1 PETROLEUM MARKET. 9rricE or Prrrsotwoir - GAMTTEI Tatrosimx, June SI 1269. Tne oil market was considerably stronger to•day and with considerable inquiry, there was not thOsame disposi tion to sell that there has been for some time past, and, as a consequence, prices are higher. Most of the Refined sold within the past week was bought by Pittsburgh from Philadelphia and New York: bought by parties here who were "short" and, if all accounts are true, sold "short" there. Refiners, as a gen eral thing, are opposed to "selling short" or "going long," and there seems to be a determination manifested to buy and sell right along, without •regard to the "shorts" or "longs." and to give more time and attention to manufacturing and less to speculating. All they want is a fair manufacturing profit; as for specu lating, they will leave that to .those who make a specialty , of this branch of the business. REFINED. The operations; in refined exhibit a fair degree of activity, and , as already inti mated, the market is firmer and ;rims higher. We ca*repert two lines of 500 e ac h July to October, at 31. 1 1 1 ; 1,000 for August at 31 3 / 4 ; 500 June at ; 2,000 spot at 20%; two lines of 500 each, July to Sep tember, at 32; showing an advance of fully half a cent compared with yester day. CRUDE. Sale 1,000 bbla spot at 12%; 500 last ball June, (40 to 45) - on board cars at Olt City, at 15;1,000:June, seller, delivera ble same place, at 14,95; and 1,000 seller, all year, at 12%. Buyer until October may be quoted at 15. LIIBRIOATENG OILS. Eclipse Winterlmbricating oil 40c Eclipse _Railroad Axle 85c Eclipse - Machinery 750 Eclipse Spindle 50c RECEIPTS OF CRUDE OIL. Waring. King & Co Planer& Bro E. H. Long 480 ~ Holdship A Co 160 " Lockhart, Frew dr. Co 630 " Tandergrift it Co 480 ~ Livingston dz Bro 80 II J. Mawhinney 480 4, .1. Gallagher 480 1, J. Wilkins 170 ,' IMEg OIL SIELPYRD EA ST BY A. Y. B. R McKeivy & Bro., 500 bbls refined to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. Lyons & Bra., 373 bbls refined to W. P. Logan & Bra:, Philadelphia. • Liberty 011 Works 246 bbls refined to W. P. Logan 6c Bro., Philadelphia. Fawcett, L. ac S. 150 bbls refined to W. P Logan. dr: Bro. Philadelphia. J. C. Kirkpatrick, - & Co. 280 bbls ref. to Waring, King & Cci., Philadelphia. Livingston & 'Bro. 300 cases refined to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. • Braun & Watrner 50 bbls tar to Libby & Clark, Philadelphia. D. Bly, 50 bbls tar to W. G. Laird do Co.. Philadelphia, Total Refine& 1549 bbls. 300 asses. OIL SICIFYIID EAST BOOM DIIQUZBN/1 =I HntoliMon 011 & Refined Co., 212 bbls to Warden, Frew dr. Co., Philadelphia. Brooks, Ballentine & Co. 80 bbls ref. to Warden, Frew & Co., Phila. ' S. B. Floyd, 15 bbls lubricating oil to D. Cork, Philadelphia. H. W. C. Twaddle 10 bbls lubricating to R. Gregg, Philadelphia. B. F. Brown 1 bbl lubricating to W. W. Weise, Philadelphia. Total Refined shipments 242 Total Lubricating 26 Markets by Telegraph. Now YORK, June 3.—Cotton firm; sales 3,000 bales at 30st for middling uplands. rl Flour, receipts 1,830 bbls; heavy and 50, lower, demand chiefly for fresh ground" extra State; sales 9,800 bbls at 55,76@6,40 for superfine State and western,ss,9o® 6,25 for extra State, $5,65@6,45 for extra • western, 56,55(4)7,60 for white wheat ex tra, 56@7,15 for round hoop Ohio, 57@8 for extra St. Timis, and 50®12 for good., to choice do, closing dull and very heavy for all kinds except fresh ground extra State; included in the sales are 4,000 • bush extra State for export at 56,10(44,20. - California Flour dull and heavy; sales 300 bbis at $6,50@9,35. Rye Flour dull and drooping; sales 200 hula at 54,65@6,50. Corn Meal quiet. Whisky steady; sales 125 barrels western at el ®1,02 1 free. Wheat, receipts of 7.42,215 bushels; opened heavy and closed about lc lower with only a very moderate export de mand and limited milling inquiry; trans- I actions restricted by firmness of freights; 2,500 bush at 51,41@)1,43 for No. 2 spring delivered, cheilly ;1,42; 51,46@1,47 for No. 1 do; 51,60 for winter red western; 51.5001,70 for white California; 51,760 1,80 for white Michigan. Rye quiet with some export inquiry for Canadian in bond. Barley and Barley Malt nominal. Corn firmer in fair- demand for home use; receipts 183,758, sales 52,000 bush at 55(4)850 for new mixed western red by canal, the latter price for very choice, , 8734 c for do via railroad, and 79@850 for ifiln &led. Oats a shade easier; receipts ' 61,117 bush, sales 47,000 at 773,0 for west ern afloat, and 77340 for do in Store. Rice dull at 7r02)90 for Carolina. Coffeesteady and quiet; 500 bgs Rio on private terms. Sugar quiet and. drooping; 600 hhds of Cuba at 1134(4112(c. Molasses firm and steady. Petroleum is firm at 14y„@ 1434 c for crude, and 30©3034c for refined. Hops quiet at 6@634c. American Linseed Oil qtdet. Spirits Turpentine quiet at 45310. Pork firm and quiet; sales 670 bbls at 131,60@)31,87 for new mesa, chiefly 531,62 cash, 531,27 for old do, 525©26 for prime, and 598@)28,25 for prime mess. Beef steady: sales 230 bble at 58@16 for new plain mess, and sl2©lB for new ex tra meas. Tierce Beef dull; sales 65 tierces at $22@28 for prime mess,' and 126(4)82, for India meas. Beef ‘ S ams # steady; saleS 170 bble at 526(4)32. Cut Meats steady; sales 250 packages at 180 for shoulders,. and 15(4)15%o for. lial4sf middlbstlitiet and firm, 380 boxes long. clear and long cut hams Stretford and Staffordshire at 1634(4)16X0. Lard quiet and steady; sales MI tierces at 18(01930, chiefly at 19310, for steam, and 19y 4 e519350 1 ~k for ettiondered. Butter dull and„' heavy at 28@320 for Ohld, arid 80®38c for State. .• Cheese ' quiet at 11@125. Freights to-Liverpool quiet and firm-at 734 ti. formbest per-steam., : ::., •.• 3- • : Lateet l 4Flour closed steady, with good exportdein for fresh' ground extra State, and , very i dull and•heavy for all other- 1 0. jel 4 • Wheat - quiet at 51,429 1,4254' - fort No. 2 apring. 'Rye dull and heavy. - Oats dull at 77y, (g 177% for west: ern"Rfloat. -Corn - steady at 60@01 for canal. 80@)87 for railroad. Pork - quiet and steady at 531,62 for new mess and regular. Beef dull and unchanged. Cut Meats quiet and steady. Bacon is firm with a moderate inquiry. Lard quiet at 19@19X, fox fair to prime steam. Eggs are quiet and without decided change. - 01110 /4 00 . 1 ,June B:--Eastern exchange dull and uncnanged. Flour is in fair demand and firm at 51,75@)6,75fbr spring extra. Wheat 'moderately active with sales Of No. 1 at 11,15@1,16; No. 2 opened • it, 5 1,14, receded' to ;41815414, and closed at $1,111X,@)1,13,1is this after noon • the .awket was don at 51,11 V, seller. Juie• , Porn mcderalaCtive and, nr i ho er ; titles Oleo .421 . 6. lat OW ,No. Let; • 6/ itpozir 46,66 1 46 1 4 '• lik• km ) 5.44 4 . 0 0 . Oft, , 9004 4utet , t.ro4 . , . C twrr• .., 0 - j ,1. ~ 1 and 6i3ic for No. 2, nominally un changed this ifterncon. Oats steady •at 40c; sales of No. 2 at liti,is@s934c, closing at 593g4)59%c. Rye steady at $1,03®1,04 for No. 1. Barley dull and nominal at 51,50@1,55. High wines dull; sellers at 950. New Orleans molasses 95c(gir1. Sugar, 13y,,(40.43;0 for common to choice. Provisions nominal and holders firm. Mess pork $31,50. Lard 18%c. Dry salted shoulders 12V,c. Rough sides 15c. Short rib middles 153.p5 , 160; short clear do 1635@)16%. Sweet pickled hams 15 4 ©153.0. Receipts for the past twenty. four hours-7,055 bbls flour, 88,504 bush wheat, 74,953 bush corn, 38,093 bushels oats, 1,102 bush rye, 200 bushels barley, 8,952 hogs. Shipments-9,658 bbla Roar, 74,339 bush wheat, 164,969 bushels corn, 210,829 bush oats, 6,212 hogs. Freights less active and %(gs34o higher; 4055;ic for wheat to Buffalo. CINCINNATI, June B.—Flour dull, with sales of family at $5,5065,75. Wheat dull at 11,1561,20 for Nos. 1 and 2. Corn steady at 83(034c: Oats in, light supply, barely equal to the demand, and the market is steady at 68671 c. Rye is dull at 11,18 for No. 1, and the demand is quite light: a sample of new, white from Alabama war exinbited on 'Change; the quality is rather 'poor, and there were many defective grains in this sample. Cotton firm, with sales of middlings at 27628 c. Tobacoo; sales of 123 hogsheads at 06116,50. ' Whisky quiet but firm at 95c. Mess Pork firm and in demand at pi, but is held at $31,25631,50. Bulk meats quiet bnt'held firmly at 1261234 6150 for shoulders and sides; a lot of clear bulk sides sold at 1630, buyer this month. Bacon is held at 1334, 163;, and 170 for shoulders, clear 'rib and clear aides, but there was nothing done except ing a speculative purchase of 200 hogs. heads clear aides at 17Mo, •seller this month. Lard could have been bought at 18%0. Butter is in fair shipping demand at =625c for fresh. Eggs are steady at 190. Petroleum is held at 286300. Su gar steady, with sales of New Orleans at 1234615M0. Molasses is held at 756800. Coffee is held at 216263'0. Gold, 138. Exchange is dull at 1-10 per cent. dis count buying. ST. LOUIS, June 3.—Tobacco active and low grades higher at 6M675c for sound lugs; 7%6850 for common leaf. Cotton .and hemp nothing doing. Flour very dull, weak and low grades declined 106 25c. Spring superfine sold at 14,2564,75; spring extra and double extra, 15,006 5,25; triple extra, 56,7567,75. Wheat drooping, especially for fall No. 3; spring sold at 1405; No. at 11,0861,10; Club, $1,1061,12, prime to choice red fall sold at 11,1561,35; fancy red.and white, 11,40 61.50. Corn, best cpfillities firm but lower grades dull and drooping; yellow in second hand sacks, 65c; white, 6666901 mixed, in new sacks, 60c; prime yellow, 64666 c; choice and fancy do. crt%6l3c; choice and fancy white 706 73c. Oats higher at 63665340. Rye dull and drooping at '90693c for prime to choice. Whiskey steady at 94c. Gro ceries quiet and unchanged., Provisions slid advancing; P0rk:111,75632, held firm at latter; 13M613340 for bacon shoulders; 17Mo for clear rib sides; 17% 6175 c for clear sides. Lard very firm and scarce; choice tierce in a small way; sales of 19 kegs at 2030. Cattle are in good demand at . 467. Hogs quiet at 76 9. Receipts—Flour 2,400 bbls; Wheat 30,300 bus; Corn 3,300 bus; Oats 8,000 bus; Rye 600 bus; Hogs 1,000. LOUISVILLE. June. 3.—Provislons are firmer. Mess Pork 131,50. Bacon—shoul ders 13M o, clear rib 17e, clear sides 1734 e, hams 1934 c. Lard; prime leaf 19c. Flour —A No. 1 has declined to 17,00; other grades unchanged. Hay dull: choice timothy on the wharf 121,50. Groceries firm. New Orlean Sugar; prime 14340. New Orleans Molasses; prime 250, Rao Coffee; prime 2534 c. Sorghum 550. Bag. ging steady; 1-lb. Kentucky P. Y. 2134 c. Potatoes; new 0,5066,00: old 11,006 1,60. Whisky—Highwines 97c. Cement steady. Butter—Southern 173(c; North ern 18c. 160 bbls. 1,110 .g 4,230 bbls. CLEVELAND, June 3.—Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat still inactive and nominally unchanged; No. 1 red Winter, old, at $1,..34®1,35, No. 2 do. at ifl,l9@ 1,20. Corn is very quiet but firm at 71 for No. 1 'mixed, 66®68 for No. 2. Oats dull and Fchanged. No. 1 held at 67. Rye dull d nominal, held at sl.lo® 1,15, but el yr of sale.' Barley; nothing doing. Petroleum, there is a firmer feeling, but the market was not active, refined at 2534®26 on spot and for July, in large lots, small lots at 24®28. TOLEDO,"June 3.—Flour dull. Wheat; 51:1 amber 1X ' ewer at f 1,34 on spot; seller for the moth of white Michigan at $1,36. Corn; No. a shade better; sales at 69c on spot; seer for June of No. 2 at 87c; rejected at a; yellow lower at 70c. Oats ;4c better, at 66®66%0 for Michigan. Receipts-2,200 bbls flour; 7,100 bush 01::6 wheat; 17, 00 bush corn: 3,100 bush oats. Shipments l,OOO bbls flour; 3,000 bush wheat; 5, bush corn. PEILADE PHIA, June 3.—Flour drill and weak; Northwestern extra family sold at $6.00 ,75. Wheat very dull; red i 1,40; choir Michigan amber 51,65. Rye declined, s lea at $1.33. Corn declined lc; yellow, 2®930; mixed western, 81® Oats 86c. Oats 1; western sold at 75®77c. Petroleum oves slowly at 18c for crude iu bbls; 29 ®29Me for refined in bond. PrOVISIona changed. Whisky steady at sl,oB@i, • 1 lffliara SE, June 3.—Fi r out dull and nominally changed. Wheat weak at $1,16 for NN. 1, and 51,10 y, for No. 2. Oats dull a 57%c for No. 1. Corn dull at 57®59c f r new. Bye steady at $1 for No. 1. Bar ey dull at 111,10 'for good de livered. Grain freights firmer at 6c to Buffalo, and 11.0 to Oawego. Receipts -38 bbls flour, 124,000 bus wheat, 8,000 bus oats. Shipthents-4,ooobbls flour, 180,000 wheat. bus wheat. _ Hurrimo E, June 3.—Flour dull and priceaday r buyers. Grain unchanged; receipts II ht. Mesa Pork arm at 132. Bacon ac ye, with sales of rib sides at niguyo, clear aides at 17K®18o, and shoulders. at 14%c. Hams, 19®20 0 . Lard. fir at 1930. Whisky .is dull at $ 1 ,02@1, • .1 . • kistaynx June 3.—Cottoq quiet and firm; law Midd li ng 2734@)23c; receipts, 37 bales; e porta . NO bales. Flour up changed. Corn -132®85e. Rats 78®80e. EraY, 4 2 6 . Pork 1§132. Lard . 19®20c. Bacon fi r_ ; , shoulders 13 34 ®l3rox - sides 17%®17% i Bulk meats nominal., DErrtol June 3.—Wheat,. receipts of 9,000 bush Is.. Market dull and unset. tied. ;Extra white western sold at 51,68; . No, //, do atl $1,48®1,49. Corn •72c.. 'Oat, 04@.6110. 0. c:1. New: Yo. ?iv June 3.—The weather is now,very ne,, but business is neverthe less inacti •0, as the market has been cleared of (moral lines of cotton goods. The tends • ey of prices is upwards... The demand fo Lincoln bleached muslins is so strong.t :t, agents have put up the prim to 170, • but one .housei William J. ,Peak 6r, Co., is still selling ,the goods at 1410. here is no doubt, however, but ,they.will , be advanced to-morrow, if not to•aar, to;. lOc. . The Cabot are still selling at 15e, Rearsarge L at 150, Max well at 20e, Chapman X. at 1234 c, Rey nolds at 123 c, Greene Gi 12e. do. li 1034 c, Red Bank. 4-4 bring 11)4o, do. 7-8 10%o; ,Hopei have been advanced to .14 c, Branch D and Blackstone D. 123icr, the ;Auburn. have risen to, 18e. In other °WWI of goods• there is no particular change to observe.. The. tendency 31 tip.' ward, rbut much depend Up= the =II ry oiolis Market. MIT PIUSEURGH GAZETTE : FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1869. RIVER NEWS. The river continues to recede steadily with seven feet in the channel by Mo nongahela marks last evening. Weather worm but seasonable and seemingly settled. The Kate Putnam departed forincin nati and Louisville yesterday pith a good -trip. Pilots—James Lien arson and Capt. James Hamilton. The Kenton is the regular pac Portsmouth to-day, leaving at 4 pi The Bellevernon, Capt. J. J. Be is announced for St. Louis at Upper Mississippi, and she is one best boats in the trade. When I to speed she is hard to beat. The numerous steamboat We. Capt. Joe. Brown, are very muehl • i at hie Success in being 1101:11illa clerk of the Court. He will make officer. The towboat Alps left for New irleans yesterday with 150,000 bushels or coal. It is not likely that any more to 's will venture on this water: From present appearances theie will be quite a number of new boats ' built fiere this summer and fall. Some eight or ten have already been contracted for and we hear of others being talked of. Pittsburgh certainly has the share Of boat building. - c —.A Cincinnati exchange sa' _tajor John Adams is about to contract at Pittsburgh for the building of three new steamers for the Memphis and Arkansas River Company. He will also contract with the Dock Company'at Memphis for the building of a new hull for a boat for he Upper Arkansas river trade. —Capt. Frank Voorhees is now'agent for the Planters' Mills, at St. Louis. —The' Cora S, recently sank in the Arkansas river, has been raised, and is en route for Cairo for repairs: —About .35,000 hogsheads of tobacco will be shipped eastward through Ev ansville during the present season. —Simultaneously the "Upper Missouri and Mississippi are again reported rising. The rains have been tremendous. —The. Burlington Hawkeye says: The Louisville is a large three deck New Or leans boat, and brought a cargo of iron to Keokuk. Hearing that the Upper Mississippi was full of produce, her °Mears have run her up for a loae. If the river continues to fall as fast as it has during the past week, she will do well to get down over the lower rapids without any freight. 1 Tie St. Paul Press, •of Saturday says: The Messenger, from Pittsburgh, of the Dean Line, arrived here yesterday morn ing with a very fair freight. She is corn.' tuanded by Capt.'Jesse Dean, With Jas. Russell in the office. After discharging her freight she went up to Cheever's Landing, where she expected to receive 1,000 barrels of flour. She will return to the levee . tills morning, and at 10 A. M. she sails for Pit taburgla. ,On her way up she arranged for considerable freight. ,at points below. —The Camelia left Umcinnati for Pitts burgh*on Friday. Pilots--Creight Reno and W. Goaney. It is reported , that she broke her wheel badly bygetting her sterm into an eddy in Cumberland river, with her head in the current. .Jti—The Louisville Courier reports that he Mary Houston passed the Great Re- • üblic twice on her recent tri from ew Orleans. The Republic had O nough railroad iron to sink the _Houston, and doubtless, made no effort at speed, as she was deeply laden, having 1,50 tons. —Capt. W. B. Hazlett, owner i lof the Nile, was to have left St. Louis fo Sioux City on Wednesday, at which p ace he will re-lead his boat and send he . back to Benton. =The towboat Tom Rees, from St. Louis, with three barges .loaded with iron ore, grounded on the abutment at the head of the canal, on Tuendayi —Capt. Murray's new boat, Ids Mur ray,built at New Albany, iNI being ll be Infeet _ long, 26 feet beam, with 6 feet hold. Her cylinders, which were form erly. in the Ella Faber, are sixteen , aches in diameter, with four•and-a-h f feet stroke. —The Great Republic- arrived at St. Louis, on Tuesday, from New Orleans. —The Lawrence was advertised to leave Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Wednesday. —A St. Louis telegram 'says: The St. Louis and New Orleans Packet Company was finally organized to-day, by the elec tion of the directors previously reported. At a meeting, this morning, articles of association were determined upon, and Captain J. N. Bolinger elected President, and Captain John W. Carroll Superin tendent. The steamers - to constitute the line have not all been announced, but those previously reported will be among the number. • River and Weather. city Telegraph to the Pittsburgh (Wane.) LOUISVILLE, June B.—The river is declining, with eight feet one inch in the canal. The weather is clear find warm. PROFESSIONATI G w. De CAMP, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. (Mice, No. 137 FOURTH AVENUE, Pitts burgh, (formerly occupied by Hon. Walter H. Lowrie) will practice In the U. S. Circuit and District Courts, in the State Snprenie and all the Courts of Allegheny county, and make collec tions in most of the adjacent counties. a?9:d73 WM. B. NEEPEB, ALDEEMAN AND EX•OPFICIO J CIBTICK OP THE PEACE. OFFICE, 89 FIFTH AVENUE. Special attention given to conveyancing aid collections Deeds. Bonds and Mortgages drawn up, and all legal business attended to promptly and accurately. QAMUEL IIIeMLUITERS, ALDER _N, Ex-011clo Janice of the Peace and. Pollee Hap trate.. Office GRANT STREET, opposite the Cathedral PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds,Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions, add all Lega lßusiness' .execoted with promptness and dispatch. =MS JOHN A. STRAIN, ATATWitat.A.Pii, EX•0717(110 1 J1JETIOZ OP THE PEACE AND , PO t tiCE , MAGDI,TRATE. • Ofite,eoClE TE( STREET, oppstelte Oka Ca• ibtaral., PHU ergb,'Ps. , DeedsiHondi, Mort. , gagoo f AoknpwledgmentA,:Dpwaftlone,:stid, Levi linelitelf Witworpmneuemi anal disuit4b. , A AMMON, ISA • thistice ofthel'eace, „ , • CONVEYANCER, - REAL ESIATE,AO-RISU RANCt A 0 1. : CARBON BTithEET. EAST BIRMINGHAM. Collection of Bents soltolted and promptly at.' t ended to. ' intrilsyso JOHN Hr, RIDDELL ) ' • ATTORNEY - AT-LAW. ROOFING RATE OP VARIOUS - • Qualities and Colors. “POug" rifs=llr l droi gv mat le. • and ' Sr Inrefinala. leea tddreu *eh 411 lievealb *veins, trinialkut. ` 1 - PrITSWWWII. PA . , Mee, us Dientend Street, (opposite the Court Hoes%) tblllstMl AR RIBALD IHARIELEY, A.Troitionnwr-z.Aw. ;,. , ;A. lift riumiimuurn 5.5 I=2llll IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. iPiTTskruoir, Frair NVATeiii de - Cere- OACK) RAILROAD, June 3.-8 cars metal, Nimick & CO; 3 do do, Bryan & Caughey; 4 do ore, Shoenberger & Blair; 500 pigs lead, Bakewell, Pears dc Co; 300 bbls flour owner; 100 do do, Culp & Shepard; 1 car middlings, 100 bbls flour, Shoma ker & Langenheim; 5 bbls alcohol, B L Fahnestock & Co; 45 do spirits, Hostetter & Smith; 2 cars scrap iron, Jones & Laughlin; 6 kgs apple butter,H Rea Jr; 3 bbls eggs, 3 tubs butter, yv 11 Graff & Co; 16 pkgs tobacco, Little & Baird; 3 Elks wool, S Bradley & Son: 100 Wats hour, owner; 10 bas cheese, N J Braden; Bdo do, It M Shaw; 56 do do, Arbuckles & Co; W Gormly; 26 has cheese, Watt, Lang & Co; 180 oil bbls, M_P Adams & Bro; 10 doz brooms, Hagan & Courtney; 34 eke oats, J Hague; 15 bbls flour, Haworth & Dewhurst; 1 car corn, D. Wallace; 50 bbls highwines; J Adler & Co; 26 Pas grease, F Sellers & CLRVIILAND AND PrrITORTROR Ran- Roan, June 3.-1 car stone, P Wolf: 2do do, J L L Knox; 4 do pig iron, Nimick & Co: 1 do limestone ore, Zug & Co; 70 bbls copper, P & B Mining Co; .1 car turnings, Moorhead & Co; 2 do rye, W J Meek; Ido lumber. R P Bingen; 13 car wheels, A V It It; 1 ear potatoes, Atwell & Lee; 2 do do, Van Corder &S; 25 eke oats, M'Henry & Hood; f as bdls spokes, J Herdman & Son; 1 car wheat., Scott & Glsal; 2 hf bbls 5 kgs tobacco, Pretzfteld & Bro;'2 do, 2hf bbls wine, F Lauth; 19 pkgs produce, 9 do butter, Duff & Son; 35 crocks apple butter, H Schnelbacht 3 hhds tobacco, E Wormeer; 1 bbl eggs, 1 do oil, Ikg butter, Head & M; 24 sks oats, H J Lynch; 51 bas soap; • Shriver & Co; 350 oil bbls, B D Moore, 150. dodo, C Wormeastle. MI rragh, d the of the cones' ds of elated d for I: good ALLEOHENT VALLarr RAILROAD, June 3.-80 bbls crude oil, Livingston & Bro; 160 do do, Holdship & Co, 480 do do, Van dergrift & Co: 1110 do do, Fisher & Bro; 630 do do, Lockhart, F & Co; 480 do do, J Mawhinney; 160 do do, Waring, King &, Co; 480 do do, J Gallagher; 480 do do EH Long &Co; 170 do do, J Wilkins; 2 cars bark, FlaccusA Son; 1 do grain, Martin, Brickell 'St Co; 48 aks oats, Keil & Bitch art; 1' car do, R Sturgeon; 50 aka do, Adams & Austin; 4 do railroad iron, C A Carpenter. ALLEOHENT STATION, June 3.-5 Cara metal, Nimick & Co; 2 do, Pitts Forge & Iron Co; 1 do wheat, Kennedy & Bro; 13 hides, Lapp do Weise; 9 oars limestone. Superior Iron Co; 5 doz brooms, Gray & Armstrong; 2 bbls ogga, H Lenz; 80 bbls F W Gerdis; 2 cars staves, Ralya de Robertaon; 60 bbla, 160- aks flour, R & A Carson; 199 aka flour, Hippley dr, Beck ert; 1 car wheat, W McKee & Co; 6 tca hams, Mercer & Robinson;. 10 do do, G W Pusey., , . PIITSBUIuya CINOINNATI AND ST. Louts RAILROAD. June ,3. —2O aks oats, 4 'do rye, M'Henry & H; 10 bbls eggs, Furguson & Co; 40 aka meal, Silo maker & L; 20 , - do. oats, W H Hagan; 8 do rags, Carter, M'Grevfi,4Sr. Co; 625 bush oats, , J B Campbell; 3,3 Itga paint, W P Townsend; 20 steel hoes, 3 Lautner; 1 oar grain, W W Knox; 6 do staves, W Hosting; 22 pkgs tobacco, J Mazurie; 3,82 - rpcs shoulders, W B Hays; 2 tea hams, Sellers & Co. FOR ST. LOUIS iliEo-dEt KUK. BURUNDI ON, LU UQUE and BT. P kUL—The steamer Be.F.LF,VERNOB car t, J.,j.r)AnitAGET. Will leave as above on SA i UHDAY. sth inst., at 5 (Velorc r. w. For frognt or passage apply on board, or to Je3 FLACK & COLLINGWoOD.Agents aggriot 1869, .fie NORTHERN LINE PACKETS, FROM St. Louis to Keokuk and St. Paul, AND ALL INTEDMEDLATE PORTS One of the splendid Sidirbeel Steamers of this Line will leave St. LOtailda ly fOr Keokuk,Daren pert, Dubuque. Winona, Stillwater son St. Paul. Through receipts for Freight and Passengers will be given to all points oh the Upper Mitsis sissippi - on steamers runnini from this port and connecting with the Northern Line Packets at St., Louis, thus enabling Consignees to get their Freight through without delay and at lowest rates. Apply to JOHN FLACK, J. D. CULLIAGWOOD, Agents, or to ' R. C. GRAY A _ ' Totathe22l 91 Water stieet. FOR CINCINNATI and A are , LOCIeXILLE.—The tine pas sew!' steamer xArz .PUrNA3I Capt. G. W. BZZD. Wilt leave as above THIS LAY, June at 4 o'clock P. X. Fur frdig ht orAm i 7liap t lT c on o poard or . to my 6 Fon WHEELING. HARM' VAPA IiKEASBURG AND CIXCLNN .ATI. - - Leaves Pittsburgh EVERYTITESD&Y- lA 31, Leaves Cincinnati EVERY FRIDAY-4'P. H. The swift and superb Sidewbeel Steamer ST. mitars, T. C. SWEENEY', Commander. will leave as announced above. /or !testa or Passage apply on hoard, or to FLACK . J & COME INGWOOD, or COLLIt & BARNES, Agents. N. B.