11 El Ii IarNOTICIP. The new and beautifu' A. Gt. R. Conteh,at M 11101.411. (Rita Valleya w.ll.be dedicated on SAB BATH. Jun • 0. !thump Logan:Rev. A. Cole and Rev. 1. C. eeramag are eapceted to be prem.. eat• The. pastors and congregations or the sur rounding puarges are re.spteitully Invited to be present. A special train on the Panhandle Rail. ro sd will leavu Union Depot at 10 otelott A. M. and return at 6 ` .•. at Round trip, 0 0. cents. DISSOLUTION. The partnership between the subscribers as Boiler Makers. tinder the name of WM. BARN/ULU& CO., was dissolved by agreement on May Stb, 1869. The books and debts owing to the late firm will be settled and collected only by id?. GEO. N. A t ittE6TEGNO, at the office of the late Ilrm, No. MEI Tenn Street, who la there unto daly autborlzed.and Claims against the tlrm w ill be presented to him. .wnr. BA.RNHILL. LEVI B KENN E M A P:TTSBURGII, June 3. 11388. Jet 14MT OF LETTERS REMA w ING /N BUCHAN&N POSTOFFICE, J ne 5. 89: s WC• Andrew D Gee Goors Ande son J B " II A asnla Mattel D I : lunette. - B Har, A 13 , 13dridre M R ant on J C •' Bell Jno . Hackles D Bowers II it - Inman' j BrezioJ , Hoffman J W Blown Wm iiiiekeY WM Brannon J !Hughes P 1 Brady A , Hunter R F Brown & . Hughes J Ballow:1.J L . /Casey J B Come R C Ilinees ..r J L t Camp Wm 'H K leree.B 0 K 7 eDP's J W ClureJ h:ress C zehamp A Kelley J C :Cooks J M heirs oil Kin g King T F Cleary T Clurk C {Lunt:tal i Cassidy M A 1 Clair Wm Wm :Stiller M K C T _. • Clark A D . I !Mors en D Nlar‘Nr al VB D ' ' nceatebßY J B Emelt M. 7 OleSwegan AA Davis Wm 'McGinnis A. D• 1111 D J ..NlcCormick J Du Bois J G IMeCluir T Dater. M 0 P * louver 1) B Forger F N N P 1 Forster Wm Pl•ts.: News CO Ferguson WWI Potts J .- 6 Gibson K , Reed Cant J .lea PFILLIT PROCLAMATION. The qualified voters of the FOURTH WARD, IN THE CITY OF ..11.1,EGMEArlr.9 Will meet at the usual time and place (it" held lag elections on TUESDAY. JUNE Bth. 1889, to elect one pfr on to serve as a member of Select - Council, to nil the unerplred term of John A. lam. resigned. T 9 RUM. Ma yor. ..AL H a., M LZGLitr CITY, Pay 28, 1889. mr2B:kl6 Ovszcz Co',Tamen IrrzarrAL Ruyan% 220 Duireier, PA.. PITZSBCMGR. No. 109 Fourth street, May - 31st, 1869. . NOTICE, IS HEREBY GIVEN that the annual wa t che s , tiles on Incomes, carriages. silver plate. &c.. and special t ta hexeeso ae now ooffic ea ( r u in vmhenct wtize ne re o s e id iv ing within the Bret seventeen wards of Pittsburgh. The foregolng - taxes must be paid before the TENTLI DA.I( OF JUNE, 1889; otherwise, ad ditional expense will be incurred A. Deputy Collector W. E. HARRISON and JNO. EMIGRANT will receive from the tax payerB of Close parts the District nokincluded In the above limits, and will poet notices of the time when and the places where they Will be Prepared to receive taxes collectable by them. T. W. DAVIS, Collector. A PPLICATION to sell liquors lii fllcd in the Cleik's office. Jno 4 Gallagher,tavern, lad ward, Pittsburgh. The License Boird will sit forbearing the above application on the 7th of June, 1869, at 9 o'clock j G. BROWN, Clem k. Or'). r •§4 eV. C PRIN LIVER COMPUY'S. We are receiving this week by ocean steamers from England a' fresh stock of the latest and Most beautiful de sigma' in English Tapestry and Body Brussels by direct iniporiatios from the Oman - ufacturers.j We invite the inspection Of house furnish er% confident that we offer the largest assortment and greatest variety of elegant Patterns ever brought to this market, at the lowest DliCe& Great inducements are offend in all grades of In grains ! and ThreePlies ' it being their constant aim to offer to the multitude, the fullest assortment of cheap andserviceable , Carpets at lowerr pc, rates than arm other. r.. n rk heiiiiiiiii L the 'trade, ' No.' 23 FIFTH AVENUE. Rodebaufib' Rorab M m Reese E Radford A ROE • , Smith & Els e Sy!vie D W Slatter A , TtewardJ K Staley C --; ,dteward T tmDeo a J E death d . _ Steward 14 Steward Jas Springer Q zqteker J Thomson R Tnomaa .JJ Taylor D Tailor • V, Van mama D ' W ook WhiteD L A W White A lit W right Wm WibonE Weaver H Wiliiams•L E Wareh,to J Whale A 133113211 IMPORTED &DOMESTI LINEN GOODS SILKS, LaEtoenirart.tless BATES & BELL'S. 1=71:1 UNIT/CD STATES INTERNAL lIITIINIJZ, TWYNTT-Tkl/ILD DIEITAICT. COLLECTOR'S NOTICE. STOCK OPTICE COLLECTOR /ETERNAL REITZKOZ. 23d Collection Distriet.of Pennsylvania, ti 0.87 Water St., Allegheny Clty,llaylB, 'B9. Not'ce Is hereby given that the annual lists of SPECIAL TAXES, fortnerly.tetincd LICENSES, and of the taxes on acumen, Carriages, Wattles, 'Silver Plate. tc.. are now In this office, where payment will be received thereon by the Eollector on and atter the let DAY or JUNE, 1889. OCK These taxes, having become due, must be paid before the 515th DAY OF !UNE, 1869; other wise, additional expenses *ill W. Incurred by the tax-payer. Z. BUFFINGTON, Fsq, Deputy Collector of the county of Armstrong, eau ZDWIN LYON, Esq., Depaty Collector fir the county of Butler., will be ready to receive, after the let of June, for their respective countlee, and will post notices designating the ORM/land placea. when and where they will be prepared to receive the taxes collect able by them. Taxes payable only In greenbacks or national currency. Office hours from 9 A. Y. to 3 r. r. mllBl5l A GREAT SVCCESS! VITAIIIEUNG MACHINE! It washes the finest fabrics, without !Wary, perfectly clean in feu than one-eighth the ordi nary way. It does not , rub the cloth, but Per' forme the cleaning process by steam and the quick action of , hot water. It can be operated by a child. Its great cheapnesa makes it accessible to every family, and saves its own cost in 'doing away with tubs. PRICE, 3:15. Sold Cron this Manufkotury . at THOMAS MERKEL'S, PICNN ST., OPI"OBITE THE FAIR GROUND WANWZD. 01 1 71011 WANT POINT fOURDRY. Dl lisy./0, 1069. lISOLIITION. • , . The oral of EDWAIIDS: SMITH & CO., has thisb der been dissolved by in ittini consent. The business well beresteer be cOndlicted under the style of &Mini & WARIUCIC -- ' - ' 8.-EDWAItnB, • 11-,BMILTEI, . • ty}i; wAlittluE, . , „. --- Basis, disposed of my Interest In the West Point , ;foundry to Mesas plinth a. -Warrick, 1 take great viesaare in 'recommending tbs. s e w- nemto the 0011 IIVIIIII00 and pationage or the bind, nessestnesitnitire -•°_", ~,- • -' - Al_ 1, IIIOIIAIM 'EDWArttie. ____________,_. IRN INEAL.-200 sack. for sale low to close. =AJAR DIOSZT • CO. I NE W GOODS MI VERY LOW PRICES. Alpacas, (nice colors.) Black Mohair Lustres. Silk Warp Poplins, Plaid .Popiftss, Heavy Black Silks, White Iliarseilies, Pereslee, Lawns, Black Berage" White Sera LE WILLIAM SEMPLE'S No. 180 and 182 Federal Str; ALLEGHENY CITY ANOTHER ST:LECTIOIvT OF DRESS GOODS SHAWLS LACE CURTAINS, lag JOHN IL SULLIVAN, COLLEC'TOB DEXTER IT GA ZEITE...- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS: ALL THE POPULAR BARGAINS ATuslins Wash Poplin Cassimwt , es, _ . _Tweeds and 'Team, ICottonwear, . ChinfzeB, WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Jim 180 and 182 Federal Stree TAGGART diL SIMEiOT RETAIL BOOTS, HOES AND GAITERS AT Wholegale Pikes. NO. 129 FEDERAL STREET, Allegheny City. WOOD TURNING, SCROLL SAWING, AND NOITLDING Done promptly to order at 161 Lacock street, Al leghedy City. by • LEBZELTER & CO. • The brat attention will be given to all who want anything In our lint. We always keep a large lot or turned work, such as Balusters. Newl Posts, Butte, 411 e. • Also, a, r4cod stock of dry Walnut. Cherry and other tern her o • ' hand. 1ay1147 P L h.BZE. t-TER 3 CO. ROCK THE BABY IN EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB, SOLD ONLY BY LEMON Sc. WEISE. Practical Furniture Mann!ltch:were, &c., 118 .TrOIDWrIX AVENUE, Where may be found& fill assortment of Par lor. chamber and Kitchen Furniture. •GRAMS FERIIY Mal n icons. C. E. ROBINSON, ISAKCFACIVRER or Black and Colored printing & Lithograph. INES, VARNISURS,. &C. Gray's Forty Road and 118 d Street, PHILADELPHIA. fele:eal STOCKTON • HOTEL ) CAPE MAY, N. 3.. Will oped on the Rith of JUNE, ISO% This hotel has been erected within the past year, af fords ample accommodation for nearly one thou sand guests and is furnished equal to any of the leading !tote's In the United Stets. got terms, ac., until I thos. address, PI ricit GELMER, Proprietor, No. 307 Wain t street, Philadelphia. le2:llcM•wrst $25.000 TO LOAN ON BOND AND MORTGAGE. Books settled anti accounts promptly collect ed. Houses and Lots In Pittsburgh and Alleghe • - ny. Cheap Houses and Lo ain kaatl.horty and B addocka. Lots In Mansfield. A very desirable farm of TO acres; Splendid young orchard , good house, with store-room attached; spring of nurer wafer: near Economy, on the fine of P. Vt. W.. 2 C. B. W.; for sale Ter, cheap. lowa, Missouri and Virginia land for sale. Enquire of • ' THOS.. N & R. it. HOLLAND Brokers sad Real Estate Amami.. GRANT STREET *Ace back room. m7lO FiIEItECEIVED dady at BHNJA/SliN PULPRESti Collar sh and ' S N. Twin iamond Marke NM bwrith, at the Oily Aileghen CRY, corner of Ohio and Federal streets. Can had all kinds of Sea and Lake fish, Halibut, Shad. beak, tiodlLsh. Haddock and Eel. Also, large cuPPlles, Or White, Lake Fish, Satimon, Ba.s, Stergeon. Herring and Macmaw Twat, which enables nil to sell at the lowest market ? Hess wholesale or retail. We invite all lo ars ot Fresh Fish to give us a call, and we will incur' them a treat. I DIAZ ___ ARDENERS TAKE N I ICE. —FOE BALE.—The FOURTEEN A ND , on the Allegheny River. and now need for garde ME gardenia purposes; well Improved and In a high state of - cultivation: containing 40 or 80 acres - :now offered at a bargain. fiallhoon. A-so, other Farms In good locutions. Woolen Fietory. two Rouses, and twenty acres of land on the Central Railroad. Houses and Lots For Sale and To-let In both cities. For farther par. Oculars Inquire of - WILLIAM WARD, fe26 110 Orsini 'treat. opposite Cathedral. 01 729 iii.,WOUNGSON 6, CO., IZAKESY, CONPROTtriNA kcY IOP, CREAM and Duays SALOON, Sznithneld etreati edYtier of Dlaniond alley, 11.2wCtsble ni !gilt inppilndkarlan lon bieiniilitltlaTO:iveheniknottba. DMVID- •LARE, No. INI4 thaltbSeld street, Bole atanafsetarer of " arulal rant sre Cement sad Gravel Boolair e _ M. Pt pielal OF THE DAY f IN Shedings, Table Linens, Napkins, White quilts Tkkingf, Toweittags, Givgliams Calicoes, Ere Ea ALLEGUEN'Y CITY r..INE 4, .184 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. nu.Assoriiiiii Gr.c)c=•4:l Hats, Bonnets. Sundowns. l'arasols, 3u' Umbrellas, Skirts and Corsets, Stockin'ga, WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, No. 180 and 182 Federal Street, A LI,EO FIEN CITY ( - 1 • G. HAMMER & SONS (Late ot the firm of Hammer a Dauler,) At their new establishment, No. 48 SitVENTII AVENUE, bare a large stock of elegant and lasidonable PARLOR, LIBRARY & BEDROOM EMITITITE:E AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES We have erected a large Factory, and are pre pared to All all orders oVshortest notice. We flatter ourselves of allays having • range good work, and IC will always be our endeavor to con tinue. having' a large number o experienced workmen, and a foreman' of 5116 (years expert- Mice at the trade to superintrind all work before esvlng the Factory. We use no machinery; all our work Is made by hand. and for durability and elegance It cannot t.e excelkd. 1u7'841 C. G. HAMMER & SONS. HOLTZHAN & WIEDERHOLD 1r0..100 Third. Avenue, Opholsters and Dealers in Curtain Goods, Dirert the attention of their friends and the public to their finely assorted stock of - Lace and ifottinghatn cartains Vestibule Laces, Damask Reps. Ferry's Mexican—cloth, Delaneti, Gilt Cornices, Gilt and Walnut Mouldings, ttpring Beds of superior make, Hair Matrasses (pure is hite hale.) Palo wa, Bolsters, and everything pertaining to a Lir4 class bed. 'I he latest Earls and Berlin desiens for Draperies utile Inspection or their custAner., Pure whl to Eastern show Feathers always on hand. HOLTZMAN &WIEDERHOLD. NO. 100 THI-RD'AVENCE lavg:ttzt HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. I have in mere h a rd am constantly receiving direct. from ntaffufneturers. a complete assort ment of !WILDER, HARD% ARE whfch 1 offer for 5.1 e on at fair terms as any house in the Ca; together with a dne assortment of CUT LERY, (alba and RE‘'OLVElta. Also. the bust selection of MECHANIC'S' TOOl.O, corn prising' all the latest anti best improvements known to the trade. I have my. factory In full operation as uual. and sin prepared to do all kinds of lob work iii. same as before the tire of the of Yehruary, such as grt ding razors, scissors, knives, put ting In knife blades. and r.patrlng all kinds of ight machinery. JAMES BOWN, NO. 136 MOOD STREET. PITTSBURGH. Also Agent for Orosskope's famous MAGIC LlNkhl MARKER, the greatest novelty In the world. reaImSTRAW • HATS, ALL THE NEW STYLES. AT THE LOWEST L'ltlc'ES, AT IIicCORD & 00 's , 131 HOOD-STREET. soy IS JOHN li. BT6MAILT ithllT. H. PATTEhI,O2.I ROHM. 1.16 PAITERSOIIyt. LIZ'k:LiY. f!3.11..t.w. COMMISSION STABLES SEVENTE AVENUE COB. LIBERTY & ST., PITTSEVRCIEL, PA. au2B.h4 FOR SALL PITTSBURGH MALE & FEN/LE SEMINARY, Nos. 22 and 24 FillhAvenue, PITTSBURGH. This Bebop!, now numbering sixty pupils. con sists of two departmente, one of boys and the rof young ladles. The rooms ate beautiful ly located. well furnlahrd, and have scho o l con veniences nectuary to adapt them to pur poses. Keaton for selling, gairtirtina t i on to re _ ilnontsh• the profession of teaching. lanat th rooms from 9A. M. tO P. at No. 94 Wylie etre. t from 8 - IP. . 9. E.,or T erms will be m W satisfactory to the prchaser. my=tHil :OTICE OF LOST CERTIFI . OATit.—Nottee is hereby elven that cm OA iiTie No. 3r AO shares Natio n In Bank.archeats and Manttfacturets al "at Plitsburen, In the name of HANNAH Illoht. SON, has been lost or destroyed by Are, Ito that application ha, beeu made by the said Hannah Thomson for new certlfteate In the place of that los or destroyed as aforesaid. Jane 3,186 p. HANNAH THOMSON. jettsl A LARGE SHIPMENT OF GRASS HOOKS, Jest received for sale at lowest market price. W. W. KNOX. 137 Liberty street. Pittsburgh, Pa slivs4474laws. • ADENT OF SCIENCE. 1011 4. CFederal tirreet,,Aileghear, (Savings Ranh B dLog.) /bring term begins NOBLY, APRIL sth, 1869. For circulars, Co . , - o tl3O A. Ar_...,_/2,1.112, AIN-28 bales clover hay re -,, optved per steamer New etatm for bale by ISAIAH DUMMY 8 CU. EA NUTS.--164 bagiviefea ARb just reserved by tP.A P fr 'for bale by • DIOXIty d tiO. 'beteg . Kentacky 411dihrlon emislgnmeat rot sat'. be • SALAH.DIOX WY « 00._ ICMLES.-salsby la barrels prime Plotles s tar J. 11. 0.1201.1:LD .Ribbons, Flowers, I 1 PEN N SYLV ANL* RAIL• nom) CO. . .., . • ' I TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT. IPHILADELI'IItA, PA., April 2, 1869. TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE PENN SYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. All SteickhOld - a registered on the Books of this Company ' e 30th day of April, 1869, will be entitled bscribe for TWENTY-FIVE. PER CEfi N T. of their respective Interests in New Stock, avar, as follows: Fi rst. My per cent. at the time of subscrip tion, beti , keen tbe 15th day of May, 1869, and the 30th 1137 or June, 1869. • &cond.! Fifty per cent. between the 16th thy of November, 1869. and the 31st day of Decem ber, 1860;, or. If Stockholders should prefer, the whole amount may be paid up at the time of sub scrlption4 and each instalment so paid up shalithe entitled to a pre rats of the Dividend that may be declared on lull shares. Third. What every Stockholder holding less than fowl sharks. shall be entitled to subscribe for one share; and those holding more than a multiple iii four shares shall be entitled to sub scribe foran additional share. .FburfA. , •11 shares upon which - Instalments are yet to be psid under Resolution of May 13, 1888, sill be entitled to their allotment of the ..li. Twenty-give per cent. at par, as though they were paid Its full. myklitit I, THOMAS T. FIRTH. Treasprer. Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Collars, ef.e LE IRrDOIDEiD. • OFFICE MONONGAIIELA D , m:MANCE CO.. 1 The Presi d en t a TTS HURrG ' o M f D y AI eL olBs 9 . t his Company have this day declared a dividend of two dollar.ligM! per share on the capital stock of ih. Company, out of the earnings of the last six months. payable, tree of• Government tax, on and after June 1, /889. - nisz;J€B [ JOHN H. CLANET,. Sectetary. ' REDUCED, 1' A REAM OF NOTE PAPER FOR 81. INITIAL NOTE SPER PER BOX, 40e. AT JOSEPH HORNER'S, Bookseller and Stationer, Itt 120 Snitthilelcl Street. FOIL SALE. Near Osborn cation, on the Pittsburgh. Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railroad, TWO _LOTS, Containio4 About Two Acres, Each. ENQUIRE OE I. :\ MAcKEOWN St.BRO, 195 Liberty " Street. Mhls FOR SALE.-HOUSE AND LOT. A substa:ntial, well finished, thre story' 'macs. DWELLING, of twelve rooms e /beauti fully altnated ( near Ohio street, Allegheny City. Also near the Farks, in an open. clean and airy locatidn. A splendid opportunity fox private reside} ce or. d'rat class boarding house. ALSO—LOT ON TROY HILL, containing one hundred and ferty-four and one fourth perches; on whieb there are eight hundred grape viuea, be sides strawberties. gooseberries, currants said a variety or other small fruits': Also. ether Rouses and Luts in good localities. For Purther paicuiars titre of M. Wet ITSiORE, Real Estate. G eneral Erokerage and Insurance Arent, coral r Ohio and Undusity gheux. XhY2B DUMPS. j, WOOD AND IRON WELL AND CISTERN PUMPS. We are now sate agents for. E. P. Smith's well known wood pump. I he trade wilt be supplied by ue at factory yd. cm in lots to suit. A largo and complete assortment always ' on , bano. Pam illekand all others la want of a good pump at a very low price. witch we warront, should sic this. i The beat and cheapest _pump In the market. W. W. laNtiX, i General Wholesale Agent, 137 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. L TTNIT.ED STATES HOTEL,. CAP E ;MAY CITY. N. Will be opened tor the season SATURDAY. May 2 h. In als nrst class ap :ointments, equal to au and yet aflordlng to (amble* all he comforts of a me. President Want expects to visit Cape May this season and will stop at the "United states." Address,My2l:ll2 AARON MILLER, Proprietor. EASTERN EXCHANGE HO. TEL, East' Liberty, le - , now ready for the • reception of guests for the Slimmer. Rooms single and on wile. Table supplied with all the season produces. Charges low. No musgoffor. Hourly Communication with the city. mytken ' J. 8. IicPBERSOIf, Proprietor. KEYSTONE POTTERY. S M. ICIER & CO., AlanufactureTS , 0 WEENNWAiiii. BRISTOL WARE Re. °Mee and Warehonse. 383 LIRZEITYWPitIf&T. aar All orders prometle attended yo VLOUR. • ...11: The cetebrated. WEITZ aosz Is conceded by all who base tried it to bethe best and cheapest dour In the city. °lye It a trial. Sold by . ~ ' ' Bf liaison a HAIWEIti . .. AT THE WRITE PBONT. , • /4 my 329 Liberty street,. .Plttaburigh, P ' ___-_, • • § AINDESRP STREET. PROP ERTY FUR riALE.—. I I. Three Story BUICK w FL, 'LNG HOUse, arraogral with hall. two parlors, marble mantles, Moto/ room, kitchen. erne ollembers;'-bath room, Ise. - Immediate P O5- Gelato& For price and terms apply to OUTlllitatT SONS, , _ • Je2 • 39 Sixth Avenue. . UILISARIONIMAIVVTEA.- keetalehrentehoff the *not eosobhtet Ens* fish Breakfast Tee. 'lmported tbls ethion just reeejeee an* for eitle-b726,poen OAP Wienerll, geseetr more 0 NU.A. Meet. eadleheth 132YZ1 CHEIVAIE.-00 boxes Goshen for wk by I J. 7. 04151121141),, al OTICES, rg"THE , Rai lway. Ol'Tl Firs aster Rlll ¢e paP onp on on alio ester t II 1, 'je.ll3 5 NTEIREST IN GOLD Mortirve Bond. enfon ?Wile l I e A s D i n v AN t l a s E c n tnn W d o ue i t ß h erAo. pionsst l i i 6 9, ~acdrteat EankingNtiougeof E B clu S gPlve, New York. ' .—FIFTH AVENUE •BAlki.E. —The 'first theta!meat of TEN DOLLARS PER (SHARE on the stook on the abovs bank will ne due on the THIRD 01.4` :TUNE NEXT; payable alt the banking house, Yo. 195 Fifth itveriue. I F. E. SCRENCX my r:JS9 Cashier;' tggr PENIIiin LI'ANIA RAIL, ROAD COMPANY.' OASURAR'S DEPARTMENT. r 1 PLADELPHIA. May 3d, 1809. _ NOTICE '0 STCKHERS. The Board or D rectors have this day declared a semtrannual div de ad of riv 4 PER CENT. on the capital stock f the tympany. clear of Na tional and State taxes, payable In cash on and af ter May au. Isom Blank powers orattornei for collecting divi dends can be had at the office of the Company, No. 238 S. Third street. The ustire will be Retied at ,8 A. 'M. and closed at 4 P.l7a. from Ms 30 to June 5, for the pay ment of dividends and after tbat date from 0 A. M. to 3 P. it. NOM—The Th THO.fAS T. FIRTH, Treasurer. in Instalm J ent on Nw Stoc .11368 Is due and payable on or before June 111 . of Mt8:198 1 'DIVIDENDS oar NOTICBS-••t . Lst,-0,3.2 "Zostr • ' " Wants, " dfnii. • not e...r!teding FUUR 1 , 127.E6 eisc4 sc1:1 OS irk* sorted columns once /or 7 W.....4•71 , -pj yip CE? TK , each Idditionat line . FTl'., CEIVra. W ANTED -HELP ENI.• PLOYMENT OFFLOM. No.l tit. eltedz Stret. BOre. EURLS and MEN, for dlterent kl de of employment. Persons wanting' help of 11 lands can he annplled on short notice. WANTED -AGENTS lA__ TAIIVTED.—A GI'S TA.-- tots io, , V3OO per month vvErr ‘vhere. male and - female. to introduce the ."ENULNIC IMPROVED-- CI Of2ols SENSE FAMILY YE WING MA... cHINE. This machine will WWII,. hem. fell, tuck, quilt, cord, bind; braid and embroider, la.. a most superior manner. Price only SIB. giift. warranted for Bre years, We wily pay *l,OOO for any machine that will sew a stronger. More beautiful, or more elastic seam than. ours. it makes the "Elastic Lock stitch . ,, Every second mikes can 'be cut, and still the cloth can not be pulled apart without tearing lt. We pay Agana from $75 to $2OO per month and , expenses, or a COIDIIOIB6IOII from whlrh twice that amount can be made. Address SECOMB A cO.. Pittsburgh, Pa.,'St. Louis, Mo., or Boston, Masa. CAIIs 10. —Uu not be imposed by other parties palming namerthes cast iron machines. under the'same or otherwise.. Ours is thes only genuine and really practical ebeaernaohlne manufactured. • , . WANTED —4 GENTS. c— ,JoINEN TQ sell the American Knitting Mahine. Price 525: The t.l rn p 1 e fit. cheapest and beiCKnitting Machine evtr Invented. Will knit,...siG. OW stitches per minute. Liberal inducements tO agents. Aldrges AMERICAN KNITTING MA ( HINT CO.. Boston. Mass., cr St. Louis, Mo. WANTS. WANTE D.--A few respectable stre bcarclers at 18 Math street, (late Hand t:) _ W A NTED.—To.make. an ar - RANGEMH.NT with a niAn who Irtsties to mike nionty awl can Roodggood refer elves. to take charge of the manufacturing and selling a naw,artlcle used by everyoody." , , Ad-• dress C. T.. Commercial Office. and state where an Interview can Le had. - , tf WANTED.— BOA RDERS. A few more boarderscanflndpleesanLrroms and good boarding at No. 16 nun street, Alla. geeny. for 34.50 per week. W A NTED - -Situation as Clerk perlence; i a Queensware s ore; seven years' ex_ well ex- Welt recommended; speaks tierman. and Fng I h; not afraid of Work. Aattress P. 0. Box 773. mrA,J4I W Address J. D. ANTED.—To loan $9OO on bond or mortgage for one orxwo years p.. care Gazette office. • W A NTED.—House of 5 or 6 rooms. within the OFFICE, st a tingard3. Actium U. 8., GAZETTE Inca tion end terms. TO LET TO - LET.—Boon - on 3d Ono* Dispatch Building. Bent very low for bal ance of year. ( tae. water and stationary stead. Enquire at Potoaratoh Cafe. y.Dispatch TO - LET:—Large Bailin a good loc■tlon. 11. CUTHBERT' & 50N8,39 Sink avenue. MO-LET.—A. ROOM.—A conio FoRTABLY furnished ROOM for one l; mare gentlemen. apply ut Do. 33 Ninth, (late Hand.) qtreet. rllO. orc LET.-- in 4 the fine, large new ISt Room. village of Wilkimburg, with dwelling, If dealrEd. Rent low. Also. bean Wu! rge office front room,sec floor,on 6th, formerly Si. CI Ir. near the bridge. Fnottire or JOHN W. BEATTY, Engraver. 93 Maiket St. mO-LET.—A Beautiful Beall deuce rf 8 rooms, attic, halt sad vestibule good cellar, .as awl water in the house, 'WE asantly located on Poriy. third (formerly Ewu,t) street. Reut, 11:300. Apply to . n. BaTEB, Cor. Penn and Butler streets, Pittsburgh. rOLET.—lionse on Centre Aar- , PO ENtTE.--ole. water. &c. very convenleit. Out of season, Rent 1125,00 , per mtnaLb., soon at 121 Centre avenue, entsburgu.Calt 1: 0 -LET. ROOMS. Twe line ROOMS In GAZETTE BUILDING., ADPI3I' at '-- -- ountlag Houma, 194 and 66 Pllth avenue. FOR SA LE *VOR SALE-TYPE.—Abut4OO pounds ?ONION I:YFE. nearly ag u g~(~ good as new. Engoire a: THIS OFFICE.. 7" FOR SALE.--Two• new commodious DWELLING ROUSES on ilb sserratary Hill, Second ward, Alighetirt will be evenparately or together. The housentain rooms each, with finished attics, goo d' ca.- \ lars. Lots have a front of about SO feet andez- ' tend back about 175, and contain a number of choice bearing fruit trees and shrubbery. The . I location le cnsurpassed for beauty, commanding a line vlew of both cities and is fu a good neigh borhood. For parilculais enquire 01 RAMSEY & HALL, No. 9 1Deaver street, Allegheny, Or on the premises. Jet VOR SALLE.-11otel Keepers at- TANTIONI—The lease, furniture, fixtures and god will or one of the largest hotels In Chl cago Is offered for sale at a low price on easy terms. Tula now having a d as W fall run of pat ronage n , and ishotel as la well establisheM hotel tbe Westcrl .States. For _particulars address COOK, CoBIIII.N & CO., my3l:kl. Box 6,022, Chicago, 111. FFORSA E.--The one -hall in terest in the Drug. Store of BLA.ORISTOZIT e AlcOßEetott, in Bellaire, Ohio. They are tiqlne • thrtving badness, and the locatton is one of, the tva: In Eastern Ohio. /lesson for selUng. 11l health of family. Terms reasonable. AppTV• soon. 1 Pt R SALE.—LAND-15 acres the 13th ward, fronting on Ventre nue, Craig d Nevi lie streets. • This Ls a desira ble location for country residences; well watered and near Penna. It. It. and Liberty Passen ger Railway. Will be bold as a whole or In. lots of from one to nve acres. Enquire. of W. H. TA YLuis; <7 Woad street, or at residence on Neville siren, near the prqpera y. or of HENRY tienstu.rton Iron Works. my6:310 FOR 841. E. ---The rema Are ins of AV or the Refinery by the late at Clara Oil ks, COUldfitirleOt Boilers, Stills, runips,Con densing Tank. 4 l de., together *with the ground upon which they are locat,ll. Location near rharpeliurgh bridge, between A. V. R. H. and & C Alleg O. h , a eny wo i verks. rr. Apply to ERNI', JAGIIILkIi t MIOR AA Ct--SINALL COUNTRY{ -.'` 1i... of the `bG SEAT, situated within threejninutes wait len Dice ." Station. and am aa. eaten rive front on thei Ohio river and railroad, contain ing two sores hiahly improved and 411/ed Vita fruitsof every vex sty and_ f choice .Irelections. The blvidings ate /I neat coital(, house and other ' out building.. This property can be had at a bar gain, as the owner is going West.. For price and ; . terms apply to ny2 B Mo F l o .Ali h It 0 104 r Avenue.o.9 • FOR SALE. /X aotee or GOAL LAND. 8 miles front Teas. Peranceville. on the Little Saw Mill Run. iaradrea near Dettferllle,Jndlina tioantrPs.. en Lire.rtnere ,StationOtr t. Po B. 8., wall ta- Provrd and cheat{. HOt AND LOT on Harliet street, Manoliae. ter... • HOME AND LOT on. Liberty atreet, Pitts HOUSE AND LOT on Fanrrh &Tann°. S. DOUSES AND tors in Elliabatittaira. Choice and diem) AIMS In Tantrum) and snarl. TUSTIN & HL! ' my b 7 Grant at MINERALIL WATERS. SARATOGA STAR WATER. Saw:toga "A" Water. Congress Water. -Rimini/en Water. 'ace. FO BALE BY SIMON JOHNSTON,. ..zonier Fourth Avenue, and Smith fieiG Street. ,„,-c •4, .41 ,•• AGENT FOR piraß-Igicriase,Amloib'' GRANULAR ILFIPICRVESOINO PA.LPARJhre TrONB. Chemical., arid True 0 4 0 erine 601 91 spO-mtui iiiE=El