The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 26, 1869, Image 4

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tta Visturgt Gait*,
I'EIiNDIAN,REED &CO.,\Proprietors,'
y. B. rasvniew. JO SS NINO.
O 3 ;
Editors an /Proprietors.
Pittablirth. ARdshear wad Alio-
irijDirt ; 8111113 i. Tfes/t/y. P7esk tr.
r...ftaoneyear ait.6o Single ecPI,...L Li )
e month 71P 81z mos 1.50 5 coßies. ea=
the week 15 1 T hree ti 1.15
carrier.) I o'• =done to Avec.
'WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1869.
CtlN vEN lON.
'The Republican voters of Allegheny coon
are requested to meet at the usual places for
adding elections In the several wards, boroughs
.3(1 townships, on
SATURDAY. MAY 291 h. 1869.
♦nd e'ect delegates from each election district to
each of the three following Conventions. ♦IL:
Two delegates from each to the COUNTY CON-
Pin TION, for the purpose of nominating canal
dates for Sheriff; Recorder. Register. Treasurer,
Clerk of the Court of Quarfer nest I7ns, Clerk of
the Orphans' Court andtorsmissioner. •
Two other delegates from each to the LEGIS
LATIVE CONVENTION, for the purpose of
nominating one candidate for State Senator. for
one year, to. MI the. unexpired term of Russell
Zrrett, resigned, and six candidates for Assem
bly. .And . -
wo other delegates fiom each to the JUDI
AL CONVEDTION, to nominate one candi
date for Judge of
the District Court,and one can
didate for Judge of the Court of Common Pleas,
and elect sight delegates to represent the county
In the Republican State Convention.
These Conventions will severally meet, In the
Qty . of Pittsburgh, on
' TUESDAY, JUNE 1,1889,
At 11 o'cloCk A. M , at the followlog places
The COUNTY CONVENTION will meet at the
at CITY HALL. on Market street. And
in MASONIC HALL, on Filth avenue, between
Wood and Smithfield streets.
The election of delegates will be held between
the hours of 4 and T o'clock- P. x., and will be
held, as far as practicable, by the Republican
- members of the election boards In the several
districts; and In those distriets where the Repub
lican election officers are a minority of therept
lar election boards, the said officers are author
ised to appoint enough additional officers to com
plete the board.
The voting In the cities aal boroughs shall, In
all cases, be by ballot, and In the townships by
The President of each Convention will appoint
a Committee of three, the three Committees thus
appointed k meet together, as soon as practica
ble after the adjournment of the Conventions,
and appoint a County Committee for the enacting
By order of the County Committee.
JOHN H. STNWART, Secretary.
WIC PRINT on the inside pages of
Ws" morning' GersTrz—Second page :
Poetry, Ephemeris, Miscelkineous. Third
and Sixth pages : Commercial, 'llnanciai,
Mercantile and River News. Eleventh page:
.prairie Grasses and Ares, A Trip to
North Carpiina, etc.
U. B. BONDS at Fra4kfort, 83i
PETROLEUM at Antwerp, 47if.
GOLD dosed in New York yesterday a
141. ,
THE Pennsylvania Teachers' Associa
ton will convene at Greensburg, Aug
stranEa. - DEE much spve this morn
ing to communications from our friends,
'upon topics of great, general as well
as local, interest at this time.
Wz are authoilzed to withdraw the
name of CoL J. B. Cormsrm, of Eliza
beth, as a candidate for the. Republican
nomination of Courty Treasurer. This
action renderii the nomination. of Major
J. H. DENNIBTON a certainty.
New YORE carries the policy of abol
ishing restrictions upon the competency
of testimony to the extreme but lagiti
• mats conclusion. She adopts the fullest
scope of the law of evidence, as it has
been recognized in Ohio, and - admits the
party as a witness in criminal proceed
ings, as well as in civil cases. In this re
gard, Pennsylvania yet lags behind the
adjoining States., The New York press
give a common expression in support of
the new law, in the protection -of rights
and the furtheiance of justice.
. Tun rejection of young. Docous, the
colored printer, by the Washington Typo
graphical Union, has not reflected m uc h
credit to that body. The act is justly
commented on by the' leading papers of
?the country as evidence of the hollowness
of that organization - in its pretentious to
elevate and protect labor. If DoupL as
was capable to stand before the case and
do his full share of labor - in as creditable
manner as a white compositor, his color
should not have proven an impediment to
his" admittaneis into the Union. The same
tyrinnical spirit keeps women, who are
nearly as competent as men in the work
of, type setting, outside the pale of the
• WE Aim authorized to state that Taos.
Zworo, Esq., whose name has been sug
gested by many friends as a candidate be.
fore the Republican Convention, for
nomination to the .Common Pleas Judge
ship, declines to. permit the farther use of
Lis name in the current canvass. Con
siderations altogether of a personal and
not political character have influenced
this decision, to which helms eome against
Iheltrgent desires of a large number . '
"of his. friends. He is profound
ly grateful for the• abundant man
ifestations of their regard, and of the
, Ageneral aintldence of his - fellow citizens,
AIM advisee to taut hiSlireient decision Is
inflexible. In thus retiring from the can
vass, he leaves the field to gentlemen who
have his warmest good'lwill, and whose
rivalry bas been, in all inspects, open and
honorable to him, to themselves and to
the party whose support they solicit.
This retirement, for the reasons and with
the spirit which mark it, cannot fail to
invest Mr. Evinto with fresh claims upon
the Republican good-will, and upon a
still broader public confidence.
WE ESTRIET the text of the lately
enacted law of this Commonwealth com
muting the term of imprisonment in our
penitentiaries, of such convicts as shall,
by good behavior in their confinement,
entitle themielves to the benefit of the
Act. It reads as follows: .
Be it enacted, d:c., That all prisoners
who' . ave been or shall hereafter be con
victed of any offense against the laws of
the State of E'ennsylvania; and confined
in any' State prison or penitentiary, in
execution of the judgment or sentence
upoiii such conviction,' who so conduct
the selves that no charge of misconduct
n ,
shall be sustained against them, shall, if
the overnor shall so direct, have a de
dncti n of one month on each of the first
two years; of two months on each suc
ceedirig year to the fifth year; and of
three months on each following year to
the tenth year, and of .four months on
each remaining year of the Wm of their
sentence; and shall be entitled to their
discharge so much the sooneli; upon the
certificate of the Warden or princip il
keeper of such prison or penitentiary,
with the approval of the Board of In
spectors of the same. _
_ The French elections are resulting, as
anticipated, inn decisive triumph for the
Imperial government. The canvass is
not to be cloied until this evening, but it
is already ascertained that the opposition
are barely able to retain the strength they
had in the last Legislative Body. Con
sidering that, of late years, the Emperor
has inaugurated a marked enlargement of
the popular rights, in the matter of public
meetings and the freedom of expressed
opinions, and that the elections now clos
ing have been in fact still more free from
the interventions of authority than any
. which France ha.Tknown since the Em
peror cane in—we may well be satisfied
that Napoleon Is still Emperor by
the consent and with the hearty support
of a large majority of his people. An oc
casional emuete in the larger cities exhib
its the constitutional - safety-valve for the
escape of the superabundant excitability
of the proletarian classes. The more in
tellectual masses of the empire find vent,
for their turbulent impatience of all re
straint, through the press, which inva
riably pays the due penalties promptly.
With these exceptibns, the heart and the
great body of the French nation are thor
oughly with an Emperor who has, for
twenty years, upheld French honor,
gratified French pride, and conciliated
every material interest of his people, with
the smallest possible expenditure of their
treasure and blood.
The recent letter of Prof GOLDWIN
SMITH, to a London journal, warping his
English countrymen that the - Americans
are ready for open hostilities, was follow
ed by a public address which he has de
livered at Ithaca, N. Y., and in which he
controverts the positions taken by Sena
tor SUM2iER. Hereupon, acorrespondent
of the Boston Post addresses to the expa
triated English Professor, the letter an
To GoLimits SMITH, Esq:
I have read your letter to the Loudon
Beehive, also, portions of your published
speech recently delivered at Ithaca, New
York. Great learning sometimes warps
the judgment. Suppose, for a moment,
Mr. Smith, that a gang of armed men
should take possession of your house and
burn it to the ground, and upon your re
monstrating with them upon the injustice
thus done, they should quietly slip a pair
of handcuffs upon yon and detain you in
that situation five days, with a feed of
bread and water only. I had this done
to a friend of mine by Englishmen on the
high seas.
Suppose again, Mr. Smith, you should
wake up some morning and find your
property ins ship, to the ,amount of sso,
uOO, had been burnt upon the high-seas
by a vessel which was built at Birken
head, and which left Englieh ports with
the full knowledge of the English Gov
ernment that she had no right thus to
leave—and suppose for a moment further
that the builder of the ship was a mem
ber of the House of Commons. Now,
Mr. Smith, you being. an Englishman
think the House of Coreknona, as we say,
is some pumpkins. Suppose then that
this member, in making his boast of the
doings of the ship, gloried In the fact that
he not only built her, but that he aided
her in her clandestine escape; all of
which was received by the great and
glorious House of Commons with cheers
and shouts of congratulation. Your
breakfast would not taste so good that
morning, Mr. Smith. This is one of
r y
And suppose once more that you
should have still another vessel burned
iris similar manner upon the high ,
and upon your making inquiry into t e
character of the ,vessel committing t e
out—. K
es, you should find that she
upon the Custom House to British own
, eiml--to persons who called themselves
merchants and respectable Englishmen;
and the y
acted as her agents, both in BF
her cut% 'while she was on the high
Li your property, and on
her return to varntool•—your .ove and
alleastidnudg British ' neutrality laws
cl l to nd th w e h t ß en rl Y tis ° h tl
made would
yourno t be r e p
Government of these antra es
place you were met, with fndi fi rs t t
pay, the y oten'aid Y o P f r P oPcs aYiKl4 Pa g to refer thalganto
ter whether under any circumstances
you had a claim.--aird if yon bad,
they could trump up something 10
once it. I say, Mr. Smith, you Might not
agree entirely with .what Mr. Sunn ier
said, yet I think you would determine in
your own mind that
/ moivTu
he wasinoEsrethaus.
half right.
The ideal of a perfect Government is one
which combines in itsell'imblif Artne.
goodness of intention, with :'`and
strength. It his been clo:lmed dist white
in a Democracy, where the right of ma
king laws resides in the people at large,
public virtue or goodness of intention •is
more likely to be found than either of the
other qualities of Government, yet,
there is more wisdotr in aristocracies ir di d
more strength in monarchies. Ther o r e ti c .
ally, our government was inte.nded to
combine all these necessary qualities.
The people being the court of last resort,
we are a Democracy. Our laws being
made by Legislatures,- and not by the
direct vote of the people, we are an Aris
tocracy; and the laws being carried into
effect through officials chosen for
specific terms, and removeable only
for gross dereliction of duty,
we are protanto a monarchy. Added to
all this we have a thorough common
school system, colleges of repute, reli
gions and moral advantages, great natural
wealth, in short, everything which is
needful to constitute a virtuous; wise,
strong, honest people. With the ideal
thus hovering before us ana within our
reach, it seems strange indeed that we
should have fallen to such a depth of
abasement. The air is filled with rumors
of corruption , and dishonesty in high
places. Our State Legislatures, from
Maine to California, are alleged to be
rotten with corruption. Congress is said
to be no better. Governors are charged
with taking bribes, and so down through
the scale of offices from the highest to the
lowest, until it would seem that there
was a dearth of honesty in the land; that
we were a nation of thieves and plunder
ers, lacking in every virtue and heaping
ups burden of iniquities sufficient to blot
out our national existence.
That there is much truth contained in
these charges nil attentive observer of
passing events can deny. But why it ;
should be so, and how can it be remedied,
are. questions so important as to require
the careful attention of every well wisher
of his cohntr3. It will not do to content
ourselves with Alenouncing corruption;
we must aim to remove it. No govern.
ment can be wise or strong without pub
lic virtue. It lies at the foundation of all
government. No doubt much of the
prevalent corruption may he attributed
to the derangement of the ordinary
.course of events attendant upon the late
war. But is there not some latent defect
in our social organism tending strongly
to produce this condition of affairs?
It can not be attributed to political
strife. For, in the early days of the Re
public, when party spirit ran as hii as it
• does now, no such result followed. It
cannot be attributed to our form of gov
ernment. For theoretically that is all that
can be desired. It cannot be attributed
to lack of intelligence-or of moral or re
ligious advantages. • For we have all
these. What then is the cause of it ?
'Simply this, It seems to me. Our best
men are content to take no active part in
the affairs of State. We send to our Con
gress and State Legislatures men whom
we would not trust in the management of
our private affairs. We put in office men
who are known to have been dishonest
in private life. We ask no recommenda
tion but the endorsement of a party con
vention. Ido not blame the conventions.
They do the best they can. The evil lies
back of that. They ordinarily rep
resent the will of the people so
far as expressed to them. We
must take care that that will is properly
and intelligently expressed. Good citi
zens must recognize the fact that it is just
as important to attend primary meetings,
and nominate reliable men for delegates,
as it is to vote at the regular elections.
But there is another matter which seems
to me all important. The State must of
fer inducements sufficient to lead its best
citizens to seek her service. She must
pay for it. She must follow the exam
ple of her enterprising citizens. The
rules of political economy are just the
same for the State as for the citizen.
While, therefore, the State will not pay
for service as much as a competent, hon
est man can earn by attending to his pri
vate affairs, just so long will she be de
of the services of her purest and
best citizens.
Cheap public service has always been the
bane of our country. It is a direct
temptation, to dishonesty in public life
just as low pay is in private life. For .m
-stance, bow many lawyers earning
$lO,OOO a year by their practice would
accept a Judgeship at $5,000. How
many men - earning $lO,OOO a year would
risk the loss of their private business by
accepting a Governorship at $5,000.
Charity begins at home. and the State is
no object of charity. Let her pay liber
ally and she will not be compelled to ac
cept every Tom, Dfck or Harry who
seeks to enter her service. She will have
the choice of - the best men of the nation.
There is another matter, too.which
we might reform. Let every officer be
paid a salary. So far as the official is
concerhed, do away with all-fees. Many
men are dishonest in trifles who would,
in their beginning at least, scorn to do a
great dishonest act. Remove the temp
- When, therefore, we all can make up our
minds to take Our full share in all the
machinery of government, voting when
ever votes are being cast, we will have
made along step towards Reform; and
when to , that we add a liberal compensa
tion to our officers, we will have fewer
complaints of bribery and corruption.
J. S. F.
EDITORS . GAZETTE: I have taken and
read . the Commercial since it was - started,
and ram glad to learn that the spirit of
reform is actuating it to a vigorous attack
upon corruption. With all efforts, either
of that'or any other paper, or individual,
to expose and put down corruption, I
most heartily sympathize. I commended
the Commercial 'a course in denouncing
the palters and folders schemeof plunder.
That deserved the severest reprobation.
I commend its course and your own in
favoring the nomination of Joseph Dil
worth, Esq., for County Commissioner.
But there is one thing, which seems , to
be the chief target- of the Commercial's
fire, that; as yet, I am utterly un
able tot' see among . the political
phenomena of this county, ' and
that is the "Rings." Now I will not
undertake to say there are not "Rings,"
but Ido say that I have taken a pretty
active part in politics for several yeares
and if there are I have failed' to discovet
co them.
nstitute them? What are
Who the "Rings"? Who
have 'the honor,
or dishonor rather, to be their chiefs?
' Where are their headquarters—it "RinP"
These questions -I
Iliithil le i4ead ilhoukt qurters Af t to /Mos answered. ; It
there be, "Rings" let the public know all
eu_ee.t. them . It has occurred to me that
Pelvably those politicians who are active
Ir. the county Conventions are the subjects
,of this charge. If that be the case, the
charge is not only groundless, but
a most foul aspersion upon the
men whose party zeal and fidelity wiri
our victories. These are the men
who do the work—who organize success.
In convehtion they select the best men
presented, nine times out of ten, and the
people could not do more if they could
do as much in a contest, where the
cities would have a numerical preponder
ance. To be sure they make mistakes.
But look at the candidates . ; ordinarily be
fore conventions and say \whether it is
tot impossible to help ' it. But I hive
drawn this out longer than I intended.
I shall await the Commercial's answers to
the questions put, and if it exposes
"Rings" I shall go as far as anybody in
endeavoring to overthrow them.
Pinar:unroll, May 250869.
MESSRS En7ous:—ln your issue of the
22d inst., I noticed a communication from
Jos. Dilworth. Esq., accepting the posi
tion as candidate for the important office
of County Commissioner, and proposing,
if elected, to contribute all he receives as
compensation for- services rendered, to
the support of the rrior of Allegheny
I do not approve of Mr. ,Dilworth's
proposition, and am astonished that a man
of his intelligence and good sense should
make such a proposal. Surelyhe cannot
entertain the idea that none but those
who have been fortun .te enough, to
have inherited riches or amassed fortunes
and Can afford to labor without compensa.
don, should aspire to hold office. I hope
not. Such notions of political economy
might suit England, France or Russia,
but in this land of liberty and equal priv
ileges, where the masses govern and are
the sovereigns of the country, it is the
duty of all good citizens to guard well
their rights, and see that the machinations
of those pOssessed of wealth shall not de
grade them to the level of mere serfs.
The honest intelligent poor man- should
have an eqUal chance with the rich man
in the race for positions of honor or profit.
As a friend of Mr. Dilworth's and one
who wishes to see him nominated by the
Republican Convention, I considei it due
the intelligent voters of Allegheny county
that he should disclaim any intention ofre
fleeting upon the honest poor man, in pro
posing to serve the county of Allegheny for
the benefit of the poor. I feel certain that
Mr. Dilworth aims at doing right, and
will be pleased to hearhim define his
position more minutely. A FRIEND.
EDITORS OF GAZETTE : This morning's
Commercial contains a card from Mr.
George. H. Holtzman in reply Ito my In
quirks in regard to the "Bank Tax As
sessorship." It seems that he is the iden
tical Assessor who got $1,200 1 from the
State i l ieasury, for what w ould be a
week's work for any ordinary bank
clerk. If it took Mr. H. two months to
perform the labor, as he asserts, he is too
stow for a legislator. If he "accepted the
office without knowing the compensa.
tion," when the fact, that the Assessor
should receive seven per cent. of the
amount assessed, Nyas.the only clear stip
ulation in the act creating the office, he
is quite too dull for the position he now
seeks. As to the "ring" having controlled
the subsequent appointments to that-of
fice, the writer knows nothing. But that
the Treasurer (Kemble) desired to avoid
the scramble that would , take place if it
was known that the office existed, and
appoiated Mr. H. without solicitation, is
drawing largely on the popular imagina
tion.' The current report at Harrisburg
at the time was that the whole matter
was arranged in the interest of a
Senator before the bill had passed, for
Mr. H. and the Senator's own son. But,
perhaps, everybody was mistaken in that.
Who knows? OBSERVER.
out in Tuesday's CommerCial in reply to
the interrogatory communication in the
GAZETTE of the 22d inst. With virtuous
indignation he is down on "office seeking
rings." If he is not identified--with such
"rings," his own admissions certainly
prove that he was not averse to "ring"
favors—sl,2oo for "about two weeks"
serving is over.s7,ooo per annum. Pretty
good piece of "ring" that—which he
says he never asked for. Well, let us see
how it came about. •
Mr. T. J. Bight= was a chief in engi
neering the bill creating the o ffi ce of Bank
Assessor. He is well - known to have
been personally, and in sympathy, con•
nected with the Commercial., rWe have
Mr. Holtznaan's admission that he also was
on that paper. Mr. Bigham's son was his
associate assessor and equal with \ him in
the emoluments. -
Now notwithstanding Mr: H. asserts
that he is "not afraid to approve the Cow
meretaP course' in opposition to corrup
tion and bribery in every shape," - don't
that look like a little Holtzmim-Oommer
els/ "ring.", Beim PRESIDENT.
