Markets by Telegraph. lqiivi.Yonn, ;Tune I.—Cotton more ac tive,. and V e fg%c better; sales of 5,500 bales; 29%0 for middling upland. Flour —receipts of 9,610 bbls.dull and s©loc lower; sales of 610 bbls; ,20@5,46 for super 'state western; 1.5,95@6,25, for extra State; $5,70@6,50 for extra western; $6,60 €17,65 for white wheat extra; "46,05@7,65 for R. H. 0.; $768 for fair extra St. Louis; 19@12 far good choice do. Rye flour in -moderate: request; sales of 350 bblo; $4,70 @6,60.. Corn meal dull; sales of 400 bbls Brandywine; $4,65. Whisky nominal, $1 for western, free. Receipts of wheat 17,598 T bushels. Wheat /paned a . shade 'firmer -and closed d 11, conse• quent upon less favorable pante cable a dvlces; sales of 125,6001au5,1 nearly all last evening, at $1,4201,433f for No. 2 spring on spot and to arrive, $1.46 for No. I. de., $1,46 for red Ohio, $1,58 for amber C a nada, ift,44 for Nos. 1 and 2 spring mixed, and $1,68 for white California. Rye dull and drooping. litarley and Barley Malt nominal. Corn4recemts of 10,800 bus: I@)2c better andlefus plent y ; sales of 52,uu0 bus at 56,5 5o fur new mixed western via canal', 76@8.50 for do. via railroad; 80@85o for kiln dried; 87c for white western. Oats—receipts 19,000 bn and scarcely so firth; sales 32,000 buat 77c for western afloat. clock of grain in warehonse—wheat 670,635 bn, corn 195,- 719 bn, oats 583,932 tin, rye 11,092 tut, barley 885 bu, wait 113,767 bu, Peas 42,- -177 bu. Rice dull at 7%©9c for. Carolina. Coffee quiet and steady. •Sugar quiet; sales 600.1ilids Cuba at 1234®13%c. Mo lasses quiet. Hops quiet at 6110112 c for American. Petroleum dull at 1310 for crude; 29; 1 ',@3(k. , for leaned, Linseed oil Brut at 81,08©1,10. - Spirits turpentine quiet at 45;4 ®46c. Pork firth and• quiet; sales. 550 barrels at $31,60©31,76 for new mess;_l3l@3l,2ofor old do.; tr25,25(4) 28 for prime; 828@28.25 for prime mess; stock of old lind new, . 50,773 bbla; last month 51,871 bbls; last year 75,40. Beef steady and more active; sales 500 bbls at fB@l6 for new plain mess; 512@18 for new extra mesh; total sock of old and new 39,457 pkgs; last month 47,543 pkgs; last ycar 24,478 pkgs. Tierce Beef dull at $23@28 Lfor prime thew; $28@32 for India. - Beef Hams steady;. sales 225 bbla at f28@32. Cut Meats 'unchanged; sales 280 pkgs at 11%45130 for shoulders; 15© 15%c for hams; middles steady and in nsoderate demand; sales 50 has at 15.9ic for Cumberland cut. Lard steady; sales 380 tierces:at 18©183(,c, chiefly 'at 19,0 for steam; 19 3 ( 4519 3 ic for kettle rendered. Satter dull at 30.©35cs for Ohio; -84@380 for State. Cheese quiet and steady at 18 0220. • Freights to'Llverpool are quiet; shipments are reported of '7,500 bush .vont per steamer atlyidi closed, dull and a shade 'easier. Wheat slightly in buyers' faior at $1,42 ®1,43 for No. 2 spring. Rye 120111- trial. Oats dull and heavy at 770 for Western afloat. Corn rather quiet at 57 €175 per canal, and 78@840 per railroad. Pork dull ai 831,50®31,60 for new mess. Beef quiet without decided change. Cut meats dull and unchanged. Bacon steady. Lard quiet at 1950 for prime steam. Eggs dull and unchanged. ST. LOUIS, June I.—Tobacco active and steady at unchanged priceS. Cotton quoted at 25c for low middlings. _ Hemp very dull at 813®16 for fair to choice. Flour; high grades dull and weak; low qualities firm and in demand; super sold - at $4,50®5,00; fall extra $5,25; spring and fall double extra . 84,85(4)6,50; treble extra to fancy 1i7®9,75. Wheat; spring in better demand at $l,lO for No. 2, and 11,12®1,13 for choice club: fall lower, ' at • $1,25®1,45 fpr good to prime and choice red, $1,35®1,50 for prime to choice white, .$1,50@1,75 for fancy red and white. Corn dull, lower and unsettled at - 54®570 for mixed in bulk, 57c for mixed in second hand sacks, 600 for yel low do, 70 ®72c for choice and fancy white do, 65c for mixed in new gunnies,- 69 ®7oc for choice and ' fancy yelloW do; 70 ®74c for choice to fan. oy white. Oats heavy and lower as for mixed in bulk; 63®640 Mr mixed and white in sack; 6515660 for choice to fancy. Barley, no demand; prime spring selling at $1,50. • Ryc dull and lower at 97@1,00 for prime to choice. Whisky dull and declined to 940. Groceries dull and un changed. Provisions Very firm at $31,50 for heavy pork; 13 ;go for bacon shoul ders; 1634 ®l7c•for clear rib sides, former for loose; 17©1710 for clear sides; 20© - 20330 for sugar cured herds. Lard held at 1834 c for choice. Cattle in fair local *demand at 4®7V,c. Hogs steady at 7. 1 4® 9e. Receipts--flonr, ' 3,500 bush, wheat, ' 17,200 bush, c: - Irti, 29,100 bush, oats, 1,100 bush, barley, 3,000 bush, 'rye, 700 bash, 'hogs, 600. , ' Ceicano. June I.—Eastern Exchange 1-10 off buying par and 1.10 premium selling. Flour quiet at 14,751@)7 for low grade to choice spring extras. Wheat less active; sales No. 1 at ,$1,18@1,18%; -;;No. 2 opened steady and tirm at yester , -day's prices, but subsequently yveakened and fell to sl,ls6)l,lsX,an.d . clocang almost nominal ,at $1,1534,, . and with *ales, at $1.12%. seller for the month; this „after : noon inactive , at #1,13, seller, for June. Corn steady and unchanged; Sales No. .1 at 580, No. 2 at ,5830g;590, rejected at 54®5434c, and , no. . _grade , at , 36Q)38; sales of •No. 1. this afternoon at es cash. Oats dull at 60y0g6034; closing at 60;560 1 / ‘ . , Rye more active and easier; _ sales of No. 1 at 61,03134,04, N 0.2 at sl® 1,05; closing at $1,03 for No. 1- Barley 1 8 dull at, $1,49®1.50 for No. 2.;..• Highwines .unchanged. New Orleans Molasses at 115@AL Sugar at 133.4(g;14% for. common to choice. Provisions quiet and firmer. Mess. Pork sold at $31,50; closing With buyers at $31,50, and some holders asking $31,75. Lard .;quiet and firm at 18,140)1834. Dry Salted Shoulders are firm at 12642 N for loose abort rib.. Middles , 17540. Boxed Sweet Pickled Hams 15@160. Receipts for the, past twenty-four. hours-9,9M. , boll Sour, 104,220 bus wheat, 63,569 bus • corn, 41,094 bug oats, 1,475 - bus ..rye,.400 , bus barley. 1,684 head hogs. - Shipments —12,962 bbis Soar, 110,994 ',bus ~ Wheat, 109,678 bile corn, 95,968 bus oats. 740 bus rye, 2,977. head hoes. Erelghtell..l shade firmer, at Sc hy sail and fixo,by,odram on corn to Buffalo. • • •. - • • ' • enccouraeri. 0., June 'l.—Fleiit and Wheat are :unchanged: . -Cora didt!snd . prices are 10Weri_withliales of el at OS@ - 440. There is nnohange in -Oath or -Rye.. Cotton is firnier - and Ifi , dema d. With sales °twiddling at •27@2734e.:, ado is active, with sales of 241 hogsheads "at • $4,60®23,75. Whisky is unsettled, being, • A:offered; at , 95a, <with no buyers.; Poo-, , -visions are firm but quiet: Mess Pork's • !. held at Pi, but was.not offered freely•at .4. this rate..• Balk meats are dull, at , INo and 150 for shoulders and sides; these are the rates asked; -no sales: , Bacon duff . . , but Leld very firm; sales of< shoulders at • 18340, sides at inx@toio for clear rib, 4 and 17®17 0 - • for clear. 'Sugar !Cured 1 ~f Hams , ' are heldrat 18M(4193..; Lard iis • • , held•at-19c; with no demand. Batter is in ;large supply. and 'dull at 22©26c. Eggt are . dult* . lat 190, and prices Bret. • • drooping.; There is no change in OS; , Linseed, $1,01®1,05;. Lard, ,11,40@155. • Petroleum, 29@.10a: tiohange is dull at 1 10 ' per cent. discount buying,, and tel. selling. Money ituirk'et"aloolo. • ' LotnErntrat, June b;: , •Provtitorqi quiet. --' Mess .•.Pork $31,50.. ;:Bactin•L:sihoulders i 13®c, clear rib 16 c, clear sides 174'0, i",:batattt# 19 14 - L ard rime ,tierces' 18 3 10. in kega 2Qo. 'High nes are drooping at f:; ' *" ' 080. Flotir steady; superfine 114,75@7,25. Grain quiet and.weak; 'Wheat—red 51.10; white 51,20 on arrival in bulk. Oats in bulk 65ci. Rye; No. 1 at $1,25. Gro ceries quiet and steady. New Orleans Sugar; prime 1434 c. Molasses—prime 70c. Rio Coffee; prime 251ie. Bay is firm; choice on wharf t 22,00. Tobacco— no sales of leaf today; preparations are being made for the Fair, which takes place in Masonic Temple to morrow. PotatOes—new 56 4 00, old 81,15. Cement 52,00. Cotton quiet; middling, 2634 c, low middling 25}4.0, and middling 260 on ar rival. Wool—unwashed 31c. The Cattle market is buoyant; choice- cattle 6c. Hogs heavy at 8;‘43. Sheep—choice 53,00. MILWAUKEE, June 1.-71 our dull and unchanged. Wheat closed unsettled at $1,18% for No. 1,111,16 for No. 2. Oats nominally unchanged. Corn quiet and weak at 88 for rejected new in store. Rye steady at 81 for No. 1. Grain Freights nominally unchanged. The re ceipts for the past twenty-four.honrs were 2,000 barrels of flour, 12,600 bushels of wheat and 3,000 bushels of oats. The shipments for the same time were 6,000 barrels of flour, 174,000 bushels of wheat, and 20,000 bushels of oats.. TOLEDO, June I.—Flour •quiet and steady. Wheat a shade better; amber at $1,3831, on spot, and $1,37 seller for Jane; white Michigan regular at $1,41. Corn a shade lower; No. 1 atdBc on spot, and 870 seller for fifteen days, and No. 2 at. 66c. Oats a shade lower; small• sales at ••6850 for Michigan. Rye dull; offered at $l,lO without buyers. = Barley nominal: Be 4 ceipta: 3,000 bbls flour, 10,800 bus wheat, 2,109 bus oats, 6,200 bus oats, Shipments: 600 bbls flour, 3,800 bus wheat, 4,800 bus corn, 2,000 bus bats, 400 has barley. . • PHILADELPKIA "May I.—Flour droop ing and unchanged, except for ettra family, whichAs quoted at s7@B. Wheat dull; red' $1,40; amber $1,89. Rye dull at $1,35. Corn very quiet; yellow un. changed; mixed western 851®87c. Oats unchanged. Petroleum quiet; crude in bulk 14c; refined 29v ,in bond. Provis= ions unchanged. W 4 htsky steady at $l,lO for free.' CHICAGO, June I.—Hogs active, firm and 10c higher; sales at $8,50@8,75 - ,for fair to medium and $8,85@9,00 for good to choice. Cattle steady and active, at $5,26@5,85 for cows and heifers; $6,26@ 7,12 for fair to good, and $7,25@7,3735 for ohoice steers. . liiinair.unt, June I.—COtten firm at 27% @280; receipts 121 bales; ex ports 347 bales. Flour dull; superfine $5®6,25. Corn. 76 ig7Bo. Oats 80 . . Hay $26@27. Pork $32. Lard 18;i®19 ; c. Bation firm; shoulders i l 13% c. ®l3%c; sides i .",. Bulk meats dull; shoulders .1.2%c; sides 1634 c. .. Bavrimoltn, June .—Flour dull and weak. Wheat nom at Rye unchan ged. Corn—white ,:88®900; yellow 86@ 880. Oats dull at , i (q)750. Provisions firm and unchang :.. Whisky dull at $1,0335. IMPORTS DV RAILROAD. PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE t CHI °AGO RAILROAD. Jude ,1.-17 Cars iron ore, Shoenberger & Blair; 16 do metal, Nimick & Co; 3do do, Union Mills; 1 do dot - Brown & Co; Ido do, Loomis it Col lard; 75 bbls flour, 571sks middlings, J it A Dietz; 900 do flour, Watt, L it Co; 50 bills felloes, Hare & Bro; 8 sks rags, Pitts-Paper Co; 7 ll i muadles, Bdo soap, J tiangwich; 106 sk oats, Blaney &M; 100 doz pails, 16 bxs c ease, Dilworth &C; 20 bxs cheese, Knox it Orr; 25 do do, J B, Canfield; 6 do do, N J Braden; 10 do do, J J Pettitt; 10 do do, Smith, J it Co; 20 do do, S P Shriver & Co; 10 do no, L.t J Blanchard; 22 sks rags, Christy & Ben ham; 16 do do, C Obertaus; 1 car wheat, Liggett & Co; 1 do do, 13 Wallace; 2 do - do, Hitchcock, M'Creery & Co; 1 do oats, J Hastings; 206 oil -bbls, Adams & Bro; 50 bids bone black, Seward At Emerson; 25 tcs lard Sellers de Co. CLavaterm AND,Prrrssrrialip RAIL ROAD, June 1.-r-1 cat Pipes, H H Collins: 1 do oats, G Shaw; 2 do limestone ore, Zug it Co; 2do do, M'Knlght & Co; 6do do, M'Knight, Pit Co: 100 bbla flour, I' Hogan; 100 do do, Wilson & Son; 1 ear lumber, M'Quewan it D; Ido potatoes, Woodworth it D; 5 do meat, Hayes it Son; 2 bbls wife, J.II Taylor; 16 bxs to bacco, E W M'Olnnis; 5 bbls vinegar, 9 Ewart & Co; 62 do cement, W Wallace; 29"d0 flour, 13chinnaker it L; 44 ,sks oats, Dean & Patterson; 36 bdls Chairs; 15 do rockers, Bedford Chair Co; 20 bxs cheese J A Graff. _ PITTSBURGH CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS RAILROAD. June 1.--1 car ship stuff, J & W Fairley; 200 bbls flour, Soho maker &L; 40 tea hams, 2 make dry beef, J H Parker; 5 cases scrap .Iron, M Maloney; 18 Ws meat, G Mitchell; 10 bbls I lard'oil, J $ ,Dilworth; 9 do whisky, F Schild; 6 r ies hams, E Heazieton; 1 car staves, W fluting; 40 cases tobacco, W H:KirkpattiCk & Co; 1 'clii": scrap iron, il, Singer,, N ez Co; 1 ease tobaeco, W L 1 Jones: - - , • - ALLEGHENY S:r.wriorr,june 1.-6 cars metal, Pitts Iron (lc l'orge Co; 6 do lime stone,-Superior Iron 'Co; 8 do wheat, 'Kennedy & Bro: I do lime.. J Abdell; 29 sketionr, 29 do middlings, B C ter* Bdo oats, 'Owens'& Kennedy; . 1 ear metal, Lindsay et M; =lO dos brooms; S -Clark & Co; 5 do do, Grbiyers; 1 ()arson', filtbi' & Scul; Ido lumber, J Gregg. Mani Iffl=l/ ‘. CO Non. 221 and :223 - "Liberty Street. Corner of .IrWia, now offer to •Ote trade at IoW figures, strictly • • Prima Nevi CrOsiNew ,Orlealui Sugar and Porto Rico, Cilia sod Eiglbh Island Sugars. New York,- Philadelphia and Baltimore Re lined do. _ Golden Orly*: Loverings, Brunjls, Stuart's, Mame. and Long Island byru. • _ _ - Porto Rico. Ones and gmgl Island atoialisee. Young Firma. Japan, im perial, Ounporder and Oolong Teu,-,. • Carolina and Mogi& Bice. • Jaert,'Lagirayrs and to Coffees: • Toommo, :LUd 011, nab, Balls, Giles, Soaps, Cotton Yarns, de., constantly on hand. • - • kr.430 IMPORTERS 07 • Fine BraridietOyines . and Segars. Rhenish, Moselle, and Sparkling Hoot Wines of Hintelbottles. Bpi:UMW 'No*Klrd,' illobariberg: and /ottani*. .• :do. , t'laranti :imported in bottles. rlo .. • dor..s Whije ;Wines. In bottleu - 'l, M. Vert Sony , Statling Cat awba.' - fine old siierl7; Madeira and Port Wines. ism O li kilforigpaitis BAliaiskles. pure. do . Very Superior Old do do. ' ..... . r jrjBo, . . .a. r • • ; • • Bole trilt• for Mott • Olmadon a Grand Vin. In Crien . ay Bnindlearif our own poebsetlqp. .04 warglytted. j rd.'" - TRADE A- K sDjIIIRIfUE , O •b' fE'.- PI%O Lamp CHIMNEY RIEM3 `FDDIVICIP .1.4111 E, 'Pof Smithfield street, Sole. finuthertirett of taffetas • uea' Ore .13ettimilotqUirsirsi. Reedit*. Ma. fadilli EMI 1 3 71:STRILGP , _GAZYTT7, , 719 . .DN:f . -351) . J17.1g. Z. ItmER" • The river, was:rising slowly last even ing with eight feet six inches in, chsonel by 'marks. Weather cloudy, unsettled anti warm. Business is moderately active at the landing though =nothing to 'brag of. Freights are rather scarce for all. points. The. Argosy from , St. Louis, was due last night, and will doubtless be found in port this morning.' • The Glendale departed for , St. Louis, yesterday wilh an excellent trip, her guards almost dragging - in the water and about all the passengers she could accommodate. Pilote—Bobb attd mar shall. Capt. Nelson Crooks, a'veteran steam boatman and Well known at one' time as commander of the . - famons clipper No. 2, in the palmy days of the Cincinnati packet company, was a passenger on the Glendale. Horesides some fourteen miles below Parkgrsburg and a few . days visiting some friends.. Capt. Crooks has not steambOated , any for sev eral Years, the Kenton, we believe, be ing the last boat he had command of. , Capt. J. M. Andrews, another veteran steamboatman ' but who for tao or three years past has been residing at Mt. Gil ead,Ohio, ifii also here on a visit., His numerous friends will be glad tp learn flutt".he is 'much improved in health: lia .contemplates returning, to his old butilitess again this rail. The Grey Eagle; Capt. C. L. Brennan, is the regular packet for Parkersourg to-day leaving promptly at noon. - The Kate Putnam, Capt. G. W. R6td, is filling up steadily for Cincinnati and Louisville, and will be the first boat out for the above named porta' —The White River packet Natoma is laid up at Memphis with a broken shaft. —Captain Wills has .sold his interest in the Farragut to G. O. Russell, who is now sole owner of the boat: —The Government dredge-boat Octa via is lying at St. Joseph waiting for orders. The Snag-boat S. H. Long _ar rived at Leavenworth on the 26th. —Another crevasse occurred at Cal houn's plantation, sixty miles above New Orleans, on. Monday. The breach Is about fifty yards wide. —The old . steamers.' Lafourche and Gray Eagle are coming up the river soon m Louisville to have their machinery transferred to new boats which ale ex pected out in July: • —The steamer Nick Wall, which sunk in the hiissouri River while en route to Fort. Benton, and was recently raised by the-Submarine No. 14, passed. St. Joseph on the 26th.baund tor St. Louts-for re pairs. - The abjured portion of hdr cargo will be duplicated, and she will proba blylestve on her return: 'trip about the 10th of June: • , —The Era No. .9 accomplished the Tun from Jefferson to New Orleans, includ ing all landings and. stoppage at Shreve port for 53 cords of_ wood, which con sumed four hours, in three days and one —The Glasgow and Camelia were ad, vertised to leave Cincinnati for Pitts burgh on Monday. ' ( —We clip the following from the Cin cinnati Commercial of Sunday: The new tow-boat Ironsides, Capt. M. W. Beltzhoover, arrived from St. Louis with a tow of seven model barges. laden with 1,800 tune of iron ore for Pittsburgh. She landed at the motith of the Licking for fuel and stores, after receiving which, proceeded on up the river. She reports the Big Miami running out at a 'fearful rate, with a ourrpnt so powerft 1 that .they were compelled to divide their tow -before they could get through. ' We ' 'also take the following from the same paper. Capt. Jno. .Woodburn Ipassed • through the city yesterday, en route from Little Rock to. Pittsburgh where he will contract for several steamers ',for the Memphis and Arkansas River trade. —A negro who shipped at Lonisville on the Argosy, but whose dame, is un known, was lost overboard on_Wednes. day night, at the foot of Eighteenmile Island. —The Paducah Herald says Capt. Tom Harman, the "enthusiastically popular," will retire from the command of the y roue, and go into the circus business. —Capt. J. V. Throop ptopossi build ing a new boat for the 'lttimeo."l —The St. Louis Democrat says: The contemplated union of the Thompson Dean and perhaps the Republic, with the barge line, has been deferred, for the present, and no definite arrangement has been ,entered into for such union. There may be arrangements made with othei steamers. • • —lt is thonght that a rise of eighteen inches will relieve the SilVer Moon from her unpleasantpositiOn on the falls. —The towboat'Chas. Bowen has gone from Nashville to St. Lents, where she has engagements for 1,000 tons of-,iron ore for Pittsburgh. . River and Weather. (Br Telegraph to the Thisbe:nth Gazette. Loiltsvir.r.n. June 1.--The river lb riOng,' eight feet three Inches in canal this. evening. The' weather is cloudy and mild. • . . 2,000 MO OF 011 . 040 E U.NI:ISFOR SA T.Fi. BY TBIC • • , . Union Pacific - Rilitclad Compani, ZABTERN nmeicuti, • Lying along tbe , llae ern' r road. at $l,OO TO $5,00 FEB AGRE, , Mid sat - O W CREDIT llTirli MUMS. Torturtbar partialas. •ge., &Myrna', JOHN P . pavEsiatus, _ I Laud Canuniulnnei. Togua Hans.' OR KHI.M.II; ILILKWIngir; mss :, .: .54 Lana. ArissOlin. Il . . .. . - • • ~. 4 • . .. . . . iooP.Ocr.A. - ATE:of viitiotv Qualities , and i:.-COlors; LiitAdiiii-iittentto. gpieiii4 I..*lisii,ti,„„,,i i lr i p t ib.:24,B:,a}?FP?P' 1 ? r k frLi gg ia ... 11t,;!/Prieea ,!, L, , • ! , : . n.-- ,-. J. 8. NEWMagif. ', .-, .:.... . ! - .1r0.;-As Isevltiiita • &Venni,' ' milllisse - ; -:-. , - - • MOTS/ MPH. PA . ----. A o IbAIIGIE SHIPMENT OF ‘"r ' ditA.sig stvikg wee! liatfitoitiad * 16 Va1% all p!i prtoo. : .•, _••i:.},;,;1 , :,te...ti1,1 i.,.. , ;1...i .., 0 , ,, ; 8:5c i m ,..t . , t , '' ic ti t i 1 V 4 iiir6r4 . ..' citli4744lolll l :''' -"-' '='' :-/e; r Plt4lmixilhra ! -,,i,,..k ~ I.= '! ; r:!± ! ,,, JouL -Ple.•-tA) • "raVvl,c PAcKETS. 1 - UPPER I.llttEl t t 1 ) NORTHERN LINE PiCKETSI FROM St. Louis to Kook!' and St. Paul, AND ALLAN rzumz LATE POETS. , . • one Of the splendid Sidewiteel Steamers of this will leave Et. Lords da ly for Feokn Ie,DR pert, Dubuque, Winona, Stillwater ono St. Pool. ThrOugh-receipts foY Freight and- Passengers - I will be given to all points oh the Upper 311- Os sibsippl on steamers, runnln .4' from this port and I connern tug with the Northern Line Packets at St, Louis; thus enabling tion,ignees., to get their Freight through wittiest delay and at lowest rates.. Appilto. .JOHIN FLACK. • J. D. COLLI r, OWOOI3, 1: - . Agents, or to B. C. QP AT 91 wPater street. mb26:r23 CINCINNATI. . FOR CINCINNATI and a dEg LOUISVILLE.—The nne pas senger steamer KATE PUTNAM Ca 0.1 1 .• W. , REED. Wm' leave as '&love Tills 'DAY, June ad , at 4 o'clock r. Forfrcight orimsr2p A r g n r board or to . D. COLLINGWOOD; Agent& mr2B VOR .1' • MARIRT I'A.PAILKEIISBURA3 AND C NCINN Leaves.Plttstsitgh EVERY TUESDAY. LA M. Leaves Cincinnati ,EVNRY, FRIDAY-4 P. M. The swift and covert,. Stdewheel 'Steamer ST. MARYS. T. C. .SWERNEY, Commander, will leave as announced above. • . For Irtelght or Passag...apply on board, "FLACK & COL. INGWOOD, or CO I.LINo & ~laIiNES, Agents. N. R.--No Pidgin received on Tuesday after IIA. M. mli29 PARKEIISIIIIRt. J T RAU R: G r " NvrtRELIRG AND PAR- KERSBIJRI.I. LlNE.—LtacrP Coutrmnv , a Wharf mnor. oeworms Stroat. daily at 151 S.; WSW SESDATS and SATURDAYS, EMS .. . . ..ti. L. Simi - N - Iw, Master. treight wilt be received at ail noun by , JAMES COLLThilt. . FLAuS..IiCULLINGWOOD, - ; Ageute.- STEAMSHIPS. TO LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN. TRE.lNDlAltrEam.sTgAvuguips, , _ , 'N'ambertng: etxteen ItraVelfuse vessels,' among mthe celebrated • . CITY OF ratios, CITY - or ANT*TEPp, _ CITY OP BOSTON CITY OPNALTIMORE, CITY OF LONDON, Balllng_PYltlitY SATURDAY, from Pier 48, crth Myer, New York. For nassage or , farther ..tatursaadal aophatO , . _WILDA* , 1110111A.114 ro runt STlLEZT,_(Chrtiaiete Mutant,. • yearly orinpslte post onie,. pettabar.h COBIMBSION MERCHANTS J. L. ioiLLrbrozn.... .... 1314171112115011 DILLINGER & STEVENSON, DISTILLERS AND DEALERS IN, Puree Rye Whiskies ihIPOETEaS OP BRANDIESi WINES, GINS, &C., No. 87 Second -A+en.ue, EMI ESTABLISHED BY A. & T 11,11 LY, W. M. GORAILY, 'WHOLESALE GROCER, No. 271 Liberty Street, (DIESCTLY Orr. SAGLZ NOTN.L,I . . . PITTORITIMG-11 PA. Se 416 = %if - STEELE ii. SON, .11`1.• Connnimien Mercha nttr , AND .DZA.L.II2tB n. " I .1 1 1401:31‘0,11,AIN,ErFnFIT), No. 95 OHIO MIEN% neat Mist Common, ALLTLOHICNY • Y. PA. W. C. 141.IIISTE,ONG, ss Succeor Fetzer & Arzeet•oug, PRODUCE COMMISSION _MERCHANT, No. 25 2LULHErSTREET. mow_ ?ZULU SAIL • dAS. S. ItItaLIELT. KEIL 4 11ITCyARTI COMMISSION MM=MI Trattra; GRAIN; wraps, MILL FEED. do. 849- Liberty mr1.4;b37 L J. BLANc RD. Wholesale and'Retail erooen, ar lB, x B9 s° ' 396 PENN STWEET, 1 1% i , i s ITTLE, 'BAIRD & P ' TTON6 Vilioleasle etreeers, Otdoiniesion erebante an Dealers in Produce, Ylour, llse° cheese,. Irish, Carbon and "Lard , Olk Iron , Yid Irma, pottonA'arns and all V"Lcsourgh man °turas 'generally, ILISI " and. al isitCOND 13 WWI', Pittsburgh. Joits tortrrow " - - i - • - A. - --wextecni. aiIIPTONOviVALLACEMhoIe. ti&t.F. L 0119131l118_P:1 *ROI.IU 01 , pir4D i-Xo..sl3l.a.Plingingy. Pitt sbureli.. ' : 70111/ 1.,110118.11../Ww. H011811....WY. H. 11017811. TORN I. HOUSE Si BROS.i Stic ,cassors to JgHbrsl. HOW CO.. Whole. @toter! and OHM/0310d iterthrats; Cor. low of Spitbfiel4Andyfater litreeph Pt ttapurith. pumps._ IVOCiDrI) IRON WELL - AND LlST`AN!) l om at p u m p s. , We are here' ilergzia 61.'111 PAreitititi well as tit factory cult. , , , , • • , A taro d complete 11141' oa hind. Isaatiles,eq4 NU often. in want cp should 11904, pomp at l 'er jr ihtWo pric e,u the Intrket, w:w. - KNoxi i nuisdigtAvr t,( - . TNION ENTERPIUSE - 4.1 kau"Nbity, llla WM. MG JOHNSON.. - - Manufacturer of COOKING STOVMS, Arches. Grates, Fenders; 1180- Weights, - sad all kinds at Kollow Ware, Car. Wheel p glad all, Vas of Michindrr Castings v _ooll4 WATN , AMIN eloh IM.• ItiGII , anansZtviuts . . 41:04L1P.(4.40.A1AMP. ursothr. nviintucHitustamxtrinr*.a .4 F , _Di YOUNG*ION 844304 ° )' ' • 1 ''' 1•,•• : ~ ' -••... -tor A • .13451 i biiti'•'iArtex, othq7E4Vt el' , i J , 10K ouriAnt mia 431N1N0 BAWONIVI : F.' • li. Outh h afAi! OszoolipoWin .41 o{ ; )Iy4o 7 l. air 4b ,rlTel and( tinatito isoldteil iwitiptlion l Ursinn inn class on short notice. .s , . .)up.,:.) . q 1869: MEM • IRON Orri MUTUAL -LIFE INSURANCE CO. - Of Pennsylvania. Office, 75 Federal St. , Allegheny City. DIRECTORS Hon. JAMES L uRAHAM, Rev. .1. B. CLARK. D. 11., Capt. B. ROBINSON. • Bev. A. K. BELL, D.D. I• Rev. S. H. *;EaBIT. D.D., •-• . W. A. B RED. Cashier Allegheny Trust Co/ • JACOB RUSH Real Estate Agent, SIMON DRUM, Mayor of Allegheny, C. W. BENNi, Hatter. - • " - A. S. BELL. Attorney-at-Law. D. L. PATTERSON. Lumber Merchant, D. SWODER, Insurance Agent. Capt.ROBT. ROBINSON, President. I.llev.J. B. CLARK, D. D., Vice President. JACOB RUSH, Secretary, C. W. DENNY. Treasurer. M. W. WHITE, MS.DICAL ADVISES. DANIEL SWOUER, Deng Agent. This Is a nome company. conducted on the mutual principle, each pelley:holder receiving an equal share of the profits of the Company. Policies wlil .be; Issued on all- the different plans of Life Insurance, and being conducted on an economi- Cal basis will - afford. a - safe investment to each policy bolder. and thtreby retain the money at home toeacourage home industry. mbS9:g33 'OPEN FRANKLIN IL" INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ALLFOHEynt, PA; pIiFICE IN FDA.NkLIN SAYINGE( BANK , BUILDINGS.. . pro: 41' Ohio St., Allegheny. 6"1,101‘t COMPANY, teenaged\ by Directors web known to the community, who trust by fair iieeline to merit a share of your patronagii RENIVIr IRWIN —.. .Preetdeat Oka. D. ItIDDLIE . . . DIRECTORS: Henry_ Irwin, - D. L. Patterson, Meo. B. Biddle, Jacob Franz, .. Simon Drum, J. - B. Smith, W. M. Stewart, Ch; P. Whiston. WOll. *Lantner, H.'J..ankann. • 1 '.. I . - . • • R * R . E . GENE aplo:o3S • .• . • -•- - SH I INSURANCE COMPANY, .. PBELIIN'S BUILDING, Iwo.' 22 Pillth . Avenue. Second Floor, ! . . PITTSBUEUR.. PA. Capital AU Paid Up. - '. : nu:Evros& 1 1 N J. B a gley. . H.W.illtver, jr, CapS.M.Balley, Aging Wallace, 8 B. Hartman. A. Chambers, Jake um. S. Bl'Clnricsn. Jas. M. galley. a hookas Smith Jno.S. Willock, ROHE T 11: KIN % President. Jr" ) . F. JEN ViiiHS. Vice President.. 1 JOS. 7`.• JOHNSTON, Serretary. I Capt. H. J. GRACE. Gen'l Agent. Insures on Liberal Terms on all Fsre . . and_Marine Ailsks. . - .! ap2:g67 pENics • VANLO, - lIWIR_ANCE CQMPANY ,Of PITEISSURIIH • OPTICE. No. 1511E•W__00u STREET, isAITE OD. 00111:612BCIE BW,..ULNG. , . 'Ma Is a Home Company ,' and insures 'aiSInSI low Dv Fire exclusiveiv. _ . . LEONARD WALTER, President. • 1C: C. BOYLE, Vice Presideat. 1 .., .. I ROBE= PATRICK, Treasurer, lilliiii MaLHEltiri. Se ere tarp. 1 x'3: _± , 1 Leonard Walter,DIRZC IVb . Ge orge son. I.C. C. Boyle, . : O - eo. IV Evans, ittPbertTsUlik, • ' ' J. H. Lippe, Jacob Painter, J. C. "Pithier, Josiah King, Joan Voegtley, _ I Vas. H. Hopkins, A.. Ammon, 1 Henry Sproul. .! 1 TNDERINITIE i -AL FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO.OF PHILADELPHIA OPTIC E. 435 & 437 CHESTNUT BT., near *TB Charles A. Blacker, Bordecid H. Louie' Tobias Wagner, David G. Brown, Samuel Grant, Isaac Lea, _ Jacob R. Smith, _ Edward O. Dale, coorge W. Richarda,_ George gales.. CHARLES G. BANCKZR, President. ED W. C. DALE, Vice President. W. C. bTEBLE, Secretary, pro tens. J. GARDNER COFFIN, AGlbtric North West, corner Third and Wood Streets. ix.1229:w15 NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, • . . . Cor.,Federal Si. and Diamond, Allegheny, PITTSBURGH. PA Office. In the , BECOND NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. . ' ' .• ' ' • BISECTORS: • I John A. Myler, las. Lockhart. Jos; Myers, Jas. L.Graham. Robert Lea, 0. o.'Hoyle, Jno. 8r0w5:444. GeOrge Herat, Jacob hopp. O.H Plot Itliams Jno. 'Thompson J. McNangher. erszca. WESTERN IN HUILA:BICE COltl• . PANIC OF PITTSBURGH. -, - ALEXANDER NIMIOK, President. W7d. P. HERBERT. Secretary. • OAPT. GEORGE Braila), General Agent., ' Once, Slil - Water street, Span & Cc. 'a Ware! bbnos, upstairs:Pittsburgh. • _ . Will In.ure against all kinds of Fin and Ma. etnellisks. A home Institution, managed by Di rector who are well known to the community, Mid who are determined by promptness andliber silty to maintain the character which they have assumed,' as elferin,g the best protectiOn to those who dasip,to ti insured. • . . - - - -,- ,• • otaltOrCMgr , •" ' ' ',: -;1 Alexander lift:nick, Joan B. llcenne v , "-! B. hillier, Jr., • - Gluts. J. Clarke, JeXaeg Maule3% , William S. Evans, • Alertinder epees; Joseph ItirkpatriCk. : , Andrew Acklen„ Phillip Reymer, • • Davi d =E hi. Long, Wm. Morrison. -• s mien. l pT A r lu trap ..insußAser, cox- opPlez, w. Z. CORNER WOOD a nen( Sra, L Home Cenipany.tiking Tin and Mailne ALL EG k: Ili .11C INI9LIJILANCE 'COMPANY 'OP PITTSBURGH. SPIOIC,Ne,II‘p.T.PTHSTRERT,BANZ BLOITS. - ramie! &anima. all kinds _of Firer and Marina • " - .4dHU IRWIN. Ja. 'President. ;1 T. J. HOSHIBSOIJ, Vice President. U. G. DON NELL, seaetaty. ..: .; . . , ;(4 1 .PZi !Wills oW..fienersl Agent. , . , : DrlinerOns: .jolui WNW: Jr.. , B. I..9rislinestook : T. J. ; Hosunson.y H. Everson. - L Ct. fa linase.• , • _rt H. Harvey Childs. Francis Sellers. • .askarlesralya s •' i . ,•• (hint. J. T. Stodtdale. 9I I Pti WPriltan• ! T. m 1147.4. .. , :i, 1 INSURANCE: Wm, coo_p er, V Oottbsib • W, Jacob Bash, Joseph Craig. Joie, Wotan'. ' AL AGENT; AGAINST LOSS BT VIBE I.)s W. W. MARTIN, President, JOHN BROWN J B.', Viee President. JAMES. E., RT.e.V.E.BS( seireta". PIE 114270118: Wll6 •Plattpl... ? - Capt..Jotm • L. B ana t', John Watt, - Hamnel P. Shriver. • John Y. Parks.Charlee Arbuckle., Capt. James? iller s , Jared M. Brush. • Wm. VatiMirk, : Ws F. L ang, Li; Jam_2.AP. Verner Samuel Mecrlckart . • , ff.'PEEIL ' President. - - ' JOM27.W.ATT }ic e President, :w.y_,AFARD Secrete ly. . - 4 ' APT. JAS. 1R ()N. isen.rai Atria, 130113, LlQtfOßSogge. sci-AIDT ac,.vitti.DAy : ,;,, LIMPOSVILISS.OF f.... 1, • I; 9WII -- •- " BANDIES, GiN , P' . ag ite 4 ' . rptatri ,RYE I' • . 1 409t i tirzt - „. AND. 8136 PES t ; ~•. Cor.lLteirenth 3t., (iotnierly Cal • Pillk Va:10 7 .0 89 0 1 .0. 1 P 3 A14.0 1 9 01 ,1 7,4 13 :r sT= l ",/77 8 : 1 1:9?P- 1 7 13•0100 €11 1480 1116 0 itottapear iwomeitai j" / : t h Pk ,!11414.fiht RAILROAD& 1869. MUM* PanT WA Ath. I. W. and CLEVELAND PITTSBURGH& t. B. From slay OM, 1809 trains will leave fro= and arrive at tde Union Depot, north side. Pitts. burgh city Urns. as follows: Lew. Chicago x....2:08 a m Erie & Ygn E 5.7048 a m C1.30A1Vg31 , 15:15 am Chicago 31a11..5 OM a m Chicago Ex, —0:43 a mi Cl. &Wk'S•Ta 2 :0 8 P Chicalc Pa— -2 ' 23 P MI W'e Erie Ex4:3B pb Depart from A ileglumy. Bea'r Falls Ac.8:58 a m Leetsdale " 10:03 a m :". 11:58 m kocheitef" 1:R8 pm " 8 Leetsdale Ace.s:l3 p p m ro Bea`rFalls :5:13 Pm Leetsdale.." /9:163P 1P Pair Oaks Sun day Church. lirlap m m. Chios, Altir 12-03 D. ta.Chles J. M. 11.1118 ALL,_ - Gann Ticket Alloul mylo Arrive. Chicago Ex., 4:08 am • Chicago Ex. - .114:03 p m. Wheeling Ex 10:48 a IIL fit. Lords Ex , -7:118 m Chl'go Ex.1.11111/8 pux Cleveland Ex - 3:83 p m • Erie &Tg'nllls:BBp Ex • CL&Wh`g Exo:s3pm Arrive fn'Allerisysl Leetsdale Ae..6:58 am Bea'r Falls" 8:ill8 am New Castle - "10:513 am. • E i en:refia. 119:::3183;111: Beal; Falls " A:43 pin , Leetsdale " 4:33 pm • Fair . Oaks' Bna. • day Uturch. 9:58 am o Express-leaves dally. • - Express arrives dilly.- . Ii t .M'CULLOUGH„ - tiea,lBupteal, ri A ?ME OF mimme" skj TIME. ea.z.zonisilYvami r l it tVLEGAD., THE ONLY BISECT THE OIL, REBIONWWiTHOUVOEIAN9III . OffA On and after MONDAY May 3d; 1869 TWO , , _ THROUGH *TBA I NB: AeXceptvlittrtitayil *lit leave • l'ittsburgt • Depot, corner of ' ..Elev r entlt and Pike streetsifer Franklin, OH Oity,Bnf.. filo, and. all points to e 11Begi0na• Leave PriTnntritafti ARMS' 'MviIITEIBITSGH Day Ex .. .•41 • saw zi Day. .5:13 p fat Hight 7:30 pm Night lx 6;30a na Brady's B 3:15 , pm Beady's! B Ais,lo:l9 a int Ist liodaW , lts 9:4s!itan liteodaWStit 7:40 ant Ad BodaW , ks 6:30"p m 2d SodaNrki 6:19 p Ist Hutton— 6:45 dt Ist Holton .. n:5O ama 2d Hu1t0n...12;00 <<m Au Halton:— 2:00 p 3d Hutton... 1 t:00 pm 3d Holton... 1:015 p Arnold's Ac. 5:011p.m Arnold's Ac. 7:40 pas Churcb train to and from Soda Works leave Pttisburgh at i.:10 v. H. Arrive at THisburgh,, (Sundays,) at 9 50A. H. Express trains stop ionly Ist principal points. Accommodation rains st.Ezt all stations J. J. LA BE 02, actin' eup't. THOMAS M. 0, Ass't. bup't. •it 215th; 1869, Trains ItroarthE Union Depot, !LAW . Liberty streets. as I:IISENNSYLV NIA CENTRAL It AD. On and after will arrive at and.dep • corner of Wishingtua follows •.• - . Arrive. , • .• ".• •• Depart. Mail Train.... /45 am !Dye:press.. 9:15 Ma Fast Line"... 1 - • 45 am Bost ern Ex.. li:e oam Wall's No. 1.. 6 510 am Walps No. 1.. 6:3oam BrintonAcc'n. 7:50 am Mail Tratn,...•._ 8:15 am WalPs No. 2.. 8:50 am HoW?dAtiNol10:210 . am 'Cincinnati Ex-9:10 am .Cinc.inni Ex 121:30 pm Johnstown A.c10135 an. Wall's No. 2..11:51 BM How'd Ae Nol 1:10 pm Johristawit'4,4. 3:05 pm Pittsh , ch Ex. 1:30 Dm Rraddocks Ac. 3:40 p Phila. Expressl:so . pm Phila. Express 4:20 p Walt's No. 2...9:50pm Wall , ' No. it.. 4:sopm Braddock Ac.. 8:50,pm Wain: No. 4.. 6:ospm Holed Ac No 2 9135 pm *Fast Uae:. . 7:30 pm Wall's N0.4._, 7:20 pm Roved so Nir2.8:510 pin Way P115811'2'10:20 pm WalPallo:5:. 11:50 ma Tlaese trains make close connection a: Harris burg for Baltimore. - ,. 1 The Church, Train leaves Walls, Station every Sunday at 9:05- -1,,, tn.. reachin g Pittsburgh 10:05 a. m. , Be turning, leaves Pittsburg - 5, tlap.: . m. 'sad . arches rt Wails; latatton 1.0 P., ilk. . . '• nilciunati dirprarcles .dallyieiltll., claw trot a day except Sunday. . ":ilittrierlnfarinattrat ran :-'s% .... 1.. • r: . ~ 1 sietiiik l. , B. Oh ril tipi ii iit z. . 1 Iles .i lrlMM — ft --- rapi --- t xal i r aro ma ap rcr7Dallanixtyalne,.• __,Baisgme to , xwiGns Ott amount - In 'mite' 191: Mt/151M of tb. ewnor.:Qil Mi ccui r t M/ 2 41 1 ' • --t- W . W spill General Superinte , t. A 1 14 WPENNSYLV RA-LECA.II,4On and April2 l .4LidUMOßithls ssenor. Trains on the Western rennsylYanla. Rai road will !adapStreet pelpYet a A t lnde- dep CairxtA ' rfromi rthaat Eliningd , e No16:40 a m Mall • 9:004.= Freeport No. 8:20 a m Freeport No. 19:205m„ Express 10:40 a m Sitarpb , g Nol 11:20 am Sharpb`g No.11:20 p m Ex - press . 2:so,pin Freeport No. 24:00 phi Springtre Nol 3:30 p m Mall - 5:50 p m Freeport No. 25:20 in Springd , e NO 26:20 p Springdle NO 26'W Pan Aboye trains ran daily except Sunday. - The Church Train leaves Allegheny 'Junction every Sunday at '1:40 a. In., reaching Allegheny City at 9:50 a. in. Returning, - leaves Allegheny City at 1:30 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny Juno. Lion at 3:40 p. m. - COnatoxarion TiCEarn-/For ,tiale In packages of Twenty, between Allegheny City, Chestnut , street, Marrs, Bennett, Fine,Creek4 - Winit and Sharpsburs and good only on the trains stopping litations'rpeelted-onticlitits:; , ; • The trains paying Allegriera. City 11‘ v rt00 mate (Meet Connectional-Freeport thWal. tiers line or Stages for Butleg and oannahrtowa., Through tickets may be , purchased at thr No. 1.81 - Clair street. near the Suppetudorißridsm s - Fittstinn ii,'„arid tit' the Depot,' Aileglitenyi • For further Information apply to . JAMES LEFFERTS, Agent. Federal Street Me. Ths:.Western rermaYpit Railroad not a, sums any risk ferßag a-inept for aring apparel. and-.limit th e responspal47: tO One Hundred Dollars In "Value: AM bigwigs( el.. seeding is amount In valoewilibeat thetiskog the owner; Welt tibia by ß apeciaTcontreot.' - -4 .• . DA,ll l ll,_ Wll l P. 1 % . r Efinerall E ldner W ilatendentrAlt 4, Oona. r,ITTIMINURGIAMMINEI ' 01:14VIRITATI . LOMB RAILWAY. EormernmsouTE. CHANGE UP TIME.--04andattet MONDAY. April 2111h,11.11119, _trxina wilgemre and wive at. 11.3a10n - cepoz, =Omit:: . ) Depart.. Albs,. . Van ...• 1 ' MO ig Fait sine 9; 43•a . m, 1:13 p. - Express • ' ' “91:33 P. m. 1.. 4i335. Mixed Acc'n... - . 5:334,m. 6.88 p, McDonald , Ace , n.N0 . .111:43a.• na. , leas a. to. Steubenville Aceommod. 3:59 p.ix4, paa non - MeDonslo4 Amon: N 0.2 5.1 W v. m. Nllll , O, to. Sunday Chinch Train.. 12 OS p. at. 10594.: in. 1 - M.E:33 P. art-testmwilllenve daily -- . 1.9:13 t,min:wilLarrive MOW. biker tralnalvWrno dilly. .didinnoayi except.. nn6tloails lm isk" 'WO ,943 imatala make; cdoae. eon.. tvr B. P.140111+14 Generavneket Asent. icreWVoAllll.llnpiti; Eltetthesiyffle; rf r iw Tsstromempf ammet CONNP.LLS L L t • ••••••••• • 'the anti attielTUTSVAlrj , itaytiimi. biol. trains todUarrine sand depart from ttufi Depot corner of Grant and Water , streept. as 'Collates: , ; r • 'e Malltotpsd *am Union- - 7 ' • i • • o p town , 7190 A.m. 4. :steKeespartAlscomdt , u I.ltou p. Ex. w and from Unt , n. 3:00OD 10:l0 . Wist'Ne wxsonitac maw to, stalk ALI K. Braddock , s Accpradttd. oas P,711. 7:5q V.. X ':Night Ant.•tbXeSPepbrt.lDZlJ Pt 6:ge lad 13tutday Church Traan - • 'find froth WestNefilon l 4:4llolP.dt;lotUlVA:t 4,l l P l Ri t i)MAt i iffronmjrA i kr it i W. B ' S W". 11111A.Fult9kilent. Q MOIL X lIILL p..7SEIWW ROUTE. . 'IIIIION " PACIFIC' BAUM: FAL,Pialt 0011401 1 i , ,. - The •- Biifthati 'BiLIIOI . 2 9 11 = I r9P/ LaeAstilito_likkyolts Colorado v • lireivada; Calttq~izia„ !Tlab,, : ItriZOlNer:-/ it 11 livaihingtalls • ' . tear PIeZIWUR BUM 11 1 10 9 , _ Oregoa•el r iiiiiiii n f i miteiatt l e e . atLd lon . two? 1 liiummulltille t rot e rmr= ri an .FPTtagadpainsirfmn. ..,,,,,,,- jr iu , D . r .,,,, li t it s, nite r l ic% Er t 'Erphifs colf PAN 18:idett4 8341 or ovsl4o4DAmn 0p ... comnu° s r a ' ' ''- 1 ' -•• '+ ~.. • ..; ' , 3 't tzT .:,: ,' :..141017q44),NtW1, i IXOPIRcIi MIR Paint' ' iiiilithli Territortea s !AM iiith iiiivOimiiiii4i iiiiWitictii atm -Zpo u r er re,fig i atri. u e,t,.. , If . sit . t,,,a .l "", r a. PA' 4 ' o ' N r= l "tUltil l idisat 'rialto'? stook with ab tt 4 " 1 *llP n t age dtt Str ae r a tr a wall' respons n and a rtat 04 Linea ( rend nog, .hers 3 fir 4 ) I widolia,s.vgin a p t".,„.... 4 .0.. at 1 aeons; atv the dr . . :.;) 4 ~;- -.1. r Tickets for ode At ad the n , ' .olkees ta, AbetnnedStatesend.OssalasnA:l ..,„._,. • L Be mire and Mk for tietaina rilk, awl) 14.Thr. aorrwuvatrii lukjuway, k . KanTABNP& Wl , ' • .I.—___ ...,... :. _ .:.;••• , 1 , . . q J... ' i:l4'ii aikaf igi,‘ l gk , trti Ir-'` i)^^ laiggagi.ap• , I ../...,,,,....- r, lienerakjfitainim pitt i t „.. , " ' =ISM :714- *4.12:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers