The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 11, 1869, Image 8

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mltsGma:irma is furnished is the city
six days of the week for 15 cents - per
; by mail, $8 per . annum: 3 mos., $2.
We call the attention of our readers to
n advertisement of a “Lost Cow," in's paper.
The attention of mould makers for
it 'glassware is called to an advertise
ment headed "Wanted," in to-day's
The Pittsburgh Baptist AEboclation.
The animal meeting of this body will b,
held in: the Salem Baptist Church, Ju
12th, at half past ten A. at., and contin e
three days.
- Wanted.—Situation by a young in
ss Bookkeeper or assistant Bookkeepe ,
good penman and several years expe *.
enee in store and bank, can give gob
reference. Address box "A,'-' GAZET
office, or call at GAZETTE Counting Roo
Coroner's Inquebt.—Coroner Clawson
held an inquest on the body of Miss
Jennie Shannon who was found dead in
her bed Wednesday evening, an account
of which we publiiihed yesterday. The
jury found that she died of heart dis
ease. 4
Burst of a Vt ater Plpe.—The water
pipe on RobertS street burst about one
o'clock yesterday • morning and flooded
the neighborhood. The Street Commis
aloner learned of the' accident and
promptly shut the water off before any
serious damage had been done.
- Slight Fire in Allegheny.—Last even
ing about five o'clock the roof of a frame
kitchen attached to Wm. licKain's hotel,
on Rebecca street, Allegheny, caught fire
from a defective flue. The fire depart
ment was called out and the fire'extin
guished before much damage Mid 'been
done. The loss will hardly reach fifty
iLarceny.—Archy Lawson was arrested
last evening by officer Isaac Jones on a
charge bf•larceny, preferred by Mr. Can
non, of the firm of Cannon &Mulholland,
aloe dealers, at Wood street and Fifth
avenue. It is alleged that Araby, while
ruder the influence of liqUoi, last even
ing, stole from the above shoe store a
pair of gaiters of the.value of 0,75. He
was Ricked up for a bearing.
Another.—The lockup for the past few
days has partaken considerably of the
nature of an insane asylum, as there
has for two weeks been daily at least
one Mean() patient locked up there. Yes
terday Michael Kelly, formerly an In
mate of the City Perm' asylum, from
Which he escaped recently, was arrested
andlocked up. He will probably be re
moved to his former quarters today.
Body Recovered.—The nay Holsinger,
who was drowned at Shousetown on the
28th of May, was found. in some drift on
the snore of the Ohio river, at or near a
little town called Eldottaville, about
fortY-ftve miles below that point: It is
supposed that he was caught fast in the
drift and floated along with it. The re.
mains were brought home yesterday by
his father for interment.
One nay Lenger.--The Strawberry and
Lee Cream Festival at the First. Methodist
Church, Fifth avenue, for the benefit of
the Sunday School, will last one day
longer. This afternoon aturevening will
bring it to a close. It has so far been a
complete success flnancially,and a source
of instructive enjoyment to the many
persons who have attended. All who
desire to spend . a pleasant afternoon and
evening should improve this opportunity
by going to the festival.
Railway Earnings.—The following is a
statement of the approximate earnings
of the P.. Ft. W. £ C. R. R. Company
during the month of." May tat.. as com
pared with the aameperlod of the year
ssea. I isss. Myer ILB.
Ma a . Matter ..
Rent of R 1...
.111seellan , 6
721$ 615,599 7211 40.685 0
473,710. M.' ris.6l3 00 :50,096 13
80 1
:;91,400 38 . 231,069 02
10, 4 257 00 )0,Z7 00
7.825 00 7423 00
7,083'33 ' 7,063 33
1.000 751 47
Earnings tram 1 1 •
Jana to letay 111.18,N6,774 v613,1'04,531 32 161.537
tease Yrom /1563--Alliscellaneous,-'
A Good Cakomer.
The city "boarding house," or rather
"lodging- house," is not as a 'general
thing patronized by a paying class of
customers, but occasionally a fellow is
picked up by the "runners" for the es
tablishment - who is able to pay his bills.
Janice Gartslaaw was provided • with
lodgings there last night, and, Judging
- frona.the amount of ca,.-11 on hand; it is
fairto presume that he :will prove one or
the lattle class of customers. He had in
his possession checks payable to himself
to the amount of two hundred dollars,
ninety-nine dollars and forty centli in
currency, ten dollars in gold and a
few articles of jewelry. He was arrested
for drunkenness.
Lay Delegation.
On Wednesday the vote on the clues
. tkon of Lay Delegation was taken In the
Methodist Cnnrch, Birmingham, Rev. J.
