OE II e_.; BISHOP KINGSLEY' will __pyeach In NONTH AVENUE E: CLlUnAllid, corner of NoFtb avenue and Beeler street. Allegheny, Ya on bIJNDAY EVENING, bray 23d. at TN o'clock- rCH RIS'T EPISCOPAL cHinzeir, ALLEGHENY.— The Re+. BENJ. P. BRoOKE. It ctor, will officiate at di vine service in this Church on TO 1 1ORROW at half-put ten crelcck A. x., and half -oast seven o'clock r. m. QTAE lilNfisnED or the great :mail of the coming age alit ywehended and proclaimed. Discourses by-Rev. W Langarl, Sunday at 10,1 i A. . and 3r.R. at QUINCY HALL. Lacock street, Allegheny. PLYlllilUltiftEG TIONAL CHIJRCH. —Rey. H. t ion r. CRELL. of Mansfield onio, will oreach in Academy ot Mu,lc ItORNIVG and EVENING, services commencing at 104 and 7,4 o'clock. The public re ordially Invited to attend. - THE FIItsIFT--------- - 11ETH0DIS, CHURCH. (Railroad btreet A near Depot, 6W BRIGHTON. Pa. e. F. CROWTHER, Pastor. greaching EVMHY SABBATH, 1O ..Pastor: A. ~• and 7 P. X. Public cordially Invited. FIRST ENGLISH EFSN~ (HELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, Sev enth -street—Rev. SANLITEL LAIRD, Pastor. Services To-winnow (Sunday.) and regularly hereafter, at IO a. s. and 7,1 E. !Sunday School at 9 A. N. P. i '.THE Im ioil i s , r,.. cHuRcH, FIFTH AVaNua, between Smithfield and Grant streets, ALEX. CLARK, Pastor. Preaching Evrefor SABDATII, at /0.31) A. lif. and 7.30 .1%.11. Free seats and welcome to all. Sunday School at 9A. /It. and 1.40_ p. R. rgr . ittLIGIOITS.--First Chris.._- TIAN CEilllta El, corner Beaver street and Monitirbruery avenue, Allegheny City, JO SEPH RlNti. Pastor. Public worship To.MOR BOW, (Lord's Day.; at 104 In the MORNING and? 94 In the EVENING. Fredata. and a cordial; nvitatlon given to all. S, echo°. at 9 A. M. - - ,UNIVEIIiiiALIST CHURCH W. N corne N r 9 hlrd avenue and Grant at. eets. . VA Dx Mt utli, Pastor. Preaching every Sabbath at 10S A. sr. and VS P. 31. In tee er , .nlng Mr. V n De Mark will cencluae his an swer to Rem. Mr. Scovel on Capital Punishment. Sabbath School at 13 at. Seats free aud a welcome to all. `FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF PITTSBURGH, lAV. S. Gray, Pastor, meets statedly In NEVILLE HALL, corner of.l.lberty and Fourth Streets. Serslces every Lord's Day at lO3 i A. lg. iiii 73i P. St. Subject for Morning discourse. '"Bap tisni—lts Rei.olon to the Christian Lite." The public are cordially Invited. _____ MESSIAH Th — bN4tigr - --- 1 1 - EvAN. HELICAL LUTHERAN CHUiRCHAHen rmI Synod. ) Hand Street. below Penn. Rev. J.H. W. STUCKENBEIBI. Pastor. Religious servi ces regularly on SABBATH hereafter. Sunday Piss. 1... 9. Preaching at 10S A. st. and I'M Prayer Meeting and Lecture Wednes day evenings. Friend's of the congregation and public are cordially invited._— . ___ CHRISTIANS "looking' for and hastening unto the codling of the day of. God," the ..aay of oar Salvation. •" but of "perdition to ngoaly men," meet regularly to worship God on every Lord's day. In QUINCY a ALL. Lacoek street, Allegheny. Services to " Breaking at 10:a0 A. R., "Exhortation" 'and bread," 3:30 P.R. discourse, "The Christian's Crowtiand Coronation Day." 7:80 P. O. subJent,_, "Despising small Things." Or 'Tic Preaching bv Rid: J. D. BROWN. The "poor" h, k," the •• ost" or "found," equally *or- Molly welcomed to free seatsand the free gospel. _____ I ItarATVE—NT-iONI-:-.12341a1s 1984 Pa. Vols. 8y request, Bey. .7 B. CLARKE, D.P... - (late Colonel Of the shove Berta., I will deliver a memorial sermon to i le members or-bi I old commas do . J TO.IIOII It .. /Snadavo 33d inst„ et 3 o'clock P. N.. in e lid U. .F. CHURCH, corner of Stockton avenue and Sandusky street, Allegheny. All St Idlers are e. Wally Invited to attend ,____________. IarTHE REGULAII MONTHLY . I . I 3ESTL.'iIt OF THE . T. N. C. ASSOCIATION, Of Pittsburgh, will be beld THIS EVENaNG, at the rooms. No. A 3 Flita avenue. A nal attend ance is'desired. mi22:J7l tgrBtAIIONIC' HALL. • THREE NTDHPS—TIIESDAY,. WEDNES DAY AND THURSDAY, May 25, 26 and 27. HATER LW'S IMINLTRE LS, From their Minstrel Hall, Chicago. J. H. Hs verly,Manager. Compo ed of eighteen brightest lights of minstrelsy, among whom are Charley Petteagill, S. S. Purdy. Charley Reynolds; O. P. Sweet, nig Gustave Bidaux, with afail and egi• (dent Quartette and Orchestra. Admission, $5 cents . ; reserved seats. 30 Gents. Matinee Thursday afternoon at X o'clock. • P d LO CLARKE, Agent. do, SPRING STOCK E!i3 OLIVER CONPIIY'S. We. are receiving this Week by ocean steamers from England a fresh stock of the latest and most beautiful de signs in English Tauesty and Body Brussels by direct importations' from the man ufacturers. We invite the • iiummtion of house .thrnish ers, conftdent that we offer tha largest assortment and mai lit' variety of elegant patterns ever brought to i this market, at the lowest mikes.° , Grtit ildnCements are offered in all - grades of In grains and T,.iircie Plies, it being their constant, to offer to the multitude, the fullest assortment of cheats and se rviceable Carpets at lower 'rates than any other lwra in the trade. do. AVENUE. NEW DRESS GOODS! PLAIN t EXED POPLINS BLACIt LTJSTRES. PURE BLACK MOHAIRS. JAPANESE MIXTRRES JAPANESE PLAIDS LENOS, GRENADNIE, PERCALES & CHINTZES A Very Complete Assortment PARASOLS & SUN SHADES The Most Complete Stock ii the 4)117. HONEY COMB QUILTS. Marseilles Quilts. BRIDAL QUILTS. CURTAIN MUSLINS TABLE DAMASKS, &C. AT 87.1-E F DOZEN` GOOD .LINEN NAPKINS. AT $1.50 PEI DOZEN, SPLENDID. LINEN NLPHIN& AT $2.00, FINE DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS. AT 12 1-2 CENTS, HEAVY BROWN ZOSLINS AT 12 1-2 CENTS, VERY CHOICE PRINTS With a Pull Line of 'Seasonable Goods at the Lowest Prices. JAMES CARR, 118 FEDERAL STREET my= ALLEGHENY CITY DESIRABLE GOODS JUSTRECEIVED BY HORNE & Co. PARASOLS, SUN UMBRELLAS, Knotted Fringes, black and col ored, Gimp Trimmings, Guipure Lace; Dress Buttons, all shades, Sacque Loops, Eine Silk Fans, Invisible arid La Pannier Hoop Skirts, French, Corsets. Latest - Novelties in Hats and Bonnets, Ribbons, Fine French Flowers. Trimming Satins, Embroideries, Lace Goods, Linen Goods, Paper Collars, Cud's and Shi t Fronts of best makes. Gent's and Ladies' Underwear, the Patent Pantaloon Drawer, Morrison's Star Shirt. EVERY DEFARTra.zwr' COMPLETE. 77 AND 79 MARKET STREET. 1.314 HOSIERY. 10 4, RO B, 30 B , 4o B, 50 B, 55 B. Thla - celebrated make 'of IRON PRAM BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED. COT ,N STOCKINGS AT PHELAN'S. • ; BALBRIGGAN STOCKINGS, SILK STOCK INGS; 'LISLE THREAD STOCKINGS, LADIES'; GENT'S and CHILDREN'S UN DERWEAR ' - • • ALT LAMBS rsizmairis• • Old Stand Stocking St,or 0721:5. 'liro:94 MTH ANTIMIC: p ALDICUMENARD JUSTICES OF THE PRAM. Pardon's Digest and Supplement, Blan'slas tine, Dunlap' Forms, Aldermen's and Justloe's Blanks, Fee Thus. For sale by NAY A, COMPANY, 83-Wood street. inn: OFFICE OT TEE ComesowantoP ALLialtral calm/yr. PA.. Prrreauaaff, May AL 2649. OTICE TO CONTBACTOIIB. omoNtUr k! PI RMI L ANI/ l e_i be y E t ec e Vit i t wooden structure at tbe bridg e over Turtle Creek. near Brintont s station, en the rout leading front borough Of Braddock to the Greensburg tarn • pike. in Wilkins and Versailles township/. Gen Plans IlidsPecincations can be seen on applical . • • By dittOLioa of county Commissioners. RZEBY M)12411 IRV/ LA MBERT. Controller; PITrtIBURGIT GAZETTE i SATURDAY, MAC'. 22 2 186 5.000 0717C6 OF Crry Eruzi:exica Ann 808 66666 , PITTSELTIIGII, May N 113),, 1869. IVOTICE.—The Assessment for the Boardwalko6 Pearl street. from Main to. Laurel street, Is now icicle for examination, and can be seen at this race untiLVVEDriars• DAY. June, 2d. when It will be returned is the City Treasurer a ofece rot collection. co, 2. 9 11. J. MOORE, City Engin , er. A -VALUABLE DIRECTORY. TOE UNITED STATES POSTOFFICE GUIDE A list of the Postodiees in the Malted states.with the names of Postmasters annexed, rates of post. aye. and iklarge amount of valuable matter. Pr. ee la paper. 62115; bound. *3.00. For sale by - & cularANY. 65 Wood street. A e, VAL ABLE BOOK FOB E— DI CHAN CS AND ENHIS XERS.—The Prac tical Engine , a treatise on the &object of mod eling. constructing and running Steam Engines: containing, also, directions in regard to the ca rtons kinds of machinery connected with steam power; prepared with spec.at reference to .the need of Steamboat Owners, Cap:alns, Pilots and . Engineers, and also connected with Stationary Steam Engines on land or water. By Jour WAL LACE, Practical Engineer, Price are dollars. I Sent by mall - oh receipt of price. For sale by X LT.& COMPANY, Booksellers. 65 Wood street,. Pittsburgh. DM N THE DiSTRICT COURT OF T UNITED STATES FOR THE WEST RN ISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. DEO. L. MCCLINTOCK, a bankrupt under the Actor ogress of March Xd;1867, having applied fora disc arge from Si! his debts and other claims 7 . provable under Saki Act. by order of the Court. notice l hereby given to all Creditors who nave proved t ell. debts, and otherrsona Interested, to none on the llth day S AMUEL, 1869 at j 10 o'cl kA. st., before HARiEIt, Esq., ester In,Bankruptcy. at ce, No. 93 Diamond street, Pittsburgh. Pa ., to 'show cause, 1 any they bait., why a discharge should not be nted to the said bankrupt. H. C. McCANDLESS, Clerk of U. 8. Distrlcs Court for pain District. my 22 :1 si - V ITED STATES INTERNAL BURNER. TWENTY-T/11RD DISTb.ICT. • , COLLECTNL'S r.NOTICE. - corms coLtscron ; Hrtaxur 23d Collection District of Pennsylvania, N 0.67 Water St., Allegoeny Clt y, May /8, 'B9. Not'ce Is hereby given that the annual Sets of SPECIAL TAXES, formerly termed LICENSES, and of the taxes on ' • acmes, Carriages, Watches, Silver Plate • Le., are now In this once, where payment will be reeetyeclthereon by the golleetor on and after the let DAY MP JUNE, 1869. These ta2es, hating become dee, must be veld before the 75th DAY OF ifUNE, 1659; other wise, addltiOnalexpenses will brlncorred b7tbe tax-payer.. E. BMITINGTOIi, Esq., Deputy Colleettir of the county of Armstrong, and. EDWIN LYON, Esq., Deputy Collector fur the county of NuLuz'. will be ready to recel re, after the Ist of June, for their respective counties, and will post notices designating the times and places, when and where they wfil.ba Orspared tame the times *Weal able by them. Taxensinystplo only lil lersenbaelre or 'national currency. Ofdoe heirs from 9 to 3 F. N - arm* SULLIVAN, MTIIIOII OFFICE OF CITY ZNanntia ANDAStr,II,IMOI9 Plttsburzh, May 1809. XOTICE.--The °Assessment for grading stre et sving Smallman or from Hazel to Clark ls now ready for exam,. natton, and can be seen at Mb °thee until TRES- Ddy„. June Ist, when It will be returned to the 01 47A'reasurer's once for collection, me2I:;N.J. MOORE. 018 CITY ENGINEER.. _ . UIMC* or 0/27 ENG/Nltin AtrD 8 1 1 / 1 1 11701t. Plttsburin. May Al. 1869. OTICE.---The Assessment for Nthe Boardwalk on Fifth avenue from Brady street to Murohy Street. is now ready for exam.- natlon,_anu can be seen at this °nice until TUES DAY,_ June let, when It will be returned to the t.ity Treasurer's office .fu collection MEM KEELER'S PAT. QUICK SCALES WASH POPLINS BLUE AND WHITE PLAID POPLINS SCARLET AND WHITE PLAID POPLINS ALPACA. LUSTRES, HANDSOME COLORS FINE BLACK ALPACAS- I ' PINK BUFF AND BLUE JPERCAJLJES HEAVY BLACK - SILKS. A Large Quantity, of Above Goods Just Opened at Very Low Prices at WILLIAM SEMPLE'S. No. 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY VALITA L IFLE WORK FOR CONTRACITORSI& BUILDERS. Burst's Arellteoturai Surveyor , . Rand Book, containing Formelu, Table' and Memoranda tor Architects and others engaged. Pricege.lllll. KAY & COM PANY. 65 Wood street COLLECTOR. H. .T. MOORS. OUT Zug!neer NOW ADVERTISEMENTS. ALI CAN 111 1 SUITED PR ICES, STYLES, LADIES' MATS, CHILDREN'S HATS BONNETS, RIBBONS; SUN UMBRELLAS, &C., WHOLESALE & RETAIL WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, No. 180 and 182 Federal &met, ALLEGHENY CITY OPTIC* OP ENIHNICZE, ALL/A:MIXT crrr, PA., May 16 Ili, 181h1. NO/let r • • : IS SZEttini' GIVEN _ - . !TO ALL PROP TY HOLDERS IN T .1 . __ • . CITY OF LEGHENT, . That on and after the 90th DAI OF Id ALIEN)°, the act of sembiy providing for the registry of lot, la the City of Allegheny. of which the 3d and 4th sect/ us .are hereunto atf• ' _ ys tided, will be enforced: • SIICIIOs 3. Te enable the Zogineer to keep up the books of said plans, Italian be the duty of au parties +equine& real estate by purehsse, will, descent, partition Or otherwise to make report to him of such eonveyance or transrer, with the precise dimension. mid local!. y of the premises andsodoleg the same shall be received without eharge and noted on the deed or title paper by the I;tty Engleeer or his assistast, but ,f the said part or parties acquiring real emste as a oresaid shalLomlt or neglect said duty, LAI' shall be sub• and leer. to such line or fines as berelaafter set ',nth provid.4 fnr in I:fiction 4th of this Am; and the Recorder of Deeds of said coon ty of Alleghe ny shall not admit the deed of conveyance to re cord in his °face, and say Recorder of Deeds who shall admit to record any deed of conveyance of a lot or parlor lot within the t ity of Alleghe . 'fly. watch na . not been registered, shall for each offence be sub etc. to a tine of dye dollars, to be recovered by summary conviction or by moat ac- - tion In the name of the tilfy of Allegheny, he t .re the Mayor or any Alderman of said clky.and - shall be /fable to indictment ior urbidemesuor in office. MonbaCTION 4. It shall be the duty of all owners suses nod lots tof urn fah forthwith desert p. of their nropere to the Engineer to aid him In making sip hie 8..0 s of Plum; and whenso- ever each description, shall have been so fur-. ntslied and the certiff cate of the Engineer og his assistant. shall be reemved, foroperty so re turned shall be subject to sale tazes or other municipal claims, thereafter to acc rue its of record th •reon. except in the name of the a own..den eras returned and a'ter recovery by suit and ger • vice of the writ on him made as in case of a UM- • mons. And on and atter that date all deeds or title pa pers pertaining to property within said limits must be presented at this *Mee for registry as by law required. USA% DAVIS. • City Engineer. .ENERAL AGENCY • YOH TilF. AMERICAN STRAWBERRY • BASKETS AND CRATES, • • Delivered in Pittsburgh Free ot• Freight, At manufaeturers' prices at the factory. We have the EXCLUSOVE AGENCY for this Berry Box, the oue in which are shipped by .1. KNOX Thousands of Quarts of Berrie's Daily To U n doubted Philadelphia during the sea son. y the best box 1u every way yet invented, for either markets or for shipping. crates holdin_g from 44 to 90 plat boxes. and from Trade 9quart boxes. • ThelliroLoned at-factory discounts. Ws W. KNOX, - Agricultural House, 187 Liberty Street, .- PITTSBURGH. m1:;1111.7998 • MYLS:JaI rLOLTZHAN & WIEDERHOW - 100 sThird.Avenue pholstenand Dollen in Curtain Goods, Mart the attention of their friends sad the public to their duel, assorted stookid Lab and Nonfat/ham '•-curtains Vestibule I.alles, Damask Reps. Ferry's *mean Cloth. 'asui, De7aaee , Oils Corateos. Galt and Weisel Mouldlep, 8 P ,121 1 Bed , Of eVertOr Make, Hatt I/striae' (pure .white hair.) Pillows. Bolsters, and everything Fertstillox to a lint class bed. The latest Paris and Berlin desimis tor Draperlei atthe inspection or their Customers. Pare white Eastern bhow Feathers always, oa band. HOLTZMAN' & WIEDERHOLD. NO. 100 THIRD AVENUE. inya:l93 WOOD TURNNO,L SCBOLL SAWING, AND MOULDING • • tt to order at lel Laeoek street,.&l - G P. LicI3ZELTER & CO. , The best attention will beeves to all who want "'lmo/ in oar Hue. We Allens keeps large l e r of .carned , work. Mich as Baltimore.- Mewl c r estolptbs. 10. Militia good stook ot dry ait Caos l 7 l . l s 0 yilatill 010 .1*C Is 7 • ' " • sissalTass CO* , . , ISi IEOI QUANTITIES FLOWERS - Ur' F ENNISIELIPAIIIIA HAIL= BO A D CO. TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT. Pd., 'April 3,11409. TO THE. S TOCKHOLDERS OF THE- PENN SYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. All Stockholders, as registered on the Books of this Uompany on the 30th day of Aprll. 1860, will be entitled to subscribe tor THENTy-FIVE PER CEN3'. of their respective Interests In New Stock, at par. as follows: .1 0 1rst. Fifty per cent. at the time of subscrip tion, between the 15th day of May, 119011, and the 30th Msy or - June, 1869. Second. Fifty per cent, between the 15th d tY of Novemher, 1809. and the 31st day of Decem ber, /850; t or. if Stockholders should prefer, the whole amount may be paid up at the time of Sub scription. sard each Instalment so palaup EMIR be entitled tOke pro rata of the Dividend'that may be declareden full shares., Third. That every Stoenolder, holding less than four Shares, shall be entitled to subscribe for one shire; and those holdinr more than a multiple of fostishares shall be et:titled to-sub. scribe for an additions! share. ' /berth. An shires upon which Instalment:a are yet - to be Paid under Resolntlen of May 13, 1869, will he entitled to their allotment of the Twenty-Aloe per at par, as though. trey were paid in full; inyetial : @WAS T. FIRTH. Treasurer.. PARASOLS, Ea ri G. IttAIMMER & Roars At their new establishment, No. 48 88VENTH AVENUE. have a large meek of elegant and , fashionable PARL OR, LIBRARY & 1311DROON FURNITURE ATTERFREASONAESLE PRICES. We have erected a large Factory, and are ore pared.to MI all orders on shortest . notice. We Satter ourselves of always having made good , work, and it felll always be our endeavor tocon. tlnue, having , . a large number of experienced workmen. and a foreman' of 26 years expert. cave at'the stltde to seperlnt4 L nd all work before raving the Firnors. We utt 'no machinery; all our work Is aace by hand, and for durabilltiand elegance It cannot be excelled. InT8:.11 C. G. HAMMIER &SONS. MRS. STOW E'S NEW NOVEL:' • By HARRIET BEECRER STORE. author or Ilitele Tom's Cablo.'• ••:Aunett of Sorrento." de, One volume, lAttio. GUIS pages. ISX UOl MEN, WOMEN AND GHOSTS, By the author of "Oates Mar." One eohnne 13mo. 81.30. FOR SALE BY R. S. DAVIS dr;CO., 193 Liberty Street, • mymm, i " AB SIXTH. • FEDER Al OIL LORIPA.NIf w-- In pursuance . of an order from the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny county. Pennsylva nia. the Directors of the FEDERAL OIL COM PANY have this day declared a dividend of TEN CENTS per shirt , payable forthwith to the legal holden ofatockl in said company. on retort* t the Secretary of icertificates or other evidence of ownership. All parties are ereby notified that dividends,. nclaimed for a period of six usonths.wili be dig osedsof according to law.. By order of the Board. ' 1 i A. B. MILES, Secretary. Office, Duquesne Way,. 3 doors below Ninth St.. Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh. Ps. sburgh, April .98, 1869. apM:ifT $43.000 TO LOAN ON BOND I AND MORTGAGE. Books settled and accounts promptly collect • ed. Rouses and Lots in Pittsburgh and Alleghe ny. Cheap Houses and Lo aln katt Licterty and B. addocks. scree, s plendid eld A very desirable farm of 10 young orchard.' good tallln house, with stor e-room attached; spring of never water: sear Economy, on the !Inc of P. Ft. W. & C. R. W.; for sale very cheap. lowa Missouri and 'Virginia land for sale. Enquire of THOS. SIMPSON & R. L ROLLAND , Brokers and Beal Eslate Agents.' 139 GRANT STREET, . my, ußce back groom. Our Etuorramys OrriCY., NAmmolimy erre. Par. May 17 * 1869 .1 OTICE.—The Assessments for Grading an di Paving of i . WARD ALLEY, From Allegheny a 4 "nue tee sadawtek meet, a re now ready for exaMinstion. and can be seen at the °dice of the 01 4 - Znyineer until KAY 96th, 1809.whensItey will be placed in the hands of the City "'lmmure: for eUlleotion. sy_lB:.ss3 ,I: CHARLES DAVIS, litifilimalnear. .1 - CE! ICE! I ICE: . . wat.izazsa, . IC E'DEALER, I* No. t 55 Diamond A ll ey ITROU , .___ l PrivlD, PA. 4 9' Allie* Orders addreised to . KREII9, illibth ward, Allegheny , will fee Prompt attention. Wagons running In Plttabu h and Allegheny. ~n1715:110 . 1 ---._____,_____ 17BITILDAN DWELLING HOUSE FOR RENT.—a. 'nod Two Story rick Dwelling Rouse of hall, five rooms and otilar. two po.cht e, two cemented cisterns and a well of water, fruit and shad.. trees. shrubberbs frame stable. &a.. In a healthy and agreeable io cation on Mt. Washington; a tine view of the cities, rivers and surrounding country. . Imme diate possession. Apply so Di CUTHBERT & BOW. nreVi i 39 Sixth Avenne. — 7 , 7. COZ * M'N.I.ISTGr. We shall open a stain of 131:120dES )(MUNE AT 1a our . Botatl Liepartment, SATUBDAX. /kir SAL- WARilligne - - •58 Sousa smog, e*WAVIOt Welt. = arJUIVIDEND NOTICE. -The Run ODirectors of the Pittsburgh and Cherry il Company have declared a dividend of SIX PER GENT. on the capital stock of the row • PanY.!payable forthwith at 112 Wood street. " a nt. HENRY BLEB ER. Secretary, tal'" , NOTICE TO, CONTRALC , TOES. • Chaitiers Valley.. Railway Letting. PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the undersigned at Steubenville, Onto, until SATURDAY; MAY 29th, 1669,f0r the grading, bridging and ballasting or 14 miles of the Char tiers 'Stanek Rallwar, between Mansfield and "Canondburgh. Map, profile and statement of quanta es can be seen, and (stalled Information will beg vett at the Engireer's Office, In Steu benville, &Ler Saturday, 18th Inst. • M. J. BECKER, Stsuilszivu.r.s, Msy 20, 1869. Ergineer. myl2l 11W,' PENNSTLVANIA HAIL EDAD COMPANY. TiIEASMHZIt'S DEPARTMENT. PHILADELPHIA. May 3d, 1809. OTICE TO IS I OCKHOLDERS: The Board of Directors have this day declared a semiannual dividend of FIVE PER CENT. on the capital stock of the Company. clear of Na tional and State taxes, payable in cash on and af ter Mar 30. 1889. Blank mowers of attorney for collecting divi dends can be had at the office of the Company. No. 3385. Third street. The onlre will be opened at 8 A. It. and closed at 4 p. xi. from Mxy 30 to June 5, for the pay ment ondlvidends, and after that date from f/ A. X. to 3 P. M. THOMAS T. FIRTH, Treasurer. NOTx.-r-The Third Insta'ment on New Stock of MB Is (We and payable on or..bafore June 18. my8:1981 (Late ofi the Om of Rammer & Damien OLDTOWN FOLKS mar N orrosa—••ro ut ••11,- date.' "Lost.• ' "Wants," ••IttAinot.f, "Boarding.' do., mot szleocting;YOUß LINES eeseh 10iii Ihr. 8L1166 in these tionno once for SP- PI airxrg : each 7444(01441ii11ig FIV-+ vErirrs. W TI-- HELP WNTED---HELP.--AT ".M.. PLOYMENT OFFICE, No. 1 St. Clair Street, Boys. EIIRLS and 11EN, for different kinde of employment. Persons Wanting help of all kinds can be supplied on short notice. WANTE D --- AGENTS . W A . N 2o T eE p p er .-- mon A th ‘ , E y ekrsirwt—re.Zale and COMMOfemale. to introduce the si RiitincE IMPROVED N SENSK FAMILY SlF.Wiliai MA_ CHINE. This machine . win Evtch, hem, fal tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and ersbrolder, 1,1 a most superior manner. Price only s, ~i, warranted for live years. We will Day 111,006 for any machine that will sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic seam than oun. It makes the ' , Elastic Lock eitlteb.'' EVert Neeelld stltob can be -cut, and- still the cloth can not be pulled apart without tearing it. We PIY &steam from $7O to $2OO ptr month and expenses, or commission from which twice that amount can be made. Address liEfollll & t 0., Pittsburgh, Pa.. M. Louis, Mo., or Boston, Rase. • OAIITIO*O ti not be Imposed upon by other • parties palming off worthless cast' iron machines, under the same name or otherwise. Ours 1* the only genuine and really practical cheap machine manufactured. 11, ANTED - AGENTS.--TO sett the American EnMina Ifachine. Price $ 5. The ihnpleaChea t and beat Knitttnir Machine aver Will knit 1 10.000 Mrstitches per_ minut e ._____ Liberal inducracenta to Irk C A d i . d , To g s tiBni,ELT4 rKSVIZgiNg.' SELECT EICITOOL.—A person' 1,..) desirous of carrying on a Sels.ct School ca secure a position Widen has paid the present. principal 33,000 during the present year. Call at No. 94 W yile street, the the present week, from 6 Ha 9 P. 6. WANTED. - BOARDERS. -A. mai and wife or two geotlemen can be_i Modal wit a room uti md Boor, wit boort/ r at 18 Wylie e t reet. WANTED. --House of • 6. or 6; rooms. within the limits of the old wards. Address U. 8., 11AZETTE UFFICE, stating loos- Uon and .terms. WANTE P. - 110 ,ABDERS.- . few good boarners can be accommodated with good board' by the week, day or meal at /59 SECOND AVENUE. yo-urr.-Wiiur Large Moan% No. AZ River avenue, at $l7 per month.' uquire on the pr naves. rLET—One Two-gtor — T -- i -tftriFlL.- eny - Owelling House, in a good location In Aiie 01y. Inquire of H. A. GRAHAM, a t rahwee&Bell,alwifiltate tie Pitt rho LEL—Besise on - Centre ..o.. AL ICNlTE.—fias. Water, &c.,very convenient. Oat of sYaston, Rent Immo per m. moon at 121 Ce Otte avenue, Pittsburg°outh. Call kLET 241 Ey , of" No. 26 - Diamond, Allegheny. Fld story peen lae se bles. for a private eehool. ineture on the • _Two One at BOOM In GAZETTE BUILDING. mi AKA/ ng Booms, 191Pand B 8 Fifth avenue. FOR SA LE rR SALE.— Blount Diana roamlry. Main building is iron clad; size Ox6lf lest, with cupola. cranes, euelne,boPer, and everything required in the business In first rate working order, with a large lot of useful pat terns. Is sltuattd In the best InatltlfitetUrillg dis trict In Pittsburgh- There is ample room to • double its present capacity, having a front of 144 feet front on Allegheny Valley Ralfroad.oP posite Union Iron Milts, and running. 120 'feet back to Spruce alley. Can be bought at a bar gain. For particulars Inquire at J. B.' Epnlnva • Real Estate Office, of, Peon street. near Butler, Pittsburgh, Pa. VoitSALE it e one- in terest In the Drug Store of BL ACKISTON rt. MeGREtiOR, •Iti Bellaire, Ohi. They are doing a thriving business, and the l ocal ion Is one of the In Eastern Ohio. 'lesson for health of isnidy. Terms reasonable. seltln g Apply soon. VOR SALE.—LAND--la. acres, .A.:. In the .13twrd, fronting on uentre ave nue. Craig a d haeille streets. Ibis Is a desira ble location for country retadences; well watered and near Penna. It K. and East LlberLy Passen ger Railway. Will be sold as a whole or In lota of from one to fire acres. Enquire of W. K. ?ATLI/kg, 74 7Wo d street, or atillareeldence on lievllle street, near the properly. or of HENRY LLOYD, Kensington Eon Works, lil76:180 ~_.___,_____—._._______ _ F' FOR 9LA MINION T yp E Actic ee ErlV.l2. ar-Y as good as lb:rkOß ii4LE. jrTIR e remains. or. tte Refinery by the late fire at Clara Oil s, condoling of Boilers, Billls.rampo,Con densing Tanks. de. together with the g gr 41371113 `47.l'.'f'eatrett A . V. n ea r is Allegheny river. Apply to RENY, JAGERIN CO., at works. R 9 TAHE —FOR •IIALR.—The FOURTEEN MLR 1 AND, on the Allegheny River, and now used for gardening purposes; well improved and In a high mate or-cultivation; containing 40 or 00 acres, now offered•at a bargain. Call soon. A.so, other Farms In good locations. Woolen Factory'. two Houses, and twenty acres of land on the Central Railroad. Rouses and Lots For Bale and To-let In both cities. For nuttier par millers inquire of WThgatat WARD. teas 110 raut street. opposite Cathedral. OR BALE. A MEAT' FARM in Jefferson county, or 100 acres, 10 of which are cleared and 30 in Ana timber, all underlaid with an Bfeet vein of coal; large orchard of choice fruit; will sell for IMP per acre on easy terms. 13 ACRES of level ground near Jack's RlM— well adapted for a small fruit Armand garden, log. 3,IACRES of ground in Freedom; sPlendid },. catfrin for grapes, or to lay out in building lota. 3 BUILDIKO LOTS on Lyndham 'street. 10 VACANT LOTS on Locust street.. For particulars, esquire at 87 Grant street. T1:187IN it ILE FOR SALE. Near Osborn Station, on the Pittsburgh. Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railroad, TWO. U:)TS, Containing Abont Two Acres Each. ENQUIRE OE W. MACKEOWN St BRO.. eltual 195 Liberty Street. NATIONAL MILAI4f4 AT ALTON. ILLMOES, wl/l ite sold wltblii thirty days. tor dimwit:4lv* circular ! apply to Plitt3T NATIDNAL BARS. Plttalmai*, Pa. Address. . F. J. CHOOLEE. ALTON. ILLINate Parn:yea A C ADEM Y OF SCIENCE, 101 • ren, Allegheny. (Sav ) ngs Bang ding.) Spring teem begins MONDAY, APRIL - Stk, IS. Pl a r o circulariN &e.; l e r to BUBB ANSTALLBIENT NOTICE...me atockholdere or the Mercantile Library . Hau mpaly_are hereby notified that the eth WWI. ment. 'PRICER IMILLABB per there, has been Ma dee called. payable an or before May Mith„ 18439, at the *Mee of N. Holmes a aons.s7 Mar ket street. . • By order of the Board. JAMES M. WR/GHT. Treasurer. Pittsburgh, May .1, 1869. . myil:Ml st LOOR OIL CLOT H,O, ea&N ('IL DEATH ion WINDOMuraiT W sauna,. TsiANny • WINDOW llHADlt irulm TABLE AND VII OIL ea l& /It . . 4. & bpd, ' 5- TO LET