• • 'Markets try Telegraph. - Nate YORIE D May -11.--Cotton firm and With grades heavy and low; Sales 2,800 bales ae 28K0 for middling uplands. Fleur s®loe better on low grades, with a fedr export demand; receipts, 7,506 bbls and'2B2bags; sales 7,800 bbl& at 15,75® 8,00 for superfine State and western, $6,20®6,60 for extra State, $6.20®7,00.fer extra western, §7,68 for white wheat ex tra, $6,35®7,50 ter round hoop Ohio, s7® 8,50 for extra St. Louis, a9®12,00 for.wood to choice do, closing steady; included in the sales were 3,000 bbls extra western rand State for export at 16,15®6,50. Rye flour quiet; sales 250 bbis at $4,75®6,85. Corn Meal steady; sales 700 bbls at .4,50 for white southern, and 4,75 for Brandy wine. Whisky dull; sales. 80 bbls at 9635 e for western free, and- 97098 c for iron bound free. Wheat I®2o better for, spring, with a fair export demand; receipts, 22,750, bus; sales 43,000 bus at 11,45®1,49 'for No. 2 spring de livered; 31.52 for No. 1 do de livered; $1.70@1,73 for white Califor nia; $1,80®1,90 for white Michigan; . chiefly Weide price. Rye firm; 7,000 bush western sold at $1,31; 500 'State at $1,35. Barley heavy; 10,000 bush Canada West at $1,90®2,00. Barley malt dull. Re ceipts Corn, 15,815. Corn heavy, 2(4)3e lower; 51,000 bushels sold at 82®8134 tor new mixed western; closing at 82®83 and 85(48635 for old do delivered. Receipts Oats, 13,K9; Oats lower, 12,000 bush sold at 87®87S for western afloat and held 87 in store. Stock of grain in warehouse: Wheat, 1,062,048 bushels; Corn, 394,153; Oats,, 613,166; Rye, 107,502; Barley, 17,684; Ma1t,77,677; Peas, 35,831. Rice firm at 834 ®935. Carolina c'.ffee quiet and firm. Sugar firm; 400,11hds Cuba sold at 113 S ®l2, and 300 has Havana at 12. Molasses dull. Hops quiet at 6®l2c for Amerlcan.‘ Petroleum firm at 17So for crude ;;2350 for refined. Linseed oil firm at $1,05. Sprits \ turpentine quiet. Pork dull and heavy; sales 685 bbls at $30,90®31,12 for new mess, closing at $3l cash; $30.75 old do.; $25,75®26 prime; $28,25@28,37 prime mesa. Beef dull; sales 140 !ibis at 18®16 for new plain mess; sl2®lB for new extra, mesa. Tierce beef dull; sales 85 tierces. at i20@26 for prime mess; $25®32 for In-, dia mess. Beef hams steady; sales 1301 bbls at $26@32. Cut meats steady; sales] 65 pkgs at 12:).1®13c for shoulders; 1535 160 for hauls. Middles nominal. Lard unchanged; sales 150 tea at 1634 ®lBle, chiefly 16 ®l6>ic, and 18®183.0 for kettle, rendered. Butter quiet at 20®40c for . Ohio; 25®45c for State. Cheese firm at ] 10®230. Freights to Liverpool firm; en. gagements per steam of 30,000 bn wheat at 3®3Sd. Latest-Flour closed active and firm for low grades of extra, and dull and heavy for all other kinds. Wheat is a shade Bernet - for spring, with a moderate export demand. Rye quiet and firm at 41,53®1,84 for western. Oats lower and heavy at 87e for western delivered. Corn dull and heavy at 82@830 for new mixed western. Pork dull at Pi for new mess. Beef quiet and unchanged. Cut Meata steady. ' Bacon dull and nominal. Lard) quiet at 18 ®lBScc fbr good to prime' steam. Eggs dull at 1735®19c. ST. Louis, May 11.-Tobacco active and prices a little better; sound ingee 14,50®6,00; common leaf $6,50®8,00' medium to good dark do sB®l2; wrappers $10(16; medium bright $ 6® 22. Cotton; nothing doing; middling is worth 263, ®27c. Hemp dull, with sales undressed at $1,40®1,45. Flour steady with a little better 'demand; sales spring super at $4,25®5,00; do extra 1.4,75®5,00; spring and fall double extra $5,25(96,75; treble extra *7,25(3}8,00; fancy $8,5u®9„50.1 Wheat $1,45@1,70 for good to low ehoica fall, and $1,75®1,95 for choice to fancy, - fall; No. 2 spring in elevator sold at, 11,11%; sacked spring ranged at 411,11®1.17 3 ,i, and some fancy Illinois brought ii 1,25. Corn firm at 68@70c for white. Oats rather easier, at • 66@68c. Barley, nothing doing. Rye cull, 11,25 for choice. Whisky firm with more demand, 90c. Groceries steady with but little doing and prices un changed. Provisions dull; there is some demand at reduced prices, but round lots are held above the lowest jobbing prices. Pork 'sold at $31,00®31,25. riaeon shoulders 13®133/,,c, the latter on orders; clear rib sides, 16,;c; clear sides, 163;® 17c; sugar cured hams, 20c. Lard dull, 17Y,0 for choice steam, and 180 for choice tierce on orders; 19c for keg. Receipts -flour none; wheat, 7,300 bush; corn 2,000 bush; oats, 5,000 bush; barley, 50j bash; hogs, 120. , Ceticacto, May 11.-Eastern exchange quiet ; par baying 1-10 premium; selling flour held firm at 14,8735®6.25 for seeing extras. Wheat dull; No. 2 advanced 2® 2350 ; sales of No. .1 . at 11,16®1,18; No. 2 at $1,1235®1,13g; closing . strong at 11,139; sales since 'change at $ 414. Corn dull bat firmer at 1 /,®3So higher; sales No. Ist 58®59Sc ; No. 2 at b4S'®ss3Se; rejected at 50®503fc; closing steady at 59®593ic for No. 1; unchanged this af ternoon. Oats active and steady sales of No. 2 at 61®61S ; closi ng a t 61061 g. Rye in better demand, but So. lower; sales No. .1 at ;1,15 01,163§; No. 2 at 11,12%®1.14; • closing atmg for regular No. 1. Bar ley quiet at $1,68. High-winos unset tled; sales at, a1,00®1,05. Sugar 14®1535 for common to choice. Provisions quiet and firm. Mess Pork, $3l. Lard is in active but firm at 173 Se for dry salted. Shoulders firm at 113;0 for loose rump. Pork quiet at $26 for extra; prime $2.5. Receipts for past twenty-four hours were 9,560 bbls Flour; 19,914 bushy Wheat;' 49,793 bushs .Corn; 55,118 bend's Oats; 1,150 bushs Rye; 1,180 bushes Barley; 1;885 head Hoge. Shipments were 11,411 bbis Flour; 82,926 bushs. Wheat; 104,993 bushs -Corn; 55,219 bluetit, Oats; 1,431 bushel Rye; 1,346 Hogs. Freights drill and unchanged. Criseliestersilfety 11.-Floar and Grain unchanged and quiet. Cotton unchanged ati 273sTfor middling. *Tobacco firth bat quiet Whisky firm at 93®940, general ly -held. at the latter rate. Provisions dull, nothing.tiene, and prices nominal. MeasTorklibeld at $3l. Balk Meats at 12®143(e. Bacon at 133, 1635 and 170. • L>ira held Sit 18C. Kuttee !abetter kip ply.and dull at 15®37c. Eggs scarps and , firm "at 180, Nagar firm, and refined go highet." Coffee"&rm.er and prices X° high • er. , Woelf doll but unchanged, pot much offering. Linseed oil unchanged at $1,04 ®1,05. ',Lard oil lower at $t,43411,47 for No; l'imtl'extnt. Petroleum dull at'32o for refined: Geld 1118 X buying. Exchange steady.' Money market easy at B®lo per wat t , • Loulturtritm,-May 111-Cotton quiet and dulltlew middling 25Sc. Flour-demand moderate and prices steady; Superfine 15; extra $5,75; fancy $8,50. Corti 64 @flee. *ate 700. Cement $ 1 .25®1.50. 'flagging -2 pound Kentucky $22®23; light weight 8117. New Otleabs Sugar 140 for.prime. New Orleans Molasses 800 for prime. Rip Coffee-choice 250. Hard standard sugar 173' Hay-No. 1522; prime $24. doll at: 9,40. Previsions quiet, but.-steady. Mess pork "fi11,25. Ba coll-olbeuldera 18ge; clear iihsidesloKc; 17qc; tams IBC. - Lard-tierce . keg 19140, Leaf tobacco ,not yet in. PRITADELPHIA,' May 1).-Flour is very• dull and drooping; iNo. ',western extra fatally, *5007; and Ohio de. at $7 039. Wheat is dull apd decilning;red is .unchanllsdt amber, 111,7001,75; white, $1,80®2; No. 1 spring. $1,50®1,55. Corn; ',llalasrll.ooo bushels 'silkier, St 88o: Data 'firm; salmi of western at 840. Petroleum I. q uie t ' 3l* F t 9N -23 9 , 15 3 14 r - 14 0•402 3i °1 1 • z;--: F 4n ,. PrOilsirms are unctuulged. 'Whisky. 94441. . • Cr.syswaco, May 11.—Flour dull and heavy. Wheat—sales of 1 car No. 1 red winter at $1,45; No. 2do held at $1,27@ 1,28. Corn—sales of 2 cars yellow at 72c, and 2 cars No. 1 at 700. • Oats—sales of 2 oars No. 1 at.7oc. Rye held at $1,28@ 132. according to grade. • Petroleum, refined nominal at 29@300 in car lots for standard white; trade lots 2@30 in ad vance. BALTIMORE, May 11.—Flour dull and irregular and not sufficient in market to establish quotations. Wheat dull; good to prime valley red 411,80®2,05. Corn dull; prime•white 81®82c ,per► bushel ; yellow. 83®840 per bush. Oats dull at 78@79 for heavy and 73®75 for light. Rye; nothing doing. Provisions unchan ged. Whisky scarce at 98c per gallon. MILWAWrEE, May 11.—Flour dull and nominally unchanged. Wheat firm at $1,1734 for N 0.2; 51,1234 for No. 1. Oats dull and lower at Mc for No. 2. Corn weak at 60c for new. Rye nominal. Bar ley quiet and steady at $1,80®1,85 for prime. MEMPHIS, May 11.—Cotton dull and unchanged; receipts 176 bales; exports 1,560 bales. Flour dull; super $5. Corn 70@72c. Oats 700. Hay $27. Pork $31,50. Lard 18@193t0. Bacon firm; shoulders 13%o; sides 17340. Bulk meats weak; shoulders 1234 c; sides 163,c. DETROIT, May ll.—Wheat receipts, 8,000 bus; market steady and firm; extra white winter $1,75, No. Ido 11,59, No. 2 do 51,37. Corn 690. Oats 65®660. Mill feed, bran $2O, coarse middlings s22® 22,25, tine 527. Cinceleo, May 11.—Oattie Market— Hogg opened quiet and-active and closed easy, with sales at 8,75(09,50 for fair to choice. tattle are dull, weak 'and 25® 35 lower; 5,25®5,50 for common to good. Cows; 6(06,50 for light; 7®7,12% for good to choice shipping steers. CINCINNATI, May 11—. Cattle Market.— Beef cattle in light supply and prices 254:i higher; common to extra at 117,75. Sheep scarce and 50c higher, wool on o (07. Hogs in good demand and firm. ST. Louis, May 11.—Cattle Market.— Cattle quiet and unchanged. 4@7yje. Hogs—supply and demand light, and prices easy, 13,;(p3 c. NEW Yonx. May IL— The Dry Goods business was moderately active with few of the leading jobbing houses, and there is no change of importance in the prices of staple Cotton goods except for Law rence J. forty inch,Brown, which sells at 1630, Methun act Ticks, 273 , 04 and Willow Brook No. 1 Ticks, 2730. CLuvELAND AND Prrisunraelt RAIL ROAD; May IL-4 cars blooms, Wm ick d: Co; 2 do stone, JL L Knox; Ido do, P Wo1f; 1 do oats, Floyd it Co; 2 do pig iron, Graff, B it Co; 3 do blooms, Park Bros & Co; 1 do lumber, Hamilton Algeo dc Co; 1 do potatoes, Voigt, M & Co; 28 aks oats, Williamson it Black; 300 do do, J at W Fairley; 169 do do, Schnel bach it Co; 1 car potatoes, Van Corder it 5; 20 cases tobacco; - W Miller it Co; 10 do do; J H Lippincott; 30 do do,-Smith,_J & Co: 12 tea hams, T Lippincott; 44 eke wheat, 58 do oats, Scott .t Gisal; 21 bdis chairs, 5 do rockers, Hamner & Son; 15 bxs cheese, J A Graff; 5 bbls oatmeal, 3 do barley, Strickler & M; 15 kgs do, 5 bxa farina, E flazelton; 100 oil bbls, C A Wormcastle; 50 tubs, 50 pails butter, 1 bbl dried apples, Day & Co; 20 aks oats, Graham it 51; 49 do do, H Riddle; 4 bbis eggs, Head it M; 1 do do, Atwell & Lee; 1 do do, W H Graff & Ca. PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE it CRI osooRAILaoAD, May 11.-5 cars metal, Nimick it Co; 2 do do, Bryan & Uaughey; Ado do, Union Mills; 100 bbls Hour, Shomaker & Lanuenheim; 700 do do, owner; 1 car ryii; J W Simpson; 1 do wheat, Scott it Gisal; 100 bbls Hour, 10 bits cheese. E Heazletoo: 4 hhda tobacco, no consignee; 10 bits do Wilson it Son; 3 tubs butter, W H Graff; lot sundries, Isaiah Dickey & Co; 1 car oats and bay, H Schnelbach; 115 aka rags, Pitts Paper Co; 61 bgs rye, 52 do oats, Little it Baird; 15 bxs cheese, N J Braden; 100 doz rakes, Lindsay, Sterrett it Co; 27 aka rags, God frey it Clark. 185 bgs oats, 50 do mid dlings, Graham & Marshall; 4 pkgs but ter, Woodworth it Davison; 1 car corn Robb it Herron. PITTSBURGH CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS RAILROAD. May 11.-31 skis pota toes, Meanor & H; 31 bdls brooms, Jas Conner- 3 grain drills, W. W Knox; 8 bales to w, ' Hammer & Son; 27 bia Smith J & Co; 86 sks - -rags, Christy & B; 7 do wheat, .F Schilds; 8 bbls scrap iron, Anderson & Woods; 6 bdls hoes, 9do folks, Logan Gregg & Co; 2 cars rye, J W Simpson; Ido do, W J Meek; 2do staves, W Hastings; 1 do do, M P Adams; 50 green bides, J Collins; 56 do do, 0 N Hoffstott; 100 bbls floor, D Wallace; 1 car ear corn, Hitchcock, WC & Go; 10 kgs lard, Pretztleld & Bro; 7 hhds tob, & W Jenkinaon; 90 caddies do, J W Taylor; 6 hhds bacon, Jas Lippincott; 100 bbls flour, Jae Gregg; 15 tea lard, Watt, L$ Co; 10 do hams, J P Hanna dr, Co; 30 cases tobacco, E Wormaer. ALLEGE'S= V ALLWE RAILROAD, May cars metal, Union Mills; 1 do do Brown dr, Co; 2do do, J Moorhead; 1 do do, Lyon, Shorb & Co; 31 ski oats, Dilworth & Co; 51 do do, Adams & Aus tin; 7 rolls eather ' B Ptlamm; 6 aka oats Keil & Ritchart; 20 do do, Graham & M; 42 do do, 25 do corn, J & A Dietz; 10 bbls eggs, W H Carnahan; 1 oar stone, Hen derson &, Co; 10 do railroad iron, Thos S Jewett; 10 do do, C A Carpenter; 400 bbls 011, Fisher Bro; 560 do do, Lockhart, Frew Jr Co; 960 •do do, Commercial Works; 4 bbls tallow, t 3 Haslee. ALLEGHENY STATION, May 11.-12 skit oats, 1 car bran, Rose & Ewing; 14 bgs rags, J B Jones; 15 bxs tobacco, Renter &W; 8 oars wheat, "Kennedy & Bro; 16 bbls elder, Keyser & N; 7 cars metal, Span g, Chalfant & Co; 1 do wheat, Mc- Kee& Co; 6 do Iron'ore, Richey, H it Co; 84 dos ' rakea, 'Whltealdes it Drum; 100 bbla• llour, R & A Carson; 1 oar hay, Voeghtho & K; 1 do do, Steel & Son. 2,000,000 ACHES OF ' OIIOIGT LANDS FOR SALE,' BY TEE Union Pitelffe Railroad Company, RASTRIIIe DIVIOIO/4 Lying alone the fine of their road. at $l,OO T 0,161,00 PM ACRE, And on a CREDIT OF TIVIL TEARS. , . For further partteulap; maps, Aka, address JOHN P. DEVECIEUX, Land Commlssloiter. TolLeka, Hanes. Or maul. B. wisimuy, sews, lb SUM et. Louts. Illssolet. WHIT LINE.-200 Urgels v Llets, tbr sale • • I..arkarviziwri 1411161ke rmi • a • ~,,,i 4 4 . 14,1 i45,4•41Y•1at gr 5g6: 4- , • /..10-Y tLP 3,XL1.VW:.02„ q.•';.'4l'?"`" " • • ~41,r,A49A-Zl›.oo,'-'''''"!4. ~c.~i 'Y.{ Live Stock Markets Dry Gooda Market. 'DEPORTS BY RAILROAD. ME EINE KTTERV4GE GAZETTE WEDICWAY.; MA! RIVER N*WB. The river continues to recede steadily with six feet in the channel. Weather clear and warm. The St. Marys arrived a little after noon and departed again last evening. She had a pretty good trip both ways. The R. C. Gray, arrived from Louis ville, and will leave again for Cincinnati and Louisville on Saturday. Capt. Isaac Whittaker is in command. The Messenger departed for St. Louis last evening with about all she could take on the water. Passengeri and shippers *ill bear in mind that the Emma No. 3, Capt. H. Marratta, is announced for New Orleans forthwith. The Grey Eagle, Capt. C. L. Brennan, is the regular packet for Parkersburg to day leaVing at noon. The Armadillo arrived at St. Louis from St. Paul on. Sunday, with about live hundred tons. She was to have left for Pittsburgh on Monday Tie Glasgow arrived at St. Louis on Sunday from Pittsburgh; and left the same day for St, Paul. The Lorena arrived at St. Louis on Saturday, and the Glendale departed the same day for this port. The Camelia, Capt. T. H. Golding, with Geo, Splane in the office, is an nounced for Nashville forthwith. The' Great Republic, from New Or leans to St. Louis, arrived at Cairci on Sunday. She had. among other items of freight, 1,200 bars of railroad iron. The Matamoras No. 2, Capt. Dalzell, is announced for New Orleans. She is a new boat, not yet quite completed. • —The Argosy from Pittsburgh, left Cincinnati on Sunday for St. Louis, with her guards dragging , in the water. Pilots—Ned McLain and John Shearer, —The New York left Nashville for Pittsburgh on Friday, with 100 bales cot ton and a lot of cedar ware. —The Madison Courier, of Friday. says: There are rumors of the forma tion of a new company to operate the ship yard with the requisite experience and capital to "push things." —The St. Paul Press, of Friday, says: The St Croix boom four miles above Still water is so full of - logs as to cause a blockade to navigation. It is jammed full of logs for three and one•half miles. The boom contains many million feet of logs,which are being let oat at the rate of one million feet per day, but the run is 'at its bight and logs are coming into the boom much faster than they are let out. The Nellie Kent was compelled to turn back from Stillwater on account of this blockade: It is not known how long this will continue, but It may last sev eral days. —Limit Monday night a break occurred in the Carrollton levee, a mile and a half above town. It was ten feet wide, and threatening to become a crevasse of some considerable magnitude, was, by dint of lively work on the part of the citizens, closed, and secured by mid night. • —The New Orleans and Red River packets are adhering strongly to the old card rates. —Capt. Ben. B. Taylor died at his resi dence at Madison,lndiana, on Thursday morning, in the fftieth year of his age. surrounded by his wife and children. His death was not unexpected, as he has been 'confined to his bed for some weeks. Mr. Taylor was well known among river men, having tilled the position of Capt. and clerk on numerous steamers, and was for a long time engaged in the Cin cinnati, Madison and Louisville trade. It will be a gratification to his friends to know that he had his life insured for the benefit of his family for 85,000.—Cut. Commercial. —The Glendale left St. Lons for Pitts burgh on Saturday evening. —The W. S. Hays has been chartered by DeHaven's Cirous Company to take the troupe up to St. Paul, and will then return to the Ohio River. River and Weather. Loutsvi Lig, May 11.—River falling fast with ten feet in the Canal this evening., Weather clear and pleasant. COMMISSION MERCHANTS J. 1.. DILLINGLa.... A. Z. STXVIUSBOS. DII.LINGER & STEVENSON, DISTILLERS AND DEALERS IN Pure Rye Whjskies. IMPORTERS OF BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, &C., No. 87 Second Avenue, sp2e PITTBBITROH, PA. Es'EfAinii ffl p BY A. T W. M. GORMLY, WHOLESALE GROCER, No. 271. Liberty Street, Wisscrx.'r Orr. Lena Horn,) 1 2 1'1483131:11141112t. 110 :re M. &MILD .4. A. ISTZOLII STEELE & SON Vemmission Merchants, AND Damasa IN 1P1A31711. EMEI/11. aoo. No. 98 OHIO BTE I XI, near Zest: Ocnamon. ALLIGOEIZNY 0117. RA. num KEIL :AO. r. itagAir. VEIL di RITCHAItT, OMMISSION MERCHANTS, . - • AND DUZZIN FLOUR. GRAIN,. SICEDII, MILL lithtl. Se., fib Liberty Mt., Pittsburgh. m J.. Wholesale and Retail Grocer% • No. MI PENN . STREET. A BAIRD &a- PATTON, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants ano Dealers In Produce,/flour, Bacon, Cheese, Yleb, Carbon and Lardoll, Iron, Nails Wass, Cotton Yarns and all IP":,cipburgh Manlacturel UgenerallT S 1 and P 4 wicolip IS BEET, Plttsburan. • ' Joint aturrox • • WALLAOL §HIPTON& WALLACE Whole. SALE 0 ROOEIRS AND PROD MN DEAL. 0. No. 0 SIXTH NTIMET. Pitt sburch. • lathrvi • Inc aoust....wm. V. noun. TOON I. HOUSE ALBROS.i Sue t; , cemors no JOHN I. HOUSE & 00., Wnole. saperacers and Onmadision Monnhauts, Oor. nerbt•andthdeld and Widnentri.ets. Plttennrab. • CsAIMITRONG, Successor estLhArstrol l3 iG:gatonu ll cui sures. • `.177177".":. trol l ' .34111, RIVER PAokEirg. ==MIE FOR ETA NsvuuLr ~ ,I,_ CLARKSVILLE AN,EASII- - _, VILLE—The ht , ainer I'."` CAMELIA Capt. TnOS• H. °OWING. Will leave as above on THuar.SDAY CO 13th lent. For freight or nass'age apnly on board net() FL,et & cot. LINGwi , oD. Agents. NEW ORLEANS. VOH MEMPHIS AND_ _a: NEW UEL EANB—Thee tf amer Capt. JAS. 31.1...LTTA EMMA No. 3 Will leave as above on WEDNESDAY - It; C 1201 11313 t. For frriabt or pa‘saao apply on board 'or t • & CuLI.NGINOOD, Agents. NEW 011LE.ANS AND TEXAS. FOR 11.1EW ORLEANS, GALVESTON . , .I,ROVV NS ?Ct.. MLR. Texas—The new and stars Fttamer MATAMORA.S. No. .. ...Capt. R. DAtaxt.t.. Will leave as above on ill URIDAY,It .e 90th inst. If or frelicht or passage annly on board nips zeLect, &scoLiamiwoub.. LINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE FOR CINCINNATI and aidgt LOUISVILLE.—The steamer, li.o. GRAN CBpt. ISAAC WIIiITAHRS, Win leave for the above points on SAT.IIBDAY, Mac 15th, and shippers should bear thia In mind. For fiedint or passage apptv on hen,rd; or to FLACK & VOLLINGWOOD. Addrue 1869. adirma NORTHERN LINE PACKETS, FROM ' St. Louis to Keokuk and St. Paul, AND ALL INTEW,DIA.TE.PODTB One of the splendid Sidewheel Steamers of this Line will leave Sr: Louis da lv for lieokuk,D 'yen pert, Dubuque, Winona. Stillwater aright. Paul. Through receipts for Freight and Passengers will be given to all points oh the Upper Mi•sis siseippl on steamers nutria; from this port and eonneefing with the Northern Line Packets at. St, Louts, thus enabling con.ignees' to uet their Freight through RiChollt delay and at lowest rates. Apply to JOHN FLACK, J. D. COLL' GWOon, H. C. GFAT, Agents, or to WI Water staeet. mb2B: PA RR ERSBVItd. DIIT TR ft UR G 11,g.,41=11 1 PI WHEELING AND PAR REU.SBURG LINE...AA-11MP flomna.mi , a Whirl itmo of Wm. , . 0”.41.- daily at 1.51 M., WED NESDAYS and SATURDAYS, Celtic Y LAGUE U. L. BEINICA:2I%, Muter. Y Igbt *lll lA r MecKeS eoLt a mnon by . BLACK & CULLING WOOD, a 13 - Aunts. LI 0 Wo£ELlNG. ai iiir m e .4:_1( &MET TA,INLEMItatiBURG AND CINCINNATI. Leaves Pittatmrgh EVERY TUESDAY- 1S If, LavesC Cincinnati EVERY FRIDAY-4 P. IL The swift and superb hidewheel Steamer Sr. MARYS, T. C. SWEENEY, Commander. will leave as announced above. ' For Freight nr Passage apply on board, or to FLACK & COL LI NCIWOOD, or COLLIN° & BARNES, Agents. N. s.—No Freight rteetved, on Tuesday after 11 A. M. mhZ STEAMSHIPS. TO LIVERPOOL AND QTJEENSTOWN._ TUE INMAN MAIL STEAMSLUPS Numbertne sixteen first-cliat vessels, among mthe celebrated CITY Ore rAttio, CITY Or ANTWEFP, crrx 'OP BOSTON, CITY OF BALTIMORE, CITI OF LONDON, tl EVERY SATURDAY, fromiller 45, Inver, New York. For ”a.ssage•Or further bitorb•a.tou •nnir to 41 r. . 70 rCbrocicle Ltiodbot. vo.+l, 0nn,...!1• Post WINES. LIQUORS; &O. SCHMIDT Sr.. FRIDAY, IMPORTERS OF WINES, BRANDIES, GIN; &C., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN PURE RYE WHISKIES, 409 PENN STRIA:ET, t Have Ilemoved•- to NOS. 384 AND 386 PENN,' Con Ele've,nth St., (tortzterly! 6anal.) JOSEPH S. FINCH & CO., Nos. 195.1137.189,191; 193 wad 195, MIST STREET. PITTSSUSEIR, IcA2rerACTlncYl3 or Copper Distilled :'Pare Rye Whiskey. dealen In IikiREIGN WINES and El- QUORS. HOPS. Bc. ml2sats3 WILLLIM MILLER CO., Nos. 221 anti 223 Liberti , Street. Corner of Irwin ' now offer to the trade at low figures, strictly . • Prime New Crop New Orleans Seger and Molasses. Porto Mob, Cuba and English Island Sugars. NOW York, Philadelphia and Baltimore Mo aned do. - - Golden Drips, Love ring'. Brungs, 'Stuart's, Adams' and Long Island byrapi Porto Rico, Cubs and English Island Molasses. Young jiyinb, Japan, Imperial. ; Gunpowder and Ooldtg Teas. . Carolina and Bangoln Elea. Java, Laguayra and, to Coffees. • Tobacco, ,Lard Olt; Fish, Nails, Glass, Soaps, Cotton Yarns, ac., constantly on hand. • IWORTZBEI Or Fine Brandies,Wines and Segars. Moselle. and Brwfblini 'Honk Willed of Hinkel &_Co.. to bottles. • , Sparkling Moselle,' Schonberg and Johaanls burg. Hockbelmer. BurgundlOte. Brandenburg & Freres. rue Olive OS.' do -do Clarets, Imported In bottles. • do do White Wines, la bottles. M. Wort & Bono' Sparkling Catawba. • fine old Sherry. Maaelta and Port Wines. - free Old Monougabela By. Whiskies:pure. do Very rbanerlor Old MAtllb do do. . . ArsiilOs • • . Sole Agents tbr Meet & Chandon , s Grand 171 n. Verzenay and Settery Champagne: ' 1 Brandies of our own seleet,on and warranted. J 2.d43 J. Y. BW/NT J. M. SEAT? SW iNT & BRATT Y . , „ 1 . A.BOHITETTURAL AND. - ORNAMENTAL CARVERS No, 62 Sanduiliy-,11..- Allegheny, Pa. A /IWO adsonntent 'REWEV 'POSTS . and Be.LI,STP.ko constnntly on hend.l TUIL) U` 4 or *lt deserto ns. done -'• -olicyr74.l FLoon. OIL CLOTHS, DEFIEN OIL CLOTH ' Fob WINDOW tsIIADES. TAANsPARIGNT WINDOW SHADES. TABLA AND ruaNFrIIRE*4 - OIL °Lulu. *Vny VAltranr.L. :•• • - ail P.fIuALIPIL sao.lllllllativitrest: o . El 1869: THE IRON CITY MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Of Pennsylvania. Office, 75 Feder,al St., Allegheny City DIRECTORS* Hon. JAMES L. GRAHAM, . Rev. J. B. CLARK. I). D.. • Capt. R. ROIIINSoN. Rev. A. K. BILL. D.D. Rev. IS. N. NEtBIT. U.D.. • W. A. REED. Cashier Allegheny Trust Co. JACOB RUSH. Weal &state Agent, SIMON DRUM. Mayor of Allegheny. C. W. HE NN Y, Hatter. A. S. BELL._ Attorney.at-Law, 1). L. PA TERSON, Lumber Merchant, D. SWOOFR, Ingnranee Agent. Capt. ROBT. ROBINSON; President. Rev.J. B. CIA REC D D. D.,, Vice President, JACOB RUSH, Secretary, C. W. BENNY. Treasurer. M. W. WHITE, MEDICAL ADVISER. nch.built DANIEL SWOGER, Gruel Agent. This is a time company. conducted on the mutual Principle, each policy holder receiving an equal share of the profits of the Company. Policies will be issued on all the different plans of Life Insurance, and being conducted on• an economi cal ba,is will afford a safe investment to each policy holder, and thereby retain the money at home to encourage home industry. tahMa.33 or to Agents BEJIV FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ALLEGHENY, PA. OFFICE IN FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANE BUILDINGS, • No. 41 Ohio St.. Aliegrheily. A HOME COMPAICY, managed by Directors wet known to the community, who treat by fair dentin, to merit a share of your patronage. HENRY IRWIII, ... Eth.O. D. WIDDI.E Secretary. Henry Irwin, D. L. Patterson, Wm, Cooper, Geo. REiddle, Jacob Franz,Gottlelb Paas, Simon Drum , J. B. Smith, Jacob Rusb, W. M. Stewart, Oh, P. Whiston, Joseph Craig, los. Lautner, H. J. Zanliana. Jere. Rolieu. R. R. HERON, GENERAL AGENT. ,r4n.nPS CASH ' • I INSURANCE COMPANY, PHELAN'S BUILDING, No. 22 Fifth Avenue. .61econd Floor, PITTSBITROH, P.A. Capital All Paid 17p. DIRECTORS. t i l NJ. Higley. H. W.oliver, Jr, Capt.M.Balley, Dann Wallace, ti H. Hartman. A. Chambers, Jake Hill. H. Br teltirk4n. Jas. M . /Salley. Thomas Smith Jno.S. Willeck, ROHE TH. Ent% President. JNO. F. JEN NINO% Vice President. JOS. T. JOHNSTON. lletrelki7. Capt. R. J. GRACE, Gen'l agent. Insures on Liberal Terms on• - all Fire and Marine, Risks. , . ap2:g67 NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Cor, Federal St. and Diamond, illeiheny, Mice, In the SECOND • NATIONAL BANK BUILDIN(I. W. W. MARtIN, President, JUeiN sitowx, R. Vice President, JAMES E. tiTRVENSON. Secretary. John A. Myer, I Jas. L.Graliam.l Jno. lirovrn,JL.; 0.11 Pia Whims' ap6 ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OP PrITSEIIRGII, PA., Office, No. 424. PENN SP., UN NATIONAL Thus? CO. BUILDING.) Robt. Dickson, G. Medic., E. H. Myer*, J.L. Blanchard, 808 BORT fent: T. J. . PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTSBURGH OFFICE. No. 16T3i WOOD STREET, BANE OP COmineRVII BUILDING. This is a Home Company, and insures against loss nv Fire exclusively. LEONARD WALTER, President. C. C. BOYLE Vice President. ROB BT PATRlCll,.Treasarer. • HUGH NoELHENI. Secretary. Drew/Gas: • Leonard Walter, George Wilson, C. C. Boyle, ' Geo. W. Evans, Robert Patrick, J. 0. Lippe, Jacob Painter, J. O. Fielner, Josiah King, John Voegtley, Jas. H. Hopkins, A. Amason. Henry Sproul, lye INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS ST FIRS FRANKLIN. INSURANCE CO. OF PHILAUELPHIA, OPTICE.43II& 437 OIipTNTIT ST., near DIRWTORB. Chutes iP. Rancher, Tobias Wagner, Samuel Gran Jacob R. bath s al c Mll3 .. VA'ardmlbKE , EDW. C. DALE, Vice President.T W. C. tiTEELE,__Secretary,pro ton. J. GARDNER COFFIN, Aogarr, North West corner Third and Wood Streets. tulta9mlls lIIIPEIIILAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1803. CASH Germs, PAID UP AND INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED /NO 58,000,000 IN GOLD. :. Insaririce against lire affected on 'Houses and Buildings, tiood Wares and Merchandise, Steamboats, to.' Follette issued payable In cold or currency. Air United States Brazeii Moe, • 40 PINE STREET New York. • All l osses of the United States .Branch via be adjoined in New York. J. Y. M0r...A.17013:MA1N, Agein g Prnsstrites. PA. - 67 FOIIIIITH 1111ZET. • NB. MeLkUONLIN illsoAgekt !be the Min. batten Llfb Insurance Company. seinen "STERN IRSURAXPECOIII• - pmrr OP rrrrootolou.• LXXANDERNFOII., President. WM. P. MESE . Secretary. CAPT. GEORG* gilitali tifinersi Agent. Omue, MI Water street, Spans! i Vo.le Vi are• house, up stairs, gittahure , •—• 1 •'' • Wul inyine against all nds of ,dad Ma. rine Was.. A home Instltatton, managed ) 3 1 Dim reckon who arc well known to the - community, sad who ar.: determined by proispoiess and Mier. silty to maintain the character whl they have assumed, as sinning the best pr eyto tkose who dears to be insured. • • . -. .. • • : VilisetiMilt• • . __ •' ' . . ' Ale_x,anner Vizier. • , Jelin B . MOMS% .71. miller, Jr., Chas. J. Clarke; James McAuley, . William B. .Evan Alexandergmer. • amPh KirkPamoa. Andrew A en, Praulp.itaymer, - • ' David M. ng, Win. Morrison , D. Ilimsen. • I • noV IDEOPLEEP. INNUMINC: ji. PANS% ' 01710 E, N. Z. CORN/CS WOOD & YIPTH BT2. Homo ComPauf.tak tug Fire mid Morin EII DMaCtoan: • • WM.Sipa, Capt. John L. Rhoads, John Watt, Samuel P. Shriver, John N. Parke Charles Arbuckle; Capi. James hither, Jared at. Brush, ' Win. Van Kirk, Wm F. Lang.. James D. Verne Samuel hieCriesitii 41. MULL PS, _'resident. 1g WA. Vice President. • ' . . Rik Seereta • I:IAPT, JA I .'. 111 ' SIDON .Rdneral , winoutrra a • bblib ur wog ' ' . i4mArguit. ~!>J",) :•' 3> .i,)*-1!:••• INSURANCE DIRECTORS DIRECTORS: • . las. Lockhart.roe Myers, • Robert Lea, C. C. Boyle. George Gerst, • Jacob Kopp, Jno. Thompson J. Mittangher DIRECTORS: ilobt. Liddell, C. Van Liuren, J. ang w I etch, J. Weisser, W. J. Friday, P. 'Kirsch, P. tieh . lid Siebert eeker . • H. MYERS Pre • DICKSON. VI J. GRIER. Trei LBIETZ. deem !eident. 'lee President. ,ASUTP.S. Ar 9. Mordecai H. Louis David B. Brown. Isaac Lea Edward Edward . Dale, George rates. ,Kreiddem.. -f#- "'k". 4;11c. _ RAIIARO &DS. 1869; FORT ys 1 4 e t i iumA. , W. and CLEVELAND & PITTSRTE6H R. R. From May 9th, 1969, trains will leave OK= and arrive at the Ilmon Repot, north side, Pitts burgh city time, as follows: ams. Arrant. Chica . go Ex.— 9:08 a M , Oliteigo E x . 1 :5 , 3 • m Erie a YEn E 7:98 am I Chicago Ex..11 0: 0 3 v Cl. & la a m: Wheeling Fa 10:48 a nr Chicago Arai'. 6:1 1 / 4 a mlbt. outs Ex 9:OE I D I n m ango „..943 a ChPgo Ex.t.ll4:oBp m Cl. Wk`g Ex. A:08 p 9,, Cleveland Fa 3:53 pnt Chicago Ex.. 9:23 pm Erie a Yg`n s:llbp m W'e Erie Ex 4:38 pu. Cl. Wh'g Ex 6:s3pia Report/ram AllegAlny. Arrive in Allegasnb Itea'r Palls Ac-8:59 a ln,LPetedale Ae..6:99 ata Leetsdale •• 10:03 a nllllca'r Falls " - • 11:55 am ; New Castle "10:23 auL Rochester" 1:2 1 i p I Enon " 9:13 am Enon ,3,31; p eetsdee 1:011pna I..eetsdale Acc 5:13 prn !Beal. Valls " • Sitita L Be e a l li a tt i l e la all p p in mi Le etsdale " 4:33 ton " 9:23 ota Fair Oaks Bun- Fair Oaks Sun day Church. 1:13 p m day ~ .hunch. Nap2:23 in. Chicago Express leaves daily. Jur 12 0 p. mxidcmgr Express arrives daily.. J. M. KIMBALL, J. N. M'CULLOUGH„ Heit'l Ticket Agent. Beal Supten'. mylo eIHANGE OFa t agnim 5.1 TIME. ANBLEIGEIENY VALLEY RAILROAD. THE ONLY DIRECT WHITE TO THE OIL REGIONS WITHOU r CHANGE . OF OAKS, Onand after MONDAY. May 3d, 1869 7WO THROUGH TRAINS DAILY (except Sunday) will leave Pittsburg!' Depot. corner of Elev enth and Pike streets, frr Fran klin, Oil 010,813f f:11o, and all , points to t e Oil Regions. LEAVE PITTSBURGH. f nttHrY IN nrrraimair Day Ex11:00 a m i Day Ex 5:15 p m Night Ex.— 7:30 pm Night Ex 0;30 a m Brady's B AC 3:15 p m Brauys R Ac 1 0 :15 aas Ist dodaW'ks 9:45 ato lttsotlaW'ks 7:4o'a m. 0d SotlaW'ks 6:30 p m ' 2d Sod:arks 03:15 . p zet lit Holton ...- 6:4.5 a m Hutton.. itaio ait Rd Mi1t0n...151:00 • milad-Halton... 2:011p 3d Hutton... 1 t:00 pm 3d Hutton— a:O5 p Arnold's Ac. 5:00 pmi Arnold's Ac. 7:40 p m Cburan train to and from Soda. Works leave Ptitsburgh at 1:10 P. B. Arrive at Pittaburgb, (Sundays.) at 9 50A. at. Express trains stop only at principal points. Accommodation trains stop at alt stations J. J. LAWRENCE, Gen't Supt. THOMAS M. 'KING, Assn. binpn. ap3o DEINN.S_Y L V - NIA CHNTRAL.RAIL ROAD. On and after April Alith, 1869, Trains will arrive at and depart from the Union Depot. corner. of Washington and Liberty streets, as follows: AttTIM Depart. Mail Train.— 1:25 am 'Day Express.. 2:15 ass Fast Line 1•45 am Boomer% Ex.. 4:SO ant. Wall's No. 1.. 6 20 am Wall's No. 1.. 6:30 ant BrintonAcc'n. 7:50 am Mall Train, .... 8:15 am Wall's No. 2..8:50 am How , dAt o 1 1u:20 am Cincippatl Ex .9:10 am •Cincin"tl Ex 12:30_ pm Johnstown Ac10:35 am Wall's No: 2..11:51 of How'd Ac Nol 1:10 pm Johnstown Ac. 2:06 a Pittsb"sh Ex. 1:30 pm Braddocks Ac. 3:40p Phila. Exprestl!so pm Phila. Express 4:20p Wall's No. 3...9:60 pm Wall's No. S.. 4:sopat Braddock As.: 5:50 pm Wall's No. 4.. 6:osplis How'd Ac No 2 0:35 pm •Fast Line:.... 7:30 pm. Wall's No. 4. 7:20 pm How ' d AcNoS:slopra Way Pasen , r 10:20 pm WalPs Nn.5.. 11:00 ozo • - rpm trains make epee couneption stritarris burg for Baltimore. The Chureb Train leaves Walls Station nary Sunday at 9:05 a. m., reaching Pittsburgh a 10:08 m. Be turning, leav_ea . 12:50 p. m. and arrives at Walls Station 21:10p. 'Cincinnati Express leaven daily. All, op. ,traits daily except Sunday: . For Partner initormauonply to _ap W.H. BECKWITH. - Agent. The PennaylvanlaliallnaltdCompany will note sums any risk foataggage, except for wearing_ an pare and limit their , responsibility to%thie , Han ate. Dollars in value.'All Baggage exceeding t amount in valpe. Irlikbe, At the. risk °tithe owner.micas taken by special contract. . EDWARD • B. WILLLAXS; ap2B ', General Superintendent, Altoona, Fa. E .8 T E•R Naggamin PENNSYLVANIA ROAD.--tla and after April 25th,11259„" the Passenger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania . Hal road will arrive et and ' , depart front !the Feder' I Street Depot, Allegheny Ciltv.as follows: Arrive. .1/apart. Springd'eNct 15:40 a re Mall 7:00 aMI Freeport No.18:20 a m Freeport No. i 9:2osra Express 10:40 ss m Sharpb'g Nol /1:20 am Sharpb'g No.11:20 pin Express. 2:50 plot Freeport N0.24:00 p m dpringd"e No 1 3:00:p m • Mail 5:50 p m Freeport N0.25:210,pm Springd'e N026:20 p m Springd'e No 2 6 300 M Aboye train., run daily except Sunday. The Church Train leaves Allegheny Junction ever) dunday at 7:40 a. tn., reaching Allegheny City at 9:50 a. m. Returning, leaves Alleghero . City at 1:30 p. In. and arrive at Allegheny -June tlon at 3:40 p. m. COMMUTATION TIMISTS—For sale to packages of Twenty, between Allegheny Clty, Chestnut street. Herr's, Bennett, - Pine Creek, Etna and Sharpsbura and good only on the trains stopping at Stations rpecified on tickets. The trains leaving Allegheny City at 7:00 a. in. make direct connection at Freepon with Wa lkers line of Stages for Butler and HannalutONlM Through tickets ma, be purchased at the Ofilce. No. 1 St Clair street, near the Suspensionßridgn. -PUtsbur, h, and at the Depot. Allegheny, For further Inibrmatton a_pply to JAMES LEFILTS, Agent. Federal Street Depot. The Western Pennsylvania- Railroad will not as aurae any risk for Baggage, except for wearing tpparel„ and limit their resslbillty to Ong umbled Dollars - In value. AU baggag ez ceeding tt Is amount in value wilibe at the ;ilk of the owner, unless taken by special contract. EDWARD H. WILLIAMS; ap.29 General Superintendent. Altoona. Pa. rITTSBURGif, Mown CINCINNATI. AND LOUIS RAILWAY. ' • PAN HANDLE HODTP.. CHANGE UP TlBlE.—Onland alter MONDAY, April Stith, 1899, trains win leave and arrivt at. the Union Depot, as tbllowe: Depart n: s:O3 a.. m,19:13 a, Past Line 9.44 a. m. 7:13 p: Express . . .... ........ 9:33 . p. m. 41:33 a. m. Mixed Aco'n 5:33 a. m. 6:58p. m. McDonald's' Aeon:, No.I '11:43a. m. 18:13 a. ne. Steubenville Acoommod. 3:58p. m. D:33 m IleDonahl , e Aeen. No.211:1 op, ni. 9:1 oth re. Sunday Chnruh Train.. 19:58 P. m. 9:55 a. m. St 2:33 P. X. lra'n will leave dany. 151:13 F. st. train will arrive daily. All other trains will run daily. nunuays except.. ed. I.'ne 9:33 a. m. Train makes close eon unctions at Newark lir Zanesville. S. F. SCULL, tienerarTicket Agent. • W. W. CARD, titip't.. Steubenville, Ohio. /grafi EITTSBURGH & CONWKLLES VILLE ILROAD. On and atter TUESDAY, Noyember, leo!, trains will arrive at and depart from, tne Depot corner of Irant and. Water streets, as follows; Mail to and from Unlon- town. 7:00 A. M. 6:00 111. ZxlleesportAccomdt'n 11;00 A. B. 205 r. is. . to and from.Unt'n. - 3:00 at. 10: tO A. West Newton Accom'd 4;30 P. Y. 13:35 A. Y. Braddock's Accomdt , n. 6;15 p. Y. 7:50 PAK Night Ac. toilcit , sport.lo:3oP. Y. 6:415,A. Y Sunday Church Train to • "- • - • and from West Newton 1;90 P. X. 10:00.A. For tickets apply ti • • - W. B. STOUT, Snoße. N. RAin rtutendent.YMOND, Aga nom WA! HILL S SMNERMI UNION PACIFIC BAILWA; Fautern Divfudon. The SHORTEST AND HOST RILIARI ROUTE from the /tut to all points In • •• . . COortito, Nevada, California, Utah, Arbmma, Wash's' New Mexico, Idaho * uregon. Two Tnlna leave State Line and Leaveawsztli exeentedaon the artival ot trona of he Mimed Iron Nt. Lotto, and, Rom& Dal an tit. Joe Railroad froth' Quincy, COMM*. Jaw at _Law nips. Topeka and Vitaillvaw 'stakes for •all vointa In Maass& At end' , of ow' zwest 01 !Oa worth with the :UNIT= STATEN EXPRESS COMPAN T'S DULY LINE OF ovER,LAND mem am LYMNIFIS COAORSB FOR 313331 N V 331114 BAIT' 'LA'3O3% _ AND All Points In the Territories. wnawnti9ANDEßso.r'9'TET-WEEKLY LINZ of COACHES for Fort Union, Ilent's Fort, Pau, •Altuquergee, Santa Fe, and s alt points In Art. sena and New hiezleo. - - • • ' With - the seem additions or rolling stock with ei po nitble U nd r iand T a ra r n ra a n p g e em a en on Lines trot. Its western. terminus, , this road now ohms unequaled facilities for the triummizalen tretscht to tio. Far West. - Tickets tor saw at &It the principal 0MPe5;111 Oa United States and Canada* Be core and ask for titateta Lila THE tllitUir HILL HMV f , ,yNioN tIQ itAILWAV . itienclus '• • , coI• Qereral fi - Reklniendsa, - ~_ ~ ~_ ssrg ~H El Depart. . 'Arrives. • ! ge 'SWiltitge •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers