NHW tarCEIIIIS'I' EPISCOPAL CHURCH, ALLEUHENY.— The Rev. BIENt P. BRoOKE. R .ctor..will officiate at di vine service in this Church' on TO•MURROW at half-pact ten o'clock A. N., and half,,taat seven o'clock Or THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH, (Railroad Ftreet. near Depot,) aw 13111011TO:1'. Pa. ti. F. CROW THER, Pastor. Preaching EVERY Swnotern. at IOS, a. m. and P. 8. Public cordially invited. 1-X.LISLOIA=AU'k•XA GELIPAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, Sev enth street—Rev. SAMUEL.LAIRD, Pastor. Serviette TO-MORROW (Sunday,) and reanlarly hereafter. at 10)i A. M. and 1,4 r. It. Su.nday Saba at 9 A. it. tar PLT MOUT H CONG REG A . TION GRUBCH.—Ree. J. E. TWIT CIXELT., of Manalh-ld undo. will preach in the Academy of IdnAc MORNING and EVIISNING, aarvices,aornmencing at 11)% an& T)§ O'clotk. The public re cordially 'invited to attend. tar" THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH, FiPTIX AVE.I(Z., between Smithfield and Grant streets.,`AL• CLARK, Pastor. Preaching EVERY SABBATH, at 10.30 A; W. and 1.30 r. Free seats and welcome to all,. Sunday:3o6oo' at 9 A. Y. and 1.45 P. /11.. I°7RELIGIOUS.—First Chils- TIAN CHURCH, corner Beaver street and 31ontgoinely avenue, Allegheny City, Jo bEPli KING. Pastor.. Public worship Ti}MOlt• Bow. (Lord's Day.) at 103 in ;the MORNING and 7 in the EVaalliG. • • Free Seats. and a cordial! ayitatlon given to all. Banda tchnot at 9A. 'ltar'REV. CHRISTOPHER .WILLIA3IB. of Virginia, has accepted tbe.call or the First Colored Hogelaz-Bapttst Church, on Water street, Allegheny. be will preach hie Introductory sermon TO.MCBROW. He will also preach at 3 o'clock r. 2a . and In the evening et ta o'clock •she public are kindly In. viteu to attend. - • FrUNIVERSALIST CHURCH, corner Third avenue and Gra [rea c hing W.: IL. TAX Ds MARK, Pastor. every Sabbath at 10,ii .c. M. and 7% F. M. In the ev-ningMt. Van De Mark, (late chaplain.) will address the as diers and sailor,buoject, • • The Patriotic Dead." habbath School at 12 X. . • heats free and a welcome to all. • rFIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Or PITTSBURGH, W. 8. Gray Pastor , Pastor, meets statedly in NEVILLE HALL, corner of Liberty and Fourth streets. Services every Lord's Day at ILOX A. 31. and 73i P. H. .Bubject.tor Morning discourre. "The Christian Corifession"—lollou'ed by the admhtli /ration of cue ordinance of baptism. The public are cordially Invited. rir MESSIAH ENGLISH EVAN.- GELMAL LUTHERAN CHURCH. (Gen eng Synod. )Hand Street. helow Penn, Rev. J.H. W. STUCKENBEIta, Pastor. Religious servi ces regular,y on SABBATH hereafter. Sunday Sctioel 9A. 11. Preaching at .10;t5 A. M. and Prayer Meeting and Lecture Wednes da* - evenings. Friends of the congregation and public cordially invited. - • r43 - NoTircE.-- The new and • tieituttful A.ll. E. Cbutch,at Akinsfield, (Ricir Valley, t Ps.. wUI be dedicated of BAB BArti. June 6th. —Bisuop Logan, Rev. A. Cole and Rev..l.C. Pershing are expected tote pres ent.' The Pastors and congregations of the sur rounding Marge. Sr* respectfully invited to be present. A special train on the Panhandle 'RIR. road.rill leave Union Depot at 10 o'cloyit A. is. ano•return at° P. ' .Round trip, 50 cents. . - larC SI RI 4 N WORSHIP TO • mo }mow. at QUINCY BALL, Laceek street, Allegheny. At 1014 A it., "Exhortation &nu Breaking or Bread." Free to ail, who wish to eat alth uhrist sincerely. 334 r. eh. discus sion of ••Ituture Punishment" continued.' 7,1 P. sew Mon, "Life and Immortality Brought to Light. We confers that --we are dead, and OILY life is kid : is ith Chi Latin God. When whole our ler aball appear then shall we also appear With nice glory, let & little while and lie that Is to estne•diall come." Come to the house of re es, - Bea free. A hearty welcOme.free from p is °Sinn. ' • vmenockozin BEST dOODS 1 LOWEST PRICES! S:,1: CLARKE & CO'S .NEwßocittsToitz, WOOD STRRIT, lad DOOR BELOW FIRTH. 7es:exw • • • . a, n. .• • SPRING STOCI ffg OUYtit..::: - ..: . :'...., - : . ' . .: . fs,q:11!(k!(:: . • .. :•.... ..'....