The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 20, 1869, Image 8

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Tss GAZETTB is furnished in the city
tie six days of the week for 15 cents per
w i c k matt, 18 per annum : 3 mos., f 2.
Sleeting of Councils.—A special meet-
Leg'of Councils will be held to-morrow
afternoon at twdo'clock, r. M.
The Diplomatic visitors are expected
to arrive in the city this afternoon. A
committee has been appointed to receive
The Allegheny City Executive Coin
mitts° will meet at W. P. Price's office,
in the Diamond, this evening, at half
past seven o'clock. -
'Arm Hroken.—Mattie Caldwell. resid
ing with her parents. on Ninth str: 4t,
broke herarm yesterday afternoon, wh le
skipping the rope in the parlor. tr.
Hamilton reduced the fracture.
, .
Allegheny Counells.—A special m :et
ing of the Allegheny Councils will be
Wild this evening at seven and a- al[
o'clock, tor' the disposal of' unfinished
business laid over at the last regtdar
Run Over.—Tuesday evening, abw. t
eight o'clock. Thomas Riley, whiTh
walking on the track of the Pennsylva
ma Railroad, near Wilmore Station, was
run over and instantly killed by the ex
press train.
To Lovers of Good Meat.—Mr. tharlea
Linter. at stall No. 2, Allegheny market,
will offer for sale some splendid bear
Meat and extra fine show beef on Friday
and Saturday of this week. Go early, DA
tpp bear meat will sell quick.
Struck Her Daughter.—Ann Brannon
alleges Eliza 'Dobbins struck her daugh
ter, .Ellen Brannoni yesterday. • Alder
man MeMaaters issued a warrant for the
arrest of Dobbins. The parties reside on
Boyd'b 13111, near Cowards' brick yard:
A Drcnchlng.—Caroline Hutton says
Anne Kane threw a bucket of water up
on her daughter Kate, drenching the
child completely. Both parties reside in
TemPeranceville. A warrant watilisned
for the arrest of Mrs. Kane by Alderman
ed2—Thomas Robinson was fined
two oilers by Mayor Drum, yesterday,
for.' rowing ,ashes on the Common
aro de which are now being converted
into a Park. There is an ordinance
against this practice., which will become
understood afterwhile. - .
something Gooa..—'l he . well known
butcher Andrew From, will offer for
sale at his stall, No. 2 Pittsburgh Market
(known to butchers as the Fly Market
tionse) on Friday and Satarday, souse of
the nest beef ever slaughtered in this
city; This is a rare chance for lovers of
Heavy Business.—One hundred vehicle
licenses were issued by the Treasurer
ye_sterday, and all persons not having
taken out a license. who are by law re
quVred to do so, will be arrested and ye
w:died to pay a tine equal to the amount
of the license ass the costs. Walk up;
gentlemen, and get your plates.
Drowned.—it Geneva, on the Monon
gahela, Wednesnay morning, Milton
'Province. while looking over a night.
line, was attacked with an epileptic
spaam, fell into the river and drowned.
Several persons saw the occurrence, but
were unable to render timely assistance.
Province bad been subject to epilepsy
from infancy. His body was recovered.
IPresentatiam-Yesierday afternoon Mr.
8. Apfe'beam, of the St. Paula Cathedral
choir, was presented by some members of
the congregation with an elegant pearl
•breastpin, valued at one hundred dollars.
The recipient is a most worthy Individ
ual, and we are pleased to note this evi
dence of the appreciation in which he is
held as an artiste and gentleman.
• Rake Pretense.—Jonn Relchenback
made information before Justice Helsel,
of East Birmingham, yesterday, charg
ing Adam Gail with obtaining goods un
der false pretense. He alleges that the
amused obtained a pair. of shoes from
him' of the value of three dollars by
stating that they ware for an other . per
son. A warrant was issued.
Belllicellente-James Larson and James
B. Powell, having indulged pretty freely
in bock beer. or some other intoxicating
beverage, met yesterday evening about
seven o'clock, on canal street, when an
altercation ensued which terminated in
a tight. Officer Weisenberg captured the
belligerents and conducted them to the
toombs, - where they were placed in one
Disorderly Conduct. Isabella Wil
liams made information before the
Mayor, yesterday, charging William and
Bridget Allen with disorderly conduct.
She alleges that they are an annoyance
to the entire neighborhood in which they
reside, which Is on Tannehill street, in
the Eleventh ward. Officers Rivers and
Ruch arrested the disorderly pair and
conveyed them to the look-up,
Grand Vocal and Ingrumental Con
cert, by Professor C. C. Mellor, will be
given at East Liberty , Presbyterian
Church, for the benefit of the Presbyte
rian Church - at Torrens, on ThtuirlaY
evening, May 20th, at half past seven
o'clock. Tickets fifty cents. Cars on the
Pennsylvania Railroad will leave at six
o'clock and five minutes, and return] at
ten o'clock.
Wanted hie Money.--James Jackson
yesterday visited a hoinie on Poplar
alley, kept by Mary Preston, awl after.
leaving the house he thdught he had
been robbed of five dollars, and returned,
but was refused admittance: He then
went to work at the door with his boots.
Mary, not liking this proceeding, made
complaint at the Mayor's office, and
Jackson was arrested and locked up.
Disagreement About an Agreement.—
.., James F. Hulliben of East Liberty .
• made inibrmation before Alderman
i Strain yesterday avinst George Barker.'
forbirceny as bailee. Eitalinen alleges
that Barker borrowed a valuable article
of agreement from him, ostensibly for a
fewltours, which has, however, extended
:into dal's, with a strong prObability, of
never being returned. A warrant -was
Another of the 'Series of fine steel en
gravinp, that are. so noted as& feature
APPW O9I 'B jourrtai, accompanies num
ber nine of the paper, issued for the cur
" rent week. The engraving in this in
-stance is calisd "A Glimpse of Mount
Washington;' and is from a painting by
Sennett. In the foreground is a lake, a
wooded knoll,, a rooky cliff, and, far
away in the distance, Mount Washing
ton lifts his bold and aspiring head. The
; subject 4 pleasing, and the engraving
excellent. Tne general contents of the
Journal oxhibit their usual variety of en
-tomb:ling ,reading matter, including a
fowl gating' story from the It'rencb of De
Muellt;MEW “Madame de Pompadour's
Lay Representatloa.—FrOm the ar
rangemeittiwbieh have beim made and
are iu progress, the meeting to be held
in favor of Lay Representation in the
,strest M. E. Church -on next
Monday.. evening will be • largely at 7
tended,. Bishop Simpson has written to
the Committee of Arrangements inform
ing them that he will be present and ad
dress the meeting. Bishop Kingsley will
also be present.
A Bold Scoundrel.-00 Monday after
noon a daring scamp entered a residence.
near Pleagant Valley, Allegheny, and
finding no person in the house but a lady,
attempted to commit an outrage 'upon
her. Her screams alarmed the villlain,
who, finding himself thus foiled in his
base designs, and fearing the , neighbors
might be attracted to the spot, beat a
hasty retreat. He is known and will
likely be made to suffer for his brutal
Veloripedestrlanism.—Mr. Harry Les
lie, the Hero of Niagara,- will, on Mon
day, May -24tb, attempt the extraordinary,
feat of riding one hundred miles in ten
and a half hours on a velocipede. He
has been in training during the present
week, riding twenty-five or thirty miles
each morning, and feels confident of ac
complishing his extraordinary undertak
ing. He will ride iu the Keystone Rink,
commencing at 11 o'clock, A K. A brass
band will be in attendance.
Pick.Pecket Arrested.—Officers Wool
ridge and Johnson, Union Depot •pollce,
arrested Alfred Kline, of Sharpeburg, at
the depot yesterday, for attempting to
pick a lady's pocket.. It is alleged that
he attempted to take her pocket book
from her pocket *bile she was at
the ticket office pOrchasing a ticket,
but was detected by the lady, who then
proceeded to the train and went into e
sleeping car and Kline followed her. She
then called the officers who took him in
I charge. He was takerito the lockup.
Retained the Proceeds.—Eugene Gros
pean, of East Birmingham, alleges he
employed Jacob Decker, of Sharpsburg,
to act as his agent for the sale of washing
machines, at the time supplying him
with twenty of the machines, valued at
$ll9. He farther states Decker perform
ed part of the contract in so far as selling,
but failed in another Important 'respect
—that of returning the proceeds to his
emyloser. Alderman Mt:Masters yes
terday was induced by these represen
tations to issue a warrant for the arrest
of Jacob on an information for larceny
by bailie. •
. .
Ala Alleged N uisance.—Mr. Lawyer,
doing business at No. 17th, Ninth street,
called at the Mayor's office to make com
plaint against Frazier Bro's for piling
lumber in front of his door. He alleges
that it interferes with his business, and
that ho notified them not to place it
there, but notwlth tanding his remon
strance two loads werelfilled up in
front of his door.
A complaint of a similar nainre was
also lodged against Mr. Gillespie for
piling lumber in front of the residence of
Mr. Albree and Others' on Penn street,
between Twentieth and Twenty-first
streets. .
Twice Moved. Yesterday the Mur
phys, residing at 21 Water street, having
become somew hat in arrears for rent,were
forcibly ejected from the premises. The
officer who had transacted the business
;had scarcely left the vicinity before the
unconquerable family -were at work
agairi,' removing their goods back into
the lately deserted mansion.. The land
lord, quickly discovering this turn of af
fairs, made information against them for
forcible entry and deutiner, before,
Alderman Strain. The next move
ment. of the Murphys, was into the
county jail, where they are at present
awaiting a hearing, to take place this
Ladleaf Meeting.
Onr lady readers should not forget to
attend the meeting this afternoon at tAty
Hall, for the purpose of taking action in
reference to the part assigned them in
the ceremonies of "Decoration Day." A.
general and cordial invitation Is ex
tended to all, and we hope there will be
a full representation of toe, patriotism
and . public spirit of the ladies in our
vicinity. There is a great deal of work
to be done, but with willing hearts and
ready halide everything can be arranged
promptly, and without difficulty.
Merit Rewarded.
We notice with more than ordinary
pleasure the tact of the appointment of
Arthur poyd Thomas, eon of A'iderman
Thomas, of the Sixth ward, to a clerkship
in the Document Room of the House of
Representatives, at Washington City.
' , Arthur" is well-known to members
of the press of Pittsburgh, having for a
number of years served as telegraph
messenger, discharging his duties with
such uniform fidelity as to render him
worthy of the highest confidence, and
we feel quite sure his advancement will
be learned of with great satisfaction by
his many friends. He is only eighteen
years of age, and we are glad to know
that he will have much desired oppor.
tunity in his new position to pursue his
studies for the professiouitthieh he hopes
I to enter-upon when rte littains his ma•
jority. -.
Daniel Shields, proprietor fif a saloon
at the corner of Canal street and Spring
alley, made information before the
hlayot, yesterday, charging James An
derson, one of his boarders, with the lar
ceny of six dollars. It appears that a
few days since a Ilve•dollar bill was
stolen from the money drawer, and
Shields suspected that Anderson wasthe
thief. Ymterday Andersen was in the
bar room and Shields set a trap for him.
He marked a one.dollar bill and laid it
in the drawer and allowed Anderson to
go behind thecounter. Shortly after
wards he disooirered that the marked
bill had disappeared. He called an
officer and had ,Anderson arrested' and
isearched, and found the bill in his
Pocket. He was taken to, the lock-up,
where he still remains awaiting bail.
The same old ,story. John Peck ar
rived in the city yesterday morning from
Perrysvide, Indiana county, en route to
Chicago. Met a ;leasant, sociable farmer,
who was in need of a man of John's
mental calibre to superintend his thrm in
Illinois—that Utopia of confidinos ;men
and their victims. John concluded to
go, but previously accepted the invite-
Con of the farmer to help him ship a.
'couple of horses to the farm. • in pursu
ance of this business, the twain walked
along several ,streete, and finally polled
up in front of a large building, which
John say* looked like a two story mar
ket house. Pirmei,ieft him on the steps,
1 1 went np stairs, came back, needed forty.
five dollars, borrowed. it of John, re
turned up stairs. The last John saw of
his friend be was descending in haste a
pair of stairs on the
John,thougbp oahlete w s a id s e
victim zed
and sorrowing returned to the
Depot.. gold his ticket for Chfosilo add
took the back track for home.
, mtai „y e,
srionen nwounhes.
General' Synod of the Refbrated Preaby
terian Church, Forty• Sixth Annual
Session at Cedarville, Oblo—ftening
The General Synod of the . Reformed
Presbyterian Church oomtnenced its
Forty-Sixth Annual Session in Cedar
ville, Greene Co., Ohio, yesterday at
three o'clock. The opening sermon was
preached by the retiring Moder a tor,
Rev. Professor David Steele, D. D., of
Philadelphia. Dr. Steele chose for his
Isaiah 14 .c. 82 v. The Lord hath
founded Zion.
He introduced the subject briefly, as
follows: ; •
The heavens declare the glory of God.
The earth'in its fulness, freshness and
variety attests tie goodness of its Creator. .
But within the bounds of Jehovah's uni.
verse is an - objeet of still grander charac
ter than the material heavens or variega
ted earth. This obleet isbrought tinder
our notice in the text. .The prophetic ,
eye of the son of Amos is lighted up and
he beholds the captivity. of the chosen
people brought back.
The text fertile the downing thought—
the grand climax—of the source of lel
rael's comfort. Under every dispensal
titan the Chutch of Odd is one; hence it is ,
that the language w before us comes freigh
ted and full of coOlort to all:who have
taken hold of that covenant, which is the
gidrious charter of the church'aliberties.
He then noticed the following topics:: ,
I The founding of Zion. ...-..
11. The privileges which result to her film
connection with her Divinefounder..
First. Zion has been founded in the di.
vine 'remorse. From all eternity itLwas ,
the determination of a three-one-Gocl to
save sinners froth the depths of degrada
tion into which they had been precipi
tated by the fall. This. determination
was free, consummately. wise, and abso
lutely unconditional. The heroes of
by-gone ages .founded colossal empires.
Assyria, Greece and Rome owed their
origin in the providence of God to indi
viduals of distinction. But' the Lord
bath founded Zion. The plans and pur.
poses of conquerors and kings have
proved abOrtive. Time, war, flood and
lire have wasted the proudest 'monu
ments of men, and rased to their foun
dations the noblest structures of art.
But the Lord bath purposed, and wile
can disannul it? The counsel of the
Lord, that shall stand.
Second. The Lord hath founded Zion on
the mediatoriat person of the Son of God.
This the divine purpose contemplated.
"Behold," says God, "I lay in Zion for a
foundation a stone, a tried stone, a pre
cious corner stone, a sure foundation."
And that the world might know that
this is the only foundation upon , which
Ithmortat beings can be-securely built,
tho Apostle lays down the unanswerable
proposition, "Other foundation can no
man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus
Christ." Upon this Rock of Ages the
church rests, and not on Peter or on any
of his pretended successors: For
strength and stability this fonfidation
exceeds il others. Cities, temples,
palaces and towers cannot withstand the
constant flameds of coming and depart
ing generations; but the eternal rock on
which the church Is built br,attli the
./ e
same. Ind when the everlasting bills
shall bo their heads, and the conflagra
tions of t e last day shall shoot their
lurid glar athwart a dissolving netiverse,
the churc , together with her immortal
foundatio , shall remain unmoved.
Third church is founded in the ffle-
Fliatory work. resurrection and ascension
--Of the Lord Christ. The death of Christ
us not a casual event in the world's his
oryp "Hire," Pays the apostle, "being
slivered by the deterniinate counsel and
foreknowledge of God,sye have taken,
and by wicked hands have crucified and
The apostacy of our race is universal.
Toyaitie up from this universal wreck, n
niagnitic.ent moral empire, a stately and
majestic building, which should - in its
every part rtflect the image of God, was
the gracious design of God from eternity.
With this end in view, Christ undertook
to satisfy Divine Justice,
and remove
every legal barrier out of the may ofbis
people's being raised up to sit with MM.
In the witlefisction of Calvary a basis is
laid for , God trineaeting with men:
Christ ils made peace by the blood of
His cross The death and resurrection of
the Saviour are linked together, and the
ascensiod of the mediator is a corrolary to
both. ,
11. The privileges which result lo Zion
from connection with her divine Head.
First. Protection—God is In the midst
of her and she tihall not be moved. All
things in heaven and on earth are work
ing together for her good.
Second. Provision— , q," sayaGod, "will
abundantly , bless her provision. " The
resources of the universe are at the dis
posal of the Moat High, and the Chris.
tian's inventory comprehends all things.
Third. The succession and continuance
of a Faithful Ministry—When the Medi
ator ascended on high He led captivity
captive, and received gifts for men.
Fourth. 77et ultimate triumph of the
Church in the world -The broad acres of
earth shall be subordinated to-the King
of KINN and at His feet : shall lie a
conquered and regenerated world.
1. If the text is true, then it is danger
ous to oppose and persecute the church.
2. To be engaged in building her 'is an
3. We should prefer the good of Zion
above our chief joy.
4. The church shall stand an enduring
monument of the love and faithiairess
of God.
The above is a faint outline of the ex
cellent discourse of Prof. Steele. It fully
sustained his reputation as a distinguish
ed pulpit orator, and was listened to with
rapt attention by a large. and intelli
gent audience.
After sermon Dr. Steele constituted the
Synod by prayer.
r• •
5AW4114540.4-460.:W ;.! "--7.c.:‘,:t4
Thieves at Work—More Allegheny Rob
beries. ,
The thieves who have been operating
in Allegheny lately, though they haie
been lately remarkably active, hayethuS
far not reaped a very rich hal vest. pills
little circumstance, however, seems - not
to have caused any falling off in their
efforts, else we would not haye to record
:this morning the particulars of two other
_burglaries which occurred in - that city
since our last edition. Both occurred on
Tuesday evening or at an eer i ly hour i
terday, but the operators were not mil
formly , fortunate in escaping detection:
The first was at the millinery store of
Mrs. Austin. ou Federal street, near the
Diamond. ',The burglar entered through
a window in the rear of the• establish
ment, ransacked the premises, secured
a silver watch, and a purse containing a
small collection of coins and departed
as noiselessly as ho had entered. with
commendable caution and politeness con
ducting his operations so quietly that
slumbers of the inmates of the house
were not in the least disturbed. ,
, he-other affair was of a more exciting
character, and resulted somewhat disas
trously to the supposed operator. Mrs.
Mooney's Grocery Store, corner of Mon
terey and Jackson streets;swils the scene
of operations. The time two o'clock in ,
the morning. A rear window. as usual,
afforded a means of ingress into the bed
chamber, of Mrs. Mooney, through which
his thiefahip noiselessly passed to enter
the , storeroom. The first point of
attack was the money drawer, which,
unfortunately for his calculations, Thad
beep specially prepared with an alarm
attachment as a trap for purglars. The
first, strong pull at it raised an alarm
which startled the slumbering mistress
of the mansion, and caused her to rush
into the store room and attempt to seize
the intruder. Finding himself in close
fluarters, the chap intimidated her by
ourishing a huge chisel which he held
in his hand and thus gained time
to, jump upon the connter, smash the
transom over the door and disappearhas.
tily through the aperture. Unluckily,
he made two miatakes—one in leaving
his Cap in , the store, and the other in
jumping to ; the ground from the top of
the door in such a careless manner; that
a sprained ankle was the result with
which he managed to hobble off, how
The police were notified of the affair,
and with the cap as a ohm, succeeded in
A short time in apprelmnding‘ on mimi
c/ion, James Stewart, a Youth residing in
the vicinity. Stewart was found at home
in bad,. suffering with a sprained ankle,
received the day previous, so he said,
This oircumatance, in , connectioniwith
the identity of the sap as the one
worn by him, induced tha , efil
serious maw. . , _ . (* A ra se " areh tak o e f I.
h t i h m e house iti r ° e ti v iit ealla
nothing to implicate him further. A
The row at' a saloon in Pleasant 'Val- chisel, similar to the one found in Match
ley, Allegheny, which we noted in ye*• er's grocery store, in the First Ward,
terday's paper, is likely to prave more which was robbed on Monday night, was
serious in its consequences than at first I discovered in his , possession, :which
apprehended. Wehave been informed I created a suspicion that he knew Some
thatthe saloon keeper, Jacob Slants, who thing of that affair. Both chisels have
was so badly beaten, boodtne much worse i been identified by Mr. Conroy, owner of
a whi csa ch rpe w n as ter rou sh bo o d p
a in few tn e e ire F u l i ra nge t
, w al a n r o d o. ,
during yesterday - and last evening, h
a consultation of, physicians•waa
his ease, the report from which was - not Informations were made against him for
at all encouraging. He is now lying at larceny and burglary, upon which he
his /3 ° l " 111 a very precarious condition. .'
had a hearing last evening. and was
c orn. v/oth a strong probability ' against hilf..le• 1 milled la default of bail tnawa 4, 6
OUperation. 1 chargeliat Court.
DODIeStIC . Wirtiln•
The Rock family, consisting of Mr.
and Mrs. Rock and JOhn - Quigly, a
brother to the lady; occupy a tenement
in Carson's court, off. Ohio street, Alle
gheny. Tuesday evening,about 10 o'clock.
to e
the localit attention ot the y pice was directed
y bol cries of "w atch."
"murder," and other despairing ejacula
tions, indicative of a disturbance within.
The officers at once entered, the .estab.
lishment and discovered that Mrs. Rock
and her brother wale having a little dis
pute. They were taken into custody and
looked np until %yesterday' morning.
when a fine of five dollars tor disorderly
conduct:was imposed upon each by the
Mayor. They paid the amounts.
1444:T 101 ittfti.:
stftmuL YILLU3L
Bold Bobber' Operating—Two Thousand
Five 'Hundred Dollen Stiffen—Arrest
ftf eine of the Perpetrators.
Yesterday afternoon a robbery, which
• 1
for daring and ' skilful maneuvering, is
one of the most successful we have ever
recorded, occurred at the store of Messrs.
R. Robinson & Co., No. 255 Liberty street,
The robbers were three in number,
evidently graduates in the business,
and possessed of all the requisites of cun
ning, boldness and sharp planning ne
cessary to success in their nefarious
work. The store is .a large wholesale
grocery, fronting on Liberty street, and
extending backward to a public alley. It
can be entered ) either way. At the end
fronting oath alley, the office contain
ing the safe, &c., is located. While sit
, ting in this office yesterday morning, the
senior partner of the firm was approached
by a young man, who asked him to
change a ten dollar bill. In accom
modating him the gentleman displayed
a large sum of money which be took from
an inner drawer of the safe, and returned
to its place with the bill which he had
changed. About half past two, in the af
ternoon, the chap went back to the store
and made inquiries in regard
to a certain man, who, he said,
was employed in one of the establish
ments in the vicinity. While he was
talking another party came in and
attracted the attentiOn of the salesman
by prieing the gads, /lc. The office was
thus left vacant, the door leading into
t 0 alley being open at the same time.
The conversation lasted for about three
minutes, when Mr. Robinson returned
to the office and discovered that during
hls absence the safe bad been robbed of
the Money in the drawer, amonnting to
ahout twenty-five hundred dollars, to
gether with a similar amount in chocks
and a bundle of promissory notes. the
value of which is not definitely
known. A few minutes before he had
left the office be noticed a man
prOwllng around, but supposed he had
copao in the back way and gone to the
•frtnt of the store. When the robbery was
revealed he immediately suspected habit&
been made the victim of a well concerted
pleb of villainy, and at once repaired to
the Pittsburgh Mayor's office and notifi
ed the police of the affair. A gentle
man who happened to be in the store a few
minutes after the two men had departed,
when furnished with a description of
them, said he had noticed the chaps, and
started in pursuit. He traced them as
far ha the Allegheny Diamond, but lost
theoo there. The Allegheny pollee were
theg placed in posseshion of the facts,,
aid' about an hour afterwards Officer,;
Green, while passing up Beaver street!
apprehended one of the men, whom
he knew from the description. The ,
fellow was brought to the kiekup when
Mr. Robinson and the salesman identi-,
fled him as one of the men who had!
been in the store. He was searched but!
only sixty dollars was found in hie pow-I,
session. He refused to answer any qum- 1
Cons and maintained a dogged, sullen,
demeanor throughout the examination.!
The pollee, however, succeeded in get!,
ting a clue to his par tners in crime, whom
they axe now in search of. ! Jr
SOMO of the papers were found:
In the alley subaequently, and the
thieves really secured but the two
thousand Ave hundred cash, as pay,
merit on the notes and checks have been
stopped. With this haul, however, if,
not detected. they can congratulate them,
selves on a prosperous day's work. Ihe
fellow who, is now in the lock- up will
have a bearing, to-day, when perhaps
something additional may be learned in
reference to his companions. The trick
was well planned, bold in the extreme,
well carried, out, and thus far has boob
crowned with a success worthy of a more
noble addertaking. 1,
---4.---- - t
United states Circuit Court—Jodi*
11ITEDNESDAT, May 19.—The case of
Colon vs. Hunter et hi., prey-mu-41yreport
ed, was resumed and the argument con
cluded. The Court charged the jury.
J!, verdict was rendered for defendants.
The next case taken up was that of
Win. T. Shear, assignee of Alexander
McConnell, v.. Adam T. Black and
Diffenbacher & Co. This was an action
for trespass to recover the value of a
lirge lot of boots and shoes and other
goods sold by the Sheriff of Mercer
county upon execution of defendants.
On trial.'
District Court--;Judge Hampton
1 WEDNESDAY, May 19.—The case of
Young vs. The Little Saw Mill Run
Railroad Company, previously reported.
was resumed and concluded. The jury
returned a verdict for plaintiff in the sum
of $6,670. In the previous trial a verdict
for $3,000 was rendered, And wasset aside
on the ground that the damages were
excessive. The amount of damages
awarded in the present trial Is greater
than were ever before obtained Ina suit
for personal injury in this county.
The cases of Sullivan vs. Reese, Graff
ik Dull and Cusick ye. same defendants',
;were next taken up. These are actions
,to recover damages. The plaintiffs are
widows, whose husbands were killed by
\the explosion at Reese, Graff& Dull's
rolling mill, which occurred in the fall
of 1867, and these actions were instituted
to recover damages ' laid at $15,000 in
each case, alleged to have been sustained
by plaintiffs ill consequence of said ex
;plosion. It is contended by plaintiffs
;that the accident was the result of care.
ilefemess or incompetency of the engi
;neer, and tbat defendants having
i,ployed him'are accountable for any and
all damages that might, result through
'his carelessness or incompetency. The
evidence up to the present time has been
;offered for the purpose of showing the
incompetency of the engineer, and we .
_presume that upon tbis point the case
will test. The testimony does not diffet
materially from that taken before thd'
Coroneesjury, which it will be remem
bered was published in full in the GA
- ZETTE. The WEEEI are still on trial and
will probably occupy the attention of
the Court during the greater part of the
week. In view of this fact, Judge Kirk
patrick will take up Judge Hampton's
List in the Quarter Sessions room this
morning, and try any cases ready for
Following is the trial list:
Bi. Sweeny adm'x vs. Wolf.
87. Harr vet. McGowan. -
88. nagva. Cochran.
89. Bahian vs. Morrison, Koegler & Co.
99. Jenitins do Co. vs. Hades.
91. McKee dr. Co. vs. Fawcett.
Common Peae--Jo
WEDNESDAY, May ie.--The ease of
Kramer vs. Monderon,l previonsly re
ported, was resumed, and the jury found
for. plaintiff in the sum of 181.19.
Elizahethtioeyeller' Administrates of
Augustus lloeyeller,deo'd, VI. Chas. P.
Mayer. et aL Action op' a promissory
note. The defendants, it appears, were
about organizing a company to deal in
land in Preston county, Vest Virginia,
where they owned two thousand acres,
and Mr. Hoeyeller owned six hundred
acres adjoining it, which defendants pur•
chased, giving him so many shares of
stock in the company, and the note in
gnestion, in payment for the same. On
126. Adler & Co. vs.. Penna. R. R. Co
10. Smith vs. Gray..
45. Reath for use vs. Haigh et at
50. Hazlett vs. Allegheny Ins. Co.
4. G. P. B. .1c L. Association vs. Biscla
5. Quince vs. Adams Ex. Co.
I O. Martin vs. Mullen.
1. Same vs. Same.
13. HaHarman vs. Hier, Foster & Co. ,
14. Harper, Outman tit Co. vs. Williams.
Meeting of the Grand Lodge I. 0. 0. Er,
of Pennsylvania.
The Grand Lodge of the Independent
Order of Odd Fellows of Pentsylvacia
met in the Hall of the House of Repro•
sentatives, at Harrisburg, on Tuesday.
Grand Master Peter B. Long presided,
and over five hundred delegates reported.
Previous to the calling of the Grand
Lodge to order, a formal reception took
place, Governor Geary welcoming the
body on the part of the State, Mayor
W. W. Hays on behalf of the city of
Harriet/uric, and Grand Representative
Lamberton on behalf of the Lodges.
Right Worthy Grand Secretary James B.
Nicholson replied to the addresses of
welcome on behalf of the Grand Lodge.
The Grand Lodge having been regu
larly opened for business, committees
were appointed on credentials, officers to
nt election returns, and one hundred
and thirty-four Past Grands admitted to
A report from a nimittee appointed
at; -the last annual session to divide the
County of Allegheny into two , districts,
submitted a report, In which they pro
posed to divide that county into four
districts. Their recommendation was
adopted, and Allegheny county will
hereafter be in four districts.
A charter was granted for a lodge, to be
called Americus Lodge, No. —, to be 10
sated at . Marion, Indiana, county.
Also for one at Tidionte Warren
county, to be called Eden Lodge, No.—.
The charter of Stoystown L0dge,N0.372,
at Stoystown, Somerset county, was on a
similar application restored. It starts
with every prospect of 'future Boo
ties& It was stated in the application that
the Lodge was compelled to dissolve du
ring the war, beeause all of its *embers
having joined the army.,
The Grand Lodge will be in session for
several days.
Homewood Property at Auction
The very desirable residence of Frank
Van Gorder, 'Esq., with fourteen acres of
ground, beautifully sitatated at Mule
Station, on the Ferumvlvania Gen
tral Railroad, will be sold on the prom
thes this afternon. The house M a neat,
well built two•story brick double direll
lug, in good condition, and the grounds
under excellent cultivation, with a
young orchard of choice fruits in bear
ing; also small fruits and ornamental
shrubbery. This location is unsurpassed
for pleasantnew and for extensive and
beautiful views. The sale be posi
tive so that this will, be a special oppor
tunily for purchasing a desitahle prop
erty. See lilollwalue's auction attver
Housekeepers, Attention.—The mis
eries of poor dishes is at an end. Beggs
lideGraw have on band a . splendid sr
t lole,wb ich they offer to the public at very
low Prices, warranted to be genuine .
ported Inglest Iron Stone China. Please
call and BOd if our statement is not true.
Beggs & McGraw, No. 10 DiaMond, Alle
Only Thirty-three cents per day < to
pay for a Weed Sewing Machine,
.at 116
Market street.
To all Whom lt May Grocers.
Know all moons by this notice tag
the "Pittsburgh Real Estate Register , '
contains descriptions of over one million
dollars' worth of farms, mills, city and
suburban property in such a vast seleo.
tion that the most fastidious cannot fail
to get suited in a home. It is given ",
away gratis by the publishers, Messrs. .
Croft & Phillips, No. 139 Fourth avenue,
or will be sent free by mail to any ad.
dress.. "Don't fail to get it," as it is in.
valuable to all wanting to sell, as well as
to those seeking homes. Dam
Bow True.
"With fingers weary and worn,
With eyelids heavy and red:
A wea.v house-wife burden. 4 with care.
Plying her needle and thread." •
Reader, this Is no flighty sketch of the
imagination. We have been there
know it to be a fact. We can realize - too
what a change would be produced by the
investment of only'33 cents a day for one
of the best Sewing Machines in the world.
It iB.,the "WEED," at the Agent's.
Long & Co's., 116 Market street.
The New Yorg Tribune says the reason
why PLANTATION BITTERS aretgo • tin
orally used , is owing to the fact that t er •
are always made up to the original stand
ard, and of pure material, lathe price be -•
what it will. The Tribunejust bite the
nail on the head, for PLANTATION BIT- -
TEM3 . 11113 not only made of pure nutterial, ,
but the people are told what they Are !
made of, as the recipe is wrapped. around.,
each bottle. Don't go hotne *Watt a
ISIAGNOLLt. WATElL—Superior .to the
befatimportad German Cologne, and sold
at halt the price. TEALT.P.
. Improved Property.--The valuable
property of Thomas Byrne, EFq., on
Ridge street, oppoNite the Upper Bin.
in the old Seventh ward, will be sold on,
the premises to-morrow, Friday, after
noon, as'he is preparing to permanently
leave our city. There is one large brick'
dwelling, besides two smaller brick
dwellings and two frame dwellings. The
grounds have 324 feet front by 150 feet in
depth. The properties will be sold sepa
rately or together. See Mcllwaine'sauo
tion advertisement.
Constkation We t ter is a certain cure tn
Diabetes and all diseaites of the Kid
nays. For sale by all Druggists.
The place to get White Lime, Cal
cined Plaster, Hydraulic Cement. is at
Ocher & Caskey's, 13 Smithfield street.
. -
THOMPSON--ADAIE -- On Tuesday eironlng.
May Ilith„ 1868, et the reit& we of W. .G.
Stubbs. Wood's Ban, by Rey. Jos. Kerr. S.M.
THOMPSON, of Allegheny, and HATTIE H.
ADAIB. of Wood's Ban.
POWLEB-WIGHTMAN -4 :in Taeillay, May
18th, 1889, In Christ M. E. Church, by Bev.
John A. Gray. JENNIE, daughter of B.S. Fow
ler, Egg.. to JOHN H. WIGHTMA.N. allot Pitts
burgh, Pa.
ing, May 18th, at Brownsville, Pa., by the Bev.
Lowing, Rector of the Eplse.palian Church,
Bias SOPHIA I'LAYPORD, of Brownsville, - and
Capt. WM. rAratISON. of Elizabeth toSinship,
Allegheny county. Pa:
Tweday. May 1801,44 1_1j(
P. 31.. LORGIS W. BLIVISBPW, in - the . ama
yeAr of hie age. •
Iral will take Owe TO-DAT, the spa,
The Meet_ -_place -
Inst., hum his late reddens...on Mazy atreet.
Brownstown, at 1 o'clock P. M. to proceed to
Lebanon Church burying ground. The friends
of the family are respectfully bellied to attend.
PAGE—Inc Widici•sday mor • Ing. Way 19th, at
Os 3; o lock, JOtiMPli 11., son of Th..mas J. and
mb L. Page, seed 51 mouths cud 19 days.
The fune7al will take place TRU. BOAT, the
iamb. st 4 o'clock P. M.. from the residence of
his parents. No. 5 F hat street, Allegheny.
ttint , i,:l. COFFINS of all kinda,CRAFFTh
GLOV and e , cry description of Funeral Far.
Waning. a furnished. Booms open day and
night Hearse and Carriages Piraisned.
RITKELINCIA—Bev.Daviu Kerr. lievat.
W. Jacobus, D. D., Thomas Ewing,.Eati.„ Ja :oh
AVEKU L Allegheny City. where their C 0 1 , 1 1124
ROOMSe constantly supplied witS real and
Imitation 'lto e wood, Mahogany and Walnut
Cabo, at prices . 'trying from to .100. 80.
dies prepared for in ...rment. Hearses and Car
riages Mrnlshed: also, .11 studs of Mooning
Goods, if required. Once 01 en, at all hours. der
.and. night. -
56 1 8
Corner fourth Avenue, and Smith
' field Street.
TNS. Chemicals sad True Glycerine Soap..
ay2i-Tras •
_ -
Would regatearally IMT:a :leads sad do
avaaTaUy..uum, hih
'US!I - Ml . ='4
Baratoga64.4" Water.
Congress Water.
Kissingen Water.
Ste., &C., ",
mom:lngo Al EARLY CALL
Corm of Penn and Sixth Stre"tap
into ,
No. 60 MTH STREET. (late at.
Mr.) have Nut reoeived from the 'East *behest
lot of New Goods for liprini bolts ever bronkht
to the market. The arm warrant Went and fit
and mate Clothes cheaper and better than any
tint-elan hciase In this city; .inew and spies
did assortment of OZNTLTIIIIII% TURNINR
-1 LNG 'moils at thou to be found it lido
1 bowie. Oix Nisbet si 50 toixiw.wrarizi2