NIM la"FOB SHERIFF, WELLLMIT 0. STUDUS, Subject to the reelelon or the Republican County Convention. TUIED NATIONAL BANS. OF PITTSB^RGLI, Pittsburgh, 110 y 10, MIL .1 grTITE DIRE ( TOM OF THIN - • BANK have this dav declared ÷nd °MX PEA CENT.° tne capital stock out of the P r bte g nan h• a a eTR m 3.4e Yt e h o l3 l h xe A . JNO. It. LIVINGSTON, Cashier. OLUMBILI AND WESTERN PENNA. olb. WM be added to the list of stocks. THIS iVENING, at 13 o'clock. on second floor of Com , erenst Sales Rooms, 108SmIthlleld street, !95 Shares Columbia Olt Co. 1.000 thsres Westrrn Prnnsylva ita Oil Co. In vlt A. MelLW' AINE, Ana's.. VOICE TEAL—We have Just received an Invoice. My half chests, In c u lug some orthe finest new crop Young Hy , son, English, Oolong and Japan rem, imported this season, which we are selling at reduced prices wholesale and retell at the gamily grocery store of rll • SAO. RXHAHAW zn , corner Libe and•leinth streets. WOOD TURNING, SCROLL' SARIN 1 AND MOULDING. erine promptly to order at 161 Lacock street, AY bedy City. by P. LEBZELTER & CO. . . • - The bsst attention will be given to all who want anything In oar line. and as we have experience o Tel ves for. the, last twenty-rive ycars In the ts e , pndlteetf only drat class hands, we are sure to angry an customers. We always keep a large lo of turned-work, such as Baluster!. Newl Po 's. lip L 'ls, Be. Also, a glo 1 stock of dry W nut. cherry and other lumber on hand. YIIIN, k'. TABZEUTER & CO. AVELERS TO EUROPE . . vapply themsaves with I. - HARPER'S HAND BOOR jo a r o t . ravelere 'Europe and the Ent. Prier', IL APPLETON'S SHORT TRIP GUIDE -TO EUROPE: PRICE, SA.OO. 111. HARPER'S PHRASE BOOK, In Itnet , h. French. German and Italan. Price $1,30. For sale at the new book store of B. A. CLAM & 119 Wood Stleet, Pecond doot below 7111 b. • - 110 1 / 1 2.1Lili & , WIEDERHOLIe No. IGO Third Avenue, Upholsters and Dealers I'lElllllin Goods, Dire t the attention of their fiends and the. public to their finely smarted stock of Lace and Nottingham , / cartiltis Vestibule Laces, Damask, Beps, Ferry's Mexican cloth, Satin. Delane:s, Gilt- Cornices, Gilt and Walnut Moulding', Spring 'Beds of imptrior make, Hair Matrasses (pare awhile hair.) Pillows, Bolsters, and everrtililig 'pertaining . to a first-class 'bed. The latestrarissind Berlin designs for Draperies at the inspection or their customers. Pure white Eastern show feathers always Oh hand. HOLM/ILAN WIEDIERHOLD NO. 100 THIRD - AVENUE. iny8:1911 - CI G. HAMMER ik SONS Jo • ' (Lite of the arm, of )Hammer It Denler,) Attheir new establishment, No. 48 SEVENTH AVANUE.. talre. a large_ a.oet at elegant and Issalonable PARLOR, LIBRARY & BEDROOM FURNITURE AT VEEY REASONABLE PRICES. , - We bare e large raetory , and are pre pared to au all /I ra on shortest . notice. We Satter ourselves always haring made good work, Ind it will always be our endear4r to con; Untie, hermit - a large number of experienced workmen, end's lbreman of ii 6 years experi ence at the trade' to mperintend all work before esring the'FacdorY*. We Wsir no auseldnerryail olr work 1a inittorby twilit and for durability and elegance it cannot be ercetttd. ntyljt.: . ' C. G. HAMMEIt I SONS. Ili I:TECESSFUL'BOOKS. NJ . _ Little Women, first series by.Mlss 50 Little Women, second eerie, • 150 Oa the tirlglit; by Auerback • ' 2 00 Villa on the Rhine. by Auerbach. Part Ist, 1 75 Village Tales: try Auerbach - 160 Edelweiss, by. Auerbach 1 00 Realities of Irish Lill, by !Steuart Wreath . 1.00 0,000 copies of the London edLion of, this book were sold at 6 92 Gates Ajar, bybliss Pnelpa - ' l ou T. e Addenda ke Adventursapin the Wil- • derness. by Murray 1 sO Be, Ilatisty's 'Porte Hepworth Dimia. CIO (A eia 00 book for cents.) 1011 SALE BY IMO R. S. DAVIS & CO. 198 Liberty Street, mrosar ABOVE ST. CLAM. AMERICAN BANK, Nt NO. 80 FOURTH AVENUE, PITITSBURGH. CASH CAPITAL •• • • . istoo„opo. Stockholders Individually Liable. DANK OP DISCOUNT. AND DEPOSIT. • JOHN VLOTD. • WIZ. FLOYD. President. Cashier. DIRECTOne: • - ?boa. N. Marshall. , • I John M. Wartlaad. Wm. , T.. ehaskaoa, Archibald Wallace, Jas. Vit, AnOtt. • Jas, D. Req., Cbm.B. Leech, Wm. Floyd. Jolts irloyd, TWA Bank la how tally orirantrAd and prepared to do a Rental Banking basintss. aldErdatATlTllaB . _ 10tE!IZOTAL. Dac , LIGIITHLLL t REID . . have ramc MA to ilutir aewly-foralsbed parlors 197 Third **gide:near Gnat, otreei! s PPLICATION to sell liquors A 0.11.1 th to.. Clerk , . office. - J.ll. Lanithal; tavern; 9th ward. Pittch9rEh• The Lice4e Boai4 will sit for for hearing the above appliCatioa• otiIiONDA.Y, the 10th inst.. at 9 o'clock a.. X. t, sticisof r'i Joint 4._namavar Clerk. Ei Ato,:i.& -- 2 I•ARD y OIL, -or, 011 , ..OWN MA.NUFACTURE. . . •J• . • Zztra S. D. Beef ant) Beef Tongues in store zam3 fo r sal by ~ • : . - Y. SELLICESS 4 OM, - . . '- ' 1 . • Cos Pokna and Tenth street/. ACADEMY.;.OIP SCIENCE. 101 'lndira! Street:Allegheny, (Sstriass Hens. ding.): Spring term begins .. . , . XONDAY, APRIL 5114 1869. . lot ,ac mow t o , tial " • ', Ii - 8. BUBB. A. M.. Prin. 1f15T4,064 LLMENT- NOTICE.--The • Crook ders of the Mercantile Library Hall • moseA__ hereby kotisle4 that the MTh install ' meet' TEI ER DOLL/tit/3 per a hare, has been tided,* ._payable 1112 or before Miff 16th, eiead. adios of N. tietbses Aylcaui,elll Mar. AA st . , _sr ordarof tiiip a.' • ~.... .i , JAMAS HT, Treasurer. slttsbur th Mgr 4, i mit= IN i)v. 34 :101#(:) ai 51611 SUCCESS BESPEAKS MERIT MUTUAL BENEFIT pH IMMUNE COMPJNY, NEWALIM I N. J. LEWIS C. GROVER, . • • Presided. EDWARD A. STROND;Seeretary. BENJ . . C. MILLER - Treasurer RETURNS TO LIVING AND DECEASED MEMBERS IN 1868 $3,335,058.14! i !. Tbe. Assets after paylog losses . and► retain Irretntums as above are 913,585 A 46" 59 Add Interest due and accrued.. 347.473 23 And premium■ due t not yet re- caved And the total Ansets are,Janua- • ry 1, 1369. $16,405,227 01 Being a net lneresee for year of. 3,935,1313 84 EXPENSES: ' N. B.—ArrionK pure/7' Mutual ComDan'es that one Is cheapest that does Its business THOROUGHLY AT LEAST EXPENSE.` The rate of expenses for the year's bostneis bag been, on the total receipts, 982-100 PERCENT.; ON PRIIIIONS 11.42-100 PER CENT.; The above wonderibi results 10 the Items ofex pate cure may well be considered in connection with the following extract from the gresident's Twenty-FourthAnnie Report to the Directors: "At this time we felicitate Ouiseves that we have adhered to the mode of distributing Sur. plus and 'returning laremluins to the Members which we have acted on from t beginning, nearly a quarter ore century ago; a system plain; simple, unlibrmorbich all can understand,whkh compels economy and prudence, discloses any at- tempt tit extravagince..or fraud, and above all enables every intoiligeut member to 'understand the mummer In which his business le conducted." DIVIDENDS. The Dividends on the above simple and litelll - plan have been since 1551 of the uniform rate of 50 per cent., except In 1568, during • • which Two pividends of Fifty Per Cent. Were retunted, tanking the unprecedented amount of ONE HUNDRED PER tENT. IN A SINGLE YEAR, The ntesent prosperity . of the Company, the mutant tend character of its assets, and the 87ROTITE89 AND ECONOMT of its 'manage meat; gape every guarantee -possible; in the na tore of the case, that the dividends of coming years will nOt fall below the above standard of 50 per cent. on Life, anneal rates, payable in three yefeit after the premiums on which they are declared. • • There will thus mways be three dividends, pay able with policy at maturity. to offset as many notes of :equal amount which may have been given, so that the outstanding note Is wog(al statements to the contrary notwithstand:hg) de ducted fiom face of Policy. Dividends may be left with the Company to se, cumulate at coupe/and Interest until they make a fuhd, the annual interest of which will, pay the cash premluniisquircd. Thus, on the assumption of the abova"rata, a very simple calculation will stake to show that a BIM? SIIBTALIb WO POLICY may be secured la THIRTEEN YEARS LIFE RATES, And a large 110CIIMUI114101 011 deposit, is to &Sav ings Bank, payable to the insured on demand, or with policy at =unity. In addition to the above, the • - ' MC I 331raE1 7 12" • lames all korzas of Pol'clea on the YOST PA VORABLItTERIith. Warranted by ' PERFECT SECURITY. , To those who . prefer tall CASE PAYALNTS, 1$ Offers all the euenttal advantages of :a Cash Company; tat the experience of a 'quarter of , century demonstrates that' the NOTX SYSTEM; as originated and conducted try thou, Is is MED Safe :for the Compaiiy Advantageous to the Insured., Securing from the outset doable the =oast of policy for tbe ante cash InTestnient. - All Interested in the natter of LIFE. INSITEADICE, Whether on their own "mount or for pthert, are . Invited to call for 011tOtilan88 Us FULL= INFORMATION on the • GENERAL. AGENT, S.M.iOVERIDGE• 42 FIFTH AVENITIII4 EZI PLrS PV R9 j I7 . :rG4ti g;WITE:ii ! ,I'ViII.Pn.S.:..;" - ,i,?iY.t...14. i: . 1::...ti ,Iti_: •-. OF 401,895 96 ON AS IT IS ~"., ~r. ` NEW ADIUgtT/BM'ENTS. JUST OPENED AT JOSEPH HORNE & CO'S, The largest assortment ever brought to the mar kerof the Latest Novelties far the Slay Trade In RATS AND I, , BONNETS, FINE FRENCH FLOWERS ; wamtins, semi, WHEAT,. t 313 3E3 iv ; LACES, CRAPES, GIMPS, ORNAMENTS, FRAMES D SIINDOWNS. DRESS TRIMMINGS, KNOTTED FRINGES, HOOP SKIRTS, COR SETS, HOSIERY, la every stke and quality. GLOVES, of every deserintlon, licrt) GLOVES, of best makes, ~ Irosysdlugl a: splendid !Wee all the Bright ShOdes, and : lll4-' numbers. i. • •-• • - „ PARASOLS AND SUN UMBRELLAS, every quality, at the very Lowest Eastern Rates, 77 AND 79 111ARKET STEEP. mYI , TO ALDERMEN AND JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. . 111 DON'S DIGEST AND SUPPLEMENT, BURNS' ITTJS.TI.C,E, DUNLAP'S, FORMS, JUSTICE'S BLANKS, DOCKETS, . _ FEE BILLS, FOR St , . KAY CO4PANY, 65 Wood Street. (LAFAYITTE BUILDING.) mylt•TW - 41 . 0D;kirt i vb • tr CO NSI II 1 1 lON N. „, RS, ,-' - '(e ?)e. s t tonic 41 Use • A PERFECT. CURE" For Dyspepsia, Fever 'and Aseue, Aci •dity of the Stomach, Los, of 'Appetite, Nausea, Hear-burn, Jaundice, and all diseases "atisir.r fr6m a disordered state of the Stomacn, Liver or Intestines. Prepared by. SEWARD. BENTLEY A CHENEY Druggists, &Mk t N Y Sold by sit Druggists. - A. SCEOLLDISCHENte. SONS • Have returned to their well knottn location; NO. 22 DIAMOND STREET, Where they are prepared to fweilsh fresh every day' a due, large assortment of 'CAKES AND BREAD Of every deserlptlott. Sept.constantly on hand the very best Confectioneries in the city • N. N.—Orden for parties be supplfed at the shortest notice and delve. ed to any part of the Mackie& Ladies' aad Gentlemen's Lunch. Saloon. Alm JOIE CHEAT[ IiaLOON now:openittdwill :0-Onee so during the season. • • I.w:us •• $26;000 TO LOAN ON BOND 'As. D 11011.TGAME. BsLoka settled and accounts promptly collect ed.. Bones and Lola inyittaburg,. and Alieghe ny. Cheap Mouses and Lo sln bast Liqerty and B addtselts. Lots In Mansfield, 4. very desirable farm of la sores; splendid young Orchard, good house, with store-roomattachrd; spring of rmver falling water: near Economy, on the pine of P. F. W.. it U. E. W. for sistM very cheap. lowa, Missouri and Vtrginia land for sale. Enquire of . & R. IL' HOLLAND Brokers and Real Estate . Agent*, 89 GRANT STREET, utloo..back room my, FROF•OAL OIL COMPANY-. In pursuance of an order from the Cqurt of Common Yleas of Allegheny county, Penis lea. nia, _the Directors of the FEDERAL OIL- COM rAls le- have this day declared a dividend of TSN CENTS per shirt, payable forthwith to the legal holders of stook in said company, on return to the Secretary of certificates or other evidence of own Zip. All tin aieleieby notified tbat di v idends. ncl ed for a period of six months, wil4 be &b -awd 4af Secording to law. 'By order of the Board,. - • - • • A.B. Hlt.L9, gerretarY• Ofilee,Duquesne Way, 3 doors below Ninth dl., Pittsburgh. Pa. Pittsburgh, April S. MM. ali29:t2li • MACIIIIpiISTS ) TOOLS }:011 Double geared SOge Lathes. V 41410114 Woe, I Screw Outdo: Michlee. Tape and Dyeafrom 134 Inch Col& ' - 2 gre* Cottlnclfachlng lbr Mall work.. Lot of Illantlina, Boric Mts. /Icemen of lln steel from Inch to . All kinds small toot!. Pori:formation cell OA ens Wlght fIIAN at Ler nien's GlalsliVorkaa . llthWard.rltUn bury during the day, or la the event ..g at No. 45 Bandwky street. Allegheny. my7L9/..dT. ... PISSOLIITIpiIic—The Partner ship as tbe inn of s Inane a ikin, ere/odors existing between the ' undersigned In the grocery business.' at lb Diamond, Pitts burgn. Is this day dloolved by mutual. consent. Wm. France. the senior pastries% will settle all tbeelrm's business, ang will : continue the aro. Gary business ludas ow name at the old stands - ' - • WM.PRAgIeID.• ' . . lyx. J.:ZIL&N CD. May 3 d , 3869. ' - - mann ME FLOM in 4 ";24l t irr or dsvt aussadegzproTAiroza • AT Ta pb 10w' x inns Warr; *se Laiirey a Pittabirgi.;, —3ll/11ZINOWrMUlike EMI ;~.~~~ AT 22 CETI'S PIM TAlllit WRITE MARSEILLES. Extra Wide Double Width ALPACA LUSTRE. . ME Jitra Wide Double Width FINE ALPACA LUSTRE. FINE BLACK MOHAIR LUSTRE AT VERY LOW PRICES. COOD BARCAINS IN HEAVY BLACK SILKS. WILLIAM SEMPLES, 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. STATEMENT OtTFIE REAL ESTATE SAVINGS BANK, APRIL 30,1800. issurro Bonds and MOrtgisiell U. e.. 1881. Bonds. ® - Par... U. B. 10-40 Bonds. CO par-. Real X tate Office Fluidram— .... Cub ME Amount due dePositorm 1503,548 12 Interest Due D , posttom, MAY 1, 1859 A.. 12,822 13 Cont.ngent Tutu ' 38,523 U 0 GARBLER, 34 A. A. CARRIBIL, Treasurer. me undersigned, iting Committee. have examined tie kooks of the Bank, the Bon B. Mortgat es and etcuritles, and counte4 the Cub, and Dud the 'or going statement correct. H. CHILDS, WH. H. SH Committee. NICHOLAS Voscrrvr. r. May let, 1889. - ISAAC JONES, Preacent . Accountant B. C. PA RK. boliclior-B. BRADFORD TODD. TRUSTEES. Hon. TRO3. M. Home, iO. O...Harezy. llama Jones, Jacob Painter DW. 0. Bidwell, INleho'as V , illy, Harvey Childs, . _ Wm. 11.-01111 • Hon. J.K. Moorhead. ' EST ALLOWED on Deposits at SIX PERCENT. A.N le UM, payable Dep mitors In May and - November. w bleb, If not drawn, will be added to the principal and compounded. Open for Deposits (rum 9 It. u. to a P o'clocky also, on Saturday evenings Mcm 6 to 9 . OFFICE S 63 FOURTH. AVENUE, PITTIE1131:111G1136 my5:188 A GREAT Irroce m s: ][3....lorgema, WASHING MACK= 1 It washes the finest fabrics, without perfectly clean In less than one , e ig hth the ordi nary way. It does not rub' the cloth. but per. Pam* the cleaning process by 'resin and the quick ution of hot water; It can be operated by a child. Its of chastises& make& it accsssible to every hinny and sages its own cost In doing away with tubs. • -- PRICE. , '::15. Bold from the BlanufactorY, at THOMAS-BIERICEps, PENIS. 8T.,. OPPOSITE TWA PAIS G8C1727D. STAGENTS *ANTED. anis:llsi AGREAT CHANCE . FOR A MAN WITH A SHALL CAPITAL, • *von BALES. A FARM P 120 ACRES, With a TWO STORY FRAME Emusz; BARN, OUT HOUSES and abundance of ',cfloicest fruits. 70 acres cleared. 50 In valuable timber; a little stream running through the premises, having dark rich soil. and being tinder high state of cur tivation. This farm is situated In Putnam coun- LT'. Ohio, on Toledo & Dayton It. R.. 3 miles arom Ottawa, City. Th. price Is only. $5O per acre, 81,5001 n cash, and the balance to be paid In 0 annual installments of 8500 'each.. For further particulars, TUSTIN &KLEE, apiso:l36 87 Grant street. JOHN H. STSWART PARTZRSON. ROBT. 11..PATTEB8ON & • JEAVEVIVIZ; 14111.146 COMMISSION STABLES _ OR. SEVENTH AVENUE & LIBERTY ST., PTTSIII7I7IGII, PA. aD26:bll • - • DESIRABLE REAL ESTATE SOS SALL situate near Wood.' Run, on outh avenue. Union avenue, Stockton avenue. West Denman. Ridge • street. Second avenue, Fifth avenue, Sixth avenue. Franklin street, Penn street. North avenue. Rebecca street, D. Vlllers street, Brant, street, Fulton street and other M & allon • S. DITTRBERT & SONS, 39 Sixth Avenue. mve TTIITITED STATES PASSPORTS. °Metal PASSPORTS ,of theiDepartment of State, Indispensable to travelers, Issued by WILLIAM P 4035, 400ry, Mue. ones 149 Vol:wilt avenue, Plttsbus Mitl7ll , '• i`4;'hjti 4~"+` "`~V'i AT 25 CENT% AT 28 CENTS, Ea 1406,096 15 25,00 u 00 25,000 00 2,7510 00 41800 30,358 151 .$535,143 34 LIABIL I Tip 3 WM. H. SMITH Vlee President. NEW, ADVERTISEMENTS. oervWV., NEW STYLES. LADIES' HATS, CHILDREN'S HATS, BONNETS, 'RIBBONS, FLOWERS, GIMPS, &c., &c. S •. LADLES'GIATVES, CHILDREN'S GLOVES, STOCKINGS, UNDHE RCHIEFS, COLLARS, &e., &c. PARASOLS, SU* - UNBRI,LAS, TRT~uvas, EMBROIDERIES, &c., &c Ladies' Hid' Gloves at 75 Cents • WHOEESALE CASH BUYERS Will And aMI assortment • • AT LOWEST PRICES, 10a WILLIAM SEMPLE'S. 180)111d 182 Federal Street, . ALLEGHENY CITY REFINED . FAMILY LARD, PACKED BY . PROCTER & GAMBLE. CINCINNATI. Ask your Grocer for our brand of Lard In obese Packages. Packed -In 3,5, and 10 pound. Caddies, 60 pound Ca4s for shlpment. Cheapest mode for sellirg Lard. Send for Price List. y SOLD By ISAIAH DICKEY & CO., PITTSBURGH. And . Graters and Dealers Generally. ap23:l 93 t Fob SALE. • . - A CHICATIA.II3I In Jefferson county, of 100 sores, 10.,,0f which are cleared and 801 n fine timber, all underleld with an Bfeet vein Of coal; large orchard 'of Chplee fruit; will sell fur $4O per acre on easy tering. , 13 ACRES , of level ground near Jack's Run— well adipt . e.d torn small fruit farm and garden. log. ACRES of ground to Freedom; splendid 10. catlonitor grapes, or to lay out in building lots. 5 BUILDING LOTS on Lindh= street. • 10 VADANT . LOTd on Locust street. . - For particulars, enquire at 87 Grant street. myl TUSTIN FOR BALE. Near Osborn Stamm, on the Pittsburgh, Pt. Wayne and Chicago Railroad, 'TWO LOTS, Coutaaing About Two Acres Book INQUIRE OR W. IRACKEOWN & BRO., Liberty Street. mbiZ 01171011 orlOrzT ENGINLIM AItD Istrarrroti, _ rittabarith. May 7, use. NOTICE.—The Assessments`fin grading, paving and enrbing Townsend street from , Wylie street to Decatur street, and The alley' trom . lederal stree t t to :Washington' street, ire now READ* FOR , ' EXAMINATION, And can be seen at this office until TIIERDAY. Ray 18th, 1869, when they will be returned to the 018 y Itersarerts oaoe for Collection. H. J. X001111E.,. ut17:190 CITY ENGINEER. MO SIONI CONTIAACTORS. _Th. Park Commission of AlleetereECtly will receive PROPOSALS until WEDNESDAY, the Ihttriest.,3 31., Tor constructing on Park Grounds a Circular Fountain Basin, 50 feet 'di ameter. in :.out stone, with rubble foundation. Plans and apeclibiations can be seen and lull par tiodlars obtained at City Engineer's ether). T e Commission do not bind themselves to ac cept the loweet or any • • CHARLES DAVIS, mve:lB4 Superintending Engineer.. - 110•11oPOSALLS.— Proposals for ':;`the 'Carpenter Work; urlek Work and aiming rsguired for the (loan House and Jail imprerements will be received at the office of sue-undersigned, untik , ifaishay, may .Ilia', tons. Plans 'and specifications are now ready for examination. r• • BARR a MOSER . Strehlteots.. In7:189 Not. A and 4 Sixth (late St. Clair-lit. ONE WEEK LON4 - 11 --- u ter the iro : n los y. 0 1 7 3 00 . n o t ts late at 2. 1 0- 200 Onto street. Al -0 w orth of Goods. Notions, Carpets Oil gamma Modes; do., e t torbe at*, -•-•utt Window business. store torn K a - ibrthiri b• to Quit See and Fixtures On A m l o s . o so b . tore and Dwelling rent on Zest " - ITAIIIICS GOSLING r 11. • SAtge— Suburban 'nest" 'donee or" Business Stand, and One Acie round, situate In the boroush of Braddocks, within two minutesi . waib of a station on. 'khan railroad. The . house ls neat frame of seven rooms, large ball and cellar; lot contains all nen - canary outbuildunts, and , anokundanee °Us , / kinds or fruit, good goring wafer in Ir. , eaten: ten feet from tbebonse is a storeroom iii by 30,with a ware-room 'attached; store-room now rented and doing 111004 busluess. The Location or the property is all thatgeold be desired: either for IL country reskienen Or business stand, or both. Apply to CROOIt & PHILLIP/5,10ml Estate No. 139 Yourtn inane, ap2o n ° " 102 .! 1 0 1/8 . 11 14! ' )Tria,t, 'MUOUTLIM MEE e7,t aa- .P017086--..2%, "For ; sae." "Root‘'' "Wants." "P01in4,. 1 "Bearding." lc.. not e x eei 4 tnCFOOß .L. 18513 each toil/ at • in- - 'fitted in these column, onee for TWRN.r.F-1 1 7VB ORNTS : eaeh =Waimea/ Use FIFA asNr.s. WANTED ---HELP . ID- HELP . - AT EM" FLOYMENT OFFICE. No. 1 nt. Clair Street, BOYS GIRLS and MEN, for different kinds of employment. Persons Wanting help of all kinds can be supplied on short notice. WANTED---AGENT S • WANTED,A No. 1 Canvasser wint a capital of from el to $6 to sell a n article. ' Han mate $5 tier day. Apply at Fulton 4t. Hopper's Surnlttne rooms. 45 Smithfield St. :ANTED.—AGENTS for Leos - 6thirg new HISTORY OF .THE UNITED ST .1704 la one large S vo. volume of 800 rages and 400 Illustrations on tweet and wood, A splendid 'Volume. w,th .inapt. diagrams, foot notes, in which area great many Torus, figures, date', and biographical at tars f prominent men, containing tee matter ot3 ord,ruly vol. tones. E ue ly popular with the scholar and the it Is the only full history of our country brought down to the present time. Et a stan dard author.- and lust out. Every one will buy a ni.tory °Tibet'. country that wilt buy any b00t..1 For terms and territory address R. G/Lll. 86 Warren street, byraruse, N. Y. my6:18.5 WA NTED.—AI GE I% W.—WM :to $2OO per month everywhere, mile and female, to introduce the IRENUIRE IMPROVED CoMMON .811503 E FAMILY.SEWIIIO MA CHIRP.. This machine will stitch, hem; fell, tack, quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider, lu a most superior manner. Price onlyslB. Pally warranted for five years. We wilt pay $l,OOO for any machine that will sew a stronger, more beauttful, or more elastic seam than ours. It mikes the 4, ,Elastic Loa - Stitch. very Seco stitch can be cut,.and ittlll the Cloth can not be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay agents from s7b to $2OO mx month and expenses, or a commission from which twice that amount can be made. Address SECOI I / 1 & t 0., Pittsburgh, Pa., St. Louis,Mo., or Boston, Mass. CAlla —lO not be Iffiposed npon by oiher parties palming off worthless cast iron machines, under the same name or otheawise. Ours Is the: only genuine and really practical cheap machine manufactured. S -ANTED ...AGE_NTS.—To sell the American Knitting Ifachine. I'Mo The simplest, cheapest and best Knitting Machine cver invented. Will knit 20.000 stitches per minute. Liberal inducements to agents. Aidress AMERICAN KNIT7'INO MA CHINE CO., Boston, Mass., or St. Louls,,Mo. WANTED NEW Boox2loo ENOILIAVINGif—The Far mers a n d • Mechanics 31annel. A book of grea value to every one. Send for 16 page circulart Also. LIFE AND EPISTLES OF (0,00.) with introduction by Rev. Bishop amp eon. The only complte e unabridged A. L. TALCOTT & CO:, ' 963,i FOurth avenue. TTBS-T • Plt tabbrith, Pa. WANTS. WANTED. A respectable, iniedle-agsd wrman. who has had expert. ence In house. keeping, to do the general house. work of a small - family. No. Children. Good wages. Reference required. Inquire at Gazette Ottlee. ' WANTED—AGENTIL—One to cal *gent and two solicitors fora first class New York Lire Itmirance Co. EXPeilonced men can make a good arrangemmt. Callatofilee or Kline & linnet No. 81.1rourth avenue. between the hours oe 9 and 10 a. M. and 4-and SF. st. WASTED. -BOARDERS:- A few good boarders eau be seroadnotlate.d with good board bythe week. day or meal, at 158 SECOND AVENUE. LOST. XyOST- —On Sunday, A pril.ll th; i Citizens street ear, a pair of GULL 'nCTACLErI. marked `rbnpal to iratliPr."_.a. liberal reward will be paid or le.ring it at No. 100 Ohto street, Alleitheny City. Pa. .1. GOSLING. OST.--$5.00 REWARD —On .1. 4 1 SUNDAY, the Rd inst. betwten 6 and 7 4:octant A. st.: La ROD kIEWFOUNDLAND DOG, color black, with a whits snot on his nose and tall and a white breast. Had a cullar on with the name of Fido Ghent, and N0.8414th stree, Pittsburgh, engraved upon It. A 'reward of .65 will be.pald to any parson felling and, leasing him at the Mayor's °Mee.MI6:I77 • •:. : . . - - r Flo LEM--Horne on Centre Ai- as ENUE.—Gas, Water. &c., very convenient. Outot IPAIIOII. !tent: R 25,00 per mouth. Call aeon at 121 Centre avenue. nttebargu. To -LET.-2d and 3d story • ot . No. 26 Diamond, Allegheny: Mu etoty suitable tot a private school:. wetting; • - - T O LET.--A house with. ten room. two kitebtns, and a balk room, newly papeied and painted. Oas In ey.xy de partment. Could be used by two families. On Eighth street. (Hancock,) opposite Christ Church —5 beautiful, situation In summer.' Apply at 277 Penn a rent. .. I T tbree-story* brick &veldt. g house, just complited. situlted on t e corner of Fremont street and Ohio avenue, Allegheny City, with a line store room on the ground too-, which will be rented ^separately „ from the remaining part of the house,'ll desitedt • also the adjoining 'house on Fremont street, three stories, and newly built. For terms, 'ad.., en. • quire of JuillN 1t531.138Y, 91 Beaver'Al legheny. nik33:ls2 ZLET.—ROOlll3.—Ture fine BOOMS In GAZETTE BUILDLNO, Apply at Batt Booms.' 84 sod BOB= &Mlle. "IILtLET.- 7 A Large and Tom. Ortablia Double Oates 8851 tbert street. oqutre at Zio..Lit Elatithtleld street. up s airs. FOR SALE:.'::: FOR SALE. • • BONDS , AND ISORTCLAGES For Building Associations. by ' W. S. 13AVE1.14'At myS:32 Corner Wood St. and Third avenue 11011 yl • SALE.-Stock, - Fixtures and Lease of the handteme cigar ttore. 121 streht le street. Price. 010(p. Call at 73 Wylie . • VOlt SALE.--LANEi=-15 acres in thellath ward. fronting Ibisen ave. nue: Craig a d Neville streets. is a desire ble location for entstryreeldenees,.. well watered and near Penna. R. N. and East Libor,y Esssen-_, ger Railway. Will be sold as a whole or in iota of Iron one to Aye acres. Enquire of W. H. N AY II L e Ot e T , W ea .4 ,thep t m o p r e ayiorof dHt•EcceA oln LLOYD, RenslngtOn Iron Works:, 111176:183 VOll. SALE. --Look here, $4O PER ACRE will purchue a PAW of 1 1% acres in Armstrong eotintse, 'Pa.. -Good house and barn, splendid orch-.rd °fairer {Snores of grafted fruit, 60 item filigrees, 15 acres in timber, ;moll* eighborhood. Whole farm can be worked by machinery. There Is 000 of a bar. gain in this prapertv. IT MOIST RE SOLD BOON. TEEMS EAsk Apply to OROFT A PHILLIPS, Real Estate Agents, No. 131) Fourth avenue. FOR SALE.—The.undersigned offers for sale, on Tinkly, ILlth, at 10 o'c.ock, either in pieces ot altoge his entlre stook of the LIVERY STABLE on Carton striet, Blnntughate- Parties wishing to.go into the livery basing:es, eau either buy or lease the 'teal estate halo's/lagEnquire on the premises, Carson street, Itirtningbous, between Seventh and Eighth streets, or on the corner or-Carton •m3:147 JACOB VOELSEB. iIbIOR SAL I L — The - remokins of ste Renuen by the late 11.4 et ,thare. 011 Corse, coneletlng orlioliere, Stille,Purepion- 4 deneing Tank. 4., together with the ground - upon which they are local d. Location near ehorpehurgli bridge,-between A.'-V. 11.' it. end Allegheny river. Apply to =NY, JAGKIWAN a CO., at worts. gOR BALE.—NEAP FETE , 434TTAGZ of 5 mama: hair and cellar. lit• th Ward. (late East Liberty.) Lot 164) by /85 ,- feet: broad board talk from Railroad guidon. Price low led teron,eaty. Enquire at nits ow- • mos. A, ti&-lOR SALE.—llare chance tor- , Ag: the profitable investment of 416.000 la. so establPhed mann asedisring badness in dhlo. nos paying largely. It desired by the natty invest tog, he eau have the managing of the works at' Se • rair rn-liatislitettom a; tly-ttrygssug.'sainr showd. sala For Jtartienlars appiy to or address - . Crump& PULLIAM Relit satate Agents. No. 139 Pourt h aveouemi. sm. OR EIALU—SaIt IPPotitel,andr. 59 Aar s of Land on Westernpenna.ll. miles edit Sif Ilittabnigh. .?„Worita• are along h or raliroad and liwiw 1 anocesaral opme Moth' , Wlll be saltrit a lt; as he alma I- too o 4 Widest 104U' 1a411144411441 with ocasseArt et L. . , // row ,eltasalidialiq liglit _14'441.14mti . ca 11.5 ,4 •asnim Agsata. • PrLiiir i Minas _0 ,,i, . 4- -`,7.).A.: i., 0;44 • Il II II