II .)tt Ifttoltu*Saintt. . ..• VIBLIBIIED DAILY BY _ PENITIKO,REED &Co4Proptitora, • 7. 3. PENNIMLN, • JOST kit 'SING. T. 1". ISOFETOE.- EiFED. Editors and PrOPrk 1 . - 011102: GAZETTE. BUILDING, NOB. 84 MID BITFIFTH ST. • OMULAIN PAPER of Pigtails:rah,. Allegheny and Ails gimay Count 7• Wook&V•I 7", e ar..s_go InnileCion s iir g 1.50 601114 / 45 (me month 75 Biz mos— • , • . 4, •,.).15 37Zbe week 15 "r"1"4 sudonotioAgent• tromearrier.) Sumwomm••' --- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1869. itErIYBUCAN TICKET. ASgOClAlW.ttrnot DlBrascr JOHN. M. EISICEA.TRICS. i‘sorvorr LAW , JOWL CONKON rr.g.ss, COLLIEJI. • wrial ssx.tve. THOYAS 'HOWARD. AitiViatLY. MOM B. 111TAIPMBS 111, •JiLILICAMDIER KELLAM, JOSEPH WALTON. • ' JP/Z3 TAYLOR' D. N. WAITS. - 'JOHN H. -SERB- • earmarr , • SVGS B. ir GERING Tiesasuivilt , ' • JOS. I: DICFNISTON. CLERIC OT comas. 4091SPH BdOWITE• itscoanzu , THOMAS II • lIIINTILT. coilmissioxsa OBAUNCEIZ B.•l3o3l'YnOlt. • nicitsiss, JOSEPS H. GRAY. - 'cuutx or pant Axe , coils?. • . ' ALI-SANDER BILANDB - =sigma or LOO - XcCLUBE.. - 'Ws Pinsrr an the ins* ,pages of, morning's G#mr_FTll.---Besond page ply, Ephemeris Clipping., - Third and Binh pages: (lotnmereiai, Mercantue and River News, Markets and Impirts. Enema page: Indian Af f airs, A Sketch of Oaitelar, An Order by the President, Woman and Marriage, Mis eeliceneous, 17..13. BONDS at Frankfort, 68aC468/. Piasommt at Asitrerp, aMlf. GOLD closed In liew York . -yesterday 1.1382. 14nilleimblicana have . made a dean sweep in the municipal election at Wash - gton. Wn Indge frora the bestintOrmatlon we Can obtain that the recent frosts occa sioned no damage to the fruit or cereals. Amosous old gentlemen should take limning from .the heavy verdict just. awarded a maiden of thirty summers, at Wheaton, iIL, of ;100,000 damages sus tained by a breach of promise. The de fesdant in the case la somewhere above sixty years of age and worth a million of dollars in Chicago property, Tn Commeniai victory in the lab . , Conventions appears to ha assuming, smaller proportions each day; It has been counting, the dead. wounded and missing and - concludes that the fight did not result so adviintageotutly to its forces as at first imagined. • . . .T.ocas M. BazorK, Esq., a lawyer of large ability, has the Republic= support of Venango county for the State Senate. If he secures the nomination and thids place hi the Senate chamber, the - people ot the whole Commot;wealtitioll. have cause to be grateful to Venango for_puithicr him forward. D. Nadeau ti Esq., hen re ceived the nomination for A2sembly, which is another judicious and admirable lection. . - A. lisenvnix dispatch remarks as fel -1 'wire of the Saturday evening meeting at which the rival candidates for - Gov ern& announced their respective post.' tient' on the suffrage question. The meeting meals&•the fact that so far the colored men :of Nashville and Davidson are almost unanimously, for. llokes. It is difficult to say, however, what changett may be made during the canvass.. TaaDoileMati”B are unani mously for Neuter; and this morningboth the Democratic papers of this city come out for him squarely The greater num ber of white Republicans seem to be for him also. The campaign presents some singular features, end will 1)e one o _Tf the most interesting ever fought 'in en , nesse.). . , WE BELINTE it was New Orlemus that generottely tendered the freedom (if the city to BEE BllTl.Maatter he had captured it and placed the people under military rule. The conqueror adilsed the taking out of "a patent on th e ides by the gener. ens municipal anti:unities; The Connor. tug, siterlts burst of 'greeted enthusiasm its "triumph" in the recent Conven. tions, where is knocked ' a rc, s into squares, in sober second theught, thinks a revolt would follow ip the pirty - if other such bodies were to !assemble. -,13y all Imeans let the qopssfrrciai take out , a patent for its novel method of :getting up an exhibition of very decided satisfaction: - Tux honest man's own psper dam' street le disgusted with its Mei*, from the country who were bemboosled by leaders into itictl,lllr, cliffereutlythutt they cicala to do,hk the. !Trent late -e0119441- tio , t ,. erti'iye a those ',leaders,' are iblkiiiiteritiolptilate the honest .1.1. 55111 . 5,itY - ax- I. frA • ,` *>-4-"" - ' . 2.4.; ' . - - tAtjl •,•- ,•••; , -•- , 4rf.k.""' • p.*ll.l4Vphisticnitedfriends Of the_ e cern, merefistfrom the rural r districts, and us them just as they please. We have gen era*. thought it a difficult matter W . change the minds of intelligent delegates coming fresh from the people of the CCM try towns and villages, but those."rings" have discovered the secret, if -the COM• mercial be true, and breathing upon them mould them in shape to suit, as easily as if they were made of wax. A Wasnrucerow. reporter telegraphed the othPr day to the New York Trarune, that the Secretary of the Treasury was then holding a currency balance of 246,000,00 o! Whereupon, the , • editor seems to wave feared that the country would be too muchl h astounded t by these figura t1 credit i their , accuracy, and gravely reiterates them in an encouraging paragraph upon tha financial prospects of the Nati n. Really, we could not 1.0 1 , _very well' be considered to be iii a bad way, with a lance of $107 , 000,000 in gold, and of $ 46,000,000 in currency, for cash °ahead. The totalrepreseats about four hundred millions 1U greenbacks. Imagine the rage of IL G. when his eye met these absurd statements; the next morning t wouLD say to thoge country journalists who *4 not enough penetra tion to see through the triumphant and gushing tones of the Cinnisereial; after the sitting of the several Republican Con- Tendons in our city, and discover that it tinily was dying from the mortification of defeat, that, if they want at this late day to truly measure the proportions of its victory over the leaders of the party— men who have I contributed their time, money "and - talents 'tO building up the, overwhelming Majority which makes our county conspicuous, and yet who are brazenly called •{corruptionists" in return for their servicesthey have but to read the editorial columns of -our contemPora- Ty yeste:rday. The "leaders" can afford to meet 'such "crushing defeats" as the Commercial can bring ahout every day of the year, and in ttie end come out re freshed and stranger. 1.).0(17 E:an teist2ei insidst) _Tss Irish Cllirch bill, which passed proudly and triumphantly through the House of Commons, will be savagely as sailed in the House of Lords, and in all probability •refected. - There trouble brewing in. England, if the voice of her masses for reform be unheeded by the arrogant and aristocratic Peers. The disestablishment of the church is a pro gressive step the people hive decided to make, and the spirit of democracy aroused cannot be set at rest by the illiberal policy and conduct of a body already odious and despised. Oat of the Irish Churel question may arise larger trouble than any now anticipate. The system has long been a galling chain forced by des potic rule on an oppressed race, and never in the centuries through which worn were the people indifferent to the hardship Imposed. The time has been reached for reform, and the people de mand a hearing. Should their expects- Ilona be not realized, revolution may fol low, and out of it, who can tell what will not come? .. —.... _ BEV,ERDY JOHNSON INTER ' 'VIEWED. A reporter for the New York Times has had a long interview with the ei-lin:fister, and narrates the conversation very filly. Mr. Jonsson was communicative con cerning his official career in 'England. Of Senator Sinimani, he made this remark able debleistion : Mr. Sumner wrote to Ur. Bright on the 19. h or 20th of last January that the rotocol which I ent here would hae been almost unanimously it approved if it had been received three weeks sooner. The fact is. the incoming President did not want the question settled during the administration of. Andrew Johnson, and the Republican party did not want it set tled by me. They did not want the eclat of having the most difficult question, short, of the Auestion of &anal separa tion, that has arisen between the two countries, settled by a Democratic ad mtnistration. That was the point of ots• jection to my course and to my protocol. Mr. Sumner said to my colleague, , Mr. Vickers, that a month earlier .it would • have been as welcome as c hampagne.' Bright denounces Buninergs speech In the strongest terms:- In the following, he charges upon his own government a •practical change of front, the inferencea being that the new Administration, looking about' for tena ble ground on which '.to stead in'opposing a ratification' of the protocol, was inclined to find it an earlier claim suggested by Mr. SEW BD in '661 but which had been suffered to remain in abeyance. , Mr. Jourison is reported, on this point, as fol lows: • .. .. "This question of , belligetency was covered in my protocol, and ea much reparation was •thereinade fur it as ever the English Government will consent to make. Why; Prance recognized the Booth: Spain did it: Russia did it. Why is England, alto be held accountable for it? They wiU never tolerate the Idea. By the way, how about the diplomat° correspondence? Has it all been pub lished—l Immedi at e l y ch covered my, protocol?after the treaty , was negotiated, on the 14th of January, { I wrote s letter on the treatykgenerally„ , and on the 17th I sent , a long dispatch vindicating and explaining it, which has not yet, so far as I have eeen, been pub.', fished. Mr. Seward wrote me at the time that both he and Mr. Johnson were satished with all that I had done, and that the protocol was satisfactory. After thee,reat was sent here, I, for the first tim - saw, that the United States Gov. einment was disposed to think that it had claims of its own, distinct from the indi- Vidnal elellne of Its citizens. This mada a new complication : which I had not dreamed of. , P :, , . • .., r „. " Bu t NEL soward4rt" 1860 insisted very ettcaglylbst thetseogisitionef the South its belligerents IsY the Eriglish Id itilriljblil'(s" l `' vc,„ g - u !I' R 1 44 4 9- l i lo9llOover 1 o tir t g meat tilted fine fnr,oiaizi , out hit al9v.nd fit!---;5•..01 , i' '',-. ' • ~,g - t4t 93.r.iitl ,3 Loo t ~11,, G4ll l if.t.l tITTSBITRGH GAZETTE: WEDNESDAY , JUNE 9 1869. ~ aa.nade _ vitleast I wet not - instructed ages arising under Os ptesent'a - bin for thatfalleged: offence. ,-When I ilearned the fresh demand of ,the 'United States, 'went to see Lord' Clarendon. I had a conversation with him and expressed my willingness to • sign' a Supplemental Convention,- If the claims were pressed by the tuited States, in which it was agreed to aubmit the claims that either Government might hive against the other to arbitration. Clarendon did not exactly reject my offer, but asked me if I did it under special instructions. I Said not under 'special instructions, but 'I thought my general instructions cover ed it. Clarendon and I parted without arriving at a satisfactory conclusion so far as the point was concerned. I then telegraphed to Secretary Fish that could get claims that either Government 'may have upon the, other submitted in the same way as the private, individual Alabama claims, if instructed.' Will you instruct ? ' Mr. Fish answered me that Convention' was in the Senate,`and he did not know. That would have let Mr. Sumner's claim in, but now it will not be considered in the shape Presented because it is extravagant. .'But ; suppose , it is insisted - upon." 'President Grant will not insist upon it, lam confident. If he should do it, war will be the result." • TSB FREE TRADE. FALLACY , During the greater part of the dark era of the domination of slavery in the poll tics of this country, the Southern States adhered, through their representatives in Congros and elsewhere, with increasing tenacity, to the principles of Free Trade. In this matter, the leading men of that section were wiser than they thought. They proceeded upon the assumption that their people had a monopoly of cotton, both as to quantity and quality, so abse lute and enduring that it could not be broken or evaded. In this they were mils taken, as the developments of the last eight years have abundantly demonstra ted. Their wisdom was not here. It consisted rather in unconsciously es pousing a commercial and revenue system in consonance, .with the social and labor structure_ of their society:. Slavery, in all' its essential elements, was barbarism. •It was the rule of the few, through superior Imowl edge, over the many, who were neces sarily held in such ignorance that it was iiiiposeible for them to acquire familiarity with the higher industries pertaining to ripe civilization. Hence, only the more primary, industries were congenial to such a:condition of social organization, and those existed only in their ruder foods:: In this state of satire, Frei' Trade was nntural, perhaps hevitable. This adaptation of governmental meas ures to social arrangements was undount edly wise, though they' who who insisted upon it were not aware of the real sources of the , impulses by which they were actuated. • With the return of peace the Southern people instinctively returned to their former industries, mad to the production of cotton, as the chiefest among *then. They were at once confronted by several facts of high significance. The first, that during the rebellion special efforts had been made to grow cotton in other coun tries, and that a better and cheaper staple had been produced in abundance. India, Algiers, Amstralla and various other coun tries have embarked in cotton cidture with extraordinary emcees. Then, top, the freemen will not , work at as low rates as they were compelled to when held in bondage, and that e*:ery step in their in tellectual and moral elevation will cause a still further relative increase lathe com pensation they will demand and obtain. Moreover, this question of wages is com plicated with that of the Inflation of the currency. In all the higher industries wages have ruivarmed, and those engaged in the ruder employments cannot get oust all *Mout insisting on higher pay. As the trades are now organized, it is difficult to see.where this increase of wages will ultimately end. Even; advance tri - the departments of skilled labor compels an advance in all other forms l of work; and this action and reaction seems destined to go ow until specie payments shall be reached, when wages and commodities will alike be measured by the natural and intrinsic standard. Meanwhile there are indications that the Southern people will renounce their devotion to Free Trade and lean, more or less decidedly, to Protection irk one form or another. The movements of Southern Legislatures and commercial conventions for national aid in restoring the levees which were broken during the war, may be resolved into this category, b By the reclamation of the Mississippi ottoms, and the use of them in growingeotton, it is believed that a yield will be secured so much larger than is known elsewhere sato more than Make up for the higher cost of labor What Congress will do with the applications which will be pressed upon' it, cannot even be conjec tured. With the restoration of the So Stites to representation in the two Houses, they will possums formidable de. gree of power, and the urgency of the case may enable them to supplement their own force by accessions of strength from the East and West. , This much is clear, that the Southern States, having had a domestic system co incident with the best modern civiliza tion, incorp o rated th ereon without their consent, and in virtue of the war power, they will, of necessity, he constridnei to support a governmental policy which shall give the amplest measure of-vigor to that system. If they had been free to choose, they would Italie blindly rejectcd that system, but as they can do nothing elise. thaw l ive tinder it,,,theyitilladapt their ideas. and babi.ta to it, intent . ; Making the lifit of 'it they can I n t h e ' Ctr7 cunastanosthet4Mrohnd them. Prom. tiOns COlTherejltlyt .faix wart° ra. ceivexeinforeements„from a quarts, QUI of which, for many , years, it has eneotm tered only the fiercest opposition. Nor is this all. l likilled worimen, par ticularly, comprehend that the present scales of wages in this country, or scales in any reasonable degree proportionate thereto, can only be maintained by a-gov ernmental breakwater against competi tion from without. Free Trade in the products of any or all the regular and common branches' of industry, ,hiports that, making allowance for thedifferences in freight and exchange, the remuneration Of labor shall be reduced to substantially the same level in all countries„ and this not by the proCess of incre asing where compensations are lowest, but by lestice ing where they are highest. . This cannot be otherwise. If the produceis in the same line, should be situated on "opposite sides of a rivet' or street, and one should have the advantage of cheaper Cipital and labor, all-other conditions being equal, it would folio* necessarily thatithe opera tor having this advantage woe d drive his competitor into bankruptcy, or else force kis workmen to accept wages so far re duced as to make up the discrepancy. Nor would it make any odds if these two competitors should be located on oppo site side of a continent or ocean', This tendency `of Free Trade to sup press particular industries: in the less populous and opulent communities is de serving of special consideration. In what does civilizstion consist? o i n the mate rial side it certainly consists ! in a knowl edge of the higher industries! Other conditions being the sane between sev eral nations, that one •has the highest civilization in which ,the )inost arts are understood and , prosecuted to the greatest perfection. In exact ratio as one art is broken down and practically lost, from any cause whatever,- In a nation, is its civilization impaired. Tisl3 is why Free Trade tends necessarily to barbarism.: It is time to talk of resorting to more primi tive employments when theniore scientific recondite fall; but it is not so nay to do, nor so profitable either l to the indivi duals direelly concerned or to the nation itself. ' ti Whet industrial art hs the United States which it can afford to spare ? If it has one, we do not know , how to describe it. To our apprehension it seems much wiser, instead of letting go ,any knowl edge we have; to concentrate here all the industries Alult exist else where in mederate climates. We have all needful natural resources. Oar phys ical and political circumstances invite to augmented population, to be drawn from both Europe and Asia, bringing the in dustries of those countries, and thus en riching the civilization existing here. The prudence of this4ourseis so•obvious that the republic will be slow to reject it. .421 - - ag -7 • Sleeting of the UAllegheny Temperance nite. A regular meeting of the Allegheny Temperance League was held in the talon M. F.. Church, Fifth ward, Alio gheny City, last evening, Rev. E. E. Swift in the Chair. e meeting was opened with prayer tithe President. The mintttes of the butt meeting , were read and approved. The speaker of the evening • was de tained by sickness, when, on the ques tion as to what should temperance voters di,,tvith the nominees of the recent pout!. cafoonvention, remarks were made by Mr. David Blair, Mr. W. G. Warren, President Swift, and others. It was urged to arouse the temperance People of this county to put forth men and measures for the relief of suffering humanity, and devise some measures to stop the evil of intemperance. Notice was given of the anniversary meeting of the .Leag u e,. to be held in the Sandusky Street Baptist Church on Tuesday. evening, June 29th. On motion, adjourned ,with benedio- Murdered His Wife. Samuel Morrow, residing , on Barren run, Southampton township, Westmore. land . county, about eight miles from West ,Newton, murdered his wife on Monday morning, by fracturing her skull with a club. He fled to the woods after committing the deed clad in only his shirt and pants. The entire neigh borhood were in pursuit of him, but up to WOO, yesterday; he Wa S not captured. No cause is asstgned for the deed, but it Is presumed the murderer was laboring in insanity, to which he was disposed. His son, a young man, endeavored to protect his mother...but was beaten off him. he The wom a n wickedly turned upon The womati l s head was beaten into, a crushed mass with the repeated blow* The murderer is about fifty years We Tate W ater. The Coinnutrcial, in alluding to an aquatic blunder in the GAZETTZ of Mon day, corrects tut follows: Hamill had no race with Brown last Season. The last race between those parties was at ew burg, New York, in September, 11367 N, for a purse of $4,000, and.was won by Hamill. So it will be seen that Waiter never wrested the. championship from our townsman. Hamill, however, _after his last race with Browp. resigned the cham pionship, and the Portland oarsman then proclaimed him self champ ngeionof &merles. Henry Coulter challed him in due time, and , the race for the championship last season, to which the aszsrro no doubt alludes. was, between Brown and Coulter. the former winning." That's so. We acknowledge the blun der, but if our sporting editor can't keep the run of these little affairs. he's splen did on time. _ Held tor a Bearing. Alphonse itahe,charged before Justice Cartright with assault and battery, on oath of Henry iteinbauser, was brought to theircuP lastnight to await hear ing. a k- ppears that the prosecutor is the proprietor_ot *lot near East Liberty, on which there is a Cherry tree, and the temptation to t*tathe red and lucious looking fruit wee More than Alphonse could resist. and he, in company with a lad aboUt his ovfnj AVIS; seventeen years, entered tbe,m101014143.. anif,.olimbed the tree. - -About this time - the proprietor came out and made an attack upon them, wheratition':AlPOise; i litte.4 of trying e to • matte `# ,ort tra m tgijoittO**24C,liingea.:severeMjnrltsii Upottiklawiti ,11.• .0 ttit. cloy , but. _ 1. it TIJ:J • Ja EPISCOPAL- CONVENTION , ; - - - 1 recapittdation of - - the results exhibited __ i progress in every department, and was ' Episcopal Diocese or, Plttsburgh—Fourth 1 replete with encoursgethent to every so. Annual Convention—First Day's Pro. w ars made in the cause. Reference ceedings. I was made in the romainder to the Gen. • atontmace easston. eral Convention held in New York in October 1868, and the important doings • The Protestant Episcopal Church of the of that body very clearly explained and Diocese of Pittsburgh commenced its 'fi commented uponn. the The work in distant Fourth Annual C onvention yesterday elds of labor, i ttnited'Sates, and the Missionary departments in foreign morning, in Trinity Church, Sixth countries were alluded to and especially avenue. The occasion was one of great recommended to the attention of all who interest to the members of that religions felt the interested in the advancement denomination, and a ttracted a considers- -of i oughout the world. • The address ; was one of the most ble attendance of visitors, in addition to thoroughly earnest and practical • • the regularly - cradantialed Clerical and pastoral discourse we havere d ver had the ' Lay Deputies. ' pleasure of litEeDirl to, we regret • that its great lengt , and 'our want of DEVOTIONAL EXERCTISEL space alone prevent its being published In accordance with the usual rule, r e - entire in our acoonn of the proceedings ligious se vices were first in order, and this morning. An 1 ea of it could not be given in a brief opals, and we are began at 1C35 o'clock. The Right Rev. therefore compelled to refer merely to Blain* Herfoot in Episcopal robes, to- its salient points, which were amplified gather with the following Presbyters in with great eloquence, force and -beauty. BESODITTItiNBAD. surplices were in the chancel: Rev. Thos. Crumptoh, Reotor of St. Paula, Lacy- ' . ville;•Rev. Richard S. Smith, St. Peters. • At the conclusion of the Bishop's ad- Uniontown; Bev J. F. Spaulding, of drese, Rev. Dr. Page (Rev. Mr. Fuller in St: Pauls, Erie; Rey. Marcus A. Tolman, the chair,) moved that a committee of of St: Johns; Franklin, and Rev. John five be appointed by the Bishop, with Scarborough, of Trinity, Pittsburgh. The himself as chairman, to prepare a letter morning servicetothe tkazond lesson were ,to the. Metropolitan of Cape Tows, eon, read by Rev. R. S. Smith, the Creed arid gratulating in on the elevation of following Prayer by Rev. Mr. Tolman, Blihop Blacrorie .to the Bishourick of the Decalogne by the Bishop, the Epistie Peter Moiltzburg. Carried. by Rev. Sdarboroug , and the 4.405pel tiy, Rev. Pardon, of Titusville, Moved that I , appointed to re the Bishop. • ' a committee of three be ' The twenty-sixth ymn was then sung, prat upoh the beet manner of conducting as the Te Daum an Psalm had been be- the electionof Vestrymen, and the prep. fore, by the Quirt tte Choir of Trinity aration of a new charter for the uniform Parish in their ue al effective manner. government of vestries. Carried. The Convention sermon, by the Rey. 'J. ' 'aurorae or cometrrrass. - F. Spaulding, of lEile, was next deliver- Rev. J. D. Wilson presented the report ed. The text selefitedwas the llth verse of the Committee on Episcopal Resider:- of the 2d Epistle lof Peter. The theme oes, which sets forth that further efforts was the authority vested in the Christian in the business committed to their care ministry, and wag developed with that was rendered unnecessary, as the Finance force and clear:kens characteristic of all Committee had been offe red a house for the Reverend gentleman's efforts. From the use of the Bishop, onTavorable terms. the testimony of Scripture that the ap- The Committee therefore asked to boas. pointment of the minister was of Divine charged. The reportted was accepted and authority, he maintained then that he oo • the request gran. oupied the pceition of an embassador from Rev. W. White presented the ieport m heavenv and as i such his message should the Committee on new parishes, 'stain he reverentially heeded, his authority that the charters of Immanuel Chur , In the government of the church care- • Allegheny, and the Church of the bate - fully recognized, and his office • held an- cessor Jefferson county, had been east& premely sacred to . all among whom he fined and found correct, and the Commit ',called to , labor._ He regretted the tee recommended their admission into was' , . , ---- - tendency among the people in the present day- to,depart from this standard, and re the ministers as , a check somewhat, to this evil, firmly, - not, however, in e, dictatoral spirit, but with • love and gentleness and in the spirit of the licuster,to maintain the power given to them. The disbourse throughout was a Most eloquent and able one, and abound ed in many *bible truths. , The Common Servide of the Church WaS then read,a nd the sacred emblems aduilnisteredi the Clerical and Lay Del nil egatesiinesent, e Bishop acting as Cel ebrant, assiste dby- Rev. John Scarbor ough, Rector o iTrinity Parish, and Rev. Thema° Crump n , n, Rector of St. Paul's, Lacyvillo, which concluded the relig ious exercisnl k o ANIZATION. After. Convention to order, it iisbbrtiln ter val the Bishop called (! the few minutes after tinelve l e' lock. , . The ' list. of Clerical and Lay Deputies was then riad,las follows: I 1 1 cLiGacit. yastanans. M. Rev. J. B 1 Kerfoot, Rev. tl. A. Tolmdu. D.1'.4 L.1,,,D. I Rev. H. R. Tschndy, • Rev. Win. Addeely. Rev. Wrn• White, • Rev. R/ N. Avery, Rev. 13. J. Coster, ' Rev. YByllestry„ Rev. Geo. C. Rafter, Rev. I hos. Crompton, Rev. H. J. Loring, Mir. Win. H ato Itev. Ti. P. iir. w.., Rev.. D. C. Jame . Rev. H. P. Hartman, WV li. B. ;KI e 11 7• . Rev. John it.. Karcher. D:Dr. , Rev. Jos. D. Wilson. Rev. simnel , T. Lord, Hey. J IL McCandless, ttev. Henry ht-ekay, Be'. ..bel A. Kerfoot. Rev. I). 0. Page. D.D., Rev. J no. Fes borough, Rev. OC. Parker, ILVI. T• IL • Beligni, Rev.V. ta.Preston,D.D. Rev. W. it. i nfer. ~ Rev. J. T. Protheroe, Rev John Sle Rev. Henry Purdon, Rev. ir. S. Seymour, Rev. Geo. Siatterv. Rev H. J. W. Allen, Rev. Richard Sith, Rev. H. B. Moore, Rev. U. S. Smith. . Rev. J. H. ...Ker. a S&P. J. w. !Spaulding, - Rev W. a. Hayward; ey. J. 1". Taylor. B e v rennet Earn. Rey. .P. Ten B:oeck .T. 11. Thorpe. ' • I LAT ratrtrrize. sfol J. H. Stmenberger, G. W. Ca , s, - . Josiah King. P. A. Meyer, Jame' M. Cooper. - James Barbour, (itorge Potty, James Musgrove, John ,H buns;. . Railcard a. Golden. W. Barnes. . J. W. Rohrer. D. Dehavra, ..r. J. Clawson. P. 31.1 Miller, •J. K. Rupp,' 'T. T. b. McKnight, John Weir, Jr.. W. It. Branca., Jot. foster. W. ff. Bvram. Alex. Stewart. sM. Al Woodward . 'J• M. Stu •It, Pavid.liolmes. i ,Dr. J. O. Bonnet!. Jos. M. Rasp. i Prussia Taylor. WroJJ • Hamsacmd. Ben!. Wilde, J.s. McKay, . i O. Q. Craig, J. J.Fll,llmm; G. U Kberna , dt, Win. Halpin, i me". G. R. Barrett, B.unnel Hero , C. 1 A.', liumphri. s, - 1)r. G. IL Ormsby, Hun. G. ininrck. John Hughes, 1 .L. C. Magaw. NicholasJorois, H. Betts. U. a. 13. Watt., H. P. batch. T. kf. Home, j - 11. K. Wriglev. Jos. B. BM r. W . Garfield. G. T.-Van Dore , 5 1 B. Vincent, B. Carlson , I -W. C. E els', R. J Lynch. 1 Bei). Grant. C. A. t olton, • W. Nicholson, Reuben Miller, i • ' Wm. Bush. Dr, J. P.' Csrier. M. M. titeVraTt, J oin g searight,' - •''' W. G. Duly, ' John Olson, D. D. Lord, Levi Beal. F. Hohoo, R. A. liollwatria, J. M. Bouttairt. T. P. Turner, J. M. Brea% A. R. CI my,. C. W. Smite, T. v. aeon, J. IS.lleXenzats, Jr. John Thorndell. W. M. -with, John Peters. Hugh Q. Miller, n. Doty, B. T. hobins..n, Roue Antis Snyder, i Ben j. Poster. I. . Walker, i T. Mackey, J. P Geo. J. Ingersoll. . J. 11. Reines. APPOINTMENT OP 1111011LA.11 COM.YIT The Bishop then appointed the follow ing Regular Committees: On the Claims of Clergy memo Seats in the Cmitrention=ltevs. Geo. Sttery, B. F. Brown aid Henry F. Hartaltat. On the Chitlins of Lay Deputies to Seats in the Convention_ Joseph , 13.. -Kuhrics, Joe. H. 11111 ,and Mr. Cooper. Oni the ldmlssion of - Parishes into UniOn with , the Convection—Re Jo Wm. White, James M. Bonhani, Joe. M. Knapp. ! On the State the Church—Rev. J. F.. Spaulding, Henry Purdbn, J. IL Egar, John Shoal:Merger, .1. H. Lineal. - On CiMone--Rev. J. B. Vaylor, E. B. Golden. i On Unfinished Business—Rev. Win. Fuller, Reuben Miller. Wm. O. Kelso. Rev. R. .1 1 ."Owter was elected Secretary by &calm:dation. „ The reports of the Committee on Fi nance and the Standing Committe!sof the Dickies° were presented. Several: announcements relative to the, conduct of the business were then made by, the Bishop, and the - Caiivention took a news until three d'elock. ' i . APTERNOON. SESSION. • ' Reamembled at three o'clock. • •• The credentials of a number of dele gsitesonot present at the morning session, were received. - , Rev. M. A. Tolman moved that visitors from other the' Pittsburgh Diocese be admitted to seats in the Convention. Carried. i Rev, Alexander Davidson, of the the Diocese of York, was, in ' with this action, introducedoko - the Von- Ventton. ' . • - Rev. Henry F. Hartnian was appointed ' Assistant Secretary... - ~ . , nesubr's ANNUAL ADDBASS.. .. .• Right Rey. Bishop - Kerfoot - :then de livered his annual- address, which was listened to with the most awful atten tion throughout. : . • : - _ - V.' , . : , The, firet Vortical Was especially devoted. itti,a review :of: the Work - :in. the, , Thooeltih .ctilting the yeat,' which was iiimitiOitadi9l, detail 'yid, at •oopaiderabla length. ile -! 1.).;..? .. . ~ r . ‘,..,,, t.;.,-: . -,L11.--. . , 104 ..; a 4 . 112 - ,: :.: , )e1 , .-:-..''• .;.•e.. -,!.? 1; • 1 - . the Diocese. The report was received and recom mendation adopted. Mr. James Cooper presented the report of the Committee on the admission of Lay deputies to the Convention, which elicit= ed considerable discuselon, the point in 'dispute being in relation to the assess ments on each parish, some of which were thoughtiby the deputies to be toe large. Thirty parishes were found to be deficient In their assessments, and ac cordingly their deputies wale' excluded from seats in the Convention. On motion the C ommitteeanally refer red to the Finance C to report in reference to the justice of the asseetiL ments; the deputies from the delinquent parishes in the meantime being allowed sittings in the Convention. - TEE stscrions. The Chair announced the next order of business to be the election of the various officers and standing committees for the ensuing year. I On motion, the election of DePUneyqo the General Convention was postponed until June, 1870. The remaining nominations were Slade and the election mails the first order of business for this morning. Revs. Spaulding and J. D. Wilson, Clerical. and Messrs. Smith & Gerfield, Lay Delegates, were appointed - %Alert', to conduct the election. ' The Convention then adjourned until this morning at nine o'clock. - - . THE TRUSS. ~ The truss is an instrument; or rather:an appil. , once, employed . to retain the bowels , to,thelr N proper place, when they have been forced out of i'i ., their natural positios, end ibis forms a disease.," called • a rupture ur hernia. Herniate redutable or 4 or nit. When net reducable.. it becomce 'intaglio q tided or incarcerated, a conditt„n ofalwas saw k n 1_; or less danger, and rewiring. . in' most ca s es. a sir facia operation before the; intestines mut be j restored to their proper. position. • When not 1 strangulated primed'', rupture') are liable to be come se by accident or neglect. benee, the noses. . f: sity of trusses to keep the intestines in their prop. '••-,. er place. and if possible to. cure the disease try' closing the opening through which the bowels protruded. In times past trureea" have been re; girded as palliative remedies rather ttia Otte means of effecting $ rsdle,al cure. Dr. Keyser. however, of this city, who has devoted a *rest deal of thought and reflection to the subject of herrea, and besides has had over twentv-gire years of, practical ex. pertence in the appllcation of trusses. is of the opinion that a large port on of cases catibe radi cally cured. Be attributes the failure' tocare, • • Inmost cues, to the inegi ie,cyof the trawler; used, or the want of proper adjustment. He maintains that there are few conditions of. the human boas requiring greater 'still end 'capacity than those in whitli trier. is a protrusion, of any part, and much more so when the part I 3 so inti- 1 mately connected with - humen heal Or and life re ore the intestines. Trusses of every kind suds* pri.,•es suitable to all may be It ~ din greet' Wsrl ery at Dr. ELMS'S GIMAT Maintain 'Viotti; 10l Liberty street, or at his pr.vate e:•itetating rooms, No. 120 Peep sires t, from ten A. is:tus til font* P. X. Every Mon4ay. Weoneedey and Saturday, at the store. for f:ee consultation from our to six i. is.. arid eight to nine at night. ' 1:1831,111. INSTITUTION: No more' us fat talcs can be foetid thin the great medicine store of Dr. Keyser, at 181 Lirerti street. where this Doctor gives threi"free days for committal's from 4to 8 r. is. everg Monday, Na edneaday and Saturday. It is ama {{tar of come moment tie tits j o afflicted that they 'twilit know this and iivial themselves of an op rtuntty'cot oft-n afforded. '.CAVa1,7.11.--Dr. eyser, at Igo rein street. will undertale and tare the worst gait of :13... tent. by an entirely new eyMem. so as to pletely eradicate it from the its al Mal lie devise by restoring the gegeral health of the system . Let those interested inquire if this is Mg. , ' ••• ''• - SCIENCE ADVANCES; • • . " • As soon as an article purpo r ting to be ofiniality C:, his been tested. and its merits widened IT iladb•• 4 ' iii. op i n ion, unprincipled parties endeavor` to es.' plenish their depleted, purses hyenuititelfeltinit., d [..4-; cloned. sLbstietititintlnegisitasp:mieLscluorcyr 1 17 ,1 0 9 7 muiss ,artle n. i;.,, of pills, powders. den was given "for all Weems t 4 of the stomach and Byer. while gulnie wae -I &F A ' lOti ' :.2! administered for the chills. At length atesrwr 1,7: , TEE'S STAIAOII liItTIEWS mode La advent, 1. , - , and an ,ntire new system at heeing seas till:Ulm.. tj:,3 rated. The boned% let effects of this Valuable t.,,.-,1 preparation were at onto acknowledged; and V, mineral poisons suffered to *lnk into Unit Own- .v.,. rity to which an enlightened age has 'conaigned t m them . The hate been many spurious Bitter" r e ' palmed upon the community, which, after Vaal. t, have been Pined pert.ctly worthle4, while tited• `• ' TB rirars has proved a toccatas' to thousands, who owe to It their restoration tohealthand Imp. . , • Illness. - . • 1 for many, years we have watched the Mindy progre.s of B , MTETT kit% . STOMACH BIT TICIin In potPln estimation, anir Li beneliclink effects as a curt far sit compuidnta arldng• fenti the stomach of a morbid natu• e, and w a Ore Mae to sive that It calibe relied upon as • eartalet3e • lief and remedy. : Its proprietors haVe Made the 'above propagation after Tilers ' tasteful etedy cad bitting. and IVO now reaping the reward castrate& hi thlasalusble apeoltta, sad squat that pa steely [ teeth. Atli the Only arspitsaidaa 'flit, litatdeasi. t is Tillable in Mt .is., sad 1 1% PldrO•teghiliadit , . %h. nits ion ok,uoAmimik,, , r , :t ( ) ,` ',s, -. .:..,- ; -,..: ~....,,: 13 . q - 4 , ~11t4li `VA .";,,. .0