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IV \ - - •,' ' ".-..._--- -", - " ' I -- , ---------- -- -... 7 - - - - _ _- . ~:: , _. . -,------,-..._ . - - -'.--f•-7 7- ---- , z,...7 ----- _z• -- --e ..... 1. 1 ..'-'1".4-6 . 7.: . • ... • - 1 , - . . . . . . • . . • . . . . _ • --- . _ . . . - • . VOLUME LXXXIV.- FIRST EIIITIIII Z`~VELVE - O'CLOCH,~IL NEWS- BY CABLE. Agitation on the Alabama Question—lm mense Meeting in frelatiti; In Oppo sition to Church Disestabllshment— __ Propose. t o Queen. Isabella Proposes to Abdicate In Favor of Her Son—Another Candi date for - the Throne--American Mi tar Tlrashburne Presents His Creden tials to the Emperor of France—The French Elections—Persecution or Christians In China. My Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette. GREAT BRITAIN. LONDON, May- 22.—The' Times this morning .has another editorial on the Alabama question, suggested by the re cent speech of Mr. Forster. The Times says: ',England has equal cause of, win plaint against America: Great resisted the temptation -to. recognize the South, thereby inflicting' sufferings o her' people, disobliging an ally, and i fact declared In. favor of the-North, an is now Misunderstood and accused of hostility and selfishness." Sir Francis Bead had communicated several ()Medal documents to prove the as instance rendered by America to the Ca nadian revolt in 1837. He asserts, in a letter accompanying the document, that Mr. Sumner's language applies to that case.as well as the case of the Alabama. but that the English Government never received or claimed indemnity. The-Pal/ Mall Gazette also bad a lead ing article on the Alabama claims ques tion. The writer says whatever England did in respect to the Americans,• France did and ten times more, Ibr nothing but our refusal of her invitation to recognize the Southern Confederacy saved .the North from a more trying and doubtful contest: t The Weekly Spectator, • published to day, also discusses the question. The truths told by Mr.. Forster, the old and • staunch friend of Americans must teach. Americans how univerpal,tl4 resistance would-be if Mr. Sumnerlidemands were seriously pressed. One of the greatest meetings ever as sembled was held in Belfast; Ireland, to• day, to protest against the disestablish ment of the Irish Church. -It is estimat ed that nearly 20,000 people were present. The rejection of the treaty for the sale of St. Thomas by the United States Ben-. ate causes much irritation at Copenhagen.. . The Independence Beige. of this evening. learns that Mr. Sanford, United States Minister to Belgium, has sent his resigna tion to Washington. He was led satithe • this step in consequence of the' action - 11f the Senate with reference to his nomina tion for Minister to Spain. .; , !IMO MAD - yen% terday, Article Sith of theWational Lon stitutio,n was,•adopted:,..Tie mar riage bill has been introduced. The Republican newspapers of this city ' assert that the recent vote of the Cortes has only deferred the scheine for a feder al republic. not defeated_it. .A republic sooner or later must come through the want of a monarch and the absence of unanimity on the part of the majority of the Cortes. - Queen Isabella has proposed to abdi cate in favor of her .son, the Prince of Asturias. , Gonzales Bravo, her former Prime Minister, and others haveadVised her otherwise. _ M. May 24.—Admiral Topete has been appointed Minister of Colonies ad interim. .It is rumored that Prince Augustus, of Portugal, will be put forward as a candi date for the Spanish throne, and that ne gotiations are on foot for his marriage to a daughter of the Duke of Montpensier. FRANCE. PARIS, May 22.-oen. Dix, American Minister, to-day had an audience with the Emperor, at which he introduced Mr. Washburne as his successor, and took formal leave of his Majesty. Mr. Wash burne4hen presented his credentials as Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plen ipotentiary from the United States to France. The general elections for members of the Corps Legislatif commenced to-day. The voting.in the city Negresses quietly, and reports, from all parts of the country show Abet tranquility prevails. The. French Derby took place today. The grand purse of Paris was won by Count , De Lagrange. MaiisErLLss, May 23.—The American schooner Angella was abandoned at sea andt6r drew have landed afthlii pon t : CHINA. Lounort,-MAy 23.—The difficulty with the ChinesugovernMent, arising out of the persecution of Christians in the Nortb, - has been settled. The latest dia. - tchea from the British Legation at Pekin state that the Mandarin who coun tenaeeod the persecutions has .been re moved from office. GERNIMIT. - • ` • Bantry, litlir22.- Von 0140 — tt, Prussian Minister at Washington has arrived hait ' . . -; ,EI.I4Mr9IALIAED, COEilliEptCliAtift:l ' • lioirbniorj MO . foriluOnCY 93 Nii for Woust 93g. Amer.' -loan neirrities - quiet. Five-Twentiesi st lioddou 79 4, do at Erankfort, firmer at 86;%;" "Erie 19g; Illinois 94. Stocks steady. - _ _ Javgitrooi. May 22.-Cotton market, .dtillt 'Middling uptanda4l: Orleans 1134; alibi were 7,009 Wet; Vallfoktill wham' wheat 9e. 6d.; red western Bs. Td. Weft ern Flour 21e. Ekl, Corn:, No; 2 tilixed24. -Oats 2a, 4d. Barley 64. . Peas- ;88a. 6d. Pork 100 e. Beef 90s. Lalt ffra.' Cheat* 82a. Itaeon 69a. Common rosin 51., and 'fine ,16a. Spirits petroleum dgdyrefined le. B;4d. Tallow 438. 6d." Turpentine 9d. Tallow 42a. 9d. Sperm oil £lOl. sugar 365. 9d. Whale oil £37 Calcutta Linseed . 61a. Petroleum at An twerp 41%. - 'Mayas, May 22.--Cotton at 1403ifF. on spot. 4 1 1 1 ‘.1 1 Erolut May 22.13nited "States Bondi - firmer at 85x. -Piiits; May 22.-Boune" quiet. _Ratites _ - Ainarolng May 22.—Ateteriean bonds , Five-Twaittes quoted at ssg. feram Japan and (mina. MT telegraph to the Pittoburzil Gazette.] S&N Fa ‘ trimseo, May 22.—The steamer China,lfrom Hong Kong Aprill9th, and Yokohama April 30th, has arrived. She' experienced a heavy monsoon to Yoko hams. and thence . a strong Southwest wind to this port. She brings 1,310 pas sOngers, 1,310 toms cargo. Passengers for New York: Thos. E. Lynch, J. J. CorpstoCk, J: Parsons ' Rev. Mr. Todd arid wife, Capt. J. G. Creighton, C. D. Southall,. John C. Howard, Louis Valli der; for 'Europe, Capt. Denny, R. A., and Mix Europeans in steerage. 'Political affairs in Japan are in an un-' satisfactory condition. 'The Mikado had left Kirlo for Yeddo, where a general Congress of Princes .of the Empire are expected to assemble by command of the Mikado; The report that several leading Damios had surrenderedtheir territories and sovereign rights and privileges to the Mikado is oonlirmed. Apprehension is entertained by the Japanese lest'The great assemblies of Damios atYeddo will lead to trouble. The Imperial fleet had left for Hokadido to attack and ialist the Fegurno klan. ' , Owing to an accident to ttie Machinery the ram Stonewall put back and anchored ,in Urge Bay. ' - Great excitement prevailed at Hoka dido over an expected attack by the Mi kado's forces. One of the leaders, Tegu vri y, was assassinated for advocating a surrender to the Mikado. A steamer belonging to *Abe Japanese was blown up while anchored off Yeddo, the powder magazine having been acci dentally ignited. It is reported sixty lives wer lost. The opening of Yeddo remained a dead letter, owing to the blunder of the gov ernment, which placed every difficulty in the way., Buainess was , being freely,. transacted and the urgent remonstrances of the foreign ministers will cause the Japanese government to take steps to remedy the currency evil. Business in Yokohama market is lim ited. Gray sheetings and cotton yarn &plunder favorable home advices; fancy goods extremely depressed; silk quiet and firm; no change anticipated until the new season. Tea quiet; arrivals small; stock on hand low; grade offering no inducements to. purchasers; prices nominal; ,no change anticipated before the new season. China advices state that the funeral ceremonies* of IMaj: Gem Brunker, ' COM manding English forces of China and Ja pan and Lieutenant Governor of Bong Kong, took place IdarCh 27th with full military honors. English,Arnericanand other naval °Mars attended:Mits./Load. lean Minister was expected at Shanghai from the South. Besides visiting Can ton, it was his intention to place a Vice Consultate lir Hainan as soon AB he could comtrinnieste with the Governor Of Pekin. C. D. Williams, a well known resident of China, is selected for the post. Pekin advices state that unless rain falls soon serious damage will result to the crops. The Emperor visited the tem ples and offered prayers for rain. Sev eral Manchoos broke into the Imperial Treasury and plundered it 0f 1 3,000 taels in silver. - firelocipedes are numerous in Shanghai. ICanton, advioes remt, continued _un favorable Weather for new teas. Some tea men assert that the whole first crop is seriously damaged. Missouri Woman's Suffrage JLeseelatior. (By .112graoik'so the pissiobrtn easette., ST. Louts, May. 22.—The Woman's Suf frage Association held its last meeting for the summer this afternoon. A letter from Mrs. Francis D. Gage was read, which strongly urged the ladies to per aevernin the work and they would tri umph in-theend. She said woman her self istini p aristipieray We shall encoun ter. -W - She -mejorlty et our • own sex :aril ; for-the right , o su ff rage', the majority of men will make the heaven echo with their aye. - She: chairmen the women against charging all the wrong and suffering of the age on the men. There is not a man living who does not bear the imp:east:if his mother. not a woman upon whom some father has not set his seal. sincerely believe if woman would sitcrifics...as • much labor, time and Money in enderivoring to right the wrongs of society as they do now in following its unnecessary rules and con ventionalisms, they would in five years correct all theprominent evils and march to the ballot .box. A resolution that the Association does not sympathize with the opposition to the Fifteenth amendment to the Consti tution. but rejoices in the libSration and advancement of every human being, pro- ' duced an animateds discussion and some sharp sparring, during which much prejudice again 4 the negro was manifested. - Misa Dr. Grennan op posed the resolution, and among other things said the negro had enough friends in Sumner, the fieriedict Arnold pf his country, Greeley,,the Judasliscatiot, and the shilly-shally Wendell Phillips... She was very ..oevere` on. the. inert, and- be lieved that Congress should have adopted Mr. Julian's. amendment.= The resolu tion was finally laid on the table by a de cisive vote • •' • • ~, ••• Mrs. IFfrard. the Corresponding Secre tary, r -a review' of the situatien.liet ting forth What has been accomplished lathe past few years, and takitig an en cotiraginrview of the future and urging ,her co-biiliorera to continued and .ener gotta exertion.. , , • Fro":Caba—landlng of • I,lllbustors— „ , ' Heavy Fighdng, fOrlrolosnsab w the Piny Otto ttipsetur; ..liavaile. May 22,c , e1a Kay West, 23. infoTinadon has been received here of ..the isudineof three-hundred filibusters sear Slibra.... There was an obstinate .fight With trOops on the shore, int whioh the Spahfsh 'captured two , cannon incur. r t' 1 , oty4wo nicti and • the intim. 'eats lete 'eighty 'killed , and wound ,itled. , e result is • unknown. Fighting is reported near Trinidad and Clienpe goo, and with. heavy louts and appalling idrocitiesvn both• sides. Remedlos is in p'dale of,, Anarobi. • The insurgente, are 1 übiqtaitious in - that ' jurieditio ,n , and 1 small bands of Spaniards;and Cubans , ate 'Ougaged,in mutual corder and robbery. The Coal Ileepehilon: (BY Teter/us to the PlustsusS Ossatts.4 SCRANTON, PS., M11.1,224-The miners held a formal meeting td-day on - the question of stuipension. - Theinte stood for suspension, 889; agaitutt suspenalon, 408., T h is Is deobrive; thew will be: no suspension here. • —Mr. Nelson, Minister to Mexico, leaves Terre, Haute, Ind:., this morning, for. his post of duty, vie Ned Orlefunread Havana, A . PITTSBURGH, 310 . 1\IDAY. MAY 24, 1869, SECOID EDITIOL POUR O'CLOCK., A. M. THE CAPITAL. Appointmenta—Teias and Dlississippl Elections—Army Gazette—News from Cube Encouraging to Insurgents—Min ister Motley's Instructions—Publin Debt—Currency Statements. (By Telegrapb to ;be Pittsburg:2 Gazette., IirIASHINOTON, May 22, 1889. sixwa'rnoss ciona. News has ,been received-direct`from Cespedes by Cubans in this city, con firming fully the. defeat of the Spanish forces in attempting to open the , railroad from Nenvitas to Puerto Principe. The date and channel of - receipt is kept pri vate for prudential . reasons. The loss of the 'Spaniards is set down at one thousand in killed ,and wounded. The Cuban force - is stated to have been thirty-five thousand men, under Quesada, intrenched on the road, and the Spanish numbered about the same. The fighting was by far the severest which has taken place during the war. The battle was decided by the arrival of the Marquis. of Santa Lilco with four thousand men, large numbers of whom were mounted, but who, though very poorly armed, mule a desperate . .and. sucmsedul charge on the flank of the Spaniards. Of five hundred colored troops •a"little ' over four hundred shot their officers and went over to the Cubans. The remainder are neither with the insurgents nor Spaniards and are supposed to have taken to the woods. All the baggage, provis ions and ammunition of the Spaniards was carried in ten cars and dragged on rails by oxen, together with the dead, and a chief .part of the wounded were abandoned to the Cabal* who, after, battle, went six miles' to Sari Miguel, where they de stroyed the barracks in sight of the re treating Spaniards. Tne loss of the Cu- bane is. given at several hundred. Vessels. - since returned to the United States, had, a few days before, landed arms and ammunition. The Sp knish GeO— eral Letonaris reported wounded, but whether in that action it is not said. Cespedes ard' the insurgents felt confi dent of *news. • - THE TEXAS ELECrTION. - • The President to-day stated to Judge Paschal, who called on him in behalf of Gov. Reese, of Texas, that the time for holding the election 4u that State and . MlssiMippl would not be decided until after the election hal:ugh:lla. He thought the best time would be between the times of storing grain and the commencement. of thecotton picking season. Mr.l Paschal suggested the lst Monday in August had always been election day in Texas. The: - , President said be should direct Genetid Reynolds to proceed with the work of registration, and remarked he had ,men- tinned the Ist Monday - in November to , Maj. Mocrre, , but bad instantly corrected himself by suggesting an earlier day. The President bad - been ' informed by gentlemen in whom he had much rell ance, that the, division in the Union party would be healed, and he earnestly hoped such would be the case. APPOINTMENTS. The President has appointed S. B. Ruggles, of New York, delegate -- to the seventh seasioo of the International Sta tistical Congress at the Hague. • " H. G. Sickles has been appointed Col lector of Itite,rnal Revendefortheßnarth District of Pennsylvania. The- following appointments of Past masters have been made:. Samuel Hen derson, at Santa Clara,' California; 0. Q. Colin, Waukesha, Wisconsin; ;George Howlett, Cedar Rapids: C, - M. Campbell, Boonville, Missouri. . ME. MOTLEY'S INSTRUCTIONS. The most that can be reliably,. ascer tained of the instructions to Mr. Motley la that they are more of a-general than special character, and do not contemplate any sneedy action on his part with. re gard to the Alabama and other claims. In view of the present sentiment in England upon the subject, if for no other rea son, Mr. Motley will inform her Majes ty's Government of the desire of our own to adjUst - sili pending questions on a basin that will strengthen friendly relations between the two countries. . ARMY GAZHTTE. Brevet Major J. A. Hearn and Lieuten ant J. M. Kelly are assigned to duty as Indian Agents, and ordered to report to Commiasfoner Parker for instructions. Brevet Major-General W. A. Emory, Colonel of bth Cavalry, is appointed Gen eral of Soldiers' Home near Washington. The order assigning Brevet Lieutenant- Colonel G. H. Highbee, Brevet Lieu tenant-Colonel Chas. A. Hartwell and Brevet Lieutenant-Colodel L. H. Warren to duty as Indian Agents is revoked. 19341:1TONAL aug.P.MY. • The supply( of fractional currency-in the Treasury being exhausted, no new fractional notes or notes of denotnina. tions of one or two , dollars will be k inked in exchange for old 'currency until new plates and the water marked paper recently ordered .by the Secretary are ready, which will be about- the first of next July. OBITUARY. ' - Mrs. Harslet Balch ~Maeomb, wife of the late Alexander lhoomb, formerly General-in• Chief of the United States Army, died at her residence itt this city last night in the eighty-sixth year of her age, after a protracted illness..• . CURRENCY itraTzmENT. • 'Tits abitnnentii of 'currency for thti mesh *eye t 431,880; 'amount doistroyed. i1d18,700. National Bank 'runes leaned, $215,070; actual circulation, 11299,885,755. a:Aria:mint incerED. mag r At i g V I .V g ii!lT l e h rr e etrT; Third Assistant Postmaster General. PIITitIO'bEBT. Troptly statement of , the public' qeh -Ibr.hre show de&eiise of. Be, 'WM ON T 0 n.47'4,r. Gen. Teriell — etrilied here to-day and entered on his duties as Third Assistant Postukuster • i., ' ; —Saturday night lowan and MoDon• proprletore of Itosendale Hotel. ("An tal avenue.' Mbtrillanai- New -York, quarrelled,'when McDonald otruclitia Partneir on the head with a club, him instantly. McDonald surrendered bimetal/10 the authorities. ' THE PRESBYTERIANS. The Old School Geueral Askembly. , By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) NEW YORK, May V.—The Old School PresbytOrian Assembly reconvened this morning. After the usual devotional exercises. the records of several addi- donut synods were reported present, and the several committees were allowed to retire for consultation. Rev. Mr. Beer offered the following : Whereas, It is well known that unscrip• turallyiews of the marriage relation are becoming prevalent in some parts of our land, so that its obligations are disre garded many, and separation of hus band andwife and divorces for slight and unwarrantable reasons are becoming more frequent every year; and whereas, the horrible crime of infanticide is also on the increase; and whereas, the evils which these errors and crimes have already brought upon the church and country, and the worse evils which they threaten in the future, make it imperative that the 'whole power of the ministry and Church of Jesus Christ should be put forth in maintenance of truth and virtue in regard to these things; therefore, Resolved, We urge upon all the Minis ters of our Church-the duty of givingin struction to the people of their rosptet ive charges as to the scriptural doctrines concerning the marriage relation, and that we warn them against joining in wedlock any who may have been divor ced upon other than scriptural grounds; and we also exhort church sessions to the exercise of due discipline in the cases of those members who may be guilty of violating the laws of Christ in this par- Ocala?. Resolved, That we regard the destruc tion by parents of their own offspring before birth as a crime against God and against nature, and that as there are many innuenoes at work in public and in secret to corrupt the minds of the per), pie, until the freqnency of such murders is no longer sought to be concealed, we hereby warn those who are guilty of these crimes that they cannot inherit eternal life, and that it is' vile hy pocrisy for such persons to remain in connection with the visible Church of Christ; and we exhort those who have been allied to preach the gospel, and all those who love purity and the truth, and who would arrest the lust judgments of the Almighty God from the State and Natioo,that they may be no longer silent or tolerant of these things, bat take a bold stand, that the flood of impurity and cruelty may be stayed. These resolutions were laid over • for future consideration.' A resolution from a Philadelphia body, requesting that Ministers of the church be exhorted -to preach on the duty of total abstinence, on the last Sabbath of the year, was discussed and amended by changing the word exhorted to enjoin, by using the time as the third Sq`b -bath, in December, as the earliest praetl alate; time, and passed nearly nut- Piously. Dating the discussion, a member t ip b- Acted to the term + 4 total abstinent) prelitimfiternperanae,s? on-the grow d Oat , bit) did nut eujoixi she &arum This jediciti'did not OT.ititin. Tuelanty afternoon was named for c ut sldering.tia..e :subject of reunion, and approved by the Assembly. Qvertures were preaented from several ' Ptinittyteties 'by the appropriate .Connratttee looking forward to the union'. 4* the ato branches of the Presbyterian Church North and South. It was recom mended by a reisolutioia of theConimittee .on Bills that correspondence be opened with the Southern Body: A - gentleman from the Potomac Synod said their branch was not ready to con sider the tnatter. Rev. 'Dr. Johnson, of Philadelphia spoke in favor of the resolution. He lieved no-prejudice existed against the Church South, and that for the sake of the freedmen we ought to be united. His own pulpit was perhaps regarded the most loyal in the land, yet he preached the gOspel, not polities. The Southern ern branch pf our Church entirely mis eonceivea bur feelings. It is our duty to make • overtures to them- We- should hold out the hand of welcome. Mr. Taylor, of Georgetown, was oppos ed to the recommendation of the Com mittee. The feeling of alienation must first be reconciled. The action of the Pittsbuigh Convention must be settled, for so long as it remains there will be an obstacle to the good feeling of. the churchee. Action mustbe taken thereon before any correspondence can take place with advantage. The Episcopal Church, he said, is the only one wine!' is in union -With the. Church South. Thls follows horn the tact that they seek a union in government rather than in doc trine. fie hoped the resolution would not peas. Dr. Blackwood, of Philadelphia, hoped the objection of-the gentleman would not be insisted upon. If we go forward, tak ing the Steps which ere necessary, by mutual intercourse the matter may be brought about. An informal hitter was brought for ward,,betWeen the stated clerks of the AsseMbly, saying any overtures at pres ent *Mad not be well received. It would create divisions and complications among-the Southern people. A motion to table the whole subject ';was rejected, and it was referred to a committee of three Ministers and to. be appointed by the I; biederatt* • The flaw fichool General Amembly. , • -*;;lcttliatw School 'Aseembo',: after de 'Arotioutti orcisik, Rev Dr. Peor. of the st a ndimmittee on Sabbath Schools, preseetelfan elaborate summary of the Work don.during the past you.. The Ginemittee on Overtures celled on the several Preabytertes , for records of ' the soap of the Presbyteries on the pre petted baMb of reunion. Cotifinnglcations from a number of , Presbyteries *ere presented and referred. ne was' ?Mediae to holding 'sessions . w ieheat the presence of a minister, and . another' asked that assessment 1 for ex neneesof- General: Assembly be reduced r ogi eight to six cents per metnner. A.resolution providing that Com mittees to ootreeptnading bodies should pay their ow b . Oxperities, except that Committee to Meet the Committee of the ()Id School body en the subject of re-union, should be paid-Mileage' as now. excited imuch discussion and was finally referred back to the Committee on Bills and Over tures., Reports from delegates to correspon. dins- bodies were read and showed the kind and fraternal greeting they received from all bOdies visited. : The'report from the delegation to the Scotch and ',lrish MO Synods con sin Id some recommendatiosis in regard to matters of church discipline and politV, which were referred to a special Committee consisting of Drs. Booth and Sunderland and Judge Allison. I The Assembly agreed to unite with the Old S3hool Assembly in joint prayer meeting at. the Brick church Monday morning. A Committee of Rev. Dr. Humphreys, Rev. Chataow and Hon. F. W. Starr, was - appointed to confer with the officers of the G. A. R., and to take other measures tolsecure a change of day for the decora ting of soldiers' graves from Sabbath. Adjourned till Monday. General Assembly South. MorriLlLMay 22.—The Presbyterian General embly met on the 20th. Rev. Dr. Robin'son, of Kentucky, was elected Moderator ; .Rev. H. H. Paine, of Missis sippi, temporary Clerk. Rev. Dr. Wad dell, of Mississippi. preached the open ing sermon. there are over one hun dred Cominissioriers in attendance from SOutherri iStates and Ohio. Louisville, Ky., wasl chosen for the next placeof meeting. Tne • reports show there are two hundred and fifty students in courso of preparation for the ministry, about twenty foreign missionaries, a prosperous publishing 1301150 and Vigorous efforts to sustain the feeble Church. A CoMmittee was appointed to mature plans for the better instruction of the blacks, of which Rev. Dr. kr,adeau, , of South. Carolina, is chairman 'ST. LOUIS. The. Stock Yard Project—Street Con tractor* la a Viz-Rumored 1525,000 Forgers. (By Telegr.la to the Pltteburgh Guette.) ST. LO;ps, May 23.-LAnother meeting of stock dealers, drovers and business men generally was held last night to con sider the nutter , of establishing a grand stock vary here, at which all railroads shall cenire. The Committee appointed a week ago reported that the different railroad Companies are favorable to the project and will give it all the assistance in their p o wer.. Subscription,books were opened and a committee appointed to so licit stock. A-case was decided in the general term , of the Circuit Court, yesterday, which affects City Contractors to the amount of some poo,ooo. The decision was that contractors who have takeki special tax bails against property ownvels as pay for grading and macamadizing streets have no recourse on the owners of property, as the work was ordered done by the City Conncilsqn a loose and imperfect ordi nance. A rumor has gained general circula tion that] a member of a prominent Main street hOuse has committed forgery to the amount of twentyfive thousand dol lars, and thefirm has suspended in con sequence. RIO TELEGILMS. —ln f. hare all American vessels enter lag porii of_cn4a, will be charged 'the same toinagtVdnee istipadlgi —Parties charged with robtaing a mei' stmger Of Herndon's Express at Balti more 13025,000 were arrested at Ironton , Ohio. I —Sen4tor Sumner is frequently in re ,celpt oabusive letters from England and Clan'ada in reference to his late Ala. bams , siieech. - --Theigrounds of the La Olede Racing . Association, near St; Louis, has been snb-divid into lots and will shortly be sold auction. —Jatries E. Riley, on trial at Baltimore for the murder of Daniel Harrington . in Februaty last, was found not guilty and 'discharged from custody. Another New York embezzlement is reported in the person of the , clerk of a coal. odmpany. The amount taken is 16,000, With which the young man abscon ded. , —Tw4tity thousand bushels of wheat; part of a shipment of one hundred thous and bushels to Liverpool via New Or leans, arrived at St. L 311113 on Friday and Saturday last. —The Bank of the Union, at Nashville, owned l:)y A.. 1. Duncan, closed on Satur day nicrnin_g, having made an assign ment VI W. F. Cooper for the benefit of the creditors. • —At New York, on Saturday, the Qua kers commenced anniversary exercises by a preliminary meeting of Hicksites. The sessions are private and will contin ue several days. —Eighty persons who left New York. Thersday evening last for San Francisco, arrived at St. Louis Saturday night, and left for Omaha and the Union Pacific Rail .road:-Sunday afternoon. —BY . , an explosion of varnish in the Japanning establishment of Snyder dr. Finch rat Newark, N. J., on Saturday, John H. Purdy, Mr. Finch and son of the latter were' badly burned. —The aggregate amount of sales of Chicago suburban property at the auction sale df Thursday and yesterday was $480.000, the lots ranging in prima from 125 to $195 per front foot. : • --.10 ?,he explosion of a looomotive on the Bt iington county road, at Mount Holly;LN. J.. on Friday of last week, Chas. L. Platt, fireman, was killed, and EdwarrAloyoe, engineer, seriously. in jured: . the Supreme Court of 'Hudson county, N. Y., Mrs. Carhart has obtained 'a verdict for ;3,250 damages from the - Erie Railroad-Company for the logs of her hnsband by the falling of a trestle bridge. • —Sento? and Stokes, Republican didates for Governor of Tennessee; spoke at 'Nashville Saturday night, and an nonneed their intention to canvass the State: 13c)tit claim to be the choice of the Republican party. —Fred. Douglass,• Jr., colored, on so , count of exclusion' from the' Printers' Union, applied for, and obtained a clerk ship in the cake of the Recorder of Deeds in Washington. He served lit a Mama ohusetts regiment during the war. —The Silver Wave, a small passenger "steamer, plying between Philadelphia and Manayunk, capsized and sank Sun day afternoon, The steamer was crowd ed with ladies and children, who all es caped except one child, the water being shallow... —The pulpits of the various Presbyte rian churches of New York City and Broohlyn ,were filled yesterday by the Visiting clergymen In , attendancepti the Convention services, and in most in - • • - NUMBER 115. stances attracted exceptionally large congregations. —The American Foundry, owned by D. C. Hill (4. Co., at New Albany, Ind„ was partially destroyed by tire Saturday afternoon. The heavy machinery was not much damaged. Insurance on building and - machinery 118,000, • which will cover the loss. . —The Hudson river railroad freigh t building, at Hudson, N. Y., took fire at 2 o'clock Sunday morning, and was en tirely deStroyed. Loss about 110,000; in sured for #2,000. The fire was the work of an incendiary. W. E. Snyder, freight agent, is the principal loser. —There have been several suicides of boys in Brooklyn recently. Saturd . . afternoon tho body of .Thomas Leonard a boy of seventeen years,was discovered banging in the cellar of an unoccupied= house. The Coroner's Jury rendered a verdict of suicide by hanging. —The registration at Memphis,-Tenn., stands:-whites 8,038, blacks 5,012. The constitutionality . of the franchise law,. which has been under consideration in the Supreme Court at Brownsville, will, it is said, be decided to day. The excite- went in regard to the judicial election still rages. The Republicans have two full tickets. —At New York, Sunday afternoon, a German named Koppel, cooper by trade; attempted to murder his wife and an il legitimate Child of hers. A police • of ficer on entering the room found Mrs. Koppel lying on a bed weltering In her blood, and the child on the floor insensi ble. Repeated infidelities by Koppel's wife is alleged as the cause. Mrs. Kop pel, it was thought, would recover, but the child's wound was fatal. Koppel, when arrested, was found to be suffering _from a pistol shot wound. —The excitement attending the failure of the Royal Canadian Bank, at Toronto, is subsiding. The bills are selling at 80 • to 90e. The directors have issued a cir cular urging bill-holders and depositors not to be alarmed, as there is not the slightest danger of loss to them. Hopes are entertained that within a short time the business of the Bank will he resumed. The statentlent of the affairs of the Bank • for the month ending 15th May is ais • follows: Total liabilities '193,041;• total assets '3,300,334. There is no run on any of the other oanks. —The Government received two cable dispatches from Reverdy Johnson in re=, gard to his attempt to secure the release of certain Fenian prisoners. Action was, taken in observance of direction'? from the State Department to call the at tention of the English government to the cases of Colonel W 1111 am G. Halpin and others. The first dispatch from Johnson was in effect that the reply he re ceived was a list of- about twenty Fen-' lane that were not to be: released. He made another attempt and was answer ed by a relierration of the British gov ernment's determination not to release' any more Fenians. —A bill contracted by Secretary Se ward in over the cable ,to Reverdy Johnson hes been -presented. to Secretary Fish by the agent of the tel egraph company for payment. It con sbM oft single item, add amounts to .Irertetlionsand.dollars. Mr. Seward. it Aoarriii•Welr allowed cheap •Ifittria -- on Ails messages, and so became rather verbose. When this bill came in he refused to pay it. It - therefore fell to the succeeding administration. Secretary Fish has also declined to pay it. When _it was pres-: sated, to President Grant he sent it to Attorney General Hoar for an opinion, which he is now engaged on. —Mazatlan (Mexico) advices to May 6th state official dispatches from General Parro announce the termination of the revolution in Sinaloa. The government troops - the Prominicados In the mountains .and completely dispersed them, killing Paladin; and four subordi nate chiefs, with others; total killed six; , teen, fifty-seven prisoners, and 424 En tleldi: Henry's, Sharp's and Colt's fire arms, horses and munitions of war cap tured. General Corona was daily expect ,3from Durango with reinforcement% 'Another uprising is anticipated with Gen. Placid() Vega as leader. The feasts or-La Aglos Altos and Elicinco 'De May were drily celebrated at Mazatlan. Amusements. OPERA Housx.—".wimpty Dumpty" was presented t) a large audience at the Opera House on Saturday evening, which terminated the engagemsnt of the'com pany at that establishment. To-night the Chapman Sisters commence an en gagement of six nights and one Matinee, on which omission the comic opera enti tled ~I xion; or the Man at the Wheel" will be presented. PITTSBURGH THEATRE.—The "Forty Thieves" still have possession ofl the Pittsburgh Theatre; and hold high, car nival there every evening and on Wed nesday and Saturday afternoons. :In addition to the "forty," Gus. Williams, the inimitable comique vocalist; has a voice in the entertainments. Gus. Wil- llama is immensely popular with the fun lovink portion of the community and fully deserving. MASONIC HALL.—F. r averly's Minstrels, from Chicago, will give three entertain ments at Masonic Hall, during the pres ent week, commencing Tuesday night. The high reputation this troupe enjoys is a sufficient recommendation of their Merits. They will . doubtless draw crowded houses. TCEYSTONE Ern:K.—This morning at elerea o'clock Harry Leslie, hero of Ni agara, the world-renowned ' . velocipedes trian, will start on his ride of one han dfed miles in 1034 hours at the Keyitone Skating Rink. Be has been In training for two weeks past, and is in excellent condition and feels confident of succeed ing . in the undertaking. GRAND EIMBITION.-Mr& Stack Davis' pupils will give an entertainment at the Academy of Music to-morrow (Tuesday) eveninx, consisting of light gymnastics, parlor dancing, and a fairy drama, ar range& from Shakapeare's Mid-summer Nights Dream. Pastoral Change. Rev. Chailks A. Dickey, pastor of the Fourth UnitedTresbyterian Church, Al legheny, has received and accepted a call from the First Presbuterian (New ol) Soho congregation, St. Louis, one'of the oldest organizations in the denomi nation. Rev. Dickey had been with his Present charge since its organization, and is very much beloved by his parish loners, who greatly regret the change. The reverend gentleman will start for his new field of labor as soon as the re lations with his present pastorate are offi cially severed. ,