littztitt Gaidte. THE SPIPIIII/1 A score 3 , Iy.LLAD: As I eat at my pianist' wheel, A bonny I ddle passed Me bY: I Owned me round and ylewd him well,i' An' 0, I liked his elane'n' eye: htlook unto my heart daateal; • • Bet aye 'twined my spindle' wheel. My aped hands he did extol. He praised my Singers neat and small: He said there one was lady fate That wool at allot' me &map tre; lits words into aty heart did steal: Bat *yea turned - my spinals' wheel. He coindi n' sabli lay bye my TN* tn . rt el, wsin* say ',pinata' arhoel. • He mimeo sae lay them a aside, An' and be his bonny bade • A lai d I liked eils worm'wheel eel. I side my splnnla .EPHEME ' IS. :The ibiditesiged Child is at Nashville. -The pcO'isksa two brothers older than LB , the 4t. r opewlkFv has becii*M4- - -,°, 5 2 .. - -The Weettefnaropni to bacco is . esti. mated at 120,000. 11404e:14h -. . -Fechter,theGesman-English Hamlet, is to play in Nets York in August. ; :. -a-A carnlvercontione has been seised in lefisishlcr' It eats thickenS alidlitheep. ••• • ili• 'phi M to 'who it; more than 'eighty years - old, haebeAnnthe study of Botany. "7 2 i i he Urfa . 4. Vf/4 41 . *nerd Sheri- . dan made :his famous ride is is Dubuque. -84(006 wil d . PigeoPt ;were _ , B I APPerI east-one ~day . last week, from Oaktield. Wis. *. ' ' ' '-, '4l' ,Y ° •‘: -.' -When Lee went inectgh Fredericks burg fifty little gAls: 'strewed• flowers in his path. s - '--• . -There are, seven_ counties in Ken tucky in which no. person pays an in come tu. -The first, sleeping car ever seen in California arrived at Sacramento; from the east, on Friday. -,- - , - -The Crown Prince of Denmark into marry the Crown Princess of B weden on the .27th of Jtrly, , - -More than 600 ladies of Rockford, 111., have petitioned the city authorities not to grant liquor licenses. -The address to the graduating class at West-Poiut, is to be delivered this yeirby Rev. XL VP: Beecher. • -Cincinnati theatres are all closed save one,in labial Emerson and_ Msnming's minstrehraxeplaying. . ~ • - -Amineral spring has been discovered at. fir, Conn-, and &hotel is helot!, erecteion the head of it; , ,- ' —AL,Slearinikiiiin Academy is ti) be estabffalted ia,Dalie county, Wisconsin; the traildingels to'cost 12.0,000: • ~ -George Cranes. of Ih r oshi 111,. died on Saturday week,: in consequence of beinglacted by n man. , ironed 'Mc- ' DOnela- --Anna Wall bas advertised her has-- ingul, at Serlgorojile: , railrifi, **left her bed and board, :and refluangio pay, Tennyson has completed:a new vol ume of poems, which only awaits i fitting title before it goes into the hands of the publishers. -On Saturday night two large clothing - stores in Chitago were entered by bur , glass, who stole about $5OO , worth of goods from each. ' -This evening the Young Men's Library Association, of Chicago, is to de cide -whether Its rooms 'arid: library shall be opened, hereafter, on Sundays, -A. little girl died, recently at Free port, 111., from a needle entering her knee just below the cap, and breaking off, \ so that it was impossible to extract; it. -This year's Yale _University boating. crew is said so be the best thatever pulled . . in, New Haven Harbor. The Harvard crew is said not to be so good as usual. -A woman in Belgium killed her grandchild recently because she didn't ei like babies about the house. She stuck n les into the infant's headuntil it died..' ißelgravelloppner, who was one of Byroa's intimates in Italy, has 'come out with a letter to the London Athenanon, impugning the veracity of the Countess -A man was caught, the other day, on a shaft in a Minneapolis eaw-mill, whirled • at the rate of 600 revolutions per minute, and finally , sent floating down stream in very small pieces. - ' ' ~, -4risis Blanche Gallon, of-the Ga llon Opera Troupe, is now Mrs. Whiffln, - wife Gf the tenor- of that' troupe, which has played a seapcin'oll46 Saights in Philadel ' Oa and is now gobi#l,o IlOston. h-IL J. -Barnes, a notiiiiotts horse thief, has found hanging , to a, tree „ near ,ihe Shelby depot,„Tennessee, Thursday ridded. Tit4:.‘lrollete• From Papers on his person it supposed that he was originally front 'Newark, Now Jersey. --The door ore, 4nrchge in a fast train on the :Edit-filing ~ t, , Ghissuir Railway,' suddenly burst open the other day, and a little girl' five . years of :tge, cyrbo o 4 frailigan.' lig W hist ' tb#,_ !IPr . 1 4 * , 1 4. e ;. 'A r io brown out and kilted bnAttnell'- = -This lefutottine Jitsitalri ll4 ,Wit ': ' two men were killed' by It pg I4Mcrr cbt nty,: DL;: about eiftliteoltr,tn ilell from W et 6l s iniP i killsi cifio*o l; ;A e) bid ri3eix& ;,angsged :in, plcrwlig with..a. tifivildig team, Off Wile *NO 'der It . tree during the storm. - ~,,,;: ~;,• I, . -Weep Is dalledna (*stem .cif rusty bkonfae itti btit'9oolillreOffotai ll Otr -, tie, *we .ft42;256 :WWI from" ii. euw ,In the semn , 'Wesic it ilea . southern' city, being but IMO 1,000 MilciifleM ; the„ Gulf of 'Nalco undri,gat ini . direet, ibia: ' from the north cmuttof Alssits : '- -- --Jobsillitt Jan4tli, :4 4, 0 0 9 e0140.- . ' - iftu eaicide' 'o n: SetOrdaYs hY llabhil i g , lielielf In . 41i 'masa with a buteheei Wield; , • :Jcl .'4, 1-,,,i, _ • . • . 1'.4.W,;;A4V-0, - * J"T‘'. • . . 'a-1.11;1:Xa + , • has several times'shown signs of insanity, it is supposed she was mentally deranged when she committed the fatal deed. —L dispatch from St. Joseph, Mo., says that Frederick Foreman, of the Southern Reconstruction Society, pissed through there on Saturday evenintt, on I the way to-. commence a lecturing tour wren& the Southern Stites,mith a view to the introduction of coolie serfdom throughout the South. —At Genesee, New York, last Satur day, a man, who had been opposed to the northern Flu, tore from the glove ,of his son, a youne soldier, the flowers placed there by his former comrades, and scat tered them in the mud in the streets, with oaths and imprecations on those who had decoratedithe grave. - --kgirl at Bromberg, thirteen years old, the. old, the conghter of a high Prussian dig- Initary, took her own life by jumping into . the river In consequence of a ' rebuke which olio received from her teacher. Be- fore inali4g the fatal leap, she Wormed her schoolmates that she was about iodic+, and , invited them to her (=era': —At South Hadley, Masi., ti few weeks ago, some workmen, while , repairing the, 'nld Hayes place, found in the chimney on the second floor an entrance Opening into an unused closet, and to this oven-like place were two smoked hams that were in a perfect state of preservation; and had been there over fifty years. •+ —it first, report said that M. Wash. Darns could not speak a word of French, afterwards ft turned out that he speaks and writes French very well. and is es pecially familiar with French history and politics, and now it turns out that Mrs. Washburne, too, is thoroughly wavers ' ant with the language of the Empire. —A. boy named Larzelere, twelve years old, was drowned on Friday, at Zanes ville, while bathing in the Muskingum. Having cried for help, a Mr. Guthrie swam out to save him, but after having been dragged under water twice himself by the boy's struggles, he was compelled to abandon him for self-preservation. .:-.McKean and Bingham's grist and saw-mills, in Camden, New Jersey, were destroyed by lire on Sunday afternoon. A large stock of lumber was also con sumed. It is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. There was about $30,000 of insurance on the buildings and stock, and the loss, it is estimated exceeds the insatiate by about $lO,OOO. —On Friday the officers of the Savings Fund Society, of Philadelphia, received a package through Adams' Express, containing the remainder of the txmds stolen from them nem weeks aso. AIl 'of , the property stolen has now bemire °revered, excepting shoat $l5 l OOO in cash -aid $5,000 worth of dhunpads. The 'directors gave notice that the Society 'would resume businesi on Mends?: Willa sail Croatia. PASSING the time—going by a dock. Punch. "Light dues"—Photographers' clucien. Punch. A THOROUGH miss baker is as rare as a thorough bred horse. "L'Hounis Qur nrr" is addressed to L'Homme qui reads.--Pueeh Is Irian best played by candle-light, gas-light or ifoyLs-light?—.lndy. QUILP intimates that he believes in the woman's movement--on , washing day. Esnuammosr - of one who had seen NI agars—"Oh, water falling off was there!" NnvEn wait fora thing to turn up. Go and Iran it up yourself. It takes less time and is sure to be done. Tug" Harrel boys for the International Regatta are vigorously temperate, bat they go on a train daily. Tn Anvil Chorus of the one hundred Boston firemen at the Jubilee is sure to be a very striking performance. Fun says the abolition of the Irish Church is "an established fact," 'and that the Orangemen are "a disestablished faction." A rumen says! “What affords me pleasure la_ 14te death of my grtindson is the grief it will cause to my son•in-law." TOE signboard of a tavern, near Stras bourg, ,France,• bears the following in scription: "Strong beer and wine of the first quality. Customers drinking more than twelve glasses will be sent home in a cab, free of charge, in case they are unable to walk." WOMEN talk --men act. Women dream —men think.- Women sit around hest taungly—men go and do promptly. Wo men guess—men decide. Women are going to see about it by and by—men. face the thing on the instant. Women Put• stvely accept=--mern bodily (aud often to their sorrow) propose . ' EvEn . FrenChwomen aie disagreeable to . ' one anottet sometimes. The other day two "deareit friends" were in Con versation. "My 'deer," said the eldest, "do you know that !your husband told me last night that my cheeks, were, like roses ?" "Yes, love, I, know he did. He spoke of it afterwards, and said it was a pity they were yellow roses." • , TANNERS' hark isbeeoming dear, and a I better means of utilizing it are being dis.. covered. , 'The first great improvement Is to - redueb. it to powder, instead of - the costae grinding that is usual .' Twenty per cent. mote of tannin is thus obtained byjeZehliig it in d water, driven - Into' the mass,by powe rf ul hydraulic ay, than! by.;,th old methods.::, hot water' gives a stil greater yield, but it. also extracts some .ew element injurious to leather. : t A.CORBITIUOT flood the. country with ;counterfeit money,) with headquarters in. 'OXON bac icio been discovered. The :plan, was to scatter) men in all the prink& pal 'eltlo.3 of the North' and West; dud litte the money put into ,circulation sim-, Thetotutixerjilly was the, ,day fixed' for ths,l,operationi: and = the In; t4tlon was distribute as many spurious upteslsi , poeaibla betirien sun. 'mosildwanigux ~; Osti t-ti:Ji}it, • i.• L PITTSBURGH Rink wataleartght tinring May or the first week in - Jnne_, will keep a tong time perfectly pure and sweet; Some caught in 1828 %vas pronouneed as sweet se spring water is 1850. • Tint recants to the Ticket Agent of the Pacific Railroad at Omaha have aver aged $4,000 per day ainee the opening of the road. One day this week the evening Amin tor Sacramento took seven Damn ger cars Nil, the majority of which were through passengers. AT Bucharest, recently, a brigand of herculean strength was about to bo hung for murder. lie buret the spa which bound him, like flax, seized the execu tioner, and hanged him before assistance could arrive. Be Was thereupon appoint ed to his victim's °dice. A CONTRIVANCS by which. the true magnetic Me will be indicated in every latitude, unitiluenced by local causes, and prevent or obviate the variation - of the compass, has been devised at Graff Botta, South Africa. The inventor will go to England td twelve the patent. Tim other.night, Military:Hon, in Pat terson, Now Jersey, was struck by light ning. which invaded a ball room in which thertwas a dant* going on. The light tang ran under 4 long isench which was tilled With 1018,1 and overturned the whole lot, upsetting the fete downward, into the,middleof tho floor, and stunning Ahem tor a minute. - A. man ~had all the , hair burned off his head. ~ Trts Illustrationof Paris publishes an engraving of a great spreading tree near Cams under Which, according to tradi tion..'.loseph and Mary and the infant Jesus took shelter during their flight into Egypt. The tree, which stands on ground belonging to the Isthmus of Sues Canal Company, was marked to be cut down, but the Empress Eugenie has purchased it standing and now pays a keeper to watch --- TITRY are running a railroad through the old dueling ground at Weehawken, New Jersey, and the granite block which marked the spot upon which Burr stood at the time of his duel with Hamilton, has been taken op, and used as a cover• ing stone for a culvert. The intelligent "boss" of the job said he thought "Burr was a mean cuss, anyhow, and net of much account, and be guessed it would be more useful doing duty as a covering stone than perpetuating his memory." Ali inexorable brute of statistical pro , divides, perpetrates the following atro ciously hard facts concerning the ages of the most beautifhl I and attractive of our female theatrical stars: Laura Keene is fifty-six; Mrs. John Drew Is over sixty; Mrs. Bowers is forty-five; Maggie Mit chell is forty„one,Charlotte Thompson is thirty-four; Effi e' Germon forty; Kate Reignolds is forty-three; Lotbi is twenty six.; Charlotte Cushman is nearly seventy, and a maiden: Mis. Davenport Lander is fifty. Lydia Thompson - will never see thirty again, and Miss Marriott heinni• ved at "years ofd La..tetort." -, . A sun:maim has been opened in Ber lin in connection with t h e Evangelical Jotaumneastlit, for theparposo of educat ing young men—of whom there are already sevenin the establishment —tollll the oinees of clergymen . and teachers among the German immigrants in the United slates. The constant stream of immilmation from Germany to America - has made the want of educated pastors anal schoolmasters every day . more and more felt. The North American semi nary, though united to the Jobanneastift, is en independent administration and has separate accounts,-but they are both en tirely dependent on voluntary contribu tions for their support. Donrso the late meeting at Berlin of the. Society for Giving Aid to Sick and Wounded in Time of War, the Prussia army, had a grand mancevre. In this they imitated exactly an actual field of battle. Men were supposed, to be killed and wounded, and were borne off the field. The ambulances - were-ad equipped as for war, and the army surgeons were on duty and watching over_ the carriage of wounded men; as if the field of battle were a real:one. To test the medical 416 rangernCnta, the *umber of men supposed to ,be wounded, was made . greater then would actually be the case, and wounds of ail kinds were supposed to be Inflicted) Every wounded man was attended to on the field. , Two students of Bt. Vincent's College at Wheeling, while swimming in Wheel ing Creek, on Thursday afternoon, eV tempted to carry two entailer boys .across the creek on their backs. One of them, William Johnson, had a smaller buy, named; : Baxter on his shoulders, and witere in the middle of the Stream was heard to cry out, "Baster you are clink.rite. Ing " A brother hi .1 0 1 30011t er who stood on : the altore, fieting him in distress,' plunged la and Ramada! In relieving him of his loath thinking he would have no further , difficulty, The latter, how ever, immediately went under the aur , face, rose again and bank to rise no more. The toys immediately commenced diving for him and in a ' few Winder fouacf and brot4itt to eilOre 1 1 4 0 9 4 1! Pit It Was too late, t . , Trim UNwiianre,n.„/ - t , OTIOX 'ov 1 1 4 BEAU - T.—Vie effeet of.,everything that touches the heart is Mitldpfied by the in tensity of the heart's own chang es: flanen it Is that it is' o sensitive—ao 0 W 00 lis arrindex pf the; hotly's" etate, ' tience, akto it is that It neyer.. wearies. Let um remind you of the work dope L e t our haute in a day: A 041311 f toiali. outward work his whole effect upeth tbaiWoritl, in twenty-four hours, bas'beenieeliflPed et about 850 foet-tons, That nY,lte Mitch as a good "bard dare wo e ." 'During the same time, the heart has been = v at tbaZaio of 12 0 feet-Rinft, Th., et is to say, if all the pulses of a diky ell4.lligilt Il io could be concentrated and weldedltdo OPO great throb, that throb would= enough te throw Ai UM of Iron, 120 f t Into - the air, Antiwyeti the • t Is never , weary, i Many ye im.funt , red after ' but 'feeble , More; few , of Os`* lll hold $ otter out at'orut , o length witbbuts' i after klbsyMitiutpi,:,drolipta It. , littl i a ' bealthy;„ heart, I ', afid., Mg . t firt, Inv sOutid, beart,,toothongti by ettmea .you can tell ludo eyealng, r hy il fdrpkiaLthet , It has-)oeen vexed ilurlag the r'day; WA It has been thrown ,off Ida , battier/0i by the turmoils' and ,worries of ',Weyer°. no' Igniting *rough the • night While •WO are! aeldeke t 'a c rid whoa we awake to the' TOM ' trig, we filiditnt Work s t,fresli as if had' . only Just begun to hest' 'lt`doti title be. cause open each etrokfl of work there fol. hips"lv Period; a brief' but roof period of rest; beceuse the' nezt iitreibs.Wifieh come /I 1 bui,ibe rilitgral ;Ifeetiteuffii, of thsktest. iimui 13110(ftt)'sruiteli; It; Weatifiecla fact, 0 00lt ,beat is, In forcg, la scope', la ,alutflto. ter,dieveryttilag, ,tbe elmplef.olProolva' of the befulfia owe onorgystul goo, r-Ap. plitose! , ilinaiwil: . GAZ.EITE: WEDNESDAY. JUNE 9; lee% •PINQB. Este MI ME2iM=l=l WELDON & BELLY, issollatirsis ant Wllkokisale Deal • ta Lamps, Lanterns, AND LAMP GOOD OAIDION AND LI7BRICATIN trEINZINE. am". No. 147 Wood Street. Begain Betteeentitliand 6th Avenues. FRUIT eOPEk SELF LABELING FRUIT , CANNOP RIGT IT. ' ' • P pl ‘ l . ;:il.lljl3.Gl C. PA . • We are now prepare to snap Timken and Potters , It Is perfect, ahnple,/artiVaa -cheap Its the plain top, having. the namea of the Tar tone Penile tatepe4 'upon the cover, raOtatlntfrOnt' the *enter. and an istdex or, palmier shtmped upset the top of the din: It Istlearthillatlnelly and Permanently • LADVILion;. - by merely ilachmt the name of the frattle Can contains opposite the_ _pointer and sealing la the customary Manner. No preserver or fruit or wood housekeeper will use any other after sow ',retell It. sahib WATER PIPES, OUIMNET TOPS ♦ Imp assortmest, lINNItY H. COLLINS, fipllthrt ; pd Avenue, neer Smithfield St. WALL PAPERS, 'WALL PAPER ' . A.iiiii? 70W SHADES, ow , and Handsome Designs, \ rii QW OPENING AT, k No. .ip , r Market Street ( "METH AVENIIII,) - Embracing a large and carefully selected stock of the new st deities twin the FINEST STARV ED GOLD o the CHEAPEST ARTICLE known to the trod . .All of whiclirkoffer At prices that will pay burrewexamlisq., sTO 4 V I O R. Hu ffs ".% BRO. WIN DM PAPER. W A, THE OLD PIPE STUB lA A !IgW PUCE P. Iffivrp%prirAT.vs NEW. WAIL., ,PAVII_EnEE; . . .191. 'Liberty Street, I=ma btI.IIIIMT.) BPRI G 900D9 ARRIVING DAILY. 106 LIQUORS, &a. IDT & FRIDAY, EN ISPORICEIRS OP MIME& GIN, &O. WIN 'OLLIBAILS DEAIXUS RYE •Vi'IMEMS, CO PENN 9 PENN STREET, i ve Removed to OS. 81341 AND:BS6 PENN, Cor.lUoveal JOSEPH - FINCH & CO" . Nos. 1M . 107, Vie, 191. 183 and / 91 4'. 7W T ATIIIErR, 113131.79.011. NANWPACTIIMuine ' Copper Dtatllled Pure Rye Whisk • • Also. dealorn •in 901111/1N WINEtt sad I. QUt)1181. 4O ts. 144 mhz.t.ani I '4:l-Aii3. ORINA. CUTLERY. 100' WOOD STIFIEET. NEW. GOODS. "FINE "'VASES , 111001KKIAN AMID 42 . 1 1111114 4 NEW i Sleri i lt rncia' ' • TraL 01:1AT CUP% SMOICINO SEWER PLATED 000 1)8 of ail doooriPtions. • Can sad 412SiliTIG oar 10041' sad •wh fool fillitsged no one mid ran to hominid. E. BREED CO 1141,000 D STREET. 'EAR, In 11;01111; 04111. lllll i nfoo atm Or;ien Broxi, equal to I,IIENIC 'FAMILY:,,FLOUR. riOor , oat Pa rill !out ens,. rrpiattur. *am &BAN% total toboot St. Lools. rill*" num ilgt.sD2l:Abe %Da, sit awl 0010 LOW-AilD lour: I & TaXilDI AU•makeny.lSePt.9.lsBo.l; .1., 1 71 ir• *11.1,*, jig 4-11. Pkoorit. 1111WIHNT & BRATI, ARCHITECTURAL AHD: -ORNAMENTAL CARTERS: No. 6$ Sandusky Mr illegkety; tantossiorommt ot NENVEL',POsTS 'and ' SALALIATEHE coostAottr °nitro& TUAELtie °gng 44142341 . 1i5," °OWN ASIL-2 11 casks " wh rig, pri9 , ! , MEM MEE 0 - Ft • a W WI T 611 Ck 3 0 ti) IZt be 04 is 15 P 4 4• 4 <=, c mai w A p • 13:1 rnP Ail 44 coia PR to rez zg2 , 1 41 C=o ca k 4 5 4 r , 3 t u b, 1 . 5 0 D'Fl; I 0 E 4 to mgd - 1:4 Fi NEW space , GOODS • usoo# F. PHILIPS' Prints, }Waling, Dress l Goods, BMA SHAWLS. PULL LIFE OP SILK 1 SACQUV4I39 87. MA spa CAR n_ - (Liti 'Wilson. Carr b. C -o. REALIC ! Iid I Foreign and Domestic • No. !It* WOOD STREET Odra door stars Diamond . ALLIV: ./11 D ISSOLiTIONs ' The partnership between the e Boiler liskerd. &c.; under the n 'BARNUM'. *100.; was dissolved , on Nay SO, 1889. The books and to theist* Ilin4wldl be settled and-e ;by Atr.-OlgO. N . ..ARMSTIPING. at ithelate 9rin, Ne. 118 Penn' street. Itnin duly auttiorlsed.and claims will be presented to him. WK. B - :j LEVI B Prtresusan. June 3.1569; St., (formerly Cana FLOUR. ME MEE .ATTS OPENED, .eir 87 far! ,Street Very Cheap. LHET STREE DISSOLUTIO oirsics. VOixer Vorgamy, • Ray TO, MIS. - D ISSOLVTION. . . The firm of EDWARDS. SMITE 4E:CO.. has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. The business willlhereafter be cow:meted under the style of 51dITS & WARRICK. o It. ROWAYRS, , L R. SMITH. 1 _ wm. w .e.itatcs. Having Calmed of my interest in the Wett Point Founciry to Messrs. Smith & Warrick, I take great pleasure in recommending* the new Arm to the cenedence and patfonage of the busi ness community. RICHARD EDWARDS. ICE. I CE: ICE V ICE! 14 / 1 11. KREBS, ICE DEALER, No. 5b Diamond Alley, PITTSBURGH, PA. fl Orders addressed to W. ICAIMIS, Eight! my.„ la FOR SALE BY THE TON OR OTIERNVISE, At No. 64 Sandit!tky Street, ALLEIGEIENY CITY. ailzrdso STONE. - - WEST COMMON hiachine Stone Works, Northwest corner of West Cotatacra Allegheny. YPRZWIC. ATVA.TIC , It & CO. /Lave on hand or prepare on short notice liesztb IPA Stop atopes,lelags for Sidewalks, Blower! Visits, C. Read and Walla Stohes. As. orders nrninVitly aTrtentnn. PVIAPP fnsitrtisblie - • DR. WillT'llErt. OiONTINUES TO TREAT ALL private (Dames. all its forms, alt lir Miry diseases matte vilcc s 'Of Mercury are etennietety eradicated; Bperznatorrhea or' :Semi. nil AVrekness, and impotency. resulting from Inifabuse Or other causes, and which produces acme of•the following effects, as blotches, bodily weakness. indigestion, consumption, avession to society. unmanliness, dread of future °events. loss of memory, indolence, nocturnal emissionli, and finally so prostratingthe sexual system ad to render marriage unsatisfactory, and .therefore Imprudent, are permsoently cured. Persons af. Meted with these or any other delicate, intricate or long standing constitutional comilaintshanid give the Doctor a trial; he never s. A particular attention Went.° MI enialis COM- Plaints. T.eneorrhcasit.Wititeo, , UMW- I nation or 'Ulceration of the Werub, - OverlUs. Amenorrhoea. Menorrhagla„ DisMen norrhoes. and bterility or Barrenness, are treats ed.witlithagreateet success. It is self-evident that a physician who ominneir himself exclusively to the study of a certain *tau of direetee: anti treats' thousands of cases every yearmust acquire greater skill in that spectral than on 1n general practice. -- The .Iloctor publishes a medical pamphlet of fifty pegestliat, gives a full exposition,of Venereal and. private at can be had Tres at office or by Mall'•for two stamps, in sealed envelopes. Zvery sentence contains instruction to the at lictedand enabling them to determinetbo P re " else n aturs of their completing. :,.... • The 'eatiblishment, comprising ten ample teem/tie central. When it is not convenient to visit city; the Doctors opinion can be ob. tslllo2 by giving a written statement of the case, and Medicines can be forwarded by mall or , ex- Melt In some hutaneet. however, a personal examination Is' absolutely necessary, ' while in others daily personal attention 10 rer and for the accommodation 4 'such patlen there are , apartments connected with the oCice t at nie:y 'videdmith every ...Waite that li d calcall to KaCjeirre 4 o ;e n tla_p ging. TAW in a ril/ Doctor's own Isom - story. under hit rational str gl," r a n ki r t v d ertat i n a g. Pb ri a 'tt t att l enh f C r . " 4 l,!r e . failed; read what he earl. Doors U SAS:fog P.Y. Sundays VS N. to r. st, Officeo. 9 WYLIIL bTREF.T. (near Clourt Douse., Pittsburgh. Ps. "LOOS OIL , CLOTIIS, G . B,EBN oil.shva itams, Fos 'WU( UV WINDOW Ida ADS 'ZABLN CUtiTHS • IDTsmiICALAIIEJM., • • (-.IIi.a&BiSTIMMat I= - „„, Y . - • 44 .?.--. - 0 , ':**,...,;4A,—.,.,,,,_,,...•0410,vmfp1W5aikk - tiZggl*.l3t-ir-dc 404.i.--Dis; . " • ,• ' ,t,„.own• • • - • NEW C A.RPETSe FIRE CARPETS...:i.. CHEAP CARPETiIi. OIL CLOTII4S, WINDOW SHADPS. , Mattin ga BOMA ROMA- 004 21 .11F131 AYMM; IR AN . 18;1889. B A iii44...1. iii;sA:). ' • 11. X" Ma" Eh WINDOW SHAOES, LAOF, AND:NOTTINGHAM' cirrEtrrs, New Stock Just Receive& LOWEST PRIM EVER omit= leFARLAND & COLLINS, lin. 11 and 13 FIFTH AVENUE. MEM iIIIiSOLS.CARPROp;VSTk.#.I 1 The Latst.Arrival ; rsza "FROM ENGIAND. 1110CALLIIIIIBROS. . No. 51.F.L.r7.1:tt-AVENtIrE4. Have received by etern.vs Vanuin ind Man hattan the VF.III NEWZ4T IiTTLYI3 or .tho ENGLISH MAIIKET. They also aer a --I - Complete Line -of DOMESTIC- C4RPErIII4 , -- j......addiste.dally_being made. A Dispiay of tOOds Equal 17,0 key WEy ' gage seated in this market at • 31.cCALLITIII 51 RI.IFTHE figr4iv*:- bserthers as e of WM agreement debts swing .Ileeted only theoffiee e:- h last the Arm CM NEILLW. jell kV .to which large (AE . wax) a Erxmirrar• spES:b95 DYER AND soo' • LANCE • J. I DYER AND. SCOUR pro. a ST. mak= And Nos. 135 and is 7 Third BARB & MOSER, Aiuctirrriacrria II num , NOME' Astcirmithi BE Noe.. II 510 4M. Clair *rect. Plr.s) SPeols.l littlntlon to Uie deal banding or • 0.7:11R.T 1501310t3 • 2,000,000 ►car -0101 CHOICE LANDS FOR SAW, Union Pacific Railroad Computi)s 7aBTERN Drniio l, Lying along the lino of their Mid; It 11,00. TO OM PER id % B, And on it CREDIT Olr YIVE YEARS. ros further particulars. maps. afh l ?Adroit!' joiEug r. DEviumairz, Land Oominiestoner, Topeka., Kolia* 1 Or ,CHAS. 8. initta o o l , B ‘e7s' ) IMITE STRAW AL .Tae EW SnilAtiL saytli . Importer and retaltdeater la - • Fri.Dna WEDDING, VIsITING. 'ARTY ; 101 . 0.• BUSINESS ' vAB,o sweitAmtwe,' , • • hioxoeate36, 4 Ausi,s; muntrizi#Tl;Tr# 46;" 'Orders men reeeivnpiemPiattentten. 4d l - Lost Chestnut 844 Plinsi;% A inyetni•Tnear - - • ^ FNDERSO LL Dealikti 1 1 1 • ; Slll4ll „.1)4 &Ad ' EIII ~ .. ~.~~ r-4 r.i .; ISM i'M ' EIEI AND (Staond Floor) =ZEE larrrsgrucar. BA ARCHITECTS. I I sighing lute, -PURIM BY Mgt - MEE 11.1&'.T513,) - AT 1137.1pyfic6TAMI01:84 NeCORD COI, ISt WOOD STREET. DREKA;; HIM I= =IM ME El . . „ 1 c 4 t 4 =1 BEM