II S 4 raittr'grl7.7,-.4"1.,,,,,tgrr4-,,,...;,.1.1.,, t s f ik. l*" tt;litiotrailt 'RIVET TH LAST PACIFIC RAIL . . GEORGE W. BURGAY. FirPtiltelaitloactee rail, IN ith sawyer. hammer and golden nsli: FOr °me tete:LlD and over tne ' 41 hairs:Ws hurtle la ws ['Hy cOmlng. r Along the prairie, wild flowers swset, • Witt. tea Lips ties bla laying feet, I.ld PILO his wild a:ream repeat:— . lits tlaunruf praise the lkte 19 ithroming, ell. at to tee day and d ed: • " Hatt td the Iron steed 1 Hail to the 1 on rail! hall to Luc 1711 cat. al. Now the rising and setting stun e the zest and West are one. Wherever the 'we d steam stied run, The Unfo.. shall be one forever. Slate licked with state with Iron boucle, Hears Itnhed with hearts,and hands whit ha Haft to our broad free !ekes and tonne: -0-all to our free fends! Halt to our free hands! Halt to the gold Hall to tun tent rain Over prairies of gold and rem,. , Over river, that toll between,— Plateau umlaut, lot of richest sheen. - The steam utave tolls harder anu harder. How .coring the wild nerds and necks, NoW thundering o'er grouttet blocks, t NOw Cilmuino toe steep suelstug rotas,. I Now np the blerra u evade. all tt .l itro itro u r e LT,: I Hail to tee nanamer's suoke I 1 - Hall to the echoes woke: 1 From ocean to ocean the rail Huns over the mountain and the vale, 1 Which echo with-blows on the nail. Now Ilea o' by !hello:rang races. Hall to the pathway el nations hese! It resale-Ma Stirtoigh it neustepheee, The good:Ulna taming most Row be near, It 'Mines Ou bur hope-lighted faces. Hall Unite su,etif it•am: Hail to the Iron team! Hall to our (ton bars' Hall .00nr nag of stars I • j. • EPHEMERIS. —The,gout affects Disraeli. —Semmes is aot to. be , a postmas —Wagner is to writes Shakeape opera. . —Memphis threatens to plunge in . the 'Mississippi. 1 —The Boston dry-goods trade is ery l_ dull just ,now. . , I --Eugenie is to make a pilgrimag to the Rosy laud. 1 —Oikt calls pe9ple who quarrel in eir cups can-tankard•ous persons. I n ar i —tom Thumb hai a velocipede *th „wheels fifteen inches in diameter. rn —Boe artists in New York cb i e a ( dollar for trummng a man s beard. —The wheat crop of the Govern of Kansas amounts tp 10,000 bushels. I —On Wefinesdiy last Newport bekeld : [ a colored man beating his white, wife. - ~' —The city of Bangor, Me.,.willcele brate its centennial anniversary this year. . % —Louisville has a ghost photographer :I who thinks he can do those things as well .1 as Mummler. 1 —A clerk in a New England postollice 1 has been arrested for stealing the love let ters of his rival. • —Thirty-two biocraphies of Abraham Lincoln have been published in Germany since his murder. 0. • —Queen Victoria sent Dr. Jennar over to • see Carlotta' but he came back saying her case was hopeless. —Lotta is playing a new play called repine in PhilliAlelphia, and it is said to be really, very miserable. —Wendell Phillips is to, deliver the . 1, oration thii year before the Phi. Beta. -;l s , Kappa Society at Harvard. •• . i; -.Lonisiana will probably suffer se 1, verely from flood this season. Crevasses ~:d are reported below New Orleans. "t —Frank Crosby, a California hunter 79 s years old, has made up his mind to start ,On a pedestrian trip to New York. $ • —Miss Braddon writes a letter to state . 7 0 6 " that she has s not gone crazy, but that sheds busily engaged on another novel. • —Gladstone has had a cabinet meeting to decide whether gentlemen of the Civil Sexiice shall or shall not use penknives. —Miss Kellogg gets higher wages for •• singing, than any other woman in this country ever did, unless it were Jenny Lind, • , • —Rumor says Napoleon has . secretly pardoned Berezowaky, the would be as sassin of the Czar, and sent him to America. 1 —England and . France having made 3 ; their cable telegraph preparations, Prue slit now thinks of getting up a cable to ;11. America. \ • —One hundred and fifty-three dollars • and ninety-one cents is the supposed price of a ticket to San Francisco per 11. P. R. R. -i-The new hotel now being built in Waihington by the . banker Corcoran, is "to be called :Arlingtoi.House in compli ment to .General Lee, , .... —Some. Ge.orgia farmers now assert • that a row of castor beans planted around a dottirn field will protect it from worms and destructive insects. —TheAmerican whip shop, which was I burned ed 'Ftiday, in Westfield, Mass.,. "-) hadleen eMploying two hundred hands and was valued at 480,000. . -;--John bright thinks tnglialunen . should be allowed to marry the sisters of their defunct wives. - Rev. Morley Pan - cheon wail of that Opinion, too. • ...Nat, 80, . w .. ezt. and Charles Leyey, two well known gamblers, had a. row ..at the Hot Springs, Arkansas, last Thursday, ..j when Bawlttlthorsumt killed Ivy : . -The Cincinnati Voininerciai sityri: 4 JoseplrJones,who died in Mobile Ala ., on the 4th inst., was the first Isittelite who •: . came 0.#48, 1 oity s -w,here he lived more ' than half a century." ,----,ks diseditsolate husband, of. Lyons, France, who wife bad deserted him, j e e n tfda' bartelcof:fleertathepious poor 1 . of the eig. , tioliciting. their prayers that the truant might not return. 1 —The latest plot to blow tip the Vice , roy of Egypt in his theatre' is said to have been concocted' by the', manager of that institution in order to gain the credit of having eai‘l lbe.,iiceregallife. Ir. ', —Last week t h e; largest iron casting fiver made in Trenton, N. - J., was 00Z117_ men Ced 41 . ad 04 1 Plete 4 :at • the:T. Iron Worka. Twenty-five ton{ of metal were nee d , and the result was an anvil block. . —Daring the put winter not a flake f snow fell in Portland, Oregon. Only three of four nights did ice • form, and then only of the thickness of window glaas. flowing and planting were going on all winter. —lt is suggestad tfiat Dr. Oliver Wen dell Holmes shall write an opening ode for the Boston musical festival, which wilt be sung by ten thousand voices accom panted by the great organ and a thousand other instruments. —The high school of Montgomery, Al abama, is now held in a building former ly occupied as a slave market, and it is said that a number of pupils now study ing there have been formerly sold at auc tion in the same place. • —A Mohammedan nobleman, with two wives in India, took a third when on a late vlsit to England. He left her behind on his return, liut she followed after, and on his proving a divorce she claimed her dowry under Mohammedan law, and got it. —Every one, including the Emperor of Brazil, has read Whittier's poem "The Cry of a Lost, Sonl," founded on a Bra zilian legend. The Emperor has, just sent a couple of fine specimens of the bird A:ma perdida, or Lost Soul, to the great popular poet. —N. I. Trangj —The announcement that the Crown Princess of Italy is enciente has created quite a sensation in ItalY, where it was generally believed she /would remain childless, and that the children of the Duke of Aosta would inherit King Victor Kmannera crown. —The Choctaw Indians have sixteen churches, eleven hundred communicants, and fifteen hundred Snndayschool chil dren. A translation of the bible into their languaze is now in process eofprinting in New York, under the -auspices of the American Bible Society. —There le a gentlemitn in Bangor, Maine, who has in his Posseesion a lair of blankets taken from the English brig Boxer, which was captured by the Enter prise and brought into Portland fifty-seven .years ago. They have an English mark upon them, and are in daily, use. —A widow, occupying, a large house in a fizsbionable quarter of London, sent for a wealthy solicitor to make her will, by which she disposed of between $250,- 000 and $BOO,OOO. He proposed soon atter, was accepted, and found himself the husband of a penniless adventuress. —Maori, Who for so many years al. lowed her fear of crossing the ocean to prevent her visiting America, seems to have bravely overcome that objection. Four times has she sailed across the At lantic, and now she is about to sail for Brazil, where a brilliant success awaits her. —A curious card appears in a Texas paper. A man advertises that his brother is candidate for Sheriff of the county be. cause he himself is disfranchised, but that he •is to be the real officer. "You are voting for me, and that is for my benefit, and I am to receive all the pay, if I am elected." —The anatomical museum of Pope's College, St. Louis, was destroyed by fire on Saturday morning. It was the richest and most valuable of its kind in this section of the country. No insurance on it. By the destruction of stables along • iti side, sixty-five horses and mules ere de stroyed. The entire loss am nts to $75;000. —ln making an excavation Joseph, Missou r i, the other day, th men came upon a brick. wall fine below the Erarface of the groan '!oldest inhabitant" has no recolle any house ever being built at that and says that there were no brick country until many years after he in St. Joseph. , TIMODORE TILTON, In the l ast inde pendent, sayit that American reformers are not "long haired." They are ifor the most part a company of bald pates, as thus : "The venerable and illustrious bead of Win. Lloyd Garrison is as imo(dh and shining as an ostrich-egg. , Llorace Greely has just hair enough to skirt his baailar faculties with a fringe or Anglo- Saxon gold. Ralph Waldo Einerson keeps his•bair cropped as close Ito the skull as' a prise fighter's. Wendell Phil lips has a few scattered and beautiful gray locke, which William Page •is Just now transferring to canvass. Henry Ward Beecher's hair is not, half so long as his father's was. Charles Sumner, for whom nature is now ripening what Ten nyson mils 'a good gray head,' has a sturdy growth of hair; but keeps it under the inexorable shears—Atropos °seat. Theodore Parker bad hot had hair enough to keep his head from suffering this win tees cold. Chief Juitice Chase (who was once a Radical) has been shorn of hie Mai, like Sampson. General'Butler is distinguished for many things, but not for hair. Indeed, so far from the common notion. being true that Radicals have long hair, there is something In Radicalism that shortens hair—quiff the Radicals, in taking time by the 'fiirelock. got, their own forelocks taker time." • ,1 rnerkrat Lima,' Ohio; ! states that, on Saturday night, a vigilance com nlitteP, composedbitheo l leadhig citizen's" of that toWa;brOke open the county jail and, took out two men, Jeremy, Diddiers by profession, charged _with so worming , themselves into the confidence of a Penn , sylvanian, On -the cars recently,lhat he thought his money would. be Niter with them than With himself, and therefore in trusted it to their keeping, never to_ ee it again. The vigilante shaved their beads, coated them with tar and feathers, and finished with an egging.v They then kicked them out of town. "Leading du. zees" of this stamp ought to be leaded, though in this case there was a sort of barbaric; justice. If the Pennsylvanian - was "taken in," the sharpers were most effectually "done for." - • liAf..-iPVII4;WiireV4i444V 4.4*;VAA.4l;*''4'- , - , 'f'ot *"--; - • MU f 2.1 TAM 1 - A1.'4 .7 ' 4 U? . a-T ~F NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CONE OF TYI34 UNITED STATES OAF,AMERICA. Ohartirnd by Bpeelal 'Act of Oosirrota, Approved July 65, 1868. Cash Capita - - $ 1,000)000. PAID IN FULL. 1311A.NCII OFFICE s FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDINO, PHILADELPH Lt. Where the general business of the Company la traneetted. and to which all general corm pondenee should be addressed. S. CLARENCE H. CLARK, OFFlCER President. -- - JAY COOKE, Chairman Finance and Executive Committee. HENRY D. COOK& Vice President. EMERSON W. PEES', tiecreiary and Actuary. This Oempany offers the following advaatagesr, It La • National tlnmpLny. m &dervd ay spe cial act of Congress., MUM: It hay a paid-up capital of $1,000,006. It offers low rates of premium. It furnishes i rrer Insurance than other rani pante. for the sane money. It is definite an certain to Its terms. Its policies are tempt !rum attachment. There are no nnecessary restrictions in:thit policies. • • .. Every,pollcy I non.forft liable. Policies m 4 taken which pay to the insured; their full anion t, end return all the prem tams,- so that the lase ce costs °sly the 'lnterest on the annual paym Cuts. Policies may e. taken that will pay to the ir sured, after a rtain ntimbec of years, during We, an minuet income of tine- tenta the modal named in the po i lley. No extra rate charged for risks upon thelives off males.l it Insures, not to pay dividends to pollhold ers, tin; at so tole cost teat dividends w h ile Im possible. Cisculars, Pam hlets, and full nartieulmugiren on application to Die Branch °dice of.the Com• -. pany.or to K. W. CL&RE CO.&, Philadelphia, General 'Agents for Pennsylvinia and Southern New Jersey. i JAY COOKE & CO. - Washirtirton, D. 0. For Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, District of Columbia and West Vtryginia. . IRA a. neVAY Ik CO., Agents for Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Mercer and Washington counties. . irirLOCAL AUKNTIIABE WANTED in every City and Town; land applications from compe tent parties for' Inch agencies with suitable en dorsement, should be addressed Tel THE COM • PANY'S GENFRAL AGENTS ONLY. In their respective distal . THE 9:1 -OPERATIVE LIFE INStiIiNCE Of Western Pennsylvania. CAPITAL STOCK $200,000. OFFICE : No. ifi Smithfield Pittsburgh, and 1,111 Carson St., Birmingham. rIRECTORS: Gen. V. H. COLLIER. Joint D. RCIIDLT, HOO.EDWIN H. SiTowz, W. W. PATERA. Ctl. L.A. A. LEN. JOS. Wicr.Torr. H. W. Mimi, .le.. Vim. BAIIIEWr.LL, ALEXANDRE TINDLZ, C. WUARTON, A. B. C.TIVEESON, I. P. HEMEL, B. ARUOE. Dr. C. J. %INDY C. k OZREITER. 13: C. RIPLEY. W. C. AUGHINBAUGH. President. A. AktMii.NVice President. r E. G. KRUHAN, Secretary. A. PA.TTER3ON Actuary. JOHN r. BEECH. •• reasurer. TRUSTEES: - Hon J.M.Kirkpatrick„ Hon. E. H. Stowe, Ron. Agnew Lour, James P. Barr, , John co. Study, W. Bakewell, Gov. W. E. Stevenson. ur West Virginia. This HOME INSTITUTION know fully organ lied, and claims that lt• peculia• Co operative system enables It to offer to Its patrons treater Economy NImDIIGLy, Eq •alits. Conte nlence and Liberality, than can bt. had w►tn evils! tecur►ty In any other. and only asks an Intelligent com parison with the moat.. pular Companies doing biuilness on the ordinary plan. &plat stwr 'n St. work n feet The tion of place, In the settled AUCTION SALES. BY E. B. EINITRIBON & 00. BOOTS, SHOES AND CARPETS - FOB THE MILLION. AT SMITHSON'S EMPORIUM, 65 AND 51 5117 H AVBNIITi. Messrs. H. B. SMiTMSON & CO., proPrletorn of the well known Mammoth Auction House are creating an exeltetnent consequent upon the ar rival of new goods which are being sold at re markably low prices. Goods °ferety variety; the finest sewed trots, the most fashionable bal. moral gaiters and anklet - shoes. slippers, ite., blankets, flannels, cloths. cassimeres, cutlery and carpets. Call and Ran:nine. No trouble to show goods. Ladles'. misses' and children's fors at almost your own prices. All goods war ranted as represented. . BY A. II'ILWAI/B. IMPORTANT SALE OF HIGH. Ct. aBS MOD.RN PAINTINGS, BY DIN NH MIRED AMERICA N AND EIIINRICAN WEDNESDAY MORN INO, May 18th, at 10 o'clock , and at 7% in the evening, will be sold on second door or Commercial -bales BOOM, 108 Bmlthfle d street, slide entrance also on Fifth avenue.) a. large collection of high class modern paintings. by oistinsu shed Amen can and European .artists. The collection. now on exhibition, will remain open day and evening. until time of sale, age Is of a very high order; being much the most important ever offered In ilttiburtb; comprising ODARANTZZDOBIGLWAL WOlllO by such distingutshed artiste as Lita cheur, Of Dusseldorf; J. F. Herring. London; T. Taylor. London; Wm. , bhayer, br., London ;* Jobn Wainwright, London;• Cortes (pupil of Troyon,) Yana; Charles .Ifogner, Berlin; lateen Webb, frindon; Ed. Morin, hiltdemble; Ed.. D. Lewis, Plilladelehla; and many othersdis tingtilshed..itt art. A. MciLWA/NE, myB . . AuctlOtleer.' • • SIMEITINGS 4ND BATTING. HOLOIUII3, BELL bk CO., ANCHOR COTTON MILLS. Prr'X'B33l7kitlEt. Katiohoturent ofRiCAVI MID11:111 Rid Liekrr &wawa AND, aummous itiglewnwas •Alviftuvrrt*;k: KEYSTONE POTTERY. lit M. 111E11 .% , Arsaudiesersrs ; tp; • Qtrzasswasuk , migurroz. WARE r ake.' ;orlieeesil Warehouse:•aos LIBERTY ISTBIEI's AP All orders nromorls attended w. BIITTEMP--10 7:11oial Pre Dairy Bell Batter last received by express. CLbilliad/. AB' Sint. MOIR& MEM ==nbi Y . A , 13 111:111.113eil INInTA '33 i• L 4 rATR I NEWATOR. : - , , I L: i 310 01,11 WILSON . . tc2i be a eatiiiidaeibi• 6641 senifd, I.llldiet i 0 it dieeteron olutellispabuetia County Can Ten• vt'a• • , i . 0 mrs Ilailliellit supivron, .Poul.li f 3:g1an417 : `mu ..'.c,exididete 6 , s sate - Senittoi, subleer to thedttildkon of the Itep-blican County Conven- Yton. tir l int. crapcxn.ANDErtsobt s a r '-- b. "1 - ', oedlita ollre° r Opsottasbenca r tgi;uclenc,%.- . FOR' SENATOR. ' 4:4 61 T OMAS HOWARD ilit hi,.. ~) (Ititeif:.;Atitgiet=lutteigeitio. uoi. . InY5 - intii.&o:- *2 c... - ; FOR SHERIFF,. ,' =, - . • .... IFILLIASr- G..WIVBBS; . • - • "widget, to the dectelon of the ilbcputilleeme:7 aunty. Convection. • FOB SHERIFF; 1 / r.e;Pet;to4',/1113 entice myself a' candidate Tor, SHIIMPAO; aiblect. to the *gee of the Ile • lele= P/Mtanif 'kf anetelatg' pledge myself to apte ifiltdretkergito an benerible and faith falidischargro of - the - Mateo Cf 'tfie ottioe. ..•, 41¢P FOR SHEII,IIIP, .. t . - ' 1 7 f I F . , , • R, JOHN U. 'HAR • PittebncW sithiect to the decision of the 'U nto < kiqe pti blicen County Convention. ,apleS-Da P • IarFOR SHERIFF. , , would reavictitteti sinuottnee to the citizens of Allegheny county that:l will be a cap oldate' for the office of SHERIIP,IN ethlect to the declelourof the next Inaulug Trutt itepublloan County Con vention. • - - • '1 I/IANS. DUFF, .taito Township ~,.ap2o:h7e:DF IFOR SHERIFF. JOHN A. WAtTsayg, ortllsabetb towalblb, late private CoMPazI D. fribb 'a-Vols.. will be a candidate los t he o®oe ACRE: MUFF, subject to thaslacLsloti albs Union jj Wean Darya:al.:on. ar2:1:13730 _ WFOR .811114111 F". *II.I.LIDI A. 1111.11310 N, . _,• . . . 171.11 'be a eandidatifor the oface of Sheri!. sub. jeot to the decision. of :the . Union fttnnhheant ,County Convention. ukti26:o9-dir IarFOR SHERIFF, zosrapu Ross, Wllt be a eandhfate for SHERIFF, subject to the deetalon of the.Eepublican County Conven tion. ap2l: AECDEDER. ('FOR RECORDER. B. 11. SAMPSON, Of the Stith ward; Allegheny.Oste 111ftwelif iner.) will be a candidate tor Recorder. Buller t to the Actflii or tho , opprosohing Republican County Convention. tarFOR RECORDER, £UOUSTU BEOKEIIT, -. Allegheny City, late private Fifth Excelsior Regiment. Lost a leg in the Eecond Bull Ran Rattle. at9:ll4.nitl• ta"FOR ECORDEIL 8. -31.13145TER Will be a candidate for Recorder. eub,lect to the decial.n of the Republican aunt, Lonvention. tori • arFOR RECORDER, THOS. S. BUNTER, LATE NINTH BEG , T PA. R. C any 4.189 arFOR RECORDER, EMMY BNMILIT, Will be heandldate for noniination to tile omce of iteoorder for Allealtny county. subject to the decision of the approacnlng P...pubhoin County Convent/on.. . _ aeaudn COUNTY TREASURER. Itar}alß\ COUNTY 111EASUR- L DENNIS TON, (Late Brevet Major 11. V 015..) will bea candi °ate for .enopslnstion. subitct io the decision of the nepubi 3•D&lP lran County Convention. scd7 1, FORER COUNTY TREASUR \ • COL.' S. B.' COPELAND, Of Elisabeth townshln, will be a candidste for the abase office. su'ieet to the decision of the Republican County tionrention. - api.S.nB7:D&P REGISTER OF WILLS. Or FOR REGISTER OF WILLS JOHN KEIL : HI., SUBJECT TD THE DECISION OF THE BE- P'UBL_ICA_N.CUUNTY CONVENTION. _ • JOSEPII 33. GRAY, Subject to the decision of the Republican County Courentloa. ap29:lls COUNXI7 COMMISSIONER. W'FOR COUNTY CO,DIMIS• SION sgR. JOSEPE IRWIN, .Wlll be a candidate SOT County Commtsidoner, suPJect to the dechlon of the Union Republican Couuty Convention. ap • :116 IarFOR ' COUNTY COM NONE% ':.ROBERT CUNNINGHAM Of lid Ward, Pittsburgh. will be a candid l i e for County Commissioner, subject to the Orel on of the Unionaspoblican County•Conyention. my•PunT , • EFOR COUSTY .COMMIS-. .010NA8. . • . . • . , Oliiillritallit 8. 130SI'lltiOli, `Of the Twentieth. ward. win be' 'a !candidate tor Coontv•COmmlesioner, enbiect to the decision of th: 2 Aeol i ptiatt,Contit, Con.vention. Iig3P'FOR .001UNTX ' ) • • • GEORGE:I itoszaritort • Will , be tiewildate • for &mean Commissioner, t i n o b llig ft l itr e Immo . of the Unloa _Repoli:4r CLERK or aou/trs:!'" , tarFOR CLERK OF COURFEI t • ,/ JOU O. anowN, , Mtfivele borough, late prteste, To, • RiolOild .Rein , Penni. Vols., subject to. the decision of the Ruton Republican County Oatmeal ion. apse. OrTO; TUX CIVIZEINS OVA L• LEGHNNY 00uNT V: I'respectfully announce myself as a candidate for the office of SLEEK OF COURTS, subject to the decision of the Union Republican county Convention. I would elate theta ,asit the, alike but ibr ONE • TIMM , at the terminati on of which ' wmild cheer idly retire. bellevine 14144 there are, others et:lastly ectitled to the honor and .mooltuneata of the °moo. anis al Competent as Myself I wlif be „ m o w obligations to -the , citizens of sibir Oman for their support. Yeryi , rining ; L a te 1024 (old ]gilt.) and 6th Pa. Vol. Bee. isitt2lhrd Olt!. E?`•iitth arPUBLIC * • • Pu , Sillitie to ice bf isbly; kipeoved the With of *Aran 3.ssoinallUed `Mises relat ing to interments In Trlrilty.Vaturch-yaid, Pitts burgh," Public Notice le hereby Olen Of the In tr salon of the tnlelster,w &Edens and: vestry of TelnitY. (Episcopal), Cbnreb. after the 'loth of MAY. proximo. to. use a part, ci the agriand crave belonging to or - connected ' with , Mud eh refl. as attestor new erections ofleihitzeh and gb psi aud :for grades, and. that,Messrs.4oll3l 11. i:IHOENBEhtIEit, JAMES M. (10(1.1411t, CALVIN, ADAMS And Joelltil KING, of the' vestry • have been appointed a Committee to con ter and, arrange wit h the friends, and relatives of all persons buried in the ground reoulred tee the purposes set forth in the set of Assembly attire. said, for thelrretention underjhe new buildings or removal to other parts erne lot or to one of the rural cemeteries. One'or Inure of the Cons matte mar be found at the vestry room of the churchAt 3 to 5 o'clock P. jr., on., every WED- N etiDAY and dA'rIIRDAY until. the 15th of MAY, at wirch-tlme And place parties Interested will please rail. . : y order or the Vestry • • JOSIAH KING, ~18:109 - Junior Warden. gar PENNSYLVANIA ROAD COMPANY, " TBEAsTherrs DEPARTIIINT. Mai w ad, 1869. • NOTICE TO 8 RH:SEIIOD bE ,The Board of Directors have thf s day . deClared a semi-annual dividend of St VE k•Eit 08NT,on the capital stock of the Company, clear of Na tional and 8 ate taxes, payable In cash on and af ter May au. mg. • ' Blank. powers of &Dolmas , for collecting divi dends can be had at the office of the Company, No. 9888. Third street: • The once wilt be opened at Ai J. 3ff. and Admit& meant 9. from lifsy. 30 to , June 8, for date e of dividends, and after that • from 9 . I . THOMAS T. PITH, Treastirer. liatre.—The Third Instalment on New Stock Treasurer. , 15 8 Isalie and payable on or before Sone 18. rENNSYLV,OII,I ROAD CO. - • • : TREASURER.% DEPARTMENT. PHILADELYMA. Pa., April 2, , 1889. TO TFIFC STOCKSOLDEJLS O P TgE PENN , bY,LVANIA if.AIRO AD - COMPANY. All Stockholders, as resiStered on the Booki of Dotcpany 'on the 30th day of Aprll. 186%, will be entitled to ittbScribe for TWENTY-PIVE PER CENT. of their respective interests inNew Stock, at Par, 'as bitiOWS: First. Fifty per cent. at the time of subserlp-' Lion, between' thelotti day of May, 1869, and the 30th day or "Jane; 1869. _ , Second. 'Fifty' per cent. between the 15th dey of November,.lB69. and the 31st day Of Decem ber. 1869; or. if Stockholders should prefer; the whole amounting) , be paid up at the time of sub scription. and each instalment so paid up shall be entitled to a pro rata of the Dividend that may be dtared oil lull shares. TA rd. That-every Stoclholder holding less l i than four shares, shill he entitled to subscribe for o e share; and" thoseTtolding more lima a Muhl le of four shares shall be entitled to tub scribe or an additional stiare. ' Fou . All shares upon which Instalments are yet to be pstd under Resolution of May 13, Mk will be entitled to their allotment of the Twenty-ilive per cent. at par, as though. they were paid 'ln full. '\ ' ' ' =MIMI THOMAS ?. rata. Tremmrcr. ItgN'NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN -to all OWNERS OF DRAYS, CART?, CARRIAGES. BUDGIES, Sc., (whether resident or non risident,) in the City et Pittsburgh, to pay their LiCauses aethis ice /rents - miff, in accordance with an Act of Assembly'approved March 30, 1560. and an oriluance of the Conn ell, of the Lity of Pittsburgh, pused April 16, 11460. ... . All License. not paid cre or belbre MAY 15, 1569, will be plicedln the hands Of a'pollee of ficer. for collection, subJec to a collection fee of 50 cents, and all persons i ho , neglect or refuse to take out Licenses will he s ubject to a penalty double the amount of the license, to be recovered befcre the Mayor. The old metal' plates o Ilan year must be re. turned at the time Licensee are taken out, or 515 cents additional will be chirged oil each License RATES OF LiCENSE Each one horse vehicle.. Each two horse veulele. Each four horse vehicle Each two' horse hack , 19 00 15.00 15.00 eels &awe - by two :duller extra will be horse Deed In say of 5a,..0000,4141,_ Omnibus and Ti mber • borses.lllB.oo ea b . On ebarged for each addition tliMitbarevadeie•,-- - • citel2seea:mwr - THIRD NATIONAL RAN Or PITTE‘DrRaiI, Potaburrh May 10, 1E69. Mr"TAE DIIIEr ORS . OF THIS B AN Kilive this dir cievlart-d ÷nd of SIX PERU FIN T.on the mita stock out of the earnings of th last six Dann Lbs. free oral' taxes, payable on and after Tit tiii-DA.Y, the 13th Inst. no it:j9 a NO. B. LlnNGbil.iN, Cashier. L DIVIDE . Bwxlk 0 11Pkrrs9ulinu, May 4th, 1869: 1' arTITE PDESDIPENT A VD DI.. RECTORS of this Rank have THIS DAT delared a divldthd offlvr. PER CENT. on its spiral St,ek nut of the 'Orville of the last six months. which' will be paid to fitockholdeta or their legal repreten wives, en and after the 14th free of Government. Mate and local taxes. my5:1000s , -W. ItAlplißtl - G, Cashier. SPECIAL NoTICES. • tarEPILEPSY CAN BE CURED —Thole havlzg frienda afflicted are ear nettiv .tollcited to; send foe, a Circular Letter of References and•,!ftstirnonlate, widen will con vince the moat . .skelftical or the curability of the disease. address VA. RigREN LUCRROW, M. L.. 38 °rest Jones fame:, New Yon. mbl94/2s.diff • • farRIA RR I 4GE AND CELIBA CY.—An Essay for young men on the crane Of Solitude, and the DldEatintl and ABUSsS which create Impedimenta to MARRIAGE, with sure means of :relief. Sent In sealtd letter en velopes. free of charge. Add, ems. Dr. J. isKIL LIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association. Phila. delphia: Pa. ;al9:dif ar.DATtIIELORII DAM DYE. Thls splendid Hair Dye is the best In the world: the only true eud perfect Dye; harmless, relia ble, instantaneous; no disappointment; no ri diculous tints: remedies the 111 effects of bad dyes; invigorates and leaves the Hair soft and beautiful. blc.eic or brown. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers: and properly applied at Batche -I°l'4 WifUrtacirg, 'No. /a Bond street. New York. intimM 131.'"DOCTOR WHITTIER CON- TllillEct TO TREAT ALL PRIVATE Diseases. , eyphills lu all. Ita foetus Uonorrheeis, Meet, etricture. gc., completelt eradicated. That nu meroub class of cases resul lag from self abuse, produclus unmanliness, nervous debility, irritability, eruptions. seminal emissio ns, and An piny impoteacy, permanently 'cured. Persona agitated wl+ll uelicate. intrieWe and long wend. ing constitutional complaints are politely Invited to call sor eunivilltialork which CMS nothing. Experience, the best Of teachers. has ensiled him to perfect' remedies at *nee efficient, 'safe, permanent, and which tn Most. case, oin bo used without hincrunce to business. Bledlo.nes pre pared in the establishment, which embraces °i nce, reception and waiting rooms; also, needing *no sleeping apartments for ,patients requiring . da'ly personal attention, and vapor and chenal cal baths.' thus concentrating the famed mineral springs. 'Nomattea who• have filled, state your case. Read what he..sys in his pamphlet °CORY' ;rages. Sent tolinv addresis for tiro stamOsin seal. ed *envelope.- Thousands ;of mules ally, at office and all over the country._ ottani tatiowiree, personally or , .by mall. Office No. 9 .W9oo' street,. (neat Court tiousej Pittsburgh, . Hoare A. st to 2P. W. blandly); as so. to 2 P. au Pamphlet sent to , any address for trop' • : o r Is 1: t-Y • :/' . P 11,1 MN ROOFING ` - B LADE CIF'TARIOFS' • f ft • 1: QUalities , and- , dolors. Parildulas P attenticnrittitm rdpalllng B.itto roots, • b rot totritzulan and !pieta ad" 0: 8E0111134, O. 43 Seven% Atrettites, . . • ' pirrsatracia; rw O t i - 111.31t0IINGION ok.'.. 4• - • , /014 , - giart ipaßar. porripacrporiAsT i.;„k91, 0} 9... _ , ± Ind•PPORP 8 4 ,0 cet, . 03 thattaffela street, biu'act • otinimaaao . Orb . Pittiinntb. 414-Partlos and finales implied with I* Mum aim Oakes on abort mottos. El Lee -see. . MllPater-WIIDNESDAY EVENING:*May 12te, everr Evening and Wedutsday anti 6.4urusy After noon.. BICOOND WEEK, 11EIMPTT Dr31.141r. • 'novelties for Oils Week: Berles_que Railroad scene; After Dark Oriental Ycart Ballet; Pollak Beate; Hungarian ras de Pena; Neapolitan Baja; New and Laughable Tricks.. TONY DE I ER_ AS CLOWN, Mr. ALFRED MuE In the Skating CarnicaL Grand and Beentunl Culmination Scene. FRIDAY. BYER BENEFIT olf TONY MINIM'S—An aval:nche D.C,Huveltlee In prnoir &Con for the occasion. Iitgr!PITTSII JRGEL THEATIE.' H. W. WILuL LOIS. Lessee an, Man en. JPINNI.,s: ENGEL; W. B. CAVANAGH and the pr at eownany in a splendid hill. WEDIIVD .s . Y• NEXT' 'the #orgeOni oriental spsetsealat .burie.sine SPICIII bE .POKTY THIKVEB. Abdallith, Certain of the Potty -Miss ROSE MASSLEX. Forty Thieves Matinee oft Shittrdlly. RAIL.. IarNIIMINELVEI MUSEUM' AND I'ANILnt 'IIIIBNAGERIN, Itelko Avzin p between Badtbileld. W streets. o OW-Theatre. airCluen Digjuidi oe Zombi( ' an 49, teat to ikto: Ciipgron. 4? clouts., ''ACADEItri 111117 SIG THE BENIEVApik . OF 2 . NATIIWAVDRAMA - Under the Auspices of Posts :5 and 83 FOR BIX NIGHTS ONLY! COMMENCING Monday Evening, May 10, 1869. tinder tl e enjiervtillon and management of Mr. Y. A. TAN P 4 S HILL, of the Pittsburgh Theatre. and late of Ylte'a Opera lionse, CinetnnztL Characters by Members of the Chide:. Parquette and Dien Circle Family Circle Gallery Reserved Beata 25 cense extra. Box office open from 10 A. N. till 3 P. IL CQ THE The "Grand 'Army of the Republic" Is own posed of, Soldiers of the Union who served In the tate fiebeldon The PriVate Fo.dler Is, the peer of the hikhestoßlcer:- The oblietS wf the organ!. rattan are charitable, beneVolent, Just, social and patriotic, and should COMMILDdthe respect of all ookl elti rens. * ''' - - - • - . . To extend shelving hand to-the widows whose husbands and sons.were our c mrades. msny ot whom lie burled on tee thousands or battle aelds or In the cemeteries or theland,' and to assist In the supp rs of crippled soldiers. and the educe, Von or the soldiers' orphans, we respectfully ask the patronage of a generous public. 'IIIE IGsUMMITTEPE. • ORPHANS' COURT . SALE.- Will be offered at Public Sale at the Court House, in the city_ of Pittsburgh. on TM , SD AY, the 18th day of May, A. D. DM, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, the Beal. kstate of JAMBS BLACK, deceased, viz: All that cer,atn lot or piece of ground situate in Collins township, (now .trhteenthward, Pitt-burghjbounded by lands Samuel Semple., H. temple, and by a township road, and- containing sixteen acres and one hundred and nye perches, and hav ing thereon et eoted r large doutde Frame Hog House. Cottage House. a fine Barn. Stabling and otner out hub dings at ith good Orchard of fruit trees of all kinds. ' Grapes,. &e.. and , a Coal -.Bank everted on the. premises, There are sup posed to be sit" or elghtnere Of eoalln 8411.1 lot. terms of sale—One -Laird in hand, three-clew attars in cue year from the coed Elation of the sale, with interest nom the date of confirma tion, and the balance thirteen thirty-thirds of the purchase money to remain a charge upon the lane until the death of Mrs, Eliza Jane Black, wltt , tiv of James Blear, deceased, and the Inter est thereof to be paid to her annually during her life, slid at her death the principal to be paid to those legally entitled to the same. .CltY DS. A. HILARDS. Trustee. BASS EEL PALMER, Attorney.. an2B:tlB•w&s kARAM MAY by her next ika friend David Labe vs. Robert May. In the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny county, No. 476, Dee. T.. 1E 1 66. To thi above named respondent: • ROBERT MAY: You are hereby notified to be and appear at the next term of this Court, to be held at Pittsburgh on the FIRST MONDAY OF JUNE, A. D 1869 then and there to answer the complaint of the above teamed libelant, and show cause, If any you have, why the prayer for dliorce a vincula ruertrimonfi sho td not be granted. • SABIJEL B. CLIILEY, kern,: my5:162 w • T N TUE MATTER - OF Tait: AP ,'' PLiCATION OF THE fiEVEN H WARD PIIEMI Uhl LOAN A/P OCIATION F 'ALLE GHENT CITY, Corsa Charter of Inc zporation. No. 820, June Term, 1889. Notic is hereby given that application has been. made, to the Court of Common Pleas of Allegben County, to grant the charter of Incorporation 114 this case. that It Is now on file In the Write of th 1 Prothono tary of Allegheny county, and will be granted at the next term of COUlt, (June, 1889, unless ex ceptions thereto are filed In the mealtime ROB &ST POLLOCN, Solicitor for.Petlticruers. _____ my5:166.w IN THE DISTRICT CO ' T 'OF THE UNITED BTATBB. for the Western strict of Pennsylvania. JAMES e D. •a • Bankrunt ander the Act of Congress of. March 2d, 1867, haring ap-_ plied for a discharge from all his deb a' and other Chains p ovabie under said Act, by order of the Court, notice bkherebygiven, to all persons who have proved itch. debts. and o he • perso- a I liter e6ted. to appear on the 28th day *May. 1869, at 10 o'clock A. before JOHN N. PDKVIANCE. kd , 11, gteter lu. Bankruptcy, a t hlb otilze. No. .116 Federal street. Allegheny Cl-y, Pa., to show. esuse, it any they have, why a discharge ihould not be granted to the said Bankrupt. And thee. , notice is hereby given, that thel3econd'and Third Meetings of Creditors of t'e amid' Bank rupt; required by the 27ttrand 28th Sections of said Act, 'WM be held before the sal ttegister., at the same time and place. mILS:I6SAV ' S.C. lieCtlgtit ' Cleric. NO. Atil t JUNE TERN, 1869. r e the matter of the applientlOn oethe Cen-' teal Mutual Building and Loan , A sitoehltion of Allegheny City, for n chatter of incorporation. And now, to wit, APRIL. A ith. 1.689, tls Mist Court of Common Pleas, -of Allegheny , emlntY. it la ordered that notice otitis abovelentllinnunil be inserted In the Pittsburgh GAMY'S , for at least three 'weeks. and that theca e' will be - - granted at next term of said Conn, unless: es. ='; ceptions be Sled in proper time. • - R. 8. 31. - • , - uso an 26:h12 . Sollehor far MO Petitionem... VOrteu.—Awlieteailetters deem ' inmentary to the tatateni wamuel Wegads," '4 lace , tif the bor, ugh of. deteissedt , hare been granted to the subscriber; att er Ons ndebted to the saideirtate are requested Mean immediate payment: and thole baricird sor demands against the estateet the maid decedent will make known the sumo, wgitont delay. to • EOBERE WA 1..1.4%13 COPY/about: l r , - _ , 4 '24.Siitili itreZt. . Pittabarrn,,April,E3ll4•l3B9. • r u olr. tis cirrslidt#lllll3lA*D 1eCR1A11,014../ •.-PfttialOrttlt.:lrebruiri .4dh .134 E. f , Iqolllaro—,Tlie ABeetißMOJEft, for • Mg and utb l 33 Pharlow. ' street 'IV With atregl,. to Eatir street' hp now . rea dy in, , egaigi ation.wind can be seen at thlll o.r 05 ,itintl)fiATUttDOlC, MAt 13th, when It will be retained to the Gllty Treasurer , ' mace tor - mys: 7 2 H. J. /MUM City Engineer. • JOSEPH OHRENS; mAzfurionmini* W'I'NI".O W G:la A S w i takpu f e-No,At WOptk' ST RE;T; ' 'Pittsburgh. psmithaeld Meat. dole vei a 0 f ea e n 'IF. Cement aaa u taught = ir jr n'2 % .l lll tigi i r'OPElLt 110VSE.- Itiintssactire r•M. W. oaramte. IN.FIVIL ACTS, G. A. R. PRICES OF ADMISSION. rA7 - 43/11 47. 31,44. A. . . 13 9 r .-1114=.. El 50 cent. 38 cent. 25 cents.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers