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The Collector at the port or -Philadel phia has been directed by the „-Secretary of the Treasury to detain the steamer Florida, now lying at Chester, in the Delaware river, from leaving that port, it being snapected that she lain the inter est of the Cubans. , The Pretddent has appointed Samuel W. Harned United States Consul at Ro chelle. The custom receipts from May 10th to the 15t13, Inclusive, were 53,593,858.- W. Rryanowski has been commission ed Supervisor of Internal Revenue . for Georgia, Alabama and Florida. -.The Sub-Judiciary, Committee of the House leave next Alonday for Alabama, to,take testimony in the case of Judge Busteed. The Secretary of the Treasury has di rected the Assistant Treasurer at New York to sell gold hereafter, until other wise ordered, to the extent of two mil lion dollars a week, instead of one mil lion, as heretofore, on account of the surplus of gold still adeumulatina in the Treasury. Major. Moore, of San Antonia, Texas, had an interview with President Grant this morning.. The Major assured the President that it , would be folly to expect the Republican party to gain'a victory in case an election was ordered In Texas immediately,' and urged delay. The President stated there would be no elec tion In Texas before November, in any event, and also that Gen. Reynold* had not recommended an early election, as had been intimated. Major. Moore was Assistant Adjutant General of Sheridan's First Cavalry Division, Department of the Gulf, in 1865, and was listened to by the President with much intetst. Hon. Satnuel Shellabarger , taster to Portugal, arrived here tod ay to receive his- instructions. He bad an interview with the President and Secretary Fish. CUBA. A Republic Formally Established— Proclamation of President Cespedes— Mutiny Among Spanish Troops-- Expedition from Yucatan. CM' Telegraph to the Plttabirgh Gazette.) - NEW Yomr, May 20.—A letter dat.td . _ the lbtb, states that the Repriblicoferiba has been formally established by a Congress held at Gurltnano, a small town of the Central depirtment ,of the Island, • about twenty_ leagues east of Puerto Pritietpe. Cespedes was elected President of ins _Qeueral Queaada Commander•in-Chlef of the forces. Don Fraeisco V. Aquilara has been appointed Secretary of State and War. - Cespedes a stirrlngpt on assuming the issued Presidencyrocl H a e m s a ays: ion "In the act of beginning the struggle with the oppressors, Cuba has assumed the solemn duty to consummate her In dependence 'or perish in the attempt, and in . giving herself a democratic gov ernment, she obligates herself to become republican.. The double obligation, contracted in the presence of free Ameri ca, before the liberal world, and what is more, before our own consciences, signi fies our determination to be heroic and idrtuons. Cubans, oil' your heroism I rely for the consummation of our inde pendence, and on your virtue count to consolidate this republic." Quesada closes his proclamation to the Cuban army thus: 4, We have to combat with fa* assassins of old women, and of children, with the mutilators of the dead; with idolators of gold. Cubans, if you would save your honor and that of your families, if- you would conquor forever your liberty, be soldiers. War leads you to peace and to happiness. Inertia precipitates you to misfortune and to dishonor." II Private advices are - very flattering for the insurgents. They have succeeded in producing dissatisfaction and mutiny among the Spanisktroops, and they are deserting in large Numbers. The Insur rection was also bpreadieg throughout the western part of the island. One thousand men, well armed, had succeed ed, on the Bth instant, in effecting, a landing on the west side of the island, coming from Yucatan. Information k b comes from reliable persons in Havana that many of the Spanish officers are get ting dissatisfied, and that Captain Gen eral Dalce is becoming greatly alarmed for his own safety. HavANA, May 20.—The reports of the landing of filibusters which are in circa lation cannot , be traced to any authentic source. No expedition has landed near Sagas. The steamer Salvador has gone to some other point. It is imp3saible for expeditions to ef fect *landing at any point on the coast between Havana and Neuvitas, as SPanUhoruisers are very numerous along that line, and in any other part of the Islanskit :would be-difficult for expedi tions to find a foothold, owing to the watchfulness of the government. Sympathisers with the revolution coin. plain of Admiral Hoff's dispatches, pub. fished In New York Papers, but the in telligence given in those dispatches is as yeliable and correct as can be obtained under the circumstances, and can be ob jected to only because it discredits the 'exaggerated reports which are set afloat by Cuban partiza Admiral Hoff en joys the unlimited confidence of Adieri can residents here. The report is ocially confirmed that the rebels have ffi burned the town of Mauicaragna.- *A Patent Case—Balung Dread In Court. aly Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gasette4 ' NEW Yptut May 20.—D3 the United States Circuit Court to-day, before Judge Blatehford, the trial of the 'Rumford •Chemical Works, of Prnvidenee 'Rhode - bland against John E. bluer, for infringement of Professor Harsford's invent ion of a new leaven, was commenced. Both parties hold pat 'eats for a new leaven, the plaintiffs • claiming defendant's patentreally ldentioQ to Prof. Hanford's, and there 'fore invalid. Prof. Doremans under took to demonstrate this by a series of , oheudeal processes, and a novel feature was the baking of a loaf of bread in the preaenee of the Court, raised by this leaven. The ease Tam adjourned until Wednesday next. MEMPHIS. The ommercial Convention—Third Days Session—Great Accession of Del egate Report on Southern Paci fi c -- i Rail ad Protect. ii_ IBy Tele ,rauh to the Pittsburgh Gazette. J 1 1 lidEraVins, May 20 .—Delegates continue ,to arrive. They number now nearly one thousand one hundred. Among those arriving are delegates from Illinois and Pennsylvania. The Convention opened in regular form. After the completion of the Committee of one from each State to select a time and place for the next meeting of the Convention,Judge Wil liams, of Kentucky, offere a resolution appointing a Committee of five to me morialize Congress for aid in removing obstructions, from the Tennessee river and the ca ul and around the shoals. Referred. A communication was received from the Memphis 'and Charleston Railroad, extending the time for the return of the delegates to the Ist of June. Under a call of States the following resolutions were read and referred, to-' gether with many not read: That the standing Committees hold over until next session, the chairmen of which shall have power to call them to: gether any time, and requesting railroads to furnish transportation. Asking each State to hold Conventioni and appoint ten delegates to a General Commercial Convention. For a committee to ascertain the expe diency of forming a permanent conven tion, to meet from time to time. Requesting Southern railroads to hold lt convention for the purpose of establish ing an immigration corporation, and taking means to systematize labor. This was ably supported by Col. le, of Georgia, and passed under a sus en- Sion of the rules. Asking aid for the Augusta andßr ns wick Railroad. and Memphis Gorernment aid to Selma and Memphis Railroad. For a Committee of five inemorlial: ize Congress on all subjects endorsed! by the Convention, and that Governor Pat ton, of Alabama, be Chairman. Goveror atton offered a resolullon, which panssed P under a suspension of the rules, to memorialize Congress for the repeal cl the direct land tax of 1862. 4 . At the expiration of the morning - ltir the Committee on Southern Pacific R '1- roads made the following report, which was unanimously 4 adopted, amid great applause: Arr. President and Gentlemen of the. Con ventign: Your Committee, to whom was referred the matters relating to Pacific Railroads, respectfully report the follow ing resolutions for your consideration: .Resolved, That in the opinion of this Convention the interests of the whet° country, especially the Southern States, from Sa ntia g o , served by a main trunk lifie from Santiago. California, through to Junction river, Colorado and Gila t ,and and along the valley of Gila south of that 'riVer.tee 'rern° to a cons'enlent central point near the thirty-seventh degree -of • • latitude east of Arizona .river, in the State of 1 Texaa; from which main trunk feeder roads should lead from St. Louis, Cairo; Memphis, Vicksburg, Netv Orleans and other points, all of which feeder roads; having equal rights of connection with said main trunks, while similar feeder roadsroadsfrom San Francisco and other points on the Pacific coast should have similar equal rights of connection: Resolved, That the present Convention be requested to forward a copy of this resolution to the President and Vice President, and Speaker of the House of Representatives, to the and reuest them to present the samerespective Houses of Congress. 1 The Committee, which was composed of 1 representatives from seventeen states, I Including three members' of Chngress, give the following reasons for the report: First. It is the shortest line connecting the Gulf of Mexico and the' Valley of th Mississippi with the colt Of the Pirelli Ocean. Second. It is the line of most easy grades and of cheapest construction. Third. It passes through Ia less inhos pitable and barren country and over more fertile and hospitable lands than any unoccupied route proposed. Fourth. The line is touched by water transportation at these points affording the greatest facilities for constraction,and, consequently, hastening and cheapening such construction. Fifth. This line will open to the world the great mineral wealth of Arizona and Sonora, and render more yaluable the great stock raising districts of Texas, Neteldexico and Northern Mexico, and thus enjoy unrivaled ,tratlic. Stzth. It will inevitably attract num erous feeders fram the neighboring Re stimulate enterprise there, but secure to our shipping ports a greater portion of the bullion which now seeks hazard ous conductors and smuggling vessels. Seventh. It will open' a new cotton growing area in Texas, New ' , Mexico and Arizona; in lands of the cotton growing belt that were useless for lack of Wit ties for transportation. Eighth.lt in well known that some roads which would be among the feeder roads referred to in the resolution,have not only been projected, but are already in active course of- construction, withoutlwalting for government subsidy or encourage ment. Ninth. Last though hot least. the con struction of , this route, more than all else beside, will encourage what we feel to be the great necessity of the hour, im migration and direct trade with Europe. After the applause caused by their adoption, the Committee on Direct Trade with Europe reported in favor of the formation of steamship lines from Southern ports, which should be encour aged by subscription; that,. said lines should be patronized by the planters and merchants of the. South; and approving the scheme inaugurated between Nor folk and Liverpool, organized at the Noriblk Convention. Dr. Lindsay presented a minority re port, setting forth,the claims of Charles tol3 New Orleans, Savannah and Mobile, which elicited a long debate, participated in by himself, CoL Lamb, of Virginia, General Lawton and Col. Coles, of Geor gia, Col.. Marcy, of Virginia, John Ev erett, England, and others, - until 8:30, when the Convention adjourned. —At Boston yesterday" the American and Foreign Bible Society formed &union with the American Baptist Publication Society. The latter is in a &Wishing condition and its receipts the past year were nearly ♦lBB,OOO above the previous year. SECOMI9I FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M. NEWS BY t'ABLE. Disturbances at Flee Dona in France— Riot and Bloodshed—Many Arrests— Oxford and Harvard Rowing Contest— Orangemen Petition Against the blab Church Diseatablishnient—The Public School Law in Austria--The Republic Agitation In Spain—Another Great Speech by Caste Liar. Illy Telegraph to the Plttehargh Gazette.) FRANCE. Loarnox, May 30.--the_ electionslin France continue to bo attended with more or less disorder. Since the 12th inst. one hundred-and forty-nine persons have been arrested in Paris for creating political disturbances, and of these only seventeen have been discharged. A pop ular demonstration is reported at Nimes, where the people sang the "Marillaise." At 'Bourgs the prison was force dopen by a crowd of political agitators, and one of the'leaders, who had been arrested, was released. In the Department of Aube, during the electioneering tour of M Periere, a riot took place in which blood was abed. • LONDON, May 20.—The Oxford crew hive commenced to Practice for their contest with the Harvard crew. The four men selected are Benson, (bow,.) Yor baiough, Tinne and Derbyshire, (stroke.) Neilson will probably be coxswain. The London. Rowitig Club have challenged the Harvard Club to a match. DUBLIN, May 20.—The Grand Lodge of Orangemen of Ireland have, petitioned the Queen against the disestablishment of the Irish Church. Lownow,.May 20.—The election excite ment in Marseilles is very great. A pri. vat meeting was held there yesterday, at which M. Gambetta was present and made a strong speech. The crowds in the streets sang the "Marseillalse." and made other unlawful demonstrations. Many arrests were made by the police. At Thiers, a town in the Department of Pay De Bow e,disorders are also reported. At 'two electoral meetings, the t ple shouted "viva, viva Ledru " people Bort)os4" MADRID, May 20.--Senora Casteliar made a great speech today !nib° Cortes in eloquently establishing h e. e p x u mp le He the United States. andraised eir form of government With e nt husias m. There is great agitation in Barcelou a and Sar a! oasts in finw of it republic. ' • - • . Ltsnmv, May 20.--The fipancial meas ures proposed by the Government are not well received by the Chambers, and will probably be rejected, unless they are withdrawn. AINTRIA.I • VIENNA, May 20.—The Emperor Fran cis Joseph has given his sanction to the public School bill, passed by the Retells rath. QUEENSTOWN. May 20.—The steamship Hecht, from New York, arrived last night. , • FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. LONDON, May. 26—Eeeiting.—Consols closed at 93k, money; 93% for account. Five-twenties, 78w. Stocki steady; Erie, ,: t M 183 f; Illinois, 96.,i The s ecie the Bank of England increase 4:216,000 dur ing the week. Sugar to a rive 295.: .on spot Sas. 6d. Linseed Oil £3l 15s. Tur pentine his. 6d. -- HATing, May 20.—Cotton closed firmer ou spot and afloat, but the quotations are unchanged. ANTWERP, May 2 0.—Petroleum dull at 48gf. • 84 % FRAN @ KFORT, May \ 20.—Five-tweities FORT, May 1 3 lavknpixm, May 20.—Cotton e sed quiet; middling uplands 1130.; Or ans 11%d.; sales •of 10,000 1 bales. Cali .la white wheat Os. 4d.; red western Bs. 6d. Flour 21s. Corn 2. Oats 3s. 4d. Bar. ley ss. Peas 38s. 6d. Pork -lo Os. Beef 905. 'Lard 07a. Chees , . 803. Bacon 595. Spirits Petroleum dee fined to, 7gd; 're fined quiet and Steady. , Spirits Turpen tine 289. TENNESSEE. Republican Sta te Co vention—A. Tre multuous Scene—Rl r Rivalry Re tween Gubernatorial Candidates. CHI Telegraph to the Plttab rib Uaiette.i NASHVILLE, May 20. The delegates to the Republican State C nyention met at the Capikil this moming. Having been ... ... -, called to order, Mr. Pearce, of Knoxville, a friend of Governor Sentor, was tem porally, appointed Chairman. Some of the delegates refused to recognize his appointment. and a scene of much con. fusion followed. dWithout making any progress towards? organization, an ad journment to two o'clock was carried. The meeting In the afternoon was but a repetition of the noisy and tumultous scene of the morning. Attempts were made by several speakers to throw oil on the troubled waters, but unsuccessfully. Late in the afternoon a person aldifllculty occurred between two delegates, Mr. Neism, of Knox, and R. R. Butler both gentlemen drawing pistols., This In creased the -hub-bub, in the midst of which a motion to adjourn was made ana carried. The rivalry between Sentor and Stokes is ex6ifedlngly - bitter, but it is reported to-night that Seater. intends to put a stop to it by withdriwing. The hien& of Stokes have been confident of his nomi nation, but the result of Sentor's with drawal may be the nomination of anew Man on whom all can harmonize. . . —Hon. Mr. Young's bill to incorporate a company to lay telegraph wires from Montreal to England via Greenland, Ice. land and Tara bland has beeatavorably received by 'the Comniittee on Canals, _Railways and Telegraph Lines, of the New Dominion Parliament, andadopted. Mr. YounglelegraPbed the restilt , of the enterprise to friend; in:Copenhagen, ~ PITTSBURGH - 1 ; 11,I I GREAT BRITAIN SPAIN. PORTUGAL. 31ARINE, NEWS. IM MAY 21, 180. PRESBYTERIAN Meeting of the Old and New School General Assemblies at New York— Over Vivo Hundred Delegates in At tendance. CBy Telegraph to the Pltteharah Gazette.) NEW YORK, May 20.—The General As sembly of the .01d School Presbyterian Church met in the Brick Presbyterian Church, corner of Fifth avenue and Thirty-seven street, this morning, with over three ti ntikelk delegates in atten dance. representing:the Synods of Alle gheny, Albany, Baltimore, Buffalo, Chi cago, Cincinnati, Illinois, Indiana, lowa, I New J Kansas;ersey 'Ke,ntu Ne ck wYo y, M rk. No r thern Nashvil Indile, - aria, Ohio. Pacific, Philadelphia,' Pitts biirgh. St. Paul, Sandusky; Southern lowa, Wheeling and Wisconsin. At eleven o'clock the introductory ser vices began, conducted by the Modera tor of the last Assembly, Dr. Musgrave, and Rev. Dr. Jacobus of Allegheny City. Prayer was offered by Dr. Gar dener Spring, pastor of the church, the oldest minister present. The retiring Moderator then preached the opening sermon from the following text: Mark. xvi : 16. "Fe that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned." The sermon was purely doctrinal and contained no allusion to the objects of the Convention. The Rev. Mr. Murray, Jr., pastor of the Brick Church, announced that prayer meetings will be held in that church every morning at eight o'clock, during the session of the Assembly. He also Invited families who attend all Presby terian churches in the city to join the Committee of Arrangements in getting up a social reception to the delegates to the Assembly, at Apollo Hall, Monday evening next. The business session commenced at 1 o'clock. Opened with prayer by the Moderator. The roll of delegates was called, and a Committee on Elections appointed, to whom was referred the Commissions and Delegates. The Committee of Elections is Rev. L. Miller, Rev. E Fisk and John B. Jenner, of Bard°. A new- Presbytery was announced as formed, in accordance with the order of the last Assembly, namely, Santa Fe. It was remgaized, and its delegates took their seats. It was resolved. that sessions be held from 9 to 12 P. m. ' and from 2% to 5 P. at. Recess until half past three. At the afternoon session a resolution was passed appointing a committee of ten to confer with the New School Assem bly on the question of re-union, and as. certain what action would be necessary to accomplish the result. After which the Assembly adjourned. I THE NEW SCHOOL ASSEMBLY. At the opening of the New School General Assembly, in Rev. Dr. Hatfield's church, corner Park avenue and Thirty fifth street, the Rev. Dr. - Jonfithan F. ..IRoasas.„4o4..the last Assembly, occupied the carev. E. T.' Hatfield, D. 8., of New York, acted. as Stated Clerk, and Rev. J. Glentworth Butler, D. D., as permanent Clerk. There was a large attendance of delegates and the galleries were crowded with spectators. to whom the proceedings were evidently of the greatest interest. -It is expected two hundred and fifty delegates will be present daring the sessions. Not more than two.thirds of this number had ar rived when the proceedings began. The session will continue about ten days. The exercises afore opened by a 'volun tary on the organ, after which Rev. Geo. Maxwell, D. D.,Zof Cincinnati, offered a prayer. • Rev. Dr. Stearns delivered the opening sermon, In which he expressed an ear nest desire for the reunion of the church, concluding as follows: "Let us come to gether, and as we have one doctrine, and one polity, and one order of worship, and one history, and one ecclesiastical ances try, let us have one organization and one system of action, and one general assembly where we may all meet annually by our representatives and look each other in the face and learn to under. stand each other, and 'concert and pre pare to execute large and far-reaching plans for the promotion of the same christian interest." . After the sermon the Doxology was sung and a benediction prayer offered, after which the business session was opened. The only busines4 transacted was the adoption of the report of the Committee of Arrangements, providing that daily sessions of the Oonvention te held as follows: From half pas; eight to half past nine each morning religious ser vices, from half past nine to half past' twelve morning business session, and from half past two to half past fire af ternoon business session. The Assembly, at one o'clock, took a recess until three, in the afternoon. The-session wail opened by prayer by Rev. Dr. Fish, of Utica. The roll was' called and the Convention proceeded to the election of a Moderator.. Rev. Dr. Fowler, of Utica, Rev. Dr. Taylor, of Cincinnati, Rev. Di. Johnson of Phila pelphia, Rev. Dr. Wolf, of Harrisburg, Rev Dr. Howard Crosby, of New York, Rev. Alfred Chester, of Buffalo and Rev. Sunderland, of Wall i Wa sh ington , D. C., were nominated as candidates. The vote resulted, Dr. Fowler, 61; Dr. Chester, 61; Dr. Crosby, 58; Dr. Wolf, 18; Dr. Sunderland, 19. The result was a tie between Dr. Fowler and Dr. Chester, The roll was called second time. On the third ballot Dr. Fowler was elected Moderator by a vote of 122 t 0.83. This vote was significant of the sentiment of the Assembly, as it was known Dr. =Fowler Is an ardent advocate of reunion. • Dr. Fowler made an address on taking the chair, in which he declared himself in favor of reunion upon the best obtain able terms. At the conclusion of his speech the Aasembly adjourned. —The New York State Associated Press adjourned yesterday. P. at The Association and editorial fraternity of the State, generally, have tendered a banquet to Hon. John M. Francis, its late President, and editor of the Troy Times, previous to his departure, for Europa to spend a year or so. The As. sedation ale° presented a handsome ser vico of solid silver to Ellis W;Roberts. of the Utica Herald, its Secretary and Treasurer Ibr eight years. . , —Vice President Colfax was formally received by the citizens of, Springfield, ininols, yesterday. The speaking took took prim in the Ball of the House of Representatives. , . —The canal{ boat M. G. Wethertree, of he White Hall Transportation Com pany, went oV i er the dam aerossthe Hud son river, near Fort Miller,Wednesday evening. Capt. Chase's w ife and child were drowns.d. • —The Baptii3t General Association, of Kentucky, opened their Session at Louis ville. Kentucky. yesterday, with an tin= usually largo number of membeni pres ent. J. S. Coleman, DD., Moderator, J. M. Bust, Secretary, and J. Russell Haw kins, were re clected to their several offices. , —The Convention of the General Ticket Agents of the principal railroads of the northwest southwest, which had been in session4it Louisville Kentucky, fop two days, concluded ' their labors St evening. Their business was solely arrange the division; of rates for their re pective roads,. —A fire, supposed to itave been caused by an incendiary, broke out in the With ;i ernp House, Dayton,' Ohio, Thursday morning. A man named Wilkinson perished in the flames and several others were badly injured by jumping from - the windows. Logs on the house between 14;000 and 1 , 6,000; insured for about one half. —Gov. Palmer, of Il l inois, met with quite a serious {accident on Wednesday. While out riding, at Springfield, his horse took fright at the cars and at tempted to run away. Stopping him sud denly, the horse kicked very. fiercely, striking. the GoVernor a little eo the knee of his left, leg, inflicting a severe injury. I —Thursday Morning James Jorel was snot dead at Falmouth, Ky., by A. J. Hall, whose twine he was attempting to enter. Jones resides near Falmouth. Why he exhibited -this strange conduct Is unexplaised.'as he loot high respecta bility. Hall is it young lawyer of excel lent character. ; He was exonerated at the Coroner's inquest. —A very great pressure has been brought to bear upon Secretary Bout well by bankeis and speculators, to have him change his policy in buying bonds and selling gold, but he gave a very decisive answer that he would not do so, and said it was useless to bring any influences to bear, because his mind was fully made Op. There is something over ninety million dollars of gold in the Treasury, and al,' fifty millions is really all that is required, it seems probable that the Secretary will increase the amount to be sold to something over one million' per week.,-, Markets', by Telegraph. BUFFALO, May i '2o.—Floui dull and no round lots sold. Wheat firm and in ' moderate demand with a light stock; sales cf - 15,000 boa No. 2 Milwaukee and 15,000 bus No. 2 Chicago at $1,25; 16,000 bus No. 2 Chicago at $1,24, small lots do. at 51,28, closing firm at 51,25 for Chicago and 84,26- for Milwaukee; white and amber nominal. !Corn lower and good inquiry with light stock; sales of 34,000 bus new at 62c; car and small lots at 630 65e.. Oats betteli sales of 10,000 bus western at 70c, asking 71672 c at close. Rye nominal at 81,30 for western. Bar ley quiet; Canada $1,60®1,70. Seeds dull; sales of fortY bags timothy at 84,00; clover nominal f 'at 80,25@9,60. Pork firmer, asking 532 for heavy. Lard shady at 19c. For highwines there is no demand. Receipts—flour, :2.500 bbls; Oats, 6,000 bus. Shipments—Corn 15,000 bus; Oats, 8,000 bus. Freights dull; wheat 14c; corn 12e, and oats 8c to New York. NEW ORLEANS x May 20.—Cotton; the demand is active" ! and the price stiffer. but not quotable higher; sales of 5,700 bales; middlings. , 28WD2834c; receipts, 671 bales; exports, l 848 bales. Gold, 143 N. Exchange Bank .1 Sterling, 157. New York Sight par. Sugar; common, 9x® 1031 c; prime. 133‘©133;0. Molames dull and unchanged, if firmer; superfine, $5,37%; double extra, $5,75; treble extra 80,25. Corn 78fg8Clc.Oats 78c. Bran 81,25. Hay 'armor at' s2'7. Mess Pork 832. Bacon; shoulders 13',c; - clear ri11.17!.4c: clear sides 194443. U.rd; tierce 1854@ 18,,c; keg 19X020e. Whisky quiet; western rectified 85(p2c. Coffee; prime 10%©17V3. CHICAGO, May 20.—.10veising. —At open board in the afterncion, there was very lit tle done in the grain market% No. •2 spring wheat was &shade firmer, selling at $1 , 14/®1,148 , sailer for the month, closing at 11.143i@1,14 3 / 4 . Corn and Oats were neglected - . In the evening there was nothing-done in grain, provisions or freights. Beef cattle moderately ac. tive; offerings light and the demand for good cattle fair at firmer but not higher prices; receipts 1,811 head; sales:-,12,000 head at whole range $ 5 , 5 0@7,80. Hogs in good :supply, active! demand and extra grades a shade firmer; receipts 6,500 head; sales 8,804 head at $8©9,70. OswEao, May 2(4—Flour steady and unchanged. Wheat dull; sales last night of 10,000 bush; No.I 1 Milwaukee club 51,38; this morning ear lots of do. were sold at s42,os@l i sa. 'Corn dull; sales of 5,000 bush new Illinois at 68e and 8,000 bush No. 1 Indiana at 73e. Oats; none In the market. Barley, Rye and Peas nomi nal. Oinal freights—Wheat 90, corn 7 3ic rve 84N-to New • York. Lake Im- POres-27,200 bush wheat: 67,000 bush corn; 9,3001 bush rye. Canal Exports -2,000 bush corn; 13,200 bush rye. Nasavit,LE, May 20.—Cotton market firm. low middlings 25e, add good ordi nary 240. ;~ ;.w ~, • BRIEF TELEGRAMS. —Barney eoldsmithcommittedsuicide Wednesday inight, at Cincinnati, by drowning. —Collector) Thomas, at Baltimore, has appOinted two colored men to positions in the Custom House. • —President Grant is reported to have said Ihe will not order an election In Texas before Vovember or December. —There are twenty-seven barges lying at Carondolet, below St. Louis, loading or laden with iron ore for Pittsburgh and -other points.; • —The second trial, at Cleveland, Ohio, of Mulhall, for abetting the murder of Skinner, has resulted in a verdict of ,murder in the second degree.. —Two painters fell from Overalt's Ex change, Cleveland, yesterday afternoon. One, named John Labelin, was instantly killed; the Other not much injured. Cause, givi4 way of scaffold. —The delegates and members othe Western Assediated Press, after the Ilnal adjournment of the meeting at Cincin nati, yesterdiy, made an excursion in carriages to S ring Grove Cemetery and Clinton. r IPolice trouble in New Orleans. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette. NEW ORLEANS, May 19.--Until last night the adioining city of Jefferson, though included in the Metropolitan po lice district, has refused to accept the Metropolitan foree, offeringarmed resist- ante to every attempt of the Metropol itans to exercise Ithe functions of their offices. 'Last night Metropolitans of the city mustered to the number of three hundred, under a captain, and were de tailed to take charge of the Jefferson precinct.: They made a movement about ten o'clock on the municipal build ings, whioh were filled with armed citi zens. A small battle ensued, and twelve or fourteen Metropolitans were Wounded, two of whom it is thought danger ously. The police returned and .Gov. Warmouth called upon Geneial Mower for troops. One company was furnished this morning and marched quietly to the municipal buildings, meet ing no opposition, and establishing the Metropolitans in possession. The citizens s of Jefferson are very much excited, and the soldiers are still 'on the ground. No demonstration was made against the troops. Tho police force was driven off,.though four times as large as the body of soldiers. No citi zens are known to be hurt, haiing been protected by the market house and pollee buildings. The municipal election is progressing quietly here to-day. Missouri Editors on Pilot Knob. On Thursday Missonri editors went on an excursion to the Iron Monutain and ;Pilot Knob. The excursionists num bered one hundred and fifty ladles and kentkilinen. An impromptu meeting was held on the summit of Pilot Knob--a Solid mass of iron six hundred feet above the surrounding valleys—speecheg made, and a dispatch unanimously voted and sent to the Memphis Convention, as follows: ".Pilot Knob, Mo., May 20.—T0 the president of the Commercial Convention Et Memphis: The editors of Missouri, . assembled on the top of Pilot Knob, greet the Memphis Convention, and as sure them of their cordial snpport in all proper measures to cement the Union and develope the resources of the coun try." The following telegram was sent by ThornasAllen to the Convention, in reply to an invitation to be present at its, ses sion: 1 •Pilot Snob, May 20—President of the Convention, Memphis: The Iron Moun tain Railroad Will be extended to Mem phis, on the western bank of a leyee on the western bank of the Mississippi river. whenever the people will subscribe as stock, at reasonable rates, one million \ of dollars." The following resolution was nnani- Mously and enthtusiaatically adopted, and dlietited to be telegraphed to the Presi dent of the Memphis Omvention. •• Resolved, That the editors of Missouri, representing every portion of this great and illimitably productive State, assem bled on the summit of Pilot Knob, in the center of our great iron deposits, request of the Memphis Convention that they will give due prominence to the project and urge upon the Government the ini portance to this valley of a levee along the western bank of the Mississippi river and a railroad thereon from the heights of the southeast of Missouri to the sea, wheri3- by millions of acres of the most fertile land may be reclaimed to tillage, and, a great national work, second only in int portance to the Union Pacific Railroad, be consummated."' • This resolution was signed by Col. N.. J. Coleman, President of the Missouri Editors and Publishers Association, Gov ernor Stanard, Hon. Thomas Allen, President of the Iron Mountain Railroad, Col. Wm. F. Sweitzer and Gen. J. R. Mc- Cormick, members of Congress. Several other resolutions were passed. all showinvieep interest in the material prosperity of Missouri and the country, and ignoring politics entirely. assembled Aft py returned to St. Lauls, they at t he Laclede Hotel and presented to Thomas Allen and Captain Bratasky. One of the proprietors of the Laclede, each a very costly and beautiful goldjheadod walking cane . for the cour tesies and hospitalities exttitided to them by those gentlemen. —ln the Chicago Board of Trade yes terday resolutions were introduced. in favor of a direct line of railway to tha most eastern shore of the continent, touching the harbor of Portland, Me., running along the south shore of Lake Ontario and thence by way of Whitehall and Rutland due east to Portland, over a route recently chartered by the States of Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. Under the rule the resolutions lay over one day. By the proposed route the di red line from London to Shanghai is thirteen thousand one hundred and nine miles, and it is estimated that the entire distance can be traversed in thirty-eight days. —On Monday, about three thousand pertains assembled at Cave Hill Cemetery, r .L a o t n io i n sv oifeh eK gr ave s eonfgtahge Confederate dead. A. beautiful poem, written by 11:irs. Preston, of Virginia, was chanted by the choirs of the principal churches of the city in a most touching and im presalve manner. Then the immense assemblage distributed their precious of ferings upon the graves, and many of them were rare. All the graves were deco "rated alike, and this done, with pray ers for the repose of the dead, the crowd left the ground. . ° t eat real • estate sale, by• Clark, Layton Co., of Chicago, which has been very extensively advertised for the past week, took place yesterday, and was rather a tame affair. The property la known as Washington Heights, and is located on and In the vicinity of the new South Side Park and Boulevard. The entire property was estimated at three millions. About 'one hundred and fifty thousand dollars worth was sold, and the prices realized were much below the anticipations of the owners. Tim Dubuque (Iowa) Times says: "The promising _condition of the new wheat crop has caused many farmers throughout the country to dispose of their old stock, which they:were holding on to 'with± the expectation of realising higher prices. Every boat from uplhe river ~ and every freight train frorg the west is loaded with this commodity eeking a market" -i. :`r~ayrr'i. sus z? 4 'nl