11 H IE/ - tllo . liiitskmt - ii.q.tt;•. - - FACTORY SONG. N;AST M88..1.. 8. 60 . 011W111. Viesspindlis Whirl. the bobbins tia, 1 Ann.'s maid tends tie thread, Slinging a song of somebody, And somebody's name is Fred. She sings aloud, for none can hear, So noisily goes tne mill, TOW' St e ep l e' rate many an Andher secret still. The din totter has a goodly wand Of a' carpenter's bammer and saw. And I.le of raisers of Cottage Ranh' . “Seavo I heavol fie rra!" Bottling home fo na me smrried p air— And sum. body's is Fred, • : And somebody's wire is a factory girl Ophining the slender thread. never the doubts but somebody thinks . Of her as she thinks of him; = , -Knowing w bat day their cop of bliss . Will be full to Its very brim. , liko to anvil hots the able she goes. Light•hearted and ll.btof tread, ..Thlnkmg now w thin giV evd..ROtt ' 1 For the man whose name is Bred. be aelfsthe bobbles, they All again, Anh so oa alt the day; - • e little meld soinid.of the bell th bosrp the stairs and • .1110,4A.stitex.by dey ut whetlier.tty night, " Atiritil or asteepiehed.,. . .. • ' Ber.spittets vittretsoraebbey,.. . , . And somebody's name 6 Fred. *PREMERIS. ...,?-r.JoisnylLind is likiflg at gaxalinig ..—Canada'wants nsipreme'court of her —doe Jefferson is YanNiinkling Phila . itralliotioils . a . sister Of - the late , -Psikeßeaijsznim •.:.,,, • • - , ,-lEtte.re ,iffe - still - 400 lines of stage - ' coachfffli TA .menca. ' •., ' ' ' - —.Ten:Ole - 13w thinks Tennyson is a Poet Of.t.ao WO. rank. —Portland, Me., is to -have drinking - Ibtaitalts inthe streets. 1 1 "_g statue is to' be put up at Grencible to L Jonvin, the glove man. • • • ' --Gen. Jos. E.jOhnston Is a candidate for Mayor of Si/Val/ash. - --Oberlin, O ' , doesn't allow travel :Jug shows to e Wit thee. --Lake 'Pigle has been rechristened - :Tahoe by Western miners. --Total abstin Ce doesn't agree. with •lhe constitution` of the Czar. =-Mistori is at . present about half way between France'and.Drizil. • - ==E. D. Bassett, U. B. Minister to Ifayti, sails to-day for his post. —lce is manufactured in New Orleans and sold for:due cent per pound. The. New York Ezpress believes in Iv : delegates in the persons of hens. 'American proposes ,to start a 'Lliotel in Londonon the American plan. —Gen. - Duke, - 'Captain General 'of • subs, Is thought tObedying of cancer. -=The - oegrci .Methodist 'Conference (ntilinins the tise of the,niii.titui weed. —ldadania liachel, although beautiful . foreverils to - go to prison 'for five years. -San FrandEl63, papers of the 21st were in tiew York by ten o'clock on the 29th ult. • • : ; ,Mies Anna Dickenson has a new lea 'titre which she calls "Nothing Unreason. latest fashionable wedding re- I ports, describe the costume of the bride's father. ' • —An. extensive stocking 'factory has beeii fbr some time in operation in Salem, Oregon. ;.—" With -verdureclruP' is and "wearing of the green!' is.not'oithe jubileee pro-. f 4 r 1 , 11 ,,1n w ' • 4-411ineralSeauregard is soon to be at • . a.tatsten. Islands where his inamorata is said Nast,a to reside. the so-called American Dore, is worth $75,000, and is a director ore, bank. -• —A bold thief robbed the headquarters 'of the Hetropetitan 'policein New York . srezently.. -The Bourbon Prince and. the Cuban belle have been married again; this time I by s priest: —The paternal . , relative of the •Hon. John Morrisery is out to viaittheland of his nativity. 4-An eiehruige thinks limbs of the law' should'be clothed in breaches of promise. VriexttOst`leg-al habits. ; —Jimiwi Brittle Booth has 'bought a, pleasant summer residence for his aged mother ;Manchester, N. H. •-• is some talk 'of making Dick thkre is one thing could • possibly make a more;thorough snob than heis t . that is probably it. , , • z•lt Cincinnati Judge pulled out the, r begird of- a . C incinnati dqntiat Act other:. €i 3 day in &Cincinnati beer hail. , )Vikr!fA.Was recently, presented with twenty, tife iho,ittand franca by his dtetin Ogled PIO, 'Christina Nieluett: —Romeso enxiouli'that theldOsican I` Co ,ngives . , ;suMorlie authorize.-:him. issue ~t!iighttesimillions pspe!• • cu rr ency., ,434.4.14, 4e41 ,74,01ii3 the bore ngea in•the garrison. lat. me. Beery wileirliontriarded t lY the British, 1 19 . Y. - ' prolitt: be 6504)1116d tit -Ctinibtidge 'germ; sity, England,v4 Trinity 1 4 .1011tige, Dub. ~.Thi3:sol"Tork,l WON cave the t Tit buns the.'„iowLpf.the.pirldd" an a Gin. gelansti paper ,calbFlhe Mora 'ltbeg bat 41 - • , •-/ , r A dipgbtebt !Awarder, the astrool-, !t " liaPliP be au: alor to-that of-any primit donna noir I' :434 rl or,i4 1111 '° , newspaper-called the /iish'ilepub o' '''`iittiaiffciimared that : 'the ,Tifsh 'voted with Tammany, Grant WO;ifd 1. ; ,1 ; lifyielighlfecteir • f 1l re 11, There ill BOW -some talk or confining. A-4- A-4101Irffi r iValkerti a 141040 1 / 11 4r and pOviding ber...741112 Arc tiormallitoortako , upo —Ralph Meeker aitiiiilitriiiifti c ybars experience with the ballot will abolish . . . . . . - ~ ....,,... _.........-.—,,,,t,...,--.::,,,....:'-;,f.,,,jy.`4•:',,r4..;•iVvi".3-t.t:qt-:'-'-i-EiSW;FV'M,*.?A,-,1"7"4-4.5,-; 21 , 4,1-4 ,- . ~,, y.-., ....-, ...,:,.- - .., ,---,,, ,- - ,- - ,- 4 , 4 , ,, ,, , , -c---,...,-;- , , , , y41-,-erealt-;,-- .. . . : -:„. ~ . _ ~_ ..... ,-,,„,,, ....-- ..,.,7,.:-..-...--.,;::,:"-'7-?$--;',1-:;:,:::-.2----'.e.-,7,,,t-51",:,,,,,,1 c{.:,-..,:!.F.,,-4,.,:::-",-.7,-rt..-.1.-,,,,v-,--Z,,,44,..3.-,,-:.1A,-,,:-.,,,,,,i,Z-',/%',..,",--4-r*T‘ - , i 6, 'W--V. - . , -. ,,, Evt-- ,, t'r. , - , r,. , ,' , - 'Z - . 4 2 k, - , - - , --, 1..--, , i .1.--,-. - ,, ,,a-., - , , , ,, t 0e, 5 ,,,,..z.,,‘,...t.;, - .- ,, .. , ,-.K,,,... , .-,, ,, , ,,,, - .- , kl-,F, - ,--•-•,- ----,. - - , -....,P,9-..rtA , v,..: , , . .r• .'', - ..t..i-'l'-!‘,:"•-' ,. ..... - .•... - .'. ,, `.. - .,,'-e - t-','.t',1- '.. - .. ,. :_'. - :,'-;. -,, SYL-i‘'A ,-- :2;: ,, , - : , ;-1.7iyy-);q•it:::-,:!. , .4.3„ :,Z , . -,, „ , ..,, , , , M: - :'44.1i , .:p..21 , 25n'-,..., - ;',„.--4 ,, ,,,t-Pf t,,,- - ,,,,,,4 5 , ...„fc.34v,p-r1 , .4 , :•!t :tt- , ° , : - .q , NWR,O-.^,-;:• ,- : , 4 ',, '',.,,,,....,, - 2- , "-1,,r.!-3. ,. 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',.- J , 1. - ~ ::-........ .--.... , .."-..:....-- , ..Nf - ,-. -'-'• - ~ - . -..--.:-... - -- 7. 1 : - .. : ;.1 , ,:4,.. , ,!: . ;-, -,..-;. , *.4- ,- t.t. , . - .4 , 4a. , .. - .' , -,4.1. A'r•A, A -.- -4., :-.:1., ,, ..;,.....,-,‘K#1.11 , 11t4.4 ,10- ' - - ... .. . _ ... ~ . petticoats foreirer." !lake it "ballet," and It will take less time.—Ezchaugs. —The first prize of the grand yearly rifle shooting contest at Lucerne, 13wttz. land, was won this year by a yonng Wo man. —A forty thousand dollar clock has been finished for the Cathedral of Beauvais, that has ninety thousand wheels and gives the time in every capital of the world. lla— a -Chailes Lever revenp,es 'himself Ml' ericans by saying they ere wholly de -1 ficieni hi - dignity, the nearest approach that theY make to . it being intense prosi neis.. ' ' ' ' - *A colored mairstowed himself away in Xhe hold of the steamer Rising,fitar at UpintialL She sailed to New York, and after eiglit.days' confinement he was taken, Outabribit starved to deatil. ' .-:-A nii,pnlvert, In course of constric tion in West Philadelphia, caved ' in on Saturday, burying two men , under the dirt; one named Robert Hutchinson was killed and the other was badly injured. '- 1 --Ameng other things, Hon.. B. F. Wade se'enis to be übiquitous. The Phi ' ladelPhia 'Ledger announces in one column "that he is in Boston, and in another that he Is 'in Philadelphia, stopping' at the Ccmtinental, .• - - • --WallPeet Pills are down on Bout wellAnd those ”eminent: bankera" who assured the Boston Post that gold would be up, to two dollars before the first of'' June, now sity.tliey will have Boutwell outtirithbi•twe months. ' —To-night and Thursday night Miss Clara Louise Kellogg will give a farewell concert and a farewell opera—" The Bar ber of Seville"—in Philadelphia. She 'sails dniiig the month in the 'Ville de `,Paris, for Havre. —lmmense throngs of people visited 'Arlington cemetery on Saturday. The ceremonies and music were very im pressive. Among the prominent persons present were the President,' Secretaries Fish, Borie, Boutwell, ACressweil and Cox, Attorney General Hoar, and Gener al Rawlins , . Ten Tnowniud Dollars' Worth . of Or Wage PeeL_ A. man from the country invested five cents in the purchase of an orange, and preparatory to getting himself outside of of it, threw the peel on the sidewalk. Soon after a young woman came along, slipped upon the peel and fell, breaking ber leg. The woman was to , be married the next day, but she wasn't. The man who was to marry her bad come from St. Paul, Minn., and was obliged to return on account of business, to await the re covery ot the girl. On his way back he unfortunately took a train on the Erie Rallrbadi which ran off the track, and — his shoulder" blade was broken, forcing hint to stop at Dunkirk for re pairs. The "TraVelers' 'lnsurance Corn pany. in Which he was insured, had to pay $258 &liars In weekly installments before he recovered. On getting back to St. Paul he found that his forced absence had upset a business arrangement which be had expected to complete. at a pe cuniary loss to him of $5,000. Mean time the injured girl suffered a relapse. which so enfeebled her health that the marriage was delayed, which had a bad Effect upon the young man, and he fin ally broke the-engagement and married a widow Ist "Illitutesata - with four small children. .`This. so worked upon the mind of thc . giri that she is now in the in sane 'hospital in'Middletown. Her fath er, mimed by the conduct of the young man, brought a suit for breach of prom ise,' and has just recovered $lO,OOO. The anxiety and expense of the whole affair this far has been enormous, as anybody can see. Similar cases are likely to oc cur so long as people will persist in diroiving orange peel around loose.— Hartford Operant. , • Mow to Tell Good Meat In the June Galaxy Dr. Draper de scribes the proper preparation of animal food for the table. He says that ex beef when bought should be of fine grain, the flesh bright red and , firm, the fat white and distributed through the lean. Bull beef ihould neve! , be wied, and heifer beef is inferior. Veal should he dry and close grained; mutton clear deep pink, with fat. Wether mutton is most nutritious and finer flavored nail is darker colored. A entail mass of tat on the upper part of the leg marks the best. Pork should be pale and very firm. Bright eyes and sup ple feet are the marks of fresh birds and poultry. `Fresh , fish have bright eyes also, find' red gide and a stiff body. They' ought to be kept and acid alive. When meats are be boiled, the water should boll tefore the meat is introduced. Baked • beef is not like roasted: A.-tin roaster, to. 'fit before the fire, should always be 'mi. ployed. The exterior coating on the meat ,eedeted thipi &Orate; the eibit of — the.flavoroul portiolla; Withenticii en. Ing t .The 'cooking after this itoatidg is secured ifitotdcl..be,!,ll 3 ;e• quitelearh4:and in,otho'sr ;points makes this in favor of BantiniNthat.there: is' no lesson why We should sotlfistien or 're duce a human being as we would one of the'lositer • , *,, MicaosOoloras, of 'a high' rootve4; have. been purchased in:lnane hf the iinblics suldois of New York City, 14 means of wielcir pewcontributions for "peeps""peeps"nuide by, the ' seholars. f rrne ! pupil(' and' -teacherst Ss stated 4 exhibit . a growing taste for the study - of natnral and scientific imb3ects.!: One( of - the superintendents .of the Public School "has been -engaged tti .p • ni .. o . l ing these -sthillea l Mid' during the a °even tut'llikhiff citetril*ted.ninety.' ily icises.a d toneire compoOnelenotio' .v/41e.1t were Odd koXin thaway mentioned: ' I The ldiaroscoplcal, !Wow ' or. :New York,' on I being- informed , of thew facts( primnised , to furnish to the schools a hand; • some dumber of mounted "ob.) cots" , front othe dnidicatese i* • . , • ... A iwpigit,resuilcig in nue of the town: 8100 eNsi,q(244eBsoe. the year 1887 rharveate d a b ou t twe,lbousaud bushels of wheat, for•whichf•he +WU offered, th e fall of, that year,•s2,so pee bUithel.'. Thit , hereflisedi think's& the: pike would ad. IviiinieloWhieliti did nOtli Ilineldthe re• n. and chid&tiot bell it 114 1 66 thig4l,23, with r. very fine prospect orbsn' still lower. PITTSBUROIR, WEDNESDAY. 'TUNE 2, 1869. Irront the Ott. Lents Denson:et. Tragedy on the Pious. • : The following communication ims all the semblance of a trtithfrd narrative, and we give it for what isle worth. It comes to us by mail witivan apparently reliable name attached, but the writer is not known tons Flirt. SHERIDAN, Kansas, May 20,1869. About the first of March, four young men arrived here from the East, named respectively, J. G. Doran, of Stenien- Yille; 01 ;R. T. Smith, of Cincinnati; J. VV. Shryock, of Johnstown, and F. W. Head,- of Williainsport,i.Penusylva nla. After stopping here some six weeks, . they fitted themselves out with horses and the necessary equipments for a trip through to New sad' Old Mexico. They left here abont the I6th of April, with the above object in view. On the first of May, while in the vicinity' of An telope Hills, they. were attacked by a small bcidy of Cheyennes, about twenty in number. The party stood their ground, fighting bravely. After several. shots hadleen fired, Smith received an arrow in the left breast, and was the first to fall. Head fell next pierced with seven arrows. Doran received a wound in tha right shoulder. Shryock received an arrow in the left arm and one in the right side, but .kept up hit firing' until he received one in the breast, when 'he dropped his gun and fell from his Doran, see ing how useless it *add be to contend against such superior numbers, surren dered himself. The Indians gathered about their via time; shouting and dancing with savage delight. They took their scalps), and taunted Doran byt slapping him in the face with them. The Indiana did not es cape unhurt. Seven of their number bit the dust, and three were wounded. They threatened their prisoner's life, and taunted him by brandishing their knives and tomabaws "in; lose proximity to his head. He being of a cool and undaunted nature, gave but little heed to their threats. After disposing oil their dead they took up their line of march, and traveled west about ten miles, where they encamped for the night. They prepared their sup pers, and ate without providing for their prisoner. Doran, knowing that he would receive harsh treatment as long as be remained in their hands, set about conjuring,a plan of escape. Having on his persen a pocket case of medicines, among which was couple tof vials of tincture of opium, be conceived ' the idea of drugging L some brandy, of which he had a quart in his possession. Watehing his opportunity he, succeeded in acco mplishing his object,' and, turning to h s captors, he raised the" bottle to his mouth, pretending to drink.' One of them, seeing .it, rushed forward and snatched it from his hands, and, rais- 1 ing it to his lips, ' drank. After taking al draught he passe it to the next, and it passed around the entire circle. As he expected, it worked like a veharm. In a short time they all began to feel drowsy. Placing two over the prisoner for a guard, the rest wrapped themselves in their 'blankets and give themselves up to sleep. The drug was too powerfol for the guards, and' in a few minutes, like; their comrades, they too were in a sound -p sleep. '•elin,rAfeifing . the opportunity, 'armed and -helped himself to what there was to eat, and mounting his horse, rode away in a westerly .direction. About daylight he reached Medicine Bluffs, a point where the Government le itstabl hish ing a new military post. Leaving tere, he reached here in " safety on the 18th b f this month, and took the train for the East. L z . It was from him I learned the above facts. He is unacquainted with the ad dress of any of the parties friends except one. Thinkinwit might beinteresting to some of your xeaders, and be the means of informing the parents of the Bad 'fate of their sons, I have recorde4...the above facts. The young men weik till , of good moral character, and during-.their stay here formed some pleasant who held them in highee -;;e and deeply sympathize with lb& fplends. I Refused to pet Ws Life Insured. , A 1 certain Dutchman, owner of a ems, house, had effe c ted an insurance on it m , E• 800, although t had been built for much less. Tbe house got burned down, and the Dutchman then claimed RIO full amount for which It had been insured; but. the officers of the company Wailed to Pay more than its actual value—ibout £6OO. He expressed his dissatisfaction in powerful broken English, interlarding his remarks with some choice. Teutonic oaths.. -."lf you wish it," said the seta% ary of the) Insdrance company, "we wilt build you a house larger and better than: tini,otinbuined down, as we are positive it can be done for even lees than .C• 807 ,4 To - this propOsition the Dutelimtur`bn.' jetted. and compelled to take the 5.600. flomf.weeke alter• he :had t'd• ' ceivedilusmoney he was ot4e4 on by the sameagezt, who wanted him.t .take out a Witty of life Insurance oni . ~ self or on bis: wife. • Pll you insure yontwile's life for £2,000," the agent said,"and she Shouldffie, , you would . have tle-•sttm to solace lent heart." "Yon 'Keaton fel- , ldits'itilt;nlr.'llefio etisid%tW,Mutchman. ,Pit',l.lol.uraAy 'W,' itna. My ,Vife'.dies, r it airLivsiti .to, .the otnce 'to - _get,', my .. .04,000,Oro,ligIte ill ! fie mone y{ - 11 - 0,., not quite. ~,titu•williutyto,nie, 'Oiq vasieci meet £2,00001110 yea vert'bole ) ; If 1 yin don'tlike de $6OO ve mill ' yon'a bigger and betterviflit' " ~ , .•:.L.....spoia--;•-iri—w-: ' ,Irinioiisiolee hiis Beall , inft . which was put in force last Stm c da jo ir %slyest the liquor, dealers. They act° lng, : one lip 1344 fe their stipps;but,`biway. tarp i _Went through the city; taking • inOtii,i, Alton!, :day morning lollowing thei eiiffidtv vita for the arrest of all the . I ers stablti , hoe re,ell the members and e,p1034:r ,eke Octet railw a ytrPaVt l3 . l % ~4' ' ', rti,` , 4tilteri; rep Jut ! ~ ... , : ,.. 414 •,- A , 11 , ,tell.,11,1411131r• d a i ly _ ,tei II ' ' ',''' . .. ' •,eyerypoety , Also. wig ...W" IA; ' , ' ' a ' -'' with , breaking the ashbeth y ~,, . 71 ~_ noes tin *Wedgy , - ,The 'preachers ageritlo ) have been the only , class of Eatidliy. workers w#oWer!notaO9ledqV icaa t i ff l sv ii ii i. , . .A. ..1 ~. I 1,,,,.,..M , ~ ' '' • ' iital l, thuit jit i o .a t t i rejii n o , Jili9;,er.fleTlolol,iO4.lSV, . 4 , #s l ;filit i in the matter literature, called 114 &book.. starer fey the olty:•of 159n0414140Acaik `h:' ?purchase: , After Uhler a.dalibtalo' C ), sa tisfatorr surve y oPtho t welltatop I', • icheitrik te beckoned • tav a'leilirki , ' - potatiag to ' a fraltaie-bedre .; ma 'relOoked over aplovita 1 b'xit aQa 4 t: gesortifj:g t ' ii:C o A u .v,„,, ~- , - ibssiqmsti# ....i‘e .‘. ' . - g -' I thintwoiim .. 4, A 7'l' rd' .. '• : ved to be "Etoyle on Gallea," VILDON & KELLY, - . uticturees and whcaessie I)l4am In -Lamps, Lanterns, Chandeliers, LAMP GOODS. Also i . CARBON AND LUBRICATING OIL% 13ENZIPTE.s , dte. N 0.147 Wood Strept. ie.9l Betireen eth ind etti Avenues. FRUIT ,CAN TOPS.. SELF LA_BELING 11 iTI T-tJ ANT TOP LINS PA. We are now. lirepared -to' supply Tintiers mid Potters.,lt is perfect, simple. and as cheap as t .plain top, having the names or the rations Fruits stamped upon the corer, radiating from the center: . and anlndex or pointer stamped Up= the top of the can. It Is Clearly, Distinctly and Peranneall LABELED, by merely placing the name of the fruit the can contains opposite the 'pointer and sealing in the Calstomary manner. _No preserver of fruit or good housekeeper vtill nee any other after once spetnir ,‘ • mh26 NV ATEiItPIPES, CUISINES TOPS A large assortment, HENRY H. COLLINS. wrd4dA7 Ad AVEMUCtIeir At:001161d At. TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, &O. DESIRABLE GOODS JUST -RECEIVE_D BY HORNE & CO. PARASOLS, SUN UMBRELLAS, Knotted Fringes, black and col ored, Gimp TriMmings, Guipure Lace, Dress Buttons, all shades Sacqne Loom, Fine Silk Eitel, Invisible and La Pannier Hoop Skirts, French Corsets. Latest Novelties in Hats and Bonnets, Ribbons, Fine Ft each Dowers, Trimming Salns, Embroideries, Lace Goods, Linen Goods, Paper Collars, Cuffs and Shi t Fronts of best makes. Gent's and Ladies' Underwear, the Patent hmtaloon i Drawer, Morrison's Star Shirt. iEVERY DEPARTMENT 77 \ AND 79 MA R KET STREET mrr. CHAP AND GOOD GOODS FRINGES AND GIMrS In all style/ and colors. SILK LOOPS FOR SACQUES TINE LIMRTNENT Or SKTINV. THE NEW COQUETTE FiN PLEASOL Also, a large vulets of SILK PAILISOLS.& SUL' :4 . White French Whalebone Corsetz, Uuy 80 cu. a pair VIZ NEW Purple and Mexique Blue Kid Gloves. A splendid sissortment of COTTON' HOSIERY. k BRO. BALBRIGGAN H I, LACE CHEMISEITEN, all styles. MILE SWUM, EMBROIDERIES, Gent'aSpritig Undergarments. MAQRUM. GLIDE & CO. &',8078 'Market . Street m7', NOW SPRING GOODS ACRUI & CARLISLE'S 2ith „Si :44404m> Drat Trtatthiliststialbittotui. • • ' • Iftdbiobtortes ant tees. t Itlboone add Ittowae. t Bate and 'Bonnet& • is e; • • elate dtung and Freaoh Qdribete. • Neal 8‘7 1 1 11 ,t)WhIVIB.IFLOI• f Parm ea olp—tha new atytne. , • • • • , Eat! and *Dl,lllabiellis. hosiery—the best thylltidkitibies. 1 Age** cozr ~ f farrti+fusannesit abditiirear, ; • ' • 13014VAgiits :kr the-Braltir Patient Shape Col, lois; • "Lckliwoodle "Irving," ...weft, gad., . 4 4111ta.t. Ilcv "Dickens." "Darby," and, other, ; Dealerasuppited.wttbilie above as qt: ~ t . 1, •• - • *•, --, IZANUFACTtIAZELS! PRICES ME ~, • , •.-, ;., ERE 4 ., 4 41 • , r 4,. . . ~t ‘,......- .., 01 . , . r . f . .. c , , , r the tocommtof at! idwabli etalithere are r.Y.LArrr/CA.. 'All. 1.124.171 .R 4 w.a.. apartesehtaeottuedsealtittilbe oditra r eP a. • . . , i 1 • ykled.wie elt:Cluildlie eft , to j un . /1.. .1- , ,, ~. r L , ;v.,. •• Ti • 1,1 , prO1not!) tea, ry. mated) g 'see sear; r sl ,* We i ll; te ,,, ‘ , 1 .. , ,, , ...,:r . , E itlist I , Ali .. . lotion,/ &Ts • vri z a t o, i n u u , a l '‘ l ' r-opipt,,, -1 ,...erdsowriartrourer,:94erfogil ink ,la EN 0 1L . 13 %. ft ° g m* T s ' rirml "•• 1 "-i .'ritlanl.ll4l-tvriVittsV. No 4.l„..ettioimovt ....., 01619:114 p D0.- 16 ....-........-' '' 1- Witt, read what htpialkil HutllniiitA.K.lofilNif l i t ~i1•1:.•1(7. ,Tr i r tin Ar t g tyegg44 ) •12 0 , ,s IThAdayljA Al t eto itr..0.1., gelpt i DlP, iiA Wiriaa . 1•,-1114 , 1" • q TAREW.AII USA/TUBA , 0 --wri LLK T• inea t imrslii el ' llllOl rgh. Ps.' - 4 444% '' .11.0 - ~ ~.. ~,,, 44 , 1tt1 e x ,p,:.. jit H ENDEßitis4Fial,wwiliEHlL. .1. At H. "'MILLI I A6O Liberty street. Dealers la 'Dress, ^ A 6 sad Ail Math . direst and Patent 2dedielnet. laatze cT4 ° W 1 oi 32 W caV t n . 1 ) .O 0 1 ~ 1.4 ei M ' l2 4 Fill wa • cm f, om 1 13 ; it, 41 icru t 14 M 1 :xi all gi cg Go 1 H Peo E - to 1 " 3 N '2 cq s ei Hz ra ra Ei• ~.4 tie t 4 1.0% 41 1- i mai i l i . % CI a ODS NEW IS RING GO JII I S 1 MEOW F. mum, .#7 Market Sired. ts, Mulles, Dress Goods, SILKS, SHAWLS. FOLV,LINE OF SILK SACQUES, I Very Cheap. SI. MARKET STREET. SI ap3 C4A814 McCANDLESS & CO., •_) Oata Wilson. Carr & C 0..) - WHOLEBALK DILSLERA IN i;. Foreigt,land Domestic Dry Goods, No. 94 WOOD STREET, Third dooi. time Diamond CAT, prrrastnuair.: PA. IWALL PAPERS. WALL PAPEIt . AND WINDOW SHADES, Oir New and. Handsome Designs, • NOW.OPENZ43I AT No. 107 Market Street (NEAR FIFTH AVENUE,) Embracing a large and carefully selected stock 01 the newest deals= from the FINEST STAMP ED GOLD to the CHEAPEST ARTICLE known to the tiade. All of which we offer at prices that will psi buyers to examine, JOS. R. HUGHES & BRO.. ith.,M44l WALL PAPER. THE OLD PAPER STORE 1N A NEW PLACE, W. P. MARSHALL'S NEW WALL PAPER wrogE, 1 191 Liberty Street, I. MEAD MAMMY.) SPYING EMODB ARBIVINO DAILY. mhe GLASS. OffiNA. CUTLERY. Tioo WOOD STREET., ! NEW GOODS. :X FINE VASES, iiimirsziAN AND CHINA. . 1 : 24 1 W STYLI Ift SETS ' a Dilq24 TILL ear,Tß. m GIRT CUP% ii I S MOKING SE A TS. : . LI stock of ' r SILVER ' PLATED''GOODS 1 . -of all descriptions. icall and examine oar g.oode, snd 'we 'lel sattsded'no one need feu to pppited. , lA4-.:- it. E. BREED .&. CO. i• • 100 WOOD STREET. LACE,. to I' DR. 'W - 0./.4.4.---7- .. urgONTINVES 'TO TREAT ALL private diseased Syphilis in all its SirMs , all ary diseases, and toe effects of mercury ate . commetety eradicated; Spermatorrhea• or - Semi. Mit Weakness and • Impotency: 'reentrie' Dein seipabuse or other -causes, and which, Pre s, illiete some of tne followlpg effects, as bl Jtcties, bodily weakness, indineitiA, - consumption aversion id. apaistmt vinmattlin ; drys* of: Atha, event", loss of memory. in. o ence,, nocturnal enitudintik and finally's puttndlitstnesexualttem 4810" mauler !utarriase..urtsatialactery, a s, ,titerelore imprudent , ere permafiently cutW.