8. DUqUESNE WORK& • OLEIAAN, 11A-13M & CO., _ • Manufaciturero OS . fr ON; NAILS, STEEL, . . . .AXI.ES'AND SPRINGS, „.R II744 t TONE, , L Z ASD. JIIN - LLTA. • . ROUND 'AND SQUARE IRON. Rour,.SREET AND TANK IRON. BOARD 1 AND READS, GUARD IRON DRAG and'PROYPER RAIL TLANGIr.D. OVrTER BARS, CV LiNDE I IakiD.FLATCooI CROWBAItS,WEDOE•O RARRoW TyAraid, EIPRIN,FLoW ANP CULTIVATOR STEEL, WMELWINGs lIOULDS cukto pAlter. MAL tHAAPPNO.- 1, .; R. 1 COACT!, RUGGIri d V A.GON.sritnies inet CUT NAILS AND 000dS Fist” - and Warranted. 461tra.; ibeterrxth Street., and Alvegheny giver, 1169stor itreet,PUSibiurg suErnELD 'TEEL *Ongs. ,_,.. - - I_ - -- ~ f , 1 UNGER, NIMIOII4r ,OO, , PITTS33IINGN. P. lianuftiversoi.erery descript!on of CAST:' 44511- GAIN STEEL, . IlillaW • e SPAII;IO43, wo amm - ' 13""1"15ittge,9°Liflatc.Vias i. ll Wiirehosiseter andlooFirst St% MILLER, BAILS b. PARKIN• la a5in041. 7 . 6,1311 h 1880 - WIG lISTOALY 1 .szuey..l .7 =taxa, GEO. W. 'BAHR: ' 1 OH . r.t. . ISTSCIAL raworre -- ts• K. sizlL , • CRNSCNNT STER L WORKS, "(WMI BARU & .Eutim 9 , . . Office, N 0.339 Liberty St.. - • , prrTestosou.r s. . . rilt:dl9 , ' -11 BLACK D "ND EmEEL -BROVIEII - it CO. Xiiik"le°ll"lof'lo4esetiPtlual of . . —06r38 31 3 pipe ST =yr sad BAILSOAD ST •• • . • • • ' • • prriesvmuu. ON NirOMB JAII• V 1043111, Pra t t. Wr: PaM . Mart. pimicinnataCrou:GE AND-IRON Co., 1' xAstrrAmiAms Bar Isom . lialliesiad Fishßass and Bolts; roiid Car axles Zoned; 20 111 read Car. Azkf lo - Mottentiotive - Bide Boas: Pistols Bet _' ' - • ItteambOat Sh afts; Steamboat essantua Piston Bala,. Wrists; Pitman Jaws, Cellars, Be: ffL C;4;: 17 : 7'iliNlir 'STRICZT, FA BLIAIRSILUISBN 1110CBSg..? XlM:Trairtees are now nrerwitt gnu!. Now for eine of the- - Vie superior quality in adist -the great Isaprovement in inferior tron, - ana the • Waded opt, commend Mho all insurstsfeeturers of --Parties wishing to use It can obtain ileenseily TAMES ' - aaidrag toz's A.ttorney Shi the Tesited. scioxa IS and Znglishss Itssilelle., 963 i loath avenue.. far Iles'. lute -rusted Are :Invited .to visit the' 3}3081.13101GER WORKS. where the mewls 10Wills EvEloos,ATFarrwi & co 4 Pennevinala Iron. Works., Wasehirgule: t - 1 305. ite it:Ol6T 4. 111.1121 T - AiXfaiLitanicinVillgaincat. ":osiae NOVELTY-WORKS.PRICS. •,. • • gQB S v, a ni n . :•• Potinded - • " *-];'.oA4llo', • aratVtei COL - • l•ti- 1., 1,, 'lf ICLNUIIACTIOIZEIS -1 ,•.!• CgreItatZETAIMA.NO, __WAInBANI SPAT! • IT) PLATYORK AND-COUNTIA aa •ti•IIVAA• •L' ; isaas load Doce iLoolca asurLatalkeil, • • 2.* -Paintsad Cores irk • : OqUatik VE,ll3StAnirtiE laWfr PltuillmuSlPeu boAt 0m m. itap-voids" oAty; .r; -T" 'DICKSON,, mar Ic C 0. ,. . •- -. • going :emoted their Osie to '•• - ' ',.: , NO. 507 "MEATY STREW' ~ oa telyi*irwurignmium9 ll a 4oll •: tialmix tlslc;wamgrVglindGEElO• .. NT • t QUA st 3.4 All S ordArl tii i °// 4 r'saa*if t .._ SanSlDttr•----.----------- - --2.- 1 -- , . If, , scountots, -•?;.. • is'.B*.prtauxk- - 4 1.4. • I • P 1113114106 F*./87 Tbls :streeti , • f " = l ' iviithitnum. P. - El 11,.,, -- ,e, ii:, , l _,,,'y„...X4TIAW_PMW...,,i. • :QllVOrsiitt 140trigiff#FefrligP, 111 to eso.l. istingmuir - it p:iTIOAIL bald Idukfkiaoitis" - Astii Vel e l = l ft /10an . talsts. Zkunness, rt ai t --.Jiriptoisis. Portraits tawi l 7M, Gate's at pe• dith brinuigox bul k . Nos. WS sad IS Third sriseriatUßNallo:, , JeItINIEWIu4I OO bbliliontweillt w-imumia wasent,far" . 8 . ta ws - It ipt •axra. . • - • - 1 ^ - , ' • , • _ ' • . ek L"r " .. ^ , ••,,t .W.-11.46. ' MtV.,4" - . -- • , ' • .••••• •-•-• , ; 4 4.. .7 •f" ,4 24 4. **s,l4lEtfe ' " , );, kr - 4044 l yf t, - ~ • . 1 4 ,,, 14 7 "*.vg-,‘"4 • - .-„ • - • " .L" kripit.J‘ • . de,l4,,PlA .ww-ist‘ - • INAP PORT PITT RY COYF \ INY. FOUND OFFICE , AND' WORK t . • TWELFTH STRF., PITTSBURGH, P AVlTlEngines, + 'obituary, Sail Mac tarts, and Casti.ngs*in R i r "r".ll7o4 l AND PIPE ,WORNS iind Baaallffiin errs wmm4 ME , vrinrstru:n9l3, WILLIAM Sly maiLutuoturev .of JMIT MON,BOIn, YOB OAS' ASV WAORIVO Pipes are all cast lavariabllla. PI -! tusad and IS feet lengths. laso fall al ist general' , 'Caslings for ills and, *ate •• ; mireld also call the attention Of aa me of Gaa Works to my make of HE DITQUESNE .FQ Wilan (Successor ti - JOS: PALM Hu facilities eo•extensive... iitth leading Forges In the Rut, and Is prepared promptly an d.satis2cfili ell orders far STRAMBOAT BliArrit, ARKS, PISTON , RODAa.RVERS, MN A WRIASTIS, RAILROAD ALrd, aemass together firith every not MAPS WuRE. 02Loestkdlorie. oraer at Ducintina Pap and fOt.Btree apl4:tke. R — OBINSON, ant “6: _ 2,„ BaciA:t to,XddriKAN SIBUI =WM% ilitifiliEDlGTON WORKS `FOUNDERS 11ND Nkorifittrtuntstimiw, msinfat'apareii of Boat and Stationary Mean En netaltiinst Engines, lan Machinery, Be , Castings of all descriptions: 011 'SA 'Boiler and Sheet Iron Wofk. _ Mee._ O. .00Fner First and Eintitlineid Streets: - - Agents for 13,111,8D , 8 psTENT 121.TKOToll for tending Boilers. cha ItErus ciliumi_ti. c l .., _ • ~„.. To4ft War* Foundry afia* stioiki, 3 pmEDlr9ar to,. er.urtimanr ctmr. pa.. Manntaistsrers of Stefan Ott-Preakee rthlays, Shafting, Grist an Saw MIS Work Be • Mil and Machine Ginseng', Grate Bars Weigb Wagon Boxes, ae.Build to order an. have on 'n/Cugines of n 1 . 1 . 14 - es. ' un'44“l6 CES"FR FOUNDR Y • AND ROLL WORKS ; - SBO Penn Street. BOLLIAN, BOYD & BACLUBM liMilortioirs. 801 l Liitheo. 80. BRASS FOUNDRS. JOHN N. COOPSH AINNEY ELM JOHN CO_QP , •Eit CO.. `Bel l ' ") and Brass ;. CAlirriNGIS Imps rsoxrrur TO cournaL.: MalesNepd -Grey Iro, Fittings, -t,, ,1 . 1 V? GAS PIPE AND TUBING, . THROTTLE, %HETI AND : iigtt. ALL GLOBVPATTISBAL - • .; raprilt COiCIK liii4':4lion for : • , :.i - ''iSt!llTl3 V a t e.f A:4 ° e mms urAermucic§ OF J. Di. COOPED:B IMPPY•eIkPUZP. Agee to for • -ItrettrAtte , Patent Oil ete, the best in thf • wairki,-come! 4btriceaii: streets.- /I RE , ,• Tyree litar fireen Brsnd, sh a t to FRENCH FAMILY,,FLOUR. • „ onl This Iflonr will yve tens when Me 1 net to best - - pi:umarmxtu - szialp dots nurentrrigiu • TALIMPLEM 4111 3 % _ Allegheny. Sept. 9. . 1869. PRAM: ----_ _ 8 - Midirittiditiatt i , • ---,- • .IiATTIN G -.- ~..„,........:-...---,,,-...-.. -- • --flomiEll;BELIAlli-mt- -.-- _ - ! .1iitc§40*"0011110W: 1011 . 1 . 11. 1 ' • `'. .! ./1 ' 1! ..!`ti , /T11') h!! . .: It I '4;. , Lc t ' ' ' l t :t,IPTVZI4O3OOO:". 1 MEE • :41i • 11, King batorars 11:11J1li'l.1C1D111111 and £3VROR AZD KIA 2 WPWIT -a. )frlff :i fr it ** AW*4**ll4 iipaß AND -PER14M6314.1 TON PPS -, OUNAMENTAL ' ilß alrd•streltf Sear irillastd, Tift s burg"ll . A b Ta m s aaciuMtesd . a isanzaan t-c-ht-J.,i -dieg, fit dsawal. rf i gezdan acndemen's Wltal P Baal , attand onAna, 3 "I i t VA t i kritAirF.lll caql cdlV " Lades and Genttemesis adz caning _dons 1M tee neatest Trimastr l g ,.13, ~.:,. :: ~-,..sals us • — 7 -- oboi ti OilialtiEllit. 141110065P4-53im..in • F-- chili' 2 . ) • . • lir AM • ..1 ' ,/ 111 . IT,. • .'' J 6 .11t0S4 P. 94tP1 07 7 i .1.14 "1/4. ' - isitt PITP S T.GALWPT4(IaIPIDNPDAIrfr: Awli?coq• 11116 . 1180L141k, Cor. Point Alley and DuquesneSt" Engine Rudders, „founders And ;'. Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES andrITA TIONARY ENGINES, of all gam Motel attention invited-to our new STATION OIL WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILER, of 1.5-borrewower. 4DASIGI3,of every Lind A made to order atom Foundry, on THTRD STREET,. below a...... .Market. RIGS for 011 Wells, SHAFTING. HANGERS HOUSE and ToßAceo SCREWS an IRON TOBUINF4ESPO , en band and made to order, at the , - • ) INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting 9. the Allegheny Hirer, near the Point. ~„ PITTBBUREM, PA. Ul g ~i Sir All orders promptly filled. T*Ti;rs. FORT PITT 11011"SrLL LIB TANK " 1- WORKS • CARROLL &SNYDER, au4urAcTusiqji Or . . TIIIIIILAIL DOUBLE-HELITED TUBULAR. F1R5.1397.;AN,,1) OTI,LERRLI ~STAIA BOLL IX". STILLS AND OIL TANKS. OWILANNYS,.BRXEGRING AND ASH PAN% SETTLING - PANS, dILLT PANS AND COICI DENSERS . GABOICETBRA AND, IRON . • - PRISON DOO'BB AND COAL siateriti • • 12 IPE wove and Warehouse. career Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets. "4111414 us sent to the above addres i s ca wAje promptly attended to. WM. BARNHILL BOILER-,I4IWERS . AND SHEET IRON IicORKBRS, IZ3 'BM NOS. so, ss, sa 1.141) 1116 PENH ST. secured ti lacge yard and furnished It wnn the 'meat approved machinery, we arepre- Mto umunthictureuvery (=pima °Mar ath. hest county voommtevrp3 any made in the country. Locomot iveeys BreeOLlg Yire Beds, Steam Pipes, Boilers', Condensers, Salt Pans. Tanks, Oil Stills, Agita tors, Settling Pans, Mier Iron, Bridges, lima Pans and Ede manufacturers of Barn's Pat ent , - • hie" bb 'f~iisi MI & C 0.6 XABEI3 M. ItITE! 1 , eJ Nos. 55. an d. 56 Wager Street, IRON s OIL TANKS, irrnilsre razia. oemis ..~ 1 OU R _ , !ME rag porenq Pa. IMILIMXIMige PA., suartrzurewsza or ROLLING KILL wrimcs, no* woRYE4 / ;:Andlganicr for /363,nivals. wueri D. muss TAILED BL MUMS k SON, • • . KilniirAcrimums car Steam Boilers, 011 Stills, tank& ' • 61 .renis Streit, Pittabstrgh, Pa. STOVES,. ciarmas, &0 THE REST STOVES. A. BRADLEY kr. CO. manul?ustazers of the greatest variety of Cookt.rarloraidlikating Staves, ;ro.mg IMMO erAis.. — , Sege Agents for she' eelebrited - Base Burning Oriental Stoves and, Furnaces for Hard Coal or Hoke.Besa in the Wolld for Parlor,Ogice, Store or Ch=oh. !Ire needs no rekindling—bur= all win !? "t'o Y lr *TO7IeD Tome for CircLar. Our Agents for OrientalsDßl l2ll . lol `Sndthinild St.* gizO. hiumay. Allegheny city. ELM HURISitel • • • 11141,6 i. itt P V3iti gifig •P. • • t • - 116 . 14toj f i r:',' - co Waite: itirraz; THE yonaif "Bui# , ioo. • NW - -104. Wic; ':1115171.s: cooKs ' VAN'S. - (C 11141111111 41, - ratterny--roRTA S 4 RANGE OAST DION KANTLYA F TB BElPLEcToß,±lo,kgritsilree 74 , u 4 1 0 11 . e 114411 FEU. /SAL • 206 and - 206 Libeitrellieet, , lirtitarßeH, PA. 1TC!,171 . . r CET, THE ;BEST. • .;,.. ,A ;=.iilWii, , , .;f,- , FOR arrumrso 0$ I COAL. Warranted to Bake or Boast as Arelnman other Stove Is thellnies, N 0.6 -la rVr'Stroo, "boon kang l i PAILLOA ra e OILIM " InT 1 - "TIT "jig Gr gif.:.I7.iIMYANO7OI4•T fic o - IsoValoiltiet,Dirnievosia.. - 1 ” : JU .OOO diet 1.14 toot 'Cleak Plr•P.f_f '. f lid,oo o feet 1% inert Common P l a nk; I .:ilti. utPlArtesir and A Men Oak: f • ~truu ft. , Ut, X and 3 Inett . Poplan: ,Wlll teat ry Poplar Spat_ $ ilk . 1 ' 4 %11SIllet ziellow_Plne BOarriar f _,O .009,Seet. e..,-00111Yeet• if. Ti lr eU 1 1 % 01 4 - . .4i 0L i ts tea. Sri. ' 4 , 0 0.31 0, 1 1 1 0 _, 0 Mel& liawf \ I mu 1 o. a ae-inca w i ti o.es, stior . cd; :, , i boi i , crainkv. ~, :. , u - - 3,001Y-11 1 re VI& -, f , , 1., . i -k .: .10 , •-, ,amproosinta . ' 4 'Atiso. l SAW flialle Lumbar. - TAMA , and 43•011 . ilrate, Radiate:Put:les In the llatmv band and Mu side by AfWil4 PATTI/JOON. Yards— pro.lar aO. traetlthieorner or Preolaanrd tenth -Jan_loof,lllanattr.3l it... 0 • • . : Arg — ,AND --- AstAi , kiRES. .r % iv; iCI !W • ier of Veighta sad litessna.' . • . - 44;4,-.143..; 411-11 C1 sumits•dii, 14 ii :1 -- (- - . ,: . 4F/NAlfaUlh - . MITT ,- 1047 , -, , ,BRiKrii I .CONANY. ... ,..1,1 t..„ i L....,... No. 169 Wood Street, c a ArKo.L, :, 7._ ::, . F 1200,000. .. ... STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE, DICALEMB IN GoVERNIamt - BEOURITIES AND'' COLD. 11,111EIT'LLIOVEDO/i T 1 11112031113. Collections made on 111 - _accesaltde Points In the Milted StatesandOsnades. p.Hottetter„ . A PIYa ! CT .I 9I3BI 43. sow, • James EH:Pruone - - ' - Boht.M. Kew; - -'- D. Wallace,Andrew hillier, Z. lawcett, --. James M. Bailey. PLIIPI“ IicULITBRAN, Pros% •• 'IN LENT . *rums. aiiikier. HAUT, CA:COLLET ts, CO., AND . BitoKnit, . 13ANXERS • COrner Third a nd Wood Streets, ierrwtsimitexi. N.A., ...__ _ (BUCCESBOBB TO . WE'S., MART.` C 0.,) plias= LW _.,... Exluinge, Coin, COnponw, And particular attention, paid to the , purchase , . ~ :,and sale of ;.._. , . COVE R PitliEN T ,BONDS. ,. - 14kiiii i.ii•aitii iiniAiiiiiOn: s: ' .; mYlniat N 1 _110VIF‘1k411P1F!31. .... 'l3 1;'..:'.." , .:'... ":,.'-':'. ::;..._ : .L..!•! ,13,4L1W15-10r1.0 . 67 Market Street, a ..,1 ierrx-rourrisa; Lite'. con ons made on all -the principal points of the II ted States and Canada". i. 5 I 1 1 IndsandotherSecurities s . : --- ' , -. ,• : - . 7 . :'.:*- ,-..,,, ,_'` -..... • tiGIIT AND 'SOLD ON CUIDUNUON. • , Particular atlentles paid to tau and ot • - - • United . States Securities. . JAY: '"COOIr_E , . - dr: CO., , 1 ~`.. sEltstxxix.erAt, \ 114 , EiOUTH THEED sritEr, ruaLAiDitiPar.k. . _ . . STOOKS and BONDS of all desert tic . ... , . bought and sold. ' ' Special attention g iven to the purchase a dse of Li o vernment Securities. " ' LIAO ' - OILS. ' WARING AND KING, . - oF,i*.r. - ;' - : ii - ,i" -. ,-..• •,•.,,,', ':.•;!, Commission Merchants and Brokers • ~_., .- ..,,. ..%-"t'.. , '—'l' . '. retioletun arid.: its ' II , cts, ..L.:;,.: oAtZELL , B BLOCK, IitiQUE.SiE WA , ETITIATOMPHIL ADDRESS. .Boom it, COnnbei of ' •• • Lis SOUTH /3FAX:fhiD ISTRZST. .., spit . ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFI EBY: '' flaunt IT.'•C., ' - :A' I : • .',.,1A4Tr44g & High Test Bo nin; B .P.r . • I Lubricatinnin; -Oils. I , • •ir.elile istiffirO . oai. OIL , , ~. , , lR ilttZia t tgritlt antsosillreek ot tropical climates or hot weather. \ , totomotturAZthocMyeklisoMine Salop, Will cut screws. i - • _ ! SAICJIEIIIIII4O,'N'ISIaIIue Xillr,Oasi • J ) iga l l i 4 r ll ll .! gh =l . Hes.l4. ( glit6 ll o 6 0 011. Tanners' Stuff. Scalsole, .. km 0 Viziliabipas flg. 1111.01 Amer • ~. 2- ' liarneskro2ll64o, ~ u ~ ~ !rapt: , sip. .. ARMOR i ; .1 . 4 i pr eserve ;, , !Opt , kron • Workand Mathl ri mu' • these productir 'Manufactured under Dr. e T u te d 4,1: 1 ; s ztantttogireurillarlel,l4emaintwknorr ac: perrectlUlrei,+=, ~,4 , 4 d u tei eg iin- lica i :A ivreniiihiliniplaitring ex i t e reme cold Theilallread. Otis are tnilentialled, and are In e lk iii r use : on many' of the principal Railroad& pies' can l i witn e l li4. o .l :k a t eli r . i r il le f k uig aa ii i,Z . mroop tkßßOVattiii if.i i•s,: • :: :COMMISSION ,. MERCIMS ..; Aint - pli'axus IN j i-. . : . Petroletai -; iiit: ; its :',ii*oliiits ' kittibu t ik:osoi-A•Attff , is t t h oute , 0... r at cueuit) rya" pad I rw i n atrAlliat .. . .iok vas '6llos-IAT WALNUT BT. '-`ticiewiio- (l iA Oliti-eitivottiw- , kl `" ,,,, ii.-m-Lcitio sih.c.o; • ~.: ...,.,.....:... sw._.. ...., .. 1 1 1 .. i.: ~,..11 an,ft 4.1 ~.,,,..47.1...: .., . 1 , 7-11.14!PMT i.,:1.,.!!-,.mr75. 1 1 ,, -, ~i 1 ~ }l'`) ' ! . 1 41 1 1 I Esti. IRTPOPPAGIVOAP t Io_PA r sI u igi 4 -,,, ltd.4.i. ~ lotio , ~.i zittkr., 4 ''''rla ,, • , IPIETWOISTMIIL . 911rA r .a.. I — l . .' - 2.•:‘•-• I.i. • M9S*.O.' lEefF;04,101C140400„ ~A NII I , E STEYISCOTTAGEtROW ''''!rite.'llooMiluiroodsiwT,Eif 1,16316 'Agri! e mentykrioultAilliaru ,trAys ffi ll iM i r itir. r ltl th tr Vr6uett 40 1 4 1 5141 • Muni - s, tonsil Dlli ki ilo4l4Fell'Ae wo n ' V ita= t bi n 01 a"the .;,'• ' 66.1"b1 W thunt *II WM ' t so to stSe .....d SAM IdlLehealer , .rl l 6 l O , NriA " I ClidatiidGßOWlllT Sands at the head Of all reod'in slramentg ' in gratilalgtl ArgatArddreggf /tare! It le ample ;111,,mpaptiA OpletnlCAGht mud: : Illi t aP r V I II ”-iroxulimANAL. it itV , -=&rhi. ..,.,,,,..,..„, ik...,,r• il ly tol,Nn I :issue J. t ii ..,, , . ..1.10/11104103P., W r te.P.iie'elia , s46 , l4 sr' .. , .esturk . rWU - OTs Ctltid ' .sl-o*.h. L-lillo. Wit Tin. 201.4.1 414 10 1 MEM =I IrrDZ.l. l 4 UZI 111 evr4PX-1117:), :- ITER AND;,:C,OUPONS nought at l ifigilest Prices. PH RL 111LEUTZ., Banker Cor. Wood and Fifth Streets. iny6 JAMES T 1 B: Ulinecestiors 08. J 61413 11:10..) Corner Fourth acid Wood Sts., ALIV tE39 Bpi. AND BELL ALL KINDS OF SEtUaITIES, GOLD, SILVER i A ND COUPONS, ON MOIFT IAI7ON&BLE TERMS IMIE I t rir Interest Allowed on Deposits. I stir Mqney loaded on, Etovernment Bonds at WWII" MIMS rates e s -6., Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of STOCKS. BONDS and I GOLD. JAMES BRADY & CO. GOVERNIMT BONDS 1 We will register_ kinds of Government Bonds free of charge. .:Thisgives the holder ab solute security against; theft,loss. or destruction. , \A IVIES T. BRADY - & CO Dealers in Giivernnient Bonds Con. FOURTS & myl3T5 16 Pj-10 ,51 1,4g1j t_aapty FlNiarotijOri) TRADE My Telegraph to the ettuhorytt Gazette.) • 'NEwiYoux June 1, 1869. The money mai:ket was rather more active lite in theday ; but easy at 6@7 on call:'Sterling quiet at 9 34 , Q;9%. Oold higher, - opened at 438%, rose to 13934, And clotted at 131%@1.89}‘; the rise 'ace ~ stoned by an .attempt to cover recent heaiy Beer Beloit. Carrying rates SQB per cent: Clearances, $98,000.000." - Gloyernments were strong and advanc ing during the the morning, with 'chief dealing in '625,1'875, old '62s. and 'Bls. There:Wes an satire inquiry for the rat ; ter by Ibreig - n bankers. In the evening 9 the market was dull and a fraction lower than the Pest 'rates of theday. - Coupons 'Bl, 122% do. '6 - , 122%®122%; do. - -g - : 0 64, 11VAQ117%; do. '6O, 118%®119; do. new,l2oQl2og; 1 do. '67, 120Q120%; do. '6812,0Q12.0 1 4; 10-40 e, 409%01199%; :Pa ng c ifloS, /07,4@/07.14. 1 State. Bonds firm; Missonris, 89@80%; Old TennesSees, I 68Q68%,; New do., 64K, 110c,,e; NeW North Carolinas 55 9 4Q56%; Nyr Virginias , 61% Imo. Levee Axe!, 1 1 .. ' 67 I Y:1.; stock market daring the morning w feverish, but in the main strong. -Difiehigart. Southern, Pittsburgh, St. 'Phut and Ne* 'York Central were the -features." Southern , fluctuated between' , 1175‘ 'and 119%; Central 'between .: 89% and 91%; St. Paul Common between.-18% `i79%; and preferred between . ,9o%Q9l%; ) :Pittsburgh bet*een -1 ,0 4 % and /08% - . The immediate future of the marker depends I on acacia, lathe Vanderbilt party, the active Membertiof wit/eh:are in Cleveland: tb attend the Michigan Southern election. ,In-thel'afternabli the Market Was alter-' nately - weak i. and.:: :firm . .. A re port 'first '. -Said • Hotace T. Clark had ~ Actaeu'„", made . "President -, of the consolidated Michigan 'Southern and I,:ake BhOre roads, and' feegrand Lock- : wood Treasurer. The next report was; that the)e;rratigebssit ;was of ,satisfac tory tit's ither - party', `neon - which free sales were mtkde of Miglaigatt,Bouthern, follovied:lthnsedbdely by-as equally oroua buying-,-There _was asadden rise in 'St. Jee-Ansfiterred -fr0M.,120- to 121, it .d 4 being..atat 9- .torliPany 9 has assets or, 85,135,000: applicable to the re datuphom (of liP4uct ft9Pds aid ilKand 10 per cent. loan And Other bonds, and that such dispitalitibri-W:ditek-beifflade of as _sets and a dividend declared_ of 10 per ...tettiallitb:diliff ;liaticene;atodk. ,Thin market at the close was not up to the hi glieetWSl4ll:9l.oo. '; ..,:it!i.::l ~) ' i 1 6-30 -'ices- Cumberland. 843;®86 ; Wells Hip - rem' 1,'210)91 American, e 4qg V9VilirtittOrli 59 % i United' States, 4 ) '66f.i@lfrt. Usfbbtikttft bleff,`,'./4011.6%; Quickeilver,,)ll6Ql634;-.).Canton, 67@ 67 35 l •:Paeifts" ' 3 , ''SSY( -4844; West ern union '' Tel pir,: . 48Q43%; Mari; P°1k...,;4)@2'1 t d; preferred,., folog ii Di:. pkeyt,. otk Central,_:','l9l%;4l.9l%; ).- 0/ 204: d0.,.1 preferred, i.bly, @s34llEtcaison, 16735 QlsBlHarlent;lsl%; dq. ,prefetrW. 151; A551114, 79 93‘0 100 ; Terre Haute; 8834Q40;de. preferred, 60@ 01; .W,5ea5hi7.7,10773/4; do,preferred, 81 aft,,o 4 , . p o i,- 78%iw93 . do; preferred; 91 91 Fort Waite, 155%0156; Ohio lidd .194101144.•- i@ 3 s )it , Weldgimi ten '' 28%Q1 . , . - Ictiishigati --- likfuth. grricl,lBlV-11340 Alum,- S.loentral; 4453g@ lam,. ittaptigno: . 106%0105%; - Make Sliorer''Ylo6%Ql ; Hoek , Leland; iruf® 3xl..ip,ll4lllwe.4tOrth-WW;O4O, Vrefer -re944.loWstays.%. -; • .1.). i 1 A , ~ . . c .- Mining shares quiet. , ~, , . Copper Coppers at Boston: Falls ; 8%; IP•K an k litr i'' iai Heals, Bs4 ll 4 l t aPT:4sr ' and quinceY, 28. ' '' '' ' • "". ~ Iteeelpterglun-Tf easnry were 112,945,- zr„ . loon n i ,.1,467,218; liidarica;flB,- 4639167 r di bTi9l,4thiT,t4o4l#tOr.f).lt. • 1813,111. 1 . . 1 .T :. . ,., 1 C Brad ng , q aC t . o , nGorlefl,eB%yUnaimeed y) s ) Sates :Sixes; .1881022 W Five -Twenties, 1862, 122%;;d0. 1864,117%; do. -1868,:t 18 30 Ten-Forties, 109%; Five-Twenties, Jana lo t ty ') and %July; 1866, 120; -- ; ,do; . dot) 1867, '-'.--1 -de:4o. 11868;•—; :Seven-Thirties, Kf - 1691% Kt.Bue Cbnaponnds,.ll9; Union efildlJlttilteoadis:9;%; Central • d0..-do:, '92r Cy; Ptielfics,lB7 4 ) -) 1 ' I '`-'- • '-.--: -IYry)Goods Market. • ....-, • . , Ns* Y0)38, Rine 1.-In ebttoti 'Odds :tb,e, tVade,lobtitllmPli: MedCtritteW Acitive, the market being swept of all itheinklots offering, preparatory to advancing price* Among -jobbere -hubbies& ilr:•verflair., Prices Fur e tor the most part quite nut-- form., ,i'IP: b. 4 49 -.Mud:get lOWA we ob serve to day is in Clark's 44- bleached i xnurdins A rwhich have declined :from; 21n 4.0:21.11ei a14.-.R0kt11191141-3461194,ed,1nive " sAVO 0 ig Ip,tat, irttibli:',B%rlift' ..f. ” -- • --:-. . Apr LV4Wileso;:4•e -00,10,1411,900.bushuiriarket lower; o. 81;63; 211,80@1,3L , Corn Elwin stiatittia:!--.1//I'i .0.34.rt1nt) -xt .6 Ell EIIRGES MARKETS. . - OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, TUESDAY, June 1, 1869. There is nothing new or important in the general markets worthy of special notice. The demand for almost every thing continues very light and with only a I :moderate volume of business in the aggregate, prices are without essential change. AiPLES—Choloe, s7®B. APPLE BUTTER-00®#1,00 per gal lon. BUTTER—Is dull and neglected but unchanged; we quote good to choice fresh Roll at 20®20. BEANS—ball at $2®2;50. CARBON OlL—Dull and lower and may now be quoted at 27®28. CORNMEAL—SI,SO®I. 7S per owt. CHEESE—Is dull and in good supply, but unchanged; sales of good to prime Ohio at 186.1,20 DRIED FRUIT—DuII but unchanged; Peaches, le for quarters, and 18 for prime halves. Apples, 13®15. EGGS—Sales at.lB®l9. FEATHERS Live Geese Feathers may be - quoted at 85, to the trade, and the usual advance for snail lots in store. FLOUR— a The market ia quiet with only;-' moderate •demandovhile prices are unchanged: We continue to quote Spring Wheat brands at 118,50®7, and Winter Wheat at $7,25®7,75. Rye Flour, $8,506,7 5 . .GB,AIN-.,-Wheat is offering pretty freely and the mills are •paying $1,35@ 1,38 for prime Red; we hear of offers to deliver here from, Ohio and Indiana, at $1,33®1,35, which is as cheap as Spring can be brought here from Chicago. Oats dull and a little weak; we now quote at 68®70 on track, and 73®75 in store. Efr' Corn is still 'quoted at 78®80 on wharf, and 85 in store. for prime Yellow. Shelled is dull but unchanged. Rye is exceedinl dull and cannot be quoted above *1,g20 y with a small sale Teyx)rted at $1,15. Prime Spring Barley. *1,75. HAt—Sales at Allegheny Diamond market of 22 loads at $18®32. Baled is quoted on wharf at $25®28, as to quality. :IEICoMINY--Almost out of season; n0m 54,75®5 per bbl. HUSKS—SaIes corn husks at 3%. HEMP—Sales at $216. LARD OIL—Is steady but unchanged, at $1,20 for No. 2, and 1,50®1,52 for Extra No. 1. LlME—Cleveland Lime is quoted at $2,50, per bbl, and Common White at $1;75. MAPLE SYRUP-:.-Bales in gallon jugs at $1,50. ;_ • 'POTATOES—Steady with aalesin store at 50®55; may be quoted at 40®45, on treat, in - brilk. PEANUTS—Quoted at 12c. - PROVISIONS The- market ' is re ported a little stronger but prices are unchanged. Bacon Shoulders; 14; Ribbed:Sides 18X®113%; "Clear do, 17%® 18; Plain Sugar Cured Hams 19®19y;; Canvassed do 193;®20. Dried Beef, 20® 2A34. i:Lard, 1935' in tierces, andq2o34 in -kegs and buckets. •Mesa Pork 132@32M. STRAW—SaIes at Allegheny Diamond market.at slB®2l. 4 • SEEDS—The season is about over and there is not enough , selling to establish quotations. .SALT—Sales of oar loadlots at ;1,83 TALLOW Nothing doing in this arti cle of importance, arid. prices are. nomi nal. Y CO, Oriunt or Prrrenuncus GAZETTE, TnEsner, June 1 4 1869. ' The oil market was somewhat stronger to day, both Crude and Refined, and compared with yesterday prices are a shadvhigher. The feeling begins to pre vail. that prices have touched bottom, for the present at least, *and as a conse quence, buyers generally, are more dis- Poerell to take hold than they ._have been forsome days pastthougnnot inclined to pay much of .an adyancs. Thera are thumb however, whe - -contend ihsf r ,the presenfreaCtibn will bnly-'be teinpcirity, and ibat with.-an - increased p iblinction. reported, the advanon will soon be lost, and that - prices will go loweri thcattiey ihavi.fet.been. - Be this writ. may s ithere is no getting over the fact that there was a stronger feeling manifested today, and that prices were realized that , could not liive bebn obtained 'yesterday. In re gard to the future, operators vary mate rially in their views and feelings; those who are interested in big prices, feel a little better, than they have done for several days past, the tarn in the market to-day; having afforded {helm tctineldent hie encouragement. ' ..- -, ..$ - : 1 1 • . CRITDB. • `.... There was a fair volume of business in Crudel to-day, the sales aggregating i 15,.p00 bi, , •cy We,- sarnlreadytAngmated., prices (lowered With. yeaterde4. inlet.. a sha d e i‘. , higher4i Wes to, f 0,09: , ,ta0h, July, tigairi Vidißepteniher 'at 14; 1,000 June, at 12%; I,OW JUIY, at 131; laid 1,000 August, at 133; and 3,000 seller Jane, at 1;4,90, on cars at Venango City. Watiibttittioredittilitlittke had brn con sider4lie JtinelitOlMat a tracer below 12%, but for; the earreatness o this we marmot vtittelL. i .' .•.'• PETROLEUM MARKET. REFINED. The' market was firmer and -prices a topatitlioUgh thtlyo was;Unt one sakreportea; 1,000 July; at 30%. Jnae„ tdMrlirst halfewaaviotekat lk,` . and the latelnonttus were slab re- I rrtOcl,hetter. t Ltrnatoialittt Mina: • 16314:mrWrirmr;Lublitaittng' 011 2 - .. • , 400 Railrbad Azle 3tio BORpittiohlion.;;. . n.;;.; .. 800 •750 liptactre.. . . ....... - t 311 . 81 ::, Br *"' ifrann`dr, Wearier, ono tibia refined t,o N • aftogifnirfkC i., MoiSithtu• t prew& Co: 5243 b6141.45**ir -4en, R4411' m•Cmlrladeiptita, ;) 'tvotnrießm+ • W. p,-LoganA Itriknflbll4le}pbta., • "libmtiOlt-Wittnuilo3 4 15b1e Velinett-to lzgan• it-Br 0 :4 Pligadel firotweett, 1601•Iija! jp ' Logan. &Alp.3.,Thiladelphia. We. 0t5 1. 78 ) HutO_WM.OPil &,...ReAped,,Co„..4,24„bbla kef. *WaYdeti, Frinerv•CCo.c s tv e fitt . it t . to O. R. And: MI put; CLEVELAND, June I.—Flour.:, dull ;aid heavy; 4 pity made. treble extre,,, ;8,75; fignibtO., ... 7114 1 .1 )40 111.1 50 64 75 ,1f10ub1e 4tre. rewi nter v 0,7,5; extra red winter /44oubj extra eltringit 2 01 1 "01 11 0 1 7 9 ands ran erd ilit ibildwin' dolitilb Odra inltigN,2s(4% cicubter eztra ir _tpd,tspd mWr 88®7; '-double extra stirittr -118(g; 1 t i ;„ ii grheet,, dpl,:nd 1 xtriplly, un , blif wea k , d ud Be ;a 1,85 lor . I tie lt la * nd 1? .t,; 11-is l i i. r , & . *I n e ,x c'tf ei ti iii;. 3 1 ~ IN 2 litgfisgikellattlafOtviat 7178. Oata dull. Fe ipsotive, put in Ali 7,o4l4tilp ea )of' , Weilitobl.eritoslra. fir at oiolor Isti, State". Ve dtirt and iggivt%llEarleyilsomir o 4l Peluolpiin danriettued lield'ikV - Z l 442B,`but eastern buygs t upk of(firOg c pvg.,2sp for„ round lota,tiddistliall lots %bid *V 1111.130 blg,laer, =1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers