I= , ( . _ N. •of .1 1 / 4 • VOIATME LXXXIV FIRST EDITION. TWELVE crcmocK, M. THE CAPITAL. t By Telegranh to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l WASHINGTON' June 11, 261 AFFAIRS IN CUBA. Recent advlces from Cuba state that 'the difficulty between the Spanish offi cials and the orgerdeed volunteers is on the increase, and the latter have almost , entire control of the Government of the - Such. Is thcir l power that they 'forced the acting Captairi-General to countermand the requisition of Dulce on , the home Government for a reinforce ment of five ttiouband regular troops. CUSTOMS. The receipts of customs from June Ist to sth; inclusive, were, $1,474,128. BELOUI' misstoW. Hon.•J..Russell Jonee has been c m missioned Minister to Belgium, and rill sail on the 26th inst. ' 0N...A. VISIT. Secretary; Rawlins left this evenin: a brief visit to his family in Connecti 1 The National Typographical ConVention. i zit) , Telegraph to Inc Pltpburgtt Uszetted Ahrierty, 3 l.ltine ll.H:In the Typograph ical Conve tion to-day the report on the :new Constitution was read. The eumlof twenty-five dollars was ap propriated to pay the , expenses of Mr. 'Troup, delegate to the Congress of the National Labor Umon hat year. I A resolution was adopted to send two • - iielegatesthe National "Labor Union, and Mes.sri Sample and Green, of Pitts burgh, w re appointed, with Messrs. p Beatty an Quinn,. of', Philadelphia, as alternates. i . A resolution declaring that the practice ' of taking apprentices to a printing busi ness who had no knowledge of graminar oncht tota abolished. Adopted-36 to 25. The Convention then selected Cincin • •ruttins thelplace for the next meeting. Mr.Trickelton moved that the general -laws be so amended as to grant charters to Women's Typographical Unions. Itt ferred. The CoMmittee on Retirrns reported seven thousand five liundredand forty dye - members in good standing. There have been two thousand two hundred —and. fifty six membeTe initiated within the past year; one hundred and ;forty four have been expelled, and one bun. -dred and seventy-six restored under the amnesty proclamation: Committee on Sitbcirdinate Unins re t orted favorably ; upon the followig Tisl simeritieds to' - printing mete Should have a _go , sa grammaredu cation. Rejecte& . That --an 'organizer of subordinate Arnions in Omuta and, the Eastern States lie - appointed and his expenses be paid by the Naticinal Union. Tabled. -- That the action of the Erie, Pa., Union, In denouncing certain parties as units," ind'for which the members of this Union have been -indicted for conspiracy and . be approve& ' On motion of Mr. Minamon, the clause was -amended by piedging the efforts of members of the Vnion to secure the repeal of the con. •mpirsoy and libel laws. The other clause Wag adopted. • The Contention- then went into Cotn mitte on the new' Constitution. A tie- bate arose on the second section, which ennteined a pthvision looking to 'grant . Aug charters to Women's Unions. The proposition to amend so as to militate against the women charter proposition was lost. The section was' amendedso .as to reqiMe a scale of prices to_be adopted by one Union to be agreed to by another Union in the same town or city, and then adopted. The third section providing for granting charters to • Women's. Unions was -then read and amended so to allow women to join other ithan Women's Unions. The section was then adopted with but one or two dis. seating voices. -A section requiring that delegates to the National Union shall be , membsra in good standing in the Unions they represent, was adopted. Article three, relative to thd officers and their election, was adopted.., Article four, re lative to the duties of officers, was taken np, but not disposed of when, the Com mittee rose and reported progress, - and a _recess was taken. .At the afternoon session other articles -of the Constitution were adopted and the whole instrument adopted by 168 to 16. • Mist; Augusta Lewis, President of the . 14101i:ten's TypOgraphical Union, thanked, the Convention for its actien. Mr.-Beatty offered a resolution that it ie unkist forinenitiers of a Union to re -calve and do work taken from a place 'Where there IS a strike. Adopted. Pirliticl in Tennessee: .Tl3l Telegraph to the Plitaburgit Gazette. j .., NASHVILLE, June 11.