NEW.. ADVERTISEMENTS. §ECOND AVENUE PROPERTIr aro 4. 8 4 LE.—Two e tory trick Dwelling nu e" well bunt. convenleary ensued and to good oreer.‘ nati, large bailor, dieing room, 'kitchen and cellar seven chambers. For price and terms apply to- S. CIITHBIMT & SONS, 39 Sixth Avenue. Itivl4 Frown. The celebrated WHITE HOSE Is conced ~ d'b• all who have tried It to he the beat end ohesimst Hoer lathe city. .41re lt a trial. Sold by NEINOR & HARPER, - AT THE WHLTEF.IIOIiT. 329 0 tAberty street s Pittsbnigh pa m 714 . . ai.' PPiLICATION to sell llti , orb tiled In ths Clet k's office. • \l . h as , Jacob , tavern, 4th ward, Allegh v. , be License Baird • ill sit forbearing tiie4bove plication on SAM t TWAY, the 15th nit . .1. O.I3RAFIFS, Cloak. , r0y..402J, TN THE DISTRICT COTIRT 10F ALLEGHE r. 7 COUNTY, No. $75 of No vember Term, 1867. Anthony Young, now for .nse of. Johns, angwlech vs.Jetin BahLa non-resi dent of Pennsylvania Foreign attachment in case. J. Ludwig Koethen, Esq., summoned as garnishee and affidavit of claim Sled for $240.70. Judgment by defahlt of an appear- Vice a.s been entered and rule granted for the Prothonotary to issess the damages. Notice is hereby given to the defendant sad all partiel in. lie rested, that the Prothonotary ,of Allegheny eumuty will assess the plaintiff's damages at the ProtbOnotall'a office on the 19th pey 01.1E091, *OOO, , at 10 o'clock A. M. I . L. • S PURVIANOvr. irnyl4l74 , p ttorneys for Plaintiff. IN THE COURT OF QUARTER 803310 Nb. ' In the matter of lie opening of n street it ora Bradford avenue to Webster .1.: elute._ No. —of June delsions, 1e169. Appeal from the report of viewers and approv es I.IOIIIICII+. paAnd now to wit Nay 12.1869. the Court ap nt:W. W. Thomson take the tea timtiny and repf.rt the theta to this Court...with a gegreo embodytug his opinion as to whether the roceedltiv or the Viewers ab i Councils apprize,- ail thereof ahuuld be moditted„corrected,approved Or quashed. •1 en days' notice of itte time and lace of meeting to be even by publ'eation in the rittsbarith I. ally Gazette and daily Post. BY TgtZ COURT. - • Parties inter' sted are hereby notified that I yrift attend for the purpose of performing 'he duties of the atittve appo. , tment my office,No. Fillth avenue, rtitsburgh, on FRIDAY, BAY AN. 1E69. at a o'clock P. X , and at soon other times thereafter as may be axed by ad tournutent. • W. W. THOMSON. I my 14027 Examiner. HAMMER tic SONS. i tLate of the frm of ilaramer & Dauler,) I - At their new establishment. No. 48 EInVENTIS AVKKUE, have s large stock of elegant and tasnlonable• • ' PARLOR, LIBRARY & BEDROOM wriourtmE AT VERY REASONABLY PRICES. We have erected alarge Factory. andpre- pared to fill el orders on. shortest noti ce We latter ourselves of always having mile /004 work, and it will always be our endeav4r to con tinue, having a. la, ge number of exoerimuted workmen. _and a foreman of RO years expert nice at the trade tosepirintend all work before caving the Factory. - We use no, machinery; all Our work is made by hand, and for durability and cannot Le excelled. . C. ti. HAMMER & SONS. C O-PASTBEHBHIP. HENRY-HIGBY has this day associated with him In the China. Glass and Queensware bast• neee,.hte brother. ALBERT HIGBY, The style of the Ana to be H. .HIGBY & to. Prrmatraci. Mayl2l. 18E19. ' ulna 112 OM , & SPRING STOCK rsa OLIVER M'CLIITOCK COMI'AII'S, We are receiving this week by ocean steamers from England a fresh stock of the latest and'most beautiful de signs in English Tapestry and Body Brussels by direct importations from the man ufaotareri. We invite the inspection of house furnish en, confident that we offer the - largest assortment and greatest variety of elegant patterns ever breught to this market, at the lowest 'prices. - Great inducements are , offered' in a ll: grades of In.. grains and Three Plies, it being their constant aim to offer to, the multitude, the fullest assortment of cheap - . and serviceable' Carpets at lo‘ier rates ihin any other house in= the tied& 237,11n11 AlleK% ~, n•V:1- NEW ADVERTIE.MENIEMB. JUST OPENED AT JOSEPH BORNE k CO'S, The largest assortment ever brought to the mar ket of the Latest Novelties for the May Trade In RATS AM) BONNETS, FRC FRENCH FLOWERS, WREATHS, BUDS, WHEAT. 3R-1.33323C101VE3 g LACES, CRAPES, GIMPS, ORNAMENTS. , FRAMES AED SIINDOWNS. . DRESS TRIMMINGS, ; KNOTTED FRINGES, HOOP SKIRTS, COD.: SETS, HOSIERY. In every size and quality. GLOVES, of every description. KID GLOVES, of best , makes, Including a splendid line of all the Bright Shades, and In all numbers. PARASOLS AND SUN UMBRELLAS, t In every quality, at the very Lowest. Eastern Rates. 77 AND 7911/B UT, STREET. NEW, CHEAP AND GOOD GOODS ! FRINGES AND .GIMPS In nll,styles and colon SUR LOOPS FOR SACQUES. FINE ASSORTMENT OF SATINS THE NEW COQUETTE' FAN PARASOLS, Alio, a large varlets of SILL PARASOLS k SUN UMBRELLA& White French Whalebone Corsets, Only 60 etis. a pate THE NEW Purple and Mexique Blue Kid Gloves. A splendid assoitnient of COTTON HOSIERY. WHITE & BEO. BALBRIGGAN HOS& LACE MIZIIIISEITZB. all styles. MLR SCARFS, IMBROIDZILIER, Gent's Spring Undergarments. MACRUM, GLYDE & CO, 78 & 80 Market Street: NSW SPBING GOODS lACRU3I(t CARLISLE'S No. 27 Fifth Avenue, Dress Trimming" and Buttons. Embroideries and Laces. Ribbons and Plower,. Hats and Boitieta. Glove litUng and French Corsets: New Styles Bradley's Skirts. Parasols—al the new styles. . Sian and Rain Umbrellas. Hosiery—the ben English makes. Agents for "Harris' Seamless Kids."' Spring and SuMmer underwear, Sole Agent/ for the Bemis Patent Shape Col- tars, "Lockwood's ••Irving," "West Bud," de: •'Dickens," ••Derby,"' spd other styles. Dealers supplied with' she above at MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. MAORI3II & OARUki.E, NO. 27 FIFTH AVENUE. my, TAGGAIIIT BOOTS, SfIOES . AND GAITEIS Wholade Prima NO. 129 FEDERAI STRIaITI grit Allegheny City. SAM*TOISCROOLS Will remember that I- have tha'Learet Bbee.k SABBATH SCHOOL • BOOKS • AND REQUISITES '`; in ibe city. " JOSEPH HORNER, I gooltseller and Stationer; iwps Smithfield. Street. IYrIMEACRINie-100 blear' e* is Ss CLUnrUllian . . ... , .c: PrrnatußinrAzsorrE , • - 2 • -1. yitzErgyAll lc LACE, &e. & SEMEN, Brun NEW ADVIEERTIEIMENTS BATES OFFER A FULL, STOCK El OF =II DRESS GOODS, SILS,S, LACE CURTAINS, LINEN GOODS, .AT LOW PYLICES, myio mw&r .... t. REF NED . TAMIL LARD, !PA BY PROCTER • GAMBLE. CID/ N NATL. Ask your 41 r for our brand of Lard la these Pas Packed In 3. 5. an i Z I Q ind Caddies. 60 pound Cases for shipment. Cheapest mode for selling Lard. Send for Price List. - , /SOLID BY BAILS DICKEY & CO., PITTS U RGH. And Grocers and h Dealers Generally. apm:hm A GREAT SUCCESS: • ECIEX.Thn • ' • WASHING MACHINE ! • It washes the finest fabrics, without injury, perfectly clean In less than one. eighth butrdi nary way. It does not retti the cloth. Per forate toe cleaning proceu by steam and the gulch ',Hon of rut water: It can be operated by a child. Its great "ohningess makes It accessible to every family and saves its own coat In doing away with tubs. PCE, Bold from thelid" nfactory, at HO3LIS MERKEL% • PENN. ST.. OPPOSITE THE FAIR GROUND. • MAGENTA WANTED. eDl5:b3l AN 011111111 AN CE Authorising. tie radius of Dtinenn &greet_ from Kt hpatrlek titre.% to the Townothip lit =het the Corner of Properly of Them Jonee. Esq. Sucriow I. Be it ordained and enacted by the Oily of Pittsburgh, in Select and Common (mun e la assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That the City Engineer bean.! he la hereby autcorized and dlrrcted to advertise for proposal., for the grading of Dittman ',vent. from Kirkpatrick street to Ilho Township Mad, at the corner of proper:- of Thoa. Jones, Esq., and 10 let the same in the msnuer directed by Ordinance c , ncerning Streets, passed August 31st. 1657; also. en Act concerniuketreets.approved January 0th,161134. Sec. ii. That any ordinance or part of ordi nance condicting with the passage of this ordi. nance at. the present time, be and the came la here oy repealed 'ar as the same affects this or dins:ince. • :. - - . - Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils, this 518th day of April. 1669. - - I J A hiEn MCAULEY'. ._. • • ' President of Select Council. Attest: E. S. MOnitOtr,. Clera of Select Council. i W. A. TOMLINSON, President of Common Connell. I r. Attest: H. Moll KU. Cier of Common Council. aim AN =PO TANT BOOK. LIVIKQ QUESTIOYS OF THE DAY. By author of Phihnoptty of th. PAUL ofralvation.....l 50 TYPH AlNh,es ABBEY. A Tale 'of the Twelfth Century. By Count A. B. Gobl neau. Translated by Ones D.Meias,M.D.l 15 THE MALAY ABOHIFItLAGO. The land of the Orann•Utati and ibt Bird of Para. disc A Narrative of Travel with StuJies of Hen and Animals By Alfred Russell Wallace 3 50 THE EAST INDIA AUCHIPALAGO. Atbert 8. Wetmore .14 ” ,TtIoaLITIEEI OF ROSH LIFE A bookof rare Interest, or which live thousand cop. les of the London edition were sold at sti..loo ON THU WING. A Boo* for ,liportimea. • By John Bum dead ' • GRIMM'S HOUSEHOLD TALES. Hittites'• ted by Crulksbanke, and edited by Jahn Milan 3 05 VOX BALE Blr - R. s. alkyls & CIOIIIPANT, 194 Liberty 'Street. inynaltras TCEI ICE! ICE! WM. KEEBS, ICE'E R , No. '55- Diagtop.d PITTIBUROB, PA. Orders addreated . to W. 8.117.13E 1 , Eighth ward, Allegheny, will receive prompt attention. Wagonerunnlng In PlitAntrit and Allegheny. mytkile „ . • WOOD TuaNING,- semi], - SAWING AND MOULDING. Done piOmptii to order at Laeock greet, Al • Done Cliy, by • • LEBZELTER & CO. best attentiOn will be glean to all who want anything In our line. and as we have experienoe ourselves for the last twenty•live years in the *We and beep only first class hands.we are sure tai satiety all Customers. We 211 M)% MAD •n ew t lei or turned work. such as Balusters. awl &sta. Hubs, ie. Also. a gaol It= OF_ WSIDU is &ad Oi lier mm _ ea . C .11 1 7/1:q r. idarazurrit ber /I CP ~Y`M .F"'~~3.h 4~.. ~, ~'~~.. - ;.: ( z•t;'a . iliW.4 . ;:& .÷- ':'1a*. 47 `11,. ) -V - i - - NEW:. ADVRR SATURDAY'S SALES, BELL BONNETS, RIBBONS, SUN UMBRELLAS, 11041' SIK_I RTS IStoolsliags, AT LOWEST PRICES, WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 14 and ISt Federal Street, HOLTZIiAN & W.IEDERHOLD No. 100 Third Avenue, Upholsters and Dealers . in Certain floods, Dite - t the atteatton of their Mends , and the public to their finely assorted stock of Lace and Nottingham • c/rtains Vestibule Laces, Damask Reps, Ferry's Mexican cloth. Satin, Betimes, Gilt Cornices, Gilt and Walnut Mouldings, Spring Beds of superior make, lair MatrasSes (pure -*aline hair.) Pillows, Bolder,. ind everything/pertaining to a first-class bed. The latest Paris and Berlin designs :or Draperies at thc inspection of their customers. _Pure white Eastern chow Feathers always Oh hand. HOLTZMAN & WIEDERHOLD . NO. 100 THIRD AVENUE. iir13:193 Gawps FERRY PRINTING _BR WORKS. C. E. ROBINSON, RAM:7*CM= OF Black and Colored Printing & Lithographic INKS, VARNISHES, &C. Gray's Ferry Road and 88d Street, re16:O10 PHILADELPHIA.. FEDERAL OIL COMPANY. In pursuance of an order from the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny county. Pennsylva nia, the Directors of the FEDERAL OIL CM PAN Y have this day declared a dividend of TEN CENTS per share, payable forthwith t o the legal holders of stock III; said company, on return to the Secretary of certUicates or other evidence of ownership. - -•-- - • All parties are hereby notified that dividend', nclalwd fora period of six months.wili be die oted of according to law. By order of the Board. A. B. MILLS, Secretary. Office,Daquesne War, 3 doors below Ninth St., Pitteburgh.'Po. . Pittsburgh. April NIS, 11469. ap29:127 FRESH SHAD RECEIVED dully at BENJAMIN PULFREbb :popular , .1.1 bland, No. 45 Dlittnond Market, Pitts- WO, and at the Twin City, Allegheny My, c , ruer of Ohio and Peden! streets. Can be had. all kinds of Sea and Lake fishi: Halibut, Shad, beak, Claditsh. Haddock and Eel. Also, large applies of White, Lake Fish, balamon, Bas, bterKeon. Herring and Mactnaw 'Ft ou , , whicif enables us to sett at the lowest motet...prices; wholesale' or retail. We Invite all lovers of Fresh Fish to give tut a call, and we will Illaur them a treat. HARRY ALGEO 9 ENGRAVER, No. 45 Sixth Avenue, a1nY13416 LATE ST. MAI% rPHE PARTNERSHIP HERE. . TOFORE existing between the undersigned. tinder the style of SEMPLE S PRY, is this day dissolved by limitation. Frank Semple, will at tend to the settlenitnt of the business. FRANK SEMPLE. (LEO. W. FRY. PlTTBHtte4tt. Mid" /0. 111169. mylBs,lll A PPLIVATION to sell liquors oa Ale in theOlerktiomoe. ' Wm. Blldordv, tavern, 11th ward, Pittsburgh. The License Board will Mt for %ruin( the, above abpltotitlon on IIIATUBDAT, 15th inst., _at 10 o'clock _.aros:llo 'JOHN mask. XX.A. PPLICATION -r to Sell Itquoift tiled In the Clerk's Mice. James MoGlineby, tavern, Untoi foolishly. Tbe .I.omitse Board will sit for , :bearlng its above applidationon SATURDAY, the 15N. st 10 o'elonklAt; ' ' " '" . J. :BROWN. RE VITAL! :Dab. LIGHTHILL & REID 't *we removed to their * newly-tarnished parlors 191 Thlrdiisinke, 7 near Giant street. SHAREHDRIED CORN. A. supeilnr article: an excellent substitute for green cornet less price. Eor sale by, me quer or bu hel " . • mvl2 corner L J b N r O a A d BE in N t AH st A re W e 4 s. ' VILODIt OIL CLOTHS t , uuREN OIL CLOTH FOR WINDOW SHADES.— _• 7 TUA NripARENT • - - WINDOW P.H ADE& TABLE AND FURNITURE OM CLOTHS IN EVERY VARIWVT: • J. & H. PHILLIPS. ant iiO mil HE Blxth Street. KEELER'S PAT. QUICK SCALES r • )Nl' ‘,AvAI. I I, E.i.' NOW OPENED FOR HATS. . FLOWERS. PARASOLS. COW ETS. 434.1 c m -es. Elg ALLEGHENY CITY - '1A,93/01 , 4 0. * 0- , ':NE ADVIIRTISE'MENTit. erne.owie.r.k.,....rownne k 25 CENTS, DOITDLE WIDTH CHAIiGEABLE A ma xm c . HEAVY A3lactlx. 19111r.5. FINE ALPACA - LUSTRE, GOOD BARE *INS WILLIAM. SEMPLE4. 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY 0, H. STUART BOB?. H. ramasoN. ROBT. IL PATTEREION g CO.. ; 04.1.i.M. AN] - 00N31113,50N STABLES CUR. SEVENTH AVENUE & LIBERTY ET., aux: PITTSBURGH, PA. . princr 0 CITY EICGINHER AND rittsburatt, May 7, 1869. NOTICE.—The Assessments for 4-1 grading, paving and curbing Townsend street from Wylie street to Decatur street, and Vine alley from Federal street to Washington street, are now 7- READY FOR EXAMINATION, And can be seen at this office until TUESDAY, - May 18th, 1889, When they will be returned to the City T re more o Mew for collection. H. zny7:l9o CITY ENGINEER. FOR SALE. Weir Osborn . Suwon. on the Plttabttrgh. Ft. Wayne and Chicago Ballroom/. , TWO LOTS, Containing About Two Acres ,Eaoh. ENQUIRE of W. MACICECiWN BRO. , ,; arahis 195 Uh l arty Street. $25.000 TO LOAN ON BOND D MORTGAGE. Hooka aettled and accounts promptly collect. jed. Houses and Lots la Vittsbargh and Alleghe. ,ny. Cheap Houses and Lo ain halt Licierty and addocks. Lots In[Manslield. Averedeslrable farm of 70 acres; splendid young orchard, good honse. with store-room attached; spring of neyer, •iaillog water: near F,conomy, :on the /Lae of ,' Ft. w. St 4:. R. W. tjor sale very cheap. lowa,. Missouri and Virginia land for sale., Enquire of ISIMPSOX B. IL ROLLAND Brokers and teat Estate *rents.. 80 GFANT STREET, • rave t , itice. back room. 13ROPOSALS:— Proposals for' the ,Caroent.r. Work, Brick Work and t aiming .rtquired for the. Court Henze and Jail ,lniorovementa will be•received at the office of the wulersigned, until FRIDAY, Nay . 34th, 1 , 001/6 , Plenvand specifications are now ready . . . . BARB & -11SOSSII, , Architects. 'Nos. A situ(' ISlxth (late St. Clate) st. ONE - WEEK: LONGER - for the closing. out sale atlio. , ltlGOttlo street. Al tus& ny. 88,000 worth of 1 pry Goods, SonOtt,r Goods, Notions, Carpets, Oil Clothe, Window !shades, de, rte., to De- sold forthwith to quit business: tilore for rent; Lease anditittures for Pule.'+Ater htore and Dwelling torrent on East Lane. No. 39. mp7tlBi :: JA.BIIIB GOSLING xTBA No•ai 611 E OF OUR O WN 7 MANUFACTURE. Extra 8. 0. D. Beef anfßßeef 'fOnitnas In itere and for sale by P. SELLERS & rave - for 'Tenn and Tenth streets. /CADENT OF SCIENCE. 101 B t aierti v ig u re g et tn A i ntr i ff, - ( iinlisiolla n k MONDAY; APRIL GII4 -- 1888. Tor circulars. &a.. ;411.0R OBto- .4 h3O B. . K.. Prin. XNSTALIMIENT 1 , 10T40112,--The enockholderis of the MercantlleLtbrary Ball •ontoentere herehroottlied that the 0111, Install meat. TILKEE DULLABB Per tare. has been trite day called t ineyable. an or be re May 111th. 1809, at theotoMee or N. Holmes d'Hone,liT Mar. ket street. 97 order of theilloard. JAMEO H. WEIGHT, Treasurer. it_Pllbtbrirgh, May 9k 1888. In sate KEYSTONE - POTTERY. , M. BIER ,& CO., - Mantliketurers .0' 44tizElisWA4.8. BRISTot, wajus office and brarehonee. US LIBERTY WritWM BAll Ardent nromntly attended tn. ma7:101 . • B. 101 1 N619011' lc, CO.,' •••• !)Ab.oY CLXZ PAKEuT, cONFEcTI° N A -81. tofi cazais and DINISO SALOON , R 3 eidthfield irtreet, corner - ot"))12uOnd wen •Pltteburith. air PArilas pad .ramilles .moplled wl— -- dreamzi and Cakes on short Rotten JOSEPH TORR ' 1 , OD A` Norrass--*.ro Li,". ../br "Lost." "Wawa.""Fbwid," "Boardlnil, de., not ex zealtstinFO pB 1.1178 S each welt Oe HM salad in them column* (mot for rwsztrr-Prrit 17E5'78 : each additional Mee FIVE OENTS. TED---HELP. 11 •i` r HELP.-AT EMS BOYS OFFIC, No. 1. St. r e nt.- Street, tilllLb and M E N, for diti kinds of employment. Persons wanting heap of all ' kinds can he supplied on short notice. WANTED I n NIEDTATELy.— TWCPOOD eCiAT 'MAKERS at E. Hous ton I Co's,l Merchant Tailors, corner of Flak avenue and Cherry alley. WANTED---AGENTE3 Si AN'rED.—A.GEN'ES for Los - BING Spew HISTORY Or THE lIHITED • ,Tll.B In one large !Ivo. aolumeof 800 tag,* and 400 illustratunus on Feed and wood. splendid volume. with map.. diagrams, foot notes, in which are a great many facts, figures, dates, and biographical eh %them of prominent men, containing•tbe matter of 3 ord nary vol umes, Equa ly popular with the scholar and the people,asit is the only full history of our country brought down so the present time. : Br a stan dard author.. and lust out. Every one will buy a ni,tory of their country that will buy any book. ?or terms and territory address W. GILL. Sea Warrewstreet, byraruse, N.Y. , myt:tSa WA TED.—A_G E TB.—sl6 ilo $2OO per month everywhere. , male and female, to introduce the siENIIINg IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FAMILY SBWINO OMNI:. This machine will st`tch, hem, fell, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider,' in a most superior manner. Price only $lO. Plititr warranted for Ave years. We will pay $1,000; tor any machine that will sew a stronger, more beautiful, or More elastic seam than ours. it makes the `‘Elastic Lock dtitch." Every second stitch can be cut, and still the cloth can not he pulled Apart without tearing it. We pay agenta from 675 to $2001:.r month and expenses, or a commission from which twice that amount man be made. Address BECOME It CO., Pittsburgh, Pa.. St.. Louis, Mo., or. Boston, Mass. CACTI() c• —.so not be imposed upon by other parties palming oft worthless cast iron machines, under the same name or otherwise. Ours is the only genuine and really practical cheap machine ' maaufactured. - WANTED - AGENTS -- NEW .1 1300Ke-200 ENGRAVINGS—Thu Far niers and Mechanics Manuel. A book of grew value to every one. Send for 16 page circulart Air°. LIFE AND EPINTJ.En OF if.T. PAUL., 03:00. with introduction by Rev. Bishop hinny sun. The only complete unabridged edition. • I A. L. TALCOTT & CO.. 903 i Fourth avenue. TTEIS-T Plttsbbrgh. Pa. TNT All TED —AGENTS.—To sell ryal. T t u h e e kl * pl r e i b e t x . n .ck K e n ap nt es t ragi s a i sr *urg e : &chine evet• invented. Will knit 40.000 stitches per minute. Liberal inducements to CO.,agents. Ajd T rit i ston t sieT AN ., orKSt.lnts,46kitt. WANTS. WANTED—Rouse of ti or 6 rooms, within the limits of the old wards. Address H. B. tiAZATTI 011710.11, Stating loca tion nd terms.' - • WANTED. -- A respectable, middle-gird woman. o has had expert. encein noose- keeping. to do the gent ral house. work of a small - famby. No children. Hood waxes. -Reference :ensured. inquire at Oases Odlee. • TVIBTEP. - BOARDERS. -;-; A few good boarders can be accommodated with good board by the week. day or meal, at' 159 82CCONDA.17ZNITZ STOLEN. DOG. -If the person who stole my black and Tan Terrier Dog dues not re turn him at once he will be nrosecuted to the ax. teat of the law, as the dog Is registered: Jcs 994 YEA.RSON, 952 and Liberty street.' TO LET. F°ltorne!l.s.l.7°--Aave Large Palle crefq c,PrIBM r llu I.LT.—lio use en Centre Av & ENIIR.—Oaa. Water. Re., very convenient. Oat of s.a.son. Rent $25,00 per month. Call soon at 12 L Centre avenue, Pittabarga. T ° -ILET.-2d and 3d 'stork . of No. 26 Diamond, Allegheny. 'id story suitable for a private school. , Inquire . on that premises. TO - LET.--,ROONIS,L-Twe fine ROOMS in GAZETTE BUILDING.. AsNT at ountiag Rooms, 64 and S 6 Firth avenue. FOR SA LE FOR SALE .- About 120 - acres of lend In the best situation for county seats; o"ly A miles from the West Pattsburgh Ferry Landing. Will be sold altogether. or la of ecee to suit purchasers.' hnquire of if.O.NEA. LAY, oteceat the south elm of the Monongahela bridge. myt4:147.4.1fWa JEIOR SALE.- Mount Blanc Foundry. Main.building troy clad; else exalt feet, with cupola. cntnesbelerlue•buileri and everathing required in the oldness In Ara rate working order, with • • large lot at usefalpalt• terns. is situated in the best manufacturing dis trict In Pittsburgh. There is ample room to double its present capacity, 'haring a front. of 144 feet fronton.Allegheny Valley E,allroad.oP posits Union Iron Cland running 1510 barn. Spruce alley.. be bougbt at a bar gain. For particulars inquire at J. B. Epping's. Real Estate. Office, on Penn street. near Butter. Pittsburgh, • VOll BALE. - The one-halt in terest in the Drug Store of BLACKMUN AftOßlCtioll, In Bellaire, Ohio. They. are doing a thriving business, and the location Isom, of the brat In Eastern Onto. kta.son tar selling.. 111 health orlamay. Terms reasonable. Amok,' loon. FOR SALE.—Stocte, Fixtures and tease of the band.ome cigar flare, 73 Wylie street. Price, $9OO. Call at la Wylie meat.% • , VOR SALE.—LAND--15 acres in the 13th ward, frontinir on c entre ave nue. Cralg i d Neville streets. , ihis le wavily*. ble location for errantry residence.,• well watered and near Penna. R. R. and East ,Llberi Passen ger Railway. Will be - sold as .',Bole or la tote of from one to Ave acres. En9Alre H TAYLkIo, 27 Wo d street, or et, nisresid..nee on Neville street, near the prepetty. orof HENRY LLOYD, Keructrigtonlron Worts. a171t160 FOB SALE=TYPZ--About 400 A' pounds MINION TYPE. nearly , as good as new. Eng oh* at THIS OFFICE.' - •loit,.sALE.-The iesiiiiins- 7 of tte itennery by the late Are at Clara Olt ort a, consisting of Dotter,, aillla,Punips.Con denting Taub; de., together with the.ground upon which Cie', are locat d. Locatfun near bhupebnrgh bridge,. between A, V. , a,..n. sun Allegheny river. Apply to EBNY, JAGJUILiiir I CO., at works. _- - . --. grARDENERS TAKE 'NOTICE. —FOR .BALE.—The FOIIRTIMN MILS AND, on the Allegheny River. and now used ibr gardening purposeat well hovered. .1 8 ,1 in a high state of etiltivatiell: cblitahull=""' 80 acre., _now offered at a bargain. Call _ /vs°. other Far= .in good location,. - Wooleit ffnotory. two-Houses, and twenty acres of land - on the Central Railroad. Rouses and LOW For Bale and To-let In both cities. TAO i t =tr. oculars inquire of WILLIAM AMR :1= ll° Great street. oneosite A-A • GREAT CHANCE FOB A MAE WITH AIIMALL VAPITAL. NOR SALM. A FARMOF 120 ACEIZEI, With a TWO STOAT FRAMS. BOUM BARN,: OUT HOUSkIS and abundance cor choicest fruits. TO acres cleared. SO In valuable Umber; &little stream running through the, premises: LlTE'''. dark rich WI. and being under big' state ot cur Ovation. Thug farm situated In ratal&M cons ty. Ohio., on Toledo & Day ion ILK-3mila /rola oats.' elty. Th. price la only $5O per see. , $1,5001n cash, add:oot labium to . re paid lai6 Roans! I natallmentidtiiiiiii Dander' particulars, TUSTIN & KLEE, - algailss b 7 Grant ttreet. F OS SALE. CHEAP FARM In Jefferson county; Of 1011 , urge, 20 of orboll are eleired and BO to Ins timber, all underlaid eilth an Bleet vein of coal; large orchard - of choice hint; eell for $4." per acre on easy terms. • .• . . 13 ACHES of level ground near Jack's Has— well adaptzd for a 'map, tetitt.larmaad garden - lan. ' gg, kORES sit ground itsPreedons; splendid 10• cation for litsPelti or to ley oat in building tots. 5 B IIILDINOLgis on Lyndkeni street: 10 IltekllT 1.l on Loom street. • „ Jordlis; iumildre ST (hammers*: : t•• sirl = MIMIC ILA '7'7l tf