The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 09, 1869, Image 5
IL t_ ~'~.,d~R . . ..., r- 'OrCE. - MEETING OF .BREW ER. , AVE TATERN KEEPERS. - -Meeting tit the -Brewers and Tavern Keepers i 0 tsbargh. AJlesheny, Birmingham and ?I. a 9 wlll held at the HALL VP WALKIIMa rt Ant, on ..bto street, Allegheny. on Bißel. Y. (BNB 9th, at 3 d'obeir. to AR Interested are r•speetfully Invited. as ess of importance 11111 be laid before the 123 eis AnniveL or SUMNER 6140D.4 AT THE _ Syr piothing Headquar t ers, NO 47 :TETE S T REET.: .• GRAY & LOGAN. . . fili LED PROPOSALS. 7SiCLLEDPRO.PtiSALS will be received at the eacii, or the water Cpuimittee tint') 7 o'clock. TFESDA.7 RIPENING.., ZUNE 15tb.11.869,*f0r taros 1110. 4 t3, 151,. v.. 8 and 6 Inch pipeii. Bids *A be rec yea for digging, Shinji ind rimming . Ski trench s for the pipe, by tbe cubic yard or by fkii 11141 toOt of pipe laid for the digging of treaches i ls lag pipe and making all connections st most airelets. ' Forget tl g aid connecting Sze pings, separate Mis will received. Torfitrth r information apply to . JOSEPH FRENCH. , Superintendent. It,toISI4ABIT FURNITURE , HOl3l3Nt, Ha (Mess, VEHLOLIAL &a . i Ettut D &VEN UE, YLAST LIBERTY.— ' it AY. MLA:WINO, June nth. at 9 o'cloek. . be . ne e a c r il li d ead at o th r o lu r g e h sr an en d ee n. o e fe ue. . B. If 13 11 ie be au r . - entire elegant aansehold famishment of 7, i ei . articleor KL. mat. try almost new and very 'llan linsittir.lent araelost fine.t itotewood style far nialtment In, parlor; Wall ut to sitting rem; Usk ream. and the chattiness tarnished In Mattogan. till Walnut and Varnished Walnut and PlatnVits.• Ail the ems and hall covered • with . SAMS grades of Brussels and Ingrain Carpets, al most new. lAlso tar. faked with. Oil Paintings, : Bronze Flay rag, Er gray I a.. e,Orituidellers, Lamp.. China and Queeiisware - Eitoken Utensils. Earlor andlCitchen Stove 4. Wheelbarrow'. 3lirtliiiii im .Plementi and everything nanal'in filling up a -enintryhon4e. .-• . • - • • 111103, Horan and Pony. Barouche, Buggy, liar nem!. ilie. 1 . , + - • A.NCIIMAINE: . • . Orrr Atutonzirr, 77 Taxistruirs , a orrccit, JaneB.llB69. ALLEGHENY TAXES. Utica is hereby given that tbeJuiseuers have viol placed In the Treasurers office the Dapll-, *tem of Oltri . Poor. City School l School 'Building and Public Park Taxes, and of Water . Be*•ti: for the piarlBBlll, Yr:debit said taxes will now be received to parsruume or the ..dete of Ad seithly of February Melo; i3l of Air!' 14th, 1883. subject topte following regulations and allowances: • -" ' IPlna per COAL Jr p aid on orbefbra the, fist day . J Jaly. /vapor cent. If paid on or before the drat day of Anznat. 7rwo per cent. if paid on or ller*llas trot day of Septembei. Pahl' after Yie,ltest day of em.temter. and on oi . befOre the ant day of October. no diatultioa will be made. it paid after the drat day of October, and on or bate* the first day of November, an addition of Ave per cent. shall be added to and payable on the same. After the first of Norembeiwairants will be leaned to enforce the, collection of all taxes re maining unpaid, together with the percentage .*earned thereon, and the costs. • D. MACTEBRON yellticrf , City Treasurer. OLIVER ME FELMOCK ' ' Cole BATE BECKIVED A VINE S taEOTION 'OF tssigLs,. - TMESTRY BRUSSELS, FANCY MATTING/4 I'4 f it'-§ipiumEß WEAR, 1:111t Tall CITT. STOOK FULL IN ALL DEPARTMENTS EM MI MIMI IregOOCIE * - .4filir4M's, 23''FIrTH -2 /LVENUE 1. (yaptiEl • T: . • 1; oinln NEW - COMMITTEE NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS. Silk Fans, Linen, and Faint Leaf Fans, New Japanese Fans. SILK. PARASOLS, all tke New Stiles. WHITE GOODS, 8e... 1 ma Lino. SUMNER SOIEILEVARD SHIRTS At Reduced Prices. Kew Puked • Collars and Cuffs, , In Paper and Linen. CORSETS,_ a Complete Stich. GENTS' SUMMER:: ; UNDERWgAR In Merino, Gauze and Cotton. WRITE AND STRIPED MUSLIN SHIRTS. Oar Stock COTTON Defies Competition. 21MBRO/191nrillsJ LACIEB, 11LANDMIERAMIZIPS. • BIACRUJitt GLYDE & CO.. ,78 ' a, 80. Market Street. TE)101.1E TRADE. TA KEN _Boys, 8 w Purchased Cruder Regnla Pricia, T-0 BE BOLD AT A WHOLESALE ONLY. NEM JOSEPH HORNE & CO. NOW SPRING GOODS SACRUM ic CARLISLE'S 271 Fifth Avenue, Dreis Trimmirlis mid Bottom& . - Embroideries sad Lamm. , Ribbons and Mowers. 'Asti mad Bonnets. • • Preach, . Glove tatting and h Corsets. • Zirew Styles brdaera Marls. • Parasols—ill the astir styles. , raft mut/labs Umbrellas. , Eloslery—Sbb besS English makes. Until kedodess Sprind aid Etns* underwear, „ c SOle 4eoy forjlse Bemis Patent item 4:1011 lam 'losebirood'a• "Woe , Incl, * 1 .. Z 11630 . 1 6 ! 3 iftD* l2l . o *' .2 * Werbre" and. other style& - , • . • , . Dealers nopiled with OR above as • • 1/LANUFACTriRERS' P RICKS. ACR - It' CART IFir Tqc). 27 FIrTki:AVENUE. TO LOAN. , ' • ' , N El 'MET of ~.:isl!- . p,;=H::ip _ 01111RST C LAD MORTGAGE, OITT PROP. glar. APO,' 11113Alra ST. TEI ALGIICINTS, toast youirra Avstrus. DUNDEE .Keeleria. tele • lade; also, enril • 17 the anon Qt • , •86 CABEBI izA Tt3. BAR GAIN NORGAB A BOBERISN JIAItMELADE. ?rated Eltotcb: Orange Warne n'a Jellies and .Jame. for rale ngle Jar tor JNU. A. RENSHAW. er Liberty awl Meth streets.' = ,1119 bbls at , 'a.. vispriPlii* IMIrl .:: . ii', , i 1:t 4 • •,04. , ,7, 4 ..:.:.:•' flp Eic . ;" z 7 , lr' NTS. IZE3 STOCK MELT REPLENISHED NEW AND -DESIRABLE GOODS THIS WEEK'S SALES. EXTRA GOOD BARGAINS ALPACAS, Choke Colas, Silk W i i l arp Poplins, WASH -PLAID POPLINS. PLAIN COLORED PERCALES, Plain Colored Lawns, FIGURED LAWNS, WHITE MARSEILLES, - I , G 1, cfccs.l. HEAVY !MACK SILKS, FINE BLACK MOItAIRS, BLACK POPLINS, BLA.OK ALPACAS,- &c., WHOLICSALN AND ENTAIL WILLIAM SENPUEIS, N0. , 180' and 182 Federal Street, n AL.LEGE= r Mfr.' ANOTHER =ME ):',:', .j , • . :. j.. _ll: . 1: - ...1: I) CAI, . 1 SELECTION i IMPORTED & DOMESTIC MOSS GOODS LINEN : : : - 'SfOODig, s 1 E s, F=!11 M 4 l4%aelLia,rLtless LACE CURTAINS, BATES &BELL'S. = LEGALL. LEGAL! We inelte the atteutloa of the Legal Profession tomer large asetltelent oz- LE ala BLANKS, Including a numberof New andlinprored Worms. ".,Illtr,blanlui' are prepared Will artist care and prinwd.wit superior p ,per. Oor - catalogue or blanks arranged so as to rteMtatwordertag now readyand may be Li►d on appliestlow. . LEGAL WRITI-Nd DEED :PAPER, $ 4 LEGAL ENVELOREIie. DOCUMENT' ENVELOPES, And a Full Amsorb:nentor LEGAL STATIONERY Alwaye on ben& Orders by mau will meet'one prompt iittOtion. • . ':' , _?,-iltAT . .A.CAritrply; ,i_' 65 Wood Street. pardon= CROQUET! BEST GOODS! • LOWEST PRIC,E4 • S ';': - A: Ct,44.11,K,F10c::•c075. .NE• ..4100K STOXLV , ' • ~. • :wow 4 r'w •.i .•,-1; 411 '.....v1"..11.)11 t.73S.S.kti'l•—•}o( twist rfr - . i I, WITH FOB UO OF IMIE SHAWLS. E 33 NM ...:.. ,~ . T 4041, 9 ...-,1813' . ° t• , • NEW d ] S TISEMENTIL 12 TUBS OF FAST COLO R ED CALICO FOIN ONE DOLLAR, • Best Quality of Cloth. 1=;ZI :::EXTRA FIRE Yard : Wide Undressed BLEACHED MUSLIN, AT 181.8 Cts. YARD II LIGHT ICOLOBED DEL AINES, Milli 12 1.2 OEM Good Styles and- Quality. BARGAVIS IN TABLE LINENS. C4EISIMERES, TWEEDS .TEANS,&c., .AT WILLIAM SIMPLE'S, No. 180 and 182.• Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. lirtElii . lßLE CITY LOTS FOR. Th. 4 rinclefahnted, as trustee la, the partition ; of the real eatate-of HITCS.X,' Deceased, By order Of thirDistrict °bort of Allegheilyeonn ty, will sell at public sale. on the premises, on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 80,1808, At A o'tdoek e. N., that very valuable property en Fifth avenue; city of rittsburgh. coneistii.g of TWO LOT.i.. First—A lot fronting on Mar ket street so feet Ind ettending,the name wldtn, alone the south side of Fifth avenue 101 feet to . Market alley. - second—A lot e n the oppootte side of Mal kst fronting on rifik avenue NO feet and reaping back. preserving to a same width, along Market alley 30feet. vu the tl at mentioned blare FOWL FRAMP. TE h EMENTS, and on the other • TUltlkkl tiTtlEl BUICK , BUILDING. ...,.T.txma lots are among the moat valuable la Mud ocliy of Pittsburgh. being en the principal street' and .Izi the centre sif.. business. . The attention of estilta basis particularly Invited to them. as they are desirable chiefly for the value of the lets, the buildings nut trolog,of murk consequence. and pos.esalon for building pisinms ran be obtained on 3 mouths , notice- 'fib- pr.operty now. rents for over eight thousand. dollars. 'rise patch user will receive Um rents after July Ist. THE TEIIIIIB OF SALM Chie-thlrde.asit. and the remaining , two-thirds In two equal annual payments, with seml-annual Interest troth day of sets. secured try Doed and mortgage on the premises. . I. W. F. WHITE. TRUSTEE. June 5,1469. 1e7:1C29 NEW 000 EL One New Way Bound Ike World. By Ca g rleton Ma te e lo En p o e n en tV o n h a "C omer I .. 1,50 The 2SINICI Hera and-. Hereafter. By Dr. Holcombe, author of "Our. Children In Hessen." ••1 ' .re,r..• 1,50 Anderapn , a History 01 - Fureian Missions.. 150 naineering F.cts and !Figures for 11068. 3.50 Brace's new Wes 1,155 lnalbone; au Old .Pori, Romance 1,50 Prot.'s Memoir of bir Wm, Hamil ton ef.4 5.00 Gill rot , / Hen:alt. of his Times.* voles ,!{ evlf 10,00 A New Book ot,Arehlteel nye, ,by Loring and Jen ney 11.3,00 'read* Hugo'C. , Hinamii4Lat Hat. Pt.' , LOU No wlki,toiMarlOrrare, Novels. Vanity Pair and Vandal:4la,, nom ready, each.... 1,55 S. L CLARKE '& WOOD STBEE . B ) At DOOR BELOW FIFTH J.l6:buw HOLTZNAN' & WIEDEBROLD No. lop Third , Avenue, Upholsters and !lesion in Curtain Goods, Dile , t the attention of their friends and the public to their iliiPll a sorted stock of - - Lace and Nottingham curtains Vestibule Laces. Damask Reps. Ferry's Mexican cloth, Battu, Delanes, 0111 Cornices, 0111 and Walnut Mouldings. ttpring Beds of superior make, Hair Miamians (pure 14 bite hair.) ?Mons.. Bolster 0. and overfilling ye:Vining to a drat class bed. The latest Paris and Berlin designs for Draperies atthe inspection 14 their customers. earl? white Masten) littollifelthersidllo4 Oh band. HOIIIIIIIAN WIEDEBHOLD. NO. 100 THIRD AVENUE. taTedin .1 r • • STOCB.TON HOTEL CAPE DIATM. J.. , - lyni . oo* on tth e . Stith of JUNZ S IBII9, Vita hotel hes leen created witbla the ,put year, af fords atop% aocondskodat lon the nearly one thou. and guests and Is intnlsbed equal to any df thq leading hoteli In the United'etto s; For tenni, Oa., until th.u, aeidrees, R GARD NEN, Proprietor, ' • No, .ROY Walnut street, phlladelphta. .114;/!/13111/1 tlinfoitarENTEurniss 'F'OUND4Y, • WM: M. 4101101/1011f. lasontsosurer of COUKINU • oToville..Arohee. Grates, lenders, bash Weights, and all kinds of Wane (Jar Wheels and all kinds of ltstobinerp! Oaftit,_oo/1. , W AThOM sisest. et WWI:LTA. &Anvils/ea trivia) . szes CAPE MAY , CITY; N . .1 Will be opened tope )1.0.10a SANIIRWAY„ Ks, m Ge,. ln 'nit ars wow op, olionsents,•optt 'to soy and yet "fiord ad to flunidets al64hr oonlaris or e it ute. Prtaident Grant Altitude to visit Cape May ttil settlata and Ai the "Until Addressf myll9V4 • a, Ao.BUN.Ell.l.lllV.Promrlotay. ACHANEI TO_ plasma aunty.. --Aoy person hlitiAiristeitalleabilidwistUs ca Laosittionp eis rpti, • o,mtlo so pi •our.t. vn,cj4 Jfsaablo , - A " 4- , • • NEW ADVERTISEMENTS M) MARKET STREET. J. W. BAR WILL STELE THIS WE TWM"Ni7C7 t • 1:101=LM E DtU C E Chint.4* s, .Letvna, Organdies, Oremedffies. 1 , These Goods bare Jusibeen purchased and Customers will re .1" . NP. MA. "EL NO. 59 MARK I 433. d No. 20 SIXTH, foi- TA.GCAABT SIMEN, DETAIL KOS, SllOiS AND 'jGAIIEKS WM : Al 1 Whelesille 'Prices.' . • NO. 129 FEDERAL STREET, Allegheny City. ma 4 Oino Bryn', nwireonFutw,NT. Proposals for Two steamers for He. nieviwt,Oltwarnesiono. • SEALED PROPOSALS will bit received at the' office of the United State. Engineers, in the Cus tom House Building, sittaburgh, Pa.. until o'c,ock P.'ll. of WirDN)SDA.Y. JUNE 16th, ISO% Err ternishlnsTwo Lignt Draught Steam ers. Crane &ate and Plate, to be employed by contract brdara work in removing Obstructions from the Ohio River, Consisting of snagsi trees, , sunken logs, hosts, barges wrecks, gel Bidders must specify the price per day for each day's work, for which they will agree to flunish everything accessary, and do the work under the superinte- &nee o a per son to belipp4AtittAl b' the said Engineer. Said price to cover the famishing of , a light draught steamer, one crane; boat, two at.ongly decked Oats. and the necessary screws, chain., rep , s, leers saws. axes.; e, tares. tc., suitable for ench work, and including the pay and expenses of ca,tain, Pilot, Engineer and crew, besides one manager or working bows in addition and one gan of e lght men etch for doing the work, and having suitable atitiOtnmodathillS for the Govern ment ine,eettor; k " All expense. to be id. and all risks borne by r the party proposing, t beingunderstlod that the ttuvernment will not be responsible for the pay ment of anything more than the gum per day jolt mar be agreed upon IL the contract. The right Is seserveo to Meet any or all bids if it shall be deemed Air the ih tercet of the Govern. meat Igo to do. hpeeineations and; a blank forth of psoposals will be furnished on Xpplication, from this once, e.t-er in person or by writing. - •The proposals must beaccompanied-- bv the guaranty of two responsible sureties, signed on the printed form. By ordt r of Brig-General A. A. H1T11P111111198,.. Met of i neineeiio? 'die Vie ifß. W. plumps HOBZILTI3, U.S. civil Engineer. . in charge Unto River Improvement. Prrvggratou. June t 1869. itll:las REDVOED.. - i - ARAM OF NOTE PAPER FOR. $l. -, • NOTE PAPER PER 808, 40e, Ji JOSEPH HORNER'S,. Bookseliei and Stationei, tei L 29 Sinithllleld Street. 112245,011/0 TO LOAN ON BOND ita D MORTOseIt. - Books settled anu accounts prompilyeolleet• ed. Houses and Lots in Pittsburgot and ithegho. . Cheap licasesand Lo sto last h ittertyan n lt addocks . Lola hiMansdeld• A ref, desirable d farm of WO acres; splendid young orchard. good house, with store-r4omattaeUrd; spying of nailer near'EconomN on' the hie 01" !J. & tj for sale very cheap. • • lows', Mis souri sa t e : V irgin% lars,l to ask. Enquire of TKOS. RINGPSON ' & R. IL:ROLLAND Brokers and Beat lstate Bgeleles Se GBOLICT eTBICBT • • , tarsal back rains. JOHN H. OTHIRAIT I NOM H. PA , TTJUIBON M RO P&TTEREIO,III & ' CO., LavinitOr, COMILSS I XON STABLES IBVENti AVENUE .-,COII. LIBERTY &.BT.; P&- aD26:b4 I ' • FOR SAILEe! Neer (iebotti Vtation. on the Pit:tehluib i Pt. Wayne arid quail° .a,suroaa, TWO :LOTS Containing- Aboutliwo Acres bob ENQIMIZ MACKEOWN & BRO. • mins -.Liberty Strut, plisletftri'! , ElCHAN GE 110. 444 0 ,24 - 14a.7.11ber ty. a now •rer , tombs remy*ifi r ei U theiti . fer u titiirfolle'Rooms dolls omen 4.l443T4luiuyipi. with all the 400:1141100110k,[cheriel Ecemorifter. Hourly earemilateiiimeriiitli ilierettY.`l isinotxual t Aidriasserird~ .6!* Wore i rlzwi der 11l N9' 1 ; 4 7 ADVERTISEMENTS: ST. CLAIR STREET. KER &CO., Eli A LUISE LINE OF ISM GrCPC:O73 D. 'BATES. Poplins, Colored Aliuseas, • Black Alpacas,Granite of the Importers at a heavy Inetionnt eive the Advantage. , „ 13CM ck5C CO.r. ET STREET, merly Si.CIair,STREET. ~4` BOTIOSB-'•To: Lao , ; state.' "Zed, " "Amid," "Boardfit,' de." sot eineatair POOR ZI3EB each fool be fa serted in these easitni ones foi , rw.isrr,rava 0814TTR :--each adflitiosat tine OEM'S. WANTED-HELP. ANTED-HELP•.T MCP. PLOYMEN'T 0.17,10_ _,E No. 1 St. Clair Street. BOYS OERLS and ALEN, for Aileron kinds of , employment. _ Persons wanting , help of all kinds can be Supplied on 'short notice. WANTED---AGENTS. WANTED.—Agenos totake Or- DEES hi the city and county tor Dondias. Patent Stone-Lid Holder. County_rlghis for sale. Enquire for J. ES. WlLeoli, at Morrison 3 De vol e, 15 Water street, Pittsburgh. NITA NTED,4 GE 11 TEL,--$75 ,to 000 per month s verewhere IMPROVED female. to introducdthe OEM:TINE CoIfMON SENSE e FAMILY bEWINO MA CHINE. This machine will stitch, hem, 1111. tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider, in a mixt superior manner. Price only SIN. FAO' warranted for fiver:am We win pay 111,000 for any machine that will sew a stronger. more .beauttlttl, ,or more elastic seam than ours. It makes the %Elastic Leek stitch." Everr leeond stitch can be cut, and-still the cloth etelr'bot be pulled !part without tearing it. We pay sweats from Mto $9OO per month and expenses, or a commlsston-front whleb twice that amount - itan be made. Address BECOSIB t t. 0.. Pittsburgh. Pa.. St. Louis, Mo., or Boston, Mass. CAUL 110 r. —tau not be imposed upon by other puttee panning off worthless cast Iron machines. under the same name or othrrwlse. Ours Is the only genuine and really practical cheap machine manufactured. . . ~ ;;;;~) Mr 11VANTED —AGENTS.--To i3ell the American %unlink Machine. Price 1125. The titotuest. cheapest end best %unlink Machine ever! invented. Will knit 40.000 stitches per minute. Liberal inducements to agents. Aldrvas AMERICAN %BUTTING MA CHINE CO.. Roston, Mess., or St. Louis, Mo. ANTED. Bats and Alto Vinger, to. city clitoral i•holr. Must be good reader.. Address M. M. C., -80x.1.313, Pittsburgh P. 0. WANTED -TO PLASTERED& —Plastering to be done. for whirl& carpen te thek will be elven In return. ' Al* tG be nione inwat manner. Direct n. W.. Box it. GJ, zxrre ()price. BOARDINGi-nlioemis opposite the Park, II•Oith Commons. lhoh rooms. and the camtorts of a home. 181 North avenue, Arleghehy. • laUffAN'rEp.—A few respectable s V Y treet bc , arderi at 18 Ninth street; Hap/ .) WANTED.- BOARDEIIS. , ftw more boarders can and pleasaatrooMa ap . d - good boardtng at No. 10 AIM 'drool; Albs. geerM ror 64.80 par week. IiVrANT bond orb A dress J. V. ' WANTIr-lionse of .0 Or: room, Rhin. the Ihtdta of the old wards. A dress H. ,V.A2STTI ULTIMA, statism loca tion end terms. - . Tl3O-LET.—ltopm ad Boor A. Dispatch Building . . Rent very' low for bal. ce or tear.Om water and nations?, stand. krintre at PotOgranh lialletY.DisPatch Sandlot. TO -L E T Largenall in a good location.' •. CIPYRRIERT 110N5,39 dirth avenue. rirle-LEV__. A ;1100M-A FoRTAWLY funOshed ROOM for one or mote gentlemen. Apply :at 24 O. 33 NROII. (late Hand.) street. • • ~ froi . LET.—A line, large new titor. Room, in the value of Wilkintburg. with ! Went low. else, bean , . Well. rge orrice, front rootn.see end floor,on OM, formertg_l3.. 01 tr, near the. bridge. irnnutre oc JOTIN BEATM". Engraver, W 3 Minket St. • Resi dence =.A 'Beautiful . 8 rooms, attic, ball and vestibule an good, Usher.' vim • antt water" in .the house. pleasantly located 'on' Forty third tbrmerly Ewalt) street. Rent, 11,1 00. Apply to 6: b. B , Car- ND ra and Butler streets, Pittsburgh— - r Flo LET.--Honse o il in Centre - Avg. & Ni Ater. .& very convenient ! , Onto, season, • Rent 498,00, pt.; tneutti. :eta took et 121 Centre astride. etttsburgu. asXO-LET.--HOOllllll.-Two film& ROOMS In tiAZETTE BVILDIN43. Apply ImtlAitHeouut..l l 4uld.B6l,llltlVatettle. ; FOE B.ILE. PARK in &wickly townshtp, fillestvny coun— ty.•situate about SA miles from S.sinckly_and a • H. bum Lett.dsvo station, on P. St W. O. H. R.. consalning 100 an es, Ilbefeared and e t t. der_. god cultivation; balance In timber. On whims there ill erected a comfattabm flame ,Moose Rood Log Barn and all other necessary( nutnollil Large orchard Of' choice Waif,* Eiel7 han in good order. Pries 4110 per attrelo' Also, T At/11.1sX, about mile from Fleming Btallßn. P.t. W.- At u. H. B miles train elsw 41- Beaver *road. ti.uth•elast exposure; goon spring on •plaCt; also a small stress° ot. water running hrough It; will be sotd to o_najpitms, or la lots to suit ,purchmers rricieliSAMO. Also, other Houses and Lots in good 'mantles: Poe farther particulars Inquire of • —. WbITMOR, Oorner Oblo and Sandusky streets, Allegheny. JOS VOII SALE - TYPE i-AboU i4OO lg. pounds MINION TYPE. near/y as good U new. Enquire at TEM OFFICE. : , . • Volt BALE .-- The one-half in• 'reran In the Drug Stara •of BLAOKILSTuIf, n. IluGßltai tit, In. stllaire, Otdo. They avO doing a thriving bush:lett; and the location to of the brit in Eastern Utato. 'ton 'for selling; 11l health of Amity. Tern. remarkable. Altlel FOE . t&L E„ , - • „ , • , ISt acres or COAT. LA316.3 miles front Tem. perineevAlle; on the Male peli, Jam au% 137. acres near Denthrillle, Indiana county. Pa.; on Livermore 'Station.. W. 't".' R. B. welt ite4 proved an# cheap. .1 3 0141RARD LOT onilLtitetiPtieet; Ranches. • #9 111 44•39)- PCit rah .94.4l;i.evw, street. Pitta; 1.! E VU 4l4 . o l4 , .loteasiuttl - anatc: 4 , III quaLOAND.L9II4 in % WIWI likTviuntajl ,a . A .. 1 '. ; 3 ti uz 144 : 3 0 -, :pr v , :. l tOnt e,)wlll4l 4V6ix toomplogi , Ju. 1.13:414P., QC> WANTS. D.—To loan/sop on mortgage' for one or two on •. care Gantt teotice. , `:'TO LET MI SALE II MEI ME