U h F Marketa by Telegraph. k..Nnw YoR.II, I.llly 25.—Cotton heavy; :Ales of 200 bales, at 28%@28%0 for mid 'tug uplands. Flour; receipts 147 bbls; r. ii earket very dull! and strongly in buy ;s' favor; sales or' 5,100 bbls, at P,40(4) r 0 for superfine State and western; @6,35 for f to or m a rn x o tr d i xt 55 r , a 80:7 1.6 ,75 u f i 0: tra western; 116,80(4)7,75 for white eat extra; $6,15®7,25 for R. H. 0.; to B f t a a i i r 'e e ; without material change; sales of 200 •is at 14,75®6,00. Corn Meal quiet and changed. Whisky firmer; sales 0(350 la western at 11,10(4)1,12, free. Wheat; 6lpts 48,258 bush; market lo better d 19®12 for good to choice. Rye Flour 113 1 11 3 ,4 1 5 1e f t e i r v.e ZiOn l s es prl ) n r g A delivered, the Rtes price for retail - parcels; 1,48 for I 1 do. delivered; 51,5235®1,53 for am 'r Michigan; 11,7dfor white California; ,80 for white Michigan. Rye quiet and ooping. Barley and barley malt nom il. Corn—receipts of 25,11 T bush---• -ki ned steady and closed _quiet at about I advance; sales of 64,000 bush; 70®81c r unsound new mixed western; 82®910 i sound do western yellow; 900 for c.ld xed western in store; 97c for do deny isd. Oats—receipts of 26,100 bush—lc ever; sales of 26,000 bush; 74%.(4)74ic r western . afloat. Stock of grain fn rehouse: 764,699 bush wheat, 213,613 ash oorn, 596,178 bush oats, 99,312 bush le, 388 bush,barley, 100,705 bush malt, 675 bush peas. Rice steady. Coffee ~. re active; sales'of 1,(X)0 sacks Rio on ive terms. Sugar moderately active; les of 30 hogsheads Cuba at 11345.1.30. Masses firmer; 867 hhds Cuba at'\ 53c, and !c for Porto Rico. Petroleum firm at 34@153,c for - crude, and 31%c for re. e n d . . - Li H n o s p e s e d quiet a i s t 6 w lg i t l h 4 s o u f t o r d A s s ai l deerd tange. Spirits Turpentine quiet at 47 r3sd. Pork quiet and steady, with es of 540 bbls at 131,25®31,37;f0r new vas, closing at $31,25 cash, 131,00, ®31,12 tlold do., 124,50(4)28,00 for prime, l s2B,oo 2,26 for prime mess. Beef is steady; ,es of 185 bbls at 58®16 for neplain • fess, sl2@lB for new extra mess. Tierce pef dull, with sales of 25 tee t 122(4) d I for prime mesa; $26(4)32f0r In a mass. isef hams firm; sales 225 bbls at 24(4)37. lit meats quiet; sales 235 pkgs a .12%® lefor shoulders; 15%®16e for • hams. iddles quiet; saes 100laxs at 1 %,0 for 1 i ort. ribbed; Cumberland cut an shut ar both on private terms; alio, 250 itst Stratford cut and Staffordshire, - sel- Vs for June, at 16%e: Lard lower; sales :0 tcs at 17(4)17%c for steam; 18,4./ 4 15190 k kettle rendered; also 250 tcs steam, ,nyers for July, at 190. Butter qUiet at 1(4)380 for Ohio; 36@400 for State. Cheese Lady at 19®7423c. Freigh ts to Liver -1 firmer and very quiet.; Latest—Flour closed dull and 5c lower. heat quiet and scarcely ``so firm for ring, and heavy and strcipgly down rd for winter. Rye nominal at 5L.25 r western. Oats dull and heavy at 74%c t a r western afloat. Corn quiet at 70(4)81c • r unsound and 87(4)92c for sound new tired western. ; Pork dull at 131,30 for i. ins Beef dull and scarcely so firm. n steady with a moderate inquiry. rd dull and heavy at 18%c for good to - ime steam. Eggs quiet at 18®20c. ,s 0 ' 3211 at May 25.—Eastern Exchange 3211 at 1-10 per cent discount buying and • ':10 per cent preminin selling. Flour • • Met; sales of spring aktra at 14,85®5,85. l'heat is in fair demand with sales of No. -at 11,17®1,17%; No. 2 at /1,13%01.1434, ',sing with sellers at 11,13%, and buyers 11,13%; sales since change at 11,13V,.® ' 3X. Corn quiet but firm. ' sales of Ira. 11 . at 67®69c; No. 2 at 59®5934e; rejected t 55%®56c: new at 56®57%,/c; no. .wade at 44(4)46c, closing with sellers No. pt. 68e; unchanged this afternoon. Oats :. let; sales of No. 2at 5934 ®6oe, closing 'i 5 9 y 4(4)5 93 4c. Rye quiet and easier osing at 11,09 for . No. 1. Barley dull d nominal at $1,50®1,55 for No. 2 in ore. Highwines are dull and nominal. , ew Orleans Molasses at95®1,00. Sugar .' 13%®14%. Common to choice pro 4': ons quiet but firm. Mesa Pork at - 1,50. Lard at 17%®18c. Rough sides • 150 buyer June. Hogs dull,\ and 15® •-• c lower; 18,20®8,75 for fair to medium; . ,85®9,12% for good to choice. Cattle I'e : ! five and steady at 16,00®6,62% for i .' ood cows and • light - steers; 16i75®7,60 r fair to extra shipping steers. Re . ipts during the past tvrenty-fotir hours: 627 i bbls. floor ' 69,248 bu. wheat, 53,340 . c0rn,58,868 bte oats, 1900 km. rye, •••*•- Mi. barley. 3,322 hogs. Shipments: 34 .•.; 6 0 ) bbls. flour; 2.348 bu. wheat 11,468 •• : u. corn. 110,769 bre oats; 441 bu. loarleY, ~.; i ,130 hogs. Freights active and firm at 34c on corn, lo on wheat to Buffalo, and Oo on wheat and corn to Oswego. _ . CINCINNATI,. May 2-D.—Flour is very • ull, with sales of family at 16®6,25. V'tteat is offered more freely and prices re lbwer, closingat 51,23@1,25 for No. 2 nter, and 51,2/Q01,30 for No. 1. Corn a in light supply and moderate demand,. ' t 51,56 for ear. Oats firm and in de .. and at 68®70c. Cotton is firm and • , let, with sales of middling at 27®2734c. obacco is in good demand, with sales of : hogsheads at 14,55019,50, closing no- Iva and ail offered taken. Whisky is 4., ending upward, closing with no sellers ''. =low $1,05; it sold at $1,02. Mesa Pork - quiet and held at. 13103450, but there .• s no demand and prices are nominal.. -i = •rd is not enquired for, but it is held at 1 B%c. Bulk - meats are in demand and 0 rices are higher, with sales at-1234 and 4%0 for shoulders and sides, but at the : lose were held at 12' and 150. Bacon .1d at 13V 4 , 16 1 ,4 and 17c, for shoulders, '-• 4 lear rib and clear sides, but prices were : 4 . eld tio higher at the close. Sugar cared : ma are firm at 18(4)19o. Butter is in :-; air denaand at 33®360 for fresh. Eggs ,- • e held at 17®18c, and the supply is •: : ght. Linseed 011 is firmer, at 11,05® 1,06. Lard oil is unchanged, with - sales .. 0 . . f extra at 11,45. Petroleum is dull at 14 *•_' . 2o for refined, Sugar is firm but tin; :,'„. changed. Coffee is held higher, with , - sales of common to choice at 21®27e. ".. Molasses is ,firm at 75®82c for New ‘..* Orleans. Gold, moy, buying. The :.. money market is easier at B®lo per '.: cent. Exchange is dull at 50 discount, .. ~ buying, and 50 premium. Felling. •,;,. - 0 ST. Lotus, May 26,—Tobacoo active at full prices. Cotton—no sales. Hemp is ,"'' dull with saes of a O mmon to fair un .• : dressed at 550011,2&" Floue—sp r i n x ex tra sold at 1 4 1`50 4 2. 75. fall siperfineis.ls • ®5,25, spring double extra $5,26®5,75„. • wheat—spring:l@2b lower at 11,01,18 ' for common tufancy in sacks, 11,101g 810 1,11 :•• for No. 2, and ;1,15 for No. 1. Corn is buoyant and higher for choice and fancy: • bulk sold at 60®63%c, mixed 136 c, mixed . white sacked 70®710, mixed 75c, and 77e for white latter • fancy Southern.. Oats slow but firm at 68®69e: Barley 11,60® • 1,70 for prime to:choice spring. Rye very - dull, with small sales 011__private terms, supposed to be • lower. Whisky higher, sales at 99(441,00. Groceries quiet and unchanged. Proilidonsverystiff. Pork sold at $31,21®34450 for 'heavy and extra s heavy; bulk shoulders loose at 12e; bacon , shoulders 13e; clear rib sides 16%e; clear .' sides 17o: sugar cured hams 200. Lard .• '.iheld above buyers' views; small jobbing ' -4 Wales of 18 tierces keg at 20c. Cattle, de- , , and steady at 4®7%.0. Hogs steady at " 8®934c. Receipts—flour, 3,800 bbls; oats, .. e 22,000 bushels; wheat, 21,100 bush; bar ' ley. 200 bush; corn, 10,600 bush; rye, 200 • bush; hogs, 5430 .. . • LoufsVll.T.Me • ,WY Sso—Flour , steady; t ravertine 16;00EW& - 'Bagging `cpiletf -2.1 b Kentnoty .iinimite f 2134®231g Butter,_ country 03 427 . 1 :4 • libirel. ....(110M11 quiet and weak; middling 263;0; low middling 25%®253c,c; good ordinary 23%@24c. ordinary 2234Q23c. Cement steady at $2@2,25. Potatoes; old firmer at $1,15®1,35; new quiet at sB(g9. Feathers: choice 85c; demand good. Grainquiet, but demand steady. Wheat $1,30©1,50. Corn: shelled and ear in bulk sell at 65 @67c. Oats 65®68c. Rye $1,42®1,45. Groceries firm but unchanged. N. 0. Sugar: prime 14%@1534c. Rio Coffee: prime 25@26c._ N. 0. Molasses: prime 75c. Hay: choice timothy on wharf 522,- 50. Whisky: raw has advanced to $1,05; there is no stock on hand. Provisions firm and higher; mess pork $31,50@32. Bacon shoulders 13%@17c; clear rib sides 17©173;c; clear sides 173{,©17%c. Hams: fancy sugar cured 193,®19Nc. Lard steady: prime tierce 1854 ®l9c. Leaf Tobacco active; sales 304 hhds at $5 for trashito $13,25 for leaf. CLEVELAtiD, May 25.—The flour mar ket is dull and the tendency of prices downward;; city made. XXX white s9@ 9,25; XX tubber $7,75; .XX red 56,75@7; X red $6; XX spring $6,25@6,50; country brands ard .held at $7.50@8,50 for 'XX white; $6,50@7,50 for XX red; $5,50@6 for red; $46,75 for XX spring. Wheat dull, heavy and lower; No. 1 red winter $1,40; No. 2 do. offered at $1,25 without buyers; No. 1 Milwaukee spring nomi nal. Corn market dull and inactive; prime yellow held at 71c; No. 1 mixed 69c; No. 2 do without inquiry. Oats stea dy" but dull; light sales reported at 67c for No. 1 State. Rye dull and inactive. Bar ley nominal. Petroleum dull and Inac tive for the home and western trade; refined held at 2734@28c for standard •white in large lots; for the trade in five barrels or less 2@30 advance is obtained. TOLEDO, May 25.—Flour dull; double extra and fancy brands at 55,50@8. W heat dull and lower; amber at $1,38© 1,3834 on spot, and $1,39 buyer June; No. 1 white Michigan offered at $1,70, and $1,65 bid; No. 1 red at $1,37. - Corn I@2c better and moderately active; No. 1 72c, No. 2 700, yellow 75c, no grade condition guar anteed at 60c. Oats quiet and steady at 68c for No. 1 and Michigan. Rye dull and nominally unchanged. Barley nom inal. Receipts: 4,700 bbls Moor, 9,000 bus wheat, 11,700 bus corn, 5,500 bns oats. Shipments: 1,800 bbls f10ur,.4,800 bus wheat, 8,600 bus corn, 6,800 bus oats. PHILADELPHIA, May 25.—Flour great ly depressed but unchanged, except No. 1 western extra family, at $6®6,75. Wheat dull and red unchanged; amber $1,60® 1,62. Rye sells at 11,43. Corn advanced; sales 4,000 bu yellow at 90c.' Oats dull and lower; sales 2,000 but western at 80c. Petroleum—more doing; sales 2,000 bbla crude at 2464=c; 5,000 bbls refined at 313.0. Provisions unchanged. Whisky ;1,0501,10. BALTIMORE, May 25.—Flour is quiet. Wheat is dull, with sales of fair to good red at 51,4001,60, and prime to choice at $1,90@2,10. Corn is dull, with sales of prime white at 85@S6c, and yellow at 86@88c. Oats and Rye are unchanged. Mess Pork is firm at ;32. Bacon is active, with sales of rib sides at 17c, clear sides 17%c, and shoulders at 143.0. Hame are 'held at 19@20c. Lard is quierat 19@20c. Whiskey tirm and scarce at $1,10®412. MILWAUKEE, May 25.—Flour dull and prices unchanged. Wheat firm. ' $1,17M for No. 1, and $1,14% for No. 2. Oats quiet, 59c for No. 2. Corn firmer, 61c for new rejected. Rye dull, 81,10 for No. 1. Barley nominal. Grain freights quiet, but firmer; wheat to Buffalo 534 c, to Os wego 10c. Receipts-4,000 bbls flour, 90,000 buih wheat, 8.000 bush oats. Ship ments-5,000 bbls flour, 171,000 bushels wheat, 5,000 bush oats. LOUISVILLE, May 25.—rattle active and the prices sustained; common 33:i'@ 434 ®534c; good 534®6e; choice 6y,@63;e. i'ogs in fair demand; heavy 81f.@193 , 4c; fair 634@7c. Sheep in good demand; sheared 53,30@4,50. DETROIT, May 25.—Wheat—receipts, 6,000 bus; market strong for choice extra white winter at 51,79; No. 1 do. $1,61© 1,62. Corn 72c. Oats.67c. Potatoes 38e. Bran 16e. , Course Middlings 20c; fine 25e. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH RAIL ROAD, May 25.-1 car lumber, J& A. Hayes; 1 do do, M'Quewan & D; Ido limestone ore, M'Knight 6: Co; 100 bbls lime, Ripley & Co; 176 pea tubing; 1 bdt do, Logan, - Gregg II Co; 165 pcs do, Whit more, W dr. Co; 10 bbls vinegar, Ewart. de Co; 1 organ, C Blume; 1 bdl carpet, 1 mattress,,l table, Bishop Kingsley; 5 casks cider, 7 bag cheese, Bruggeman 6: O'B; 4 do do, Morrison &D: 4 do do, Meanor & H; 1 bbl eggs, 1 keg butter, W Graff & Co; 9 do eggs, H Rea Jr; 7 do D Cook; .100 do do. Bly & Co; 2 cars brick, Park. Bros; 5 bxs tobacco, N C Reed; 18 bdls bottoms, 10 bales tow, 'Ful ton de Hopper; 17 bdta bottoms, W T - d& G Noble; 2 bgs feathers, 3 bxs egsrs, 2 kegs butter, M'Callough, 13 & Co; 3 bbla oil, Hagan & Courtney. PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE & CHI CAGO RAmitokto, May 24.-26 cars metal, Nimick & Co; sdo do, Bryan & Caugh -0; B,do do, J W Porter; 1 do do, Lloyd Black; 200 bbls flour, Culp & Shepard; 2 bbls alcohol, 1 do gin, J Henderson & Bro; 3do alcohol. Harris & Ewing; 2do do, 1 do gin, R E Sellers & Co; 25 bbls highwines, Rodelheim tit Affelder; 2 tobls eggs, W H Graff & Co; 9 bbls apples, 1 keg apple • butter. Bruggerman O'Brien; 14 bza cheese, M W Rankin; 17 do do; H Riddle; 33 do do, N J Braden; 5 half doz brooms, C Slade; 2 tubs batter, Morrison & Devol; 10 sks rags, Pitts_ Paper Co; 18 do do, Godfrey it Clark; 16 bxs soap, W H Kirkpatrick dr, Co; 30 do do, W W Rankin; 1 bbl bacon, Wood worth & Davison; 3 cars stone, john Hinchliff. PITTSBURGH CINCINNATI AND ST. Louis RAILROAD. May 25.-5 bbls oil, Hanna & Co; 18 cads tobacco, 1J Dal myer; 10 bbls lard oil, 10 bzs candles, Munhall &M; 25 tea hams, J H Parker;, 10 do lard, .1 Lippincott; sdo do, 1 car bulk meat, Myers dr Co; 25 bdls, 28 pas iron, Riesick & Bro; 100 tea hams, Dal zell &T; 10 cases tobacco, J Wilson; 24 caddies do, Lindsay & M'C; 11 hhds do, Weyman & Bro;-26 bbls liquor, 0 Glen denning; 10 tea lard, 'lO cads tobacco, Watt, L & Co; 36 do do, 12 bas do, con signees. 1 car corn, J B Campbell; 15 aks oats,.M'Henry & Hood; 20 do wheat. Scitild; 20 bbls eggs, 80 aks flour, T Beckett; 10 bales tow, G Datiler 1 case 'Biwa,: Hubbard Bros; 1 case steel, Am Steel Co; 11 pkgs wheals, wagon seats, &o, Hare it Bro. ' ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD, May 24.-9 cars 'railroad iron, J B Dor rington; 480 bbls oil, Anchor 011 Works; .160 do do, Waring, Ring Co; 1,280 do do, Fisher & Bro; 14 aks oats, Taos Donnelly; 20 do do,, Moore it Mitchell; 15 do do, 50 eke corn, Adams dr Austin; .12 rolls leather, W Flaccus it Son; 4 bbls eggs, 3 -bz% butter Bruggerman it O'Brien; 6 kgs butter, 2 bbls eggs, L J Rianchard; 1 do do, 2 pkgs eggs, E Heazleton; 4 do do, 4 do butter, p Templeton; 17 bales hay, Roll & Ritchart; 49 eke oats, 16 ado rye, owner; 50 ska oats, Bingham di Laing; 70 do dot R T Stewart; 94 do do, 3 do rye, Scott &Meal; 15 aka oats. Geo Close; 9 do rye, A Whitten; 13 pkgs potatoes, Stewart; 21 do oats, D West; 3 bbls eggs, W Seibert. ALratomnty STATION. May 25.-1 Car wheat, W. McKee a 00; 8 do do, Kennedy Bro; 43 bb la apples, Owene & Kennedy 43 aka corn./ Ca 111; 1 car do, 31 Steel Bon; 4 bbU egg E. Ortemath; -4 do do; Saffendefer *lll4. l car deaseed, Ewer, Hamilton * Co. • o:2 L umalittuilalLS A LWA'W FtlVtME:ftil RIVER NEWS. ~ The . river continues to recede steadily s iii veth five feet six inches in the channel b the Monongahela marks. Weather y terday cloudy and warm, with indi cat ons of rain in the evening. e Grey Eagle, Capt. C. L. Brennan, is t e regular packet for Parkersburg to ay leaving promptly at noon. The. Glendale, Capt. Hare, is fining up steadily for St. Louis, and the Upper Mississippi, and is announced to leave forthviith. She is in all respects one of the best boats in the trade. The Glendale will be followed by _the Armadillo,Capt. McCarty. . The lul l Capt. Trinidad'e new boat arrived from the boat yards yesterday, and will, we understand; be towed to New Orleans by the Matamoras, where she will receive her machinery and be completed. The hull of Capt. Daniel's new boat for the Red River trade, has also ar rived, and is lying near the point in the Allegheny River. The Leonidas, for New Orleans, New York, for Nashville and Julia No. 2, for Zanesville, departed. The Wauanita, Capt. C. A. Dravo, will positively take her departure for St. Louis and the Upper Mississippi to-day and passengers and shippers should tear this in rnind. There are no less than - four newlboats on the stocks.at Freedoni. One of these is Intended for the mountain trade and is being built by Capt. Thomas W. Rea, and will have the machinery of the Lilly—built here several years ago by Capts. Brickell and Martin, and com manded, for a time, by Capt. John M. Hare, now of the Glendale. Another is a towboat for Capt. J. V. WDonald, and will have the machinery of the Lioness. Then there is a ferryboat, and another craft, but of what kind we are unable to state. It is about time that we were having some new Ohio River boats. A. great many have been destroyed within the past year, and, so far as we can learn, there is not a single new one in process of construction. Capt. J. T. Stockdale h6s contracted for another new boat, and while not, for the same parties, she is for the same trade, for which he built the Australia. This la Captt Stockdale's third new goat this year. Il Capt. D. L. Hendrickson, is now en gaged as engineer on the Wauanita. This is the first engineering Capt. Hen drickson\ has done for a considerable number of years. The Australia arrived at Key West, Florida, on Sunday last, .four days out from New Orleans. —The Dexter has laid up at New Or leans. —Fifteen boats are reported laid up.in Missouri river, between. Fort Randall and Fort Sully, awaiting dater. —Measures are on foot to parchatte a , new boat for the Vicksburg and Napo leon trade, the Plain City not being large L enough. —The Nashville Union and American says that "there is a project on foot among the steamboat men to withdraw entirely, for sir months, from the navi- gation of all the Western rivers, and give shippers a full [Jew fit of railroad transportation." We had not heard of any such project here. —For the safety and .better protection of boats passing through the Clarksville railroad bridge at night, the Nashville Union and American suggests the pla cing of signal lights on the inside of each pier, about six feet above the water's edge. —Alt Sanford the newly appointed In spector for St. Louis District, is an old New Orleans and St. Louis \ pilot and Captain. Hels the first pilot ever ap pointed-to the position. He is an old personal friend of President Grant. —Captain John Wilson, United States Inspector for the Nashville Ditttrict, was engineer on the steamer . Rigeman in 1823; on the Rambler in 1824, and on the Eclipse in 18e7.. —There was. rather a novel "arrival of water-crafts at Parkersburg on Thurs day. Four canal boats arrived there with 200 tuna of ice from Hartstown, Crawford county, Pennsylvania. They belong to the Erie Extension Line. The men in charge enjoyed the trip down the Allegheny and Ohio very much, as it was a new experience to them. The steamer Thompson will tow the boats up to Rochester, Pennsylvania, where their horses will be brought into requisition. —Capt. McKinney has bought the Ar gonaut No. 2, for six thousand do ars, and will take her to Omaha to tra efer, wood under a contract he has with the Union Pacific Railroad. —The Cincinnati Conimeivial sa : Dispatches from Louisville report t e Silver Moon as having swung further o t on the reef. She nad got out a line an was in a fair way of working Alp off th reef, when the Cora S. passed down an parted the line. She now lies quarteri across the current, with her head ton ar the Kentucky shore. There is no posal, bility of getting her off until the rive rises. Capt. Merrielees entered protes at Louisville, and will turn her over t the undertyriters. —St. Louis advices under date of Sun/ day, report as follows: The Bismarck • will be the first boat to start in the St. Louis and New Orleans line, and will be followed by the Magenta and Belle Lee. The Pauline Carroll will form one of the line, and other boats to make np the full number, will be named soon. The wharf-boat is owned as follows; The Bis marok owns one-sixth, and the Lizzie Gill, Mississippi and Pauline Carroll , each one-sixth, and two other boats, to . be commanded by Capts. J. H. Jones and B. R. Pegram, the rest. The W. R. Arthur will probably enter this line. The Mollie Able will'oommence to load to-morrow in :the barge 'line. It seems to be the belief there will be a spirited contest between these two lines. River and Weather; By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) LOUISVILLE, May 26.—River falling, with six feet five inches of water in the canal. Weather cloudy and warm. HOLTZMAN & WIEDERHOLD No. 100 274 int Avenue, Upholsters and Dealers in Curtain Goods, Dine-C the attention of their friends and the publie, to their finely assorted stock of Lace and Nottingham curtains Vestibule Laces, Damask Reps, Ferry's Mexican cloth, Satin, Delanes, Gilt Cornices, Gilt and Walnut Mouldings, Spring Beds of superior make, Hair liatrasses (pure whlte hair.) Pillows. Bolster s, and everything pertaining to a drat class bed. The latest Paris and Berlin designs for Draperies 'lathe inspection or their customers. Pure *hi to Itastern Show Feathers always on hand. HOLTZMAN to WIEDERHOLD • • . N0.,,100 THIRD_AVENUE. DMITIOD'' , "I.II.IItE; 11oa 1444, tfotiftgebi cereal,v-sole • Itasollictitti of sass , • 4,114 Cleatoot sad Brovel Boofisufc t , re • • RIVER PACKETS. NEW DEMEANS 3ND TEXAS. POR NE W O R LEA NS ,X "GALVESTON, BROWNS.. e , .. ILLE, TexasAlhe new and staune l Reamer AAIORAS.No.S.—.. . Capt. It. DALZET.L. Will leave as above on WEDNEsDAY, tae 26th Inst. For MUM. or passage apply on board onto um! FLACK & COLLINGWOOD, Agents. ._ _ UPI'Elt BiItiSIMSIPPI. VOA ST. LOUIS, DU- L`BUQ [LE AND ST.P . A.ULThe line steamer iVACANIT A Capt. C. A. Dnavo. Will leave for the above ports posittirely This DAY, the 26th Ingt, at 14 at. _ For frel,ant or vantage apply on board, or to my 22 FLACK .1t COLLLNGWOOD.Agents OS 6T . LOUIS, EK 0-s i do6 UE and ST. PAUL direet-I'Ph i a T eland elegant pas sengerpacket (HANDAL E....C...J0HN M. Hass, Captain. Will have for the above none on WEDNES DA if. the 26th It 121 0%10d: For freight or_pagsage apply on board. or to my 22 FLACK & COLLINOWOOD. Agents' sifarig 1869. Jarmo. NORTHERN LINE. PACKETS, FROM Louis to Keokuk and St. Paul, AND ALL IRTERMNDIATEYORTI3. One of the splendittSidewheel Steamers of this Line will leave Bt. Louis da ly for Keokuk, D wen pert, Dubuque, Winona, Stillwater and St—Paul. Through receipts for Freight and Passengers will be given to all,points oh the Upper Hiss's sissippi on steamers runnln; from this port and connecting with the Northern Line Packets at St, Louis, thus enabling Consignees to get:their Freight through without delay and at loWeSt rates. Apply to JOHN FLACK. J. D. COLLINGWOON Agents, or to R. C. GRAY 91 Water staest. mb2B:a23 CIN CI N N ATI. FOR CINCINNATI and zi gag LOIIISVILLE.—Tte line pas fiengf r steamer KATE PUTNAM . Capt. G. W. REED. Will leave as above-on FRIDAY, the 2,811 Inst.. at 4 o'clock P. N. For frlight or . msvr i llap c ly tc on o p!ard or to J coi:Ltsownon, Agents I= FOR HARM rA,PARKEttIiBILTRG AND CINCINNATI. .Leav es Pittsburgh EVERY TIIESDA.Y- Leaves Cincinnati EVERY. FRIDAY-4 P. M. The swift and superb Sidewheel Steamer ST. MARYS. T. C. SWEENEY, Commander, will leave as announced above. • For Fielea or Passage apply on board, or to . FLACK & COL LI NO WOOD, or CULLIN, & BARNES, Agents. N. B.—Yo Freight received on Tuesday after 1 t A. 31. mhp PARKERSBURG. PITTSBURGH, A i ggßa WHEELING AN D PAR KERSBURG LlNE.—Leech Do:nrmnir , 3 Wharf omit, foot of Wow Street. daily at 19 V., WED NESDAYS and SATURDAY:3, &IKAY zAtILE. C. L. Ilemoralt, Muter. Erelght will be LAMES receiv COLLIER. all hours by J FLACK & COLLINGWOOD, apl3 Agent& STEAMSHIPS. T O LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN. TRH INDIAN MAIL STEAMSHIPS Norobertnit etxteen Ant-clata ample, *Moll( to• niche celebrated CIV: or PARRA CITY or A.NTWETP_, CITY OF BOSTON, CITY OF BALTIMORE, CITY OF LONDON. SAlllna AVERY "SATURDAY, from Pier 45, I. rth Elver, New York. For nateage or further I aroma:lon anolv to' WILI.I AIS BINGHAM, Jr. TO FIFTH tiTREKI fenrootrie isußolog. nearly mmoalt.t. Pnat °tore. P.itabor,h WILLIAM MILLER & CO,. Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty Street. Corner or Irwin, now over to the trade' at low dimes, strictly !rime New Crop New Orleans Sugar and Molasses. Porto Rico, Cuba and English island Sugars. New York, Philadelphia; and Baltimore Be- Aned 'do. Golden Drips, Loering', BruAlls, - Stuart's, Adams' and Long Island Syrups. (Young Rico. Cuba and English Island Molasses. Young 11/ 801 1, JaPun, Imperial, Gunpowder and Oolong Teas. Carolina and Bangoin Rice. Java, Laguayra and 10 Coffees. • Tobacco, 'Lard 011. Fish, Nails, Glass, Soaps, Cotton Tarns, Ac., constantly on hand. ALSO. IMPORTERS OF Fine Brandies,Wines and Sagan. Rhenish, Moselle, and Sparkling Rock Wises of Hinael & Co.. In bottles. Sparkling Moselle, Sekarsberg and . Johannis berg, Hockheinier, &e. • Brandenburg & Freres Fine Olive On. do do Clarets, imported in bottles.. do do White 'Wines, in bottles. M. Wort & Sons' Sparkling Catawba: Flue old Sherri. Madeira and Port Wines. Free Old Monongauela Rye Whiskies. pare. do Very Superior Old Scotch do do. ALSO. Bote r ents for Moet Cliandon'a Grand Vin. Im lre e rserly and Seller, IllanPaine. Brandies of oar ovnt lect,on and warranted. j 2•d4a 290009006 ACRES or CHOICE LANDSTOR \ BY TES Union Pacific Railroad Company, rasTifaut GM/ along the Sn 4 of their road. at $l,OO TO 06,00 PER ACRE, And on a ORMDIT or PINTS YKARd. !or further particulars. =PI, Ac., ed4rate JOHN P. DEVZHEIM, Land Commissioner. Topeka, Or MAI. N. LABIBON.N, m ac St. Louth. Missouri. STRAW 1-1.11.T13, ALL THE NEW STYLES. AT THE LOWEST PRICES, AT IIicCORD CO's, 181 WOOD STREET. inyis Tz.—Bworf ...... J. is. sitar! SWINT & BRATT, ABOH'ITEOTIDIAL - AND ORNAMENTAL • CARVERS No. 63 - Sandusky St,. Allegheny, Pa. A wi re assorknent of NEWEL. POSTS and BAJASTEIAS constantly on hand. TURVENO of an flatetiti 71%. Anna j B. lOUNOWN bi CO., C= iIAKIC MAXIM, CONPECTIONAJ6 ICE CREAM Mid Drzirixe SAL )ON, S 3 Smithfield street, eerier . of Diamond alley, Pittsburgh. • • • / iNrParties and bunnies supplied-witA los . sad cakes.= short notice. - • WHITE 41111!g• 4 ' I Imo WhlivAnocibr'sile • TEneUrrE if ule by CARPETS BRUSSELS CARPETS,VELVETS, &C. The Latest Arrival FROM FAGLIAND. McCALLIJM BROS., No. 51 FIFTH,, AVENUE, Have received by ateam.rs Samaria and Man hattan the VERY NEIyEsT STYLES of the ENGLISH MARKET. I) They alioo offer a • Compiet4Line of DOMESTIC CARPETING. To wblch large additiobal are daily being made. A Display of Goods Equal To any ever _p_resented in this market , at LOWE.I.I!PRIGEB. 8R05., - .ro. dirE.IrUO, (BET. WOOD & tiBUTEPTELDO ap23:h95 NEW CARPETS. FINE CARPETS. CHEAP C WINDOW Ma BOVARD - ROSE (t, CO 21 Firm 1 AVENUE. 311314 ittaer DI 4Y 18,1569. BARgAINS Pt "1:" gS . WINDOW' SHADES, • Avo LACE AND NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, New Stock Justßeceived. • LOWEST PRICESI EVER . OFFERED. merARLAiD a courris, I I v. go. 11 and i 3 PIFTII AVENUE, rnylii I (Second Floor). UNITED STATES 'JR - TONAL RETENIINs t TWENTY-T/11RD DISTRICT. I COLLECTOR' NOTICE. OFFICE COLLECTOR INTERNAL REVENUE. • 23d Collection District of Pennsylvania, N 0.61 Water St.,Allegheny'Cit y, May IS, '639. - Not , ce is hereby given that the annual lists of SPECIAL TAXES, forinerli termed LICENSES. and of the taxes on I names, Carriages, Watches, Silver Plate. •c.. are now In thls office, where payment will be received thereon by !the Collector on and after the list DAY I.OIF JUNE, 1889. These taxes, having become due, must be veld before the illith„ DATIOF JUNE, 1889; other wise, additional eipenses will ha incurred by the tax•payer, \, Z. BUFFINGTON, Bsq., Deputy Collector of the county of AruistrOng, and 'EDWIN LYON, Bsq., Deputy Coll e ctor far the county of Butler. will be ready to reieive, after the Ist of June, for their respective eouniiis, and will post notices designating the times +bid places, when and where they will be prepared do receive the taxes collect able by then. Taxes payable only 1 . ,-L -greenbacks or national currency. \ . • p Office hours from 9 4. Y. to 3 P. If my16:.)51 Q 26.000 'TO LOAN ON BOND MD MORTGAGE. Books settled and accounts promptly collect. ed. Houses and Lots in tittsburgh and Alleghe ny. Cheap Houses and, Lo sin keel Liserty and B. addoc.ks. Lots In Mansfield. A very desirable farm of 70 acres; splendid young orchard, good house, with storeroom attached; spring of never falling water: near Economy, on the line of P. Ft. W. A V. B. W.; for sale very cheap. lowa, Missouri andiVirginia land for sale. Enquire of ' , TITO& SIMPSO k & 110itAND • 1 Brokers and Beal Fetal. Agents, IMZI pumps. , • . WOOD AND IRON ,WELL . AND CISTERN PUMPS. •- We are now sole agents for E. P. eu4to , 2 well known wood pomro. The trade will be artipllcd by ne at factory ces in lots to stilt.. A. Vargo and complete 'assortment always on hal. , families linden others In want of good pan t at a very low price, which we warrant. shoo d see this. The best and cheapest pump In' the market. • W..KBTOX., Generll Wholesale Agent. 137 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Pa. my115432.5w UNION ENTERPRISE FOUNDRY, - roniirsomr. Manufacturer of COOKING STOVES, Arches. Grates, Fenders, Bash Weights, and all kinds of Hollow Ware. Car Wheels and all kinds of Machinery Crettngs, COR. WATSON & etLIN- Glliti PPPMUItOII. PA. 111211vfftWke 110 1 0Z PUBDIN THE BLOOD. kni mat s,t,f rgrAfeeign zvzitYwnfs. ! denblilinr, • " cbbLiri J. a. Cal'iniLD.' OIL CLOTH? Eiga3Mil OTHS, OIL C SHADES. names. JOHN M. SUMbirAN, COLLECTOR. 89 GRANT STREET, office back room RAILRO 1869; FlTTehtlitoll. FORT WA 'NE & DHICAVO I: W. and CLEVELAND &PI 811IIRGH R. B. From May 9th, 1889, trat will leave from and arrive at the Union Depos, north atde, Pitts. burgh city time, as follows: Leave. Arrive. Chicago Ex.—A:oB a tniChicago Ex.. 1:5 1 3 a M Erie Ygn E r.7:28 a m Chicago Ex..12:03 p m CI. &-Wh2gld'lt3:l3 anilWheellng Ex 10:48 a m Chicago Ra11..15:58 a mlBt. Louis Ex 7:08 pat Chicago E5....9:43 a TM's° Ex& M14:08 p m CI. &Wh'fc Ex 2:08p th Cleveland Ex 3:53 p m Chicago Ex• • 2:23 p m Erle & Yg'nExs:sBp m Nve &Erie Ex4:3B pm Cl. & Wh g ExB:s3p m Daimirt.from Alletheny. I Arrive in lley/tens. Bea'r Falls Ac.8:58 m Leetsdale Ac..8:58 am Leetsdale" /011:58 03 a m ml New Bca'r Falls" 8:28 am " Rochester " 1:213 pm Enon seas "10:23 ant" 913 am Enon 6, . 3:88 pm I Leetsd le " 1:08 put Leetsdale Acc.s:l3 pm Bear Its " 2:43 pits Bea'rFalls " .8:13 p m .Lee!tda a" 4:33pm Leetsdale " 10:43 Dm `` 7:23 pat Fair Oaks Sun. Fair Oa s day Church. 1:13 p m day t h rch. 9:58 am SW' 2:2335. m. Chicago Expre leaves daily. air 32.03 p . m.Chicairo Expre arrives daily, J. IL KIMBALL, J. N. id' lILLOUG, Gen'i Ticket Agent. WI Supte4q, inylo • callA. NGE OFi k TIME GHENT VALLEY .ROAD, THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTETHE OIL REGIONS W 'THOU r CHANGE OF -0 CAI'S. On and after MONDAY, May 3d,-.111e9 TWO THROUGH TRAINS DAILY (except Sunday) will leave Pittsburg' Depot, corner of Elev enth and Pike streets, for Franklin, 011 Clty,Buf filo, and all points in ti e 011 Regions. LEAVY PITTSBURGH. I ARRIV IN pirrgittragg Day Ex S:00 am Day R ...... 6:15 p m itfght Ex.— 7:30 pm Night Ex 6:30 a m Brady's BAc 3:15 p m HradyS B Ac 311:15 xm Ist liodaW'kell:4s • m lEtsodaW , ka 7:40 a m SodaW'ks 6:110 p m 2d Sodatrks 6:15 p m ltt Halton... 6:46 a m let Hinton .. sato a m 2d Thilton...l2:oo nRd Halton... 2:09 pm 3d Hutton 1t:00 pm 3d Milton... 1:05 p m Arnold's Ac. 5:00 p ria Arnold's Ac. 7:40 p Churob train to and ',, from Soda Works leave Ptttsbnrgh at 1:10 P. id. Arrive at Pittsburgh, (Sundays,) at 9 50A. 314 Express trains stop °lily at principal points. Accommodation rains stop at all stations • J. J. LAwittlNus, Sup`t. THOMAS M. ti 11513, Ass% bup't. aplo LENNSYLV.aiMARpNg NIA CENTRAL RAIL lAD. On and after April 25th, 1809, Trains will arrive at and depart 'from the Union Depot, corner of Washington and Liberty streets, as follows: 4/71(941. Mall Train.... 1:25 am Fast Line 1.45 am Wall's No. 1.. 6 20 am BentonAcc'n. 7:50 am Wall's No. 2.. 8:50 am Cincinnati Ex.9:10 am Johnstown Ac10:35 am How'd Ac Nol 1:10 pm Pittsb'sh Ex. 1:30 pm Expres6l.!so pm Wall's No. 3...2:50 pm Braddock Ac.. 5:50 pm How'dAcNo2 9:35 pm Wall's No. 1. 7:20 pm Way Passn'r 10:20 pm *Tlaese trains make eh burg for Baltimore. The Church Train leavesWalli Stationevm7 Sunday at 9:08 a. m., _reaching Pittsburgh 10:06 a. m.• Be turning, leaves Pittsburgh. 12:50 p. m. and arrives at Walls Station 2:10 p. m. l'Cincinnati Express leaven daily. All othe trams daily except Sunday. For Sinner information apply to W. H. BECKWITH, Agent. The Pennsylvanlaßallroad Company will not as snme any risk forßaggage, except for weartngan peel and limit their responsibility to One Hun dre, Dollars in value. Alt Baggage exceeding that amount in value will bo at the risk of the ownot. unless taIcED WARD en by specia H H l contract. apes General Superintendent, Altoona, WILLIAMS.a. Depart. 'Day Express.. Las am I nontnern Ex.. 4:80 am Wall's No. 1.. B:3oam Mail Train,. ..._ 8:18 am H ow'd As 510 l 10:20 am •Cincin'ti Ex 14:80 pm IWalPs No. 2-11:81 tat Johnstown Ac. 3:08 pni Braddocke Ac. 3:40 p Phila. Express 4:20 p Wail's No. 5.. 4:sopm Wail's No. 4.- B:ospm ' , Past Line 7:30 onl How'd Ac No 2.8:20pm Wail's N 0.5.. 11:00 cm se connection at Marne. TTESTERN-avu , om PENNSYLVANIA RA.LROAD.—On and afterAprll 95th,11369.the. Ps stenger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania road will arrive at and depart from the Federal Street Depot, Allegheny City. as follows: Arrive. Depart Sptingd"e No 16 : 40 am! Mall 7:001151 Weeport No. 18:90 a m Freeport No. 19:1110sta Express 10:40 a In Shansi:og Not 11:90 am Eitsarpb'g No.11:20 p m Express.ll:so pm Freeport No . 14:00 p m No13:30 pm Mall 5:50 p m Freeport N0.25:210 p m Springd'e No 26:110 p m Soringd'e N 02 6 .30 plll Aboye trains run daily except Sunday. The Church Train leaves Allegheny Junction every Sunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching Allegheny City at 9:50 a. m. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at 1:90 p. in. and arrive at Allegheny Junc tion at 3:40 p. COMMUTATION TICKETS—For sale in packages of Twenty, between Allegheny City, Chestnut street. Herr's, Bennett, - Pine Creek, Etna and. Sharpsburg and good only on the trains stopping at Stations spe cited on tickets. The trains leaving Allegheny City -it 7:00 a. m. make direct connection at Freepon with Wa lker's une of Stages for B odes awl.idannalle town. Through tickets play be purchased at the 051 c f 1 tit Clair street, near the Einspenslonßridge. Pittsbnr, h, and at the Depot, Allegheny. For further Information apply to JAMES LEFFERTS, Agent, Federal Street Depot. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not as sume any risk for Baggage, except for wearing apparel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars In value. All baggage ex ceeding tt is amount in value wlltbe anise risk of the owner, unless taken by special contract. EDWARD El. WILLIAMS, apH General. Superintendent. Altoona. Pa. ITTB ENLlTioAdDmurgirb LOUIS RAILWAY. PAN ILLNDLet.OUTE. CHANGE OF TlHE.—Onland after MONDAY, April 516th, 1669, trains will leave and arrive at the Union Depot, as fellows: Depart.. Arrive. Mail A:08 a. in. 12:13 a. Fast Line 9.43 m. 7:13 p. m. Express • p. m. 433 a. M. Mixed Acc'n ff:33 a. m. 6:514p. McDonald's AccM,No.lll:43 a. in. 16:113 Steubenville Accommod. 3:54 p. IL 9:33 3.2 t MCDOII/ICPII ACOIL. No, 26:18 th is. 3:2 is D. ea, Sunday Church Train.. -14:58 p. In. 9:36 a. m. ar.9:33 tra'n will leave daily. • 191:13 P. W. train will arrive daily. All other trains will run dishy. 9unuays except ed. The 9:43 a. at. Train makes' close con nections at Newark tt, r Zanesville. B. F. SCULL, Ueneril Ticket Agent, W.W. CARD, Beret., Steubenville, Ohio. ap2lll KcITTSBURGH & MIANNZ x)NNFILLB VILLE ROAD. On and after TUESDAY, Noyember, 17th. trains will arrive at and depart from the Depot corner of Grant, and . Water streete, at follows: Mall to and from Union- . • 1r:00 A. Y.. 6:011 IL CZ! Mae — esportAccomdt , n Ex. to and from Unt'n. 3:00 P. x. 10:10 A. X. West Newton Accom'd 4:30 P. x. 8:35 A. K. Braddoek's Aeocandt , n. 6:15 P. x. 7:50 r. 11( Night Ac. toldeli , *ort.lo:3o p. x. 6:45 A. X Bunday Church Train to _ and from West Newton 1:00 P. X.10:00 A. For tickets apply te. _ E. M. RAYMOND, Agent W. B. STOUT, Superintendent. S irxratiZ HILL UNION. PACIFIC RALLWA; Eastern Divini.on. The SHORTEST AND HOST RELL&RI ROUTE mom the Eut to all points In Colorado, Nevada, California, 'Utah, Washington, Arizona New Mesico, Oregon. Two Trains leave State Line and LIMITIMWO2 II daily, (Sunda» excepted.) on the arrival ottrain 3 or pacific Railroad from lit. .Louls. and •Ilanni• Dal and St. Joe Railroad train Wino, connect. Die sit Lawrence, Topeka and W amego with Stilikoil of all points in At end of track west of Ellsworth with the - UNITED STATESEXPRES.24_ COMPA NY'S LINE OY OVER/Aim MAIL AND IEXPEEMI COACHES FOB SAI.11" AND Au points in the Territories, , - And with BANDRRSON% TRI-WEEKLY LIN& of COACHES for Fort Union, Bent's Fort, peas, Albuquerqee, Banta Fe, an d all points in Ad sena and new Mexico. With the e n dditions of rolling stock a nd equipment, he arrangements made with responsible Overland Transportation Lines from its western terminus, this road now oilers unequalled facilities for the tranamission of treight to the Far West. Tickets foreare at all principa: oillees in the United Staten and Canada Be ante and ask for. %haus via THE HLLLL ROUT& UNION P i IC AY, USTI= DIVISION. ANDIERMION t Clausal Superintends:l WiggsTsog,.. Slellstir.Puilitht sad ZOOM ag Bi Dezart. Arriose.