II ALLEGHENY CATTLE MARKET. Drams or PITTSBURGH GAzrrni, i ," MONDAY, May 24, 1869. ".1 CATTLE. • There were forty-seven car loads of Cattle on sale to-day, forty-three of - which were from Chicago; two from Cin cinnati and one from Canton (Ohio); or, conting eighteen to the oar, an aggre aa fa of 846 head;•in addition, there were peveral small droves driven in from the "geountry adjoining, so tha.here were at leaat nine hundred he al. With this number, and but little inquiry for ship ments, the market was not altogether satisfactory to-the drovers, though, after all, prices ruled as high as they did last week, especially for prime Cattle. It is claimed that the stock on sale to-day, cost a quarter more than that on sale last week, and this was doubtless true. but still the drovers, we believe gener ally, made money, notwithstanding, some of them growled, as usual. -As we bave already noted, prices, com pared with last week, have undergone no quotable change. Prime to extra steers sold at from 8®814; good to medi um at 7(4)735. There is.a continued good demand for stock steers, and we can re port sales at 5% ®635, as to quality and condition. - Hedges & Taylor sold 16 head of prime to extraiateers, at 7% ®B. Teter Sheitemantle sold 4 bulls, at 334 64%. Lowenstelne & Zeigler 32 head Chicago steers, at 7 1 /,®8%. E. Katz & Bro. 51 head good to prime Chicago stetir, at 7®7%. L. Rottichilds 25 head mixed Chicago stock, at:634 1 81%. lit. "Verner 34 head Chicago steers, at 7 %0 81 4 Maas & Kraus 50 head Chicago steers, •iii, \ 7 ®B. Jacob Needy 33 head Chicago steers, at 714@8i/.• . , - L. Keefer sold 32 head Chicago steers, at 7MB. 1 , Haz`.ewood & Blackstock sold 70 head Illinois and Ohio stook, at 7@B. Greenwald it Kahn 51 head Chicago steers, at 7y,,®8%. S. Marks & Bro. 86 head Chicago steers at 7®8y,,. . • Trauerman & Lohman sold 60 head Chicago steers, at 7®B; 29 head stock steers,'at 634; drove 75 head to East Lib erty. L. & J.- Sheinberg 60 head - of-fair to extra, at 7@9. Holmes,•l'Afferty & Co. 65 head mixed stock,- at 6®s. Carr & McAllister sold 54 head of Chi cago steers for John Kerwin, at N®f!.. J. Hanlin 6 head Washington county cows and one bull, at 5®6. SHREW . 1 / 4 ,..ND LAMBS. ,The supply of Sheep was not up ,to that of last week, only 900 against 1,300; and there were very few that could be classed prime. The market was rather dull, though this was in consequence of the fact that the stock was not the • kind generally wanted; a large number of prime fat Sheep that could have been sold if they had have been on sale, and those who were fortunate enough to hove fat Sheep realized good prices; 6® 634 cents. Lambs ruled about the same as last week, s2®4 per head, as to qual ity and condition. Adam Eckert 65 head; Lambs at 12®4 per head, Sheep at $4. , -Fowler dr, Walter 84 head; ' Sheep at $2 ®4,50, Lambs at $2®3,50. M. Flinner 85 clipped and wooled Sheep, at $2@3,75 per head. Peter Sheitmantle 12 Sheep at $263.50 Lambs at 12®3. • Garwin & Bro. 100 Sheep and Lambs. M. Humes 60 Sheep and Lambs at an average of $3. _ - - " J. Davis sold 100 good clipped Sheep, for Adams, at 53;®61/, per pound. J. F. Neely sold 105 good to extra _clipped Sheep, at 5®634. • nous. The fdemand for this class of stock continues light, 'as butchers generally are now baying more Cattle and Sheep and fetver Hoke and this is usually the case at this season of the year. We con tinue to quote in a retail way at slo®ll, gross, for good to-prime averoges. Markets by Telegraph. NEW YORK, May 24.—Cotton quiet and shade lower; sales of 1,400 bales, at 28% @2B%e for middling uplands. Flour; receipts 9,578 bbls; market dull; heavy and s@loc lower; sales of 6,400 WS, at $5,40®5,70 for superfine State and west ern4d®6,3s for extra State; $5,80@6,75 for extra western; $6,80©7,75 for white wheat extra; $6,15@7,25 for R. H. O.; $7©8,50 for extra St. Louis; 49g12 for for good to choice do. Rye Fleur, dull; ales goo bbls at $4,75136,80. Corm Meal quiet;lsales of 800 bbls Jersey at 14,80. Whisky quiet; sales of 76 bbls; western $l,lO, free. Wheat; receipts 15,099 bush; market heavy and a shade lower; sales of 78,000 bush, at sl,42@i 42X for* No. 2 spring afloat; ;1,42 for No. 2 do. to ar rive; $1,44 for very choice INO. 2 Milwau kee afloat; $1,47®1,48 for No. 1 do.•afloat; ;450 for Southern red Illinois; $1,57 for amber Michigan; $1,65151,70 for white . California, and $1,48 for white Canada in bond. R,ye heavy and declining; ,15,000 bush Canada in bond at $1,05(31.10: Bar ley quiet: Barley Malt nominal: ' Corn 2@.3c better; receipts 8,802; sales 54,00() liuth at 85®90c for new mixed; 92c for choice Western yellow; 70@89c for un sbund mixed western;-93@05e for old mixed western in store, and 97c for tip delivered: Oats opened'heavY and Cloaca dull and I©2c lower; receipts 68,945 bu; sales 44,000 bu; 'at 76578 c (Or western afloat, closing at inside price. Rice dull UY,.(4)9X0 for CarOlins. Coffee floral. Y' tinchanitild. Sugar quiet and 5t. 62 . 4 .514 LOO,bble- Cuba at 1245145 e., Mo lasses active and buoyant; 1,375 hhds at 5256 e, for; Muscoyano, and .74@,82,0 fbr Porto Rico. ;Petroleum dull eit 15W for crude, and,Bl.for refined. Hops quiet at 6 ®llClerAtnerican. .I.lncied Oil quiet and Tam at *1,070y1,08. Spirits Turpen tiae t m atsB l 4%49ltc."Porklfirilieil 1b4(10 blals at 831,25g31.37 for new mess, closing at 031,87, cash;.s3lfir3l,l2 for old do; s2sa 2 e for - pr0me;`82842:28,37 for prune mes s, also 256. tibia new I l ium. buyer June, at $3103 , 24 Beef 250 Mils $ 8 •0 16 ' I ° l ` stew mess; $12(18 for new extra , 'llercb Beef dull at BES for:tiercet• $22523 for Pratte mess; 125%52 ,for India moos beef. • Hams steady; • s t o,s f , of 140 - bbls at 2.5€3;32. Cut moats steady; sale!, ot 19ii pkgs ut 12% 13c for ahoniders; 15y,Oltle for hums. sliddles quiet; sales of 45• boxes abort clear at 17e- .I.Ard dull; sales of 480 tierces at 1714€919a ler acne ; 19@19. 1 %c for,lettle rendered, ai ß o tiercea bleat° at 19ye buyerTr,rJues, and 19e seller• jaly., •Butter quiet and• steady st - .35488 c for Ohio; 36@40a for-State. cheese. • firm, at IVg23c, :,grcightts Liveino6l are , firnierl 'eh ipinetts to i .ooo bus wheat at 5d pc r sail, and'6d per steam. Latest~lf ii. B.=-Flour `closed dull! had declining. , "Wheat lc lower, with ; a mod. clAte,: - export 'fitCapiing;" rive dull ai, - $1,25 for western. Oats null and heavy.t - at , itle for. wester ofltlat. q 91•0 firm at"l33g9ile for sbund, " and 76g825 for au§o l,o f)ow - mi,ssd w estern . , riPork " quiet at $31,17 tor 't*" ms.4'oash reg. ular. Beef steady,. -,Bassodand but m ass th dill and uuanged. dbard - 48+0"for primgpt .CureaknOymay- 2C-.sern , erellange dull at 1-10 disoonnt buying, par®l-1 1 0 premium 'selling. Flour Armand steady; - :•, •* ' - --4A*V.*).4l-4, A • • v , _ k • . IV' • ~r ee g . et, '''•4•Z"'& 14 0 .4 I`, A ....4.•%.; ••• • • • • , • _ F7Q spring extras 115@6,25. Wheat In good cfemand and N©lc lower; sales No. lat $1,17%®1,18; - No. 2 $1,13®1,1334, closing at $1,133 4 ®1,146; sales since 'change at $1,13y,(4)1,1314. Corn moderately ac tive and Ue higher; sales No. 1 at 66y,@)67c; No. 2 59@59%c; rejected 54%@ .58c; no grade 4534 c. closing at the outside; unchanged this afternoon. Oats moder ately active and 34 c lower; sales No. 2at 59/®593;0, closing at 59% @Wyo. Rye less active; sales No. 1 at V1,10©1,11; No. 2 $1,09, closing with buyers of No, 1 at 81,10. Barley dull and nominal. Highwines quiet and buyers and sel lers widely apart in views; sales at 151a1,03, closing with sellers at 81,05. Nq Sis Orlean s molasses at. 95c@51,03. 4@)l4Nc for common to choice. P , isions firmer. 'Mess Pork 131(4)31,50 and closing at outside figure. , Lard 18c. Sweet pickled:hams 16c; smoked do. 200. Dry, salted shoulders 12c, loose packed 123fc. Short ribbed middles 15c for loose. The receipts for the past forty l elght hours were 9,000.bb1a flour, 43,617' bush wheat, 103,054 bush' corn, 40,081 bush oats, 1,980 bush rye, 3.184 head hogs. Shipments were 8,552 bbls - flour, 90.928 bush'wheat, 93.961 bush corn; x 7,785 bush oats, 740 bush rye, 364buah barley, 1,614 head bogs. Freights active at 53i®6c on corn, 43(§60 on wheat and 3;io on oats by sail and steam to Buffalo. ST. Louis, May 24.—Tobacco active at full prices. Hemp quiet, at 81,60 for choice undressed. Cotton., nominal. Flour very quiet and but little doing; low spring superfine sold at :$4,75; spring extra at $4,75@5,00; spring and fall double extra at • 445,2.5®6,01); rile extra 4E6,74)8,10. Wheat dull' an l ower, at $1,40®1,65 for prime to cho ee old and white fall; $1,70@1,85 for strictly, choice to fancy; do. spring I@2o lower; NO. 2 in elevator 11,11; do. in sacks $1,10®1,11; _No. 1 in sacks 4416; very choice, soft \ and fancy club in sacks $1;15@1,20. ,torn higher and buoyant for white; the prices range at 62@67c for Mixed and white in bulk; 70@75c for white and yellow in. sacks. .Oats heavy,, 6734Q69c. Rye dull and lower, 51,09 Q 1,13. Whisky advanced to 98c, and was held at $l. Groceries quiet and un changed. Pork steady at 531,00031,25; dry salt meat is stiff at 12c for loose shoulders, and 15340 for clear rib sides packed. Bacon firm; 13c for shoulders; 15%0 for rib sides, 16340 for clear rib, 17c for clear sides. Sugar cured hams 20c. Lard firm,lBc for choice kettle. Re ceipts-3,810 bblsflour,2s,4oo bush wheat, 5,200 bush corn, 19,000 bush oats, 700 bush barley, 600 bush rye, 700 hogs. CINCINNATI, May 24.—Flour very dull; family at 56156,25. Wheat dull; No. 2at 51,28Q1,30, and No. 1 at 51,37Q1,40. Corn in fair demand; ear at 65Q66c. Oats firm at 68071 c. Rye dull and demand light; No. 1 at 51,25. Cotton dull and .unchanged; middling at 27Q273.4c. To bacco in good demand; sales 184 hhds at 54,651527,90; the demand is fully equal to the offerings. Whiskey sold at 51, and was. held at 51,03 at the close. Mess pork quiet at 531, with no sales. Lard dull, and held at 180@) 18340 and no demand. Bulk meats in good demand; sales of 260,000 lbs at 120 for shoulders loose, and 12y 4 a packed, and 1434 c for sides loose, and 1430 packed. Bacon firm and in fair demand at 13e for shoulders, and 16 .(Ql6,iti for clear rib and clear aides: sugar cured hams 18Q 19c. Bulk sides held y i e higher at the close. Butter quiet; fresh made 33036 c. Eggs 16c. Linseed oil steady at4D,o4@ 1,05. Lard oil unchanged. Sugar firm; No. 1 133415151..0. Coffee firm at 20Q 20340. Gold 1413, buying. Exchange quiet at par buying, and 50 to 1.10 pre mium selling. LoursviLLS, May 24.—Cotton steady: low middling 2534Q253.;c; good ordinary 24c. Provisions; demand good. Bacon shoulders 133‘,Q1334e; clear rib sides 16% Ql7c; clear sides 17,3 1151734 c. Mess Pork steady at 5311531,50. Lard steady at 18%c for prime damn .. kegs 19%c. Bagging steady; two pounas hemp 21Q 2134 c; flax 211521340. :Groceries—Sugar unchanged; New Orleans " 1215150 for common to choice; hard stan'rdl7,V,c; De marara 15©15%. Coffee firm at 20;;Q25 1 ,4c for common to prime. Molasses 75@850 for common to choice. New Orleans cement firm at 52,0002,25. Hay firm and good demand at 5211522,50 for common to choice timothy. Flour steady at 55@5,25 for superfine; 56,00@6,50 for extra fam ily; 58,5009,75 for fancy. Grain; the market quiet and unchanged. Oats 70Q 72c in bulk. Corn 65068 c in ear and shelled in bulk. Leaf tobacco firm: sales of 131 hhds Planters' lugs at 56156,50; cut ting lugs 581510,00 to 521 for manufactu rers leaf. Whisky; raw firm at $l,OOO 1,01; rectified strong 51,0001,25. CLEVELAND, May 24.—The flour mar ket is dull and unchanged. Wheat is dull and nominal; No. 1 red winter held. at 51,45; No. 2do 51,28. The corn market is pretty firm.for No. 1 mixed at 69c; No. 2 mixed dull at 66067 c. Oats quiet and steady at 67c for No. 1 state. Rye is dull with but very little inquiry. In barley there is nothing doing. 'Petroleum dull and lower; refined held 2734Q28c for standard white in large lots; small lots at • Hia.rl.3fortE, May 24.—Flour is dull and favors buyers. Wheat dull and_weak; prime Pennsylvania red $1.50Q1,55,, and Valley, 52,00 2,10. corn firmer; white 85c; and yellow 88c. Oats dull and weak a; 760780 for western: Rye 51,35151,45. Mess Pork firm at 532. Bacon active and firm; rib sides 17c, clear do. 17;4c, shoul ders 14 1 / 4 c; hams 19Q20c. Lard firth .at 19c. Whisky firm and scarce at 51,10© 1,12 bat no sales. MILWAUKEE, May 24.—Flour is quiet, and unchanged. Wheat La weak at 51,17% for N0..1, and. 51,14, 1 4 for No. 2. Oats dull but :firm. Corn 15 entirely nominal.'. 'Rye is dull and noruinaL Grain freights are quiet and unchanged. Receipts--4,000 barrels flour, 73,000 bushels wheat and 2,000 bushels oats. Shipments-7,000 barrels" flour, 144,000 bushels wheat, and 14,000 buuliela oats. r#ILADELPHIA, May 24.—Fiour very heavy. Wheat dull anddrooping; amber 0410. Rye declined 'to 51,43. Corn firmer: yellow 870890; mixed. western 84Q86e. Oats steady; western ..80082c. Petroleum; oracle nominal at 16c In bulk; refilled, unchanged. Provkilons un changed. Whisky, advanced to 51,02 Q, 1,05. May 21.-L—Fienr. quiet atsB@ 8,25 , for , choice.. Wheat; receipts. were, 10,000 bash; .-market a shadp higher for upper, grades; extra white: 51;80; No. 1 cl - $.1,0101,61; tie., 2 white 51,34; No. afilabP4' 41 41 -: .VOrn: 71q. : Oats\ 67c.,,•P ). tapes 240, ; • MElttplits; May' 24.4--Ootton —midd ling 27!.40; reeeletao267, exports 719 'bales. Flour duiht !. - Perk unchanged.' . Lard unchanged .Bacon-12340 for shoulders; 13310 for. sidesi• 17%0f0r clear. Bulk meats-19. 1 4c fbr shOuldiars; sides Stoeir Atarket.' NEW Yonx, MaV 24. Total Beev.e,kfoi tho week, 4;842 lead;. on ,aide to - dag. ;872 YMCA:, Most of them' fatcattle. 2872 head ; 5,350 hdad wore from , ntltuds; 4GO 'head - from ~01116, 2 , oo.ltead,' from bilemuri; 'atid only : 1 1 ,31 1,1?° 1 P 11;0* York. ' Tiede waii raather slow to but, r.ll Cattle' atl7,4Ce dver the market of this day wadtcp .l )4t, ;kli;leclOwer 'than on Wedr i kattlit gtVA, the' ots' brought 1634 e; I:tat the, OS, Zgli; rlittief'filvhVorit helbisf t, , everythin being otittio•offail ander drove of b7O good 74 lewt. Illinois cattle brought 14 @Igo: 260 bead fbridtales PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : TUESDAY. MAI -25, 1869. it McPherson, 7 to 9 cwt., fine top, brought 15@163,c, with a drove of 6 'cioirt. at 140; the market averaged 150; 1,570 head were in the Communipaw Yards this morning, and many are reported on the way. Mach Cows sell slowly at $6O to $9O each, with some fancy at $lOO to $l2O. Calves were abundant, 3,470 head arriving ;for the week; they vary from 7 to 8c for small and poor to 100 per pound, live weight, for prime.. Sheep and Lambs go slowly under accumulation;' 20,520 arriving dur ing week; there were 7,500 arrived for sale this morning, besides five Cars held from Saturday; many remain unsold to night, and prices at X cent lower for sheep and about 2c per pound on lambs, latter varying all the way from 10 to 14c, with few extras, 55 pounds, at 150; sheared sheep range from 43 to 7Xc, only extra picked stock at 7%c; sales, 1 car Ohio, 78 pounds, at 6/c; 2 cars, 82 pounds, st 7c; 2 ears coarse Indiana, 95 pounds, at,7c; 1 car, 75 pounds, Ohio at 5%; extra lit 7Xc. Hogs coming in free ly this week, receipts being 22,690; there were seventy-two and-one-half cars ar rived Sunday and Monday; prices give way a little; dressed selling at lly,©llX, with live at, 10®10X; sales,2 cars Illinois - , 193 pounds, at 10%; 1 car, 170 pounds, at 10X,c. PHILADIFt i PHIA, May 21--Cai4ie Mar ket.—Beef cattle dull and lower; sales of 1,500 at fl 4t for extra ttrestern steers; 8(4)9e for fair tolloodrand s®7e gross for common.--Sheep-in , falr demand; sales 1.1000 head at 514®T3fc gross: ..Hoge are lower s .. ,seles 4,000 /mail atc512,59©13 for slop, and $13@14 per cwt. • nett•tor corn fdd. Catch.oo, May 24.—Hoge active and 15 110125 c lower; sales at t8,65@,9 • for fair to medium; 69@9,25 for good ,tO choice. Cattle 'active and steady; sales , at 65,75@ 6,25 for cows and' light butcnors' steers; $6,50@6,80 for fair fleshy, ;•nd r@7,37,6 for good smooth shipping beeves. - Br. 'Loma, May 24.—Cattle steady at 4@73 c. - • Hogs are moderately active at B(39Mc. RIVER NEWS. The river is again receding with scan. six feet in the channel by the )slononga hela marks last evening. Weather yes terday was clear and pleasant and al that could be desired for out door bus ness. The Kate putnam, from St. --Louis, Is the only arrival we have to report. She was just three weeks out last Saturday, and made the run from Cincinnati in three days and a half: She had a good trip, including 1,200 barrels of flour. The Julia No. 2, arrived from Zines vile, with a fair trip, including 300 bbls eggs. • The Grey Eagleis due from ,Parkers burg to-night, and wilf return as usual to-morrow at noon. The Wauanita, Capt. C. A. Drano, is filling up steadily for St. Louis, and will take her departure to-day. The Leonidas, Capt. Robert Greenlee, John Fisher. Clerk, is announced to . take her departure for New Orleans to day. She will be followed by the new steamer blatamoras No. 2, Capt. Robert Dalzell. The Glendale, Ca Opt. the veteran Capt. James Mellon In the office—a strong team—is announced for St. • j...3tlia; and the Upper Mississippi forthwith The following towboats departed for Cincinnati on Sunday; Whale, 70,000 1 - ,whels; Fearless, 100,000; : Wm. Stone, 70,000; Leopardl 70,000; Inakillgilia aggre gate of 310,000 bushels. The new Wheeling packet 'New State, Is expected here to-day and will ply reg ularly herafter in the Pittsburgh and Wheeling packet trade. The St. Marys arrived yesterday after noon and departed again last evening for Wheeling, where she will have some repairs made to her machinery. . The R. C. Grey arrived froin Louisville last evening. —Ohio River freights are becoming plentier at St. Louis: The Lorena and Argosy are reported as having left there on-Friday with good trips, the • latter having among other items 1,200 bbls of flour. —The Galena Gazette says the Glasgow would leave there on the 19th for St. Louis, with a larger freight than, any boat has taken from Galena this season. —The Henry Ames is to run in the New Orleans and Vicksburg trade un til Capt. Leathers receives his new steamer Natchez, which will be a boat worthy of the trade. Capt. E. P. Lane. an old steainboat man, died at Memphis on the 18th. The boats in port displayed their colors at half-mast in respect to his memory. —Capt: -A. A. Barnes, of Jefferson, Texas, has completed a contract at Lon vine for a new boat for that trade. Her dimensions ars as follows: 130 feet long, 82 feet beam ' 4 feet hold. Her hull will be built by Daniel Richards. Her ma chinery will consist .if two boilers 18 foot long, 40 inches in: diameter. four Sues, two engines, 12 inches in diametar and 4 feet stroke.. Her machinery is to be built by Kirk,. Dennis's:lc Co. , . —The latest news from the Mountain fleet we extract from a letter to Unpt. John Keiser of St. LouLs, from the Clerk of the St.. Johns,. The letter, is dated- May iltb,/,m board the boat at Pocahon tas Island,,some miles above Ft. Ran dall, •it says: "The, river is very low. Salle passed up this. morning. The Ar kansas is With us, both drawing same amount.. Fifteen boats are reported lay ing up•between hero and Fort Sully. We are oxpecting a rise." ,--Capt. Dave Campbell, of St. Loula, has sold fihe'rnachinery of theHereules to,Capt. Gilmore. It. ill be placed in a large towooat, to be built at Pittsburgh, for Capt. Gilmore. The machinery is very htrge , and of great power._ —The St.' Louis Republican says: , A new line 'has again been formed lo ply between - this port and New Orleans, which promises to be highly encoassfal, asthe steaMers to enter are' the finest' arid , best on the . rirer: . ' The , Csnimen wealth, BismarCk, Litzie Gill, and 'Mt. sissippi bare already entered, and four more will be named to enter , as s. on as they arrive. Hight steamers of vs swift an order, as those named, • will give us U.:no pachets a week, And these under the manaiernent of Capt. Carroll cannot fall to prove 's benefit td . our eommerce ftiver•tud Weather. MI uhtt th 4 Pittsburgh Gillette:l • ' LOUTS9II.I,Iii ' May '24' - I •4l,iVer' with si t feet ieven Itches of Watei.'lll the eanitl:: 71iireAherlolondvitnd'iit'attin: RADE MARK. Itt# 1 •• (i 0,3. 3; $..,1,(7 CifiIENEYS. • t. John Hare, with MN D lIRIIII E'S IMPORT BY RAILROAD. t • PITTSBITROR, FORT WAYNB dr. CHI- Osoo RAILED , May 23.-25 bbls high wines, Rodieh m & A; 25 do do, John M'Cullough; 2 cars middlings, Shoma ker &L; 46, do nllett. .M'Cully & Co; 100 bbls flour, Floyd & Co; 62 do do,loo sks bran, J &A Dietz; 900 do do, ouaers; 25 bbls highwines, Shipton it "Wallace; 25 do do,R Lyon; 25 do do, Adler & Co; 200 great) `salted hides, G H Anderson; 100 bbis goer, Lindsay, J & Co; 50 do igh wines, Millar .it Co; 100 do flour, Segh myer it V; 20t do do, Culp & Shepard; 1 car brand Keil & Ritcnart; 10 tca grease, J H Parker; 25 do do, DAlzell & Son; 1 car potatoes, H Rea Jr; 1 do hay, Bricker it Co; 1 do wheat, D Wallace; 50 bbls flour, Watt, L It Co: - 40 bgs feed, Hip pley it B; 1 car =Weed, J it W Fairley, 1 do bones, L.eward it Emerson; 2 do hay 0 H Allerton; 5 bbls older, H M'Swiggen 5 do do, J U Buffum; 131 ors cheese, Kirk patrick it CO; 62 do do, N J Bradenrl car lumber, Maxwell & D; 15 bas cheese -3 H Lipplucott t 12 do do, E Heazleton; 15 do dq, Head Milligan; 40 do do, Ha worth it D; 10 doz brooms,W Millar; 1 hbd bacod, J A Graff; 1 bbl beans, 2 do dried apples, Woodworth & D; 6 - tubs butter, \V H Graff & Co. CLEV3TAAND AND Prmankum RAH, 1 - mien • iMay 24.-2 cars stone, J L L Knox;1181 sks rye, Mcßane & Anjer; 130 bbls cOpper, Pitt & Boston Mining Co; 16 grinkstenes, Lippincott & B; 10 do do, Hubbard Bro & Co; 10 bdls brooms, S P ShrivOr; /a.bxs cheese, Day & Co; 5 bbls green,apples, 3do dry apples, Voigt, M & CO; 1,01 sks oats, Keil & Ritchart; 7 sks rage, Godfrey & Clark; 34 sks oats, 29 do rye, Awtt & Gisal; 3 bbla eggs, half bbl butttddrr Head & Metzgar; 50 bbls bungs, A B MIS; 5 bales hemp, F Beckert & Co; 2 bbls eggS, 1 do molasses, H Rea Jr; 2 bgs feathers, 14 bdls buckets, Jas Conner; 1 bbl varnish, Hall k Spear; 15 cads to bacco, E Heazelton; 18 hhds sugar, J Stockdale; 25 tcs lard, J Lippincott. PI rNmumna CINCINNATI AND ST. Louis' RAILROAD. .14 av 24.-19 sks -oats, Robb & H; 6 cases lye, - Pa Salt Co; 50 bbls flour, S Lindsayi - Jr & Co; 24 bbls whis ky, J Mackey; 5 do do, A Jr. J Klencler ford; 2 hhds hams, W B Wilson; 2 tcs do, 0 Mitchell; 24 bdls snaths, J'Lautner; 60 pks lard, 20 hhds bacon, J If Parker; 1 car boties, Seward & E; 25 bits soap, 11 do candles, J Porterfield; 2 casks, 3 tee bacon, E H Myers dr Co; 15 bbls whisky, Dillinger & 8; 10 do do, A Glockner; 2 cars staves, C Albright; 4 do do, W Hast- Inas. 1 do linui A Berry; 400 eke flour, T C Jenkins; 1400 lit bbls fish, J Conner; 2 tes sausage; J P Hanna Ot Co; 5 bbls lard. J Schomaker & Son; 10 cases lard, W B Hays it Eloo; 11 hhda bacon, Watt, L & Co. ALLEGRA./4 a VALLEY RAILROAD, May. 24.-34 bga oats, Graham & Mar shall; 1 car It e , D L Reynolds; 2 bbls eggs, w 11-K rkpatrick; 2 cars metal, John Moorhea ;. Ido do, McKnight dir Co; Ido do, lees, .Graff & Dtill; 2 do stone,. R Henderson & Co; 480 bbls oil, Bells Rittlne;", 160 do do, Waring & King; 'fbblilitallow t geo llaslee; 91 eke oats, .1 Carothert49.dolloott & Gisal; 5 ska rags., Eineazleton; 6 bbls eggs own ers; 1 car grain, W McKim & CO3g bbls eggs, R Robison & Co;- 7 cars !ralbstad iron, J B Dorrington. ALLEGHENY STATION'. May,2C... , tiRY wheat, W McKee &Cm 5 do do,Kennedy . &Bro; 200 bbls flour, Geo Steirart; 1 car staves, Ralya & Robertson; 4 do do, I Pemberton; 22 bdls -hides, Stuckrath • Hare; 15 bbls apples, 24 sks oats, Owens; 75 bbls, 100 ska flour, J Koller! 500 pigallead, Boymer, Bauman & Co; bbls oil, F Eggers; 21 do do, H Schwartz; 1 car corn, M Steel it Son. aRIVER PACKETS. r NEW ORLEANS AND TEXAS KOR MEMPHIS AND NEW ONI. W Ii DAS • Capt. F. EVAN leave as ,above TILLS DAY, tbd 23th ins at 4 o'clock F.M. • Nor thigh{ pa•sage apply on board or to toy= FLXCh & CULLLN °WOOD, Agents FOIL Eli' ORLEANS, ~fL y :24 GALVESTON.. BROWNS • ILLE. Texas-111e . new and stania.bn It steamer • ' M/VVA:IIORAS.No.9... rapt.R. D ALZ W ill leave as above on -WEDNESDAY, .tae 213tb Inst. For tretgbt or passage apply on board or to mya FLACK & CULLIDRSWOOD. Agents. - - UPPEIR. OR ST. LOUIS t _IT D iliagitt BUQ, E AND STaPAUL—Tbe flue steamer WAUA.NITA • Capt. C. A. PRAVO. Will leave for the above ports positively THIS DAY. the Asth inst., at 4 P.M. Yor (reign% or vasaage apply on board, or to my= FLACWt COLLEINTGWOOD.Agenta FOR ST. LOUIS. HEO-s i dr o a KUK. GALENA. DUBUQUE and ST. PAUL direct—The new and elegant pas senger packet GLENDALE ,TOllN3f. Muir, Captain, Will eve for the above Dort, on WEDNES DA e'. the 26t Inst.. at 12 o'clock M. For freight o %passage apply on board. or to ing22 FLAG A CuLLINGWOOD. Agents. AaigGt . ,1869 Aia,AtUIP. NORTHERN UNE PACKETS, FROM _ St. 