6. STEEL WORKS DuquEsNE WORKS. COLEMAN, RAIIM & CO., Manufacturers of IRON, NAILS, STEEL, 'AXLES AND SPRINGS, DUQUESNE, L X AND JIINIATA, PLAT BAR, BOUND AND SQIJ altE IRON. OILERHOP,EET AND TANK IRON , PLtan.lt AND HEADS, GUARD IRON DRAG and DROPPER BABA, FLANGXL UUT mu BARS, CtIANDER T N AND FLAT RAIL, for Coal Roads. _ CROW B A ICS,WEDGES & BARK( oW TEETH SPEING,PLOW AND CULTIVATOR STEEL. EncEi, will:06 AND MOULDS cut to pattern. TInES, STEEL SHAFTING, A. B. STEELGS and • COACH, BUGGY and 'WAGON SPRIN XLES, CUT NAILS AND SPIKES. . All Goods First Class and 'Warramted. OFFICES AND WORKS. Sixteenth Street and Allegheny River, and 77 Water Street, Pittsburgh. ant SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. BINGER,r HECK & CO., PITTSBURGH. -PA. - liannfacturers of every description of CAST AND GERMAN STEEL, RA rLW arirerne, ELIA.. :C. A.:CD PLATFORM SPRING-8, AMIARS, IiTEEL TIRE, IC., ae llirarehoi!se, 88 Water and 100 First Sta. j uiLiErt, BARR & PARKIN. airlglus. PARrszes: 'W 4 I. METCALIr, .1 C H _AS ono. W. BARR, CHAS. PARKIN. bpsciAL PAP:man — B. M. KIER. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, NILLER, RIM & PARKIN, Ocoee, No. 339 Liberty St, PITTSBURGH. PA. fel4:d4B BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., llsnufacturers of aII /Ascriptions of Oarri"Rwißlir • • 'ace and Warehouse, THIRTIRTH, TFLIBTY. FIRST and ILLLI.J3OAto ISTILEETS. IRON WORKS._ IM. Vssxza . rre —.. W. P. Pout. PITTSBURGH. FORGE AND IRON CO., aie.surAcruitirsa or Bar Iron; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad 43ex Axles Rolled; Railroad ciir Axles liamMered; ILooomotive Frames; Loool3lotilre Frame Shapes; Side Rods: Tokes, Straps; Piston Heady, Steamboat Shaft % • ' Steamboat Cranks; Piston Rods, yfrists; pitman Jaws; Collars, .• - ' Offloe, No. 177 PENN-STRICET, PITTSBIJU6H. PA ti II 0 , 1 . The Trustees are now nrepared to grant licen- See for the use of the SLT:Fms JUNES PRO MS. The superior quality imparted to good Iron. the great improvement in inferior iron, and the reduced costscommerld it to fall manufacturers of Parties wishing to use it can obtain licenses hi OPPII II II to JAMES Attorn P. ey SPEER. for the Trustees. BOOMS 1 and A. English's Building, ikoi fonith avenue: ties interested are invited to visit the INMAN.BERGER WORKS, where the recess Ls sow in successini operation. tea:tl/7 EVERSON, PRESTON & CO., Pennsylvania Iron Works. - Warehouse, Nos. 166 andl6l' FIRST rrsram. ppm' ne MOnoagaaela a094:d6 IPITTIMUUOII NOVELTY WORKS._ pITTEIMMOR NOVELTY WORKS. Founded A. D. 1883. ADAMS. :DrEME & CO XAIIOTICTOBSBB or ihIiSTOIT WIT) PE STA LATFORM AN D CO BAIR UNNT.= AK S PAT • SCALES. alinlai Paced Patent Door Locks and Latches. Paint and Coffee Mills, COINER OP PIIIST APEX= & GSAYT VII Plttsburlib• WINES. LIQUORS, &c. SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, IMPOSTERS Or VMS, BRANDIES, GIN, 64 wilourAsis. DAALEss ia PURE RYE IMBUE 409 PENN STREET, Have Bemoved 808.• 884 AND BS6 PENN; Cor. Nleventh St., (formerly Canal.) :TOSEPII Si FINCH & CO., - =e _ .IS6. 187,169, 191, 193 and 196 2 1 ruts* entarr. rrrresumai. 11.41707.1071011118 07 Copper Distilled Pure Bye lfhlikeys i• Also. dealers Is TORSION WINES sadL I. QUOitti. Hors. - - ib:l6.ldoi I AI, : 011:11 9 ‘. 4:1 3a..11 siaraiiicur 111110111 LT• • ••••••••64...11111L1P Wall% WOEBLIr 86 CLEIS I Successeirs ow. 1. ilcsocialux do.. OILIIMAL unioasArmiss. ' •• • bui. ashimM is eptig mum De 0 7 ' A ll " • .air a rkut MAI I " inglar ERE - FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS. KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COYPANY OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. {'Engines, Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Re torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and limallanan Streets, (NINTH Pr1T61311711 , 013, ' WILLIAM Zl.Eanufooturei?, of CAST IRON BOWL PIPE YOB OAS AND WATER. WORKS. My Pines are all cut to artablyln Pits, in dry sand, and lA feet lengths. Also, fall assortment of general Castings for Gas and Water Works. altroTileAVAlA te mate of DUQUESNE FORGE. WILLIAM DULLER, - (Successor to JOS. r. HAIM & C 0.,) Has facilities eo-extensive with the leading Forges In the East, and is prepared to promptly and satisfactorily flll all orders for STEAMBOAT SHAFTS, CRANKS. PISTON ROD+, LEVERS. PITMAN JAMS, WRISTS, RAILROAD AXLES, Locomouvec FRAMES, together with every description of SHAPE WORE. Office and Forge, Corner of Duquesne Way and Pint Street. ap14:1140 PITTRBViii/H. ROBINSON,RFA & CO., BIICCOSIOIII to BOBlxsox, Ursus A iflizates, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, manufacturers of Boat and Stationary steam En ine.s, Blast Engines, Mill Machinery, (leering, ftafuntialCiestings of all descriptions;. Oil Tanks and 8 Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Once, •o. I% corner Post and Smithfield Streets. Agents for A GIIPPRD'IS PATENT LNJECTOB tar g ents for jall:rs2 THOMAS CAIILIN & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Machine Woth rim:Donn . BT., ALLEGHENY CM!, PA-, Manufacturers of Steam Engines, 011 Prelims, Padeys, Shafting, Orist and Saw Mill Work, Bolling Mill and Machine Castings, Grate Ban, Weights, Wagon Boxes, &a. Build to order and have on hand Engines of all sites. mvl4:qs CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS 880 Penn Street. BOLLIAN, BOYD & BAGALEY. chn IRolle, Min Carting", 801 l Lathes. it. JOHN Y. COOPER HENRY SIM JOHN M. COOPER & CO., Bell and Brass Founders. BRASS CASTINGS MADE PROMPTLY TO ORDER. Malleable and Grey Iron Fittings,. GAS PIPE AND TUBING, THROTTLE, SAFETY AND CHECK VALVES, ALL GLOBE PATTERN. TIELCOW COO/KS, Brass Work of every description for Steam, Water and 011. • MAND/ACTIIRERS OP J. M. COOPEVS Improved .Balance-Wheel Steam Pump. Agents for Dreyfus' Patent Oil ers, the best in the Market. Ocoee and Works, corner Thirteenth and Pike Streets. PEARL' 'MILL • FAMILY - FLOUR, PEARL HILL Three Star Green Brand, equal to FRENCH FAMILY FLOUR. This Flour will only oe sent out when erne °lase crdered. PEARL RILL BLUE BRAND, panel to beet St. Lords. PEARL KILL BED BRAND, Equal to beet Ohio ri . WHITE COBB PLODS AND CORN HEAL. B. T. ZEINEDY t BEAIi Alleeheny. Sept. 9.1868. PEARL BILL. -._ . 4 i, ' :, ''V -, , ,,, ,.t. , '' , ,; - 4 ,. ., - ;::t- ., i-vf.c' - 't'_-'''AwYA. , •:-fitk k`; , •,. ° , ' `` . ..: * * .C :l';' , o4;t. `V , O 'C .! 4 , P" Y :, - .4 4 ' ' ' ' ....._ .~''.~.: nv~~~ BRASS FOUNDRS FLOUR. BBIIMTIN GS AND BATTING 110LITIECi, BELL & CO., ANCHOR COTTON MILLS. PITTBBI:MU4ti• I/lAII9 hicturers of 1174.v . i. =Duna az d Lie= ANCHOR AND IRAsNola& SIMSTIIf GS AND B&TTIlni. NAIR AND PERFUMERY. PECK" ORNAMENTAL \ HATE WOBNEN AND PERFUREit, N o . TWA street, l i eu en th i ghaeld. Plttlburett. AlWa g laddadiAllitt O 4 3 :n„:11 Li r diet . BO WARD °HAW NAtELIC TA, &AN wL4314 Price in cub whi be rell tot B tiA,m. WWI and BelltleMen'S HAT CUM= done the basted manner. • ye 01WriCAL ENGMaiI.R! ERMA. "lIIECiLETTI 'N 430.01101.1. INGLIZIn aid 1:10 111 0 , - Of swims astiondirs rims 31*.T.1110. , SAL a11W..44. . re. X. , le-Inolli maw 11••• sap ikMd P ; baNESDAY.. MAI _26, 1869. ENGINES, BOILERS, &pi IftTO N. BOLE & CO., Cor. Point Alley and Duquesne St., (371L&R TEM POINT.) Engine Builders, Founders and Machinists. Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY YNGINBS of all sizes. Special attention invited to our new STATION ARY OIL WELL ENGINE AND. PORTABLE BOILER, of le-horsepower. CASTINGS of every kind, made to order atour Foundry, on T HIRD STREET, below Market. RIGS. for 011 Wells, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, RANGERS HOUSE and TOBACeo SCREWS sad IRON TOBACCO PRESSES, on hand and made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny Elver, near the Point, PITTSBURGH, PL. iar AU orders promptly tilled. TaY FORT PITT • BOILER, STILL 108 TANK WaRKS. CARROLL' & SNYDER, KI,N'I7rACTIIESILI3 OP TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLUED TUBULAR, FIRE-BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOIL ERS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS. CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS - AND IRON BRIDGES; rumor( DOORS AND COAL BRUTES Office and Warehouse. earner Second. Third. Short and Liberty Streeti, PITTSBURGH, Pa. Aar r Ord t ers sent to. to the above address mh7:lB9 will, be omnly attended WM. BARNHILL & CO., w BOILER MAKERS &ND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. SO, 11, 14 AND 116 PENN WS. Raving secured a large yard and furnished it witn the most approved machinery we are pre pared to manufacture every description of BOEL ERS in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country . ' Chimneys Breechigg, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes,Locomotive Boilers. Condensers, Salt Pans. T anks. Oil Stills, Agita tors, Settling{ Pans, Boller Iron. Bridges, Sugar Pans, and sole manufacturers of Barnhill'Pat ent Boilers. ; Repairing done on shortest notice. Wks= t IALBIES M. BITER, Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, FrITSBURGH,,PA., wan:mix - mom 07 IRON OIL TANKS, =MING pIICB. COPPER STELA rms. ROLLING WILL sT,LORG. And GREET IRON WORK, for Steamboats. MUM Y. 83116 H:...•. • .........11DXIIND D. DRUBS JARED M. BRUSH & SON, INANZPACTIIB2 B 6 07 Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. SHEET IRON WORK. &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &o. THE BEST STOVES. A. BRADLEY & CO. Manufacturers of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating StoTes, TO BE TOUND IN THE STATE. Side Agents for the celebrated Base Burning Orieutal Stores Wo r ldurnaces for Hard St ore o r Coke.B est in tbe for Parlor,Office. Store or Church. Pee needs so rekindling—burns all win- Let. Do notb iy until you see or send for circular. No. 30 WOOD STREET. Our Agents for Orientals—DESlMLEß, BEM., Smithileld St.: GEO. HUBLEY. Allegheny City. RAPP, MMUS & CO., YINVTACTI:7IM B 07 STISIT VA1111L77.07 ErrCONTErlai BOSTON GOOSING RANGE, '• THE FIERY FURNACE, " FOa virmaurea BUILDING& THE NEW ANTI-DUET COOKING STOVE, REGULATOR ."_COLUMBIA COOK STOVE, 7.111P8 (Cincinnati Pattern ) PORTABLE' RAMIE C &ST IRON 'MANTLE& WELLMAN'S REP LECTOR, GRATES,Iree from dirt sad dui; GUAM FRONTS, TEN DERS. At- 206 and 208 Liberty Street, n25:717 PITTSBURGH, PA. crook sTOV ES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL t C 0 ..% TRIIJMPH, FOR BITUMINOUS COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Beast as cell mini other Stove In tke Union. BISSELL & 00., No. 285 Liberty Street. also CA hand and for pals, PARLOR SToVEIS, MUTING . MAWS% • GIULTMI3O7IM2Z.za O BUILDERS I. . •ffi - eoci.ooo feet Dry Pine Boards. 180,000 feet ISt inch Clear rank 88,000 feet Inch Common Pl ink; 518,000 feet LW 1 and A inch Oak; 111/,000 ft. M. 1, 1501 and inch Poplar: 10.000 feet Dry Poplar Scantling; 10.000 feet Hemllo Pine Boards; 100,000 feet ock Scantling. - 303.000 feet No. 1 18 Inch Sagina4 Shin . • 51100.000 No. 118-inch Shingles, sawed; 80,000 No. 116-Inch Shingles, snared; 80,000 Fire Brick; 1,000 Fire Tile. 100 Tons Fire Clay; Also, Saw Mill Lumber, Locust and Cedar Posts, and all articles In the line on hand and for sale by ALEXANDER PATTERsON. Yards— No. IST Rebecca street mid corner of Pre ble and Juniata streets, Sixth ward,Alleglieny, late bor ough of Manchester. ok : VaiLIM r.i:_pj j! B.LlcOri, Bauer of Weightajo* ' 310. s FOURTH Prairri ' ASetwvaittorty *I/tint arid* Win Prmiper Modal so FORT PITT BANKING COItIPANY, No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, : : : : : $200,000. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES the Colle United Btions ° utes and made on ano all des. accessible points in • LIIBIBEIB.. In FINANCIAL. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DESLIdts AND COLD. ATEDEBT ALLOWED OE TIME DEPORITE. DERECTORIII: Jno. 0 Bieber, /tont. H. King, Andrew Miller, James M. Belief. D. Hostetter, James Gordon, D. Wallace, H. Fawcett, , LIIRIMAN, Pres**. U LEON. Cashier. D. LEET HART, CAUGREI & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, vrx-rsaptaten, PA., OCCCESSORE. TO HANNA. HART C 0..) DIAL BS IN Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention paid.. to the purchase and sale of, • GOVERNMENT BONDS. Bight Drafts on London. myinsta N. HOLMES & SONS, 57 Market Street. Prra-rsinauarx, 1311. Collections made on all the principal points of the United Mates and Canadu.- Stucks,Bonds andother Securities BOUGHT AND GOLD ON commoN. Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of United States Securities. isaomi JAY COOKE & CO., 13a,n3& , erss - I 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. STOCKS and BONDS :of 111 descriptions taught and sold. - Special attentl,bn given to the porchase and bale , of Oovernment Securities. mhil OILS WAILING AND SING, Tv Col=lesion Merchants and Broken In Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY, PHILADELPHIA ADDIUM. Room 17, Chamber of Commerce, apto 133 SOUTH SECOND BTILIST. ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HERBERT W. C. TWEDDLE, MANUFACTURER OP Libricatingic High Test Burning Oils. Relipse Railroad Aide Oil. Stands great heat without change; remains limpid at lowest temperatures. Special Oil for tropical climates or hot weather. locomotive, Engine, Maichine Shop, WW cot Screws. ' - Jaw ![I II and Planinglll Adapted for high speed. Wool: IlleadeLlight 011, - 011, Tanners' Stuff. I Remote. • tug &Finishing 011,1tassoline, Harness 011. Parrailine. • ARMOR VARNISH, to preserve Bright Iron Work and Machinery from Vault.. These products are manufactured under Dr. Tweddlea patent by Superheated Steam In Vac ono. The Lubricating 0/31 are almost odorless', perfectly pure, uniform, and mostly light col ored. stand a high temperature unchanged. and remain limpid during extreme cold. The Railroad Oils are 'unequalled, and are in constant use on many of the principal Railroads. Samples can be examined and orders left at 174 WOOD STREET, Works at Sharpsburg Bridge. 5= TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DIALERS IN • Petroleum and Its Products, Zrarflt q ll.ll74VATFcrAi . OBloe—UT WALNUT BT. sat:w3o - DIAMOND OIL WORKS, H. M. LONC & CO., Once, DALZELL BUILDINGS Duquesne :Way. Pittsburgh, Ps. COAL AND .pozio. 00ALt C04L21,,C50/40y : , DICKSON, STEWART' SeCO.,- Hev removed thetr 0111oe to . 567 LIBERTY STREET, AirMe iter _ C m it i i m n e inar A m r ) SECOND I BLOCK. fliEN w LUMP d LT a COALWOMACK O t I 0. On loirest morket pike. All orders left at thetr aloe, of addrissedto them throusk khe ma, wig be attended to orouttotty. STONE. WEST CONWON . Machtne Stone Works,. t' liorthwestemarptWW, 4411,61610 akAghL sima jrwsz, r ealok — bs. OMNI NclePiat Priam reasosablel _ at -05.1.01:), SILVER AND COUPONS Bought at Highest Prices. PH. B. MERTZ, Banker Con Wood and Fifth Streets. my 6 j JAI T. Ices bre,, Corner Faith and Wood. Sts., X 3 AL 1V lir..r S, BUY AND /3.. LL ALL KINDS OF GOTERNMT SECURITIES, BOLD, suNiat AND COUPONS, ON MOST Ir i &VORABLE TEEMS. Fr Interest Allowed on Deposits. an-money loand. on Government Bonds at lowest market rat 1. ' 1 Orders executed for the • Purchase and Sale of T TOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. JAMBS -T. BRADY & CO. GOVERN4IENT -BONDS • We will register all kinds Of Government Bonds free of char f ge. This giveeitheTiolder ab solute security ag/Mst tbeft,loss or destruction. JAMES & CO., Dealers in r lGovernment Bonds COR. FOURTH & WOOD STS. myl3:i2s 11.18, Ctt gitOlurgijketaitttt 'FINAN E AND TRADE. OFFICE OFTITTSBURGH GAZETTE, TUESDAY, May 25, 1869. The gold market was weak and flactu. ated between 140% and 141 1 8 . There are I few sellers in Ihe market at these rates,, nor are buyers disposed to buy heavily: The GovernMent sales of two millions per week, iniitead of one, has put a sur face on the market. Governmet bonds are dull and lower, but steady at'Auotations. • , Stocks are higher, strong and, at pres ent, manipulated upward. Money quite,easy. Quotations[ as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold -141%; Silver, 133; Eighty one's, 1213/;;! Five Twenties, 1862, 122; do 1864, 116%; do 1865, 118%; do 1865, Consols, 119%; do 1867, --; do 1868, ----; Ten Forties, 109%; New York Central, 933 i;• Erie, —; Reading, 101%; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad, 57%. ' Ohio & 30; lklicnigati Southern, 109%; Cleve land t Pittsburgh, 99 1 ,8;, Chicago & Ruck lslan(I, 27, 1 '; Chimp & North Western, 021;Cliicago & North Western Preferred, 106; Adams EXpress Com pany, 60; Merchants Union Express, 1434; Pacific!' Mail, 83%; Western Union Telegraph Company, 43% Gregory, —; Quartz Hill.t—; Smitt Parmlee, —; Alll.,ExpresS, 39%. —closing quotations received by James T. Brady & Co. Gold, 1403,4; United Sates Sixes, 1881, 121%; Five-Twenties, 1862, 122%; do. 1864, 116%; do. 1865, 118%; Ten-Forties; 109; Five-Twenties, Janu ary and July, 1865,119%; do. do. 1867, —; do. do. 1868, —; Seven-Thirties, par less, 3/o , bue Compounds, 119; Union Pacific Ralfroad; par; Central do. do., 103; Cy. Pacifics,llo6%. [By Telerrauh to the Pittsburgh Gszette.j Ngw YORK,' May 25, 1869. I Money easy 607 per cent, Sterling dull at 9%09%. Gold heavy under the renewed but unconfirmed reports that Secretary Boutwell intends to cancel 3 per cent* ' , kith a portion of the proceeds of gold Hair' . Gold opened at 140%, ad vanced to 41%, fell to 140% and closed at 140wg140%. Carrying rates 806 per cent. and 1-.T2 to flat. 'Clearances *92 e 000,000. Govern ants have declined %01% per cent. but c oeed steady; Coupons 'Bl, 121% 0121%; do. '62, 122%0122%; do. '64, 116% 0116%; de, '65, 118%®118%: do. new, 119%0119%; do. '67, 119%0119%; do. '6B, 11994011934; 10.40'5, 1090109 1 8 ; Pacifica 106%0106%. State Bc•nds dull; Missouris 88%; Old Tennesseei 68%; New do. 66%066%; New North Carolinas 55%055%; Virginias 61%062. Stocks were strong during the fore ;noon, but declined in the afternoon on ,the 3 per cent. story, though near the `close the feeling — was firmer again. \ Van derbilt stocks are neglected and Western Shares were the prominent features, the greatest advance being in Michigan Southern, Lake Shore, Wabash, North western, Pittsburgh and St. Paul. The market finally closed steady though hardly up to the highest point of the X 5--30 Pr4es -- Cumberland. 3135033; Wells Express, 32%033%; American,39% 039%; Aams, 60%060%; United States, 66%067 ;d Merchants Union, 14%015 ; Qdickeilver, 19%020; Canton, 64%0 65; Pacifie, Mail, 83%083%; Western Union Telegraph, 4334043%; Hartford and Erie; 22%; Mariposa, 24%024%; do. preferred, 5134051%; New York Central, 193%0193%; Erie, 29340 29%; do. preferred, 5194051 Hudson, 1610161%; Harlem, 150%01 %; 50%; do preferred,'-- 151; Reading, 1000100%; Terre Haute 39%040 ; do. preferred, 70073; Wabash, 77%078; do. preferred, 83085; fit. Paul, 7754077%; do. preferred, 87%0187%; Ohio ,k ssissippi, 35%0135%; Michigan :Central, 1290130; Michigan Southern, 109340109%; Fort Wayne, 145%0147%; Pittsburgh, 98%098%; Lake Shore, 109%; Rock Island, 127%0128; Northwestern, 91%091%; do. preferred, 105%010$%; St. Joseph, 118; do. pre . ferred, 110%; 0. 0. &I. C., 44%. 'shares here and at Bmton dull and unchanged. :The rerts at the Sub-Treasury to • day were .842,664; payments, $1,649,503: balance, $85,897,063; disbursements of coin interest, 11070313. Msxr a, May 25.—Cotton is dull and low at 28* c for middlings ; . receipts 32; exports, 21l bales. Flour dull at ;5105,25. Corn at 75c. Oats at 80c. Hay, at • 1125,50 7.. Porleat 1132i' Lard at 11343119N0. , 136. von firpilit 13}ialer shoulders; 73(0 or Meats Aid at 1230 for ahoulderi, and 163f° for Woo. BRADY & Co., 08. J01.4E8 C 0..) PITTSBURGH MARKETS. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, TUESDAY, May 25, 1869. The weather yesterday and today, be ens to admonish us that summer is near at hand, and usually business is very dull during the summer months. Country merchants and, farmers gener ally hsve already laid in their summer supplies, and for two or three months it is not likely that their visits to the city will be very frequent, as they Will be busily engaged in looking after the crops. This being the case, the demand 1 for almost everything will be confined mainly to supplying the wants of people within the corporate limits, and it is pro- , bable ' therefore, that business generally will be dull until after nar vest; this is usually the case during the time Ind!. cated, and there is no reason why this. should be an exception. summer si APPLES--Almost out of season, and prices are nominal at 4 45@7 per bbl. APPLE BUTTER—SaIes at 1®51,10. BUTTER—Very dull with a supply, which although by no means large, nev ertheless in excess of the demand; We now quote prime to choice Roll at 25®28. BEANS—DuII at.52®2,50. CARBON OIL—Is quoted in a jobbing way at 29®30. CORNMEAL--$1,50®1,75 per cwt. CHEESE—SaIes of new Western Re serve at .18®20, and New York Goshen at 22@23. DRIED FRUIT—In fair demani, and limited supply; sales of Peaches at 14 for quarters and 18 for halves, and Ap ples at 13@15. as to quality. EGGS—In fair demand, and we can re port regular sales at 17®18. FEATHERS—Quoted ,at SO eta, to the trade, andlthe usual 'advance for small lots in store. FLOUR, -.-The market is quiet; •the demand seems to'be falling off, and it is said that the majority of the towns and villages that heretofore have been buy- • ing here, are now being supplied by country Mills. We continue to quote SprinWWlieat brands at $6,50@7,25, and , Winter. Wheat at $7,25®7,75. Rye Flour, $6,75. GRAlN—There is a fair demand for Winter Wheat with sales of good to prime(Red at $1,45 to $1,48®1,50. Oats quiet and unchanged; sales to arrive at 67@68,\buyers furnishing sacks; 70 in, elevatt r and on track, and 75 for small lots in kora. Ear Corn is still quoted at 78®801on wharf, and 85 in store; sale 500 Shelled, (prime Yellow) at 80, delivered on -Monongahela wharf. Rye is very dull and small lots can not be quoted abovesl,2s®l,3o. Barley, 41,75 for prime Spring.. - I ILA Bared continues dull, with another car load of prime Timothy re ported at s26—loose pressed. HUSKS—SaIes corn husks at 33i. HEMP—Sales at $215. HOMINY—SS,7SQ6 per bbl. LARD OIL—Is quoted at p 20 for N, . . 2, and ;1,5061,52 fOr No. 1. LlME—Cleveland Lime is quoted a ;2 50, per bbl, and Common White a ;1,75. M APLE SYRUP—SaIes in gallon juip at ;1,50. Isi POT TOES—DeII : sale of one carload in bulk, at 45; small sales in store at 50® 55. Th market Seems to be fully sup plied, n twithatanding the receipts con tinue li ht. PEANUTS—HeId at 12c. PROVISIONS Steady with regular jobbing sales at 133; for Shoulders; 16 0 for Ribbed, and 173; for Clear Sides; Plain Hams, 17%; Canvassed Sugar Cured Hams 19%@20. Lard, 19 in tierces and 19;;'@20 in half bbls kegs, and pails. Plain diy Beef 2034: Canvassed do. 21® 1 2114. D ess Pork ;32®32m. SEEDS—The,season is about over and there ht,not enough selling to establish quotations. SALT—May be quoted at $1,83®1,85 by the 'par load, and, 01,95®2 for small lots in store. TALLOW—Is quoted at loyogio%, for rendered, and dull. - ' PETROLEUM MARKET OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, TUESDAY, May 25, 1869. . The sales of Crude were unusually large, while the operations tin refined were unusually small; in other respects, the market presents nothing that is re ally new or important. The fact that there is now a margin for the manufao tuer, notlvitanding it is small, is a very encouraging and healthy at this particu lar time, and we continue to hear of re. Oneriee, that have been standing idle for months, taking the necessary measures for a resumption of business. The ship ments are on the increase, and, judging from present indications, the great pio portion of =onr refining establishments will bti in full blast before the close of the m on th. The margin is not yet what our refiners desire, - but, as already inti mated, they are starting up in the belief that there will be an improvement in this r pest as the season advances, and it is to be hoped that there expectations will fully realized. CRUDE. • The , perations in Crude were unusu ally large, aggregating twenty thousand , 1 barreli, but notwithstanding the mar- - 1 ket is weak, prices, compared with yes terdayi:have undergone but little change. The sates reported were as follows: 3,000- and 5,000 bbls, seller all year, at 13; 1,000 June. buyer, at 1334; 2,000 Jane, 10 to 20th, at\ 13%; 4,000 seller next 25 days, at 13 3 ; 2,000 first water. at 1314; 2,000 next. 60 days, at 1354; 1,000 on cars at Venango City, 10 days, at $5; and 1,000 seller 60 days, same place, at $5,10. Five dollars at Venango City is only I thirteen cents here, net. J r REFINED. ' There was but a single, sale reported; 1,000 bbls [buyer all year.. at 35. May offered at 31; June, last half, at SIX,. July, sellers option, at 3114; and July to December, 38. Market dull and weak. i t, DVBRICATLIV:I OILS. EAU Winter Lubricating 'oil. Ed! tzi Railroad Axle Eclipse Machinery_ Eclipse Spindle IL SHIPPED MST BY A. T. H. B. Br un & Wagner 502 bbls refined to Warig, King & Co., Philadelphia. Stu dard Oil Co., 899 bbls refined to War en. Frew & Co.. Philadelphia. 43 Lockhart, Frew & Co. 897 bbis to War den, Frew t Co., Philadelrihia.- Liberty Oil Works 190 .bbls refined to' • W. P. Logan dr. Bro., Philadelphia. Lockhart, Frew &. Co. 98 bids tar to Libby & Clark, N. Y. i Lockhart, Frew & Co. 122 bbls tar to N. 'lr, &B. Parafine 011 Co., N. Y. Braun & Wagner 50 bbls tar to N Y & B Partuine Co., N. Y. • Total' shipments Refined 14811- Total Shipments Tel 271 OIL !WHIPPED EAST 'moat DIMMEEIgI DBPdT. - t 4 ' 1 Mentzer, Hepler & Co. 819 bbls ref. to W. P Logan dr. 8r0.,, Philadelphia. Dry Goode Marna, NEw - Yonn, May 25.—Bininem fa intry , ' quiet, l „ / , Where is nochange to notice, in prices, tint printingelothe:'are said to-be Armor at the outward. • • 40a 850 75cr No