--The Press and 4Yaiia, Which •has heretofore been the „Amgen orStokes, came out this morning :strongly fox Senter, and Universal' suf. . - Inge. • The old editors of the Press and 'Times have all teased connection with it, 4u2d no ;mines are announced 'as editors •ofthe paper, -but the leading article de - Awes it wilt hereafter be the organef no man Or met of men, but will boftl4- ands lndependently advocate whatever its eonductors think to be politic and right. The Senior movement seems to be ~.gathering strength and force all over; he ;-Mate. Thelbree leading jottrnals of the :Republican - party, one in each of the great divisions . of. the State, the:l3..noa ville Whig, the Prev and Times and the Memphis .ftst, .tire now all for Seater. , , sewsa s crom Paraguay. tcitb.is littsburibi 6asertte.l r• Mow Tor; June'll.e.—EUrOpean Malls thellowinr Paraguayan new!: A astiian eginiontoof cavalrp in the ad- _ 1 Named and of the allied army had been amp and the whole regiment Aiestroyed l i .opez's troops. All were • killed , or taken prisoners. The ex 2geditiOnary corps which lauded at _ErAzares !was surprized, a great part being killed and taken prix- ers by Paraguayans. A gunboat, wialch was towing up the river Tehicuary a Chats, charged with provisions for, the ,vmy, was boarded by kt the reptantl2lll- Vho killed all the crew and took pgl• :atop of the cargo of the two vessels. Allied army wan still in Luque. • " .'str.;~~~sts lIMIE BRIEF TELEGRAMS'. The loss by the robbery at Santa Fe is only $33,000. —Rev. Dr. Hill; late President ar dt vardeollege, is ill at Omaha. 1 - 1 —The steamer City of Limerick, from Antwerp, arrived at New York last night. , 7 1Efon, W. C. Ritteridge, UnitedStatio ; Asseasor, First District, Vermont, died yesterday. . - - -:-Eight National Banks have ceased to . be depositories of government funds since the 6th inst. I —Perry Nagle, a butcher, formerly of Memphis, was killed in a row at Helena, Arkansas, Thursday night, —lt is reported that Lopez annihilated a Brazilian , Corps de Army,•and destroy ed a large number of vessels. —The Secretary of War has granted a year's.leave of absence to Gen. Sickles, with permission to go to Europe. —The slaughter house and out build ings of Henry B..Greanough, in Brighton, Maim,. ware burned yesterday. Loss $lO,OOO. —Millard Osmore, while reading in bed at Newport, New Hampshixe, Thurs day night, upset a lamp and was burned to death.` —Tbe tannery of J. D. Ooe dr, Bon, of Buffalo, near Wayland, was burned yes terday. Loss 6100,000; only 615,900 in surance. ' • —The steamship Quaker City was for mally released yesterday by the United States Marshal, at New York, and will probably sail immediately. —Reverdy Johnson made les first ap pearance in CourtLyesterday, at Balti more, since his return from England, and was warmly welcomed. —L. E. Brow nit Co., Nicholson Paving, Contractors, have sued the city of Mem phis, in the United States District Court, for six hundred thousand ddilars4 —Major George Gibson is assigned to duty as Major of the Fifth Infantry, to report without delay to the Commanding General of the Department of MiSsourl. —Letters from Brazil, of April 24tb, state that Gen. McMahon has not been heard frotti, and tbe report, that be had arrived at Ascuusion proves to o un founded. -41iighteen car.loads of strawber ries haver reached Chicattb within th last twenty-four hours. This fruit w ever so plenty nor ad cheap in that marxet as this season. —The one hundred and eleventh anni versary of the settlement of London derry, New Hampshire. was celebrated on Thursday. Ten thousand persons participated. . —The Lake Shore and Mic h:gan South er, Railroad Company have tiled their articles of association in the office of the Secretary of the State of Illinois. Capi tal stock thirty millions. —Count Den, son-in-law of the Emperor of Brazil, rum 'dm:mending the stilled forces against Paraguay. is said to have served during the Ameriban rebellion on the staffpf Oen. Sherman. --Tbe,lMNa State Temperance Conan tion, which. assembled at DesSfolLei on Thursday evening, made no nominations for State ofillers, although called-togeth er partially for that purpose. --,-83orehary Seward and part y , will leave Chicago to-day for Omaha, Denver, Elan Lake, California, China, Japan, &c. He will be accompanied as far as Salt Lake by some Chicago friends. —Capt. Isaac Keys, recently appointed by the President Postmaster of Spring fleldnlllinois, has been suspended, and Rev. 3. I...`Orane, pastor of the New Meth opt Church, appointed in his place. -..:.cenpons of the first mortgage bonds of the Union Pacific Railroad, due July Ist, will be paid in gold, tree of govern ment tax, on Friday, June :sth, at Bos ton, and in New York on Thursday, July Ist. —President Grant will leave New York on Tuesday night and arrive in Boston Wednesday morning. He will attend "Chit Peace Jubilee, review the military and pass the night with Secretary Bout well at Grown., —Polish exiles at New York have re• solved to celebrate on the 14th of Angast the annexation of Lillian's to the King dom of Poland. The celebration will be general; and a medal is to be struck in Berlin to commemorate the event. —Nelson Walker, an intelligent col ored• man, announces himself a candi date to represent Nashville and David son county, Tenn., in the next Legisla ture. His platform is universal suffrage and general amnesty. ' —Col. W. F. Swltzler has sued Francis Rodfuan Secretary of State of Missouri, for 112,00 j damages for incorrectly count ing and certifying to election returns for members 'of Congress, whereby he (Switzlar) failed to receive the certificate of election. —Th. body of Frank P. Woodall, an Insuralfee clerk of New York, who has been missing ten days, was found yes terifiipfioating in the bay, with a large scalp Avoi4nd on the head. .He, was prob. Jibably robbed add murdered. He served daring the war as Colonel of an Illinois regiment. —Arrangements are being perfected to rebuild the blind toylum at Jacksonville, Itt, Which, it will be recollected, was destroyed. by fire a few weeks since. ,Thistfill save the necessity of calling the Legislature together, which would cost almost as much as a new edifice. —Thermal' pox is again reported in creating Art New York city. Thirty cases • were sent to the hospital during the past two weeks, as many as twee of which were tikes from one holm. The au thorities.. have arranged to convey sick emigrants directly from, quarantine to hOspitat: ' . • , , dtepatehei Bay Senator Conk- Hon. Ben. Wade and Gen. Boynton - arrived there Friday morning, and left with their families for Promonotory last evening. A. large number of tour ists and pleasurejteekera are qow arriv ing daily, going to the mountains on the Peeled coast. • , - : 4)fficial,acoonnte 'of military opera tions in Southern Arizona are published % During' the past three months forty war 4 riort were killed and a number of - their fel:l2llles ,, are now captives. Itnmense quantities of Indian supplies, Stook, etc., were : captured and destroyed. In re linquishing command of the , troops in South River. General Divan expressed gratification at the Integrity, anew and Pernerance displayed by the officers "'pan men in the recent campaign against E Att Apaches and the results obtained by_ a email force. ...J. - , ' :tisa Kt r ( . 4 r w. 2 =! ME= i4i. PITTSBURGH. STA SEM MTN . VOUlt O'CLOCK,,A. M. The Crisis in Paris—Formidable Demon stration by the People—liirge Number of Arrests—Emperor and Empress A- peer in the Streets In an Open Car riage—General Claseret Eipelled from France—The Mine Accident In Wales Not so Batlike Reported—Monster Pip 4tion Aagalnst the Irish Church Disio tabllshment—Debate on the Alabama Question Deferred The Regency ,Question and the Republicans luSpaln —Arctic Expedition from Germany; (By Telegraph to theinttsburth Gazette.) LONDON, June 11.—The agitation in Paris last night continued until after night. The' troops occupied Montemarte and vicinity, and the cavalry paraded through the streets all night. Shortly after midnight the crowds In one of the streets . of Montemaite district broke through the -line' of police and formed a barricade, but ;they were dispersed and pursued in all direc tions- by the troops. Many windows were broken and other damage done to property in that quarter or the city. MO cavalry chairged on the crowd in the streets several times and many citizens were wounded, but no one killed. The police have been very - active, and it reportetl to-day , they made nearly si hundred arrests since midnight. Further disturbances are apprehended and extraordinary precautions have been taken by the Government to prevent them.- The Patrie andi- other Paris journals give returns showing the election of one hundred and ninety-nine Official and ninety-three Opposition candidates. The editors of the Revert have been arrested on a charge of conspiracy. .FAV.I.S. June 11.-Thee Emperor .a nd ci Empress to-ay'' drove' through ' the Montemarte. The district was tilled with crowds of people, who enthusiastically cheered. • Three members of the editorial staff of the ~ Steele and several of M. Roche fort% Electo ral Committee, have been ar rested. Domiciliary visits have been paid to several houses. There have also been several press seizures. Pants, June 11.—ifidafghl..-Gan:Clu seret has been expelled from France. Greet crowds of people still continue in the streets in 'lontetnartre and other quarters of Faris * and the agitation 'and excitement are unabated. The Emperor and. Empress, however, passed through the streets again this evening in an open *carriage, with only the usual number of attendants. LoNnotir, June ll—At the banquet given on the Great Eastern last eveninu to cele brate the successful landing of the new French xable, among the toasts were Eng land, Ainerlca and France, which Were appropriately responded to by represen tatives of the several nations. The Great Eastern has gone to Port. lauci4 England, for .coali and will leave that port to-morrow for Brest, whence she will soon proceed to lay the cable to the United States. Lceinoiv, June 11.—Telegrams from , Merthyr Tydvil, Wales; report the dis aster in the colliery less serious than was at first , given. Fifty-sit bodies have been recovered, and it is thought - the total number will not exceed seventy- si x. Dispatches from Cork state that rob beries of arms and ammunition aro of daily occurrence t hroug ho t the southern part of Ireland, it is supposed by mem bers of the Fenian organization. Ex traordinary precautions are being taken by the auttorities. LoNtxxv, June 11.—The firm of Livesy and Thorpe has suspended. LONDON, Midnight.—ln the House of Lords, this evening, Lord Bateman asked intention of the Government in respect to the -Irish Church Bill. Earl Carnavon and Lord Cairns opposed the question as unnecessary and inexpedient at the present time.. Earl Granville, Secretary of State for Colonial Depart ments, said -in reference to the outside rumors, that the Government had no in- tention to depart from the respectful oourse that was due the House of COM. MODS. The Duke of Abercorn presented a pe tition of citizens of Belfast and vicinity, containing eighty thousand signatures, against the disestablishment of the Irish Church. In his remarks on the occasion he said this petition emanatedirom the most Important demonstratiop ever held in Ireland. Ho showed the great changes that had taken place in the sentiments of the people since the general election. He believed the people of the north of Ireland were not singular in this par. le itlar. He believed the change was going on rapidly and, certainly throughout the whole country, on account of the injus tice and partiality of the bill. In the House of Commons this evening the pTocaedings were mainly unimpcm taint; ;:The debate on the -Alabama goes tion was postponed till 10th ofluly. The Bermuda floating dock, with a a large convoy, including the Black Prince, Is'prepartnit t tealll4r Bermudi. I MADau), JttnesU In the,„ Cortes last evening, the budget for the coming year was discussed. Tignerola, Minister of Finance, stated in mply to a, question that 'a reduction . in the estimate was im: pmsible. M.tpcin, June 11.—Duke de Montpen. Bier writes to the Cones thetas a Spanish citizen and soldier he acknowledges and respects the' haw' Oonstitittion voted by, that bodY, The Cartes is aistinesing' the propos!: tion fora 1 egeno. The RepubliCatii have offered, man,y amendments, litnit 2 + inglho powrs of the Regent. - • • A, conference of the Republican par :y Was held , at Cordovat,o.day. The attend. mice was immense, and - thrgratteat en• omelet= was manifested. Glen. Gen. De Nodal has exiled for Cuba. Saitirrt, , Jane 11.—The 'German ex pedition 'for t Artie explorstlank whieht has been preparing for some time past at Brenien, to now ready to asiVandvill [leave on the 18th inst. - • Bitinatt, Jane 11.— TM E l edorsl 001111 , 7r 7 4 ti :~.:, : `~ NEWS BY ;ABLE. YUAN uE GREAT BRITAIN. SPAIN. 'GERMANY. • 6. TAB : ar-i7s; A 0 - - 1 ••• ,Y. JUNE 12. 18019. ell ha decided that the complaints refer red t by the North German Parliament respe tlngtlfonstitution o burg re incompatible with national N tion ec4 al l .p le t n o- - gress . AUSTRIA. ' NIT: NA, June 11.—a decree bas been publiOed forbidding the civil authori ties to enforce ecclesiastical sentence3B without the voluntary consent of tha party concerned. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. _ LONDON, 'June 11L—Evenin#:—Consols for trioY, 92%; account, 9234. Five- Twent fl bonds at London 80; at Frank: f for ra l, t fit4 93 4(P36%. Enid, 18%. Illinois Con.. t%. 1 . LIVERPOOL, June; 11.—Cotton quiet; middl ng uplands 113 id., and Orleans 12d.; sales of 10,000 . bales. California white wheat 98 6d.; red western Bs. sd. - Western Flour 21s. 6d. Corn 275. 6d. for new and 28s. 6d. for old. Oats Ss.-4d. ®sd. Peas 868. - Pork 998. Beef 90s. Lard 71s. 6d. Cheese 798. Bacon '628. Refined Petroleum U. TM. LONDON, June 11.—Tallow 435. 9d. and steady. Refined Petroleum is. qyid. Petrolcum at Antwerp 47%f.:' FaAtorvortr, June /I—EVeni7/9.—U. B. bondB blotted flat at 85%. Paws, Junell—Evening.—Bourse dull; Rentes 70f. 80c. HAVRE, June 11.— Evening.—Cotton closes dull; trey ordinaire on spot 144)4f. laiisuPoot, June 11.—Cotton; sales for the week 78.000 bales, including 12,000 for export and 10,000 to speculators; stock t 35,000 bales; •American 248,000 bales; amount allbat 586,000 bales, includ- Ink 80.000 American. . Tee as Republican Convention. C Hf Teieffrao to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] GAl.,vssron, June 11.—TheRepublican State Convention met at Houston Mon day and adjourned till" Tuesday, when J. G. Tracy was chosen President, Res olutions were adopted approving the course of General Reynolds in bringing th Jefferson prisoners to trial. E. J. D vis was nominated by acclamation fur G vernor. J. W. Flanigan was nomina -1 for Lieutenant Governor; Frank Car te for Comptroller of the Treasury, and i . Kenchier, of. Bear county, for Com fastener of the Land Office. Mr. tebelder made a speech 'condemning t e ccurse of A. J. iltunilton. arid lating repu g the nominations made •by the ntletnen who met at the Hutch in 'a House. In , the platform . the min principlet of "'the - Republi cae party ~. are endorsed. The a option of the Constitution is recom m nded. A resolution reconsidering the en ranchisement of the whites was ob j ted to by Mr. Butler; but was finally. aopted. On Wednesday the Conveu ti n notnifiatod Mr. Haney for State T aeuror, but he declined, and Mr. P ice ' of Austin, was nominated. A S to Central Committee was appointed, alSo a Committee u( One from each Judi -lal district to collect funds to carry on t cairmss. The Cenventiou then ad journed siiis die. _ —...------- 1 0 News from Cuba. C By TolcsrAnat to Um I'lLtaborg4-dantie,) HAVANA, June 12.—Thereports that an itedition of fillibustera had landed at d adores near Santiago,' and another exbeditlon.wits on the south side of the Island waiting to land, ere unconfirmed. The rumor aft, the war steamer Leulsa .top Ell sunk two vessels bringing fillibus teris to all the revolutionists is also tin. confirmed. .The journals and private lat.', tors annOunced that many of the instil.. go its are, surrendering to Valrnaseds. Aairs remain tranquil in the viClaity of yam° and Manzanillo. ugar market firm. with,large lanai, ne at unchanged prices. i 3,3 • C Y AND SUBURBAN. A Series or Surgiaries. Wednesday night last a series of bur glaries Were perpetrated In the Sixth ward, under circumstances which would indicate that a professional had been at work in that locality. The house of Mr..Mawhinny, on Boyd's Hill, was Nis.' Hod bye burglar, who effected an en trance through a skylight, and after rum maging etnumber oc drawers, left with our gettlatt any thing of value. On the same night the house of Mrs. Gil lespie, on Gibbon street, was entered through a back window, and the thief went to the room occupied by Mrs. G, and her daughter, in which there was a liget burning. The ladles, who were the only occupants of the house, cried for help, whereupon the fellow .- put out the light and fled without receiving any booty.• The same. Alight the house of Luke Loomis was entered by a burglar, who rummaged the drawora. and receiv ed for his trouble the sum of twoticillara. Petrol Cum Itemn. The Titusville Herald announces that a new forty barrel well was struck on the Lyle fiririXeiiiihel;ritional wells, a day or two ago• A new well was struck of Wednesday on the .13aney farm, Cherrytrao run. The land and working interest is' owned by' Ilaum Bros. The well has not been pumped a sufficient langth of time to de termine what it - will productybut it will undoubtedly be &paying institution. - The ProdUction of, West Virginia has been ,decreaslag. on, account of several wells failing. The well at Volcano, or Whitil'Oak, which was drilled to a depth of eight hundred feet-ln April loot, and whleb.= flowed odirhundred barrels of light oir- for a time, is now yielding only twenty ilve,barrels a day. A Word to:Purehasers. All' the latest styles' in dress goods, 'lace Pede, trimmings,' dre.t may be found at W. W. Moortead's, No. 81 Mar list street. Mr. MOOrhead's etizszdc doei mot centiist of old r , obsolete patterns and inferior qualities of goods, but is fresh, attractive and-of the best manufacturm, Ever,ytbing sold at, the establishment is warranted, as represented; and cannot, tail to glvd satisfaction, both in Material sndto ever v reasOnable purchaser. Additions are being made to the'aesart. meat daily,. as it is the aim' et 'the pro: twister ro keep abreast of the fashions .. every el s e .; ` ur readere, especially tbe ladies, who delight in bargameilthouid net forget NNo. .8t Market street lts., tributing their petrel:mg% Nk?ttl Dt ater IPrivite.r " es in , alitgheny. We give place to the following commu nication, believing it right to make such complaintspublic, when the usual pri vate importunity proves ineffectual. We know netting of the facts, and can an swer only , one of the, queries, the ques tiorOiwhOer the= money expended for branch pipes should have been emended in: buying 1 up the Water Committee?" We ansvrer that it should not, and that we believe the members of that Commit tee are incapable of the crime implied by the question. We may add that the au thor of • the article is a responsible and highly respectable citizen, every way en titled t&be heard: 41 ..Ennorts GAsErria : Can you inform me of ' the inecessary means or ways of having the water pipes laid on ouretreet, (Beech street, Allegheny.) Two years ago I built s house on this street, and on , application ter the proper authorities (by petition)• fOr water privileges, was in formed that there were no: sufficient houses on the street to warrant the out lay. I then had the water pipes on Grant Avenue tapped, and a bran* ' brought to My_ building, at an expense of between one and two hundred dollars. One. year ago We had ten bouses on the street and sent in another petition for the water privilege. and were again refused. Since that time we have other buildings on our street, and I have been inforfned the reason 'why the water pipes are nut put down is that, a large property owner on the street refuses to buy city bonds,. certainly a very excellent reason why the other property owners should be de prived of their privileges. As the Wises on the street are all fl no and rather elegartt buildings, the owners (who oc cupy the buildings,) have been compelled to bring branch pipes to their houses at their own expense. The city authorities though neglecting. our wants, have not forgotten to tax me this year $22 75 for water rent, and I think $26 last year. Now, please tell me, should we have spent the money we paid for bringing the water branches to our houses in buy ing up the Water Cointnittee, or donating it in some way other than a bribe? Other streets with but one and two houses on them have the waterprivilege; then, why not ours? BEEMI Orme. Housn.—Two more entertain ments oloie the season at the Opera House'' The engagement of - Matlitt and Bartbolomaw's ' Comid* ' Pantomime Troupe for the past two weeks has been most suceeesful so far, and as ('Robin eon Crusoel' will be presented both at the matinee tit 'afternoon and' the closing entertainm nt tonight, full houses may be aotielpaied.. Pirratulag TREATRE,—The Feason at the g.old Drury"'eloses tonight. A spe cial bill will be . presented at the matinee this afternoon and evening full of. fun and 'amusement. A: Lamm*• or Mustci—Miss Jean Hos mer, the . celebrated 'and accomplished tragedienne, supportdd by an excellent troupe, will appear at the Academy of Music as '.Lucretia Borgia," this even ing. . Gnai'D !CONCEBT.