Extra white Wheat at $1,63 bid, held at $484. No, 1 so tive at $1.40 - .No. 2 .at 11. 1 1241,20, and amber at 51.2901,30. Corn steady at 650 for No. 1 mixed. ; Oats scarce, 630 bid. Feed irregular; bran 11@130, and coarse tniddlin'gs 17@l8c. • ' • BALIIMORE, June' 11.-Flour fair and active and favors buyers, Wheat dull. Corn firm; prime white 'B6e; yellow' 880 92c.'• Oats dull at 750780. Rye nominal. Mess pork firm: at $82,50. Bacon • active and advancing; rib sides 17,.ic; clear rib 18340; shoulders 14%0150; hams 210220. Bard Arm at: 19%0. Whisky in fair de- wand at 99051. • •Pwirte,mmitzu.s, June 11.-Flour dull and, unsettled, with sales of northwestern extra family at $5,7606,60; Wheat ad vancing with 'Hales of red at $1,8501,60. Corn less active 'and high;with 'sales of MiXed - Western'at 88@90n. bats steady,. Provisions unchanged. , PetroledmloWer 'Whiskyq, orade at iaiff . fak unsettled'at 920960. - 'liStitilirti, 'June 4.1.-Cetion - irregular SO@lilc;resitpta'l22ibalwa exporissl7; risfireztetex,4l,:ti.e.o.26.sw i , Floi±ifT elneltitriged.f: Corn'• 824081ki. • Otto 7707110. r dlsil $27. , Fork 583 . ; Lard 193 02113- Bacon, firm, with shopiers at 1 4 30 1 1 and keldes-185fo. 2724 245 600 rEiVER NEWS. , 'The rivet oontiiittas to recede steadily with four feet $ inches in the (channel jsust eyening.-31reather dear and pleas ants rnerenry:at 4 P. at. 72. '';The Bfai'Y Devage from St. Lonle, with With ieciiegdof iron ore, is the only tram. dent ' arrival' we ,have' ; tereport. The kaggiettaYs.'fro'm same PO nts is du°ti? The Kenton for PArtsmou is the only-departure we imp'ie,to re . 'The Lawrence luseeded I - getting Over Giant 116tem to T hursday ; but was again Unfortunate, s ticking for Unto on 'Beaver Shoals. Dimming that a ' was In bad trim, and handled WWI ' '"' • '' The Grev Eagle, Capt. O. L. moan, is the regular packet for •ParkershUrg today, leaving ProMetirat neon, -•.: • The Glasgow. Capt. .. Andy itobinson 1 Jr,., will'ipositively take her ldePagiolare for the :Upper fdigalasippi - .this ; forpßoeti, et and paassugets* d shipperrroysin her. gdpg.thaOug 49 ilt.au '"' ' The ` l Ell= ertrn" oinViiirts due here ,4, , lory 4 . , —The Kate Putman left Cincinnati for - - PITTSBURGH' Pittsburgh on Wednesday with about 200 tons. Pilots—James Hamilton and Jes. Henderson. —Captain 'Greathouse, late of the steamer Nina Symmes, has contracted with John R. Stuart tit Co., of! Madison, for a nets steamer for the New Orleans and Bayou Sara trade. Her dimensions are as follows: 175 feet long, 33 feet beam, 6 feet hold. —A Louisville special to the Cincin nati Commercial, says: The harbor and canal have been blocked the greater portion of the day with the coal fleet go ing through, there not being sufficient water on the falls for them. The Simp son Horner, A. J. Baker, Mary Alice, Bbaz i Stella, Eva and Ajar will take towsSoutn. The rest of the beats return to-Pittsburgh. —Henry Jenkins, a well-known steam boat steward, died in Cincinnati on Mon day morning, after a short illness, and was buried oh Tuesday. —lt is said that Dowler's improved wheel, which is being tested at St. Louis on the steamer Revolution, is a success, and will revolutionize navigation. —The hull of the steamer Gerard B. Allen will be used id the construction of the new ridge at St. Louis, work on which waS commenced on the western batik Of the Mississippi haturday mOrn ing. --Ca ptain Sohn N. Banger hut been elected