'Louis to Keokuk and St. Paul, AID ALL LSTO,I4LEDIATE,,PORTS. On e , cf the ePle ndld aidewheei Steamers of this Line will leave St. Louis da ly for Neoank,Dsven pert, Dubuque, Winona, btlilwaterano St.Tatti. Through receipts for Freight and Passengers Isla be given to all points oh the Upper Missis alrelppi on steanmrs rennin; from this port and connecting with the -NOrthern 'Lint •Packets at St, Leeds, thus cuauliter• Consignees to get their Freight' through Withont* delay and at lowest rate:', Apply to J. D. OM HN C O FLACK, A N MOOD, Agents, or to C. gitArz,_ • 91 water dace.. mh2S:g73 CIN'CIAtfIA,TX. WTTEVALING ItA.LIWP cLscouce:J. ;__ Leves Pittabut•gb r.11.Y TTTESTIAt it, Leaves Ctneirm a 4.1 .EV.1111,1,:. ?RID M., The milt and. etmcrb txtdvVheel Steamer ST. 1.:.C: *Ell - ERNEI4 Cvinhinntler, will leave ar, annerinet a lui4ove..•. !tor rieteht astaze 2411)17 On'heaid cm to • • • .1 7 1,A.UK _d; LOLLING•ly0011, or, - - - CO LLLNa 13.A.1;b1 ES, Agents. . );reigns ret lted—ori Tuesday after 11A. /I• . • Ilti *IOW n m ID) I T UAL GIL, WHEELING AND PA k - ER:istrflu LIN - S.—LeitvA ilouinfinv ItO*l. trot or wood stroot. daily at 12 Ir., WED- N 1°130.1-178, and 94tItY P;d.tiLt" D. L. r.n.strxm t, !factor: Freight vall be received at aA ttanra.ti • lAafit:yypOLLlE& 'PLACIL d COL LINLIWI ) 01 1 , , abl3 ' • Astants. STEAIVISNIPS. • t , TH EivEnt.irooi. AND 41 4 r . ; • Q,II:3:EENFi r EOWNi,'' • • r • n' T 4.14. 174441c,A244; , i4 1 ; 1 4 2 45Atr5, , l'zzaberll.lg nizttel Crst-ofio - Ireasclo, atnong c,/-inkbe , nle brattd iTy_ brts'thr Al, rwEP'F GM OP BOSTON'', '- CITY •Olr BADTLMOBE, 4'll .011. LONI - KIN; • . Si Bing 11 1 7:1 7 .311 SATICIEDAY, froth4Si ..114..rtP. Biter, , New-Y o rat , (mangeor taitb tuizratlcat n;vidv - • - • ' (C v.itivannultat Put eties , Niters. ; - % 3 ' ad F..004= aISELD , n a Ian : ill and but. Tbe biltiaiß 11. tr.' , eat I ova, loot. Take aKme an4:7111 MISCELLANEOUS. LEGS! • LEGS I • • The Artificiall Limb Manufacturing CO. CHARTERED BY THEISTATE OF PENNA. All Shareholders are Men Wearing the Limbs Dlaile by the Company. To those requiging a limn we would say that our own experience has induced as to establish a factory here that amid make a comtertable and durable limb for a reasonable price. Aft. r try ing a number or solid ecoket and padded socket legs, we have each found more comfort and use ftbness this' "ADJUSTABLE. LACEING SOCKET" than In any oth or made In the conn• try. One of our number, a skilled mechanic, has charge • f the shop. We have bought the right to use two of the beet patents, and by our experi ence we hope to improve In every way that will add to the comfort,dnrability or appearance of the limbs we make.l We have put the price of our new legs at OW. Persons from a distance are only detained Intthe city while the measure and a cast of the Injured limb le taken.. 1 he saving to; purchasers, as compared with Eastern prices, is from 440 to .95 in the price of legs; -t least SRO railroad fare, hotel bills and other traveling expenses, and then we are satisfied that our limbwal ;toe better'eatiefaction than any one made in Yew fork or Philade/phia. It we can get orders,we can maintain our factory at the above price, and we therefore ask an ex amination before going elsewhere. We make to order and keep on hand a supply of stockinge, braces, and appliances for injured or deformed limbs, also, crutches, trusses, shoul der braces, &e. I For further Information or cir cular, containing mauy testimonial letters from those who have worn our artificial limos, address Marin CI Al. LIMB ,MANUFACTURING CO., No. 503 PENN BIREET. between Thirteenth and Fourteenth; Pittsburgh. Pa, ap18:101.5 TniT BINIiffiTTCY PLAYED OE' $2.00• THIS CARD ,entitles the bearer, on presentation, Ito TWO DOLLARS abatement on a cash purchase of $25.00 at the great ; cheap clothing house of s. C. TRAITERMAN, ORIGINAL BIG NUMBER 11, Sixth Street, late St. Clair. Nobody beat Iby this establishment, but fair deallnst to aill Call and be convinced. All clothing plainly marked by printed cards, at L 0 WET CASH PRICES, So that no one may be deceived. Remember the place, original big number I}, SIXTH STREET, late St. Chdr. . BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS OF . THIS! • I s. C. TRAIIERDIANi- dezrrtr-s TAG BOOTS, SDOES AND lAITED Wlolesalc Prices. NO. 129 ,ajMMM2IEU ma C - tut' U TioN ..7 7 ,: . .,10!TTER5. ''' Iles t. To,i ic . L n' u s e • For Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, Aci dity of th 4 Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Nausea, I - Ica -I-burn, Jaundice ; n d all diseases arising, from a ciisorderi state of the Stornacn, Liver or Intestin Prrisire4 by SEWARD. BENT EY & C FIE ET Druggists, Buffalo, NY. ,Sold by all Druggists. A GREAT SUCCESS • DEXIMML WASIiING MACHINE S. It washei the finest fabrles.' without. Injury. perfectly clean in less than one. eighth the oral nary way. ,It does not rub the cloth, but per forms the Cleaning process by steam and the quick witch of hot water; it can be operated by a child.. Ilk great. chasteness makes It accessible to every Lfmlly ana saves its own coat In doing away with tubs. • • • .. I f 3 RICE, $l5 Sold frore Maintifa l etary, at I,• • THOMAS - NEWEEVIRI • • ST A OPPOSITE, THN FAINGECIIND, AVM] NTS WANTED.I HARDWARE AND ..\ I ' CUTLERY: — ' -.. ..•'; • , • • .. - f. . f :‘, I. ~ I have In store, and am constantly receiving direct Roth manufacturers, a dornto.eto assort ment of 8U1LD.E.11, ,, .11a..1.:Ei0. A. which 1 offer tar wile on as fair terms as any hon a in the citv,. together with a , tine assOrtment p i CUT LERY, RUNS - and REVOLVERS. A 60, the bust' selection of iMECILLNICS' TOOL, cem prising. ail the latest and host improvements knOWIX to ttre trade .f • !,, 1, , , •, f , ' • 1 have my factory in fail apersttion as usual, and , antprepared to dealt ktudent tritiwerte the same as upfore the Sire-of ,the Sad of f (Vary, such Si 'ger ding razors, g3clasors, 'kiit , t , put- Ling La knife, blades, tvad rep*tißg 941, di, of light MaChluery. ' " '• • , .'• - \-. -:,, ' .JAMri'S BOWISI . . • N 0 „: R 3 WOOD. fiTRZET. P XTT8.8UJ1G11...... , ' .M5O, Ag ent etirfAr Grotskope' 6 . 111M01/11 I, 'M 01.0 LINEN 11..11114 EU, the greatest novelty In the lend. iI L I,':IJJ. !I, : ~ Aqi. ! ~. ifeatt"?., . . -1,:::, Importer ind retail dealer Ili I ' XeIIAM., WrA r riCt/4 ro/V.Sh r tr . , , , .. WEDMG VISITI!iG. PARTY AND BUSINESS 1 . ~. i , . . 1 • ~, CARO .gNOICANINV; I.O.)i.TOGRA3IS, A11148,' ITAAIMINATIiIO 4e. Prderg by rag rseetyp prompt attont:on. ,Bend for sattpis. - iiaaa chentErat st.. li , titis, f il - invo'sm Haar .- . - .: . , • i•• _,.....:_.....1... - :. * 41431201314 p.10.0t •E L ,I L 4 170 l tlll ;. tillJ,• • • .• tmenALlos liLTIWWILL 01IICLTIVAWACIE. , i l l =ll L nu max.:oMtw ni r n42lnrgliSD , StElirir , O. l % r a ttelibl. Depot/ 1301 liarket street. M. Li & Co., Druggists , PruDrtator 0. GEO. A. For sal*, wholes ajg and retail, by KELLY, Pittsburg-ED follsdia•VEß•ll Ef=M AUT SIMEN, RETAIL I, AT eghenv City. A PERFECT CURE va?..,. r4~ , ., ..~.,.. _ ...,. RAILROADS. 1869 riTT6BO,..GII. FORT WAYNE & CHICAUG P. W. and CLEVELAND &PITTSBURGH IL B. From May 901, 1869, trains will leave from and arrive at the . Union Depot, north aide, Plitt• burgh city time, ns follows: " "save. ' Arrive. Chicago E:... 2 :08 M ;Chicago Ex. - :1:59 ain Erie 4 YgnEv.7:2B a m Chicago Ex—Ds:o3 p Cl. &Wh2gM"l6:l3 tel Wheeling Ex.10:413 ale Chicago 511.11..6: 58 L0uis Ex 7:08 p m Chicago Et....9:43 a m;Chl'go Ex &llut.:08 p & Vlb , g Ex 2:08p miCleveland Ex 3:53 p cbicago Kr.. 2:23 p m ;Erie & Ya'nEls:sSpm W'e & Ede Ex.4:38 &Wh`g Ex 6:53pm Departfrowt Aflegheny.l Arrive an dllleghßni3, Bea Ber Falls Ac.8:58 ft m Leetsdale Ac...6:58 am Leetsdale "- 10:03 a m Bca'r Falls " 8:28 am " 11:68 a m New Castle "10:23 sat Rochester" 1:28 p m Enon " 9:13 ant Enon " .3:58 p m Leetsdale " 1:08 ym, Leetsdale Acc.6:l3 pm Bea'r Falls " 2:13 pm Bea'rFalls . 6:13 pm Leetsdale •• 4:33 pm Leetsdale " /0:43 pm " " 7:23 pm Fair Oaks Sun- Fair Oaks Sun day Church. 1:13 p m day_ ahurch. 9:58 am 2123_p. m. Chicago Express leaves daily, liar 12.03 v. m.ChicaKo Express arrives - daily, J. M. KIMBALL, J. N. IHTULLotroH, tioa 9 l Ticket ARM., . Supten't. mylo CHANGE. OF t.. n ,:. ;T, , , ' N v i \ • - - -' - ' ALEGEHINY VALLEY RAILEO,S4_, THE ONLY DIRECT 'ROUTE TO THE IL REGIONS WITHOUT CHANGE OF CA KS. On and after MONDAY, May 3d, lbt9 TWO THROUGH TRAINS DAILY (except Sunday) will leave Pittsburgl Depot, corner of Elev enth and Pike streets, ft r Franklin, Qll:olty,Buf. filo, and all points in tl e Oil Regions. LEAPS PITTSBURGH. lARRIV 111P11110110308 Day Ex 8;00 a m ;Day Ex • 5:15 pal Bight. Ex.... 7:30 pm ; Night Ex. ... 6;10a m Brady's B Ac 3:15 p Mißradyi B . A.o 10:15 a m Ist SodaWnts 9:43 a m Ist sodaW , Li 7:10 a m Sid SodaW , ks 6:30 p m 2d SodaW•ks 6:15 p m lst, Halton... 6:45 a m Ist llulto.. 51 :50 a in ad Hulten...l2:oo mad Halton .. 2:06 p m .3d Halton... 1 t:00 pm i3d Halton— 1:05 p m Arnold's Ac. 5:09,p m Arnold's A. 7:40 p m Charon train to and from Soda Works leave Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. M. Arrive at Pittsburgh, (Sundays.) at 9.50 A. M. Express trains stop only at principal points. Accommodation rains stop at alt stations LAWRY:Nei., Gen , l Supt. THOMAS M. BING, Assn: sup , t, ap3o. • , 'RENNWELVA-WOMM NIA CENTRAL RAIL D. On and acter April 25th. 1569, Trains will arrive at and depart from the Onion Depot. corner of Washington and Liberty streets, as follows: • I Depart. 'Mail Train—. 1:25 am •Elay Express.. 2 :'l5 am Fast Line 1.45 am Soutnern Ex.. 4.S 0 am• Wall's 6.20 am Wall's No. L. 6:30 am BrintonAcc'n. T:5O am Mail 8:15 am Wall's No. 2.. 8:50 am Flow' dAs Nol lu:20 am Cincinnati Ex..9:10 am o_Qinein'ti Ex 115:30 ton Johnstown Ac10:35 am Wall's No. 2..11:51 am How'd Ac Nol 1:10 pm Johnstown Ac. 3:05 pm Pittsb'sh Ex. 1:30 pm Braddocka Ac. 3:40 p Phila. Expressl:so pm Phlls. Express 4:20p Wall's No. 3...2:50 pm Wall's No. 8.. 4:sopm Braddock Ac.. 5:50 pm Wall's No. 4.. s:ospm How , d Ac No 2 9:35 pm •Ifaat Line 4:3opm Wall's No. 4. 7:20 pm How'd Ac No 2.8:20 pm Way Passn'r 10:20 pm Wall's No-5.. 12:00uns These trains make close connection at Harris burg fur Baltimore. I . The Church Train leaves Wallel Station every Sunday at 9:05 a. m.,l•reaching Pittsburgh 10:05 a. m. -Re turning, leaves ;Pittsburgh 19:50 p. in. and arrives at Walls Station 2:10 p. m. •Cincinntti Express learn daily. All othe trains daily except Sunday: - For further information apply to W. H. BECKWITH Ai gent . The Perussyl v aniaßallroad Coniany s;IL1 not as mune any risk forßaggage,exce for wearing*, parel, and limit their responsib tv to One Hun. dre. Dollars in value. Alt Baggage exceeding thet amount in value will be at the risk of the *tenor. unless taken by special contract. EDWARD B. WILL apm General Superintendent, Altoona. • E S E R N-Naraugge PENNSYLVANIA LROAD.—On and after April 2115th,1869, the Ps ssenger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Rat• road will arrive at and depart from the Federr I Street Depot, Allegheny City, as follows: dreier..Depart. ringd+eNols:4oamlMail l 7:00 am Freeport No.18:20 a mlFreeport No. 19:20sna Express 10:40 am Sbarpb'g Nol 11:20 am Sharpb's No.11:510 p m ; Express . 2:50 pia Freeport N0.24:00 p InlSprlngiPe N 01330 p na Mall 5 - :50 p m ••eeport-N0.25:20 pna Springd'e No 211:110 To D 1 Snringd' eNo 26.30 p m Aboye trains run daily except Sunday. ThaChurch Train leaves Allegheny Junction evert Sunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching Allegheny City at 9:50 a. tn.' Returning, leaves Allegheny City at 1:20 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny June ion at 3:40 p. rn. COMMUTATION TICIEMII3—For, - sale in packages of Twenty, bet Ween Allegheny City, Chestnut street, Herr'e, Bennett, Pine Creek . Etna and Sharpebnrg and good only..on the trains stopping at Stations specified on tickets. _ The trains leaving Allegneny City it 7:00 a. m. make direct connection at Freepor. kers line of Stages for Butler and Hannah:. town. Through tickets may be purchased at the CAW, No. ISt. Clair street, nearthe Suspensirmßridge. Pittabur. h, and at the Depot, Allegheny. For flirther Information .apply to JAMES LEFF 'Min, Agent Federal Street Depot. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not Sr sums any risk. for Baggage, except for wearing apparel, and limit their responsiblllty to One Hundred Dollars in value. All baggage ex • ceedig tile amount in value wilibe at the risk og the owner, unless taken by special contract.- EDWARDII.. WILLIAMS, al Gene-al Sunerintendent, Altoona. rITTSBITIRGI3I. ammo CINCINNATI AND . LOMB RAILWAY. _ PAN HANDLE ROUTE. OHANOT. OF TlME.—Onland after MONDAY, April Seth, 1889, trains will leave and arrive at Qs Union Depot,As follows: - evart. Arrtas. S:O3 a. m. 11:13 a. Fast Line 9.43 a. m. 7:13 p. ni• - rail:esl .... i:33 i.:l7:.4i;aek.iii. Mixed ncen ' 5:33 a. m. 6:5N p. m. McDonald's neen,No.l 11:43 a. m. 18:18 a. m. Steubenville Accommod. 3:58 p. m. 9:331.m , McDonald's neer!. N 0.2 help n: ro. 3°1.13. m. bunday.Chnreh Train.. 15:58 p.m. 9:58 a. m. air 5:33 P. is. tra i n will leave daily. 1S:13 P. Y. train will arrive daily. All other trains will run daby. numays except. ed. the 9:43 a. m. Train makes close con. nections, at Newark r Zanesville. • S. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent. W. ..CARD. San't.,, Steubenville. Ohio. ap2,l eirr T, snunGil & magi" OONNELLB VILLE ROAD. On and after 'TUESDAY, Noyember, 17th. UM/ , trains will arrive at and depart from the Depot corner Of Grant and Water streets, sr, follows: Mail to and from Union ' town ' 1:00 a. u. O:Oo P.ll. McKeesport Accomdt'n 11:00 A. u. • Ex. to and from Unt'n. 3:00 r. 10:10 A . West Newton Accom'd 4:30 r. Braddeck , s Accomdtln. 0:13 P. M. 7:54; e. Night:A°. toMcK'sport.lol3o,P. at. 0:40 w. a' I Sunday Church Train to and from West Newton 3:00 P. u..10:00 -Ai rot tickets ap ply • -- I E. 11. RArazoNtj, , ..aio•iit: • W. B. STOUT, Superintendeat. S D it 1111 NE00? -1 ' f ' UNION PACIIIC gOZ:b3 ,, Ea tem The 1311011TEBT AND It ROUTE ',Tom the Eeat to 411 , 0_1: Ciiicndo; • 'it9lll POND ' Arizona :Net Ite.w les co; •,; ; [.. Ore gOniC I • '' 7.4r0 TriineYeavii Stilt t;Ji.tri% t ofcrundAYS 0X011 0 44,94.0 Of .L ICLIIC itillitoid TOW 04. le Irtl and 3t.-Joe -Railroad , jno an Lawrence, Topeka Y 61:110 G for ill Vointa. In. It r 1 triteit .mrlat of=rtla• STATES. EX£EE ( - 0, t LuNitaw OVID ALifls COVlglirji PR , ' r ,L ,tri ...S &, I ) 31 oity 4 1 7 X 1 ° ( 4* A ifor At .; ." AU f POititaP ii* it e , 1 .• I , H i 5 ..441 ,, sae with IS pi s t or COACHES ric to. la . Airolicairff . 4,1111 t • o W a l a a n tbe r 4 aolg a .., P and equipmeß4. t ltte- £rr r tlt,Ap - , nith rssixto-OW from its west,on . tegainzus,.! Stiles iinequigled 'ocianaleli f1t , *•41410 - v,: . treiental f JiIiTrIVIM. ' ,--, !-• . iTiek s, owe 'av , the , Drthk , th; Unit !' iLlfindia l 44 l lMtr , I . 8 gay , d k rtir;, Arteut yilit t - , Oil LitaBfA ... ... A ,P , A - ,4 0 A . . ..,, v - o' ' , tow: 441 , •1,11•TR i ' L 1.1 :4-0.0 .ea,‘ —,,figgingdpitqc - - --1. a. 111, WSW Lessualifroint sod 21 . ME El O ... Depart Arri, , . ~,,,~,