El Ii EMSM 11 NEW AD'VERTISEWENTS. NEW .A.DVEIeFISEMENTS. H 11 DOCTOR E. de F. CURTIS, of Baltimore and Waskingvn. author of several medical works. &c. &c.. at the earnest aoultation of his Pittsburgh patients. h&c con eluded to devote the rodowing dais in PIMA , LIELPHIA to their interests: -From TUESDAY, JUNE Ist, TO SUNDAY, JUNE inclusive at bis consulting roma, 252 South Ninth Street. Minn from 10 to 3 and Bto 8 x. aPECIAITY.—. Tr, atment and ;nre of Nervous and Physical DeAldtv,toe result of twenty years' successful practice. Je2 EXECTITOWS NOTICE.— %V hereas• letters testamentary Ott the estate or MARY ANN YOU:Ai, deceased, late of In diana township. A.leaheny county, Pa. having been in anted to the undersigned by the Register or said county. ail personS having clime against said estat^ are requested to present theas duly authenticated for settlement, and Lose indebted to said estate will make EN J m payAMentllmN mediately to B'ER MA , • Executor. PROCLAMATION. je2:klo w The (planted Toter* of the FOURTH WARD, IN 'ME 'CITY OF aILLEGHEJr. 1 r Will meet at the usual tlme and place ot. bold ing elections on TUESDAY, JtdAZ BLh. 1889, to elect one per, on to serve as a member of Select Council. to nil the unexpired term of John A. Mk . • 3. • mil' r ealitied SIMON rtitUat. Mayor. • A LLIUMICIPS CMS, Pa., May 98, 1889. , •.• • • N THE DISTRICT COURT OF Tr.z UNITED STATE.S,for the Western .Dis tr ct of Pennsylvania. JOHN HARTMAN, a Bankrupt under the Act of Congress of ]tarok 9J, 1867, having op piled for a discharge from all Ms debts, and other claims provable under said Act, by orderof the Court, notice is hereby given to ail creditors who have proved their debts., and other persons interested, to appear on the Ist day of JULY. 1869,_ at 2 o'clock . 2., before JOHN N. PUB- VfANCE, Bsd,, Register in Bankruptcy, at his office, No. 116 Federal street, Allegheny City, Pa,. to show cause,lf any they have; why a dis charge' should not be granted to the said Bank rupt. B. C. McCANTILEBB. _Je2:kl3.W Clerk. OinICK WAST POIXT YOUNDRY. ' /day 10, 1889. DIOSOLUTION. The firm of EDWARDS. SMITH & CO., hu this diiy been dissolved by mutual consent. 'The 'business will hereafter be conducted under the style Of SMITH A WARRICK. R. Eow Awns, L SITH. • Wht. WMAlletttal. Ps o t, &aimed of my-interest In -the West Point unndry to Masan Smith & Warrick, I take gnat, plessare in recommending •the new nem to the etTlielenee'and patronake of the heel. RICA lEDwiliDEt, pcattix HOTEL, 11113 CAPE MAY,* J.., IWIII pea on the Stith of JUNE.. 1069. This .botelhas been erected 'within the past year, af ifords'sonpie accommodation fot nearry one thou sand guests t and is turniebed equal to any ot the Reading hotels In the United States. . lonterms, Aa., until then, iddress, . PETER GARDNER, Proprietor, 3e7: j No. 301 Walnut street, Philadelphia. his-wrst FIFTH AVENUE BANK OF PITTSBURGH Will open for Discount. 'Deposit and Chinersl Banking , Buiinesi on JUNE 31.1809. at N 0.195 avenue. Any sum received irom one aol. 1. r upward,. Interest at the rate of tix p2r emit. paid on time deposlui. - C=l:l3 Dlthrldge, , W. P. Weimar'. W. 41. lebris, Yrhuk W. C. Robertson. 7113 MeYers DUI. Mazer. D. al. All3lol'. lED• DITHBIDGE. President. Y. E. ot'llirNCE. Cubic?. 1e2:d14- . - AS ' SPRING STOCK OLIVER COMPAIT'S. I 9 We are receiving this week by ocean steamers from England a fresh stock of the latest and most beautiful de signs in English Tapestry and - Brussels by direct 80, ~ ~ ,igipcmtations ,froUl tie man• ufactpieri., We invite -the inspection # house, ftiniiih i ers, confident that we offer tlie , largest assortment:: and .o‘ . test . variety 'of elegant : patteris' 'lhrer brought' to this 'Market,' at the lowest. osees. , 7 • *, Great inducements' are. o in of In. ; wed , gradesall 1 grains and Three Plies, it beingtheir constant aim to Offer to' the multitude, the fullest assortment of cheats (and . serviceable carpets at lower rates than any other - house in , the trade. 1t0. , 113 FIFTH AVENtrE. :~ ~~ 1l 4 l~P',~ ~• '. Ell DIPORTED & DOMESTIC LINEN, cIOODSi SILKS, Lan.° e 11•Taaatlelos FE Mil==33=2E;t ANOTHER ; , sIR.-r- - cc , rxiE)w ;, OF DRESS. GOODS SHAWLS. LACE CURTAINS, MI BATES &BELL'S. Fle2-wrm PARLOR,'DINING BOOT & CHAMBER . , FURNITURE:& CARPETS,- AT AUCTION: On THIIRBDAY,_June 3d. at A. H. and 13i P. sr, at 'Mason% Hall Auction Booms, No. 88 and 81 Fifth avenne,wilibe sold a large and ele gant assortment Irtrrnltnre, Carpets and Honaelold. Hoods, as Billows: At 9 A. m.--General assortment kitchen ;lien. entery, soaps,2e. • - . J. M N lq M —A, large, consignment of due its. ported ironstone, china, mail and queensware; After which. tine 01l cloth, window sitades,laLest styles; large lot wl e. brandy &v. &a: • At 134 F. x,--A special salty/Inoue, all wool Or tly rag. hemp and stair carpet.; els several pleoes elegant tapestrr and' velvet br ussels, al. -most new, After which, elegant chamber and cottage-mites: marble top and.plaln dressing be. teens, hair cloth and reps.sofas and tetea-s-tetes; damask. rep and enameled lounges; parlor, cos. -tor add can , chairs; hair. cotton. and husk mat tresses; feather beds, bedsteads. dtc,./se. At 3 P. x..--One fineleven - ontS96 Chicteeing .Plano, two-Melodeons, alynoet new.. hale posi tive. . - S. B. 4411THSON & CO.. le2 ANOTHER LONQ LINT, • or - JCLUABLE BOOKS. GtilsoVe Memoirs of his Times. 4 vols., g • calf ' 110,00 Rohm on Manufactore of Iron and Steel. Illustrated • 18,00 ,Styffe f•st Manufacture of Iron and *Mel. iliustrat.d 1.00 Appleton'i Cyclopedia of Drawing 10.00 Pr:nein:es and Practice A rehlteeture with ion:psis folio pate Ulustrations; be Lorti.t.c and deunry. L . /2,00 • V ct,r Hugo' s L , lloultneNtl Hit. Pt-TI.. 1.00 Horn', 'I oei.e , s Diversions of Pnriey.New . edition 3,80 BenzonPa iiistorf of the New World. • (1512.) Illustrated 0,00 La - yard's Nineveh and Babylon. A vole. London.. .. . . . . 8,00 • Cnrryon , s Menasteries of the Levant. London . 4,00 Chinese Moral Maxims,' le Engdsh and Chinese '3.00 Dugald Stewart's Outilnes of Moral Phi ..iosopby. with 'memoir. supplement and questions by 'lames ilicOoshi H,OO Early England and thel3lllsll English. By. Barnes • • 1,50 Saint Louis. King of France. By the Piro . de Joinville. :translated by James•.kint ' ton ll,OO Pronde's Inaugural Address at Bt. An. dream lll2Versity 155 John btewart Mill'a Address at St. An ' drew. llniversity' 45 . . . • 8. A. MUNE ,VCO., 119'Nirood uty29-sitw CITYII~S • 112 Fifth Street, Pittebnrgh r CAPITAL, 11100 000. • ATOCHBOLOEBB , INDIVIDDILLT LIABLE. IMIREST PAID ON DEPOSITS . _ FOREIGN EXCHANGX Bouseliand sold, and when desired remitted to Europe. Collections nnade on all the principal points otthetUnlied Elates and °annuls. Dowirrioic litwezw President. . ' JAMES ISCOAIIL Vice President.. • • JOON D. tionninsr. Cashier. , • • . DIRICTORII. • , D. Drown. lapin Ileoabc. Thomas Rourke,, John,Basane, : J. limitary. Jr.. ,• '...Teregretaisithig/. Patriot. Anne. Jamegybelani . Chas. D. BUT. • H.A.vrerrogie, Jno.Jos.Herniann. • ' Thomas Bernet, lingh•Keating. .• Jelith ITNITZD . Twnivrt-Tninn ozersicre. ,COLLECTOR'S Novcog. "p o .34Ct01l rlon vbtilet of .renniyiyan 3, tail 04 . 7 Wlie e r es.. Auegstepi oikT,suion...3% , ' NoVce is herelrr liventhat the annisal• Usti of SPECIAL TAXES, formerly tanned I&ENSES, And of the taxes On ' Income', Citfiagesc'Wittehek,Bilver '.# o. ;LOT 111 .illlll , once, where payment berrecilisd therein by the gOllectof,on and after the titbit ifs' JUNE , idae. • , Thine taxes, having beinnneelue, mare be-paid befOri the IiSth:DAY Up JUNE, 411119 r other wise, additional expenses will be incariod by the • N. 31:1117INOT03, Eaq.. Amity Collector:of the county of Armstrong; situ .EDWIN LYON, Deputy Collector for the ;Runty*: Ostler, will be reedy to receive, After tbal Ist. of Jusosfor their respective counties, and will •post notices designating the timssand places. when and where they will be Palmed to roolvdtite taxes collect ablo 11 4,theme • : • " • • Taxes payable only in sremibleks Or aatloaat Once hours ham 9A. at. is 3! at. • JOHN M. strizrvAii mud" coraxoTort. 110EACIIrale-40 prLine A, halves for solo b J. BMA NrIELD. WILITE LIME.-800 barrels w h all in!lne*fi P.V3irnetai. PEARL ASlL—Mhasks f•r sale DT J. B. CIAZNIZI.D. Gi T itYt- NEW_VAR EVEEINTs. STOCK` FULLY UPLENISLIED • SINCE WEEK'S SAISS• LAST ALPACAS, I IN NEW AND FINN. MOHAIR ALPACAS. wAsH, .POPLINS. SILk. WARP POPLINS, - IN •s • , LIGHT AND MEDIUM COLORS. reiOu HEAVY EilUs. as. BUIE, PINCH- AND Burr • PERCALES `Allt tAWNS. WHITE r MAR,SEILLE9 At 22 G WIL 1 -_ i No. 180 I~ A GRE. T 811.10ESS! • - , 13 F.EII , • WASHING MAC SINE ! _.. It washes be l iest fsbrics, without in:ury, , perfectly cle ha B ess than one eighth the ordi narj way, It deer not Tub the cloth, but per forms the cleaning process by steam and the quick action of hot water. It can be operated by a ebild. Its great eheapness makes it accessible to every family, and saves its own cost in doing away with tubs. . , PRICE I boll from the Manufactory at THOS MERKEL'S, PENN ST., OPPOSITE THE FAIR GROUND. airAGENTI WA TED. HOLTZ IDS & WLEDERHOLD Nos 100. Third Aventfe, Upholsters and Dealers in Curtain Goods. , - Dire- t the theft of their friends and the public to the finely assorted stock of Lace and 7.l . .l'ottLtighern curtains Vestibule Vices; Mama ROC'. lrerryiri'MrisieetiVeloth, Satin, Delanes, Gilt Cornices, 6111 and Walnut Mouldinp, Sprint Beds= of superior Mahe, Bair Matrasses (pure is hite'lialr.) Pillows. Bolsters, and slasystalg parrtsbnig 10 a' first slags ba. Tie latest Paris iiinA Be ilia 'destine rofbraperles atthe Inateloeilostor their customers. Pane whl to Eastern Show Feathers illiaireon hand. • HOLTZMAN' di, ingDiffiKOLD. 1 1 10:'100 I'IIIRD AVENUE mi13:193 PEOPLES' SIVINGN 11 ' . . Of Al leg h eny.. . : CORNER FiDERAL I NNW LRCOCK 'STREETS. CAPrIPAL'o. o 4 ' • . o .• $lOO l OOO STOCKUMMO.PrbrhterALLY ir&PLE• Birik - Of Dlicoont and Depcalt. . Plutemar 71. ' HARTMAN. - • CAsLusur-X. PI Torso. B . g'narteolos,• • ' iva. Bur t . IT. r; HO 1:14141011, „ - ' J. b. Pattot.on, J, Soft' , . . , B. p. Brown. isitattel e yhr.". . B. Alleirsw, W. O. bron. ' • 721:N2 iti • °rite* COLLECTOR LITTRIIVAL Itie7MMT, • SSD DISTRICT PA. PITIMIMIGH; No. 109 Foltrtb street, Ma alit. 18139. - :HEREBYNoucts . its GriEN that the annual list of tares on Incomes, carriages, silver plate, watches, dc.. and special .iatet;itrigaktfo46lltid Riviperit Will be received lhereo4 at toss' °Mee' from- the 'citizens residing within the exit seventeen wards of Pittsburgh, The fOTHI(01111 *VA Mutt, be paid before the TENTH DA ray JUNE, 1899: otherwise, ad. ditlenal eget use will be_iticurred ,DopottiCrollecioejW. Ri;RARIPPON and JNO: A. SERGEANT will receive from the tax chyme of Close parts cf the District not included in the alitolie limits, and. wilier mai' es of .ttie time yr/emend the place's W they wilt betirepitted to receive =es toilet Is by therm: mynt, , . D lS A9Afi l er*lt i gqic*. • Notim ja, herby Meet fhatAe otTpartnee ship ledieridforelmilliiiiebreMi 13.1VGIBSON and J. C. E1T470. Tide: the Gem name of GIBBON & brick 0 1 f 1 0 1 000 1 . 4 .0_rtillA 11 0 1 MMI t Y. 0 6 °).b7 mutual eonegae : j i:iersonalndeb?4,can psi ektbei t ottettim; . aidaiiim'rthietaliii will pre `aestttieialdr aetflenen4 sfL: • nen. Giniudee ' 'C.- STEW/MN MY8141 06 ,000'' LOA • - ON' ItOND !,DD MORTGAGE, , • Xs settled and ,aceonnti UMW, 0011ect ed. oussi and Lots, in Pittsburgh au Aliegho• !Y. ',Posy wanes and to a 1g kast, Ebony and As add oohs , tots In Mansfield. A very desirable farm of 70 . aeresi splendid young orchard, .good on with stare-room att athtd; , spring of never failing staters near Economy, ou the .tae of P. Pt.w. Av. E. w.; for sale very cliv*P. Missostri and Virginia laud tor Ens:infra of TlitlL SEEPSON & HOLLAND Brokiiii and Seal . Eaffde Agentra .! ea OILINT STAMM : • Aspen, back room. MI pNaugin B a : FASTTEAr- A small Invoice 9f the dust PoschunirEsg• Breskfastass, Imported; tads seams, jast resulted sad sale by Stre poets esddiss tits Wails emery styrsi JN0.A.11.11/4111AW, poserWm," mid Masa sirimas. ape 1, . , 111 CHOICE C,OIARS. rd and 'Finer. aTgains, Just Opened 113 SEMPLE'S, 182 Federal itreet, • ENY CITY DIV~'A~~ `JTl~~'l'~ NEW ,uk:s‘nil}erisiiiirmitTs. . , . . . . • ASSIIIMENtgat KEPT „ FUL Ii t .A.ND COXPLETE. /ladies' Hatra, Children's /rats, -Bun*item, ,Ribbons, Flowers, Illusions, sun Umbrellas , , Parasols,- Childmn'a Parasols, Skirts told Corsets, StockLngB, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Embroideries, Trimmings, - Fringes, .11,uttons, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL F2E3 WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 180 and 482 Federal Street, JJ.,LEOUE CITT. . , . . C G. lIANSIER Sc SONS . (Late of the drill of tfahstner & Dialer,) At ttieir nisi estabil,tement, 2Po. 461. 1 11EVENTH AVENUE, have a ;large stock of elegant and Isaldonable* - . • - PARLOR, LIBRARY it BEDROOM FURNITURE AT PRIM REASONABLE PRICES. We hartiereuted sluice , Factory. and are Pre pared to flu ICI orders on shortest notice.• We flatter ourielyes of always having mace good work, and Is aid always be our endeavor to con tinue. haring a Large number of experienced workmen.land a - foreman of 26 years expert guile at the trade to superintend all worlabefore earring the Factory. We use no machinery; all our work is made by hand. and . for durability and elegance It cannot to excelled. ' u 17841 C. 0. HAMMER & SONS. TIISSOLUTIONe Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing among tne underairned, In the maul:treater. and sale of Parranne under the name of W. H. CitILCOA.T CO. bas this day been dissolved, and THOhIAS st. CRE having purchased the interest of W. H. CUD,. COAT', and A. W. BELL the interest of 8.5.31- UEL DUFF. The business of the late firm will be settled by A. W. BELL and THOMAS K. LIME. • . . SAUL. TZEF, W. U. Mil:Cat. The business of thelate Ann .of W. H. CHM COAT SC CO. will be continued by the !uuder• shined raider the name and style of A. W. BELL • CO. A. W. BELL. Jet :LS THOS. H. CHEF. . . itsailf • ..-: H‘ ' . PITTSBURGH HALE & FEMALE SEMINARY, . Nos.. 88 andl . 24. ,..... 1111A presto:, - " -•- Pivrollunoll. - ' This school, now numbering silty, pupils; con sists of two departments, one of boys and the other of young ladles. The rooms are beautiful ly located, well tarnished. and have all ;Le con veniences net:eatery to adapt them tto school pur poses. Reason for selling. determination to re lineuish the profession of teaching. tall at the rooms hold 9s. N. tO 2 r. M. or at , No 94 Wylie street from 0 r. N. uli 9. Terms 4 , ar be made latisdhetory to theptuthaser. i no OR BALE.• , Near Osborn Banon. on the Pittsbarkb, , 7t. Wane sad CW I IO / 04 4 (44, • TWO LOTS, Coitaining About Two Acres Each. W. MACKEOWN BRO., PM 195 Liberty Street. lALL--110111SEAN‘ D LOT. Nutial, well finished, three story of tWelge rroaae, near Ohio street, Allegheny City. ?arks, in an open. clean and airl OPPorinnICY fa , Private Irat clue boarding house. ON Then HILL, containing one brty-four and one fourth perches, are eight hucdred grapes . ' aes, oe• lies, gooseberries, currants and it small fralT, loam MAIO ;signed localities; irticuiars Ilion re of M. Wh!Tsitonts, General Erpkeritie and lnaaranet Ohio and teanduny streets Alter . N... 0.„....:.,, 7 - AT . iiiiribil l ; 41.11N015, I . . . . sold within tifify " liiiik' i iiiiiiesir . iiitive Lir only. 3* Y. 4 4 03 T 1 444 1 ;MAL- BANK. ,+ Pa . Ailds4l. , , .. _ .f.. - : ; ;, Ti'.li• CfIOOJ id . :,, ..-.''.... :':.A.T;Toir;il;i4NaTs. •~~_~i Will aircu l Mt" „ -estrAii:WrA i rts , ° TEL, . - , , cA pg„,lifAlr ,CcErfel W.', win be openeb for tho season SATURDAY, Mai sot. , in eli nrst class sp.mbittnente, equal to CUT Ond yet atordlus to. Dimples ail !be comforts or u itenue.:.•Prestuens :lirstit,:: expel t# 14 , i isIS c Affirtbis seamen:and willsteAstthe "untied to. ' AlldniBOf . 11 , , ' , nu illot , ~ , AARom suLitts:Pinmetar. . . e. . . . STEEN EXCHANGE HO. :WAL, Els 'la bur is ty. new ready ter the the lin:iner. Itisins "messed en suite. Table supplied with ail the seuea produces. Merges low. Ate Seasoner. Hourly eoudeutdastlon with thecity. 7 I Iltit'l4ll,ROON. Proprietors 13iCKLE11.-14.. /Harrel': prime ickles, tarsals by " ' • B. CIAMPI /4 17 1 41 0 0 Ankfigar 1 . 861 ar7THE INTEREST , IN GOLD on Flrst Mortgage Bonds. Union Pacific tastern Ditistonoine JUNE'IIt,IIKI9, will be paid on presentation of the coupons th. re on on and after that date at Banking'g clown of Ist,BNEY, bit , ItGAN &. 53 Exchange Plat e, New York.' 11= rff*NOTICE.-FIFTH AVENUE RANII.L, The first instalment of TEN. DOLL&REI PER: SHARE .on, the stock on the above bank will be clue on the THIRD OF JUNE NEXT, payable at the banking house, No. 195 Flfts avenue. F. R. SCHENDX, inf7:JES Cashier. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL- GOAD COMPANY. TERASURIIVe DEPARTMENT. PHILADELPHIA. May 3d, 1809. NOTICE TO 3 rociiifoL LIE fi.S. The Board of Dlrectorb have this day declared a semi.annual dividend of FMB PER CENT. on the espital stock!. of the Company, clear .of Na thnial sad State taxes, payable In cash °Wend at- Blankjll 30.1839. . powere of attorney. for Collecting divi dends can be had at the office of the Company. No. 9388. Third street. • • • The °Mee will be °veiled at 8 A. M. and closed' at 4P. M. from May 30 to June 3, for the pay ment of dividends, and after-that, date from 9 A. m. to 3P. M.• " _ TBOMAB T. FIRTH, Treasurer. Ncern.—The Third Instalment on New Stock of 1838 is due and payable on or before June 13. my8:198 . Bonnets. ar BI E M IV C rICL`e AMA RAIL. Laces, TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT. • .PILILADZLPIII.A. April A. 1889. TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE PENN . SYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. All !Rockhold trieilstered on the Books of this Company -- • e 30th day of April, 1869, will be entitled bseribe tor TWENTX-FIVE PER CENT. of thoir respective interests Fa New Stock, at par, asifollows: First. Fifty per cent. at the time of Subscrip tion, between the s lfith day of May, 1869, and the 30th day or pile, 1.5139. Second. Fifty (per„ cent. between the 15th day of November, 1869: and the 31st day of Decem ber, 1869; or, if tockholders should prefer, the whole amount may be paid up at the time.of sub scription...and each instalment so paid up shall be entitled to a pie rata of the Dividend that may be declared mien shares: Third. That every Stockholder bolding lees than four shard!, shall be entitled to subscribe for one share; imd those holding more than a mull file of 'fotzi shares shall be entitled to rub. scribe for an additional share. Collars, ibtwth. All obaireo upon which instalmenjo are yet to be paid under Resolution of May 13, IEI6B, win be entitled to their allotmexkof the Twenty-illie:pet cent. at par, as jlozotigh , they were paid In full TROXAS TrFIATH: Treasurer. ME gAr• DIVIOENDe : • ••• '• ' OFFICE, MthrOtatlattar.a IttgtraMtet CO; it ' • ' ' P,ITTISBONOR:-May A 4. 11100. ThrfPrealdent and Board of -Directors of this Company have tats day. declared a • dtvidend'of two dollar. t 811; per share on the 'capital stock of CompF out of the earnings of the last aim months.; iblo, free Of tiovermartli tax,. CU • and a ft er Wne Y 1889. • ' JUlf CLANEY, m3.2..Ja sec_4: , ,t4 r. CITY ASSEISSMEN'iIk , ININN Nve. `or. emir •Exonticat4 • /ti.tatintielti Crr PA., May 2601.1E69. NVIIC E+ `The Assessment•for grading Jeappa Street, from Allegheny avenue to Walker street., Is now ready tor exami• nation, and can't)e seen at the office of Ape city Engineer until .TUNIC 3d„1869, when it, will be placed In the bands.- of the City Treasurer for colltotlon. mynj9o OFFICE CITY , F NnINEER AND FURVEYOR., Fittsburgb.llay 98. 1869. f W - R OTICE.--The Assessment for Grading,; raving and Curbing C e.N PRE EF.T. from Fear fourth to Forty-fifth t treet., Is now i eadv fur examination. and can lis seen at this °tiles until FRIDAY, June 4, when it wilt be tetarne4 to the City Treasurer's oillee for colleetten4 att Z:jea 11. J. MOORE. ' City En Orriat Or CITE, Briorxiatn awn Boxvirroa, PrrranusCin, May AA, 1869. f NIICE:— The Assessment for The Boardwalk on Pearl street, from Main to Laurel street, is now ready for examination, and can be eeen at this office until WEILNkIi- DAY. Juitt.lidi when It will be returned to the City Trerittrer office for collection. H. J. MOOSE, . mi22l • City knglneer. ElNlNifir 0. MER6 I I2LiNT TAILOR, , . Would resoectitilly II form hls - donde mid the public getiesall* l , that his i 1.) SPRING STOCK OF IOO Ds Is. NOW COMPLETE, soLicrr • ou AN EARLY •CALL. Corner of Tenn and Sixth Streets, mhe , F° B 84,45 F-, ICOMETERS, -TUEEMOMETERS, EiLS., JEARDTE, ND `PY 'GLASSES, . ET 'w. Dmateeiii, .7Nrit•E* AND 6iriefAx, 1 4 .1.1"1'H AVENUE, W' HESPENHEID & • No. 150 Rini STREET, (late . claix,) l have Ins% reoelved from the East.the hest tot of New Offside for Spring Salts ever groin:tit to the maskef, The firm warrant to cat and andi make Clothes cheaper and better than any sinew itna*Plen; did lassortment GENTI.PIintNIi I IN? 6 4 :40p1i itt times to,he aS Olt bonus Oar iii . nobAr la so i4l *Tyr STREET. KEYOTONE POTTERY. 8\ Bkh Rim 64100., itiwipswmals v iikaiwnts. wow*, omen and Nffiirehouse; b 163 tIBITATINSTIMM ifit• All prim nreitnotly a4temlP4 to : • I 1014.01M4 .L 1 The eelebrated EMI" 'conceded by aU velo btve cried it to be the beet lriut-ebeapett flour In the city. in lye It a trial. Sold by 11411EANOR is..IIARPFJI 2 AT THE WHITE FRONT, - VIII Inert! amid. Pittabtudb. P, myl4 .4,A I 41.11 perss4sen cautioned , ngstnst Watling my vrlfe; ens haitidg left my bed and Loud wlthO9t ear prbiocatfSn; nor wIIC I;n1Y16-3, debt' coal tractealik hir niten. this date. VitteAntineityritay I CADEIWE or, SCIENCE. 101 Federal Street, Allegheny, (SayUwe Rank wig+J Maim term begins MONDAY, Ana liat t 1888, erisll MEMMM BRIG §-ANDS% KT I STREET PRO MATT TOR I3ALE.—A Three lito‘BßlC *EL' MO HOUSte, eTraipd with att. IN *Wore *exilic pistitlee,.4Quir room. lithe , /city) chimbal. Oath tom. ad. Teneedletepo • gusto'. ' Not roassMgriez , V SONS, 1 Anna% 1 i ~~~. liIIMEMI IEI NOTICES DiV/DENDS . .- ORA*. DAVIS. City Engineer MEI - 4 , * , _ Portoss—"to Let," "Fe date, "Los:, ' "Waists." ' , Found." "Bc.ardfitg,. &e.. %Vex .lecdOlg FOrtß LINSS each will he sq. solid tic theie to lmmaa once for TWANTY-7/78 17BN7'S : gacta addittOnag Mae Flrt , CIENTS. LOST. T OST.--In the Troy Bill Pas- LA BENG ER Railway Car No. 43, that arrived at ilttsberall Station a quarter pabt ISi o'clock on Friday s a POCKET BOOK. containing about VAR. The finder will be' rewarded by leavi ng is at the Commer. Isl OMee. 1 1 11th avenue.' LOST OR STOLEN.L-A dirk red MULCT.. fIOW, from the reader, ce of the subscriber. Thursday last. Any pe.rson her or giving in 'brim tton when% she maybefound will be rewards trct Ifitaß. 713 Carro 1 street, Allegheny Clty. PO ND. _ FOUND. -On Monday Evening, on 6th avenue, AN OVAnOOI.T. -The own. er can have the same by calling at Ernest Waa. eel's Grocery : , WAN D--Blilti% V ERAL honsewo quire at, 0 3 Seconi av 1-)PrANTED v v PLantENT Azt Street,lirt GIRLS. kinds of employment. of all kinds - eau be WANTED 1 IVANITEDr-11 SHOO per mon female, .to introduce th COMMON SENSE F CHINE. This mead t tuck, quilt, cord, bind, II most superior , manner warranted for five year fOr any machine that al beautiful, or snore ela makes the “Eiastte. Loc stitch can be cut, and pulled apart.without t o from $l5 to szpu per commission from which be made. ..tddressfSEC Pa. St. Louis, _Mo. or 0117110 N—so not be parties palming o ff wort under•the same nam i ni t or only genuine and te g manufactured. ANTED --. the American 3 7 Y32 The tirapiest, the Machine ever invente stitches per minute. agents. Aldrsss AMER (-HINE CO.. Boston, M .. • - • ITETANTED.—A bright, active v .BOY, about 18 u manufa c tur i ng sist ant to a business man in a busi ness, where be will have opportunity In form influential connections actin Irelabtoineaa ed ucation. One who live. with his Jparentt and could influence sales building /umber. Pre ferred. A arum a boy of ood habits can, hays a desirable equation. Ad rue, with home refer ence 4 ,eanitrrr. P)XCE. F . A.NTEDer-T 1 . . RA:NOEMENT shes to make money a enees. to take charge, or selling a naW article At dress O. T.. Colaraercial an Interview can be had. wAlirrxe. , -- B I Alwyn& few more boarders can find pleasant rooms and good boarding at,N.. 18 .8 n n Street, AUe• geeny, ror $4.80 per week. • WANTED—Sitriation agClerk In a Queensware S'ore; airrenyears , perienee; reconunehdedt- speaks ,German and rng Üb; hot afraid o • work. - At:drew P. 0. Box 714. • rar2B4o. WANTED.- T bond or mortg,kg Address J. D. P., c.re ti N‘ T ANTED.-II rooms. within th Address Hats= tion and terms. =2 O*LET.—Large Han in a good T locution. B. OUTHLIERT &,..SONS,3lllBlxth avenue. 1 1 0-LET.—A ROOBL—A coin I,IIP4bUTMEILY faratsbed ROOK tor one. or more eeatlemen. Apply' at I. Qm.- 3pl Meth, (late fl asel,) street. • - - VLET.= -A tine, - large new itort. Room, In the .village of Wllkinsbarg, with dwelllng, if destred. ..ttent Alan, beau tiful large office. frOta. room,nee rtid floor, on GM, 'formerly tr..near the' bridge. .Enontre of JOHN W. BEATTY, Engraver: 93 Market Bt. 10-LET.—A Beautiful • Heti ' deeOWrooms, attic ,- hall Add vestibule t ap goon cellar, vas and water In the house, pleasantly located on Forty-third 'formerly Ewalt) street. Rent, SSW!: Apply , to ' 11. is. BeTES, Cor- Pentland Butler streets, Pittsburgh. V rio LET.—House on Centre Av. JLENiTZe-fias, Vister,_&e„ very convenient. Ont of s.ason, ItSent 625,00 per month. 041 soon at 121 Centre avenue, Pitzeburgu. TO-LET.Li-IROOMEI.-'- TWO' tine BOOMS In GAZETTE BUILDING. Apply at cmutlng Booms. 84 and 86 Filth avenue. FOR BALE- WOll dALE.—Two, 'new and commodious DWELLING HOUSES Os Ob servatory 1110, Second ward Allegheny, will be sold separate/for together, The - houses contain seven zoom es chi with finished attics, good ce..- lars. Lots have a front of about SO feet and ex tend back about 115,.and contain a number of choice bearing -fruit trees and shrubbery. The location Is unsurpassed for beauty.Commandhig a tine view of bete cities and Is In a good neigh. borhood. Ear particulars enquire or RAMSEY A HALL, .Nod 91Beaver street, Allegheny, Or on the premises. , , Allegheny, VOR SALE.—Hatel Keepers at- TENTION--The lease., Sheraton: fixtures and god will of one or the largest hotels In Chi en°, is offered , for sale & at a., law. price On wry terms. Tills hOtel is now having a tell ron of patronsgef Radii a+ Well established as any hotel In the Western Mates:- For part-torture address COOI 00111.1 EN & CO., mySl:t.l • :Box"6,osl2.:Chleago, • OS "ALE.--The.one-half in tere4 in the Drug Store, of BLACEDITON hitGillf.ool3, in- Bellaire,- Ohio. -. - The y are doing a thriving hi:Mi, end the ligation is one of the tr In Eastern Oslo. Re son' for selling. 11l health of tam* Teen ! Tepi ruseonable. Apply I WO 'BAL:EIii+LAND—A.S acres e 13th wat frontin g on cetie a. nue* CAVE A It /4911le n streets, :Abu is n a desireve tde location for conntrytestdences; Well watered and near,,Penna. It It. and Etat biber. y Patina _ger ROLrat, , bo told as awitole or In lots of froth z re•tO 'Ole ' Keyes.' Entrains of W. H. TA.11.9 r,d street, or at tl5 remd.nee op Nome o feet, ear; the. prober, T. or of HENRY . .I,LOYD, !Keil/ gton Iron 'Works. myo:180 14112L- - V intilo itigraga - Pt , 3hB`err%trr ittn ,, lnto dies - lgara • ' orkof.oonsi6ting 01 Boilers. dillle4Plimps,ooll. dancing Tang, &a., ;ogetner, with the ground upon which they are local a. Location' near Eharpeburgh bridge. between A. V. S It.: and Allegheny river. Apply to EENY, JAGRMAN & 00. at works. ME FORFore SALE-StilAtiL COUNTRY BEAT, situated within three mLnutes wailt tbe "glen pa e , ' titatiOn. and has An exten sive front on the Oblo river and raillead,eoetata. Mg two acres, highly improved and tilled With The of every var ety and of choice saections. The hu,ldings are a neat conifer house and other out bulldtnga. This property CIA be had at s b ar . gain, as the owner is going West. f o r mite and terms apply to & MY24 /OS Fourth Avenue. FIR SALE. 151•aeree el COAL LAND: 3 *ilea from Tea- Tahe 137 tf near bouta ra lteantratacton)ety,iyhe on Lir ore Station, W, .t." te/l'lm nrove4 an l °beep,. ,110013 N AND LOten staiiteli street; Vainttea. . . . 1ig171311 Muth. • •" AND LOT an Liberty &treaty Pltb. _ - D Loren Fanelli avenue. „ AND LOTS bk Nligsbetlttswit; WaitAisl=l s . TUSTIN 411 l ST Oran Amu , , r • ' l6 V. ft,4,1,5A0 Q girl to did gen- In a fandly of two. In !nue. , . ELP.—AT EMa CE. No. 1 ipt. Clair MENri for: afferent Persons wanting' help plied on short notice. --AGENTS. :`EITS.-4015 to ENUINE every where,ze ir a ie nil IILY 'SEWING Ma e will stleh, hem, fell, raid and eirbrolder, lu Price only SII. Folly We will pay 41,000 1 sew a „stronger, more tic seam (ban ours. It stltch. ,, Evert/ second till the , cloth can not be ring It. We pay agents onth and expenses, 6r a twice that amount can ma A LEO., Pittsburgh. . oston, Mass. Imposed upon by other less cast Iron machines, otherwise. ()urs la the nactlcal cbeapmacitlne . ENTS.--To sell Ming 'ffachlne. Pelee ,pest and best Knitting • will knit 110,000 liberal ladaceittente to i AN KNITTING MA -1.5., or Sc. Lonle,-810. 01 make an at -Ith a "goOci nom who wean give good refer `be maunDiernrlng and by everyoody.- Ad- Ilice;and elate where loan $9OO on fur one or two years re, to °Wee. use of .5 or 6 that of the old ward UPIFInit, stating ions- TO LET. ==l
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