President of the new New Or leans and St. Louis Packet Liiie and John W. Carroll. General Superintend ent and Freight Agent. —Cat. John Woodburn has gone to Memphis, but will rsturn in about a month. He prooably arranged before his departure for building his new boat. —The Glendale arrived at St. Louis on Wednesday and the Wauanita left there the same day for Pittsburgh and the Nick Wall for Fort Benton. —The New Albany Ledger says: Super vising Inspector Guthrie of this . Die tried, has asked to be relieved from the office he now holds, but it seems that his successor has not Yet been appointed., He has rented a farm of twenty-two acres, four miles from this city, on the Grant line road, which he is having planted in broom corn and potatoes. He says he will be prepared to receive visi tors at his country villa in a few weeks. Strawberries and sugar, with a spoon, are on the bill of fare. Latch-string :out -side of the door -Captain - Poe backed out the Nick Wall last evening for Fort Benton, her second trip. The Unit attempt being frustrated by a snag, from the injuries suatained-by which ahe has entirely re covered. Capt.,Poe wants, to make the run In 33 days. Whether he goes through in that tithe or not, we are satis fied be will make good time, .C. W. Blount and George Hughes are her pilots. The Nick Wall is drawing only 2Tincties, having-taken a limited freight here. She has a full cargo, engaged at Omaha, through John N. Bolinger and other Parties. It is rather canons that the Nick Wall ,gets six and a half per cent. per bound on her freight to Ben ton, with a surety of good water all the way, while the boats which preceded her were loaded at much lower rates and have suffered from low water. Some of her freight is for forts on the way, and am regular.rates. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD CLEVELAND AND. P/TTSRIMuLki ItAl.l - ROAD. June 11.-2 cars stone. J L L Knox; 4do limestone ore, Reese. Graff & Dull; 6 do blopms, 1 do brink, Park. Bro's & Co; 250 akes copper, C Hus sey & Co; 1 car lumber, Baudlton, Aigeo A & Co; 1 do shingles, T Writ's it .Co; 2, cars grind stones, - Lippin . &B; 250 sks oats, H Sotmelbach; 50 bas starch, 14 doz brooms, A Kirkpatrick & Co; 40 do do, Segtonyer & Voakamp; 725-do do, J Wilson & Son; 20 oases cheese, H Riddle; 15 bdls spokes, 'Jae Hardman; 14 byre oil, B L Fahnestock & Co; 15 bas cheese, J A Graff; 10 do d 0,15 bbls eggs, W H Graff it Co; 20 do do, 4 casks cider, 17 buckets butter, Voigt, Maliodd Jr Co; 9 bills rock ers, 0 G Hammer & Son; 130 M bills chairs, 13 do rockers, Bedford Cbair Co; 15 bbls oil, D Cook; 4 rolls leather, G N Boffstott; 4 oaks cider, Day & Co; 4 do do, Morrison it D; 4do do, P Duff Sort. PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE & Om, °Aso RAILROAD. June 11.-11 cars metal, Nimick & Co; 2 do do, Bryan & Cant hey Ido do, Brown it Co;: 100 ,bbls flour, S Lindsay. Jr & Co; 200 do do„ owners; 1 car wheat, Scott & Gisal; 1 domillfeed, H Schnelbach; 2 do' do Shomaker & L; 2S toe lard, 43 do hams, 25 bbls oil, Sel lers & Co; 1 car hay, Bricker & Co; Ido lumber, J Nana; 1 do rnillfeed; J & W Fairley; 12 1514 s eggs, Volgt, M & Co; car 000perage, Adams & Bro; 50 bbla flour, Watt, L dr. 0:1; 39 reams paper, Godfrey it Clark; 20 his cheese' B Ha zleton; Bdo do, A:& J Kerr; 45 aka rats, WEiroy & Co; 6 bas cheese, N J Braden; 6 do, do H Riddle; 26 dodo, J BCNn field; 10 bge rye, W J Meek. Jo PITTSBURGH dINOINBATI AND Lome • RAILROAD. June ll.-27 ,sks potatoes, B,rlcker & Co; lot produce, 12 kg. gripper, 20. eke rags, Graff & 0o:•4 oars staves, W Heating; 2 bbls sealing wax, Porterfield it. - Co; 5 do do, G Posey; 50 do flour, A Kirkpatriok & Co; 50 do do, W Kirkpatrick 'A: Co; 12 eke flamed. M Suydam; 18 do rage, JA. Graff; 13 do do, F G Craighlad; 400 do flour, G Stewart; 55 tea hams, 'S H Par ker; 44 do do, Dalzell do T; 5 bbls coal, W Carr & Po; 2 firkins Icsktter, Rea. Jr. • ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD. June 12.-2 care metal, Painter & Son; Ido do Totten it CO; 1i dO do, BroWn & Co; 1, , d0 do, Lyon, Shorty', & Co; 1. do metal, H Woodeides; 3 do stone, Henderson' & fleh, 4 do railroad iron; CA Oupeaer:ll eke oats, 7 do 'potatriee fi gl K4.lbukitil 7.942 0ate,..24 do corn, Bin RIG it L, 120 do. oats, d Clizothere:4Bo*-' oil, Perketi r it T; 460 do do, Owaten at t3owerevlBBDA* 40, , Fieber •Xli!res 880- do, do, 1 4 00 , ,,t.birt, Frew it Co,'' Attiomorr `June y il4 ear cooperage, tt - 7ahatkir; o 2B ,trblei 40, morrisow& 8; 4Ors Italestrz o k;Perio Iron Co; 1 car 1;19 t, Smith ;40.bige r flaxseed; Lover & CM; I. ear cooperagej rya ", Rotottion:11•11 pee Motal,•tLindltay,,L& MoOut0hOon; ;2 oars hay Vciegtitir dr, Kopp; 10'candles, W Sedderi;-2 4blifegge,lleektteld.& hone; 1 oar este 4 .R liztoi*Son; l,dado, Hook & Sobible; ,2 oars iron or e, Rog-: , ere & Burchfield; 4 eke cheese, C7Koeidg; 4 eke ware,T 3 Sherrett. • UNION; ENTERPRISE , • • ' '-'• 'FOUNDRY, rgs mt. soiminoia. 'fltsultabettrai iir CitiOXISG f3T(NEI3, Althea; Grefelergefre," , Sash_Welghts,• and all ,klwle of Hollow Ste lAte wheeis and all kinds Of 1101.neey glikge,_l47o)ty:WASON A SHIN- 0111 lan, MW,GH. PA.' ataistrziwas ,01 , 1011 01; 47:/111 , 111EIPARD 1313tVIIIIii, jr . 4 ._.._ „"rrsauttauf June 20. 1401). , t 4 . oTicz -;-The AssessmhOlir for . .21iti,Bost4iiilitin Cedar: etreet.•frent Main to Anret street.•lo now ready for aX am illation, ard'Allfri. be seen at this offloe until. MONDAY. Jose,al l Flom It - ,Triii be return ed to the Cl , lty se e oftldef Ter. COUectlOn • ' • , _ .; . ~ li. J. MOOS E, 11E44 r . i. "' ', • • at? Nallneer. ' MEI (5400 D NEWS, • •LL • 631{All i BBEill II DUB TIMM' - ' tchr i 41 14 4 .atAA LA.A4 tV 11 A UfJ3 2;A:ir3 Tt s litrgsig and boat. The tiattabl 64 8. W." os Imkt. Take am elaa. aiekTrii • ,4,,y„,A••• , • • nt "e• ,u G l / 4 4-zErr-6:- SAT,u-kyi.-4tIN E -12, FOB KEOHITreI, GA— f iW in t: LENA. DUBUQUE and ST.annw rAULdlreet—The steamer OLASGOW Capt. ANDT ROBINSON, JR, Will leave as above THIS DAY, the 12th fast , atloA.x. For frewht or passage apply on board or to 3e12 - FLACK & (JOLUNGWOOD. Agents. midge 1869. Adger NORTILEItN LINE PACKETS . FROM St. Louis to Keokuk and St. Paul, .AND ALL INTERMEDIATE PORTS. Owe of the splendid Sidewhael Steamers of this Line will leave St. Louis daly for Keokn k, Dagen pert, Dubuque, Winona, Stillwater ann St: Paul. Through receipts. for Freight and Passengers will be given to all points oh the Upper Mi.sis sissippl on steamers rennin g from this port and connecting with the Northern Line Packets St St, Louis, thus enabling. Consignees to get their Freight through witnout delay mural loweet rates. Apply to JOHN. FLACK. J. D. COGLINGWOI,O, • R. D. GRA Agents, or to 91PA_ • water attest. P . ITTR RUA Gll;jar im p . ' WHEELING AND 'PAR KERSBURG LlNE.—Leta f company's Wharf mat. root of Sefton Street: daily at 1.2 IC: WED NESDAYS and SATHRDAYd USE Y EAGLE u. L. .14IINNA1t. Muter. _ Freight 'rill be received a L t all b ows by A COLINS. FLAME. A CULLINGWOOD, apt 3 A:wtehlS. TO LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN. TRIO OMAN MAIL STEAMSHIPS, Numbering sixteen 11M-class vessels, among u. mtbe celebrated CITY OF PARDS, CITY OF Alfrorrrp, CITY OF BOSTON. CITY )F • BALTIMORE, CITY OF LONDON. SaIIIng_FAVBEY SATURDAY,; from Pier 44b, Strth Rlveg, New York. For ',usage or farther Intorruaylon oalnlvto- WILL iii Rm ( .or. TO AIM STICK 3 D. (Cnron)on flohdlog. Naarleraninnottt. Poet'Mrs. Pittahnrvh 'UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE, TWENTY-TRIED DISTAtICT.. COLLECTOR'S NOTICE. RIVER- PACICBTS. lIPPER MR BIS . mh26:g= PARSCIERSBURG. STEAMSHIPS. MISCELLANEOUS. MEEMMMEMM!M!I ° Ailg z ° lc l tiontr i trtat il or Pennsylvania, 1g0...7 Witter St., Allegheny City, Mayll9, 119. Noi'citi.hereby given that the anneal listaot' SPECIAL "TAXES, thrmerly termed LICENSEE-. and ot,the taxes on , - Incomes, Carriages, Watches, Silver Plate. &c.. are now this office. where psym be received thereon by the,4Zoilector on And after theist DAY earamilc, 1560.. Them taxes„ having become due, most .be paid before the 515th DAY OF JILVE, 1809; other. wire, addltlonid . expensee wilt be Incurred by tpe taX payee. BTIFYINGTOIS, Esq., Deputy Collector of the county of Armstrong, anu V.DWIN_LYOti, Esq.. Deputy Collector for the county of lint! r. will be ready to receive, after the let of June, for their respective counties, and will post oodles designatlnirt,he times tw] places. when and wh re they will be prepared to receive. the taxes voile t able by them. Taxes payable only In greenbacks or natlo i currency. Office hairs from 9A. u. to-3 r. JOHN I. SULLIVAN, m»S•JSI BIUPTCY PLIYED CAIID‘ entities the bearer, on presentation, , to TWO DOLLARS abatement on a cash, purchase of 4011§.00 at the greit lamp clothing house of S. O. TILIIIISIZIOAN, ORIGINAL BIG NOIABRN 11, IRAN% Street, 'MASI. Olalr. W • • . . Nobody be 'by this establishment , but iblr dealing to ill Call and be convinced. All 'Clothing plat y marked by printed cards, at . . , • ,t,/ OFr ST-CASH .PRICES,• tbit /Ito ' one may be ;deceived. 'Remembir 11;424e:istr 1 81.4 1 . 41 '""E 9 'v . r 813C11.1 BEWARE OF 00111Th61ifir1`if OP Ttilel . . g TgiMitklin .• . .6:iili - LI3 -..--t.:t"i6iiiii4 AiWiTZET tlistLs l ßulallo„o.l,. ,6414 CH u - 11E ellPor• 7f, Importer dettir in' rirWart'ArriClol3lEkitaro WEDDINIEw4YISMII6. PARTY, AND BUSINESS '‘P ralellta.Vl2l6, , Wic.p.**A.U4 il. mtathrtruenim &a, t Orderiliintiniecelveptomptattentlon. send aeittnut ill 6; „ • • an4iil7'grneat •J t• TiVICINE)II: MIAIIN TI lELAE. A.,,z ,- 3r,::,. -- 1: LI.-:',...1i il 1:.:: .. .. • . 1 :t :.-11.ebbsY"Al, cielebrited-sseugil, mule mo il i e , Jasilet:stiso portion7s ...Jelliee se Jems, terzsals by 94,0iiibn or illigle Jirr by ~ , t ,-, 4 . 4 4 -' ~ , 'A' . ' 'JNO.' i. ESN SHAW. ' ' ' Cianier Liberty anti Ninth streets.' DE MAR SMI A L IPS' ELIXIR. — WASSFIALV I S !Witte ITA, ..itramus.Wi r St.uun 4 F5W1D,T11.4,1,1A , t'almstrifiarris =mut . LL r OViiltigtt4 , oitterolospet. 1 1 .4144141 tu Isti FoPrietora• t oz n :14 P u lirsi eng B4a .. r 2" g 110%.r.ft RENDEINION BROTHIIIII, gmmi moor _wigs" DOOM in gar &so hismailisiumnaf, a6V IMM== IRON CITY MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, Of Pennsylvania. Office," 75 Federal St., Allegheny City. DIRECTORS t Hon. JAMES L. GRAHAM, Bev. J. B. CLARK, I). I)., Captj R. ROBINSoN. Rev. A. K. BELL. D.D. Rev. S. H. NEoBIT. DAL. W. At R.BE.D. Caahler Allegheny Trust Co. JACOB RUSH. Real Renate Agent, SIMON DRUM. Mayor of Allegheny, C. Wt BENNY. Hatter, A. S.II3ELL, Attorney-at-Law, D. L.VPATTERSON, Lumber Merchant, ' D. WOOER, Insurance Agent. Capt. ROBT. ROBINIKIN, President. ReveJ:B. CLARK, D. D., Vice President, JACOB RUSH, Secretary, C. W. BENNY. Treasurer. N. W. WIIITE, MEDICAL ADVISER. - I)ANIEL SWOGER, Utenq Agent. _ t This i s nonie company. conducted on the mutual principle, each policy bolder receiving an equal share of the profits of the Company. Policies will be issued on all the different plans of Life Insurance and being conducted on an economi cal basis :sill &Void a safe investment to each policy holder. and thereby retain the money at home to irbsoarage home industry. Intel:AP B FRANSLIN - INUNANCE COMPANY. • 11 OF ALLEGHENY, PA" OPSICE IM PIiANNLIN SAVINGS BANK 1 BUILDINGS, No. 41 - Milo St., Allegheny. A HOkir. COMPANY, managed by Direetore web known to the community, who trust by fide destine to merit a share of your patronage. fl NI 0160. D. RIDDT.X.7...= • • DIRECTORS: Henry_ Irwin,. D. L. Patterson, Geo. R. Riddle, 'Jacob Frauz, Simon Dram, IJ. W. M. Stewart, Ch. P. Whiston, doe. Lantuer, iH. J. Zintaon, R. V, GENE aLSO:OBS. cAr ..IN4tURANCE COMPANY, • ' fPBiII.Aikvs , BUILDING. Fifth Avesine._Elesoirti - PITTSBURGH, PA. • Capltal .A.XI, Paid 1:7p., DIRECTORS. N J. litoley, jr, Cept.lll:Balley. Dann R ailace, H. Hartman, A. Ctlimbers, Jake HIM 11 , Citirkal, Jas. 1 kerns' Smith Jno.S. Willock, BORE TH. BIND ' President. JNO. F . JEHNINIRR, Vice President. ..JOB. T. JOHNSTON, Secretary. , Capt. B. J. GRACE, Gain Wit; Insures on Liberal. Torno. on all, Fire sMrMarine Ithdik , pErnimv.saus - INSURANCE COMPANY OF. PIMSBUREIN. OFFICE. No. 16TWW_OOD STRZICT. SANG 01 , COMMERCE Mils a Home Company, and insures aselnat los, 01 Fire ezclttalvelt. ; 5 . LEONA-RP WALTER, President. O. C. BOYL.l%_Vice President. ROBERT. rAntICK, Treasurer. HUGH Secretary. mawrons: Georn_Wnson, iSeo. W. Evans, J. C. Lapps, J. O. Plelner, John Voegtley, A. Ammon. Leonard Walter, 0. 0. Berrie Robert Petrick, Josisik Ring Painter, 43 Hopkins, HansHoplins, Henri 'Sproul. pIDEDINITIL - AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA, OTFICE,4.IB & 137 CHEBT3ItiT BT.osear liga. Charles A. Smacker. Mordecai H. Donis' Tobias Wagner, - David 8. Brown, Samuel Grant. Isaac Les,_ Jacob B. bralth. Edward C. Dale, siii i .ome r ittl , r : litrA nuti zlgm'alls . . XDW. C. DALE, Vice President. W.V. STlEELB,__Beeret o tea. '' • ~ I . J. caa.cznut IN. , Atiserr, Borth West corner and Wood Streets. EirE! COLL NATIONAL' INSURANCE COMPANY, Cor. ißederal St. and Illanpud, Allegheny, thine, In the SECOND NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. W. W. MARTIN, President, . JOtIN BROWN, Ja., Vice President. JAMES E. STAVINSON. Secretary. - Jam A. 14 yler, IJaa. Lockhart:roe. Idlers. Jaa.b.Orabzw. Robert:Lea, 0. 0. Boyle, Jno. - Brown„ dr. George Gent, Jacob kopp, 0.11. P lUlasoe ino.fihompson J. Nalisugher. ape- - . , VirESTERN INSURANCE COW; .141.19 r 09 PITTIECIMACIM. - BILAN,A9B, NIKKI& President. . WM. P: HERBERT. Secretary. - CAPT. ABOAGE WEALD. Ueneral Agent. Omet, 9A Water_street, Slant a COOS Warm house, up suns, Pittsburgh. ~- , . • . Will hunre airainstall kinds or Piro and Ida rine Silks. A home Institutio ,n managed by Di rectors who are well known to the community, aad tea IP determined.by promptuma and Aber ality to maintain the character which they have "assumed. se4lteringthe but .protection SO time iriko l desire to be Insured. . . , 1 rr " DISICTOMS: ' , Mdeg Rimich., , Jean B. mecum% ar, Jr, Chased: Clarke, • . Jaiara ,IKOuleY, Willi&ki B. an , • . Alexander gear, - ' Jorepti Kirkpatrick. . -..roaMelo ns '": . ' Da.' Wni; Monism -4). arum, . - . • ' WA . . FIEOPLESI IIifBVBANCE COMA. rex pirrioz, 24. la; omen= WOOD & rirrkt was. A. fipple OompixT.taking rre anablarloe. Risk* • John , att., • John N. Pask.h,.._ •Osst. James mules. lite:irreggr • YOYI . N9a 6 I " gkilF.t.Wesinti 4git a .tomit. • , isimusrcie comPANir OT riTTSBURGEL . - 01,No. MUTE BTEXIT, Bans 'awn. •...__'• assfast - all lands et , Tire arui.marm !rtiolizentwrisr:lti. Pestdeati.,•• . ;'-' H TYlita e l A • de r . ' i lr a, 4(43 4: #g ellt. t.6.____ - . i g:47 144 r• i °apt. Wm. Dean. Ipuat • :. wow_ BIZTAFMTntirt c)=64lC‘ip' AND ESTEY'S COTIAGE'ORGAC . .. The SCIIONACEMEB PIANO combines all the latest valuable Improvement. lrnown lis the con struction of AIM elasVinalanwat. Mid' has al ways been awarded the bid heat Plead= °I" rniblted. Its %ovals full; senonits and sweeV.The workmanship. for durability and beauty=c4 Alliothers.' Thiele froniVeltC Ot i s to style andinnlsh,) cucarnit other so :called IMO mask Elanp. • Uulaa , r ____. , 1,../rfrti vorrifill oitcvia, ousnas.w. id head of all • reed lzutimunents. la prodociniALthe most perfect PiPear i a of tone of an similar Instrument-1n the - States. ./$4ll • pin and- comoace in constranifionon4 . not ,aknprw. iii nwin tee ont , Col order. _ • - 'B. ,PATillWr !' YON:I3IMAN 4 ' ,......" 1-7 Try_ only_tdt be :mid In , thls Orllst. WP o . PRO tollolf/. All grnwanicedfor Ara "vii . .llAlig a Bunrnami . --, i v -1.31,1, pii 4.; i thral' dIQUIIAIIMBIIIfro.Iit lifio*-110 rallileiassi fang. or -41111111116 i. & CLAM= I - _ , Wm„ Cooper, Gottletb F ass, Jacob Rub, Joseph Craig, .rare. Kohut,. it EILON, RAL AGENT. gag e tn . Charles Arbuclile: Jared M. Brady President. " • Beareta OR. Genaral Agent.- B. I:.llPahnastoctli lOArllMs h ;' ovoagdfle RAILROADS. MUNRO §690 ... el Tali tIELIII, PORT WAYNE &CHICAGO E. W. and CLEVELAND &PITTSBURGH R. E. Prom May Oth, 1569 trains will leave floina and arrive at the Umnn ' Depot, north side. PHU.' burgh city time, as follows: Le WIC. Arrive. Chicago Ex—. 2:08 a m !Chicago Ex., 1:58 a M Erie & Ygn Ex.7:2Ba I r;bluago Ex—lib:o4p Et Cl. & W0_ , g11 , 14:13 a to; Wheeling Ex 10:4S la Chicago Ma11..6:55 a mjet. Loals Ex 7:98 p Chicago Ex....9:43 a rn , Chilgo Ex&Mls:oBp to: & Ex 2:olip a. !Cleveland Ea 3:53 58p Chicago Ez._. 2:23 pm ; Erie h Yen Ex 5:58p rat W'e & Erie Ex4:36 prclej. h wb - i, E i o,s3 p DAPClllfretri Allegheny. j Arrive in dilegkensi Bear Falls Ac.6:56 a m Leetsdale &c..6:58 am Leetsdale •• 10:03 a m Eca'r Palle •• 13:26 am " 11:58 a m „New Castle "10:913 am Rochester" E:218 Plil[Enoo " 9:13 am E uen . " .3:58 pmi Leetsdale Imo p „ Leetsdale Acc.s:l3 p ; Leetsdales " 243 phi Bea'rEalls .6:13 pm 1 L. 4:33 DM . Leetsdale iwa:23 ` o 7o 23 : . 4 43 3 ka p em mi oraxi ;: irpourreekr: Fair Oaks Sun day Church. 1:13 pln day t , hurch. 9:58 war sir s !on m.Obleagre Ex arrives deny.: leaves daffy J. M. KIMBALL, J. N. M'CULLougg tien , l Ticket Meat. een , lBaptea l / 4 . mylo gRANGE OFRINIM TIME. LEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD; THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO THE Eau REGIONS WiTHtill r CHANGE OF OAKS. On and after MONDAY, May 3d, 1819 TWO THROUGH TRAINS D AILY (except Sundayy will leave Pittsbargl Depos, corner of Eley mll a and Pike streets, (Cr Franklin, Oil City,Ruf filo, and all points In tl e Oil Regions. LEAVE PITTSBIIRGM. atetiv" 11l prmintelteit Day Ex 9:00 WM Day Ex 5:15 pan Night Ex .... 7:30 pm INight Ex 6 :30 sus Brady , s BAC 3:15 p m Bradys B Ac 10:15 ana let SodaW , ke 9:45 a m :let CodaW , lcs 7:40 a M 2d SodaW'ks 6:30 p rii2d SodaW'lcs 6:IS p Ist Halton— 6:45 a milat Hutton.. 9:50 aEt d Hu1t0n...12:00 to tio 2:01Ipm 3d Hutton-1 1:00 p mi3d Hutton... it :05 pla Arnold's Ac. 5:110 p hArnold's Ac. 7:40 p m Cburco train to and .from Soda Works leave Ptttsbcrgh at 1:10 F. tr; Arrive at Pittsburgh, (Sundays. )se 9 50A. at. Express trains stop only at principal points. Accommodation rains stop at all stations J. J. LAWRENCE, een't Sup't. THOMAS M. Spit+, Assn. burn. ap3o RE NNL V 111-_ W irmi NU CENTRAL RAIL D. On and after Apr.U.2sth. 1869, Trains will arrive at and depart ftcm the Union Depot, corner of Washington and Liberty streets, sa follows: Arrive. Depart. Mail Train.— 1:25 am *Day - Express.. 2:15 am Fast Line..... 1-45 am Soutnern Ex.. 4:80 am Wall's No. 1.. 6 20 am Wall'a No. 1.. 6:30 ma BrlntonAco'n. T:5O am 3lail Train.,...._ 8:18 am Waifs No. 2.: 8:50 am How"dAc ol lb :20 an Cincinnati Ex At 10 am •Cincin'ti Ex /2:80 pm Johnstown Ac 10:35 am Wall's No. 2..11:51 ang. How'd Ac Nol 1:10 pm Johnstown Ac. 3:05 pm Pittah"ch Ex. 1:30 pm Braddock" Ac. 3:40 rm . Phila. Expresel':Bo pm Phila. Express 4:20 pat Wall's No. a...2:50 pm Wall's No. 'B.. 4:50 ma Braddock At.. 5:50 pm Wall's No. 4.. 8:05 tau How , d Ac Not 11:35pur "Test IMIC 7:3opm waive No. 4. 1:20 pm HcrwlOic-No 2.8:20 pm W Passn'r 10:26) pm, -Wall' 0.5.. 11:00 pm These trains make doge con ectionitt HaMts burg for .Baltlmore- . • The Church Train lerrea Walls - Statiotte Sunday at 9105 .a.. m., reaching Pittsbaralt . 10:08 a. m. turning; leaves Pittsburgh 12:50 P. M. End,srritelel:Warn: Stapra. 2:/0 p. m. Express 1 4040 IlldlY. An' OA* mina daily. except Sanda l !. . :Tor ftirtherinibrmataini Pp lY.to , • W. ii. ECSWITH, Agent. The Peimsytraniallailroad Conipany stune any rialtforßasigage, except tagsm. and limit their responsiMll Maw rt. liara In value. .A.ll Bagexceding tint =writ - in value bcatthe'risk Of UM ewner. anleu taken Av eciai coAtr. • ap26 General Superintendent, Altr. E 8T ER ii PENNSYLVANIA LROALL—On and afterAprll2fitlt Passenger Trains on the Western Pennrylvantia Rai road will arrive at and.. deps,rt from lthsi FederliStreet Depot, Allegheny CitY,as follows: Arrests. Depart. Springd'e No16:40 a m Man 7:00 an Freeport N0.15:20 a m 'reeport N0.1,9:20aia Express 10:40 aus harpb' g,Nollli2o am Sbarpb , g 1'4'0.11:20 p m Express ..... .;. 2:00 pig Freeport No. 24:00 pm S ringd'e No 13:30 pm Mall 5:30 p m reeport N0.25:20 pit Springd'e N0212:209 m Surtlelfo2o:3l;l2sza Aboye trains run daily e - xce Sanday: - • The Church Train leaves gheny Junction every dunday at 7:40 a. in., reaching Allegheny City at 9:50 a. m. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at 1:20 p. m. and arrlYEat AlleghAny - June. Om at 3:40 p. m. COarIaUSATION TICKITR—For sale in packages of Twenty, between - Allegheny City Chestnut street, Herr's, Bennett, -Tine Oreek; Etna and Sharpsburs said good only on the trains stopping at Stations srpecined on tickets. • The trains - leaving Allegnen_y City it 7,00 m. make direct connection at Freepor withWal• kerts line of Stages for Butler and HamiahstOwli. Through ticitets may b e purchased at the Offing . No. 1 St Clair stree, near the Suppensionßrides. Pittsbure h, and t o - DePolle Allegheny. For farther Intbtmattoti apply to • • JAMBS LEFFERTS, Agenk, , • Federal Street Depret.- - The Western Pennsylvania 'Railroad w ill not at Rune any slit for Baggage, except forwearing apparel, 'and limit their ,reSpOralbllity to One Bandied Dollars in value. All , baggage ex. ceeding tile amount Revalue willbe at the risk at the owner, unless-taken bv special contract. . EDWARD H. WILLIAMS, gpl2 General Siniertatendent,'Allcsini. PR. frffrgißuiti;4 l _ • CINCINNATI AN D . 1.01112 RAILWAY. . PANBANDLREOUTE, - ORANGE Or TIME.—On and after MONDA.Y. April 98th, 11.869,- trains will leave and arrive am th i Un PRU/ 9 9 t1 . 111 !Z /1 574%,:,i t • 9:08 a: m.19:13 a. ns io l ' 9:43 a. m. m Hail..., Fiat Line.... '.... - IrTiimam•. 5:17.7 'lol. a, Ace'n ' ' ' • 0:33 a. m. ots ni. Ketoonald , a Ace , n,lire.lll:43 s i .A. • 43:18 a. Steubenville Accommod. 3:58 p. m. 9:33 a.m. IfeDonabys Awn.-Sre.l Salo m. aflen. m. Sunday.Clingt TFuln...llll:sBp. in ? . ,55111. m. . dalp 9:33 s. srr train will leave dully, 19:13 P.: ar. train will arrive nw3o:: All other trains will run daily. 13unalkan amn34. ed. She 9:43 a. m. Train Imams' close - coal. neat:ow:at ,Newark• ircr Zanesville. • : 8. F. soma., General Ticket mad W. W. CA.RD..Burt.. BkortbeserilliWGAM;.. L (.I ITTON:MGM & ONETC LBOAA..I.B VILL • On Ana after TORSI/AY. Noymber r lnot. trains will arrive at and depart 14= the e Elsrpot foorner.ofOraat and- 'Water streets. 'se follows; . Dspart. • Arrives. • Mail to and o% As fronatr4lon - • • town T oi. -It. ooli. It, • :310SeesportAccomdt'n 11:00 51:05 P. W I -Ex. to and from Unt , n. - 8:00 r. re. 10:10A. .NrAtek l l 9 lAgeffiid. 411111:: C511:1 4 Night Ac.toliclilsport.lo4lo r. N. 6:45:A. Bundwy Chian% Train to • • - and from West Newton 1:00?. 10:00 A. leer: tickets apply to -• _ M. BAYMONO, molt W. B. STOW, nupertntendent. nice 8 BISM UNION • PACIFIC RAIEWir 1 44 1 tergi D4vist 6 ll• , Mthr tf 1 11"111 BllUPifcgmtne $ LitOlUpoln ', Colorado Nevada, • "Nab, : . • : krlsiona Washingloa,.: New Neale°, Idaho,' - • • ; Oreg,dl4l. , "rsseorridni . tease State Idle andheavinisioidit itiundays 411_01;1,414193 1 10e vriral of tan' . o f asfiroadi• (YO br,4 MMUS, and Hanna. balsin4,tit. Joe Baled tram yalney. co itte ,, Laweenee; Topeka' and < Wainer= sta.cJor points, us. Kansas. At end • • tract west of . irmswerlh with the tt:IY4 MirciewiviPiefflii,Lat'Atig 4:!1: C°A946131 , 9 3 , DEN V3alit • ; AND • ; AIL • 1 1 / 4 4Iits in, the VaStaitla ismfwith„_BALlTlmmxtva TiIb , WEICKLY,4I3IB or COACNES tor Fort Union Boors Fort, i k ituitnerogo. Banta: o, and Fort, all 'potato •In An; zoos andwew Mexico. With' -the roosol.tidditigna , Or VoUint ,Sat a nd ogairtnent,,, an d the arrangainants t wltit,setponsitde OrortandiTranapotation from its westent _terminus, this road nqv _onus .oneonalted IntoWthar ifbrt' the wanannOft'att ht to tne Far West. , , • Mohan, fon 'Sale V . all ishol'itiltotiat'Alloottal the United Mates 41nd puukilm. • it -I Be , laid 'Aft tin* oteto 2fS„,/rAcUrio t . rt 414# 4101111111191*Mil Dist d i. la, inEltlnlOran iltale4 inapt sad Tit* 3 t .