ALLEGHENY CITY, May 25, 1869.
To the Editors:—GENTI:EIIENI' In the
GAZETTE of this morning "An Old Re
publican" inquired if I would be willing
to serve if put in nomination for the As
sembly. •
To be perfectly candid, I would be
willing to serve iu that capacity, as I
think every good citizen should be, pro
vided the constituency desired or needed
his services, and if it were. possible for
him to devote the required tune. Never
theless, I am not a candidate for nomina
tion, nor do I expect my name to come
before the Convention.
THE i Meadville Republican takes occa•
slon to pay the killowing handsome com
pliment to one of our most worthy citi
We are glad to notice that a number of
Republicans in Allegheny county have
solicited D. N. White, Esq., to be a can
didate for Assembly, and tnat he has
signified his willingness to accept a
nomination. "Deacon" White is a
veteran Republican editor and politician,
and one of the best men in Western
Pennsylvania. With inch: men in the
Legislature the oorruption and rascality
at lit arrisburg
.would speedily be_ ban:
4-441 5W5.1;7-14 ,, Ware
Very respectfully,
Dikdrict Court—Judges Hampton and
TUESDAY, 141g4 , 25.—The case of Guice
vs. Stewart et al was resumed, and is still
on trial.
- - - - -
96. Com. of pa. ex rel. ye. Plum Creek
88. Pam ve. Cochran.
89. Balder vs: Morrison, Coegler & Co.
92. Hastings vs. McGee.
97. , Kissling vs. Gillespie.
98. Leahy val Nobbs.
99. Kiehl et 41. vs. Karnes.—
102 . Hallei - vs. Matthews.
Common Pleas-Judges Mellon and Stowe.
TUESDAY, IMay 22.—1 n the • case of
Frazier Brothers vs. Coulter, previously
reported, verdict for paintiffs in the sum
of $1,550.
Harper, & Co., vs. Williams,
Verdict for plaintiffs in the som of 1490.
Heath, for use, vs. Haigh. Action on a
bond. Verdict for plaintiffs in the sum
of $ll5OOO, the penalty of the bond, to be
released upon payment of certaitl4 ll d,, ,, .
omits, subject to the opinion of the
Court on a quekion of law reserved.
,& gutton vs. Leopold. Action
on a book account. Verdict for plaintiffs
in the sum 01%4105,20.
Malden vs. iMcKnight. Action in re.
plinth. Verdict for plaintiffs in the sum
of $12.50. I
.Holt vs. Stoir & Emory. Action on - a.
contract to redover damages. Defendant
sold plaintiff a horse, which he war
ranted to be sound, and subsequently the
horse died from a disease contracted, as
is alleged by plaintiff, before the sale.
On trial.
anuary List.
8. Einstein vs. A. V. R. R. Co.
„March List.
23. Thomas s. Lindenfelser.
24, Stone visj
27. Stewart ,s, Clark tt Sumner.
28. Sloan et , ux. vs. Deitrich,
39. Dalzel 7s; Gambie.
30. Peebles ys. Peebles et tor.
33. Obedobilms. Young.
35. Stoney lA, --,—.
36. Gorman vs. McElroy.
37. Little,, Baird & Patton vs. Felix
et ux. 1 -
38. Robinsonl vs. Fairfield.
lE J ntertalrdngi' the Soldiers" Orphans.
Mr. WilliamiDomes , the agent of the
Country Milk iCouwany, has kindly of
fered to supply the milk needed for the
entertainment lof the soldiers' orphans
who will visit the city on Friday and re
main until SatUrday evening, to partici
pate in the decoration of their fathers'
graves. The ladies of the Decoration
committee take this method of acknowl
edging and accg;pting with thanks the
generous offer, and would at the same
time remind oar grocers and bakers that
ham, beef, cheese, coffee, sugar, rice,
crackers and- bread are needed for the
entertainment of the children of our fal
len heroes, and confidently feel that those
who have alwitys lent a helping hand,
will continue liberally to do so on the
present occasion. All 'donations should
be sent to Masdnic Hall on Friday alter
noon. ,
J Ai
A Coio l red Man% Paper.
0. L. C. Hugies, Esq., a colored man
of tine edacatilm, and rare journalistic
abilities, has established at Harrisburg,
a paper called The Progress of Freedom,
which he propeses to devote to the in
terests of his rake by advocating full and
universal liberty and equality. Mr.
Hughes condudted a newspaper in Ten
nessee shortly after the close of the re
bellion, and contributed largely towards
securing the triumph of Republican
principles in that dist acted State. We
sincerely hope tl ema meet with proper
encouragementi in hi new enterprise,
and that our own citizens, white and col
ored, will aid him , by advertisements and
subscriptions, fv which he will call on
them during th present week.
Thre are certain phases of disease, and cer
tain I dlseased conditions of the human system.
which proceed trona displacement and mal-posi
uon of some of the vat lees organs of the human
body. These are not remediable by the usual
and ordinary metlabds used for the cure of other
ailments: but require some mechanical stay or
support to maintain the parts In position until
thee are healed, Prominent among these may
be classed a displacement called hernia, or rup
ture, which isif protrusion of part of the bowel,
and which must bereturned and kept to its place
by some outwasupportwhicn should be prop
erly adjusted in order
oNler to 'tease immunity from
inconvenience net. danger. The prevalence of
this condition it, nCiw very common and should
be attended to, immediately on' its appearance,
not only becausn of the present Inconvenience
which Its producesi but also inconsequence of the
usual danger of strangulation which is rarely
remedied but by a surgical operaUen.
Varicose veins inithe legs and varicocele are
other forms of structural changes whico need
immediate and scientific outward support, in or
der to afford relief or effect a cure. Each of
these coudittorus aril now as much within the pale
of successful treatment as any of the Other dis
eases to which men?Ond are liable.
Stooped shouldea may be cured atones by the
use of my Shoulderßraces, which not only main
tain the body in an rect. position, but at the same
) t
time enlarge its capacity, and aUow free and
full expansion to the lungs, always a necessary
condition to a healthy and pet feet use of the pul
monary organs. i I
There are hundreds of females who would find
great benefit from rearing these shoulder brsces
as they are so consti:ented as to take all the drag
ging weight from the back or spine and suspend
the clothing from tile shoulders. Those who use
my shoulder bracesineed not wear suspenders, as
they answer t he do;ble purpose of shou.der brace
and responders: 1 fact they are the best sus-.
venders - 6er invented. Sold and applied at
____ i _____ -„ 6..._•---aeww--.....-- 7 4_____
It would be a happy thing for the world if all
the excitants at nrebent used in the practice:of
mediclue could be swept out of existence, and
ted in their place. 'There is a probability, too,
that this desirable sjabstitution may one day be
accomplished. Certain it Is, that the OBZAT
VZOZT&BLg TONIC 111 gradually displacing them,
and that the confidence of the people in its sani
tary and saving properties inerasses with every
passing year. "Figures that cannot Ue" show
this to be the factJ No medicinal preparation
enjoys the like popularity among all classes and
conditions in every section of the country. As
an appetizer, a genetal Invigorant, a remedy for
indigestion,a cure for intermittent and remittent
fevers. a_general cathartic, a specific fur flatu
lency and sour stomach, a gentle diuretic, a ner
vine, a blood depurent, a specific for sick head
ache, a mild anodyne, and, above all, as a PRO.
TZCTION AGAINST Ztl a T:Rll/CS. it IS unquestiona
blY the STANDARD It MINI of the "thole United
States. In the tower and cities it a literally a
ROVSESOLD STAPLi. Mothers believe in it.
They find It a "`presint help in time of trouble')
—a safe and pleasant'tninedy Bar the various au•
meats to whiclrtheir;sex le exclusively Subject.
MenbeUevehi it.beteausti It refreshes sad la
3 1 / 6 6111104k0 body l e d ilfita,, sad , tones both .
itteetrumusig either. - ' .
Secretary Bontwell and the Newspapers,
The Washington correspondent of the
Worcester (Mass.) Gazelle, in speaking of
the Treasury Department, says:
"The Secretary is conscious enough of
the fact that his every movement is closely
watched. His policy of buying bonds
and selling gold is sharply criticised and
warmly defended. Mr. McCulloch, in
the later days of his career, read only
the newspapers by which he was sus
tained—those which opposed his course
were cut off from the subscriPtion list as
well as from the advertising list. Gov
ernor Boutwell says he - cares most for
those which oppose his course—he wants
to see all that is said against the policy
which he has adopted. He is sincerely
working for the public good, and holds
himself amenable not less to the law than
to the public judgment. - For mere parti
san bitterness, for bombastic and unreas
oning censure, he cares nothing; he is
thankful to every man who earnestly -and
vigorously points out objections to his
purposes and methods.
GENERAL' DODGE, Engineer of the
Union Pacific Railroad, telegraphs from.
Omaha that all arrangements for through.
travel are complete, and both freight and.
passenger trains are running on time.
The greater portion of the road, he says,,
is in as good order as any lying east of
Omaha, but owing to the erection of some
permanent bridges and stone culverts in
place of temporary structures, and
changes on small portions of the road bed,
the company will not present the road
as fully finished before the Ist of August.
The Subscriber being about to re
move to New Warerooms, now bel aT
erected for him on Fifth- Avenue, Is
prepared to elose out his Stock of
Goods to avoid movingkthem,at VERY
the stock are, the following
A $l,OOO Grand' Sqnare Piano.
Made by Sleek & Co., New York.
A $BOO Caived Fosewood.
A $7OO Decker Bros. Piano. -
A $450 Emerson Piano.
A $4OO Bradford Piano.
A $7OO Barnes Piano.
A $550 Baines Piano.
A $550 Barnes Piano.
A $550 Barnes Piano.
A 7 oct. Chickering & Sons.
A 64 oct. Chickering &. Sons.
A 7 oct. Chickering & Sons,Caried
A 7 oct. HazePon Bros.
A 7 oct. Emerson.
A 64 oct. .Dunham.
A 6 oct. Chickering.
A 4;stop Peloubet & Co make.
A 4-stop New Haven & Co. make.
A- 4-stop W. H. Gerrish make.
A 5-!stop Walnut, Taylor & Farley
A 5-stop Walnut, Taylor '& Farley
A 5-stop Walnut, Taylor & Farley
A 5-stop Rosewood, Taylor & Far
ley make.
A 5-stop Rosewood, Tarlor & Far
ley ~make.
A 4-stop itralnui, Taylor & Farley
_ make. -
A 6 oct. Rosewood, Taylor & Far
ley make.
A 6 oct. Rosewood, Taylor & Far
* make.
A 5 oct. Rosewood, Ta3lor & Far
ley make.
A 5 oct. Walnut i Taylor & Farley
5 oct Mason & Hamlin Organ t
5 oct. Taylor & Farley Organ.
5 oct. Treat & Co. Organ.
oct. Mason & Hamlb, 6 stop&
5 oct. Prescott Bros.
5 oct Mason & Hamlin Melodeon
Wit• Mason & Hamlin Melodeon..
5 ocr. Mason & Hamlin Melodeon.
5 oct. Estey & Co. Melodeon.
TM' entire lot of Instruments RUST
mooosup,lelk OFFERED SAORIteI.
Also, a large Assortment of Vio
lino, Banjos, - Glitters, Flutes, Fifes,
Acoordeons, Nude Books, Nude Fo
lks; &e.,