• rsons AV limed 'Witt these or any other dellea* Intricate ovictig Mandingtogatitatklaid conutMnt should, give the_DoctO; a Malt ,R. never failut , , • A partlrMar artentlon_aivin' town Temille eon absinte,- Llittebriliett OriWttiteta Tallingedant-. ;nation , or. •Uldenvion °Lae. NVtott,• 116 1 1. previa', *seem oak sotenorrhaite,, omen , sionaglik IlKatefititrOr Banfaintlit us: tread Admit. the greatest &swam.). •- ; • .11 - -, • 44 isiwif•vildent shit a nordista whir, mutiiiiel , himself exclusivelY toile study°, a tertaln chits • of diseases sild.treiti-thoulands.; of Cates , eiverTi tear Mull liodeUrt greater skill in that : s pecialty than om.in i gneral practioe. _ ... ~_. • _ Wit , The 'Doc pnblishek srtnedioat• Munpillet *eV nnY'lteded hatittvevelulltxrieswiturotrttlatireal. and primitt teases, that call be ha d ' ' Vvery bi lite nee'• rai l :A i r& tLeticin - fflctesWitidettabilidthewl ,lo Aieternaill zhiti l . 4i 4 . nature of their edialilsill__ •-.' Z. _..;.;', ,The es , atilstauect, catosids ten, , rocolis central. , A.v nen it is moitti 4. MOM. e: silty,. er -0014011 a ostregt , _fiL.; .taine by 'ivied In't ml_;_l__.U`tteln 1 h woe: and' medullae* man be rucei' 1 . or exk ',, • press., In ssum:lasteneeti,rhowarmsk,,mdknonal examination ts -absolutely, auxin Wale IL 'ober* di ll y- -Ind *MUD* tiF , lteC, end _ ____. ..__.• -_.- .... D II • - OPENED, ENV -C4t.RPETNI FINE 'CARPEEi. HEAP CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, INDOW SHADES. 1 mattimi OVARD, ROSE ;&t CO., . ITETH AVENUE. - 144 N 1869. BARGAINS m - AL. 3EL in Wl' 11EV: WINDOW SHADEIO; ,LND LACE AND NOTTINGHAM cfu-lEtrr.A.l:Ns, New Stock Just Received. LOWEST PRICES EVER OFFERED. • • IIIeFARLAND k . COLLINS . : COLLINS, '7l and 73 FIFTH AVENUE, EEO 1111S$E.L$-.'OARYITP.EVETS; oic; The Latest k.rivallio F.1{014 ENG- ReCA.LLUM BROS., No. 51FIFTH AVENUE, andgave l4 71.18 q 'Nel.73l747l`ltiof _ the hattan the MN GLIM 314RglET. They also offer a Complete I. Me of DOMESTIC entsrfNe. To which large additions are daily betas Jamie. A Display of Goods Equal L ' t io pitaire . presented in this .;market • IffeCALLIIM -BROS., .ro. FIFTH ArEJriffig, ' (BET. WOOD &131dITIIFIELD.) • ap2:3:b95 • - . , MISCELIi ANEOUS. TAGGAIIT BXTAIL BOOTS, SLOES AM) GAITERS Wholesale Prices. NO. 129 FEDEILaI STITIBT, Allegheny arts • • ROCK THE BABY nit II EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. BOLD ONLY 'BT LEMON & WEI.SE.:. 'lllol* - Foraltare ManufaFtFrers6 ae n 111SrelThirril4LIMNIMElpe rishortiiidin oEPar tar. Ohemmelte Ititeben Furniture. , • ' -,9 :/ 1 4 11 414 11 1 : PL i!Ogitt3. t! C. Vi.AOl4-148 . 0N, ,02alm*m or Blvk aid COO. Pti4iiliktithogniPhit • “r 1151114 -Aa • *Ware -, Perry Road 11aliti iddrllitreed, ,Thit he igr -; PHIL ADELIBLI6 Elr 14, (Ixn , , e. , L. , , - , -, 1 , 0 f p / M. jikilllll6-11 ,,, 17 , tr,/,1 .. ......vir { 1 liur t ilhaikt i lrllglEs 1 I,AT 1 T , Wr. Lollar Plitotav iii. i,-' , ,-, „ i•,..1 ' tt i rt , ' igtOORD 6 , Illel CO'' 4 ' /. At, ' ' ti tt ttll , 1 , t 431 WOOD MOM% 4013 , . , , ~, iI. 0-,1 I.t ~, r - ..,il• ; 4 111 /311 ' I REI/Eitrep Nu ly ittllESJAJlMVlllentEllisrVbFular Esandeata..4“ DiaMondAitarketstrltte bu,gbousdA ,che,;Nltkil*Fe. A11e44-0117, City atniter bf OlSlOlttict Ftdentrilyeetc , 'Llut , De haa all Mods of Bea and Lake, ash. illbutoShad. Beak,. Uodesh. -4laoldook-sea e d Eel. JUT large trelylt %lei: t ar )417t a tie l Vt11 43 4 4 1 11 a "olosb sags& U titke '=ltatiOatvtlieel. ITAPleleet 9 1 C0te)4166 1ite14`4111414 , lovers of them a treat. Fresh MO to giVr. us a tau, aim W • rah. 26 (SFcond Floor / -s.-." SEKEZIE, =
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