—Lovers of good music should remember that on Mtmday evening a grand vocal and instrumental retort under the - direction of Prof. C. Te edonx will be given at alasonie in which Berne ofrthe best artists of the city, will participate. - Ui -VemaleiColloge Commencement. The commencement exercises of the Mttsbrirgli• Female College will mn , ironic° on Thursday morning next, with ; - the extant nation of the senior cll -s. Ou Thursday evening the Music Contest - will take place'for the gold and silver medals, known as the Thomas McKee and C. C. Mellor endowment prizes. It is useless for us to say that the previous contests for the sante-marks of honor have been conspicuous for their brilliancy, and merited the applause of all who have at tended. The marked proficiency in mu sical matters of the present scholars is a guarantee that the same rich feast Of mu sical. entertainment is in store for those who attend. The - Exercises will continue for one week from Thursday. Cards of invitation to the Musical Contest, for greater conveniencek have been placed for sale at the various book and music stores of the city. We anticipate a Very large attendance. , There is; perhaps, no business in this city whicW has so rapidly increased with _ , in the paist; few years as the tobacco and segar business. . The quantity of tobacco consumedinnually eines' the War is more ... then double that of former years, notwith standing the increased Cost ofthe luxury. If any of our reddens hAve a desire to see foihthemseives and have an opportunity of ibrming dame idea of the extent of the business; they, have but to visit the estab lishment of John Megraw, No. :45 Hand street, whose stook of tobacco and gagers, including all the flues; brands ot bpth t) articles. ip one of the largest in he city. i Ere has else on hand a full stock f pipes, tunes and other articles usually uhd in a ftrAt class totitiCati . More. * Try' his* tine A petition, , untunmensly signed by cit: hens **ding on WYlle street, his been • presented to the isibt,yOr, asking him to take some means to prevent:the fist and , reckless driving which is indulged in on that thoroughfare, to, the great., danger , land inconreniertoe of citizens and pedes trians posting"'along the street. The sereet cars'are particularly complained of. We learn that the officers stationed. on that street haie been instructed in regard to matter, and (fiber° is any more complaint they. Will be held re sponsible. Past drivers should be . care ful in , figure, as the officers Will not • t i Nnw.titeX, esportalbility of letting . them • . Tab It i til4arince Question --teme —"r"d A itteas.=-The 4 , Acoutnulating roller et S'T.lemoperative Ufa , Insur ce Conipany,'of Western Pennsylvania 'positively . the &treat; (safest; cheapest dud best System yet devised.- All who Wish.to understimi the reasons tbr theft facts are invited to call at the Comfoanlttlk office,l2B Smithfield street. „ . MIMI 0,,4 ..,. 1 .. r .-•,..__ I. tZ , c.. 4 :,..-. i , 1.?;• , . ,,. .;, I ' ' • ' '),• ,), •••• ~ i• , ^", . .".. - :I .: ' '' , .t..", , • • • 5, Iti„ I.' - . • /,', -` rl . ' ~, ' .., 11 ~.. * .r .t t \ ." a , , `hi t 2. ... ' \ ' . 1 y . Asionenents iobacco and , ;Fast, t ZEE N 1111113 E- 13 Emigration of Should' the dispute between the factory hands at Preston and their employers not terminate shortly, says a Liverpool paper of the 30th tilt., there 3s every probability of a large exodns of opera tives from the Mersey.. There is a gen eral belief in Liverpool that there are several active American agents at work in that country, and especially in Lan cashire. During the late strikes In the cotton districts a large lumber of the Most experienced operatives bad their passage free to New York, and thence to , Lowell. _The same work is now going on in connection with Preston—that;.is, not a steamer leavee the Mersey now but what carries out a number of factory hands. Although there exists no saike of importance in 'the Black Country at present, yet the number of comfortable and well-to-do looking men and women which heave Liverpool almost daily for New York, en. route to the iron works at Fittebttagh, is suggestive of some agency at work. An Oar. If the t'ity of Allegheny will lease for tea years so much of her streets as ap pears for some time past to be given np wholly to. pi Ivate uses, anel guarantee ex clusive and uninterrupted possession of the MO for ten years, (about the 'tithe some of them hers been denied to the public use,) I will pay for the same fifty thousand dollars in installments on' ren tal of live thousand dollars per annum. Samples of the monopoly referred to may be swain Anderson, Robinson, Lacook, Sandusky, Water. (west. of, Filideral t y Beaver and other streets and alleys. A like sum, or larger, is offered for like privileges in the City of Pitt burgh, with ample security for s therent. Pitorusint. "Any Ornaments for You r Mantle pleoe. , Our rendershave, many of tbeat, &MlA less, heard the song with the ahoy!), litte, and some of them may have heard and seen the ornament vender, whoni-7 • , Anv ornaments for your mantle-ylees. 'Wash's daDy cry. , * and if they should see or hear t he again, they will confer a favor on Mrs. Jones, who resides on Duquesne Way, near Hay street,. as some vilLaia, nwith intent to steal, take and carry away r r en tered her domicil yesterday afternoon and abstracted therefrom every orna ment that graced her mange-piece, and It might be possible that the groinannlnt man" VMS the thief. Vi edding Rings in Engi4nd. Although a ring is absolutely neces sary in a Church of England nrarriase, it may be of any metal, and of any. size. Some years since a ring of, brass was used at Worcester at a wedding before the registrar, who was threatened with proceeding or not compelling avoid one to be employed. A story Is told of , the wedding of two paupers, who came to the church and requested to be married with the church key, as the parochial au thorities had not furnished them with a. ring. The clerk, feeling some delicacy about using the key, fetched an old cur tain ring fronahis -own house, and with that article thimarriage was, celebrated. The church key was !used in, lieu of a Wedding ring at a church - wear Colches ter early in the present century; and that wasonot a solitary instance within Abe past one hundred years in this country. The'Duke of Hamilton was married at May- Fair with a bed-curtain ring. "Notes and Queries" for October, 1860, relates that a. ring of leathery cut trans versely from a finger of the bridegroom's glove, was used as a substitute for the wedding ring on one occasion. A clergy -man unjustifiably stopped a wedding in 'lndia because the bridegroom offered a diamond ring instead of one generally in use. In Ireland the use of 3 gold ring is superstitiously required. —ln the National Typographical Con vention, at :Albany, Thursday aught, resolutions- were introduced, debated and referred, asking Congress to pais a postal telegraph - hill in order to prevent theAssociated,Press from virtuallypre venting any more newspaperi being pub lished. A series of resolutions were offered that eniployers ehould not make religious or political views a - test of em plciyment, and denouncing the'actlon of the Congressional printer forgiviing em ployment to L. IL Douglass,' '(colored,) a "mt.!' A proposition to divide the question was agreed to, when the Con vention adjourned without action. —The remains of Lieut. P. J. Teitrell, an officer in the Fenian organization were refused the burial rites of the Ro man Catholics, at Louisville, becausethe Fenian Brotherhood appeared in- the Church in regalia. The body was taken from the Church , and iollovied to the Cemetery by a large concourse of The action of the Priest "has caused a profound sensation. Adctltional'Mnrketa by TeleCrao,h• - . , NEW Onr.naws; - JUDO 1/."—Cotton; receipts to :day have amounted to 487 bales; for the week, 2,251 bales; ex ports to-day, 2,778 bales; for the: week to Great Britain, 7,382 bales; to Continent, 3,697 bales; Coastwise. 2,073 Wear, Stook on hand, 40,784 bales; sales to-day, of 850 bales; for week, 1,100 bales; market fi rm, !middlings at 2.9. Gold 122 X. Exchange 'Sterling 51%,/ , •New York Sight' par. . Flour firm; surafirii,l3,oo; double ex ' tra, 58,26 ; treb e extra, $43,50. Corr; easier , at 11,05®1,10 Oats 741575; Bran 11,20.; Hay 828. Fork, asking ;33,75r no: sales. Bacon easier; shoulders; 14%; blear rib, 78; cleat sides. 18%. Lard;- tierce: 19; keg, 20. Sugar nominal; commcm, 9 34% lox; prime, 183‘©133f. Molasses'', fer menting, 45@)55. Whisky dulk western rectified, 871592. CoffeefiriNfair, 14%@, (InicrAae, June 11.--Grain Market afternoon was quiet; No. 2 whestt ;orciaLnit at ;1,09,02;41,09X seller for Jlann,", No. 2.: Corn at 573tseller. for the moLth:'';Oatn. inacove. - "Ifrthe evening markets dull;qtiotatiOns little better Allen:nom. ProvisiOns inactive. SAN 'FRANCISCO, 11.—Flour steady at $4.60@6,60. • Wheat is fair de. mend at $1,65 for choite. =Legal Tandem 783 i. • Arrived: ,laiszle Bov. ere ige of the Seas, from New Neemnrume, Jane . 'IL—Qotton..Vgete ,enipling 280 i good Orditity(SOO 1:11 ~~-<~: ~,