The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 10, 1869, Image 1

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Sono of Temperance' Call. on the l'resi-
den -Removal of Treasury Clerks--
111 a Situation In Caba—Letter, from
• A. 'RI. Stephenson the Danger of lin
perlaUsm—liMan Depredations in Art:,
• . Zona.
~ (By Teletrapb to the Piltabprgh Gazette.)
Wasirnveithi; June 9, 1869.
4 The representatioves of the . National
Division of the , ' Sons of Temperance of
; Ackt•th America, are .now,in session in
, City. Many,' accompanied by"tneir.-
bets of their families, proceeded to-day
' to the East• Room, In accordance, with
previnuti arrangement. The visitors,
aboUt two hiandred and fifty in number,
'formed in a semi circle; when the'Presi•
dent entered the room and was addressed
by Robt. M. Faust, of Pennsylvania, Most
Worthy Patriot& of the organization,who
said those present were from all parts 'of
, the pnion and British Provinces, and
'thee came to pay their profound respects
to the Chief. Mazistrate• of the nation.
In granting this' interview they looked
upon the President as recognizing their
motives In the interelta of humanity.' Dr.
Lea, of England, was introduced. He
expressed the hope that the President's
Administration would hitve the effect of
• strengthening the friendship between
the two greatest nations of the earth, that
the cause of freedom as welt as temper
ance and morality may be preserved.
The President bowed, but made no
verbal reply. The visitors =then ap.
proachecT in line and were introduced
and ihook handg a mild. as the certmoriy
was Completed lib retired:
Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia, has
letter in ohe of• the Waihington papers
today, in reply to some criticisms on his
history of the rebellion. He takes a
.very gloomy view of the situation and
argues that we are drifting:to consolida
•Uon and empire. Nothing r he says, can
prevent the final establishment of ImPe
••rialism but a determined effort on the
- part of the people to preserve free insti
-tutions. The retnedy . he says is not in
secession; that was tried and found in
sufficient. It must be at the ballot box.
.- He calls upon the , people of the several
States to seriously consider whether they
tett or.. accept.
1 Imperiallifinrt‘ , •
mnits neatoven.'
• Several off the moat' prominent clerks
t ainnected- - with the •Secretary's office, , itt:
the Treasury Denartment, were removed
this morning. Among them were S. C.
t -Marsh, F. V. Robinson, B. F. Dnane said
Samsiel Cturtts, of the Warrant Division.
The two former have been. in charge' of
•the general aabourit and public debt
• •t statement for enumber of years. The
tern warrant offices have been consOli
:' dated into one 'division,-under J. IL Ba
- stile, who will hereafter prepare the
, pnblic debt statement. Chas. C.
drop,of. the Warehouse Dl l of
V on the
Secrtarsieffice, has been removed, and
W. A. Shannon, chief of that Division,
has resigned.-
Delegate McCormick, of Arizona, ;to
day laid before Gen; Sherman and Sec
retary Rawlins a full statement of recent
. Indian outrages in Arizona, and the
great losses suffered by citizens. Icle
nnade a fresh appeal for more troops and
the matter has been referred to Gen.
Thomas, commanding the Pacific De.
Gen. Sherman has favorably endorsed
the memorial of the Legislature of Ari
' requestingthat arms 'and 'rations
be issued to citizqs where they can ef
fectively 00-openste with troops against
hostile Indiana. -
Information from reliable sources in
~' t Havana has been received, which sho •
the " Cubans are , making offensive
• movements and were never in better
spirits or more sanguine. of success.
Telegrams from Havana deny the report
that any number of Cubans or any officer
• -of ,Cuban forces hadosurrenderen to Val
_ Preparations are now being made to
,r4isum e Kork in the Printing cliyision of
the Tr %Ivy Department inr4nlyi when
about t o hundred male and as many
female employee recently suspended Will
1 - . be reinstated. i
• 24'svf
reeidßfit 'Gratii an famiiSt; • Moen'
r od b3r Consul cranter and wife, ids
ight for ' New York.
44 4thiltoli n •
_ • . PoUtifs,M
filtisbursti Gas ette..l
Sowtoottust,- 'Ala., June 9.:•*Tile
Democratic Convention .: at TrAYt Yoster•
darbominated A. "N. Worthy; •of 'Pike
,sounty, far- in the Second Dis
trict. dial tittles have been remoy,
,1041 by act'of Congress. The Republicans
met-in Abe city. yesterday and nomlnatef
C.V. *Buckley u their,candidate.
'; The Repubftin _Convention 'to Dorsi
nate for the Third District met t at,9peW
kailyeaterday. There is a wide gplit in
the', COnvemtiOn: A.'oll dispatch sacs
that lip to fottr o'relooW Ahts afternoon no
• had been effected and that
6oweak N wm imininent.,TheAshs
Norris, the late incturibmit
T.%. L f "Ten Ifragedfitt Jaitinton„ Miss.
AiEsda firal T " of
• , tie y Colo-:
.'Crane left for Dayton, Ohio, thin" ltioening Thelletrd of Aldermen of t his :
A •
city posed rasointions condemning his!
=Pail and wYmpatibignit with the fain.:
1.1.&0ft he 'victim, eislirloSeitas follows
`lff. bpt telleit'thef sevellitig sentiment
moles'yn deOreisting tke crime."
4 QOM** -;e,,ixgdatiot; Murdered.
AlP i Tvlsittstos, to the mussel's fietette.l
-=;: C4roniCtlistates tharal. R.W. Pl ' ourners,
Democratio Representative to thei Leafs
' lature, was murdered in his own field
, n. yesterday by a near° man in his employ.
e_negro has been committed to jail.
Tri Typographicai Cenvention.
EBY 'NI mph tothe Piti ' eh l Orgh etalette.i • ---
II '
ALB lir, June 9.—Tlie Typographical
Conve l ion met this morning. The proxy
retires utaticin , question was re-opened,
on motion for reconsideration; and encl. _
tella long discuSaion, which finally ter- -
minated in the adoption of the following
resointton by a vote of 48 to 31.%
Resolved, That all those delegates who
were excluded from this body yesterday
be admitted to their seats, as an act of
courtesy: not as, a might, and in future
this Union is of opiiiion that proxies not
actually elected by the Union they reP.,
resent should not be admitted toseats in
the National Union.
The following , ' meted was sent up:
T 6 the National Typographical Union:
,The undonfignefi, as a delegate from
Montgomery, Mahan:is, protests against
the action of your body on his admis
sion as .a member, and most respectfully
appeals from its 'decision.
' Mr. Hart. oncbehtilf of the Burlington
(Iowa) 'Union, obi) protested against the
action and withdrew from the Conven
- -
The Chair then announced the Stand
ing Committees.' '
The Springfield (Illinois) difficulty
was settled by recognizing the Union
represented by Mr. Hudson but admit
ting both Hudson and Higgins.
Mr. Bodwell presented the petition of
the Woman's, Typographical Onion, of
New Yoidefor a charter, !which wall re
ferred to the Committee on Subordinate
On motion of Mr. Flynn, a special
Committee. ot, seven on the proposed
amendments - to the Constitution was
ordered. •
The Chair announced the . Committee ,
on Constitutional Amendments as fol
lows: Messrs. Flynn, McGill. Young,
Gerickline, Barfield, Halpin and Mc-
Propositions of business for reference
were than received.
The Committee on Credentials reported
in favor of admitting Mr. Trdup as a del
egate from We Motitreal Union.
Mr. Troutfdeclined, as he was opposed
to proxy representation.
After discussion the matter was indefi
nitely postponed.
A proposition for the organization •of
District Unions was referred.
Adjourned until to-morrow evening.
Woman's Rights' in Indiana.
By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
INDIANAPOLIS, June 9.—ln the Wo
matili,Righits tAinVention. to-day, after
considerable debate, resoltitions were
adopted that, Whereas, possession of any
God-given faculty presupposes right to
its_nseguctd Whereas, men and women are
created equal in mental and moral pow
ers, therefore their right to use these
powers are equal - and legal resirietitiiis.
unnecessary and wrong; that one alias
cannot properlY represent the interests
oP , anbtber, -and go - secure' Justice
all must F have a voice' in
making and enforcing laws; that where- .
ever woman has had opportunity she
hasshown,lierself MAWS equal, a`, refin
ing influence superadded, that will in all
honorable ways labor to remove legal
disabilities that now trammel woman's.
efforts: and that we are proud of ell rep
aentatives in Congress Who favor the
Sixteenth Amenclu3ent, feeling that
women are quite as competent as'negroes
to judiciously exercise the,eleetive .fran.
clue°. The Convention will be addressed
by Mrs. Livermore this evening on b3th
sides of the woman qnestion.
• Affairs in Arkansas. • .
rfli Teleettolk to the rittsbitsh Gatt.ite.;
DiMtn:Us, June. 9.—Arkansets papers
give encouraging accounts of the crops in
that State, despite an ,unfavorable start
at the beginning of the season.
'Het Springs is filled to : overficiwlngi
with invalids. A paper styled the
Courier has been started there, which ad
vocates the Government taking posses
sion of the Springs.
Jufige Caldwell, of 'tile _ ) Unite, States
District Court , in session at yaleßaren,
Arkansas,- bee ruled that Indians and
residents‘irrthelndiari Territory can be
taken as bail in criminal cases in the
District , Cotitt - as security on bonds in
the same; also that the possession of
spirituous,lignors in the Indian ceuntry
is prima - Ade evidence of its having been ,
introduced by the parties in possession,
and unless sufficiently explained is suf
ficient to work conviction.
Nova Scotia and the Union Question.
(Br TOlegraph to the ritt3surics usaette.i, .fune 9.—ln the Assembly
to-day the Attorney General alluded to ,
the subject of the repeal of the , union
act, and said the Brltiah Legislature had
not the power to tax Ilova Scotia, and,-
theireforb;iiiiii not the potter to alter her.
constttni494. The Pepsins:se must be lib.:
crated from the union. -Mild Mesa.:
urea had already been taken< for the at.'
taituneutlefitbe. objset; mid now they
were *bonito try stronger measures. 'He
leveed thit the Attorney General of
'Ana Scotia be- authorized .to' obtain i n :
, the higher English mutts a Judicial
ten as tO her forced union With. Canada' s )
and stated that if, after all, the freedom
01;the'Provinoe ootdd pot •be 'sechred,
'they would. have to take resource to. ex
treme, mew. Re did not,-however'in
tiniste What the steps should be. The
:debited ettracted- little interest.
cgintxif Amerjean Advice&
'ollftle!** Witte Pltptrosirb tipielse.3
lrokuir, June • 9.—The steamer
Henry Chauncey brings ‘78212 specie
And the,ftillowlng news:. ,
;41logote.advices to the second of Ma y !
sqlous trouble thro ug hout ; the
1101. -It is, thought the Union will:
soon: break up. , • The Pre Wendel 'elec.
VOn.roir,dted in favor of the Goverzneld,'•
A row occurred In the streets of Bogota
In *bleb" One :man was;killed and five'
wadded' , badly.
The elections for Senators Itipre.
isittiOns at Panama resulted In faVor of
theMlnlaterial party._ • •
? The; Arimllpa pad Is -Tvatessing rap.
Among the passengers by the Chauncey
Is General Hovsy, Mluistog to perm
The'' Price flubileCi#: Reston..
tor Teispassi r r tba,Pittsbarstr,,,qssettea
Benoit; inae,9.—PieldaentGralit will
attend. the opening ceremonies ' - at the
Peace Jubilee, and be the guest of , the
(AV the first and second days. Governor
Clafiln,bas ordered a military escort for
the occasion. The city government wilt
give.tfoi •President a grand banquet due.
lng his stay.
Arrest of a Printer at Cork for
I ?entail-
Ism—Emigration—Bishops In t I e Elolll3e
'of Lords Counselled ilot!to Op oso the
Irish Church Bill—Banquet to lrlsh
Deputations—Rerlaus Disturbances In
Franee--qtie Bayonet Required to Re
• press the People... Church ldiricuity in
Austria.. •
C 137 Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazitte.l
Lolino:r, June 9.—Dispatches received
from Cork mention that one Johnson,
printer, was ai rested in that city, charged
with being connected with . the - Fenian
organization, and circulating documents
of a treasonable character among the
soldiers. - - W:.
LivsuPoor, Jane 9.—Emigration to
America is setting in very strongly.
Eight thousand people left this port dur
ing last week. %. , .
LoisnoN, June 9.—The Arch Bishop of
Canterbury has counselled the Bishops
in the House of Lords not to oppose the
Irish Church ;IL
A banquet s . given to-night to the
deputations from Ireland, now in this
city, bearing petitions against the Irish
t Church Bill. :Many Tory Peers and
1 Clergymen of the 'Established Church
were present.
It Is said that twenty-five Conservative
1 Peers will decline to follow the policy of
rejection announced by the majority
1 at teir meeting last Saturday.
The:Postoffice Department has com
pleted the arrangements for' the pur
chase of the lines of telegraph in the
United Kingdom, in accordance with the
I bill passed by Parliament last year.
Paws, June 9.—The following are the
offiCial returns of the recent elections:
Government,3o; Opposition, 28; unknown,
The general result is pretty accurately
known: 'The next Corps Legislatif will
be composed as follows: Government,
213: Independent, 421 Radial; 35.
Penis, June 9.—The Marquis De La
Valletta Minister of Foreign Affairs, at
his official reception to-day, thanked the
Prussian Charge D'Affairs for the lavor
able tone of the Berlin journals in regard
to the elections in FranCa
Ps-so f June 9- t Evsning..«-The Emper
or has issued - a decree convening the
Corps Lsgislatiff on the 2, e ld. inst.
The eledlortriots at Nantes were more
serious t&ri the first, dispatches repre
•irebred. troopswere:milled ant
were obliged to use the .bayonet in dia
-1 parsing the -mob. -Many- rilatarit mere
wounded and a large .utnntorr, arrested.
At lest advisee order bad -been' restored
and the city , was quiet. '
A telegram to-night Mates that large
and tumultuous crowds assembled again
in the Mont Martre District, and that
troops were collect but to suppress dia
-1 tnrhance.
Vistuse. June 9.--Cardinal .I:timber,
the Arch - Bishop of Vienna, has inter
vened to protect Bishop Leins from the
secular power r but the Ministry assert
that they are unable to interfere with the
cOurse of justice. In consequence of the
efr* r (timidness * tuatufesting itself in
the-telatiOns between the Cardinal and
the Imperial Government.
. ,
BOMBAY,June S I via liortuoicr . June 9.
—Advicesfrom Cabool report that Azim
and Hahman.bsve :given., up all hope of
overthroiving Sheerer &elf; shd have gone
to Teheran. Sheere &all has introduced
many reforms in his governmefit. He
had remodeledids= atmya.established a
police force, and forbidden citizens from
carrying arms
MADRID, .Tuna 9.—The project for Re•
gency was debated'at great length in the
Cortes yesterday. It was at last referred
to a committee. During the discussion
Olazaga stated that the election of a
King at present was impossible.
- LOwnox;Jdnet.- - :-Advicei3 from Mel
bourne report that several members had
been expelled .from the Parliament of
Victoria for. bribery, and proceedings
ageing them were pending.
Instr .- rt.% June 9. . —The reported treaty
has been concluded by s.Commissimx sp.
pointed 'by" thb Turkish 'arid Part
Governments, to arrange,a boundary be.
tween the two cmiatries, , . ,
mAntrin News.
LONDON: Jiitte itt.The steamship Ful
too, ftom New arrived Yesterday"
at t; ewes. ThoS steamship NAM* from
New 'York, arrived et Southamptott this
Lorrnow. June 9.-Eveitinge-Consols for
mane.7l92g. for account 92g. Fitre.twen.l
tylkmae as .London. -10gilat -Frankfort
&mer but nbt higher at 86g. Stocks:
Eft* 9434;'= Atlantic and
LrynnpoOT.4 Jinae 9.—Cotton market
valet; middling uplands, 1134; Orleans,
of 10000 baknr..;iCaliforstiaiwhite
'istheat, 98 6di weidOrt, 621,11 1 4,
21s 6d. Corn, 27s 9d. Oats. 8s 4d. Bitrieq;
Gs. " Peas, 86s 6d. , P0rk,59926 .Beet, Ws.
Lark 71a. Cbeese A , 795. Bacon, 82a.
'Bollllli petroleona," 4 4B6; iafltied,'ffaTlNd.
Tallow, 445. _Spirits Turpentine 25s 602,
Lom '
as ; :Spirits
o.• Tallows '4Ba, 6d.
Sugar, 89s 66@itOft on Aspat44fioat. easier
at 28a 9d®29B..:Turpentine, p!‘ 9d. Pe
trolenti at Antivaiplafe
'tricltet match, between the first '
eleven - of the Philadelphia Cricket Club
and i3t, George Club ocunmeneed yestal'
day at Hoboken. One innisigVite Played
on each fdde, - the Philadelphians soaring
one hundred and the St. Georges 0138
hundred thirty-waved... The match Is to
be continued- today. ' After-1110)11W a
silver. tankard 'WAS presentedto Samuel ,
Wright. veteran Bt. .George Cricketer,
byrk - comnaittee of St. George Club, with'
a purse of 11350, on the occasion of his re-
Airinstfrom a profesakuudwidoe,of thlr-
Artwo years. The Philadelphians united
in congratulating him. •
llMNews from Cuba.
It to the Pittfibureh Gazette.)
• ItIANAN , June 9.—The fact Is now es
tablished beyond a doubt that the M..
busters wbo landed in the Bay of Nipe
have effec ed a junction with the forces
of Quesad.. The troops have had several
skirmisfile with insurgents recently near
11 .,
Hagana isquiet.
The Sugar market is heavy, and sales
were Made to:day on a basis of 8%@83
reals Azzolie,for No. 12 D.S.
NEW Wilk, June 9.—A special dis
patch from Havana states that the emi
gratiOn of Cubans from the Island has
again cotamoneed and large numbers are
The (:omission of Volunteers met yes
terday, bat artourned without taking ac
tion.' ' •
It is reported that Minister. Roberts
has telegraphed from Washington to the
authorities at Havana, warning them
there of their precarious position.
Advioea from 'Trinidad have been re
ceived. A revolutionary movement Was
on foot atthat place. The volunteers had
attempted to depose the Governor, who
resisted and was killed. •
Gen. Lesca, with the Vasque volunteers,
has gone to Cuico Villas. The Nuevitas
Railroad has again been cut., The gov
ernment has received information that
two slave ships are expected here. .
The Indian Excitement In Kansas
(BF T,clegrapn to the Pittsburgh Geri tte•3
Ser. Louts, Sure dispatch. from
Ellsworth, Kansas, sap, Captain Whit
ney, from Saline River, says the Indians
have disappeared from the settlements,
and the settlers are hi better spirits since
the arrival of the scouts. No Indians
have'been Seen in that vicinity to-day,
though a number of bands were reported
going month yesterday. • A large nurpber
of ,settlers from Elkhorn and other places
came in for arms, but could not get
any from the Government or - State au
Tao pCveepger traffic on this end of the
road is almost double what it wari before
the Indian excitement, that having appa
rently given aspics to travel.
Governor'Harvey has applied for three
regiments of cavalry to serve one year
against the Indians.
—Hon. Fobert Schenck. Bailed for
"Europe, the SaVa, yesterday.
—A rumor is . _afloat of the lose of
the steitite;'City of Paris—lundoubtadlt
—One hundred and twenty five persons
are confined in the Miisouri penitentiary
for military offences. •
- -Extenilvit arrangements for cele
brating the, Fo.urth of July are being:
Pit}dg at Etck4 .2ll hei Boo ; . •
voc.a eEL 8.15 nham to k m Judge ottlit-
Virginfo Court of Appeals. • •
nalleck, Tuesdiy night, was
the recipient if a handsome gold badge
from veterans. at SauJoiancisco.
. •
—The yote in Cleveland on the Metho
dist lay delegation question resulted in
their adinission by slime majority.
—Thomas A. Beale and Charles res.
sell have been arrested at - Altoona, Pa.
as incendiaries, and confessed their ea.
—Judge Blatchford, at New Yorlt. has
• granted the motion to bond the Quaker
City, and appointed appraisers to make a
valuation. • • ,
• ---
-The saw and planing mil/ of D.,Cole
.t., Son, at Havana, New York, was horned
yesterday morning. Loss 1120,000; no
—Senator Canerly, of. California, ar
rived lit ,; San Francisco, Tuesday night,
and was formally welcomed by tne Dem
ocratic clubs. , -
—The prohibitory liquor bill, excepting
the cider clause, has passed the Massa
c.husette House , of RepresentiVee by .e.
.vote of 162 40 .
—The,tannery of T. K. Butler and Ma
chine sho,p of P. C. Curtiss at Utica,'N.
Y., were '
ster,dsy..• Loss 112,000;
only partial ipsuranco. - ,
—Pullreana Palace Hotel and sleeping
cars lett Promontory, Utah, yesterday
morning; forNaeramento, by special train
on the Central' Pacific. •
. , •
—The Nen*York hotel waiters' strike
has ended Ina victory for the prOprie•
tars, Who have taken back less than
twenty ot,th'e strikers.
—lktemoriil day was observed in Peters
burgh, - Irtf / 1, Yesterday: Business was
generallystiapendod and many buildings
were drapeil in mourning.
--A St: Pant dispatch says forty-four
million , feet , of logs have passed Sauk
Rapids thislyear, and about twelve mil
lion feet are yet to come. . • ,
r —A • colony of Japanese, recently ar=
livedin California, hate purchased la d
in El cDorado county. and contempi to ,
the culbixe of tea and silk. . •., , •
~ ~
• —.Abont _a, dozen carts, .the alive
guard of- the annual Red river far triiiirw
passek,tarengh Si.- Cloud on Monday_
gtternoon. The main train will be along .
in a . fele days.
AritOna adylces to Ilday . „22d, Mate it
is rumored that Berry Dodson and party.
who started from Prescott 'for' the /east
ern States. via New Mexico, were mur
dered byjniitane. •-- •
pert"' Pope, commanding the De
ratline 'fiJi s ::l s 4 / Lakes , announces
IP Itili dier General laele H.
Petoffee as _ Jtant Adjutant General
of that pepartment. • • ,
.I.4totarns 'frotn, - *muting in
Aitshltigton Territory give Garfield, Re
blitataffour handrail and twenty r one
me joircy, indicating hie election by • ma
jority nt five hundred.' •
The newly organised Society ft,r the
Prevention! of ~Cruelty _ to Animals, In
phila4elphist ..; commenced operations
VestiOsY arresting city car drivers
,ng their cars.,
+ Thomas J. Kelly, wha was
rescued ! Manchester England; by
,b e rWn., uld - and O'Brien. has been op
-pointed aperintendent of one of the
7*letS Yor City, Silb•Postoffices.
Petri Enlklev, long confined in
{fill at Ot, Canada , on suspicion of
Wog en iuseoliaplice in the murder 'of
VArcycGee. bee become Inane and
has been lacedin a lunatic asylum. '
—The • in depoldtl of five; liundred
• • •
dollop' in the match between mike) Pde - :.,
Vooledrid Thomas Allen have - been made''
at St. Louis. .:The fight Is to take place;
•nu the ltith,laut where,lb not announced.
—At the Glariggia'Vi'orkingineh's Fes=
tbnaemilteh- took:Vitae! et innuP-Woods,
New York, on . Monday end Tuesday,
~Yt, ~.~3:;,:~ '~4u~~`i~."{rl~S-33tz._txa'iS!s~..~ ~~~c~'``
i nmense crowds were present. The pro- I An Elopement—Almost.
( eda of the festival were for the Arbeitcr I From the developments of yesterday
Union, a new German labor paper. • ;it would Seem that for some dine past a
—The Executive Committee of the youthful
econd Advent Society of the United
tates has decided to hold he next Na- Benedict of our sister city has
been dividing his loving attention be
tween the society of his affectionate wife '
tonal Cetrip Meeting on grounds near
aeld, Massachusetts, beginning
ugust 2Bth and continuing over two and two young children, and that of
an attractive young lady in anothtr
Sundays.' ! quarter of the ' town from his home.
• With considerable skill and tact he so
—The harness makers had a picnic in I arranged matters that - his connubial
the vicinity of Newark, N. J., yesterday, partner supposed, at least, until within a
at whichlSenator Sprague attended and few days since, that she was the sole ob
spoke abOut half an hour, advising the ject of - his heart's affections, while the
people toorganize for their own protec- young: lady had equally as positive
non against the monopolizing power of a view that it was she who alone
individuals of large wealth. commanded his warmest attention. Mat
-At Lodi, New 'Jersey, Tuesday, ,five ters went along very smoothly until
men employed at the Print Works, who finally the loving husband and fond love:
'had been in the habit of drinking a bey- placed his heart and hand at the disposal'
erage composed of oil of vitriol and al- of- the single lady. She of course Bo
'cohol, Were poisoned 'by taking arsenic cepted. Arrangements were accord
in their mixture, mistaking it for vitriol. ingly made for a trip and -a irwr-
Your of them died within a few hours. rings. Yesterday morning the husiemd
—The New York Express ascertains, it stated on leaving home that he in tentiNl
Says, from a reliable source, that ie noti,iwii-
Etg a busiress trip. an . _ .
Committee of the Central Cuba Junta must not be alarmed if Ns did returL
are in tres ty with the owner for the for a day or two. The good woman, hay.
charter tit* a fast screw vessel of seven ever, was alarmed almost immediateiy
'hundred tons to convey three hundred after he had left the house. Soinething
isienand a large supply of arms to Cuba. in her liege's manner, coupled 'with see -
It is said the vessel will start in a' few eral suspicious circumstances of, the pr;.. -
days._l A violas few days, led her to think. A 7 :1
—H. C. Burchard, the Republican can- -resultof the deliberation she started'foi
the Union Depot. ,Arriving there 'a young
didate, has been elected to Congress from lady, of prepossessingappearance,who
the Third District of Illinois in place of .
was evidently waiting for a fr end at-
Hon. E.IB. Washburn.), appointed Min- tracted her attention. In a short time,
inter to France. Mr. Burchard's majority by some magnetic attraction perhaps, the
will probably - be four to five thousand. two women became acquainted, con-
There was no Democratic candidate in varsation ensued. The young lady was
the field. Hon. John V. Eustace, also
expecting a gentleman friend who was
Republican, was the only opposing can- to accompany her on 'a trip to Green
didate. ' Hereceived the concerted sup
-1 burgh . She wore bin . liki3ness in
pol.fef no party and in several towns re- a large breastpin. The married lady
ceived no votes. examined the article of jewelry and
—Lieutenant General Sheridan, ac- found a remarkable resemblance be
conapanied by Brevet Major General tween the picture and the features of her
I Rucker, Brevet Brigadier General J. W. husband. Explanations followed, the
Forsyth, Breverldajor M. J. Arch, Sur- plot was reveals& and the two women,
gean, and his staff, left' Chicago for arm in arm, left the Depot to inveetigate
Oumhe and Salt Lake City, the latter further , the villainy of. the deceiver.
city being located at the extreme west- They'retioned in a short lime - and pa
ern boundary of the Lieutenant General's tiently waited his appilarancteOfiltwaitel
Military Division. General Sheridan's, 1.1-yain. He came , ot. „Dottlatleas he
object in making this tour is to look' had concluded not to' malts) the tffikand
after the various posts and stations along returned to his own fireside. 6 lThe best
the line of the Union Pacific Railroad,' laid plans o' mice and trken. aft gang
and ascertain by personal observation agree."
what distribution, of troops may be ne
cessary in order to- secure better protec-' • I
Lion frOm Indians for those points. He
expects to be absent' ten or twelve days.
t ...
—ln the American Institute of Homeo
pathy, at Boston, yesterday, Dr. Hel-
mouth, ofSts LOWS, read simper on the
extirpation of the lower jaw, defending
his . statement against Dr. Franklin's
criticistn. Dr. Hale, of Chicago, also
read an interesting paper. The Commit
tee on Credentials reported fifteen State .
Societies, forty-five local or county Socie
ties. seventy-eight hospitals, twenty-four
dispensaries, eight colleges, and twelve,
me al., jottrnals. rOresented by one
['Mitred and rfarenty4ire Welegstm - In
the afternoon the members of the Insti
tute went on an excursion in, the, harbor,
and blithe evening enjoyed'a social levee
and collation as guests of the city. - , . •
—A National Convention of master car
builders assembled in Chicagqyesterday.
J. Van Mouton in the chair. About forty
representatives were in attendance friam
various eastern and western cities:
The 1 chief object of the meeting is
to. secure as tar as practicable more
uniftirmity in the construction ,of
railniad cars. The first and principal
business transacted was the "election of
officers of the Association for the ensui
trig *ear. The election resulted -in the
choice of J. W. Van Houten. of Pa. Cen
tral Railroad, President; Hugh Grey, of
the Chicago and North Western Rail=
told; Vice President; J. W. Davis,of Pa,
Central Railroad. Secretary., load \A.
Steinback, of Philadelphia and Reading
Railroad, Treasurer. Communications
from officers of various railroads, tend
ering the!compliments of their roads
to, delegates, were received ' and re-'
fervid to a special committee. 'After an
informal.ffitumasion of some minor mat
ters, on motion a Committee of Three
was appointed to revise the articles of
the. Constitution of the Association. a The
queition of appointing a Cemmittee on
Patents was raised, and discussed at
length, resulting in a decision not! to ap
point such a committee. A number of
communications from patentees, bowed
, er, I were read. They related to the
warming, heating, ventilating and up
, holstering of cars. It was moved and car
ried that parties wishing to do so might
present their patents to the Association
for "inspection.
• • Brewers* Convention.
meeting of the brewers and beer sell
erslof Allegheny county was held yeiiter
, ,
dal/ a ft ernoon at Wacker ' Hall, at Abe
foot of Troy Hill, relative to the repeal of ,
thei Sunda3r liquor law.-. •
The meeting.was organized by calling
A2-oltr , ..Wig/SlTtio to the chair, the election
Secretary,. and J.
WabketTreasurer. _
The chairmen stated the object, of the,
Meeting, after which the fellowilie gen.=
'tlemen Were appointed 'a committee to.
drift resolutions, expressive of the sense
of Vie Mieting relative to the matter un
der ismidderation: Messrs. Zeigler, Ott,
Walther andlgairer.
,Thm Committee, after alirief abience,,
reported. resolutions ,condemning the
Sundayliquor law as odious and tyran
nhial; btit the (.7olninittee . believed, with
General that the surest and most ,
speedy Way to repeal an odious law was
bYstrititlyerdbraing it, and, therefore,-
recombuended a strict eniercemeht 4 of
the 'JAW.' • •
1.. It was also resolved to hold • another
meeting at 'Turners' Hall, Sixth etreet•
1, weuneaday, evening, June lgth,towhich
all free thildr„lng Gernathw are invited:,
The resolutions wore adppted; the
Committee :Optioned; and aOthorized to
Provide waye and means for carrying
odt the Spirit of the resolutitnisr.•
A society !White organized for the pun,
pose of having the Sunday law strictly
enforced, expecting thereby to make it
so .odious to the people , that they de-
Mend its repeal.
Adionglefl• <, •
- -
.A,Linnelk Avenue, and print, Avenue
PrOlily_. icy at Auction. --Onluesday,June
/Otkat i two cede*. that • double brick
d*olling of ten, rooms op,Grant avenue,
near Western avenue. On the acme day'
at three o'clock, that vacant lot. 100 bp
140 feet , on 'Lincoln avenue, opposite the
Orphans' Home.
A. LzooATE, Auctioneer,
169 Federal Street, Allegheny.
y{ ~.j~ ~ ~~+p,~ fir_\~ 41. 't^"
NU 3 111 1(
Suicide —, An ~., Unknown Mau' _4umps
Ft om a Boat-House into the Allegheny
Yesterday% evening aimed sire o'clock. a
singularcase of sulebbiottenired ilea the ,
.. .
Allegheny Suspension Bridge, - -In the I ,
Allegheny river, the victim Moat -Prpba
bly being a stranger in the •eity, as no
'person appeared to know/. who he was or
where he came frothosnd the bodyi not
having been recovered, there appears to
be no means of identifying him. At the
the time stated, - a middle aged, 4vell
.diessed and isthgr large man was ob
servo' sbmdbwart.the bow, of _ boat-- -
house `
or the' , Undine Itoar'elub,
Which ' is moored oh ' the-- south
side of the. Alle,g4maY -- river, a
short distance , above the , suspension
'bridge, apparentlylri a deep' study. His
manner and rather- peculiar actions at
tracted the attention of a gentleman and
lady who were crossing the - bridge, and
that stopped 'fora Moment to look at
him, when just at that, instant ho
plunged headtoremost into the water and
disappettrild.'A. moment' later lie 'Arne
to the sulface,' and' almost. instantly sank
to rise no more. A slight eigortoplm was
made to recover the body by sev eral per
sons who were' attracted to ', the - place by
the report, but it.; was= unsucce*ful. '
Many ~; . conjectures and. rumors were in
cireulation as to the identity of the un-
Ibrtanate man, but they all appear to be
without foundation. A man answering •
;the , description as given. by the geptie
man Who witnessed the; rash act, wks ob
served about half an hour prior to. the oc
currence, , apparent,ly try a moo d. : of ab
stractrop, Walking back and "forkh along
Duquesne Wak; . .in• thb vicinity of the
Band street bridge. . r., , :, ,
The End of the Wife Murdeier
• kniost shocking - - hornicidei .a - partial
account of which we published • vister
day Morning, occurred in; South Hunt
idgdon toWnshipoWostmorAand county;
about eight miles from West Newton,
Monday morning last.
It appears that Samuel Morrow, the
perpetrator of the °horrible orimeeltas,
for sonic, time past been Insata "oh the
subject of rehgton, and atone' time he- '
came , s 0 violerd'...that his .frieng4 were
compelled to restrain him with chains to
preveht him froth - filtering; his • fatiaily.
Subsequently, • however, he beeame
more calth,„and 'twits thought _had re-
covered entKely from the Milady. pan
day morning - he agefuttinced some evi
. 'deuces of_insanity, :bat was not . violent.
,Monday morning, t hO,eallE?d, • hie family
into the room slid" engage& in . :,
family worship. tt7 ap.'•
pears, .3vaa busy milkiug , and . , did not
attend worship; and, whew the , htlitimit •
'dame Mit 'she - was sprtbg . hotuie
etraininginilk.l Heom. toeing bevtlieire:; . •
.armed- himself ; with-, : a hwaxelOri - atid,--
itnifiedintelmade •an artWk tipaCher, -
the details of which we publiihed'itinder..
day.. • Hit. oldeit londoterroosed 40 save
his Tthet• ted‘wiss i fealcidje the • and
by blit,*. Teem' the" , gar
'sem then ititerposedi oitidAtielithet , ttade
an assault upon - him. Vhe son AK. and
,Wee follOwed.forover half a mile by his
'father' •whoth 'managed' to" elude.
Wilda; morrdng,.sozne• meivaeartlhing
~for„gor.rp*, foundlis dead hed.1 ;; 0 11 41-
hig to si - tree i'dtriP Of hiektay parr,
in the Woods about halt a mils -, front his
hods"; ends the douttkr tragedy:
Ameritan Bank. "
This instittition", mated at . 80
Fourth ayanue, although only. - a ort
time in operation, lie in I ** most flourish
ing conditiort& It has illgined , ,afieady
almost, to the staftqlof,soil?e of Our,qldest
banking establishinenle, The amount of
transient deposits which it receives daily
is almost unprfgolentodilog abank of its
lace. . Ite,worih,y. President, John Floyd,
•Eik., 'although in ticne'raplictit In anew
bush:use sato practicaldetsils, is never
theless perfectly at home, ia monetary `
negotiations. Betas been an • officer for
many years In some of our mast Ralston
tint banks, and,haolong beenaced
to handle large smolt of , money, tiO-110 ha
'lndeed, since we `'became - Sequatinted
with lilm, been a banker" for a great
•Many,cottnttY naernhania i thin a large
banker for
the surrounding n ghborhooci.
William ' Floyd; t Eari.,l3ein • a isbiewd
and exPerienbed financier, - ekes &trot
class Cashier. The Ameri , . Bait
managed /8
with oonsumma e, ab ity.
1 Therei, no'sinfer' or- more - . ble instto '
tution in this vicinity.