The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 03, 1869, Image 8

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crry AlibltppsAo.
TEN 'is furnished in the city
the six days of the week for: 15 cents per
'week ;I by mail, IS per annum: 3 mos., V 2.
Dull.—Business at the Mayor's office
was exceedingly dull yesterday.
Money to Loan.—We - have 1 510,000 to
loan on first Masa city proport y . Brown
.and Lambie, 114 Fifth avenue.
Fair and Festival every itfternoon and
evening at Rev. Andrews church. Lawr
enceville. , •
The Alleghony lockup yesterday
morning contained eight inmates, the ef
fects of the previous evening's potations.
White WaS COM-
Mitt.* to jail, yesterday, by Alderman
'bleeper, on a charge of larceny preferred
by Mimi •z. n Kerr.
A 6hilting eugine jumped the
track on L iberty street yesterday morn
ing near Marbury. Considerable trouble
and delay was experienced in getting it
Another One.—John Caner, a colored
man, was arrested hi Allegheny yester
day for, cutting "sods" off the Common
Grounds. ,Ho.paid a fine of three
dollars. ,
Moanlt.—John Kuntz made Informa
tion befure Justice 'Ammon'
charging John Zeerah with assault. A
warrant was issued for the arrest of the
. Surety of the-Peace.-W: F
made Infoimation before .I . llsl
of East 13irmInghinu, yesterd ,
John Edwards, for surety of I
A warrant was izsuctii..
Bigamy.—Rebecca Burnett made Infor
mation before Justice Helsel, charging
Ed Burnett with bigamy. She alleges
that the accused, having a wife living,
was married •to her. Alwarrant was is
Fell Through.—Robert Easton fell
through the joke into the cellar of the
new Library Hall, Tuesday afternoon,
and broke his leg, He is a machinist
and resides on River avenue, Allegheny.
Facial Injurles.—Mithael Hartman,
while .assisting . in unloading a metal
boat, neer the railroad bridge, yesterday
morning, slineed and fell, cutting a se-
vere gash on his face.- The injury is not
False Pretense.—Martha /Bahlid, a
grocer in East Birmingham, made infor
mation before Justice Helsel yesterday,
charging Valentine King with obtaining
goods to the amount of twenty dollars,
tinder ',false pretenses. A warrant wa's
110itied for the arrest of King.
Alba . t.—A large raft broke loose from
its mooring some distance above the city,
and came floating down the Allegheny
yesterday morning_ about seven o'clock.
It was secured- by officer John Tetley,
and tied up near the Hand street bridge,
to await the appearance of the owner.
Wanted--Situation.—By a young man
as book-keeper or aluistant book-keeper,
good penman, and has had several years
experience in store and bank. Can fur
nish good reference and security, if`-re
quired. Address box A GaxErrE office,
or call at the 6Pazsprz Counting Rooth.
Social PleNlc.--A. grand social Pic.
Nio will, be held at Linden . Grove. to
morrow, (Friday,
_June .014) and Judo
' . 'lng from the names appearing ou the
„„. 'cards as the Committee of Arrangments
• and Managers, we have no doubt the of
fair will be h success.
Threatened • H. Wilhelm
xnade • information yesterday against
Jacob Schnider, alleging that Schnider
threatened to do, him bodily injury.
Justice Helsel, before whoin the informa
tion was made, issued a warrant for the
arrest of Schnider. I
Died in Jail.—A male child, ten days
old, son of Mary Ann McKenzie, who
was committed sometime since - on a
charge of larceny, died in the jail Tues
day morning. Coroner Clawson held an
Inquest on the body yesterday morning,
when the fury found that death resulted
from peritonitis.
„ I
Frightened.—Nicholas Stein was ter
ribly frightened yesterday by George
Schaub. whom he ;alleges threatened to
do him violence. Stein, fearing that)he
Might carry his threat into execution,
made information before Justice Helsel
against Scl3auo for surety of the peace.
A Warrant was ispai3d.
Disorderly Conduct.—Mary Schriner
made information before Justice Helsel,
of Bast Birmingham, yesterday, charg
ing George Gorley with disorderly con
duct. She.alleges that the accused canoe
to her residence drunk, and acted in - a
disorderly Manner. A warrant was is
deed for. his arrest.
Bad Heade—The roads of Scott town
ship must be In a bad condition, if the
statements of Dr. J. H. O'Brien, a resi
dent in the district, be true. Yesterday
he made information before Alderman
Alicidasters against Christopher Hock, Su-
Pervisor of the township, for maintain
ing a phblio nuisance in the shape of
thoroughfares, which are almost impassi
ble, for man or Nast., Warrant issued.
A Good Appohumint--We learn that
Mr. Joseph Winching received the sp
-pointrnent of mall, or route agent on the
Allegheny Valley railroad. Having a
personal acquaintance ,with Mr. W., we
have no hesitaboy_in-prouounel the
appointment , a good. one. Mr. 'W oh is
en industrious, active, and-prsett i m i ; ,
ainewonius and. will discharge the d utte i
Of his appointment'faltblUlly. .• •
. . ,
The eighth • Auutitrstliirt.,of the Pitts.
burgh and Allosrben Home, for the
Friendless will be:he s t
~ this afternoon,
(Thursday, diatte lei) st tWve o'clock, In
e Union Baptist Church," ,Grent
street, _near. Sixth avenue, sburgh.
Intereining exercises may be expected.
The ptiblic tireiqordially Invited to at•
tend. By orderbf the Board.
Mae. M. B. Timm, Seo'v.
Body Beeovered—Coronerva Inquest.—
()droner Clawson yesterday held an in
quest on the body . of Casper Richter, a
young - man ninetee4, eaa of , who
was drowned libindalt,6ln , the stowage
hale river, neat theyettti end Qf the
Mothntgahela atianOlWW,Adidite,
bathing. ThetbilY was -found retort% it
morning. near the - ferry landing. at the -
Point. 'The jdry returned a ve/ diet of
accidental drowning. • '
Vote for Beeoraor.--The correct :vote
for Reetoder, In the County. Convention,
on Tuesday, as furnished by one of the
Secretaries from the tally list, is ail
Thomas Hunter .........
Hugh hfoMasters
„14eury , t Snavely
Augustus Beaker& •
B. D. Wlghtman..
AllegedtEmbeirlesmt.—Last evening
John McGuire weer:vested about :eleven
o'olock and lodger:t in the lockup, on a
charge of embezzlement preferred against
him by his brother, Joseph, before Al
derman Koenig. It appears the brothers
bad some pecuniary transaction between
them, when, according to Joseph's state
ment, he was defrauded out of -twelve
dollars. The accused will have .a.hearing
, this morning.
• •
Abandonment.—Margaret Jacobs made
information before Justice Helsel; of
East Birmingham, yesterday, charging
her husband, tleorge Jacobs, with aban
donment. It appears from the informa
tion that the deponent is the mother of
four children, that she is sick and unable
to ork, and that her husband, the de
f dant, has neglected and refuses to
p ovide for the support of her and his
a ildren. A warrant was issued.
Drove. Over.—The ordinance relative
t driving over , sidewalks, seems to be
ne of those peculiar laws which a cer
in class of people have a chronic dlspo
ition to violate. Yesterday morning
7sayor Drum's police.arrested a teamster
Who manifested this spirit bydriving a
team of horses, drawing a heavily loaded
wagon, over the sidewalk in the Diamond.
Th e usual , line was imposed and the
&Bier depalted; VierhaPs'twforget the Eit"
fair, and violate the ordinanCe again. ,
Slapped and Klched.—Agidans Gnten
miller and Frank Iteidenmiller, residing
in the Tenth ward, had a dispute yester
day, which was impolitely concluded by
Frank !"slapping Agidans in the month
and kicking him with his footn—what
else he could kick blurt with we don't
know—but such is the allegation in •an
information for assault and battery pre.
ferred by Agidans against Frank.. before
Alderman Taylor yesterday. A warrant.
was issued.
lee Helsel,
v, against
the peace.
Correction.—ln our report of the pro
ceedings of the Judicial Convention, we
inadvertently stated Mr. R. H. Davis. of.
Kil buck, opposed the resolution instruct
ing the delegates chosen to the State
Convention to vote for Gen. Geary for
Governor. Mr. Davis did not oppose the
resolution, but spoke in favor of it, and
says in a cote to us that he is ddecidedly
in favor of the re.r. illation of . Gen.
Geary." We cheerf t y
comply with his
request to place him ht . on the record.
`:Officer Assaulted.---Odicer Daugherty,
of Alderman Lynch's police, made infor
mation before that official, yesterday,
against James Anderson for assault and
battery. The officer alleges that he bad
1, warrant for the' arrest of Anderson for
forcible entry and detainer. In pursuf
aside of this duty, he alleges, he called
at the house and attempted to secure his
man, who, however, refused to go,. and
shoved himvut of the house. Anderson
was arrested and committed on both
charges for trial. •
Further Lttlgatlen,—,Tobil Froanholtai
a saloon keeper in Lawrenceville, made
information before AlderitisatiliciMillterit
yesterday, against R Elliot , Willianir
Tones. Thomas Gillespie, F. M. Gardiner
and John Smith, all members of the
Mayor's police. for aggravated assault
and battery.. The Ault arises out of an
information made before the Mayor
against Frounholts for selling liquor on
Sunday, whieh resulted in an assault
upon officer Elliott subsequently. For
%his attack information for aggravated as
sault was mule before the Mayor, and it
is ulleged that while being arrested on
this charge the offense here stated was
committed.. ' Warnmts were issued.
In Number Eleven of Appletons' Jour.
nal, Just
. issued, is commenced a
new story by Mrs. Oliphant, called ~ T he
Three Brothers," published from advanc
ed-ahem purchased of the English pub
lishers. Mrs. Oliphant is amopg toe
best of the Engfilli novelists, and the
opening chapters a this novel give•
promise of a story of exceeding interest.
This number of the Journal is accom-,.
panied an by eight-page atipplitnent, cony
taming sixteen illustrations of scenes
in and about New York. They are ex
ecuted in a very, superior manner. much
better than'we usually find lu Illustrated
journals. One, of the literary features
of this number - is thet beginning , of a.
`series of papers, called "Seven Sittings
with Powers, theticUllitor," by the Rev.
Dr. H.'W. Bellovre
Letter' elf:ler►e Deport.
The following isthe'4ll43gheny Letter
Carrier's report for the month of May:
Mall Letters 38,888 13,874
Drop Letters...... 4,488 :1,626
'Newspapers - . 25,078 • 739
Henry Watch, according to the state
ment of his spouse, must be anything but
a loving , companion; The lady alleges
that he beat and cruelly abused her the
other day for no cause whatever. For
this offence he was arrested and fined
$25 by Mayor Brush. Coming home, it
is said, be resumed :h. amusement and
indulged in 'it to Huth an extent that
Mrs. Bratch was almost unable to walk.
She managed to appear, however, before
Alderman Molidasters, yesterday pierc
ing, and lodged information against him
for aggravated assault and battery and
surety of the peace. . Bratch .keeps , a
hotel on Water street. Warrant leaned.
Thomas Carr and Thomas Clarkson,
while staggering along the streets of
Tecnperaneeville, Tuesday night, &maid
ersbly under the influence of liquo r,
here attacked and-robbed of abort two
tindred and fifty,dollars.. The robbers
.sittir getting the money lied and left
their victims to ; pursue their way home 7
ward. Shortly after" the occurrence, „the.
effects of the whisky still apparent upon'
them, they met bir. Wesley - Kern,
young man of respectability, who they
at once. decid4 , was , one of the• Parties
vibe had . participated in= the robbery,
whereupon they attacked -and him
shamefully.'Kern made information
*manta them for aseault and I)*tikyltie-,
fore Justice Kerr, %and yeisterety
were committed to Jail in default of bail
for their appealance at Court;
'net Our Tu.fits?‘; _
We have`biitore tistl3,3 of
Tetedona concert which is o\stake
place to-night in Liberty HSII, l East
`Liberty._ The selections, includ ing
pieces of;Eosaini
"Mene Soleditelin , 4i
reflect credit on Mr. T's good taste, and
on the public for whom they arelntend.
; e d. As to - the singers, we need only
mention their names to , gonvey the con.
viction that fall justice will be done to
the programme. The sopranos are Mrs.
Mellor and MreiNtewart, Miss McCall; :
dices, Mies Porter, Mies Northain; the
contralto, Miss Rtnehartv the' tenor. Mr.
Zimmerman; the bane, Mesere: 'Breed,:
Edwards and Einehart: We heat', of
guile a stir 'ln musical circles, and are
sure that, = the weather helping, OUT
Pittsburgh amateurs will have an suer: .
'flaking house. p .
.... : . 12
r ,
E =al I , IU at
A Feudly Breeze.
Markt Catart-ltle t tse
e afts o f
Ewing • ve. Thompson administrator of
It. Morgan, .fiettort of an the
case, judgment. of non-snit mati , entered
with leave to plaintiff to move the court
in bank to take off the nott•auit.
6. Townsend et mt. vs. Can.
62. McElroy, Dickson dc• Co. vs. Knap.
47. Schmidt &Co: . vs. Boehm.
102. C. C. Taylor vs. Patterson & White.
117. McClurkan vs. Thompson et al.
59. Conner vs. C. dr. P. R. a. Co.
118. Canfield vs. Barton, garnishee.
121. Rabensteln vs. Pittsburgh Fanners
and Mechanics Turnpike Co.
Common Pleas—Full Bench.
WEDICESDAY, June 2.—The argument
list was taken up in the Common Pleas
Court Monday and is still occupying the
attention ,Of the Court. No business of
public importance was transacted.
4itrangfi FWivity.
Joshua Strange, a colored youth, wad
in a festiVe mood last= Sunday evening;
And in the course of his 'matinderings
entered the. African Church Boyle
street, . Allegheny. The Occasion, time
and place should have been sufficient to
tone Joshua's hilarity down to, at least,
a moderate cheerfulness, but such seems
not to have been the case. *Once inside,
his first objective point was the gas
chandelier in the yeatibule, at which he
attempted in vain to light a -venerable
moors(' mum. By this time an, official
became cognizant of his presence, and
blandly insinuated that a walk in the
open ai - might be beneticial, but this gen-
Ale intimation to retire had not
the desired , offect,; .and evoked
an artistic, though rather boister
ous vocal exercise, in which the per
former rhythmically exOressed his in
tention of remaining until morning—"t
till appear." , lie aud
'denly chanced his mind, however, and
withdrew, in a somewhat demoralized
anti precipitate manner, influenced in a
great measure by several members of
tha church, who failed to appreciate the
sweetness and sentiment of his vocalize=
tlons. Subsequently they consulted
with Mayor Drum, and as a result, John
' was compelled to pay a fine . of five dol
' hire last evening for his little eccentric
ity. He can't understand and thinks it
a strange proceeding throughout.
Prospects of the Oil Market
YesterdAy ire had a letter shown to us,
under date of Slat ult., written by a
prominent oil firm in the oil regions to a
friend of their's. They give their views
of the market'and production, &c., based
upon facts of personal observation. They
, "Some time since we all looked for a
'Mutat production during this year, and
consequently high prices; but to the con
trary we have had a larger production
for the same period of 18.69 than in 1868,
and our present prospects are, that we
will produce fully• 1,800 to 2,000 barrels
per day for the balance of 1869 over, the
same period or 1868. Four dollars per
barrel pays , largely to a producer, and
demonstrates the fact that small wells
and many of them produce a great deal
of oil, and we have now a flattering pros
pect at and between Shamburgh and
Pleasantville, ,and below Pleasantville
andd - Pit Hole, on Cherry Tree Run, &rub
Grails, and' on tho Niles Farm, bear the
old Neyhart Farm. We fully believe
them to be good for 1.500 bbls Inside of
sixty days. Take these things with the
fact that we have exported inure relined
oil in 1869 that in 1868, during the Same.
period without creating any scarcity, but
to the contrary an increase of stock, we
cannot help but feel that 1869 will have
its three dollar oil as well as any other
year, and would not advise to buy a bar- .
rel 'more than is actually needed from
day to day.," „ _ -
Business of the Mayor's Office.
The followingla a condentted repoit of
the bualnesu
- transacted at the Mayor's
office during the month of May: - -
summit op oceans. •
Drunkenness ' ' 312
Disorderly conduct 282
Vagrancy ... 37
Informations 78
Informations for, disorderly conduct- 79
Violation of ordinances ' 19
The number of oases discharged , dur,
lug the month was ninety-five: •
Buonirrs or:OFFICE. '
'..51,411 15
.10 60
215 50
Fines ......
Jail receipts
Night police
Twenty-four tavern keepers wain re
turned during the month for selling
liquor on Sunday. The tines amounted
to $1,200. . Of this $6OO were paid to the
guardians of the Poor, and $6OO to the in
formers. '
The total receipts of the office ibr the
four months, ending May Slat, were
$7,652 50. The receipts for the month of
May, 1868,,were $852.50, showing an in
-crease in favor of the month just pest, of
Fashionable Wedding.
A brilliant.and fashionable wding
came off
e off lathe ElYnagogne nn t 'nook
a t
street, yesterday a ft ernoon, at, ha past
four o'clock. , blisi . Julla Srank,_ the AM
complished thinghtsv of YFIn Frank,
Esq., of Mount Washingtons was united
in the hoirtbendm of wedlock to Wigs
.opPenheitrier; - Esq., of this City. !' 'The
"ceremonies on the occasion were
lam Alliftw
formed by IWO*. -liatimbtirg, and ,Wisre
of an interesting eharatter. :The brbla
wee elegantly attired in a:white satin
dress, and was attended,: by. six brides.:
maids wh > were oleo taeleftilly dVenied in
;white. The' poominiati wore a 'neat
Vitt snit and white.kid gloves, andwas
attended by six grooinsmen aluillerl±
dressed: ="-"ThStS9higirffid4 was linta Will
a large and flishionablalegiemblage, esd
the a ff air is , glassed as one of lite MOM
fashionable weddings crtAliolsnlvinli l -
Another) 114 14
ilia liiiin•
4AetridkiPo4o3tatilliglanti iiiidttiVnill
tfithe years Orfte,.was arretted,o
• ) .-I. . , 4. 4 • .A
in i c i i i 4
the Union.DAVot, on Tumidity tdttettMA ' i
and taken4o the lock Up. F e , is a 'Elev . 1
Stan an dhliellteii in lblir otifintirebolir
twelve years. Holdatel; that; his: father
keeps a dying establishment at No. 1'
Wort Forty-fourth strebt;: NM* olf ile
City, and further „ says that ha.,iir L s.r ed
three years and sit ' months in the lib , y -'
11th Regiment of Newlrorir. • ;Volunteers.
The poor fellow is .a t'atranger RI- isi
strange l land.” He is not a resident •of
this city, and cannot - get into the City
Home, and not being a 'resident orthe ,
' county %betels no room. for him. in-OP 3 _,
County Home, artil lilscontilt l 9 l l $ l , 81191414
that he is not a fit peraon to run atilatiles,
so we presume he will have to remelt! . 10 ..
the lockup - until such time as hitinlip
Om'BA t and Barthel
mew's eomio pantomime troupe are
isolileving that success at this establish
ment which good performers invariably
receive. 'To-night, the comic pantomime
of Ks; or, the Aaventures of an
Aeronaut" will be presented. The
scenes are laid in oriental lands, and
aborind in many racy hits and ram nov
elties. The "Two Fugitives" will con-
I clude.the programme.
• -
noon at half past two o'clock, a grand
matinee for ladies and children will be
given at the Pittsburgh Theatre, on
which occasion a new and varied enter
taitiment will be presented. To-night
!Ixion" will be played for the last time.
The performance is interspersed with
songs and other attractive features, which
form a pleasing variety.
, .
GRAND CONCERT.-Our readers ehould
not forget the grand vocal and instru
mental concert to be given this evening
in the Smithfield Street M. E. Church,
by the choir and a corps of amateurs,
under the direction. of Professors Giles
and Aleiander. The programme has,
been selected .with great care and judi
ciousness, and we can assure all who at
tend a pleasant and well spent evening.
The Suicide at the House of Refuge. -
In the.GAzzrrE of yesterday we stated
that r a boy, an inmate of the House of
Refuge, had committee suicide Tuesday
evening, but were unable to give any
particulars, Coroner - Clawson was noti
fied'and held an inc nest on the body yes
terday, when the tollowing facts trans
pired: The, “victim of his own rash.
nesis" was Alfred Henry, a youth about
seventeen years of age, who was sent to
the House of Refuge from Beaver county
abOut two months since, at the instance
of his parents, for incorrigibility. Tues
day morning he made an attack upon
ono of the instructors or wardens of the
estahlishment with a shovel, for which
he was placed in the cell where he ter
minated his existence, about half-past
five o'clock, by taking the sheet from
the bed, fastening one en of it to the bar
across the upper portion of the window,
then getting up in the window he fas
tened the other end round his neck 'with
a noose, and jumped down. Life was en
tirely extinct when the body was dia.
Covered. The jury returned a verdict in
accordance with the facts.
Couldn't Collect It
Honors, Price, residing on lfifth avenue,
Third ward, started out in good spirits
yesterday morning to collect a little ac
count, but returned unsuccessful and
disappointed, like many a collector be
fore, her. Honora'slll success is thus ex
plaitted: Her husband, she states, was
in the employ of John Snyder, but loft a
short time since without having his as j
count squared. ' According to his eaten- I
lation a, small amount was due
him, and it was this that she
was commissioned to eecure. She
waited upon Mr. Snyder, stated the case.
and was astonished when informed that/
everything had been settled at the pro.
per time. Persisting in her demands,
and refusing to leave, the end of the con
ference found her ejected from the prem
ises. She then repaired to Alderman
Lynch's office and made information for
assault and battery against Snyder. He
was arrested shortly afterward.and gave
bail for a hearing.
Fifty Dollars Gone.
Tuesday ' , warning, a couple of Teutonic
gentlemen called at a saloon on Penn
street, near Canal, and slaked their
thirsty throats with numerous glasses
Of their favorite foaming ' beverage.
Upon leaving, one of them, apparently
oblivious to terr trial things, was per
suaded by his friero to leave his pocket
book, containing fifty dollars, in the
hands of the saloon-keeper for safe keep
ing. until they should return in the
evening. True to the arrangement, one
of the men called in the evening, se
cured the pocketbook and went off, lie
bad hardly been gone before f the other
man, owner of the article, appeared on a
similar errand, but , only to find himself
the victim of a small confidence game.
His friend; by ;this time, was out Of
reach, and the most anxious search has
failed to Alinovellhim slime. 0 I
Arranging the Table. •
There is scarce iy anything more at
tractive than netitness and order in the
arrangement of the household table. To
secure thus great desideratum, however,
in domestic economy, there are a few
things necessary; the moat important of
which is the possession of h choice and
properly selected stock of qneensware.
Superiority in other respects , will not
atone for defects in this. Happily now,
however, there need -be no-deficiency in
these articles 'as the manufactures at the
Keystone Po ttery;i Messrs. Kier & Co.,
proprietors, while combining all the ex
cellencies of quality, style, durability
and finish, are yet sold at such moderate
prices, no oue need be without a supply.
At the warehciuse,'No. 303 Liberty street.
a large and varied assortment of goods
is kept' constantly on hand for inspection
and sale: _ '
• 802
41,867 65
A good cigar, in the present age, with
a great of 'persons, has become
one of the necessary luxuries of exist
once, a fact which accounts for the large
.and rapidly Increasing trade in\ tobacco.
Among those M our city who cater to
this public taste, Mr. John Megraw, No.
46 Hand street, . will be found to keep
constantly on band the best articles and
one of the largest Ouppiteh in 'More any
where. Some of, his brands ,of -cigars
have achieved a 'wide celebrity among
lovers of, the weed, not only:in this. but
In other. sections of , the country. Those
;of our readers desiring anything in the
line of cigars, tobacco, snuff, pipes,
pouches, meerachakins, &0.,_ Ma, would
'consult their own - Interests by making
their purchases .st 45- Hand street.
• ll4, Z"det.,* ( ! ll * e • ;. . • •
With p l e as urei wejoin in the general
sentiment of commendationwith which
.stka establlidummt of_Mr....W. W. Moor ,
Mad; 81 Market strlet„ls every where
spoken Mr. Moorhead makes a ape
walty ofitds;businsou. which Is the great
reason 9r to§remeximmacillOciess. Every.
tainernin a paper ..of to a superb .
India alutivl, includlog : lsoe• goods,. dne
dross llgodostriMl.o l l(e , AIL. a styles,
may '..fognd b la mode l , toreooni,
none of which lkof Anterior quality or
sold at •,,unreanotnible prices. • Lately' a
nal l ,lf a 4 4. carefully ;selected assortment
afi bee 4 added •to the • already large
stook of goods, and we, would advise our
readers desiring the.first aholoe to make
their purchases• as soon as possible, and
before the rush begins. • •
To'the -,lcadlea..-4.11 kinds of family
sewing and ohildren's wear. made to
iso, stemping braiding Chemise,
eight yok!os, oppos, , dte.esk
tite,Wie4 *ming ; Ma - chine, office No.
116 Market street. - 6.
~*`'.``"', ~~ ~ ..~ .-. ~.s= .nom _ '"~ "~~
A Luxury.
Toe Cominental.
The Continental Saloon, Fifth avenue,
next door beldw the Postoffice, is kept
open during the day and evening for the
accommodation of all who desire a prop
erly prepared and substantial meal at
any hour. The table is daily supplied
with the best in the market, and man
aged with such commendable neatness
and cleanliness that the appetite of the
most satiate& epicure could not resist the
attraction presentee. Mr. Holtzheimer,
the gentlemanly proprietor, under
stands thoronghly his business, and con;
ducts it with! a tact and ability which
luetsecured for the establishment the
high reputation which it at present
enjoys. I •
Ctictle Reacting Matter.
School, law, medical, philosophical and
theological books in great variety and
assortment may be found at Col. J. D.
Egan% Sixth avenue, • below Smithfield
street. The Colonel -also has a rare and
valuable collection of works in various
departments of literature, many of wlich
are out of print and can be procured no
where else in the city. All the latest
periodicals, magazines, dm., will also be
found on hiscounters. The traveller, the
merchant, the divine, the student, the
politician, and • man of general lettere,
may be suited at this establishment.
Remember the place, Sixth avenue, be
low Smithfield street.
The Munson Lightning Rod.
During a thunderstorm at Eddyville,
Ulster county, New York, Saturday .
morning, Mily 15th, the lightning struck
a building of the Delaware and Hudson
Canal Company, setting it on fire. Be
fore the flames could be subdued, five
barns, two Stores '
and a storehouse, and
the building's and way of a shipyard, to.
gether with a boat, were destroyed.
Much valuable property would be saved
annually if, persons having buildings
would protect them by the use of the
Munson Copper Lightning Rod, manu
factured by Lockhart tic Co., 234 Penn
street, Pittsburgh.
It is Selddm that we use the columns
of this' paper to "puff" or notice - the
'•thousand and one" artieles known as
~ Patent Medicines." We, however,
vary from our rule in the present case,
that we may call attention to the article
known as I.s. T.-1860—x.., Plantation
Bitters.". We desire it understood that
we do so without any solicitation or
promise of benefit from the proprietor or
other interested parties, We simply do
it as an act if duty towards 'those who
are laboring under physical disabilities,
weakness, and the various complaints
arising from -impurities of the blood.
Having used the Bitters at the instiga
tion of a frland, (and. we confess, with
some misgivings at the out set.). we
found them a most valuable medical
cornpound,!and to our great satisfaction,
accomplished the object for which they
were used.
fdAatromA Werra.---Superior to the
beet imported German' Cologne, and mold
at halt the price. THALT.r.
Orders Solicited For.
Vrime 'Assorted Candies,
Prinie Burnt Almonds, ;
Prime Cream Almonds,
Prime 'Marsh Mallows,
Prime Soft Gum Drops,
Prime Hard Gum Drops,
Prime Peppermint Lozenges, '
Prime , Frult Lozenges,
Prime:Cream - Mellow Lozenges,
Prime; Liquorice Gum Drops,
Prime Smooth Liquorice Drops,
Prime Cream Bon Bone,
Prime Cream Chocolate,
Primo.Dessert Chocolate,
Prime:Cream Candies,
At 112 Federal street, Allegheny City
Geonon BEAVEN.
Elegant; Parlor, Dining Room and
Chamber Furniture,Carpets, etc., at
Auction. iOn Thursay, Jima 3d, • ,at
Masonic Hall Auction Rooms, 55 and 57
Fifth avenue, will be sold a large _and
line assortment of parlor, dining room
and chamber furniture, new and second
hand carpets and household goods. For
specifications sae advertisement. H. B.
Smiths°. I it Co.
The place to get White lame, Cie—
cinea Plaiter, Hydraulic Cement. hi t L . ,
Scher & Caskey's. 18 Smithfield stree .
Constitution Water is a certain cure frA
Diabetes ,Und all &seises of the Hid
nays. For sale by all Druggists.
Fine Dress Goods.--The most eleigot
novelties lof the season at Bates t
Chintzei, Lawns and Marseilles ar
Bates tic Bell's.
Ileop - Skirts and Corketa at Eaten dr
Dress arid Suits made to order it Bates
(SE Bell's.
• Mourning Goods In variety at . Bates it
Bell's. I
Lace Mantles—all the new styles—at
Bates dr. Bell's.
Lane Curtains in eats and by the yard
at Batea & Bell's.: _
Onus is not the only nation which pays
roundly for small services or none at all.
In England there are scores of personsin
the pay of.the Foreign. Office at high sal-`
aries, who have not done a day's service
'in twenty years. One man; wholes ro.
celved $270,080, has not been consulted
since 1854; another, wholasilved in ab. ,
solute idleness for forty-four years, has
received i $150,000. There are, numerous
cases of this kind. A. man, ever so clever.
and useful is set aside, by some Foreign ,
Secretary, perhaps for a relative:or favor%
its of his own,;and goes ,upon‘ the:retire&
list when 80 years old, and fixes till 80,i
receiving from 15,000 tie 10,000 a year .to
live where he likes—fifty, years enjoying
his otium sum digni.ate at the expense of
people Who work very hard and stamen
little at limes to pay their rates :and taxes..
,The pleees in the Royal household, hon-.
-arable sinecures, are a sort of Tension or
reward for , . , 3 services.: ; The s e
flange with the changes of Cabinets.'
A 811110 D Of FM Church ministers in..
Argyleahire, Scotland, , has teen discuss
in_g the subject of •promiscuous 'dancing.
'"ln all parts of filcotland,niaccordingto_
one witness. "the evil was raising its - .
head. In Csmpbeltou, Lochgilphead,ln.l
verary, even in Rothesay itself, midnight
balls, revelry, and their cousequentten,
were greatly op the increitee:r.'..tAt-
Lochgilphead there is a tall every year,
`though the minister: "always preaches:on}
the autiject previonalo its taking place:”
A deceitful practice has also 'piling bp,of
having soirees, followed :by, dancingoso
that the , clergy who accept what seeing' an
Innocent invitation, r find themselves be , '
trayed into countenancing einful paa•
times. As a mere exercise, .dancingwas
denounced as a system% of itmetmingless
antics," "a certain shuffling bf the limbs
Which, r ationally retarded, was nuititelll!
gibe and savvely uncouth."
- - • 'Ttti;g7,
P. ,
Life iterate in England.
The British House of Lords, after I
great deal of hesitation, has agreed ,to the
second reading of a bill for the infusion
of new blood into the House of Peers, by
the creation of twenty-eight life peers
that is to say, the appointment of that
number of gentlemen by the Prime Min
ister to sit during life in ,the British Sen
ate; and the speedy passage of the bill
through both.llouses of Parliament may
be regarded as a certainty. Seven years
must elapse before the whole number of
the new ISe4iators can be appointed. The
twenty-eight new peers are to be selected
from six classes: first, Scotch or Irish
peers who have not at presebt seats in
the HouSe of Lords; second, • persons
who have been members of the House of
Commons for ten years; third, officers of
the army and navy; fourth, persons who
have held high judicial offices; fifth, ex
civil servants of the crown;. sixth, per
sons distinguished in the arts and sciences.
This bill will establish ctn. important
Principle in English Government—that of
_a Representative Senate instead of a
hereditary Legislature, and will pave the
way for the total abolition of hereditary
leg.islators, or for swamping them by the
addition to. their numbers of *majority
of repre sentative men. ,Mr. Gladstone,
if he remains in power six years, 'will
have the privilege-of strengthening hfin
self, and his party, under this bill, by the•
addition. of twenty members to the Lib
eralside of the House of Lords.
RHODE ISLAND'S postßonement of
action on the XVth Article is connected
with the wars of Sprague and Anthony,
Senator Anthony is reported - to, have
- Worked hard and openly to defOtt the
Amendment. The ground upon Which
professed Republicans base their opposi
tion to the Amendment seems a foolish
one. Rhode Island exacts a property
qualification in naturalized voters. The
Constitutional, Amendment providing
that no man shall be deprived of the
privilege of voting "on account of race,
color, or prey haus condition 01 . servitude,"
would compel us, say the followers of
'Senator Anthony, to admit foreigners
without any such qualification, and moet
of them would vote Tor Sprague. This is
a curious misunderitanding of language.
Are Europeans of & different race from
ourselves, or only of different nation?
Te timid Republicans might as well do
the thing handsomely while they are .
about i 4 and argue that the same clause
would-oblige us to admit aliens to the
- sufrage without the qualif=tion of five
years' residence.
Tun veteran New York editors are
thug spoken of by a, correspondent: "A.
great change will take place in the jour
nalism of New York, during the- next
tenyears. We may count, with an almost
absolute • certainty, upon losing Mr.
lames Gordon Bennett, Mr. Bryant, Mr,
Thurlow. Weed; • and. Mr. Greeley. If
they are not actually beneath the sod,
they will have outlived their usefulness
.asjeunaalists. Already there , are those
who think that Mr. Greeley's mind -is
failing. Mr. Bennett is so feeble that he
seldom comes down to Isis office." Mr:'—
Bryant is very ,aged, and Mr. Weed has:
suspended.all a ctivnlabori,
KNOB-On Theeday,'Ja Tic Tit. 'ISABELLA D.
wife of ttokert K atm, Esq toe 034. year .of
The teneral•will 'take place from bee lime , reel,-
deuce, No. 17- tlhevtdiin !wane, Wed Cotai our-
Alleetierry City; Tn ue tiVA"Y (.141x)n Ti.ICHICOOI4,BI.
o'clock. The frie ads or the family are Invited
burgrii - .11. - COFFINS of all londs,clunrs.
GLOVES. cry deacrlptlou of Funeral Fur
nishing Goods furalsbe,d. !towns open do and
Welt. .I4par.o ' , ad Carriages Inrols.led:
REPEREITURS—Rev.Daviu REIT. D. 0., Rer.ll..
W. Jasobn,s D. O.,_Tbolnao Ewhig, Ja•ob
13. ESCO
_UN.J .
AV - ENID, Allegheny Cityoshere their 00Itletis.T •
ROOMS we constantly suppliod with .real 'and
Imitation Bo eirood., Mahogany ands Walnut
Collis, at prices s &tying from .R* to $lOO.
dies prepared forin rment. Marries and Car
riages furniehed: also,. II lads of Mourning .
Goods, it required. °Me o en at all bouri.4llT
and night.
Saratoga i'A" ' Water.
Congress Witter.
Rissingeti Water.
&es, &Ca, &Co,
aorner Feurti. Avenue, and Smith-
Sala Stradt.,
TiONtl. Chemicals said True Glicezine Hoap,
E U ENlilf 13141. E. •
'would reepeotfally loll:was bls rie,ndu mid ihe
public generally. that lib •
Collor of ,Petin. and Sixth Sheets,
10011 HALL
I;l4.ltri_wi Lk ,
.11.1•EttlitODIETERSi .-
copERAI MAR n•
- ~;-,
- ..,1 ,
; JawripmFAYlD ortzar-sai,
'& CO. •
alma,! STREET, hate 'St..
*gra have' Met received from the East the best- .
beef New Goods for SoriaBl , 4o'oer breught
to the mirliet: The Arm eruiinito au 4,1111.
t rd mato ihotbes cheaper and better tbati t e t ey,
0141assonment of GENTLEMENIft FUsteiRSH.
INS_ ROODS are at all times to be found at this
bone. Our umbra. la 50 eISTIf STREET.
. ,„. .„