EA CITY AND 813BIJRBAN. Tam GAzatrrE is furnished in the city the eix days of the week for 15 cents per week; by mail, ;43 per annum: 3 mos., It Allegheny Counells will hold a regular meeting to-morrow night. The brick 'work on the new City Hall, which. was commenced on Mon day, is Progressing slowly. The Allegheny Park Commission held a meeting last evening. No business of public importance was transacted. A large force of men are at work re pairing the pavement on Second avenue, and will probably complete It this week. Completed.—The lateral sewer on San dusky street, Allegheny, between North and Montgomery avenues, has been com. plated. New Cros.stng.—A new cut atone cross ing is to be placed on Ohio street, at the northeast corner of the Market House, Al legheny. Committed.—Alderman Hays, of Alle gheny. yestesday committed Frank Ka telby tojail for trial on a charge of larce ny, preferred against him by Christian Ziobh. . Still Living.—Patrick Fagan, the un fortnnate man who was injured Saturdiy night, in rearof the Unioe, Hotel, Second avenue, is still living, but no hopes *e entertained of his recovery. Killed.—Monday afternoon, a little 4latighter of Mr.. Siebold, Third ward, Allegheny,' was severely bitten ov a large dog belonging to Mr. Schlleper. The animal was immediately dispatched. tccture for Gentlemen.—Dr. Gleason lectures this evening to gentlemen only, on the Origin of Animal and Vegitable Life, in Excelsior Hall, Allegheny city. Splendidly illustrated with manikins,&c. rostponed.—The hearing in the case of Mrs. Douglass, charged with keeping a common bawdy house at No. 77 Virgin alley; which was to ha . ve taken place yesterday, was postponed until Friday, at two o'clock p. m. Any person in want of a large, conven ient and comfortable house, in a-delight ful location, near the Citizens Passenger Railway, and at a moderate rent, would do well to call on Mr. G. S, Bates, corner Penn and Butler streets. Allegedlarceny.—Keeler Tabor yes terday made information before Alder man Bolster, of Allesrheny, against An drew Badlnger and George Schimeg for larceny. The accused were arrested and in default of bail committed for a hearing. The poem accepted for Decoration Day, is from the gifted pen of Mr. Oliver T. Bennett, of the Commercial. It is highly spoken of, and Said to be even finer than many of theralready popular verses that gentleman \has furnished the public anonymously. Held tor Court.—C. Johnson, against whom an information was made before the Mayor several days since for larceny of a quantity of rope from the bank of the Monongahela river, bad a hearing yesterday, and was held to bail for his appearance at Court. Wanted—Situation.—By a 'young man as book-keeper or assistant book-keeper, good penman, and has had several years experience in store and bank. Can fnr nish good reference and security, if re quired. Address box A GAZETTE office, or call at the GAZETTE Counting Room. A Clue.—The Beaver Arun., says: We were shown a letter the other day frbm a detective living in another State, in which he expresses a belief that he has obtained a clue to the parties who blew open the safe and robbed the Treasury at this place sope two yr and a half ago. ~ • I t raz Marker Ma ' discharged his -3 / 4 . %-rs, y o ' l , "11 two of On Monday for drunkennets While on nty, and another yesterday for incompe y. He is de termined to have no'.en on the force who are no mpetent and efficient, and is taking th roper .. : thod of reaching that much be &tire : nd. • , , _., Trout'', ePr .it• —Monday even. elf ing John , Gran. .ile in the Alle gheny lock- p for . ~ • . enness, amused himself by tearing p • a Boor of his cell and smashing ever •h ' n reach of him. Yesterday morning ttie : Mayor imposed a tine of ten dollars .. 41 chSts upon him for his conduct., .' 4. ..: Burglary.—The boot aild Shoe shop of Wm. Barnes, of Brldgewiter, Pa., was broken into by some person or persons unknown, on Tuesday night of last week, and about two hundred ; dollars worth of boots, shoes and leather takes therefrom. The burglars made their entry into the room by 'means of false keys u! ed in opening the rear door: ,/ Assaulted a Weman.—lnformatiost was , . .'. made before the Mayor yesterday, by l' . ...,411;tvgrieartilunuthe f a ass t aultedas issued for t a h ng ist.fis at t. he A r, ingtng Pilgrim," whose America. will give a concert at the First Methodist Church, (Rev. Alex. Clark's), .. -, aVen .on Wednesday evening, t o can be procured at the 't v , vari Atli res of Pittsburgh and All fire oig ) 011, Flft ~,,. , E . l l lt a n ris E er e , ni re u s it id o i i ng mac o r n ed Ma so r n i g on . ist h r i e l e ip t, Allegheny, charging James Porter with I assault and battery. She alleges that t , rter came to her residence and with , tm as a singer is not confined to reputation .Stock Sales.--The following stocks were sold last evening on the second floor of the Commercial .Sales Iteo 106 Smithfield street, by A. Mcllwainn, Auctioneer: Citizens National Bank.. la 50 M. and M. National Bank 70 2s Second National Bank. 94 00 Pittsburgh and Connellsville R. R. 11 00 Sent to Jail.—Mrs. Hannah Cuff, pro prietrees of a small grocery store in the Stith ward, Allegheny, was before May , ori Drum last evening, for selling liquor minors. Several boys were arrested Sunday evening, in an intoxicated con - 'Union, in the vicinity, who, when sober, stated they had purchased the liquor at the store. Ths accused, after a hearing, was committed in default of bail for trial. Aggravated Assault and Battery:—Jaa. .Campbell made information before the . • Mayor, yesterday, charging Chas. Bren nan with aggravated assault and bat tery- He alleges that the accused at tacked him Monday night, near the oor ner of Penn and Seventh streets, and -without provocation struck -him on the back of the head with a boulder, inflict ing a serious injury. A warrant. was :sued for the arrest of the aocustxl. EN More of The•• The crusade against the Sunday whiz • sellers still goes on, and we are informed that it will be con tinned until every violator 'has been brought to justice and learns from expe rience that it is the duty of all ottizent to conform strictly to the law. Information was made before the Mayor yesterday against Mrs. Murphy, Fred. Mueller and Leopold Ilan, to recover the penalty of po, and also criminal prosecution insti tuted. Warrants were issued. Decorating the Graves.—On Friday al.` ternoon, 28th inst., Mr. E. G. Krehan, who has been appointed to designate the graves of soldiers in the cemeterit i on the South Side, will visit Zimmerrn n's Cemetery at one o'clock, the MethOdist at two o'clock, Hirzberger at tbree o'clock, and the German Catholic at four o'clock. Relatives of the deceasedlean very materially, assist in the 'work) by meeting Mr. Krehan at the designated places at the hours named. Prof. Slack's Concert.-The second concert under the direction of Prof. W. B. Slack wilt be given next Friday even ing in the spacious ball of the Third ward (Grant) School House. Pupils from the Moorhead,' Oakland, Forbes, South and Franklin Schools, will take part in the performances. Prof. W. Evans will give some of his choice recitations. The Quartette Club \will also be present, and discourse soine i of their sweetest music. The performances will, of course. be greet3d with a full house. The Pirate's Legacy Is the title of a novel recently written by our esteemed fellow-towsman, Professor Rudolph Leonhardt, of the Western University. The Professor is no novice in the paths of fiction, as the many readers of his former books, both in English and Ger man, can testify, and this last is said to be much the best of his works. It is not a sensation story, as, from its title, some might be led to believe, but a simple, picturesque tale of high and low 'life in America and Italy. The story was written in English, but its accomplished author has translated it into German and sold the translation. The English edition 'will be sold by subscription' only, and Parties wishing to procure adinteresting work by a well known fellow-citizen, can find the subscription list at the book store of the Messrs. Backofen, on Smith field street. At the Tnennual Convention of the School Directors of Allegheny county, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the President of this Convention be requested to appoint a Committee of ten friends of Education, who, together with the Chairman of this Convention, shall constitute a Committee for the purpose of making the prellini nary arrangements for choosing a site and raising funds for building a house for the Normal School of this District, cam posed of Allegheny, Beaver and Miler counties. In pursuance of said resolution, I here by appoint the following gentlemen on that Committee: James Kelly, Esq., of Wilkins township, Wm. Espey, Esq., of Scott 1 - township,. James B. Lyon, Joseph Dilworth, Wm. A. Thaw, and John _H. Ralston, Esqrs., of the city of Pittsburgh, F. R. Brunot, James C. Parke, and A. T. Douthett, Emirs. of Allegheny City, and Moses-Chess, Esq., of Chartiers township. The Committee will meet at Curry's Normal School on Sixth, formerly St. Clair stteet, in the City of Pittsburgh, at ten o'clock, A. u. of Monday, May 81st, 1869. F. C. 1. ot.sx, Pres't. - . Col. 'Joseph BrOwne MESSRS. EIATORS : Please announce for me, through your columns, that I am confined to my room, and have been for some titre q past, by sickness, the dregs left by army life, and of course have been unable to see my friends in reference to my aspirations for the office of Clerk of Court. lam still In the field for the nomination, and will have to trust my friends to guard and protect my interests before the Cenvention if I am not convalescent by that time. JOSEPH BROWNE. - - Result of a Hearing Last evening Barclay and Kennedy, two of the parties charged with aggra vated assault and battery upon Jacob Slant; a saloon keeper in Pleasant Val ley, Second ward, Allegheny, had a hearing before Mayor Drum. It will be, remembered, that the parties on last_ Monday afternoon are said to have enter ed the saloon, raised ar row with the pro prietor, were put out; came again and 'beat him in a terrible manner. At one time it was feared that Slentz's injuries would prove fatal,.but he has somewhat recovered, and was able to be present at the hearing. A number of witnesses were examined, 'and at the conclusion the parties were held for trial. Almoit an Accident. Yesterday afternoon a colored man, driving a cart and hauling dirt from the sower on Diamond *Hey, was backing his cart up to an exciv,ation for a sewer drop, at the corner of. Smithfield and D' cad streets, in which two sons of the "Emerald Isle" were at work, and not having the necessary atop blocks the cart dropped in upon them._ One of was slightly bruised on the top c f the head, and the other (+Soaped uninjured. The latter immediately jumped out of the excavation and "went" for the color ed man, who was using his utmost en deavors to get the cart ont of the excava tion. Owing to the attack, however, ho was compelled to suspend operations, and the poor fellow in the drop under the cart was compelled to remain there until his brother workman had chas tised the negro. After a few cuffs and . kicks, which the poor fellow quietly submitted to, the cart was removed, and the man who was under it wanted ,to fdither chastise the negro for not extri cating him sooner. He was preyented, however, by an explanation. - Wooden Buildings. Laid evening the Committee on Wood en Buildings, of the City Councils, held a meeting, at which a number of peti-• tions for privilege to erect wooden buildings,' were presented. But one of the petitions was favorably received. It was reported that several parties bad in defiance of the municipal authorities, \erected iron-clad buildings within the city l imits, and the City Solicitor was instructed to proceed at once with legal • 1 measures aitelnst them. tThe Street nd District N th hwed ble i Commissioner of the See ms instructed to have e 'ro ngs erected by Messrs. Wm.'', Wells at Co. , on Seventeenth treat removed. Tire Commissioner of he First District wig, also similarly in. tructed in reference to the removal of the frame building °4 --- Pride street, Owned by Messrs. Hartma n , Ri c h ar d s o n di Co., and to further inquire of the City Solicitor whit steps were n ecessary to have the building of Mr . Colvin, on Web ster avenue, removed. The Street Commissioners 'were di rected to notify the City Solicitor of all • violation,' of ordinance relative to wood en buildings, that the proper legal measure" a~might at once be taken against the won- _~~ PITTSBURGH GAZETTE ' WEDNESDAY, M SYNOD CAL .PROCEEDINGS. General Synod of ' the Reformed Pres byterian Church at Cedarville, Otilo. , FIFTH DAY—MORNING SESSION. Synod met\ at nine o'clock, and was opened with- prayer by the Moderator, Rev. M. Kershaw. Spent half an hour in devotional exercises, Rev. A. Thom son in the chair. Resumed business. A communication was presented by Dr. McLeod from the Presbytery of Sabaranpar, Northern In dia, to the effect that the Presbytery had suspended its relations to the General Synod, on account of the suspension of Geo. H. Stuart from membership and his office as Ruling Elder in the Chuirch.. Dr. McLeod moved that the commu nication, and a series of resolutions 're lating to it, which he offered, be laid on the table, till the order of the day was disposed of. • The Board of Superintendents of the Theological Seminary presented their report, which was read and referred to the Committee on the Theological Semi nary. James SmythEsq., presented a pro test,- from Dr. Wylie, against the pro ceedings of the Board of Superintendents. The protest was read and referred to the Committee on the Theological Semi nary. Koommunication was riresented from Rev. Samuel Wylie, D. D., Sparta, Illi ' noes, praying that the sentence of sus pension pronounced on Geo. H. Stuart be revoked, -and, if that could not be done, that the law of the Church be mod ified on the subjects of psalmody and communion. In the absence of Rev. N. Woodside, Rev. J. F. Morton was appointed Assist ant Clerk pro tem. The communication of Dr. Samuel Wylie was received and placed on file. The Committee on Finance presented their report. It was adopted. Dr. McMaster presented the report of the Committee on Presbyterial Reports. Many congregations are languishing for want of stated pastors. The state of re ligion is set forth in the reports, which were ordered to be published in the minutes. _ Resumed the consideration of the sub ject of Union. Rev. J. K. Martin's substitute to take up the report item by item was discussed. The following is the basis of union proposed : WHEREAS, An organic union between i the General Assembly of the United Presbyterian Church and the General Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church is most desirable and of the ut most importance to the maintenance and more general diffusion of the principles which they hold in common; and _ WHEREAS, The respective testimony of these churches are substantially the same, if not identical; and WHEREAS, The testimony of the United Presbyterian Church - was framed with reference to the faith held In com mon by the reformed churches; and , WHEREAS, During the former negotia tion which resulted in a union between the Associate and Assotiate Reformed Churches, the Reformed Presbyterian Church was represented, when it was unanimously agreed in convention, that in the event of a union the united body Shall be ,known by the name of the . United Presbyterian Church; and 2 WHEREAS, This name contains noth ing peculiar to either of these churches; therefore, Resolved, 1. That these churches agree to form an organic union on the basis of the principles embraced in these respec tive testimonies and the other subordi nate standards which they hold in com mon. Rewired, 2. That these-churches-when united shall be called the United Pres byterian Church, consisting of the Re formed Presbyterian, . Church and the United Presbyterian Chinches, and that the Supreme • Judicatory of the United States shall be called the "General As sembly of the United Presbyterian Church of North America." Resolved, 3. That the Testimony of the United Presbyterian Church shall be ac knowledged as the Testimony of the United Church. Resolved, 4. That for the present, the substantial agreement of the testimonies of those r e spective churches being recog nized, congregations in the United Church shall be at-liberty to use either, as may be most convenient to edification. Resolved, 5. That the different Boards and institutions of the respective churches shall not be affected by this union, but shalt have control of their funds, and retain all their corporate or other rights and privileges until the interests of , the' church shall require-a ' change. Dr. Wilson offered the follow lug sub stitute: Resolved, That this Synod cannot and does not approve the resolutions adopted by the Joint-Committee on Union in the city of Pittsburgh, June, 1865, neverthe less approve of the conduct of the Com mittee in so far as it did its best in the Convention,—that negotiations be con tinued. and a committee be appointed to carry out the will of Synod. Not enter tained. Rev. J. S. Scott moved that the consid eration of Mr. Martin's substitute be in definitely postponed.' The Moderator decided that this mo tion,' if carried, would dismiss the con sideration of the whole subject of Union. Mr. Scott then withdrew his motion to indefinitely postpone. - Moved that Mr. Martin's substitute be laid on the table. Carried. The amendment of Dr. Bretton, offered on Saturday, was then taken up, - viz: That the report of the Committee be ap proved, as far as it goes, and the same Committee be continued, or a new one appointed.' Rev. S. F. Morton said the Committee had labored hard and faithfully. He was in favor of the Committee going on and finishing its work, and then the Synod could adopt,or reject the basis. Dr. Steele had some difficulty in regard to the word "approve," as used in rela tion to the Committee. He would not trammel the Committee at all. Rev. Dr. Bretton would change the forth of his motion, if desired. He did not wish to commit the Synod, contrary to her will. die moved that the whole report be recommitted to the Commit tee. Carried. unanimously. The effect oflthisis to continue negotiations and re ap int the Committee. v. Dr.' Young and Rev. Dr. Morton as to be excused from serving on the C mmittee. Request rejected. A On motion, - the congregations in the chuich were requested to take up a col lection, to defray the traveling expenses „of the ComMittee. Rev. J. F. Morton presented a memo rial from the citizens of Cedarville, In re lation to the subject of Temperance. On motion, it was received and re ferreda J. F. Morton, John Alford • and James repo k) rt. a SPeTticeialCoCc'mmmmiitteetteleukle: prepare. Cook. 1 Synod then adjourned to meet at three o'clock in the afternoon. Rev. 'W. S. Bretton concluding by prayer. [The friends of Union are in good spir its, on socountiof the action had this , Morning on that itibject..) • • - I I • WitS Meeting of Executive Committee G. A. Et.. ) .Manatield Moving—Poem for the pay-Chief Marshal's Report—Finan- The Executive Committee of the G. A. R. held another meeting yesterday after noonat three o'clock, In City Hall. for the purpose of making further arrangements relative to the observance of Decoration Day.- Gen. A. L. Pearson was called to the Chair, and Capt. W. B. Cook appoint ed Secretary. MANSFIELD AWAKE. , Mr. Andrew Walker, from Mansfield, stated a meeting had been held in that village on Monday evening, at which it was decided to have it represented in the procession and other ceremonies of the Day. The Oakdale Guards a volunteer organization, had signifiedi their' inten tion of participating. Rev. J. A.= Snod grass had also been appoin ed orator for the occasion. The meeti g then ad journed until Thursday ev mg. Capt. S. W. Reynolds mo ed that the delegates from Mansfield and vicinity be constituted the Fourth Division in the procession, with Col. J. W. Ballentlire as Chief Marshal. On motion, Toerge's Brass Band was assigned the right of the procession. Captain Collier now read a poem which had been prepared to be recited on Decora tion Day, and, on motion, the poem was unanimously adopted for the occasion and Capt. Collier appointed reader. Capt. W. B. Cook moved a vote of thanks be tendered Mr. 0. F. Bennett, author of the poem, for his services. Adopted. WIMP MARSHAL'S REPORT. Major E. A. Aiontooth, Chief Marshal of the proces•llon, presented the follow ing report of the officers and route of procession: Chief Mamba), E. A. Montooth; Chief of Staff; Wm. Blakely; Adjutant Gen eral, H. A. Collier. Aids: John H. Stew art, Martin Schaffer B. F. Kennedy, Robert Poljock, W. J. McGrally, B. P. Jennings, C. Eberhardt, W. B. Cook, B. Galliseth, Hiram P.; Callow, Foster Alward, J. K. McLanahan, Thomas B. Cluley. Aids to the Chief Marshal will wear regulation cap, white gloves, G. A. R. badge, army sash around the waist and belt, black crape on left arm, with red, white and blue ribbon attached. The order of formation will be: lst t lice; 2d, Band;-3d, Chief Marshal l and Staff; 4th, Soldiers' Orphans; sth, First Division; 6th, Second Division; 7th, Third Division. The officers of the First Division' are: Chief Marshal, A. P. Callow;Cht of Staff, J. P. McHendry; Adjutant Gen ral, A. Patterson; Surgeon General, W. B. Hezlep. Aids—J. C. Bartley, W , R. , James Gresseb, W. K. Mc .11n- Johnson took, R. M. Blair, W. C. McKelvy. The uniforms will be of this, as well asf all the divisions : Regulation ..cap, 'white gloves, badge, G. A. R. arm crap red ribbon attached. - The officers of the Second. Division are: Chief Marshal, J. G. McConnell; Chief of Staff, Geo. S. Smith; Adjutant General, Samuel, W. Reynolds. Aids—.L C.I - Mc- Connell, Lee S. Smith, S. W. Revnblds, Jos. H. Gray, Alf. M. Kerr, H. L. Yoking, J. T. Cunningham, Chas. F. Porter, J. C. Paul, J. D. Forrester, Wm. Dik.Ki,rbY. J. S. Easton, A. J. Harbaught, Kilgore. The officers of the Third Division are: Chief Marshal, G. S. Wood; Chief of Stall; D. A. - Jones; Adjutant General, W. E. Weber; Sugeon General, J. H. Rob erts; Chaplain, Freakily Brown; Aids: S. A. Barr, G. B. Van Emon, E. McKee, P. J, Etchley, G. Quar, R. R. Jones, J. W. Ballantine, M. -U. Felker, James Duncan, A. Ammon, S. P fieizel. H. B. Miller, N. K. Miller, J. W. Kerr, E. M. Mahen, Louis Fritz, A. M. Arnholt,Chas. Rink, H. Meisterleld, J. W. Carl. FORMING PROCESSION. Mansfield, Temperanceville and the adjoining townships will constitute the Fourth Division, with the fallowing of ficers; Marshall, Col J. W. Ballantine. Each division will be headed by ar)r tion of the Grand Army of the Re lib lie, and following will be firemen, civic organizations, disabled soldiers in car: riagea and other carriages. The First Division will form on Water street, right resting on Water street. The Second wilt form on Market street, right resting on Water street. The Third will form on Wood 'street, right resting on Water street. T FIE ROUTE. The-route will be up SMithfield street to Third avenue, up Third avenue to Grant street, along Grant to Fifth'avenue, down Fifth avenue to Market street, along Market to St. Clair (now Sixth) street, along Sixth street to Penn, along Penn street to Wayne, and there halt. The first division will then countermarch, and proceed to Allegheny city, by way of Penn and St. Clair street (now bixth street). The second division will pro ceed to Allegheny and St. Mary's Ceme teries by the way of Pena street, and the third division will move up Wayne to Libetty, down Liberty to Smithfield and thence to Birmingham. The procession to be in lino at ten o'clock precisely. The report was unanimously adopted. The resignation of Captain Callow from the Advertising Committee was re ceived and accepted. On motion of Captain" W. B. Cook, a Committee on Publication was ap pointed, consisting of H. A. Collier, Augustus Beckon and David Jones. On motion, a Committee, consisting of Captains Foster Alward, W. M. Dal gleish and IL R. Logan, was appointed to assist the ladies in the floral arrange ments at Masonic Hall on Friday. - DESIGNATING THE GRAVES. Messrs. Capt. John G. - McConnell, A. J. Harbangh, John H. Kerr, John Chia lett and John Horner were appointed to appropriately designate the soldiers' graves in Allegheny and St. Mary's Cem eteries. Messrs. John Homer, Foster Alward and John Barnes were added to the Ex ecutive Committee. Capt. W; B. Cook moved that_all Atte monies collected by the several sub committees on finance be turned over to the Treasurer, Lee S. Smith, to be ex pended in payment or all bills incurred by the Central Committee. Adopted. THE SALUTE. • The Chairnian read a communication from the'War Department at Washing ton, stating that Gen. R. If. K. Whitely had been instructed to furnish guns, ammunition and men for tiring the sa lute on Saturday morning. Mr. S. W. Reynolds moved that the Chairman be instructed to notify the Commandant at the Arsenal' to fire the salide from Basin Rill. The Committee on Transportation were instructed to provide carriages for the accommodation of the Judges of the Courts and Chief Magistrates of the two cities. Adjourned. American Silks.—On Wednesday, play 26; we will open at our new store, Nb.. 20 'Sixth street, (formerly St. Clair,) also at - "No. 59 Market street, a choice line of American Silks in black and colored, plain and figured. J. W. BARKER & CO., -- No. 59 Market street, and No. *Sixth stmt. "i DECORATION DAY. I= THE POEM. 7HE OFFICERS s - -fir- - 9c , :x ~;:.. ?'fi x £ ~~~_r+l ~f:.':`~, ;Y v ~ .. Y 26: 1860;" Meeting of Street Committee. A regular meeting of the Street Com n2ittiie of the City Councils was held last evening, at which the following ordi nances were favorably reported upon: Foi grading and paving Twenty-Sev enth ;street, from Butler street to Alle ghenY river; for opening Hatfield street, fromiForty-Fourth to Fiftieth street; for grading and paving Willow street, from Forty -Third to Forty-Fourth street; for opening Valley street, from Fortieth to Forty -Ninth street; for grading and pav ing Spring alley; far grading and paving Pleasant alley, from Forty-Third to For ty-Rdurth street; for grading and'; paving Twenty -Ninth street, from Penn to Smallmaa street; for grading and Paving Forty-Eighth street. The Street Commissioner was in structed to have flag stone crossings laid down at the Intersection of Fifth Avenue and grant street, and at the intersection 'ef Sixth avenue and Smithfield street. Several other important matters were dlsctissed, but no definite action taken in any aside from those here recorded. -,-- . State and County Taxes Although the County Treasurer has been ready to receive the taxes since the first of the month, comparatively few persons have called to settle their ac counts and save the per centage. To many persons engaged in business, who have;a large amount of tax to pay, it is quite an object to• use the money until the list day of grace; but there are hun dreds of persons who have the amount lying-idle, who 'would find it much to t heir own convenience, and might greatly facilitate business in the Treasurer's Office, to pay at once. The present office of the treasury is entirely too small for the business, there not being sufficient counter room to lay out all . the dupli cates', and consequently when the rush comes in June and July, the incon venience of paying will be much greater than; in former years, before there were so. many districts and taxpayers. All those' who can, should step up to the office before the jam commences, where theylwill find the Treasurer and a full corps of competent clerks to wait on them. A Superb Specimen. Mr. W. W. Wallace has just finished at his establishment, Nos. 319 and 321 Liberty street one of the most superb specimens of marbleized marble mantles ever made in the country. The marble izing is in imitation of the Syracone, the most rare and valueable marble found in South America, and the workmanship is of such a perfect character that the im itatiOn can not be detected from the real article, except by the most critical inspec tion.), The blending of the various rich colors of blue and gold and crinison, has been accomplished with such remarkable fidelity to, nature, that the slabs of which the mantle is composed, seem to the eye as though just cut from the quarry and highly polished. It is on exhibition at the warerooms on Liberty street, where all our readers, so desiring, can have an oppo,rtunity for a few days to examine it. Books for the Million. Col. J. D. Egan, at the popular and well stocked book and stationery store on Sixth avenue, near Smithfield' street, is prepared to supply the wants of all who are ib need, of books of any and every descpption at prices which defy compe titiou. His stock comprises all the late publications and old standard works, texts books for schools, Sunday school books, and he has also a large assortment of second hand books, in -which are many rare and . valuable works from standard authors, which he is selling at remarkably low prices. On his. counter will also be found all the late magazines and !periodicals and a lull stock of sta tionery. . • • Keystone Pottery. Notwithitanding the recent advance in prico on Queensware in the East, Mesirs.l3. M. Kier ct Company, proprie tors cf the Keystone Pottery, No. 363 Liberty Street, continue to sell their ex cellent Ware at the same low prices as heretofore. The ware manufactured by this firm is pronounced by competent judges to be equal, in point of strength, durability and finish to the best- Liver poolfware, and is sold at less than one half! the cost of the latter. As an evi dence of its superiority over , earthen wars it is only necessary to refer to the raply increasing business of the firm. Dealers and purchasers should remem ber the place, No. 363 Liberty street. . To Purchasers. Pdrchasers should always make it - a poin t before making their purchases, no matter what their nature, to first ascer tain an establishment of a reliable char acter, where the article they desire is , kept'yor sale, and then it is their duty to learn where they can get the best article for the least money. Those in search Of heel goods, trimmings, hosiery and gloves will find the establishment of W, W. Moorhead; No. 81 Market street, just the place to make their purchases. His stock is large and fresh, and he is daily receiving new goods from the Eastern markets. Prices at this establishment are Put down to the lowest figure. Always Ready.—The Weed Sewing Machine does not require any side at tatchunents to sell it, such as the button hole. or embroidery attachments, whidh are attached to inferior machines to sell them. Odly thirty-three cents a day to pay for a Weed Sewing Machine. That amount can be economized by every body. Weed does not take fits or spells, is always ready. Call and see it at the a gents, R. H. Long do Co., No. 116 Market et. Mess Goode.—J. W. Barker & Co., will opehat their new store, 20 Sixth (for merly St. Clair) street, also f9' Market street, on. Wednesday morning, May 28, a laige line of Dross Goods in the most desirable- fabrics, comprising Alpacas, Irish Poplins,' Japanese Poplins, Popli - netts, Satin_Cloths in plain and stripes, Tabkoes, Robe de Voyages, Grenadiers, Organdies, Lawns, Printed Jaoonets, dce. ' These goods will - range in prices froni 200.. per yard upwards. J. W. 'Wilms & Co,. - I 59 Market street and 20 Sixth street. Tel ` the Public.—On account of the crowded state of our storerooms yester day.(Monday,) many customers were unable to be waited upon. Regretting our 11nability to accommodate all who favored the establishment on \ that day, we would say that on Wednirday morn ing many good bartiiins will be offered, and the stook will be found fully replen ished. with 'new and desirable goods. Store opened promptly at seien o'clOok 11 the morning. \ WILLIAM SEMPLE, • Nos. 180 and 182 Federal street, . • Allegheny City. 'flop Skirts and Corsets, closing out at veryiy)w prices. NO. 52 'lBt..olair street. J. 1% Burchfield Or co. Lace Cutalns In pets and to , the yard at Bates* Bel Y.. 4 , - f`4:1.,,W1#4-40:41.11:314,44f,APM Bantamteal, Reliable, the Beet. We mean DOOLEICS BASING POWDER" It is superior to all others in the market. Free from any injurious substances, and so nicely compounded that the contents of each box will make light, sweet, ': healthy biscuits, rolls, pastry, &c., with, uniform success. Only two teaspoonfuls' to a quart of flour is necessary, while those of ordinary manufacture require from one-third to a half more. Ask: your grocer for Dooley's Chemical Yeast Baking Powder, and take no other. Try it and be contliiced. mwr New Store and New Goods. We will open on Wednesday, May 26,1 our new, elegant and spacious retail sales. rooms, No. 20 St. Clair street, with a very choice and complete stock of dry goods, hosiery, gloves, laces and em : . broideries, which will be offered at the very lowest rates. We shall also con tinue business at our old s‘ancl, No. 59 Market street, where our patrons and friends will find everything in the dry goods line, upon the same advantageous terms as we have been accustomed to offer them. J. W. BARKER & „ 59 Market street and )20 St. Clal street Magan'il Magnolia Balm.— his article is the True Secret of Beauty. It is what! Fashionable. Ladies, Actresse , and Ope ra Singers use to produce tha cultivated;' distingue appearance so muc admired: in the Cir of Fashion. It removes all unsightly' Blotched Redness, reckles. Tan, Sunburn and; Effects of Spring Winds, and gives to that Complexion a Blooming Purity of trans-i parent delicacy and power. No lady; who val es a fine Complexion can dc:. without the Magnolia Balm. 75 centsi will buy tat any of our respectable deal ers. LYON'', KATHAIRON IS a :very_ delight fal Hair ressing. . . chap Hangs, lace and all rongh-i nese of t lthe skin, certainly cured by using th e. Juniper Tar Soap, made byl Caswell, Hazard dt Co., New York. It', surpassei all other remedies as it will pre=': vent rouhness of the skin if used du- ", ring cold weather. It is easil applied,.; avoiding all the trouble of the greasy] compounds now in use. It can be used by ladies with the most tender skin, without irritation or pain, making it soft; and clear. Sold by the druggists genet...< ally. j wT Choice and Very Cheap—We will open;' on Wednesday morning, May 2d, at our new store, 20 Sixth (formerly St. Clair);? street, also st 59 Market street, two hun dred; pieces of French Chintzes (yard'! wide,) in stripes and figures, at twenty-; five cents. These are in choice colorings= and designs, and have never been offend:, at less than forty cents per yard. • 1 J. W. BARKERCO. No. 59 Market stre t, and i. No. 20 Sixt street. 1. Ills and Corsets at Bates Jr., Hoop S Bell's. Fine Ursa Goods.—The most elegapV 'novelties of the season at Bates (k, Printed P. P. 'Vs, worth one dollar, clos-:, ing out at 50 cents. J. M. Burchfield ‘4.; Co., No. 52 St. Clair street. Dress and Suits made to order at Bat dY fish's. Remnants Ofi dress goods, silks and poplins and wool goods, cheap at J. M. Burchfield it Co.'s. " Lace Mantlesall the new styles—aCS Bates & Bell's. I The place to get White Lime, Cal. 4 et nen Plaster, Hydraulic Cement, is at' Eckor & Caskey's, 13 Smithfield street.' Me Bell's g Goods in ' , variety at Bates &t Chintz • - Lawns and Marseilles att Bates 41tite:11's. DIED. DALZELL-04 Sabbath petening, May 1004 lasi., at Atchison, _Kansas, SARAH IMI7IdA; - i usuanter of Mr. Stewart Dalzeil and wife, for— . ; meriy of this city, aged 3 years.. DICKEY—Ot consumption, at Nssirsille Tenn., on the 10th in,t., FANNIE, wife of D. D. Dickey. 1V. 1 .514000/41:43ia: ALEX. 'AIKEN, UNDER , ! TAXER, No. 168 FOURTH STREET. ALEX Fa COFFINS of all kinds,CRAPES,: OLOVEt.. and e , ery description of Funeral Fur-; niehlng Good:: furnished. Rooms open day and; Matt. Nearq. and Carriages furnished. lia.risiensCES—Rey.Daviti Kerr. JJ.I)., W. Jacobus, D. D., Thomas Ewing, Esq., a •0 1, ii H Miller, Esc. , CHARLES & PEEBLES., UN.; DERTAKERS AND LIVERY STABLE% e.tne: f SANDUSKY STREET AND CH ITIZOSI AVENUA Allegheny City. where their COtr.FIN; ROD)18 at constantly supplied with real and; Imitation Ito ewood, .11shogany and Walnut, Cofqns, at prices % arying from *4 to 0100. Bo dies prepared for is , rment. Hearses and Car riages fUrntilled: also, .11 /ands of 31ourningl i goods, If required. °Dice of en at all hours. day, and night. .FOR SALE. BAROMETERS, 1 • TB ER MOMETERSO - 4 opER,A, MARINE AND SPY GLASSES BY W. G. DIINSEATEE, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. 66 14 FIFTH AVENUE, my H ENRY G. HALE, MERCHANT TAILOR, cA Would respectfully Inform IdsAsada sad thi Public generally, that Ms SPRING STOCK OF GOODS IS NOW COMPLETE •1v 4 . 4. • , souerrint As EARLY CALL. Corner of Penn and Sixth Streets, 15 3 e •• • HESPENHEID ff No. 80 SIXTH STHIEri, (late St. (Tiara tieve just received from the Zest the bese t ti lot of New Goods for Spring Suits ever brought 3":- to the market. The Arm w . arrant to cut and tit," and wake Clothes cheaper and better thr any E first-elan house In Ws nth. L A. new andisplen4 did acsonnuoit of own:ram% minus* 1110 GOODS are at ap tines to Do band at thiq. noon. Oar maber is Se ps 2.1214 - - r ~~~~~~ 111 11 e} ~..v.:l