. 1,1 t Eitburgt Gaith C PUBLISHED DAILY BY ITNIO2ILN, REED dr. CO., Proprietors, B. PEXNDUIT, JOSIAH 1C1.".40. T. P. HOUSTON. Editors and Proprietors, 01/710Z: lIAZETTE BUILDING, NOS. 84 AND 88TIFTH ST. OFFICIAL PAPER Of Plt(Velment, Allegheny end Arlo. ;bony County. 1 Tenn g••Iv ; t dew- Weekty. rung. life year...llB.ooloneyear.s2.so 151ngl7Lopy..sys0 One month 75151 x mos.. 1.50 5 cop! each 1.25 By :he week 151 Three mos 75 10 .. .% Lys tfromeariter.) i i and one to Agent. RIONUAIt, JUNE 7, 1869. UNIO BEPUBMAN TICKET. ASSOCIALV: JUDGE DISTRICT COMIT. JOHN M. KIRKPATRICK. AMSIViANT LAW .TUDOZ,'COWKO:N PLE/JA, !FREI:VH.II. COLLIER.. 'STATE SENATE. t . 'momAs HOWARD. ASEEMBLY. MILES 8. HUHPUREYB, ALEXANDER IgILLAIL JOSEPH WALTOK JAMES TAYLOR. • D. N. WHITE, . JOHN 11. KERR. • ; sumauF. MIME S. FLEMING. TRZABIIIIER. JOS. F. DENNISTON. CLERIC OP COMPS, JOSEPH BitOWNE. RECORDER. THOMAS H. HUNTER. comussioxis. CHAUNCEY B. BOSTWICK REGISTER. , JOSEPH H. OR&Y CLERK OF ORMI %NM COMM ALEXANDER HILANDS• DIRECTOR OF poop., ABIUIEL McCLIIBIL ,Pairrr en the inside pages of Otis morning's Geaarrric--&eotid page: Poetry, "Leong," Ephemeris, Clippings Third and Siva pages: Cemmerciai, taanciai, Mercantile, and River News, Markets, Imports. Seventh pail: "Dickens en His Event Illness," Amusements. GOLD 'closed in New York on Saturday at 11183105188 k. 11. 8. BONne at Frankfort, 86t Pzintomote at Antwerp, 470. Tem Republican nominations meet 'with the cordial and hearty endorsement of all good citizens, and our customary majority of ten thousand may be Initial- Pitted if the right men are placed at the head of the State ticket. , Tan City Council of Cincinnati have unanimously adopted a resolutiun order ing an election, to be held the 26th inst., mccuthecuestion of expending $10,000,- 0/0 in the construction of a railway con nection with Chattanooga. Citizens who pay no - taxes are not expected to stay away from polls: rt TER shortest was to abolish the "State Corruption Fund" would be to give some of our old Greensburg pilgrims a chance at it. • Their unrivaled talenta for absorb tion spoils would not be embar rassed, e way things now are, by any private arrangements for their division ;with outsider& Ms Swedish and Belgian 31 , 5sions are at last filled, by the Appointment, to the first, oils gentleman from Minnesota, and of Kr. J. R. Joras to the second. Evi dently,ithe Administration heeds our sug gestion, and holds'Hr. J. S. Cknissui in reserve for the elucidation, at the proper moment, of the mysterious situation in Paraguay. • ON SATURDAY night, June 4th,.1859, a killing frost destroyed grotving crops to tbe value of many millions of dollars throughout all_ the region north of the 158th parallel of latitude. The rapidly declining temperature on Saturday ? last inspired.* general apprehension of a sim ilar visitation now. Bat these fears have not Men realized to any noticeable extent. A light frost may have visited the higher lauds remote from the water-courses, but not, ive trust, such as to inflict any con siderable inlnry. "IN 'rim Legislative Convention the gentlemen of the Committee conferred together and were unanimous against the introduction of the twelfth resolu tion. I; was not 'suppressed,' as has been alleged."—Commer cial. Could the audacity of falsehood go farther in the above Our columns . _ , are open to the members of that Com mittee to state the facts, which, as we have said, and now repeat, clearly show that Mr. STEEL did suppress the resolu. tiow against the remonstrances of his colleagues, Messrs. Num§ and TAYLM. THE material prosperitrof She Chicago nibune is attested, not' only by a large daily sheet well filled with the adverbsing favors of that community, but by a neatly executed lithograph which we have re ceived, and which represents the new and magnificent structurewhlch is hereafter to be Its permanent home in that ever- changing city. The Tribune is a jotirnal _ of wide influence In the North-west, earn lag that:position by the ability and enter prise of its ninagement In• all of its de- W 133 the, amanita of the County Convention t nConualttee on Resolutions aisted *MILT Ofiheidie members of 46 ~~' srr~vx«F 'akIMM joint-committee were In favor of reporting the twelfth resolution; he stated the pre cise fact. Ells colleagues, on his own sub-committee, did not attend the meeting of the joint-committee, but authorized him to represent them, anh have cordially supported his action. 3t is hardly worth the while for-any journalist to make an issue of veracity, on that point, with a citizen of Mr. Lorm's" well known and unimpeachable character. His bare word will go quite as far' as the affidavits of his traducer& • N. P. REED, Tau Philadelphia Benevolent Savings Bank, which was robbed of a million and more in greenbacks and bonds, has just been made glad, through a detective agency, by the return of most of the mis sing funds. No arrests are chronicled. This case is fresh evidence of the impetus given crime and protection afforded rogues by the detective system. The thieves were discovered, permitted to keep a portion of the moneys and esc pe prison, the detectives took another ee of the recaptured plunder as their share, and the bank, thankful to receive any of the funds, was satisfied and asked no questions. The detectives could not af fordxto have the heavy operators confined in prisons, as they reap too large divi dends out of the jobs put up and consum mated by them. IT name that we were quite right n anticipating that the work on the Porkers burgh bridge would be pushed on, re gardless of the late Ohio law , forbiddirg its connection with the Ohio shore. The claim of West Virginia to the sovereignsy 1 of the river, below low-water mark on e Ohio aide, is not to be disputed, and is now practically asserted in the prosecu tionj of this work under her authorit y . Even the abutment on the Oho side may 'be built also, if its foundations be laid just outside of low water mark. And the friends of an unobstructed navigation of the river are at present wholly without any legal protection against the invasion of their rights. Let us look this matter fairly in the face. Our only remedy is to be pm.. sued at Washington, and the B. & O. corporation should be made to and r stand that this remedy will be pursued to the utmost—and with the determined n to win and maintain our rights. To at end, there shOuld be something done sonably, and more effective than m newspaper protestritions. SO MIRY VERDICTS of acquittal ha l , e been returned in homicide cases whereon outraged husband had taken the life Of the destroyer of his domestic happineeis, that we do not marvel to hear of women', who just now are busily engaged in ready ing themselves'into full equals of the op posite sex, asserting their rights in this direction and protecting their hearthstones from dishonor, using dull lead as a liana* for all their conjugal troubles. In Maine, last week, the jealous wife of a lawyer met and shot three bullets into the body of a frail milliner, who Juippened to sus tain relations by no means honorable with the avenging woman's husband. The milliner will die, and Mrs. Emma, the murderess,will set up the pledofjusti fiable homicide, and her lawyers will cite hundreds of precedents where men have escaped punishment although guilty of life-taking to protect their honor and to avenge themselves on the seducers of their wives. She will be acquitted; and, what then? Why, all the women in the land who are tinctured with jealousy will become their own avengers, and go about in search of the impediments to their do mestic happiness. It is time that an ex ample be made of some one of those who tam upon themselves the responsibilityof setting the laws of GOd and man aside, and destroy' human life in order to satisfy outraged honor. Society is disorganized in this direction, and unless there is a return to abandoned law the conseqUences will be fearful. A jury, on their oath?, acquitting a man or woman who has shed blood in behalf of wounded honor, not only outrage the sol emn obligations resting upon them, but make themselves accessories before the act in many of the similar crimes which follow.. Hanging is an adinirable anti dote for most diseases, and just a little administered to the high-strung heroes and heroines who guard their honor by sacrificing life, would have good effect on the people, who are beginning to imagine that for some crimes there can be no suf ficient redress obtained, and that the law justifies deeds of desperation: Let us have. hanging. ' The place for the 'soldiers' monument proposed by the Commissioners of the Allegheny Park, is in the centre of•Ohlo street, midway, between Union and Cedar avenue., The space between these avenues is occupied , by - the Park, and the plan suggested is to devote a cir cular space for the monument in the midst of the Park an the line of its bisec- Uon by the street, and to . defiect the street on the north and south sides, conforming the carriage-wave and sidewalks to the proposed deflection, so as to give at the same time an Imposing and a graceful effect. We invite the careful remembrance of the public for the following declarations in the Pittsburgh Commercial of June 6th, 'B9 : uFor wen months, ?dr. Carnahan Might MVO been diliallall•dallYdaY• Re Waft 1 1 1 14=1 4 ) 'r la rb - MtdO ti..t Alill in q 7• • . v , z\; SOLDIERS' MONUMENT. liTICK A PIN, THERE 1 - IdONDA7I, JUNK 7, 11889. the Cabinet, oplxised a removal. There was no other arrangement about it. "The materials for . Mr. Carnahan's po litical history are very abundant. * * * No man can show cleaner hands in office. * * * He would demand fair coley. * * He would probably 'bust up' little ar rangements. * * Let the public say whether .a secret arrangeMent between President Johnson and the federal officer who bad defied him was possible, much less probable." Let these statimentabe recorduul as/ the ituthorized exposition of•the case in behalf Of A. J.'s District Attorney. We /shall complete - the record in due time, and out of very "abundant materials." IMPROVEMENTS IN CITY AND COUNTRY. \\ It is noteworthy that among the nn *roue buildings, pubic and private ? erected last yea-, and in progress the present, an nnusnal.number are of the more costly and substantial character, and several of them very fine stone structures, calculited to elevate the char acter of the city for: architectural taste. Any city might be proud of such build ings as those of Messrs. A: H. Errimrsu & CO., LLOTD and BrAcK, - and the Safe_ Deposit° Bank, in Fourth street; the Peo: plea' Bank, and the' M.' & M. Insurance Co., in Wood street. The Young Men's Mercantile Library Building is beginning to .reveal its ulti mate design and beauty, in Penn street. The City Hall gives promise of early de velopment, in Smithfield street, and we are to have noble specimens of the strict ecclesiastical gothic style, in the new Trinity Church and. Chapel on Sixth avenue. Indeed, we observe new erect' tions in progress in nearly every part of both cities, and in the adjacent boroughs. Further out, also, in the rural districts, numerous Putnsions, more or less costly,. an* ornate, are lifting their outlines into view, in all directions over a landscape more picturesque, diversified and beauti ful, perhaps, than any city in the coup* can bOast. Such improvements as we refer to more particularly, denote the great wealth of the community not only, but a marked and praiseworthy ad vance in the liberality, culture and taste of our citizens. AN IMPORTANT DECISION. The authority of Federal Military Com missions, over such citizens of the unre constructed States as are rot in the\ naval or military service, is derived from the statute of March 11,i 1847, and hasljuat been folly sustained In an opinion from the Attorney. General. The opinion has a bearing of the most important breadth upon the social . and' political status of Virginia, Texas and Mississippi. The record of the XLlst Congress shows it \ to be equally applicablf to Georgia, since there has been no recognition of any claim, by the latter State, to be exempted from the provisions of that act, through her adoption of a constitution in, conformity with its requirenients. As to the pre : ceeding Congress, the Georgian claim, conceded by the House, was never Per fected by the assent of the Senate. It is certain that the Administration, will here after hold itself to be fully wa rranted .: in maintaining an orderly and peaceful con dition of [Ars in the three ' States: nut yet organized, and it is ' quite likely that the same Federal au thority will, under this opinion, be ex tended to Georgia also. This would sup. ply what has been needed,—a legitimate and effective curb to the turbulence of a a still rebel population, which, hith erto, has asserted its own exemption from Federal interference, and its just con tempt for its own contemptible Governor, . linaLocx, under the quasi protection/of one branch and the Inexplicable no-ac tion of the other branch of the XLtli r gram. We trust that the •Administra will procee4 at once to take the Ge case in hand, and deal with it as the warrants, and as the interests of the tional pacification demand. CUBAN AUFAIRS. A. suspicion of infidelity to the Spanish t cause has driven DuLez, the Cuban pip. tain.General, into coin;lulsory retirement from that post. lie had so effectively for feited the confidence of the loyallata of `7 t the island, in e sincerity of his policy for securing its pacific submission to the Spanish authon y, that his resignation was demanded with a Manifestation of popular feeling which he would have found it personally unsafe to resist. ' i His successor is already at sea, destinekfor Havana. The insurgents derive fresh hopes, for a cause which lately seemed desperate even to themselves, from the recent ac cessions of men, and material afforded by their American sympathizers. The mak. - nitude of these reinforeements, and the permanen benefits to result therefrom to the rebel . .ise, have, . N de thilk, been unduly re resented, while the effective change of policy, sure to be inaugurated under the new Captain General, Seems not to be appreciated as it should. Duwa is purely a civilian, and as such, an officer of •great executive merit, but, neither by) profession nor in fact, the best , ualified to deal with i the present situation in Cubs. Ills succersor, succersor, B RODAS, on the other band, is a so d ier of much and honorable experience i arms, and withal above any taint of sus felon upon his - fidelity to Spanish interests. He will know how'to , forces, regular and vblan -ty in band, and to make the ns for a sweetie:tut campaign d districts. If to Ws; be AcOlf4t ll Oft , ll , MO/ it Or l ' . 'art. en' Irak •keep his ow teer, comple I;,est,tl In theyre 1 adds ,sudt . *Wool law IC.!. k t - Srr -- ' 1 ' • ~~~~-N embarrassing complications with other powers, we .hall regard the Spati l ish cause as likely to be soon triumphant. The efforts of their sympathizing friends in this country, to commit onr Administration to the blunder which any recognition of belligerent rights in the rebels would involve, have, fortunat9y, failed altogether. One policy prevails at Washington, in our national dealings with Spain and with England alike, and what is to 'be done by Mr. Momtv at London, is not to be tindone in the same breath, at Havana or Madrid. Thii statesman-like caution is as wise as it is just. MS. MOTLEY'S INSTRUCTIONS• It is said that Senator Summit is far from pleased by the discovery, whickhe has made to his entire conviction, that the instructions to Minister MOTiaT are not based upon, or in accordance With the general tenor of his speech on the Ala bama treaty. These instructions are vOry particular and specific; prepared with Ile borious care by Secretary FISH, they Were adopted in the Cabinet meeting, without the amendment of a principle or a w +d, and confided to our Minister accord ingly. The English Government Hs to understand that ours is respon sible for no man's speeches, *Senatoilal or otherwise; that 'the Senate has lan equal voice in all questions of ratifica tion, and that, in mainta i ning our own dignity, we have the most i punctilious In gard for that of all other nations. A firm attitude is taken, while no sugges tion supports the idea o4f• an attempt to intimidate England. Negotiations . will neither be precipitated, nor will they ibe delayed, if an opportunity shall favor their . resumption. So much of the nature of these instructions has trspired— arid no i more.. Al l State secre are to be Well kept this time, and all tha the public are ai thus far permitted to knew, is substen. tinily stated above—and inferentially hut even more clearly shadowed out in the unconcealed dissatisfaction of- Senator • . _...t i SUMNER. -.• 1 When it is thus evidentthat a question of the most critical delicacy is under ¶he conduct of a wise an patriotic diplo macy, we hear; as was stated in oar 144 that the politicians are! inclined to hi tervene, embarrassing the Administp tion by awakening a partizan clamor which must,ii it accomplishes aught,either paraly4 the action of i th i t proper repie sentatives of our natio al honor, or ?d i l- I vert it T a direction whiCh will go wide. of the most desirable result—a pacific, honorable and mutually ; satisfactory 'so lution bf a controversy which nothipg but pure reason and an eelightened per. ception of abstract justice can err adjust on an enduring foundation. 'llhe politicians will do better to let the Ala bama negotiation altogether alone, and confine their active interest to the by :i.o means invited field of domestic policy.i TEN N ESSEE. Contrary to recent expectations, the political canvass in Tennessee is to . 0-e -sent a square issue upon the questionnf restrictions upon the Suffrage. Colonel &cams disappoints the general hope that he would concur, with his competitor for Republican support, in advocating the re moval of these restrictions from the dis franchised rebel voter. His speech at Nashville, on Saturday evening, reveals his,decision to maintain the field, in the same positions to which the domes;tic politics of Tennessee have heretofre committed him. We regret that the csreful deliberations, in which Colonel STOKES and his friends have been en gaged for the week past, have not re sulted otherwise. We should have been better pleased, had he and they conceded, handsomely and fully, the just form, not only of the late decision of the Supreme Court of his State, but of advancing Oo litical enlightenment among Republicans everywhere, in accepting the broadest idea of universal suffrage. It is evident, however, that Colonel STORES regazids his past.record on this question as dedis ively controlling all present considers dons of policy, and we are compelled to admit that l ihe adheres to it with a consla, ent fi delity which has, our . respect the more cordially, since we feel that be most agree with us in looking upqn this dechi ion as fatal to the success of his canvass. lis His competitor, Acting Governor itr- TOR, advances alone to the higher pota tion, and declares himself to be in fity l or of the restoration of this franchise to eve ty citizen of ITennessee., Thil will be t e winning doctrine of the campaign, andlit wiltwin under Republican auspices, since Gof: Ssrnron is and has ever ,been fsith fuljy identified with this party . He Will have a large Republican support, as w‘ll as the votes of the Conservatives, f whom it could hardly be expected that they should hold aloof from a cause which recognizei all their political rights. The number of this class of voters is likely Ito be still further augmented by an expec ted decision by the Supreme Court, limiting still more narrowly the application of the existing provisions for disfranchisement. on- I lion i rids law Na PUBLIC SCHOOLS. " r "These I schools are not now used to evangetizelyouth, but to demoralize and iniidelize them. Tile principle underly ing and running through the system IS a studied ignoring of creed, that is, of re vealed truth; Paganism, in other words, utter want of faith, but a fair show of is ternal morality—this is the finis ultimus of the highly praised education to be made national. Pretty much of the same mind were. the Pagans In the early days of the Church. A man would beat liberty to Ladore. any one-of the. &bon sande of gods, to belong to any system of philosophy. to hold wlatioever epin lone ho s pleesod o provided he wall n9slll Christian. This is the true rendering of the extraordinarily /there views of the friends of Common School education. A united country to rest upon a foundation of irreligion, infidelity—and there are ministers of the Gospel ready to make that sacrifice!" • So writes the editor of the Pittsburgh Catholic, a journalist liberal in moat mat ters, and by no means narrow-minded or contracted in his general ideas. It is singular and unfortunate that so many of our Catholic friends permit - themselves to be misled, and view the Common School question from such a stand-point. No other institution of our free government is more perfect in. its workings, more to be admired or more worthy of confidence and support than the system in vogue for free and universal education. Protes tant, Catholic, Jew and Infidel can alike enter the class room and receive liberal learning and be made honorable members of society. without their be liefs or opinions being tampered or interfered with by those imparting knowledge. It is true, and we mention it in tones — of thankfulness, that the prin ciples underlying good citizenship are taught, that strict honesty is inculcated, that vice is held up to be detested and avoided, and thatdeep down in the hearts of scholars is planted the basis of all re ligions, a belief in God, in His truths re vealed and a knowledge of the grave re sponsibilities of the individual to neigh bors and society. It is not in the class room, pondering over difficult problems of Euclid or provoking sentences of Greek or Latin; that the scholar derives his religions hellef. It is not when geography puziles or geometry. baffles the powers of the brain that the pupil forms his ideas of the important doctrine of any one church, neither does he jump to a. conclusion on hearing the Lord's prayer recited differently from his own version, or a salm sung or a selection from a Protestant bible read. The relig ioust education nd example must be sup plied at home. .No where else can any distinct faith and belief obtain strong hold. A score of faiths or more may unprofita bly be introdu c ed r to the school rooms The scholars will ignore the tyranny of study. By rotd they may recite all the declarations of religion, all the tenets of faith, but give them liberty and they will declare their ;dependence and think and believe they have a • mind to . do. A familiarity with persons or things is sure to breed contempt. Leta youth be placed in a school where reli gionet is hab tually mixed with - his thoughts, wh important doctrines are daily forced u n him as a task to learn, and how soon will human nature revolt? He goes out in the world with his reli gious belief, occupying no higher ground than his knowledge of the abstruse sciences. He has been taught to believe so and so, but his ideas are met by those differing in opinion with himself, and, nine chances out of ten, he is so thor oughly disgusted with the cramming system to which he was a vic tim at school, that he gives away and deserts the Very faith which carefully direcied human ° efforts had endeavored to plant securely with in his bosom. He is wrecked on the first rock of opposition. On the ; other hand, let the young be educated in reli gions matters at home. Let them feel that their fathers and mothers, who, in their estimation lead the world in wisdom and knowledge, attach themselves to a certain belief, and they will accept their doctrines as gospel and their minds will . go with them in all things. Theirs will De no intellectual religion. It will be fresh and pare and of the heart. They will believe in what they have drawn in from their parents,; and in sunshine or cloud their opinions will never giveaway. The public schools as they exist are our crowning blessings. Let them stand as they have stood. Let no voice interfere with the system. We are needful of such members of society as they furnish, and knowing that they do not inculcate infi delity or immorality, but impart the wisest truths, and principles of honestA fair dealing and integrity, we can safely af ford to champion them and fight the battle in their behalf. • ' The new Peruvian Minister who has just arrived here, is not able to nonfinn the statement that Perri has recognized the belligerency of the insurgents in Cuba. An effort is being made to obtain the appointment of Charles M. Langston. (colored,) of Leavenworth, Kansas, brother of John M. Langston, as Minis ter to Liberia, to fill the vacancy occas ioned by the declination of Mr. Clay, of Louisiana, nominated last winter. The President is 11,,vorably disposed to the ar rangement. General Sherman has received informa tion from 'the Kansas frontier, that a large number of Indians have left their reserva tions, and have formed into predatory bands and are roaming around the coun try dolng mischief. He will at once ea tablish additional posts in the vicinity of the railroad stations, where troops can be moved rapidly to and fro, and issue a proclamation outlawing all Indians found off their reservations, and treat them accordingly, whenever overtaken or cap tured. Considerable trouble is antici pated, unless the savages can be promptly checked and put down. The following new appointments of Postmasters in Pennsylvania have been made by Mr. Creswell: Slippery Rock, Butler connty—Charles Prosser, vice W. T. Ramsey, removed.— Etat. Fayette county—J. F. Cambells vice W. H. Brooks rembved.—Sterrel tanis, Erie county—Thomas Sterrelt, vice B. Becht, resinged:—Linesville Sta. tion, Crawford county,—R. P. mill er , vice 'S. iihattnek, vine; Crawfbni countyP .1010, *ice H. 1 31 Ff.tas.. tallitics&—Ceiliii /OM, Sla . Washington Item don, Crawford county—W. McMullin, vice H. .D. Lowing, resigned.—Wolf Creek, Mercer county—Wm. P. \ C.. Emery, vice H. B. Williams, resigned. There seems to be a great desire to. prevent the public knowing the exact terms on which the Perry Fuller-Ewing lobby suit has been compromised. Sev eral of the newspaper correspondents_ have been solicited to say nothing on the subject. The account of vouchers for Indian goods sold by Mr. Fuller to the First National Bank of Aarkansas was, as stated yesterday, about eighty-two thousand dollars. The amount demand ed by General Thomas,Ewing in the name, nominally,' of his rother Charles and others, as so called partners, was fifty-one thousand dollars. The contract, of which the amount enjoined was part, amounted originally to nearly a half million dollars. Charles Ewing claimed_ partnership to the extent of one-third of the amount sold by Mr. Fuller to. the bank aforesaid. Ewing and another party claimed nearly two-thirds. Alt the developments had in court showed that the claim was only a lobby one, in which - , it is shrewdly guessed, the per sons put forward were but lay figures,. and Gen. Toni Ewing the party really interested. While Perry Fuller was ab sent the suit was pressed, when he arrived the E wings were anxious for a compro mise. They declared that fifty-one thousand dollars was due them, yet they took six thousand, thus giving seven eights of their claim for Mr. Fuller's silence, which, it would appear, they have riot secured. - Since the adjournment of Congress, the President has removed. at least nine of his own.sppointees, namely, two consuls, one Indian agent, two collectors, one assessor and three postmasters. Commissioner Delano says he will re gard the failure to collect the whole tax due in any given district as; prima feels evidence that the officers ineharge thereof are either inefficient or dishonest, and in either case he will consider and treat it as sufficient ground for suspension. Notwithstanding General Sickles ac- , cepted the Spanish mission, there are cer tain conditions connected with it which, render's it doubtful whether he will enter upon his duties. Secretary Fish, yester day, addressed him a letter, asking if he was ready to proceed to his post, as the President was anxious we should have a representative there immediately on the retirement of the present Minister, which takes place July Ist. The announcement that J.. Russell Jones had been appointed Minister to Belgium, in phice of Sanford, created a good deal of dissatisfaction among the latter's friends. They say the President promised not to make any chanze until after the meeting of Congress. Every Benator in town, including Sumner, opposed Jones' appointments. . THE Pittsburgh Post of the sth says: "A. private dispatch from Philadelphia informs us that the lease of the Pitts burgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway to the Pennsylvania Central was agreed to at a meeting of the Directors held in that city yesterday, by a vote of eight to three, the President, General Cass, voting with the minority. It will now be sub mitted to a vote of the stockholders, in this city on the 24th inst., and if the Itase. is approved of by them, we are reliably informed that Mr. Cass will resign the. Presidency, and withdraw entirely from the management of the road." —John Murray, a respectable citizen of Portsmouth, Virginia, was shot dead on Saturday by Area. Perry, whom he suspected of seducing his daughter, and at whom he fired the first shot with slight effect. Perry was bailed for his appear ance. THE TRUSS. The truss is an ins:runient, or rather an appli ance, 'employed to retitle the boWeis to their proper place, when trey have been forced out of their natural posittou, and this forms a disease called a rupture or bends. Hirnials reducableor • or not. When net reducatee. it becomes strangu lated or licarcerated, a conditten of alwass more or less dinner, andaveulring. In most cases. a surgical operatios before the intestines can be restored to their proper position. When not strangulated primarily,Tuptures are liable to be come so by accident or neglect, hence, the neces sity of trusses to keep the intestines in theirprop er place. and if possible to cure the disease by closing the opening through which the bowels protruded. In times mast trusses have been re named as palliative remedies rather the tee means of effecting a radical cure. Dr.. Keyser,- however, of this city, who has devoted a great deal of thought and re& etic n to the subject of hem's, and besides has had • over twenty-eve years of practical; -ex. penence in the application of trusses, is of the ' opinion that a large port en of cases can be radi cally cured. He attributes the failure to care, • 1111104 i cases, to ths ineeLleccy of the trusses used. or the want of rroper adjustment. He maintains that there are few conditions of the human body requiring greater skill and capacity than those in which there is a protrusion of any part, and much more when the part is so heti mutely connected with human health and life as are the Intestines. Trusses of every kind and at prices suitable to all may be hid in great van e'y at Dr..7.1 - Terare BIIXAT MIDICINR STOW& 167 Liberty street, or at his private ropialting rooms, No. 12.0 Penn street, from ten-A. Y. ; tit four P. ar. Every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, at the store, for Pee consultation frees Sour to sin P. ar., and eight to nine at night. USZFUL INSTITUTION.- No more us fal blue can be !band than the greet medicine store of Dr.. Keller. at 107 Uteri; street. where Om Doctor gives three free days fur consultatioa from 4to 0 P. at. every Monday, N ednesday and Saturday. It Is a matter of some moment to the &filleted that they should know this and themselves of an opportunity tot oft.'n afforded. CaXassaa.—Dr. Keyser, at 120 Penn street, will undertat e and cure the worst case of CS. tarrk, by an entirely new system, sous to cons.' elect) , eradicate It from the spa: em. lie does so by restoring the setters' health of the system.: Let those interested inquire If this is true. SCIENCE ADVANCES. As soon as an article purporting to be of utility has been tested, and Its merits endorsed by pub he opinion, unprincipled hartles endeavor `to re elentsh their depleted pones by counterfeiting, and substituting a spurioim for the genuine arti• cle. dome time since, meritiry, In the distrait's, of pills, powders, de., was given for all diseases of the stomach and liver, while outs's) was freely administered for the chills. At length 110STET TER.'S BTOIACII BITTERS made I:. advent, and an entire dew system of bPallng was Mange. rated. The beneditat effects of this valuable' preparatton were at mite acknowledged, an* mineral poisons suffered to sink into that obscu rity to which an enltghtened age - bat conidened them. There nave -been many spurious Bitter* palmedhpon the community, widish, after trial. have been found perfectly worthiest, while HUB TETTER,B has proved a blessing to thousands, who owe to it their restoration tobealth and hap:, pinta. For many years we have watched the_ steady progre.s •of HwISTETTkit'S ISTolltAtal BIT TRS In publics estlmaUon, and 1.• benedolent effects at a cur. for all coropatinte arising from the sto mach of a morbid Hato' e, and 11.1 are rete to of tat It eau be relied n p.n. as a mum a lief and remedy.. its Drupribliors have Made the' above Preparation after years Oi laltand !tad) , and eittlag. and are now raaptut Ali reward planed . by Ms valuable amalgam aaderaamilvev du nen/ mem-. It ie the oely e ara or see kind Op to . la reliable Malt Oakes" Ir %meow. twines stesaaeast tin 4 . 4;„*„,...0.-z-.7p....,,A.,44,..0.1 "V' - te r r, .1;!'•