The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 13, 1869, Image 3

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WISDNESDAX, May 12, 1669.
• The following are the daily shipments
-.l Oflue stock to the'easternrnarketa for
~.101iveek ending Tuesday; May fl. ,
Cattle. 11°4. abeep. , Horses: `"
, ziesda y,.... 330 2,3, , 78
~:Th day, ' 854 3,1396',,3,34 131
4,:1 1 1.f; 598 2,6244517, ,9t3
...... ;92 4,39 , 7 „248 17
244 2,846 3;887 16
uesda r y, 702 - 1,090 3,321' . 32
-:. 2,92017,140 16,392 31'0
~.1 ~, .. , , z CATTLE. i
'bttle• ; •
The; market has .beea • z doll ,
and ' a
,weak thus far, Ws week, a d
com*pci with last . veek prices, if an -
thing, area ;shade , lower . .. Tim very b t
nice; ismiaith-Milpoing 'stei3iii,"which t
h i c
• 0 :week sold at 8',(83834 , would hot brin
:rs over eight' mne- this week, ; and even t
, „that tliereovere, but few buyera. Moot'
- Of - thtreattle sent' to New . Yerk bait
•virreelt last ) ' considerable money, coMing;
z in on °need' the worst markets expert
.l tlonoed• this season; and shippers being
apprehensive of another: hard: market
next :week.took hold cautiously, and, as
F , a !general thing, refused to buy unless
z ,Cmaceimilons •were made. New York .
, buyers doniplained bitterly abcint cattle
being .entirely too. high for. them and
- •iefae :tif them insinuated that they
4 .r.;yrOuld;be able to forces considerable de
n-A:dine between this and Saturday, other
. x'wises, they expresseda determination not
'.to! huy.. - I,Privato telegram,' from New
• 1 .. - -Ircrkrtozday. reported that market even
. worse than it was on Monday. There is
one thing that tended to favor buyers,
. . the supply was ratherzlimLed, and the ar-
XiTala thug far have ,been verylight. • I
•rai.WEDNESDAY, May s.—Holmes, Lefler
,;tysit. Co. for. Neil to .Moses i:& Co, 16
weighink 20,800;
.White & Mundy to Don
, aviii 48 weighing 59,650 at 7%; M'Garvey
to cMhigatson 5 weighing 3,785, at 5; L
dr.• J . Shailiberg •to Beach , & Bray 17
weighing. 21,6 . 73, at 7,80.. • .
THURSDAY, Slay S.—Holmes, Lafferty
- ' &CA for Webb to Cutlibertkon 22, weigh
-' jog / 7 1 525 . at 5%; same for Quick to A - Ull
dc C 0.33 weighing 33,325, , at 6%; J F
• Smith to Beinh & Bray 3 weighing 3,375,
at 734; , Holmes, Lafferty & Co. for Quick
-.... to Beach A Bray;tB weigding 58,150, at
,7%; 'Smith -et Boon _ ; to same buyers 40
:.weighing 51,550, at 7%; J, F Smith to
same 211wehhing 38,575, at 734; Holmes,
L •sit: eirt;•for Quick to same buyers 64
• ,,Weighing 30,0500, •at 7%; See to Jernes-
VAirtin 47,weighing 64,675, at 8%; Holmes
_,L.,4 Co'•foc-Qulck -to Beach & Bray 31
',wile:4g i 41,875, at 7%; same for Webb
,AO . 1 1.5tcq3.-at 7%,. and 11 at s%;.See.
to. • Hally,os- ; kUirnzuo weighing, 73,425,
: . • F,tr-PATAIei 7. --11olniee r Lalferiy & Co.
c , lisi. searrte to Kelly 153, weighing 177,640,
•at'42s;Orraft Williams for Doirdon •&.
* Donald .- :to : ,Martin, 10, head , weighing
12,575; at 7f,and 48, weighing . 61,025, at
8 30 McAuley for. Vokey to Anil & Co.
, 52, weighin g 53,525, at ey',.. •
••••• Ttizsiskr May
.;" - 11.—tfazlewood &
- - Hliteltetbek for WEITDZ to Gillett & Co. 15,
- Weighing 17,325, at 7%; same to same 4,
.weig,hing 6,050, at 7%; same to same A
weighing 42,0e.5,- at 8y„ McAllister to
Gillett' Co. 12, weigh 16,760; at 7%;
Halals'& Co. to Roth de . : 53, weighing
-56,425, at 7,27!4; same to Beach & Bray
.49, weighinir 59.750, at 7,75; Holmes, Laf
ferty & Co. for Head to Kline 17, weigh
ing 20750, at 7%;: Otr dt Williams for
Robet to Akin' 6, "'weighing 21,150, at
7%`P lifts to Voter & Co. 30, weighing
36.300; at 7,(,.
WEDNESDAY. May 12.—Holmes, Lat.
• ferty ct -- Co. for Vanghen & Co. to Roth
19, weighing 20,400 at 7,35; ,Gtnadv to
- Beach & Bray 34, we ighing 41;450, at 7%;
Traurman stibohmarito - same 48, .weigh
log 61,050; at 8; Holmes, Lafferty & Co.
. fbr - Vanghen - to Hertwick 10; weighing
- 2 1,400, et_6,99; same for Morris to same
buyer; - 21, 'weighing 18,825, at 6,15;
Hedges & Taylor for Solomon to Ault &
Co, 16 weighing 17000, at 7%. •
The market for this class of •stock has
bleu moderately active thus far this
,week..with a good delegation of buyers
both from Philadelphia and New, York,,Pxlces,' compared with•last week, are
./pier, and unless there is a material
04,Ing,off in the arrivals, it •is expected
,that they will decline still, further.. The
very best fat sheep, did not command
over acts, and there were but very _few
- sold. at Abet, being ; A fair.. q uotation
for good shipping grades. .Fair to medi
van aold.ak 434@5, and , "scalawags" at
t43‘04., ,The daily sales since the date of
dour Lot report were as follows:
:May 5 • 5,659 head.
6 2,262 "
• J.. 1,717 • "
248 "
.. . .1,747 "
. 2,481 "
p .....
The Hog market has been more active,
and compared with last .week: - prides are
higher. ~,We now: quote Philadelphia
4 Hogs at 10®10y„ and Arorkerecat 9®9K.
-The hot weather of the past - lew days is
not calculated to help the Hog trade, as
the .demand •lor fresh. ..pork • usually
diminishes niaterially, during the Sum
mer months. ,:The following lea report
of the daily sales.l ••t •
nEI I lo• 2,044 - head.
• • 1,332 " •
‘F 7. - ...
. . . . ... 1,291 -
8.. ••• • 1,086 • "
g• .. . ......... . ...... t...• 1,099 "
.1... k. .835 "
, .
' 'Orem oi rrrrsotrmisrgazae.
. I The ei, par Cet presenttj iut little that
As: really new, or important. It is said
• that ;the trbuble in regard to freights is
,settled, emicabfraUd
concerned, and this, of
4 1 : 0 3mIlheptendepsyto,; infuse hopes
COX 1 . 040340/4 1 ,
Mte and activity in Abe bust.
nesa, though there is. WU ova obstacle
•in -tlin•WOY: there is . tot enough differ
*ow; bet.wesputhe prim. :of Crude and'
admit of a matgin to the re.
AT.Anidel Wont& only. drop a
'cent or two more without taking Refined'
with it, it is quite probable that quite at
number of xelineries, - Nrldoti ihave been
?lA% Moneta,: would
#TtniCeine anti -that., .tbil boldness
,yr leto satisfactom and, legit&
Asstelebel4 once more; getrualliCto where
At:Wes Yelig . or , .twn ego t and where it
now. . , .
.The Orude market ir , asin
!pntiabent. active , to-day, -the , zepo si rted
moteangregating, over 14000 bbla, and
0,413e.i.rav, nmaber 'of these were
taettleMenta, there were also w e .
Arealsettrede several straight sales: Spot
spr4aellep,optiommay be quoted at 14,
„whtle bliffles'a ontiOne from . July to o c .
,r~xteoldstt 16. , There was a sale of
AerateilTillyinado,: and, , according to re .
valve tender of _the .oil - was• made in
Abesit Leo aninutta alter the sale had
lieettalpeede Sales l ii tots el' 4,000 bbls,
j;tellefX . # l t.'o l : 44 i spot at 14;1,000 .
unelellell'ec , at gr- end 4,000 each July
"AtillorAnd"SPßtenaPir, 'lit /41. with
sQg Alypilidloge of - 2,600, July
Ito Octobliar 'me*
4= l 41-14'Xienptilth is
pact ve. a ex
' Tr4vtsr,' Improvement in
4111141FIMITLAcc,Ar.ank` Pte
4d e
*- f
We- 4,`•
• ••Ir!: ' 1' '.l
f" .:1,r4.....',4
lines of 500, each July .to '
December at
33%. 'May quoted at 32 1 / 4 for lad half;
June 32V, bid, 32% asked; July, 33y, bid,
333 i -biked, and July to Decrember 3334.
Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil 40c
Eclipse Railroad Axle ' 35c
Eclipe Machinery' -75 c
Eclipse Spindlf , 80c
Liberty Oil Works, 295 bbls refined to
W. P. Logan t Bro., Phi4delphia. •,
Lyons & Co. 239 bbla xefined to W. P.
Logan 6r. Bro., Philadelphia.
Fawcett, L & 9. 205 bbls refined to W.
P. Logan de Bro.
Total shipments Refined 799
" ' DEPOT.
Kenna & Ridges, 25 bbie refitted to
P. Phipps, Philadelphia.
1,1. IL Floyd, 20 bbla to , D. Cosh, Phila
Illerkete by Telegraph.
NEW T 04.„,„, 12: 7 -Clotion -is more
active and prices•unchanged; sales '1,700
bales at 183¢(4)28•Xc :for' middling' up
lands. Flour s®loc bettei for shipping .
grades; receipts, 4;237 bbli; 'sales 7,800
bbls at 16.86(§8,00 for superfine State
and western, 08,25(4)8,70 for extra State,
88,25(4)7,00 for extra western, 87,05@8,00
for white wheat extra, 18,40®7,50 for
round hoop Ohio, •117@f1,50 for extra St.
Lords, t9®12,00 for good to choice do,
closing quiet; also, 2,000 bbls good extra
Stifle, to arrive soon, at _16.60: Rye
flour firm; sales 300 bbls at $4,75@7,00,
the latter' pri c e for ehoMe. Corn Meal
quiet. Whisky nominal.. Wheat bpened
about le better on spring, and closed
quiet and Scarcely so Jinn; receipts, 15,-
'225 bus; • sales 48,000 bus at $1,47®1,49 for
No. 2 spring in 'Store' and delivered,
• $1,63 1 ;4 for' inferior' winter' and red Illi
nois, 0,85 for ambet Canada, $1,82% for
whiLe plate , $1,70@1,721; for California;
included in the sales were 15,000 bus No.
2 Milvraukeeto arrive $1,45. Rye dull and
nominal. Barley heavy and declining;
sales 5,000 bus Hungafian at 81,75. Bar
ley malt quiet and unchanged. Corn a
shade firmer; receipts, '19,240 bus
old; new dull and heavy and about
10 lower; 87,000 bushels sold at 80®82 for
new mixed western; closing at 80©81 and
85@86 for old 'do in storei, 86 ®B63i for do
afloat; 88 • for - new white -southern. Re.
ceipts 0at5,18,5,84. Oats dull; heavy and
lower; 21,00 bushels sold at $6©8831 for
western afloat. Rice quiet at Bm@py e .
Carolina coffee firma bagel" steady;' .Uo
hhds Cuba sold- at 113i@a2. Molasses
dull. Petroleum steady, 1735 for crude;
• 3234 for refined.. Hops quiet' at G(014 for.
'American. Leather ; Hemlock et:dein:ire
Active at unchangedal•rices. Coal: - do.
/nestle selling at 15, 08,50 by. mrgo;
foreign quiet at 111,419030,80 • Ibr Nety e.
tie gas. Wool quiet tad ;drooping; 136,-
000 pounds sold 48©51 for domestic
fleece; 1304@i65 tor tpicklock; ' 873i®48 for
pulled.; Linseed oil steady at 11,u8. Pork
dull and heavy; 915 bbis sold at ;30,75(g)
sixfor nets mess; 130,75©30,87 for old
do; p 25,74 for - prime; 128,25®28,60 • for
prie mess; also 600 bbls new M eel-
/et. June 01,00. Beef dull; 123 bbis esa
B@lB for. new: plebs mess; 12@18 for new
extra mess. Tierce beef quiet; 100 tierces
sold at /10©27 for prime mess; 1525®32f0r
India Meas. Beef Hama are dull, with
sales of 86 barrels at 828®31. • Cat meats
are steady, With sales of 280 packages at
12,.f@13c- for shoulders, and 15y, ®l6c
for tams. Middles are dull -and nomi
nal, with sales of 150 boxes short ribbed
at 16c. Lard is quiet and firm, with
sales of 530 tierces at 163;@18qc for
steam, and 18!.4@18Xe for kettle ren
dered; also 250 tierces steam, seller for
July, at 18' e. Butter is quiet at 30@40c
for Ohio, and 2.5@43e for State. Cheese
is firm at 20@2.3c. Freights to Liverpool
are firm, ...with! engagements' of 15;000
bushels wheat, Per steamer, at ;354d.
Spirits Turpentine are.weak, at .15®46c.
Metals—Sheeting Copper is steady at $33.
Ingot Copper , is very quiet, at $24 for
Baltimore..and ;24,25 for - • Lake. Pig
Iron is quiet land •firmer, at $11%45 f•r
Scotch, and 1,37®42 for Anierican. ,, Bkr
is quiet and Ateady, at p3.5©90 for refined
Englishend American. 'Sheet is quiet
at 113gigi13 3 / 4 .3 gold for Russia. Nails are
dull, at 43.1©460, for cut; fly.(§6,4c for
clinch, and Aft@3oc for horse ehoe.
Lateit—Flour closed very firm for com
mon grades and , dull for all other kinds.
Wheat quiet and heavy for winter and
steady for spring, 'with 'holders a• little
more disposed to realize. • Rye quiet at
51,33 forrwestern. • Oats lower and very
heavy at-86n for, western afloat. , Corn
heavy for, new western Mixed, which
sells at 80(481.q obilvery, firm' at 8511 g)
88MOin store* and afloat.. Pork dull• at
f.30.§7©31 tor new mess. , :Beef dull and
unchanged. Bacon quiet and steady;
Cut Meats dull and . unchanged. Lard
duirat 18@18%c for good to prime steam.
Eggs drll • at 16©18e. •• in •
: ettwateio, May 12 ;- East ern exchange
quiet at-1-10 diaconnt to par buying, and
1-1 Q pretniutn .. selling. „Flour quiet and
firm, spring extras l ifGe6,so. Wheat
doll, firm and 1 /;®%c'higher; sales ofNh.
rat 01,17, No. 2 at ri,ll3ii:/,/4, cl6l3ing
at 0 1,13%®1;14; aikido tChen,ge, No. 2 dull
at ' 01',12. - Corn' fernier and` I .4(glic
blither; sales cif No`. - :tat - 5.1®131c, No. 2 at
55558 d, re jected at . :19®508, new at 52c,
no grade 'at 53c, atittclosin,t at 60n for No.
1; 'nothing' clothe this' afteieoon. Oats
dull and .11)1y,,e Iflier; salei Of No. 2 at
60®60,4e; an 57®58c tor rejetted, - clos
ing at 60c for No. 2. - Eget:inlet and caster;'
sales of No. tat 81;15(005X,- No. 2 at
. - and'. closing with , ' genera
of , No. /'at $1,15. •'Barley "dtill• and
nominal ae ' 01,85®1,70 '"flo 'No: : '2.
Higblvines quiet at 90®91c. New Orleans.
Molassen at 0101,05. tigkar at 14®153ic
for common to dhoice:, - Mess Pork quiet
and steady at $3l. Lard quiet at 17.1,4®,
1730. Dry salted shoulders inectilie and
firm at '116; - short 'ribbed - at 'l4%;e.
Sweet pickled hems steady at15015%c.
Receipts forintlitlettint,i-83unflout8,328'
bush; wheit'2',B9o 4 dfirn 80,611: hate, 80,.
483;- rye 10050; ',iiiilley"3so bash;' Mita
8,687.* Shi limwattlour • '12',887 `,"bbla;'
wheat 4,807; 4)&1176;7711 oati,2/10355; rye,
-1,190 bask hogs 3,4l9.';Prelghtstlttll and;
unc h anged. • • : ' . ' :':
13 Tp , - I,o * May :•14?4tOlififeit0
and SmsterdLara pr;oei tlAtalawl.,,
tol2.4nothlui; doing. !gip, O nr . 40 . 1
Itabhanged. ' 'Float:111;M ~4tad:izi.
`elia.tiged;'.super,o®B, , double
extra. '0,25€17. :39lieet arm. 01, till at,
14544/1/q; prime fo r , c,b,_9 1 .0 4 75 ® 1 • 90 ii
ehPle 9 f 9 fl i PoL,PriP,gl Y- At
No. 2in slims . 4.1.e.i, *54 ilo. sao
J t
lots _Of choice lowa rimiged 140;10,4At
- oorn Anil and buyers holdlog.Offi eh oe
;yelloW and white"a edeX,it t or, sold at .57®
ded• in • make "white „soli/ ; atf, .87®750.
Oat's inohtegekalid' b ut, little
Barley,--very. little , do ing; it good to
prime 'choice. loWit 'sad: flops ran ge
At 81.,85611A . 14:4 - brOke; down , early
sales bronght 04,23®428 ~f or prime!
to choice, WA the,,a4Fltet elosediat,
11,1501,20: for good',.tO pH/14h Whisky
advauceo to 010. Grogerles (Wet: Sugar
1 'uncharted:, Iscialslatia, rangt tat 12©180.
'Molasses sells =at 7010:1kr, OA Pligte ,to
.choice plantation. .Obtfee it! fair;demand
for small iota at .18®26c.fer common 49
choice. Pork-no;,sales and noinli.ol at
faii431,25. . 13 u 1 k.iaeattnall. 8 4 1 98 4..... rt
salt loose rib, at :14c. • PaNn-43"Y;
JO bb ing Rees made at ' 180.1,33 for: shoal.
Ifira; .1(IXe for ,ialesr rib 'sides; ~170 for
leer aide,. . Lard sdull and hid at
rfvor, • ~..._ • 11 9 81
we • 1 4 7 0 , iwoolDte—tlour 1.800 bbis;
eAt7 bu, cora 8,000 bu, oats'• .1,400
b fictll l .l,BClo,lm. ". ', ' " '
~..OttreingaTzadai!ii;.iohatioi, •
miss 4 4389 ithda. at, 44161 J: • l i ionrldrilt
;.ilid •1- , : , 0 a j%eaaf.diid I'4 ..-- . V . .. 41. •
, )'FITI'SJ3MtGrI .GAZETTE: TEIVRSDAis. thiktlYPOn'te69
and unchanged., Wheat unchanged.
Corn.dull; sales of sound white at 67©
680. Oats steady, iftl2. Rye very dud
at $1,&5®1,36; the supply exceeds the de
mand. Barley
_dull. ~Whisky firmer;
advanced to 95c,, closing buoyant, the
supply being, light. • - Provisions dull;
holders disposed to 'make concessions.
Mesa pork sold at 140,50. Bulk meats
are held at 12(4)14Xo, but no demand.
Bacon lower; small sales at 33c for shoul
ders, and /6o for clear rib . sides; clear
could have been bought at 17%c; city
could have been Wight at 17%. Butter
dull; supply better; fresh 35©37c. Eggs
17e., No change in groceries. , Linseed
oil in fair demand' at $1,94(41,05. Lard
oil- $1,42©1,47. Petroleum,' 42c for 're
fined. Gold. 135% buying. Money mar
ket easy, at B®lo per cent. Exchange
,steady. • •
LoursvlLLE.,. May 12.—Cotton steady;
sales of low middlings at 25 1 c. Flour
steady; superfine sold-at 15®5,60; No. 1,
$7 S; feuub• 0,60(0,25. Uraip—Corn
steady at 65%660 for shelled in bulk.
Oats firth at 79c.; Cement active at 1,24
@MO. Hay firm at 422,50@23. Bag
glfig, 22 9 23,019 i two'pound; light weight,
+l6 @ l7 c.Ni•O:Sngar,'l4%®l4Mc for fair
lo•prime: O.. , Mtllasses, We for prime.
.Hard standard Sugar, 17c. Rio Coffee
unchanged at 20®25c. Whisky firm at
950, Leaf . Tobaooo firm; sales 294 hhds
ranging at 14,69 for trash to 126 for bright
wrapper. Provision market steady.
Mesa,.Pork, P 1,25. Bulk s Meats: shoul
ders, 123,c; aides;, '15%0; 'clear rib
sides, 16y,,c. Bacon Shoulders,' 1334 c;
clear rib sides, 16 e; clear sides, 175(0.
Hams: fancy 'sugar cured, 19o: Lard In
tierces sells at 18o; in keg at 19e. • Pota
toes dull at $1,25. -
BALTIMORE, May 12.—Flour dull and
favors buyers ; western superfine #5,25(4)
5,26 ; do. extra $7;50; do. family $8@8,75.
Wheat dull and weak ; fair to • good , red
81,50@1,65 per bush. Corn drill; prime
white 80(4)81 per bush; yellow'B2@B3 per
bush. - Oats unchanged. Rye; nominal,
Provisions quiet and unthanged. Mess
porkl3l 76 per barrel. Bacon; rib aides
16%c per lb; clear sides 17 1 „re per lb ;
shoulders 14, 4 1/o per lb; hams 19 ® 200 per
lb. Lard 19©13,4c per lb. Whiskyvery
firm and , scarce at 98c per gallon and
held at cirjo per gal.
TOLEDO, May 12.—Flour is quiet and
steady. Wheat is quiet; amber. 11,44;
white Michigan, $1,50; No. 2 white,ll.36.
Corn is dull and battles are apart on No.
1,66 c being asked, and 6534 c bid; No. 2,
62@621ic. Oats a shade bettor; Michi
gan, 66)4e. 'Rye is dull and nominally
unchanged. Barle3P is nominal.* Re.
eeipts-1,000 barrels flour, 6,200 bushels
wheat, 4,900 bush is corn ' 8,800 -bushels
oats, and,2oo - bus els rye. Bhipnlents--
400 barrels flour, 6,400 . busheitt-wbeat,
5,000 _bushels corn, 7,400 ,bushela _bats,
and 400 bushels rye.
PurranEEnus, May 12.—F1ottr dull
and weak; northwestern extra family
68,5067; Ohro*do. 47,50@9. Wheat dull;
red $1,554811,65; aniber $1,70@1,75; ,white
11,80,52. Rye 64;40-. - Corn in good de
mand; sales 5,000 btt yellow at' 88®89c;
mixed western 1_85486c. Oats • steady;
western 83c.; Petroleum steady; crude
in bulk I8e; refined 32% ®3234c. Grocer
ies and provisions unchanged. Whisky
Minwaussn, May 12.—F1our dull and
uttehanged. Wheat steady at' #1,18}6 for
Nc. 1, and 81,131/ for No. 2. Oits dull at
600 for No. 2. 4 Corn weak at 59@60c
for new. Rye dull at $1,14 for No. 1.
Barley quiet, steady and unchanged.
Receipts-3,000 bbls flour, 5%000 bus
wheat. Shipments-3,000 bbls flour, 64,-
000 bus wheat..
CLEVELAND May 12.—Flour dull and
Inactive. Wheat—:No. 1 lipring 81.30; No.
2 red winter $1,30. Corn held at 70@72e.
Oats held at 70c. Rye quiet and in light
request, and held at., 81,28@L243. Petro
leum--reflned noniinal= at 29®30e in car
lota for , standard - White; trade lot 9
advance. -ii ,
DETROIT, Marc 12.—Flour more ac
tive at 157,00@8,25 for best brands. Wheat
—better feeling iii tipper qbalities, and
all grades firm; Ira white winter 01.78
41,80, No. 1 do $l, 0, No. 2 do 151,38, No.
1 Amber $1,41. Oorn lower, 68c. Oats
advanced to 68c, and scarce.
OAGO RAILROAD, May 12.-4 care metal,
Nimick & Co; 1 do do, Bryan & Caegheyl
3 do do ~: U nion Mills; 2. do , Ido, J W
Porter; 3 1 do do, Everson, Prettou &Co;
1 do do Siineriorils; 3' do Oorn;Robb
& H;.l do bay„ B cker & Co; 110sks
oats, 96 do ; corn, S ood; 37 bbls pearls,
G L Kroh; 2 cars lupber, J Nariz; 5 bbls
apples, H Rea Jr; sks•rags, Pitte Pa.
per Co; ‘ 165 aks ye, G W liettahawyl
car barley, Pier Dannals & Co; 10 bdis
- pater, Godfrey & Clark; 3-i sks oats, H
Sclinelbach; 115' dot' rakes, B' Wolfe Jr;
56, aka rye; D. Wallacd; 25 bdis brooms,
W , Mardorf; 14 bbls apples, Voigt, bI &
co; Ao,. -.owing aohlnes, Sumner & CO;
/ kg ,buiter, 4,1we1l & Lee; 1 , bx tobacco.
J Alienf 2 cara corn, Hitchcock. Al & Co;
200 "bbls , dour, Wilson & Son; 55 do
higliwines, Schmidt & Friday; 1' car
rye, J W Simpson; 3 0 do floor, owners;
5 - dci spirits, J Fliennett. -
cLEvziaiago Arlo, Prriwommt Sao,
nom), May 12.-1 car blooms, Nil-n
-ick & Co; 1 'do :'stone, J L Lariox; 2 do
do Iron ore, Zug'& Co; 2 do do, McKnight
& Co; 4 dO . doi'Mcltnight;'Porter it Clo; 1
car lumber, R J Radisey; 200 kegs pow.
der, Brady% Bend Iron•Co; 50 bbls vine.
gar, Bruggennan . & O'Brien - 58 bbls ear.
bin oils, $ B Floyd & Co; 50 bbls vine.
gar,,Wm McGinley; • 10 bbls • old iron,' 2
iron.pipes, , i ' , Ones/. 3 0 bks, tobacco, E
McGraw & Co; s,bble Japan, T H Blunts/
10 Ws la ger
_ beer;J ,Keaslers• i 1,00 horse
rakes, J. Sulk, 8 1;,131a. eggs; 1 do ,buttei%
E . Hazleton ;, ' 21 ' bbls apples, Meguor &
Respell; 38 kettles, 86 w . Ironi,' A' Brad.
ley a CoVIO big cheese, Dikikeo; 8' bbis
green 40109, - 1 do egge,lVOlgt; 'Mahood , ds
,e 0; aacathitobacooi W H.Hirkparkit;2oB
,bgs brae, a.Dorriugtomr , r ri . , ~ k: 41
, . ,
LOUIS ILUlJuntrrAtalr 12.-18 eke
5, rAgN
Cifloty it lii.2 ,, tew eausake, J'' a Parker; '
.6 , haiir'rX.Cotten.; g , (10-4atiusigeolosto
• lir . ; x Hazeitan: 5 icse, 3 oases ylo P eooo.
Piietzfield•Pii IWO bbigfeed; tkilioolltna,
keridollotquedlifwhiekii Mintzer &11l
i lk iltilbi ra tan, , P , F#4 l llOl I ( 1 1 4C9 0 )71,
W•joir G • rdb Qs? 1 1vy Lapses; 1 de
• ; rye, A H , okkirl6 , lido' ' h' t ;'
i do Go; A - 047h W alum; 1 do shorts,
,Shomakek ~ f 4 .4 .1 20 14 .10 1 ei , APPU%4 , A.
Gear; L a tizing WilEopi VElporit Pora
hr bbia lierringe,W , WarE q. 1 .. •
C 0.............,, ALLBOEnrawc. Varmier.,•-, Hammitt.
060 bble oil, Fieher*BrasBlL do de; Pen
.uook dt Beesom .560 _flo'jdo,. Lyons AtGo;
2 care meta , . ;:t4 oo rbeAl l llo .4l kEi lII.D
'Wallace; , 6 ,dok rap, :a et .m 0,411141 1
o lf , r) to,c,tat, A weicidoot,6 '93 eke 0ine,1,3
'do rye, Nola, Giisatfa. Pbil egics,,l do
'butteri Tab Gordy +& s; I r ear 'semi, MC-
Henry ' & MO; It do•litile, lirineynolde;
.6.-bbls Ogre s Brdggenittill &• O'Brien; . .3
:pkgs, PattlA Gibi/06' '
1,41a0 oatii:and rye,
:W J Meek; I car .'- m etal; Union' , Mille; 5 :
.do •limestone, ShOolnbei di Blaii;:10,
•doz broon2B,-11Arkpasele , &,Co.: ~ r*,
-+ ti Alirdlifiitibrt '§iiftio ~ Ma, ' 1 2 -000
'pigs lead, Beymer,xlianman A 043;4e,tira
iron ore, Richey, Iferbangh & Co; 1 car;
. B EaTfolle-RelYAbertsool i , i t Alodqo7 M.
zuktuph 4Ro
all 4 mirk - , ;0, ,14,0. 1 3 N ,P: 4 401
60 4%40 gookhom ; 041E,', r%syvepf. ,C
'Pembertont `30"•00; . : aper, , - Prager. gin'
../detzglirfl! ' l3l ' - eizipt, .3' 0 Vi i i i , Ps
~.0,...,,„, '. B to ' r .•
isy, - .1 Botha; 15 inovoline,' &Math*
..:tt" -- ; , .., .e.•,....„..„.._ ,„,..r .
.... • 1 . . .. i: •
‘,...4,..4V,51.,Mr.'•;.-:z4 , ..7,, , ._ , :::T;i- , 7 ,1, --!•j. , ...:;„: , ... • r.,-....- •,• .-__ .._
..-',-.• • ; . 1.*,,._,AV.v.,121"W,i1''1•VVW,41 7 .igAgi . i .2. i.V ,- a;Pa 4 Z ,V,7017nii:iz1t:•VjVi T c.;,A,w,...zag1A.:.,,ii = 4,,g.,..7„5„,,.,,,,-...
• . - ~- --xo, - .4 ' --,-,-- Awrz.444.,xi,.--•,:,,v,-,,,,,,.....7,-,,zopy,-..Ep,4;_ ti-,.7,..„.,,1iwakt•-4,,,..0,..., v ., -“,-.,-„,,.&,.4. ~..A., - .•
- •. . =. . t „ . - t - , ,.k.,, ...... - 4 - -4, '. ' - --- 4e4gz.,, , -' 4-7- 4 '3-4:-* - :- - 64,4;-Ar-i,•.•••.''...--,,V:".,-*---%,.,.•-g,,,:••• • o - ...*' • • - - .;,t ,
' ' ,4***4) . 7x.,„. -2, , ,:, Wo.-.o,tic4itAileeovet4.4,74-f.c.42,gavaz: ~ '.'•ip.4, : . 1 4. ' " i
, - •
The river continues to recede steadily,
with five feet two inches in the channel
by the Monongahela 'marks 'last even
ing. Weather yesterday was oppres
sively het, but in the eveningthe Pity
was overcast with indications of rain.
Thermometer at noon was up ; .to 83,
the highest point it has touched yet.
There has , been no, arrivals since the
date of , our last report, with the excep
tion of the regular packets.
The Toni Farrow SW barges were to
have left for St. Louis last evening.
The SL. .Marys did not get off Until late•
Tuesday night, and she was' so unfortu
nate as to run' aground at Glass House,
and she was still there -Yesterday morn
ing. She would doubtless be lightened
off early In the day.
: The R. C. Gray, Capt. Isaac Whitta
ker,"is announced to leave for Cincinnati
and Louisville on Saturday. - ' '
TheEmtna 1p.3, Capt. lifarratta,
takes her departure for. New ,Orleans_ to
day, and passengers and shippers should
bear'this in mind loThe Emma is an lex
celle.ut craft arid offers superiorinduce
ents to passengers.
' ImThe Camelia; Capt. T. EL Golding,
With Geo. Splans In the office, i& an.;
flounced for Nashville forthwith:
—The Leonidas left Cincinnati for
PittSbUrgh on Monday with abque, 400
tons. Pilots—Oakes and Hamilton.
—A telegram to the Chu:!mail Co2h
2nercial under date of Monday says: All
the coal fleet have arriv ed, except the
Tigress and Ella. The" Ajax • denaitai
South with 25 barges. The Panther goes
to night. Tows- are being put over the
falls for the Stella and Homer. The Ar
gosy passed down. • •
—Jas. Anderson. second mate of- the
steamer Virginia, had one leg broken
and the other badly bruised while that
bbit was taking on bay below on the
LowerO Ohio. He was taken to Louis
—A 6t.:Louts telegram Under date of,
Monday says: Information has been re
ceived here Unit the steamer .Johtt D.
Perry burned at Duvall's Bluffs, Arkan
sas, two or three days ago. She was val
ved at $lB,OOO, and insured for $lO,OOO.
—The Grey Eagle, which. capsized last
night, was valued at jB,OOO. ,
—We find the follnwing ICI the Mem
phis Av a / a nche, of Saturday: 'Capt. Jack,
Chambers;late clerk 'of the ColdVell,
has opened : a velocipede rink at Hot
Springs. 'Jack is a clever, sociable gen
tlenian; mid will give the 'right =kind of
entertainment' to the guestk„of Hot
Springs..,Jack,.haa given uP, PiPe•toP
and gene to 'drinking hot water.
The i Cincintiatl Gazette sari:" Among
;the puismigenrdoWn on the , Ohio No. 4
yesterday, was Captain Hiram 13nrch,
who, it will be 'rethembered, was pilot of
the Harry Dean at the time she•exoloded
her boilers, Capt. Burch. has •entirely
recovered from his injuries, and ,visits
the city for the first time since tnat la
mentable occnrrence...........We alscr clip .
the following .from the same paper:
Messrs. Kendall, Morgan and JaMes
Kirker, who went out in the Arkansas
river steamer Ft. Gibson—the former as
clerk and.the latter as mate—returned
yesterday on the Darling ; because' the
salaries-paid them were, not adequate to
the labor necessary to be performed.
—The Tallobusha river and the Abetu
ponbege are higher now than they have
been known to be for years. The whole
valley is under water, and presents a
magnificent sight t) behold from the
pine hills around the city. So says the
Grenada Sentinel. . . .
.:—The tug We Come to Stay wati_sold
at New Orteana, haat week, for *7,500.
Loons, May 10.—About 11 o'clock
last night the - Old towboat Grey 'Eagle
sprung a leak, and capsized near Stag
Island, In the Mlasissipoi. about 75 miles
above here. Patrick Hall, tbe.pilot, and
Henry Clerges and James Sams ' 'rafts
men, are supposed to have been drown
ed. The boat was going up'the river ;
with a party of raftsmen and ,hanchi on
board,•all of whom find the 'crew lost
everything they had.
tB, 2@3c
River, and Weather
;By Telegraph to the ritteberib.
. .
Lotrisvimiklitay 12--Rivr with
7 feet 2 inches in, the Canal this evening,
Weather , dandy and warm,
aiirkift PACKETS
Nail VILIAL t 1
lEVAN6ViLLIFIeIagait i
LLETtid bet•fitiler ' • ••• -' -
'Will leave as *boa% THIS DAY, the 13th lust.
:.fot freight onaitasage amity uniut,ol , .
OR MEMPHIS AND g gia i t
.A.: NEW OHL INWB—The att ant
thrilrA No. 3 ' Capt. '.l • Ab:' ifAILATTA I
Will leaire as aboto.THIS.D AY, r • tb.l3tb Init. , •
For !Main or wasp. apply on. oard or to
~1, e; ;. i. Mini& eiIILLINGWOOD, Agents.
. ,
"ViR NEW. 011LEAPM,lialit
*-.31.2 I : 4 3ALVEBTOVi. BROW201;'
:VILLE. - Ee'fas-7The new and t stanneb-butit
steamer • • • ' - • -
• 14TABIOIth.d•No. 9 ..r. ..- ...Cap LE. •DALgir.LL.
,Will ,leave. As Above on 'ELIITE.II2I.ILE,,tue 990
toys fr - PLA o U r E_ p & sCsyOgeLLlp4 o W n
0d Agents.
i adir m e r
LODISTMLV.—The steamer,"
Will leave.tor.tha above midata;oa SATVIIO4I.Y.,
Mar Iffri, ablipersibettlit bear this la intact:
• ' l e or.ftelampaimosasreapplv on boarti,.beto . •
- , 1869......
militoti ..„ — um "
• ZRON • ‘i " .1
• " k nk
St. Louis* ilaq an , : Taal;
:..ANDALTZ /4111121199.1,1911_
, •P09111.;
One 6f iiillliptandldiiidewheel !Reenters of , this'
Line willies'''. St. Lents 01 it forargt ARavej
pertj-Dtibilette, Winone,l t ws
Through; receipts for ifireintlsTandiretfirs
;will' be given tti points eh the 11
eissinti Qa r ulutit it Ptll4l4*
eonnot Inc* t the Wert Line
Si, Louis. gip tionellinisee to gel?'
rretntit'lhrOten witnont 'delay , And 'a; lo t:
Pt..) A P , P4P - goy,* int o E. •
• D . 00 L 19014009,
B. Q. GRAy!gtatator to,
mb26tor9l 91 water sweet..
rAtzt, - - 011511Vlati
. .
, A i g
INtotrvicrANG. AND ' Rat-
KERSBUtte LINE.— urave Onnvnanra,Whart
"Moat. in..r. 0011 Eitrept, fiallyAtiSrm ~ WED - :NEEM.e.TB aniII . SATURD,AY#4 - , ; •
aAGLItt .. . L. BIitNN.P.N. Masier.
treight lOU . recei ved at anima:4 - by'
aHe. Astute
100 , WIIEIOL* 44
. r IDANICT rAAPAltagnl3/11.,
AND atztONNA(l4:—• t. ,
~...Lonvsii Pittsburgh Ealag ; Tuzsii:iy., Rs bc,
I.stri Cincinnati, ir 11. IDA
timer . N.
',"Tblrrnift knEl ItEmbi Droll •ST.
mADyg, T. O. SwDISNEY, Coalman4nr.-: will
leave as .slinfianree. .. ~ „ ~.
I,ollllo*kt or a 1 on bosifdj or to
a filv,ll ar... 0 - bittWOOks. or .
6 a, WWI, ' A oar.
;,r,r., C:..Klk tent rialithr y Apes
tillyitt..Thrl t c..iti;tuir.i.M. . 7 .. 7 ' ~.b eg
• '
- A. hill assortment of alt sir:viand ELSIS o
Boys, .ThittiS
For Spring and Summer 7ear.
• . : v '
• mvl2 41,SIXTH STREET. OMR St. Olstr.l •
'No. - 10 Sixt4"(Late St. Clatz)` Stftet.
(811ceeasors . Co & C 0.,)
, . , ,
nave bist redelved tide darehilly selected stock
of Spring arid Subinteritioale. and will be glad
to show or sell them to old and new customers.
The (Admix Depagtmett will.t Ml be superill•
tended by Mr. C. A.,MUH.L.A.I , IBRING.
I take pleasure In recommenabilttlite abo'e di ii
to the liberal support ot the pUblte.-' - • -
,m1111:181 W. AtIcEkEIL
•13- TIEGEL, - r •
Mite Cutter with W. IEI espenheldi.)
N0..6a Smithfield Street, PAttsiaurgh:
I tt splendid4gTrAtpct of • , •
CIL THS.r. cAsstmEßEs,
Jast received by HE NA T MEYER.
aelt; 14,erctiant Tailor, 73 : s,nit.bitelei street.'
, E 01:
' Eal e a l i . •
[.. The' Artificial, ,1414,,fgaquitaeturing CO,
All Shareholdierio are MenWeriiing the
- . Malibu Slade by the; Company;
To those requiring ,a, ..Utub , fve wonki say that
our own' xperience has induced as to establish*
factory here that would make a comfortable and
durable limb for a reasonable - price: • Aft r try.
lug' a number : of. solid socket and padded locket
lege, we hive eadh fbund More cduildftlitid bee
funiesa, -in... 7 thin ~:r4DJUIITABLE -,, LAG/LINO
SOCKET , ' than I n shy Othir Made bribe conn•
i try. .'..Ozie of our number, a 1 1 1.111,eit ntedll,Plei has
charge ..f the shop. We have bought the limit to
use two of the best minim; and Mout experi
ence we hope to improve in every Way that will
add tothe comfort, durshilitymralmaiMmeeof the
limbs we make. We have put rne price of our
'new :legs at- SBO.. Persons .•= Constance are
only detained In the city while the measure and a
! cast of the injured:liniblatallemt lc 1: _ t;:, '
4 he saving to purchasers, 1111 compared with
Eastern prices, la , from - 42U to MI in tagepries
of, legs; t least SW railroad fare, hotel bills
and eater traveling.eloensea,' and then *e *re
satisfied that our Limb unit Nye better atilWactura
thati-crnv one - in.:wean New . i'brk or Phileip4ol.
Il we can get orders, we can maintain our factory
at the above price. and we , thetefore ask an ex.
Inclination before going .elsowhere. .. -
We-make to brier and keep - on hatiVi's gamily
of stacklege r braces, and, appliance& far Injured
ot deformed Ihnb_N - 11180: crutenes, ttnetear; shotd
der brew; ,Itc. For farthet,..nforniation, or Mr- '
culticContalning Many testimonial lettergirom
those Vid'have worn our artificial llm Di,
60...5ea :PEW ISTXZET. between Thirteenth
and Fourteenth. Pittsburgh. Pa.. amilliti TvitT
. 7 • •
t• , r
Qualities andr. Colots:
P - arilcular attentrod •Itlactt to;Larnir Slate and
rc patting Sate roofs, For particulars and pricer
address .
J. §.,prElyamA,
No. 42 Seseettib 4.veituct,
wh3ltgs6 _ PITTSBURGH. PA
• ra
. Import Impoer and retatt d liter in,
• ka*r.. ispA. , rlic*Tvir,
CAR la _SNORAIIr/NO. 1 - ,
1 , 1.01 , 79GRA314,. A. 84, ILLI,V..,NATIII Le,
Ordereby Pall =receive Piitniltatt . alitioli• " Bend
for samples.
1.033 ClketsVill,,, Tbillta,
Inv 6;177-TI63&T •
FIRE - pitoom,
L a me
FRESH • SHAD REctivign
Stand, BENJAMIN ,P.III.PBEIIS - popular
NC."4s"Diatoond - Market, Pitts
burgh. and at the Twin , City. ,Alleg_heny City,
corner of Ohio and Federai streets. Can be had
all kinds of Sea and, Lake esti., Halibut, t3tiad.
beak, Codfish: Haddock and - Eel. Also, large
supplies ef WM11,44103 Ftstu..iiidateol6-.Basa.
Stergeon. Herring and iliantnaw '2.our, _which
...enables ne ta sell at the. lorreet , 'lna ket Prices,.
wholesale or retail. We invite I lovers .or
.rxesh Fish Sosiegua a callv anette'l,lll Insnr
them a treat. mint
- .
S.: IL KIER &CO.; •
• •
mannnictimis":o .;‘'
ofdee ind Varebonee..3B3 LIBERTY §2IOI:IC.T.
da#dli off arouwila a nded to.
Alia! coax iiwt4y, botritzeiTiciwe.tix
ICP aistatir,"-
stttftaltlideld , kizatiwoorneeof almond allay.
I Am-Tattles taaadvtimllias adapllad 0.011:taa •
said .a a stiortnattae. '
11:4":11,"" N E
.§? ...; ,‘I
• . AMP We DSO 7XIM I '3
ti iiti Os
ivetv bIZ4 I *llmisane also. n:
• •
. .
Aprvazz OF ;!
!-,tkv.‘• .' , l "1 . " . 1
W1'14).1).0 -:W. B •
'~~'~B8Y:F8:~:~~~ ~',a
VEn #00;',i1110.41111k
k ir :lfi E
Nutibeitilielitittbe: e:thada"' among
mthe oeletwateal 2%,
CITY.OF ' OF ...e.TWe.1 . ..,;
Carr mt. .110qp i p,ir 0 p i T o r N A T E , iat Ling !lUS!
Bailluir.,.• „Tamar 141.11UDY,, from '
14 iath zuver. New York' . For OrMoige or thrums
.1111rOpos.4011 ant" t s
• ‘l,„ ,•• • , ' t, •
ite.3l: Esal4s l4 Pitga l l ten
kot tirt ri t.4 LA m d;
, 461
Krn lotted vrr s.
• `,..0$ 1 1 10 araseetf;
1860 . ' * '
eirldlitfitGli, FOB
_ From May 9th, 1869
and arrive at the Union
burgh city time, as folio
Chicago Ex_.... A:6B m
Erie Ygn E t.7:518 a m
Cl. & Wit , glll , l6:la a m
Chicago Mall -6:58 a m
Chicago Ex....9:43 a m
Cl. &Wh , g Ex tlOrip
Chicago Ex.. 11:23 pm!
W'e & Erie Ex4:3B pn
Dewtrl froes Allecheny.
Bea'r Falls ..Ic. 8:58 a m
Leetsdale " /0;03 a m
11:58 a m
Rochester " . p m
'Enon* • ," -3:58 pm
Leetsdale Acc.ssl3pm
Bea'xFali " .6:13p ut
Leetsdale' -11 10:43pm
FalrOaks ann.
- -
day Church. 1:13 m
9:113. m. Chic*
Mr 124)3 m.Chl
Bung Ticket Ageu
CM. . . •
1110,E ...o.E.6 2 lfflim
' _Maud after MOIiDAY, -May 30,1869 TWO
THROUGHtTRAIIIS 'DAILY (except , Sunday)
will leave Pli t tsburgl Depot, corner, or Elev
enth and Pike , streets, fcr Franklin, OH City, Sur
. •
filo, and all nolnta. in ti e 01113eglone.
mays prnslivittin. Antal?. In 1 . 12T9808911
Day:E.x , 8:00 a m Day . . Ex, - 5:15 p m
aright Ex..... - 7:30 pm Night EX —' 6;30 a tri.
Brady'a B Ae. 3:15 p m Eradya It Ac 10:15 a Ili
lei HodaW , kis 9:46 alniltt eodaWqrs '1:40 a in'
Sd SodaW'int Sat , pm2d SodaW'ks 6:ldp in
Ist Hnlton.'.i 8146 a m lit Hulton.. 9:50 ain
Rd nu30ti...12 . :017 - .111 2d Halton... 11:00 pin
3d Helton:.. 1 t:00 PM 3d Hulton... 1:05p in
Arnold's Ae. s:oti pin I An . ..OWE AC. 7:10 p m
Charon" train to and from Sdrla Works leave
Ptttsburgh ar 1:10 P. it. Arrive at Pittsburgh,
(Sundays,) at 9 50a.•]ff.• • ..• : 4 -
Expre'as trains stop only at Principal points?"—
Accommodation trains stop at all stations
J. J. LA WEE,I4 Cts, oen 7 l elup , t,
THOMAS M. KING, Assit. bup't.
ROAD. On and atter April 25th. 1889, Train*
will arrive at and depart from the Union Depot.
corner ,or Washington and Liberty streets, as
Arrive.' Depart. .
'Nall- Train.... 1:25 am ai l Etpress.. 2
M 115 int
/fast Line... . 1-15 am Sop ern Ex.. 4:SO am
Wall's No. 1.. 620 am Wa lla No. 1.. 8:30 am
grintonAcc'u. 2:50 au Mall Trairi,' 8:18 am
Wall's No. 2..8:60 am Row.dAs Nol 10:20 has
Cincinnati Ex.9:10 am •Cincin'ti irk /04:441, pis
Johnstown Ac10:35 am Wall's No. 2..11:81 sot
R 0 2 ,3 Ap 1:10 pm Johnstown Ac• 3:05 DM
Pittsh , sh Ex. 1:30 pm Braddock)] Ac. 3:40p
Phila. Expresrl:so pm Phila. Express 4:90 p
Wall's No. 3...2:50 pm. Walt's No. 3.. 4:30p12
Braddock Ac.. - 2:150 pm Wail'a No. 4.. 6:ospm
How , d.Ac Not 9:33 pm *Fast pna
Wall's. No. 4.. 21519 pin Hosrd as No2:8:20 pm
Way Passn , r 10:20 pm Wall!sho. Dm
'These trains make close tomsection at• Harri
sburg forßaltimore. , ,
• - The 'Church 'Train leaves Walla 'SWUM (Wry
.Sunday at .9:05 a. m., reaching Plttaburghs
'IOMS It: tn. Be turning; leaves Pittsburgh;
~11 4 ,51 k P. 01 , anti 4ttlyes at :Walls Station •
p. m. ' • ' • •
Mixtchmati .2xpreas - laity's daily. All othe
'trait s daily eircept Bnadal:
XiarlurtaegiW r ra ci n-401LV. - ' • i
sinea oary Wm not=
sums any risk fornaggage, exce for wg/12
Duel and ltudttlieir responidb Inv to e
are•- . Dollars in value. • . Allßaggage. exceeding
that amount in Villa& be at the Ildir of ths
ownvr.L.P4,!ltallen by WClal Contract...
• • a9 2 S OeueratfluDeriLLlMlCllP Altoona, Fin.
yr 111.1 4 T E HS
LIIOAD.—On and April U11th,"11169,
Fssienger Trains= the Western Pennsylvania
Rai arrive at and depart ' &ern He
Feder.' Street Depot, Allegheny City. as folloWs:
Aeries. Depart.
Springdie No 16:40 a m Mail 1:00 am
Freeport No. 113:210 a m Freeport No. 1 9:2oint
sExpress... 10:40 aut Sharpb'g Noi 11:2Its stia
Sharpb'g No.11:20 p m I Express .2:50
Freeport 'No. 2400 p m I Springd'e No la:au pm
tdall 5:50 p Freeport N 0.2 5:20 p
Springd"e No 2 6:510 D M I Snangd , e No 2 0 30 p
Aboye trains run daily except Sunday.
The Church Train leaves Allegheny Junctioa
even dunday at 7 Retu r ning achltrg Allegheny
City at 9:50 a. m. leaves Allegheny
City at 1:510 p. in. and arrive sa Allegheny June.
lion at 3:4 0 p. m.
COmarfrrariox Ticawrs—Tor sale In packages
of Twenty, between Allegheny City, Chestnut
street. Herr's,Bennett, • PinaCreek Etna and
Sharpsburs ad rood only' on the tridui stepping
at Stations speciAed on tfoketil. •
• Tlltral.l2B leaving Allegneny City at 7:00
eteonnection Freeketh WithWal•
ker's line of Stagesfor Butler and Hanuslatowa.
Through tickets ma be purchased at the
No. ISt Clair stree t,near the Suspenslonßridge,
Plttsbur, It, and at e Depot, Allegheny,
For Ihrther information opt,' to •
Federal Street Depot.
The Western. Pennsylvania Railroad will not
a. same any rink for Baggage, except forwearing
apparel, and limit their responsibility to One .
Hundred Dollars In value. All - baggage et.
ceeding tile amount in value willbe at the risk of
the owner. unless taken by special contract. ...
Bp2B Geneva Superintendent, Altoona. 11a.
. LOUIS MALLWAY: - • r..
MANOR OF 'OIDE.--Ontand after MONDAY,
-April 5116th, 1869,' trains will leave. and arrive at
tha Union Depot, as
Depart. "AMIN:
Ma11.9:09 a. tn. /21:12 a. •
Put 'Line ' 9.43 a. in. 7:13 p.
Mxprese - Mixed Ace , a 5 ~, Sl33p. in.-. 4:33
:33 a. m. 5:58 p.
MeDiniald , eluston.No.ll/ Vali in. 1/4:1191,
Steubenville Accommod. 3:59 p.m. 9:33 a. zn
McDonal4.4 Ace , n; No. 211:1t+ m. WIN p.
13aadayChArali.Train.. 151:58 p. 131. 9:58 a. pl.
arsll:ii P x. inen will leave daily. „..
12:13 P.' at. train will arrive daily:.
/Walther trains rill run daily, timidity° except
ed: • The 9:43 a. stun Train Makes close lc; war -
l. , Ne_ic
gl ' ect49 a B.*F.'l3CULL,'Oettez•atTictet Anent.
W. W. OAR% Bunn., Steubenville.
• comirmus v Li'
kqd:P494.11. • ; , E;i
• On and 'after VI2ICt3DAY.•
Ina!, trains Will str ive at and depart from its
Depot corner of Grant 'and Water streets, as
HatltoandfromUnioa•' mart. ,
• • • -7.00 "5. '
Exito ud llroom Untio: '3:OOP. 'lt. 10:10
West - Newton Acconod Y. 8:35 A,
'Braddock's Accomdril. - 6:151". 7:50 r. 11
Night .5c., toldcli'sport.lo47o r. M.- • 6:405 Mx
Sunday Church Trsdn to" •
and num IrestNewton. 1.00;p . Y. /0:00
Pot: taake apply to
W.B. StOll7, Superin.tetteilif.°3l)'
QmoK y 'mulm"
fION 'PA6:ke
Diatom Division.
nowrie from the/Cart Loan points Pi
Colesado, • ellieviuki,
Pa.l9? ) ! # a4 . Ptah,
; , lArizona ; wastriow ai
: : :to*
, woo/taw Au* Siateitulh and Laverne*,
,grya r a rthwz g litt em i z o m.
it artal4,4%*kt ?a Mgr=
litge 41,10V044494Cibtttenti' t
11 4 TIXP or n p6 , %ZuktVaticii
All Ppi :1111lie IteiritOr
And With 8.1aP05580274
• or COACIIIXB tbr Fort 'Craton, Bent's , "We..
Albuquerque, ,Banta re, and ail 4 , 041 1 4
.sons and NOW'MeXiCO: '
with the recen additions •of _„,,stufm.
as equipment, and the' arringetnenta
wltn:te sponge's Overland Transportation Un til.
horn its western terminus,' tills' road now
unequalled tiollitles for trawakeslost,OF
ttetant to' me - I%r West. _
Ticks:a:or. seta et In the etilielPut. 4ll7
"the Vatted 'Mates and Canadts
Be sure and ask for. tfcces.!os THESIVI
BILL soirrt_ - usurat ), aim AI
&SOMA Pit latION: •• 't , ' 1!s
4: '..
It14101 1 MP).!
C .. ~~~ ~.
"__ _ _
— M
trains will leave fro
Depot, north aide, Pitt:
ri. Chicago EAr
x... ve .1:58 42n,
I Chicago Ex../2:03 p as
heeling Ex 1048 a us
iht. I. mils Ex 7:08 n in.
Chrgo Ex &1114:08 p ot
iCleveland Ex 3:53 p El.
Erie et YienExs:sBp ns.
Cl. EtWirg .F.16:53pm
1 • Arrive ea AM/Mem,
Leetsdale A.e..8:58 am
Bca'r Falls . 8:25 am
New Castle "10:23 am :13am
i. eetsda , e . 1 9
Bear Falls " 2:43 pm
Leetsdale " 4:33 pip.
6 6 6. 7.23 tm
Fair Oaks San
day uhurch. 9:58 ass
o Express leaves daily.
• Express arrives daily.
. N. id • CULLOUGH,
. _
.Gen'l Supten't.
.t~ :.'i f:;.