N } s. P TO A POLITICAL: OPJPOIVIENT. . BT OIf4InOLD.ARZNITIIIII. • ' I send lON tIY, words orchier, ..-. " Thou vest. " est, testy of • ‘.' /for /ha e Mart d thy Strong c Ai traced by b y own sturdy' p e n ; 3've seen thy &Lag:V-8 with the fo,s That dared thee t tieresperstenght; And loved to ti t an thy oomy Motes Dealt. Am themuise-thou deeni,st starlight, .... Thou`st dared to stand strahmihe Wrong When many falterell by.thy side; I Ila thy own-wet:4(Ln bast dared b e Strong, Nor oo another's- arm relied. --- , Thy owni bola thoughts 1 bowel dared to think •• hritown reat purposes &towed I , And 'mid have Oyer see thee soma 1 tri tbe tierce surges or the crowd. Thou. all unaided and al ne. Dldstltake thy way in' Ifent young years, - Flitla no klodband clasneu thyhY own, No gentte voice to southe tears. • But m y nigh heal t ..0 ptllver conin tame, And thou hest never ceased to f. el Ailjaln thy veins a sacred dame That turned thy Iron nervan to steel. ‘ I F KnOr that thou tut not tempt rom all the weak nete l ekor earth. , For pasaion ctithes to ron and tempt , . The truest souls of mn I birth. . . Ent thou haat well stuail thy traat, ' .. • . In aphis of hope and lo velnd fear. Anche , en the tempest.- t hou der-Rust But c.ears thy splr.t's atmosphere. . , Thouiltlll art iii:tliYinailMoil'atttline, atn/ furemost.'mluthy fellow-men, , . • Though in t ach year of all thy time Thou hart compressed 1 hrsescore std ten. Oh. mar ear.h bless* d ave. p tthy, :, , . . Breattted on shee whh a , tear and algh, ~ • : A sWeet Rosser In_thy pathway A Wight star la thy clear blue sky: " ' ' '' • • • -441 inedianionds are found in GeOrg* 7:potuif', Joh'kings ',lvate,.divorced In Bosten last week. Richmond has,pmdiaced a live baby weisghlnita, ounces.; , • -4• A Idlssachusettswoman has invented an improved sewing machine. - ;Lansingburg and Troy, New. York, are to be consolidated at once. ... , HentuckY is about to spend .$760,000 in improving her State House. --Gold bearing quartz has been found in the neighborhood of Hoboken. • - '—The newest version of an old prciverti is, "it is. never too 'eciriy to Mend:" ' --Auslerri Bey, a general of the Turkish army, is now visit Wasldogton. Mltheir has beeri'Made an the :Edinburg University. 111neh•sriger Cane - has beet planted in the e -*a4ey, West Virginia'f - t - tdeventeen cotton factories are abort to be built in as may towns in 314sissipPl, 163.tirs,RIlen Gibbs, ' of'lndiaae, is just years old and her husband is 70 years older, - • • 7 - ralif and Sprague make. a fwe team. A .noble pair of 'disinterested, profound refbrruera:: - t 4 hqHeston .1?ost thinks the Ha boys tvill be heard In England, as: re w ard loud An overdose, ot landanma is said to, haye been the cause of the died, ' OfAn firew Johnson'a son. -of stale b tation meerschatima are now made dead, which ..'is said to .laarden• and color very finely. Yeherton, for so • long a time 14eard of, has jagaim turned up—this time in New Orleans, —Londonderry, N. H., , will celebrate her orehundred and fiftieth anniversary on the 10th of June next. —An exchange; says truth is mightir and will prevail, put it Is mighty slow sometimes about prevailing. —An organ in New York is played by electricity. - It plaYa like lightning, and in a truly shocking manner. , —Elonidanxions inquirer wants Senator Spriikte to tell the difference in the prices of serenades in the various cities. —Prince Alfred has $75,000 a year and his pay as 'officer ,of the Navy. Few younger sons are so well provided for. —Lady Franklin; when last heard from, had arrived atiLiabon, after a long sojourn in Madeira, Teneriffe and Lanz. wrote. —A man in Kentucky has been sen tenced to three years in the penitentiary foreteeling two-i nfants—preserved in al cohol. —A New York firm has brought am against a firm at Hong Kong, China, for $86,000, In failing toi make shipments ordered. '-The total value of the gifts presented to the Pope . on his recently celebrated fiftieth anniversary is estimated at $4,000,- WO in gold. —The New York Sun thus pithily Emma op the cliiims of the Independent:„92lew- Lag machines an ”d religion—such as it is, at $2,50 —A a übanslofa,oo3o J case of ' lry givenb ewe , y Cmily to aid the revolution, will be,raffied for at the Cuban Fair at New York at $5 per ticket. -- he expense of the thing, i ll ra id to • Assassination in; Georgia. be . killing off polyganiy in Turkey, The N. Y. Tr Ounee'Atlantit(Ga.) cor: as the i . kish ladies are beginni ng to get respondent, says: Hon. Joseph Adkins, lit as . an ideas about drfts. ' Republican Senator frota•tbe Nineteenth —B aill'lms been called npon toreturn District, Wag assassinated in Warren a kiss or a Blow. This is'a good deal t o county, this State, on Mori ay. He had silk Of country jest freeing itself from been frequently warned not' , to enter the the en . • ement `Of 'one of our Webbe, coun though it was his birth:place iitul '= . ere aniseven hundred and twenty. WI! h ome., Paying no attentiot A t 9 tlgenie nine . ,____ ~ the California peniten. , he started for home, a, few ~ dikys ago. , ;On ° ru P anu '°' • ''',l 'Thming et Deering, Station, eightallcs tiiwy;' . d,Only twehundredand fifty:one from hie rekituine„,ht s. o arr i sgo met hi m, of th. „ were born in the ' united s tun. s_nd in it he proceeded i s ho ~t,..00 ;a hasioghtpthree • „,. Whea within two miles of his hoes% a ~ , which wordy:nue are Unitarians, sixteen , sainted Ziff:Adkins.' ha'recioan " di e • ' ()! , sixteen, sixteen, six: Tio salutation was insta'ntii - gr imed . teen • tit4st,. 'sixteen Baptist and Rini: 'sad wal A cc oniPtirdel by die 4iptinsatisk' tired et t e Bewtor's t een E p ...pelt.", ' ' l'erli=ttgicl' the' art ' 64 .- ?rim —Lo don has a , deaf and dumb debat.. , diert,,ihe t:L'Eaktlgititnin n a y , m r ,, lug clui; consisting of twenty.five mein. Adkins was .a staunch :' Rep !Men had ben, w o debate upon the popular sub. r t b : e 2 Xig years 'a B aPtiet Minister; and jeers of ,the day.._ The q ttal ! ff ea t l° l2B are Political LPirlintlit;blealPrivatocharacter" a prod .-:3: in dittylololm, of the :delegation of Georgians :Who . I l e e —Th •New York Legialatnre ihish lied rresident Grant "some WI; ago e to . 1 has in . ..rated The Hansoin-Cab Cern. i York cii • ~„_„..• , urge a fullY legal recoil R 11 14.0 11 -, _ —tyi haa ritFit. -in° State- trete the nd 14411nf in er hi m e rate tif: •at thirty cents per mile• for 'ber of the Legislature andPseu lies f ite m one . • . nand forty cents urn:, -'' deleghtinn, murdered since: the adjoin:nth" a • , • ent of m e , Ht. . 11 ----' —The : •iud of , gnardians - cif the Poor ni Mongrels. '''''' m - r• AYre, j, ,_, . , ~ , , ..... . ,bnit perislied by.the waysid al inn' ip,foAgt .phis have, Toted ny a large mit.. me n d e d Iko • n : l i d ~,,,- ned.-p 4 . - --•••41.• -. :: „,, - 74 ,- NI eabligokiid jority to ... t 'omen •go t Ludic clinics,. o ritabi ty ."...-.. L , ., ..)-..?.. re ....0f. •-7 , 1 \ . ~~ --- _~~~~ thus giving new opportunities for practi. cal study to the female medical students intim! city. • ' ' , —On the silth of April the scholars and teachers of the fieedmen's school, at An derscepille,'' , Genrgia, :fiecorated _with flowerithe gravia' of the'thirtem thou sand eight hundred Union soldiers in that neighborhood. —Thirty barrels ,cif New Mexican wine arrived in St. Louis, on- Saturday, from the valley of the Rio Grande. Ninety barrels more tire lin the ifei. This is thefirst wine' ever bcought there from New,idexico. ' —With a grand barbecuoand festival at FrankfbrOlie peOple of Rentneicy pro pose to Celebrate, the one hundredth an niversary Of the arrival of Daniel Boone in that State, which event took place on the 7th of June, 1769. —For fashionable churches, the latest 1 idea is a retiring room, like' that of the opera ' house, - where ladies • can leave their eloakt, 'parasols. &c., arid, thee encifieberect, Welk' the serviee in all •the glory OfgOrgeous -taint:dent." I —At Attlebc!rough, Maqa. , a 'bind: 'hearted gc*Pugui,.hakAkao‘ FireOlda ibr the comfort of the elderly ladies .who spend the inte ntdesionntchuret,. by fur fishing them with tea, sugar anti milk, and all .the apparatus necessary to a social cup for dinner. , A contemporary hope's those patriots who are just now so anxious to get the ,country into anotherwar, on* account of Cuba or thel.labjnria Claims, will not at tempt• to dodge the conscription when it breaks' ont ; or Cry oat against the ,taxes ; i or deal , balhoddy,and try to get co ntracts. —The men"whetwill never die are the man Who voted for • Wa4dugton, the man who first nominated;Grant, the old est Freemason,. the last soldier of the Revolution, Jefferson's body 'servant, the oldest American actor, and theman, who, originated.the idea of the Pacific railway. — Sergeant Bates seems to ' 'be stupid enough to ,actually believe that People want to see him, and so he has been ex hibiting himself 'in his uniform In Xl waukee. Half thepeople never beard of Bates, and moat of those who did can't remember.in what Particular way it is al leged he Made an ass of hicaselE —At Jacksonville, a few days ago, a man had in his possession a grub 'worm brought from Missouri, which, though itself dead, had a live plant groiing out of its body. T The plant- was qaite long, and aeetned likely to become a shoot for a forest,tree. It is supposed_ the worm ate the seed and died, whereupon the seed took life iirid grew. —A fitabiOn paper in Paris, edited by ladlea, eayirthat American ladies are no longer thefivorites of goottaechay that they used to be. Too many ill-bred American Nvomen have recently made their appearance there, and by their im pertinent and indiscreet conduct, have done a great deal of harm to the whole class of their country-women. —There is a song called "The Moon is Out To-night, Love." which bothers us to know whether darkness or light has been gained thereby. If it was out, in one sense, it would probably give a good deal of light; but, then, if you want to have things.dark you put out the gas, and if the moon was out in that sense, why, It was probably told to the before- m entioned love in order to warn her against mud Puddles, and the like. —With reference to that "golden spike" which was yesterday driven formally into the tie, the New York Herald asks: "How long will it take the crowd that assembles where the last spike is driven in the Pacific Railroad to dispere/ How long will each person linger in hopes to be the last?" Rev. P. V. Naaby, having failed some time ago to get the contents of the,corner atone, must be well watched until some one else gets the spikes. —Seireral receipts arc now offered as sovereign remedies for hydrophobia. Bl ecampane is one of theise. Another, pub lishea in the Leipziger Zeilung, is to bathe the wound in warm water and vinegar, and when that has dried pour a few drops ofmurlatic acid on the wound. The mad stone it is claimed was successfully ap plied in Tem) Haute, extracting a spoon fal of poison; and the Indianapolis Jour na/ says that Dr. Fry of that city has suc cessfully treated several desperate cases by administering bromide of potassium, increasing the doses to two "ounces per day. EPHEMERIS. , 1 *4'' ' '' • ~ ' 4'. 