‘5 , 0), - 4 , M,.. • 55;•',.1: 47 • : cc; 31 lal . NEW AtItEIitirISEMENTS. tarl.-ATTENT.IONI SIR ;KNIGHTS PITTSBURGH COMMAND FRY xo, I.—Tb' members of Pittshargh Corn dery No.l will assemb'e at the A sylum,Fifth ay. nee', (Friday) -AFTERwOON, at .4 thek, and hrocoed to the Union Derot to escort me dtabt, Kmthent Grand Commander of the State of Pennsylyania to t .e Asylum -1.6F order of Jett D. W. C. C &URDU.. D. C. itgrvuAzinD VOCAL ~ . AND IIiSTRIJAIWNTAL CONCERT 3 r . • . 1 ON MONDAY. 31:114E 14, - t AT. NIASOXIC - HALL, 1 For the benefit of the LADIES' HOMEOPA'IHIC CHARITABLE Atir.OOIATION, under the di , root' 311 of Prof. C. TETEDUIJX. The following amateur and professional per -1 ftrrmers have kiodly lent their assistance: Mrs. I C. Mellor, Misses McCandless, Rinehart, Porter, i and Messrs. Mellor, Edwards, Zimmerman, Binehurt and othei s. Doors open at 7% o'clock. Concert to com a mence at 8 o'clock. Tickets 50 cents, to be bad / at the Heide Stores and at the don'. . jell:IcS1 I JUST! 'PUBLISHED. Hilliard on the Law of Infractions NEW AND REVISED EDITION .KA'Y & COMPA N Y, jell JOST PUBLISHED. New Work on the Bankrupt Law TRICE, 8730. 65 WOOD STREET. BItIGEITLY'S ANNOTATED BANKRUPT LAW. The Bankrlpt Law of the 'United States, with the rules and forms in Bankruptcy and Notes of Decisions. By Frederick C. Brightly. Price. t $3.00. z BY KAY a COMPANY, 65 Wood Street. MM :kiST or 1. INff IN B' t - , 2.8139: Mato , **rah Ansell Samuel Ana. Win z /ales Adam B . E' l Boon , Joanna F., -.bullets E 0 fi Beebe Mn Barclay Wm Brid e r a ye a cy Bur .„ Be ßr e eet E l3l: l 3 ' Bevan James Oldie John •`- . 0 Capp Macy • ' Clara: John '.'• Coleman Ileo Corp thunline . ' • Cline John L. -.• Cooling John !lavers Oleo ‘• ' Cretans Ju P D • . • Deell Mary I .. , F Fox Abraham 1 Finch Edward ProllPer Fag M artin , . Flander. G 4.111 . • Gitlin Mrs li Grey Lizzlo , • 'Hartman Joins :., Harp 'Victor • , Hog, nn liirni I .'; . ' jell Hamilton N Molten Wm Hu.ns D 0 Hughes elms Herald Mary A Henry Win Hannon Dan Jones Annie Jones Wm Jones Ann Jones John Jettison hlargt Jones Riff Kelly Martin . Kelly Diary 8 'Leach L • 'Leach has LinnartilollleJ Lawrenta Julia ara Leonara Patk Michel Wm I Mulholland May earAh Morgan Jobn ilcDoliell Wan McCoy Ehz A McCabe John McKeever Th Nothing - O'Connor C O'Connor Wm O'Connor Rwd PrILLIP OLIVER' M'CLIITOCK COVill HOE JIM II A FINE SELECT ON OF URUSSE S, TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, TEIN.ZE PLY - ' IN cop IR. x, ME op.,ltLxtyp]m , ris. MEM Tll2 LiitOST AFSORTIRST OF MBE egl WIM,CI:MK &FANCY MATTINGS, FOR BUMMER . WEcegt,, 27113 CITY. • STOCK FULL IN ALL DEPARTMENTS , •-• - ow= Ir=OCK 23 :FIFTI3 AVENUE. AMERICAN BANK. NO. -80 FOURTH AVENUE, PITTSMIRGE, CASH CAPITAL •• • - $200.000 Sto&holders Individuilly Liable. BANK OF DISCOIINIC AND DEPOSIT. JOHN YLOYD WM. FLOYD, President. °sables. Thos. M. 'Rarshall, I Win. T. Shannon, James W. Jtrrott, Chas. B. Letch, John FloTil. This Banitis now fully to do a general banking je10143 I BATES LACE CURTAINS, ZaEtoeTitisaatles LINEN _GOODS, SHAWLS, MOURNING GOODS REMAIN 'OFFICE, June Powell And Petty Jeuoey Pand Theo Rutledge Robt ROBIN' H • . Rogers Ellen Reese Evans Riley Annie Hager& swd Reed Jaa W - Ragan JOhn Rees 13 D Renck Eden Shook LOVE dmith EUL Schick 14uter James iShaler A L 'SchicklFlorace ,srlsy Patk Sharp H Smith W shook JAL' ob elif.es Albert Smith Annie J SweanVolan Tweddell John Thoebniu Ann Tesh P B Woods Susan Ward ightHWeory i Wm. • lliam Alfred Wharton Oliver Williams X A. WERE. MODER A.T jell-Wilt CITY' OF Tairasusza , s Olp ALLEGHENY Notice is hereby given that the kstessora have now placed in the Tre urer , s ogles the Dupll-f cites of City. Poor, City 814111e51, SChOOI,SChOOI I Building and Atlitic Park Taxes, and of Water Bents for the year 1869, and that said taxes will now be received In pursuance of the Acts of As sembly of Peorary Stith, 1860, and of April 14th, 1863, subject to the following regulations and allowances: • • rive per cent. if petit on or before the trot day of July. Your per cent. if paid on or before tb trot day of Anted. Two per cent. if paid on o before the trot day of September. If paid aft the first day of September. and on of before the trot day of October, no deduction will be made. •lf paid after the first day of October, and on o befbre the first day of November, an addition o fiviper cent. shall be added to and payable o• the same. After the first of 'November warrants will ln issued to enforce thf. collection of all texts re maiming unpaid, together with the percentage accrued thereon, and the costs. - D. XACTERSON City Treasurer. STOCKTON HOTEL, AND "tt DIRECTORS; Jan M. Ml:inland, Arcbtbald Wiulace, Jae. D. H. 117. Wm. Floyd. organized and prepared business. 41. & BELL OFFER evcriarEi. DRESS GOODS, GILT CORNICES. &WITT EVERY rla PRICES ALLAGHICIIT, Cr, Jane 8,1669. 1 AXES. 1 nn:i - CAPE MAY, N. J.. Will open os: the Watt of JUNE. MO. This hotel has been erected within the past year. at fords ample accommodation for nearly one thou and guests and Is furnished equal to any of the leading hotels in the United nett s. For terms, &e.. until.then. address. PETER GKEDIiF.B, Proprietor. No. -301 Walnut street, Phil!Alelphts. let IMPORTANT TO MANUFACTURERS AND !LERCH It is a fast that L. E. SUTTON & CO. Cat Stencils at 3 Cents per Letter STEEL STAMPS . AT 20 CENTS PER LETTER ' At the Pittsburgh Stencil Works. No. 5B Xar ket street. noun forret the number. jele:s4l JOl3Ol 11.111.SWASt Rolm U. NMI= ROM IL PATTEMON £.CO., izvirarstr, 9atia3‘ £Ni) COIIiBUSSION STABLES COL OBTENTO *to istitErn ,PITTSBUIIOIII, P& st6ll:b4 TrNITED STATES HOTEL, 7 16# CAPE MAY CITY, N.. 1, • win be opened for the season SATURDAY, May , alt nest class appointments, equal to Any and yet affording to !amides all the comforts of a Ittnie, President Want expects tol visit cape s." Yay Ad tnis s a eason and stop at the "Ifaltod Mate. • mrit:9l Aa t ttuN KILLER. Frontier:m. l — Worms ros • NALlC.—lerths street, $1,6;00; goodie un. 1111.0:4: Union Avenue, 01.0001 Virginia at , est. Eke_ „ L OY • nag street. 90. 00 9: Second Avenue. rirtuou; Santini*, street, $8,000; two owl Amur, go.IICIO.: South Arenas, $9 000; Rebecca Pannell/VI; North Avenue, $10,000; south ATOM 19,994 FOOD Meet. 000: Witte Walt, .900: tltoOktell Avenue, $30.- 000; Yititi.Avenue, $40,000. Others in various lorattoas. Apply to OpTHISSIST A Wasp, 99 Kith Avenue . -41FAKWEIVER8 TAKE NOTICE. —FOR SALL—The FOURTEEN' MILE I AND, on the Allegheny River. and now used for gardening purposes; well Impro ved In a high state of cultivation; 9099 1111 /UW.„......_,.. Or 50 sem; now offered at a WPM. "' Also, other Farms in good locatlotur. Woolen Factory. two Houses, and Homes dells Of land on the Central Railroad. Kotiaes and LOU For Bole and To-let In both cities. _TOON/W ar ' Oculars inquire of wlaaan W 110 fait Want stmt. mrposita Oat Tr zanwisozga,h,smoTnimui, mor4=o=kr"" . • ! . r 4 .1410. • • ja - '1" - 4 N E!' 18163.' Niw A EaTls BRUINS' STILL TO BE CONTINUED, NOTWITHSTANDING THE BEAT DEIMID DURING The Last Ten Days, THE POPULAR BARGAINS DRY GrOConS, Offered at this Establishment. PURCHASERS WILL FIND THAT WE HATE STILL PLEA OF GOODS To Offer Them. LARGE ?ADDITIONS NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS ' itlAn the Last Few Days; NOW OPENING AT WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Na 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLECHENY CITY. LIBERTY fiTIIMET BOOK STORE. LATEST . PUBLICATIONS. The Villa SO the nine. BY author of 'Vs the HeigLts. Complete in one volum&.ssl. oo, Problehage n matic Characters, by Frederick bpiel 71,75 Flag 's kuropean Vine; ardor, Vine Culture and Wine Baking 1,50 Carleton's "New Way Bound the World"' a,OO Tames Italy. Vol. A Plorence and Ve.. nice. "No one who . has studied art, or. _speculated on history.or cultivated clove for the beaatlfol, or allegiance , to the , true. can help dadlas rare instruction and delight In Tains , . Italy.” The New West. By 0.4.. Brace 1,75 The Tourists' Packet Outdo to Amerman' Watering Places - R. S. DAVI.6I dr. CO , 19S ibertvStreet, BK ' fir . ISTEN TO THE MOCKING' " arrived frost 1114 a large lot of old and young NOCKINGBLIWII, very tine singers. Red picots and Notunws . Birds. for sale fora few dale w.'? at tie Tit:Mont House. Wo. 17 biamead; - FLOUR. , . CHOICE WINTER , WHEAT FAMILY, sim CHOICE HISTEESOTA BRANDS, $6,318. CHOICE WISCONSIN BRANDS. - 1111,A8. Is lota of Ave barreß or more. • IMIATE, LAZO it CO. AIR and IT4 Wald street. rrHIREE THOUSAND MILES t • =Boum THE BOORT MOUNTAIN& xi A. 1. 1110Casunk Prices*. *Mk EAT a OOMP&IY, jor 'rood NlNPolli .~ ~y ._. • • Fon 'OF PIURCHASIED =MI ; WITMO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SUMNER GOODS NEW LAWNS, PERC4ES, ;FRENCH JACONETS. LACE POHSTS, WHITE SHAWLS, New Mixtures, BLACK MOHAIRS. BLACK ALPACAS, Striped Gitighams. AT 87 12 COT% FRENCH jACONETS Best Bargains of the Se,o:3on - . -- AT 81 CENTS REAL FRENCH CHINTZ AT slioo, GOOD IC 1D GLOVES, Together with a Complete Stock of PARASOLS, • GLOVES, • HOSIERY, LACE HOOFS, CORSETS, RUFFLED COLLARS. ac.. AT THE LOWEST PRICES:. JAMESI CARR, 11.81'EDERAL STREET ALLEGHENY CITY TAGGA►RT at OILMEN, RETAIL OTS, HOES HD GAITER i" iolesale Prices. g : FEDERAL STREET Allegheny City. ALX 18;1869. ARGA.INS . - INDOW SHADES, AND LAt; AND NOTTING : o • .ELTAINT -- New StockJustßeceiived LOWIBT PRICES EVER OFFERED IIc.FA.RLA2II) & COLLIES , No. 71 and 73 FIFTH .LFSN. V i o:a SALE. 7IJ A.Bm in Sewickly tow ship. Allesh•ny coun ty, !taste about 34 miles from Bewickly_and 3 mil s from Lotted's... Station , on P. Ft W. & O. B. containing 100 a 0 es, 7$ eleued and u.,- der iood cultivation; balance in tlmber. On welch there Is erected a comfortable Frame House, good Log Barn and all other necessary outbuildings. Large orchard of choice fruit. Everything in good order. Price $llO per acre. Also, T&N ACRES, about ji mile from Fleming Station, P. Ft. W. & U. R.ll, 1 miles from city by Beaver road. tiouth.east exposure; good spring on place; also a small strum o f water Tufting 'throu pu r ch a sers . be send id one piece,' or In lets to suit Prier $3,000. Also other Houses and Lots In good localities. For &Inbar partiptilars Inquire of Ohio . M. WISITMORIE, lyorner o and Sandusky streets, Allegheny. 4 ell TO LOAN. ' •10,000, OW VIRsT OLkall MORTGAGE. CITY PROP WOTY. Apply at , *ORGAN & ROBERTS', • ESTATEI A.GIEtrIPTS, . • - ilk sour= AvElsras. lertut F OR O LD Near Osborn Miami on the rttUburgb. Pt. Wayne and OhleogoWoad. TWO LOTS, containing About Two des ZNQIARZ OZ W. MACKEOWN & "- 193 Ltherts o street. r 3 . , 3: iiiireaOr GOAL LAND. 3 miles from T persneeville. oaths Link Saw Mill Rua. • 1.131 woe near Doninille,lndlana county, a., , 'on Livermore Motion, W, e. B. 8., well ,proved and cheap. MOWN AND LOT.en Market street. Mario es. ter. 4 ' Hotrint A.ND LOT on Liberty street, Ditto niStrat AND LOT en Forrest avenue. 411011538 AND LOTS In Eibistietbtomn. ePotee and ckosP fisms in Tennessee and MIS souit, TUSTIN & RUIZ, m 721 , ti? Grant street. o re xce be Nozwiria Awn 811111617T0P, I. 13 ;--E rtrrenuson, Jane a(). 1489. ( NOTI —The Assessment for 1 the 14witlk on Cedar street. Iron Mnia Limit twist, It new toady fa examination, d can no non at this ORM until MONDAY. and „...".k,als wilt be teturntd th Ike City lOW Oa •011ostles. .a , U 310011114 Wiasei ' WV mown,. ORIVER IMPROVEMENT. N-F Proposals for Two steamers for . Re moving Obstructions. REALED PROPOSALS utll be received at the office of the 'Jolted States Engineer's in the Cs- Wm House Building; Pittsburgh, Pa.. until u 6 ole'ock P. 31. of WEDNP SDA.Y. JUNE 16th, 1569. for Grnishingfrwo Light Draught Bt,c am. era, Crane Boats and Plats, to employed by contract by day's work,ln removing Obstructions fiom thei Ohio River, Consisting of snagsl trees, the logs, boats, barges. wrecks. &c. Bidden' ) must -specify the price per day for each day's ay rk, for which they arta agree to furnish everath ng necessary. and do the work ander the supele-driace of a Per priceo be appointed bv the s d Engineer. Said to cover the furnishing f a light draught .reamer. one crane 1 boat. two st'ongly decked flats. and the necessary screws, chains ropy s, levers. saws, axes.; fixtures, Ste., suitable Ibr such work, and including the pay sad expenses of tfaatain, Pilot. Engineer and drew, besides one maoager or working boss in addition and one gang ot sight men each for doing the work, and having suitable accommodations for the Govern ment inspector. All expenses to bevaid, and all risks Nome by the party proposing; it being understood that the 'government Wall not be responsible for the pay ment of anything more than the sum per day teat may be agreed nponsu the contract. The right is t eberved to reject any or all bids if It shall be deemed for the Interest of the Govern ment so to do. i • specifications and a blank form of proposals will be furnished onlapplication, from this office, ctc er In person or by writing. • The proposals must be accompanied by the smarantyof two responsible sureties, signed on the printed form. By order of • Brig-General A. A, lIITIAPHRETS, Chief of Engineers of the Army of the 11-84.- W. bilL2toll ROBERTS, U.S. (Aril Engineer. ittohargd Ohio River Improvement. PITTSBURGH, PA,, June 7. 1869. ielifitai VALABLIE CITY LOTS FOR BALE. r The nnitersigned, as trustee la the partition of the real estate of • AGNES KNOX, Deceased, • By order of the Dlitrlet Court of Allegheny coon ty, wilt Jell at public sate, on the premtees, on WEDNESDAY JUNE 80, 1869, At o'clock p. 1f.4 that very valuable property on Fifth avenue, city,of rittsburgh, consisting of TWO LOTS. First—A lot fronting on Mar ket street 30 feet and extend ing,the same width, along the south side bt Fifth avenue 101 feet. to M of a Markaea lle y cford—ti A go n n Fi h f e th p a po nue s 2O feet and running back, prese'rving tue same width, along Market alley 30 feet. On the ll' st mentioned lot are FOUR FRAME TENEMENTS, and on the other a THRILE, STORY Buns. BUILDING'. These lots are among the most valuable is the city of Pittsburgh. being on the principal street and In the centre of business. The attention of eanitatists is vertical arlyinvlted to there. as they are desirable chiefly for the value of the lots, the buildings not being of much consequence, and possession for building pusposes can be obtained on 3 months' notice. The property now rents for over eight thousand dollars. The parelinex will receive the rents after July lat. One-third dash: arid the remairdny two-thirds in two equal annual payments, with semi-annual interest from day of sale, secured. by bond and mortgage on the premises. BRUSSELS C ARPETS, VELVETS, &C, 1 • (Hcoond Floe?) i[ MKS ADVERTISEMENTS. TUE TEUMSOF SALE. J. W. F. WHITE, TRUSTEE. June 5,1869. je7A2B I The Latest Aryival FBOII , ENGLAND• McCALUDI BROS.; • No. 5111IFTH AVENUE, Have rocelvert by steamPrs Samaria and Man hattan the VERY NEWEST STYLES of the ENGLISH MARKET IThey also offer a Complete Line of DOMESTIC CARPETING. To which large additions are daily being made. A Disilay of Goods Equal ailrg y rriza r s r . esented In this market at I _ IikCALLIDI Jro. 51 FIFTH ArEaTUE, (BET:, WOOD & EIMITHYTELD.3 ap23:1195 • NEW CAR FIRE CARPETS. CHEAP CARPETS. ?ILCLOT s " - ' WINDOW SHA.DES, 24(Etti - 1.131.U5E1. 1 I VMID,IIO [ CO., , & I 21 FIFTII AVENUE. says, dawl'i I MARKET STREET. I= J. IW ' BAR WILL ORTER. THIS 11:1 1 iic XV3ELE N , . ; , *Ebrcie Chintml, Lawns, Organdies, Gre;nadines. TbeircloOdabaveOnstbeen purchased and Customers will r• •/• , . .T■ W NC. 59 MARK ADA No; .20 SIXTH, for 3* I "in Nuriess--, "ro r,a, ,, "k ' %oat, " Wantt," "Found, "Boarding.' &e.. it of ex eeidina FOUR Llll.BB tacit tali Ac in serted in these 10ZUMM4 0130 d for TW.d.Nri,-FlYil OBNTR each additional lint csirra. LOAT COW.—Strayed Away on WEDNESEIA Y. the , 9tu of June, ut o'clock, a COW. with alight red and whitqcolor and a perfectly white face and email turnee in horns; a Fprtl ger near her calving. Any infor mation c f ner will be gladly received and liberal ly r. vr,rded by OW EN. PAYTON', jell:kso . n Woods Etm. STRAYED—Gray Itlare.,Came to the premises of the subscriber, In Scott township, a GRAY MARE about 12 years old. Notice is hereby given that If the owner does not mill before the # s34th Inst. she will be sold accord lug to law. THOS. ALDERSON, Jett :z4B Scott townsh!p. Allegheny co., Pa. WANTED---HEL P. ANTED-HELP.-AT Elll - OFFICE, No. 1 St. (Nair Street. BOYe kIER.LB and MEN, for daterent kinds of employment. Pereone wanting help 'of all kinds can be eupplted on abort notice. WANTED-AGENTS. WANTED.—Agents to take or- DEEM In the city and countyfor Doudnaa' Patent Stone-Lid Holder. County rights for sale. Enquire for J. O.'iviiatoN, at Morrison St De • vol. e. 1/iWater street. Pittsburgh. GEATB,--$l5 to ' $2OO per month everywhere, male and female, to introduce the PENUINE IMPROVED ComMON SENSE FAMILY SEWING MA CHINE. This machine will st'tch, hem, fell, tact, quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider, in amost superior manner. Price only $lB. Folly warranted for live years. We will pay SI,OOU for any machine that will Sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic seam than ours. It makes the "Elastic Lock stitch." Every second stitch can be cut, and still the cloth can not be pulled apart without tearing It. We pay agents from $l5 to $2OO per month and expenses, or a commission from which twice that amount can be made. Address BECOME & vO., Pittsburgh, Pa., St. Louis, Mo.,' or Hoston, - Mass. CAUTION —1)0 not be imposed upon - by other parties palming off worthless cast iron machines, under the same name or otherwise. Ours is the only genuine and really practical cheap machine • manufactared. WANTED —AGENTS.—To sell the American Knitting Machine. Price 525. The simplest. cheapest and best, Knitttn.T Machine ever Invented. Will knit stitches per minute. Liberal Inducements to tistfla CO., a riattr orKinTir,llT- WANTED. ome First Class Mould Makers For &inlet Glass House. Address, A. MOE. CO.CEIR.AN, Treasurer St. Lawrence Glass Co., Montreal, Canada., Je1.1.*411 WANTED* - BOARDERS, .-- Plea ant furnished rooms, good board, terms reasonable, at 46 Liberty street. ANTED. -- Bass and Alto Singer, for city church choir. Must be good readers. Address M. M. C., Box 1,313, Pittsburgh P. 0. • NVANTED-TO PLASTERERS. —Plastering to be done. for which carpen ter workwilt be given in return. Ah to be done in the bent manner. Direct B. W., Box b, DA- M= OF VICE. 80111111 - ING.—ltooms opposite the Park, North Commdn3. Baih rooms, Ac.. and thel comforts of a home. 181 North avenue, Allegheny. VANTED.—A few respectable bearders at 18 Ninth street, (late Hand Mr2ll WANTED. -- BOARDERS.- A few more boarders can find pleasant rooms and good boarding at No. 18 Ann atreety :dlle•,• Valli, for $4.50 per week. TO-LET.—Room on 3d Hoot Dispatch Building. Rent very low for bal &nee of tear. Das. water and stationary stand., .Enquire at Potograph aallecy,Dlspstch Building. O-LE .—Large Bailin a good location. B. CUTBERT & SONS,39 Birth I H nno. TO -LET.-A 1100111.—A com. PORTA LY furnished ROOK lbr one or more Rentlem n. Apply at 2. 0. 33 Ninth, ante Hail.) siren . ETS; TO. LE fine, large new Store In the vlllageof Wilkhnbarg, with dwellln lidestred. Bent low, Also, bean rge o • front room,eeo and noor,on 13th formerly_Ea. fidstr. near the b ri dge. Inquire oI ,JOHN W. B , ATTY, Engraver, 93 Mat ket Bt. Tr LE II want. nt of 5145011 noon at 1.511 C TftLE 11001WIL—Two tine woms . GAZETTE BITILDING. Apply ounting 84 and 80 Fifth avenue. FFORSALE.-DIWG STORE.- One of the best Drug and Prescription Stores in Pittsburgh is offered for sale st ccst if applied for aeon. Good rations for selling. Addr Be d. P. PEARdO & CO., 117 Grant street,. Pitte burgh, Pa. WOE S terestin - &-McOßEti doinga-thrly of Melon': in 11l health of t soon. VOB Jr Bounds new. Ene ST. 'CI E - R - & sj EH A LIL\IIIIIE ' LIN F. OF •I agiS 431 - COCM:Pieli - t D or tile .importers at a heavy iHsetoutat ceive she Advantage. SE 3EI. db 4:111CO. 13 la. ET STREET, merly st.aair, sTryreZ. ~ i M7g.. LOST, WANTS. • —House on Centre Av. C as, Water. &0., very convenient. Rent 1A5,00 per mouth. Pall • titre avenue, Pittsburgh. r FOR SA LE ,LE.—The one-half in !the Drag Store of li¢L A.CHIEVIVN it, In BElialre, 'Ohio. They are ng Widnes, , and the lunation is one Eastern Ohio. Beason for selling, anuly. Tergui reasonable. Apply E—TYPE.-About4oo a IN tTH D 3 lON T O YPT., OE. moody u. good as FFI • AIR STREET., Poplins, Colwell Alpaaut, „ Black Alpacas, Granite ilialtrs. ill =II I=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers