(2t1:t . 1 PETROLEUM MARKET OFFICE OP lormatraorf Gaall7r, TtrEsnex, May 18, RiaL The oil market continues dull, and ex • ceedingly sensitive and generally Unsat• isfactory. : - Retlned continues to decline steadily while Crude' is exceedingly ob., actuate, yielding very slowt, notwith , standing the indications po int very for cibly to lower , prices. It has been , lima tutting between 144 and 14 cents for over a week, and the only sales made were to short sellers to cover maturing contracts; and; by the way, some of these short sel lers are how realizing very handsomely on sales, which tome time ago, Made them feel decidedly blue. The .trade, with but very few, exceptions, would like to see Crude down to atout 12;4 cents, and have Refined remain at prez.- ent figures; as this, with the redaction in freights, would enable manufacturers to start tip in earnest, as- there would then be a margin. I CRUDE. Is dull but without important change. .Bales of 1000 bbls spot (40 to 45) at 13X; 2000 (40 to 45) seller to July, at 13%, and 500 each June to August. (40. to 45), at 14g. Last evening there was a sale \of 1000 seller, this month, (40 to 45) at 13 3 / 4 ; and locsk each June to August, at 14)4.1 REFINED. Biles of two lota of 1000 each, for the last half of August, at 33k; -1000 June, first half, it 313{„ and 500 each, July to December at 33. The above sales indi sate a dec line.of from a:quarter to a half a cent aU around. The advance in gold does not have as much influence on oil as might have been expected. LUBRIOATLNG OIL& Eclipse Winter Lubricating 611 40c Eclipse Railroad AVe .. . ...... 85c Eclipse Machinery 75c Eclipse 80c OIL SKIPPED EAST BY A. V.E. Be Fawcett, L. dt. S. 465 bbls refined to W P Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. Lyons dr, Co. 564 Ibbh3 to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. Lockhart, Frew & Co. 525 bbls to War den, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Standard Oil Co., 478 bbls refined to Warden, Frew & Co:, Philadelphia. Livingston & Bro. 150 bbls refined to Warden, Frew & Co:, Philadelphia. Citizens 'Oil Co. 240 bbls refined to Botiwicir & Telford, New. York. 4 Britian dr Wacner 250 bbls refined to Waring, King dc Co., Philadelphia. Lockhart7reWit Co. _ 200 bbla tar to • Libli3f. ;slKilark, N. __Livingston . 56 bbls tar to Wm. Jan coin,. Bostnn, . H. W. C. Twaddle 35 bbls lubricating to Penni. Co., Philadelphia. Total shiPments Refined.. Total.Sh[l4 l len4 War, illtarkets by Telegraph. • NEW YOXIZ, May 18. Cotton market is drOoping; sales 1,800 bales r , at•28,0 for• Upland Middlings. Flour: • L receipts were 12,343 bbls; market steady for low gradee' 'but dull and heavy for .other kinds; sales 5,900 bbls at .$5,65@5,90 for superfine State and western: 16,10© 6,55 for extra State;s6®6,9o for extra west ern; $6,95©8 for white wheat extra; 56,25© 7,40 for It, H. 0.; s7o@B for extra St. • Lordir, s9(§l2 for good to choice do; clos ing-quiet. Rye Flour quiet; sales 250 bb is at $4,75©7. Cornmeal dull; sales 175 bbb; Brooklyn on private terms. , Whisky firm; sales 300 bbls western at 97@986 free, Wheat: receipts were 45,- 000 bush; prices wero Ic better for spring with a fair business doing, with part to arrive; sales 57,000 bush at $1,40 for No. 3 spring delivered; 1,45(q;1,48 for N 0.2 do in store and delivered; $1,411@1,42 for No. 2 do to arrive; $1,62 for amber Canada; 111,63 for amber Michigan; $1,78 for white California; fl,BB for white Canada. Rye dull' and decidedly lower; sales were Made 0f.2,000 bush western at 51,28 and 50 bush State at 51,35. - ._Barles , dull - and areellning.• Barley malt quiet. Corn-- rpmipts, 14,580 btt, dull end - -decidedly lower; sales 47,500 bit at 75@;803 for new Mixed western as .in quality; 89c for old dO.:In • store. Oats—receipts 76,410 bn, - loWer and decidedly more active; sales 8,200 bu at 76M ®77Mc for western afloat, dosingat;l7c. Rice null at B . g©9' c for ••• Carolina..-Coffee Arm' and quiet. Sugar firm; sales 150 hhds Cuba at 11M©12c. Molasses firm; sales 82 hhds Cuba at 50 j@s2c. Hopi quiet ,at 6© l 2c for Ameri can. Petroleum dull at 16c for crude; 32c for refined. Linseed oil quiet and firm at $1,07 in casks., Spirits turpentine quiet. Pork firm; sales 750 bbls at.s3l© , 31,25 for-newmess, ckising at 531,12 cash; $30,75@30,87 for old do; $24,75®26 ;for prime; $28®28,37 for `prime mess; also, 1,600 bbla new mess, buyers for June, at ;3455. Beef quiet; sales of 115 bbls at 13©16, for AIM-plain mess;- 12©18 for new extra Mess.' Tierce!Beref more ac tive; 550 taa'at 1120®28 for prime mess, and s2s@3s foe India mess. Beef Hams' - steady; 145 bbla at 26@32c. Cut Meats steady; 170 pkga at 12%@13c for shoul ders; hams 153 @l6. Middles quiet and steady.,,. Lard 'lnner; sales 530 tea at 17 % , 618,0 for steam; 'and 18%®19lic for ;;kettle rendered,new. Butter quiet at, o :11.5@8Eio'rer - ; Ohlb,, and 36®41c fbr State,. Cheese firm at 19@23c. Freights to Liv erpool heavy and declining for this week, firmer for next week. Engagements per ; • istiaatOtt. nom bksh wheat f'Cr the week at 2;id, and 25,000 bush wheat per steam gig; for next , week at 4 . 34 d.. Lateit—Floin: dosed quiet and slightly bo,,yer'it favor., Wheat firm for spring and quiet `and — rather heavy for winter. ,Bler,dull $ll2B. for, western. -Oate 4u:waat '770 for western afloat. -Corn_ .41111 ilit.7Bl 84e for new-mixed weapon. 88@890 • for !Old -mixed warn in atom. Perkquiet and steady, at 131.12® ) and ehaugea. Cut meats steady and quiet. e t uditmatinged: Lard steady 1.133M18M . 'fair to f.flP ri me ' 4(41 0. E. 1 4511 6-1 1i. 1 .*Wid g l iakt e l 7 Piii (s itia, Iday 18.—Eaitario tichange .. irtm Mforemium and f pll. 1 :1 0 Ving• FieurCvite . l an d unchanged: wheat dull ~ t w.alil - ~ . Aipg a *longer • salt* iPA. l 'ic‘f l i at - 1 1 -101.18:No. 2 - 31,1461,1* ~ cash ~ r, r And ill a esellepi t tor,the m o nth;, i•Jiwinetz Lei aeL >St, 40 , 18@liny • ~ , , , 4.- f J D &Ire-411'44ft 1 0,W2a '4l r i gili c o: 2 redacted 60M ®slu:closing at jf63l( 1,-,; focilnikill;lUind 7.6 1 004574, ffari 4 if sales of Ne. 1 at 63(0314 sellers for May 1 :Tprorg 57 _3‘063)lejlars tor 11lity; OH Qv ere for May: 63 34@53); sellers for June; nothing doing this merning.,: , Osta dull and weak for present ' delivery; 'and mo r.,•, lowertiblatgAvO t st4,93io lellers for the - - month, etwinlyett for the Month : 68 3 i sellls .f.coff4ueforNcit; esles lA, store - -it bil 0 :-11,1 4 114411aiod most 'nominal or' . j,l4Wor No. 2. rl -Barley dull Aid nowt :P. =lase 5001485 for litoi,L Blishignes se , - tive.aad, excited ; sale& 5t.921g92,pr and 01 obit* trAttil boats kke210)323i0;-.'New r Orleaps 14obisses 95©31,00. Sugar, 135(@ ea 43/401!:0010nonido:mholce._. Provisions tdet add - steildY. Nees pork at 130,76® A ir , prime metaryit l 5W@28,60. t 'Sweet c- lo led'hams; 15@184 short rib middles, n 14K(0,160; rough iklea, 34414 Mtg . Cum ,- •-/ berland Midd I Om I . 4idi 1430; dry salted , . aboolde& 0 113/00120 for, lcmae. Lsrd, I 3 . lll lfan O. EnioMptit:43aot tweitty:fonr hours: Aotils flo, _ 9 . 24,990 btu; wheat, 52 .373 bna.ftelik 3111.11-naidatiwiellillms MN 350 bus barley, 4,113 hogs. ilihlP liptsoalnulli 511,941 bus t, frr pus bats,7 bus ' - kr4212.4 . . 1444-441, AN 4 ** . in - 4.4414 1 CCri..%.4"% ^ =I - 2672 266 • OswEao,May 18.-'Flour in fair de. mand, w ith sales of 2,000 bbls at .6,50 for No. 1 spring, ;7,25 for - amber winter, 18,00 for white, and49,oofor double extra. Wheat dull; sales of 7,000 ,bus. No. 2 Milwaukee club st 61,30, and 3,300 bus amber State at $1.55. Corn quiet; sales of 2,400 bush at 68c for new Dlinols, and 73®740 for No. 1 Indiana. Barley, Rye and Peas nominal. Corn Meal 61.75. Lake Imports-1,500 bus barley., Canal Experts-4,200 bus wheat. suILWAITICEE, KBY 18.—Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat quiet Bud *Wady at $1,1614 for No. 1:' 61,13 for o. 2. Oats weak at 58c for No. 2: • Corn nominal at 50c for rejected new. - Ryequiet at $1,17% for No. 1. Barley nominally unchanged. Grain freights quiet and , unchanged. Re. celpts-4,000 bbls flour, 49,000 bu wheat, '4,000 bit oats.. Shipments-8,000 bbls flour, 118,000 bu wheat. BALT/110E4 May 18.—Flour dull. Wheat:very dull and weak; choice yalley red sells at 62,10. Corn dull; prime white 80®81c,, yellow 81®84c. Oats dull at 78 ©7Bc for heavy and' 73.3 for - light. Rye dull at $1,35®1,45. Mess Pork quiet at 851,50031,75. Racciil firm: rib sides 18%c; clear do 1734 c; shoulders 141.5 c; hams 19 ®2oc. Lard firm at 190. Whisky firm and scarce and is 'held at gilc; Wino, holders ask $l. _ Cirtorisiveri, May 43 , —ckarze. vigrtiet•— Beef cattle, dal!. MAO,* large supply, and ,prices. 250 lo_Wer:, common . $ 4,50® medinm1.5,F,5@6,40; extra i 7,1 7,50 per centat gMea: ''ShOOP In hatter supply and hardly so tiimLialeif head at. , ',4,00@6:18 Der dental gross. Lamixt • ;am - bought :'• s3@4'--per d e and la better pply: Hogs firmer. And the demand:good at 68,0009,75gr055f - .P.fritntlic , tblay.lB.l-oof thn is:quist!at; - 27-(f427 4cc; recalptall9o;.exporta - none.: Fleur; firmer. fcir. final:grades, :at 15(§15,25; for SuPeldne. 7144td at 0.0191.. -Hay, bats sk;i 7 fici-,i1" 1 4*, ett, 1,T+5@32.' " Iw p: 11 0 4 ' 44 1 3 1 ° to 09. . ar ti and, .1736 7 1 Ahr t , I es. , Appc, Mee' , 'dna- Pei b d l/ !? erB '9'" P)4,l4?tAigies gZtom-y,*--pppr insocit, d kixl •Vhe: Vidtdt fe hel 144* ' di it"11,291f at I t ," fr . ; hel at 70o.. ' 1fretibleUM: re... - netd'at , 2El®29o fare large :lets '.(. ndard white, and retail bota bcing.4lo)4§lllc;:.::: t'“ii c ei" ph i; 5000 bashalst , market wills:list Important -changes; ,Fa.,lt *bite minter', at $1,01,1 2..A04 Lai i1,128.19 . P7,3‘ Zorn rat 89m, orag Igwerat,64:, Awl, toed - bran at 20o: Coarse middlings at 82o; fine, do., Atgre; Potatoeant.l3B4/486.---- - • ' vgwA oo, May .10,-Erviaimlet: Alostiv dolt and , lrooleing at ss i gii go for 00111.1 moor 1P3 9 . ,5 0f0 k ralz-ti? w e lunt-,59 9,50 fez 400; to CII,OiIVA and .11.,felr. ' tra., lots at19;7149,75, • `Cattle doll ay !soog (g 6,94 fo r light to goo42,ltOrt:;', ,t :.; , * ST. ifesitnitsAtt4Y:it°4#ll.44l*-:-' 4 Cattle Are steady, rat ' NT' 1 , gio for good to choice ; )1 lolliii 1 . 1 01) 1 Y, and stun demand at. %awl' - ~-- I ,• . _ _ _ . (By rTeltitrElk tik Inikaitsbqtalenettiat , J , Lotgsvliaaig .31101318.mativxml with 6 -feet 5 Indies of water . 4 isadtne Oen& - Weatker cloudy and oeqL 7 ~,,,APITTSBURGHAmk z E.NE.. , . . rye, sto.btill barley, 3,155 hogs. Freights quiet and easier at 53.1 c for corn, and 5c for wheat to Buffalo, and 100 for wheat to Oswego.' ClarCElsalieri, May 18.—Gotton firm - and in fair demand; low -middlings 25%® 2634 c; middlings 273.4 c. Tobacco in ac tive demand; sales of 282 hhds at s4®2l; the demand has been fully equal to the receipts. Flour and,Wheat unchanged. Corn is In batter supply and prices are lower, closing at 65®660 for ear. Oata uncbangee.; No. 2 68®70e. Rye dull at $1,34®1,35. Whisky in demand at 95c. Provisions firmer and prices generally tend upwards. Mesa Pork advanced to $3l; saes of 7(3 bbla. Bulk Meats held at - 1243 for shoulders and 14y0 for aides. Bacon is held at 13®16y,Q163.1c, but the' demand is light and the sate for clear sides a shade at 3tre the views of buyers. Lard was not offered to any ex tent sand sold at 180, 'but could not have' been bought to any • extent at this rate. Butter . unchanged, though the supply is _better, fresh 35® 36c. Cheese 16t 19c. and in good supply and fair demand. Eggs 16®17c, the lat- ter rate for recounted. Oil, no change. Sugar steady and in good demand; New Orleans 1314®15.3. Molasses 75(p00 and firm. Coffee firm; 20®260.. Potatoes dull, 20®30c per bushel and`9oc®sl,2s per bbl on arrival. Gold 14134 buying. Exchange steady, and a good demand for money at 9010 per centlim for the best paper. • ST. Louis. May 18.—Tobacco is steady and unchanged. Cotton; nothing doing. Hemp is unchanged at $1,30®1,50 for Fair to strictly prime. Flour• is dull and - low grades are scarce; superfine Old at 84.26®5,25; spring extra at $4,50®4,90, and spring double, extra at 15(05,3(1. Wheat is dull and weak' at $1,12®1,13 for No. 2 spring, $1,40®1,47 for good to low choice fall, and $1,80®1,85 for choice to fancy do. Corn is unchanged and in good demand, at fifie for mixed in balk, and 66®70c in sacks; - Oath buoyant and higher, at 66®700. Barley;- nothing do ing. Rye is inactiv 11,16®1,20. Whisky is firm at92e. Groceries. are firm and unchanged. Louisiana Sugar, 14®15c for prime to choice plantation. Molasses is heldat 63®65c. Rio Coffee; 24%®250 foiprime, . and 26®26340 for choice._ Provisions are. Unchanged. at $3l for Pork; packed dry salt shoulders, 1534 c; do. clear rib sides 13c; Bacon shoulders, 1534 e; plain hams, 20c; can- vaned sugar oared do. 1634 c, and clear rib aides at 163,fc. • Lardis in better de mand_ at 173i0 for choioe. Receipts -2,800 barrels flour, 10,400 bushels wheat, 4, haeheesegn, -7,100 ;bushels oats,, 3,''' 'busheLs rye, and,ciao head: of hogs. • Buvrania, May -18....F10ur dull; city ground spring $6. Wheat in fair demand and a aha - de si.er; sales 23,000 .bu No. 2 Chicago at $1,23';18;800 bu No. 2 Milwau , kee at 11,24; 22.501Ebu,d0 at 81,233i;15,000 bu do to arrive at $1,24q; 55 bn do in lots at $1,25. Corn didl; sales 10,000 bu new at 61c;10,000 lin new in lots at 62®63c; 8,000 bu choice kiln. dried at 70c. Oats dull; sales 2,700,bu western at 70e; 3,500 bu do at 68c. Rye nominal. Barley nom inal. Peas nominal at 11,20 delivered. Seeds nominal at .14 for timothy, and 89,23 for clover. Fork steady at 13450. Lard steady at 183+®19c. Hlghwlnes nominal ly unchanged. • TOLEDO, May 18.—Flour quiet and steady. Wheat IQ2c tower; amber closes at $1,41 on spot; $1,40 seller June; $4;40 35 seller May; $1,41 buyer May; No. 1 white Michigan $1,70; No. 2 red winter 81,30; No. 2 spring 81,20. Corn is lc better and firm; No. 1 70c; No. 2 6lc. Oats is held at 70c for Michigan. Rye is in fair request at $1,17 and none offering. Barley is dull and nominal. Receive -2,000 bbls Flour; 11,300 bus Wheat; 15,200 bus Corn; 6,700 bus Oats; 50 bus Rye. Shipments-300 bbls Flour; 2,600 ttus Wheat; 16,200 bus Corn; 5,800 bus Oats: Lou - Islam:F., May 18.—Sales 254 hhds tobacco at 464,10 to 18. Provisions active; pork $31(4)31,50; bacon shoulders 13%© 13%; clear sides 17; clear rib aides 16%. Lard steady and unchanged. Groceries firmer; common to strictly choice Rio coffee. 20©27%. New Orleans sugar, 12 to 16 for common to choice; hard stand ard, 17%@18 for good_ to choice. New Orleans molasseis 75085. Whisky held 96097. Grain steady; , corn 673,; oats 70 %72. Low middling cotton 2534. 014•VINaj%i • MITER `\ Winn. The river is falling slowly. with live A'eet tenlinches in'the . ehannel. Weather cloudy and cool, with indications of more Min. ' Theltvitd Duck and barges departed for 78t Louis yesterday afternoon with about all the freight she could take on the water. Pllift—Leander Patterson and Thomas Kinzer. - Capt.- Dan Moore has returned from New Orleans, where he left the 'Austra lia. I, The St. Marys departed for Cincinnati as usual, yesterday. The Wauanita is the only arrival we have4O - report. The Glendale, from the same point, is due here taday. N • The Grey Eagle, Capt. Brennan, is te regular packet for Parkershurg to-da y ,. leaving promptly noon. The Maggie Rays, Oapt.-B. C.: Mart 9 did not get off for St. Louis yesterday as expected, but leave - to-day without fail, and passengers and shippers should bear this in- mind. The high headed Leonidas, Capt. Ed. Evans, is announced ibt New Orleans, forthwith, and the new steamer Meta moraszNo. 2, 4 1 s also announced . for the same p oint. F The Lorena and Kate Putnam left St. Louis for Pittsburgh, on Saturday, and thfr Bellevernon, was advertised to leave there for this • port "to-day. Tut, - latter boat went.through to St. Paul. Andy Bunt Lug a well known Pittsburgh and Cincinnati pilot, has withdrawn from the river for the present, having bought the right , in three counties of Ohio forte patent churn. We wish him success in his new enterprise. ' The Armadillo was at Louisville on Saturday last. • Capt. Samuel Houston has been an pinted Superviiing Inspector of the Sixth District, in place of Col. J. 'V. Guthrie. It was generally supposed that Geo. H. Houghton of Louisville would get the appointment, and the selection of Capt. Houston occasions no little surprise, par ticularly at Louisville. Capt H. is an old Allegheny boy, and was well known to the residents of barefoot square, some fifteen years ago. —The Armadillo,. frorn.St.' Paul, has the following items of freight Aar Pitts burgh: 1,000 pigs lead; 200 bbls flour, 150 sks bran, 10 bates hemp, 100 tons metal, 6 boxes furniture, 16 bbla, broken glass, 20, cases concentratediye, and 2 bbis —A. bride across the kaw kiirer at To peka has been contracted-for. The work is to consist of 7 equaLdistant'store piers, built on pilea . ,,ent o ff 2.feet bolo*, low- Water mlt. " The "stone' ' structure is to be 24 feet high.. The whole to be finished by October 1 1 11369. _ —The la_mest „jam" ever known on Black River, Wisconsin, was formed this spring on an 'island near Eaton's mill, about Ifilniles north of Naillsville. Tim jam was 3 0r,4 miles lor g, and the amenfit of logs It' contained was esti mated by comps tent fudges to be about 75,000,000 or 80,000,000 feet. —Capt. J. W. •Parker. formerly Capt. of the Northern. Line boat Dubuque, and more lately transfer agent at Dubuque, under the Illinois Central, was lately presented by that company with a check for $3.000 for faithful services. —The Colossal bound to Fort Renton is reported burned above Yankton, it Missouri River. `The report is not cred Red. - —A steamboat is to runbetWeen Corinne—which is situated at the rail road crossing of Bear River, six miles above where it runs into Salt Lake—and Salt Lake City. —JOhn Chapman, carpenter of the Southern Belle, was drowned from that steamer at St. Louis, on Wednesday last. He had been at work in the wheel, and, It is supposed, lost his footing and fell overboard. His body was not recovered. —Parties from Eastport, Ala., have contracted with Cobb Cooper, of New Albany, for a cabin, to be put up on'a new boat lying at that port. The cabin is to be ready for delivery within two weeks. —An Evansville telegram to the Cin cinnati Commercial says: There was some excitement on board the Louisa last night, as she was about to leave, caused by serving an attachment on Dr. Yates, lessee of the Opera-house, for a small bill in favor of. the Journal Com pany. His baggage was taken posses sion of, but was afterwards redeemed, by his pledging over. the money. The Opera-house Company placed a receiver in the`office, -in 'order' to secure their rent. kie halls from, Louisville. —Capt. Henry !Switzer, now command ing the Bally. is now the oldest steam boatman in the line, and he is one of the best. He went from Louisville to New Orleans on a steamboat in 111, and has been kteambOating ever since. towboats A. J. Baker, Tigress, Dick Fulton Wild Cot and Sam Brown, passed,by aim on Sunday. —The Messenger. Pittsburgh to St. Paul, was at Louisville on Sunday. • , The Grey Eagle, owing to an accident to her machinery, will not be able to leave for Parkersburg to-day. She will leave on Saturday, as usuaL .11/WM /MIMI co, Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty Sireet. Corner of Irwin. now offer to the trade at low figures, strictly Prime New Crop New Orleans Sugar and • '1 - . molasses. p_orto Rico, Cuba andltuglish Island Sagas, .• • • mew York, Philadelphia and Baltimore filitedd i en Dri_pa. Laver s, * fftnait , s, mat and Long Islani t cps. to Jrso 8100. Cuba and Lisa Island Molasses. on Bison, Japan. a e rial, timipowder Oolong Teas Garoll. ava, ity Arl d m i 1g oatn Rte:ikeelf obacco, thh. Nails: Glue, Bosid; OottOn Yarns, *ow consuutti7 on tumid. • -• • - •• • , . , • . 13IPOBTEBS OP ; e ran an d liken 14: . ‘lifciimile',4nE'E1616kl!nriiOhir whie ; otainuung_Qo... SPlfWMAiiist34lll4l.-74,1.4/1911a‘uhi ^birrg.- eri tre t r iTil pg , i. • • , ,4,Briunienhurt A _ es. 'poltroon., ' NivarNviirgAtate...,l. PlgaWo d arm ,an_d_Port W4ioB. true old (mount Ito pure. do VOITE°IOIItiOTOId noosidi. do do. , Ibr Moit & Cnindonie grand Tin. erseny and Bellery Chainpagne. 40. dies °T our own selection and warranted.; ,2• J. Zo BWINT Jo SG InIATIP SWINT & • 1' • - 4 4 14/}34 F Ic OMIALAND ORNAMENTAL: CARVERS' Items; Sandusky St.. Allegheny, Pa. of *WEL' POtas and saia.mraim tatunantly int hand., TIIHVINO g r sum, ,hwlasat FLOOR AILIMIS t _gan • 8 : • pik, - MON": 4 . 9 ~PY 4 . 44 1 A rho q."l e1.4:1z1 4 .; 4 44 y.% • „;,43), 11 101 l minsi E El rij -,.IVEDVEZDAI 11 I PITTSBURGH, PfSRT WATHE & CHI °Am RuratoAD, May 18.-15 cars iron ore, Shoenberger & Blair; 42 do metal, Nimick & Co; 2 do do, Bryan & Caughey; 4do do, Superior Mills; 1 do do, J W Porter; 4do do, 'Union Mills; 21 green hides, • W Hoffstottf 73 do do, G H An derson; 120 do do, Haminett & Son; 100 bbls flour, J J Kelly; 100 do do, Gulp & Shepard; HO do do, Watt, Lang & CO; 200 do do, Shomaker & Langenheim; 300 do do, D Wallace;•100 do do, J Bonner; 400 do do, owners; 100 do do, E Heazie ton; 300 do do, J M Montgomery; 1 car wheat, R Patton, 40 reams paper, God frey & Clerk; 30 pkgs, tubs, Little & Baird; 1 car corn, Bricker & Co; 5 bbis peas, Voigt, Mahood & Co; 11 alai rags, McCullough, Smith & Co; 80 bits soap, H Riddle; 19 do ao, W France & Son; 9 bales twine ' 3 do lath, H Gerwlg & Co; 54 aks rye, WJ Meek; 12 bxis cheese,42 pkga tabs, 30 do pails, Watt, Lang__Cin. 71 bdls shovels, Myers & Arm , 3 bbls Kellerman; 2Z bgs gs, Pitts' Paper Co; 22 bbls rye flo , Jenkins & Bro; 35 tea hams, F Sellers Co. ta..sn ELAND AND rITTIS LIBOR BdIL ROAD, May cars stbne, J L L Knox; 6 do limestone ore. M'Enight, P & Co; 5 casks. 3 bbls cheese, F Elsner; 2 dos galvanized coal hods,4 Reitz; 2 bills galvanized shoet icon, M'Candless & Co; 2do do, F Kirby; 10 rolls leather, M DeLange; 1 bx bacon, 6 bgs rage, Mc- Cullough, S & Co; 6 bbls apples, Little & Baird; 10 do oil, Wood,& L; 13 Elks rags, Godfrey & Clark; 2 tea shoulders, Watt, Lang & Co; 5 bbls eggs, H Rea Jr; 75 bxs starch, Rinehart & 5; 10 do do, Strickler. & di; 1 bbl do, J Wilson; 10 casks pearls Lyons & Co; 1 car lumber, G A Mug dorf; 2do do, Slack & Sholeal do do, It Schmidt & Co; . 1 do dojilgdon & Co; 100 empty barrels, LoCkhart & Frew; 2 cars barley, J M Carson & Co; 221 bbla pota toes, Morrison & D; I do bacon, 1 kg ap ple butter, Duff & Son; 1 bbl eggs, At well dr., Lee. PITTSBURGH CINCINNATI AND ST. Lours Rmiatomo. May 18.-130 hf bbls fish. W H Kirkpatrick; 20 bbls whisky, M la'Cullough; 2 bdls frarnes, Boyd M 2 Co; 1 car oats, A Moore; 8 bbls eggs, 1 sk flaxseed, Voigt, M & Co; 8 caddies tobac co, Nicholson Jr, M; 20 tcs hams, Sellers & Co; 4 cars rye, D Wallace; 2 do, do, J Meek; 1 do.do, Watt, L . & Co; 70 sks do Hitchcock, M'C t Co; 18 do wheat, F Schields; 100 bbLs flour,Schomaker & L; 100 do do, Watt,' L & C; 1 car scrap iron, S Harbangh; 25 hf bbla fish, E-Hazelton; 50 do do, Little at Baird. Atd.r.catxrrr VALLny Ren.noan. 1 car graln,Hltehcoak, M'Creery & Co; Ido charcoal, Lyon, Shorh & Co; 32 eke rye, Culp & Shepard; 13 do do, 124 do oats; Keil & Ritchart: 1 car lime, D L Reynolds; 22 pkgs butter and eggs, own ra; 10 cars railroad iron, C A Carpenter do do, J B Dorrington;7o bus oats, 80 do wheat, J Campbell; 82 do potatoes, A M2Math; 21 do oats, Bricker & Co; RI do do, J& A Dietz; 3 pkgs eggs, L& J Blanchard; 3 cars metal, Brown & Co; 2 do` do, M'Knight, Porter it Co; 2 do do, J Moorhead. ALLEGHENY STATION. May 18.-40 bbla lime, J ()nip' 85 eke oats, Rose at Ewing; 1 tub cheese, B Jenny; 1 ear middlings, Hack 43r, Schwible; 11 sks rags, J M'Kinney; 57 doz rakes, F Situp. son; 25 do do JLautner; 5 bxs soap, Benkt3eld Ma house; 6do do, Sehleefer at Co; 2 bbls eggs, J Kohtm: 12 do do, 17 bgs rage, E Arteneath; 100 bbls dour. Hippley at Beekert: 60 do hlghwine, 11 So Hes n penhelde; 100 do flour, A Knox tit NEW 'ORLEANS AND TEXAS.. --- FOR MEMPHIS AND NEWORLEANS—Thesteame .NIDAO Cap t. N: Evan's. .WIII leave as above Tit UgSDAY, th, 20th Inst., at 4 o'clocz r.m. For frdrht or p3•51a0 amity on hoard or to all & CuLLIN ...MOOD, Agents. • FBROWNS NEW ORLEANS, 1, ! M.lii GALVESTON, -44-i-- . ,2.,;'14 Pttamer SLLE. Texas—The new and staunch-bunt 3 1AfAM0RA5.1f0.9..... Capt.R. DALZET.L. Will leave as above kid PlillltallAY, l e:4OW lust. For freight or passage apply on board or to mys FLACh. & COLLLN ti WOOD, Agents FOR ST. LOUIS, REO... fia gUt KIM. DUBUQUE and tiT. FOR steamer 2.IAGOIE HAYS rant. B. C. MARTIN. Will leave lor the above ports THIS DAY, the 19th Inst.. at 4 o'clock p. Y. For freight or passage apply on board or to anyle stLACA £ COLLiNGWDUD. Agents. :arse 1869,- acirut NORTHERN LINE PACKETS, PROM St. Louis to Keokuk and SL Paul, AND ALL INTERMEDIATE PORTS.' • One of the splendid Sidewheel Steamers of this Line will leave St. LOl2ll da ly for Keokuk, D•tve u.• pert, Dubuque, Winona, Stillwater and St. Paul. Throngb receipts for Freight and Passengers will be given to all points oh the Upper atssippl on steamers running from this port and , connecting with the Northern lane Packets at St; Louis, thus enabling Consignees to get their Freight through without delay and at lowest Weil. 'Apply to JOHN FLACK. J. D. COLLINGWOOD, E. C. GRAY, Agents, or to mh2B:tr23 ' ' 91 Water street. • • I'OR.WHERLING.s.OI=A MATtiItTTA.TAILKELSBURG AND CiNcircrum. _ Leaves Pittsburgh EVERY TI7EILD AT- us LeaVed Cincinnati &VERY gEll AY-4. P. M. The swlft and superb iildeirheel Steamer ST. mum. T. ti;:SWECNEY, Commander, will leave u announced above. . Par Sleight or, Passage apply on board, or to - . FL SOK & COLLINOWOOD, or • COLLENb '& BARNES, Agents. B . — NO preight FlColved on Tuesday after 1211110 B, :LIVERPOOL- AND,atillt, - ' ''' otTE - grrs'rovirN. 2.14# Rmairi 117A114 : L s FA•MU l ,m,s_ n C rs l t-aus• Teela% E among M° 4A;A; CITTYY AYATWO PIE Bsding EERY , °Try OP _WIND SATURDAY,"from Pier 48. -14 ixte River, New Yotl4: - SO! eessegeerfantier Intortesaten apple to , WILLIAM BII~BH~II Jr. • tirrillei3TNANTL‘Clerog tete wean! oenesite vett Onins, Pllttotharah A. A,ACII/E8 ,OV L P . ,) ItletatotrtiNbitoligaktF4!: Union Pacific •Builroad Company; =AVMS DIVISION, 14415.0rX the /Pie of thOr rcl4. at sl,OO TO $6 l OO PER ACREp . - Ando' CEIDrr 019 PM IMAM& Nor Wag* DulaculAnilling: M., address. ' 46,111**: Cirrard .• ,1 , - Nuts R. Lem. Miaow% MEM INlvaTs BY lIMMOAD. RIVER PACKETS UPPER lIMSISSIPPI. PARIXERSBIIIIG. ATELANSMES. THIC %Piro INSURANCE. Ta CITY iILTUAL LIFE LYSUILINCE CO Of Peitxtsylvania. I ince, 75 Fedeal St., Allegheny City DIRECTORS s •‘. Hon. JAMES L. ORABAM, Rev. J. B. CLARK, 11.1.1., Capt. R. ROBINSuN. Rey. A. BELL, D.D. Rev. S. H. iv EzBIT. 0.D., \V. A. R.EIf.D. Cashier Allegheny Trust Co. JACOB RUSH, Real Estate Agent, SIMON DAUM, Mayor of Allegheny, C. W. BENNY, Hatter, A. Ek BELL, Atiorney,at-Law D. 1/, PAU T&M Merchant, .. D. Lumber D. mini mice Agent. Capt. ROBT. ROBINSON. President. Rev. J. B. C LA RIC, D. D., Vies President,, JACOB RUSH, Secretary, C. • • NNT. Treasurer. M. ' Ny,HITE, KaPicAL ADVISED. SITUUER,'EIen 2 I Agent. Tkii It none , Uotnnany. cond nate don the mutual Drbacipie„ each p i elley holder receiving an equal 'share of the prod sof the• Company . Policies' will be issued o all the illifere.ut plans of Life Insurance, and being condnUted on an economi cal 'bads will afford a safe investment to each policy holder,•and thereby retain the money at .home to encourage home industry. mhZ:a33 IFIEP t ANKLiN .. INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ALLEOIip" PA. ~ . • OFFICE IN,FRANICLIN VILVINGS BASK BUILDINOM • No. 41 Ohio Slt., Allegheny. A HOME ociiir ANY. managed by Directors wJI , known to the ComiDUZlty, who trust by fair dealing to merit-a ohm of your I:mamma. HENRY IRWIN_ . . GkO. D. RIDIME Becretarr DDIECTORS Henry Irwin, 11. ittddle, Simon. Drum, ; W. M. Stewart, Jos. Lautner, j • _ D. L. Patterson, Wm, Coo_per, Jacob Franz, Gottlefts - VIM 'J. B. Smith, acob Rush, 'Ch. P. Whlston, J oseph Craig, H. J. Zinkana, • Tere. Kohen. R. E. HERON, • GENERAL AGENT. AD10:(46 e mit • ' i . • • .. , INSURANCE COMPANY, , . PHELAN'S 1317ILDING i a , . .t.h: a n . No. 51d1 klif. Avee, Second Floor, . 1 PITTSBURGH, PA. Capitr4 All .1n,141. tip. . i 'DI excrolls.- . - . • I N. J. BI fey. " ll.W.rillver; Jr, ;Capt.N.Balley, Dan'l Wallace, S. H. liartman,lA. Chambers, Jake Hill, , S. M'Clurk.n. Jae. N. Bailey. Ileums Stnlth,_Jno.S. Wlllock, 1.. . • ROSENT H. KINO, President. '. JNO. V; .JENNINCiB. Vice.Presidesit. JOS. 7.'".7OHNSTON, Secretary. • Capt. $ : J. fiRM.'.E. Gen?! Agent. . Insures on Llberal Terms on all Fire and Alarlhe Risks. • ap2:g67 TIGENIVSYPirAiIiLt INSURANCE COMPANY OF "PITITSBURGH OFFICE. R0.1673{ WOOD STREET: BANE 0/ .COMMEncEtIIILDENG'. I• This la a ticaaa Company, Sad Wares against los, by sire exclusively LEONARD WALTZR t President. C. C. FIUME Vice-president. ROBERT PA.TRICR, Treasurer. HIIdH McELHENE Secretaq. Dt0191•013.8: Leol2l24iValtet, Georgelinistra, C. C. Boyle, • lie°. W. Evans, Robert Patrick, • J. C. Lippe, Jacob l'ainter, J. C. Yleiner, Josiah King 3 Join Voegtley, Jae. liopk A. Ammon. iti eury • TNDEDILNI'Ir . If AGAINST LOSS BT FIRS. I - FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO.OF PHILADELPHIA, 0FF1CE,436 d„37 CHESTNUT ST.,near 0 Tn. Dnisortras. Charles Q. Butcher, Mordecal H. Louis” Toblits Wagner, . David S. liroins. Samuel Grant, lsaac Lea, Jacob It. b.mAtta, Edward C. Dale, caor,W. Richards. George rales. CEA LES G. BANCEER, President. • EDW C. DALE, Vice President. W. C. STEELE, Secretary,pro two. J. GARDNER COFFIN, AZITT, Borth West corner Third ant!: Wood Streets. ailais:*l3 NATIONAL INSURANCE- COMPANY , , _ Cor. Federal S t, and Diamond, Allegheny, Office, In the, 1 ECOND NATIONAL BANE BUILDING.- N 1 .. - 1 • .7 - -- • W. W. MARTIN. President, JOHN BROWN. JR., Vide President. JAMES L bTri-VENSON, Secretary., lonizcTOitii - • John A. 'drier, Jas. Lockhart. os- blyers, Jas.L.Orsham. Robert Lea, . O. Boyle. Jnu. Brown,Jr.leorgo Gerst, Jacob Kopp. 0.11 PWltliams 4no. Thompson J. McNaugher. It VVESTER N.IINSIIRAINCE PAM( OF PITTSBURGH. A.LEXANDERICK, President. W. I'. HERB ERT. Secretary. CAPT. GEORGE ELD, General Agent. Cane, Cia I Water street, Spang A Co.'a W are. housei up staisl.Pittsburgh. • - Will inaLre against all kinds of Fire *ml Ma rine Risks.. 'A. home Institution, managed by Di rector/. who are well known to the community, *ad who are determined by promptness and liber ality to malt taro the character which they have assumed, as oribring the best protection to tkose who desire to be Insured. DIIIICTORS: AleXilader. Jelin Tt.McCune. "R. Miller, Jr., Chas. J: Clarke, • • James DdrAuleY. William S. Evans, Alexander Speer, Joseph Kirkpatrick, Andrew A.ckleni mlUp_Reymer. '- David M. Long,, Merril:lOn., D. Ihmsen. • no?? 10EOPLEEP INSIURAIQCZ COM. PANY. minx, N. E. CiORNBE WOOD a 81rra8T3. ♦ Home Compalty,tal oft Pim and Marine 818 aritteloat: Wak. Phttups, John 'Watt, John a k Parks. 2_ apt. James Miller, Wm. Ta n ittri,l James D. Verner PHILI JOHN WATIIi. W. P. BARDk n A Per. AR.; aim. 4ilL. " - ' t Nit Diriii L E G lit . RAN . cE COMPANY OP. PITTBI3IIRGH." '' ' 0 /014.N0. 371SEPTfig aptsirg.BlOlX Bums. unarm; against "air a4actiy , of Ire 'and Marine illak Mini rthfriii 1 ait. l . i'reatdent. '' - ,T. J, - 1108E1,1414At i -ylas- ,Preadent . i • thi r & lloNSw..b. nerndary. , 9 . WM.,DICAN I itlenevil Awn& , pLazorona: . . oini Irwin, Jr.,l B. L. Fahneatonle' T. J. Husunaon. AP—H.- Everson„ C. sa.iittssey, _,, , , ~ k.obe,rt,_,H. Davis, ~ Mary Chllds; / , • , Tamale Sellers, • Marl a Hays. 1 cant. J. T. Rockdale,. •CiPl4 IVVZ II 4.OPani, , 1 „ T•AcNiriAl 1. I AGENtS “IntAISIT J. can make s2s;parday 1: 4311ILLLN9c 1 .BiAKEIS O,NE''OOLLAR SPRINC: ing Ohitir out of tz Sprpags, : buy ME dLGOODWIN CO 'eßrorti ll+ Mauls 'ROADWAY, N. BUTZ AND p_wirt vini) oa*s, bras only ibr sit Na&l3l/8. • , • ' •.4 _ . 4 - \ Imascuscy: riiittiniG. FORT SS Ar Nis it cm:10 Pt W. and CLEVELAND &PITTSBURGH R. as Pram May 9th, /M 39 trains will leave from and arrive at the Union Depot, north side. Pine. burgh cl u t l ime, u follows: h. Chicai v o it .. ..4:OS a m' Erie Yam Ex.T:5lB aml Cl. - 'g11196:13 a m Chicago a m Chicago Ex. —.9:43 a mi Cl. W7a , g Ex 2:011p n. Chicago Ex., 511:23 p m W'e G Erie Ex4:3S pm Daportfrost Allegheny. Bea , r Falls 40.8:69 a m 1.44:da1e " 10:03 am " 1/05Se m Rbcheater " 1:48p m I Enon 'A p Leetsdale A0c.5:1 8 3 pm Bea'rralls " • 6:13 Leetsdale " 10:43pm Fair Oaks Sun. de, ilburch. 1:13 pmi 51 :23p. m. Chicai 12.03 n. m.Chicaf J. H. KIMBALL, Gen , ' Ticket Agent ilrylo • riIIANGE Orla . RIME ALLEIGHENTITALLEIMAILIZOAD. • THE ONLY DIRECT, ROUTE .TO THE OIL REGIONS WiTHoII r CHANGE OF CAKE. On and after MONDAY, May 3d, lbe 9 TWO THROUGH TRAINS DAILY (except Sunday) will leave Pittsburgl Depot, corner of Elev enth and Pike streets, fcr Franklin, Oil City,Bug filo, and all wants to ti e Oil Regions. LEAVE PITTSBURGH. ARRIV piTTSBURGIX Day Ex 8:00 a ito Day. Ni 5:15 p m Irlghi Ex.... • 7:30 pm Night Ex 6i311"a Brady's BAn 315 p m Bradys Sells:ls a m Isi.SodaW'ks 9:45 a m Ist RodaW`ks 7:4-0 a m Sid RodaW'ke 6:30 p m Sid eof3nW'ks, 6:13p m ltt 6:45 a m let ton.. W:56 a in 3d Ha1t0n...12:00 m,34 Halton... 2:01t p m 3d Halton... 1 r:00 p mi3d Halton... 1:05 p Arnold's Ac. ssoo p m !Arnold's Ac. 7:40 p m Charon train to and from Soda Works leave Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. x. Arrive at. Pittsburgh, (Sundays,) at 9 50A. M. ' Express trains stop only at principal points. Accommodation trains stop at all stations , J. J. LAWRILSCE, Gen% Supt.THOMAS M. KING, Assn. bup't. ap3o 11)ENNSTLVAlainmasi - NIA CENTRAL RAIL AD. On and after April 25th, 1889, Tralna will arrive - at and depart from the Union Depot, corner of Washington and Liberty streets, as follows: r Arrive. • Depart. Mail . Train.... 1:25 am ayExpress.. 2:15 as _ Fast Line 1.45 am Southern Ex.-. 4:t 0 am Wall's No. 1.. 6 20 am W all ' s No. 1.. 6:30 ant BrintonAcc'n. 7:50 am Nail Train,...._ 8:15 am . Wall's N 0.2.. 8:50 am fiosedAs Nol 10:20 am Cincinnati Ex. 910 am *Cincin '0 Ex s is:6o pm 'Johnstown Ac10:35 am Wall's No. 2.. 11:51 ma How'd Ac Nol 1:10 pm Johnstown Ac.3:05 pm Pittsb'gh Ex. 1:30 pm Braddocks Ac. 3:40 p Fiala. g_xpresrl:so pm Phila. Express 4:20 p Wairs No. 8...2:50pm Wall's No. 3.. 4:sopm Braddock Ac...5:50 pm Wall's No. 4.. 6:03 pm How'd Ac No 2 0:35 pm 'Fast Line 7:60 pm Wall'a No. 4. 7:20 pm H ow ' d se No 2 . 8:20 pm Way Passn'r 16:20 pm Wall's No. 5.. 11:00 pm These trains make cleat connection at Harris- Wig for Baltimore. The Church Train leaves Walla Station even Sundayn at 9:05 a. m., •reaching Pittsburgh 40:05 a. m. Be turning.. leaves Pittsburgh 121:50.p. In. and arrives at Walls Station. 2:10 p. m. •,_ ' • . *Cincinnati' Express leaves daily. All oche trams daily except Sunday. • For further inibrmation apply to W. lI:BECKWITH, Agent. The Pennsyliartiaßallroad Company will notsa same any risk forßaggage, except for irearing&l3 panel and limitibefi responsibility to One gun. am Donors in value. An Baggage exceeding tbst amount in, value will boat the risk of. trio owner. unless taken by special contract. EDWARD 11. ILLIAIO3, • sp2B General nunorintendent. Altoona; Fa. PENNSYLVANIA. RIJAD.--On and afterAprillith - ,21968, the Pr stenger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Bab road will arrive at and depart from, the Federal Street Depot, Allegheny City.its follows: Arrive. .Depart. Strtingd*e No 16:40 a m Mail 7:00 a In Wreeport 7.i0.18:20 a in rFreeport No. I 9:9ostit Express 10:40 a in Sharpb , g Nol /1:20 ant Shatpb'g No.11:20 ptn F No I 5:50 MraPerNo.24:oopm Fe in porNo.2 s : 3o p p Z m a Springd'e N026:20 p in Stningd'e N 026 30 p Aboye trains run daily except Sunday. The Church Train leaves Allegheny Junction even dunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching Allegheny City at 9:504. m. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at 1:90 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny June. tioa at 3:40 p. m. . COn.nu7A•rrotr TiCiferS—For sale in package* of Twenty, between Allegheny City, Chestnut street, Herr's, Bennett Pine Pine Creek, Etna and Sharpsburg and good on ly. on the trains stopping at Stations epecited on tickets. The tralnsleaving Allegheny City. at 7:00 a. in. make direct connection at Freepor, withWal. r ker's line of Stages for Butler and- Hatillabf torn. Through tickets may he purchased at tb. 00ce, No. 1 at. Clair street, near the Suspenalenßridge. Pittsbur. 11, and at the Depot, Allegheny. For Anther intbrmatlon a_pply to JANES LEFFERTS, Agent. Federal Street Depot. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not a. sume any risk for Baggage, except for wearing apparel, and limit , v a l u esnsib to Otus Hundred Dollars in All' baggage ex.. ceeding tits amount in value wilibe at the risk ot the owner, attleas titan by special contraot. EDWARD B. WILLIAM. aP6 General Stlnerlatentlent. Altoona. Ya. rITTSBURGIII aprielpa t CINCINNATI AND . LQUIS RAILWAY. PAN JI,ALNDLE ROUTE. CHANGE OF TISIE.Miand atter HONDA y, April 116tb, 1869, trains will leave and.arrivs at Luc Union Depot, as follows: • • Depart. L Artist:. 2:08"a. in. 12:13 a. Bast Line t. 9.43 a. at. "113 p. m„ Express 2:33 p. m. 4:33 a. zu Mixed. Assert 3:33 a. in. 6:58 p. licDonald's Aco'n, No.111:43 a. in. 18:18 a. in. titenbenville Accommod. , 3:sBp. in. 9:33 a.m McDonald , . Awn. N0.23.1:4 D. pa. SundayChnreh Train.. 19:58 p. m. 9:33 a. m., Atir 51:33 P. at. tra'n will leave daily. 12:13 P. Y. train will arrive daily. All other trains will run dairy. titutuays except. ed. ..The 9:43 a. m. Train. makes ,clown con. nections at Newark "iir Zanesville. 8. B. !SCULL, General Ticket Arent. W. W: CARD, Sui Pt., Steubenville, Ohio. T A ) TT ITT , 81311311,GEI& ROAD. VI L L Eafignign - ' . • ' ' , On and after 7171313 DAY. Noyember, 17th, UM, Indus will arrive at and depart from the Depot Corner of Grant and Water streets:, as , folloyras Mail to and from Union town . 7:00 A. sr. 6:00 P. X. Melleesportrmdt'n 11100 A. sr. 2:03 P. M. Ex. to and from Unt'n. 3:00 P. 2 , 1:10:10 A. x. West Newton. Accumed 4:30 P. x. St3s x. Braddock's Accomdt'n. 0:15 P. 750 P. . Night Ae. toMelf 'sport 40:30 Y. 31. 15:45 A. X Sunday-Ohurch Train to, _ _ , and from West Newton 1:00 P.'it. 10:00 A. Tor, ticketsapl47 to IC. at. RAYMOND, igent W. R. STOUT. Superintendent; • • n 0551 Samßlioadi; eI J F. Shrive l% Charleaubnekle.• :Jared M. Brush, Win , let•Lanr, Samuel Meetiokart sident; • Prealdent. See.retai V. • N. General Arent. QUAKY HlLLagglm ILOUTIG. UNION PACIFIC ILIIIMA; The sHowrivr AvD MOST 'BELLA.% HMl'S•ltozn the Zion Wall points In Colorado, Nevada, ,CakiCernitt, 'Utah, , Arizona: Washington, . • _ .. . , _ . , TWO Trams leave State Lthe iindLenvenwortll elb..(4an_daysel_Cfpled.)oa tbearrtral et trains 'alt Yammer Ethrolur irOM Lit. Lours.' and Haunt. bet, and qt. Joe ;s l l olol 4, t tont 4 41/1 1 0; eonneet. • In at* ba'aveiniwrOpfe ' and w amen° with stakes f or all- inUltnnees4 A" -end ot tract west 0 lSt ewer= with the DNITXD STAY/IS Z iP4MisS&An',Alt Yll DAILY Luiz or or m.A.u. &ND EZPRZEVI 00,ACUDIO YOE 1 ,-. , e I , e .. : idrlN VEI t O . grAreir ILA:ICE ill *Plata' In t the S t4riesi Flo TUl,Watatir , LtRII or COMM Portilnlon, Bent's Tort, Pass. Allinnnestkuor Banta recaStd 1144 3)4 ; 4 4.11/4; Art' sons and Ne* lielleo. With . theaecen wddLuortiveroinu g , swot and equipment, and the arreneente Duds Nun leipontlble Wetland Trans Ulm Lines tromp western termlnut' tine no Oars Innnq led beilittes Div thefinkanosaton ot inter tto th e Vim West. thTickets tot sale at au the nstldvoinces IR e United Btates and Derm as , Ile• ants and Lek for Utltete the Truz &vow% • tuiw a lto l'staw P 1 Day' 2.41.1mr, -' - 4axtyp • ~.1 ,; , - - 1e914i14 0010101440,01 • - ~, , filig, liiramnig i Aeseraurrolionaaaltisket At fade only by lie le Ufai ku i 11,11 renew retittV eir with hill lefonetki... es/ha'Verednead rick kt Agents. NO ttleY east make ,dlll WittloW • . . ' ' 74° 2-- j :, *Mgt:, ~p.*nr4r,;,t-Kg.,*V59`ii4;41,:414:4A-Z,VaAj RAILROADS. 1809- • ChicagoEx...l:sB a m Chicago Ex..11":03 p m Wheeling Ex 10:48 a m let. I. olds Ex 7:08 pm Chl'go Exalt!' 4:08 p m Cleveland Ex 3:53 p m Erie & Ye'nEss:sBp m Cl. &Whig Exo:s3pm _ Arrive (A Alkoh.wts, Leetsdale Ae..6:58 am , Beer Falls " 8:28 amt ' New Castle "10:23 am Enon " 9:13 ant Leetsdale " 1:08 pm Bea'r Falls " 5143 pm Leetsdale " 4:33 pm 7:23 tat Fair Oaks Bun- day L.hurch. 9:86 ant 0 Express leaves duly. ge Express arrives daily. J. N. MICULT.OUGH, Depart. Arksee. Elutena Diviktion. lifewatesia4); Idaho, ore , gon. NM El