4% - t,; • ' ' * -..::?'" • , ~ ...,,..•'^ V ,', . k .,,1:,,.., . 7 . ,,t .4,5-'4- , :C .V, , ,, f . ., ..v. v , 7,:; , ~. , ~-. , • ' \ ' " .7= ';'..-A ... ..,(4 . ..‘ 7 4, , g, , , , X . 0 . : .. ‘ • . , , . , Ell 4 - ;BMAgt GAZ#TE : T$ DAY. MAY 13, 1869. EI Liter the Last Rail. A. dispatch from the 'point of jtuattion ofthe Pacific Hallways gives the follow ing account of the formal plating of the last rail: The ceremony was witnessed by the The officers' of both ooh nice land ;about two hundred-inViteff guests.. „. Thee ntire seemlier — or employes and guests - did not probabl ' Y exceed one thousand. After exchanging the while the laborers of the Union Pacific and Chinanien of the Central were em.' . ployed- In arrangingl - - traektrfor the i last rail, and before Dr eding with this ceremony, the: ev. Dr. odd - offered uP I a prayer, asking the favor of heaven up on the enterprise ~, '- I , This was foll Owed by the speech of Dr. til Harkness, , : of California, in presenting Go vernGoor Stanford with the spike of gold, wle replied to bY; Governor Stan ford In' a few appropriate retharks. Thinithe two last rails were laid, s hatoppo ite each other. ' Wires were so arranged the City Nall bell at San Francisco was struck at every stroke of the hammer, and the , last stroke discharged cannon connected at tian`l,'raireisce , in electrical circuit. 'The lines,eaat were also placed in connection', Li mart Tory, stroke at Omaha, Ohlcago, New ,York and Boston. About twelve o'clock7tie work of driv ing the last spike, commenced amid the deafening shouts of the multitude : • In less than two minutia'. the great coati nentathighwayfrOm teeari to ocean was an accomplished fact, , . Through the . ..lyailtinginn ' ;telegraph office, acennection Wai made with New Orleans,,,and the follewingrepOrt is made: The manager adjuate4 a bellto the instru ment in his private office, tad notified the 1 various offices that he was ready. New Orleans, thirteen hundred miles distant, instantly responded "ready." New York , n a hundred other offices repeated the wd ,71-'ready." Inquiries from every part of the continent greatly annoyed the ta part f. eperator, arid he shortly respond ed: "To everybody: Shut up and keep quiet. 7 When the last spike is driven at Pr omontory• Point, they will say 'Done.' Don't break the but watch for the the signals of the blows of the hammer." After some little trouble in the Chicago office, and the closing of a circuit west of Buffalo,,the Instrument here was adjust ed, and at 2:27 P. sr.; Pr)montory Point, 2 , 4 00 miles from Washington, said to the people congregated in the various tele. garph offices: !`Almost readyr hats off; prayer is being offered." , A silence for the prayer ensued: At 2:40 the bell tapped again, and - the office at the point said: , Te'hate got done prayer. The spike Is abpat to be presented." • Chicago replied:, .!'l'9:e nr.- derstand; all are ready in the East." "PROMOZITOBT PODIT.-44.11 ready now; the spike will be drise The signal will be three dots for the - com ment of the blowa." • ' mence- Caenordent' the ' ins/Mit:tent Was silent; h the hammer of the iniknet tapped the ball one--two—three-4,h e si nalThe. Another pause of a few second s. vibrating lightning came flashing eastward, wenty-four hundred no to Washington, and the . blows of 7, th des e hammer upon the spike were measured la telegraphic amts of the bell here. _ At 2:47 0. li.i. , exora9ntory Point gave the signal, 11 1:koae!" and the continent was bound 'in bort, • Cunning ot the Fox. A hunter, who was one morning keep ing watch in the forest, saw a fox cau tiously making his approach toward the stump of an old tree. When sufficiently near, be took a high and determined jump on to the top of it, and, after looking round a while, hopped to the ground again. After. Reynanthad knightly exercise several tim repeated this es, his way, but presently returnedhe towent the spot, bearing a pretty heavy piece of dry oak in his month, and this burdened, and as-it would seem for thepuipose of testing has ty the stum vaulting powers. he renewed his leaps and when he found that, weighted as he was, h..; could make the ascent with facili ty, he desisted from further efforts, dropped the piece of wood from his mouth, and coiling himself.upon the top of the stump,. remained motionless as if dead. At the approach of evening, an old sow and her. progeny, five or six in number, issued from a neighboring thicket, and pursuing their usual track, passed near to the stump in question. Two of her sucklings fol lowed somewhat behind the rest, and just as they neared his ambush, Michel, with the rapidity of thought, darted down from his perch upon one of them, and in the twinkling of an eye, bore it in tri umph on to the fastness he had so provi dentially prepared beforehand. Con founded at the shrieks of her offspring, the old sow returned in fury to' the spot, and until late in the night made repeated desperate attempts to storm the m'urder er's stronghold,- but the fox took the mat ter coolly, and devciured' the pig under the very nose of its mother.—Naturalist in Norway. Tax little town of Hatfield, Massachu setts, is fairly, crazed over its recent elope. meat. Allis, who captured and married Miss Cutter, the,day before the one set for her to wed another man, is a silk ped dler, who had for- several monthe made Mr. Cutter's hotel his hiadquarMrs while selling geode in , the towns adjoinings. The outwitted lover, Mr. Jeffers, is an organ builder, employed at New Haven, and has a name for goodness and bravery'. Allis played his game sharp. On Tiles.. day morning he started out, ostensibly on a trip to make sales,,addlo the lineation,. "Are you not:golog i to, attend',the Wed ding • to-morrow?", .said, I guess . not." His valise at that Moment. con tained some of the girl's Mien' , in stead of silks, and he wettest once to see the Hat field clerk, of whom he -secured a mar. nags certificate, IA: private .ixinvciyance then took him to NOrthamplon, Where he; met his Florence, :At; the statiOn they intifitionallrfooli no notice of each Other, but each took, the bars for • Einringfield t , Matted hi that, city in the aftemon, they,_; Williamsburg in the evening. : The next day they-sought his father's reindence In'Ooshen:- At the clime , hoer the runaways were married, .Jeffers ob tained of the Hatfield' clerk a certificate to marry :the same girl! Both' documents were 'iixetuted Waderhis own hand,' btit" Ile "kept whist" .until' the elopement was known.' "Jeffers took ,his . bad .luck to heart_for, a day. or two, but rallled Fri ,clay•and clieerilyremarkeil thathe wished' a good .breakfast and would light the fire to draw the tea withply letters written to him by .Flortinoe..' He left to visit friends .and then return fo New'Baleen, Where he had a honer hired and furnished - for the !Noe ono.'ll.beatirlifter he'teok the care; and + !the '-' Asill tit), 4 1 0:415,1 pl 4 JUST OPENED AT _ rJOSEPIE HORNE (t. CO'S The lamest assortment ever brough t 'to thi mar ket of the Latest Novelties for tie May Trade In • HATS AND BONNETS, FINETRENCITLOWERS- wnEATm, Beebe, intglAT, 11. lEt 13 13T g, LACES, CRAPES,GIMPS, 6RI4AXIENTS, FRAMES AND STINDO*NS. DRESS /KNOTTED FRINGES, HOOP SKIRTS. 'COB BETS, HOSIERY. in ever" else and . iinaliry. , GLovzs, of every deieoription:-.' KID 'GLOVES, of beee rua keerlneleding a splendid line of ill the B iiiitißiadeii. and • all numbers. PARASOLS AND SUN UMBRELLAS' Iri 'every oivaltir; th e viiy Lotoest '..gaste).n; .71,fltes,' 777-AND 79 MARKET STREET NE tTLIEAP•ANji . j6:O4I.OOOII ' S. 'FR I NGES. AND GIMPS In all styles amicolora Rut LOOPS FOR s4cqutg. fliil4.4l:lBointimExTorsl#lo._ THE NEW •COQUETTE FAN PAELSOLS, _ • Ala*, a large variety of • SILK Paassolas SUN umnium us White French Whalebone Cornets, Only 60 etr. a pair. H TEE NEW '' Paire and Mexique Blue - Kid Gloves. A nplendfd assortment of COTTON' HOSIERY WHITE & BRO. Banuouri non. LACE CUENLSEXTESI al/ 81/71016 BILE SCARE'S, 11110 IDE8IES, LACE. Jiii!• rtts Gent's Sp rirag ilruksia' ' 111 ACliTJM:GtYDE . A CO. ' 78 &8 0 Market Street. Inn. lOW SPIN-040i NAOMI& CARLISLE'S No. 27 .Fifth dOenue, Dress Trimmings and Buttons. EmbrOiderles and Laces. Ribbons awn Flowers. Hats and Bonnets. Clore ruing and French Corsets. - Eew Styles brasiers Skirts. ‘. Paraaol.—a. I the new styles. Fun and. Rein Umbrellas. Boslery—the best Engllsh Agents for "Harris' Seamless Spring and Suitimer underwea' Sole Agents for 'the Bends Pat laUl, "Lockwood's 'lrving." ''West Elite.'" Be:"Dickers," "Derby, and Other styles. Dealers supplied with the above at MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. MACRUM & .CARLISLE NC). 27 FIFTH AVENUE.! my 4 • GAS PIXTITRES wisz.nolv & KELLY, Manuftetwers and Wholesale Dealers la amps, Lanterns, Chandeliers, AND LAMP COODS. Alio, CABBoN AND LUBBICATLF9 ULLA! IBEATZLIVER de4o: • - • .; NA?. 147 Wood, 84 . 4304.., ate niZ Between eth End ettrAvennee.'l' F 234 / PA. If:GE4iii;tll4glielai"ll ri0146404. X.4.llEiLliake. " by merely placing the•suune of the fruit the can cootalos oppoolte the•pointer end testior in the customary manner. zro pre Wryer of fruit or /rood housekeeper wfil.. tote any ; other-after cacti -lOW wAiralt crulftir *Ors A large assortment,' • • HENAT H. COLLINS, , , 5pi4:1217 Ad Avettue.nearthotthltild INDL , it'l - aValigiCl- HEXT/IfOt nose. Steam- Feekior i sad - Gasket* of of°sloe Belttegtomoattleitnaaaraoture Uprises , ree 10, 'as =II QUII/57140S ale be boa at of elm zasaufacteren t • .-.mu stews Q T ., 4, at the India event• Dalin Iffkaa II street. •. - If. F 74 . ...... fee .. Bole Amita.tor the company. fp JUST OPENED, TliEol/011E F. PHILLIPS', Prints, Muslins, Dress Goods, SILK SAC.QUES, • ST. MARIT STREET: 87. tAlla t nice,4mrs 00. 1 .1 car? cv„) " NPROLUALE DEALS:Rd - ; IN • Foreign and Domestic . Dri • 64. WOOD Bl'BEj/1;. ildrd door 101710 Diamond alley. WINDOW SHADES, New and Handnmne Designn, / No. 107 Market Street (NEAR FIFTH AVENUE,) ; of the newest dealans Dom the FINEST sTAAtr- ED GOLD to the CHEAPEST TI known to the trade. All of which we'offer prices that will pay buyer* to examine. inh,23: 941J05. E. HUGHES & BRO. 'WALL PAPEft. TIM OLD PIPER STORE IX A NEW PLACE W. P. DIARSHAtva NEW WALL PAltill STORE, SPRING GOODS .tintrvi LASS. OBINA, CUTLERY. 100- WOODSTREET • NEW GOODS. FINE VASES, 1, , souzazzAN AND CHINA. II: ME NEW STYLES DINNER SETS , rise sys, GIFT CUPS, SIdOEING large stock of SILVER PLATED GOODS felittltil fai l briztte7 B. E. BREED & CO. ma EET: D , o.o3lXllllrnis TO:T T . , ALL v..../ Private diseases, timbals le all tut toms, astirtionorrnes,'lGlerti' btricture. Orchitiri• and all diseases, and the effects 'of me rcrary are com eteiy eradicated; Et p e rMatorrilea or & cal. nal eakness and Impotency. resulting from Self-abuse or other causes, and whih produces *Moe at the tobowlarelfecutt-Ws blovenest bodb7 • weakness, indteesrioNcortstiniption, aversion to et y_, unmaitliness, dread of future events, oss of scomme. ladolenee.'noetornal emission& Autmr.fTuttr ataleA . ting e i r o g ilgipthden,rbteLerarahelVaranl. Tenons af. ' on t i s.tan4lag cosisitaticiliaretdaeoltlitt4sl4 riiihe woctor a t ri al; believer falls.' ' boat. MbA. particular atteationtplve A to all Female coa— ts, T.enoorrites or whites, Walling InalaßK Or 13 /centric% Of OM ,W0;120, (411111//US, itititaiVi Atnertorrhows: Menotrimria. 1P711:11en‘ lirble&olatd bletrilly or Barrenstess,'are treat. , F' VaiteernagVare.pillyt !OlitiVrbLtf ‘ritilnet 1. if extibisively to thefatadY or& tertian rum Of dhearsti aad treat* thousands of mum ever? • year Mast a t ie&troltritater altill in thm 'specially , watt on, hi burial practice. ' • • Xlie.Dociati pighllsh _a medleal. pamphlet" WifryTurdita7,ll7l'Ventrifgrati • or hy study flit tato Stamps, lasealedienvslo ittrelT ree •oottitalits tristrialrital i tbk fats. *A Oletea, a ettabitar them to detefinni.,,rite prey rise alit of tom complaints. - -• : The establishment, oomprislat Ikea • maple; rooms. Is central. Whel.; Is not convenient te visit ..thea the riocto Ts opinion can be ob. ,t athej py pp _ s tatetadatilf the case, and emelt ttall be fOrwarded bY itaril ot ea. press. In roam, lastaneee,„hoiver. a persoail anation ta ilitolately tie eart a_vv4ite *then dabyeersonsl altealthau let Lela; al Ibr the acoottudodattotif teeth within the:r *permeate connected With the obleathat are tided with every malaria • that is arienitt to promote recoVery, ineindlab 'Medicated .•yapor baths. All, preacrntions, are pre t o th e -,, Doctor's Own laboratory, ouder personal str x ' oervLsion'.. rent pamphlets_ at °Mee; tree, or - I oy mall ror ,o stamps. „go matter who lave, fatted, 'read* arbesays. tiOnrs s. W. to ti Palo !Madam /A Ali to 1 11 P ., Sri' 01110 e ., No; %WYLIE • '924/19T.ritear..-Court—Hanaea, Pittsburgh. rail • . 1 " . 1-4,-- 7.-tl l l4 je Be 11,10184441 1 L - - ~'• --- "" - -';..- ', , ='; -,..r,z-,•=....,- •41;.•-•= - . , - ,--- --':'Fi ,- ..'-_- --' -,.., ' , -, ~:-, , ~,?5T49',4'....n kA,,,,q_Z.,.4tx't,V.k;f55:,:k...,f:,.:::p,,tt,:51;.:,L.y, Ipli,.....tii,p.'i'4,lt_Fttßtitlf, '...rt"Wt:"."-'' ''' 2o. `''A'..Z . . t.,. ( ~ 1 , .1.-", t.:-.A4...'44-AZiAtf-A4A ' 'i..,,,, ',T=f,r,rif- ",-I ftf , : y.',7,i,' ,r-Aiqr. 1-24.1'4.t._,IsatitiVil. t,',c+5?,,..V...c.,314,-51%;a-,;:ir(W4.)Y4lAtirkgs:43l-V,, VIS-f,IZ*A,Yf ="M2. .,, - ;t,,,.4YV, ,IS , rz:,; N', :j.",,,r.11,,Wp?..: 1 T'S-P§T.O-:4,4:ratrigir_4l,74n4j.';V,"'4"--'N•i3Oltvt'6"`l'e , 4%,... -4 0,,5)-3:7.- -, - ' I:9Zcg;U-litpiAs',Wl4.,V4.? `4F.,7,Fe ''-4,;,eit,”;.1q,Ap4"...-,2A3- 1.-a77n,t'Vklo-*.kr:,...rw* =0441 oz*-_, D if , L • .• a SU, ' . 1 ; : ~,d , _,,,, ~.,., ral . , ti ~. 0 Mi 0•4 .... . pi .; ri . 0 .1 Cit 44 aft 0, an pA . ink . cm: i.,' 0 1 13" ma I. ' • E: „....u, • 8 ' At 6; OW • • E. 4" 1 gee , t i , , A ' o m a - --, til A ___ , 4' a m 6.11 if = • - Q.l ~ I=l 4.12 W SPRXRG GOODS 87 Market Street. MIS, • SHAWLS. FIYLL LIRE OP Ferli , Cheap, PITTEIBITESH. P. 14 WALL PAPER OS NOW OnMe AT 191 Libertylqtreet, /CAB id.Ai2B3LT,) G DAILY. zahe of all descrirruons 94. 71 M1TE14.111p OIL ourr na. BRUSSELS CARPETS VELVETS, &if 6 The Latest. Arrivi E NG-LA/V*- 1 41:1 • iticeAtILITH Blies; No. 51 PIPIH A V - h:l4l:ft, Rave received bi atelit.re Man. hap the nay NEWAhT STI L 7.8.. Or thee ENGLISII MARKET. • ' • They also fifer a ConnlDletP of B OTIL'STIC.CAINITIML To which large ailchttoaa are datlibidagjeuadie. • • *a:4ltl A Display if f (loofs - ' Equal ff. retied tha7ia';,-,44t, LOWA:kg PRaci:s. McCA.LLUIII RHOS ~Tit airit.ruk, Clitct." WOOD & SIDTDIOI4LD j —• CARPET'S. We are now r e ceiving our Spring . Stock of Carpets, &c., aiirairliiP • pared to offer as good stock at as . low l 'prices ,as any othei houß; -,- ~i.. in the . , 7 Tride. We hare, all t , the i new styles of ' Brussels Tapes.tl;',: Brussels,,Three Pips. and TWoPlyitl'•'' Best , assortunt :.of Ingrain Carpets In the Market.,! 111111 Bo • vmtD ROSET CO f " ' 1011 r Si AND imomrt,,i BM OIIZES • t• . . • FFARtAND.• & COLLINS-;' Bare Niii4)pen Their New Aillitaheg 'MOW- Pine Carpets, ROYAL MNis§U* TAPESTRT" English Body Brussel& '2, The Est Styles ever 0r1y.4 in this Aforket. Our ..Prieev the LOWEST. are A BP LENDID.-LLNE OP • , CHEAP azuoiTs. Good Cotton CMthtCarpein LIEI 25 CENTS ,PER 'YARD. 51'I 111,LIND & COLLINS, 71 AND 73 , u; lr t ir • (StCI..)ND 'FLOOR.) =NM ti IN iruE. nurraiervointrr or. , ,4 ' TI/E. UNITED' eTATES, ' l fak itlje Western strict of ren aan/aulls• ' •—• ' ;, , - -- In the Josue? or KlißlCW,rkc,(3/Ersx..traakr-: •,,5,,4 rapt., - No. 499 fir bankraotei., ' - - - 4 NuTzezli, ffereby.stren that atradr general , c 4 ,, meel4avg,the. catclUors of ROUUU "., RUTTY., -) i '' Balm upt,Ab.irt Duna, Irth be ake Qat cae °Nice , , t" of , JOH N ar:PHUVIaIWit, Esq ;oat Of We/Lev.' -"-, Isa rra la, „Rana raptarlausid Dlaarlet,atanteee,i/ grl o eu t ier /A rlt egb f ridi e All_ reit t.. ? & N it 1 1 Si l it/ 2 111: *. rbib 4 sc.lB62.oatikt:6ll:l44Y,the se* dr? Onlayo,i 1 a. D. 1 889,a) / 4rehrek a 34 .obt.t,bA .dy„ .. , NI ' L O. W' , ii..:NYL "i ' i z Taiim_,.-tiviee in rinumnoti re =Hi 9.. - ) t... Pittsburgh- all, aathil In .----...... i...... ,.., ,.... t f-.,_ ' irEttliqso9: ,ialiih.lenitk=l,. it < ~, , in i i i , ,,.., c , .. 3 1 n ' I " uat• rdolrlerdte,46:Pl btratt flt l. t.neimeny . . „ , An now; f or 4APltlft Silthi,l An ( die I oh of Collar *'ls,,, Of Alleghem, 40 It C u rt rdd t notice of tho ibpve ao , be Inverted ' ln. he Pittston** OA .t r i 'tillit oren Times, And: that The maw inn, ref gratified scout tem or solo Aloimoto.4lafix."4l cd Pun , be Med in PYoNr "we. .-- --- .. , ~.t,. ~,,t-, :a,boNi :,,,, av2s:an Solicitor forTntitioners. i ... t .. i .--7 (Yrifft.Uhliwb ---------- Te - i --- - * 1 ill let*ivreiu tircrentaritto:ghtfestate Of Finahtivallici,'? ski oftthe zhortio Of rilrintbszrnn„meanaseat 1 I fillitUbrts%lattiPettu% rityti grtilre "Wand itotafi tortottoost,. sou moi t toisq4 tiuw op - as the estatoor this) 4 tietedext ! s guikellansti, pauutousAeLovA, , -- ' ur w.At. ult. slgollor, - 47.1.! ~ ~ i ' Ni. an wamerstreet4 .“ Plttaburah . - 41. ril li %. ?.."2cisßacturittwArkolsoitvuossi i -,,,, ‘ .., „ _ pittirgl obruarY, A4k..4 I*Mb ta f - . 1 , lachritar4:-., be AilitllBoo t, ![ or IN- -(44dinit4p di Add, 4 urtiJaN , - Arlottai street fr.'m Rein street tollottrstree 'rs now reedy for triune 'atintwand art , be,. seen-- at thlset odes until SATURDAY, SIAI 1 5tb, . when Is ' will be returned to the por Tre4a urineoftee for colleutfon, , inii'..i .: . ,i . , ~ ~ ~ azykl72 - :f.; c , iBA /440 041 C, Clty Rogineore Li gamtinux,lLA:n 4 r,-so. : . 42 4 , ' sztatlineld wpm, rilloe- ; aralluistAxelLot , arren'i IFe Cernenraffu 'navel aboneg• a. Serial rer ' jai:3o Nil =IBM OF MEE =ll 1 Er IMM Ii