PETROLEUM MARKET. I OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, Fni,lAy, May 19,-1869. 1 . 11 . 011 market was again moderately acrive to day, there having been a fair volume ofsliusinese in the aggregate, but aside from this there were no new char acteristics worthy of special notice. As haateen the case for some time past, the great proportion of the sales have been made to cover oil contracts, and those who sold short within the past three months ate no r able to 'cover at' a very handsome profit. There are sti 1 some 10 and 12 cent options out, sold during the latter part of 1868, and those who were so unfortunatP as to sell tli.m, will not be so badly scotohed after al as was generally expected. - Our reline gen erally. are still holding off in h.,::that Crude will go still lower, and j hat by and by the market will get shape to enable them to start up the works again. RP.PINED. The Refined market was fairly active to•day, indeed. the sales in thanagggate were a little larger usual, while prices, compared with yesterday, are without quotable change. The sales were: 500 Buyer all.year 1000 Each May and June 500 Each June and July 500 August 500 00 Each, Angina Eac h, to October 64 46 11. 66 500 •g 4 is is CRUDE. There was also a. fair business done in • Crude to-day, the sales being rather lar ger than usual, while with the exception of spot oil, which is a shade lower, pri ces are about the same as yesterday. The sales reported were as follows, .1000 Each JUly . to December goo l 6 46 1000 Seller to July 1000 Buyer July to October 1000 Immediate go - , . - LUBRICATING OILS. Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil 40c "ECHO* itailroad Axle 85c 'sclipse Machinery. 75c Eclipse Spindle 80c OIL SKIPPED E/ ST BY A. V. R. B. Lockhart, Fiew & Co. 475 bbls ref to Warden. Frew & Co.. Philadephia. 'Standard Oil bbls refined to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Livingston & Bro., 200 bbls refined to Warden Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Lyons & C 0.451 bbls. refined to W. P. Logan & Broi, Philadelphia. Fawcett, L dc S. 250 bbls refined to W. E l ... Logan & Bro. Lockhart, 'Frew &, Co., 52 bbls tar to Libby tt Clark, New York. ' Standard 011 Co., 53 bbla tar to W. G. Laird, Philadelphia • Total shimnents - Itglined ..-- 1885 Total Shipments Tar ..... 105 OIL SHIPPED EAST FROM DUQUESNE DEPOT. 'Hutchison 011 dr Itofined Co., 818 bbls ref. to Warden ; t Frew dr. Co., Phila. PITTI3IIIITtG I II IRON MARKET OFZICE or' PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, • FRIDAY. May 14, 1869. ( The metal market, compared with last week, presents but little that is new er important. There is considerable in quiry for small lots of desirable grades " of foundry irons and there is but corn . . paratively little( of " this kind to IA had. . The'demand for mill irons is only mod erate. Stocks generally are pretty well reduced and arrivals light, while prices are without quotable change. Manufactured- iron and nails remain unchanged_ There is a continued fair . demand, but prices are so low that there is little or no margin to the naanufacto • rei.*: ANN Ra.OITE. ) 400Acina No,. IL - .•,.:-.,... • 137.50:4 mos 10 - " No: 2 ' F oundry 40.006 moe 200 " . Chickies Forge 49.00 - cash 10 " No. 1 Foundry 43.50 4 mos • 50 " N. 3 Forge Open Grey _ 38.50 cash 20 " No. 3 Red Short at Furnace 13.00 cash 10 " No. 2 ....... ... ... . 92.00 4 mos 250 " C F'dry to arrive..... 41:0 4 tnos 400 " Close Red Short to arrive • 87.50 5 mos BITUMINOUS COAL SMELTED PROM "LASE SUPERIOR 0118. 30 37.00 4 mos '.5)0 1, Open Grey deliver able at furnam 35.50 4 mos 200 " Open Grey ••• ' 35.50.4 mos 601.• " Open Grey • 86.005 mos 200 " :PBS Grey Forge... 88.00% mos 210 11 ' 11 a u. ... 38.00 5 mos --00 !. 1, ... 37.00 cash 130 " Med Close Grey F'ge 37.25 6 mos 400- "I White to arrive 35.00 cash 40 Med ()lose Grey... 36.50 30 days " Open Grey - a favo- . rite brand.. • . 38.25 4 mos 50 a • 8 No. 1 Foundry_ .. _ 40.00 4 mos 50 " " " siLoo@Ao.oo cash and 4 mos PcSOCt " InferiOr for r ' Rail Mill to arrive. P... T. re3o 11 •OpetrGrey Forge.- . 37.004 LOOS .100 `Med` Grey' Forge to . . • arrive 37.004.•m0s BLOOMS. ,30 Juniata 95.00 6 mos CHARCOAL. 'f 75 ,6 , Pancry Brand In lota f 50.00 cash@sl.oo 4 mos 25 Fancy.. 51.004 mos 30 Corn Close F'dry.... 45.00 4 mos . . . , , . Markets by Telegraph. Naw rem; May 14.,-Cotton . steady; .. . n 10 1,4,294 bales at 28Ko , for middling " 11 Piandit. Fionr; receipts were 8,308 bbhg . , market -.. du11 , .. and , 6®loo -lower lades 1 6,100 kali at 15,78@6 for superfine lEititte; Inwnoini 0i. 2 0,(M65; extra iStet4l6, Win b n .. l ..,'teat - efat i7(g)81 white Wheat extra, I C lwlal fir 4 a on-S 7 oB,fik antra Bt. ' nbii @ ' seod 'chorea do. &wing (Aunt I, t, ,,,__GFAclnr ote . aiffsaleit 260-boo at ; 75 Tdx , onileal . et; 100bliliiii0idat 4114.450 !sou th ern- moderate forßillet 180 bbls western At 08@ 970 . free. Wheat : receipts 1,8',0 .bualii ket dull and 1i5243 lower; salsa Z 7,100 I t i . b at $1013@1,44 for No. 2 spring in 4 lg 11,115 forcommon White : California; 'll , white poli. SW; Ne- Orlon, 81,50; -di - entelinri.Apring about 11,48 tor No. 1 and 2 Apring`moilerate. Barley decided - lotretra,6oo bush California at: $l,BO. ' Barleyldtilt (011E4. Corn very scarce and , 2 4:4 8, 0ifigher: receipts 17,194 sales 48,0e0 -bush; a0t43042;87c for new -mixed western, the latter-, extreme;9lu Dar old, do in : ktore,'and No for do afloat. ' Oats tinset tied and heavy: receipts 28,419:pa1es 18, • ;0 0 0 bush at 784582e1 Air ..' 'western .. afloat. Bice dull. Coffee . dull. Huger , firm; - 400 hhda. Cuba at 1,1%€111.230;- Molasses • • oniet'And steady; 1,60 hhils and 80 bblis , BoOthltiew at 69@nt. cure •Weletrutlirm it l . B ol6yolor crude, an `82®823 for refined. ho pe firiletAfOr fat'Alner tom Lins• Inty $1, 0 8(§)1,04. aPn#4Tpypeating et tagi ,45©480. -Pork 9, 11 %, Mit Wet BOG Midst $8 , 108,1412 for, now mon. 11 8 0,78®80,87 for old do, 128,75 # 424 i " Prinuop and 121125(42460 far pritne meas. Beef dull and un.chatuted: sales 120 bbls. Tierce beet quiet and unchanged; sales 70 tierces. Beef hams steady; sales of 250 bbis at $26®32. Cut meats quiet; sales 170 packages at 123;® 130 for shoulders, and 1534®160 for hams. Middles quiet and drooping; sales of 50 boxes Stafford at 16%c. Lard firm and quiet; sales of 480 tierces at 1 6 3{ ®18‘c for steam, and 183‘®18Ne for kettle ren dered. Butter quiet and heavy at 20® 36e for Ohio, and 25®40c: for State. Cheese firm at 18 ®23e for common to prime.. Freights to Liverpool firm; en gagements per steamer of 7,500 bus wheat at 314 d. Latest—Flour closed dull and Sc lower. Wheat quiet and lc lower. Rye nomi nal. Oats dull and •- heavy at 78®80c for western afloat. Corn ktiady at 82®830 for fair, and 84®86e fol• good to very choice new mixed western: er Pork quiet at $3l for new mess; regular quiet and steady. Cut Meats steady, with a limited demand. Bacon dull and heavy. Lard quiet at 18®18 1 .10 for fair to prime steam. Eggs dull at 15®17c. Cmcs.oo, May 14.—Eastern exchange par buying, and 1-10 per cent. premium selling. Flour in good demand: sales spring extras at $5®6,25. Wheat dull and 2o lower; sales No. / at $1,1734®1,18; No. 2 $1,12141,134, closing weak at 1,12; sales since change at 11,11 X. Corn s dull and a shade easier; sales No. 1 at 6234 g 63e, No. 2at 5734®580, - and rejected; at 4934®51c, new at 152®53e, no grade at 59e, closing at 62)4(4)(33c for No. 1, 57 ®s7)ic for No. 2r unchanged this afternoon. Oats quiet and irregular; sales at 5834; subse quentlyoat 5N®6O; closing at 59(459X tor N 0... Sales at 584®581y, seller May, and W®5734 seller June. Rye quiet, and easier; No. 1 sold at sla4gos. No. 2 at $1,13®1,1334, closing-with sellers at $1,13. Barley. sales No. 2 at $1,65 ®1,70; closing at $1,65 for No. 2 regular. Highwines dull at 9034. New Orleans Molasses $l,OO ®1,05. sugar 14®1534 for common to choice. Provisions dull; mess pork closed at 1.30,75®31,00. Lard 1731,. - Shoal- ders 113;. Rough sides 14. Sweet pickled hams at 15®153(c. Ana opened steady, subsequently prime quiet and -closed weak; 10 cents lower. Sales, $8,85 for stockers, and $9,00®9,40 for fair to choice shipping lots. Cattle active and steady at $5.30®6,00 for fair to good butchers; $6,35®0,85 for fair to medium; $7,00®7,30 for good to choice shipping steers; a few extra lots at $7.67(47,75. Rect4pts for the past twenty-four hours, .9,120 bbls. flour, 30,890 bat. wheat, 45,230 bra. corn, 29,837 bu. oats, 907 bu. rye, 1,264 ba. barley, 2,124 hogs. Shipments, 800 bbls. flour. 2,290 bu. wheat, 103,062 bu. corn, 38,126 ha. oats, 3,666 bu. rye, 800 bit. barley, 4,404 hogs; freights dull and unchanged. Sr. Louis, May 14 . — Toba000active and stiff; bat not quotably changed. Cotton; no public sales. Hemp; very little do ing; small sales of dressed at /2,80®2,35. 'Flour - better demand and more doin but prices are unchanged; spring super g, fine and extra sold at $4,25®5,76, double extra at $ 5 , 2 5®6,50, treble extra at, s7@ 7,75, and fancy at $9®9,50. Wheat quiet but firm at $1,12 for No. 2, and $1,1534 for No. 1, all inelevator; in sacks prices range at $1,12®1,21 for No. 2 to fancy; club fall ranged at $1,50®1,7234, prime to low choice at $1,75®1,90. Coin firm at 5434®60c in bulk, and 64470 ct in sacks. Oats held firmly, bat the market was slow at 65®68c. Barley very dull: small sales .cnoice Minnesota at 21,9234. Rye held firmly with sales at $1,20®1,21. Whisky firm at 92c. Groceries quiet and unchanged: Louisiana Sugar,. 12®15e. Molasses, 75 ®Bse for plantation. Coffee, 19®29c for common to choice. Provisions tontine easy, and there wart more business to day. Pork sold at VI. -Loose dry salt shoulders sold on the levee at 11c; • do. rib sides, 133(0. Bacon shoulders; loose, 123%e; do. packed, 12%®13c: clear rib sides, 16e; loose, lex; packed clear sides, 163;c; rib sides, 153ic. Lard; there were no round lots selling, jobbing sales of choice at 18c. Receipts were flour 2,800 bbls, wheat 11,800 bush, corn 7,200 bush, oats 5,700 bush, hogs 1,100 head. 1111 3334 34 3334 34 lbx 15% 14 13( 13% CINCINNATI, May 14.—Flour firm but quiet; sales family at 16,25®6,50. Wheat quiet at #1,35 for No. 2; no No. 1 offering. corn firm and ln demand at 65c for ear, and 77c for white shelled. Oats firm at fie 2c, and the demand fully equally to the supply. • Rye dull at $1,35. Cotton firm; sales middling at 27@273fc. Whis key firm at 95c, and the supply light. Tobacco in good demand and the supply r light; sales 90 blots at $4,80©26,25. Mess Pork quiet at 130,50. Bulk meats dull at 11%®12c ;for- , shoulders, 13%@14c for sides, sales at inside rates. Bacon in fair demand; sales 135 hhds, 1n lots to fill orders at 13c for shoulders, 16c for clear rib sides, and 163;®16% for clear do. Sugar cured hamslBv, to 190. Lard held 17M®173,/,; nothing done. Sugar firm and good nemand; sales of 260 hhds New Orleans at 13% t0 , 14X; Cuba 12x© 14; refined, firm demand; sales 580 his at 15%©16 for A white and 16x@17 for hard. Coffee firm and fair demand; sales of 220 bags at 23 to 25 for fair to prime. Linseed oil dull; only a jobbing demand at 11,04. Lard oil dull at $1,90 to 81,45. Petroleum dull at 32. Butter unchanged; supply of fresh light and market firm at 35®37. Eggs 16 0 @17. Gold . 188©134:,' buying. LotriSyiLLE, May 14. —Leaf tobacco firm; sales of 184 hhda at VI 00 to $l2 35. Cotton quiet and unchanged; low mid dlings 233fci. Whisky firmer. Highwines 9562)96c free. Potatoes dull; old ,1,25 per bush; new southern firm at $B,OO. Hay firm at 122,50 per ton; choice timothy on wharf. Boger steady ; choice New Or leans 15%c per lb. Coffee ; prime 253 f. New Orleans Molasses ; prime 80o; sorg ham 50c. Candles steady at 16c. Eggs quiet at 14®150 per s®s,so per dozen. Flour ba quiet and steady at Irrel for seperfine. Provisions quiet and weak. Mess Pork 'Bras.- Bulk Mets-7ehoull dere 123 c ' clear rib sides 151)0, ,olear sides 160. Bacon—shoulders 133ic, clear rib *idea 163ic, clear side:l,l7Mo. Hams .firm at 1034 c. Lard firm at 183ro in tea, and 20c in kegs. Grainqulet but steady. Wheat 11,50 on arrival. Corn—shelled in bulk 65®70e... Oats 720 from store. Rye—prime $1,48. Barley—No. I spring 112,00; No, 2. #1,60©1,65. - ToLatio, May 14..—Flour is quiet at s6® 8 for double extra and fancy •b:ands. Wheat dull and lower; amber 11,4314 on spot:. 11,44 buyer May; White Michigan 51,48; No. 3 sprizqr $l,lO. Corn 20 better and firmer; No. 1 700 on spot and 650 seller June; NO. 2 . .611c. :Oats steady t and quiet at 660 for Michigan. Rye de °lined sc; with sales at $ll5 for Michig an. Barley nominal. Receipts-1,700 bids flour, 8,300 bus wheat, 7,200 bus corn; 3,800 Dos oats. Shipments-2,790 bbls Sour, 7,800 bus wheat, 18,400, but corn, 17,900 but oats, 860 busrye. Revrimpuz, May 14.=Flour dull at previous quotations. Wheat dull, valley red 11,80(:12,00. Corn ;firm; receipts small; prime white 82e; yellow 821388 c. Oats dull: prime 75c. Rye 2 1 .35@1,40. Provisions quiet and unchanged. Mesa Pork 131,75, Bacon; ribsidesl6,o; clear aides 17%al shoulders 14q0.` Hama' / 9 @ 20c. ',Lard 19©1914c. --Whisky firm and scarce at 99c®)1,00. CL El7l MaY, 14.-41Oury City' made 1909,25 for treble extra white, Sod 1706 for . dOttble: extra slither:, Wheat;: 240.'1 rettiltiter 1445, and No. 2 2l Corir' held - t Oats 'o9e. a aye held at 1,i1014115 fofNl knit 11,12Sfer No. 2. Petroleum hejd at 230, for refined, but • buyers do noir • over PIT . TS TGE GAZATTIi SATURDAY, 'MAT 15', ISM' 27@280 on spot in car lots for standard white; retail lots at 29©810.• MEMPHIB, May 14.—Cotton firm at 2634 @26,40 for low middling; receipts of 358 bales; exports, 116 bales; week's receipts, 1.655 bales; exports, 4,471: stock, .12,325. Flour unchanged.. Corn 750 per bush. Oats 70@no per Inish. Hay $26@)27. Pork 1 1 31,50®32,0 per barrel. Lard 18 (.19,34c . per lb. Bacon firth; ahoulders 1334 c; aides 1734 c. Bulk meats d 11; shoulders 1234 c; aides 1634 c. MILWAUKEE, May 14.—Flour dull d nominal. Wheat dull and low; 1, 00 bus. No. lat 111,10;4®1,10+/„ No. 2. is null and lower at 58®59c for No. 2. C rn dull and nominal at 59®60cfor new. ye dull and nominal.' Barley 1301Xliti iy unvhanged. Receipts-11011r 2,000 b ls; wheat 42,000; oats 5,000 bush. shipm ents —flour 7,000 bbls; wheat 23,000 bush.' PHILADELPHIA, May 14.—Flour inac tive. Wheat moves slowly; No. I spring at f1,48©1,50. Rye steady and unchang ed. Corn held firm; sales 5,000 best:: prices unchanged: Oats steady at! 830 for western. Petroleum at 170 for crude in bulk, and 32 1 4 c for refined in bond. Provisions unchanged.' Whisky selling slowly at 94@980. Live, Stock Planets. NEW YORK. May 14.—Arrivals to-day —760 cattle, 1,400 sheep and 2,028 hogs. Thirteen more cars of cattle are due. Beef unchanged, the demand taking all , the arrivabs, which- are light. The ar-1 rivals istitnber 5,560 for the week. A full supply is looked for next Monday. A lot of 'Bluets steers, 640 pounds aver age, brought $118.40 each. Elheep are ex tremely dull, selling at less than they cost on the •way here. They have de-. alined 310 in one week, selling at 5;51g) •7Mc for Gammon to extra sheared lots. Lambe are worth 121514 c; two cars of Ohio, 85 pounds average, sold at 531 c, and one lot, 84 pounds average, sold at 735 c. Hogs quoted steady at 936@10g0. ST. LOUIS, May 14.—Cattle: prime to • choice are tirmer at 6@)73c; common to goody 4@534c. Hogs more active at 735 Ig9i‘• CLEVELAND AND PITTSBUBON. IKAI I ROAD, May 14.-3 oars pig Iron, Graff, Bennett & Co; 1 car rye, Exchange Nat . Bank; 1 do oats, Robb & El; 2 du L ore, M'Knight dr Co; 2, Zug & Co; Ido lumber, R P Bingham; Ido do, Hamilton Algeo A & Co; 547 pea blooms, Park Bros dr Co; 15 bbla oil, Flacons I .Son; a bbls oatmeal, Rinehart dr Stevens; - 2 cases tobacco, J M &Lobel: 2 pkga safes, Sands A R; 20 cases tobacco, 40 brcs starch, Atwell & Lee; 10 cases tobacco, iSeghmyer dr. V; 30 bbla lime,' Eoker it Caskey; 60 bxs starch, Dilworth & Co; 50 do do, Little & . Baird; 60 do do, Shriver it Co; 25 do do, Smith, Johnson & Co; 72 bdls chairs. D. do rockers, Bedford Chair Co; 30 do do, 2 do, Hammer & Son; 30 do chairs, G 11 Danler; 2 kgs apple butter, F G Craighead; 1 bbl dried ap pies, H Rea Jr; 16 bills bows, Tiros Hare dt Bro; 23 jugs maple molasies, Day & Co; 15 bxs cheese, H Riddle; 25 empty half barrels, Smith, Johnson & 23 aka oats, H Lynch; 1 bbl scrap iron, W J Hammond. PLTTSBUSGII, FORT WAYNE & ()m -eta° RAILROAD. May 14.-1 car ore, Hussey. Wells & Co: 25 tea lard, F Sel lers it Co; 15 pka tobacco, Atwell & Lee; 25 do do, E Worrnser & Co; .1 bill spirits, J Artier dt Co; 5 bbls alcohol, B L-Fabn estock it Co; 2 cars rye, E Lucas; 500 bbls flour, owner; 1 car middlings, Keil & Ritchart; 100 bbls flour; C A Boucher; 55.bbls highwines, Shipton it Wallace; 55 do, M MoCulloagb;2oo bbla • flour, Daul Wallace; 1 oar ba y, Bucker & Co; 1 ear rye, 100 bbls flour, ulp & Shepard; 1 car potatoes, 7 kegs apple butter, Ii Rea Jr; 20 eke rags, Obertrns; 2 bxs hams, Ido eggs, J W Benson; 12 bbla dry apples, W El Graillilot sundries, Tealah Dickey it Co; 6 bbls oil, Johnston it Paine; 1 car ear corn, Bingham it Laing; 1 car bay, 0 EL Allertop; lot car riage hardware, Hare it Bro; do do,' Si MoWhinney & Co; 1 car oats. J * l3 Camp bell; 28 bgs rye, 4do barley, W J Meek:- 3 bbls eggs, Woodworth & Davison; 6 bbls dry apples, J S Dilworth & Co; 7 bbis arples, Voigt Mahood & Co; 2 bbla dry apples, H Rea Jr. ALLEGHENY V ALLEY RAILROAD, May 14.-50 bbls phosphate. SewardVt Emerson; 1,920 bbls oil, Fisher it Bro; bgs rags, J B Jones; 80 tibia oil, James Wilkins; 480 do do, Owston it Sowers; 320 do do, Lockhart, Frew & Co; 1 car metal, McKnight, Porter it Co; 5 pkgs butter, eggs, .T Sohl; s'do do, John Keil; 11 do do, J Klingensmith; 2do do, L& J Blanchard; 5 cars limestone, ehoen berger it Blair, 1 car grain, Scott it Gl sal; 1 do do, .Martin, Brickell & Co; 52 grainpkga batter and eggi, owners; 1 car , E Slangenhau ft; 13 sks ro rags, God frey it Clark. 31 sks oats, J Cathera; 18 sksry e, 23 do oats, Scott it Gisal; 50 cases, 25 bbls refined oil, Livirgston & Bro., PITTSBURGH CINCINNATI AND 'ST. LOUIS RAILROAD, May 14.-5 bbls cut let, Bryce, Walker & Co; 2 hhds bacon. W Wilson; 2 do hams, G Mitchell; 1 car rye, W J Meek; 2 do do, C L LUcaS; 9 aka potatoes, Voigt,ll dr. C o ; 28 do oats,- F Schlelds; 2 tea sausage, E H Myers; 1 do ao. Hays it Son; 6do lard, J Lippin cott; 40 do hams, Sellers & Co: 10 tif buts tobacco Carter, MeG it Co; 10 cases wine Little & M; 23 bales cotton, Holmes B & Co; 1 car staves, W Hastings; 4 bdle felloes, Mawbinney & Co; 12 eke rye, NI W Rankin; 60 bgs feed i Steel it Son; 18 do oats, Mitchell, S & Co. A.LLEGHENT STATION. May 14.-3 cars wheat, Kennedy & Bro; 6 do iron ore, Richey, H & Co; 1 do lime, J Ab dell; 1 do wheat, M'Kee & Co; 10 bbis oil, S 11i Cummings; f. do oatmeal, Chris Reiss; I car middlings, J B M'Kee; 18 jugs maple molasses, J A Scott; 10 do do R H Davis; 83 sirs oats, Rose it Ewing; 4 tubs cheese, B Jenney; 10 tea hams, W Pusey; 2 bbls wine, H Zimmerman; 3 pkgs eggs, J N Simeon. PITTSBURGH AND Conwir,ravitzz RAILROAD, May 14. —4B skis wheat, Scott & (heal; 76 bbls cement, O B Leech; 14 kge nuts, Lewis, Oliver & Phil-. lips. . . - , . ROOFING SLAV! OF Qualities and Colors. Partionlar attention given to biting Slate and rPfutiring 8 ats,rnors, or pardon ars and pekes address J. S. F 10111115 14 ta Sevenlii Avenue, WM . PITTSBURGH, PA, rah/II 7 , , • - ' 7 !r * ~A-4 4% ,6.. • . 11., o'4 -x 4 -•- , * • • IMPORTS BY RAILROAD TRADE MARK, 111111 , 111DGE'S i mitu PROOFr.. mp CHIMNEYS' tiL Y r;K NLH W •. The river cor Zones to recede slowli' with scant 45 feel in channel. Weather Cloudy and cool, but pleasant. Mercury at 4 P. m 70.. Butdness quiet at the landing, freights for all points being rather scarce. The Emma No. 3, departed for New Orleans yesterday with about all the freight she could take on the water. The Grey Eagle, Capt. C. L. Brennani is the regular packet for Parkersburg to day leaving promptly at non. The Etigle is a permanent institution in this' trade: The R. p. Gray departed for Loui s -. villa, and she, too, had about all she could take on the water. Pilots—Shouse l and Dorsey. The Maggie Hays, Capt. B. C. Martin, is announced for St. Louis and the Un-! per Mississipi forthth. Te Maggie has been plyin p g regu lar ly h in the Pitts- burgh and St. Louis trade all season. A new steamer, named the Mountain Belle, arrived from Brownsville yester day. She was bu It for the Gallopolis ,and Kanawha River trade, by Capt. Smithera. She has the machinery and ;cabin of the Cottage No. 2. The Active, has been considerably re - modied and improved, and is now, we Understand, owned by Capt. Smithers and others, and oho too, will be placed in the Kanawha River trade.. i The Matamoras No. 2, Capt. Robert Dalzell, is announced to leave for New Orleans, on or about the 20th. The towboat Ajax left Louisville for Sew Prleaxis on Wednesday, with 13 hojeteand 12 barges of coal, 2 barges of wit coal, and a "French creek," in all 25 Waco?, amounting to 444,000 bushels of coal. „ The iLeonidas passed Wheeling on -Thttre,day evening, and would doubtless have arrived yesterday, had it not been l'Or the low water. —The Wauauita was to have left Cin cinnati for Pittsburgh on Thursday. —Capt. Thornton Jacobs has purchased the little Lotus No. 2, at Shreveport. —Alpha is the name of the little plea sure steamer which ran under the. bow ;of a coal barge at Memphis, on Sunday evening, drowning liva persons. —Capt. James R. Johnson is building a boat for mail service on the Tennessee River. to ply between Decatur and Gun tersville, Alabama, —Hon. Ames liams, who made a fortune by stetunb Wi oat l , enterprises on the Tennessee River, died at ;Gratz, Austria, April 10. His .two daughters married noblemen In that country. —Capt. Lou. Greenlee has chartered the Carrie Poole for the New Orleans and Bayou Macon trade. The Tahle qttah has withdrawn from the Ouachita trade, and the Rob Boy was advertised ta.loave New Orleans for Cincinnati on Monday. —A. St. Louis telegram under date of Wednesday Aays: Rain has fallen al most continually for the past forty-eight honni, with no prospect of immediate cessation. It has also been general, ex tending throughout the West and North west, and a rise in all the upper rivers may soon be expected. The Missouri is now swelling quite rapidly at Benton, Muscle Shell and other points, but fal lings.; Sioux City and below. All the mountain boats, as far as known, are progressing finely. Competition on the Upper Mississippi is quite active, and freights are low. The Ironaldes, which arrived Tuesday night, has gone down to gm iron pile, and will load four barges with ore. —Wheeling Intelltgencer of Thursday. It is now said that the New State will go into service nest Tuesday. The John W. Garrett and barges were to leave last night for St. Louis. We suppose they got away, as Capt. J. K. Booth leaves when he says he will. • River and Weather. Chi TalmoOh to the Pltteburgh Guetto.l Loutavtia.F:, May 14.—The river is fall ing steadily, with 8 feet 2 inches in the Venal. Weather cloudy and cool. RIVER PACKETS. NEW ORLEANS AND TEXAS. FOR NEW ORLEANS, LVESTON. W Nl4 iLI.E. Texas—The new and staunch-built steamer .. D ALZEL L. Will leave as above on I MODAL ttie Stlth Inst. For freight or passage entity on board or to nue FLAch.-4L W 50.1.4. Agents. Eli atisSINSIPPI KOR ST. LOUIS. RECO... Ia :IQ KTTK. DUBUQUE and ST. UL—The steamer MAGGIE HATS Capt. B. n. MAnvtK. WM leave' for the above Porte on SATIIRDAY, the 15th, inst.. :it, 4 O'CIOCIC P. If. For freight or passage apply on board or to MACK & COLLIKOW001): /wants. adirme 1869. isiarsi. NORTHERN 'LINE PACKETS, FROM St. Loots to Keokuk and St. Paul, AND ALL INTERMEDIATE PORTS. Li O n n wi f l th ea e v p S len Lu S t: d da w l h yfrKo a k m uk, s E of v h npert, Dubuque, Winona, titlUwater awl tit, Paul. Through receipts for Frelght and Passengers will be given to all points oh the Upper 111.81s visalbtil on steamers runnln from this port and conneethig with the Northern Line Packets at St, Louis, thus enabling Consignees to get their Freight through without delay and at lowest rates. Apply to JOHN FLACK, J. D. COLLIN GWOOD, i 4 it• C. OKA Y,gents, UT to finial:la 91 Water street. PARILEBSBURti .PITTA Ilk WHEELING AND PAR EERSBIIRO LlNE.—Leave Comearte , s wharf moat. toot. nr w...... titoPPt. daily at 12 111.. WED NESDAYS and SATURDAS, • ettglia ecAttlal ... . L. BEIERNAN. Master. freight will be re.setved at ail nouns by AMES COLLINS. PLACE & COLLINGWOOD, Area's. CM JFIPARRIVWT PEARIELaISBNIJE"G. AND CINOINNA•PI. Leaves Pittsburgh EVERYTIrEaD AY- IX • Leaves Cincinnati EVERY irltiDAV-4 P. M. The swTana superb hidewbeel Steamer BT. MARYS, SWEENEY, Commander. will leave as announced above. For Freight or Passage apply on board , or to FLACK & COLLINGWOOD. or • COLLIN*. & BARNES; Agents. N. B.—No neigni received on Tuesday alto 01.. tnh29 STEAMSHIPS. T° LIME : POOL =AND QUEENSTOWN. . TOM INMAN MAIL STILIALSEUIPII. Ntonnern i tA sixteen dm -class vessels, among tn. mtlie ebratell CITY 0 Fitton, OLTY OP ANTWEPP. OITY UP BOSTOY, OITY OP BALTII4OIiI, ,_ OM OF LONTS)I9. . Wittig EMIT SATIETROAT,Lrrom Pier 48, INLrtn River, New York, For Image or runner intermisilon antivto , lynxiex MfillAin t 41: !Ili MIMI litagilir.tOtirotilele RullOinir. _., : 1 " a0 Y! n ano!lill,f!oft illilor,,Pistoomfeb gINNIUND LARIV No., 124 . Balthisld_ Wiw i _ pgle manitestaroor et anis , Iva vemals•as watel llosanta aa *NUM AMU. "4111-71. t: t 'NEW opkalA HOUIE. Lessee... bfaluiger, SATURDAY EVENING, May 15th, every EventLg and Wednesday z..turtlay enter: no-on& SICCOND ntimpry nuiterr. NOvelties for th's week: Burie.'flue Railroad Scene: After Lark: Oriental hoer( I laTet: Polish Bali-t: Hungarian Pas de Deux; Neapolitan Bullet: New and Laughable Tricks. 'TONY DENIER AS (Lt/WA Mr. ALFBF.D MOE In the hkating Ca." lll, 'al• Grand and Beautiful enludnatiorr Senn -'• x EVEN 'NG, BENEFIT ff., TONT DeNIKB—An Avalanche of Novelties in 1 rear' atiou for the °cc - anion. -. tgrPITTSBURGII THEATA'E. H. W. WILLIAMS, Lessee 1112 ,, Marna me. FORTY THIEVES MATINEE. THIS AFMR- N.+ON. at 23 , 6 o•olock. Admlsslon—Parquetto, 50 cents; Lallery 25 marts. To-night—nose Massey. Camelia Jeffere.on. and the enaze com— pany 'I he magnificent sconerr—the Oorgemus Costumes anu the• Dazzling Transcfnuatiom Scene. BURNEiVSIIIIE7SEUM AND PARLOR MENAGERIE, The 'Great Family 11.!esorre FIFTH AVENUE,. between Smithfield anc Wood streets, opposite Oid Theatre. 403191nen Day and Evening, all the year round Admission. WS cents: et,Juin-h. 11.6 cen rs. tgrACADEMY OF AIIITSIC. THE )RENEGADE OF THE POTOMAC. A NATIONAL. DRAMA IN FIVE ACTS, nder the Auspices of Posts 15 and ; ' G. A. R. FOE SIX NIGHTS ONTA r I /COMMENCING Monday Evening, Noy. 10,1869 Under ti e supervision and rraragement idtr F. A. rAwnEHIL.L 4 or the Pittsburgh Theatre and late of Pile's Opera /louse, Olne Characters by Members ()tithe thder - , PRICES OF ADMISSION. +amp( tte and D. ess Circle 59 cents Famtlyttlrcie... ... ..35 cents Cantu- t • 25 cents Reserved seats 95 cents extra. Box oßtce open from 10 A, R. till 3 P. X. . TO THE PUBLIC. The "Grand Army of the Republic" le coin. posed of bold kre of the Union who served la toe tete Rebellion The Pi 'vale tloidier Is the peer of the blithest alder. the objects of the organ! saltine are charitable. benevolent. Just. Wig/ and patriotic, and should command therespect of all rood claseue. To extend &helping hand to the , widows whose husbands and sons were our c !tirades, many of whom Ile burled on the thousands ot battle Gelds or In the cemeteries of the land, and to assist In the mime ra of crippled soldiers, and the educa tion or the ecil•lierst orpoane, we respectfully set. the patronage of a generous public. ./ HE COMMITTEE. ACADEMY or music ,COI_AIE, 131[11.41—• , Respectfully announces TWO CRAND CONCERTS. tiwEiD3IESDAY EVENINGS MAX IN and 19. h, assisted by the following to srtlet3: i. 311.8 S. W. BARTON. Soprano. MR. WK. AVDDHALE, Tenor. ‘iAllt THEODOR. MARTENS, Planttt Ac coulpautot. ADMISSION ONE DOLLAR. 1".A51.LT CIRCLE &IaALLERY. FIFTY CTs. :No extra coarge toneserved seats. Sat. can be procured at C. C. Mellor's Music Store. commencmg Friday mornlng, &fay 14, at 10 u'clo k. Doors open at 7,4; commence at 8 o'clock. ThOS. R. TURNBULL, my 13121 AUCTION . SALES BY H. B. SMITHSON & CO. BOOTS, SHOES AND CARPETS FOR THE -MILLION. AT - BMITHSON'B EMPORIUM, i 6b AND 57 FIFTH AVENUE. the well B. SIJITHBON CO., ProPrietora ,Of the well known Mammoth Auction House are creating an excitement consequent upon the ar rival or new goods which are being sold at re markably low prices. Goods ofevery variety the finest sewed boots , the most fashionable bal. moral% gaiters and anffiet shoes, slippers, blankets, flannels, cloths. cassimeres, cutlery and 'carpets. Call and examine. Bo trouble to show goods. Ladies'. misses' and children's furs atdalmost your.OW3 prices. All goods war ranted as represented. noz4 BY A. ii.E ‘ GGATE. wtrriFut. -I,OBURBAN PROPERTY, Or PERRYSVILLE - ROAD, AT AUCTION. 1N oa th WNESDAY, MAY 19, at 3 o t ricick.will be Sold. premises of Mr. W . s . on the Serrysville •Planktowi, one mile north of Allegheny SIX EMlllab SITES, of three to elev. acres each. viz: I g. Mayft.l4l Cottage and Grounds: eight acres beautifully planted and distr.buted In vine yard ft nit, evergreen and delicious trees and shrubbery; a full ass ritrent of the fruits of the cllmate?,lll bearing. Commodious stable. car riage and tenant houses under one root; rain wa. ter ; cistern, at. d tune water spring at the door. The Cottage contains seven rooms, three closets and pantry. • No. X, A four acre lot adjoining above, with atone foundation for a home. apple, pear or. chard, and other improvements. Nos. 3 and 4. Each four acre lots.covered with forest, having very due building sites, and never-fluting springs. tiOr• 3 and 6 Each three acres, lawns and for est; and fronting 314 feet on the Perrysville /load. • . - • , trhose desirous of procuring lovely rural homes will And In this property an unsurpasaed collect. Mon or beautiful building sites Lot 24°,1, par. ocularly, fa *really magnificent plaee.conunand• in g rich panoramic views, and abounding In fruits or the richest varieties critical examination of these premises is respettfully solicited. A board walk from Pf dent etrPe to the door per mits dry walking In all weathers: Terms of sale wit, be liberal. Plot of grounds and uhotograth of buildins at the office of ms.l2 A. LEGOATE, Auctioneer. 159ffederal street.AlierhenY. REFINED FAMILY LARD, PACKED B? PROCTER .& GAMBLE. OE CINCINNATI. . , /kik our Groeitir for ear - brand of Lard thee° reek's... Picked In - 4, 5, and 10 pound Caddie!. 00 Pouha Cues for shipment. Cheapest mode for sell's% Lard. Bend for Pelee IdaL so-xac, ISMAIL, DICKEY & CO.,' And Grocers and Anders Genera/Iy. 1869. M.ENDERSCn• M. W. CANNIM , .. t t.......,.... t i It, FORT %..... 11. W. and CLEVELAND & I'll Fr:un May 9th , 1869, train: and arrive ath Onlon Depot, burgh city thaw. as tollows: Leave. I Arrive. fiticago Ex.—. 2:C 7:28 8 a in , Chicago E_.. 1:58 a tit Erie aYgn E•, arn 1 Chicago Ex.. tx , ci. a Wleg 11.P.0.:13 a mi Wheelin Ex 10:48 12:03 p a in Chicago Mall. 6:58 aln ,at. l outs g Ex 7:08 DID Chicago Ex....0:43 a m.Cht'go Ex& M14:08 p m Cl. & Wleg Ex 2.08 p n.; CI eveland Ex 3:53 p nt Chicago Ex.. 223 pin I Erle & Idg'nEs:sBpna W'e & Erie Ex4:3B pa. i CI. & WV/ Exl3:s3pra Depart/rota AllegAtuty. I Arrive ft ditegasna • Bea'r Valls Ac. 8:58 a m I LeetBdMlo..B:sB ain Leetsdale " 10:03 ain Bca'r Ft Its" :28 am „ ::: .11:58 ain 1 New Cattle "10:23 aix Rochester " /:26 pin I Enon .. 9 : 13 az , En on " •3:58 put! I eutsibee " 1:08 pmLeetsdale Acc.ll:l3pm4 Bear Valls '.2v3pm,, Bea:rlsalls •• .6:13pml Leetsdale " :33 pm Leetsdale " 10:43 pm I " " 7:23 Fair Oaks Sun- I Fab Oaks Sun- DM day Church.. /:13 pml day ...hutch. 9:88.a 4%e• 2:23p. m. Chicago Expresel leaves daily. dbal- /21130. m.Chlcagn Express arrives dally.e d. M. KIMBALL : J. N. M'CULLOUGE G , aze! Ticket, Agent. ti.TvlSupten't. mylD • . rIFIANGE Oraggift TIME. ALLEGHENY VALLEY E_AILROAID , THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO THE OIL R.E9IOI I S WtTHOUT CHANOE OP CARS_ Chi and alter MONDAY,May3I, 1131)9 TWO II TROUGH TRAINS DAILY tt eept Sunday) sr IA leave Pittsburg) Depot, co nor or Xley euth and Pike streets, r Frankllul 011 Han, and all points in e Oil Regions. LEAVE PITTERVEGH. &HEW IN PITTSBURGH xigbtEx.... 11:00 a miDay Ex.. ... 515 rat 7:30 6;3oam) Brady's BAc 3:15 p m;Bradys R A.o 10:15 aat letSodalY 'as 5:45 amilstsodaWiks 7:40 a m SodaW , EB 0:30 pmd Podoßs 6:14 p lkt Hutton— G:46 a mllst Holto n`. sal° a m Hu1t0n...12410 znillo Halton. 2:00 pit 31 Hutton... lt:00 pm 3d Hilton. I:05 p Arnold's s o. 5:00 p m Arnold's AO. 7:40 pa. Charon train to and from Sodts.Works leave Ptttsborph at 1:111r. B. Arnim at Pittsburgh. (Sundays,) at 9 59A. M. . Express trains stop only at principal points. Accommodation trains stop at all stations • THOMAS-RENCK, Ass n s.pH. 11. HMG, op:0 110ENNSYL NIA CENTRAL RAIL ROAD. Ou and after Aprll :45th. 1889, Trahut will arrive at and depart from the Union Depot , come , of WashingWn and. Liberty streets. lig Shileyra. De. Mail Tra in —. 1:25 am * DayExp part reas.. 2:15 'OW Fast Line... .. 1.4 a am edutnern Ea.. 4:40 am Wall's No. 1..0 20 am {pall's No. 1.. 6:3oam lirlutonAcc`n. 7:50 am Hall 5:15 as Wall's No. 2..9:50 am Hoard/lc No110:20 am Cincinnati Ex .910 am •Cincin Ex 1.2:30.0nt Johnstown Ac 1035 am Wall's No . 31:111 wis How'd Ac Nol 1: It' pm Johnstown .40.3:060A Plttsb'eh Ex. 1:30 pm llraddocka Ac. 3:40p. Phila. pm Phila. Expresa4:2op Wail's No. 8-2:50 pm Wall's No. 1.. 4:sopra Braddock Ac.. 5:50 pm Wall's No, 4.. 6:o4ma How'd Ac Nog 9:35 pm "Tut Line.... . T:3O put Wall's No. 4. 7:510 pm Ilow'd acNo2.3:2opas Way Paean' r 10:20 pm Wail's No. S.. 11:00 pa • reese trains make close connectionat Iffsarls . burg for Baltimore. The Church Train leaves Walls Btattinlevez7 • suaday at 9:05 a. m., reaching PittabUrgh 10:05 a. a. Be turning, leaves Pittsburgh 12.50 p. m. and arrives at 'Walla Station 51:10 p. nt. • - • 'Cincinnati Expreu leaven daily. AS Aran- s daily except Sunday. , • Per farther Intbrmation , W. R. ax.c/Egi - • The Peansylvanla.Rallroad Company will norm mime any risk forßgage. except Ibr , wearlticap parel,and limit value . eonsibilltY to One Han dre. Dollara All Baggage isaaeadtng that amain In value will be at the risk of MO owner. aliens taken 1w la! contract. EDWAIWti. WILL. t. apt . General Buperintsadent. . , . R Eir EST ERN : amnia PENNSYLVANIA • ROAD.—On and after April .7151h,1116% that P, ssenger Trains on the Western Pennsylvanli nal road will arrive at and depart from. Lila reder.lStreet Depot, Allegheny lidlowas Arvind. . dbririgire No16:40 a Depa rt 7:oo a II Freeport No.18:20 m Freeporg No. 19:00e Express - 10:40 a miSharpb'g No111:90 alm ce Shared:og No. 11 : 90 p m [Express . 250 pin Freeport N0.24:00 p mispringdte No13:30 pia Mall 5:50 p mlFreeport N0.25:90 pa; Springd'e N026:20 p rn,f3oringd'e 2111•30 11 Aboye trains run daily except Sunday. The Church WA leaves Allegheny Junction ever' dunday alel:4o'a. In., reaching Allegheny City City as 9:50 a. in. Returning, leaves Alleg h eny at 1:20 p. In. and arrive al Allegheny Jump thou at3:4op. m. COMMUTATION Ticgurrs--For sale' in gages of Twenty, between Allegteby - City. Chestnut street. Herres, Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna and Sharpsbnry and good only_on the trains stopping' at Stations eiseelhed on tickets. The trains leaving Allegheny City at 7:00 it. as. make direct connection at Freeporl.withWat. Imes line of Stages for Butler and Rannastowst. Through tickets may be - purchased" at the Otlicek No. 1 st Clair street, near the Snepensionßridge. .Pittsbar.b. and at the Depot, Allegheny. For farther information anniv to JAMESLEPPzirrs, Agetit... • -Federal Street Depot. • The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will net B. same airy risk for Baggage, enteatutioilitearthe trirtge l ti t/ n oll ! h ilme r rP 4) 1111 All - b aggage ceeding tl is amount in value willhe at the risk ad ,;., the owner. unless taken by special contract. ' EDWARD H. W/LL ap2B Geneval Idniserlatendent; Altootits. rITTSBURGEIi t _ CININNA AND . LOU! C S RAILTIWAY. __ PAS HARDLE ROME. SONANGE TlME.—Onjand after MONDAY. April 26th, 1869, trains will leave and arrive at tn. ilaton Depot, as follows: • Depart. Artiste. kali ............. si:u9 a. m. 151:13 a.. Fast Line 9.43 a. in. 7:13 P. Express • • 51:33 p. m. 4:3314 Re Mixed Acc'n 8:33 a., m. -6:58 p.rtl. McDonald's Acc'n,N0.11.1.:43 a. 111. yte:ls a. nu Steubenville Accommod. 3:59p. m. 9:33 a. tn. McDonald?' , n. No. 2 lk:2R P. nt. TN Sunday Church Train.. 151:58 p. tn. 9:58 a. au Airs:33 P. N. tra'n will leave daily. 14:13 m. tralu will arrive daily. All other trains will nap daily. Sunaays except.ed. tne 9:43 a. m. Train makes close con nections at Newark is r Zanesville. S. R. SCULL, General Ticket Agent. - W. W. CARD. Sup't.. Steubenville. Oido. 1101ITTSBURGH & aimm ooNw ELLS VILLE ,i4AILROAD. On and after TIIICSDAT, November, 11th, leo/, trains will arrive at and depart from As Dt.DOt corner of (Iran; and Water streets, •mm follows: - parr . strr iven Mall to and from Union town 1:00 x. Y. 6:00 Ex. l.. kt 4 ItoKeesport Accomdt4l 11:00 A. K. 4:05 P. . to and from Cnt' P n. 3:00 P. 10:10a. W. West Newton Accom'd 4:30 P. K. 8:35 Braddock's Accomdttn. 6:15 P. M. 1:50 p. a. at. Night Ac. tollcß'sPort.lo:3o P. at. 6:45 A--ar Sunday Church Trap. to - • and from West Newton 1:00 P. K.10:00 A. For tickets apply to K. N. RAYMOND. Agent s W. B. STOUT. Supetuitenclent: -4 ' L'• IWO SROSY inuatillftr UNION PACIFIC ItAIIMA; Eastern iiiviusion. The SHORTEST AHD MOST RELLIIII ROUTE from the Rut to all *Anti in Colorado Nevada,' California, Utah, Arizona, 'Washington, New lexica, • Idaho, Two Train. lewre State Line and LeinrenwoNE daily. (Staidly' exee i Njon the mien( of trate. of f'aotio RalUoad St.; •Lonni; and liana& bat and St. Joe Bans t iroin gainer. connect- Inv at LawreneW, - - and Wamego with eteo,es for aU points • Emma. -At end of track west of Ellsworth with the UNITED STATES -EXPRESS CoIIPAN TtB____' DA.ELy LIKE OF OVERLAND MALL AND wazis COACHED POE . . . tslinovian4 imo-Ler .r..A31334 A.ND AU Points in the Territoiriest And with EIANDECBEIQFPI3 TRI-WETXLY =BR of COWS for Fort 11 Union, Bent's Pon. Palk Altuut s e . Banta Pe i 314 $ 1 IMMO In Sen. andnew Mexico. _ With the, rem-- •additions ofr reillnt stook and equipment, and the arrangements mailo w i t h iiisponsilue Overland Trlinvertation Linea f rom its weste_rn terminus, this road now Wrens unequal led ' mmustes tor the tralnammilas 43i freight, to, the Flu west. Tickets for sate' at. ail the Drilleltial'olltheli the gaited States and Canada' Be aure_and salt fbr Veneta THS1111110“ EasLLTZuriOivrellsl JO 7111.11.w&s. D/ 0 ANDEatioa: 1161 = 1 4~/ilailpioiedi • RATLRO =1 • .••• (4311,6A111.V I Will B . leave he* north aide, Pitta- Oregon. 11