Markets by Telegraph. lqiivi.Yonn, ;Tune I.—Cotton more ac tive,. and V e fg%c better; sales of 5,500 bales; 29%0 for middling upland. Flour —receipts of 9,610 bbls.dull and s©loc lower; sales of 610 bbls; ,20@5,46 for super 'state western; 1.5,95@6,25, for extra State; $5,70@6,50 for extra western; $6,60 €17,65 for white wheat extra; "46,05@7,65 for R. H. 0.; $768 for fair extra St. Louis; 19@12 far good choice do. Rye flour in -moderate: request; sales of 350 bblo; $4,70 @6,60.. Corn meal dull; sales of 400 bbls Brandywine; $4,65. Whisky nominal, $1 for western, free. Receipts of wheat 17,598 T bushels. Wheat /paned a . shade 'firmer -and closed d 11, conse• quent upon less favorable pante cable a dvlces; sales of 125,6001au5,1 nearly all last evening, at $1,4201,433f for No. 2 spring on spot and to arrive, $1.46 for No. I. de., $1,46 for red Ohio, $1,58 for amber C a nada, ift,44 for Nos. 1 and 2 spring mixed, and $1,68 for white California. Rye dull and drooping. litarley and Barley Malt nominal. Corn4recemts of 10,800 bus: I@)2c better andlefus plent y ; sales of 52,uu0 bus at 56,5 5o fur new mixed western via canal', 76@8.50 for do. via railroad; 80@85o for kiln dried; 87c for white western. Oats—receipts 19,000 bn and scarcely so firth; sales 32,000 buat 77c for western afloat. clock of grain in warehonse—wheat 670,635 bn, corn 195,- 719 bn, oats 583,932 tin, rye 11,092 tut, barley 885 bu, wait 113,767 bu, Peas 42,- -177 bu. Rice dull at 7%©9c for. Carolina. Coffee quiet and steady. •Sugar quiet; sales 600.1ilids Cuba at 1234®13%c. Mo lasses quiet. Hops quiet at 6110112 c for American. Petroleum dull at 1310 for crude; 29; 1 ',@3(k. , for leaned, Linseed oil Brut at 81,08©1,10. - Spirits turpentine quiet at 45;4 ®46c. Pork firth and• quiet; sales. 550 barrels at $31,60©31,76 for new mess;_l3l@3l,2ofor old do.; tr25,25(4) 28 for prime; 828@28.25 for prime mess; stock of old lind new, . 50,773 bbla; last month 51,871 bbls; last year 75,40. Beef steady and more active; sales 500 bbls at fB@l6 for new plain mess; 512@18 for new extra mesh; total sock of old and new 39,457 pkgs; last month 47,543 pkgs; last ycar 24,478 pkgs. Tierce Beef dull at $23@28 Lfor prime thew; $28@32 for India. - Beef Hams steady;. sales 225 bbla at f28@32. Cut Meats 'unchanged; sales 280 pkgs at 11%45130 for shoulders; 15© 15%c for hams; middles steady and in nsoderate demand; sales 50 has at 15.9ic for Cumberland cut. Lard steady; sales 380 tierces:at 18©183(,c, chiefly 'at 19,0 for steam; 19 3 ( 4519 3 ic for kettle rendered. Satter dull at 30.©35cs for Ohio; -84@380 for State. Cheese quiet and steady at 18 0220. • Freights to'Llverpool are quiet; shipments are reported of '7,500 bush .vont per steamer atlyidi closed, dull and a shade 'easier. Wheat slightly in buyers' faior at $1,42 ®1,43 for No. 2 spring. Rye 120111- trial. Oats dull and heavy at 770 for Western afloat. Corn rather quiet at 57 €175 per canal, and 78@840 per railroad. Pork dull ai 831,50®31,60 for new mess. Beef quiet without decided change. Cut meats dull and unchanged. Bacon steady. Lard quiet at 1950 for prime steam. Eggs dull and unchanged. ST. LOUIS, June I.—Tobacco active and steady at unchanged priceS. Cotton quoted at 25c for low middlings. _ Hemp very dull at 813®16 for fair to choice. Flour; high grades dull and weak; low qualities firm and in demand; super sold - at $4,50®5,00; fall extra $5,25; spring and fall double extra . 84,85(4)6,50; treble extra to fancy 1i7®9,75. Wheat; spring in better demand at $l,lO for No. 2, and 11,12®1,13 for choice club: fall lower, ' at • $1,25®1,45 fpr good to prime and choice red, $1,35®1,50 for prime to choice white, .$1,50@1,75 for fancy red and white. Corn dull, lower and unsettled at - 54®570 for mixed in bulk, 57c for mixed in second hand sacks, 600 for yel low do, 70 ®72c for choice and fancy white do, 65c for mixed in new gunnies,- 69 ®7oc for choice and ' fancy yelloW do; 70 ®74c for choice to fan. oy white. Oats heavy and lower as for mixed in bulk; 63®640 Mr mixed and white in sack; 6515660 for choice to fancy. Barley, no demand; prime spring selling at $1,50. • Ryc dull and lower at 97@1,00 for prime to choice. Whisky dull and declined to 940. Groceries dull and un changed. Provisions Very firm at $31,50 for heavy pork; 13 ;go for bacon shoul ders; 1634 ®l7c•for clear rib sides, former for loose; 17©1710 for clear sides; 20© - 20330 for sugar cured herds. Lard held at 1834 c for choice. Cattle in fair local *demand at 4®7V,c. Hogs steady at 7. 1 4® 9e. Receipts--flonr, ' 3,500 bush, wheat, ' 17,200 bush, c: - Irti, 29,100 bush, oats, 1,100 bush, barley, 3,000 bush, 'rye, 700 bash, 'hogs, 600. , ' Ceicano. June I.—Eastern Exchange 1-10 off buying par and 1.10 premium selling. Flour quiet at 14,751@)7 for low grade to choice spring extras. Wheat less active; sales No. 1 at ,$1,18@1,18%; -;;No. 2 opened steady and tirm at yester , -day's prices, but subsequently yveakened and fell to sl,ls6)l,lsX,an.d . clocang almost nominal ,at $1,1534,, . and with *ales, at $1.12%. seller for the month; this „after : noon inactive , at #1,13, seller, for June. Corn steady and unchanged; Sales No. .1 at 580, No. 2 at ,5830g;590, rejected at 54®5434c, and , no. . _grade , at , 36Q)38; sales of •No. 1. this afternoon at es cash. Oats dull at 60y0g6034; closing at 60;560 1 / ‘ . , Rye more active and easier; _ sales of No. 1 at 61,03134,04, N 0.2 at sl® 1,05; closing at $1,03 for No. 1- Barley 1 8 dull at, $1,49®1.50 for No. 2.;..• Highwines .unchanged. New Orleans Molasses at 115@AL Sugar at 133.4(g;14% for. common to choice. Provisions quiet and firmer. Mess. Pork sold at $31,50; closing With buyers at $31,50, and some holders asking $31,75. Lard .;quiet and firm at 18,140)1834. Dry Salted Shoulders are firm at 12642 N for loose abort rib.. Middles , 17540. Boxed Sweet Pickled Hams 15@160. Receipts for the, past twenty-four. hours-9,9M. , boll Sour, 104,220 bus wheat, 63,569 bus • corn, 41,094 bug oats, 1,475 - bus ..rye,.400 , bus barley. 1,684 head hogs. - Shipments —12,962 bbis Soar, 110,994 ',bus ~ Wheat, 109,678 bile corn, 95,968 bus oats. 740 bus rye, 2,977. head hoes. Erelghtell..l shade firmer, at Sc hy sail and fixo,by,odram on corn to Buffalo. • • •. - • • ' • enccouraeri. 0., June 'l.—Fleiit and Wheat are :unchanged: . -Cora didt!snd . prices are 10Weri_withliales of el at OS@ - 440. There is nnohange in -Oath or -Rye.. Cotton is firnier - and Ifi , dema d. With sales °twiddling at •27@2734e.:, ado is active, with sales of 241 hogsheads "at • $4,60®23,75. Whisky is unsettled, being, • A:offered; at , 95a,