ALLEGHENY CATTLE MARKET. OFFICE:Or PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, MONDAY, May 31, 1869. CATTLE. lhe supply of Cattle, although consid erably below that of last week, was, nev ertheless, fully up to the demand, and it is probable that two or three car loads would be left over unsold. Compared with last week, prices have undergone no quotable change, though the market was very tame, and devoid of that bouy ancy and activity that usually prevails when thesupply is a little short; hutch ers expected to buy at a slight reduction this week,' but in this they were. disap pointed, as the snpply was too light to admit of a reduction,• and drovers, like other men, generally make the best of an advantage when it is in their power— they never Fat prices down as long as they can 'help _it. As was the case last week, nearly all of the Cattle on sale. were from Chicago; the arrivali by.rail were 35 cars from Chicago; 2 from Cin cinnati, and•there was at least one car load driven iu, making an aggregate of 33 cars, or about seven hundred lead. As will be seen by reference to the re, port of sales, the' very best fat steers sold at 8©84.4; good to medium 7@734- Stock steers are in steady demand, at 534 @6!4, as to quality and condition. . We are cognizant of three of the regu lar dealers that had no stock on sale, viz: Carr &McAllister, Hedges it Taylor, and Smith tic Biue. Peter. Hartman 36 head Chicago steers, 7,30@. L. At J. Shamberg 63- head Chicago, steers, at s;4@B;‘. L. Bothell&ids 28 head Chicago steers, at 7X.@7%. E. Katz 13 head fair to good Chicago steers, at 63,@7%. Jacob Needy 32 head Chicago steers, at M. Verner 32 head Chicago steers, at 7 341@ 8 5.1'.. • Haas Kraus 56 head Chicago steers, at 6@7%. Keefer Sr Rothchilds 32 head good to prime Chicago steers, at 7@B. Jos. Myers 30 head stock steers. Hazlewood St Blackstock 61- head Chi cago steers, at 7;4@W. Greenwald & Kahn 70 head Chicago steers, at 714@8;4 for fat cattle. Zeigler & Lowenstein 36 head Chicago steers, at Ty i @S. S. Marks ez Bro. •76 head Chicago steers, at 71.4@8. Trainman Sr. Lobman 79 head Chicago steers, at.-7@B. Holmes, Lafferty & Co. 75- head of mixed stock, at $ % - @ B . SHEEP AND WEBS. The supply, although ,by no means large, was nevertheless pretty well up to the demand, while compared with last week prices have undergone no im portant change. Prime to extra fat Sheep sold at 0 3 / 4 ©6}‘ eta per pound and medium to good at 5M5%. Lambs brought from ti 2 to $4,50 per head. The whole number of. Sheep and Lambs on sale aggregated fully 900 head. Stakely & Bro. 100 head; Sheep at 0® 4,50, Lambs at 12,50@4. Jacob Rhin sold 20 Sheep at $3,40 per head. C. Haas 30 head Sheep, averaging 92 lbs, at 6 cts per pound. J. Garwin & Co. 110 Butler county Sheep at an average of 0,50 per head. John Beeler 100 commonieh Butler county Sheep. at an average of V 2. -: Aull & Myers 200 Slfeep, expected to average 84.50 per head. S. Vandever sold to Stakely & Bro. 38 Lambs at kt 2,30, and 8 Sheep at same price. Jonathan Davis 160 Sheep at e5,62@ 6,25 per cwt. J. F. Neely 95 Sheep at $3@5.75 per cwt. HOGS Hog. market continues very dull, the recent hot weather having almost squelched what' little retail demand there was for this - kind of stock. We now quote in a retail way at 934©10 for fair to good and 103,@11 for prime to choice. blarkets by Celegrapt► Naw YORK, May 31.—Cotton more ac tive and y, c better; 4,000 bales at 29;‘,c for middling uplands. Flour heavy and s©loc lowe; receipts 14,203; sales 8,100 bbls at $5,25@5,55 for superfine State and western; 86g3,30 for extra State; 85,75@ 6,60 for extra western; 86,70(4)7,75 for white wheat extra; 16,10@7,25 for R. H. 0.; 57@)8 for extra St. Louis; s9@l2 for good choice do, closing steady; included in sales 5,690 bbls extra State for export at 16,10®6,25. Rye flour heavy; 300 bbls at $4,75(0,70. Corn Meal quiet. Whisky nominal at 81 for western free. Wheat opened heavy and lc lower and closed more firmly; receipts 90,770 bushels; sales 3,000 at 81,3434@1,43 for No. 2 spring afloat, closing at better prices; $1,46 for No. 1 do afloat; 81,40 for common red In diana; $1,55@1,57 for amber State and white Michigan; 81,68@1,70 for very choice amber Michigan; $1,68©1,70 for white etdifornia; $1,65@1,73 for white western. Rye dull. Barley and barley malt nominal. Corn—receipts of 8,433 hush—heavy and is lower; sales of 51,000 bush; 55@)730 for new mixed western via canal; 74@800 do via railroad; 81@87 for kiln dried; 82@86c for high mixed and yellow western 0 its—receipts of 68,071 bush—withbut decided change; sales of 49,000 bu5hr77477% for western afloat. Rice dull, Bggi9c for Carolina. Coffee active; sales of 786 .bags Rio and 400 bags Maticalbo, both on private terms. Sugar nominally unchanged; sales of . 100 hhds. of Cuba at 1031,®1334, and 80 boxes of Havana at 14. Molasses quiet and firm. Hop quiet it 6@12 for American. Pe trOlenta dull at 1433 for Crude, 22% for refined. Linseed Oil quiet. Spirits of Turpentine unchanged. Pork firmer and 'nidr demand; sales of 1,700 barrels at 11•31.87€)31462% for new mess , $31,50 cash, $51(051,26 for old do., $25(N6 for Prime, 128,25 for prime mess; sales .of 500 hhde. new mesa, buyer for June at 131,75. Beef unchanged; sales of 170 barrels at 8842i16 for' new plain mess, sl2®lB for new extra mess. Tierce Beef nominal at PQM for prime mesa, and $26@82 for India mess. Beef Haim steady; sales 'l2O bbis at $26@31.50- . Cut Meats quiet; sales 160 pkgs at 12%@ 16g for shoulders, and 15Q)1643 for hams. Middles firm; sales 675 boxes at logo for long ribbed, 1634 e for Staffordshire, and long clear on private terms. Lard quiet and soder; sales 450 Ws at 17%@)11150, chiefly at 193,0, for steam. and 19%@ nye for kettle rendered. Butter dull at for Ohio and State. Cheese quiet at 111®2235c. Freights to Liverpool - opened firmer but closed dull and droop ing; shipments of 45,000 bash wheat at 634 d-- - .per -sail and 7@7%d per steamer, closing at inside. Latest.