LIVE .WVOCII.: MARKETS PZ3W'A YARDS, WEDNESDAY, „gay 19, 1669. SaIPMENTS The following are the daily shipments , of 11v4i ,atock to the eastern markets for the Week ending Tuesday, May 18. C;ttle. Hogs. sheep. Horses. . 134 .1,514 2,955 64 .. 507 1,074 5,897 77 .1,185 1,847 537 111 391 3,205 1,281 129 . 140 3,702 604 31 . 395 2,158 956 77 Wednesday,. Friday, Saturday,...... M0nday,..:.... Tx/64411W, 2;745 13,310 11,930 489 CATTLE. Total The market was quite active yesterday and this forenoon, the sales during that time being unusually large, aggregatinn frilly forty car loads, and to-day at noon there werevot over fourteen or fifteen car lneds the pens unsold. Compared with last week, prices have undergone no essential change, though shippers •al leged,' that taking eastern markets, as a beats, : there should have been a reduc tion of from a quarter to- a half a cent. With only a moderate supply, however, and a pretty full attendance of buyers, and under the Influence of a pretty sharp competition, prices are well sustained, and taking the quality of the stock into cemsideratt n, the market was steady and, an alniady intimated, there are very few- cattle in the pens, at this writing, nosoLd.- 'Welinderstand that there were some fortroar leads of cattle shipped to Phil adelphia last week. This is the largest ahlpment that has been made to that market for several months, from these yards, and it is probable that there will be Philadelphia buyers here every week . from now until fall. WEDNESDAY, May 12.—Lowensteine to Brii - wley 7 weighing 7,350 at 7; Holmes Lafferty & Co. for Webster to Haste {wood 17 weighing 47.450, at 63i; M'Auley for hiltain to same buyer 14 weighing 17,125, at 7,20. TaultsnAy, May 13.—M'Auley for Mor ris& Kano to Kelly 48 weighing 60,775, at 7,60; Hazlewood & Blackstock for Haw thorn to Aull &Co 15 weighing 21,675, at 65®63;; Holmes, Lafferty & Co. for Thompson to John Smith 66 weighing 81,850, at same for Morris to same buyer.l9 weighing 20,375, at 7,10; same for Vanghen to Aull & Co. 16 weighing 19,290, at•7,6o; same for Morris to Beach !Ak, Bray 36 weighing 40,250, at 7,35; Don nelly to Kleiman 29 weighing 36,950, at • same 31 weighing 43,725, at 8; HONKS, L & Co. for Morris to Aull & Co. :64•11reightng 73,475, at 7,35; same for Reed to Oireoll 47' extra, weighing 63,600, at 8); Trinietmatt & Lobtnan & Co. .14 weighing 17,450, price not given. . - P.almAt, May 'l4. Holmes, Lafferty ..&Co. fbr:Webster to• Martin 77 weighing -.100,900, at 7%; Berne for Diorrik to Voter & • B. 54 weighing 58,225. at 7%. SATURDAY, May 15.—Ayers to Donald . -14 weighing 17,100, at 7,35. Monnsx May 17.—Hamer & W. to Cage 20 Weighing 36,850; Avers to Wil lard 33 weighing 41,575, at 7,95; Harmer -to Xiamen 31, averaging 1,350, at 1101 per head. :Itßenal, May 18.--Guckenbeirner & Bro. to Beach & Bray 94 weighing 117 5 - 875, all at 7.%, with the exception of 3 bulls, at 6; Holmes, L. & Co. for Thorny). son to Young 17 weighing 20,225, at 734; Briggs to Hines 17 weighing 21,500, at 7; Shambur;&4. to Hines 2 oxen weighing 3,425, at 7. WEDNESDAY. May 19.—Biddle & B. to Mackey & Smith 18, weighing 21,325, at 7 1 4; same to Gast 17, weighing 20,200, at 73(; Holmes, Lafferty & Co. for Hart to Gillett 29, weighing 35,675, at 7,10; Berry is B. to Beach do Bray 45 head, at 7„@7%; Smith-4k Blue for Talmage to O'llonald .46, weighing 57,825, at' 7,65; Holmes, Lat. ferty & Ccu for Hart to Gillett 34, weigh ing 40,075 j at 7,25; same for same to same 47, weighing 56,125, at 7,25; same for Webb to Martin 31, weighing 4 1 ,450, at 734; same for Hart to Beach & Bray 71, weighing 6,825, at 7: sane for Webb to Martin 31 weighing 39,325, at 734; same for Hart tp Kelly 20, weighing 18.650, at 4it same for Thompson to I.l,lsvh & Bray 16, weighing 19,200, at 7%; Gillett to Landis 20. weighing 21,4115, at 7,25; Smith & Anus for Talmage to McMahon 32, weighing 37,925; Holmes, LainrLy & Co. . for Webb to Belly 45, weighing 54,275; H.edges & Taylor for Dunlap to Xiamen 18, weighing 17,900, at 6,35. HOGS. There has been a fair degree of activity in this aides of stock, with a fair volume of business lathe aggregate, though to day the market is a little weak, and prices are a• shade lower. Philadelphia Hogs may be quoted at 10%©10%, for good to prime heavy averages, while Yorkers sold at from 83(,®9. The sup ply seemed to be somewhat in excess of the demand to-day, and to effect sales, readily, holders generally were obliged to Make slight concessions. The daily sales since our last report were as fol lows. Wednesday May 12. Thursday " 13. Friday .• 14. Saturday 6 . 15. Monday 1 . 17. Tuesday " 18. SHEEP Th 6 Sheep market, oompared with last -week, has undergone but little change; the demand seems to be fully up to the "supply, and prime' fat sheep are scarce and wanted. The quality of the sheep on sale was hardly up to - the usual stand. • sad, the laritest proportion being of an inferior and Medium grade. Quotations may be fairly given at 4@6 cbi, as 4o quality and oondition.'The daily , sales during the week were ai follows: Wednesday May 12 '5751 ' Thitiaday " 13 3590 ":Friday " 14 274 Sisturdwy " 15......................434 Monday " 17 228 uesday 18 1084 IPETROLEIIM MARKET. • ()mat rrisstrzoix Gazarrs, ,WirmapAr. May 19. yea. Tha , znast:iniporiant featur.we have to notice in connection with the oil brill ntes#l_ 1441 !Ai thar a *mbar of our re dudes, have been standing idl e for , . . several ;menthe, have. already, or are sbatiVto resume operations, and we are - lre*fiSiel 'that before the close of the 41941thtbs , great majority of them will ' , begs nal • blast.. We think that the °fa ears of the Penna. Rsilroad Company erred in limiting the time of the redact thorn In freight to the Int of June. There ,are, l ;stime; of our 'refiners who could scatelyte able to start up before that time, and with no certainty that the re duction will be extended beyond that period, they, do not feel inclined to go to the *rouble and expense of starting with • this uncertainty hanging over their ,liffteds . . There is no doubt but what the -,COMPany is disposed to do what is right 'and proper , in the matter, but it would OodouPtedly have been much; better for thetiade here If the reduction had bean • fixed definitely for say four or five 13/Ontlis. Pis Crude market ,is wltbout impor, Ain!. change, either as regards prices.or - di' . : l Bpot all is offering at , 18% with aritiftve /83(a . and we Are sant of an off& to sill 4,4= Ws ms i 33 Ju e seller, at same figure. Sale of i; ' bbls all year, sellers option at 13; 5, buyers option, until• September lst, at 18; and 5,000 same option, until Octo ber Ist, at same figure. EIEEZEECI The market Is dull and a little weak, particularly for late deliveries. though compared with yesterday without quota ble change. Sale 500 each October to December at 33%; and 1,000 May at 31%. August, in the absence of sales, quoted at 33M: July to. December 33@33 3 (; and May and June, 31X®313;. Sale 500 each June and July, at 32. LUBRICATING OILS. g Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil 40c Eclipse Railroad Azle 35e 3 Eel" e Machinery . 75c Eel y Spindle 80e • OIL SHIPPED Rh ST BT A. V. R. B. F wcett, L. dt. S. 210'bbls refined to W P f gan & Bro.. Philadelphia. Lyons . Co. 630 bbls to W. P. Logan et Bro., Philadelphia.. Livingston & Bro. 50 bbls refined to Warden; Fre' & Co., Philadelphia. ' Mclielvy. & Bro.; 314 bbls refined 'to tt) W.P. Logan& Busk., Philadelphia. Liberty Oil Works. 263 bbls refined to W. . Logan tic Bro, Philadelphia. To 1 shipments Refined ..... ... . ...-.... 1467 OIL SHIPPED EAST. PROM Dugustuia DEPOT. Hutchison 0114 t, Refined Co., 646 bbb3 ref. to Warden, Frew ¢s Co., Phila. Duncan tt Williams, 107 bbls refined to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. Markets by Telegraph. Nsw YORE, May 19.—Cotton rather more active and unchanged .in prices; sales of 2,900 bales; 283ic for middling uplands. Flour, receipts of 9,755 bbls; favors the buyer; sales of 8,200 bbls; /5,65©5,90 for• superfine State western, 16,10@6,55 for extra State, 16,00@6,90 for extra- - western, 18,95@8,00 for good choice do, 16;76@7,40 for R. H. 0.. $7,00@8,50 for extra St. Louis, and 19(12 for good choice do, closing quiet; included in the sales are 3,100 bbls extra State for export at $6,25@6,45. Rye flour without de cided change; sales of 250 bbls at 14 x 75@ 6,00. Corn meal quiet; sales of; 100 bbls Brandywine at 14,75. Whisky firmer; sales of 300 bbls western at 980@11,00, free. Wheat, receipts of 14,918 bushels; wheat heavy and about lc loner; sales of 25,500 bush; 11,4834 for. No. 2 spring delivered. 11,533 for winter red State, 11,61 for winter red Canada, 11 1 70 for white California,. 11,8734 for white Cana da, 11,55 for winter red'Canatla ha bond. Rye nominal; western 11,28. Bsrley dull; dreoping. Barley Malt is quiet. Corn; receipts of 16,171 bushels; the market is a shade lower, with only a moderate business doing; Beet . 43,000 bush'els at 74@850 for neat Mixed .western, as in quality, 86@880 for Ismail lots cholee do., 91.@92c for old do. delivered, and 93c for new Southern yellow. Oats; receipts of 53,694 bushels; the market is lc better and in fair demand, with sales of 81,000 bushels at 77@78c for western. afloat, and 7734@780 for do. in store. Rice is quiet. Coffee is dull. Sugar is quiet, with sales of 11 hogsheads Cuba at 1134® liNc. Molasses is dull. Petroleum is dull at 160 Ibr crude, and 132.3 for refined. Hops are dull at 6©l4c for American. Linseed oil is very firm at 11,07@1,08, in small iota. Leather—Hemlock sole is in good request at previous prices. Wool is moderately active, with sales of 250,000 pounds at49@.52 for domestic fleece, 6234 c for scoured, and 27@47c for pulled. Coal: domestic firm at 16@7 per ton by the cargo; foreign quiet. Pork firmer; sales 1.250 bbls at 131,25@31,50 for new mesa, closing at 1 31 ,- 50; regular at 131 for do; 125(4)26 for prime and 828@r&,37 for prime mess; also suies 1,250 tans new mesa at -$32, buyer June, aud 132,..5e11er.. July. Beet quiet; sales tibia at .IG@l6 for new plain awes; $l7 @lB for new extra mess: choice be -f dull; sales 25 tierces at 122@28 for prime moss; 125©32 for India mess. Beef llama steady and sales were made of 180 bias at s2s® 32; lut Meat steady; sales 200pkgs at 12e. 12%®13 0 for shoulders; 15%®Itic for hauls: middles quiet and arm; sales 1110 bxe long elearon private terms. Lard *ruler; sales 90 tierces at 17@lagc for steam; iBvht9vo for kettle rendered; also sales of 250 tierces welter' at 'Bye.. seller May. nutter quiet at 3 i%3Bc for Qhio; 36640 e for stab.. Cheese firm at' 19@23c. Freights to `Liverpool are firmer; shipments of 55,000 bus wheat, per Hail and steam. at 3d. Spirits turpen tine steady at 463@47. Metals—sheath ing copper steady at 83c ingot; copper quiet and firm at 24e for all kinds; pig iron quiet and 'steady at 140®45 for Scotch, and roan for. American: bar iron dull at /85© , 00 for refined Enellsh and Amerioan; sheet iron quiet at. 1134© 13aie in gold Mr . Pamela. Nails dull at '43;(4)4Xe for cut; 6 jg,6% for clinch and 26@30 for horseshoe. Latest.—Floni closi3d quiet and a shade easier.. Wheat dull and about In lower. Rye nominal at 11:28 tor western. Oats firm and moderately active at 78c for wes tern afloat. Corn dull at 80@86e for sound new mixed , western, aud 910 for old do afloat. Pork quiet and firm at 131,50 for new mess. Beef quiet and steady. Bacon firm, with a moderate de mand. Lard steady •at l 8 % c - for prime steam, Eggs steady at 16 @17c.. 1454 249 845 956 1247 1029 i Crucwoo, May 19.—Eastern Exchange weaker, 1.10 premium selling ; 1-10 off buying. Flour moderately active; ss,(Xii@t3,2s for spring extras. Wheat mo active and firmer at 3.0 higher. Sal of No. l at 111,18®1,19; No. 2 at $1,14 ®1,143:; closing at f 1,1434; since 'change No. 2 irregniar at 11,14,;®1,15. COrn more active and firm at x(a9tics higher. Sales of No. 1 at 6854@64%; No. 2 at 68® 58;i: reected. 61(4;54 closing at 64®64% for No. 1 ; nothing doing...this evening. Oats.firmer and moderately active at 1® I'o higher. Sales of No. 2 at 5934@60X; ..cliiiing firm at 80/'..1 Rye (Inlet. same 1 of No, Vat $1.14. Barley dull and.uom- Nal at ;1,65®1,60 for. No. B.: . Mithwina excited; /4®1340 highei. Sales at98(494)4. New Oriente molasses 0501.1.00.- thaw 183;014% for common to fair. Fowls ions more active and steady. Mesa pork PI; ..Cluldnit arm. ' • Lard -/8. ' Dry;salted shoulders 1134@12..:Sweet pickled hems .15®16., 'flogs moderately Bettye; $8,40® ti,76 - for , common to, ;fair; 19,1)(61k60 for good to chola.). -04,ttle steady and votive at 110.2500, 8 734,tcr 144 to medium; s7@ 1112Mlor good tn cbcdotifthipping- steers. ecelpts - daring Us+ put; tvr,enVi'figt , hourct. 7.Bo4..btiFrels.flonr. 18,818 bushels ' wheat,*44;B4s' bush dorn; 2057 - briii4nate, 750 bush :Ile '. 002t.h. b1P00n 70.9,211 barrels n - 842 bush corn 1555 h . 6h tiati;vos b ush rye, 1,200 • btiah barley, .4,558 hogs. Freights steady an d . Unchanged. - . , 4, Otworstrwri,-)fay.l9:—Flour utiohang. %Land 41emand light ; fistrilly,llo,ooo6,2s. Wheat, unchanged; red 11.115051.43 •fer No. 2, and• 1.: Cora dull, and thedemand /a light at 05®680 per bpi.:: Oats in mod enitedemandrand 04 1 11 1 datiPPLY-0 6 8® 7 9 for. No. 2 and 1. Rye dull and drooping; No. .1 at $1,32®1,83. Cotton 011,w:14 xo lower; nilddlifig 27pia..;Tobacco'le good demand; saes . oflo2 l l, Ms' :at ,110,05 , to 416,50. _ Whisky firm. at ,00.; , holders generally asking No: - ,PrOvisitUatig4let but - with ft:14001a ; pOrk libel, Ail 310 per. .bbl, and 150 '4016,,e014 ,at, WU rate. Lard is held , at llic buCiihdeinand.,Bolk meats' held' at 120 - for 'aticitilderiv :and 14X®1435 fer sides.' but nothing done. Bacon is held at 18olor'ilhOUlderita Ifig0)183/0 Ameba!' rlb and ClpikV erd but" fftft.dentand.' 'akar tunics Ifies ideliarat-1011100. (1 11ligfitt 1 1 / 1 64*-bilt not PITTSBeRGH - GAZISTIE THUM! higher under advance in gold; common to choice 20@27c. Linseed oil quiet at $1,04. Lama 14@15e. Petrolettm, .32e for refined. Potatoes dull but titichanged ; 90 to $1,25 per bbl on arrival are the quotations current. Batter steady; fresh 33@37c. Eggs 17c. Gold ;. 142)4 buying and 143 selling. Exchange dull, par. buying. Money market close at 10@/12 per Cent. LouniviLLE, May 19.—Cotton steady with a fair demand for spring, and specu • ' lative demand for low middlings at 25 e; middling at 2664 c; good, ordinary at 24c; ordinary at 22®23c. Tobacco active and fair; sales to-day were 305 hhds at $6,50 ®7,25 for ieaf; $3l for , bright' wrappers; 1522,50 for manufacturing , leaf, and $ll,OO for common leaf. Flour unchanged and firm; sales 475 bbls superfine at $5,00® 5,75; No. 1, $7,00. Grain steady; Corn 65®66c in ear; 65©68e ahelled. Oats steady at 70e. Rye steady at $1,45®1.48. Whisky eteadyl and sells at 1 9534 c. Provisions quiet but"- firm; Bacon: shoulders 111;ic, clear rib sides 1611,@ 163ic, and clear sides 17®17gc. Mess Pork steady -at $31,25®31,1;0. Butter quiet at 37c. Cheese in good supply,, at 19®20a for; Ohio factory. Eggs steady at 14®15e. Groceries: New Orleans sugar steady at 12)4®15c for common to choice; molasses at 76®800 for New Orleans; cof fee firm at 2002514 c for common to prime. (*ant inactive, demand at s2® 2,25. Corn meal: kiln dried at $404,25. Oil: linseed at $1,06; No. 1 lard ,t 51,35. ran quiet at 75e. Bagging Is, steady at 52,14 for 2m hemp and flax. ils Sr. Lou , May 19,--Tobacco steady at full prices. Cotton; . nothing doing. Hemp quiet at $1,30®1,50 for prime to choice. Flour very quiet and unchanged; super fine $4,25®5,25, sprilig extra $4,50®4,90, double extra $5,00®5,30. Fall. Wheat s®loo loWer, with sales at $1,50®1,60 for good toprime, $1.70®1,95 for choice to fancy; No. 2 spring /c better at $1,12® 1,13, and $1,16111,17 for No. 1. Corn is firm for choice at 68®70c in sacks, and 55®57e co; mixed in bulk. -Oats firm at 66®70c. Barley quiet; small sales at $1,55 for good spring. Rye held firm at $1,17®1,20. ;Whisky lc better. ' sales at 93c. Groceries very dull. Rio coffee 19 @26c for common to choice. Louisiana Sugar ranges 12015 c for choice. Planta tion -Molasses 75080 c. Louisiana Rice 7M ®9c. Provisions quiet. pork $31,00. Dry salt shoulders 1 1 .14 c for loose. Ba con; shoulders 12y,c, clear rib sides 16% ®1630, clear sides 16,,(c; canvased sugar cured hams 19 ®2oc. Lard steady at 1730 for choice tierce. Receipts-1,850 barrels flour, 22,200 bushels wheat, 320 bushels corn, 2,561 busbelszye, and barley none. CLEVELAND, May 18.—Flour dull but steadTand unchanged. Wheat dull and heavy: No. 1 red Winter is generally held at 51,45. but highest figures offered were 51;44 for No. 2 red winter, • and No. 1 spring dull and nominally unchanged. Corn dull and non/Waist 69@70c. asking rates fol. No. I:Mixed, and 87®88 for No. 2 db. Oats dull and lower with light sales atBBc for No.•l,State. Rye quiet and nominal at $1,80©1,25 for No. 1, and $425 (g)l;2B‘for No. 2: Barley nothing doing, withotit established price. Petroleum unchanged and quiet; relined held 'at 28 Wanded.9% la small lots 2(j3c advance is m ' de- TOLEDO, May 19:--$1 0 0ar quiet. Wheat 1%®243 lower; amber $1,39 on the spot, buyer May, $1,40 buyer June, $1.39 seller May, No. 1 white Michigan $1,75, white do regular $1,42, aria No. 2do $1,30. Corn is lower and quiet and steady; sales No. lat 59c. and No. '2 at Gila. Oats lc lower and quiet at 690. Rye quiet and un changed. Barley nominal. Receipts -3,200 tibia flour, 10,8,10 bus wheat, 12,300 bus corn,' 3,6001 oats. ShipMents-600 bbLs flour, 7,600 1 bus wheat, 9,200 bus, corn, 4,400 bus oats. MILWAUKEE, May 19.—Flour dull and primes unchanged. Wheat firm at $1,1634 Inc No. 1; 51,13 X Tor No. 2. Oats dull but firm at 58@b9 for No. 2. Corn lower at 39c for rooted uew. Rye dull at 0,12® 1,13 for No. 1. Barley nominal. Grain freighLs are active but lower; wheat from Buffalo to ()Nvegn 106, Reeelpta- 7 4,000 tibia flour 42,000 bus wheat; 4,000 bus Oats. Shipments -4000 bbls flour; 5,300 bus wheat. BALTIMORE, May 19.—Flour dull with light demand: western superfine at $5.75; do extra at $6®7,25; do family at 48® 8,25. Wheat dull at 112,10 for choice Val ley red. Corn dull at 80®82c for prime white, and 62®filo for yellow. Oats dull at 70®750 for heavy, and 70@74c for light. Ryenominal at $1,35%1,45. Whis ky firm and scarce: sales at $l. Pork unchanged. Bacon firm and unchanged. MEMPHIS, May 19.—Cotton is dull= 2NO for middling.. The receipts to-day amounted to 30i. bales, and, the exports were 371 bali.m. Flour; high grades are better; superfine 8.51)5,50. Corn is held at 73C)750. flay, 11z7(4129. Pork, 02. Lard. 18@j19%c, - Rican is weaker, at /31/filgirAe for shoulders, 17%©17%c for sides. Bulk Meats are• &MI: shoulders 123;c, and sides at . . PHILADELPHIA, May 19.—Flour; more doing; sales of 2,000. bbls; northwestern extra family $6,50; Chao do. 17,25(0,00. Wheat dull and lower; sales of 3,000 bus; red $1,50(4455; red amber 11,59; white 11,45. Rye mushanged. Corn dull and lower; Hales of 600 bus yellow at 85®813c. Oats quiet; western unchanged. Provis ions unchanged. 'Whisky dull at 94c. DETROIT. May 19.—Wheat receipts 4,000 bushels; market quiet. No. 1 white winter at $1;61; No. 2 do 11,36®1,37; No. 1 amber 51,41. Corn 69. Oats declined to 68. Mill stuffs unchanged. NEW Your, May 19.—The weather has been rather stormy; and . the market has therefore been very quiet, and continnea depressed. Sperebrook'a thirty-eit inch browi sheath:lga are reduced' in price 'to 113ic, and Live Oak to 1130. The Salem ticks are alrio 'radneed in price to 12c. At lantic A brown ahOtinga are No ',lower, and now jobbing al 150. The river continues to reoede steadily with scant five and a - half feet in the chadnel by the Monongahela marks laid , evenins. Coal/most cloudy and Cool with occasional showered etiry • .. 1 9Che i Nelar t tork from Nashville and tildinialefroni St..Loule are the only qiutsiebt arrivals bevii _to' report. • The Gallatin departed r fortr, ersburg fast tgVeiting; la place of the toy Eagle, which boat was laid up at Bletersvllle,'at last accounis,',Witli aloriiken doctor. -The Rennin tiepin' Portsmouth is due today, and will returnee &Lanai to-mor row. • • The Maggie Hdyer, Capt. B. C. Martin, wilt positively take tier departure for et. Louts this forenoon. —The . Gray and tnella,,arrived atllincinnittVoir Monday, and the :latter left there the same day for Nashville. The Messenger ,vrita EYariaville on ,14intday. end' the Torn , pircow passed the•eattin day.•- • ft—As nftll' be 'seen by entd the high :headed Leontdascilapt..Ed..Etrana v ii4 an Ito . OULINett, ,Neyr. Orlesna ,fortbwAn. `She Is rn extelhint eoriditionint' business .6fidttaAeßpeelaity adapted Ibt • the(lNeitr 01101100# 1 14 0 .• - : - ,1 ;.:1t 1 .1...04 1 . 144 0, 1 1 4442 GM. wen .14kastIng r emu. esday for Attabfisigh._ Dry Geode Market. RIVER NEWS. "L.' Mkt , ":204. • -1869. Island brad • - I her "fantail,' played tlie . hist Tuesday.. She tore off broke. the "cam rod's and • MS( generally. • —Tee Peet Company , ha •I steamer Adm sell, for $4, will load the ; Fort Benton. a and -St. Louis Packet aold their half interest in ral Farragnt, to G. G. Rus ,lo cath. Captain Russell arragat for Sioux City and —On Friday unknown, fell Lunisden, at cliowned. Re and was suppoa grant looking fi a deck passenger, name overboarcl from the John Clarksville, and was ;ot aboard at Nashville, /c 1 to be a Northern owl s home. , —The order f r the sale of the Evans ville Dry , Docks, which was made some time since at a eeting of the stock hold era, ands upon hid) order the docks were acild, was r scinded on Wednesday, and another order passed tor the sale of the DoCks at auction. The sale will take place`at the Dry( Docks landing at ten o'clock, A. rt., on the 22d, inst. -- . - —The St. Joe 'Gazette of the 14th says: "The dredge-bvit Octavia was at Smith's Bar last evening, hird at work making a channel; She him been cleaning out all the bars on her way up. At _one bar she found three ande half feet of water, and after working six or seven hours, left six.feet,of water Lon 'the liar. She will continue On Up the river." —The( frame of a new Red River packet was - to have been raised at the Mauison Marine Ways on Monday, and in a few days aother w 11 follow for the same trade." This' sp:tiks well for thei pros pects of the Cot .n planters of the Red River country. • —St. Louis ad • ices, under date of Mon day, report that "an arrangement has been made by which the Mississippi Valley Transportation Company will start one of the following steamers to New Orleans, from their wharf•boat, every Wednesday, and d towboat and barges every Saturday: The Mollie Able, Thompson Dean and Great Repub lic. The Mollie Able will start first, and will begin to load next Monday, and leave Wednesday. The arrangement will come in sharp competition with the line which it is expected will be formed atter the sale of the Atlantic and Missis sippi S. S. Co's boats on 21st, and , may break it up altogether. The Submarine No. la Is being stripped and converted into a mountain steamer." -The. award for transporting army supplies from Chicago to St. Louis and points'n the. Mississippi River to New Orleans, was made at Chicago. Saturday. Capt.'3. N. Bolinger, of St. Louis, was the lowest bidder. —We'clip the following from the Cin cinnati Commercial of. Tuesday: As the ArMadillo was coming up Sunday night, ten miles below Madison, TO., two ne gross got lidos Quarrel; one named Ed ward Mines end the other Nathan John ston. Mines, striking Johnston ;on the head with billet of wood knocked him down. Johnston' lived about three hours.. Mineasays he did not intend to to kill Johnstou. Mines did all he could In the warof Waiting on end attending to Johnston,trying to bring' him to,- but without success. Mines did not try to get away, but was willing toL give him self up to the officers, which was done as soon as the boat arrived here. Mines resided in Hookstown. Beaver Co. Pa., and wart always considered'civil. River and Weather. [By Telegraoh to the Pittsburgh Ossette• 1 LonisviLLE, May lA.—River falling, with 8 feet 4 inches of water in the canaL Weather clear and cool. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD P/TTSBUROH, FORT WAYNE dr. 0400 RAILROAD, May 18.-15 cars metat - Simick it Co; 3 do do, J W Porter; 4 do do. Tinton Mills; 1 do do, Loyd & Black; 2do do, Bryan it Caughey; 200 green hides, Hartley, M'Kee it Co; 1 car bran, H Schuelbach; 100 bbla flour, Meanor & Harper:* 100 dodo, .1' Id Montgomery; 100 do do, owuer; 14 bdls leather, 4 pkgs scraps; 3* Y M'Laughtin; 20 bbls flour, L J Blanchard; 10 bag soap, Dutlevy & Bro; 50 do do, Dilworth it Co; 1 car hay. Bricker it Co; 145 aks, 65 bgs oats. B Campbell; 1 car stone, JL L Knox; .100 bbls realdumiN•Y it Brooklyn Co; 152 aka, mill feed, 58 do corn, M'Clure. Bro; 11 - bbls apples, Meanor & H; 5 do do Voigt, M & Co; 1 ear hay, 0 H Allerton; 11 casks pearls, J Bilantteld; 1 car scrap iron,,Pitts Iron it Forge Co. , eXXL.AND AND rITTSBITRON RAIL ROAD, May 19.-1 car stone, J L L Knox; 1 do do, P Wolf; 2 do pig Iron, Graff, 13 & Co; Ido limestone,. Zug it Co; 1 do lumber and shingles, R P Burgan! 1 do oats, JAt W Fairley; 176 skis rye, Voigt, M it Co; 40 cases tobaoat, Haworth it D; 6 bag, 2 bbla do, J M Sicheft 10 bbla oil, Chestnut it Co; 10 dodo, Lapps it Son;•sotiil bbls, C A Warmcastle; 2 bbls dross, Beymer, Bit Co; 200 pigs lead. F Roziee it Co; 10 bas cheese. H Riddle; . 100 tea E H Myers it Co; 297 rolls felts, Christy it Benham; 13 bdls thoops .1 R Taylor; 10 42.8 glassware, Fahneatock F,t Co; 10 kgs harley, Haslage it Co; 12 do do, 6 bats farina, C Refits. I'lTTsßrfull CINCINNATI AND ST. LOOM RAILROAD. May 19.-2 kgs but ter, 8 bbis apples, Voigt, Mit Co; 25 hf bbls llsh, Means &C; 140 do do, J Con nor; 500 boxes, WOrmser it Co; 14 bills felloes, '24 do spokes, 2do shafts, 4 do bows, J M'etncheon; 20 As potatoes, W (arson; 16 do oats, M'Henry it Hood; 24 do do F Schield; 21 do.rags„ J B Jones 300 do oats, J it W Fairle.y; 6 cars rye, D Wallace; do staves, W Wallace; 50 bbls liquor,T Evert; 6 tea lard, W M Gormley; 6 .ases clo, J. H Lippincott; 2 tea sausage, Sellers & Co; 9 do hams, E 'ET IlyerS; by spools,. Eagle Cotton balek 3 bga cotton, Holmes,. B it Co;.1 car staves, M P Adams: a&LLICOHENT veradry HAtr.noan, Cry 19.-1 car grain, Hitchcock, Mc iry tt Cei 8 bbli oil, Jas Wilkins; 'BO dodo, Fisher h. Bra; 6 cars railroad iron. C. A. Carpenter; 5 bbls eggs? J H Hoff man;'6o bbii oil Bly & Flack; 58 bge oats, Keil'it Ritchart; 1 , eat. lime,' D L' Rey nolds; I , obleggs, 1 pkg .butter, Paul tt glbson; 4 bbla eg g s, / bx butter Brugger- Man' & 'O'lliiiin; ' 100 *I oats,' ' Willis 3!) , th; &bblotegs, , W -H! Kirkpatrick & 2 bbl p paint, Herzog Qt Br% 2 bbls e , 8 pkg. butler, W. B Reis.' ~ . ' Lucas:NWT BrAttow, )(ay ' 19.-4 .b is apples, O w ens & ' Keimedyi. / oar ma Knox & Bon; 12 ' toga outs, Reamer. B Co; A var, barrpl heidings, sakya & 'lt; 1 do Middlings,' H W BertOrist; ' 1 do do Steel , & Sam .100 bblit tlour; 0 'Stew srt..B2 .aks wheat, Kennpdy & -Bro; 40 bbls lime, 4 Craig; 2 bxs cheese; It Jen 'ny; \ ' 85 eke' oats;ll,olie & Ewing; 113b1 eggs,. J O'Hanlin. - , , • -: - . , 7V,LOOR OIL tin,lltN*oll: C roa insn r TliA 4s P) WINDu TottiL] • -1 .)11111: Ot'AJAP i j: , ; F:•.7. , •,';.-i - ti'.i • . t'. ,, t , ' 4 .5.',.t'<";,-t•3 1 ... . t;1•4.t,.;•,;•;::•.....•-.1 t . • 1 • t j!.,:1•:;: ,, :,•.,;•• , -..', ....i i . 1 , i'4 7,- ;%.,...1 '..•'-:, • I ....-•-•,' - • - ,. .--,,,,,t,.. -,..•,-,,,,,.., .w . -.., •.,f• ~.- , 4 .J.. , •1 n.4.4a1-'•-,;••.-*; ~,,.,. ...,_.. .....,..1,,.-_•,-,4.-7',u•,,,,-;•:-7rZyitff.-a•-•,,.;•.•:',.-.i'•s.!•:,,..,,,;...,:••--.. f,-:,•:-•Z:,-,,:f.:,4',•••'.4---.,-.4,r4.1',,,N,..,/..,;:di---,;,,ki;--i'.11,-11.•'-'4, 4;,, vat.„..v.v.,41e, !,-7.-:::4:---z.:7...Z,:.,-:;i5t'.7':',.'•,:t':'.4*, ~,,..:;_.I;. 14•5;;4;5Z:;.,V.Z.,:iii.,'4r:'4.-:„...„4„,4•,-,,,•:_ivi,;;e**;'-:: ...,t1..-;;,. :.4.51,.;!'..,t,F,..,,,,,ij•,,..1i..,131.e.:1ff,;-:„.:;:..i...2.-.,::_i,2".;:;•::,,:,1.;=..71.;,,.":,,t0,i;:i.:1t,f1:,,,:„;:•7,.:'.-1..7.!:,:p,1. ' , l 'iNq. 7 4• ll; ;;>•Tiji•%W . ::: % '.. f.Z , r , tl-f.... , A.,,,, etz, 4 ta,-fit..PB.-1:0,-„, ~--&-,,,. tt., :. ..,,,;•: ~-:.-,N ~ :,:. ••: .-, t ,: 4 : ~,,,,i t o ~-q v , .. 4 ,, •:.-.3,...;gt., , ,,,-• t..t. ~., •.t —. Q v ~..1.-41 . t• .14,y4 0 -n., r. , " • .: - -. -tf,4L 7 .1`"-',":4,-;,, .74.-.;" .-f:"3.,:,;,-,-.!...i,,":4;,,0-t.,...*z- '' - . - • ~' '.. ! ,lti, ~..-".&- ' -",51!",.....E ',-,,,,,i,,T ;..;!....7..,...,,,,;"....,;.. ',.. , ~.,..1.-”V.i. ~,,,,..,".: `. ' " ' ,-,,,V..,..34r,--.1.1=',--- • ..., - '''',..A.Q.....74W -.4",,,i?...",-.,. RIVER PACKETS. NEW (MLEANN AND TEXAN. - OR MEMPHIS ANtiat i Me Lti NEW OBLEANS—Thefiusan .. - INID AS r Capt. Fr EVANS. Will learena above TiftitinDAY, thd 20th Inst., at 4 &clone P.m. For frdieht or passage apply on board or to F,i,of)n, &CULLINGWOOD, Agents. R !NEW ORLEANS,ZSi • GALVESTON, ItEOWNS LE. Texas—The Ire ar and 84unch-bullt {'OR Ftramer i .-. 111 A'r AM OXA S. No. tl.. ~_,.Capt.ll. DALZELL. Will e learas above on WreoNESDAY..tae 116th lust. For freight or pasiage apply on board or to toys I LACK & COLLIN ti WOOL. 'Agents. tPPEIM. FOR ST. LOUIS, Dll..r ig gir i t BIN f,IE AND :ST. Pe UL—The gne etegiunr • - IVADAN)TA ' Capt. C. A. DRAT°. Will leave for the above ports positively on SATURDAY, the 22d inst. ai 4 r. x. For freight or passage apes on board, Or to toyn) FLACK At C U LL NGWOOD.Agente F'flTZ.Tb!ltrUlS.KEspsidgirst PAUL—The stesiner t P r-lr : - . 4ind . MAkit#lN, HANS Capt. B. C. , , Will leave ` , for the above Porte THIS DAY, the Roth inst.:: at 12 o'clock M. For freight or passage apply on beard or to iny2o NL&C.k. & COLLINGWOOD, Agents. adroit 1869,, sairal NORTHERN LINE . PACIMS, FROM St. Louis to Keokuk and St. Paul, AND ALL IN TIC= EDIATE PORTS. • One of the splendid Sidewheel Steamerieof this Line will leave St. Louis da ly for Neokuk,Daveni pert, Dubuque, Winona, btillwater ann St. Paul. Through receipts for Freight and Passengers will be given to all points oh.the Upper Mi.sis sisslppi on steamers runnia f from this port and connecting with the Northern Line' Packets at tit, Louts, thus enabling tion.ignees to get their Freight through Without delay and. at lowest rates. Apply to JOHN FLACK. D. COLLINDWOOIL B. C. GRAY, • Agents, or to mbVitir . 23 < 91 - Water st.zeet, i CINCINNATI. •VOR WINEELING.A4W it MRIFT CA,PAILILEILBRURG AND CINCINNATI. Leaves Pittsburgh EVERY TUESDAY- 1* Leaves Clpannati EVERY VRIDAY-4. P. M. The swift and superb tildevrh eel, Steamer ST. MARYS, T. D. EIWgENEY, Cosi:Launder. will leave as anriouneed above. ...;.t For Fielgbt or Passage apply on board, or to FL AC K..% COL !AND WOOD. Dr COL.LINa A BARNES,. Ageate. N. B.—No Frelgnt, received on' Tueeday after 11 A. M. ; mh29 PARKERSBURG. loolurTs R R G I I WARBLING .B.ND KERL , BURG ueavo. Comnanv , a.a o l how n. o . nu r 1a , ,, ,n4t 8 .„ dallY NEJ3DA:Tii and fisTußDAyzb unit YNAGLE.. . BwairSAW, Matter. Freight will he rerelred at all Albers by. # 3 AMES COLLINS. • BLACK cuLuziowooD, apl.3 • • - • Arebta. ST3II4NME:iIPS. T o urvEttroot Alye a * Qt.TEENSTO.VirI4. TILE ilttu24ll MAIL 5T23112d3.111PA. NO.mberlnk roiiMen ftret 2 cliais Yermels, *monk Ln mtbe cele.brate4 , —, • • CITY' OF Plame. CITY OF ANTWEFF, CITY VP BOSTON. CITY OF BALTIMORE. _ _ CITY.OI , 1.01 , 71)02.T. Azilllng EVERY- SATURDAY, from Pier .1.5. Ricer, New York. For nanage or farther tut.•ro.l,>.on nnt.te tO • 7416, I INGHAM, Jr. TO FlpaTH nntKlt .. Pcm! , ttrui,te N"uiMln; !. id'T'b WIL.LIAIII.3TILLER & _CO . Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty Street. Corner of Irwin, n offegto the trade at low ligur 5, strictly i 1 . Prime New Crop_New Orleans Sugar and 1 • 1 ' Molasses. 1 Porto Rico, Cnbawid English Island Nagar& New York. - Philiulelphia and Baltimore Ba itedo. 1 !. , Gold d en pripa, Levering& Brtmlls, Stuart's, dams' F 11210!Long Leland eyrupt.._ Porto Rico , , Cuba and English Island Molasses. rounil 1 11 84 `li. • Japan, imnerial, Gunpowder and,Teas. Carolina and liangoln Rice. Java; Lagnayra and to Coffees. Tobacco. ;Lard. Oil. Fish, Nails. Glass, soaps, Cotton Yarna, tc., constantly on nand. A. 1.4190, VAPORTERS OF' Fine Brandies,ynnes,and Seger& Rhenish, Mosell arid eliarhibli Hoch Wthel of !lintel &Co.. to bottles. . . Sparkling liosellff, Sakarsberg and Johtuutta burg, liockhelmer. Burgundy , Se. - - Brandeubtlrg A Freres , J'lne Olive Oil. do do - Clarets, imported In bottiss. do • do White -Wines, in-bottles. M. Worth Sons' Sparkling Catawba. • Fine old znierry, Madeira and , Port Wines. • Free 111,1 Mouougaaela Rye Whiskies. pure. do Very FuPerlor Old, iloutcb do . 00. I - ImpFoie Agents for idoet to Chandon's Grand 'Vim erial. : Verzenay and Seller, Champagne. Brandies of tutraWn seleekon and warranted. j Vd43 LE"' LB GS ! ! The Artilidial Alitaafacturiat CO. CHARTERED BY THE SIATEJIF PENNA. All Shareoidars are en.mwsnurtng She Limbs Slade by the Company. To these requiring a limb we would say that our own experience has Induced us to establish& factory here that won id make a comfortable and ourahle Sinn for a reasonable pries. Aft r try ing a number of solid socket and padded soeket legs, we have each found mere comfort and use Bones' In this -`ADJUSTABLE LAURIN° SOCKET" than In any ottrmiresde in the coun try. (Ind of our number, a skilled Mechanic, has charge - f thasnop. We have boight the night to use two or the best patents; and by.ddrezppeert owe we hope to improve In every•way that will add to the comfort. durability or appearanee of the limbs we make We have nut the Price of our new-legs at $BO. Persons from a distance are only detained in the city while thesneuure and a cast of the injured limb is taken.. 'tits saving to purchasers, as compared with Eastern prices. is Brom CIO, to $95 in tee price of It get', t least OR railroa d fare, hotel - bins and other traveling expenses and then we are satisfied eaten"' lbahteillgrfee satWashos than any , onamesas fn Next York or RAilastolphfa. It we tan get'orders.we esti maintain our fintory at the above price, and we thereibre ask an ex amtnation before going elsewhere. • • Wa mato:to order and-kesp pnitangte MIST of stoekingd, braces ,!'and applistmeW for injured et deformed litatm_, also. ennehes. , tresses, shoul der Orac,os. de. For farther 'nforeistioa r elr elithOlarde'reotttarVienf4trirtrlZl'llrtia4tilanllVll est.t4erdrresam Attryilna_D-MalEl RlAliPiaall7oB22looo.. Ivo. 503 P E STREET, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth. Pittimergli. Pa,• I ealkalga Tyrg AGENTS`WkNTED 1 •• „ • ' Can make $2 P a da, alre• 13ELLiNG BLAKE'S.IINE -DOLLAR, if Chair out of Springs, etime. Inbuy' only by me in States.• fore send fur CS frith Intl inform": as I have reduced • Ice to.dgehts. they, otte make O X day withunt len. • • tress. . - _ • __ _ . 1669 . . .... ..... ... ..aimps' fir.lon u 13.0 H POEM WA YNE & CH 1 . W. And C LE VELAND & PITTRIURGH R. R. From May 9th, 1909, trains win leave 01011 and arrive at Lbw Union Depot, north aide. Pitt* • burgh city' thne, as follows: eaps. Arrive. Chicago Ex —.. A:08 . a ra ;Chicago Ex.„1:52 aOl Erie & fin r5 , .7:518 a m ; Chicago Ex../14:03 D la Chicago Cl. aliVh2glifl •60:525 :1 a to; lneeling Ex•10:48 a ixt mall. a mist. Loots Ex 7:08 D ria Chicago Ex... :9:43 a Di (llii•gt: Ex &311408 p tti Cl. & Wh`g Ex 2:09 p tr, !Cleveland Ex 3:53 p m Chicago Ex.. 9:23 p m ',Erie &1' 'n Ex 5:58p a Vir'e A Erie Ex4:2B p 'Lie!. &WWI; Ex6:s3pat. Depart/rows AllegAsay. Ar rithl Sig ltiossits, Bea'r Palls Ac.8:29 a m [Leetsdale Ac..5:59 ma Leetsdale " 10:03 am I Bca'r Falls 9219 am " 11:58a I New Castle "10:23 mil Rochester .. 1:22 pm; Enon " 913 am Fawn . ~ ...3:513 pm! Leetsdale ~ 1:09 pl, Leetsdale Ac0.5:13 pet ;Bea'r Dulls " 2:43 mu L B ee n t ` s r dFalle '.. 104 3 pm; Lee . t . s dale .. 4:33 a 7:23 Fair Oaks Sun. .. ;Fair Oaks Pon- ors - • day Church.' 1:13 pmi day ..,Inrch. 9 : " s _ M.• - • 2:93 . p. La. Chicago Express iesves dail y. A2rll2 . o4o.'m.Chicago Express Inbreed/MN. .7.11i.' RIBIBAL L. J.-. 1 ,7. M'ClErt...tol:22B. tien'l Ticket Agent. - tien , lsopuno t.. myill . . . CA E TIME: .:ALLIEIGUENT VALLEVIMILROAD, THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE .41 - .) THE OIL REGIONS WITH ANGE OF GA KS. On and after , _ May ad, ltib9 - TWO THROITGH TRAINS DAILY (ticept Sunday) vrtli leave Pittsburgt ; Depot, corner of ;Elev enth and Pike stree ts, for Franklin, Oil 011y,But filo. and all points in tt c 011 Wont:. • ' LsAlrip P1M58013014'.14.55p7 plyysetrman Day • Ex ' EI:00 a m 'Day En 5:15 p.m -Wight Ex... 7:29 pm Night Ex . :" 8:30 a m Brady!aBA6 3:11.8 P m Brady& 13 Ae 111:15 a m Ist SodaW•ka 9:45 am lit sodaWtka TANA am. 24 SodaW , ks titso . pm Se SodaVrka 1 lat Halton... 6:48 a m Ist Milton.: -2 :80 a M 2d Hultoit...l2:oo ett Halton... 2:00 , 3d Hulton-... I t:00 p mi3d 1:05 p ia Araold.a Ac. 5:50 p m Aniold's Ac. '7:40 p Charon train .to and tronl'tioda Worka leaVe Ptttsbargh at 1:10 P. at.. Arrive at Pittsburgh. (Sundays,) at 9 50A. 2: Express trains Stop only at principal'POlnta. Accommodation trains dap at all stationa J. J. LA Wltigh Cs, otn , l sup't. THOMAS M. KING, Assn: Sup% • apae rfintig ; AD:I , -On and after April gOth, 1950, TSY e wiamirchneet and depart Troia thb Union Depot, ‘r. eloganhington and Lihertyotreets., as ;nrctlgspegii, Traus44. 4.5 4: 2 a. 5 021 MIS Brintonteetn. 7: 20 50 am am Wall's 144N-t..41:50 am Cincinnati Ex.'9:lo Johnstostm Aa10:35 am How'd AC Nol 1: lo pm Pittsb , rti F.x. 1:30 pm Phila. Express]. q5O pm Wall's No. a...2:50 pm Braddock Ac:. 5:50 pm How , d*Ae NO2 9::i5 WalPs No. 4, 7:540 Um Way.PasstOr 10:g0 pm. • These trains make do burg for Baltimore. - _ The. Church Train leaves Walls Station every guraay at egig, a. m., reaching. Pittadnugh.. 10:e5 a. m. turning, leaves PRltsbargla 131:50 p. to.' and 'writes at .Wills Btitkra .51:10 p.. ma. I.• !Cincinnati &uprose leaves daily. Ali,othe frais a daily except Sunday. • For thither LutorMatiott apply to. • .1k , AECKWrrit, Arline! . The Compaay. will nettle Slime &lyrist ibrßaggsg ,eXcept for wearingly parek_and limit their reansibilitv ton Oteßah dre. ;; `D ollars In value. Baggage exceeding t &moan/ th value" ;at the tisk 6f :the trenar. !mien taken hv'ktrea4at 'contract: • ". • EDWARD D. aval . P4s.elltute qu a 4t. APoW.4,,a• PENNSYLVANIA- RiII:LROAD.--On and afterAtnil 118itlf,18119t the Psenger Train! on Abe WesterA rear/ Rat as road will arrive at and depart ma t ilt, Feder, 1 Street Depot, Allegheny City. se felt s: Anita • • _ ! Depart. • ftringtre No 16:40a. m Rag 7:110 ama Freeport No.18:20 a m !Freeport No. 1 OtßOam Express 10:40 a m ti•harpb!g Nol ant F Sharpb!g No.11:20 p m Express . Altso pan reeport No. 4:00 p m Sprincd , e No l 3:30 nto man.. .3. ' . 5150 p m Freeport No. 211:SK1 p 131 Springd , ello . 26:2o n m finringd'e No 2 6:3o•liiiM • Abcfye trains run daily except Sunday: ! • , The Church . Train leaves Allegheny Junction. ever) Sunday at 1:4(1 a. M., reaching Allegheny City at II:50 a. m. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at rtsiov. m. and arrive at AlleithenyZune• 3:40 p. m. • . Colcutrrailoa Tlextrre—For sale in packages of, Twenty, between Allegheny City, Chestnut street. Herr's, Bennett Pine Creek, Etna and • Blutrpsburc: and rood ani f y on the train" at,oPping at Station, ',pe emed on t ants. • ' • Tba!, trains lcavinl ALlegriery. CltY at in. make direct conneetion at. Freepori ken's line of St:lva - for Buil e r and Ilanaltu town. Through tickets may be parchasea at tist' No. 2 to ICiair.street, near theiSaliakußrilits. Pittsbura P. and at the Depo , A llegheny, For farther inftirmation apply to JAKES LEFFERTS, Agent- Federal Street Deptit. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will. not a. same lay risk for. Baggage..except for wearing apparel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars• value. An baggage ex. eeedlng Vas amount *value willbe at the flak of the owner. unless taken by special contract, EDWARD IL WELBLAhiId. ap2a Rinefal Bpnerintendent, Altoona. La. ITTSBURGEI; *r,„-• t. CINCINNATI AND . LOINS RAILWAY. • ' •-' . PAN HAISTIOLP °Ramat • tirTllALland after NoNDAY. Union 1869. trains willicave and arrir at U.Depot, itt roller/re: • • _ Depart: - Arrter. • 2:58 a. m. 15I:13 Fu -9,43 a: AL' 1:13 p.M&. Rapture 9:33 p. m. 4:33 a. m. Meet: Ace , n 5:83 a. tu. 45 : 5 1,11.111. MoDonald , s Ace , n,N0.111:43 a. in. ;8:25 11. me StestbettA,coommod. 3:58p.m. • 9:33./s. as McDonald , . Acton. No. 211:181). m. 3 •1 1 e . 0. rn. Sunday Church Train:. 19:58 p. m. 0:58 a. ma. Afa•• 91:33e. x.'traiu will leaVe daily. n:l3 train will "Wye daily. t All other trains will run daily'. tinnuays exeent es, • The 9:43 a mt. Train maker ukase teen nectlorus at Newark Icr Zanesville. - • B.I.IIOIILLi Eleneral ridkcit Agent. W. W. CARD, Bup , t., Steubenville, Ohio. ~ prrrsoußGH f A inediriA v z,,E, _ VIM and sifter TURSDAY, Noyember, /Sink Idol. trains will arrive at and depart Train UM Depot Corner of Grant and Water .streets, as Kanto antlfrontUnton. pelmet. Arrive • • . • • town 7:00 A. 5e. • 5:00 r. NeNtespOrtAeonndt , n 71500. A. 3:45 Pore. Ex. to and from Unt'n. 3:00 P. Y. 10 :10 A. Y. West Newton 'Accom , d - 4:00 P. M. 8:35 A. Y.. Bra4doolVa Acteomdt , u. sas P, Ni 7;80 p. Eight' Ae. folielpeport.lo:3o r. - 6:45 sanday Chme.4 Train to and nom West Newton 1:00 P.Y.10:00 A. For tla.t"te *my a. 24. x Agent W. Saventrtentlent. • .7 •,- S TAW 111 "einffli UNION PACIFIC . ' 'UMW The mirneer AND 11013.2 R1EL4,13 AUIITE thansiteltast. to Al points In Celimeade s Nevada, *", .:: . ,risen& • Washingtinat N" 4 Ithdio; Two Trains leave awl Line I.nd Idaveftworth agiurtirmadmteptedaan tharriwald= of iti Ram nt, Lotita. and ballast - , Jan (Mist' Am. - Unison %OMNI* hi• at wranae,. ka and W mega Wlth maids tor. ilEtchltd. ;rants& At mt., cA amok Min of $u wor t h with the l:rn ST.A.72:lll4rha . COMPAN VI, , r E gra144141) liA/14 &ND • I:l*.ritrilate NA4lsltips AU Point! .1# the Terittorifs. , And With„,WDSPO'I3.I4IS)WiILY• o.&Onmn fbr v rims on ent's Fort. rims, Albluiltarr ANUS e. anotAllpiabsts .tak sons and ew mexieo. r, • ‘reeerk • • ad dltittost•OLMUling- tint withtuipment. and the arrangements /*Epons w eloverl iindlrsitopurtation , LlThii RAM it. Areftz=ms" this road no otters 'unequalled-- ' air '-the 011 GI mewl, So. the Or NT. a dd" Tieing for - labs' al aU nUCIPL: ta Ws , tfultedStsies AWL Can , • • Be' surearid ask•fer tickets Iria THI • MAW Ring vial 1.,: id/ 1 4, 41,4144PAItilit •••i• litta let ElltagaVltes 1„1 ti a jly t!tif tiga 1/441nialliellw Zal)l,E ‘iiiatnetrair )OPO4 to. - , .ftmeniumiti ! ROAIIWAYA , toinfi 1.114,VM.k5.,,:i _RAILROADS _ Depart'. •• - • ..psyExpreas..s/:/8 s Soanern Ex.. 1F:1 am Wall's' B:3oam SW. Trato 4 .—._ 8:18 ant Hon'dAa Nol/o:20 sun `Clnttnlt Ex /3:30 nns Wall's No. 2..11:81 WS Johnstown Ac. 8:08 pus PraddockaAc. 3:43 p Phila. Express 4:510 P Wall's No. 3.. , 4:80p5ta Wall's No. 4.. 8:05 . . Past Line: . . Ti3o pift llow'd AC No2.B:9opilt Wall'sN 0. 5,. 11:00 Ira se connection at Bar/U— -. • , Eastern Division. Ov4Pn.