The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 19, 1869, Image 1

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30S f i ,VABLE.
novergrfopoope, Ref Rues the South
, ampton Banquet -The Elections In
Prnee.;-Egyptalb Viceroy In a Tour--
The Alabama Treaty.
11172*team* tithe Pittiibtrzgll Ossetia. _
GRItAT - 111RITA1Pi.
fiXT4teivertly Johnson
has written a noto r to the , authorities at
SotilfunitOif, :the 'proposed
boriqu . iitattiale*lll3A ; Foote ocoalson
tO • p stAttlen tbik )*ex
tinotioß hd lg ppitiheintion of un
friendly relations between Great Britain
and the United States. Ile was assured
the people of both countries regard war
as-ettdirpot,cedaiity;•, •
fionnow;'lit ' 18.-The Standard' to
dayein Artie e on-the Alabama claim
- treaty, sive: 'AuTheittteseef twinning , a flirt
UST iirolpreosion ricom,Parliament and
Cohgrtsie Comities the bOsinesti to indeti.
menu hav e .21:Earinygirbteonnitnint
Sheets awl pre ro submit to a proper
tribunal the question of wrongs and
o do-blogokbut-toutrOveray on prep:tater,
groun*, whatever the American
senor enlimaiebo, la absurd. From this
position England cannot recede." .
Drintrir, 3 ArebbishoP of
Umbel, Rev. Dr. Patrick Lehy, in a Pas
toral letter refeis to the recent out
rages committed in the South of Ireland.
Be Considered It lamentable that the acts
of al few desperadoes ahould tarnish the
farm" oft Tigpertiry, and emphatically de
nies theex*,enea of an agrarian conspir.
acy. The outrages, he says, were the
result of the unhappy relations ez
isting between t ;the landlord and
tenant, and settlethent of the land
qoestion in.lreland would be sure to
inhabit' the numr of such unfortunate
ocourrences:.;The pastoral dissatis
fied tenants to loott - Abr hopecto the Ina
gerit4. Xitislattire, - and points out the
Xngland by the
oomnilasion of such outrages as have re
cently been impetrate*
PAugs.lagyll3.4 7 The elections in this
are likely to result favorably
to the op position,but the general result
throughout the, country leaves little
hole that Party.
P t May 18.—The negotiations for
the Conference between Prance and Bel
gam 'have been completed. The session
of theCommisakm oil! open in this city
at in early day,
7‘. SPAIN.
- MADRID. May 18,.-Senor FiguerZ .
Stlntoner- of Anita* to•dsif submi tted
the budget to the eftta,
• ,r e iceroy Of
i rimer
Egypt Bailed tro :Eurout here yesterday on a
f . •
AAA@IFE NE1101164 - • -
linwimmtpwar, May 19.—The steam
ships .City of Baltimore and City of Boo
ty', front . New,York, arrived Imo evening.
The itteaniship,Palmyra from New York,
arrived today. .
RAW* VSY '28 , --4Chet steamship Bel
lima from New:York arrived to-day.
Sosrrweitimeo, May 18.—The steam
slap Guiding' litter from New York ar
rived this morning.
MAYILta,.IIrsy 18.—The steamer Jura
from New York for - Glasgow, has arrived.
Lora:sox, May .18..;.4knalois: money
92%, and aecnunt, 923`. Hondo,
78%. Stooks arm.. Erie, 19g. Illinois,
931,f. 'Tallow, 425. 6d. ,. Sugar, 893.'8d.
FELAVOIPOIiT ' May 143..80nd5, 88%.
LrrEnroot,, May.lB.—The market is
genemlly ciosed: Wheat easier and not
quotably; lower. ,F/oiar
A NTIWZBP,I4, 18.1r-Petroteuni, 49,1 fr.
RANEE, ,Mar. quiet and
steady 14ifr..on ' p
Pious, May 18.-.lkturee strong. R.entes,
72f. 200. • ,
M.ay 18.—Markets quiet
()Wing to•the holiday% but firm.
Seuricestrroii, May 18.—The steamer
Baltimore, from Baltimore for Bremen,
arrived to-day.
• Mititary Intelligence.
MI Temecula to &be rutin:mum *Acme.]
• Cifiewoo, May 18.—Tbe following mil.
ttarV_ intelligence was received at Gen.
abandon% headquarter, to-day '
Major Rldd„ of the 10th cavalry, re
vorte his pursuit, April /7114, of a band
Windier's go to their reser.
nth*. He overtook them at Elk creek,
but capture them. owing to the
jaded condition of his horses. The •In
dint *ere Cheymtmcw.a.•
• Major Gond W. Welt is announced
awtemporary AothAt.Assistent Adjutant
Otineral'of the DeParttnenrig 010 Lakes,
with' heed4tuudere,st Detroit.
kister General Birjuvidolkooinattanding
Ute Fifth Military ..Division, Rtate or
Texas: has re-published,, fur the advice
and assistants of tbe Board or Registers,
the qualifications required from vieters.
.CaptaittHeiny Asbury, commanding
Camp Supply, „Indian Territory, reports
the arrival at. kat "dace, _May 7th, . of
Yahte, medicine man of the Arapahoes.
With a numberof the tribe. The remain
der of the tribe will arrive wion. ex Peet'
f e ed AellieloiNtigrrOni There
is no food or clothing for , theni. and very
little subsistence at the fat. He appre
hends trouble ,from,. the. Elowns and
camatichelidongthe Arkansan river.
Limit Mason Carlin, at Part Hays, Kan
sas, May: 4101 Om en amount of the
killing Of l 4 Iddiarecwho were con
fined at the pada. The chiefs were or
dered to be removed, in care of a guard,
from theteggrelitetho guard room, when
they'Otifeftei 'itrtbeir tents:` hem the
death whoop and taking out their knives
week for.the soldiers. , .t;Cardigatt": at-
Wired theSargeaktotthe guirdiaderas
knocked senseless by a blow with the butt
of a musket. ;`Sallie, a ferociousAquew,
wielding a kalte,lrled to sheath it in the
body of en oflicer, when °taro( the guard
shot her dead. _A:fig Head" looked with
scorn again the &circle of bayonets sur
rounding him and stabbed Sergeant Eta
swe.'diihgerously wounding him in - tae
back. 'A guard shot him dead. "Dull
Rolfe" tried to stab everybody near him
and he was-packed severely by the bay
ed:lets., Ire and the sensfidess Ca-digtm
sserisdhsti'dliarnied - and pritin the guard
house. •
'.,:. .
The Coin - ercial Couvenilon.-.Opening
- Day. - ' '
(By TeierrU h to the Pittsburgh oar( ttr.i
MEP , MaY lB .--The . to-day
was clear d pleasent. Kierything cen
spired to Make the Opening day of' the
Commercial; Cohyegation graipicious:
After assembling at headquarters, oh
Adams stree6 a procession of .the dela
eiPtee waslermed, who marched, pre,
ceeded by a hand, te the Opera House,
which. waar hangtomely decorated and'
festormed with - evergreens. An arc&
over'the stage UN inscribed "Memphis
welcomes her gueehs: l ! On the right and
left of it were a... Miniature locomotive
steamboat and siiip.:Minderne
of Underneath
It i i t
itt i l e ivas c4 ltpenciel g a aebtion
before two ve
o'clock, the •appointed r - honr f .the house
was crovided Witil - ffelegittesrand visitors,
who were regaled /with national airs.
'Promptly at the hour - 'the Convention
*a/1 ' 2 ' 211 04 -to - Inder IT W. Hi - Cherry, :
Chairman of _the memphll.obanitiet of
Commerce, after which an appropriate
prayer was offered by Bishop Pearce, of
tleorgia, whith.ovelfollmied by-an °M
old welcome by Mayor 'Leftwich, at the
conclusion of which, Governor Patton.
of...Alabataa,l , wint donfillialled:bi acciania
tiOn as temporary Chairman, and - W. P.
Moore, of Memphis, as temporary Secre
On motion of Pron. Erattis Wells, of
Missouri. a Committee on permanent or.
ganization was appointed by a call orthe
States, the Chairman of each delegation
announcing the names as tha State was
called. On the call of States the follow.
ing .responded: North Carolina, Missouri,
lowa, Alabama, Ohio, Virginia, Indiana,
Mississippi, Georgie, ,#,.rkansas, West
Virginia, Louisiana, South Carolina,
Tennessee, California, Kentucky.
After the Committee had retired Hon.
J. W. Clapp, of Memphis, delivered.tite
welcome address, which was heartily ap
The Convention then adjourned until
4P. M. • - .
. .
On reassembling In the;afternoon;after
some discussion. the Committee on Cre
-dentials was discharged r -and on motion,
all who hadd received invitations from
the Memphis Chamber cif Commerce
were' declared eligible to sesta on the
Mr. Treezevant of Memphis. asked
leave to read a letter from General Lee,
which was granted amidst tumultuous
applause.' Me legretted his inabilitynk
be preterit - lit The meeting ibr building
up' the' fortunes of the country,
and expressed the greatest sympathy and
interest in the movement. The reading
of the letter was reoeived. With renewed
applause. It was ordered to be spread
on the minutes.
A committee of one from each State
was then appointed on permanent organ
A was` then moved that Senators
Sprague and Fowler, Lien. Halstead, and
(fen. Kirby; mit,l4 be appointed to seats
On the So fia .
Mader for Sprague, but it
Stala,l9Bx/rtiiina2! tbakbe was sun - in the
room, and 111 response tothscall, Setudor
Fowler addressed the . Convention at
some length, timing the importance of
harmony and fraternal feeling in the
'work of the Convention, and also the
paramount importanceof subjects to be
considered, particularly the leveeing of
the Mississippi, reforming the labor sys
tem of the South, and buildings railroad
to the Pacific, which could be used at all.
seasons of the year. He'then gave way to
the Committeeon permanent organization
who announced the following as the per
manent officers: Gov. Chas. Anderson,
of Kentucky, formerly Lieut. Governor
of, Ohio,
Chairman; Erastus Wells, of
Missouri, Gen: A. R. Lewton, of Louisi
ana, Geo. H. Waters, of South Carolina,
W. H. Cherry, of Tennessee, Frank C.,
Moorehead, of New York, Governor M.
'Patton, of Alabama, Col. W. H. Gale
wood, California, 3. B. Haldeman. of
West Virginia, George W. Sappington,
of Arkansas,• Vice Presidents; W. H.
Fitch, of Memphis, Secretary, and mem
bers of the press as assistants.
Goy. Foote and Judge Willisms,of Ky.,
were appointed a committee to conduct
Gen. Anderson to the chair, who, after
being introduced by Gov. Dalton, re
_turned thanks for the honor and touched
upon the duties of the Convention and
work before it, which brought rounds of
After adopting a rule to meet•hereafter
at 9 A. M. and 3 P. M., tbe Convention ad
The city is fall of strangers, and every
train coming in is crowded. Everything
indicates a harmonious Convention, as
notwithstanding the many antagonistic
interests to be subserved, the best of
feeling prevails.
High Water in the Lower Blaslaslppi
—Breaks in Levees.
thy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
NEW ORLEANS, May 18.—Information
has been received of a break in Grand
Levee in the Parish of Pointe Con e,
a half mile pe
above. Repairs had Just
been completed at peat expense on ,the
crevasse which has flooded so large &por
tion of West Louisiana in the last two
years. The present break does not
threaten to do so much damage as the
previous one, the levees being some dia.
ulnae from the river% edge, and the
water at the break being only six feet
deep, though obe hundred and fifty yards
wide; :but front' the high- louse of the
water it'will be ditlicult. if not Wipes
alb* to oloSe it !hi some time , to come.
Tile work on the Villier crevasse, at St.
Bernard'Parisb, bay been abandoned as
hopeless. The break is now several hun
dred feet Enda -and of great depth, the
Water sweeping uninterruptedly back to
—The annual meeting of the Grand
Lodge of Odd. Fellows of -Missouri as.
sampled at Odd Fellows Hall. St. Louis,
on Tuesday. : --A very Marge number of
delegates were preempt, nearly every
Lodge the Slate Wag represented.
'rtle memberibip of the. Order has largely
Increased during the year. The revenue
of the 'year . was $88,418; total assets 1134.-
214 amount paid from relief fund $20.873.
The session will last several daya and
some important . matters relating to the
interests of the Orderer° to be disciussed,
among them the sdoption of. a new eon.
stitutb 14 for the governnient of the
Grand and subordinate Lodge". The
election of officers the coming year
will take place toy'" and the annual
meeting of - the Grand , Etwartipment will
be hold du Thursday.
Reports from various parts of Mitt
netkna •euy 'that "the 'wheat crop never
looked moro - proiptrAng. , Amoth - greater
breadth has been sown than ever before.
w '2o7r
''.444,WitZti "'71,40445631":":"jr,*1ika4404''
By Telearabb tattitts nrablla sy,
sy is tlea' .
. - DEB co • BTIAL. i. .1
The opinion o f; 41n tue lime of
R i ;
eneral Dyer, klef F
of Ordnanae.- iti..
prom, tilgated Jp.a.geberal order fro fk gts
War Dotal:tient, width is that nO further
"proceedings.aTe uesestatr,y. The i report
abd opinion were approved and confirm
ed by ,* - the• , President * ..and ' thip. Court
. r . . . .
. ,- ..;. ,TTSBASORY MOVERS, ' 1
It hits been concluded to appoint Cyrus
`A.a.Eastmam or Kan Fruricisco, Assistant.
TreisiMiir of Alio"- Uidted .States' land
Treasurer of the branch mint in tat alty.
PrepaKiitlons are being made- by, the
Appointment Clerk of the Treasury De
partment and his assistants towards re
ducing the force of the Secretary's 'office.
About fifty disminahkwill probablye
Brevet Maj. Gen. Samuel B. Sturgis,
Colonel 'of 7th Cavalry. has beeripidered
to join his regiinent in the Department of
the Mississippi; Brevet Brig. Gen. 0. D.
Shepherd,, Colonel of 15th Infantry, has
been ordered to Fort Concha, Texas, to
join his regiment, en route to New Mex
ico; Lt. Col. Chas. J. Whiling, of 6th
Cavalry, hasteen ordered to join his
regiment in the'Fifth Military District.
The Postmaster-General, to-day, di
rected the mails to be sent by the Bremen
line of steamers from Baltimore direct to
Brethen. Tho service is fortnightly each
way. The mails. in other parts of the
country will be sent_ under existing ar
The .cling Cmiuniasioner of Internal
Revenue decides velocipede rialto . are
liable for the special tax ois exhibitions
and on gross receipts from such -Wind
lions the same as theatres.
Judge. Edmunds entered upon his
duties as Postmaster this morning. His
predecessor, {Colonel Alexander, did not,
as it was stated he would, alai: the ben
efit of the Tenureig-Otlice Act.
The President to day appointed Albert
Sigle, of Missouri, Recorder of Laud
Titles for Missouri, and Gustave Janeeke
United States Consul at Altona.'
consternation In Pima Rko,-Yettew
, Fever.and Voralto—The'" Immure Won
Di Cuilia-ilpatlifsh • Cativoy Captured,-
Garrison of firs Tunea.Captured by me
Patriot Cubans.
Tetegrapti so the PEtalmrati Gazette.:
NEw Cons;, May 18.!-late advice!, from
Porto Rico state that the island is in
great consternation. The principal
Street of Ponce has been burned by In
cendiaries; business is Stopped; the yel
lowfever and vomit() are carrying off
hundreds of the Spanish troops, and the
hospitals are overflowing. AR the
houses of the, Spaniards were marked
with a red hand, and circulars were dis
tributed saying that all who were able
were/fleeing from the, island. Soldiers
who stroll into lowly places are assassin
ated. Overseers of neighboring planta
tions and white laborers have been nom
scripted by the authorities.
A general uprising is momentarily ex
pected. The revolutionists were becom
ing more bold, and are only awaiting
the yellow fever and vomito to continue
a little longer its deadly work to give
the signal. The negroes of late had dis
pla,yed much dissatisfaction, and many
had left their masters and (*aped to
the mountains, where the revolutionists
are fast congregating in large numbers.
By this time the war reigns supreme
over the island.
A' Trinidad letter of the 21st nit, states
that the Spanish troops attacked a -body
of patriots near there on the 18th, but
were routed. A Spanish convoy was
captured near
troopsm on the 18th,
some of the tht,reating to that
town from-whence they rallied to attack
the patriots again.; The patriots, how
ever, made a detour ard, entered the
town,. capturing the garrison. They Im
mediately took possession of the city,
and found some artillery, among the
rest, two fire field pieces. with which
they armed two fortifications which
were immediately erected on their 'ar
rival. They were reinforced by two
hundred men which the Spaniards held
in confinement. On the luth the Span
ish troops presented ';themselves before
the city. but were soon put to flight by
the artillery of the Cubans. •
HAVANA,. May Itl.—The reports pre
lonely received from both Spanish end
insurgent' soarceti greatly extlisgersited
the proportion of tilight at Um Mania Am
tile 3d inst. More ntliabisationtinta, now
aniand, reduce the affair tolskirmlsh.
The Spanish and rebel troops In thein
tea& are suffering elm:illy froth fevers.
It Ii said many of the liner, ire dying
from want of shelter WI uredhial attend
ance. Trains are Vein, running ors the'
Puerto Principe and Namibia RallrOad.
Cane grinding haw again been Interrupted
im.some localitieenn the north endemic*
coasts by heavy rains.l The United State*
gunboat-Penobscot _arrived today.
Another battalion. of mobilized , negro
troops left for active service in the field.
• The announcement by telcgrsph of the
failure of Sch?pler. & Co., in New' York,
caused some uneasiness in commercial
oirclecherc ; •
_ The Diarto of today contains a report
that the lusUrgents have -tanned the
towns of Sobbinei, ransom, and Malmo
re, but the Voce Dz Cuba dciabti the trtitli
of the report. ' •
. •
The Coal - fatrike Vet General,
EDT Telegrapb to the PltUhargb entit, l 4 ;
BouvaTote, May .18:—The Dela.
wate; - Lackawanna and Weateru miners.
at Hyde Park, the Penesylvagia_Oaal'
tntnorttst - Pittaton, and tht Delmitate and
Radecki iidnere at, Olyiihowt, Alm a b et io- g .
adteketber more than .6000 inien, e ars ,
and naive beea > rtesldUyst work.
Sunday School Anniversary—Desperate
Conduct of a Prlioner—Bounty Cheek
Forger—Ways and Means Committee
—Paterson Rates. •
My Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
kw Yoa, May I:, 1869.
The fifty-third anniversary of the New
York Sunday School Union as OhlEt
brated 'this afternoon in t irty-two
churches: , ,
The•caso - of.C4earge 33. mticted.
'fbr Pininri In making labia affidavits
agamet Collector Barney, was t before
Judge Benedict to-day. D g the
opening for the+ prosecution Davis be
came fearfully excited, exclaiming re-
peatedly "it's a lie,' and finally drew a
bottle from his pocket, swallowed the
contents, and declared it to be poison,
and that he would be ylead in two , hours.
'The case was adjourned until 'to-morrow
to ascertain If , the prisoner was playing
Ten Eyoke, the actor, charged with ob
taining payment on forged bounty
checks. has been held for trial..
The Ways and Means Committee of the
United States House. of Representatives
go to -Philadelphiaon Monday next to
spend the week in Pennsylvania, and
then go to San Francisco, returning in
A the Paterson races to-day the hurdle
race was won - by Thompson's bay Geld
ing, beating . Tycoon and' making two
miles in 4:30. The mile dash was won
by Hira. beating Enchantress and Mor
rissey; time, 1:503..f. The mile heats race
was contested by Metaire and Connelly;
the first heat was won by Connelly in'
150, the second and third heats and race
by Metaire in 1:50?,; and 1:50.
A meeting of the several posts of the
G. A. R. was held in this city this even
ing, when arrangements were made for
deooradng the graves of Union soldiers
in this vicinity on the 31st inst.
The naval Court has sentenced the cap
tain and mate of .the captured schooner
Galvanic to six years imprionment, and
the twenty-two passengers captured on
board to eight years;
—Geo. Hood, business manager at the
Academy of Music, Philadelphia, died
Tuesday morning.
—The wrecks of the six steamers
burned last Wednesday at Cincinnati,
have been sold for P,725,.
—Jas. B. Gibson, a grocer of St. Louie,
received an invoice of Japan tea on Tues
day, via the Union Pacific railroad, only
thirty day; from Yokohama.
—Major General Hancock and staff ar
rived at St. Paul on Monday to take
command of the Department of . Dakota,
with headquarters at St. Pant.
The trial of the New Ulm, Minneso
la, murderers; who were the authors of
k bloody , tragedy AWO. Year* ago bid
Chrhitalant boa beta again posiponid.
`'.67otiskia tibaaslt h lMg mill mid
miinfoyed by dmTuesday morning.,
Loss about 1E0,000; partially inirtirosL
—A large number gif Preabytaiiiin
gyinen have gene from St. Louis to at
tend the General Assembly of the Pres
byterian Church South, at Nashville,
—The schooner Grapeshot, suspected
of having been purchased in the interest
of the Caban revolutionists, is still de
tained by the U. S. authorities at Beau
fort, S. C.
—The opening sale of single tickets to
the Peace Jubilee, a Boston, yesterday,
attracted a large crowd. One music
store at the west sent an order for twelve
—The Methodist clergymen of Chicago
met on Monday and passed resolutions
strongly protesting against the ceremony
of decorating the soldiers' graves being
performed on the Sabbath day.
—Tbe owl train from Albany, Tuesday
morning, collided near Chester, Mass.,
with a delayed freight train. George J.
Paster, of. Charlestown, and Mrs. E. L.
Heldslrom, of Buffalo, were the only
persons seriously Injured.
—The Chicago Young Men's Christian
Association passed resolution—nine
ayes, eight nays—that 'Women should not
hs allowed to become memiers of the As
sociation. Brother Moody, the Presi
dent. gave the casting vote.
—Prof. Austin, of the Smithsonian In
stitute, is in Springfield, Illinois, and
with his assistants has taken observa
tions for the purpose of establishing a
new meridian line as a base of observa
tion of the eclipse in August.
—Late Arizona advices state Indian de
predations were numerous. The savages
murdered' Milton S. Hadley, a pioneer
°Risen of the territory, April 18th, near
Prescott, and also captured and destroy
ed:the mail from California, near Tuscan.
The mall rider barely escaped.
....Lends "dating, who was arrested
some weeks ago at Burlington lowa, on
the charge of murdering a step child two
years ago laid July, and taken to St.
Peters, Minnesota, for trial, was on the
15th convicted - of murder. The evidence
was entirely circumstantial.
—ln the Chicago Common Ocunclla,
On Monday night, resolutions were in
troduced, proPoslng to test the constitu
tionality of the"law passed 104 winter by
the General Assembly of- Illinois, con
ye'ying the lake front to Central,
11410higan Central, Chicago and Burling..
ton and golnov . Railroads.
--President Nesmith, of the Mount
AubUrn street railroad, Cineltmati, and
several Myers were arrested yesterday
for driving cars Of that road over a por
tion of the track belonging to another
company, without permission. When
ever a driver is arrested another is em.
ployed in his place and the care.steps
—William Efalgrew was instantly killed
at Watertown, Minnesota, on Monday.
HO had been bunting, and was l ean i ng
on his loaded ride ,with the inuzzlo of
the-. gun against his breast.. While in
thin position his horse kinked et him
and bin hoof striking against the wok;
'caused a discharge of thergun, the charge
*wiling through his heart.
I—The National Bstrgage Afasterti and
Brakes/nen Association convened at Ctn.
mitinatiyeaterday. Tweatysitrdelegatea,
repissenting fbar hfindmi - and 'twenty
:One baggsgtonett op& five 4/undyed , and
iiistsen brakemen are Pretienti_
WaltinQtoa 01;:t4e Miciptinn AJentral
Aoittiv Prtilligelig;. Tbe pflidot the
Uotive,idioilli Co Torin irogptaefiti•;
ation. •- • z-- -
.Einientie io
Another Meeting-Lerogramore Adopted
—Election of siarshais—gesetuuens,
Communications' ,s:c
Committee, ;ybe,propel a w p . poi thee.
celebration o i
n m ci a kt
City An adjourned *meting of the G. A. R.
arrangements,rl.#3o.4)f on
lrultsi :p a terdayaftertioon.
Major'J. Denniston presided, and
called the -
- ,meeting to order at three
Capt. W. B. Cook, from the Committee
appointed to prepare . a programme - of
exercises for the occasion, presented.the
following :
Posts of the Grand Army of the Repub
lic will assemble at their respective head'
quarters at 8 &Clock A. it., and proceed
tbence to City Hall, arriving there at or
before 9 O'clock 'hr.
The ceremonies at City Hall will con
sist of reading of General Orders No. 21,
lid. Qrs. G. A: R., and No. 4, Ed. Qrs.,
Dept. of Pa., an oration,a poem and mu
sic—and will be.opene and closed with
These ceremonies will be presided over
by the Chairman of the Executive Com-
Inittee G. A. R. .
At the close of the above ceremonies a
procession will be - formed and ready to
move at 1034 o'clock, A. M., sharp.
The procession will be composed of
three divisions, the whole to be under
the command of a Chief Marshal, and
'each Division under command of an As
sistant Marshal who will designate his
own staff officers.
Nate 35 and 88, G. A t -R., with all who
join from, the nortli-shie of the xivers,
will Torin the Fir& Dlyision,and will
visit Uniondale Cemetery.
Posts N 0.3, 38 and - 117, G. A. R. , and
all who join them from Pittsburgh and
the districts between the rivers, will
form the &mad Division, and will visit
the Allegheny and St. Mary's.Cerne
Post Ire: 151,43. A. R.;and all who join
from the South Side, will form the Third.
Division, and will visitlhe cemeteries on
the South Side.
The procession will be formed at such
places and In such order, and will move
over such route, as the Chief Marshall
and his Assistants truly hereafter desig.
The graves of soldiers in the various
cemeteries to be visited will be previ
ously marked witttl small flag* by corn•
mittees appointed for that purpose: •
Each person will be provided with a
boquet of flowers, ,and on strewing the
graves will drop One , flower on each
grave as he passes through tbe cemetery.
Marshals of DiVialollB may adopt such
other ceremonies in strewing the graves
as they may deem appropriate. -
The ladies, under the management of
the Monumental Asssociation, will take
charge of the floral department.
A- National Bairiki -will Ared from
the. Arsenal, commencing at 1035 ' oclock
;TheAsedstaiithiahthatswill mese the
' '' " 4s eet itti r tei z - he4hoeteat—bi.thttdalim.'
2 o'clock P. is.,-when tlierirffr
infirm their respective divisions, return
and dismiss. • --
,SursoAy, May,3oth, 1869.
Mipisters of the various churches of
the county are respeCtfully requested to
Preach memorial sermons to their re
spective congregations at their usual time
of holding service oh Sabbath morning.
and each as comply are requested to
furnish the Secretary of this tkommittee
with manuscript copies of their sermons
for publication in the "Record of Memo
rial Ceremonies," authorized by Act of
Congress. -
During the continuance of these cere
monies, the citizens are requested to dis
play their flags at half mast or draped
in mourning. !
The ceremonies wilt be open to all,
and it is hoped and expected that all who
desire will participate. '
The report as read was adopted.
On motion of Captain Cook, Comrades
Callow. Beckzrt and Smith were ap
pointed-a committee to wait upon Prof.
Win. B, Slack, and request him to take
charge of the vocal' musical exercises
of the days.
• The next business in order was the
election of tnarahala ;for the procesalon.
Major E. A:. Montooth, General J. B.
Sweitzer, and Captain W. B. ‘Vook
were placed in nomination for the
position of Chief Maishal. Four ballots
wore taken without choice being made,
when on the fifth ballot Captain Cook
withdrew, and AisjetE.A.liontooth was
elected. , •
The following Assistant Marshals were
then elected for the various divisions:
First Division, Capt. Alex. Callow; Sec.
and Division, Capt: J. C. McConnell:
Third Division, Capt.l.oeo.'l3.'Wood.
FINANCE otimirrrram.
On motion, Comrades Edward Negley,
J. McLanaban, D. Jones, hi. Shaffer, Dr.
Hazlett and Abe Patterson were appoin
ted a Committee on Finance.
Major Denniston offered the following:
WORItEes, A large proportion of the,
members of the G. A. R. are clerks and
emploYea, and as a ditipositiOti has been
shown by the citizens generally to par
ticipate'in the ceremonies of "Memorial
Day," therefore
Resolved, That we respectfully requeat
the manufaotttrers of Abe city and Flint Z it
ity to euspendoperatiOna daring the day'
Saturday, May 29t14' ; and that the trier.
chants are hereby requested , to close
their viatica of business from 9a. M. to
3 P. of said day. ,
The resolution was U nani mouslyadopted:l ; 1, • -
arisorzwissces. •
A comniutdeation .Was .read from the
teacher's in the Find Ward schools,Pitts
burgh; stating the School could berelied •
upon fora supply' offmears.
Comrades .ittesigld' - Eleokart were se
, poiated a Committe e to Wait upon - Mojor
montooth and notify him of big eleotiao
as Chief Maishal.
Maj. Denniaton stated the ladle& desired
a ball to be_procured for the reception of
flowers on Friday. 28th inst.
-Captain Cook and Comrade and Lee S.
Smith were appointed a Committee in
reference to , this (natter.
The matter of procunng conveyances
for' disabled soldiers w/1.4 dieousaed, bat
ne4letitilte action Wan, it being left in
' . l,be betide or the Finance Committ-e.
Major Tiotiolideil stated he had 7(3-
'061.18d a enintitunicaticki from Miss S. A.
Wallace, stating thatLthe - -Third Ward
School would furnish a share of flowers
for the occasion.
Ou motion, Major Denniston and Capt.
Cook were appotnted a Committee to
procure orators for the day.
Adjourned to meet Friday afternoon
next; iu City Hall, at three o'clock.
Marriage of Gen. Negley.
At Philadelphia, on Tuesday, General
of Representatives from the %DA Dis
trict, was married to Miss Grace Ashton,
of Schuylkill county. The ceremony,
performed by , 'Rev. lamb Todd, in the
Methodist Episcopal Charch, , was wit-;
nessed by a large audience, , and;charao.
terized by all the elegance and eclat in-;
cadent to a wedding in high life. A con
siderable number of army Officers wei
present. • ' -
A Railroad, Arrangement.
' The atockholdera of 'the . ' Ciiiinnati,
Hamilton and Dayton _Railroad held
their annual meeting at Cincinnati yes
terday. President L'Hommedien re
ported in regard to the Erle contract-
Its chief features are: That for the annual
sum of one hundred and eighty thou- -
sand dollars, payable'in equal monthly ,
instalments, we grant tag the Erie Rail.
road Company for ten' ears the exclu
sive privilege of our broad gauge" track,
and a portion of our depot- facilities for
their business in connection with
road, reserving our local business, but
withdrawing from competition for Netv •
York traffic, and that to avoid confusion
and unnecessary expense to Both parties
this Company is to move their trams and •
cars and handle such freight of the Erie
Company as they shall require on their
account and at their expense, the cost of
which service, including the cost of fur
nishing motive power, a fair proportion
of the compensation of station agents and
clerk hire, and of the salary of a joint.,
superintendent and other necessary ex
penses connected with the business, is to
be determined in proportion to •the com
parative wheelage of the two parties, and
paid monthly. Also , the folloing with
regard ' to other connections ': ` An ar
rangemerd has also been made with' the •
Cincinnati, Sandusky and - CleVeland
company to receive, the, full local bust
ness of that road, we giving* return the
business of the Cincinnati, Hamilton and -
Dayton road to all local points on the
Cincinnati, Sandusky and, Cleveland
road, and uniting with them in
through Eastern all rail business.
With' a - view of avoiding , injurious
competition between the Dayton and
Michigan "and Cincinnati. Sandusky
and Cleveland roads, it has been agreed
that the blindness ofthe'Cinainnati, Ham
ilton and Dayton Railroad shall be sent
by the Cincinnati, Sandusky and Cleve
land to and from all points to which said
road, is connection with the
Hamilton and Dayton forms whole or part
of the shortest all. railro‘dline. On ttie
other band, all trifflo west of tbe San
dusky. road, including, Detroit and Can
ada, shall not competed for by the
Cincinnati, Sandusky ana Cleveland
Itkiireed-as against theDayten andkllch
igen,- This contract „harmonizes with
that Company. Made with the Erie Conany.' '
—The 55th anniversary of the American
Baptist blissionaly Union was held et
Boston, on Sunday, Rev. Dr. Casswell,
President of Brown University, presid
ing. The treasurer's report shows the
receipts for tho year, to be nearly ;I9 ,-
000, and the ex , enses, including the
debt of last year, .U 10,274. The annual
sermon was preached by Rev. George .
Dana Boardmaii,of Philadelphia. Rev.
Dr. Price; delegate from Wales. and Rey.
Mr. Henry, delegate from Ire.and, and
several other clergymen, made ad
dresses. •
. . .
—Seven companies of the Fifth caval.
ry. tinder command of Gen. Carr. while
moving from Kansas toward Fort Mc-
Pherson, on the 13th, struck a camp of
about five hundred Cheyenne Indians.
A tight ensued, in which the . Indians
were badly defeated, leaving twent y -five warriors on the field and carrying off a
large' number of wounded. Gen. Carr
lost three men killed, and one of iftr and
two privates wounded. The Indians
abandoned. their camp. Gen. Carr was
still in pursuit when last heard from,
near Medicine Lake Creek.
—The Farmers' Hotel, at, La Crosse,
Wisconsin, was burtibd on Monday. An
son Oleson, while endeavoring to 811 1 78,
some of his property, • was burned to
&lath. A farm house of 'C. Ole , on. near'
the same place, was undermined by
water and fell on the night of' th 18th.
instantly killing a little son and so se
riously injuring Mrs. deism t t her'
recovery was considered doubtful.
—Gen. Reynolds informs_ the
man of the Republican Executive
'ante() of Texas that he has select
the registrars for the State, and
President Issues the order , for on el:
in exa, it could be held in July',"
time designated by the late. Anne
Markets by Tel4P4i
NEw °tuatara, May la.—cotton titbit'
and unchanged; middlings, - 28KE' - 4 Mitt;
sales of 1,800 bales; receipts tin: - inq
exports, 25,000 balea.. °old -141,14. Ex-.
change sterling 154 k; New York pre
mium. 'Flour Is quiet; su.perfinit,. 5,25;
double extra $8,75; treble extra - '.'.25,.
fora ktru 77(4780.- Oat s- 7110. " :ran
rd;'Bev; prima ;1127q28_. -Pork . effil-
a $32,25;', .ftwomloirreett 111);€117 We:
. tierce 1814(418Xct keg - 12-y o th
flinger is hitcher aud gradek stiffer; 'm
men - ' 1134@lnytc; prime 183,101 a.
Molasses unchanged. Whiskey; we ster n
rectified at 13030. coffee tittll; fair 15 a;
prime 10%0)1734c. . • •
'Cniosoo, May 18..91 the open n. r d
this a ft ernoon, the, grain 'markets re
quiet and prices were without de cide d
change. A few lotalof N0.,2 Spring wh t
sold at ill,18;;,®1,1834 seinen- market
closing ' -steady. Otner grains, and '..Px4-
visions are neglected. In the evening
15,000 bushels No. 2 wheat were sold at
111,1104, seller month. ' . •
. •
didastirrox, Nay I&—Beet cattle—ra
ceipts 182 head; sales extra at 11180 1 3,60:
first quality. $12®12,50: second quality,
111(011,50; third quality 1110010,50. Sheep
and Limbs—receipts 1,408 bead and the
market active and prices'declined; sales
at 118,80@9,150; spring limbs at $9. •
NAort.VILIZE. May 18.--Catton market
is fiat; low middling sell at Wet' ticodard
24c; stook amounts to 2,852 bales.
SAW Fnannisod, May 18. Flour REM v
at 1 11 , 3 73i(46;8ei - wheat quiet t1,35@
1,65. gallinders e 7234. • • '
1. the.
.r the