El 15'0 littoburA &kith. THE BIRDS. One day In the bluest of Summer weather, Sketching under a whispering oak. I heard eve bobolinks laughing together liver some ornithological joke. What the fun was, I could'ut discover— Language of birds Is riddle on earth; What could they end In white weed and clover To spilt their sides with such musical mirth? Was It some prank of the prodigal Summer— Face In the cloud or t oice in the breeze— Querulous cat blrd—woodpecker drummer— Cawing of crows high over the sky? Was it some chip-monk's chatter, or weasel Under the stole wall stealthy and 0)1 Or was thejeke about me at my easel, Trying to catch the tints of the trees? Still they flew naktu g all over, ' Bubbling withjoilty brinvut of hi at la cgleele— r W Wondering swhan gthdeerargo h could be, 'Twits but the voice of a morning thebrlehtest That ever dawned over you shadow hills: 'Twits but the song of all Joythat Is ghtest— Sunshine breaking In laughter and ills. • Vain to conjecture the words they are singing, Linty by tones can we follow the tune; In the. toll heart of the Summer fields ringing, Ringing the rythmical gladness of June! Putam's MAgazine for June PENNSYLVANIA. THE Hanlon troupe with Pfau were in Erie on Saturday night. JomisTowrz is preparing actively for a fitting celebration of decoration day. A SEATING and velocipede rink, 150 x 100 feet, is about to be put up in Mead .„ GEN. Glamersto has been invited to de liver the Decoration Day oration at New Castle. Jas. T. I.lcJurts• d e a r , Esq„ of Butler county, -is a candi for Republican nomination to Assembly. • THE Bedford ingufrer says a black snake with a head at each end was re cently killed in that county. Bisnor KERFOOT will administer the [rite of confirmation in Trinity (P. E.) church in New Castle on the 80th inst. Dn. Thoms F. CkIiPBELL 3 an esteemed physician of Johnstown,' died last week from the effects of an over dose of mor phine which he adminiatered himself during, an attack of neuralgia of the heart. Os Saturday last a man named John )1. Reese and a boy named Watkins were dangerously burned by an explosion of fire damp in the coal mines located in Cambria borOugh. Watkins has since died. • Tax. Lewisburg Chronicle says no sooner had we chronicled the fact that Middleburg had succeeded in raising, a military company (thirty-six able-bodied Men) than England, - France and Spain gave up their proposed alliance! Ix this . county the present number Good Templars is-845, , 312 males, 353 fe males, divided among eight lodges. Of there Oil City :Lodge 393 is the largest, having now a Memberehip of 106, males -131, females Venango Republican. HICKORY Towxsure, Mercer county, has eighteen schools, each of which is supplied with a Webster's Unabridged Pictoral Dictionary,l (quarto,) Guyot's Wall Maps and Solar Charts, all paid for. by the fines collected from whisky sellers. ON Wednesday of last week a man named Colligan residing in Cambria borough, was ;eriously injured in the mines of the Cambria Iron Company. He had one of his arms broken, his head crushed and was otherwise seriously in jured. Two soxs of Mr. David Orr,,of Lime stone township, were riding, one day last week, and a pheasant suddenly flying up so frightened the horse that he ran off, •and striking his head against a rock broae his neck. The boys fortunately escaped injury.— Clarion Demoirat. Ox Monday, 10th, Mrs. William Eng lish, of Delmar, was flung from a wagon and fatally injured. The horses had been halted for some purpose, and starting sud denly, she was pitched out of the wagon backwards, sustaining such an injury of the spine as resulted, in paralysis. TSB extensive warehouse belonging, to Mr. John H. Grisswell; in Shippensburg, was burned to the ground on Tuesday last. It was in the occupancy of Messrs. Morrow & Flickinger, and we are in formed that they lost grain and other arti cles to a considerable amount.—Caritislo Herald. LAST Tuesday night two men,4harged with theft, escaped from the Indiana county . gaol, by b - reakine open the locks on their cell, and escaping over the wall around the yard by means of a rope made of their bed-clothes. ~"The gaol is a mis erable tumbledown building, totally unfit for the uses to which it is put. Ox Tuesday; 11th, a little child of Mrs. Delos Miller, of Delmar, was fatally scidded. The mother had set a pail of hot . water on the floor, and leaving it a mo ment, the little one toddled up to it, sat down in the water, and remained until rescued. The child lived but twelve hours.—Bogs Crownty Agitator. HA MM HOTTO has collected a troupe and is travelling in the neighboring towns. Last week he was In Uniontown ' where he, seems to have been successful, as the Genius of Liberty calls him first `‘that unrivalled comedian" and again "the in imitable Hotto." Mrs. 'lotto and Mr. and. Mrs. Vandeeren are members of the company. THE two hundred and four pupils of the Casaville Soldiers' Orphan School were in Johnstown last week on a visit. Their neat and Comfortable appearance delighted the good people of that place, who turned out en masse to 'meet them, and gladly took them to their homes dur ing their stay. They gave two entertain. ments width cleared them about $5OO, with which they intend to purchase s melo deon and some new books for their library Tams is a reason to fear that that the dreaded cattle-disease, or ,plettro-pneumo nia, will be preillent in some parts. of Backs county this season. A little more than a week ago a cow belonging to Isaac . V. Stockton, of Lower Iliketield, was attacked, and became so bad that he ex pected to kill her on Monday. She, came irbm one of the northern countries, and bad never been to the drove yards.—=, Buds County inteiligenoer. Tn Greenville, Argus says: On Mon day night a iixe becurred at Coal City, seven miles below Franklini resulting in the destruction of the derricks, engine houses, &a., attached to the Honey-comb and Bistlett oil wells, seven in number, and also six large woodentanks - contain ing in all about one , thousand 'barrels of crude oil. Fortunately, during last week they shipped all the oil they had on hand, ,- so that with the exception of the thousand .barrels in the. wooden tank, there was none about to be burned. TstalirOsugo Repuyiean pips .10ine ;:to' - 7 - :-474 4. V,Z;3,e'V4sezlo )_ • • ~--~ w,~- ~T-...r - ~`~ _i.. t .~:~ _ chance is now opm to enterprising opei r ators. It is the discovery in the valley of Oil Creek of the fourth sindrock. There can be no doubt of its eiistence, or of its immmense oil deposits. These latter are awaiting the advent of some fortunate operator's drill. We can see no reason why oil wells cannot tie drilled on the fiats of Oil Creek valley to as great a depth, and with as favorable results, as those upon the elevated table lands and tops of the hills of the same. ON Friday morning Michael King and wife, of Union township, Tioga county, were arrested, charged with murdering a little boy named Tiernay, who was their adopted son. The Agitator sayer We give such facts as we can gather: On the 10th, Mr. and. Mrs. King took the body of the child, a boy of eleven, to Troy for interment. Certain Circumstances aroused suspicions of foul play, and the body was exhumed. On examination it was found to be barbarously mutilated, several ribs being broken, the breast bone crushed and the thighs burned to a crisp. The body was otherwise brutally mutilated. FROM the Washington Reporter we learn that a shooting affray occurred at Hillsboro on Saturday last, between a Dr. Montgomery and his brother-in-law named M'DOnald. It seems that Mont gomery a few months ago married M'Don ald's sister. It is alleged that he treated her badly, and in consequence was cow hided some time since by M'Donald.. Lately a separation ensued between him self and wife, and on Saturday M'Donald went to Montgomery's house for the pur pose of removing his sister's effects. An altercation ensued, blows wen given and returned, and Montgomery at last drew a pistol and shot M'Donald s venal times in the body. The wounds are of a dan gerous character and his recovery is con sidered somewhat doubtful. - TILE Uniontown Genius of Liberty says on Thursday afternoon of last week quite a hard rain, accompanied with vivid lightning and sharp thunder, visited this region.-- Just after the hard rain was over, and when, apparently, the storm had passed by, a ball of fire descended from the clouds and struck the telegraph wires that cross Main street. The opera tor was sitting in front of his instrument in the office, which is connected with Messrs. Campbell Si' Ewing's drug store, and the electriesl current rushing down the wires blinded him for a moment and gave him quite a severe shock. Fortu nately the instrument was not connected, and the electricity jumping from the main wires to the ground wire, the greater part of it was carried safely off. For the instant the atmosphere in the store was heavily charged with electricity, and Mr. Benj. Campbell, who was sitting near reading, felt the shock, and could see the blue flames playing on every metalic sub stance in - the room. WEST VIRGINIA. CLARUEURG has no liquor license, and the Conservative say "we are not a li cense-ions people. MR. ALEXANDER KELLEY. Of Ha rpers. Ferry, was found dead In his bed-room on Tuesday morning last. It is believed that on the night previous he retired to bed with a pipe in his month, smoking, and after falling asleep the bed caught tire, and he watt suffocated from the smoke. A cat in the room was also found dead from suffocation. MR. Vex Kum, living near Kingwood, having repeatedly lost chickens from his coop, set himself and neighbor named Murdock, to watch one night with a re volver. Two negroes made their appiar ance' lighted a match and made a grablor the chickens. Murdock fired and the thieves disappeared. A day or two after wards Dr.. Ravenscraft was called to visit one of the negroes and found'ho was shot and in quite a precarions/condition. STATE pourial. CtrunriaLawn,county instructs for Gov. Geary, // BitAmronn county sends .to the State Conventiori uninstructed. CRaWFoRD county Republican pri mary meetings are to be held on the 23th Inst. , Tan Philadelphia delegates to the Re- Publican State Convention are pledged for Gov. Geary. VERAR 00 county Republican primary meetings are to be held June sth, and convention on the Bth. Banns county sends C. Kitchen and NV' G. Mosiore to the Republican State Convention, uninstructed. LANCASTER county, on the 20th, chooses delegates to the Republican State Convention, by the Crawford county system. THE counties of Franklin and Beaver have, within two weeks past, elected del egates to the Republican State Conven tion, instructing for Geary. FAYETTE, county has elected Hon. Smith Fuller, Senatorial, and G. W. K. Minor, Representative delegates to the State Convention, instructed for Gen. Harry White for Governor.- The Presbyterian Union. The New York Tribune of the 21st says: The general temper of the Frei-. byterian Assemblies seems to be favorable to the speediest possible reunion,/ and the organization of the two bodies is at least not unfavorable. • The new Mod erator of the New School body has been a member of this Joint Committee on Re union arid his course there warrants the belief his whole influence will be cast for ann abandonment of all technical objections and delays. The Moderator of the Old School Assembly has been less outspoken, and he belongs to a Theo logical Seminary, at least one of the pro fessors of which was so , hostile to the present tendencies - Its to 92andon his position and seek a more - eongcnial one among the South Carolinians; but Dr. Jacobus himself is believed to be—in the church sense—a lJnion man. Both Moderators are divines of acknowledged ability and prominence. Dr. Jacobus ranks among, the foremost Professors of the Allegheny Seminary, and is the an thor of several volumes of commentaries that are highly valued. Dr. Fowler is Pastor of the First Church in Utica, and has long been a favorite with his de nomination in Central and Western New York. —lt affords a suggestive 'and cheering hint at the real signiticance'of these As semblies, to find the Presbyterian church es in the lately rebellious State rapidly resuming their old relations. In the Old School body wo find one whole new Synod and six Presbyteries retur n ed from the South; in the New School; four Presbyteries, We hail their presence is we do every other evidence of the rapid obliteration of the sectional' lines, and growth of the feeling that ;we are all one people. , •,, , . PITTSBURGH GAZETII: TUESDAY. MAY 25, 1.1 Real Estate Transfers. The following deeds were filed of reo- ord before H. Snively, Esq., Recorder, May 19, 1869: at ary R. Johnston to William Franey. January 15, 1869; lot on George street, Twenty-third, ward, Pittsburgh. 96 by 104 feet $1,161 Thomas Mellon to John Riley, January 2, 1369; lot in South Fayette township, contAinlyj. acre and 125 perches David Richardson et &Lit° Thbulas J. Kennedy, May 14, 1869; four lots on Shingles street,,Prad dock's field, 107 by 1 2 20 feet 3dl 250 1 Charles King to M. J. Frederick , May 9, ; lot on Chestnut street, Fifteenth ward Pittsburgh, 16 by 50 feet, with buildings $1,806 David T. Klmmels to Mary Law, March 1, 1069; lot on Carroll street, becondl ward, Alle gheny, al by 100 feet $1,700 Mary Griffith to James Morgan, Marrh 1!, PM; two lots in Twenty-drat ward, Plttsbureb.l3le .Farland s grove plan f 4750 John Brown to Matthew Nelport, April 1,! 1869; tom lots on Barre •street,- Lower St. (Clair township, with bulldi.!gs 12,100 MORTGAGES. e Same day eight mortgages were filed for record. TIIGRSDAr, Mar 20, 180. Andrew M. Wolf to Ma, the Chninbt•rs, Jan. VI, 1869; let No Ti on Dennistoa avenue. 20th wan!. Pittsburgh, 24 by 120 -feet 4400 Charles Muldsteln to Chas Welty, June 28, 1866: lots Nos 24 and 25, Patterson's.plan, - 230 ward, Pitt sburgu, 40 by 128 , feet 4 - 00 Samuel 11. Chile) , to Jo ..n Brown, May 15, 184/95 lots Nos 41 and 42, Blowu's plan, East Binning- It sue .45.000 . _ James Acheson to F. C. Negley, Aprtl 2, 1S68; tract of land in Union and Chattier& townelups. containing 35 acres and 2 roods 4 , 20 412 Richard Nutalt to Jo , epit C. Rodgers, June 1. 1888• lot on Ann street, 2d want, AllegLeny. 40 hs 124 fee $4OO Thompson Bell to James Stone, April 11, 1863; lot on Federal street, Allegheny, 115 by 1= feet. *1.150 J. S. 11 , nnstt to J. H. Thorp, May K, 18th; lot In Chatters toWnBhip, containing sacres and 140 ehes Ja p m rc es tFlians to H. L.' r, at al, may 18.- 1869; pars of Guyrotha Island in the Allegheny River, In tans township.— , $1,500 Joseph Patterson to James C. Parrey, May 23, 1669; lot en Lib ,rty street, Ist ward, Pitt,lsurgh. 36 by 43 feet 48.200 Chas. Myran et al to John Wilson, Apeil 24, 1369: ,ot on Ferry street. - Pittsburgh, 48 by 63 feet. 62,760 FRIDAY, May 21, 1869. Eleanor Ihmsen and Frederick L. thmse.n to James Dolan, May 18, 1869; lot northwest comer co Brant street and Second avenue, 40 by 60 feet H. N. Behrhorot to Peter Lennart, May 18, 1809 lot on Walnut street, Fourth ward,Alleghenv, 37 by 42% feet $3,000 George . tumor., to Geo. 'l'. blunt'. May 23, 1953; lot on Fifth street. McKeesport, 24 bv 144 • feet . . 1111,0 Geo. F. Gilmore to Pittanurgh and Conneinv I le Railroad company. .3 ov. 27, 1855: lot N0."22 on - Filth street, lu Miller's plan of SicKeetport,.6o by 149 (bet 9.5 0 0 Geo. Shearer to Pittsburgh awl Conneliss tile Railroad Company. Nov. 21. 1856; lot of grennd In Port Perry, with buildings 13 36 0 George P tirnitlito Pittsburgh and Councils - vale Railroad ompany„ April 28 1850; lot on Filth street, McKeesport. 21 by 154 feet 8239 Trustees of M. E. Church to Pittsburgh awl on nellavllle Company, January 18, 1867; ' lot in Port Perry, 12 by 140 feet $lOO John Hughes to Pitt .uurget and onn dkvire Ratlrosd Company, November 27, 1856; two lo , s of ground dz tort Perry..." ............ George F. Gilmore to Jo:in Owings, October 19, 18'3; lot on Ringgold street, McKeesport, 20 Ivy 72 feets so George F. Gilmore to Pit. aburint and Coloreds -vine Railroad Company. July 17, 1857: two lots In Miller's plan, McKeesport, on Fifth street, 54 by 120 Let $l,OOO George F. Gilmore to Pittsburgh and Connells- Railroad Company. June 14, 1895; two lots oncorner of Locust arid Fifth streets, M, Kees port 41.000 Umfrey M. Jack to George F. Gilmore. May 8. 1855; lot on fifth Street, IlfeKeeeport. GO by 1.9 feet Win. Whigham to Gorge F. Gilmore March 12. 1850; lot No. 25, la Miner's plan, Ilc Kew - port. * 2OO P. Tilton to John (mines. August 10, 186 i: lot on Forth street McKeesport, 2 by 1 0 feet-1400 James S. ('raft to Pittsburgh and Connellsvtlle Railroad Company - . February 7, 1860; lot on Braddock's Flcldi Pit nkroati...— . ........ $1,050 Philip Eller to August Ammon. May 21. 1889:11ot on Edwards alley, East Birmlngeam, 40 by 60 WO Phillipena and Amens Ihrweit to 'oar; Dolan, May 18, 1869; lot corner Grant and Sec , ,nd streets, Pittsburgh, 46 by 60 - feet, with build ings -ARCM James Macbla to Anne beck, Marcu 18, 1567; lot in Penn towne.hlp, 15e by 133 lent. ' *lOO Peter Auberger to AntlreW imgetw , irel, April 14, 18 1 4; lot on Beaver avenue, AIM wird. Aim she .7. '39 by 140 feet 4390 George P. Gilmore to Umfrey M. Jack, Octos.'r 26, 1851; lot - 1 31111er - aplan, McKeesport...44oo BOIITGAGg.s. Fourteen m rtgages were also filed for , t cord. SATenDAY, May 21, 1600. Joseph Lind , to Max J. Wenoler, July D. 1889: lot on Jose's b street. Collins township. 33 by 120 feel ," 8 385 J. W. G-(stewart to Jams Mania. Feb. 13, 1569: lot in:Shalersville, Union towuehlp. 58 byl44 feet 4050 J/W. E. TAtige to atues Cole, Jr.. v. taintsl / tract Of land in Ro J binson township a , o eon 30scres #7.100 Thomas !loomed t oSehool Directou. of Pint ward, Pittsburgh, May 1. 1969; lot (ex Hazlett nt eet. In said ward, 100 by 145 fret - 45 975 Elizabeth F. nenny to Robt. t.lddeil, April 14, 1869; lot on Smaliman street, 12. h ward. Pitts. gh, % by 120 fe-t 84,0173 Ph esbytertoul Church of Plum cr.. ek to Dr. L. R. Metsgar, Feb. 9, 1":89; lot In Plum tow uship *2OO ,Thomas Boyd to Mary E. Wheeler. May 19. is 69; lot on Sandusky street, Allegheny, 20 by 192 fret with °aiding' $7,500 Margaret Karcher to ; n et forty, May 21, IRO: lot on Smlthltcl reet, feet trout Diamond alley 40 by GO with hatidings.lll John 11. Bailey. assignee, to Robert Ilan April 21, 1889; lot 11, 31 tClar. township, containing 1 acre and 'X p -reties, with Winba dgs 5 6 80 Jackson Pugh to Joseph Greener, March 3:1 j . 1 q60; tract of land In Fawn township, containing 30 acres and 6 perches • 240 Thomas Wright to It. B. McDowell; April 16. 1889; let In Fifth at:eet, eharpsburg, 40 oy a 3 feet 4500 James R. Sudtd to lion. John 31. Kirkpatrick. May 6, ISO: futon C ntre Street, to Nrgles 's plan, Nineteenth ward. Pittiourgh, 52 by 145 lest, with building? ' 4 14 . 05 0 Daniel NlCAieer, guardian, to Junta McLane MID. May 22, 1501; lot. No. 3in Scott's plan, Pitts burgh, on Clark Street, sixth ward. 21 by 48 leet , $1,3'25 1101 ITO %CIES. light mortgagt s were tiled for recor4. The Tlie of Travel Over the 'Pacific Railroad. , • . On the Ist of May fifteen thousand people in California were booked for an overland trip by The tide of travel has fairly commenced, .and the time has now come when tourists will make a trip to the Rocky, 3ilotintains before climbing the Alps or indulging in a sail on ,the Rhine. For an American to visit Europe for pleasure; before he has seen our own magnificent landscapes or mountains, waterfalls, waving pines, and broad green parks; is ridiculous and justly subjects him to unfavorable criticism abroad.. Our mountain scenery is as wild, beautiful, romantic and sublime as any 'Europe- can present, with the advantage that it is on a much granderscale. No brooks sparkle brighter or are better filled with trout than ours. One might spend a dozen summers in exploring our mountain chains, and still the half would not have been seen. Let those of the East who' have the leisure and money, but are lack in health and vigor, come and camp awhile in our beautiful nooks, bathe in our hot and cold mineral springs and regain youth, vigor and health. No por tion of the world offers so much variety of scenery, and it is time that Americans understand. If they want further testi .niony let them' read Samuel Bowles' book and follow his example. Cur' artists already appreciate our Importance, and. have been flocking here in great numbers to transfer a portion of our beauties to canvas, but they ought not to be left alone in the enjoyment of its pleaittres.--Oofo rado Register. • - MEDICAL PIUIBCRIPTIONS:7•The New York Legislature has recently passed an act in reference to the compounding of physicians' prescriptions. ;By the terms of the law no apothecary is to permit'any person in his employ to put upa prescrip tion unless said person is a medical grttd; nate, or has served an apprenticeship of two years in a drug store. Violadons of the provisions of the act are deemed tebe misdemeanors, and pimiebmeit by a' firt9 of $lOO, or , imprisonment for'six months in the county jail. If death ensues, the offence is deemed to be felony, and pun ished by a tine not less than $l,OOO nor more_than $O,OOO, and buprisonmeet. in the. State Prison for less thantwo nor more than four years, or by both tine and imprisonment, in ;the discretion of the GAS WELDON & KELLY, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In Lamps, lanterns, Chandeliers, AND LAMP GOODS.' Also. CARBON AND LUBRICATING OILS, . 1- BENZENE. &Os N 0.147 Wood Street. se9:n.V. Between 6th and 6th Avenues. FRUIT. CAN TOPS. .5", ABELIN, • 1 • . • : . SELEIG 2 . ' - FRITi r ; CAY.TOP:. e., , • COLLINS 'r3VRIG.T7, ' • • •!i PA'' Poe;r.: , - • . • : . We are now prepared to supply Tinners and: Potters. It is perfect, simple. and as cheap as; the plain top, having the names orthe various Fruits stamped upon the cover, radiating from the center. and unladen. or pointer stamped upon the top of the can. It is Clearly, Distinctly and Permanently 1...A.11E1_:V•33 • by merely placing the name of the fruit thi can contains opposite the pointer and sealing in the customary manner. No preserver of fruit or good housekeeper will use any other after once seeing it. . Into WATER PIPES, CHIMNEY. TOPS A large anortmenti HENRY H. dOLLINS, apl4:llf7 2d Avenue, near Smithfield St. TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, &C. DESIRABLE GOODS' JUST RECEIVED 33• Y HORNE & PARASOLS, SUN UMBRELLAS;i Knotted Fringes, black and col ored, Gimp Trimmings, Guipuie Lace, Dress Buttons, all shadeis, Sacque Loops, Bine Silk Finis, Invisible aud La Pannier Hoop Skirts, French Corsets. Late st Novelties in Bats and Bonnets, Ribbons, Fine French Flowers, Trimming Satins, Embraiderie i s, Lace Goods, Linen Goods, Pa per Collars, Cuffs and Shi t Fro* of best makes. Gent's and Ladies' Underwear, the Patent Pantalo6 Drawer, Morrhon's Star Shirt. EVERY DEPARTMENT COMPLETE. 77 AND 179 MARKET STREET. NEW, eiIEAP AND GOOD GOODS FRINGES AND GIMPS . . In all styles and colors. , SILK Loors.' FOR &WV-ES TINE ASSORTMENT OF SATIN'S, TIIE IiEW COQUETTE FA I N PABASOU Also, a large varlets of SILK PARASOLS & SUN umBRELLAs • White French Whalebone Corsets, / Only CIO cts. zikatr. THE NEW Purple and Mexique Blue Kid Gl#e A splend ld assortment of COTTON HOSIER: WHITE & BRO. BALBRIGGAN HOSE. LACE CHEMISETTES, all styles. SILK SCARFS, EIMBOIDERIES, 'Gent's Spring Undirgcpentelta. MACRUM,, GLIDE . & CO. my 7 78 & 80 Market Street. NOS SPRING GOODS NA CRUX 6c, CARLISLE'S No. 27 Fiftle'Avenue, Dress Trimmings andßuttons. IL mbrolderies and Laces. "gibbons and FlCorers. • Hats and Bonnets. Glove fitting and I French Corsets. .I.7er! Styles Bradley's Skirts. Earasoli—all the newstyles. Sun and Balla Vmbrellu. Hosiery—the best English makes. Agents for "flosrli' Seamless Kids." Spring lin d Summer underwear, Sole Agents for the nerds Patent Shane 001- lars, "Locir.wood's "Irving," **West itEnd." "Elite," de; "Dickens," "Derbr;" and other styles. DealerssuPPlled with the ibove a t MANUFACTURERS';PRIGS 111fACRIPAI. & CARLTSTY, NO. 27 \ FIFTH AVENUE z 074 VADDIOND LAKE, N 9 124 V Smithfitlit street; Sole Manamoviror of teHal SlTOfor W 1 re , Ceeteet ont.GraTel. ifoollit MAPMs. TNTEITE LIM7I-200 lads. fel r , a. OANBIZIIN • 1 69. Ig QV 0 WI M - led MI co 2 NEW. SPRING GOODS JUST OPENED, THEODORE F. PHILLIPS', 87 Market Street. Prints, Manus, Dress Goods, SILKS, SHAWLS. FULL LINE OF SILK SACQUES, Very Cheap. S. MARKET STREET. Si. ap3 e alit ttl i telvtrCarr ES&Set CO., IMAJULAI,WDEALIUM LIT // Foreign and Domestic Dry. Goods, - No. 94 WOOD STREET; Third door above Diamond alley. PITTSBURGH. Pl. WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES, New and Handsome Designs, No. 107 Market Street Embracing a large and carefully selected stock of the newest deafens from the FINEST ST/L.1[1 , - ED GOLD to the CHEAPEST ARTICLE known to the trade. All of which we offer at prices that will pay buyers to examine. JOS. R. HUGHES & BRO. mh23:01. WALL PAPER. - THE OLD TAPER STORE IN L NEW PLACE, w. P. MARSHALL'S NEW WALL PAPER STORE, SPRING GOODS ARRIVING DAILY. mb6 GLASS. CHINA. CUTLERY. NEW GOODS. • FINE VASES, BOHEMIAN AND CHINA. 1 : NEW STYLES, DINNER SE TEA SE TS, TE, GIFT CUPS, SMOKING SETS, A large stock of c 'SILVER PLATED GOODS of all descriptions, fe2 L ativern a vg need ram"; besotted. fe R.' E. .BJELEED & CO. LACE, dve. CONTINUES TO TREAT ALL e„ . „/ private diseases, Syphilis in all its forms Gonorrhea, elect, Stricture, prelims, and all urinary diseases and the effects of mercury are completely eradicated; Spermatorrhea or Semi nal Weakness and Impotency, resulting from self-abuse or other causes, and which pralines acme of the following effects, as blotcnes, bodily weakness. Indigestion, consumption. aversion to society, unmanliness, dread of future events, loss of memory, indolence, nocturnal emiesionB, and finally so prostrating the sexual system as to render marriage unsatisfactory, and therefore imprudent, are perinauently cured. Persons at- Anted with these or any other delicate, intricate or long standing constitutional complaint should give the Doctor a trial; he never fails. A particular attention _given to all Female com plaints, Lencorrhea or Whites, Failing Inflam mation or Ulceration of the Womb, trvarills, pruritis, Amenorrhoea. Menorrhagia, Dysmen norrhoea, and bterility or Barrenness, are treat, ed with the greatest success. It is self-evident that a physician who confines himself exclualvely to the study of a certain class of diseases and treats thousands of cases every year must acgdlre greater skill in that specialty than one in general practice. The Doctor publishes a medical pamphlet of fifty pagesthat gives a lull exposition of venereal and private diseases, that can be had free at aloe or by mail for two stamps, in sealed envelopes. Every sentence contains instruction to the at and enabling them to determine the pre cise nature of atar complaints. The establishment, comprising ten ample rooms, is central. When It is not convenient to visit the city, the Doctor's opinion can be ob teinei by giving a written statement otthe case, and medicine can be forwarded by mail or ex-, press. In some instanees, however, a personal examination - is absolutely neonate'', while In others dallypersenal attention Is recut ired; and for the accommodation c flinch patients there are tpertni its connected with the office thst a'c ^-o. ided wi t at every • regulate that is esi nt d ata a' ut promote recovery, Including medicatetPVapor. baths. All prescriptions are prepared in the Doctor's own laboratOry, under his personal /Su pervision. Medical pamphlets at office free, or by mall for two stamps. No metter who have failed, read what he says. Hours 9 a.x. to f( r,m. Sundays WI Y. to P. M. Ofilest,No. 9 WYLIE STEZET,Inear Court HOllllBO Pittsburgh. Pa. MUMITEI'ILINIE.-4200 , barrels 7 !Itdayott,..l4,", ihr imet - H. 11111.14` =I ME IMI DRY GOODS. to 0 ch 1 g a ran tin 0 t z d . 0 - 61 g is ;4 13 X G I /4 41 PM rnm g. r a " 1 0 -.1 • ol rk P 4 F 6 ‘lO z 74 Eli oa II 64 WALL. PAPERS. OF NOW OPENING AT (NEAR FIFTH AVENUE,) 191 Liberty Street, (NEAR MARKET,) 100 WOOD STREET. 100 WOOD STREET. DR. WHITTIER CARPETS AND OIL CLOMP, BRUSSELS CARPETS, VELVETS, &C, The Latest Arrival FR ![ll7l ENGLAND. IifiCALLUX BROS., No. IFIFTH AVENUE, Have received by ateamars Samaria and Man hattan the VERY NEWEST STYLES of the ENGLISH MARKET. , , They also offer a Complete Line of EOPICSTIC . CARPETING. To which large additions are daily being made A Display of Goods Equal To any ever jpresented hi this market at LOWEar PRICES. McCALLIIN BROS., .7ro. 51 FIFTH ..11rErTUIE, ap23:h96(BET. WOOD & SMITHFIELD.) NEW CARPETS. FINE CARPETS. CHEAP CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES. , Milrattin.gp. BOVARD, ROSE & CO., 21 instil AVENUE. my:4 dkwT 31 KY 18,1869. BARGAINS -A. 3EL I: 1 MI yr . WINDOW SHADES, • AND LA)E AND NOTTINGHAM New Stock Just Received. LOWEST PRICES EVER OFFERED. 41cFABLAND & COLLINS, No. 71 and 73 FIFTH AVENUE, myi ViOkiiio/(z1:40)4610ZIO: - 441 J. L. DLLLINGZII.•.. -. A. Z. STIVINSON .DILLINGER Si STEVENSON, DISTILLERS AND DEALERS IN Pure Rye Whiskies. IMPORTERS OF BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, &C., NO. 87 Second Avenue, ap2o ESTABLISBED BY A. & T GefIKLY, W. N. GORMLY, 'WHOLESALE GROCER, No. 271 Liberty Street, (DIRECTLY OFP. EARLE HOTEL,) prrqrsistruGn.p.e. se :yl6 Y. BTitZLIr. i. A. EITINLIL, STEELE & SON, • -Commission Merchants, AND DICALDBEI Ma..01:711, GRAIN, P'FIF"T)., dap. No. 96 OHIO STREET, near East Common. ALLEGHENY CITY. PA. • W. C. ARMSTRONG, • Successor to Fetzer & Armstrong, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 23 NAREET STREET. mirls • - . COMMISSION MICRCHANTS, AND DIAL2IIB IX 1 f FLOUR. cinsor, SEEDS, DiTt,L FEED, *C,.• Liberty Mt.. rittsbutitli, mr/A:b37 J. ILLAIICHI-1110, .' Wholesale and Retail Grocers, slltiNo. 396 PENN STREET. an Timm, BAIRD & PATTON, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants Dealers In Produce, Flour, Bacou,'Clkeeso, Blab, Carbon and Lard Oil, Iron, Nallgaas. Colton Yarns and all P'ltsbnygh Mann stares generally,' 11M and US IsEDOND 8 EV. ,Plitsbnralt. , ; . .. iT----------rr------a,Ar.t .ACII. .JOHN rIIP SIIIPTO TO N&WALLACEyWhoIe- SALZ GROCERS AND PROD u‘N DEA.L.: , No. 6 SIXTH STREET. Pittsburgh.. lal2:rSir ' JOlllt I. H017811..11D1R. LIOUSEI...IFY. U. UOII 6 / 1 . HOVE &BROS., Si to saia Gmrocael o nO HNnm HOUnM& r C h O an . ts W .Cor. tier of addildlel,d and Water Street.. Pittsburgh. bbls Louisville ayannUo Ceigiat. for MUG 1 8' J . I • Aril I kr, 11 (Second Floor) PITTSRURGH, PA