.. . . ." AND StilinßAN. tie • ys;t.heiwi iahed ee u k for lb° in 1114 ' e per '''. . k ; * mat, Viper annum •: 3 mos., $2. I Mono* to toan.-.-Wflo have . ;10,000 to lban ontfiret.olass city, prcir3vt, y.- Brown and .Laxabie, 114 Flfth'evettlW . /Lem Fence similar to that enoloalna the other portions of the Allegheny Park, is to be placed around the East Common section in place of the high palings which now surround it. The new public school house in . the • FM ward* Alleghenyl is exPeeted to be ready fer occupancy about October next. It Is one - of the finest school buildings in the State. ' Mayor Drum had eleven dnink-n cases before him yesterday morning. A few of, the parties managed to raise the amount of fine imposed, and the remain der were sent to jail. Council Meetings.-The South Pitts burgh Councils will hold a meeting this even lug. Allegheny Councils meet next Thurs day evening. The Monumental Association will hold a meeting this afternoon at four o'clock, at the rooms of the Young Men's Chris tian Association, No. 58 Fifth avenue. The location for the monument will pro• bably be decided upon, finally. Trey lIM was lively yesterday. The saloons were open as though on a holi day, and beer flowed In abundance. We linderstard the police learned the names of those engaged in violating the law, and proceedings will accordingly be in slituted against them this morning. • Ws Name.—The policeman referred to, in the personal columns of a Sunday paper, was officer Wolf, and we are in formed that. the Mayor is investigating the charges, which investigation will very probably result in the .discharge of the officer. Common Cases.—The Mayor disposed of twenty-six cases at his morning court It tr . ti r r u t. enn T e he t majority of t in hej or ws i re s. se the orderly conduct. Four out of the num ber were committed, and the others were either discharged or paid fines. • Bar netts Dielcuttyr--Patrick Brannon and rt Pringle had a dispute Satur day mo ing, in relation to the sale of a cow.F on they retkehed to blows, When Robert, it is alleged, knocked Pat rickll own and choked him severely. The uaed was arrested, but a ft er a hearingsucceeded in compromising the chse by paying the costs , of the suit before Alderman Taylor. Fire in East ELnaingtram.—Yesterday Morning about half-past five o'clock a Are occurred in the stove ware rooms of Fisher de Co., on Railroad street, East Birmingham. The building was a frame structure, two stories high, and was to tally destroyed. The loss will not ex ceed five thousand dollars, and is fully eovered by insurance.. It is presumed to have been the work of an incendiary. Boy Drowned.—Jenkin Edwards, a , boy about ten years of age, was drowned' yesterday afternoon, in the Monongahela river,. near Bakewell & Pier's glass works, Birmingham. Ilewas in bathing, land it is presumed bad an attack of cramp, as he sank some distance from shore, and was not seen again. A. large number of persons assembled on tt e river bank, and parties were engaged in \ dragging tbe,!tiver all a ft ernoon, but up \to a late hoariest evening bad not sue ' ceeded in recovering the body. Not So Bad.—A friend orthe colored boy alluded to in Friday's GAzwrsz :as baying developed remarkable "clever ness" in a swindling operation at the Railroaa Station in Allegheny, says the boy is not so -bad as represented. He says that.the traveler left his leather and carpet sack on the floor of the station, and left them there. The boy thought they had been forgotten, and removed them to a place of safety. When he re turned the owner paid him fifty cents 1, for his thoughtfulness. Such are the statements of the boy,s friend. • Throwing Stones.—Xesterday evening, about • four ,o'clock, John McClure, a young hopeful, about sixteen years of age, was amus;ng himself in the inno cent pasttima of throwing stones through the windows of the Methodist Episcapal Church, at the corner of Smithfield street and Seventh avenue. An officer ending him thus .engaged , interrupted his sport by taking him lb oharge and conduotii)g him to the lock-up, where he was confined for the night. He was con siderably undei the influence of liquor when arrested, but refused to tell where he proeured - the article. Re will have a hearing this morning. The semi-weekly accommodation train on the Erie and Pittsburgh road which heretofore zan only on Tuesdays, Thum- : , . _ days and Saturdays, has been made a daily train, and passengers can now reach Erie at A:55 A. x., of each day, giving ample time to transact business and re turn on the five o'clock tram. -The ar .:rangement has been long needed, and will prove a great accommodation to per sons along the line of the road in the vi cinity of Erie. Officer Peter Dressler, on Saturday, trouglit from • Oakland William Pool, who, it appears, has been, suffering from i an- aberilation of mind for BOMB weeks post. The unfortunate man was placed In the lock-up until the necessary ar rangements for sending him to Diamont ...could: be made. - The malady, it- is thought; is not permanent, and his friends believe a few months', or per haps a few weeks' proper treatment will effect a care; Mr. Pool • was formerly employed on the Oakland Passenger Ballway asextra conductor. A - Yesterday morning at •an early hour officer Dressler was awakened and re quested to take 'charge of Louis Deyil, .who, it appears, was acting in a ,rather strange manner on Smithfield street. The officer-went out .and found th&man but could discover nothing unusual or strange about his action, and allowed tdm to depart. A few moments later be heard .an unusual noise in the vicinity of the Custom House; and on repairing there to ascertain the- cause, found . Devil hammering at the door, demanding ad mittance. When questioned. as -to what he wanted be geld that court' was in ses sion up etairs, and he had • been sum - mooed luta witness , and he must go in. The officer took him in charge and cm dueted him to tbe lookup„ where he was oonfinedin a sell. His action there indi cated a severe, attack of masiapotu, as he insisted 4hat his hat was full of snakes, a nd unsalned that the cell was also Ailed With ;kern., Daily Train. Another Insane Man. Santee in pis ust. THE coOrn. Flitted BtelesCmirts—.lladge McCamilear MONDAY, June 7.—The United States District Court will resume its sessions this morning. The cases in which the Vaited States is a party will be taken up tint. - quarter Seiailotis-FulA.Bench. SATURDAY, June 7.—District Attorney Pearson called up for disposition the un dispbsed of business of the last term of the Criminal Court, and upon all indict ments in which the defenftnts failed to appear, the bonds were forfeited and at tachments ordered to be issued, unless the bail procured:the body of the party for whom they went security' within ten days. The June term of this court commences to-day, and it is requested by General Pearson and , Assistant District 'Attorney Flack, that prosecutors and defendants be promqtly on hand or they will be som polled to enforce. their appearance by issuing attachments. It is the intention of the Judges to do! everything in their power to fsdlitste the business of "this court. 1 < JAIL CALENDAR Ton - Jurtit Tisitu, 1869. Following is a transcript of the Alle gheny county jail calendar, for June term, 1869, showing the person confined in the jail to await trial, together with the offenses of which they stand charged. They number 46: Burglary--John Webb, Jefferson Doug lass, Wm. Barnes, Alfred Price, Joseph Stewart, Henry Little-6. t Robbery—Mary McKenzie, Sarah Jack son, Melinda Lucas-8. R Highway Robbery—Samuel Small-1. Rape=John Bayne, John Jackson, Jno. Fisher-3. Horse Stealing—Gustave Roerback-1. Bigamy—Michael Sharon-1. Felonious Assault and Battery—Wm. Smith, Peter Riley-2. Aggravated Assault and Battery— Elizabeth Maisch, Stewart Sampson, (8 charges, made by Haymaker, Kent and Miller, respectively, before Cartwright, Brush and Davidson, magistrates)-2. Larceny—Samuel Shepley, Samuel Smith, Samuel Palmer, Thomas Morgan, John W. Jones, James Tart, John Law, Jacob Flaxman, Charles St. Clair, Wm. Howard, (2 charges,) James McKlosky, David Gilmore, Eliza McNutt, Mary Maloy, John Ridhards, Thomas Parks, Wm. Reesmeyer' Isabella White, Pat rick Gartland-18. False Pretences—Wm. Thomas, George Manghiner-2. Resisting an Officer--Sam'l Russell—L Fornication—Robert Grater-1. Surety of the:Peace—Gan Denning, De borah Haymorth. Abandonment—Patrick Quinn-1. Selling Liquor en Sunday—Hannah Culf—L, TRIAL LIST FOR MONDAY. 30 Wm. vs. Ann E. Lannon. 35 1 . Samuel Russell. 64 " Moses Parker. 68 " Barney O'Donnell. 88 11 Wm. Bowers. 89 .. Geo. H. Pauline and Wm. Fisher. 90 . 1 J. R. Larlmer. 92 •' Henry Goldstein. 129 11 Wm. Messick. 164 .. George Schmidt, 2 cases. 179 " Anna Cuff. 191 1 . . Samuel Shepley. 222 " Charles King. 225 •' John Hughes and Wm. Me- Keon. 227 " W. 0. Johns. 232 '• Frank Lanstetler. 253 11 Robert Oliver. 257 gl ChristianJairle. 258 John - Shannon. 259 " J. Allison Trainer. 260 . 1 Albert Vogle. 312 . 1 George Selgrist, 2 cases. 315 " J. A. Lippert. 320 " Rudolph Mentsger. District Court—Judges BainPtali and Klrkpatricit: The attention of this Court Saturday was occupied in the disposal of motions, none of which were of any public in terest. Common P►eaw-Fall Bench. No business of importanoe was trans acted in this Court Saturday. -, Profeisionals Aboui. We still have a few professional thieves in dtir community who occasionally out wit the vigilance of our detectives and line their pockets with ill-gotten gains. Three of them engaged in a bold and ono. cessfal undertaking on Saturday, in Al- , legheny, by which they secured abopt one hundred and fifty dollars. Aboat three o'clock in the afternoon the trio, all young men, entered the bat store of Messre. Pratt and Benney, on Fed eral street, near Water, Allegheny. Mr. Pratt was in the establishment alone . at the time, and while ,one of them en -1 gaged his Atention, pretending to select ' a hat, the other two stepped toward the rear, and oeolly appropriated a 'pocket- book containing the amount stated from the drawer. They then withdrew without making a purchase. The pocket took bad been laid in the drawer font a few minutes before they came In and Mr. Pratt, after their de -1 parture, went to get it again, when the I tom was discovered. He immediately I started in pursuit of the party, but MINI kto get any trace of them. . There were 1 several friends standing around the door as the thieves passed out, but as the oo currence was not , known then thefwere allowed to pass on. It is quite likely the money will never be recovered, as, if the parties were strutted, Mr. Pratt Is not certain he could identify them. -, Runaway. Saturday evening about seven o'clock, a runaway occurred on Seventh avenue, by which a man whose name we could not ascertain, was slightly injured: ' A horse and buggy was standing on Grant street, a short distance from Seventh avenue, and when the gentleman having It in charge attempted to got in, the horse took fright and started at a rapid rate of speeddown Seventh avenue, the hind wheel of the buggy passing. over the driver and injuring him slightly. On Seventh avenue, in front of . Hammer ez. 00. 1 9 hirniture warerooms, :the bugiry collided with a. light' furniture wagon, damaging the latter considerably and breaking the buggy slightly. When near .thenorner of Smithfield street the horse w arrested in his wild carreer and fur ther damage prevented. A Neat orate; The Central Office of the Allegheny Fire Alarm Department has recently undergone a thorough renovation and refitting, which has made it one of the neatest and most pleasant oinces in the city. The telegraph line is now in per fect working order, and has at last been made reliable..