—Flour closed firm for low grades of, extra tor exportation, and dull and heavy for other kinds. Wheat shade-firmer for spring, with a good export demand. Rye nominal. Oats closed quiet. Corn heavy, at 72@730 for new mixed via canal and 75@820 for do. via railroad. Pork quiet, at $31,50 for new mess. Beef dull and unchanged. Cut Meats dull and unchanged. Bacon • steady and in fair demand. Lard dull, at • /90191,0 for fair lo prime steam. Eggs dull anffunchanged. • Csiosoo, May - 81.--Eastern Exchange on New York 1.10 per cent. Flour dull and the demand exclusively to fill or. ME dersat previous rates, at- 14,25@4,50 for spring superfine, and 14;80®6,00 for low grades to•good spring extras. Wheat fairly active on both speculative and shipping account; No. 2 spring opened 14c lower than Saturday's price, but sub- sequently advanced !..‘@)%c, closing at $1,15x01,16; sales No. 1 at $1,18;6@1,19, and No. 2 at $1,15@1,16; during the after noon the market was quiet, with sales No. 2 at 81,153, ®1,16 on spot, and sl,lBg seller June. Corn market firmer and @;ic higher; demand. only moderate to supply wants of shippers and speculators in options; sales were.made at 623x,@630, seller for June, and 64@641c, seller for first half the mouth, for No. 1, and 57;‘. @b - Dic, seller for . June, and 58%@59c, buYer for June, for No. 2; the market citified at 68c for No. l And 58yo for No. 2 on Spot; in the afternoon nothing was done and market was nominally un changed. Oats in, fair speculative re quest, with lower prices; sales -at 60@ 61.4 c, closing at the inside. Rye; the de- , 'nand is megre and the market quiet, clusing at.51,03_@1,03%. Barley dull, in active and nominal, at t51,48®1,50 for No. 2in store. Highwines dull and easier; _ . sellers at 03@95c and buyers at 92@93c. Mess Pork held at $31,50; buy ers unwilling to pay those figures• no sales. Lard inactive, closing with sellers at 1834 c. Sweet. Pickled Hams, a fair demand; sales 200 tierces at 19r,,c. Bulk Meats firm; shoulders closed with few buyers at,l2. Freights with out material change; engagements at 6;6c for wheat, and 6c for corn per steam and c per sail to Buffalo. Receipts: 12,703 bbls flour, 99,635 bus wheat, 156,742. bus corn, 56,917 bus oats, 1,827 bus rye, 750 bus barley, 2,365 hogs. Shipments: 7,788 bbls flour, 17,918 bus wheat, 15,922 bus corn, 49,519 bus oats, 1,180 bus rye, 400 bus barley, 4,251 hogs. CINCINNATI, May 31.—Flour dull and demand limited for local wants; family Z , 5,50®5,75. Wheat dull, not offered, so pressing; No. 2 Zl.lO €41,12, and No. 1 251,15@1,20. Corn unchanged and steady; ear 65c. Oats in light supply and firm at 68@72. Rye dull at $1,20. Cotton firm at 27@2734 for middling. Tobacco active at full rates; sales of 250 iihds at $4,20 to $23,60. Whisky. unsettled and held at $l, but no buyers at better than 98 cents. ,'Mess Pork is held at *31,25, but there is no demand. Bulk Meats are held at 123‘,® 129(03 for shoulders and 15c for sides; no sales: Bacon is held at 13;;®16%c and 17V,0, but there was not much demand and these rates are fully 340 above the view of buyers; 100 hhds clear rib sides sold at 17c on short time, but this is above the market, as they were at 16%c. Lard is held at 19c under the advance in England, but there was no demand. Busier dull; supply large and prices are drooping; fresh sold at 23®27c. Eggs are scarce and in demand at 19c, but the supply is light. Linseed Oil firm at $1,05 @1,06. Lard Oil $1,40®1,45. Petroleum 30c for refined. Sugar and Molasses are unchanged and steady. Gold 13834 buying. , LOUISVILLE, May 31.—Cotton quiet, with a light demand; low middling 25%c. Pro stone quiet. Mess Pork $31,50. Bacon—shoulders 13%c, clear sides 1734 c, sugar cured hams' 19®19 1 4c. Lard is steady at 1834 c; keg 20c. Hay—market steady; choice Timothy $22,50. Bagging steady and heavy. Flax and Hemp 21® 22c. Cement active at $2,00. Candles -12-oz stearine 15'4c. Whisky quiet at *1,31 for raw. Flour—demand fair and prices steady; superfine $4,75@5,25, extra family $5,75®6,25, No. 1 $7,25 ®B,oo,_fancy $8,25 ®9,00. Corn Meal steady; kiln 14,00 @4,25. Grain market with a light de mand. Wheat steady at $1,30®1,40. Corn 65®68c. Oats steady at 70@72c. Gro ceries—market unchanged and New Or leans\ Sugar 12®15c for common to prime. Larth,standard rye- ' downward 15c. Coffee quiet at 2( t ) 1 ( 4 4 ®26;4c for common to strict choice. ew Orleans Molasses 70@85c for common to prime. Wool in good demand; unwashed 31@400, and washed 45®48c. - Potatoes—new in fair demand at s7@B per bbl. Weather cloudy and warm. Mkstrnis, May 31.—Cotton firm: low middling, 2634 e; receipts, 195 bales; ex ports, 327 bales. Flour dull; superfine, $5®5,25. Corn, 76c. Oats, 80c. Hay, $27. Pork, $32. Lard, 18%®19a. Bacon is firm; shoulders, 1334 c; sides, 17%e. Bulk meats dull; shoulders. 12340; sides, 16c. Corn is steady and firm; No. 1 mixed at 71c; No. 2 do, at 69c, and yellow at 72® 73c. Oats steady and unchanged, and the demand is moderate at 67c for No. 1 State. Rye is drill and inactive. Barley is nominal. Petroleum is dull and heavy, and-relined is held at 25%®26c on spot for round lots; lots of 10 barrels and under for trade 2®30 advance. MILwAUItSE, May 34. =Flour dull and nominally uncilianged - Wheat quiet; $1,18% for No. 1; $1163/ for No. 2. Oats quiet and steady; 580 4 for -No. 2. Corn dull and lower; 5834 c for rejected new. Rya dull and lower; $1 for No. 1 old grain. Receipts-2,000 bbls flour, ltifl,OCO bush whoa., 5,000 bush oats. Shipments —lO,OOO bbls flour, 81,000 bush wheat, 5,000 bush oats. PHILADELPHIA, May 31.—Beef Cattle in fair demand at former rates; sales of 1,737 head, at 934@94c for extra west ern steers; 10 3 ,0 for choice; 8@8340 for fair to good; 6®70 per ib, gross, for com mon. Sheep in fair demand; sales of 12,000 head, at 5 1 A®7 1 413, gross. Hogs unchanged; sales of 2,5500 head, at sl2® 12,75 for slop and $l3 ®l4 'for corn fed, per owl. net. PHILADELPHIA, May 31.—Flour active and weak, No. 1 western extra family at $6®6,75, Ohio dci. at $7®8,25. Wheat dull, red at $1,34®1,40, amber at 51,47. Rye $1,53. Corn very quiet; mixed western at 85®87. Oats dull at 75®77. Petroleum dull, crude at 19; re. fined V. Provisions and Whisky un changed. - BALTIMORE, May 81.—Flour quiet and steady. Wheat dull and unchanged. Corn steady; white 87®800, yellow BE4 900. Oats dull and unchanged. Mess Pork firm at $32. Bacon firm; rib sides 17®1730, clear rib 17%®180, shoulders 1434 c, hams 19®20c. • Lard firmer 19® 193i0. Whisky dull at 51,04. Live Stec& Mutate. Naw Yong, May BL—With a total of 6,018 cattle for the week, there is very little change either in demand or prices. The market has been unusually steady for a week, and today we have 8,950 beeves on sale, all of them fresh arrivals. The Remand was moderately to an yards cleared of stook at 14 160 active for 0-10 d of the cattle. A small number of the best reached 1 6 34 cents. Prices are easier to-da than last nday. The quality was p y retty good but Mo up not to the standard of last week. 6,280 cattle came from Illinois, 800 from Missouri, 840 from lowa, and the rest scattering; sales of 75 bead good 7 owl. at 15c; the Alex sliders had 624, head Illinois steers, 7% cwt., sold at 14 1 A to 160; 57 head,fat Tex ans, for Platt dc Heath, 7 cwt. averaging 9104, being 'fine; a car of 7g cwt. Ken tucky cattle brought 1116; a car of 634 cwt. 'Michigan steers brought . 14%0. Sheep are slow, with receipts of 19,700 head for the week and 6,600 head for to day, only about half of which are likely to sell; prtoes are 6rm and even lower than on Saturday; they ranged from 434 to prime, for thin, to 6Vgto for fair to prime, with choice lots at 7340, ail sheared Wahl; selling at 12 to 14o; a lot of 77 head - of 68 pounds brought 13e and ' 140 head of 56 pounds at 140 a ear. Ohio sheep of 79 pounds sold at flo; a oar of 85 PITTSBrit, GAZETTE : TUESD AY. pounds at 7c; a cat thin of .73 pounds at olic; a car prime of 86 pounds at 73.6 c. Hogs steady; total for week 26,600 head: on sale, 61 cars; live ranged from 0 to 9;60 with dressed at Mic; one car live of 220 poundi brought 9 3 ,c; one car of 198 pounds, $9,31V„ per cwt. CHICAGO, May 31.—Cattle in fair local and shipping! requisition; sales at for stockers, 86Ci6,70 for fair to medium, _and 57@7,40 for good to choice steers. 1 Hugs firm and fairly active; sales at $B®S,5O for 5t0cker5,43,45®8,60 for fair to me dium, and 88,75@9 for good to choice shipping lots! RIVER NEWS. The river was rising slowly last even ing with seven feet three inches in • the vhannel by the Monongahela marks. The Allegheny was • reported •rising at its head-waters yesterday, and we look for a rise of l some magnitude in this strewn, and as the recent rains appear to have been general, - it is probable that there will be it swell in the. MOnonga hela also. i'The weather continues cloudy, warm and unsettled, with fre quent heavy showers. Business, Was a little more active at the landing !yesterday though by no means brisk, and there is plenty of room' for improvement. The. Glendale and Armadillo both received considerable freight, and the latter has over 100 tone of iron engaged. New Orleans freights are very scarce, as the season is about over for making shipments to that point. We were visited with quite a Storm yesterday afternoon; for a tune the light ning was very sharp, and the rain . scended in torrents. The Lorena arrived from St. Louis on Sunday evening. She encountered a very severe storm at Steubenville on Saturday night about eight o'clock! She had just backed out from the lauding, but Capt Shurman saw it coning and immediately run in and made fast and remained there until it abated. The Julia No. 2 arrived from Zanes ville and will depart again today. The New State departed for Wheeling as usual. The Kate Putnam, Capt. G. W. Reed, is filling up steadily for Cincinnati and Louisville and will be the first boat out for these points. , The new steamer Matamoras No. 2. Capt. Dalzell, will positively depart for New Orleans to-day, and passengers and shippers shonld boar this in mind. The Argosy - from St. Louis is due to day. and the Mary Ravage and barges may be expected in about the latter part