EtahlmdaalrEtte. eibilEN • AND • BOWSEHOW I. 1: • •• 1211 .." An experieneed dairy woman priblielietr some excellent ideas on practical butter_ making inthe Hearth and Home. . file does not believe the assertion .. of ilonie learned professor who says, "The longer the cream is in churning, the NA- (et' jtke flavor of the' btitter.". She says , butter ircontained in the cream inminute Biecif or . cells,' at a certain temPerature; lOWA' to ico , rapid bealiPg, those .sacks , break, and the butter "comes:" Five or ten minutes of the rapid motion will cause the tees to break equally as well as two hours of the same elbow exercisel Neither does the two hours' hard work increase the quantity or flavor of the but. ter.s In churning, however, it is very important not to cease the agitation too soon when the bUtter first begins to "come.", Some commence to "gather" Oefore half the 'cella bgve broken, and 'so' cave a largge portion cit . Putter in the brit. tsrstlit s .„ It b;t;well ti:i', keep up the Vries egitatioripOttl the bntter begins to gather. ef, ownjaccord, land the buttermilk atts completely :ram the milk: 1 4i, rom our own observation, it is impor r„,.. not . have the cream, too sour, as r .#11,74,4t1,0,0r pie right temperature, A WY. 'to F•have ' the ;better "come" Su WY. : _I• . t ~ ~ ~ Miteudepth, of, -intik in pans should not beJover two or two and. one-half inches; and the milk , should be skimmed just as it begins slightly to clabber. It; in skim miXig„,the cream Is , placed in a jar 4dong lowother cream pteviously,,,akimmed, the whole should be „stirred up together when an addition is` made, so as to insure like acidity to the mass, when sit3rward the contents of the isr are poured into the churn. - is a good plan hi cold weather, after hag ;",iiett" twenty.fotu• hours, to pl the pan ever. pot of boiling water' on the stove, and let the steam warm it, so is to cause the cream to '•crinkle" a little, taking care not to let the milk sim mer. :The Titin/is then placed on the milk shelf for ttvelity•four hours longer, *hen the 'c:reartils skimmed off—thick as a "leathei apron." This is 'the English method of procedure. Pigs in Butniner.--Stimmer is the time to make' pork; making it in winter is much like running a boat against wind and tide; it requires too much food to keep ap,the animal heat.• If hogs have plenty bf,graas in • summer, and• kbout half ( the corn they will eat, they will fatten rapid ly ;and my'bellef_is that three pounds of pork can be made from less grain in this y*ay than, - one , ; tiound can be in cold weather with a lieg ire a close pen._ The , grass is coolingand loosening, and coun teracts the feverishinnperties of the corn. L' Hoggvrill'neyer mit in Summer, how l ever fat; if they can 'have access to water and Mind to lie in.^ Mud Is-very bad for UP Cool,rof cold weather., Absorbi too much animal -heat. ilia very tooling - drink Mid almost indispensable to raising young pigs. But very little corn and no corn meal should be fed to young pigs before they arefour months old. The effects of corn and raw corn meal on young pigs are these: The pigs at first will be costive, then they will scour. They will begin to rub against everything they can rub against, they will rub their Their skin will have a red and dry appearance. A dry, black scurf will begirt to form on them; and the more of the corn meal they eat the poorer they will get. The best thing that can be done fbr - a pig in this candition is to give him a thorough washing in warm rain water, or sour milk is best. _ Coarse flour .or middlings from rye or wheat, when blade into alhin drinkable slop with milk, is the best feed for young pigs; *tient bread and' milk. Bread is goW for young pigs beiiiinse itle leaven ed- FPS , hes to:ferment -tiefore it will digest, and if fed to a yepng pig before' fermented, itt..Wit e ciliettask his stomach and spoil him. Lettuce is good for young pigs. It will'. atop the scours in them. The middlings should : _put with the milk at night, after Mt, fbeding has been done, and allowed to be in the milk through-the - night, never allowing the swill tub to get quite empty, always leaving a little in the bottom tor yeast. The swill should never be pirmitted to get stale. Slop feed should be fed often, and never more. ed at a time than will be eaten up at once. Slop feed will make larger hogs than dry feed. After the pigs get to be three or four months old their food can be wade stronger, but a pig will not bear much' strong : - food Jinni he begins to 'change from a pig into a hog, which will be, known 'bs . iiiti,foiee.- In the West where hogs are raised on a large scale, -but one litter should' be raised from a I sroin , a year i and the sow should have .them in the month of Kay or June. ,The sows should , run to grass, and may be fed on corn. , . The pigs shouldatick•thim as. iiing 'aii - They will: In this way the pigs require but little -care, and they get age so that they will winter well on corn. Potato Buga.—The Flint (Mich.) Globe says: t i ' "At this date last year, potatoes were worth in this market about ninety penis per bushel, for the same quality as now sell at from thirty to forty cents, which is certainly a singular tact, consid ering that daring last summer our State exchanges . wereAlleil, with. the most dolefal accounts of the devastation of the huge, and predictions of a abort crop and high prices. We heat again this • spring that the plow is resurrecting mil /100i br ' the 'little learinfahii from 0 their Winter slumbers, and the same fears are .expresie 3 d:that,therwi,ll : VOtirelY.. destroy the crop the coming season. But if .the past is any criterion to go- ky r yk. .should say the more bugs the more potatoes.'!;: ,Leaky Teats in Cows.--t 4.. 41,11 of lumbus, Onto. writes: "I have a vales . 16120wthatituies :her milk; at times it: Julia from her in stream!. Will you give. me .a, :remedy!" -..; Ameii:..Milk three 11 = 1 a day, say at fllatikthp moraing,at, ,ti - ; and -At-eight in the evehing: -If this does not stop 11,Iiave &little collodion ' (whlaiegPpPOttelLdile/olyed :iti„ettier) i to be tutiforldi druggistior photoipaphera. and put adrepppon,the end of each teat after milithit'biltikeinitiiiiiot to touch allo . ir Ipcit t ov the (low ;veil) hick. !The 1 101 elitett not boi _Wend except :. inc ex= ike.m.P cues' f O F,.. alitget ring :of collodion 'twill slim* in 'dryiniand dra w the' hole • ingethers--41iiirteirri Agriculturist 'y,. • 7: .., Pure thitern Witter.- 1 -To keep water in tler %Wein liweet,' l can be done' without 'truss. Common sense is better than per , "neinganate of , potash any time. All that -34 reoltedia to have your conductors so ~..., • !.: 1.-. ,- - r. , , ..,1 • . I'L .F .••,-. ,t , , (..%! 4 carom^r~e~r-sa.^*"^ , '.R ~ r-rr ~4' a. ,i a ~,~. xi,.~'" rr - s~-^ } s~^'~r~ ~ n..s ~s - M. x .'—~`"~."+~~ k'~ . N`a"~' ~ ~~1~ a "~.m3~ ,sAS~~- 2„~~.a~c.5"~.m~,1 ~9~ z ` ~."`x` = ~' ~'Y~~~'e~cd~'..~+M~Y~"a~'ika~'M~. ~lte ¢l~~ia:Y+`vl~ti'J~+:.'+~d."nx"ltiit ~~f3s us.42R~6~v~ls'~'At w+.~'++v'd'.. IN r. c ,v. 1 (*) 0)4 , ' , i 14 ;TO : ci 4 1/41 MEE DIMBGERHitoMIMNSON, lii Pur jl A . siti t • BIi t ANDIES WINES, GINS' &IC 87 SecondA.-a;etine, US i- &p2O I A BLISHED 111 X: ,A, I T • 1 BILLY, 1811. • Igi GORMIY, 'WHOLESALE GROCER, INo. 271.- Liberty Street;; . compurix OPP. ZAOLI2OTZL4 - z•rrPrs3ErtrzickiEt. Pd: se : i ns Y. ISTWILD " .. A A. mitt. M STEELE &- SON, • mission Merchants, , AND DsAim; IN ) • VlAtillarns(illgA327.E3Eoßl). No. 98 , 9)3l9,lTlith e ar z igt -Contio.A4. • W. C. ARMSTRONG Suecessor PRODUCE COMMISSION ixtentain. , No. 23 .111ANNET filliNET% .1! Ovlti :IJacWm Cooper, • aottlelb rims, ob Rush, Josepb Craig', •• Jere. Noberi. ': SRON. HAL AGENT. PIT= KEIL JAS. RICHAV.T KEIL & BITCHART,- commlsslox AID DaAiiis FLotIB, @BAIN. SEEDS. klitf. 849 Liberty 86.,Pit4elbuswa, zny7ll:b37 L J. BLANCILLIID, Wholesale and Mrtall tiroceis, .p18:310 aniirrnue, , BAIRD & PAT'rON, Wholesale Grocers, Comudindon lderchants Dealers In Produce, Flour, llactai s Cheese,. Nish, Carbon and Lard Oil, Irma, Nails 'ans; Cotton Yarns and all P . Z.Gabnrab klanitturei gnerally 132 and At* b..01i1) 8 ET, JOHN BIITIVON WAVLACL §wHIPTON&WALLACEWtioIe• SALE G ROtERS A'ND PRODUCE DEAL• . No. 6 SIXTH STREET. Palk sbnzah.. II JOHN 1. L101713.11..1LDW. 1101.18 C.... IFIII. H. #OllB3, JOHN 1. HOUSE &BROIL, Sitio. cesium tio JOHN L 110178. E .& CO., Whole-, sant Grocers and Commlastan Merchanta, Cot. akar cd - Ehnithdald and WilerStreato. Pi ttatomnh. MISCELLANEOUS." 17117111t1IAL TWALNIT-TalltD DISTUICYT. COLLECTOR'S' 'NOTICE COLLMCTORINT/lIRAL RZTIMITE, 513 d Collection District of - Penncylvsnisti No.Cll.Waternt..illegbeny City,BLay 419. NoV l ce 1 herebyatventhatthe annual, late of . SPEdIAL TAXES, formerly teriewnaim2itzB,' and Of the taxes on '„ * i iams ae,'Carrlages, Watches; liihtt Pl -ate.. I I U,..... 0 ....3.. in this alike, where. payment : will received thereon by the Collector on and after, lit DAY Of JUNE, 1889.* * These isixes.. having become doe, must be -raid before the Si sdi DAY UP JiibiE, 7859; other, wi l se,!additional expenses will be incurred by the tax-p a yer...: : ' , . . 'I% lyrrnrouvroin, Esq., Deputy Collector of the county of. Armstrong, alio EDWIN LYON, 17sq., ) ,DeptitY tnlllector for the county ortinVer. will be ready to receiya, Utter the let of utle,tbr their respective counties, add will 'pid notices designating the thneiend places. when and where they will be prepit*ltx•iecelve the *et collect able by them. ' '' ; • • ' ' • ' Taxes payable *lll7 In greenbsoks or natknial currency. , 011163 hours from ILL; x. to 3r. u. _ • JOHN. Y. SIILLIT . Ali • myiEniSt • ' . COLLECTOR: FMESH' SHAD RECEIVED .daily at BENJAMIN PULPRIBP4' "popular - Stand, No. 45 .Diatroad. Market, kilts-. tin gh, and at the Twin. City, Allegheny, City, corner of Ohio and Federal streets.' Can be had" all kinds sof. Sea and Lake tub. liallbut, Shad. heak, .L;odlish. Haddock and • Eel. AlSo, large supplies of White, Lake Flih,, newton, Ha s. titerSeon, Herring and Maciniw Tian', which enables us to sell at the lowest market prices, wholesale or retail. We invite all lovers of Freshlrlsh to give Us a call, and we will liner' them *Anat. • • ; ' " mhffi I QARDENERS 'TAKE . NOTICE. FOB SALE .— Tce FOUR'FBEN MILE AND, on ‘lie Allegheny: River. and now used for gardening purposes; improved and in shtick state oUctiltiVatiOri: containing 40 or *5O acres. now offered at, a bargain.- "Call soon. A so, other Irarnis in,good locirtlone. Woolen Factory. two Houses, and twenty acres of land Ontlie Central Itailroad. Houses" and fiats For Bale and To-let In botkr °Mos.,: For , intuan .par. ticalara inquiry of WALLSXWARD,, fa= t LIU Grant street.ootosiu.Catbedral. , 9ABSEIAIW 0 •XILINIUR. • • rtairALL , ll EtiEitt wilt. mem YillataffEd: ki.s - stll Wit.t.tiuftsl.Vrers.rets. Matllittial.Wil AUX= WUS. OUBII CUSTLU. Pries of Marshall , . 61.90tir bbttle. Detsot, 1301,Starket street.' M. ECo ,asuggists. Proprietors. '. For Mae, 'wholesale and tutu% Irr WM. — A ILItli6Y. Pittsburgh. ... , 1114:die.Tvrtr e stelstoriE POTtEY., . ; BLACIF.4{, . kJ* ' MairattiotOren 441/ERawirAnw'REurror, WARE RA. (Mee cud iiraitibcraie: 363 LIBERTY STR33I% ardor" nrcnnialv siteaded • • • CDEMIVUIiviIUIENORW Eel Yederal Street; Allegheny,' Oaring' Ranh B 1 40410eralz 44/84: r 4 • • t I 1104102 - 9ittild 5 lib; `'1869,,` Ati., o 6joito • 0708 . ROBB. A. If.. Prin. : G o o D areirm - '-. ''. . . r,-.:WLES,PBREAkI 13F Mk ITIMIIe (1. . 7 Ti,e 14titattane iyat. Thi. htli,tals' i 4.1 V ever Soar. ; - Taft noun chew) ,_- 1,1 : :. • scat , • EANEHLISH lIIIIEMIEFASIV Ai.= - .. !A "(Milli InOwici44l' tbk tibitrotthav •BaN. $ I.l4:4ikeuit tgeok. Tr tbissrbilkult lari a r s l i tep i g i thwts o i. th bwr i t or cut elm tam,iranct MIMI te:/ 07.17 ' 0060, .. . . .., ' ~ . .mot to t . .l, 1 low :, p , . motel ow b. ,abetii 4414 t. Tougawitiortati by - ClOtell 'Ear' St. ittan W. &NV: kiliteXlSlLlLWlLianner J.Liberts wad . 11 1$ 1 4 , 0reetilek -, hipiti ,„: , - „ „ .. „ riris, FiIL,MENDIO MAR Bp Agee ~.:1314 ~ ..e...011 Aims. Wkdo3lsyntit /4 enretlol , ithi 5,! I Nt C#1fa1q,1414i9F•71L41:9910(411. t• A 11116' . ZNGIVIERII 136 1 6it .6 6 • vi Vortign stesits, , co; ripi • 111114114 teragyer,, Anegbeer Ity. _ea. (bac*. W. • .lattor.... CAD.- WHITE -- barrel. Wino white Lutub, , ibi td,4.11 1 .1q41(X1141/. • 1J •:‘,t s r',l tro• i oviJiali/caul ...1 . pi • I. NM IMPORTERS Or rn74muiciW4'A l No. 316 PENN STRICET.r, 1444 - 3131111 "4", ' 0.4,2211:89. eecood alidirstifeek of -IEAFFIt & , ffaseueLoiniw. And.the Patokimitaik:Tio' nye. , •••• June Bth, ,186 PitioN ComicePintoinfolkent.tled • • if 131 9.1 .4 *,X18Er4P8. On'THE KILLEN. EltiL 111Yliir 'tangs*. dolin :- Levontine. Marieter Dined 81ir. Constantine. Mona. Contellier end Mlle. Roseau in, their wonderful perfottnanek,n. Taritelhi, by Misses sante meddox and Lillie Manua. Lik Parterre brute Levantine Brothers. _ :To gplielibdemito .be_Triek Pantomime of oLD o'l HER witll4.lC ADOL'II• WedhesElay:Evetilost—ltOlilNSON OltiltOZ. • Grand iiarawel3 Matinee on Saturday. • WPITTSBURGH THEATRE. ' l O7 4 1 Li AB , Lessee and m anager , The great trielar.Wrs AND VARIETY 003 - B;NA.TION ) ,In„;a: ono of Soap, Mine's, NPSOLIACIN , Mh• Including the lbeal drama ealte'd kIf.VONDARD YRe.RB HENCE, OR raTsßtradEla 11960. Lad_ liattnee every dWednesday and Rater- "ACADEMY OF MUSIC. VICTOR' PARTON" • • - NaallMr 111S8 'HAN ROSNER, Tug AccoirklBßED TE.44 A.42.NNE. • , :Jr 9. 7 - • • • THURSDAY AMINO JUNE 101 k . . . VIWTII . .-,AVENUE HALL.— No. O Fifth avenue, °pipette the Opera Aonee,r.,. ; ;ourgb, . . . W. FIL.iVritOLT -... • . ••• .... • This house hag one ok the finest Bll , fird Poems In tbeeltt. - It isle ecleedly Wg ec6test and most Inviting Mated. :The tables are ad new and em brace all. Abe modern Improvemtests. and offers ,a perio> sip:Wens to lovers ot the game. . . MERCHANT TAILORS. Bewmg.;PIAIMERNre.". kftal luso ' rtment of all styles &willies SC Boys, Youths and Children's Sults, For Spring isnd Eriliamer . wear GRAY LOGAN. plyl2 41 SIXTH STREET. (late St. Clair.) MTHERSON & NIUHLANBRING, Sixtii (Late St. Clair) Street. tSliceelisora to W.,II..IIIeSETA *. C 0.4 DEEIRCEGSPIT • • , Home just received Qieir carefully selected stock or Spring and • Summer Goods, and • Will be glad to show or sell them to old and new customers. The Cutting Department will still be SePerls tended by Mt C. d: ]ItTSLADEBIiING. . 11 1 take pleuure recomuleadl4 the share' Ira to the oerai. support ctl the pubue. aihn.:llll. ' W. IL ipt TIEGEL, :-• . I ". (Lite a7vnlt W MM43/E'3l".! TAIMOns Spaft*Rld §tropt,Pltblbtuti. NEW;SPRING GOODS. A enleld new smock of CLOTHS, CASSLIIIERES, &0., Jest received by HENRY *IDYIDEL. sel4 _ * iarit 7a110r..7313m*e1d street. TA.GOABT BZTAIL BOOTS, SHOES 'IND GAITERS Wholesale Prices. NO. 129 FEDERAL STB-EET, ditv. sri• A ll egheny WOOD' TVIINING, rimpreoLL AND - 14 - 0144:4NG Done tiromptlt to order it.l6l.Lscook , street, Al leighecl i• ft :• • • . • - • P LV f BZICLEE. & CO. The best attention white given to'all who want anything in oar. , iVe always keep a large lot of. turned ,work,,, as Balusters. Newl Posts, kini.f, Also, W. 1044 stook of dry Walnut. Cherry and otkerinntther o' bend. myLJTI:It L I LBBELSEW4 CO• ROCK, T.-11Z- BABY 1.1; 321'1!”::-. EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB: ~; ,r- %Amid) catLyam : I;4' • LEMON FeIiWEISE.- • ; Traelitakrgrifitdreibuinadaren t hai • ;11811rOlDBMAATENETICI. • Wbere. ph= ms 7 sod. tie ' MUM.eiT;4O,9g" .10r - , O. t.: : 11J. C.: ~ki,jl; kEtW'„Nr. 4.44 11 0110 TI.Jt'AN 4 - •• ; , t- • - Black and !„, ..,-„ . 1 • • Elk *O . • I. g • . . ?41!77 So 1 ,4 g B dritual' fell:P9P PiffLA.I3IELPHLI., 4QW.11/T Wag 13Ftgiiu148. of Alleith-Ay, tloupty, tho `mltttero•r the tagAttottof ContOn' ttteet, mar • -11169: INitltkut ofl freeholders oresentedi pi mottos 0f,A.,14. artrao...A.Vornerir.pett 'slottero,ftto gronSed thew cause tvii street, Po& tic fotaerotostl oil' to %ow Alta* beta thin IA eta rilfltttk- Nord °C.:Pittsburg , ' I!lct l k4P9f Y 4I IIP.Fe4PAYK.Itie I I. ' - ', __l • itr reilD4 s 77 1 tt takStaTO.ii te514051.04 1. . C'r 0;0 64 r. 1,1 ')f• s da; .‘ iii ME EMEI SIIIIEN,