The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 11, 1869, Image 1

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Advices from Cu! _SanDomlogo An
neiatioa Projeet.--Revenue Appoint
ments--Treasury Dechdon—govern
went Printing Mice, Ate.,
retegrerlL . to the PittabuFßll gazette.]
asalittyros,alaylo, 1869.
z-41'hotnatt J. ' Kinney has been appointed
Assessor of Internal Bevenue, Ninth
Illinois District, vice Babcock, who de
•clined..ZWiiii 4 41 C. Taggart, of galena, is
appointed Aisteistir of Utah; vice Corry,
declined. No further appointments of
Supervisors will be made until the return
of Commissioner Delano,
,The Government to-day received advi
.C.-es direct from ths3 InsnrreCtionary por
%ion of Cuba, giving' information as to
movements in that quarter. • Parties here
In the interest of Cubans, state there are
°ow in the Cuban army 5,000 men, 2,500
of.whom are
,Americans, and that about
3 400 the letter nationality have re
cently been added to the number. It is
said by, rePresentati yes of the revolution
ary army of Cuba in Washington, that
success would be placed beyond a doubt
if the Viifted States would recognize the
belligerent rights of those who are striv
ing to effeet the independence of Cuba,
and in that case the men and money al
ready promised would be furnished in
Mr. Fabiers, the confidential agent of
the San Domingo Government, recently
•ad an interview with Secretary Fish on
the subject of annexation, which will re
ceive oiftclal consideration at an early
day. The parties' interested in the an
nexation movement furnish an extract
of a letter from Prof. Gab, who says he
han , prospected two hundred square
az►lles of gold bearing territory, surpast
ing in richness any known portion of
California or Australia.
The receipts from Internal Revenue
- sources for the present month have been
Oempitratively, heavy, averaging about
half a million per day. Receipts from
Customs also continue heavy, and the
indication of a large revenue from that
branch of the service for the present
month are goOd. The coin balance in
the Treasury is npw quite $87,000;000,
which is increased twenty millions by
-coin certificates...
of tialtimore, won the five
hundred dollar purse today on the
• National course, mile heats, best three in
five. Mountain Maid, of Philadelphia,'
won the first heat; tithe, 2:28. Star of
the West, of Chidago, won the second
neat, time; . t.27y„ and also third in
Patchen won the fourth, fifth and
- sixth heats; time, 2:34y 0 ital, and 2:33.
Warsaw was drawn after theftrst heat.
A large number of employee .of the
- GOvernnietit Printing Office have been'
•dismissed. Thirty-six were notified to
day that for reasons sufficient to the
• Congressional Printer their services were
no longer required. A colored compos
itor, the first ever employed in the (lov
grnment printing office, was assigned to
- ,sV e t l)-( iaY• • •
The Secretary of the Treasury has de
cided tliat the tariff, as well as commer
cial usage, recognized a distinction be
tween wrought iron tubs and wrought
iron fines, and the former are liable to 'a
duty,of'33.4 cents per pound and the
latter of 23Cents per pound under the
• existing laws.
Two or three delegations from Alexi
andria hare called to see the President
within the pait few days, having in view
the disposition of Federal offices in that
city. There .is an anxiety among the
colbred citizens there to have persons of
their own color.
The War Department ;order. assigning
army officers to duty as Indian agents,
was notpromulgated to-day as had been
vite p
expec , some changes in the personnel
ha been determined on. 'k
All the master workmen at the Wash
.-ington Navy Yard are to be removed,
•tud candidates for succeeeion to their
Mood have been before the examining
Pmmittee. •
' • •
Very little eiCepting mere routine bit
sinus has been traissacted at the Indian
Bureau for the past ten days, owing to
the abeince. of Commissioner Parker.
A. short time ago Admiral Fdrrag u t
• - was 'tendered the post at New York, but
having declined it, Bear-Admiral String
•hant was to-day appointed to the position.
Secretary Cox has appoldted George T.
Metcalf, of Ohio, Chief Clerk of the into
n or Department:
ours viscous:
On the return Of Commissioner Delano
revers' additional Supervisufs of Inter
r/ial Revenue will be appointed. ' '
The President to-day appointed James'
Jam. • Whalen, Consul at Port Moon, • IP
r. 81)
!Curious Divorce Casa.
