I 1' I .v ij Its fel, beautiful and sometimes Ben. I Ai I I i lit ME timental; where the - iimsg men. worn : - tise panted by the ladles oftteli choice, parade ~ , „, troi---. 4 the streetkfroin morning to night and ./, like p u i4, nrith . -' - tes ; then retire to some public ball where they 4noilt t p' A y . ' "amnion night till broad daSlialit henWthil ores Idieda - red glom y 10 t Int.,stialladtajetne ' ' ' ' Av'hich taisometimes e case.-„-the hotels 'Wh • lied altarta met heavy . ~ Our soldiers left their !fumes, though thed— are largely occupied and even the market 'Twee on the eabbath. houses used as a shelter, where the festive By the camp-fire's noddy light amusements go on in spite of the pelting On the sleepless bivouac, . -,la_hagattlen ngahadelsof night, rain. White dresses and. embroidered --I.rreolutent ate hard tack— skirts, at such times, are sadly dealt with, I I 9Cr ; I lia,th° Sabbath. but it matters little to the owners of them. In a h ..ragnionfoht, of battle, - n nerei tmenation'llate was wrought, who cannot be .restrained, in; least by hy the muaket , s A arful rattle , by any such supernhmdry Vsitatins. Bravo/ A Our soldiers fought— Whit-Monday Is usually 6 great day and and rn O a n nh t mi tte Sabbath . ,s prime, so it ought to be, for the young men work Youthful at ength • When tam, ra,veas beans were tried, better during the season of corn and hay I . In the grand and awful time, and harvest by inaugurating its advent Bravely our soldiers died— with those congenial amusements which ._ on the Sabbath , With sadde ed hearts and tearful eye,. lighten the heart, dissipate care and de.. T w..t..1 around the open graves, rate the soul above the clouds and \ sor , •, And bend t le sighs of mounting rise, For oaf fa len soldier braves— rows of li re.' , , ` On the Sabbath. When (Ite *pretense broire at last, • And the hour of peace was nigh, -Looting at.the gloomy Past We thanked the God that rased on high— tnt the nabbant. In the glorious spring time. In the beauteous matth of May, In every state, in every aims, Keep sacred decoration dai On the Sabbath. rtrrsnunaix. May 12, Isis. II II PENNSYLVANIA - WE sum hear accounts of mad dogs • being killed in all parts of the State. CusEnseriam and East Brady's Bend in , Clarion, , county, have applied to the • courts far right to consolidate into a bor ough' to be called Brady Borough. -- " ,THE W rights ville,rii York .county, Btar , . says the season hati been a most favorable on e for lumbermen, theriver havingbeen . in good rafting order, with but short in . terruptione, for the past two months. Tire Crawford Journal says that just as the canal is open and everything ready for the spring business, the coal diggers haVe gone out on a strike. The Journal .• had no particulars, but supposes that all , _ tha diggers in the Bhenango Valley are in the strike. . - • - A• STABLE containing horse, cow and - other live stock, with a sleigh, wagon, etc., was consumed by fire, on Tuesday morning, in Altoona, and several neigh boring buildings were more or less dam aged. This is very little fire for one r week in Altoona, but, as usual, it was in " cimdiarlem. , • . Soma two weeks since, a little child of John Rhoads, aged sixteen months,walk ed up to a table on which a cup of hot coffee had been poured out, and pulled it over on herself, severelysealding her arm and breast. She suffered severely, for three days, when death came to her re lief Mr. Rhoads resides in Cumberland ' bounty. Ten family of Nicholas Rowe, of Gib son township, Susquehanna county,-wa s - - poisoned last week by some soda, bought -. at auction . ; which proved to be badly . " adulterated with sugar of lead. All of the family recovered but one little boy of two years, end he'Aietl. The soda had s beatia use, in the - merino of .buckwheat cakes, for some time,.and'each time the cakes were eaten disa greeable effects were noticed but poison was not thought of. A rEw days since Mrs. Alfred Beans, of Northampton, left Siet - me to go in the milk vault, and on returning found a huge black snake, nearly five feet in 11 length, •in the cradle with the babe, a few months old. Mrs. Beans immediately grasped the child by its head and drew it from the cradle while the snake was lying across it breast. Mr. Beans was not at home at the time, but a neighbor was sum moned and the reptile killed. It ,Is sup - posed the snake came from a large heap of stones that, lay near by, which 'bad new house hauled there preparatory to building - Tag dwelling of Mr. . Martin Brinton, in Cumberland county, about three miles from Bridgeport, was destroyed by fire early yesteitlay morning. About three o'clock Mr. Brinton was awakened by the howling of hip dog, in the kitchen, and opening s door he discdVered that the greater portion of the house was envel oped in flames. He in flames, Re im mediately aroused his wife and children, and succeeded in removing them from the burning building just in time to save . them. Even their wearing apparel, ex: cept that on their persons, had to be left behind to be consumed, with all the other contents of the dwelling. Mr. Brinton was compelled to borrow various articles of clothing to enable him to come to the city to purchase an outfit for himself and . A Little Hera. family.. ' The Wilmington Connnerdat, of Thurs. WE find the following in the Westcbes- day, says : , "The other day a young boy, ter Viliago Record, which states ,bathe is a son of Mrs. Forest, living at Riddle's a copy of a license given nearly one hun- Banks, near this - city, had occasion to take .dred years ago by John Penn : nr erns notroamme his aunt across the dam of Jessup d . ~, .JO,IIN ,PERN, EsqtaxtE, ..,... M oore's paper mills, to the east side of u° v o rner. and Comfnander in fAs . Ol 0 .1 the. Brandywine Creek. On -returning, the Preeinee of Penufylvania and owing to the strong wind and high fresh- Counties of New Caftle, Kent and Suf- ,et, the boat became unmanageable, and fe xonsiDelaware. ' was carried over the dam breast . Provi- WHEREAS ----......._____hath been dentially the boat, as it was rushing down re coimnauded unto me as a fober and fit the rapid water below the dam, struck 'erfon tb keeps Rottfe of Entertainment; upon and being requefted . to grant him L' the only rock in the creek whose top cenceforthe fathe, I IR.) h b it . I— was above the water, and here voting ' and .aildw the fald ---- ere Y lime°, ; w as scrambled and, thereby was saved keep &Public Houle in the twin f * f- ~ to from immediate drovireing. The people • • ton, in the County of 2, 1 . , e - Pa 40011 gathered:. for the rescue, tont, the prtgampton, for the fait% af Um, %leo/3mnd P has to how the bo t question arose y -:. was o and other fpirittinur a n d m i xed 10 1 /..n,n be saved from hisperilous condition. At fens m easurer unt o the 2 , 0 , 14 9 1 171 a.l: that moment a 'lame boy,' with a crutch, • AUGUST next; ;PROVIDED he „ thal e r 1, came forward and said: "I can fetch him • ; at • an y vaie d at i ng , t ho fed Tenn i . n ot, .ollr. One of the bystanders obJected, any Ditliiikki24Eßß, unlitrful '(# until . u ntli his father', Patrick Nalrien 3 ,: who or any titlier:Diforderf, nor reu i , o ;qr,,,,ek ,was presdnt, said: "Let 'lila '0; you ' to, StutAidfaite,"to debauch' or hurt '''''' .. egk't • • draNn. that_ half. ° A-roPe was but In all Tfungf Obferve and praoilr e ai l Procured, and young I • lfultien, wlth . . LawfandPrdinaucaf of tbif Governm ent, rope SO crutch', went. to 'the rescue. , tolif : faid,RMPloymeat relating. Aftfr feeling - the water, a-little he ~, 42 /V4NplaQer • Kay, nand and B eal 10 filthuryPiuthnege4clll.-intett ashore and man . the , rapik rushing e'e , , Areiti 'ego Ventb day-ef Auguft, in ~• ..- , la:thetrourteenth Year at the Reign or ,t oe d Of waters; headed fertitelockin the Vddie df the Creek; 'Where sat ` th e' half vueftlovereign, Lord 'limo GEORGE :• • thePirhirdy 't.and- in ••the' 'Year of - our' 11,7114 chilled,:,aini frighned boy: •-•"::, y , 40 143 4 R -r ots , 4 , B e v ri, , , :lur ! ,d re '4 . fhoe i Lea p. 6 . 16411 round and round till " he eddying:water, and on to le . - :tat7 o the bi r the . r e o r pe gok ar ,w un laer v e he scram-, •i t ioiq . ,-. 7 ta York: , Tr.'ne" ' hemocr -l ' E.t . .we bled 41, tied ' - ..gleszt the following, .accountef, *curious est, and with theft mi l l to o z i n h aag For : mudermpreealeut in - Easter. Penneylva- the rock iii b- seething,:b-osilinligigacu°rff. y nsed to n i a ; ;in apeakingef Widlisniday it Says: rent, 'as the boy stubborf, "ItlnuFbeenn.custent for 'many' years leave the only piec e o r ' in some of tfiikocitiittliCtif ' tide 'common- : numbed with cold, and ;LT' beingebe astlithet°l:rii be wealth, to ke l titi' the - elaY ihiPwirlit as a dangers of ;the :rapid flood - i° re ' ee the ' boliduy on *ltch eecaeon rotir friends men soon pulled him ashor% a g i e l r ' e k ir m A ile from the ;Ural distriets usually 'flock to hands ministered to his rewu , to Bee the sights' and indulgiin in- trouble then' was how M sa u t i n xi poloin t / l i , te nocent, amusements Of different hinds; back again, as he still hence this Is Called .Whit4fonday. ',it is and looked quietly at the people, kept AS a general thing in • our county, the rushing flood, /le prepared hilaselltf although not tattle same extent that it Is for the plunge, and after :circling round elsewhere. Some of our young - folks. es- the -rpartly -covered rocks, directed his pecially from the river districts, visit Lan. , course down the , creelri - made headway caster City where-it-is kept ass universal . with, the current, and Ivry soon gained galaiday and where thousands of dollars thashore• Bonus distance' eel the Scene arohrought to town and'expended for the of the disaster. ' . I , . . 1 , . . . . . . ; 1 . . , , . . . . .- . I i .- • . -, - 4.5.,:g,,...4.,,,n..„..„., ~,,...,,,,,..,,,,.....,,__..,...,,,,,,,,,..,,,k..,,,,,,A,..; ^ =4,l=/,,,,5',1*.?",,,...4'.:,5.,......r2P.,',-.,`,,i2.1,1..:,f,r4.,"., ~,,• '...'-',.',-,: ~,,,,L .7.- ,4 `.- . 7.,... :.- --,..... --, --. .,--r.,,,:„.... - ~.., &'.4.',..4.,4vi,..0.11,,,5.. ~.,,,,,,..r01N;,,,,,, ..., :; 1 4 t ...... C . ..40)::.*ANt." . ,A , ,.. g.,..!,,,,, *-. '...6-.4,:.2r-:•,,--3*.4hV..,,,,,.,..1:4:,3,131z1t.i.%-%,,4,14,,,,,r51.4,...-,1744-tjo._„4 7.1 41 ,, §„... , 14 . .. A..,c..„.. ; , , . 5,.4.......infr-41&44..A-.,k4.,135,,,,,24.t,11.,:.,?„,,,f.:.„..,:4...v.:„.=.04-I.ll^,:t 110 feet I .......... . ~.. , . *sob JOtt se Groves to Jona ;VIVI, r, A prillis. AGO; lot ' on Charlotte et•eet, Allegheny, 12 bylto feet MO Mrs.. S. reterson to Joseph Walton, Merch *A 27, 14. - 4:, 33 acres and 114 perches of coal bottraa qt '.1.-12.•rson W township.... ... .......... . ... 1117 343 Peter . 0z..1 to G. S. Fisher. Mgr C , 16631; Jul on fliallroed sir. et, ? ast Blrsolegloon. 96 by 116 Deet ............................. .4xoo. . It. . .. ... .. ... . ... . . .. . .. ...... .. .. . .... . ... .. . ..4 xoo. L. banjo i Uoon. ii . ..p . te.mo4 hi. PC: blot on Nester 'Deer, Nineteenth ward, l'lt.sr urgh, 90 b. 104 feet .. ~. . ..... . ......... -$1.300 I. , Presser to John Ilis..halt, Jatleary 22. 1369; lot on Beech alley . Math wardsrittsburgb. 13 •' hy . 4o tees .... '.....,.: ... .. ... i... .. - .............5330 11, notanao . se. • ' Fliteen mortgsgr.s stele filed for record. .., er EDDISDA Y. May 12.1631. Fraisets Ditmen to Peter Winner January 7,- tlna; lot No: ft, t in Galway's plan. Resirvei ownshtp. 15 by feet .... . ....... '. : ... .- ... 1400 John Shepard et sr. .. - to Thomas C.. Jenkins. May ~, 10060); lot on Penn hereof, rantilika back 10 NX.erotutre alley. Seer 110 feet'. - . : :: . ... •cOOO John Thompson to John. O nonlehairs . , Ma, 9, 1363, lot fronting one foot seven Inches and it half on the South side of ;Forbes street" and ronnin_g pack 111 fe.'t .. ... ~_.., ~. .... ~.. .0100 H , Orr itasamte. to Henry norserat, starch 29 , , 1863: lot on South Canal lornet. Fourth wa.d. eAlleeheny "L" Get trade. with bundlngs..o3.Boo Prank shilling to Mrs. Charlotte Dray °, three lots In the fifteenth ward... , ... ... -.. . . . .noni Wm. G. Drove. to Y'r..nk 8 . 11 . 1111 cm, ...... mot ...toe lota ............. ..., .. . ........•. ... . ... e,yzo damn- I B. eluter, .henr. to E. T. ........... Moe , 8. 1 is 3; In:croft of Hubberd In a lot on cOtner of Beaver and Jefferson streets, Allegheny. ~ ... ... ................................. ... IS yo.eph 33..Gazzam, tru,tee to Henry Bruce, Nov. 12 IOU; lots Nu. 418 and 453 In U. 1122.1111.8 anbdt bviSisn,Thirteezth and Fourteen it wards.tosts. urgh ... . .... . ... ...- .. - ... „ /323 Barbara Soleil it . ' al, to A &Ore's . M. butcl. and • Charles A. Woroica , tte.Mat I, 1869; lot In Peeb les township. contsiutng two acres and elgbir .perches ... 50n ....... ..... .s7so A. S. Nictto Mrs. %Vim. Bancroft, Awn 2U. _b1888; tot on Cartons i reel, East I.llrtolagham, 24 y 120 feet ..... . ..... . ....... . .... . ... ..... . .413,009 Townes thtstiday to-Jeremisb tirautioson,.May 8, _PilBO9: lot on Overbill street, 6 Eleventrt ward. ttsburgh, 20 by 180 feet.... .. ........ .. ... . 0.550 John W. Patterson to• Peter 3wanger. October 6. 1888; lot In Vets:Ml.B township, contalzlng 2 acres and 31 pert:hes . . ..•. .. .. .. .....• ........ ero6 Conrad Reiter to V. A. * Reed, Maid. 1, 11019; lot on Liberty street, near Irwin street, Pitts borgh, 20 by 80 feet, with buildings .... . . 020,009 John A. thinks to Christopher schang Jattury 25,.1889; lot in the bsroush of ELIA, 214 . by 72 feet ......... ... . ........ •05 0 Josiah Seevev to Pine Creek M.. E.. ehurch, . March 1, 1882; lot 133.11:Winos township.— nom. c - MORTGAGES.. Same day tittle mortgaget'stere dled of recor ...... OHIO. Fad' Great Events. One of the greatest events of the cent occurred yesterday. The present has seen these four ' great events: -centuryl. Morse's invention of the Tele graYh. I. The laying of the Atlantic Cable. liL The death of Slavery in theljnited States. IV. The' completion of the Pacific Eailway. In twenty-five yetis the eeititten'thati 'been spanned by the wires of , the fele , graph. Ten years ago.lha lightning. be. gan to run beneath the sea. Five years ago the war .for freedom ~inded and slavery died. Yesterday the iron track was made complete fl'om•Portiand to San Francisco. The young man of today, who ktutseen all - these things accomplished, will have tales to tell to his'gtandchildren snob as no' graudsire of our' day can summon from the stores of his memory.--4. Y. Post, 11th._ inst.- ''‘ - Ateonteav 0 to an 'act''passed by the Legislature, last winter, for 'the destrue, Son of unavailable . depredated funds of old State Banks, !J .State-Treasurer of Pennsylvania paused, be ,burned to ; ashes, Friday morning, aiNueh Rinds re.; mining in the vault of s the Treasitry, to the amount 01141,08400, • TITS LYnc htiurtli t ports that recent titscOl of the mountains :Mai of a waterfall twelve h A party was soon' to le; visit the epot And attest PITTSBURGH bAZEITR: FRIDAY,`• MAY 14, 1869„ . 4.) Republican re- JOSEPH . S. MOH St. CO., very in the gorges 1/ .lrOsatoik ionmeini, inland 1.._ Allegheny Springs • t i V 313; lazt.;; irtruormtell,ml 'undred feet UM '- " ' , auxbimantßue or • ' I • sve Lynchburg to . d ai ni a , magma, p are itys, mows 1 the truth OF lb' -74;ToesirerT 12.77611.011( VINZILM4 ' rit; MBA NOM ao. • . ' +maim. BRUSSELS CARPETS, VELVETS &1 The Last Arrival FROM ENG .ILtivD. McCALLUX BROS., No. rapirtil Rave receive , ' h 3 ateam.ra Samaria and Man hattan the VERY NEW.E.nT !STYLES of the ENGLI4M MARKET. . • They 41. offer Complete 'Line of DONESTlCciumunva To which large addithMe: ere ddll7 being made. IDE To any LOWEnf I ti er s re . sea , Fd in this .mirket. as 5 ALL EIE BROS., ..r.trilir rz.iruz, • WOOD &131.MITHPIELD•3 (TI 428:605 RPETS. We a now receiving our Spring Stock of (Carpets, 840.3 and are pre pared to der, as good stock . and at as low prices as 'Joy other house in the Trade. We have all-the new styles of trussels Tapestry, Brussels, Three PO and Two Ilya Best assortment of Ingrain Carpets In the Market. BOITUD, ROSE CO., :31 FIFTVENUE. • aths:dawT H A SAVE TIME ,A4D MOM ITAIUND & COLLLYS EA'S NOW OPAST nine NEW SPRINe: STO CK FINE CARPETS. ROYAL AX RINSTER. - TAPESTRY VELVET,___ 1' B ODY BRussims, ENGLISH R st rles ever offered is thls market Quip,ipsfos?e LOWEST. A Spittlid Line of Cheap .Carpets. ROOD GO TON CHAIN CARPETS At 25 Cents Per Yard. meFARLAND & couißs, No. Tl'lipd PIPIEI Avalncrz, ME MU BTER CHAN - T - ILORS. Bois , ict.ar naoritnent o. all style. and Alla of Boys, Youths and Children's Suits, For Spring and Blinker wear. GRAY & LoGAI9:. 47 SIXTH STREET; Gate SG.Clatt.l 'PHERSON & MORLANBRING, No. 10 Stith (Late St. Clair) Street. Successors to W. EL arciakic & 100. 9 1 MERCHANT TAH.ORE. Have Just received their carefully selected stock of Spring and Sununer Goods. and WIII be glad to show or sell them to old and new customers. The Cutting Department wit. fill be supettn tended by WA'. G. A. 31(DILANIGLING. • I take pleasure In recommending the above Arm to the liberal support of the nubile. W. H. McGEB. Dp TIEGELI jj. thute Cutter with W. Heotabs erde.) DEEIRCILszcz' TA.377,03Ei. No. 33 Smithtleld Street, Pittsburgh. sere:9ll ZW SPRING O D) A splendid new • stock of . CLOTHS, missimEßEs, Jest received by ' HENRY WEIfICR. !!!! WiLIQUORS, .&0 CHMIDT & FRIDAY, . ALlMPplittitS OF •- WINES,r • BRANDIES GIN WHOLESALE nEsixis ; • PURE RYE 409 PENN ST . Have Removiidto ' NOS. 884 AND 886 poi ?t, • Car. Elevi3ntik . St:, (iormerly .CinaL) .play 'or Goodg (Becond 71000. GLASS, "CHINA. CUTLERY DR. . m OONTINUES TO .T ' • T ALL Private disesses. Syphilis In Its forms, Gonorrhea. Gleet, Stricture. Orch Us. and all urinary diseases, and tae effects of memory are completely eradicated; S permatorrhea or flew. nal Weakness and Impotency. resulting from self-abuse or other canoes, and which produces acme of the following effmts, as blotcnes. bodily weakness. lhdlgestion, consumpticnt, aversion to seedety, unmanliness, dread of mture events, loss of memOry,✓lndolence, nocturnal emissiont, and flintily s prostrating the sexual system as to render marriate un t i AtisfactorY, and therefore imprudent. arc permaoently mred Persons af flicted With*these °ratty other delicate, intricate or long sten ding constitutional complaint should glve the Dauer a trial; he never fails. 4 A partifttarattention given to all Female cam -Dlaints.,Leneoutea or Whites, Falling, /Whim. /nation or, Ulceration of the Womb, _uvulas.. 'muftis. a m enorrhoea . lifenorrhagta, DYetneli ,norrhoea. and bterllity or Barrenness, are treat ed with the greatest success. It Is self-evident that a physician who confines himself exclusively to the ssudyof a Certain class of diseases and treats thousands of cases evert , year, must acquire greater skill in that specialty than on. In general practice. fi The Doctor publishes a medical pamphlet of ftY Privatethat dimi ti es ti exposition of venereal and dimities, ti at can be had free &lollies or by mall far two stamps, in sealed envelopes. Evert sentence contains matt notion to, the af flitted, and bling them to determine the pre. ciao nature or their complaints. The establishment, comprising ten ample' rooms. is central. When it Is not oenvenient to visit the city. •the Doctors O p 1010 13:43131 be ob , talg al braising a written statement of the case, area's,edles can be forwarded by luau ex ex. In Borne Instanees.• however, a Iltraotial examination is absolutely neuessary. while le others daily personal attention is rout ired4em for the accommodation d flinch patients there are apartments connected with can office that art pro. vided with every req j uis i te that it calculated to promotetis.A IT F IW:c 3 .iI P t i lligni l le r l' xi i reetip2lW Dialler Doctor's own laboratory. under his perennial sir oervision. Medical pamphlets at °lnce free. of b y van Air two stamps. No Inatter who have ,htiltd, read what lie lark Hours 9A o 8 P,Sf. Soudan 9N. ki 9P. it : Mlles. N ao, 9 Pinar, wrarsT. (near Court H ouse.) Pitrablirgh. Pa. .__ MIM • • ena T.4100' Hy; amen% torpo bat., d* - ... _ p5l in cim . 0 .1:1 33 WI 1 coV V W & 2 mOn t imFLI .2. go . 4 , ! _ mei , g I=3 4 1 VI m ; c• 2 m i:' of .1:1 •fif 1 ta E-Z 8 4 ill PI U 2 4=) 0 its &I g N• w • I:01 , 1 4 0 Ig PI -0:14 z 14 &I 11 / lea ti 41 II X 'NEW SPRING (MODS JUST. OPENED, AT THEODdIiE F. PHILLIPS', 87 Itfarket Street. Prints, Muslin, Dress Goods, BILKS, SHAWLS. IPLL LINE OF SILK SACQU'ES, Very Cheap. WL::,AWARKET BTREM 87 , CtigivautCANIDLESS & CO" to WHeon, Carr 4 Oa.) WHOLESALE LEALIutE IN Foreign and DOinaiittr Dry Gooda, No. 94 wpon snawr. Third door above DlionandalleY. • • PITTSBURGH: P.L. WALL PAUJERI3, PALP.E.R AND WINDOW SHADES, OV New and Handsome Designs, NOW OPWIfQ AT No. 107 Maricet Street (NIA.R. FIFTH AVEHUE,) Embracing a large and carefully selected stock of the newest deadens from the FINEST sreitir- ED GOLDto the CHEAPEST ARTICLE known to the trade. All of which we offer at prices that wlllpay buyers to examine. Jos. R. HUGHES & into. WALL PAPER. THE OLD PAPER STORE IN A NEW PLACE, W. P. 1ff.1111.31U=5/3 NEW WALL PAPER StORE, 191 Liberty -Street, (N/CAB MeitKrrd SPRING GOODS ARRIVING DAILY. alba 100 WOOD STREET. NEW GOODS. FINE VASES, BOKSIIIIAR AND MINA. NEW STYLES, DLN.NAR SETS , TEA. SETS, ("Pl'etrrs, SMOKING SETS, A large st:w.A of SILVER PLATED GOODS of all desc‘riptlowi. tbFlegVilern,T,ll: citbrcigitewe. R. E. BREED & CO.. 100 WOOD STR EET ri 1311113L1 ... A i r sTA4E 6c SOIiT ' ..J•131,241" P Oesilimission item /wne s , AND vials= lnr rzotrig, tanAn.r. pmrea, Nao. 01110 STEM. nes/East exr..--_,,""n, PA. PZTIB EMIL .....KEn. & RI TC HART . P. DA% ! comat isslON-141ZACHAN TS; AND DIALINS iN FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, MID PEED, at.. =724 :ba? Liberty alt, Pittsburg*, - 349 L. . ) ~_ • . ITTLEi BAIRD & PATTON, 4wholeauer firocers, Commission Merchants * 1 an Dealers In Produce, Plour. Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard Oft, Iron, Mails *Bass, ,1 Cotton Yarns and: all F"irsburgh Mannk E tures ~,, generally. 112 and •i~•4 arLCOND /3 BT. '; Pittsburgh. ) .thirs 5airPr0ir„,,...."...... A micx.,„1.._ i QIIIPTON&WALLAcE_, Whole- ILI BALE G ROCEBB AND PROD MB DEAL- - BUS. No. 6 ELIXPII tiTIMCBT. Pitt 'burgh. - ? 1a12:r0 JOHN L 110Ut3B—ZuW. U 0118 2....W.U. U. LIOUBB., _TORN L ROUSE &BROS" Sue- Bala u cessors l and I. HOUSE & CO., Whole. GTocers eornmizeion Merchants, Cor. nor or Smith and Water dtreets. PI ttsburgh. • C. ARMSTRONG, Successor to . posA-r ct Armstrong. PhODIJCS - atree ON 11211tlak&T, No. 25 Ilarket e W. De CAMP, .. ~ .t ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. I Office, lfo. 137 FOURTH AVENUE, Pitts bargh, (formerly occupied by Hon. Walter H. F. , Lowe%) will practice In the 11. B..Clrcult and District Courts In the State Supreme and all the • 1 Courts of Alle g heny county , and make eollee-• i lions In most 0 theadJacent counties. JaZi;d73 i _____ Wm. B. KEEPER., ALDER/C/N AND EX-OFFICIO JUBT/CE OP THE PEACE. OFFICE, 89 FIFTH AITEFUR. Special attention _given ,to conveyancing and collections Dgeds Bonds and Mortgages drawn up. and all legal business attended to promptly and accurately. SAlllimL itatMAILEITABILS, i . s_tamPartlirADT, i Ex•OiScio Justice of the Peace and Pon t Police Mag. trate. Once, _ G RANT STREET Cath edrah - PmillsUßGH, PA , opposite the . Deeds. Bonds, Mortgages. Acknowledgments, D.nositions, and all Legal Business executed .., With Promptness and dispatch. Paha 011* A. STRAIN, ELIADEJECSII46:I4IG • N ZE- r OPFICIO JUSTICE OP THE PEACE AND' . f POLICE MAGISTRATE. Ottke,ll.ltPUTH STREET, cipposlte the Cs theeal, PI sburgh, Pa. Deeds - Bonds, Mort d gages, Acknowledgments, Depositions . Legs Business executed with nremotness and dist:mien. A. AltiMON, Justice of the Peace, CONVEYANCER, REAL" ESTATE, MID INSU RANcE AOEV). . ,l . CARSON STREET, MAST BIRMINGHAM. Collection of Rents solicited andprouiptly at- 1 tensed to. .4,- aty3.llo 1 JOHN W. RIVDELL, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW'. 116 rueunond Rtreet, (oppoidte the Fowl, Rouse-) foLs:t4l Aiming Th------------iLAAL INSLEY, .-, 1 . e.T " r oitivm - r-A.21-14A3V. ri'o. 98 FIFTH STREET, , - • 'I i ITTE4BI7RGFC. PA apitpiso:dar GAS FIXTURES , I V ELDON $ KELLY, t Idanulaotorers and Wholesale Dealen la amps; Lanterns, Chandeliers AND LAMP COODC.-1r Also, CARBON AND LUBRICEATING Ortas "13.E17Z4434. *0... • N 0.147 Wooct:Street. creanai Between Otheind'aih. Aierities. ntaT PAN _.. upon __. der. ,raibit4tiont .i eentet — b. arid entail= or pointer statit the'too of the B a n. ~. P3ll It la c l eadhp aL.ma.... ...... _lstinCtit aid Pinniuoini rd__L„,,„„uo , - the by iilereb. piscine the name .of butt the eau tort *mute t h o poriter and sealing In the customary manner. o preserver of fruit or good housekeeper trill use any other artar ones seeing It. awes ATE4I,_ P/PES p , CIUNINEY TOPS A large ,issonl4en4:, . • • IMERY..I4(KiILr;2I4I3, aplth37 Ad Avente,aear andthiladite J. L. DILLIIg77 .......:. ........A. 7. ST7S/07771* DILLINGEE it STEVENSON, DISTILLERS AND DEALERS IN Pure Rye WhislOes. IMPORTERS OF BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, 85C4 No. 87 Second Avenue, *D2O PITTSBURGH, PA. Au EP' VSTISBED BY A. & T &OIL ABLY, 1812. W. L GORMLY, VVROLESALE GROCER, Na 27~ Street., Wrarczzy OPP. EAGLI HOPILJ se :re Prravyo3l:lllo.l3..P.A. li r holesale and Retail Grocers, amai No. 396 PEW .STREZT PROFESSIONAL MTTsBiIItGH. id. ERB '., ~ .'e`'W.. II 1111