The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 13, 1869, Image 8

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TEE (146661;f - a tutotiiWiiiihiiii
thelitit dap`of the week 1.6 miaow,
wee+; , by maa. SaPerPnnum: 8:2091,61f41
The President has appointed John A.
.151.3rier, Esq., Postniairter of Allegheny.
The Allegheny Fire Alarm .Telegraph thought, beoome relia
ble. = •
The Street cleaner* were at work in
Alleghenfitesterday: They;have'a good
field for labor. .
Strew... Hats are coining in fashion. A
number of them have appeared 'on the
striefa„ in the last few days.
Ituaineiss at the Allegheny_ May•r's of
fice:whs. light yesterday morning, only
three eases being disposed of. '•
1 ' Mtrar to properly celebrate " 3 ecora
tion Day," is the subject of gen 'al in
terest and discussion at present.
Meet To-lifight.—A.llegheny _ unells
will bold a regular a'emi.nionthly meet
ing_ this evening at seven and a halt,
Strawberries.—The strawberry season
Is at band.- .Tha crop is Bald to be an ex-.
treamly beavy"one, and the berries ex
ceedingly. tine. .
Tie - Meeting of the Allegheny Cotta
cite tonight, promises to be of unusual
interest. Several especially important
matters are tq be acted upon. : ._
New Crossings.-New cut stoae. crtm-
Ingit have been placed across Pltinlley,
at the northeast and southeast corners of
the Market House luAllegheny.
- Col. Hartinern, the brave and gallant
commanding officer of the Silentsll Re-
giment in the late. War, is In town, stop
ping at the Monongahela House.
Lectures to Ladle:l.—Dr. Gleason will
deliver his seoond'ehiste and appropri
ate private leettwe to ladles at Lafayette
Hail this evening, splendidly illuminat
ed with numerous models de.
Pine Apples.4-The market is - cum
pletely glutteilosith pine. apples.. The
motile - said tb bg unusually 'large, and
the fruit a very - superior. quality.: They
are sellimt at from 25 to 85 cents each.
Wilnio.. — Yesterdiy, was the warmest
day of the . seaiion. At .half-pant two
o'clock the mercury stooa at ninety de
greed in the sun, and atseven o'clock
last evegingsvakabOvieightridjigreeilin
the shade— ,
•. .
. „
lateral- fiewer.,--The excavation- for
the. , lateral 'sewer On' Sandatiry street,
,somas ZiOrth.Oornmons arid intersecting.
the Montgomery avenue sewer, is about
shed, and the sewer will he hidshed
in ti few days. •• . - ,r ,
• •
M elc l totte P ri n t *k = Wra•-tilidg*P;wilA
befare " Alderman "Taylor, yesterday,
elusT,getUvrith , 'drivin_g a two-horse wagon
agMst . ttfal:Riggyof ThObiaCßlFlreinia,
and tearing a-wheekoff:thellgldere,lvehi
ale. The.affeiroccurred.onTena street,
near the railroad emeslog. _The-Amused
• gave bail fora hearing on an hifdrmation
for-AtallatiMe nllBoblet.,-,
Stlll Ariothe" r.:-Chte'-inetie'vvleitiesi of
law was brought to judgement yesterday
"in the person of Charles" Rhodes. a ven
der of ibbensine" in the ww.patmrct
ward, who wit taken bekire the for on
a charge of selling liquor on Sunday: - He
plead guilty and was required toV,pay the
penalty of fifty'dollarit axle costr,'ln ,the
ease. Let the good work go on. • •
Blockaded.—Diamond Alley, between
Smithfield and . Wood streets, 'is still
blockaded, in oonsequnce of , a onstruct-
Lion of the sewer. The excavation ex
tends to Smithfield street and the sewer
has been completed within a feW feet
of that point: It will be,extended across
Smithfield- street, and probably i com
pleted during the present week. •
APPletoW Journal,-The lets number .
of thie.valnabln journal:. for sale by all
our newsdealere, contains an , eight page
deeirlption and illustrated suPpliment
on the mines of the precions metals. Ev
ery citizen of Pittsburgh, above all other
places, should have a copy; The further
centents of this papervill, be ftltind in
our advertising oclumns. - -
Lecture CamelMee Appointed--At a
meeting of the Board of Direetors of the
Mercagtile Library Association, held„on
the sth inst., the following members were
appointed-to serve as the Lecture Com
mittee of D 369-70:, Wm. W. Howard, A.
H. Saul, Chalfant. John ;G.
Holmes, Maleout Hay, W.J:Radelifrand
Wm. &hover. ; • - .
thmitrons.—gate smith :acid a female
companion were arrested mi - Third Ave.
lastllight ler 41E47484Y,, i:onduet.
Etheiwas exceedingly bellgevent and re•
fustid to scocimpany the officer and re
sisted strongly. When she 'arrived at
the lockup, she was minus • the :greater
pcirtion other dress, andhad:received a
severe blow in - the eye. film was looked
up for a Mirth* !•. ' : •
• speelel.,-lifiesars. Joseph Horne dr Co..
the well known: trimming, notion and
millinery gooiledealeine; Nos, 77 and 79
Market IMP eeirunn
vernsealent elsewhere, a .special line of
gerita 'rindeigtnments, heelery; 0414 SIM
augnlip3r *eat, whlelt they °ff.& ,at TOM
low Woes. ;For an yand everything in
the volY fri ndstilnitlfeedil r 4 1 1114
thlieold eatabllabeci ,1111d:popurai it:#3pre.;
gently° !rouse with:a - ea% :; •.0• h_
, . ,
what „it .Cost,.. Ettrao..fttebard'—ito*,
wrielititifrlett ,s lo *ro .sod . oasts r ,
day; by „ Mayor Drum`, for In ri n
w ban aftlotir. • It wide •Ofilter ,clobby „
b .4 `wit*
iiir4l4t 44 airloit of 44erson
w 'owners's° Will in: attendance' a a ,
bail In rthe'Thlrd ward, on Tnesday ev. •
entpk; repaltirik to the Pace he was
met at the doorby.,P•oley, _who refused
to allow,blis to ; eister lf _Ab t e orkat once
arrested Boley.,wlUttft me ea UAW.
Taken to the CostMy Home.—John
Butt, the Insane man who has been In
th6ackkPlatilitaibf44l •
to the County Home Tuesday afternoon
by Robert H. Davis; tmettiftbe Directors
of the Poor of the county. Tip unfortu
nate mini ailiteriOre.T.up
the Youghiogheny river, where his wife
stAiburloiditteemtiOwlrdadde: l Helm*
been an inmate of the County Home for
a short Wig pieVicfust to 'hist itthltitUf tins
city .
iimer,ssq.; Unit cais —. 4
formerly a Representative in the- • • .-
.Mare from thanclituty, ffitililoopresented
to the forthocinting,Rubllean• Contity
Convention for nomination to the As
sembly. • It Is safe, tosayrthat wbethet.
ail a citizen of ii , rlegisititort the - V*4l.llde
integrity of Alexander Miller never has
been and never will be succeseuly
Peached. friends hope that ids high
inogrlty : Will - notlirefadlete hbeehances
in Convention. as they *surely would not
with the 0012siatePaY., •
V ,
• ,
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,th — e
knownAMl -itubitinir are mer
- • ace with himseatiribrispr
a, brotheri,- .'Aibert'EffgbyVini..
Acir the name and style of Higby & Co.,
*nd tcontinne.the busineaut the, olojk,
stand thrWood- 'street The 'firm Isgte
jpet ricalyed, a new , And large stook,
whiCh they ,cifibr at very Inducing 'relets."
We congratulate the new memberon.his;
entry into partnership with ,eo Card;
staunch and reliable a house, and. trust
the firm may Meet with that. large'share .
of patronage which they are ao eminent
ly deserving,
, •
Mr. A. Dolgcroulie, a native and citi;
sea of the Russian EmpiFe, accredited to
na by a Boston corresnOndent; called
upon us yesterday. His 'family possesses
extensive landed estates, which abound
in mineral deposits, iron. coal, tc., and
'elso in oil springs. Mr. D. visits this
country to study.the American methodi
of mining,. and especially to learn* the
most approved mode' of alining bitumin
ous coal, and of boring for 'end pumping
petroleum. , 'AS the present , visit of -Mr.
Dolgorouke Wholly for the'Prd of
gethering information. bespeak ,n
kind reception • end • treatMent , for him'
,frOiri those of our citizens upon' ivhdin lie
will call in proleauting bin researches. •
, • biiandiea Snyder appeared before. 'Ai: ,
dermau4iohil3sonvesterday, and made
- information againat, William and Henry
Forsythe fOr maintaining a nit/sande In .
: like Eighteenth ward:' Mr. Snyder' had
tvio- lionsea burned by the ,, reeent -burn
ing of the 'works of Poisytheltros.,
and it , appears they are now stor
ing large quantities of oil, near his
premises, which Mr. Snyder,says endan
gers not only
,hls own valuable premises
but thoseuf his neighbors; that the 'stor
ing of oil in tanks containing: large
quantitiet of petroleum' is a nuisance. '
Bail was entered 'by defendants.
Fifth, Avenue Bank'
At a meeting of the Stockholders of
this-new inetitution, held:in their ball,
coiner of Fifth avenue and Pride street,
on Tuesday, an election was held for a
Board of Directors, at which the number
of shares voted was seven thousand
eight hundred and sixty; resulting in the
election of the following persons, viz:
W. H. Sims, Edward - Dithridgp,Wm. C.
Robertson, Daniel . '" Kinzer, Wm. P.,
Weyman, Francis Siebert, Henry Meyer,
D. M. Armor, and Emil Poerstel..
At an early day the Directors will Oz:
ganize,' elect. a President, Reshier,
and aa soon as arrangethents Tr that 13ur
pose:can be , perfected.. wiliptd - the b f aik :
mtp owation.
potrimisaioner De ano e a st thefoll ow
lug decision , to Colleotor Davis, of this
District, yesterday; HA written oxtail-
Sion.oftho payment' of a „rn rtgage re
quireii the same stamp as the original
1 Instrument did.'t Also, in ,relation to
promissory notes. as followsa it& prom.:
baory note.contathing nierelypower to
iednfess judgment should be stamped' at
the usual rate of notes; but if,. as is often-
-the case, it mantel-us .one er =ore stip.
ulatiowOrk addition, such_ as ,. without
having'. the 'benefit of the eisirnption
la~we, art agreeMent stump is' aim re
quired. Borne erintainlcontracts - otthe
tnature of a mortgage, which should be
'staniged tut anch.H •
Sehurew. D avis,
pßy directien of Collector of the
Twenty-second District,
.tha stock of
cigars and tobacco. of Win. Cohen; at
No. 34Wylie street; has been' soled for
, .e; . ,
alleged fraud on the revenue. Some
days since representations were made to
the Collector that Cohen packed cigars of
his own manufacture into old boxes al.
ready stamped. thus evading the psy
ment of tax. The stook seised is, valued
at 1700 or 1800. Cohen gave bail before
the United States Commissioner for his
appearance for trial on charges preferred.
The Collector also seized a 'ffiumber of
barrelii`Cd tobacco belonging' to Jacob
Yoscof Coultersville, on the line of the
'Connellsvillo road, on the'allegation that
the tobacco bad not - been packed and
stamped 1p looordatice with the law. MI.,
Yostithiti.entered-iiall. .„, .
*Albert Price, charged- with burglary,
on oath of Mr. Robert 'Griffith,
,had a .
t rd
hestritig before thebtayor, es e and'
was committed to. indefault of' the
, •
required, bail for his appearaoce at Ceurt
to answer• the charge. 'Anent eli3ven
o'cliek on 'Tuesday nilifit Griffith'
heard a noise In his house. on Melberry
alley and upon gotug down stairs to as.,
certain: the 'cause foiled • • a thin 'in the
house. The door had been broken open
end , two estiests in the room were broke
open. the contents of one of which, he
was investigating when discovered. He
immediately left The prethises. • 'An offi
cer was called and started , in pursuit of
the bur glar, overhauling him after atrlef
chase. He VW. taken to the', lock-up,
where he remained . until yesterday
morning, when be was committed.
Retegade of the;Poipplio:.
The Acadetpy was well patr,onizetl last
night b3' those who Wlelie4'tS•iiie the
perforgtance,of the ratinegliciii , or the
Potoae.atuitlittiocintt4litite their mite
to /rip the eiMiers!c wl down and orphansi-
The pleCe,sa preiimie represents ,
dons, was adtnitably•Terformed In alllte
Puts; the gifitlemen add ladies p>}iiici.
eating 'becoming entirely' familiar with
the busidess: - ' , it is in , centemplatioji,
n neerstand, to- give-a -matinee - Mc 83tne
• belonging --tcsulthe? Orphanal"
Schoolerin the 'tuid'llcinity, - too be
piteent, ;LIT tide hiC is sett upon, - me .wei
hope_ t will be, tha-children,rx harp mi
opeortnidt.V to hearind d be something of
the scenes in which, their...lathe% Jost
2141671 ffi11i; 3 thit l'W!'mitht r tipicf/ the
trivilego of living In -4 _tree "sanzitrY7
ne notice of the matinee givens
Jgdatber.tiglit: c.
An - nufbrturuiteitidiVidtiallrita:psOlol:
nP by Abe pollee•slront eight- o'clock 15#
t P t •i 2 4) ll ii; kat ltesitigliuttitit
he had been pardoned oat Of the reniteri-:
fiery Mr tbe ligh 6f May, alter speticllng
eight montha ba that , Matitntioni lie I
was *meted on the eighth of April,
ahafged , With "dallies eight gards, of :I
muslin, in Crawford oonnty,.and on the
eigktli'of iiiegternber was convicted and'
liepten OW; to the Penitentiary /foil one
year and eight 'months, and after serving
the eight, was Pardened.
I There seems to be acme singuhufatali.
ty43Xisting between' him stidthaAamb e f
eight, ?end .tit' stilt clings to
came to the city at eight , &clock Tast er .
day morning c tild' !eked , but 'mew
drinks :dining "the day, and at - eight
ovnlook last eveninglhe oalled - stimniber
elitht qhird street, anowesthenarrested
and taken to the watch house end Naomi
itr number eight; , and hedjast - eight
dollars eight andpenbs hada pocket. Me
wit). Trobably gq,clut,4 l loKeNlic,
this morning:.-•
; ; '• v.
,IT4ited States vs. 4 1 51FILaitit
and was
- iitiinsly repoita.-Igryft t to agree
The case, of, Orego.rv,va. Gray, , pre-
Y,ll_ll6l.l`.relkirteitlaskillqatriral,, _ •
• ; un•motion of A,Blakely x. J. 4. H.
'Chimer, of VeriitigiSnOrintYwits dcly
qualified and admitted to nmotice in the
Circuit and DioArldtVoiiital
The following oases on the District
Cdurt trial list 'were continued for trial at
,Erlig: United Sttites vs. Abel A. Bennett:
-Same vs...Oity Oil Works; Same vs. Abel
- A.: Bennett, et al: -
On motionof:M. Aoheson,Eaq., D.
T.' Watson was sworn and - adniitted to
practice in. the United States Courts.
Court-4u9ips Hampton_ and
Virmmusnky Mayl2.—Anttiony
Man Va. Ludwig Smidt and Michael
. .
Barger. ' Action to recover ' dimmest&
au alleged ' - ccinsplritcy. The plaintiff
IM the case - is an attorney-at-law - prao
tiding in the Courts of- -Allegheny
county, and some time since transact ed !One business for detlindanfa. • Bribie-_ - .
quently he.xemoved to, New York city
tu'practicefattindthe'llefendftts Made
information uguiptik hits here of a orimi
nal nature; upon which a warrant wash
-snde and the plalut4 , lMr,,,Weis)ntep, Ara
reeled and brought . bark lc; this city.
Zion a hearing of the case' he was did
charged, there'being no evidence of any
criminal conduct against him; • The vase
is still on trial.
Preston and wife vs. Hogg '& Richard
ton...'BiotiOn for a new trial and reasons
• 154. Fleming • '•• •
83. Pittsburgh National Bank of
Commerce vs..Btniley. • •
84. O'Neil's Aamr's vu.' Wolf.
85. Citte - vs:litewart et aL; .
86. Corns ell te. Donkhue.' ' •
87.. McGowan. •
88. Peas vs. Cothran,
' g Jenliimk Cd. vs. Ifo'dices.
COinirioti tolleaatige Mellon,
W DNEEITiA2I7, May 12..r.itt ,- the- case•of
Johns and wife vs. 141cAboy s previously'
reported, the jury came into Court and
reported that they had failed 1p agree,
and were discharged by the Court. , -
la the case bf Long vs. Stnith, repmiett
yesterday, the Jury failed , to agree and..
were discharged. , • - -•- -
The case of Strickler vs. Howe and
others, School' Directors of the - Foiirth
ward, Allegheny, was taken up. This ,
was an action to recover, for services al
leged to have been rendered by plaintiff
in procuring men to flit the quota ofilaid
Fourth ward under,the draft of'64. Jury
Commonwealth ox. reL Mary Bayless.
Joku Davis. Petlllol4 de inebriate engin
sendo. It appears_ from the testimony
that,the defendantis, habitual drank
asd, and that he is Seized of property.
real and personal, of the value a P,A)OO,
Which be is 'squandering. The jury
found the defcupant it, bablnial:drunk
aid, and the usual order was made by the
Court, and a committee appointed to take
charge of the estate, real and personal.
121 uff.l.don4, - F :•• - f: •
1 Anderson vs. AlOert.
,90 Finneygmati. (' •
91 Lewis & Reichert vs. Doming.
:97 Greer & rdoblannus vs. Benney.
104 Welleraet ux. vs. Lancashire.
103 Willard vs. Johns.
169 Atkinson it CO. vs. Strothoft
111 Forsythe for use vs. Robson.
58 Dyer vis. Wightman.
114 Verner vs. Carson.
119 Nixon et at. vs. Ficaniticr.
126 \ Adler vs. Penna. R. R. CO.
128 leleNulfy vs. Double.
Opera House:— giltimpty Damply"
continues to draw large audience* at the
Opera House. The scenery is very tine,
and the spectacle of a bight* amusing
charamer. , _
Pittsburgh Theatre:—“Thi Peinale 40
Thieve wasiaresrented at the Pittsburgh
Theatre for first time feat
,night, to a
crowded. house. The scenery and, stage
•-• apheralla generally are exceedingly
• and,. mid - ,the se•Varal characters are
ivellaustained. - -
Comm - Error:Nu it:Pmts.—On the 24th
inst., 4 at the Opera 'Horns?, the pretty,
sprightly and - chinning' actresses, the
Chapman Sisters, accompanied by a fall
troupe, will inatnrate a brief season of
Comic English O pera. These dashing
and brilliant , young artistes, hava ,every
-where been awarded large audienCes;and
we dare say, our staid old city will go
into raptures when they put 'in an ap
pearance on our theatrical boards. , The
kngakernent of thelroupe is necessarily
brief, running through a week, during
which, however, the new musical bur
lesques of Ixion:PcirtYThievesaand kb - in
Hassan, the Wag, Will,..bgpreaented4
The Immorp;tir_et'll4.4lol2l. (t)
me to inform “Artima," through your
column's, thaCtider NY - anthill' Is now at
norne•in grie'bounty, - but does denythat
the Immortality of the soul, is taught In
the Scripturee of Truth,and bolie'Ves that
doctrine. Is the mother ot errors in the
'Lib - arch of Christ, and the baste of ail
,false religluns, and originated, among
the heathenj:thiletophera. If any minis
-toter p plurality M. • them,. of Approved
:icharadter, in whoitt - thepulic have con
fidence, or any laymen having the above
AualificationiV Wilit'affirtig•itc. In nubile
oral discussion, he will return here and
• &fay.' • lidairti Of kinreitip'ens have ex-,
preased , idbeire to hear ii-diseuislon on
tbalf ev al eikhelleving:Wigonl44KlPm.
' ductfve of good, and I hope- AF.Wma'
•*lll lay aside his mask and stand forth
boldly Illesfaidaar O` it fillilfligaide
few* of the Gospel. Phil .1 17.„' ~ ~
I;i,vitlitiffOtAtif de/ Mi l es' WPM; ed
itor of the Liretis, , ciritostori.has a stand:,
Ing Challenge to those Who ..bellettrand 4
' taadithlllo6Atrittitalihit laiready AI arkW.
time to deny it. To Increase Intoner
in,teA4 ..1 0 - 1011.4tonitta PO .for
, every paWiterof Betlptnialittiiii thelm
; mortallty;„ of the pont , 144114 utionixi, to,
any Oltdrativr ftunday'Sahool the finder,
May elect. ••• '• 'I" '"Jatitttla'StrAlfl'`-, , , `'.'
2 i ft lii Yelige rg il a lule "h Ptf
2 E. ,t , . I 2 .' A.
Brutal Outrage: :.!
' Between' , inietriifid liwili 72 o4llloA this
morning, John Sullivan, late &private
Consimmy Di Fifth 'United Btiltitit
try, lint discharged on-the-80th Inettutt,-..
at Fcirtlßeyocdds,, 6491AT/i 9 °, ~ TptllOrYl
was; attacked and beaten : in an
bnitistt; atillittetilifleiitritsi'Matlektrity2.
honie, to Fidt.,rlirpr,. btatig,,,, and while
, waiting for a4ritTnirenefrtitalthe Union
Depot tothe Bush Hopes, <where he took
wrlttl"th'lnli* 41.1htok - left' the - house',
to'gO'back,t4slllitigepoti when - he tas Ad.
lowed bpi KffiluVwfice,iellit stated.
armed , ,attligeT . 14 '. 1 4 40 / , :h e g i ft
from the .. bar.; ikeeper j and
.on the sidewld,lC wjthott,t",thCslighto4 .
provosation. knookeddown with
the mace and struck several tiMeil:434the
howl And TACO, inifictink tieriont*Otindi ,
The radian Who did the besting is lanolls
to the , MUCCI al111,W11). •
probably be'mirest. •
ad thKtilgtalug ' - •
. •
iC~f~F7li ~i~i'fa ~Y~I
17 — - BOTE,I I / 4 103 "
l Oringeofi kieY
Stets" a: t04111141:0018.-ilaini
-'• ; ', at'. el.- :J. =
92:LTuesiday eirmximig. creat excitement
was createdikeighiprfinedhtFike
strleet t _Tbirci Ward, Allegheny, by the
'Startling - ahric•nriceinent :that irr Rif ed
,:munter betweek two boys, one of them,
Iliad received a• severe stab • With ,a.
knife - in the hands Of his - opponent,
INtliti' it was Vapid would `Prove
'fatal. From all, we" could learn of
the circumstances, it appears that John-
Batley and James Grazer, 'aged respeot
ively thirteen"' and nine years, hadla
quarrel on Mondayoveniug E reaultinfi,l4.
the dotetit Of Grazer. 'The AeYateci 13 01
brooded over, the metier considerably f it
would seete,' and spent the • folloWitt
day in preparing 'a pihri for obtainirig
veneeance: The boys reside in the
neighborhood of each othe;; and fiattey,'
who was employed hi the factary; has
been accustomed to 'pass the 'bourse of
Grazer'on his way home. At the,' close
of, the day, awareef thin fact, It is stated;
Grazer stationed himself on'the pave- .
merit in ;rout otips residenccendawalt
.ed'hfit otopeneit:
noticed - in his Ratio*, • and, no -par. sons
seems 'to" ha*/ had' any'lderr-of his de
sign- A. alert thzie after he had taken
his stand Batley made his anearante
and'iiiikOirefirdeg. by, aPParePPY
"danger..whezi urazer, It is aidd,
quietly stepped up and stabbed - him in
the 'b k: a, large carving knife,
which he hadpreVionai,y eoncealed from
View. The ' immediately fell to
the ground,' buthy' this time the affair.
had attracted the attention of three men
is the vicinity; - who surrounded the
place, securing the .youthful desperado,
and carrying his victim home. Dr.
Hardtmeyer-L... yas Immediately . Burn t . :
'inonbil,' 'and' affsiiin dis-,
covered that the knife had penetrated in
hicrie,proximity to'the kidneys, sufficient
- to produce a niolial wChnd. Re nu
- dared all the medicatassistance possible,
but pronounced the ciemaltriost hopeless.
Grazer was accordingly arrested and
taken before Alderman Bglater, who.,
held WM' to await the reettit
Injuries.. At the labist - , aceininfe,
Was still living, but the physician bad ,
no hopesof his reooVerY. , The little fel;
low who committed the• deed- is but nine
,yeava of age, and evidemtly could - not OP
ti.nate the serious nature of his offense.
The affair is an exeeedingly unfortunate
one, and the occasion" of great grief , to
the laients and friends of the parties:
Yor the Plttsbursh Gesette.
nella4oltha (Deadly Nightshade) and
Stramonluna (Thernapple) as Pohena
• inito - atfoit'aitiOte Is 'Suggested hy
tag the testimony :of the ohyisidans • he:
fora the Coroner?Apiri s iiiihecaseufdeatik
by poisoning, which occurred in Alle
gheny on EisturdaV . fiat.
The intention is too-popniairize Memos!
approved treatment ihseses of Poisoning
by either of the entbstances named state_
head, of 408 Gym, pf.pokisp, ging,
by stratutminua (thOrOSPPIe oro ames
town bud) , are of not *infrequent mom' , •
• ranee, those from
quest, hecainte,it is notitozocesittbled „ • ;,
The symptoms produced by these two ar
-ticlee are vetysiniflar; both pn)dltine great
dihttten orthe pupil; andlrdherThie Net
are called mydriation both ver
tigo, delirium soinetlmes o a furious,
sometimes ota weimsiCelletilifttetes; put?
sip& and coma; a flushed fade is pro
duced by both articles, but,, belladonna
iiroduftr more of - the redness reseuibllng
scarlet fever. , - • • •
In the treatment, common sense mtg.=
gest^ that the' first beat thing:l6 be dealt -
Is to evacuate the stomach either by
emetic or stomach pump, in all cases a
poisoning by - narcotics. But this is not
always very. (teeny accomplished, at
so thoroughly as to get rid of all the tool
Antidotes are then to be used. It has :
long been known that the - mastic tt-,
lies have the e ff ect of destroying the'ac
tive principle of belladonna, etravponittrn
and hyosciamos; therefore, lime' water,
or Absolution of patron, are-vidrulible
Wows. • •
The above mentioned treatment is un-`
doubtedlypf much ,value and ought; Or
be Used in all eases,. but the most valua
ble antidote 'le opium. -
It has been knovrn for a long time that:
opium is antagonistic to baladonna and.
stramonlum; but this fact has,; 'of late
years been moreolearly estabilsbed;and_
proMineritlybrotight before the medical
ptofession.ld, the American 'llfedie4
Journal, January 1862,' page 54,' et seq.
cases of poisoning by stramanium,- sup
withopiam, - are relatdcL
In the same joUrnal for 'October, 1832,
page 395, is to Be found an elaborate arti
cle, a summing up df a• vast amount of
testimony in favor - 41'liter antagonism Hof
these articles. The experiments of 8.' 2
Weir Mel:tell, M.. D.,' and Geo:
Morehouse, M. D., detailed in the.Amerl , ,
can Medical Jourtal fer July,
clearly prove that these agebts, 80 faro
at least, as their poisonous effects on the
cerebral organs are concerned, are,mntri
tually antidotal. In addition to many
cases rseatteredthrough the literature of
the`medical profession, we have thhhfghi
authority of Dr. Drown Segues& In ht*
lectures on the diagnosis and - treatment
of fupetiomil pervoas a ffection, part I,
Page 741 i 84.114.
searches of these practitioners and
experiMenters, 'es weillg fintiiihy owe, It
regains,' thet, ,beakies tho; Well known an
tagonistic effects of these"tway• remedies
on Ahcs eye, there le a'dcinkled antagonism
between Mimi atregards their effects 'on
ths,heart t cliithiabrain, ,- iindOri the spinal
leorli s ;l4' cotektiesiotiktf th Is antagOnigni,
the domeof opium treproduce sleep ought
to begthataillistd usual, If. belladonna is
:employed with it. And alsothe dose; of
lselladonni, against reflex paraplegia,
ought to ,greater ;than --laugh :if Abe,
patient taking ..opium.: might
oniyt the same:thing isaxessade the ,antag,
msbau between,opium.ond. strunoniung
or hyosciamus." .d4411:11
1 •It seems, thereforuploi he•Trette , well.
established;a that theseBlll3StanCAS gintag- ,1
anise each other, and in oases of poison-,
Dig from belladonna or stramonium that:
Opium:mould beinveluableantidotei and
'fro olsoningclay.oplums :‘ that
;doa nor etrantoniummould-be-'of green 1
Servioe/to , scsotintigradr-the.)poigonouss ef-L
,fOotic. • raj . r MEDlcrua;Tin
The Keystone pottirV
I 44 1 . 8 0dPM:egto,gpr,is# ,ts so, quick]
rewarded as in the:case of the Keystone;
pottery. Estaiiiishiqg it is a commu
nity where all artidleis okineeniware of
good quality were imported, and the im
proalotk existed th at no:tante Azioufte r
surer could succeed in this line,lhe pro
prietors of the ”Keystonal by careful
attention to business and indefttigable
etifftio talnauttfaetttlrb Mrittlatkort 63101-
have in a comparatively enort space of
time, produce!' so . qualityta of goods
which are recognized by their numerates
purchasers_ as fully._equaLta_the : best_
heretofore la *11,901 lallnWllllvier ri ty
price. The warehouse,. o. 563 be
straetip well stocked wnhji Tall line ,of
thiaggitegiii‘Vbioh3Viirbeitt tap goggst
inspection, and be founcfall that is rep.
reprnilentddi "tulderiratidrogedp NA
Kier' a 'aci4 IroPipturii *IL receive 142V.1:81:11 , 4
, • t'3A. ' - J - et l j . il% "l % • ••%., .%%•
linpertint Interniation. -
Davie tatttle~ MO" die heirip . teftei ,
113:ibefa an aionare de4414 Jti
veitucckpr Bpfing. .
itnitatlon o uf:44B standarAl)authority
the ladies are:mleimaking, preparations
to imPosk properli - costturied ibrthe 'sea
"ton, and the, Important .question•
them is where can the requisite, articles
he procured? This question may be east y ?'
settled by, remembering the.facoltat .
Mixorbead, No.. 87 MArket street,ln
anticipation of the Spring, eleariges•closed
out by auction all his old; and 'purchased
an entirely new atock"of<4lreseVeods,
lace- goddier&d.,- i which tire
- now on sale at his 'eatablightnent. ' In
making purchases. ',Mr. Moorhead was
:Careful to remember the .wants of the
fade, and, as a consequence,. every ara
ble in the store is of the latest pattern
,and superior quality, so lluat no diffi
culty need be encountered itilntdiiitgae..
leetiona. `bur jady readers, we are: sure,
will be glad to - hear of this fact, as they,
• will there* be enabled ' to" take advert.,
tageof it end be relieved , of trouble l:4 0 !
;balling at S 7 Market street , to make their
Summer Boarding. , •
family, living *ma rftired(Part or the
•:eoliorrleleh-ba. take a ferip,ohildrewtb •
'board+ dnring•! Health; Will :be
the principaebyed.- , ThetOrehri wtifeiv.
are reinarkehlkure t ea plan whole.;
some food 4/111-be htnishee abundantly.
Cate Will , be 'taken Tor their toorifle, and'
bebarldr , arida destnid, their aotaxil)
Bonne* be houtinnedidurinif n part :of
.the dor. alieinatnieticrna on .the., piano.
All the-freedom ota,,country life. eoneit;
`ent with health will be allowed, and
daily Walks' in the . „fields and woo#
Under the care of a althful attendant...
_ Adult boaidera also accomrhodsted.
For fall' particulars • and iieference,
drew, )- Mrs. '3. Salinas,
3 :Coltingibuis County, Ohio.-
The :It °sanest Prisioner.
Warden Scandrett, yeaterdaY received
. ,
probahly the youngatd prisonet• ever
lodgedln in stitution over which he
' 424"
peildes. The commitment w_as, signed .
!y Alderman Stewart, of the Fifth ward,
'Allegheny, and consigned to the - Ward
en's care. BAIA Conner, alittle,„fellow
hardly_ evnyeare :of age, - charged
eating a watottfiottiffenry Brown; He
was cquittitefl 'until a. hearing in the:case
Corti& be had, whiChWas named for Sat
uidayfat ten o'clock. •.Thme days , Musa'
elation :with the abandoned; : depraved,!
'and vicious, will afford the !child many
'opportuolties n fox : learning:A(lw lemons t .
' l Vas the jail built. ter this? 1:1
• •• 6,e Titetn; 111'
cofesidere bie 'inquiry has been , made
recently the shipment - of•a
argelot 'Of eigartri to Washington' eitY;
whit:bat is presumed, were intended tur
tle use'of the'President... We eatinotaay,
.to ,whom the Ensile were assigned or, for
'whom. they were, intended, 'but. we, do
know.'Oat yiesideat Grant cannot get. a
-better e,fter than ,caxi be Obtained at 45
:Mind Street, at - the whelesale and retakf
:gar and tobittica matt of :Tito. Megritsk,
littr.llegrati has;infhand one of the !sag
-est and best stooke of tebaecdttild seta*
to be found in the City, including ailletia..
theist brands ot both artielsit- fle• !also'
• deals •iii pipes,c: tobacco: pouches, segar
and,,,in feet, everything usually
, found. in a first elms tobacco house, ; •
The estilillihmes‘Of.„,Cal'.,-,T. D Egan,
healer in -books! andl stationery,, Shah
11iivenne, near Snlithileld'street i la doing a
Ihriving . bnainess In omiseqttleice of the
tretipced,ratet at which' , :be s selling
%ooks,and etationery. -,Colonel Egan, has
I on hand a' 'large assortment of books, in-'
:eluding allthe late pnblicationsistandard
-4r.e., ad he has also an
lot of second h and' ' boolie, - eniimg which
are many rare and valuable werke,*hick
!will be add at lesathan..half
:Stack of stationery is. full and complete
eVery, variety of. note, cap an d
lettet paperorith: the envelopes to suit.
l All.:',the-lste 'periodicals and: magazines
4111430 found on his counter. ;
• • The Continental Saloon. •
4 Thehighteputation'HoltzheinteisiOon
, „
linental dining saloon has alw ays 'afte-
Ail 'lt
andthe ,ei naive Retrousse, it
rrtes is the strongest evidence or ;Ito
Ott otity:as a restaurant. We:speak
_edvhsedlyi'and- knoW whereof we speak
(when we - sav that the Continental dining
;saloon le not Surpassed 'many respect shy
anyeatablishment of.the character in the
The tables ,are..- always reapplied
with, the best- the market affords; the
rooms are kept clean and neat; and every
thing is in the most perfect order.
member thS Vontinented is on'Flfth,:ttve.
'nnei s one door west.of'the Poattifficti.
'' Et
~, Splendid' Chances to ui'eheap. , i
; Preparatory to Moving to his new ware
room; . (now 'bei n g built for hi on Fifth ( '
, . . ~
ifiventte), Mi.; C. Q. Mellor iscl osing out
biaextensive and''varied stock of Pianos.
Organs; Bieloddona, Musical 361111AI:its
of all kinds, at'vOry greatlyteducecl - pri;
ces: Parties can save from: too to sioo , on
Piano or Organ' by buying at (Minces.
1 Suchinducements are notoffCred .often,
and.,those who • want to buy. cheap; and
save money, shoUld visit Melloes Rooms, ;
81 Wood strqo9 •at once. > . 1:.: ,- ~6 ;0
, ,
' The Fame 'of the cele'brated,
13itteralms no parapell in the Natory . or
Medicine: The thousands thous
ends of betties that , are inade =and; - sold
daily is but proof positive of their =wonJ
'derail! .virttisoa Thousands •Jof.;Corti&
'cateacan be . .'popiced ^ahowingiAhe el&
pacy end gerlainily• of ~t tictigiumiv?avbigtk
-thqyetfill% az4,t49 M§444 1 4-WAketzzitYl
E,P anYl4. 1111 g , ' , l9ilch
cansomaearonam.iiiink - an , .doetor' i - for
theniselye9Otre . "44intellmi'; ' 'fficlitoyr- •
ledge their woriderfhtvirtrithlip'enit 'pre
scribed Wife Undeicitheirtiameil'':•They
ere mad
MAGNOLIA WATIM1.4410010! to the
beigt hi norted l ikls.P444lo9ll*randf
st e *.g.sql:
~- f d- . .,:ii.; -1.•
CorilC gornis:Cf47lkrt- WOII4II plead. to learn thetTor:Lindonalgt will enntirTs
the practise of Chiropodf Ulan. , city , a
few days longer, tintestnaNing thetnnur
who wish to have - Alerns, bunlbratzsda:
bitilAsiln cured wljbout tain;nr dm
blookto gawfm, AIN, ,Wiii ‘
„rginaiu :. ,
I ,taik B. : l ol 3 WlUlr. #cie , ..... • -
-re•yrni , •
~. , ,„,,,,_, c. ,.,., iii i,„t ~,i *-1 ‘:: :-.'i. 4.3.fri
Jim out at roo'niartS. , : , LT:4lll4l:itirehlield eft +
icsiaithtildtfillt Clair atreet.-.1 .: :. -. 1.. , .. • i .. • 1
•- • I - - , 4.:----,Ani. . la..,f' 1 zi- -- t •
Lade Curtidsw—ii fall try . ii t tid
itetykorpriees id Bates* %.1.3
' A. ;1,,, , •.2 .1.. ----1•7 ...--) ,
1 494P.MILwAsj.4 14 :C0VitelikelesiSk oeVet
verylow prides. N . 2.-Afil.t.,,clitlx:*** l ,,
J. g5fP 1 iF9 11 49,15 1 4, I k<7%)iff, - t r i . It';',.fi '
- .
'II t .. 110 -e!
Wee . "..: •
4 ,
... i i iifoi r j i r `ri.
Dubet i ;., e,
li glillt i . ' di *kW '1
nays.:. NY: *IV . • i: ~ ....' , 'd
, .._.z. , ••J` laie;o:: t- vow,
..: A:, - . : I tl 1 0 9 (f
RI oft,fdiesiv.goode t OAR sad'
PPPIIVI ,1 K9 1 %110 04111 , - 0be5047,74 U.'
'Pwastaift.9 ) .•/.!.§13,11 . - • , :. , f, - .qt,c'..l;?. .
• ,7 'Ake 3".=. - -7Te."tp
copier du goods
. house of , fistrd,
Xinakolt,743oniorn W . ; **lntik atAdl ,
EiritnCatree` t f i A, spleatuid Aftielt. s3fOtgiciri.
;dining room. bed ohattiber and stair car:.•
pOts isoiferethat - veij_low prim!, such as
10 conic) the Aeiibing of '
au Abso
lute saeritlee." 4 hoS4`loAishing to niake
purenases should favor Mr. Deaker With
Acall, as they van no whAre else purchase
to as great advantage.
')American Diem; Goodii.—We have -re
ceived, and prniiose.kcieping a full stock
of these celebrated goods, which hi style
and materials wild snrpass any imported
'goods of the seine price. Bates & Bell's.
4 _
bAt Bodes .modern style Shaving Sa
loon, corner of „Federal. and Isabella
streets, Allegheny, *lll be A:4lnd adepts
in shaving, hair outtinge (for adults and
children) hair ,dyeing, leeching, cupping
and tooth-drawing... Try and be convin
Becker's Farina. fertintt,n, Teri
light nutrltk4 Todd - ,' a' attper hr rd.
'Oci for puddings and jelllai; and: highly
i l iteorntnended bypbyelniVg l ipTallds
and ekildren. Sold by a)1 en.
ik 4Ary latest novel
, tjea ; and in styles far stirpasedrig any that
we have yet shown this season. Bates it
Bap s ., r• •: 3,
• The _place ; to , get White Lime, Cal.
Clued Plaster, Hydraulic Ceplent. is at
totter et Osaitiw'ik 18" Smithneld street.
' Ififiluiii#oo,,loU in Cuba. ,
CatTaturraph sethe gtuseerah clasette.l,
• 'taw/ i s, 12.—Accounts from
Spaiushnonroes report that after the fight
at Alta Gracia;Peneral Leech reached
Puerto Principe with his convoy. the in
surgents befog unable to detahaim and
that the' Cubans lost one thoutiandlilled
:atorJwottuded. , The Diario says, two
a thtnisand; bat the. Vase De Cuba doubts
.the correctness of the Diario's informs-
Letonia,. who made the official
leart ofthe .affsir at Alta Gracia, gives
details. Be saps since the fight, the
rebelscannot get together two thousand.
Thej,exesTor theeoffiiiig fihcal year are ,
to to s•edneeitll44er`jeent.
The trtig4tice pnbiahlal accounts Of
Ittrtlint'pentlaroatit u
Sagirtilvincingi r itith" large specula
tiger tfi atifhp9Alleara for No. 12.
is i r r •r , ;.,
,u litAR ii %
-;At tbi,'iesidenre o
the hi'de's tattier tright* Pa., en Tilay
as . ,ll;•ravilisobt WADE:: foOitir of Pitts
l'FafgaidtO LlLLlll7.lol4illihte . ect IPAlietidenbaU.
i . , ' , .: ;.1.• ~. ~,a1 i. ,- .4hilain - n . -,. -.,., ~ . . •
• pfltr4l ityis.*Tt" Toetdaf night. It /it%
DAVID, TENZarNe. to tht •Inlb" f eactiOtblat
age...p, -.... •
.. • 3 . • '' '' 1f i.: I
The frlpiica itr.e• famllv‘are reape394, ln.
Plied tira•AMpf ific. 'cinema from Ma 4t,e. reef
de ' *0. 1 515 XI kiiiiilireet, A lletain, CIO, Cei
A..eikrl4 -4 *6ohiiit 2 o'Clock. , ' -''. .! '
Eats 111.. h at
qt. [fitirltaura iirz nini,
..._ ,
en u mpatii44 plii? place from; the, paaldynce
of bix tp,er,l/..,71avr. fdr.Neall,ll434lcrocr v bfo.
151 ti ate pug; Al/egheny6#7. fAlfifirmay
Moit "_ "11. It its iicloct. The friends - of the fink
ilieiiiesitiCiWtlli invited to attend.
• • • •RAintfOritaz4zi Wednesday Anoinfna,• • Iday
12!h1.W169.; RYA" V-, 'daughter of Eli ß....
and Mariltet fdarnoun.
-Fa lersi friluf 'rd9l46 ace of ber riaren' No.
7/ Ltbirty davit; i rnonfltAlf ArTsrtNdori; atil '
co c ioev.z. ; • , • ..: • .
• COGfilliBk:lti;lVeditc , tidey-morotatc;Msj.l2tl4. •
i'111109,, Art IX'S/ f/LEN.N, alio of damnel
" nasal #4l,tmiDA7, 31%7 14111, At 1 o'clock
1 , ". tr'om thosOifenoe of her linsband,,So:l3
7 rOirtfl'it!'re . 4ll . 6lraerly H4y.streit4 to -pr o c ee d
,to ' rtiends or .
respecantlyktire(tgd to Atonic- ;; ‘• • • • •••• •
in nib. ,
Loth , lltiZA , VAATallf.lN o o.f: • e• , • • •
.the fAneral o w,tll - takeghsetfrom her late real-
dean:lo,l6. :Irff. .34sver avolute. Allagbeny
on TOI3/1131i.50 - Arrinweelors; 3 o'clock. The
Mends Of the finally are raStOoffally
vS)..*);01*:1 , 4;!,•:..
;0 4 : LIBL.: Ai h E-1 1 1. OMR.'
-246{.• 166' Tallrrtl.STBEIT. 7 , COATINS of an tOoIo,CRAPINS.
GLOVES,. LOA C - Off' description Of Violeta! For - =
tashlng 000ds foratabeiti. ltoozat Open. Strand" 4
aleht, Rear.* r Carriages feraisined.i „r ,
listrictuarcrs—DEV.Dayiu Kerr, 1,46, '
W. Jacobus. D. Tkomaa Ewing, 20111”"altttlb
viBAIRLES • & PEEBLES ' 7 11 N i."
AZINOL Allegheny City, where their 001 ,
11. a 7 • -
iii, are 000standy sopplied. witk real an •! . 4
but tida lin enood, 'Manognny and Walnut
CoMaei' at Woes : erring from $ eit to 1100 i's Bo': •
dies pgepored for Int r rment... Mumma and , Oar-
tines Zuni - tined: 'Ms ,e' .11 ends of lifoUrning
*pods, ILlOandred. °ince ssl en dslltonso. dal
:and .night. . • • • . • ~; - ' , •
Saratoga"A"' Water.
Congress Water.
Eissingew Water.
&c., ates t
Corner Faurtb Avenue, and
field Street.
AGEN'P POE PETER FQULRES , '.(l;oneloa).
Twee. rilemicals sad /rue 431.1cerlue Soap;
COnalekinir of a 13naline .Of Phu lar Atitis;
%leav e ..liuttons Spiral -Modr,'Finger Nino,
iVaatx.lnsolbv,, In'Esutmeanvldoes A4rite:l3ysaatl.-
Torm.k. roar), (ta9et Auld many other
:lityttlaust,ceteettbr •
JJ Ll.Ol OJCiALLWIL, 1 1.1 :: $:4
. r . rata i r 15 1 - a lr A tiv 2 „ : „.ll 1;"
• • ". r
as' '74ltEconAidiirilwit,--
wthild f .lesjiktiiatf , Sib* w e 4a the. .
polio IrisergUNthat Wig n -;
1 ::!411
.' s
1 splutia...STOCK OFGOlibt
.„,sinacretscr 14441-
omen* .
C'' ".
._. 0;
L 951
w HESPEN 0•9
5 . 0.! so NESTII;3ThE.To ttaiCitti
• •alved troth tb
Cbdr.) bate lass stee East
lot of New eoodll6lV;rlt*Bucti bsoaAi
Oa lig 'th.',llo!: 1;:d
and lalqiiSA.l4l444#,llP:iiiidbliPe;ftban-aaV::
ftrl-1 1 40 4 h1k
_nitY A i;" Tr s?/4 94 1 1" j
did assortment at 6EN_ TLE I 5 7UNNIgu.,4*
ING 000paligra atlaumeg to be Ibond at this
baud. A)* iattatiecu to maw etraminv,;
.1 '