of the week-. We see it stated . that Capt. John Woodburn Is about-to contract for three new boats for the Arkansas River. He will probably be here within a few days, as he always does 'his boat building at this place. Capt. Stockdale ,, , was at St. Louis on Friday last, and proposes as soon as the Nick Wall arrives there to repair and freight her for another mountain trip. The.towboats Whale, with 100,000 and the V. F. Wilson, with 125,000 bushels, if they did not get off last night will de. part for Cincinnati to-day. The Glendale, Capt. Bale, with the veteran Capt. James Mellon in the office will positively depart for St. Louis to. day and passengers and shippers should bear this iri mind. The following named tywhosts were in port last evening: Whale, V. F. Wilson, Eagle, Collier, Arrow; Star, Panther, N. J. Bigley ' Little A Ins, T. S. Neal, Dia mond, Lake Erie No. 3, Fearless, War ner, Baltic and Dart; IMPORTS BY RAILROAD PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE dd. CHI °AGO 'RAILROAD. May 30.-15 cars metal Nimick de Co; 5 do do, Bryan & Caughey Ido do, Loyd dr. B; 10 do iron ore, Shoenberger & Blair; 75 bbls flour. 5t sks middlings, J & A Dietz: 400 do flour, Watt, L & Co; 38 bxs cheese, Arbuckles & Co; 25 do do, Kirkpatrick 15 do do, Head & M; 40 do do, Haworth & D; 15 do do, J Connor: 15.d0 do, E Hazelton 10 do do, Robinson & Co; 54 do do, N J Braden; 10 do do,Cooper & Co: 99 bdls hides, G N Hoffstott; 21 bbls tallow, P Duff & Son; 1 do bacon, J A Graff; 6do flour, H Rea Jr; 34 sks rags, Godfrey & Clark; 26 bxs glassware, W Little; 3 cars stone,'J Mmichill: 1 do oats, Graham & Marshall; 106 sks oats, Blaney dr Moore, 400 do flour, Schomaker & L; 400 do do Jenkins & Bro; 1 car lumber, J Nanz; 50 bbis highwines, Little & M; 2 boilers, A V R R; 62 sewing machines,Summer & Co; 200 bids flour, Shomaer &L; 250 pigs lead, Bakewell dr. Co; 100 bbls floun, D Kelly; 2 cars shoulders, J H Parker; 150 green salted hides, M Delenge. CLEVELAND AND PITIIiBUBEIEL ItiA ROAD, May 31.—;.330 bush potatoes, 2 bbls green apples, Voigt, Mahood & Co; 2 bbls tallow A B Long it Son; 2 bbls to bacco, John Magraw; 40 bbls wine, S Da vison; 1 car himoer, R A Clark & Co; 1 do, Hamilton, Algoe 11 & Co; 2 cars lime stone ore, Zug it Co; 1 car pig iron, Bry an & Caughey; 17 jugs maple molasses, Morrison & Devol; 25 bxs cheese. Little & Baird; 325 sks oats, NV Q Miller; 16 sks potatoes, Bruggerman & O'Brien; 10 bbls salt, 1 bbl eggs, It Rea Jr; 9 sks glue scraps, H Hoveler & Co; 1 bdl steel, Coleman, Rahm it Co; 158 aks wheat, Wm McKim & Co; 3 bbl eggs, 5 jars but ter, H Riddle; 70 bbls cement, W W Wallace; 5 tea hams, Head & Metzger. ALLEDHENY v.tram. litAitatoe.o, May 30.-1,440 bbls crude oil, Fisher & Bro; 480 do do, Kirkpatrick At L; 1,050 do do, Wortneer; M & Co; 320 do do, Waring & King; 480 do do, G S Thomas; 160 do do, EH. Long; 480 do do, J Galagher; 139 sks oats, Scott & Meal; 6 do do, 6 do po tatoesi, lierzog: 24 aks rye, Shipton & W; 169 do oats, Keil it Batched; 15 bbls eggs owners; '2 oars pig Iron, J Moorhead; 5 do limestone, Shoenbarger it Blair; Ido grain, Martin, Brickelli& Co; Ido lime, L Reynolds; 26 mks oats, Graham it M; 1 bbl eggs. J A Best. - _ PITTABUROIC 0/NOINNATI AND ST. LOUIS RAILROAD. May 80. 1 car corn, J GP Simpson; 49 Elks ;potatoes, Van Gorder dc 8; 20 de barley, 80 do oats F &Mid; 20 Wu, candles, R dt A Carson; 10 Ws hams, Watt, L & Co; 74 bales cotton. Eagle Mills; 10 tea hams, G Mitchell; 2 cars staves, W Hastings; 120 hf bbls her rings, •Rwart:& CO; 6 tin lard, 5 bbls lard oil, J Lipplisciatt; 12 tea hams, J H Par ker;"l2 cads tobacco, Pretzfield it Bro; 8 do do, T J Blackmore; 10 bxs" candles, J hPDevitt. ATALEONENT STATION, May 29.-1 car Seaweed, ewer, Hamilton & Co; 7 cars wheat,_ Kennedy & Bre; 1 do staves, Ralya & Robertson; 1 car metal, Lind say it McCutcheon; Ido do, Rogers & Burchfield; 1 bar shingles, JBrunot; 81 bbls apples, Owens & Kennedy; 112 bdts paper, Frazlet Metzger; 1 car lumber, W Peoples; Ido staves, J Shearer; 3 aka beaus, .1 Kohen. MARSHALL'S IfARBITALL 4 I3 ELIIIB WILL CURE 'HEADACHE.. MAIIIIIIALL'B ELIXIR WILL 011118 DYIIPXPBII6. ' ELIXIII. WILL OLTII/1 COSTIVI• NESS. Prico of lifarshelP4Ellxgr,',l. oo per bottle. Depot, 1301 Market street. K. MARSHALL I Co , Olugglsts, Proprietors. For salo,_ wbolesale and retell, b 7 GEO. A. KELLY, Flpstairgli. fel u1811•T:TII 8 Gi / lW 9 4A . — A. large lot Jut received at lowest market W. W. KNOX. price. mara4ll7•Orri „ n' f_ RIVER PACKETS. NEW ORLEANS AND TEXAS FOR NEW ORLEA N S, - GALVESTON", LW NS NS If F OR Texas—The new and atanneh-bunt Ftt am.r MATAMORAS. .. DALZELL, Will leave as above THIS DAY. June let. For freight or passage apply on board or to n - ya FLACK & CuLLDsti WOOL", Agents, lIPPER FOR ST. LOUIS, KEO-s ii igr as t RUN. GALENA, DUBUQUE und ta. PAUL direct—The new and elegant pas senger packet GLENDALE ToiLNIM. Dane. Captain.. Will Irave for the above ports TH.n DAY. June 10. at 12 o'clock M. For freight or passage apply no hoard. or to 15)22• FLACK & CoLLINGWOOD. Agents zsgEt 1869. NORTILERN LINE PACKET St. Louis to Kookuk and St. Paul ANT) ALL IN rEithti4:l)lATK One of the epleipipt NjJvwh. el Pitoninerti or 1.)114 Line leave St. Loofa ror K. V ,II II• pert, Dubuque, Winou., waimr ono tit, Troll. Through receipt. In, trt ht. fool rpountognfq will be given to MI ooloi9 oh ti,r lloprr 1141-tig• sismippl .on stenut.r. 101141111 froto port grid connecting with titp Nor Bern I,llir PrOll , ..rt , al it St, Louts, Om ettitiiiliig totlartioan to net their Freight through tyltti l it, atol lowest ratts: Apply to N '(Ill 14 all ' With AO Otis, or to ft. li, fl Witter mM~:u27 A'l'l. iVOR CINCINNA'T'I and . I .,,, E ,NlrZit 1. LOWSVILLE.—T4II flue iag- H :senger steamer KATE PUTNAM (;apt. 0. W. ltioco. s Will leave as above Til In HAY. ',Wile lot. j, at 4 o'clock r. 31. For fraght or pa sage apply on board or to JOHN e'LAC.: or J D. CO 1.1.1NliWilt)(), Agents. ti BE F OR w IREIFILING.Iagt lIA H M &RIFT I'A,PTI. ARICEtiSBUItti AND CINCINNAT I. N U RANCE COMPANY, Leaves Pittsburgh EVERY TUESI)aY 12 M, Leaves Cincinnati EVERY rItiDAY-4 P. M. EIIELAN'S I:itiILDING, The swift and - sup erb Sidewbeel Steamer ST. . 2 Ite I tth Avenue. Second Floor, MARY., T. C. SWEENEY; Commander. will PITTSBURGH, PA. leave as announced above. ' ' • For Ficight or Passaic.. apply on board, or to FLECK li COW NO WOOD, or ' Cillaltal All 'Valid Up. i t i DI RECTORS. CULLING dr, BARNES, Agents. N. J. igi y. ll.W. 4, liver. Jr, lCapt.M.Balley, N. 11.—No Freigta, received on Tuesday after J a e "adace, ;5 11. Flartman.lA. Chambers, 1.1. A. M. m ti'M Jake II ii, ( S. ll'Clurk..n. ;Jas. M. bailey. 'I hOin Smith. I J no.S. Wil lock. f ItilPiEltT H. KIM), President; JNO. F. JEN %INDS, Vice President. JOS. T. JoIINSTON, Se , rectry. Capt. It. J. GRACE, Gen , ' Agent. inures ou Liberal Terms on all Fire 1 and Marine Risks. .. atd: go 4 1, , pITTR BIIR WHEELING . AND PAR- , KERSBURti LlNE.—Leavy Ci.i.inanoa Wharf, Kola. toot or Wood Strom,. daily at 191 M., WED NESDAYS and SATURDAYti HKICY inAGLZ. D. L.. gararNAN, blaster. Freight will tie received at all nears by TAMES COLLINS. • FLACK & COLLINGWOOD, CM TO LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN. THE INMAN MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Numbering sixteen nrst-class vessels, among mthe celebrated CITY OF PARts, crrT OF ANTWErr, TTY OF BOSTON CITY OF BALTISIOBE, CITY 0/ LONDON, Sailing EVERY SATURDAY, from Pier .45, rth River, New York. For uassage or further annla to 1411 4 1 A IC A t% R1N1411.1) 7U 711TH nTIO.E. • W1L1t , 11.1.1 .t. • u.hlr Pm 1 ,, •• 01 , 1 r -h TMPROVED PROPERTY -AND VACANT GRfiUND RIDGE STREET. :.even , ii Ward.- WEDNEsDAY A PT ERNOWg. June 2d. at 3 o'clock, will be so'd on t.e prem ises, In old Screntla ward, tow EleAeoth ward, on Ridge opposite Upper Basin. The valuable property of the undersigned, wh., is de curtained to make a positive sale, as he talents to germane by remove from Pittsburgh. There aro - in all 334 feet Root on Ridge a reel. and 151.1 f,, t, more or less, In depth to brow of hill. The lirprovi mei is are the excellent brick ',well lug occupied by himself, which is 32 by 4 0 feet, with 10 rooms arid cellars, to which can be given from 15010 200 feet frrntou Ridge street. Also. br ck dwellings ot Sand 5 rooms each ant 2 frame _dwellings.. each of 3 r ems and cellar.. These 4 houses occupy lots of 94 feet trnnt each on hide Street. TM, uAa BYRNE, A. MCILWAIN F. Auctioneer. • myii FOURTEEN ACRES AND SIA.N SION, AT 11031EWoOD STATION, ON PENN -YINANIA CENTRAL. --THURSDAY A TERNOON, June 3d. at 4154 0 . C106[, will be sold on the premise: at tiomee ood :gallon, ou the Pennsylvania It . ..lnroad. the wry sirabie residence: and grounds of Frank Van border, Esq., handsomely situate near intersection of Homewood avenue and FrAnistown road The Improvement's a neat and well built two story brick dwelling. In good condition, containing 10 rooms,_ besides pantry, waeli noose and coal house, marble mantle in pailor,rauge In kitchen, hot and cold water up and down -,airs. Also, a good etoue tom hut house, anti a good stable with Leant hulli , e Wier. The grouuds - comptlse fonrteen acres under good cola, ation, with a young orcharo of choice fruits I t bearing; alto, small irnits and ornamen t tat throbbel Y. This ideation is unsurpa3s - Cl - tir pleasantness and for bxtentive sto; beautiful views. The at. Lotion of those desiring an elegant suburban property 18 . 1uv,ted to this tare, and visitors In. cited ;a examh. e the ['remises. . . The sale will be positti e s $o that f hts will be a sped I opovriut ty for purchasing a desirable prop. rty. lnimeeliaeu possession even to par chaser. . • .. _ Ili y 2 GOOD HOUSE AND LOT ON REA(3I STRAET, NEAR GRANT AVE Ni/g, AT AISCTION-r—on WEDNESDAY', June 23, at. 2 o'c ock,vrlifbe sold on the nretuLses,that very deslratde property on BeSch street, Alleg.he• ny. fourth house east of tiralft avenue. The lot Is 36 feet front, extending back 137 feet to a 20 foot alley: The,louse le a two story brick, with pressed front, w to seen roomse finished attic, bath, water closet , . pantry, - good cellar. gay. water, ash pits. registers, venthatore, range, Inside shutters, ,t 43 • Also, distinct from the dwelling, are wash•ho Be, bake oven mud closets under one r•of. Tills is a good house in a good locality. I he lot, being large, can be finely Improved with figwort. and shruboery. The street will noon he paved. the cost ~f which will be raid bp present owner. Yeseese7on Woe immediately. Inspec tion invited. Terme at sale. A. LEOUCTE. Auctioneer. rya 151 Federal street, Allegheny r.r.nreenreeefee.e.e.row OPTICS OF TUE 0101TUAL BOARD OP EDUCATION, l'irranunou. May $lO, 11369. § EALED PROPOSALS, for the Masonrc of the foundation walls of the High Bc 00l Building will be received until ISI JUNE Bd. B dders will date the prime per f..Ot superficial for the cut stone work, and the price per cubic tbot for rubble work. They will alas state the whole amount for which they will do the work. Plans and apecidcations can be seen at the of of BARE A. MOBEIt. .Proposals to be left at the ogles o& the Central Board,corner of Wood street and 131 th avenue. Bidde s will be required to accompany their bldsvitli a 'pc. imen of the stone proposed Lobe used for the cut work. Bids will also be received fdf the excavation. By order of the Building Committee. my5:1•111i JOBB A, BERUEA.NT, Seel. T_TARDWARE AND, CUTLERY. I have In store and am constantly receiving direct from manufacturers, a complete wort ment of BUILDER HARDLY ARE which I offer for sale on as fair terms as any house in the eltV, together with a One assortment of DDT LERy,. HUMS and REVOLVERS.' Also, the best selection of id REHANIQP TOOl.n, com prising all the latest and best Improvements known to the trade. I have my factory in full operation as u anal, and gin prepared to do all kinds of lob work the same as beture the tire of the Sid of. February, such as gill ding razors,. scissors, knives, put ting in knife blades, and, repairing all kinds of ight machLtiery.. JAMES BOWN , NO. 136 WOOD STREET, PITTSBMIGH. Also, Agent far Grosskopels famous MAGIC LINgs.wARIENR, the , greatest nevelt,' It the stOrld. TARRED PEACUE&—IOO busk LI he LW ' J. B. OABILBLB .Ff'+~ "` NE 1, 1869 = PARK ERSBURd. STEAMSHIPS. M=IMIM BY A. M'ILWAINE. A. AECILWAINE, Auctioneer BY A. LEGOLT.E. PROPOSALS. I INSURANCE THE IRO CITY LIFE INSURANCE CO. • Of Pennsylvania.__ ce '75 Federal St. Alleaheny City. , 1 ? XiIRECTORS Hon. JAMES LAHAM, Rev. J..11'. ORA . RR. D. 1)., Capt. R ROBINSON. Rev. A.M . .. 8R1.L., Rev. S. H. 11 / 4 H.D., W. A. reERD. Cashier Allegheny Trust Co. JAColl RUSH. Real Estate Agent. SIMON DRUM, Mayor of Allegheny, C. W. KENNY, Hatter. A. S. BELL. Attorney-at-Law. - 11. L. PAITERSUN,ILamber Merchant, I). SWOT' R. Insnrainee Agent. . . 1 ! e pt.-ROBT. ROBIBS ON, President. ' , ev.a. B.'CLARR,D.D., Vice - President, COB RUSH, Secretary, W. BENNY. Treasurer. M. W. WHITEMX.DICAL ADVISEE. ,L DANIEL SWO ER, klen'l Agent. MR Is a Wino, comnanyJconducted on the mutual HOPl.'each policy holder receiving an equal ire of the profits of the Companv. Policies 11 be hoined on all the 411tferelit plans of Life urance, and, heing conducted on an ecenomi• ;Oil afford a safe Investment to each lc) hOldkr. and therO)y rttito the money at nein eleourage home industry. • mli:a33 1011 EN I'itANKI I IIN , INSURANCE'COMPANY, F F ALLEEMENY, PA. • VICE IN YItANKI.IN SAVINGS BASK ItUILDINGS, 0. 4 Ohio 14t., Allegheny. NOM , COMPANY. I I utanagen hy Direct Ors I , Know to the community, who - trust by fair all ttb to erlt a sbarnof your patronage. V.48145' IftWifif .... .1 ... 0. 0, IDOLIe. ..• I I DIIMTORS: Iqt Irwin. : . 1 1:1,e 1 41, 1 ;*an ' z r5". !MTh Cooper.e. trl l i Itm )ru I. J. li . Smith,' Jacob Bash, ' M. teerart. ,Cla. F. WI)! ston, , Joseph Craig. L uta r r. M. J. Vokano. lJere. Roheu R. E. HERON, 1 GENERAL AGENT. lfl;~~ • a ENNSYLVANIA • INSURANCE COMPANY OF PInTSBURGH 'NICE:: No. 1131 f __WOOD BANE OP COMMERCE B UILDING. • -This is al Home Company, and insures against lots by Fire exclusively. LEONARD WALTER, President: C. BOYr& Vice President. RI lurr PATRICK, yreasnrer. 111 hi,""" AGAINST LOSS BT FIRS. • I ' FRANK J LI I I INSURANCE CO.OF PHILADELPHIA, OFFIC ;435.4437 CHESTNUT ST., near iTII. , -DI-RECTORS. Charles: - N. Rancher, ; Mordecai. H. Louis' Tobias Wagner, i David S. Brown, Samuel Grrant, t Isaac Lea, Jacob R. brnith, . 1 Edward C. Dale, v vorgelW. Richards, ; George Pales. CHARLES U. BANCKER, President. EDW. C. DALE, Vice President. W. C. ;STEELS Secretary. pro tem. i J. GARDNER COFFIN, AGENT, North; West corner . Third and Wood Streets. mn29:roris NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Car. Federal St. and Diamond, Allegheny, 1 Office,. . In the SECOND NATIONAL BANE B_ Ul . l, 0 , ISO. W W. MARTIN, -President, i iiN BROWN. JR. Vice President, 3 AMES E. STt , V ENSCiN. Secretary. DIRECTORS: . { I John A.i Mcler, I.las. Lockhart. iJos. Myers, J as. L. Grafi am.. Robert Lea, IC. C. Boyle, Joo. Brow n,J r. IGeorife Gerst, Jacob b.opp, O.H PN I tliams,jno. Thompson! J. McNatigher. WESIVERN.INSURANCE COM PANY OF PITTSBURGH. •ALItXANDER NIMIOK. President. WM. P. 'HERBERT. Secretary. CAPT. GEORGE NEELD, General Agent. °Met: 92 Water street, Spang & Co.'s Ware house, up stairs, Pittsburgh. Will in.:nre against all kinds of 'Fire and Ma rin. Risks. A home Institution, managed by Di rector' who are well known to the community, and who ar. determined by promptness and liber ality to maintain the character which they have assumed, as mfering the beat protection to those who desire to ba insured. DIIIECTOBB: Alexanner Nitpick, Jona B. McCune, E. Miller. Jr., Chas. J. - Clarke. Jameekle,Auley, William S. Evans, . Alex mier, Speer, Joseph Kirkpatrick. Andrew Acklen, Phillip Reymer, David M. Long, sVin. Morrison, D. 1.... en. jEOPLES' INSURANCE COXI- OFFICE, ti. E. CORNIER WOOD & FIFTH 81 4 ., ♦ Home Comparly,taking Fire and Matlae Elea: DIMICTOBB: Capt. John L. Rhuads, Samuel R lihriver, Charles Arbuckle, _ Jared M. Brush, Win P. Lang, Samuel McOrickart President. Tie President. tiecreta \Kix. Genanti A rent.. Wm., Phillips, John , Watt, Rani E. Parks, eapil James Miller, Wni.l Van Kirk, James 1). Verner WIC PHlLLirs_, JOHN WATT, vic W. F. GAIIDNER, r. .TAR. WIRT 4LL EU/JEN t 11111,41111AN,UE COMPANY OF PITTSBIJRGH. ICE,No. 37 FIFTH STREET. BANK Bross . ' %fluxes against all kinds of !tire and Marine .40IIN IRWIN. Jn.. President. T. 4. HOSKIN EON, Vice President. C. G. DUN TELL, Secretary. CAPT. WI!. DEAN. General Agent. DIRZOTOIIBC , John Irwin, 41.. B. L..Pahneetalk T. J. auskinson. W. H. Everson, . C. G. Hussey, Robert H. Davis. 1 Harvey. Childs., Brinell+ &Item - Mules Haye, Slant. J. T. *Rockdale. Capt. Win..Deari. T. H. Nevin. LEGS! - LEGS ! • • Limb The ;Artificial 'Manufacturing CO. CWARTERED BY THE aTATEAF PENNA. All Suarglkoidere are men wearing tits Taints. alaille by the CoMpany. To ithose requiring a limb. we would say that our own experience has induced us to establish* factory here that would make acomfbriable and durable limb' for a reasonable pries.. Aft. r try ing a number of, solid socket and padded socket legs,Nre have each found more comfort and use Aiming In this- :`ADJUSTABLE LAOIIING ISOCKET ,, than in any, oth?r made In the coun try. of our number, a skilled mechanice has charge ,f the shop. We have bought the right to use two of the best patents, and by our'expert oncei we hope to Improve In every way that will add to the comfort,duntbllity or appearance of the limbis we make. We have nut the price of our new legs at 00. Persons from ' li,dilltano e are onlYdetalned In the Mir while the measure and a cast of the injured limb is taken. 'lite saving to purchasers, as compared with Eastern prices, from Silip to f u 9 I g T e e l Iwo of legs; t least 430 railroad re, and +other traveling expenses, and t c ly;;;;:m Battened that our limb waif/kw " 6 1 T h i l i a 7,/ i gki a , than any one made in New fork or out notary If we can get orders, we Can maintain re ask pm ex at the above price, and we t elsewhere. amination before going on bind a suet/ We make to order and keep oeels for .uttz of stockings braces) aa d e st_i al ige_, a f truilieglog of deformed Arabs. dor braces, &a. e ine or la ; testimonial letters from y a "'ma Inionnation . smote cibuoilirse'werota:alie-wo" Aiirrsal AI. 4. Tr: p or k % t u i Se t t* l o T I u m g d e d c r e o ss . . : 1 1 1 : 51)8 Sri Pilti llEE eur r ek .bretrenap'lltfigihirteernilitt 't 1124i nj nalvirio o. Bssitliglekt street. foie Yenelleturet_of avan t .Ite COMO asaliirsval Iteelleip _ sem _ aitromait etrisisußCH, PORT WAYNE .t CHICAGO F. W. and CLEVELAND & PITTSBURGH FL 74. From May 9th, 18 09. trains will leave itsrl• and arrive at the Union Depot, north aide, Pitt*. burgh city titne,•as follows: • - Leave. Arrive. Chicago Ex.... 2:08 ain Chicago - Ex. 1.58 ata Erie & Ygn E7.7:28 a m'Ohics,.-..Ex..12:03 p m Cl. &Wli:g711'10:13 a m: Whetting Ex 10:48 a at Chicago ail.. 0:58 a m:st. Loui s Ev 7:08 D Chicago Ex.... 9 :43 a nuChi'go Ex .t 1114:08 p m Cl. & W -Olg 2:oisp tt!Clereland Ex 3:53 p Chicago Ex. 4 2:23 pno Erie & Yg'n Ea 0:88p us NV 'e X Erie x1:38 prt.ICI. tWh.g Ex6:s3pm DepartfrOrk dliephenp. Arrfoe in A/ter/tens Beat'rM a a e s " A 10:03 a nv Bca to EaßAc". 628 am 11:58 a m I New Cattle "10:23 am 'Rochester " 1:28 p m Enon " 9:13 am ' .3:58 p int eetsdsie " 1:08 pm Enon " Leetsdale ACc.5:l3 p Bea'r Palls ." A:43 •• .0:13 pm;Lerydale ` • 1:33 tun r Ee e e a t's r rla a l l e is " 10:4-3 Pm' ." 7 :23 Om Fair Oaks Sun- It Oaks Sun day Church. 1:13 pml day iAlurch. 9:58 alle Kir.2:23 D. M. Chicago Express leaves' daily. $ -12 n . Es.chicago Express arrives daily. •J. H. KIMBALL, I J. N. &PCULLOUGH. tien't Ticket Agent. Gen'l Supten't. mylO rIIIANGE OF TIME. EiLLEgIIENY VALLEY RAILROAD, THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO THE OIL REGIONS WiTHC)U rerzAmix OF CARS. on and after MONDAY, I May 3d, MO TWO H TROUGH TRAINS DAILY (except Sunday) will leave Pittsburg) Depot, corner of Elev enth and Pike streets, ter Franklin, Oil Clty,But- Hilo. and ail not in ti e Oil Regions • LEAVE. PITTSBb. Day Ex 8:0 NigitcEx.... • 7:3 Brady's B AC 3:1 lat SodaW"ks 9: 2d SodaW'ks 6:3 Ist Hutton ... 6:4 2d Hu1t0n...12:0 '3d Hutton... 1a:0 Arnold's AC. 5:0 Cintren train to Ptttabnrgh at 1:1 (Sundays, int 9 5 Express trains s Accommodation J. J. L THOBLA ap:3o -....Presideitt. Secretary. PENNSY TA- r. r:.- - NIA CENT •• L EAIL • - • -•—• • BOAD. On and a er April 25th, 1869, Trahni will arrive at and . epart from tht Union Depot, corner of Wash • gton and Liberty streets, as follows: Arrive. Mail Train.... 1: 5 anal* ' Fast Line 1.45 amiho Wall's No. 1.. 6 20 am iW BrintonAcc'n. 7:50 am M : Wall's No. 2.. 8:50 am H , Cincinnati Ex.9:10 am *C • Johnstown Ac10:35 am W Row'd Ac Nol 1:10 pm J Pittsh•ch Ex. 1:30 pm B Phila. Exprespl:so pm PI 1 Wall's No. 3...2:50 pm \i a Braddock Ac.. 5:50 pm t Hor'd Ac.No2 9:35 pm • 1 WalPs No. 4. 7:AO pm c Way Pass - er 10:20 pm ,11.1 'These trains make close burg for Baltimore. The Church Train lesv Sunday at 9:05 a. m., r 10:05 a. m. Be.turning, 12:50 p. tn. and' arrives 2:10 p. m. *Cincinnati Exp es lea Wawa daily excep Sunda! For further won a W. H.l *The Pennsylvanialtallr same any WAY forliaggage, parel, and limit their respo dre• Dollars in value. Al thrt amount in value will owner, urines taken by tom EDWAIU ap26 General Superintto NVESTERN PENNSYLVANIA RA...LBOAD.—On and afte Pi sienger Trains on the Rat road: will arrive at a Feder. 1 Street Depot, Alle Arrive. Springd'e No16:10 a m 1,51 Freeport No.18:20 a m I F Express 11.1:40 a us; S Sharpb`g No.11:20 p mE Freeport No.21:00 p m; S Mail 5150 pm; Spring:l'e N026:20 p m •,a Aboye trains run dally e The Church Train leav ever) Sunday at 7:10 a. - City at 9:50 a. m. Rein City at 1:20 p. m. and Lion at 3:40 p. m. COMMI7TATIOIC TICKETS7-"For sale in package( of Twenty, between Allegheny City,;Chestnut street. Derr's, Bennett fine Creek Etna and Sharpsburg and good oncy ma the trains stopping at Station.. epecined t e ets. The trains leaving Allegbeny City at 7:00 a. en. make direct connection at Freeport withWal-e ker's line of Stages for Butter and Hannahrtown. Throegh tickets may be purchased at the 0111ce.. No. 1 St Clair street, near the Suspenirionßridge. Pittahur, Is. and at the Depot, Allegheny. For further information apply to JAMES LEFFERTS, Agent- . • Federall3treet Dennis The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not a. sums any risk for Baggage, except for wearing apparel, and limit their., responsibility to 01211 liundeed Dollars in value. All baggage env reeding ti Is amount in value wilibe at the risk of the owner, unless talron by special contract. ' EDWARD H. WILLLAMS, .ap2ll General Superintendent. Altoona. Pa. 1 37C71,17 1 . T A G 5Danaftli . . LORIS RAILWAY. PAN ROUTE. CHANGE OF TIME. nand after MONDAY, April "Afith 1889, trains will leave and arrive at tht Union Depot, u Lolls I: mart. Arrive. Mall 2:08 a. m. 1A:13 a. Fast Line Express SI: Mixed Acc'n El: McDonald's Acc'n,lio.lll: Steubenville Accoramod. - a McDonald's Acc'n. No. 21 Sunday Chnrch Traiu.. 151: air 2:33 x. tram will leave daily. 12:13 P. at: train will arrive daily. An other trains will run daily. Buttasys except ed. The 9:43 a. m. Train makes close con nections at Newark r Zanesville. S. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent. W. W (WAD, Sn➢'t.. Steubenville. Oblo. apt eLrrsaunGs&Mliglmt rIoNNELLI3 VILLE ROAD. On and after TIEfESITAY, - Noyember 17th. Iltsol, trains will arrive at and depart f rom ttisi Depot corner of Grant and Water streets, as follows: • Depart. Arrim.' Mill to and from Union town • 7.00 A M. 6'oo P BlTESiesport Accomdt , n 11::611 e. if. CITA Ex. to'and from Unt , n. 3:00 r. nu 10: ILO A. tr. West Newton Accom'd 4:30 P. N. 8:35 A. 31. Braddock's Accomdt , n. 5:15 P. '1:50 Night Ac. toMcK , eport.lo:3o P. X.' 6:45 A. M Sunday Church Train to sikd r , %Ni t West zt r r y e t Von. 1:00 /0:00 A. E. M. RAYMOND, Agent W. B. STOUT, Supenucendent. noM S BILL ataINK UNION PACIFIC ILUIWA; The BHURTEI3T AND MOST lINLIABS ROUTE Irma the East to all points Colorado, Nevada, California, Utah, Arizona Wasainlitoß,, New Mezieo, Idaho, T 1" ilaini d a ys isa LL Y ee e rted a" ,l lAn on th e all earri dLe v a a vel lot war trata il i aail ik e ir m gadsoLd n'm bt. Louis, and- Haunt. of i bli e n ts v:s s iS . r aw s u jrten ix , ce ' llail i n t s Trea V d L insil iaL 7 ll44ulWll . amcl e At .e _ cmag in z. d wil lo olt ma. west of U r, y sTATICS =plow cow asp Emus LOB OF OVERLAND.Hif . 0 0Acen FOB • • • DEM VER4&ter iuk4Klol AND All Points in the, Territories, And with SANDERSON'S TRI , WICEILY Mtn of COACHES for Fort Union, Bent's Fort, Fus s Albuquerque, Banta Fe, and all points 111 Ado zone and new Mexico. With the recen additions of rolling stork and equipment, and the arrangements with tesponstble Overland Transportation Eg w! m Mi l from its western terminus, road low ogees unequalled facilities thr the transmission of freisht to the Far Wm,. Tickets for sale at all the prinelpe. offices tit the Glutted State* sad Cauadu _ Be sure and Lsk for tickets via THE SHOMr ju BlLLsTmex DIVISI ON.BOUTE,HI4IN. ~ 01F,2' /CI RALIAVAA% ' A31)21'803, chmts , s upea g ai dea a. IL, 111=11111114 IlliseissUrrtliat sad Uttaket igil RAILROADS. MIL !ALBRIV TN PITTIIIIMBGE 5:15 pas Pi L I :. I NlthtE/x 13;30 am p mißrOya 11 Ac 10:15 am .5 a m i lltSodaWlis 7:40 t pm,RidSorlaW`ks 6:lspm a m !Ist Hylton., 1 1 :50 a m I m; SW Rniton... LOU p m 'pi:l2,3d Balton— 1:05 pmp m . Arnold Ac. 7:40 p m and from Soda Works leave P. m. Arrive at Pittsburgh, A.X. top only (4 principal points. tins stop at all stations WRENCA, I cien'i Su 't. St. KLNt..4 \ , AWL. itinpft. Depart. tyExprese.. 5:15 - s* nern Ex.. 4:b 0 am No. 1.. B:3oam 11 Train,.... 8:18 am I tr , dAcNol 11.1:20 am ncln , tl Ex 18:80 pm ll's No. 2..11:81 as. oolong:: Ac. 3:03 pm ddocke Ac. 3:40 p 1111.-Expreas 4:20 Iv iall's No. 8.. 4:sopm 1a11 , 5 No. 4.. 8:05 too alt ',1nc..... 7:30 pm ow AC No 2.8:20 pm all , e N 0.5.. 11:00 OM onnection at. Harris- s Walls Staticin every aching Pittsburgh leaves Pittsburgh t Walls Station kes daily. All oths 1 ,. . _.. iply_to . ECKWITH, Agent. 1 Companywill note/ xcept for wearingap etbilitv to One Han• Baggage exceeding be at the risk of the lat contract. H. WILL. era.. AltooWik. pril 25th,1869,the estern Pennsylvania 4 depart from the r heny follows: 7:00 a it eeport No. 1 9:210am arpb'g Not 11:20 am 1. press. 2:50 pa ja 1 ined'e No 3:30 pm eeport N0.25:20 p ns .ringd'e No 26:30 pla cept Sunday. . r s Allegheny Junction reaching Allegheny ' ing, leaves Allegheny ye at Allegheny June. 9.43 a. m. 7:11p. nu 4issLii. 33 a. m. 6:58 p. m. 43a. m. 18:19a. m. :58 p. m. 9:33 a. m , 1 14 .2:11R D. I D . :59 p. m. 9:59 a. m. Emtern Division. On3flon• Q
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers