PEVIT ADV-KRTISEKENTEI pr,,ricx OP CITY ENGINEER AND SURYISTOE, Pittsburgh, May 26,1869. MOTICE.-SEALED PROPOS ALS for the construction of a BOARD NA LIS on the road, from Lawrenceville Station the Pennsylvania Railroad to Millersville. ALSO , ?Ise on Elm street, (Bloomfield.) from Main irest to the Pennsylvania Railroad, will be re ived at this °Moe until TUESDA , June let, L 169. The Cordmittee reserye the right to relect any all bids. 11. J. MOORE, imY28:181 City Engineer. II _____,___ A UCTION SALE OF THE REA.L bsTATIC Or THE FALLSTON WOODEN' E WORKS, FALLNTON BOROUGH, jEAVER COUNTY. Friday morning, June i, x 10 o'clock, by order of W. A. Lewis, Esq.. .slitnee of Bailey and kicCandl. Is, bankrun_ .ts Zill be sold at Comme•clal Sales Booms 108 lhdeld street, the entire large real es tate sit .'. la 'Allston borough, Beaver county, Pa., ad known as the Falls, on Wooden Ware Works, ' e.l ? c i t i z e n"; i ll) e f o rAt ri t i u s d n s u , rab=l: -6,6 if m o d a 1 11 ..!7; I„getner e arlth rY ll9 shares of power of theF a llstoo , Ater Company. The machinery is of the latest 1 pprovement. For fu•tner particulars nquire W. A. Lewis, Esq., 93 Diem wad street. e A. Die .LWA iN W, er. ' `6 ll .rX Auctione . . -- ----- . N OBDINANCE lA. t ,I.utTiorizing the ConEtruction of a Culvert on Perry Street. cdEC. 1. . Be ft ordained and enactedhy the Select Common Councils oldie City of Allegheny, ras it is hereby ordainea shad enacted by the au tiOa of y the game, That the Sewerage Com on be and they are hereby authorised and r n cted•to invite and receive proposals for the structlon of a culvert on Perry etre t, and t i ard contract enacted west and best bldder • rdeinea ails Into a law, this Mc ROth T, y of May, .!.. 1). 1869. JAMF.S Sfe B , IER, t - Pr. - 4 Went of the Select Coot el!. J. It. Ort.tY. Clerk or Selcct Council. ALFHED SLACK; - r. esldent of Common liouncll. !Attest: ROBIRT PiLwoirli, • \ imsx. Clerk of Common Council. A , TATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 7 ALLEGHENY COTJETY, 5. 4 .—1 n the Or :ans Court in and lor eald County, t In the Matter of the Estate of iERENIAH „LINTON, Deceased e fln Partition, No. 1, Sentember Term. 7885. • t,lid now. May 83d, 1889 the inquisittoo and I Id pralsement in the above case bating been re tr- n-d by the Sher ff, on the Sta day of Maf, 89, and conarmeddnisLand Court.ceptins hay . ,14 been flied thereto, the on motioa of • - MI A Susanttorneys for Petitioner, grant. a Ile onLinton, Intermarried with Jonn I.tffer; Itletty Linton, intermarried with Simon John Bothwell, nusband of Louisa Both , -hit. deceased, formerly..Loulsa Linton; Mary Itthwell, Intermarried with Sidney Perry. Jon han Linton, Wm. Linton, Cornelius Kings .,]2 , d, husband of Mary langsland. deceased. • erly Mary Linton, Sarah •Ktngsland. widow • ' '• Jos. ph Kingsland, deceased, George Flings . • • Wend J. Bolder Itingsiand, children of Jo • - ph lltnalland„ deceased, by their Guardian ad .F!um, Wllllam Linton, John Fulmer, - butband of ait Puluter, deceased, formerl a ndrahKigs d, Ida Fulmer, Mary Fulmer John Pal . •-•'• ..r. children of S4rah Fulmer, deceased, by le t. .•- :. ir Guardian adlitura, 'Wm. Linton. 31argaret ..: ugsiand. Intermarried with George Kingstand, •: t. sena& Kingfland, intermarried with John P. • . , ciao'. Mary et.' liangslaud. Intermarried with '.• t •.orge Cabbage and John Ifinedsnd, heirs and •erat representatives of Jeremiah I. nton, ae r 1 ed, and all other persons interested, to be and . .t .: ear before the Judges ofsaid Court, at a Court ,: •be held st the City ofPittstcargh, In said Conn ' ',' of Allegheny, on the NTH DAY OF JUNE, A. D. 1869, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. lEEE • tit Ind there to accept or refuse the Real Es• Fe o said deceased, at the appraised valuation tn upon ii by the Inquest or show cause why the ine should not be solo. Itill the Court direct that notice of this rule 11 be given to the parties residing in the Coon ( Allegheny or their Attorneys or Guardians , stolidly; and to the rattles residing out of the :Unty of Al.egheny by pnblicatton weekly for .7Z weeks in the Pittsburgh GAZETTE. it . tom the Becord: BY THE COURT. - 1 • A. HILANDS. r , & A los, PRING STOCK MI t~ !LIVER, COMPANY'S. ,We a re , receiving this eek by ocean steamers from gland a , fresh stock of the ; test andimost beautiful de liens in English Tapestry d Body Brussels by direct portations from the man p :., actuers. We invite the ' speotion of house furnish . rsi confident that we offer furnish : :, he largest assortment and .)t'eatit variety of elegant attems ever brought to his market, at the lowest tiricet. ._ 197:, inducements are e: ' ,"... - ; - 0 . all 'grades of In : :, i 1 .1d Three Plies, it i I 4eir constant aim to fn, ::,-, ' , ' ,the multitude, the ..., 1 i;, _ 1 *V • rtment of cheap 1.4.„.. , . , -, 14,.. ~, eable Carpets at ewer :: than any other o s , Ihe trade. „., f 7 nt Avraz ; FIiM...2WAMth • NE WADVERTIS NEW PUBLICATIONS. READY THIS DAY. D• APPLETON & CO., Nos e 90, 92, and 94, (rand Street. PRMART TR IITHSOFRELIGI9I.7. By Thomas M. lark. D. 1... LL.D.. Bts 'op of the Diocese of Rhode Islaue. I votume, 12m0., 30 pp. Cloth. Pries, $1,25. THE SURGEON'S DAUGHTER. By 81r Wal ter Scott. Being the twenty-fifth and concludin g volume . f a m w cheap uniform edition of the Waverly Novels Each volume Illustrated and bound in an ornamented paper cover. Price, 23 c .2) t i per volume. Thi, edition of the Waverly Novels is uniform with our new cheap edition ef the works of (Merles Dickens frice. for the entire set, mailed post free. 6. Each set accompanied with a Portra , i, on steel. of Sir Walter Scott. On the receipt of *lo,a complete set of Dietans' Works with a portrait, and a set of the Waverley Nov e/!, Will be sent, carriage -tree. VOL. 6 0 ,1. TIIE LIBRARY' EDITION Op THE WAVERLILY NOVELS. noels , the he con cluding Issue of the Waverly novels, set be ing comurised In six volumes, issued In uniform style wl.ll the i"Library k.dition of Dickens." Each volume Illustrated with tine steel and Wood Ens raving.. Bound In morocco cloth, gilt side and back. rrice,4l, 78 p.: r annum, or 110.50 per set. Either of the above sent free by mall to any ad. 'dress on rec,iot of the price. In) 23:Ve AN ORDINANCE To Authorize the Grading and Pair ingof effersoa Street from Beaver Sheet to Shieltss Alley. • SEcriOn co mmon it ordained and (nutted by the Select and Ct.unclis of the City of Alle ghe eny, and 1.. is hereby ordained and an.hority of the same, That the on Streets be and they are hereby authorized and directed to invite and receive proposals for the grading and Paving of Jefferson street, as aforesaid, and to contract ih• recur with tve low eat and best bidder or bidders, at their discre- Sac. X. That for the purpose of defraying the cost and exp. nses of the said Improvements. there - be, - aed Is hereby levied, a special tax, to be equally as sessed upon the several lots bound ing and abutting upon the said Jefforson s.-reet, respectively in proportion to the feet front in them ret pectively comprised, and bounding and aforesaLs. SEC. a. That as soon as the cost and expenses of said improvements shall he duly ascertained, It shall be the duty of the Street Commissioner to assess and apportion the same among the sev eral lots bounding and abut...lug upon said Jeffer son street respectively, s to the rule above indicated, and thereupon proceed to make demand and collect the same, accorning to the provisions of the Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act defining the manner of collecting the expenses of grading and paving o streets. and alleys of the City of Alit:chi:fly, and!brother mposes," passed the - thirtieth uay of March, SEC. 4. That so much o ' r any ordinance as may conflict wl , ll. or be supplied by the foregoing, be and the same is hereby repealed. Ordained and enacted into a lite . this the twen tieth day of May, Anuo D.omint one thou sanueight hundred and sixty nine. JAMES Mcti. President of th e SeleztltlEß Councl Attest: J. R. OILIT. Cl' rk of the Select Council. • of SLACK... President of the Common Counci Attes:t Ronan? DiElvoturd, Clerk of Common Connell ---_— AN ORDI NANCE To Authorize the Grading and Pav ing of Fayette Street from Fulton Street to Beaver Avenue. • SfitTioiv I. Be ft ordained and enacted by the Select and Common Cour:cite of rh. City of At h gheny. and it ie hereby ordaYned and enacted by the. authority of the same, That the Committee ande be, Invite ee'. a hereby authorized directed to and receive proposals for the graaing and paving of Fayette street as afotesald, and to contract therefor with the low est and best bidder or bidders, at their discretion. Sze. A. That for the purpose of defraying the cost and expense of sa r dlmprove,nents, there be. ana Is hereby levied, .a special tax. to be equally aFFessed CIDOn the several lot! bounding and abutting upon the said Fayette treet respectively In proportion to the feet front In. them respectively comprised, and bounding' nd abutting as aforesaid. SEC. 3. That aspoon as the cost and expenses of said imps °cements shall be ascertained. It shall be tbe duty of the Street Commiss oner to assess and at•portion the same amoog the several lots bounding and shuttle, upon said Fayetti street respectively, according to the rule above indicated, and thereupon proceed to make demand and collect the same, according to the provisions of the Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act d. fining the manner of collecting the expenses of grading and paving of the streets and alleys of the City of Allegneny, and for other maoses," passed the thirtieth say of March, SEC, 4. That co much of any ordinance as may conflict with, or be supplied by the foregoing, be and the same is hereoy rep , aled. Ordained and enacted into ala this the twen tieth day of May, Anna Dominl one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine. JA3IFS McBRIER. President of the Select Conn Attest: J. R. OXLEY, Clerk of the Select Council. President ofAhFiCsEmmBLACuK t Attest: ROBERT DILWORTH. Clerk of Common Council. AN ORDINANCE For the' Construction of a Latera Sewer on North Avenue. I Sze. 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the Select and Common Council* of the City of Allegheny, and it is hereby ordain. 4 and enacted by the au thority of the lams, That tie Sewerage Conr ail/Bton be and they are hereby authorfied and airected to invite and receive proposals for the construction of a Sewer on North Avenue in ac cordance with plans adopted , from White Oak alley to Sandusky arum, to the lowest and best bidder. Sze. 11. That for rhe purpose of defraying the colt of construction, the property abutting on. the line of the Sewer shall be assessed as pro vided for In the act of Assembly relating I. sew ers In Allegheny City. - Sze. 3. That so much of any ordinance as may conflict with or be supplied by the foregoing. be Ordainedame is heretry r.pealcdl. and enacted Into a law this the 20th day of May, A. 1509. • JAMES McBRIER. - Attest: JOSzitt R. P OXLLY, resident of Select Council Clerk of S.lect Council. • • ALFRED SLACK. President of Co ninon Council Attest: ROBLIIT Di LWOHTI7, Clerk of Common Council AN ORDINANCE ...hanging Name nf Webster Street, Between Norlh Common and btockion Avenue. SEC. 1. Be U ordained and enacted by the Select and Common Connate etr the City , o/Altegheny, and 4 to hereby enacted by the authority of the game, That the name of Webster street be chart. ged to Sherman avenue, between the following points: Stockton avenue and North Common. Else. 2. That all parts of ordinances conflicting therewith, or be supplied by the above are hereby r , peal , d. Ordained and enactecrlnto a law this the XOth day of May. A. D. 111039. JAMES McßlElt, President of Select Council. Attest,: J. B. OXLEY. Clerk of Select ConneII , LIPHICD SLACK. Presideist of Common Council. Attest: NOBMIT Dzi.woirru. my= ' Clerk of Common Council. A N ORDINANCE For the Construct'on of a Latera Sewer on White Oak Alley. Sic. 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the Hs tem and Common Counct=tbe My qrAlle• ghenY. and U is by Me authorifY (4 f gh i same, 'I bath hereby ewerage Commission be, and they are hereby authorised anbected to invite and receive Propotals for the construction o f, sewer on White Oak alley, from Spring sewer North avenue, in accordanee with plans adopted. and award the contract for the came to the lowest and best bidder. ' - Ste. A. That for the purpose of defraying the con of corittructlon, the property abutting on .the /hie Of sewer shall be assessed as provided to.' in the Act of Assembly relating to sewers in Allegheny tity. Ordained and enacted Into a law. this Ike Ad day of kL.y, A. D. 16111% , JA 2O C m IifeBRIZR.,. President of Select Connell. Attest:. J. R. °St Clerk of Sele ct Conseil. ALFUSDEILACK *Mots L.DuAr . President of Common Conseil. eirrit i , • wong wwimmeomell. .miapi - 0 . ~, ~"~ ~ v.~,.,,.y. ..c.vj.7,:rpto.-- S. • PITTSBURGS GAZ.EITE : WEDNESDAY,. MAY 26; 1869: Ti Winery . DRESS GOODS. EXTRA GOOD BARGAINS TES WEEK'S \ SALES. ALPACAS, SASH POPLINS, Heatly Black Silk. 9, Black Alpacas, Fine Black Mohair Livires, PRICES EXCEEDINGLY LOW TO MOVE AS RAPIDLY AS POSSIBLE "Very Large Stock of the Above Other Desi r able D; ess Goods WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, No. 180 and EX my:s BATE SILK AND POPLIN SUITS! DRESS C.OODS, 0 1L413.0, my 2 LACE CURTAIN'S, .41 SILK M DITLES.: i my2.4:irwr si • 1 POPULAR S I \. ' Gum BOOKS. 141. FOR THEN/111BL SCHOOL, CHURCH AND ILY. 7 1k NEW STANDARD SI GER. PHILIP . PHIL LIPS. 60 cents. S 1 BRIGHT JEWELS. W. BRAD/MM. .35 cents. FRESH LEAVES. P.' C. o , KAros. 35 cents. THE REV/VALIBT.• New edition. Jos. HILL BUN. *l.OO Liberal discount on the above. JOSEPH HORNER, WHOLESALE AHD RETAIL 1123211 Bookseller and Stationer, 120 Snai l thlteld Street. mni CITY ENGINEER'S OEFICE, NALLEGHENY CITY, Pa.. May 17, 18 69. OTICE.--The Assessments for Grading and Pair:ng of • WARD ALLEY. From Allegheny event!e to fiedgwick street, are now ready for eximination, and can be seen at the office of the City Enirineer until MAY 95thr 1889, when they will be placed in the hauds of the City Treasurer for collection. niyis:isa . ______________; N. WHITMORE, , Real Estate, General Brokerage and insurance Agent. OFF/OZ CORNER OF 01110 AND SANDIDIgy STREFa S. ALLEOHENY. Real Estate bo l ught and sold. Deeds, Bonds and Mortgages drawn on short notice. Risks in ant clefs Insurance Companies given. Money loaned;it highest rate of iuterest. . Notes, Drafts Mortgages, to., bought and sold. Ewing had large experience in the above busi ness, I respcctfu ly.offer my services to all who may want anything in the above line. mr2154110 ' M. WHITMORE. XNEIT--- NOTICE . Th— e Stockholders of the Mercantile Lary Mc vmpanyare hereby notified that the ate h install. meat, THREE DOLLARS per share, has been this day called. Payable in or before May latb, MO, at the °Mee of N. HolMes t does; dy mar. kit street. By order of the Board.. WON BIABIOBT. Treasurer. Plttsburrh, Bar B. 'mg. Divide PEAChllible—ablu bush J," ler Ja• 67 J. B. CAMPrigyzo. - ••••• , -4 , OPENED FOR LITSTRES, EMPRESS CLOTHS, CCc., cfc., ifc. dc., ‘ee9, (Cc. TUE AND EE 182 Federal Street, Offi TIENT CITY iI IN ~; BELL'S CHARLES DAVM City Etionneer. 111117TTEIL--10 Dozes Fresh' AjDalunou jun received try express. 11 e. B. ilaanna. 1.1 Nisi mime. " I NEW A3)VERTISEMENTik , CRILDWS' PARASOLS, GINGHAM SUN UMBRELLAS, IL. A. DIE ' HATS; CHILDREN'S' HATS BONNETS, RIBBONS, LADIES' GLOVES. CHILDRENS" GLOVES. LADIES' STOCKINGS. CHILDRENS' STOCKINGS, Ladies' Embroidered Skirts, LADIES' EMBROIDERED GADERWEAR Infants' Robes, 'Waists, ate. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, No. 180. and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY OFTIOR Or CITT.EIVGISIERE, i NALLZOIIENY CITY, PA, May 13th, DM. f OTICE • IS HEREBY GIVE TO ALL PROPERTY HOLDERS CITY OF ALLEGHENY, That on and • after the 20:h DAY OF MAY. 1862, the act of Assembly providing for the registry of I°o la the City of Allegheny, of which the 3d and 4th sections are htreunto up. tended, will be enforced: SECTION 3. To enable the Engineer to keep ep the booka of said plans, It shall be the duty of all parties ecquiring real estate by purchase, will, descent, partition or otherwise to make report to him of such conveyance or transfer, with the precise dimensions and local! y of the premises and so doing the Caine shalt be received without charge and noted on the deed or title paper by the City Engineer or his assistant, but if Mesabi party om it parties acquiring real estate as a oresaid shall or neglect said duty, tuey shall be sub• iect to such tine or eines as hereinafter set forth and provided for in ti•ction 4th of this AM; and the Recorder of Deeds of said county of Alleghe ny shall not admit the deed of conveyance to re cord Its his office, and any Re:order of Deeds who shall admit to record any deed of conveyance of a lot or part of lot within the tqty of Alleghe. ny, which has not been registered, shall for each offence be aub;ect to a tine of live dollars, to be recovered by su mmarynviction or by penal ac tton in the name of t he City of Allegheny, be t 're the Mayor or aAlderman mi s demeanor nd shall be liable to In dictment /or in office. SECTIon 4. It shall be the duty of all owners of houses and lots to furnish forthwith descrip tions of their rtro&,rsy to the Engineer to aid hint in making up his B . i.oks of Plans: and whenso ever such descriptions , shall have been so jut vnished and the certificate of the Engineer or his assistant. shall be rece.ved. no property so re turned shall be subject to sale for taxes or other municipal claims, hhereafter to accrue as a lien of record thereon. except In the name of the own eras returned and niter recovery by snit and tier • vice of the writ on him mode as in case of a snm• mona. And on and after lhat date all deeds or title pa pers pertaining to property within 'gild limits must be presented at this office for registry as by law required. myls;j36 AT S. A. CLA R KE & CO'S NEW BOOK STORE, 119 Wood Street, 13econd door below Fifth. Will be found the best selection of THEOLOGICAL BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS, MISCELLANEOUS AND SABBATH SCHOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS, MEANS BOOKS, Writing Papers and Envelopes, With a general assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY STATIONERY, AT LOW PRICES, WHOLESALE & RETAIL 03 ,24-arrw WOOD TURIMIG, SCROLL SAWING, AND • MOULDING Done promptly to order atlBl Lacock street,Al leghedy Chy, by P, LEBZELTER. & CO. The best attention will be given to ke e pho wane anything ln our llne. We always a large lot of turned work, each as Balusters, NeiIPOBEN. Hobs, ad. Also, a good . stock of dry Walnut, Che rry and other mintier on hand. ruyll:J7 P. LUIZELTER & Co. FEDERAL OIL COMP'AIITL- In pursuance o Allegheny from the Court of Common Pleas of county. Pennsylva. Ma, the Directors of the PktilINAL OIL (. Q OM. I'&N V have this day declared a dividend of TEN CENTS per share, payable forthwith Lathe legal holders of stock in said company, on return to the B earetary Of certificates or other evidence of ownership. All parties a hereby notified' that dividends, 'lnhumed for a pp eriod - of six months, be dis used of accordinir to law. By order of the Board. • - A. B. MILLS, Beeretary.' Office,Duquesne Way, 3 doors below Ninth Pittsburgh. Pa. Pittsburgh. April SS, 11NNI. SILK BUN UMBRELLAS FLOWERS AT IN THE We have erected a large Factory, and are pre. pared to all all orderei on shortest notice. We flatter ourselves of always having ma•e good work, and it will always be our endeavor to con tinue, having a large number of experienced workmen. and • foreman of MS years experi ence at the trade to superintend all work before caving the Factory. lWe use no machinery; all our work is made by !Mud, and for durability and elegance it cannot be excelled. d. G. RAMMER & BONS. ICKA g. DAVIS. City Ens lneer PEOPLES' SHIMS BINE Of Allegheny. CORNER _FEDERAL AND LACOCK STREETS. CAPITAL • - - . - - $lOO,OOO • EiToCRHOLDERS. INDIVIDUALLT LIABLE. Bank of DlreOnnt and Depoolt. PRESIDENT—B, H. HARTMAN: CASIIIIM—E. P. YOUNG. DIRRCTORS. S. H. Hartman, J. P. Henderson, J. Konen, Samuel Dyer. W. G. Gibson. A, LARGE SHIPMENT OF • GRASS !HOOKS, Just received tor sale at lowest market price. W. W. KNOX, • - 137 Liberty. street, Pittsburgh, Ps. mr2l:r74-IIWP Omni or CITY ZNGINUR AND strltrairon, Putout:RN May 21. /122). f NOTICE.—The' Assessment for grading and paving sznallmanalley, fr ont. gitiel to Clara a nd IS now ready for extant. nation. and can tln seen at this office until TUltd- DAY. June lat. When !twill be returned to the City Treasurer's office for collection, ; J. rtoOliir. CITY imunancw • nly2i:sc Urrzcs or Crrzt Encurikin AND BURVaIrOB. Pittaburgn, May $ll, 1869. IVDTICE.—TheI Assessment for _LA the Boardwalk on PIM afrorn Brady street to Murphy street, Sit now reedy for exam*. DAY, and can w h enn at this mace until TUES DAY, June Ist, it will be returned to the ( iltyTreasurer's °Mee fa collection my 214611 H. J. MOO/IL Enalneer, OPTICIL CITY EMINEiIt AND Suntxroa, ill Pittsburgh. May 25, 1869. si OTlCE.—The,Assesernent for X Grading, Paving and Curbing CENTRE EEET, froF orty. fourth to Forty-fifth etreetb, is now r examination. Ltd can be *gen at this °Mee until PKWAY, June 4, wheifit will be returned to the City Treaeuter's ofnce for collection. i . my2s:J_ IL J. MOORE. City Ear' ___ lIDITRBAN DWELLING ROUSE FOR RENT. --A good roomsT rick Dwelling Houle of ball, five a cellar, two po.chts, two cemented cisterns an it well of water, fruit and shad., trees, se rubbery.• frame stable, &c.. In a healthy and agreeable io cation on hit. Washington; a line view of the allies, rivers and surrounding country. Imme diate possession. Apply to . _ myll b. OOTHRERT & BONN, 39 sixth Avenue. EASTERN EXCHANGE HO TEL, East Liberty. is now ready for the reception of guests. ter the Summer. Booms single and en suite. Table Supplied with all the mason produces:. Maros low. $. stesenites. Hourly conulankatioa with the city. nirilixerl i. a; moracisox, propruter._ MI itv e2„ ;;;Witailrla4g.Z. , "44,='' • ' "A • 1 , • • CUL las PO rross-•• To La," • • Fz. date.' "host," "Wants." “Fluand, s. 6 .8 di Oar tag, et/rte.:l in these columns 0110 41 for X T S 19 4 T - t 1 € ) 1; ;; rgr PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL &0., not et 2dedingi.Fo LIN 4.ISSIONARY MEPTING. A public Missionary meeting ender the nay-- 0.18/12.8: each additional tens Fl ORS pices of the American Church Mist itary Society will helil D. V. In St. Andrews Lurch, (the Methodist ICollege Chapel. Ilsncbck street,) Thursday erenlog, May 27th, at S o'clock. Ad dresses by per—Juo. Cotton Smith, D. D.. Rec tor of Ascension Church, NeW Tor , the Secre tary. and others. Al) interisted in the work of do 2estic mis sions, and especially-til dsirous of ajnet under standing o6he principles and alms of the Amer ican Churchi Efissioriary Society, are cordial).- " vited tr attend. .ret.7 NOTICE TO CONTRAC rous. Chanters' Valley Railway Letting. PROPOSALS will be received at the °Mee of the underlined at Steubenville, .01110, until SATURDAY, MAY 29th, .1969.f0r the grading, bridging and ballasting of 14 miles of the Char tiers Valley Railway, between. Mansfield and Canonsburgh. Map, motile and statement of quantities cab be seen, and detailed Information will be g vett at the Engineer's Office. In Steu benville, after Saturday, 15th Inst. M. J. BECKER, 811 MMENVILLE, flay 10, 1869. Engineer. myl2 PENNSYLVANIA RAIL !... ROAD COMPANY. i TREASURER's DEPARTMENT. ,__\,PIIILADELPIIIA. May 3d. 1809. NOTICE,,yI.O brOCKHOLUIRB. The Board or urreotoro have this day declared a seml•annual illvideod of FIVE PEE CENT. on the capital)stoCk of the Cempany, clear of Na tional and S' ate taxes, payable lu cash on and af ter May 30. 1880. . • Blank powers of attorney for collectlng divi: dends can be had at the office of the Company, No: 2388. Third street. ' The (Joke will be oDened at BA. to. losed at 4 P. M. front! MsY 30 to 'June 5, forthe pay ment of dividends, and after that date from, 9 A. B. to 3 r, Irl 'I 4 ,HOMAS 4r. FIRTH, Troaaurer. Novr.—The Third Instalment on New Stock of IEOB lo due and payable OR or before June 13. myB:39 PENNSYLVANIA - RAIL ROAD PIIILA TREASURER'S DEPARTENT. DELPLIIa, PA., April 2 M , 1869. TO THE STOUICHOLDERS OF THE PENN . SYLVANI RAILROAD COMPANY. this Ail Company StOckhold s, as registered on the Rooks of on the 30th day of Aprli, 1869, will be entitled 11) subscribe for TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT, of heir respective Interests in New stoa, at par. asdollows: First. Fifty p 6 cent, at the time of subscrip tion, between th i n 15th day of May,'lB69, and the 30th day or .{tine, 1869. Second. Fifty per cent. between the 15th thy of November, 1869, and the 31st day of Decem ber, 1869; or. if :Sfockholders should prefer, the whole amount may be paid up at the time of sub scription. and each Instalment so paid up shall be entitled to a pro rata of the Dividend that may be declared on full shares, Tkfrd. That every' Stockholder holding less than four shar, si shall be entitled to subscribe for one share; and those holding more than a multiple of four Fihares shall be entitled to sub scribe for an addllions I share. Fnurth. All shares upon which Instalments are yet to be paid tinder Resolution of May 13, 1868, will be entitled to their allotment of the Twenty-filve per ! cent. at par, as though they were paid in full. niy6:l9B • THO AS T. FIRTH. Treasurer. DIVIDENDS, ._ ,F- ... 0- DIVIDEIND. OFFICE MONONGAIIELA INSERANCIr CO PlT7SHciolli, May 24.1869 The President anu tio,rd thrtetora of this Conmaoy have thIS day declared a dividend of tato dollar, peeshare on the capital stock of th. Company, out lf the earnings of the last six months. payable, ,ree of Government tax, on and after June 1869. !JOHN H. CLAN . E)I. Ueerttary. ITIT2 - ;JF;8 BANK nr PiTTSIWRGII, • May 4th, 1869. I ar THE PRESIDENT A ND DI RECITORd of this Bank have THIS DAY delared a dividend of FIVE PER CENT. on its capita! Stock out. of the orate of the - last els months, which wili i ibe paid to Stockholders or their legal represen tires, on and alter the 14th inst., free of Gorer ment. State and local taxes. rays:lSO•tv ,W. ROSEBUSH. Cashier. G. HAMIIIER ar. SONS. Co • (Late of the firtn.ot Rammer & Dauler,) At their new eetabllahtnent. No. 48 SEVENTH AVENUE, hsve a littge 'Lock elegant' and lashionable PARLOR, LIBRARY & BEDROOMEIIIINITURE AT-VERT REArSONABLE PRICES. • W. H. Burt, • J. C. Patter-on, 8. P. Brown, U. B: Megraw, WANTED---lIELP.---AT Elbe PLOYMENT OFFICE. No. I. St. Clair Street, BOlth GIRLS and MEN, nt kinds of employment. Persons wanting help of all kinds can be supplied on short notice. _ . 11 TA N TED.--4 Gr El% TS.-- $75 to y v $2OO per month f vero wh e IMPROVED female. to introduce the PFt NIIINE CoDIAJON SENSE FAMILY ` !SEWING ai A , CHINE:. This machine will st'tch, hem, fell, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and embrolde N 1. a most superior manner. Price only lab. Folly warranted for live years. We will pay $1,006 for any machine that will sew a- stronger. more beautiful, or more elastic seam than ours. It makes the "Elastic Lock,4tltch." Every second stitch MI be cut, and still the cloth can not be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay agents from $Th to $2OO per month and expenses, ca n commission from which twice that amount be made. Address SECOMB & uO., Pittsburgh, Pa., t. Louis, 3f0., or Boston, Mass. CAUTION Do not be Imposed upon by other a prties palming otY worthless cast iron machines, under the same name or otherwise. Ours is the onlnugfenactured y uine and really practical cheappachine ma. IXTANTED — AGENTS. -To sell •Is2bls 27 : 'Abe itmeiictan hiCeirteCsiZ,Rittie! . ee*veniri)jillCeented.P 111 - knit 30,000 .tallstitches per minute. Liberal inducements to uNisk cti.drizastA2lnAlialgA.,NorKstlElls.4l3l,ll..A • W A NTED—Situation as Clerk In a Queensware s• ore; seven years' ex perience; hell recommended; speaks berman and Fna I not afraid of work. Aadrets I!. O. Box 77.4. 113326 , J4l WANTED.—To loan $9OO on bond or mortgage for one or two years Address J. D. F., care Gazette odice. SELECT SCHOOL—A. peon desirous of carrying on a Seirct Schoo rs l can secures position widen has paid the present p t nricipal $3,000 during -the present Year. Call a from 0 04 0 P lie street, uring the present week, MI. M. W ANTED oms . wlthln of --House of 5 ld wards. or 6 ro, tile the o Addresif LI. H., GAZKTTR. LIFFICE, stating _loca tion and ttrms. TO-LET.—A Beautiful Ilesi deuce of S rooms, attic, hall and vestibule and good .teller, aS and water in the house. pleasantly located on Forty- third (formerly Ewalt) street. Rent, $5OO Apply to I G. ia. BATES. Col'. Penn and Butler streets, Pittsnurgh. T O- LET.—Four Large R I outs, No. SPI River avenue, at $l7 per ' , coati. Enquire on the pr rinses. MO-LET—One Twoltory Brick JL. Dwelling House, In a good locn e gheny C . ty. Inquire of H. A. GRAatioHAIn 3fA 11, at Bores & Belt, 21 r Mb at enue, Pittsburgh. r _ rlO LET.—Bouse on Centre Av i ENUE.—Gas. Water. &e. very convenient. Out of season, Rent 125,00' per mouth. Call soon at 121 Centre avenue, ___________ Pittsburgu. _____ TO -LET. -2d and 3d story of suitable 4. 26 Diamond, Allegheny. fild sto pren Ises, ry for a private school. Inquire on the 11O -LET.— RoollllBi Two An ROOMS In GAZETTE BUILDING. ADM counting Roomr, 84 and 86 Fifth avenue. FOR SA LE FOR SALE.—A Handsome Bay. PONY, quiet but spirited. and sultabe. for ladles or children to ride. Will be .0.4 low for want of u.e. Can be seen at CAMPBELL & AIKEN'S Livery Stables. 136 Fourth street. FOR SALE BLACKSMITH AND WAGON MAKER SHOP, on Penn street, 3 frges. and large lot of Loons. Sold at a ba tor address 106 FULTON b arg a in. . pis.IURGH. my25:j79 FORlpirount mane Founry. .Main building Is Iron clad; size &Will feet, with cupola. cranes, enelne,butier, and everything required in the business in first rate working order, with a large lot of useful pat • terns. Is situated In the best manufacturing dis trict In Pittsburgh- There Is ample room to double its present capacity, having a front of / 4 4-feet front on Allegheny Valley Rallroad,nP• posite Union Iron Mills, and running 140 fart gain. to Spruce alley. Can be bought at a bar gain. For particulars Inquire at H. Epping's Real Estate'Oftlce, on Penn street, near Butler. Pittsburgh, Pa. F°P GI • 1041 SA,liii.-411;151. ' tereAt in the Drug" Store of BLACHISTON a -31 cGREGOR, in "Hillaire, Onto. They are doing a thriving business, and the location is one of the bvs: In Eastern Ohio. - Re.son for selliug,,, lii health of family. Terms reasonable. Apply 800 - 11. FOR BALE.—LAND -- 1 5 ac t i in the 13th ward, fronting on centre 'Ve nue, Craig a d Neville streets. This is-a deslra. ble location for cnun try residences; well watered and near Penna. R. R. and E. st Liber.y Pusan ger Hallway. Will be sold as a whole or In i te of from one to five acres. • Enquire of W. . TATTAIis,A 7 Wo d street, or &this residence On Neville street, near the pro per. y. or of HENRY LLOYD, tienslugton Iron Works. my6iii3o FOR SALE--TYJEbo 1400— Ponds MINION TYPE,'nearly as good , so w.Equire a: THIS OFFICE. ____________ FUR --- i --- i IA LAB .remains tte Refinery by the lite ill.e at Clara Oil_ ks, consisting of Boilers, Stills, rumps,Cn densing Tanks, to., together with the ground upon which they are iocat-d. .Loc.ation near bharpsburgh bridge , between A. V. B. it. and Allegheny river. Apply to MINT, JAGENAN it CO., at works. .VOitii.LE--.Bll rpirTßy SEAT, situated within tnree minutes walk o the "Glen Dale" Station, and has an exten sive front on the Ohio river and railroad, contain ing two acres , highly improved and filled with frui build var neatd of choice. melectionx. Theings are a cottage house and other outbuildings. This property can be had at a bar gain, as the o o wner is goinig West. Yor mice and terms apply t B._litcLAlN & On., my 24 104 Fourth Avenue. grANDARDENERS TARE NOTICE. —FOR BALE.—The rounaus MILE , on the Allegheny Raver, and now used for gardening purposes; well Improved and in a high state of cultivation; containing 40 or 80 acres, now ollered at a bargain. Cal/ soon. Also, other Farms in good locations. Woolen Factory, two Rouses, and twenty acres of land on the Central Railroad. Rouses and Lots For Sale and To-let in both cities. For further pars ticulars Inquire of WILLIAM WARD. roe no Grant street. onnoslte Cathedral. mr2l :J72 FOR BALE. A CHEAP FARM In Jefferson county, of 100 acres, 10 of which are cleared and 301 n flee timber, all Underlaid with an Bfeet vein of coal large orchard of choice fruit; will sell fur *4O per acre on easy terms. 18 ACRES of level ground near Jack's Run— well adapted for &Amen (knit farm and garden ing. 3 )LACRE9 of ground In Freedom; splendid 10. ca on for grapes, or to lay out in building lots. 5 BLILDINO LOTS on Lynam:, street. 10 VACANT LOTS on Locust street. - For particulars, enquire at 87 Grant street. znyl . TUSTIN & Mat SALE. Near Osborn Station, on the Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railroad, TWO LOTS, Containing About Two Acres Each, KNQuiRsOE MACKEOWN & BRO.. 15 Liberty Street. EMI mIIIS NATIONAL FLOUR MILIALR4 AT ALTON! ILLINOIS, • Will be sold within thirty den. For deseripUve circular lIWP tenni' NATI3NAL BANK. Pittsburgb. Address, ._ wqn:We WANTED uzfl WAN TED-AGENTS WANTS. TO LET ALTON, ZLLIlfQir 0 Eil ME