CevTetertsob to the Pltteharigh liasette.l •
New Yoes„ May 10.—A curious
ease was before the Supreme Court, full
fterm, to-day. Mrs. Kinnear asked for a
diforcefrom ter hubband on the ground
•that-a divorce. obtained in iiliow from
her former husband. Mr. Pomeroy,
Obtained by collusion 'and while both
were residents of Massachusetts, and
'therefore invalid, and she therefore was
the legal wife of Pomewy. The Court
held the divorce valid, both parties hay..
;lag submitted to the judgment of the Il
linois tribunal. •
residence of Reit: Renry
anthill. Rabb! of the 'Jewish (smirch at
• quinsy, Minala,. wee totally -destroyed
_ bribe Sunday; night. The Synagogue
slfidlioin was'also,badly damaged. Lou
"5,000 0r16,001
, .
Efforts to Bribe Cuban Patriots—search•
ing of American Vessels' in the Gulf--
Expeditions Mina New York—alwderis
one Departure of Another Vessel.
ray. Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazttte..l
NEW YORK, May 10.—A • Washington
dispatch states that the Captain General of
Cuba has renewed his attempts to bribe
leading patriots into leaving the island.
General Cespedas has been offered a free
pass for his family and two hundred
thousand dollars if he would abandon
Cuba. General Folix Figureola, One -of
thesia.who were with the original-. fOrce
last October, andivho has since proVed
himself a very wheal soldier, was offered
three thousand dollars. These proposi
tions were made through citizens . em
powered by the 'Captain General, and
were spurned at once. It is declared that
some who sought to accept the , proffered
amnesty issued about six weeks since.
were recently murdered by an outpost of
volunteer& Several 'citizens suspected
of patriot sytnpathies have been taken
from the Santiago De Cubajail, at night,
and murdered by order of ulee's Chief
of Staff.
• The Secretary of the Navy has called
the attention of Admiral Hoff, command
ing the North American Atlantic squad
ron now in. Cuban waters, to the fact
that armed Spanish vessels are in the
habit of searching American merchant..
men, not only in Spanish waters, but in
neutral waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
The Department directs that the Admir
al keep a vigilant watch hereafter and
prevent any such infraction of interna
tional law, and advise him„ that his du
ties are to protect, not only American
citizens, hut American oommercesi web.
He is also ordered to prevent American
war vessels from searching merchant
vessels, it being their duty to protect
American trade and not- molest it.
Another Washington dimpatch says:
A new movement Is on foot here, which,
if successful, will materially strengthen
the Cuban cause. Prominent Ameri
cana are'` endeavoring to induce the
President to take some step, or make a
declaration, showing his approval, of an
nexing the island of St. Domingo to the
United States, and that be is in sym
pathy with any movement which has
this object in view. This would be mere
ly an open declaration on the part of the
Preside/410f What he does not hesitate to
admit in private conversation, and mak
ing, to a certain extent, an official an
nouncement of these views. -When this
is done, it is claimed by those who are
urging this course that President Dam
of the St. Domingo republic, will at once
recognize the belligerency of the Cubans
and extend such aid as will Insure their
success In obtaining independence. As
the Island of St. Domingo is but a few
hours sail from Eastern Cuba, where the
insurrection is strongest, it would give
the insurgents a strong foothold from
which to ship munitions of war, and
cammit depredations upon Spanish com
merceld run t
out sm
and in ss the all veels, while
harbors theat
pleasure. This plan, it seems, was pro
posed several years ago, but kept secret
from fear that- it would be frustrated.
Whether it is successful or not, persons
well informed as to the Cuban insurrec
tion assert with great confidence that. St.
Domingo will soon recognize Cuban bel
A. Washington correspondent amps
orders were telegraphed to Ftideral of
ficials at New Orieans to look sharp after
certain Cuban expeditions said to bef flt.
ting out there.
Report says that on Saturday forenoon
a tessel,',laden with war- material for
the Cuban imurgeets, sailed from one
of the Plers in East river, where she had
been lying some weeks unnoticed. It is
also said a large number ot recruits em
barked "on a fug at Jersey City and were
transferred at 'Sandy Hook to the war
vessel. 'The authoritieS and Cubans are
both very reticent, on the subject. Re
cruiting Is shipped at the princial Cuban
head -quarters, though it is understood
then are still enlisted at the branch of
fices... The expedition alluded to above
is said to-be cchipoged of emigrants who
enlistedist• Castle Garden. District At
torney Plerrepont has received two let
ters from the State Department direct
ing energetic' measures to enforce the
neutrality_ laws and punish violation
thereof, and particularly calling his at
tention to the ease of the Quaker City.
HAVANA, May 10.—Capt. Dales.
with the volunteers who a oampanied
him, has , returned from his visit to
Fighting is reported going on near Neu
vitas. No particulars at hand. The 11.
S. aloop-of-war Saratogo arrived today.
The Havana press praise the American
authorities for their prompt action In de
taining the steamer Quaker City. No
important news htufbeen received to day
from the interior. Details of the lighting
around Nuevitas are still wanting. Su
gar steady.
Seizure of Contraband Coßee and Sugar
—Airest for Embezzlement—waxing
of a Towboat. I' • -
(By Telesrraph to the Plttsbuigh Gazette.)
Sr. Louts, May Io.—More seizures of
contraband coffee and sugar were made
by the United StatEs revenue officers this
morning. It is said that ablut fifty five
hundred sacks of coffee, five hundred
bags' of pepper and several hundred
boxes of sugar have been sent Afire from
New. Orleans, on none of which has the
duty been paid.
Leopold Efollerman, a clerk of Mur
dock & Dickson, was arrested tcsday,
charged, with embezzling between two
and three thousand dollars from that
khout r one o'clock last night the old
townoat Grey Eagle sprung a leak and
capsized near Stag Island in the Mimi&
sippi river, about seventy-five miles
above here, and'Patrick Hall; the pilot,
and Henry (Merges and James Same,
raftamen are, supposed to have been
drowned.' The boat was going np the
river with- of raftamen and
thncia.en , board; all of whom and the
crew lost everything they had.
. Sr. Lours, May I. The report that the
project of bridging the Itliasissippi di
rectly opposite this city, had-been aban
doned, and that a bridgeWottkl be built
just above the city !a ,antheritively de.
nled. It is further stated, by authority,;,
that no such proposition 'has 'ay& been.
entertained or eontemplated,.but en the.
o mtrary, the work on tbe bridge nove,,in
rooeqs of construction, at "the 'foot of
Washington avenue, will be pushed for
ward witkinoreased vigor,'•and it is ex.
pected that all the piers and abutment;
will , be finished within ft' yezr,z arid- thm-
Ptractare will be ereeted as Boos labia
after Is Vcegible.
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Ogente.)
PROzi ... ONTORY SUMMIT, Utah, May 10.—
The last laid. The last spike driv
.en. The Pacific Railroad is 'completed.
Point of junction one thousand and
eighty-six miles west of the Mlssomi
river and six hundred and ninety miles
east of Sitcramento.
NEW YORK, May 10.—News 'Wait re
ceived this afternoon of the completion
of the Pacific Railroad. One hundred
guns .were fired in Cita Mall Park, and
Mayor Hall forwarderfW congratulatery
messes(' to Mayor Sanford.
A commemorative cerebration had pre
viously been held in Trinity Church, at
which a telegram, forwarded by the
Chamber of Commerce to a similar body
of San Francisco, was read, and an ad
dress delivered by Rev. Dr. Vinton.
-After prayer and the rtading of a portion
of the Episcopat service, the organ peal
ed and chimes v. - ate . rung as the largo
congregation lot' the Church.
The flags on City Hall and many pub
lic and private buildings were displayed
all day in honor of the great event., Ma
,patches from Washington, - Philadelphia
and many other places report. much en
thusiasm over the news. .The bell of In
dependence Hall at Philadelphia was es
pecially brought into use to commemo
rate the completion of the Continental
Rallway,And the scene there generally.
was more 'enthusiastic than any since
Lee's Surrender.
• AT CHICAGO,. _ •
CHICAGO, May 10: —The celebration of
the great Inter-Oceanic Railway canner,
tion to-day was the most successful affair
of the kind that ever took place In Chi
cago. and probably in the West. It was
entirelY;lmpromptu, and therefore al most
every man, woman and child in the city
did their part towards making it a sac
cm. The procession was unique in'ap
pearance and immense in length, the
lowest estimate putting . it down at seven
miles. • Every merchant, every trader,
every drayman, every milkman, every
express company, 13 his or their bust
ness wagon in the, line, and generally
filled with boxes, Supposed to contain'
goods, directed to merchauta in every
city or town between here and China.
Brigham Young seemed to be far the
largest consignee, as about every one of
the three olr four thousand business
wagons had one or more packages
marked to his adrireas. Almost every
wagon.- bore some pleasant motto or
Just before{ the procession moved every
tug In the titre{ or lake front, over one
hundred in riuMber, opened their whis
tles and set up \ a
a scream which seemed
to awake eehbe from the otter side of
Lake Michigan. Shortly after this the
Court House sounded its ,tintinabula
tions, announcing that the last spike in
the last rail area being driven home, and
then the procesion moved and continued
to move until' ; six o'clock, when it die.
During the moving of the procession
Vice President Colfax received the fol
lowing dispafeh:
Promonteryl Summit, Utah, May 10.--
Hon. Schuyler Colfax, V. P.—The rails
were connected to-day." The prophecyof
Eienton to.daY is a -fact. "This is the
way to ,
G. M. Donne,
II SIDNEY Dtr.t.ox,
T. DuitaND.
This evening Vice President Colfax,
Lieut. Governor ' Bross, and others, ad
-dressed a large audience at Library Hall,
in which they I spoke eloquently of the
great era which this day marks in the
history of our ponntry.
During the evening there was also a
general In d tfigence in fireworks, bonfires,
illuminationsi dm.
AT e'r. Lours.
Br. Louis, May io.—The bells In this
oity were strnek- at - six minutes to two
o'clock this afiernoon c the response to
the blows of die' hammer which drove
the last spike in the Union Pacide Rail
road. Quite a browd assembled. at the
telegraph office land much interest was
manifested on the occasion. Everybody
is rejoiced at the completion of the grand
est enterprise ever • acoomplished by
mortal hands.
Protestant Eplieopal . Minton Bona.
By Tete:raft to sacrist:dolma etsette.T
NEwAgic; May 10:—Tbe Protes
tant Episoopallioard ot Missions opened
their spring meeting In Trinity Church
this morning. Rev. Dr. Haight, of New
:York, presided in tbe ?Absence of tile
Bishop. , The attendance was very small.
The agency system
discussed by
Rev. Dr. , Rudder,
~ot rhiladelplia, and
others."rn the evening, la Grace Church,
Dr. Truing stated the Progress of domes
tio missions, and urged in inCteased:
fon inidzi:Rpdder spoke on tbev fox sesill.forab*O 'o
rktiou r Chanbmen fog
Ihs-suoddislif ibis mission& ' •
- “: ,, , ,7. •Avf,10
'AGM Dina
Triumph of American
.., Enterprise.
The. Last Spike Th the- Last
Rail Driven Home.
“This is the 10 ay_ to India.”
t) .
AY. .MAY 11. 18E59,
Miss Meeting at Cork . , Ireli nd. in ssin.
pathy With Mayor 00sulliran—Cov
ernment Measures to Suppresi Femair
Outrages—The Gibraltar Question In
Spain—Emperor • Napoleon at Chartres
Mortieultural Exhibition.
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
LoNnorF, fiiay2lo.—A great mass meet
ing was held in Cork, on Saturday even
-Ipg, to ezPresa popular condemnation of
the Government in the matter of Mayor
Lorrnow, May, 10.-•—• In the House of
Common to•day Mr. ,Forteseue, Chief
Secretary for Ireland. in reply to an in
quiry of Lord John Manners, said Her
Majesty's Ministers were already consid
ericg the best means of increasing the
powers of the Lord Lieutenant of Ire
land for the more effectual suppression
of. outrages in that country.
MADRID, Miy 10.—In the Cbites on Sa
turday, Senor Orentz asked *hat action
had been taken by the Governinent to
wards acquiring Gibraltar. De Loreu
zara, Minister of Statti, replied that ',,the
Government fully recogni zed the impor.
tante of the Gibraltar question, but that
before negotiation for its cession, the
nation must be strongly constituted and
tlnancially reorganized. •
Parris, May 10.—The Emperor visited
the Horticultnral Exhibition at Chartres
yesterday. He was received by the
Mayor who delivered an address. The
Emperor made a abort speech in reply
He recalled the visit he made to Chem .s
when he was President. He then referred
to the coming election and invited all
men of all parties to aid In the advance
ment of the cause of Liberal progress by
choosing as their representatives mon
worthy of such a mission. 6•
Sotrruestpros, blay.lo.—The steamer
Weser, from New York, has arrived.
- ,
Lmsno7.4, May 111— Evening.—Consols for
money 02.35; for account 023;. Five-
Twenties quiet and steady lat 78%.
Stocks meld's% Erie 187‘. Illinois 9,13 i.
Tallow 42s 9d . Sugar 398. 3d. IL!nseeu
ANTWERP, 'May 0.-Petroleum 51%f.
HAVRE, May 8.-Cotton` on spot 141%f.
Frttmtronr, May 10.-Flye-Twentles
LrvErtroot, M.y 10.-Cotton dull at
11 1 ;511%'d. for middling uplands, 11; .
ii74;dAfor Orleans; sales or 7,000 bales.
lialifOniia white wheat 9s. 411.; red
western Bs. Bd. Western Flour 21s.
Cc.>rn-wised 275. atts 3. 4d. Barley
is. Peas 38s. 6d. Pork 101 s. flee( 90a.
Lard 035. 6d. Cheese 83s. Bacon 60?. ,
Spirits Petroleum •Od; relined Js. 834 d.
Tallow 435. 9d. Turpentine 28s. Bd.
PARIS, May 10.-Bonrse strong;ltentes
71f. 84c.
FRANKFORT. May • 10-Evenhig.-15.
S. Bonds closed at 83%586. t.
Chief Justice Chase Reverses the Deets.
tea of Judge Underwood Declaring the
Proceedings of state Courts Null and
Vold—Comitructiou of the Fourteenth
Amendment. .
thy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gis.tie.)
RICE(310111), May 410.—Chief Justice
Chase this morning delivered an opinion
on an appeal from Judge Underwood's
decision in the District Court, declaring
null a sentence of Judge Sheffey of the
State Court, on the ground of Sheffey's
ineligibility under the Fourteenth
Amendment. The case was that of
emlar Griffin, a negro, who *as
sentenced to the penitentiary for
shooting a 'man. The Chief Justice
read the opinion of the Court, holding
that a State governinent in Virginia had
been recognizedd during the war by Con
gress, first at Wheeling and next at Alex
andria. The action of the. Government
in dividing the State had been recognized
by the Federal Government, and Sena
tors and Representatives elected by that
government had been allowed seats in
Congress. It was tinder this govern
ment that Sheffer had been appointed,
and he was, therefore. a legal Judge, as far
as the State government was concerned.
The question now came up whether, be
lug ineligible, he was absolutely remov
ed by the operation of the NOurteenth
amendment. The United
was, but
Judge had decided that he but in
the examination of a question of this sort
great attention is properly paid to the
argument of inconvenience, and a con
struction which must necessarily, own
-4011 great public and private mischief
moat never be preferred to a construction
which will occasion neither in so great a
degree, unless the terms of the instrutnent
absolutely require such preference. The
opinion here shows the anarchy which
would bo produced in a State by declar
ing paat-Jegal proceedings void. It then
considers the character and intent
of the provisions of the third sec
tion of the Fourtnth amendment
which are dtelared ee to be punitive. ,
It is clearly against the provisions of the
Constitution, which deny to the leglala
tire authority power to deprive any per
son of life, liberty or property , without
due process of law, , or to pass ex poet
facto Laws. And-these, if there were no
other grounds, pre reasons for seeking
another' interpretation of the amend
ment than -that asked by counsel The
Fourfeanth amendment is not self
enforcing, and needs further legislation
of Congress to enforce it. and two months
after the judgment now being raised Was
delivered, Congress passed a joint react
laden providing for the removal of, all
ineligible officers, showing that persons
then holding ' office were held to be
de facto officers, and also providing the
means for their removal by the military.
The Court 'said the Supreme Court had
'unanimously concurred in the opinion
that a prisoner sentenced by a Judge
defacto, though not a Judge de jure, could
not be reached by the Itaoeatecorpos.
The decision of the -District Court watt
reversed and Ceasar Gridip was remand
ed to the State authorities;
the U. S. Circuit Court this morning
.Teter Philips, to be hung_neit Friday,
upon a writ of fiabeira canna 'wits rennin
ded to the SOUS au thoritlo4 on the grottiut
that he was senteueed.beibm the ,Pour
teenth AmertdMeut was promulgated.
' M 'k~{ n ! ,
Aal'ay--Fr4utis on ,the Revenue
=Kree 'Trade league . Meeting:
Cny Telegrai l / 4 to the
.Pittsburgh Graeae.)
Arm Yonx, May 10, . 1680 •
, .„
Last evening.a man named George Mc-
Neery got into an altercation with a mart
named Pt-ter Ellinger, in front of a
boarding house, on Wallace strset, and
stabbed him in the abdomen and side in
dicting probably fatal Injuries. Lewis
Bush. a friend of. Ellinger, interfered,
when DifcNeery stabbed him also, cutting
his heart in two and ,eansing instant
death. No provocation for the assault
appears to have existed. Officers are in
search of MeNeery. •
Judge Benedict hare the
Grand Jury in the United St c ates g Ci d
Court in reference to revenue frauds in
this city, more particularly drawback
frauds, inyoliing many Government offi
cials in forged papers ,to amounts of
00,000. It was, said the Judge, the
duty of the Grand Jury to indict ail,
poor or rich, guilty of frauds on the
The. police to-day received by mail post
marked Elmira, New York, $13,000
worth of shares of the Eureka Mining
Company of Polk county, Tenn., which
was stolen from the safe of Smallwood &
Hitchcock, Beaver street, on thenight of
the,3d inst.
Wm. H. Nealson was today chosen
President of the Stock Exchange, as con
solidated by the admission of the Open
The steamers Westphalia, fromlfato
burg via Havre Ist, and Queen, from
Li} erpool, arrived to-day.
A meeting of the American Free Trade
League WWI held at Cooper Institute to. Iva, at which many of the prominent
mepnbers were present. Howard 'Potter
called the assemblage to order and David
Dudley Field presided. Addresses were
dellvfired by Wm. Cullen Bryant and
Ed,4ed Atkinson and the following res
oluion adopted:
Reeolved, That in the opening of he
great Pacific Railroad to=day, connecting
NeW York and San Francisco, we recog
nize a pledge not only for one country,
one constitution and one destiny, with a
dna regard to the revenue for the pres
entisort of trade with all' countries and
all continents. I
Coal Miners' Strike.
LBy Telegraph tO the. Pittsburgh tlasette-1
Macon L'Hurrit, Pa., May 10.--A strike
in the coal, and
work is entirely suspended in the Le
high and Schuylkill regions. Nothing
has been received from Wilkesbarre, but
it is'supposed the same state of affairs
exists there.
—Omaha dispatches says that telegrams
froui Echo City report that the troubles
with 'the laborers near Piedmont are
amicably settled. The ral!road and tel
egraph Officials left Echo; City Sunday
afternoon for Promonotory Point, to at
tend the laying of the last rail. Al
though the Central. Pacific officials de
ny that the T_TuitinPaciflo could not•reach
the Meeting place at Pomonotory Point
before the .10th, they arranged to lay
their own last rail on Saturday. They
ascribe the failure of meeting the Union
Pact tin to, obstinacy or badMaartagernaut:
of the officers, irhlle, in fact,
_they des
!red theezolitsive MaMigezßent• Pt , tbe/r ,
--On the day of-the adjournment of thb
last Congress a resolution was smuggled
through to prevent the printing of the
report and testimony takerkin the Alas
ka investigation. This was done to
shield a certain correspondent, who had
fikured quite prominently. as the testi
moni showed, to black -mail the Russian:
Minister, and Robert J. Walker, counsel
for the Russian Government. From
somemause the Rouse resoltition was not
carried out, and the testimony was
printed on -Saturday last and sent to the
Rouse document room, to be distributed
throughout the country. The testimony,
as printed; has cansod much,talk.
—A'duel WaS fought on Afonday at New'
Orleans, between a Spaniard and Cuban,
growing out of the cries of "death to
Spaniards". in a recent procession of Cu
bans and their: sympathizers. The Cu
hau Was badly wounded, but the Span
lard is unhurt. A general challenge haS
been extended from the Spaniard to all
who indulged in the cries during the
proceision. Another duel is reported
already arranged. -
Markets by Telegraph.
BusiPAl,o, May 10 .—Receipts--830 bbls
flour, ';356,000 bush'wheat, 493,000 bush
corn, 85,000 bush oats. Shipinents
-227,00Ci bush wheat, 62,000 bush oats, 61,-
000 buith oats. Freights lower at 13yie
on wheat, 1130 on corn, and 73.ic on oats
to New York. Flour steady and dull;
western bakers $6,78(4)7,00. Wheat in
fair demand; sales this morning 20,000
bush No 2 Milwaukee at $1,25; also 7,500
bukh Chicago at 81,25, also 7,500 bush No
2 at 91;24: sales this afternoon 30,000 bush .
do at 41,24, closing weak. Corn quiet
and unsettled; sales 50.000 bush new at
630660; also 12,0t* bush No. 1 certificate
new at6714Q)6139. Oats dull; sales 25,000
bush at ,73®73,h0; old , held at 78c at the
close. 133*- 5- nominal. 13.arley; small 4
sales at 81,75 delivered. Seeds quiet at
$4,123(t0r timothy, and 89,25 for medium
clover: Peas nominal , at $1,20. Pork
steady at $3l. Lard steady at 19c. High
wines offered at 96c.
NEW ORLEANS, Maylo.—Cotton--bettei
qualities scaroe and stiffer; low ' grades
quiet; middlings 28 y;‘@2834c; sal es 1 3 000
, bales; receipts, 1,279 bales; experts, 475
bales. Flour dull; superfine /5,60; double
extra .$5,87®0; treble extra 168,25.- • CortilL'
,white 05(4)70o. Bramsl,2o.:-.l3la—prime
828. Mess pork_ dull at 132,25., Bacon
firm at 48;412440.• Lard—Cholce scarce.
at 183i@l9e for tierce; 19 ,@200 for keg.'
Sugar—common.9)Mloe; for prim e 12,4
©lB5 Molasses nominal; lUP:tenting
35 , 35043. 1 Whisky valet; western rixtitied
8 734®92.4e. Coffee unehanued. • ' '
blEitPais, May, 10.--Cotton dull;'
middlings 213 Xe; - receipts, 809 balm; ek
ports, .4401 bidet FiOnr irregular -At
84,50®/1,00. ;Corn ;at 75®80c. Oats. at
75E4800e:11v .2 8 ,00®3900 Pork 8 3 1,50
@ 32 3 80 . , '.13ac0n quiet; shoulders, ism@
14e, sides 17 %@18e. Bulk meats dud;
shoulders, /2,4®12Nc.
ORActOo, May 10 .—Latcst.—Nothing of
Cnsconsume** was done in Grain a ft er
g/3,13nd prices are unchanged, No.
2 speing wheat closing at sl,loh@l,ll on
spot. Other grains neglected. Pro-,
,visions are inactive. In the' evening
there was nothing done and prices wore'
nominal. '
NASHVILLE, May 10.—Cotton ,
middlings 260; good ordinary 240.
Regular Meeting--Electlon of Officers.--
Reports of the Treasurer and Chief En.
A reedier quarterly meeting of this
Firemen's Association-was held on Mon
. ,
day evening, 141ay 10th, 1 869, at 74 -
o'cloik, in the hall of the Associetion,,
City Building.
Present: Messrs, Wilson, Reed, Ward,,
Eagle; Watt, Wilson, Sims, Allegheny;
McCarthy, TatnelL Hardin,
.'Duques ne;
Johnson, Irwin, °tipples, Niagara; Map
er; Vigilant; Tibby, Paisley, Indepen., '
deuce; Reynolds Hammer, Lawrence:
Roberts and' King, Rescue Hook and Lad
der Company:.
The minutes of the previous sh eeting
were read and adopted.
Mr.-James Irwin, Treasurer, submit
ted his report which shows a balance in.
the Treasury of $199 Cfl.
The report waereceived and filed.
REPORT"TUB 4711121P* 411,1514NER.
John H. Hare, Chief Engineer of thfr ,
Fire Department, presented his quarterly
report, setting forth , the number of fires.
lbr the quarter ending May 10th, 1869;
In omcluding, tho Chief Engineer re
turns Lis thanks to the members of the
different companies of
,the ...department
lbr the prompt. and efficient manner in ,
which they had discharged their duties.
The report was received and ordered,
to be tiled: • •
The bill off Tames McGaffin, janitor,'
for, was presented and ordered to
be paid. .
The bill of W. P. Neeier, Secretary of
the Association, of $2O for services, was
presented and ordered. to be paid.
Mr. Sims caiied on the Chief Engineer
to state whether the companies had all
conformed tothe' rules relative to the•
district systenk Mr. Hare ,seplied that
the Duquesn *as the only company that
had' viotated. he rules,. and that under
ciscumstancwhich reileVed them from.
any censure..
The Gonna
the members
expired left tl
The Coaven
der and effel
tion by call
to. the Chair,
Ward as Sec
The credent
then read as
lief; John Jo
Beecher, Rene
pane; Henry
A. J. Cuppl
The predenti
members eleet
On motion of
proceeded to tl
lon then adjourned,. and
whose term of servicebad:
ion waa.then called tour '
. ed a temporary, organiza
g W. c. McCarthy,
nd the- election of . Scott—
o ltart'; w t e " le l r - c7a n i e n r :h w lTe e
son,.Auquesne; Geo. P..
Hook and Ladder Com--
Lawr.ence /Nee;
s,` Niagara: S. T. Paisley,
William J. Wilson, Alio
were accepted and the
took. their, seats.
Idr. Sims the A-seociation
e election el permanent
W. C. MeCar hy, Esq., .Ea nominated,
for President. • ' ' -
motion the nominations closed.
Mr. McCarthy receivlu , :eilt the votes .
cast, was declared muinimously elected.
Mr. Scan Ward was „WMdilated for Sec
retary, but declined.
Mr. S. T. Paisley. was then zaftminated,
and on motion, the nominations closed..
Mr. Paisley having ieielved , all the
votes cast, wei.declared duly elected.
~.44r. 411.3m*, AvitS nominated and
, tinscsimoris elected Treamses.,
John Fl. Hare was nominated and umm
hhouSlY elected Chief Engineer of the
Fire Departinent.
For First Assistant Engineer Mr. Joe.
Capples and John IL McElroy were,
placed in nomination. Mr. Cupples re
ceived eight votes and Mr. McElroy ten
ed votes: McElroy was declared duly elect
For Second .Assistam,
,Enginger. Mr.
Roberts'and Mr. Tibby were placed, in..
nomination. ,Mr. Roberts having receiv
ed a majority of the votes east, was de
clared duly elected.•
tion w
On m as oti authorizedSon of Mr is,
o nmaeame cha
m delaega-
zed-to to
.serve on the Committee of Conference
and Inspection, -
The motion preVailed, and the follow-i
ing persons appointed on the Committee:
measrs. Warr!, Wen,- Hamill,'Fergusen,
Irwin, Paisley, Reynolds and 13eecher.
On motion James MeGallin was ap
winted Messenger.
Reynolds, of the Latvrence
Hose Co parry, presented the following'
preamble and resolutions:
Whereas, It is In contemplation by, the
citizens of Pittsburgh, on the 30th inst.,
to decorate the graves of deceased Union
Soldiers, . and, whereas the Firemen
of Pittsburgh are largely represented lit
the list of the , "Hotiored Dead," and the
committee having the matter in charge:
having extended an invitation to ua to
participate in the.ceremonies of the ooca.,
!don, therefore
- &advert That the various Companies
represented In this Association bo re
quester! to take e necessary -measures
to participate in th . the Memorial oelebra
tion, and that they , send one or nioredel-,
egates to reppresent them at a meeting to.
be held in the City Hall, on Friday after-'
noon, the 14th inst., at three o'clock P. sr.
The reSolutions were adopted unani
Mr. Wilson stated that in consideration
of the Increased labor devolving on 'the.
Engineer and his assistants, k he, thought.
a; Third Assistant Engineernecessaryo,
and *moved that the Association -preceed,"
to elect a, Third Assistant Engineer.
,Mr. Simiebjected lo the motiou, and •
on a vote being tat**, the Mallen Wast„. •
defeated: • • • '
t Mr. Ruch Moved the apUointtnent of
committed to revise the constitution.
The motion prevailed,' and the Chair
appointed the folibwiog named penman •
.Messrs. „Ruch, Wilson and Tibby. ' •
On motion of Mr. Sims, the name or
the Neptune Fire Company was stril*cat
from .the books of the Association. •
On motiOn, adjourned.
Search Warrant Itumed.
Josepli Rebstock made informatioin,
before Aldernlan Mullen,. of Allegheny,
yesterdix, against Wm. Bihdenstein,
larceny. The defendant is charged with'
taking two saws, valued at six dollars,
from the promisee of tile, prosecutor, December , last.' -A similar iiiformation
was made against the Bathe defendant by
H. H. Johnson, 'who charges him with`
appropriating:a SSW valued at nine d01..'
lard. The property was supposed to bozs
about the pretniwtof, the defendant ardt
ti i
a:search h e
was accordingly issued'
the Alderman. `'The parties reside at,
ing Eltiact, On the Pittsburgh, Fort
waye and Chicago Railroad.