0 ID DIIqUESNEWORIO3.- • • COLEMAN,RLUM `di CO ' . , Maniac Mums of - N IRON, ~AILS,- S TE)II.4 AXLES AND. SPRINGS St. 4i/ 1 60616 fe Alin) Jrinittiri MAN_ SOUND AND lIQUS,RE IRON. SHEET AND TANK IRON, :..GUARD IRON , ) 3 RieesnidEDARDOSPPER BARS, ELAND= CUTTER - BARS, CYLINDER. IRON,_ TAND_FLAT ltdiEL,Tfor Coal CROWBARS WEDGES & HARRoVir. TEETH, ~BIN. AND CULTIVATOII STEEL.! GIIAND MOULDS ant to pattern., TARS; STEEL SHAFT , A. B. MACH,' BUGGY and WAGON SP OS and CUT NAILS AND SPIRES. All Goods First Glass and W ted. OFFICES AND WORKS. i v . 111xtgentletILtrgertoul.411iktyp Wvir, and. 'ST Wa Bunt , r'isacqu'irit2 i 81 STEEL WORKS. BINGER, =OK & 00., PITTSIIIMCIE. PAL. Yernifacturers of every description of • ' CAST AND' GERMAN 131 EL; ICAMW WANGS, art. AND PLATPOBM BrifEN6Hl, • • L'LLIS4 STEEL TIRE...ft., des • • ,Warehoute, 88 Water and 100 First Ste. BARR & PARKIN. • Riersakt. r ikurrinnta: _ WM. YItTOALP. REUBEN 31:ILLNR, SE% W. BARR, • I 43HAt3. PARKIN. Bpscial. PARrNza—B. R.- BIER. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, itk• PARKIN, Office, No. 339 Liberty St, PITTIB.BVEGH, PA; tel4:d4B BLACK DIAMOND - STEEL WPRILS. PABH 8it,,4411 - Elt . & CO., /IGFl,,Wsunlmni of all 4e!wmptions of • garrirmxigm„ Uses sad Wirelionse.' TEMITIRTH, THIRTY. =HT W.R.LYLRAMI) FITREETB. P/TOll3ll/1161.111. IRON WORKS. Ull..Viasza. PrfsK..». W. P. rams. Dart. EOTMIUIIIMGH FORGE AND IRON CO., If-LftIITACTIIIIZRB Or Bar Iron; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Axles Rolled; Railroad Car Axles Hannxierads Locomotive Promos'-- Locomotive Frame Shapes; Ride Rods: Yokes, Straw; Piston Heads; liteamlboat . Shafts; Btosunbeist Cranlur, Piston Reds, Wrists; Pitman Jaws. Collars, do. Ordoe, No. 177 PENN STREET, PITTSBURGH. PA BLISISHESEN PROMS. The Trustees are now are dto gnat sea for tor the tote of the Siir RAUL 'WaN PRO CLES: The superior quality tmparted to geed Iron, the great imprcrrement to inferior Iron, and the reduced eost,arminend it to aL manufacturers of Parties wishing to use it can obtain Licenses by applying to JAMES P.: SPEER. Attorney for the Trustees, BOOMS I. and' S. English's Building, 9638 roalth avenue. ar z tles interested are. invited te eidt the v .1411kilGEll WORKS, where the recent, NOW in gaCCetatti operation.. ielhdt7 VVERSON, PRESTON & -Pennsvlvania Iron Works. Warehouse, Nos. ,166 andl67 PUNT ATRIUM ppos Ite Ifonoagasela House, split:de PITTSSUEIO/1 NOVELTY WORKS. -pITTEIBURGIr NOVELTY WORK& Pounded A. D. Ism ADAMS, WIC= & CO. lIILL7/1 G• 1971113113 Or REYSTONE STANDARD, MPAIBBA PAT RNT) PLATFORM END COUNTER SCAL ' ES• jaall raglaiW: Lode lateleg. Paint O COUZB.OP l'aST AvEnVik.argewr Pittibtairli.reaWL LUMBER. - - TO BUILDERS I , _. . , .. goo. ' '' t t Dry Pale Boards. ' 100. ' " t ISt. bleb (Near Plant ; 5i0.000 feet a% Inca Common Plana: SII,OOO feet lig 1 sail la lath Oak: .. - SC= rf•VVIAI sad a tura Poplars 10. feet Widzbeeatang: ' - by. , 1 fast Yeuow ru m B oar d", -- 200_, , , . feet Hemlock Soratllad. 003.1X11) feet LIM 1 18¢WI g ag i z i a4 inan . _glee. 400.000 2110• 1 104.aelk Mulled. lomat; WS No. 116-lachoblngase. etievedt ' 40. ne'TllasTh, BfIe1: , .; . • , . • 100-Toni Yve Clay; . ~.. = Also. - Bser -MU _ Lumber. Locust - eadimeedet • Teeth and all article* In the line on band and fee pile lii ALILIANDBE rATTIIIbON. yozds— /10. MI Rebecca street toad coracle of Petals end J streets. BUM Weed.Alledheal. ede.bor. • ~ ap a i : ; l l= Mbiumbeeter. : , - 00.14.1 a :AND; COKB. ( costar' cosuu DICKSON,. STEWART It CO., • removed,usir Moe to - N. 57 LIBERTY STREET, 'way City noes =ono= =OM Wen ile i Wed ia r T fi o rah ma tood r. YOIIOIIIO. lowan IllOrkat tte. • L•' -- 111114 A.ll erderslett at their eam or saarsosed to tAretLY the will be, &WHOA to STONE. WEST COMMON ' ' . • • - 'MaahAns Stone Work*, , *palm& oornar of West Conuson. Allash!raf. Vi'VATall & CO. ~ - . lllll,Sai Mad or rirpareAk slim . Km& va ait. i" . - iliki • ' r .aw* I . ..1.1• ~, T1 •• ~ 11 , ,,?! II ./It. 1"*".... ..1: ..) • , ' sal Vcilitel I' s• us • - • ..:1v,i,..V.%:,•,-"7"'W-4);"-•,-, , • .-a5•137 - - • 7 Th r itte-riair:cprrit FOUNDRY COIPANY; OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTII STREET, PITTSBURGH, -PA. LirEnginds, Rolling NM Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Re torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND I PIPE WORKS: Varner CerrolleaellimaithulalKirene, CIAINTH ' prx-rspritert, WILLIAM SMITH, Manufacturer or CAST IRON BOWL PIPE PO S GA3 ANXI WATER My Pipe are all cast Invariablyln Pits, in dry sand, and le feet lengths. Also, tall assortment of general Castings for Gas and Water Works. • I cnitir,s'?vttitistgaltre:Mnaratgard. DUQUESNE FORGE. WILLIAM DULLER, (Sueakssor to4oB. P.I HAIGH & C 0.,) Has facilities co-extensive with the leadln Forges In the East, and Is prepared to Dromptly and satisfactorily All all orders for SHAFTS, CRANKS. - PISTON ROD*, LEVERS, PITMAN JAMS WRISTS, RAILROAD AXLES, LOCOMOTIVE FRAMES. together with every description of SHAPE WORK. °Mee and Forge, Corner et Duquesne Way sad Pint Strut: apich4o ROBINSON, REA &CO., pumas= tom:mu/sox, mums ][uses, WASHINGTON WORKS FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, 1 M net Boat and Etationary Bram En. W as it ni ßrast Engines, MU Me-raper!, swas, and Boiler and lron Tanks *Oace, - . rao. 1,9, corner lust and Brahmans Btreesa. Agents foGINTABDIS PATENT INJEGTOB tot seeding lers bral:ret THOMAS CARLIN & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry - and Machine Work', SANDUSKY BT., ALIZGEZNY CITY, Pa, Mannflicturers of Steam Engines, Oil Prams., Pulleys, Shafting, Grist and !Saw Mill Work, Bolling Mill andMzehine Castings Orate Bus, Weights, Wagon Boxes, &e. Bald to order and have on hand Enginesof all sizes. invll:qB CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS 880 Penn Street. BOJIT•ISRN, BOYD & BAGALEY. Ctilllßolls, Mill Caißliws, Roll Lathes. *e. BRASS FOUNDRS. JOHN M. COOP= LIZNAT =R. .TORN M. COOPER & CO., Bell and Brass Founders. BRASS CASTINGS MAD& PROMPTLY TO ORDER. Maleable and Grey Iron Fittings, GAS PIPE AND TUBING, THROTTLE, SAFETY AND CHECIL VALVES, ALL GLOBE PATTERN. MON CC:ICI:KS, Brass Work of every description for Steam; Water and 011. MAN IjFAOTIIRFRS OF J. M. COOPER'S lmproved , Balance-Wheel Steam Pump. , Agents for Dreyfus' Patent Oil era, the best tn the Mitrket. Odlce and Works, corner ThateenitPe ... d Ptke Streets. - 'ads FLOVIt. PEARL MILL FAMILY s FLOUR, PEARL WILL Three Star Greek Brand. equal to FRENCH. FAMILY FLOUR. This Flour will only oe sent out when espe Wally ordered. • PEARL. MILL BLIIII BRAND, r ram. Au& JirWfuttVl l :' mu.= moVit.naltgeZhiliirlEM: LT. UMW es 11&04 Alleehent. Bela. p. 1868.. PM AL MILT. aBWRINPAN . DWT/Na 11 01 4P,./ 1 -am&c9t: , ANCHOR COTTON , MILLS. • EnWlrsitum,4 - 4u,, . Mao eseturare at ERLYI KIWI= tad 1.10117 ANOIIO/1 AND MAGNOLIA SirTICTINGs IVIID BATTING HAIR AND PREtrtnyzny aid. Pittsburgh. 1 17 PEC___,EL osibir AmENTAL HAIR W0HJ1191621 AND PEDIVALIert, No. Third street, near Snaps Alwanunt han d , a enera lamtraent ot Lao V I 80 ALPVEIVAIRPa e rgy taeozrarre, T i t: Rad Prise in 0 4 win be given for al Ladles' and Gentlemen , ' Hair Cutting ga ge in the neatest tnanisar. utbr us PJ,Treuruw.,4 434.wq:, Tuysp,4l7. MA! 18, nualli 8O ^ B6 COI, 04it:Poird gley and biiiinesneBt., • anus Tits P01311',1 Engine Builders, Founders and Machinists. • Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES, of all sizes. k LVciiil attention in to our new STATION ..., OIL WELL ENGINE. AND PORTABLE, BO ER. of 1.6-horsengrwer. OASTINGS,_of every STREETade to order atom' Foundry, on TIMM below Market. !RIGS for Wells, SHAFTING. PULLEYS, OUSZ,p4RQBAceprSO.II4WI3 and O.ONTOBA 00 PREMEA on band andnatle pa order, at the • INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Yrontdng on the Allegheny River, near the Potnt, •f rimsetulea, r.t. A ir Al orders groniptly !Med. TRY 178. FORT PITT BOILER, STILL ABM TALK WORKS. CAFiIItOLL & SNYDER, • 'IIIdNuTACTI3IIXBI3 OP TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLUID TUBULAR, 7 1 / 1 1-BOX AND OYLINDIAR STEAM BOIL . OIL STILLS AND OIL TANICS, CHIMNEY% BREECHING OD ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANB AND CON DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND LEON BRIDGES; NELSON DOORS AND COAL sairrza Office and Warehouse. eeri er Seemed. Third, Short • LibertStreets, PITTS = lIRGH4 Pa. air Orders sent the above address will be promptly attended t tah7:l9) WM. B LL & CO., 7 801.14 E MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, , 4 AND ES PENN ST. Having secured a large yard and furnished it min ,the meat ap ved machinery, we are pra nged So =Wu every description of BOLL. MHZ iii the best er, and wai.ranted equal to any oad° la the eounlay.. , Chleys„ Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pins, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Tanks, Oil Skills, Agita tors, Settling soil Boiler Iron, Bridges, Sugar rancAnd men fectaress of BarnhtlPs ret est Bellew: : i Beilairing done o shortest notice. 115:citt NOB. SO, SA, _..a o shorn. JABIEB Ms I Eng Nos. 55 And - :I 36 Water &reef, 11:126111, 4a.cmmut • AIL TANKS, COPPXI3. BTXAX PLETft IRON ii:F7LINCk PA BOLLING mutt it. 111117811....-..........ZDN1MD D. azure JAHJETI M. BRUSH & SON, it/L=4moms or Steam Boilers; Oil Stine, Tanks. SUEET -ON WORE. &O. 61 Penn Str. , , Pittsburgh, Pa. C. 'PRE BEST STOVES. A. B ar.CO. maxiatieture.r, of e greatest variety of 'Cook, Parlor d Heating Stores, TO BE YO Dr THE ST4TX. Sole Agents for the emitted Base Burnink Orie (mar Stoves and Furnaces for Hard Coal or Coke. Best in the World for Parlor,Office. Store or Church. tire needs no rekindling—burns all win ter. Do notb 2y until you see or send for Circular. No. go WOOD STREET. Our Agents for Orientals—B&B/BLEB BROS., Sadthgeld St.; GEO. HIIBLEY, Allegheny City. STOVES, ;AWTINGS, &O. ORM HUGUS Sat, • misurAaruazas oi ETAAT VABXZTT az SEPTPCONTIMIS • BOSTON COOKING RANGE, "THE FIERY • FURNACE," Fos WAIUMG BanatEGS. THZ 'NKW ANTI DUST COOKING STOVE, ••REGULATOR. ,, COLUMBIA. COOK STOVE, VAN'S (Cincinnati CTO Partetee r I n •PORTA BLE RANGE 0 AST IRON MESAaNTL W=EsLLMAN'S B ATS R LNDERS. anddug; 206 stud 208 Liberty Street, ge 2017 COOK STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL & CO.'S \‘; TRIUMPH, pais\Brruirato rn9 COAL. rrarraite ate Cook, Bake of Boast u stll W et* ineve In tie Woe. ig 00., No. 285 Libertv Street. &upon *sad sad for mao, PAITAMVI3, 47O "14:700110111011=4. 3e. Dot ANb o•Stpdat, ELJ. LANCE, , DYER AND SCOURER. . Mo. is lirl:CrlmlLM EMMET And Nos. 18 and 187 Mini Rini, IiTTTARITASH. PA. • ARCEaTEOTS. BAHR & Pftwiinij ; mot Atom Al l B(x ximON , del; Nos. 111 and 4Su fielr eireet, PIN !ipso*. Ottoman irmst' ikil f Ma= whom a - ImM alma tati „~ r._i.~ zll x.;i FORT PITT COniff. q 0.169 Wo CAPITAL, : :: : spio,oik). STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE: DEALIsa IN GOVERNMENT SEOURITIFS AND 'COLD. i lIITEBEIif ALLOWED oil TALE DEPOSIII. Collections made on an aeoessible putata in the United States and Canada.. Ir. Corner 47a , frd and Wood Streets, DIALNIS rX I Exchange, Coin, ionpozifi, And' i4rtlenlir attention paid to the parehise and sale of - I GOVERNMENT .BONDS til y iet 'arsine craT,ondon. t OollNUtaxims4. oss all the ednoteel pant , e, of the united Mates staVinadiui, Stacks,Bods and othe I Secnritfe, Part War attention paid to sale of United Mates z 1010:al JAY 0013 - STAMM, =V WORK. For BtearaboaU, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, STOCKS sad BONDS et all descrlatioaa bought sod sold 'pedal attention given to the purchase and sto mb.39 of Government Securities WMUNG AND ELING,I COMELISSIOU Merchants awl Brokers Petroleum and Its Products, PHILADELPHIA ADDysima. Boons 17, Chamber of Commercip, 133 SOUTH SECOND•STEZET. ■Dln ECLIPSE _PETROLEUM REFINERY. HERBERT W. C. TWIDDLE ) KLNITIPACTURER. OP . I Lubricating & High Test Binning Oits. . . ,_ Eclipse Railroad Azle Oil I . • Staiids great heat withiint change; remains limpid at lowest temperatures. Special Oil for tropical climates or hot weather. Looomotive, Engine; Machine Shop, l , Will cot Screws. Saw Hill and Planting' Hill Oils, . I Adapted for high speed. Spindle Oil, Wool llead•LightOil,f Oil, Tanners , Stuff:Repoole, ing & Finishing Oil. Gasoline, i ‘• Harness 011. Parrailhae. ARMOR VARNV3H to. presme . Bright /ten Work and Machinery hom Bust. , ! ._These preducta are manutkctured under Dr. Tweddle , s_patent by Superheated Steam in Vac cine. The Lubricating 081 are ahem odorless, perfectly pure, uniform. and mostly. light col ored, stand a high temperature unchanged. and remain limpid during extreme cold. .TheDallroad Oils are 'unequalled, and are in constant use on many of the principal Ballroads. Samples . can be examined and corders left at 174 WOOD i STBEZT, Works at Sharpsbargßridge. Bridge. patit . murnuens; i t COMMISSION MERCHANTS • , . AND DIALIUD3 IN. , I IP etrolenut Product s , .1. its Products, .1 1• n th • 1 11 1 PcVtaci l i in e ' lir l ay iu l lzw i l l' illireets.77 . I. Tkillad ... elphlsolloe—isv WALNUT V. , 1' spl:wlKl DiAmoND:OIL WORKS, e - 111.: M. LONG , ' • Olga, DALItiLL felt Damn, Way. PittsburAth:Ps.! • _ t ill:N o o valuable t a a n 0 S t po 1 . OR . 1 n iik e T tsi t a 0 w at nt . • i a i d tO ud .' r . ', • ITY THE HOWARD CHEAP. i . tat in 2 r0y0nt 7 01:: 0032 7 , ''- , txt : ootan ( e. , WIT PIANO AND AN iru , ommie i cerisaa . 00 : 41rum i edatsuibas cos. : ' ' Tke BOHOPLACTICE3 PLAN bines AND .O ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. s been awarded ..the big bias _prenilm ex, b ted. Its urns la nilii eenorourann,_ M i n i , e orkmanship..for durstIIIIV add ..afilifi ell others. ' Prices froingowto Allle.- to style and fins ) eneener than au rine tit; called AM chum Piano. - -- --.. _- EBTRIrIi OOTTAGE ORGAN Stands at the heed of all reed Internments: In producing the roost pert:bet plirequiairy or roo t of an similar instrument In th e United', Statesi It Die And comma In oonstruetlon,_ sad Ji able ta_te_tritArt crier% X 1 : 4 zg=g g PATaniT ' VO -431.011: Li ,0217,101104'01tt 111 Wpm hilitiliNi,tlll64 6 lp AU . , . NW 111 Will 'pan a innommi t , . i ws lia. ow ia, 1 ,s-,;(...• •_, ~,, ..1, • •, 1.1 ~t • .E , oneyn alai& OR pgt I , fit? ~~ w,r a~ ~..£_ ~.~.: r t ~ +~`~} DIDZOTOHBt. • D. Hostetter; ' • no. .111 sher. James Homan; ' Hobt. H. Hang, 1. D. Wallnee. I Andrew Miller. X. Fawcett, James H. Bailey. • ' . • 114tintaseCLtRILIIII, Free.. D. LSD! WILMON. Caskier.! BANKERS AND' BROKERS, PrlvreaStrita' p ISUCOEBBOIIS TO FAANNA, HART II 470.0 HOLMES & SONS, • ' 57 Market Street, PITr~BIIRf~S. P BOUGHT LND sour oisr co' Mtaxilm.e PHILADELPHIA. OILS. DALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY, 18VI. SILVER -AND COUPONS Bought at,Blifhest Ibriccs. PH, NERT 4 Banker for. Wood and Fifth Streets. SI • n LUNES T. BR A DY 11, DY Go. cif (inotesson 08. JONES * C 0..) Corner Fourth and Wood Sta., 3EB.AtLIV33C.MII.OI; BOY AND trELL•ALL KINDS OP I COMMENT ISECUILIT4S, sow, tours AND COUPONS, ON. MOST PFAVORABLE TERM/3. I. - Allowed on DepoBl4i. lot i Zt m ' The i r ei o rt a te e l Bond.BPn at . . , Orders executed hor the Purchase and Side of STOODII4 BONDS and GOLD. JAMES T. BRADT & CO. GOVERNIEEN . T. BONDS ! We will register all itll& of Government . Bonds free of charge. This gives the holder ab solute securitragainst theft,loSO, or de.structlon. JAMES T. BRADY -& Dealers in Government Bonds, COR. FOURTH & WOOD STS. niv:344. I IS? Cljt I 1 Galetts. FINANCE AND lIiItADE. OYFICE or Perineum:ixAladin; Moinsx,k-May 17, 1869. Gold tookla sodden jump from 189% toi 142 early this morning, declined to 141%, but closed firm at 141%, with a decided upward tendency. The• reasons for this sudden advance are partly speculative, but our excessive imports ;over exports come in for a large share, aside from the fact that about one half =of our national securities are held abroad, which might; for some disturbances with Europe, either financial of political, WI shipped back, and gold demanded in payment of our European debts. Bonds declined somewhat and were rather weak. hut steady. Stecke are firm and do notshow any signs of yielding to a bear speculative influence. Money quite easy. ON. 1 trachue ii.ilid unities. CO I .5 211 Quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 141%; Silver, 129; Eighty one's, 121%; Five Twenties, 1862, 12054; do 1864, 116; do 1865, 116%; I do 1865, Consols, 11835; do 1867, 1183;': do 1868, 11834; Ten Forties, 109; New York Central, 81%; Erie, —; Reading, 95%; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne dc Chicago Railroad, 158%1 Ohio & Misissippi, 33%; Michigan Southern, 105 X; Cleve land & Pittsburgh, 931,‘; Chicago & Rock Island, 25%; Chicago_ & North Western, 91; Chicago dc North Western Preferred, 102%; Adams, Express Com pany, 403;; Merchants Union Express, 15%; Pacific Mail, 94 . 4‘; Western Union Telegraph Company, 43%; Gregory, 2,75; Quartz Hill, 1,15: Smith & Parmlee, 2,85; Am. Express, 40 3 / 4 . ' , • , —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady & Co. Gold, 141%; United Sates Sixes, 1881, 122; Five•Tw, enties, 1862,' 121; do. 1864, 11634; f d0. 1865,1,17%; Ten-Forties, 109; Five-Twenties; Jann ary, and _ July, 1865, 119; do. do. 1867, —; do,`do. 1868, —; Seven-Thirties, par less, y;; DaeCompounds, 119; Union Pacific Railroad, par; Central do. do., 103; Cy. Paelflm, 10134. (By Telegraph to the - rtttaburgli Gazette.) The event in financial anti commercial circles to-day wss the failure of the Ger ) , man W oanng firth of Schepeler - dr, Co. Their operations were very extensive, being large- Shippers of petroleum, pro visions,: dco.: as well as heavy dealers in gold, staeks 'and bonds. At 'one time they were the heaviest importers of petroleum, and their transactions gener ally, extended into millions, The imme diate chute of failure was their heavy sales orgo:fid on spechlative account, to the linount of probably eight or ten millions of dollars. In addition a large amount of their bills of ex 'change have been sold here, which will have to te returned here and cover ed by specie shipments or by'other bills of first chats houses. The firm had ex tensive credit in London and the - conti nent, especially In Antwerp, Bremen and Frankfort. The losses consequent on this failure are understood to be heavy and pretty extensively distributed :here, and the immediate effect was to advance gold and bonds, unsettle the market and stiffen foreign exchange. Bankers hold ing Solopeler's bills were buyers of gold and bonds to fortify themselves and - others having contracts with the firm were compelled to do the same to rectify their psition on the market." Several other firma'were at first reported :failed, ;but all • paid up ...their' sea - before 'three croloOk. exoepttsko small' brokers' firms, and the have made provision for, pay went: 'The effect In Europels . awaited with ceneldtsraiile" anxiety,. and there will 'certainly bd an increase& caution among the brokers here'for some Mite to come, and if this failure unsettles mat ters InEurope, it may hasten shipments Of si)ecie.' Rumors are circulated of the failure of a London firm' with , liabilitlei exceeding .£4,000,000,' and an advance of the Bank of England rates to 5 per cent. As today waa a legal holiday. in England there Is probably no truth in the reports: Money was rather more. active this afternoon, owing to the shipping of some loans,ln consequence of the failure above alluded to and, the fall in stooks. The :demand was promptly Met, however, at 6@7 on call. Prima discounts at 7@9. Starling ht firm. at 996 93, for prime 60 days, and - IOK for short sight. , The gold zponi - Tan the scene of wild vaitehtent moat 'of the' day, and very active .and buoyant before , the fork mar- I price touched 142%; _Us finitzecordeditalawaa at 141 JI 2 P s auPtletstpao At the Ara a maw HALLai . • . yr t: ,fr NEW YORK, May 17; 1868 gold:was tit kerivgletittearlit Tvervent., and early in thoday down to 1 per oeut. and free of. interest: Clearances 1 / 1 37, 000.000. Governments have been strong at. a further advanee,4.he principal sales hav ing been made at L,Ax per cent. above Saturday's pricea. The h av e selling gold at an advance been large buyers—it is underetood, over a million dollars Land there were some purchases to cover shorts. 67's are in especially large borrowing demand, and are carried at 2 per cent., and in some cases flat. • Coupons of 'Bl, 121%14)122X; do '62, 122 @l.;'.; do 134;1113%@116x; de '65. 117% @11734;',d0 new,ll9@_llo34; do '67, 0 1 ®119X,; do '6B, @ 119©119%; 10.40'5, lie 10 1 4,1 Pacifica, 107@107X. State bonds dull and lower. Missohris. 89/; .:old Tennessees, 68©68X; new. 65@66X; old North Carolinas, 50 .'.(4/6 0 351' new 1 15 ,%@ 5534; old Virgirilas, 57q,@58; new, 62@ new. Lousianas, 69X@7034. The stock market during the morning was very feverish and unsettled,. with,a great pressure to sell and a seeming in clination to panic, in consequence of the failure of •Schepeler and the disappear ance of a bioker with a considerable amount of funds. There was *general decline of I@2 per cent., from which there was subsequently a recovery of @I per cent. Near the close, however, the market again became feverish and unsettled, and the prices once more de clined, closing heavy, especially on rail roads: 5-30 Prices-Cumberland, 30@33; Wells express, 34%®34%; American, 40y,@4001; Adams, 6134@61%; United States, 65/ 4 @ 66;Merchants Union,ls@lsVonuicksilver 19,g@19X; - Canthri ; 6234@6254 ; Pacific Mail, 943; W.estein Union . Tel egraph, -4 X@437 Mariposa, 2316® 24; preferred. 48%@483.p; New York Central, 181g@lfily.; Erie, 20%; do pre ferred 51@523,4; Hudson, 1543;©155; Har lem, 146g@146 . 14; Reading, 953;@96; Chi cago • and Alton preferred, 160:, Terre Halite, 393,1®41; preferred, 71 1 )(@)73; Wa bash, 743;©75; preferred, Sl"e/32; St. Paul, 77®77X; preferred, 86@86X; Ft. Wayne, 1513(,@15134; Ohio and Mississippi, 325 @SS; Michigan Central, 120; Michigan Southern, 1053,@105%; Illinois Central, 1453;14)146; Pittsburgh, 93®93X; , • , Lske Shore, 10,53‘..k. Rock- Island, 125340 1255‘; Northwetitern, 9034@907 ; do pre ferred, 10134@101%;,5t. Josepn, 117; C. C. C. and I. C., 45. • • • More doing : in mining 'shares. Quartz Hill, 115; Grass Valley, 54; Smith and Parmlee,Vsr.Gregory, Copper stocks at Bston: Copper Falls, 8; Franklin.. 19g; , Hecla,7s; HancoOk, 4; Quincy, 25. , 'Receipts of Sitb-Treitittry, 11,089;813; Payments, ;789;933; " Balance, , 184.862, 437; Disbursement* cola interest, #Ol,- 299. Cdstom Housi3 figures for, April show 136,854,651 landed here, including, however. 14,818,287 in. specie. the with drawals from wari3hottsee were only 18,- 954,512; showing :general dullness of trade; and that the imports largely a.F.- ceed the demand . for Consumption. PITTSBURGH . 111AAtirE*84 OBTDIE OF PTITSBOBOH GAZETTE, t MONDAY. May 17, .iseq. S There is nothing really new or impor tant to say about the - markets in a gen eral way. The demand for almost every thing continues being restricted mainly to supplying immediate wants, while prices generally are unchanged, though the tendency is downward. APPLES—AImost . out of season, and the supply is nearly exhausted. APPLE BUTTER—SaIes at I©lll,lo. BUTTER—Continnes Anil and prices are steadily declining. Sales of prime to choice Roll at 31@32, awl good at 27@28. BEANS—DuII at g3@3,25. CHEESE—SaIes of new Western-Re serve at 18@20, as to ouality, and new New York Goshen at 22©23. CARBON OIL- 7 .1s quoted in a jobbing way at 29@30. CORN MEAL—$l,5O© 1,75 per avrt. DRIED FRUIT-Dull' but unchanged. Peaches, 14 for quarters, and 'lB ,tbr . halves. Apples,' 18®15 EGGS—DuII at 16(5317c. • FEATHERS—Quoted at 80 eta to _the trade and the usual 'advance for Small lots in store. • FLOUR—Is quiet and nnehanged. There is a moderate. local demand, but buyers generally take 'kohl - tinertnaly being apprehensive of lower s)rices. We continue to ciuote Spring Wheat, at $6,50 @7,25 and Winter Wheat $7,60@8. Rye Flour, $7.00. GRAlN—There is little or no inquiry 411., for Wheat in this market and prices are nominal; prime Red fl;50. Data quiet R i nd unchanged; 71@72, by the ear. load ,d 75@78 for small lots in store; Eye Is very dull; distillers are %not buying and dealers are only offering 41,3500137; sale of 200 bushels, to arrive, at $1,31, buyer furnishing sacks. Corn is dull but unchanged; prime ear. is scarce and may be quoted at 78@80 on %%art and 83 @B5 in store. Prime Spring ;Barley, $1.75.__ • HAY—Continues dull, the demand being light; baled is quoted on wharf at :25@27, as to quality. EtEMP-SitieS at 1215 - ; t, HOINLINIr—S6,7WI pet bbl. ` LABllkfi OIL—Is quoted at 11,20 for No. 2, and.ELso©l,s2 fbr No.q. LlME—Cleveland Lime is quotedAt 52 50, per bbl, and Common White 5475. •POTATOES ales oUtiack, in bulk, at 40@45, and in store at 55@60. Market quiet, receipts falling off: -; PEANUTS—HeId at 12c. PROVISIONS In steady demand, and we can report - regular jobblnit'ules atsl4.for • Shoulders; • for Ribibed and -Clear Sides; and'l9@l93oor plain and canvassed Sugar Cured Ppm. L,r4, 19 in tierces and Win pails. • ; SEEDS—SaIes of Clover Seed r at $9; nOVltticilky Flaxseed *this Market worth speaking of. SALT—May' be: quoted at 11.809)1,i&S by the car load, and ;1,95@2 for small lots in store.. • TALLOW'—Is qtioted Stlo,(gClll,4, 'for muklered, and doll. , • - • pry coeds Mirket. NEW YORK, May 17;—Dry Goode— ?There J 6 a little intge dang e iritals kirabbh of trade, but nevertheless the market &atriums depregi. The following 'are the changes that have taken place to-day fn 4 / I .o4';.l6bricir Allendgle, Brown Sheetings are selling down to ALVIN', do.; 9-41doi do. ,425 ft; do ,ft-4 Bteadh ed "do: 4250; *do. 10-4sdo. 525 , 01 — Utica '5.4 Bleached. do. 3250; do. 6 4 dm, 3750; Canoe River Colored Corset Jeline; 12gc; Cideopee Pr/MA.lO3Oy , Lonisvia t r i Ky., May 17.—Bacon enbuldbra / 3 .41 idea, rib 16%; clear sides 17. Bulk meats nominal._ Pork %get. at 534.15. Lard in' tierces4BoB%; 1934. , Whiskv firm at 96. Flour Wet til 1/7.l9nAOCVlltn cyboards $8,50. Groceries: sugwr„New Orleans:illtile g rjl6; raolasses4 New' pr. leans 76; - Rio coffee, comindn'to choice i. , 2QQ26. Eggs 63,10, pec ( 4o Orraltirs' Wheit'lttdet`' mar' change4.,,Colle lifliglikarAtmd, for shelled aterear. , 1 O itrotilk-70Mg•lbr Rye, Afloa t 451444 , choke._ on 8@: Wi - k4 o 8o for machinAmaqe. . of tobacco • sales of 75 ItUeCil 118 e Wird 11, 1. n quiet and unchanged.. .:frelalit. Brill 4.