-..,k.':COMPAIT',S. We are receiving this Week by ocean steamers from Eiigland a fresh stock of the latest midmost beautiful de 'l'amstry aiiktiody 'Brussels by direct , importations from thelnan ufaCturers.,„ We 'invite the inaction: of house Dindsh eiv,"4onfident" that we offer' *: ll irOest assortment and catest variety of eigant mitt„mp bionght : to tlili3 Market; at the lowest offerOreat- , .inducements, are in allgrades of In vaini- and Three.' , ,Plies,'lt ling their constant aim' to to' the multitude, - the feat assortment of, cheap 11 0 ".bviTieeable harnets at lowOr:liva the any other bOuserill:Pe trade. NEVER :;- '-• - • • C1TY . TAXE5,.1.869 . .• In accordance with Seetlon Bth, Page 898- of Digest, . . , • PIOTIOE IS HEREBY GwEN .. • •TO THE • i - • CITIZENS OF PITTSBIJIIGH, That 'the assessments' fbr 1889 of City. - City. Building, Special, Poor, Business. City -School ' and Ward Scbbol Taxes and City Water Dents /have been returned-to me tor collection._ The above taxes are subject to a DEDUCTION CF FIVE PER C itNTlDalfpald on or before the 11 FIRST DAY OF AUGUOT, ind TWO PER CENT UM If paid between the MST DAY or AITGUST and the F.FTEEDITH-1 i.AY -OF SEP TEMBER. airNo deduction will be allowed on taxes paid between eeptember fifteenth and October first. - I? A n addition of five per (lenient will be made, to all taxes unpaldOctobur first, slid an additional five per centum will be added to all taxes re maining unpaid on November first. STATE YfirftCillT - ILE LICENSES! The State Mercantile Appraiser has returned to me for collection the appraisement for 1869. State Mercantile Licenses must be paid on or be , tore 118 3, Ist, 1889. All Licenses remaining unpaid at that diVe will be placed In the hands of Aldermen for Col lection. 'A. .1 COCHRAN, CITY TREASURER, 4th AVENUE. FITTSIIIMGII, June 1, 1869. • je6:1168 it CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY. —Amy person having a small capital wishing to engage In aprottta.tle buiness ,can do's° by calling at 51 Clark street. plttiirTn . AVENUE HALL:—We. 63 Flab avenue, opposite the Opera Rouse, sbu.rgh. ra. W. ... : ......Manager. This house has one of the Ilnest Billiard Rooms In the city. It is decidedly the coolest and most Inviting place. The tabies are ail new awl em brace all tne modern improvements. and offers superior attractions to lovers of the game. LACE AND BALBRIGGAN STOCKINCS AT PHELAN'S. LADIES', GENTS AND CRILDBENIS SILL LIDIdi THREAD AND GAUZE, DRUB UNDERWEAR _ . AT JAMES PRELAN'S Old Stand Stocking Store, jes:s No- Si* TUTU AVENUE. - N IEW nopss. 'On. New Way Hound the World. By Carleton ' 8,00 Olagg'a European Vineyards 1,50 Waterloo: a heq nel to the "Conscript: , .. 7;50 The lieges Here and Hereafter. By Dr. -; Holcombe, author of "Our Children in Heaven." ' • • 1,10 Anderson's History of Foreign Missions.. 1,50 engineering Facts and Figures fbr 1861 L 3,50 Brace's New West 1,65 lialbone: an Old Port Romance ' 1,50 Prof. Vritch's Memoir of 131 r Wm, Ilan3W • ton 11,00 olzotls Memoirs of his Times.* y015.,31 • A Hyi Book of Architecture, by Lorintlo, ofi and Jenney "..,-. 19,00 Victor Hugo's L'Homme Saul ßit. Pt.il.. 1,00 New iditon Thackerars Proves, Vanity Fair and Pendennls, now ready, each.... 1,515 13..A..CLARKE & CO., WOOD STREET, 9d DOOR BELOW FIFTH. je.s:l3mW PRINTING AND • STATIONERY WAREHOUSE. LEDGERS, JOURNALS, CASH AND DAY BOOKS, LEGAL. CAP AND ratTras PAPER. BUSINESS AND WEDDING ENVELOPES, GOLD AND STEEL PENS, RUBBER PEN, ( 1 w article,) PEN BACKS AND PAPER WEIGHTS. COPTING BOOKS AND BRUSHES. For sole by W: * Of HAVEN & CO.. Corner Wood 'street and Third kallilei;. je6.1c30 , . • Unarm STains•IXTSItNAL Nicvsintin, TIMMY-T/11RD DISTRICT. COLLECTOR'S NOTICE. OlviCs COLLllClVlRlirranninilicrintur, AU Collection District of Pennrtlystat, N 0.61 Water Elt.,Allegtreny C67,161.9/11, NoVee Is hereby even that the annual lists of SPECIAL TAXES, tbrmerly termed LICENSES, and of the taxes on Incomes, Carriages, Watches, Silver Plate. de,. are now In ibis' once, wheveSneer will be received thereon by the Collector on and atter the Ist DAY or JUNE, 11389. . . These taxes, having become due, must be p aid befoie the Sllkh DAY Ur if UNE, °MO- . In" additional expenses will be incurred by the taz-payer. - . . Initb:(7Toll. 7:K.: Deputy Collector, of the county of .I...rnistrong.. atm F.DIVEII LIDS; Itsq.,'Deputy Collector for the county of Butler.. will be ready to receive, -ter the let of .7thie,fbr their respective' counties: Mid will lleernetlees designating the times and places. when and where they will be prepared to teeeive the tares collect able bf them. - • ' • Tea psyabb) cuily in greenbacks 01' iatlopal Office honis (nil 9it. to 3 r: it. • . • • if; • cow:adroit. GRIgAT: . BIErID . CEStii , ' , ,;; , , • 1:03101K.90.11M, 'inisibes the Inuit fabrtes; 4 1theut , InlksYs perfeetll Olean In less thin' one-elgtith the oral.: aaly wey It dose not rub Vie ; cloth; bue'ber. ; forms the eleittlng voices by; steam Ind this quick sale* of , hot water . it *Aube operated* a Orli& its great ebeaboness lollies it aoessidble to every family, sad saves its own ant , ''doiair away with tubs. z .7 ' • PRICE • soutaxii* the Susubustur7 •"; ; • .t; :•,', THQIIAS AIERKWO. •t (1 , ElT.orpcietruffaztatacisauND.. 4 , , ~,„ saracizsinrovAxToix., LAwN MOWIRWI;!- • lot of 11V. coletotod I.4WM:XCIWZIIII) foe Weal .3 tssu 1 s r , Wi_KODxrs , ' 4 . ... 4 iliiirSlONne 1141001• :v.ar sty EMI PITTS- 131 Wg GAAErTE SATURDAY. Ji ) NY. 5,, 18• • :. // " // ; . - 15 .- MillV , NO. 37 fitni AVENITE Has Just Published . , New System'. of Book-keeping, mennorininted In colors by Harper & Broth R' ers, Now York. pp 400. Crowe Svo.. 93 73. Postage 36 cents, Containing full Beta of Boots for Merchants, . ' Railroads Mauniacturers, National 'Banks and Joint Stock Companiee, Private Bankers. "Undoubtedly the most elaborate and careful ly pre pared text-book upon Book. keeptng acces alb. eto the dud ent. t— Bostotriournal "It has brought Book-keeptng to perfection." —Baltimore American. - • • • "Ineludea all the latest improveinents. mond Whig.. , •• - "A remarkable book." ..IPtilridelphia City Item. "Leaves nothing farther to be desired.`,—Fhil adelphis Ledges'.. "The most complete treatise extant."..-Bt. Louts Republican. "The most perfect now berme the poblle."— Albany Express. • . It may be " thee salvation of mint business men."—eiewlsh Messenger. This work is complied by Business Accountants —the only one exhlbiting•TlME AND WAMES REGISTERS. RECEIVINGAND FORWARD ING REGISTxRS. The only one recording Mer chants, and Bankers' foreign business. The oat9 Commercial Co.lege conducted by experienced Business Accountants. The only one connected with • Business Warehouse fbr exercising the Students in REAL BUSINESS. The only one provided with, fell seta Steamers , Books and Blanks. , These statements are verified by refer ence to our city Book . Stores and business men. Oar Business and Ornamental . Writing Department Ia unequaled. Samples furhhibed for comparison with shy College In America. Our New Double Quarto Circular, with terms. the eultiten of Mer chants, Bankere,Accountan ta and Teschers,with he repert of the Chamber of Commerce of New York, on Duff's Book keep mailed tree by P. DUFF & SON, Principals. P. 3D17V.1 -1 Aft SONG, Commission and Forwarding Merchants Whole sale Illour,Grain and Product) Consignmentsen mid avenue, Pittsburgh. Pa. so Dolled. Prices current mailed iree. jrs:k3l-d&T _ • TAGGART a smilax ,• . _ BOO'S,' - SHOE'S 'AND GAITERS - - - AT_ Wholesale Prices. NO. 129 FEDERAL STREET, 111D11 Alleghen.v City. WOOD TURNING, SCROLL SAWING, ;AND. MOULDING= • Done promptly to order et lin Licock @tree t, Al leihedy Clty,by • i : P. 'LEBZELTER a ' The.beit;atteritten wllibe 'Oita ioaitetto want l i sit y Ti n fnge ii )li wOlt sack V w • jatureels.a la rge lot litibr, AO. Auisa. a„ tpod stoat of N ew ldy :Wallilt , W Cherry and ogler Jelzitlei t oi i i d. 1.1c.8 ROCK THE BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. • sormoma. >sz, • ;LEMON & 707;1§E. i4Akod Fondue iirattnnictimin, us 7POIUTINA.VENVE. loretabgat l ati a gen i g=" t cirar eTT Minn INK 11 , 01113. 0. E. ROBINSON, Y414177.L0T1MM. op , Black and, Colored Prin iug & LltkograPhle Inns, vaiornterep, • :PI 'ferry Boad .and„ 88d Streit; - I r fel6:e6o PITIADELPELL. I)ISSiCroItPrIONe. The partnership bet Ween subscribers, as Boller Makers, dc.. limier, the name of WM. BARNHILL:4OO., was dissolved rby.sgreenne at on May eta, 111119: The books and debts - v oiding: * the late Os; *ll* settled Art1'631,4401 *lndic by GEO. N. ARILSIMONGI.rat the °Mee of the late firm, No. Ad Penn street; Who Ii there iintriduly eliduis against tie , I .WM. ,xsii6rEtiLL, • - , I.IIIVIIiitENNEBLur. June 3„16160. - Te4 4 .kfr ic CrMl4 )/ 114W i n s T i le t D issournopir. 751 1E1'; nte arm of EDWARDS. SMITH t C 0 .4 has aissolead Cdneerii. business will hereafter be eonduet s d ,uuder the 6%01'4 &Writ' a, wAsitim " • . • • 2. - - c. .• • . , kt1.144.1121./Y1 Hayti t disposed, If re f interest InAhe -West Point gun d r y eigte , smith & warrick, I take emit elms** n' recommending the new Smite the confidence and patronage of the end. leYdrit Won Heim - stis.ltssi dinars* lot la store and tbr sale at ' , We Wc1CPIIOX IL ,„81 , jet:lt2t.TllBl' 137Lhe street. 711 0 EIEFRI 411 4 11 A 1 V/Itis Jolt arrived sad ter We at taster? pilau. W V‘f. iii4C)X ' . .t street. ek r , •:.: ; 1 -1- 1 713 ‘ ..t, , • . 4 i ) 414/312.5.E.a...) .11 .1. - . PrrTantaten, DI7rPS =1 T O SEWER - COSTRACTORS. Thesewer COluthissiontf the city of 'Alleghe• ny are prepared to rerelte PROPOSALS for the construction of the following Sewers with. their appurtenances, inlets, manholes. ac.: CONTRACT NO. 1. • Compilelnis about 1,200 feet of 113 inch circular pipe sewer, on White - Oak alley, betweeß Nor t h avenue auuBprlng• alley. - • COILIT/LACT NO. 2, Comprising about SOD feet at IN inch ci -enlar pipe setorer, on North avenue, between Sandusky street and White Oak alley.- Drawings and specifidations can be seeteat the Engineer's oni ee, Ciryha.i, - Bilemustrtete the kind of ripe proposed to te furnished, (cement or -vitrified slay pipe,) and'. must to endorsed "Sewer Propos& s. Contract No. I," for NO. A. as the cats may be.) and be delivered on orbs fore 3 P. M. JUNE liath, 1069. Forms of proposal. on which forms alone bids will be ree,eived, Will be furnished at the Engi neer's °face. The Commission do not bind themselves to ac cept the lowest or any bid.' By order of the Commission. .Ljes:kB.3 CHARLES DAVIe. City Engineer. el G. HAMMER & SONS : , • . , .). (Late of the firm of Hammer & Danler,) At their new establishment, Na 48 SEVENTH AVENUE, have a large stock of elegant and lishionable PARLOR; LIBRARY dc BEDROOM FURNITURE AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES. We have erected a large Factory, and are pre pared to fill all orilefir on al:leftist , notico.l We Litter ourselves of always hiving mate good work, and it will always be ojir endeavor to C. 9.11. Untie, having a large number. of experienced workmen, and a foreman of 36 years experi ence at the trade to Superintend all work before eaving the Factory. We use no maehinerri all our work is made by blind. and for durability and elegance it cannot be 'excelled. myejl Q , Eiv. HAMMER It SONS. HOLTVILiN & WIEDERHOLD . No. 100 Third Avenue, Upholsters and Dealen in Curtain Goods, Dlre , t the attention of their Mends and the pUblio to their finely assorted stock of Lace aid Nottingham earialis Vestibule Laces, Damask Neps.• Ferry's Mexican ,cloth, Satin, Delanes, Gilt . Cornices, Gilt and Walnut Mouldings, Spring Beds of superior make, Hair Matrejses (pure white hair.) Pillows. Bolsters, and everything pertaining to -a first clue bed. The latest Parte - and Berlin - designs :or Draperies attheinspectiOn or their custonsera. Pore .whi to astern Show Feathers always oh, hand. . HOLTZMMI & WIIEDKRHOLD. , THIRD AVENTJE. Ors tha Co.t.thteleon 'err= erAteitaYsinns; , 22D Disinter, PA. PITT81111:711011, No.' 109 Feurthstree,t, 1d5i..3112,, 1889. . IVOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN .A.l that the annual 114"ointaxes on incomes, carriages, silver plate, watches, &e. and special taxies. are now one, and psirmentwlll Myreeeived theism, at this ogles from the eitizensithesiding The the ant seventeen wards of Pittsburgh. The foregoing taxes must bd,..psid before the , TENTHDAY - 01/ JUNE. 1969; otherwise, ad ditional expense will be Incurred. Deputy Collector W. E. HARRISON' and 'IND. A. SERGEANT will receive from the tax paverS of ttose parts. f the District not Included In the above limits, and will post notices of the time When and the plates where they will be prepared to receive taxes Mthistabie by them. T. W. DAIViS. ml2l ' • - Collector. STRAW 3ECALT ALL THE NEW STYLES. AT THE LOWEST PRICES, AT McCORI) CO's, 131 WOOD STIMET. Myli JOHN H. STZWART...... .... ROOT. H. PATTERSON ROAM H. PA TTPCSO.N . & CO*, 31.41173Ei1rr s 113A1.4.E AND COMMON STABLES 811TENTII,ATEEIR _OIL MARTI: 4 8T:, PITTS I 4I7r.MiIt PAL _ FOIL tuts. - PITTSBUROII IIIiEBAYENALF I BIZINAILY, Nos. 22 ed 44TirthAvenue, PrTTSBUitOII.• , This school, now numbering slit 3 y pupils, con sists of two, departments, one of boys and the ether of young Wiles. The rooms are beautlfal ly located, well furnished, and have all the con veniences necessary to adapt them to school par ,iposes. Reason for selling. determination to re linquish the profession of teaching. t all at thswooms from Qin M. to 9 or at No. 94 Wylie street from 6 r. Is. till 9. Terms will be made latlifactory to the purchaser. ck 25.000 TO LOAN' ON BOND vw &ND ItIORTEIAGE. BQoltiusantedivan accounts pidnetly collect. ed. House Houses ots in Pittsburgh and and HT d t Oa l tr e:n a t rail L A a t t e g i l e e sirable "Y farm of 70 acres; splendid young Orchard, good house, with store-room attached; spring of never falllo water: near Economy, on the line of P. Pt. W. & U. B. W.; for sale very cheap . lowa, lifissoari and Virginia land for ;tale. Enquire of THOS.: SIMPSON & 8 Me HOLLAND . Brokers and Beal Bstate Agents, Se OWLT STREET myl: urine_ back rood. UNITED STATES HOTEL, CAPE MAY CITY, N. , Will be opened for the season SATURDAY, May SI h. In al: nrat elites ap:•ointmenta,,edual to an and yes anordintto amide; all tha . eo'Mibrts or a h me. . President Want expects to • tait Cape hily,timson . antim,llatoptsthe ••,`Unlted 5ur21:144 AARON MILLER, Proprietor. gA IMENIE.RB TAKE NOTICE. r —ll . Ol/143ALE.- 4 Thii "--FOURTEEN MILE AND, on the Allegheny Elver. and now need for g ardening purposes; well 4roved and rabler, scato.ofonltlvaislom cop tug AO ot ose.., now o ff ered at a bargain. all soon. Also, other Farms in good location. I*. Men rectory. two Houses, and l c ir t f l y acrei, on the Central Bail honed and.Lo Tor UM To-let In ~ 4n as % Air 'farther par. tioulsr . sbliolro LIAM WARD. Irslt - tip Ora rm erreei,onten . yOTICE - Or,4Of.CINITIMP OAT re belFL— Not ia • Itiren that coil& ate No. 36,_f0r110 Sharps II lu ri. and Manntimtureir Ittletar ttaburgn, In the name 0 ANNA Oki.ll ON, has beerriost.or destrofltdtere.kmot that nollcatlon he.,beee , ammo ititt woo) lionnsh Thomson for newoortinoote la Mo. ,N.scs that a lios a ordestioadslittim ijo . 1 ,1, • Tip N d.l • i Jest received a lot of amble •aotlon. c?gwireel Collage rizAPPIA IS *-#4rlL l 4 l : fiit .0 1° 7 prices. W. Via) KNO*I 1d:125,r ' • ' ' Llkerty:dlrert: , EiSTJERNI': NaCHOlngti,; TEA , Zut •LlbOrkyi• i.- rinfr,rlnly:fotsbe ronatlOn.94.inerllLf9x. Vgaillirz-Alli sinsennetsin Elite. . Tablisinpplkodlitt}..Sßl 0 , season lO4Jobest jeliirens 1614 We; ilitifital4.` Hon* " my2.11m75 J. E. YoPSZEBOL ptlator. -4 GIMP" 40ILILIDUEsolY 4 large lot Pa routilinkrk sklows*Asaal r i AtOW-artso bAr ; ttiaVri 19141 z• rtii 0,W451.1.11 yArq,44l4 11.4 t _ -~~~~ NOTICES. O'THE INTEREST IN GOLD , on First Mortgage Bond. Uniou Pacific Ratlwayi Eastern Division,dne JUNE Ist. will be pitid on presentation of the coupons there on on anu after that date at• Banking Howie of DABNEY, MORGAN & • 0.. 53 Exchange Place, New York. Jel;k3 ' tgrNOTICE.,--.FIFTH AVENUE . • BANG.—The first instalment of TEN DOLLARS PER SHARE on the stock on the above bilik will be due on the THIRD OF JIINE NEXT, payable at itie 6anking house, No. IDS Fifth avenue. F. E. SCHENCK, Cashier. my.7:,141 . _ . far PENNSICTLVANiA ROAD COMPANY. ; 'S I TREABI7REEPHILAD FRIA.DEPARTMENT. May 3d, 1869. 'NOTICE, TO Br CAROLLER& The Board of Director birre thla day declared a semi-annual dividend f FIVE PER CENT. on Corp y," the capital etoct of CheTCompany,Cfe tactual and State taxes, payable in cash od and af ter May 30, 1889. Blank wafers , of attorney tdr collecting divi dends can be had, at the aloe of the Company, No. 5138 B. Third street. The °dire will be oven d.at_ 8 A. )t. and closed at 4r. n dividends , y , 30 o .Jtine 5, datee pay ment of and after that from 9 A. If. to 3 P, THOMAS ..PIRT, Treasurer. NoTs.-7The Third los alment on New Stock of 1888 is due and payablejon or before June 15. mv8:1981 PENNSYL ANIA . RAIL. ROAD CO. _1 TREASURE 'S DEPARTMENT. LIHILADELPHIA. PA., April 2, 1869. TO THE' STOCKHOL ERB OF THE PENN SYLVANIA RAIL OAD COMPANY.. All 13806001 d Bre letered on the Books of this Company e h day of April, 1869, will be entitled Dec be for TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT, of their resnective interests in New Stock, at n'ar, as fellows: First. Fifty per cent. at the time of subscrip tion, between the 15th day of May, 1889, and . the 30th day or June; 1889.. • Second.!Flfty per cent . between the 150 day of Novem ber, " 1869,.and the 31st day of Decem ber, 1869; or, if Stockholders should prefer, the whole amount may be paid up at the time of sub scription. land each instalment so paid up shalt be entitled to a pro rata of the Dividend.that may be declared on lull shares. r Third— hat every, Stockholder holding lees khan four shares, shall be entitled - to. subscribe for one s are; and those holding more than a multiple of four shares . shall be entitled to sub scribe for an additional share. .Fburth. 4 All shares upon which instalments. are yet to be paid under Resolution of May 13, 1865, wil:be entitled to. their allotment of the Twenty-hve per cent. at par, as though'. they were pia full, --.- in-,- -.- -- . rastaa T11021A13 T. ' , TILTS. Treasurer: DIVIDENDS. wi—D' ry inDEND.- - - . • Orrxcis MotrowauiztA.lritstritioicxSo . . :. / i'. PrrrsnErnau, May 2*. ISBO. 'l' The'rres i kve' th day declared .% dividena.adent 04 1; 11306rd, of Direktors of thiS ni Copaitt itit' two d011ar4416; Mn ' bare on capital stock of - ih. (lardy Try, out of Oa earnings of the hist sit months. yahle, freo? - of 'Government - tax,' 'on and after Oute 1, 1860. . . I , ..IpHil H: claNtr.' : •,. inv25;168 i • - . Secretary. I ED U, p ' °j =EI OF NO E PAPER Bt. 1 • INITIAL 4 NOT4P PER PER 808, 40e. ' . JOS PH HORNER'S, boolK6el er and Stationer, lei 1214 1 8 thfield Street. 1stOlt• - an cheap. acrLotLCOAL LAND. 3 miles from Teta. '. perancevdie o Little Saw ELM Bun. 1.37 sort+ near Donlaville,lnSlana county, Pa., lon Livermir N e Station, W. P. 8 ., well uim proved- ' HOUSE LOT on Market street, branches. ter. H i HOUSE, AND .LOT on Liberty street, " Plita burgh. I HOUSE AND 7.,0T on lroitrth avenue. 4 HOUSES AND LOTS in Elisibethtown. Choice and cheap rums in Tennessee and /marl. TUSTIN & YLLE my2t . ST Grant st t. Fog Rearooolll Station, on the Pittainunh, R. Waynerind.Ohleago Railroad. WO LOTS , Containi n ng About Two Acres Each, • ENQUIRE OR W. MACKEOWN & BRO., 198 Liberty "Street. • WOOD AND IRON WELL AND VZSZERIT PITEIPS. - We are now sole agents for S. P: Smith's well knoWn weed Pump... • - The trade win be inroplied by ns at fsctOly tirl ces in lots to suit. . . lareli. Mad Icomylete assortment always on hen . Families sn all others In want of stood pomp at; .s leery, low 'nice, , which we warrant, should see thts,, ant; thellebt g lPlP 2 4 1 the market: W, W. • ' Igeberit Whblesale At •• 7 137 liberty street, Pittsburgh Ps,' W 1 7.1 5 .4t11-81, - • • . • • 'rile eeleidnted•WEllit HOEIZ hroonteded br an who hiseetrieddt to be the best and. cheapest Soar in thiyeity: • eive it a trial. Sold by • ' I 4 , IO4AXOR& HARPER, • AT 'VEIS:4IS,I3ITE • L'. ... ESII SHAD nEcEzviri. daily at. BENJAMIN PULPREede 'popular kat litantkl HO," Alfl , Dlatoonf... , kbarketi Tlrter lea. abi aildAll the Twln.• , Clty.. , Allegbeeyctlx, Omer of Ohio and Federal streets. Can be had Fkinds of Bea rand Lake MIN „Halibut, Shad, eak, Uodflab. Haddock and Eel. - Also, large llVA PPi tr s u i s ° Va ll Wit VeLikelfoltraw"lnfluth;tßilcea"sb,: nbolesate or retail. We Invite all lovers o f reIAKIAI I , IO ,IIIp tl111 k 91!11. end ere will Ineur;•.. etre-treat. • • - •• - ' ' ' reb2P. l KEYSTONE—POTTERY . ~ :.:. 0 M. HIER, /4 Qt/ [. y . _ • ! , „„„7. .. , IA4 :-4. Ai 4i.t 4 i!, , T A: ic, 4, ~ii .r. ! I Manulhoturerii o . • t , uzzlielwAsie. BRISTOL WARE &.o !tee atei. Weiehodee:4B4l• LI/001ft Melia Aar All Ordera nromntiv attended to AR 8E444L , ;. , „ • Au We:( /UlLLafor 'sale 14. ilia.- tor 7 Pricti4:i _ 7 " - KNOX • Jell:k2S-TRAT P,,. i t l fingliklitATifireET PROP ER"I'T an . SALZ.—A Three Story'BlLlC Ir. ta., INWElVUOt,luta'''. d . wrth atoll, tvr 0 porloysoasibla lymatka.,4l/itag room. ki!chen. In VelMathmk7s. Path room. the. flotoedlete Poe ream on. Per prloe ana terms apply to ~ . .b. OUTLIStAT a NON% . Jet 1 • all atzal Avenue. 41 0 14iiiill II aILiiiIPAST TBAL:-- A smash by4caof tau 6neo4 Youchoiut IDI * Regatta/is .elesi-lzepottat-satizag us* formulas -by:Arr. ../Andligkilermt:l -03 ~..TIRIP: , • .1 0, ~ . , ..e WAG „{ t t.tutiti.%t 1 11 0.7101E8—"ro --LOW" . -- :.:..h-.. .=4,440 "Log," • Wanto, ,, Found,' t. "BoardtriO." se., not ex osedtio 70 ea zilic-is nit% win Os ty aortal int/test to/towns once for 2" F7 , 01141= Flint CBRT . B eacli additional lino FIT , - 0111$78. LOST L"'".—On Friday afternoon, lady•s HUATINU CAbE HOLD WATCH. anpreeed to onvebeen lest on Harktt street or nth avenue. A liberal reward will be paid to any Person who will leave It at tbe.lelyeltYstore or Jas. R. Be d Co.. 68 Fifth avenue. WANTED---HEL P VOrARTED-HELP.--AT ":v V PLOYMENT OFFICE, No.l St. Clair Street, BOYe OIMLS and MEN, for dllterent kinds of employment.% Persons 'wanting help ot . .ki nds c a n be spooned on short notice. WANTED---AGETITS UTAIITED.--Agents to take or Pr It Veg•tildhfiglig;tighltzntlis=rdlsalt;„' Enquire for J. is. WlLnabi,atasorrlsOn. t Du yore, f 5 Water street, Pittsburgh:. • - • WAICTED-A GFIVIS.:-sls' 10 $2OO, per month everywhere *male and female, to introduce the GENUINE IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FAMILY. iIBWINeI MA CHINE. This machine will stlch. tnck, quilt, cord, bled, braid and erbroider. lu a most superior =miter. ,Price onlyslB. Folly warranted.fur.Ove years. We will . IlaFili3ODU , for any machine that will sew a stronger, more. beautiful, or more elastic seam than. ours. It ma kes.tbe ' , Elastic Lock otitch.'' Every amend stitch can be -'ont, and Bull the cloth can not be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay agenta from $75, to $2OO. p* , T Month tw ic e t hat Cr a commission from which twice that amdunt can be made. Address SECOMB 1:0., Pittsburgh, Pa., St. Louts, Mo.; or Boston; Mass. nct be imposed upon by other partiespalming offavotthdeptcast Iron machines, under the same name or otherwise. Our,. is the only genuine and really practical cheap machine manufactured. WA NTED - -AGENTS.—To sell the American Knitting Price $5. The simpiest, cheapest and best Knitting Machine ever invented. Will knit 20.000 stitches per minute. LiberaLinducementa to agents. Asidrese AMERICAN KNITTINO 111 A. CHINE CO., Boston, Mass.; or St. Louis, Ma. WANTS. WANTED. -fly a young man. who has had seven years , expectance In the drug badueas. a situation aa a clerk in a pre sertptlottor wholesale drug More. Address Box " GAZETTE OFFICE. Can give good reference. TANTED.—A few respectable btarilers at IS Ninth street, (late. Hand street.) WANTED. - TO make 'mak....a.r RA.NCLIEMENT with a good man wkdo . w sties to make money and m a n ufa cturing v. fer. eneed. to take charge of thell44 ceiling a nate article need by evetybody. -Ad dress C. 'l`.. Commercial Odic% and elate where an Interview curiae had. - '., • 6 . i, , "tf • ' • WANTED. - BOARDERS. fevi niorelioatiferernin and Welidant rooms and good boarding at No. 16 Ann a itspet, dale. teeny, for 84.513pir treek;:f, • wOorED 7 situatiqu akicierk Inn Qu f enowarCeore; poinnyol* periencel welt recommendod; rpedtco - German. and Eniuldi;•notrofraldot work. Addrefs P. 0. ___gu2kl:o IaTANTED:=Iomt $9OO on bond or mortgage for one Or two years A ess J. D. F.. care UszetteoMee. WANTED.—Mouse, of . 5 or 6 oms. within - the limits-of the old wards. Address ro B. 8., tiAzarris (mama, stating loca tion snd terms. TO LET. TO-LET.—Boom. on ad floor Dispatch Building. Rent very low for bal ance of year. as. water and atattonary. staid. Enquire at Potogranh Galles y.Diapatch Building. TO-LET.—Large Halt hi a good location. 4. CIITELL;a4.I k 50bi8,39 23.1xtk avenue. MO-LET.--A 11001 M—A - corn- PORTABLY furnished ROOM: for one or more gentlemen. Apply at f‘o. Pa Muth, (late Rand.) street. T O. LET.—AL Etne, , .large. new More Room. de s ire d: village of Wllkintburg, with dwelling, if Benticnv,_ Also, beau tiful l.rge orrice front room,see Booroneth, formerly St. Cl- ir. near the bridge.. lenouire of JOHN W. BEATTY, Engraver, 93 Market, St.- mO-I.Eir.—A Beautiful Beal l., deuce of rooms, attic, hall and vestibule and good cellar, - was and water In the house, Pleasantly iooatEd on Forty-third itarmerly Ewalt) street. Bent, $5OO. APPILto__ . . G. ts. A - rzss. Cor ? Pggns andltatler str4ets, Pittabitrgh. gyro LlET,llotne on Centre Av- AL - ZNUILL-Gas, ac., ven convenient. Out of vason, Bent *25,00 per month. 001 11001 la lex Centre avenue; PstleCtirisn. r.LET. I -11001111UTwo tine Rooms in OA/BETTE XIMXWINO. ADPIy a minting Rooms, 1114 and We rink avanne. .0oR*: sitar. ° NFOB SALE. The .A.lt lease of Rouse az d Furniture of ray real- • aehce. Highland avenne, gest I.lbrrty. are of. fared for salelogether completei•on , easy tern*. until irl2IDA.Y..lllth hist, when, Inlet Wert. will be sol In pleasant lt purehaaera f ,The house is situated neighborhood Ind Thereng the view of ail Kest Liberty Valley. are *titres of ground at t ach ed , with sta. Wes, gaeden,..de. The 'furolahment con sists 'of rosewood:Mahogany, wa'nat; &c..t . fine brussels and other careellug , all-new• rare opporiunitator new beille4eatterli or otleri wanting a. newly farnlahed comfortable home. For further particulars inquire Banking Bonne ateoLEAN 16- l r edMirenitia. ' • ' Je5:109 OS SAL E. r r.rat in fieWlelir town ialtiZAiliti ty, situate about InolellH , kis Lieetsdoi.ettetlintecit P. % W. O. ar IL 8.. consaining 100 ao• es, ID v.eared and u der g ,, od. cultivation; balsnee M,„tinsigertv On which there is erected (Mat *gaol /Prime House, good Log Barn and all other necessaryoutbotklitiga• Large orchard o i keolce Wt. , Everyst , ang in good osder., Price 01; per ;torn: •,.• . Al s o, TM , TACOBEe, about Inn in Tido:thin Station, P. rt. W. it.t. ,, ,t4 , 8: 1 7, miles .(r ota by Beaver roan; icenuotart-exposuret Sono sprinir.qu •place; alp a Araalt aVrai •Waier' ,- runvgarOugh Ili Mil lie sold BE bneutioti.oe . to lota to snit purchasers trice $3,000. Also, other Ilinutecandl Lots la.good For farther partitaiara. trecit . • 11. whrrbrotir, and Handl:lst, 'tenet" AllegtienTv 'IQIIRO SALlE—ort i lf.P.loo-.,,►About 400 J. pounds "BrIbIICESI 'in' E neiiify a giiois isivs„, : _ttnottine at THIS Off Fie& ~, • 4 -r -- • - VOA - - SALE.-91'wo new and ..a.:- , .oolodtpusixlYE‘ta N 9 RtoubEs, 4:, , Ob., serval, l'uni, :•41CIMIU 0 d rd;. All , alien.; , ir It tin • k sold sepamtn4tiir tbliellit Gat 01: huuscht ,eu• , tlo2l seven rooms ere 1. with finished attics rood e ... - lan ..1..0ts bare a front of ebout 80 . feet and ex tend ban 'about' 175, and ehiltsiti a nttini.ti n of dhoice bnaring f,,itit• trees-and shrtith.a. The lealtail is hrdniroasseictur; etatirt m .'comard i itigl alt view of tutu titles and Is In a good neigh. bortritni., li'lr pv411021=9 lai r v e %tut ?: ..,.... - . ...-:, ... ~'_Q • -•eyitalaiPPlVV 10410 , 44epr, . or on the p In A.' AS riiitectitx:-tratit itoilgii*lit:., _ -T6llLrsiklits-,The , lease,Al rultstre, Aztareg.:— . and g od will of one of the Isrgest hotels In Cht naps Is offertd :Pr at at a',7ort torten ton easy tekets,,ToLuttotel_ls, nosy, hating' • Tell run of &teenage. and Is as well ebt•blished a ens hotel ! ti tut) Western- Stant.' tror , plettunlivsk address . COOK, Ct./BMX .1 CO.. Inywacli : , 1. e Paxlosoll, GV.9go, lit.' , . . . OR SALE.—The one-halt in. I tere Chethe Dims Storier BIAOKISTUN *,tvitat, utllhi Milo. They a re d oNs rflitebublnees(ana , thekcAtionisote , prthe . Eastern Ohio. — Beton for sellihk. 111 health, Of loud/. Tem? reasonable... Apply r .• . _lt • BALE . —LANII)-18', acres in the littli ward. fronting o* ( - entre eve. ut. Otallg a d Neville streets. TIILS tits delft— dr location thr(rnetryresleneest well watered l id talir panne: IL it. and r.:at ...tb..-r.) PlUlSell. ire! Railway. Win be sold as a 'whole or In - lota t bttront - one Irrlite' t iteres: — .Entditrer of W.V;tl... MAYLI to, at W 0.4 11.W.,et. or atnlsresidenoe on 14 elide street:sneer .n.e'presier.nerot ifgltiltlf I,l,,,ssytViCersolugtotrfrors W 41111130---- nlygtiSO • - be,, , re ~ . ..,, _ et: ' 4. Ili .—f—fitif : .1' s bi•-e s . air i lti alil ll 4 Ott .s.; '.° 4 : 77 ..: 11a* V k L it. .. , ',1 66 :: 811 7 11 :. 1 . 111 :', 11 :::7 : I °:114:1"14:11111-11711°11::::.:1:2:1.1:-.1.i'l'.71:::.7,11_;497:.a.i..:1''': " 4 "- El I