41 High, pastor. There were 126 votes
cast,,resulting in 63 for and 63 against:
A. vote was 'also taken .yesterday in the
Beaver street M , E. Church, Allegheny,
Rev..J. M. Can, pastor. In this chnrch
there are 365 members eligible to a vote.
.The whole number of votes cast was 74,
35 being for and Ss against.
• The New York Afethodiat, of this week,
Pots up the returns from twenty churcht,
as . showing an, aggregate votiof 1,522 In
favor of the 'measure, and 167 against.
Thus far the ;vote has bea u h irffel ,..
favor of the; proposed change. •
L Amusement&
0 2 , Enk • Housg.—"itobinson Orusoe"
was repeated at the Opera House last
evening to a large and fashionable andi.
, etice. 'The piece is of it .highly amusing
sl entertaining character. Mr. filatlitt
takes a benefit this even ing , when he
will appear as "Friday , " ; in "Robinson
dims at the "Old Drury" are numerous
and of a very 'entertaining character.
The attendatme is as great as ever.
GRAND. CONOBET.—A. grand vocal and
Instrumental concert, under the direr.
tion of Prof. O. Tetedonic, will be given
at Masonic Hall, Mon ay evening, the
inst., for the.- benefit of the Ladies
Homeepathio Charitable Association, in,
which some of the best musical talent of
the city will participate. _
-.Gardner dtHenyon'sManageri are draw-.
dug , the multitude in the 011 Regions.
turning away thousands at every plane
where. they perform._The world•ohal.
legemg rider and hisparty will be in
.Aklachany on the 17th Lust.
.-Y ~,
. --
- • ! !:,: , .!'rj -..-.1,1tt i.i.•.•.•.•.',.....i-...1?:,,....1..•
Regular Seml-montnly Meeting —Re
ports of Commlttees--Controller's Re
A regular meeting of the Councils of
Allegheny City was held Thursday even
ing, June 10th; 1869, at half past seven
Select Connell.
Members present: ' Messrs. Callery,
English, Faulkner, Gwinner, J. C. Pat
terson, A. Patterson, Reed, Riddle, Rei
ter, Wettach and President Mader.
The minutes of the preceeding meet
ing were read and approved.
Mr. J. C. Patterson' presented the elec
tion returns for a member of Select
Council, from the Fourth ward, vice
John A. Myler, resigned, which showed
that Mr. Gilmore was duly elected, and,
on motion of Mr. Patterson, the member
elect was duly sworn and took his seat.
Mr. A; Patterson presented a petition
asking that the width of Hopkins street
be changed. Referred to the Street Com
Mr. Riddle presented a communica
tion from the City Treasurer, asking to
be relieved from the collection of street
assessments. Referred to the Street
Committee in conjunction with the Street
Mr. English, a communication from
the Park Commissioner, asking for the
change of the location of Ohio street, on
East Comecorisso as to conform with the
plan of improvements. Accompanying
the communication was a resolution au
thorizing the change.
The communication was received and
the resolution adopted.
Mr. Riddle presented a remonstrance
from the citize.ns on Gallaher street, pro
testing against the •change of the width
of that street. Referred to the Street
Committee. .
Mr. Wettaqh, Chairman of the Com
mittee on Water, presented the follow
ing report : •
GENTLEMEN—YOW Commit tee on.
Water respectfully report that they have
examined the localities referred to in the
various petitions for a supply of water,
and recommend the laying of pipes as
follows :-
On Manhattan street from Hamilton
street to Washington avenue, six inch
pipe; distance, 1,036 feet; estimated cost,
81,813. On Concord street, four inch
pipe; distance, 200 feet; estimated cost,
8350. On Carpenter's alley from %Pine
street to the line of Shoenborger's prop
.erty, four inch pipe; distance, 500 feet;
estimated cost, 8750. On Sedgwick street
bet Ween Juniata and Franklin streets,
six inch pipe: distance,344 feet; esti
mated cost, 8602. On Sedgwick street,
400 feet north of Washington avenue,
four inch pipe, estimated cost, 8600.
On Ohio street' from Church alley to
Water Works, six inch pipe; distance,
1,600 feet; estimated cost, 82,800. On
Chartiers street from Adams to Brady
street; distance, 975 feet; estimated cost,
81,706,25. Total distance, 5,055 feet; total
cost, $8,621.25.
[ln relation to the above a resolution
accompanied the report directing the
Superintendent of. Water Works to lay
the pipes as stated.) -
Your Committee also offers the follow
ing resolution, which explains Itself:
Resolved, That the Controller be and
he is hereby authorized to certify,a war
rant in favor of A. Weiman to the
amount of twenty-five dollars, the same
being a reduction of his water assess
ments of 1867 paid by him under protest.
The attention of your Committee was
directed by the City Assessor to the fact
that a number of manufactories and pri
vate dwellings do not use hydrant water,
and the claim is therefore urged by the
owners thereof that they are not subject
to water assessments. In view of the
fact that the city has put ddwn pipes at
considerable expense for their accommo
dation, your Committee believe that all
such should be made pay something for
the protection the water gives their prop
erty, and accordingly report the follow
ing resolution: -
Resoived, That the City 'Assessor be,
and he is hereby anti:Liaised and instruct
ed:to assess all owners of manUfactories
God private dwellings five mills on their
valuation for water purposes. Provided,
That water pipes have been laid on streets
and alleys running alongside of said
dwellings, manufactories, &c.
• The repart was received and the first
two resolutions'adooted,
Mr. English moved to amend the third
resolution, which refers to the water tax,
by adding , 'gall persona who do not pay
Water tax.
9,639 643
Mr. Patterson , Moved to refer the mat
ter back to the Committee,in conjunction
with the City Solicitor: Adopted.
Mr. J. C. Patterson, Chairman of the
Street Committee, presented the follow
ing report:
GENTLEMEN: In the matter Of the
sewer on Western avenue. your 4Com
mittee on Streets recommend that it be
laid over for the present; also recom
mend the laying over df the ordinance
relating to sewer on Anderson street and
Stoddard alley; also the petition for grad
ing ,Quarry street. The petition for
change of grade on Juniata street is de
ferred forluture consideration. In rela
tion to the resolution providing for a
more equitable assessment of corner lots,
for' sewer purposes. Your Committee,
submit herewith an ordinance.covering
the points referred to them. Ordinances
authorizing the grading and paving of
Race alley from Isabella street to'Rose
alley, and for a lateral sewer on Heiron's
alley from Montgoniery avenue to north
line of Denny property, accompany the
report. -
The report was received.
The plan for the Sewer on gerron alley
and the ordinance for the construction
of the name were preiented and passed
tit:HWY. ,f
An ordinance for,the Ipav,ing4f Race
alley was pared finally
' An ordinance relative to sewer 111351333.
ments was also prtsepted and referred
back' to the Committee;
The report of the viewers for the open
ing of Perry street was presented and
Mr. Riddle, from the 'Finance Commit
tee, reported in the matter of , the -atone
culvert ow Spring Garden avenue; that it
was inexpedient to build the, , m .fro
Sae m
the funds in the City Treasury at present,
as Pro. Pulled by the resolution referred to
them tor consideration. The Committee
'recommend as the proper course the im
mediate building of the' main sewer' on
Spring Garden avenue, in accordance
with the sewerage law.
The report was received.
Kr. Hall presented the monthly report
of the Controller; Wm. yf, Porter,
of which the follawlng is a
~ . •i ' szosprrisLeinoar.
vire engliee ..... .. .. . t .. .. .. .. .... .. . .. ..$1,:r1161
Whsrres and Landings .................. ..I,S 0
Survey, -
• 573 97
0091Ingent Fund 453
.Water-work 9 ................ . . .... . . . ........ 3 115 ,111 49
tisa 23 13
_ - .. .•. • .. 500 6 4 -
TM City a
°Mni tar May ' 17•
675 88
•• • Pollee ••• 6 . , 2,110 5 , 1
rireatir WO et
'Teta; eirprims for May • 14 , . 448 u
MAS l rppgzt wU reoeived
(1.1;i1 a • • • . • •
troller Ordered to Cattily Ms war:anti for
the amounts.
Mr. Wettaeli; 'a resolution authorizing
the postponment of the contract for pav
ing Market, Garden and Makt streets.
Referred to the Street Committee.
Mr. A. Patterson presented- a resolu
tion relative to the paving of Vine alley.
Referred to the Street Committee.
Also, a resolution inquiring what ac
tion had been taken relative to the open
ing of Page street, Referred to the
Street Committee.
Mr. Reiter, ,a resolution asking for
water pipe on Bellmont street. Referred
to the Water Committee.
An ordinance for grading t-arah street,
presented May 20th, was taken up, and,
on motion of Mr. J. C. Patterson, was
passed finally.
Mr. Riddle called up the report of the
Committee on City Property presented
May 20th, '69. He said that the matter
of the improvements in the city building
and of the Second Ward square, had
been on hands for a long time and he
thopght it should be disposed of.
On motion it was laid over until the
ne4t meeting.
The ordinance providing for the ap
pointment of a Sewer Inspector was, on
motion of Mr. Riddle, laid on 'the table.
An 'ordinance relative to the charge
of contract for grading Gallaher street
was laid over.
Oinanon relative to the grading of
Rid e avenue was laid on the table.
In the absence of President Black, Mr.
Warner, of the Sixth ward, was called to
the chair.
Members present: Messrs. Comley,
Gillila id, Grenet, Hanna. Hastings,
Krebbs, Kopp, Long, Megraw, McNeill,
Ober, Porter, Heineman, i Seidle, Tate,
Thompson, Voegtly and Warner.
The minutes were read and approved.
Mr. Relneman, a petition for the repeal
of the ordinance for grading and paving
Gardiner, Main and Market streets, in
the Seventh ward.
- Referred toThe Committee on Streets.
Mr. Thompson, a petition for the grad•
ing and paving of Murdock alley: Re
ferred to Committee on Streets.
Mr. Gilliland, petition for grading and
paving of W ard's alley, also petition for
paving of Page street as far as the water•
pipe Is laid on the street. Both papers
were referred to Committee on Streets
and Sewers. .
Mr. Comley, remonstrance from -citi
zens on Quarry street, against grad
ing and paving of same. Referred
to Committee on Streets and Sewers.
Also, a petition for the privilege of tap
ping main water pipe on Ohio street.
Referred to Committee on Water.
Mr. McNeill, a petition accompanied
by'the appropriate resolution for the re
moval of a gas lamp from the center of
Rose alley to the corner of Rose and Race
alleys. _ I
Mr. McNeill moved to accept the reso l
lotion. •
A di! ie vhc the
discussion ensued when yeas
and nays were called upon this motion,
which was decided in the negative by a
vote of 8 yeas to 9 nays. •
The petition and resolution, therefore.
were referred to the Committee on Gas.
nzahmeriox F. MEMBER.
Mr. Tate present the resignation of
Mr:John Kirkpatric ass
.member from
the Second ward. The gentleman in his
communication stated he had removed
from the city, and was therefore Well.
gible to hold his position in Council.
Mr. Hanna moved the acceptance 'of
the resignation. Carried.
Mr. Tate moved that the Mayor be in
structed to issue his proclamation for a
special election for a member to fill the
vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr.
Kirkpatrick. Carried.
Mr. Long offered a resolution request
ing the Committee on Streets to inquire
into and report upon the expediency of
changing the name of Water street to
some name more appropriate to the loca
tionof said street.
Referred to tne Committee on Streets
and Sewers:
Mr. Mbgraw, from thqi Committee on
Fire Engiwes and Hose, presented the
following report: •
GENTLEMEN: Your Committee OwFire
Engines respectfully report -that they
have carefully considered the resolution
relating to the propriety of organizing a
paid fire department in the city, and Have
no hesitation in reporting that as thq
only proper plan.
The advantages or a paid fire depart
ment are so manifest as to require little
if any argument at our hands. The im
munity from blackmailing operations
which this system guarantees, is itself
worth more than the additional cost re
quired to maintain it, while the risks are
less every way. To give your, honorable
bodies some data,your Committee went to
considerable trouble to ascertain the
cost, and herewith report: That provided
the Companies, as at present constituted,
were put on a paid basis; paying salaries
to a sufficient complement of men' for
each apparatus, the entire cost to the
oily would reach twenty-five thousand,
dollars. This is exclusive of wear and
tear. The actual running % expenses• of
the Department, as reported by Chief,
Engineer Crow, for last year foot
up to §13,676.87. The difference in the
cost of partial Paid' System is about
Your Committee offer the following
resolution :
Resolved, That the Committee on Fire
Engines and Hose be, and are hereby
Instructed to report an ordinance pro
viding for the organisation of a Paid Fire
Department, and report_as soon; as prac
The report liras accepted. :< •
Mr. Tate inoved the adopiort, of-the
resolution. ' '
Mr:Hanna said he was not opposed to
a Paieifire DePartment, but.wsuld. have
to oppose it at the present time. The
City already ' b ad a• entikdoneY gtbiardens
in financial Matters to bear, end he
thought it would'' - ,be wise to defer the
matter until some or,these Were relieved.
Mr. Grenet - Mid the CoMmittee had
presented the matter , in this shape to
Councils in order to discover the,feeling
in the case, put thereby rediviinstt e no.
tions. . .
Mr. Long tbonght the proper time to
discuss the matter would be when the
ordinance was reported.
Mr. liana said he understood thsitlbe
adoption of the resolution decided the
question relative to the organization of a
Paid Fire Department.
The Chair explained that it, merely in
structed the Committee to report an or
dinance in reference to the matter.
A vote was then taken when the reso
lution was unanimously adopted.
"taw nes xa.nrot.
• 7
Mr. Tate, from the, Committee on Gas,
presented a report accompanied by the
Resolved, That the Superintendent of
Water, be and he is hereby authorized
to have lamps and locate placed as fol
lows: Corner of Montgomery street and
Benton alley, corner of Centre street
and Green ttiley, corner of Bpring Garden
avenue and Centre street, northeast rem,
ner of Pitt and North alleys, and - nctrtti•
.%) a,I;IffM,-1,
Common Council.
west corner of Lincoln and Allegheny
Report was accepted and resolution
Mr. Hanna, from the Committee on
Markets, reported the following receipts
for the month of May:
Duncan Dallas, Clerk of Markets al.= 60
R. T. Whlt. , Second Ward Scales Mt 92
G. B. McNulty, Diamond Scales 183 46
$1,629 98
the report was read, accepted and filed.
Mr. Cowley, from the Committee on
Ordinances, reported back, with the re. ;
quired amendments, the ordinance rela
tive to oil refineries in the city arid the
ordinance referring to gates and fences
across and along the side of railroad
The resolution requiring buildings or
tanks for the storage or relining of oil to
be placed sixty feet within property line,
was not acted upon, for the reason that
the ordinance relative to oil refineries
covered the ground.
Read, accepted arid ordered to be filed.
The accompanying irdirtance relative
to oil refineriesas read and passed
finally. -
4 /i ,
The ordinance r lative to the erection
of gates by Railroad Companies, was re
ferred back to the Committee to be re
Lxua.r., OPINION.
A written opinion from the City Soli
citor, that the 'city had the right to use
unoccupied railroad property for street
fipled. urposes, was I read and ordered to be
Mr. Megraw from 'the Committee on
Wharves and Landings, reportedia reso
lution favorable to the extension of
Allegheny avenue from its present term
inus to the river, at a cost of $300; t.d
versely in the matter of draining
South avenue for the reason that the
city has no right to use private property
for such a purpose, without the consent
of the owners thereof. The offer of Mr.
Sampson to sell a wharf front; in the
Sixth ward, was referred to the City
Solicitor to ascertain facts and re
Mr. Long objected to that portion of
the report in reference to the drainage or
South avenue, which was referred back
to the Committee. The resolution was
read three times' and pissed. The re
mainder of the report was th6n received.
Mr. Megraw called up the Ordinance
relative to tapping sewers. This. ordi
nance had been adopted in Select Coun
cil, at a previous meeting.
Several amendments were proposed
and adopted. The ordinance as amended
was then read three times and passed
Business from Select Council was taken
The report of the Committee on Poor
authozing the purchase of the
farm, was received. The report at
the last meeting of Council was received
and the resolution adopted in the Com
mon Branch. in the Select Branch ac
tion was nonconcurred
Mr. Hanna moved to recede and con
After animated and spicy discus
sion Mr. Megraw moved to lay the whole
subject on the table, which was carried
by a vote of seven for to live against.
Adjourned. -
Gone East. fur New Goods.
Mr. J. W. Barker, Jr., who has been
on a visit for the last two weeks to the
dry goods establishments of J. W. Bar
ker tt. Co., 59 Market street, and 20 Sixth
(late St. Clair,) left In the afternoon
train (yesterday.) for New York, and
expects to be in the market this morning
about ten o'clock purchasing a fresh
supply of goods for the two houses in
this city. During his visit Mr. Barker
tag made himself acquainted with the
wants and tastes of customers.By
Monday or Tuesday of next week ur
chasers may look out for a fresh su ply
of the most seasonable fabrics and fash
ionable styles. The goods at these es
tablishments are always fresh and sea
sonable, as Mr. Barker resides the
greater:part of his time in the East, "a
matter of great Importance, not to say
necessity, as the still increasing business
Of the two houses here demands . 8 con
tinual supply.
To _the Seamstresses.
, An Act to exempt sewing machines
belonging to iitealmstresses in this .Coin
monwealth from levy and sale on °sem
tion or distress from rent.
Section bit. Be it enacted by the Senate
and House of. Representatives of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Gen
eral Assembly met, and it is hereby en
acted by the authority of the same, that
hereafter all sewing maciiinaii belonging
to seamstresses ,in this Commonwealth
shall be exempt from levy and sale on
execution (Jr distress for rent, in addi
tion to any article or money. now exempt
by law. • ' JOHN CLARK,
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.
t Approved the seventeenth day of April,
'Anno Doming 1869. k
Jso. W. GzAn.Y.
No One Should be Without One.—The
Wegd Sewing Machine is now:one of the
most popular machines before the public.
The agents in this city, Messrs. R. H.
Long & Co., No. 116 Market street, are
selling them en such easy terms that to
One should be without one. The Weed
'is always ready for work, and accorn
3Hakes any kind of sewing in. perfect
Style. Remember that the agency is'at
No. 116 Market street.
1 , Having reeenily purahased 'many in
(voicesof seasonable Dress Goods In the
eastern eftlet,,at a very great reduetion
in prke, we will conunerlee to offer some
rare bargains to-all who favor us with a
Princess Poplins at 12340, ,been selling
this season at 31c. •
Melange ildisturesr.lB 3 / 4 0, been selling
this season 850. I
Talma Clothil-8735, been selling this
season at.o2X°.
Berdan Mixturesi---4500, sold early in
the season at 8734 c.
Persian Stripe*--1123i and . 750, sold the season at O.
Poplin Striped and PlaidaB7.4 and
500, been selling at 050.
Black Alpacas—Some extra good bar
gains (rota 87340 to
Black Repp Silk at V; an extra good,
article. Other grades IoW.
French Lawns—Ciwice styles, 25, 31,
87X to 750.
Hoop Skirts ' Corsets, Rid Gloves,
Silk. Umbrellas , Parasols, low.
White Piques, 310 041. • •
DoniestioGoods—Fnll stock, all grades,
as -cheap as the cheapest. = AU parties - in
want of Dry Goods of any kind will
find, by calling at R. R. Gardner's on
west corner of Market sereet and Fourth
'avenue, No. 69, rare and good bargains
in New Dry Goods, purchased greatly,
under value, and selling at prices of im;; ,
portanoo to buyers.
~~ ~r~
- ~tF'
Coperal Vanilla :tent it *lto Public
meeting of the Central Board of Educe
thiii held on Tuesday, the City Superin-'
terident, in his monthly report, stated
that one of the Principals bad been in
structed by his Local Board not to report
to 'the Superintendent the number of pan
ishments administered in his sub-district
during the month. Thls information oc
casioned some discussion in the Central
Board, and the subject may now be con
sidered an open question, whether or not
corporal punishment should be contin
ued in the schools . ? For the present I
will pass the local question and consider
the subject in its general bearings. -
The first school of which we have any
account was established In the Garden of
Eden,—on the ~K inder- .Garten" plan,
with the Creator as teacher and Adam
and Eve for scholars. In those days,
when the scholars were limited, books
were not published—and there were, of
coarse, no Wilson's Illustrated Readers.
The lessons were afteethe modern style
'of ?'object teaching." The scholars being
pieced in a beautiful and attractive gar
den with no cruel directors to impose
restraints on the Teacher, and to enforce
barbarous treatment of His pupils, He
was left in freedom to adopt merciful
mike and to manage His school in a hu
mine and civilized manner. As the
children were orphans, or had no living
parents, the Master could hive adopted
severe rules without fear of complaint;
but being of tender heart- and rational
mind, He could govern by none but true
anil just principles. He accordingly se
leeted the most beautiful spot on the face
of 'the earth, planted It with noble groves
of shade and fruit trees, redolent with
flowers, musical with birds and babbling
brooks, and animated with flocks and
herds of useful animals.
Adam's first less& was naming the an
imals and living things, and Eve's no
donbt was naming the flowers and beau
tiful objects that surrounded - them.
Their conduct must have been very good
—No. I, for their Xaster was so much
pleased with them that he gave them .a
clear title to the ground, and included all
the . animals and improvements. But
amongst the trees inhe middle of the
garden the Master ha d planted one, dif
fering from all the rest, possessed of ma
gi Cal powers. This tree they were com
manded not to tench, nor taste of the
fruit, or if they did they would surely
die! But how Were they to know the
meaning of the word "die" when
they had no dictionary, and had
never seen a dead person, or any
dead thing? So one day when
Adam was dressing his shrubbery the
Serpent beguiled Eve, and she disobeyed
this Master's commands; and afterwards
pursuaded Adam to _eat the fruit- also.
The Master soon afterwards came along,
and fonnd'Hisscholara hiding from Him,
and suspected that they had disobeyed,
and when He accused them they did not
deny‘or lie about it, but "owned up."
Some masters would have raised a "row,"
and giveh them a terrible welting, or
enforced the "death penalty," but He
didn't do either. But after giving them
some good advice turned them otit—
"expelled" them—and then set them up
in!the dry goods and clothing business.
Their, stock in trade consisted
H of aprons. -
They got along prosperously for a
while, (though they could have had but
few customers,) until from some cause,
not stati3d in the history, they must hare
had 'a terrible quarrel, for between them
flay managed to "raise Cain."
After that they made peace and lived
happy, and in the course of domestic
events Abel came along and joined the
school. Now, it seems that he was a fa
vorite with the Master, and that in those
days they made presents to him. Cain
was in the fruit business, and Abel raised
cattle. It naturally followed that Abel
made his present from his flocks: and
Cain from his choicest fruits. The his
tory further states that Abel's present of
meat was the more acceptable, leaving
us . to Infer that the Master was not a
strict "vegetarian." This partiality shown
for Abel raised the devil'in Cain, and as
soon as they got off by themselves, he
gave Abel a most unmerciful flogging.
The fact stated, is, that he whipped the very
life out of Abel. You see he had no ex
perience, and didn't know when to atop!
Imagination must supply the particulars
of the circumstances.
This is the first instance tf that kind of
punishment on record. li, t the Master
soon came a ft er Cain With a "sharp
stick," and as a reward • for hie wicked
conduct- gage him a "mark," and sent.
him traveling to foreign countries. We
have here the first record of '"marks"
being given for conduct, and the second
instance of "expulsion." • -
From thia history it seems that the
first Great Master used kind treatment,
evento, '
his disobedient scholars, and dis
cOuntenaneed Cain's , ' corporal punish
mfent inflicted on Abel.
Let the teachers of the present day,
acid those especially in ourpublicachoola,
snbstitute some kinder method of gov
ernment than that now n common prac
tice: "Use the sugar plum instead -of
the rod," as
.Beecher says, and it will
not be long until they and r the commit
nity, children included, will be happier
and better satisfied with the "waye'of
the world.". , •
In next article will consider the Mo
saic taw, "eye for an eye, and tooth for a
tooth." -&moot. Dinscrron.
Llngefle Goods—Whereto Buy,
In no departthent of the large and
well stocked dry goods store of Messrs
Bates & 8011, 21 Fifth avenue, wiii ladies
find merchandise or anything tci please
them more thoroughly than in that de
vated to, the sale of - Lingerie goods,em
bracing all kinds of underwear. o this
branch of their trade Messrs.. Bates &
Bell have,ever paid`special attintion, and;
for that reason their house has deservedly
come regarded , • hy the ladies of
Pittsburgh and vicinity as, perhaps, the'
particular house' , for , furbishing - goods.'
They have now'on hand a variety of the
latest and handsomest styles cf , corsets,
skirts, chemises, wrappers, &c., which,
they sell to their patrons on terms which
are Absolutely as low' as can be offered
outside of the Eastern chies. The ladies.
id :attendance in this., department are
prompt, courteous and attentive, , and it
will be .really ,:a pleasure to deal with
them. Our readers we dare say need
scarcely to be told that whenever they
want to make purchases in the dry goods
line, and at the same time desire to get
the afloat goods, they should go to 21
Fifth avenue for them. .
The Germans and the Fourth of July.
Tie learn from a reliable source, that
our Berman fellow-citisens oontemplate
celebrating our Ntitiolllll Annivorsary .
of Independanne Day. ..which .this , ear
occurs on SundayV on that day.:, The
Turners and various , other German As.
seciations are making arrangements for
a grand procession, oration . and ‘,.other
exercises incidentto the occasion. They
have. however. announced their "in-:
tension to omit ,the balls -and, . picnics,
usually indulged in, and hold , them on
the succeeding day. ,
, r anar: Pianos
la n e T v o lt: 111 - 111
l el ; by Charl o tt e s n 4
z e I i t
l e : u K r
12 - 1321 1 1 :b
&Co.'s and Batnes "''" 5
*-4,:e s,
Charkitia Blume, 43 Fifth avenue, hag
adopted the system of Belting plaritms very
low, for strict cash; or Wilkat less than
catalogue prices, take part cash and the
balanee in monthly or quarterly • inatall
ments, with interest on unpaid parts un
til settled. Thus, none need del:dive
their children of at once the greatest ac
complishment, as well as the easiest, the
most profitable, and most genteel means
of providing for their own means of sup
port. Mrs, Blume Sells nothing but first
class pianos from the celebrated, facto
ries of Wm. %nab° & Co., and Plaines'
Brothers; also,' organs and melodeons
made by George A. Prince & Co. Pres
cott Bros., George Cook et-Co., L oring &
Blake. Treat, Linsley & Co., and others.
Persons living at a distance will be fur
nished with an illustrated catalogue with
prices marked from $5O to $2OO less than
agents generally sell for, by sending
their address to Charlotte Blume, 43 Fifth
Economical, Retiab e, the Best.
It is superior to all others in the market.
Free trom any injurious substances, and
so nicely compounded that the contents
Of each box will make light, sweet,
healthy biscuits, rolls, pastry, &c,, with
,pniform successr- Only two teaspoonfuls
to a quart of flour is necessary, while
those of ordinary manufacture require
from one-third to a half more. Ask
your grocer for Dooley's Chemical Yeast
Baking Powder, and take no other. Try
it and be convinced. /MP
stlFresh as a Maiden's Blad' is the
pure peachy • Complexion which follows
the use Hagan's Magnolia Balm. 'lt is :
the True Secret of Beauty. Fashionable
Ladies in Society understand this.
The Magnolia Balm changes the rustic
Country Girl into a City -13elle more rap
idly than any other one thing.
Redness ; Sunburn, Tan, Freckles,
Blotches and all effects of . the. Sumner
Sun disappear when it is used,, and a
genial, cultivated, fresh expression is
obtained which rivals the Bloom of
Youth. Beauty is possible to all who
will invest 75 cents at any respectable
store and insist on getting the Magnolia
USE IVOTHING but Lyon's KatinfirOn to
dress the Hair. . nwrF.
The Man Eon lidghtning Red.—The sub
ject of protecting buildings from destrue
tion by lightning has given rise to much
discussion, and the many failures °then
rods to protect braidings have made peo
ple slow to use them. The great want
has-been a rod to be relied upon; this is
furnished in the Munson Copper Rod.
Newcastle Courant. - •
Manufactured by Lockhart it Co., 214
Penn street, Pittsburgh.
Something Good.—The Wine Crackers,
Toast Biscuit and Vanilla ',Tunable's sold
by Marvin, at No. 92 Liberty street, are
really deliciono. Housekeepers Should
bear this in mind, as it is a well known
fact that Marvin sells the best as well as
the lowest. Everything kept by a first
class battery. Remember,..9l Liberty
street is the place.
• For fashionable hair-dressing, plain or
by curling, and a frizzle, for a lu.xurious
shave or bath, and for skillful cupping
and leeching, call at Williamson's ele
gant saloon at No; 190 Federal street,
Allegheny. , F
For an elegant shop, an, easy chair, a
comfbrtable shave, a perfect hair-dye,
for fashionable hair cutting (of adults or
children) or for skillful leeching, cup.
ping or tooth drawing, call at'Rode's;
corner of Federal and Isabella streets,
Allegheny. P
How True.—What a change would be
produced In every family by the invest;
ment of only thirty.three i centka day for
one of the best Sewing Machines in the
world—it is the "Weed," at the agents
R. H. Long it Co., No. 116 Market street.
T ralt, AKE
r R a. COFFINS of
GLONTH. slid r:•:ery deseriiAloa of Fuze za tAr.
lashing iloods ;mashed. Booms open day tad
Hearse nig Carriages furaished. - -
Rxrratimer.e,Rev.Davie. Kerr. D. 0.,
W. Jacobus, .1 - T.D.:Thomas
Ii Miller,Rao. , .
, .
AVTJk , Allegheny City, where their CiiirYl
BOONS a e constantly supplied with -reel and
IrarAtion Ro• ewoad, Mahogany and „Walnut
Conies, at prices varying from A 4 to LiiOU.. lio •
"(ilea prepared for in ,rment. Hearses and Can
rages iprnifted: also, :11 ends of :Mourning
Gonda, if retpdzed. ce ores at hours, dal
and night. ' ' -
;f t liro nt tgg siends and the
Corner .of Penn aryl Sixth Streets,
' CHAB7Ep.ED IN 11102.-
OPEN...DAILY from9'-to "4 o'Cloa,„ and on
from Ma' Ist to November Ist, from 7 to 9
o'clock, and from November Ist tb May Ist, 6 to
• o' c lock, Interest - pad at. the ratt i f , sla...per
cent., free of tax, and if not witb, wn-com
_pounds semi-annually, . 'January and %Jury.
Books of By_-I.,aws. Ste , furnished
Boull of Managers - Ge0.. 21 - . BenT, President;
iL g. lisrtnian, Jas.. Park, Jr.. Vice Presidents:
B..lll , lfintexi Storetarjr'noot Treastivr, •
A. Bradley: of. f.. Graham. 13:11ell.t
NIMIOIK.,Jonn S. Dilworth,; P. Ratin4..o Tollans
bee, JO , tat Rh odes , JtioScOtt,BobtV.SClttaer la, Christopher Zog. •
• & t , v_Ben. Eaten•ra. .
. .
OPERA, idAßnit
azwazza AND. OPTIMA!. '
,No. 50 easau (late ; St.
caw have tun received nom the Piet the hest
lot 4** 4006 for Btorini tette ever brooaht
to the market. iThe arm Warrant to Mend At
end mete Clothes - cheaper and natter than any
Itratiases house In thls ..IL! new tailicate.
dM iisortment" of ozzeniumps minim
lay 000Da ate at WilitiastOpripits44glda
* 141 ..9itt j6l.
• • 'VV .
ifl l / 2 .aao Bun% Blade gist. 0"