U I II FOB THE ASSEMBLY, ALRBANDBIZ MILLAR, _Or Ideßeesport, subject to the decision of line Ile Publican _Legisisti ve Conyention. tray2o4sB g FOR ASSFABLT. The RARE OP - QEO. N. ZWL!EZEIAN, Of Ross townshlp, be pretented In the Re nitence° Leghandy° Convention, June let, en solar, for nomination to represent Allegheny eount;' the next session of the Legislature. torA A PPLICATION to sell liquors A On Ale In the Clerk'so6l4. B. Green, eating twine. 6th ward, Pittsburgh. Wm. citgorgy, tavern, 17th ward,Pitisteirgh. The License Board will sit for for hearing the above application on WXDliiiiiiDAY. Just 114,at o'clock A. Y. m 20:100 JOHN G. BROWN Clerk. NATION .FIACOUrt. ,I_,s AT ALTON. ILLINOM, Will be sold within thirty dayi. Pordeacriptt,e circular apply to PlitST NATI:INAL BANK, Pittsburgh. Pa. Addresi, _ OFYI BOARDI _ VZRTRAL or EDUCATTOT. / Prrresurtan. May 90, 1869. §ooIPALER PROPOSALS ter the Masonry of the foundation walls of the High Building will be received until 12 111., Jlateit tid. IS de will i tate the prPe per tot superliedal for the cut stone work, aud the price per cubic rout for rubble work. They will also cube the whole amount for which they will do the work. Pinta and specificaeon a can be seen at the once of BARR a MOnEtt. Proposals tb be kit at the oaten of the Central Boardscorneeof Wood street and Sixth avenue. , Hiddera will bo required to a ccompany their bids with a specimen of ttie stone proposed to be seed for the cut work. Bids will also be received for the excavation. .By order of the Building Committee. - iny2o jet JOHN A. tiEBORANT, See'Y'. AD— • -- ---------___ 7 _______ , lERICAST BANTA. i , 1 NO. 80 FOURTH AVENUE, PITiTBBIIBOII.I CASU CAPITAL .... •200.000. Stockholders Individually Liable. DANN OP DISCOIINT AND DEPOSIT. JutturLovp. President. binICTOnB: nos. M. Marshall, Juba if. Martlaud. Wm. T. abanaon, Arcbibald Wallace, Jas. w. Arms, ' Jas. D. Kell. Cligs. B. Leech, Wm. Floyd. • John tloyd. • This Bank Lwow tally organbAdand prepand to do a general Banking buskins. TUTHit •el •G. 1111 .11.1111F.11 Er: SONS., • %a (Late or the Arm of Hammer i Ditaler,) 7 Aktheir new establishment, No, 419 SaVENTiI AVENVZ, have a /argot stoat of elegant sad lasklonable PARLOR, LIBRARY & BEDROOM FURNITURE' AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES We have erected a large Factory, and are ore , Dared to till all orders on shortest notice. We flatter ourselves of always having mute good Work, end It will always be .our endeavor to con- Unite. having a loge number of experienced workmen, and a foreman of 26 years experi- ence at the trade to superintend all work before raying the Factory. We use no machinery; ill oar work is made bytand, and for durability and elegance It cannot is excelled. sayS:JI. C..G. RAMltirs, a sows. B (PANS& ft &ft. SPRING STOCK OLIVER M'CLIITOCK CONFITYI. We are receiving this week by °bean steamers from England a' fresh stock of. the latest andAgost beautiful de signs yin 'English Tapestry and Body Brusseli by direct importations from the man ufacturers. W.c, invite the' insmotion of house furnish ers, confident tha s t xwe offer the' largest assortment and greatest 'variety of elegant Patterns - ever brought to this market, at the lowest • Prices,. Great inducements are offered in all grades of In gmane and Three Plies, it c).rxiiiisTi..tvarr. 19g their constant aim to w. oyes a stock of BUNKER MILLINIC r to the multitude, the BY Is ßetail I);:al76,:ti:lnTitcrAY. fullest assortment of cheap 1137.2915-4 / itniel. and serviceable Carpets at " ra lower rates than any other 111.41regi• *se in the trade", incl.- 28 FIFTH AVENUE., 7t FA"sid.+ lla " I rLuan a;; " N i e rmrir:* (;° • T. J. CHOOLEP. ALTON. ILLINcIsk m. WM. FLOYD, Cubler I UG HOLTZNANda WIEDERHOLD 'Aro. 100 Thii•ct Avenue,. Uphohters and Deafen in Curtain Good', t tpe attention of their Mende and the public to tnelr lineli a.sorted, stock of Lace and Nottingham curtains Vestibule Laces, Damask 'Reps. Perry's 'Mexican cloth. Satin, Detente, Gilt Cotnices. Gilt and Walnut 'Mouldings. Spring Beds of Superior make, Hair Matresses (pare lute heti.) Mows. Bolsters. and everything perPinlnn ro s grit class bed. The latest Parts and Berlin deafens :orDreperies atthe inspection or , their customers. Pure white lastetn skow ?tidbits always oa hand. HOINZNLAN & WIKDERHOLD NO. 100 THIRD AVENUE. myetite WOOD 'TURNING, SCROLL SA.WIN6I, • AND- MOULDING le D gbe one ply'prom to order at 16 11Acook street, Al dy iy • . P. - LEBZELTER & CO. The bort Mention:WU be elven to all who win*, anything La our line.. •We always keep a loop lot or Corned work, such as Balusters. Newt Posts. 'Bobs se. also , a got sums of dry Wasnut: t beiryand other timber on hand. inylltl7 P. LABZEI TER & CO' STRAVED 011STOLEN.--IProm the ' p... = lses 'of the subleriber, a bIIALL motr4z COLORED' MULE, with a hem baiter on Wm. saheb!. relVard WC, be given to the retard sloe liformation that will lead to his cover,: Word can be lett at the (Mee of the Grant Coal Works, at the south side of the Mo. nongshethbridEe. R$OLEg & CO. APPLETONS' JOURNAL. No. 9 Now Ready CONTAINING A SUPERB STEEL ENGRAVING, ENTITLED A GLIMPSE OF MOUNT WAS3INGTON FEU A PAISTECO BY Man List of Illustrations • FlBgr Llt HT YL-MBERS NO.I CON TAINS A CARTOON OF THE GRAND DRIVE IN THE CENTRAL PAER. NO. Sk ooNTAINS AN ILLUSTRATED SUP PLEMENT or UNDERGROUND LIFE AMO"G THE MINERS. • No. 3 CONTAINS A [EEL ENGRAVING OF NOON ON THE sEA-SlioßE. NO. 4 CONTAINS ANA NIG HT-PAGE t•IIPPLE RENT OF NEW YORK ILLUSTRATED. NO. 5 CONTAINS A CARTOON OF THE. LEVEE AT NEW ORLLANS. NO. 6 CONTAINS A STEM ENGRAVING CALLED THE RIVER ROAD. NO. 7 CONTAINS A CAII.TOON,OF THE HAR BOR OF NEW YORK. NO. S CONTAINS AN ILLUSTRATED EIGHT PAGE SUPPLER KNT ON MINING OF THE PRECIOUS METALS. THE ILLUSTRATED PEATURE3 OF THE JOURNAL ABE NB W. AND Bit THEM 'SELVES ARE H. ORTH MOHR THAN THE CILB3T OF THE JOURNAL. THE PRESENT MM.BEZE CONTAINB Madame de Pompadour's Fan. Frrin the French of Alfred de Mu/et. Illustrated. - Idling In the Orient. ("Letters of a Sentimental Idler.") The Man Who Laughs: er, By the Elcrs Com. mend. How we Drdwa and are Renee Mated. 'By D/41 Lancaster. Magnollas.' Illustrated. Oa the Inyolentary Morensents of Animals. Sketches of Early Life. In Boston:. Hew -they Regulated Trade In Boston.. What' Whit Should Women Study/ (Bissell's "SM. tenuttla Technical Educallon.”l French Morals and Manners. The Theory of Sleep. (Macmillan's•Magaalne.), Light and Shade. By George Cooper. My Wicker-Seat.' kyJohn Este* Cooke. Table• Talk. Brief Notes. The Museum. With Ilaistratione. Price 10 cents per . No., or $4 per annals, I advance.. FOR SALE ST ALL NEWS AGENTS N THE UNITED STATES D. APPLETON & CO,, Publishes, la 90, 951 & 94 ORA:cm erd, Yoax. m GENERAL, AGENCY FOB THE AMERICAN STRAWBERRY BASKETS AND . CitiTES, Delivered iIl Pittsburgh Free of Freight, At inanniketnrers• prices at the factory. We hare the EXCLUSIVE AGENCY ter this KNO Berry X Box. the one in which are shipped by .1. Thousands of (loans of Denies Daily To New York and Philadelphia doringjbe sea son. Undoubtedly the best boa 1 - every gni yet invented, for either markets or for shipping. antes holding trom 43 to 90 pint bete., and from 94 ns/54quart boxes. Tho Trade farulaued at factory discounts. . , w. KNOX., Ajrriesitural House, 187 Liberty Street, P/TSI3IIIIIIII. niyu:immts• IN TUB FEDERAL • STREET, TALGG-ART 4t SEMEN, ZtTAIL BOOTS,- SHOES AM GAITERS AT Wholesale Prices. NO. 128 FEDERAL STREET, atm Allegheny City. A GREAT slLlC_CEigfn • . .. _I3.IE4X9MMEt . , WASHINGMLLE'! • It washes the finest fabrics. without bkitiM. perfectly clean In less than one- eighth the ordl. n Wforms cleaning process by steam and the Wet ',lion of hut water; II can be opera:44l ch ry ild. Its great on !anneals nukes It acceapaide 7 to eve family and saves Its own coat La doing away with tuba. , PRICE. rl5 ' • Bold from the Manufactory, at . • THOUS MERKEL% PRP* BT.. oPPoarne Tat ' PAIR GROUND. EPAGENTS 'WANTED, CITY Ea minimal °Men._ NOAbixonairr CITY, Pa.. May 27 . Igo% I EICE.--The Assessments for -11-1 Grading and Patag of WARD ALLEY • Prom Allegheny avenue to Bedgwiek strait, are now ready for examination, and can be seeg at tbe Mace of the City Znirituter aatfl IfAY 25tb, IS when they will Waisted ix the bands of the 0117 resumer for collo:Goa. CHAIG.II3 DAIrrA. • "Ity Earineer. FEJR---11---t---iy• . PIUMNO lIIX ikons. CI E. ROBINSON, 3 4•11117AMThuut OF Black • ad Colored Printing k Lithographic KS, VARNISUEB, &O. .Grare Ferry Read aid tat , Wrest, !M eaa PBTLADHLPRIA. gHERR &HAD action BENJAMIN PuDPREBB h Stand, No. 48 Diamond Market, ppyull mo bs gh, and at the Twin City, Allegheny city owner of ,Ohlo and Tpderat agree* be has all Ueda of Sea and Lake Bah, Halibut, Shad. Beak, Codfish. Haddock Ind Nei. Also , large supplies or White, lake rub, !Salaams, Bale, !Sturgeon, Herring anti *Maclnaw Trout, trhickr eneblea nip to sell at the lowest market prices, wholesale or retell. We kerne all Imre- or Fresh Blab to glee ea a call. and we hum, them street. will nth= KFTSTONE POTTERY. 12 oak M. KIER & • •••• Manufacturers :o 4kineitselcm. nruerrox waits dke. melt and Warehouse. 383 LIBERTY tiTRZET. /PAL ordero Promptly attended to. - . joszpu TOBRENS, itmforminnum op WINDOW GLASS. AT WOOD BTD24T, IRMO ' Pittstmrirb 4 e der a i Street. Alleglway, (bavings Bank lain.) Spring term begins 1 1011 DAY, APIUL St b e 1869. 34 " 6 "'" 14 . 84 , . IPerthim. A. N.. .141-.. Ir.- 1011/ 014100111. kg *us l. GAMME:r ,EU*SAAN., 19fr' GOOD BA CIWP.MINT TEEMS At P a cts., Fine Yard Wide Bleached Muslin.. At 12 2 cts, Fine 40 Inch Un bleached Muslin. At 12 2 1 cts., Heavy Yard Wide heetiag Muslin. At 64 cts., Unbleached Muslin. At 50 cts., Unbleached Table Linen. At 50 eta, Bleached Table Linen Sheetingtalkie, Pill 'tt Case Mnslins. Shirting- Muslin, .. White Quilts. Table Linena, biapkins, Towels, Caimere's, Cloths, Tweeds, Jeans, to., 84e WHOLES ALE WILLIAM NEW ADVERTISEMENTE4 RGAINS 3xxortivxmar. At 60 ets., full size Black an; Mite Balmoral Skirts. 'At 121 cts.; Light and Dark De lakes. At 121 cts., Good Fast Colored Gingkaans. Ar\ - 45 cts., Alpaca Lustres, yard wide. A t 28 cts., Alpaca Poplins, ya wide. NEW ASSORTMENT OF Ipacas in Choice Colors, Fine Black Alpaca Lustre, Wash Poplins, Silk Poplins, &c., &c Parasols, Sun Umbrellas, Eats and Bonnets, • hibbons, Flowers, &c. HEAVY BLACK SILKS, Toilet Mats. ILT VERY LOW PRICER. NEW SPRING SKIRTS. AND RETAIL SEMPLE'S, 'WO. 180 AND 182 ALLEGHENY ,CITY. UPITZD STATICS TWTICIIIIAL Ftrrsictrz, t :Twtuvrr-Tatam DlsTiucT. COLLECTOR'S - -NOTICE. OPIPICE COLLECTO:it iNTIMPAL Rairsvalt. 93d Collection liktrlct of Pennsylvania. N 0.87 Water St /Allegheny Ch 159. Noyes le hereby given that the annual Hats of SPECIAL; TAXES, formerlyptrmed LICENSES, and of the tr4es on Incomes, Carriagek, Watches, Silyer *O. • are now In this °Mee, where payme t wlll be received thereon by Ihe tiollector on and after the Lt DAY OF JUNE , 1889. These taxes, baring beecme dae„;tnnet be paid before the linth DAY OF +/UNE, 1860; other were, additional expenses will ba incurred by the taxpayer. K. BUFFINGTON, Fig.. Deputy Colteetor of the eounty of A/M*OOOC and EDWIN LYON, Zig., Deputy Collector for the counly of it naer. will be ready to recelre, after the Itst ofJune, for their respective counties, and will post notices designs/led the times and places, when and where they will be prepared torecelve the taxes collect able by them. Tazetpayable oily lo greenback, or Uagotial currency. Offlce boors horn 9A. M. to 8 P.M JOHN H. SULLPiAN, znYlB4l5l ormen op CITY Esonrape,.l NA Ltotonizry CITY, PA., May /bib, 180 w. OTICE LS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PROPERTY HOLDERS CITY OF ALLEGHENY That On and atter the SlOth DAI: OP MAY. 1889, the ace of Assembly provlding for the registry of Imo la the City of Allegheny, of which the 3d and 4th sections are hi reunto ap pended, will tie enforced: Siteriow 3. Te enable h Engineer dutyeen rip the bouts of said plans, I t c hell be the of atl parties t.cquiring real eatate by perch ue. will, descent, part.ltio or otherwise to 'make repnrt to him of such conveyance or transter, with the prerise dlmenrions locally premises and so doing the mune shaWbe without charge and noted on the deed or title paper by the I icy Engiu eer or his *Masten t, but -I' Mesabi party omitparties acquiring real tees sh e ll oresaid 'hail or neglect said duty be sub. lent to such fine or fines as hereinafter set forth and provided for in ti Minn 4th of this Act; and the Recorder of Deeils of said county of Alleghe ny shall not admit the deed of conveyance to re• cola 1a his office, and- any De:order. of Deeds who ihall admit to record any deed of conveyance t.f a lot or part of lot within the t of Allegbe. ny, watch ba • not been registered, shall for each offence oe sub eat to a fine of Eve dollars. to be recovered by surname) conviction or by penal me- Don in the name of the City of Allheny, be shalt i the Mayor or any Alderman mis demeanor nd be liable to indictment /or in °files. btcTION 4. It shill be the duty or all owner* of houses and lots to furnish forthwith deecrip. tiona of their nroperey to the lingineet to aid hint In making up hi. /Lobs of Piave; and whenso ever meth description, &hall have been so fur nished and the certificate of the Englueer or his asqlstant, Shall toe itice.ved, no property so re turned shall be'sub ect to sale for taxes or other municipal elaime, ereafter to accrue as a lien of record thereon. except in the name of the own. irgs.reuumed and wise recovery by suit and see. M , ' of the writ on hint made as in case of a sum. , . . mon& • And on and after ilist dab all deeds or title pa pers pertaining to property wlthiu said Ilinits must be presented at this once for registry as by law required. MIYMIPM aosaim OE I ICEI ICE! WM. KREBS, ICE DEALER, No. 6 5 Diamond Alley, PITTSBIIRGH, PAL 413 r Orders addressed to. KREBP, tlgbth ward. will rem. prompt attention. Wagons running to Pittsbur h end Ailergoeny. ord holders eir the Merc e antil Wea B L m imey are hart by t Gilded that the fit h r, an meet THREE DOLLektB per attire. has beep ,h.adaycalled payable an or before May Ifht 188 h, D. atmorel the °Moe of N. ilolmes & &mall Mar, kri By order of the Board. JAMES 'WEIGHT, Treararer., Pittsburgh, 4. /nag. F LOUR. 0. Tbe celebrated WBITZ,IIOBII (*needed b 7 all who have tried It to he the Beat and cheapest dour la tie atty. t• he It a trial. - , &old by 1 1 11 1/ANOll* anew AT T 1 WHITZ /*MT. not biblyr Elf lAsttleti-Tittabaho, ii=ll ME COLLECTOR. IN TIIN ROBJOHN 11. EITZWAHT .. a.fierzzasoli. T. B. PATTEESON & CO.. LIVERY, FJA7 , E Ari) CO=ON. STABEEs COR. SEVENTH, AVENUE 4.IIIIEITY ST, suss :114 PrrTssinicia, PA. ORA , . DAVIs. Oily Nualseer. El 25,000 TO LOAN - 'O N Nb' Areo 1 AND MORTGAGE. i Boobisettled ann amounts promptly collect. ed. Houses and Lots In Vittsburgn and Abegbet. ny. Cheap Houses and Lo sin haat Lleerty and B addocks. Lots In Mansfield. A rtrr desirable farm of TO acres; iplendld 'young orchard. gotta house, wish store-room &sunlien spring Of now Whoa water: near Economy, on the line of P. Fs. Mr. .1 O. B. W.; tor salemery ebtap. lowa, Missouri and Virginln land for sale. Zuguire of c . TiIik I ..MLPSON, lb. B. X. HOLLAND ', Brokers and Itisal Elate Agents. . - ain - VATLeilikE s A aerea.ttilne tithes from Freeport; 80 wee 'under h ate, *builds!'" ofPcgml thrifty:l4,oW, ittnenkine and:coal, • foot vein; Welt watered. Outran, emit runs though the AM; &Wale within one.half mild of N. W.R..8. riWitett Widen t his . road Mashed . the timber will sell for the,— OM ME r _ n 1 ,NOTICE...— ALLEGHENY win lietCcitityTtetratea itrezw74,Cininagi'4De st:the Mlle* of W. P YRICE, No. 21 [Almond. All members 91:the Committee are ztquested bepresest.l • to By order of the Cbafrman. 1 011 did:MPH P. SPRAGUE, Eireretati.. NOTICE TO COSTRAC TOR& ;* Chartiersßey Railway Letting PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the undersigned at Steubenville, Onto. until SATURDAY, MAT 29th, 1889, for the grading, bridging and ballasting of 14 miles of the Char gers Valley Railwav, between Mansfield and Canonsburgli, gip. motile and statement of quantitlts can be:neen, and detailed information will be g yen at , , the Englr eers Office, In Steu benville, after Saturday, 18th Inst. M. J. BECKER, 82717 13ZNYILLE, May 10, 1889. Engineer. myl2 arPUBLIC NOTICE. • 1 Pwsuant to an act of Assembly, approved ttbe 0001 of March, 1889 entitled ••an act relat -Mg to Interments in Trinity, Church-yard, Pius burgh, ', Public Notice is hereby given of the in tention of the minister; wardens and 'vests y of Trinity (Episcopal) Church. after the 10th of MAY, proximo, to use a part of the grave ground belonging to or connected with said chum'', as sites for new erections of Church ar d Chapel and for grades, J AM ES Messrs. JOHN ii. SHOENBEk GEE, 31. COOPER, CALVIN ADAMS and JOaIAH III 1•4, of the vestry, have been appointed a Committee to con fer and arrange with the friends and relatives of all persons burled the ground required for the purposes set forth in the act of Assembly afore said, for thelrretention under the new buildings or removal to other parts of the lot or to one of the rural cemeteries. ne or more mom Corn mittee may be found a t the vestry of the church at 3 to 5 o'clock P. M. on every WED VINESDAY• and SATURDAY tint!! the 15th of Y, at wh!ch time and place parties Interested please call. By order of the Vestry. . . apl6:hs9 Or PENNSYLVANIA RAIL, ROAD COMPANY, TREASHEER'I3 DEPART3IICITT. PHILADELPHIA. Mny 3d,'1869. NOTE rectorsfCKHOL VERS. The Board orD baye this day declared a semi-annual dividend of FIVE PER C abl T. on the capital stock of ; the Comnany, clear of Na tional and State taxes, payable in cash on and af- ter May 30. 1869. t Blank powers of attorney for collecting divi dends can be had at the o n ce of the Company, NTh 93w8S w h l ir d eop e ne d at El'A. Jr. and closed at 4 p. Y. from May, 30 to June 5, for the pay. ment of dividends, and after that date from 9 A. H. to 3P. N. , THOMAS T. FIRTH, Treasurer. NoTts.--The Tbirdlustatment on New Stock of 18881 s due and payable on or before June 15. m,8:1111 • . „ • AD RO PEN CO.NIIIILIAIVIA RAIL __ • . TREASURER'S DEPArsammNT.. PHILADZLPRIA, PA., April 2, 1889. TO THE S TOCKHOLDERS OF THE PENN . syLviaits RAILROAD C.OAIPAN All Stockholders, as registered on the 800 T. ks of this Company on the 30th day of April, 1869, will be entitled to subscribe for TWENTY-RIVE PERCENT, of their respective Interests in New Stock, at par, as follow,: - • ' Pint. Fifty per emit. at the time of subserlp lion, between the 10th day of May, 1869, and the 30th day or Tune, 1569, ' Second. Fifty. per cent. between the 15th diy of November, 1869. and the 31st day of Decent be; 1969; or, If Stockholders should prefer, the whole amount may be 'paid up at , the time of cub scriPtien, and each instalment so paid up shah be entitled to a pro rata of the Dividend that may be declared on Cult shims. Third. That every :Stockholder holding less than four 'harms, shall be entitled to suhscribe for one share; and those holding more than a multiple of four sharekahell be entitled to sub scribe for an addl.lonsl share. FbnrtA. All shares upOn 'which lustalments are yet to be paid under Resolution of May 13, 1868, will be entitled to their allotment of the Twenty-dive per cent:at par, as though they were paid In NU. • m38:1118 TTIOMAE! T. FIRTH. Treasurer. h REFINED • FAMILY LARD, p A a c zD By PROCTER & _GAMBLE, • CINCINNATI. Ark yogi, Grocer lbr our brand of Lard la Lhasa Park a ge.. Packed in 3,5, and 1 10 pound Caddies. 80 • I pound Cases for shipments Cheapest mode for selliro Lard. Bend !for Price List. -331 r. 1811111 DICKEY & CO., prrTssITELGH. And Grocers and Dealers Generally. apziag3 • THAW mizi.exess, - ALL THE - NEW STYLES. AT~lBr LOWEST raters, AT McCORD & CO's, 181 WOOD STREET. CM FEDERAL OIL . COMPANY.-- In panel:lance of an order from the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny county, Pennsylva nia. the Directors of the PADEttAL 0/L iO3l - if have this day declared a dividend of TEN CENTS per char., payable forthwith to the legal holders of stock in • paid company. on return to the Secretary of certificates or other evidence of ownership. - . All parties are hereby I notill.d, that dividends, nclalmi d for a period of six months, wilt be dim osed of according to law. By order of the Board. A. 16, MLLE. Secretary. Otlioe,Duquesne Way, 3 doors below Ninth at., Plttsburgh ittsbargb. Pa. 2______ Aprll3B, 11109. ap29:127 efir GRANT STREET, Moe back mom wANTED IS MED TATELV.— v v TWC GOOD ("OAT MAKERS at E. Hous ton a Co's, Merehai t Tailors, corner of Filth avenue and Cherry alley. IrrANTED AGENTS ivEw IT ANTED NGRVNSThe Par. mere and !ffechanica Manuel. A book or grea value to every one. Bend for 10 page eireobtrt Also, LIFE AND ISPlsTlais OF ST. PAUL, (.3.00.) with Introduction by Rev. Bishop time son. The only complete unabridged ..ditien. A. L. TALCOTT & Co 903 i Four th aven ue.Plttabbreb, Pi. WANTED.--AGENTS. for -Los- SING gnaw HISTORY OF THE ITNITED STATIII in _one large 8 vo. volume of 800 engem and 400 illdstrat:ons on mei and woott.l A. datessplendid volume. w , th maps. .dlagratira, toot , landiden are a great many. r efe rf, lames , dates, tolognyddeal sk-tebes pomtn men, containing toe matter of 3 ord nary vol umes. Erma ly popular with the scholar and the people,asi. is the only lull history or our country brought down to the present time. B. a stan dard author, and lust out. Every one will buy a ni,tory or their country that will buy any book. For terms and territory address W. .01L1, 23 Warren street, Syracuse, N. Y. mu sse s WANTED.--A GE A TS.--$75 to $2OO per month everywhere. ismle and female, to introduce the HENIIINE IMPROVED CoMMON • SENSE FAMILY SWIM" MA CHINE. Tills machine will alai, hem. fell, tuck, quilt, cord, bled, braid and embroider, lu &most superior . MIL ner. Price onlySlin. Fhlty warranted for Ave years. We will pay 81,000 for any Machlue that will sew a stronger. more beauttful, or more elastic seam than ours. It makes the "Elastic Lock stitch." Every second hitch cast be cut, and still the Cloth can not be pulled apart without tearing it. gents from $ 75 to $2OO rer month and expenses, cr a commission from which twice that amount can be made. Address BECOME & ( 0., Pittsburgh, Pa.. St. Louts, Mo:, br Boston,' Mass. CAIN lON tr worthlessosed upo machines, parties palming off cast iron under the same name or otherwise. only genuine and real ! Ours Is the y practical cheap trlAChine manufactured. JOSIATI KING, Junior Warden. FANTED -AGENTS.--TO rreetitolrict,n Knitting Itaeblne. r i tee Xisebine everP greit',lfes4-111412: 4- 4'4 Olitl stitches per minute. Liberal Inducements to 'agents. Address AMERICAN MA HINE CO., Boston, Mass., or St. Lout_, Mo. SELECT SCHOOL.— . peitioa deatrotos of carrying on. t.ct Wu, caa secure a position widen has p the p sent principal 3,000 during the present year. . eau at No. 04 ar ylia d uring the present eels., horn 8 tlil BP. . IiVrANTED -- BOARD. young gentlemen deilre to engage perms nen board, commencing win, Septemb.r next, In a Orst class boarding house or private family. In Allegheny City. Accommodations must be good. The best or ref b est er ence elven and required. Address GAZXTTZ OPTICE. WANTED. BOARD ER& —A mai and 'rife or twokentlemea can Da WANTED. with a room on Ad door wit • board, at IEI Wylie street. W A NTEIM-Rouse of 5 or 6 E within the limits of the old wardt. Address M. 8., AZITTZ VFPICZ, stating lima non and terms. WAN TIC P. HoAnDr with its.l- A few good boaraers can be :acco.modated few board by the week. day or meat, at 159 81CCOND A VEIN trz. • • LET.—Fionse en Centre Ay ENUE.--Oas, 2 a ter. itc., yes-, covenient. Out of vason. Rent 425.00 per month. Call soon at /21 Centte avenue t'lttsburga. T°M.T.—D,2d.on,ll4,ldl 114 4,,y s Pu„ .9 2. _ o rf suitable for a private school..eg aawure yaktaav prea laeo. • ToLEa-- noortrs,- Two fine Rooms In GAZETTE BUILDING. Apply at, ountlag Rooms, 84 and tiG Filth avenue. OFORSF_ ALE.--About 120 ac' res of Isnd In the best situation fur county seats; only 2 mtles from the West Plttsburgh Ferry Landing. Will be sold a l together or In pieces to suit purchasers. 11 . 11 4111 re of O.NEM- Lty, office at the south enu or the Monongahela bridge. 111 314:J'a. PAM A FOR SALE.— Mount Diane Foundry. . Blain buildlog is engine . d; alze 0100 feet, with cupola. cranes, but.er, and everything required i n the business In fi rst rate workina order with a large lot or useful pat. terns. i Is rituatkd n the best manufacturing We trict in, Pittsburith. There Is ample room to double its -present c aptcity,_having a front of 1414 feetfrout on Allegheny Valley Baltrogui, op poeite Union Iron fifths, and running 120 feet baek to Spruce alley, Can be bought at a bar , - main. For particulars In ulnaJ. B. Epoing's Veal Estate 00Ice, ot Peun street, near Butter, itittsburgh, Pa. FOR SALE.—The one teren in the D ?UR Store or BLACILIS in- TuN liit•GßEtioß, In Bellaire Ohio. They 'are doing a thriving business, B ersonan location Mote of the bras In Eastern Ohio. B fora elling, ill health onszaily. Terms reasOnable. "pit, soon. _ • -• FOR SALE.—LAND--15 acres the 13th ward, fronting on centre ave nue, C ln raig a d Neville streets. This is &desira ble location for cnuntry residences; well and near Penna.' R. R. and E st Litter. yP a ssen gerae Railway. Will be sold as a whole or in iota of of one to five acres. Enquire et W. ti. LLOYDTAYLOn, 7Wo d street , or at his read ,, nce on street, near the proper y. or of HENRY LLHYD,-Eeneiugton Iron Works. my6:110 FOR 9AILE--TYPE.--t4015 sew.pounds MINION TYPE. nearly as good aa Enquire at THIS OFFICE, VOR- 8s he remains of .4.• the Refinery br Mt late Are at Clara 011 lyorksi consisting of Boilers, Salla,Pumps,Con denting Tanks, Atm, together with the grcniu4 IlliOn which they are locat a: Location near rharpatragh bridge. between A. V. R. it. anti Allegheny river. , Apply to MIRY, JACIAMAIC 41 . 12„ . 0 at Works ___________z___ IgANDARDENERS TARE NOTICE. —FOR BALE.—The FOURTEEN MILK Bardene Allegheny River , and now used for ng purposes; well_lintroved and In • high state 01 cultivation* containing 10 or 80 acres. new oFered at a bargain . Can soon. Also, other /farms In good locations. Woolen Factory. tWo Houses, and twenty acres of land on the Central Railroad. Mouses and'Lots For Bode add To-:et 1111 Xothcities. Por further par- tletdare inquire of WILLIAM WARD. feat . 110 Hrant street. opposite Cathedral. F [ I A. OfIXAF FARM In Jefferson °our*, of 100 acres, 10 of which lire cleared aid 70 In Sae timber, all underlaid . witb,an 8 feet vein of coal; large orchard of choice fruit; will sell for .40 per acre .Oh easy terms. . _ Ja, _ taacutice Waive! ground near ers 114121. well adapted for mall fruit farm and /Wen : • 84A011E8 of g and in Freedom; ' oplendl db.. cat on for grapes, or to lay outin building lots. 5 BUILDINO 1078 on Lyndhani Street.. 10 VACANT Lo7d on Locust street. For Particulars, ettquire at 87 Greet street. myl 1 711871 N A ELK FOB 841,1 E. Near Osborn elation, on the Pittsburgh, Pt. Wayne and Chicago Railroad, TWO LOTS, I mo Coot I ,tu Aboot Two E ac k, ICEQOMZ OE W. MACKEIIWN & BRO.. 195 Liberty Stmt. I=l3 LNDIA. nveinut Hose, ate= Packing and Gaskets of the ton Bating Om nuitnibiettnii it Moos so 10... fm w no Ws dular skSgoods sea , a 4.6 r• • . . se• 6 t 4 1.1 Norzors—..ro.. Lao , • *.ry- yam." z., Wawa,. 1 11 .rosn4. ft 111111Bact raw, • ecrtsd Os Ac., "C't eZ9re diliL4Fo OR LIRA'S eat* isql: irs age/ ocquinns **co tot 2' wi.27,7r-zr osisrrx : each additional Use PIP:a 013NTR. A NTED--,-1311Lk Eltra - PLOTISENT OFFICE. No. 1 ISt. Char Street, BOYe u,IRLS and IhIEN. wanin g erent of kindinplqinent. Persons bent a p man he supplied on abort notice. W ANTED--AGEN Ts TTHS-T WANTS. TO LET FOR SA LE . „ • , . • • . • • ' , Irak - -5 .