—No Freight ecelved on Tuesday after . 11A. M. PITTA WHEELING AND PAR KERSBURG LlNE.—Leave DninnonVo Wharf' Boat, root nod errors. daily at 1S M., WED. DiESDA.YB an4.SATUIIDAYI3, • • (HOLY EAGLE C. L. BRICtItAir. Master. Freight will be received at all hours by .lAMEB COLLIN& FLACK & COLLINGWOOD, apll • Auento. TO LIVERPOOL AND QUEEN'TOWN. TUE ISMAN MAIL STEADISRIPS, Ntimbetlng • iliteen Ant-caul: Veirelas Manna tn• W,be_celebrated OITY OP PARRS; CITY OP ANTIVETP, CITY . OP:RORTQN, O F • CITY BALTIMORE, OI LOND svEuirr TI !SATURDAY, from -Pier 48, After; Mew 'pork. - lot ninage or huller information wooly to Watt ABLIIINOILLAU TO 1111TH tfrOntl'..iteuroalcie volirly tumult. , Mint (‘ipee.,rjttAhVewti HAnt'AMt),l'VtVMl33lfiY: }I'WIN. PECK; ' - 011NAltiENtiL BAIR woIiKER 'AND PERFUMER: No. Third street, neat iiinittigeld.. Pittsburgh. • Always on band, assortment' or La dies., ' , WHIP. B - , CIIIILB; 'a intlemenlo WIGS. TOPPLES. cALPS, GUABDAQII-INti. ,BRACELEtI, ax. lA A . good prieo to oast' will be ineen co, RAI! TIMM' “ .-- • - • ; • Ladies , Aind ,tiontlaments Unix ,Catting done iri in thp f4TARL .Iminner ' " ' moo nn =E=M] SLATE. BURGH. PA RIVER PACKETS. UPPY.It 3118SI98IPPI. CIRCI Si NATI. J D. CO - I,,LINGWOOD. Agents PARKERSBURG. V 3 ti (z);s COMMISSION MERCHANTS J. L. DILLINGZE.••• ...... Z. BTZVZ2iI3O2‘ DILLINGEIt & STEVENSON, DISTILLERS AND DEALERS IN Pure Rye Whiskies. IHPGRTERS OF I BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, &C., No. 87 Second Avenue, =pal PITTSBURGH, PA. E STABLISHED BY A. & T s w. M. aORMLY, WHOLESALE GROCER, No. 271 iiberty Street, (DIENCTZT OPP. EAOLZ HOTZL,) PIT48131:711G - 11, PA. se we Y. 811ELLZ 1 4. A. EITZZLII, Air STEELE & SON, COMMiBBiOI3 Merchant', A2rD Dumas At FLOUR, GRAIN, Fmlwir), am. No. 95 OHIO STAKE% near tut Common {ALLEGHENY CITY, PA.! W. C. ARMSTRONG, Successor to!retzer & Arrast:ong, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT, No, 25 MARKET STREET. laws . i PLTIR SILL JAB. 7. ILICHANT K EIL & COMMISSICIN MERCHANTS, • , AND DIALILEB IN PLODB,'GRAIN, SEEDS, MILD PEED, am., 349 Libertj tit., Pittsburgh, m724:b37 L e J. BLANHARD, Wholesale a nd Retail Grocers, aplB:zB9 1 No. 396 !PENN STREET. • ITTLE, BAIRD & PATIL'Orif, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants an Dealers in Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard 011, Iron, Nails Mass, Cotton Yarns and all P'itsburgh Manuitotures generally. 11$1 and 114 tiECOND 8 MET, Pittsburgh. JOllll 6IIITTON ' A WALLACZ. :UPTON &WALLACE_, Whole- SALE 0 ROCERS AND PROD UGE DEM, No. 6 SIXTH STREET. PHoteburah. tatiarsB JOHN I. HOIIBII..RDW.'HOCSZ..••WM. H. 11011811. JOHN I. HOUSE &BROS., Sue censors to JOHN I. HOUSE 1 CO., Whole sap Grocers and Commission Merchants, . Cor ner of Smithfield and Water Streets. Pittsburgh. MISCELL &NEOUS. WILLIAM MLER & CO,. Nos. 221 ; an 3 2V Liberty Street. Corner of Irwin, now offer to the trade et low figures, strictly Prime New Crop_New Orleans Sugar and Molasses. Porto Rico Cuba'and English Island Sugars. New. York; Philadelphia and Baltimore Re- Golden Drips, Loverings, Brun3ls, Stuart's, Adams' and Long Inland Syrups. -- Porto Rico, Cuba 'and English Island Molasses. Young Hyson, Japan, Imperial, Gunpowder and Oolong Teas. - 1 Carolina and Bangoin Rine. Java, Lagnayra and io Coffees. - Tobacco, 'Lard . Oil. Fish, Nails, Glass, Soaps, Cotton Yarns, iftc.,l constantly on hand. ALSO. IMPORTERS OP I - Vine Brandies,Wines and Segars. Rhenish. Moselle, and Sparkling Hoek Wines of Hinkel & Co.. lb bottles. Spark Una Moselle, Scharsberg and Jobatuda burg, Hockhelmer. Burgundy, &c. Brandenburg & Freres' Fine Olive 011. • do do tClarets, IFkoorted In bottles. tz . t M. Wort & Son Sparkling Catawba. Fine old Sherry, Madeira and Port Wines. Free Old Monongahela Rye Whiskies. pure. do Very - SuperlorOld Scotch do do. ALSO. • Sole Agents for Mont & Chandon's Grand yin. Imperial. erzenay and Sentry Champagne. Brandies of our own selection and warranted. 1 2•d&3 2,000,000 ACRES OF CHOICE LANDS FOR SALE, BY THE Union Pacific Railroad Company, • EASTERN D17,71310N. Lying along the line of their road, at $l,OO TO $5,00 PER ACRE, And on a CREDIT OF FIVE TRAM. For fu rt her particulars, maps, &c., 'Warms JOBB P. DBVEREVX, Laud CoCturdssioner, Topeka, 'Kansas. Or CHAR. B. lABIEBOBN, fiessPy, ani4s Bt. Louis. Missouri. LEGS! LEGS ! The Artificial-Link Manufacturing CO. CHARTERED, 13Y_THE u.TATE_eIrPENNA. . An sna re not de ra are Bien we taring' the Lunba "lade by the Company,. To those requiring' a Ihnti we would bar that our own experience has Induced us to establish* factory here that would mike a comfortable and durable limb fora reasonable pries.. .Aft, r try tug a number, of solid socket and padded socket legs,- we leaveeaohlleand molt-comfort...ad use fu neat In this . ..ADJUS BLit . LACHINE/ NOCK any .otla made In the coml. try. suit of our number, a skilled mechanic has charge f the seep. W e have bought the rig 'htto use two. of the best patents, and by ourexperl ende we hare to impel:me in every Way that will Add to the comfort,durnbhity urn ppearanteof the limbs we , mak.s.'. We have net the.price,qt our new' ltsgs at 11110. ' Persons from' a =ince are only detained In the eltsr.while the m re and a cast of this injured limb's taken. • ;• 7 he saving to parcilasers,, ea compared 'with Eastern prices.ls front eiktl 10'495 In tae price of legs; least SOO sratirdad time, hotebnills and other traveling ex oenses, and then we are satisfied that our limb watt/fee tstUer eatkfactton than any Ons made% Netts Yorker Pht/aljslitZt. 11 we can get orders, we min maintain our factor/ at the above price, and we therefore as k an ext amtnatton before going el sew - here. • We make to order and keep en hand a suurlY of stockings, braces, and appliances for injured 01 deformed limb' also, crutches, trusses, 811 ° 0 " der braces, tic.' iFer further nformatton er , cis calor, containing many testimonial letters from . those who have worn our artificial Mous. address .ARTVIOI.III. LIMB •MA.NUFACIPUBING Co., be. 'BO3 PENN b'fßEET„,between Thirteenth and Fourteenth, Pittsuurtilt.Fa. apitsbaS • 11. SWINT J.V. PIRAt? I WHIT & MLITT.. • . ARCIIITZATIMAL AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS IL it,BndoktNi.• lillegkelt Pa. tfitr alil ocisAt i gy ll ona l arrA d ot ou doooll* si• 'MI '• ' erne RAILROADS. 15449 . ...... . ATIVIIIJROII. FOB h. W. and CLEVELAN From May Oth. 1869. and arrive at the'UTIICII burgh city time, as folio Leave. Chicago Ex.— X:08 a m ErieLt_lign Era:3l63.m Cl. & 'h' M'10:13 a m Chicago Mai1..6:58 a m Chicago Ex....9:43 a m Cl. &Wit'a Ex SI :08p rt. Chicago Ex.. $11:513 pm we la Erie Ex4:3B p iy Depart.frons Allegheny. Bea'r Falls Ac.8:58 a m Leetsdale " 10:03 a m " 11:58 am Rochester's 1 :26 Pm Bnon " .3:58 pm Leetsdale Acc.s:l3 p m Bea , rFalls d. . 6:13 p m Leetsdale " 10:42P 331 Fair Oaks atm- _` WAYNE s CHICAGO Is & PITTSBURGH R. R. trains will leave Bora Dg Dot, north aide, PHIS. Iello& • Chicago d Ex., 1:58 am ( al cago Ex-1S:03 p b Wheeling Exx 11:0148 0: p II t. onis E 3 ICl.l`go ExsMl4:oBp m Elriev e & la Yd `EE3S3p a 01. & Wh'aEx6:s3pna Arrive fit et Usgawsk Leetsdale an..13:58 am Bea'r Palls " 8:518 ate. New Castle ",10:13 on ' 13 Leetsdale " " 1: 9: 98 sas pal Bea'r Palls A:43 ing Leetsdale. " 4:03 =I 7:513 Fair Oaks Sun day uhurch. 9:58 sal o Exprees leaves daily.' iro Express arrives daily. J. N. . 51 'CULLOUGH, Cien't Bupteialt, . _ . day Church. m 51:23 p. m. ALLChi M. IMB Aar 12:03u. m.Chica J. MK, Eleng Ticket Agen • utylo • g2I ,3 I : I I ANGE OFaiffim TIME. GHENT VALLEY RAILROAD, THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO TILE OIL REGIONS WITHOUT CHANGE 0r0L25. 011 and after MONDAY, May 3d, 1869 TWO THROUGH TRAINS DAILY (except Stindzyli will leave Pltteburgl Depot, corner of Elev.. each and Pike streets, kr Franklin, Oil city,Buf. 1110, and all points In tie 011 Regions. LEAVE PITTSBURGH. ABET,' mT2BBOTLGIZ Day Ex 111:00 a m Day Ex 5:15 Pight Ex .... 7:30 pm Night Ex 0;30 am Brady's B Ac 3:15 p m Bradys B Ac 10:15 ain lit SodaW'ks 9:45 a m let SodaW'ks 7:40 am SodaWlts 6:30 p m 2d SOdaWits 6:15 p let Halton... 6:45 a m let Halton.. 14:50 a m 2d Hu1t0n...12:00 at 21 Halton... 2:00 pla 3d Halton... 11:00 pm 3d Holton... 1:05 p m Arnold's AC. 5:116/ p m Arnold's Ac. , 7:40 p Church) train to and from Soda Works leave Ptttebargh at 1:10 P.. H. Arrive at Pittsburgh. (Sundays,) at 9.50 A. Express trains stop only at principal points. Accommodation rains stop at all stations J. J. LAWEENCP, Oen'l dupl. ap3o THOMAS M. KING, Assn. bnpst. rENNSTLVA-Migme A NIA CENTRAL RAIL D. On and aft:WA. all S = tith. 1869, Teal will arrive at and de from-the Union Depot , corner of •Wachin n and Liberty streets. ail follows:. Arrive._ Depart. Mail Train.— 1:25 am •Day Express.. 2:15 of Fast Line 1.45 am Boutnern Ex.. 4:80 am Wall's No. 1.. 6 90 am Wall's No. 1.. 6:3oani BrintonAccin. 7:50 am Mail Train, 8:15 am Wall's No. 2.. 8:50 am How'dAt Nol 10:20 am Cincinnati Ex.9:10 am •Cincin'ti Ex 19:50 pan Johnstown Ac10:35 am Wail's No. 2..11:51 am How'd AcNol 1:10 pm Johnstown Ac. 3:05 pm Pitteb'wh Ex. 1:30 pm Braddocks Ac. 3:40 p Phila. Expressl.so pm Phila. Express 4:20 p Wall's No. 3. -2:50 pm Wall's No. 3.. 4:60 pm Braddock Ac.. 5:50 pm Wall's No. 4.. 6:05 pan How'd Ac No 2 0:35 pm •Fast Line 2:30 pm waive No. 4. 7:20 pm Holed Ac No 2.8:20pal Way Passo'r 10:20 pm Wall's No.5..1.1:00101 *These trains make close connection at Harris burg for Baltimore. The Church Train leaves Walls Station ever/ Bttnday at 9:05 .a. m.,reaching Pittsburgh 10:05 a. m. Be turni ng, leaves Pittsburgh 19:50 p. m. and arrives at Walls Station *Cincinnati Express leaies aanly. 0.11 - 0104 0 1 00 daily except Sunday.. For further information apPly to . , • W. IL BECKWITEI, 5 848513; The Penasylvaniaßallroad Company will not aS some any risk forßaggage, except for wearingap. ' parel, and limit their responsibility to One Hun _drec Dollars in value: All Baggage exceeding that amount. In value _will be at the risk of pa l Owner. Owner. unless taken epeeist contract. •• , EDWARD H. 'WILL ap26 General Superintendent,. Alt oonalAnii W E ER N i aligsggit PENNSYLVANLi- RA—LROAD.—Dn and after April 25t11,18139.the Passenger Trains on the Western •Penuryirania Ram road will arrive at and depart from-Vie Feder.l Street Depot, Allegheny - Citvas Arrive._ Depart. - • Springd'e No 16:40i m Mail T:00 • VI Freeport No. 18:20 a m Freeport No. 19:20ana Express.., 10:40 ain Sharpb , g Nol 11:20 a* Sharpis'g No.11:20 pm Express. 2:50 pat Freeport No.21:00 p m Springd'e No 13:30 pm- . Mail 5:50 p m Freeport N0.25:20 pa Springd'e N026:201. m Storing:De N0213:30 pa Aboye trains run daily except Sunday. The Church Train leaves Allegheny Juntytkort every dunday at 7:40 a. in., reaching Allegiten? City at 9:50 a. ns. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at 1:20 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny Juno. Lion at 3:40 p. m. COMMUTATION TICMMTI3—For sale in packages of Twenty, between Allegheny City, Chestnut street, Herr's, Bennett, Pine Creek Etna and Sharpsbnrg and good only on the trains stopping at Stations specined on tickets. The trains leaving Allegheny City at 7:00 a. m. make direct connection at Freeport withWal. Through ticket s ages for Butler and Hannabitown. . may be purchased at the OM*. No. ISt Clair street, near the Suspensionßridgek pittsbur.h, and at the Depot., Allegheny, For further information anal y to JAMES LEPPERT% Ageikt . Federal Street Depot. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not a. sums any risk for Baggage, except for wearing apparel, and limit their responsibility to' One inndred Dollars in value. .All baggage ex. seeding this amount in value willbe at the risk (*- the owner, unless taken by special contract. EDWARD ii. WILLI& WI, apt General Stinerintendent, Altoona. Pa. ITTSBURGEJ, &mow CINCINNATI AND b . LOWS RAILWAY. PAN HANDLE LiOUNE. .• • CHANGE OF TlME.—Ouland after MUNDAYe April 96tb, 1869, trains will leave and arrive the 'Union Depot; as follows: Dwarf. Arrive/. Mail 9•08 a m 19•13 ar Fast Line 9:43 a.'m. 7:13 p 4111., Express 2:33 p. m. 4:33 a. la. Mixed Acc'n 5:33 a. m. 6:68 McDonald'a Acc'n,No.lll:43 a. m. 18:18 Me Steubenville Accommod. 3:58 p. m. 9:33 a,nl McDonald's Acc"n. No. 2 liale D. in. 3:10 11. m. Sunday Church Train.. 12:38 p. m. 9:311 a. to. air 2:33 P. it. . train will leave daily. 19:13 P. l. train will arrive daily. • All other trains will run daily. iinnuays except.. ed. 'the 9:43 a. at. Train makea close cos nectiona at Newark ler Zanesville. S. P. SCULL, General Ticket Agent: . W. W. CARD, Sup't., Steubenville Ohio. sp EOITTEIBURGH & ONATELLS VILL ROAD. On and after TUESDAY. Noyember , Vrth. 1861, trains will arrive at and depart fiota tht Depot corner of Orant and Water streets, as. follows: Depart. • Anises. Mail to and from Union town. 1:00 A. Y. 6:00 P. 10.. McKeesport Acoomdt'n 11:00 A. 2d. 11:05 p. K. Ex. to and tem Unt'n. 3:00 P. X. 10:10 A. K. West Newton Accom'd 430 P. M. 835 A. K. Braddock's Accomdt'n. 6:15 Y. K. 7:501.. X Night Ac. toblelE 'sport .10:30 P. K. 6:45 A. Sunday Church Train to -_ _ 2 . and from West Newton 1:00 P . K. 10:00A. For tickets apply in W. B. STOUT, Supe E. rint X. enden RAYMOND t. , Agent nolll QMOILY HILL 1177 notrz. lINLN PACIFIC RAI A , Eutern Division. The SHORTEST AND MOST RELIAR4 ROUTE trom the East to all Rohas Colorado Nevada, Calikornia, Ujah, Washington, ArLzona /lOW Ilezico, Idaho, (4@M/tn. . ' Two Trains leave &ate Line and Leaveume• ti dailv, e lltdays exceotedjon the arrival Winans Lords, and _quad. of re Usliroll ai d ftom 131 . btu and Joe head from Quincy: connect. in . ! _ 4l . f Law rqn ce, t d.0 6 ,..u.ka and W mem wit* :staple 'tor fmln s Hatless. AV end - olf west of itiloirorth with , the /Nunn 1 11 r165 lexpßEss coMPANT , S DAux .LlllB.Vr_o./EIpAND: 004985 a 888 ro " • ZadklLE. iiirr a An Poinn in the Territories, • • 'And With martmatathigs Tatt-laranamt toe& of 00.A.C1135 for port Union., Beut , a yoat, Rua. Allmonerue, Santa Pe, and all poll:de Ara. tuna and flelyide.4l3o, With the recta additioni ro 'stook and egalpment, .and the arrangemedta mada ar t esponaltie Overland TranSPortation Linea from its western terminus, this: road now Oen unequalled facilities for the transivaalon. Mt froteht, to' theater Wert. , Tickets for pie at aU the prindsk, apnea in the Milted moss and Oatiadas . Be sure and uk for .tleteta via TR: l omm HiLLWTA. MOB r /Cr LITAT, maars.va DiVionr. • • - .A.ANDIESSOIit ' • . swami sapettetteades Lift; Yelainza a . • - lenounileninandblin • Eil