The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 10, 1869, Image 8

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E 3
CITY AND -814113118 AN.
THE Gesarrns is furnished fn Me city
the six days of the week for 15 Cent! per
week; by mail,l6B per annum: 8 mos.. 12
Allegheny Councils meat neat Thurs
day night.
The Firemen's Association meets to
night at theft Hall in City Bni
` Leg .Broken.--Saturday afternoon a
carpentertell from a scaffolding on the
lower side of the Allegheny Diamond,
and had Ma leg broken.
?paid the Penalty.—s. & J. Elkin,
'charged' before the Mayor with sellin g
liquor on Sunday, paid the penalty of
fifty dollars and the coats on Saturday.
Mayor Drum had twe
cases before him yester
this line is increasing, s
days.. Troy Hill furni I
jority of the cast a. .
Assaulted MM.—Justice- Barker, of
East Birmingham, on Saturday commit-.
ted John Hughes to jail on a charge of
asaanit and battery preferred against him
by John A. Parks.
The quesUon relative to the further ocL
Cupancy by the Allegheny Library of a
'loom in thescity buildings, will proba.
bly be decided at the next meeting of
the Allegheny Councils.
Comnutted.-- , Michael Hagerty, corn
mitted an assault and battery upon Frank
Mcgart,aecording to Frank's statements,
on Saturday f alderman Lindsay arrested
and committed Michael to jail for a hear.
ing on the charge.
Lectuke to . Gentlemen,—Dr. Gleason
`lint deliver his first chaste and appro.
, white private 'lecture to gentlemen at
LaillYette HAU this evening, splendidly
iilustrated *ith a great variety of ana
tomical modole, specimens, &o.
, Matrimonial Infelicities.—Alderman
'Taylor_ on t3iituiday , issued a warrant for
the arrest of Bernard Charlesworth,
chargedpn oath of his. wife Anna, with
whipiiing hot In a brutal manner. The
parties reside In the twelfth ward.
Mayor!s Court..--Prom the number of
Ornzken men, found on the streets Sat
urday night; we suppose the whisky
shops must have done a thriving busi
nem,. At the Mayor's Morning Court,
yesti3rdaY morning, there were thirty.
Iwo cases disposed of, the' majority 'of
them being for drunkenness.
- Whipped Rh Son.-. Edward McDer
mott allegei John Ford. a stout, strong
xnan;littacked and cruelly, beat his son,
• James Ford, aged - twelve years. Accor
ding to the allegations the offense was
committed without provocation. The
parties are engaged in a rolling mill in
:she Ninth ward.. Warrant issued.
- t Mayor Brush is endeavoring to put a
atop to all Sunday business, and yester-
Alay his police closed a number of retail
tobacca stores and soda water fountains
in the drug stores. r -The movement was
advised by Chief Bague, and that officer
is determined to see it executed to the
fullest letter of the law. -
Slight File.—Saturday afternoon about
one o'clock the roof of a one story brick
buildi • g on Try street caught" lire from
Spark from a chimney. An alarm was
sound :d from box 37, corner of Second
avenue and Try street; which brought the
staaiue in the district out. The fire
howerr :r, was extinguished with' t their
aid.' s _image sUght. -
App.? led to Court.—Alexander McGann
was ar ted in Allegheny yesterday af-'
ternoo ~.for loafing en the steps of the
Western Pennsylvania Railroad Depot,
• Federal -street. Mayor Drum- imposed
upon hi a fine of five dollars and costs.
Be refu to pay the amount, and ap
pealed Court, giving bail in the sum
. of one t ousand dollars.
A Ca Bird.— , Saturday afternoon
•John Ca ary entered the saloon of Adam
Geis, in Ithe Fifth ward, Allegheny, and
in a sho time succeeded in stirring up
a row b tween himself and the propri
etor. T e Canary was arrested and taken
before Mayor Drum, who imposed on
him a oof five dollars and costs for
•disorde ly conduct. He paid the fine
and was set at liberty.
The eloved estimable and accom
plished ' ife ofJoseph Ross, Esq.. was
yesterda consigned to her final resting
place in he Allegheny Cemetery. She
was a la y of more than ordinary merit,
and was Idely esteemed for her many
virtues a d Christian qualities of head
and hear and will be deeply mourned
es. larg circle of friends and acqain
Body R covered.—The body of John A. l e
Proper, . nited States Engineer on steam
er Ttdiou , drowned by falling overboard
near Wheeling, on the 16th ult., was
found at Powhattan, twenty miles below
Wheelin , on Friday of last week, and
tue fact mmunicated by telegraph to
his wido , who resides in Allegheny
City. Th body will be interred from
ee l .
her resid nce_____
Foot A putated.:—On Friday a ft ernoon
an empl ye of the Pittsburgh, Fort
Wayne a d Chicago Railroad, while en
ileavoring to j_unipftom a caboose ear in
motion, n ar Wood's Run, fell with one
loot on th track, over Which two of the
car wit passed.- The foot was crushed
in such a manner as to . render aminda
tion necessary. The injured man resided
in Allegheny, but we could not ascertain
hls barge: '' ' •
_identified---The body of the man
found dead at the foot of )bury street
on DuqUOS/30 Way a few days since, has
been identified as that of John Menge;
of Louisville, Kentucky. He shipped as
deoloband ork a steamboat at that place
about two weeks since, and on Thursday,
having arrived here a day or two preyk:
ons, was paid off. He leaves a wife and
three children, who we learn, are in
destitute circumstances.
Boy arownea.—Thomas Glenn, a little
boy, seven' years of ago v residing with
his parents at the cornet of Fourteenth
and Etna' streets, was accidentally
drowned Saturday afternoon about half.
past one o'clock.. lt appears that he and
several other small boys were playing on
arta' In the Allegheny river, near the
- foot of Fourteenth street,when the unfor
tunate boy' stepped upon a loose log
which turned with him, throwing him
into tho water, under the raft.' The body
had not been recovered at a late hour
last night.
Alleged Illegal Appropriation.-•L; O.
Hall, a boarder with L. Garfield, On Grant
street, alleges his landlord entered his
room and illegally • appropriated two
trunks filled with valuable clothing, the
property of a friend. Hall states be
. owes the landlord nothing, and cannot
understand ids strange action. The
trunks were removed during his ab
.sence and without any intimation of the
• :matter having Previonaly been given
blab Alderman Idlidasters arrested
Garfield on an information for larceny its
.-Amdlee. .He gave hail for a hearing...
Important Action of the Survey Com—
mittee of City Councils.
Agreeably to announcement, the Sur
vey Committee of City Councils met on
Saturday morning, at nine o'clock shlirp,
at the Oakland waiting rooms of the
East . Liberty and Oakland •Passenger
Railway, for' the purpose of going going over
the grounds of the new districts to se
'lect and lay out new streets and avenues,
asked for by petitions addressed to the
body they represent, and by which refer
red to them. There were present Messrs.
R. G. Herron, Dr. A. IL Gross, F. Tor
rence, T. J. Craig, Sohn MoMasters,
Frank P. Case, Thomas P. Houston and
the Chairman; John Chialett, Jr. The
Committee were accompanied .by the
Civil Engineer, W. H. Kennedy, who has
charge of the City Survey Corps, and
Messrs. Hallman and Murdock, of Se
lect Council, and a 'number ; of property
holders of the new wards. ' The whole
day was expended in visiting the woods
and wilds, plains and hills, streets, al- .
lays, lanes and roads of the new districts,
and the occasion, although full of down
right labor and hard work, was as plea
sant and enjoyable as ,a May picnic or
pleasure excursion. The day was beau
tiful, being balmy and cool, with a bright
sun and clear sky overhead.
The first important question to be deci
ded upon was a proposed changing of the
original plan of the great sixty foot rival
of Fifth avenue, which according to the
map was to strike and unite with it at a
point near Dithridge street. The Com
mittee went over the ground, struck
bee-lines in the air with their optics, and
after mature deliberation and full ex.
change of thoughts concluded to change
the location so as to have Forbes street
run independently of Filth avenue, and
nearly parallel with it, from what was
formerly known as East Pittsburgh, by a
nearly straight line through the estate of
the late Thomas Little, Esq., and from
thence on eaatwardly towards Wilkins..
burg, in the . , rear of the estates of Faber,
Howe, Berry, and others. At Little's
place there is a ravine of considerable
depth which will have to be bridged, but
the grades on both sides are favorable to
the easy- erection of such a structure.
After brossing the bridge a slightly in
clined plane is reached, but the
grade will be hardly as heavy as
that on Sixth avenue, between Smithfield
and Grant streets. This grade la only
about one thousand feet in length, when
an open table land is reached, which con
tinues to the end of the read, as broad,
smooth and level as the face.f a fiat-iron.
This change, any one whb has knowl
edge of the topography of,the place will
admit, was a wise and judicious one. It
opens a broad and valuable strip of terri
tory which has no outlet save private al
leys and lanes. The action, of the Com
mittee at least doubled the value of miles
of territory thus afforaed outlet by a
broad and proud avenue. The. Commit
mittee were unanimous in their decision,
and we presume no objection cantor will
be made to the proposed change by
Councils. drunken
lay. Business in
specially on Sun
hed a great Ina-
After deciding on this important busi-
ness the Committee were invited to the
elegant residence of Mr. Lloyd, to inspect
a patent pump, a St. Louis manufacture,
which had won much credit to our
country while on exhibition in Paris at
the Great Exposition . The pump is
small in height, has a bread base and ta
pera to a genteel point. The cap for ex
cruding air is highly ornamented in
silver, and is held firmly to its place by
delicate wire cords. When wanted to be
used the wires are drawn aside and the
air forcing ita way downwards creates a
pressure upon the outside of the pump,
which is already chanced, and the fluid
flows freely. The Committee took pleas
uie in drinking the water, several times,
from so elegant a pump, and were
so enraptured with the pretty piece
of American manufacture that . we
heard conniseura in other. matters, pass
judgment even on the water, using such
epicurean adjectives as HUI; ar4mant,"
"highly effervescent," •sdiuretic and
strengthening," " agreeable sweetness,"
"full Savor," “delightful anima," and
“endearing boquet. ' These pumps
cost rather heavy but all well ordered
families should have thermin--..the wine
cellar. A vote of thanks was passed to
Mr. Lloyd for the generous use of his
model pumps. and the Committee, re
freshened, proceeded to inspect the
ground for
They decided to run a street parallel
with Cralg street from Forbes to Alla
u pp
e B ia street. It will run quite close to
enefield church but take In none of
is property. When opened it will be
sixty feet in width and will .prove one of
the finest avenues of that portion - of the
city. It will cross at nearly right angles
with Fifth and Centre avenues.
- - •
Shady Lane was next visited. The
committee decided to make it from a
forty-foot street, which it now is, a
sixty-foot street, running between Fifth
Avenue and the Greensburg pike. Sev
eral objectionable .angles and serpentine
turns were taken out of the line, and
with the improvements decided upon,
the avenue will merge into a delightful
road, one which must largely enhance
the value of the property through which
it passes. The change in the width will
entail little or no hardship on Private
into :Tata
Alto: they were through with their
labors in this direction, the Committee
were cordially invited to the picturesque
residence of our public spirited fellow
citizen, Frank Sellers, Esq., for dinner—
an invitation which wasreacilly accepted,
and the clever host can rest assured that
his guests felt duly grateful for the
hospitable reception at his hands, all the
more appreciated since the action of
widening the lane Into an avenue look
more than an acre of very valuabldrpro
petty for public purposes, off the real
estate of Mr. Sellers, who willingly ac
quiesced to the hardship entailed.
The Committee next vted a private
lane at the toll gate or top of the hill,
and decided to open It into a fifty foot
street, through from the Pike to the
Prankstown road. This will not inter
fere with property to any extent and
will secure a much needed new avenue,
a ffordinaontlet to a large number of real
estate owners.
THE PUCKETT ltatitr.
• The
d Puck
deety road was next visited. It
wax ecid to take out several ug
angles and to make It from thirty-thre ly e
feet to a fifty foot avenue. Its extension
- was also decided upon through to the
Allegheny river, but that will hardly
take place for many years.
After accomplishing this much, the
Committee adjourned and reaceed their
homes about six o'clock. The Surveyor
will at on go to work with his well
organized corps to lay oat the lines de
cided upon.
Disorderly.—Theodore Paul alleged be
fore Justice Amnion, orßirminghatn, on
Saturday, that Christian Neyergall, in
direct contradiction to his name, had
been acting in a yery disorderly manner.
much to the disgust and annoyance of
the neighborhcard in_ which he resides.
Christian was arrested, and in default of
a ten dollar Sue was committed toy ail
for ten days. ,
~~ .
A III)DP.L PtllitP
g-; •
PIT! 1111161 'GAM* : /MOAT, I , AY 10, 11369.
United States District Cotin—Judge Me-•• Candles. -
SeminDAy, May &—ln the case of
the United States vs. John Sandlers, pre
viously reported, the juiy returned a ver
dict of not guilty.
On motion of W.,S. Pui•viance,
Wm. A. Shinn, Esq.. was duly sworn
and admitted a member of the bar In this
The case of the United States vs. Hen
ry Hinckley, was next taken up, and
was on trial at the time of adjournment.
District Court—Judgea Hampton and
SATURDAY, May 8.--Sheriff Cluly in
open court acknowledged a number of
No other huffiness of public importance
was transacted.
17. Blanchard vs. Mountie
28. McClean dr. Co. vs. OWLS. Barday's
Administrator et at.
31. Eakin. for use of Leech 'vs. Ames
M. E. Church of Pittsburgh.
49. McCambridge vs. Graff dr. Co.
56. Scbanielzer for use vs. Livingstone.
58. Armstrong vs. MoClaren.
60.. Trimble vs. Rhodes & Boyer.
64. Viralters V& Wardens, Administrator.
Common Pleas—Fall Bench.
SATURDAY May B.—The' usual Satur
day business was transacted.
On motion of Jno. 81. Robb Esq., Henry
S. Floyd of Lehigh county, was sworn
and admitted to practice in this Court.
December Line.
105. McCullough vs. Falkner.
- January List.
28. Johns and wife vs. MeAboy.
37. Long vs. Smith.
28. Higley vs. McDonald.
39. Same vs. Same.
45. Heath va. Heath.
47. Thompson vs. Murdock and wife.
55. Flinn and wife vs. The city of Pitts
57. Stuckler vs. Howe et al.
58. Dyer vs. Wigbtman,
61. P. C. dr St. L. R. W. Co. vs. Jones
et al.
68. Hoeveller vs. Mugle et a/.
73. Heineman et al. vs. it.dams Exp. Co.
77. Goldstrohm vs. - Morton.
78. Same vs. Same.
Court of Quarter Seadons—Full Bench.
SATURDAY, May B.—A petition was pre
sented asking for thefilyision of Versail
les township into twe districts, one to be
called North and thdother South Versail
les. The dividing line as proposed, will
start at the Westmoreland county line,
near the house of john Ludwick, and
running thence - by the road, near Jas.
Black, Sr., - to the Monongahela river
above Saltsburg. The Court ordered the
petition to be tiled, and appointed Messrs.
P. Clugston, Tnos. McMesters and Thos.
Penney, Commissioners, to inquire into
the matter and repgrt.• , •
A Novel Electrical Performance,
To•day the last rail connectiog_the
Union Pacific and Central Pacific Rail
roads will be' laid, and thus finish the
grandest eaterprise of the century—that
of binding with an unbroken iron band
the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean. A die
tinguished genii man ' connected with
the enterprise will drive down the last
spike. With every atreke of the ham
mer driven home, a signai wire, attached
to the rail, will convey the sound into
all parts of the country over the Western
Union Telegraph wires. 'I be arrange
ments for this city are to let the current
started run into the instrument at the
Fire Alarm Telegraph office, and from
thence to the great bell. Thus, as the
click of the hammer striking the spike
is heard on the spot where the connec
tion is being Made, over two thousand
miles from here west, the same moment
the heavy toned bell will ring out a
te deum from the Court House tower.
The very Instant the stroke is given in
the heart of the Rocky Mountains, the
peal of the bell'will ho heard resounding
in Pittsburgh. _ Our citizens will be pre
pared for the algnala, andsiot be troubled
to account for the unusual sounding of
the bell, and unless the firemen want a
run of several thousand miles to the
'place from whew* the signals come,
they will tinheed the alarm. The bell
wilt be struck at about eight minutes
past two o'clock this afternoon, if the
signal be given promptly at noon by
Salt Lake City time, as Pittsburgh time
is two hours and eight minutes faster.
To be Reorganized.
The Friendship Hose Company of Al
legheriy is to be reorganized. Our
readers will remember the difficulty
which resulted in the disbandment of the
Company a few weeks since, by the Com
mittee on Fire Engines and HMes of the
City Councils. On Saturday the prelimi
nary steps toward a reorganization were
taken by tho appointment of Mr. Benja
min Clark, one of the most experi
enced firemen in the city, as }ore
man.,and driver of the hose carriage.
The ose carriage has . been returned to
its old quarters, and a temporary ar
rangement made with some of the fire
men from the other companies to man
it, until a permanent organization can
be effected, which,will be accomplished
as soon as possible. The new company
promises to be, even more effective and
reliable than•the old one, which was con
sidered one of the best in the city. .
New Gateway:
Superintendent Chislett, of the 'Alle.
gheny Cemetery, yesterday kindly per
mitted us to inspect the designs for the
new lower gateway, now being erected,
a large force of workmen being employ.
ed in the labor. The entrance will,
when completed, be a model of archi
tectural beauty, and will eclipse any
thing in the way in America. The
stone, an elegant quality, with tine grain
and compact, is being brought from'
Memnon, Ohio. The present gateway
will. be converted into an elegant stone .
edifice, for alio° purposes. The Ceme
tery was never In such good order- as at
the present time, and lb its neat beauty
reflects much credit to the seal, care,
taste and ability of Mr. Misled, who de
votes his constant time and attention to
ward. keeping it in order.
Allegheny Oily Expenditures.
The following statement exhibits the'
amounts, expended in payment of all city
employees of Alleghehy, during the paet
month, as shown by the pay rolls pre
sented to'the controller from the several
departments named. This• does- not in
clude any expenses outside of wages.
There are other expenditures for city
improvements which cannot be definitely
ascertained until the next meeting. of
Councils, but which will more . than
double the amount here given. -,
Pollee, 121748,83
Streeo, 1,620,14
Water • Works, .... 1,120,76
Firemen, . 674,86
Hoglneer's °Mee, ,462,60
Wharfossater's office, 12,00 ,
tali 1 'ltSfes4oB
Disastrous Conflagrations—Six Buildings
Destroyed—Loss 340,000.
A disastrous conflagration occurred in
McKeesport about half.past twelve
o'clock Sunday morning, by which the
National Hotel, the Masonic Hall build
ing, three dwelling houses and a stable
were totally 'destroyed.' The fire orig.
inated in one of the rooms ct the hotel,
shortly after twelve O'clock, when an
alarm was given, but owing tothe limited
facilities for extinguishing flea and the
rapid progress of the fiames,Which had
gamed considerable headway before they
were discovered, all efforts to suppress
'them or prevent the lire from extend
ing to adjoining buildings!,were un
avaling. The sta ble atiachedtolhe hotel
and situated a short rear of
it next took lire, and being frame, was
soon consumed. The flames then spread
to the Mae )nic Hall building, a large
three story structure adjoining _the hotel
on one side, and to a frame Winding on
the opposite side, and from .the latteeto
two brick dwellings, all of Which were
consumed. So far as we have been ena
bled to ascertain, but little of. , tbe, furni
ture in any of the, buildings was saved,
and the loss will not fall short of I/010,000,
upon which there is only a partial insur
ance. .
While the fire was in progress the
burgess of the borough telegraphed to
the Chief of the Fire Department of
this city, Jno. H.-Hare, to send a steamer
to their assistance. Mr. Hare, , with his
usual promptness, repaired to the depot
of the Connellaville Railroad, arid- made
arrangements for transporting a steamer
and the company, and had the Duquesne
engine ready to ship, when a second dis
patch was received, informing; him that
it would not be necessary to send the en
gine, as the fire had expended Its fury
and was now under the control of the
citizens. ' •
This is the second hotel burned in that
place within a few months, and within
the past year over a half a Milton dol
lars worth of property has been de
stroyed by fire, a great deal 'of which
might have been saved by a proper fire
department. We presume the o borough
authorities are by this time convinced of
the necessity. of a steam engine, and
other necessary fire apparattnyo protect
the property of the citizens,
Fire In Allegheny
Sunday about noon fire was discov
ered issuing from the roof of a two story
frame house, No. 256 Western; avenue,
Second ward, Allegheny. Owing to the
difficulty in procuring a key-it - Was some
Litne tefere an alarm was sounded, which
was finally struck from Box 13; located
at the corner of the avenue and ' Bidwell
street, about two squares distant from
the fire. The fire department responded
promptly, but when they arrived on the
ground the flames bad partially destroy.
ed the building, the roof and thegreater
portion of the upper story being burned.
By great exertion, the family in the
house succeeded In saving about
one-half of their household effects,
the rest falling a. prey to the de
vouring element. The house is located
next to T. H. Nevin dt Co.'s lead works,
and for a time fears were entertained for
the safety of that building. The fire
communicated to one orthe windows on
the second floor, but the firemen Prompt
ly directed a powerful stream of water
In that direction- and extinguished the
flames. This portion of the building
was thus deluged by water, but the
stock was for the most part contained in
ten cans ready for shipment,. and the loss
thereby will not be great. There was
another frame house, adjoining the burn
lag one, In great danger but it was saved
from ignition by the efilcienQinore of
the firemen.
The fire was caused by a defective flue,
and originated between the rafters and
roof The destroyed house was owned
by Messrs. Nevin dc Co., and occupied by
Mr. Robert Smith, driver for the firm.
The lose of Messrs. Nevin & Co., will
reach about eight hundred dollars, upon
which there is a full insurance. Mr.
Smith could not estimate his lose,' but he
had no insurance.
An Enterprise Thwarted.
A Mr. Odenbaugh, an enterprising
young man from Middletown, Washing
ton county, went to the borongh of
Washington on Saturday and hired a
pair of horses and a buggy froni t o n
Myers, proprietor of a livery itaVie, for
the purpose, as he alleged, of driving to
Canonsburg, a oistance of seven .nalle
and return. He started with the team
but did nor return at the time appointed,
and Mr. Myers on making inquiry as.
certained thee he had passed through
Canonsburg, and had several times along
the road offered the team for sate. Think
ing it probable that if the fellow wanted
to sell the team he would come to this
city, Mr. Myers telegraphed to Chief of
Police Hague, describing the team and
man, and requested that he be arrested
and detained until he arrived in the city.
Mr. Myers then started for the city on
horseback, arriving here late Saturday
night, and yesterday morning officers
Long and McCready captured Odenbaugh
driving the hired team down Liberty
street. He was placed in irons and taken
back to Washington, where he wasprob
ably committed to jail.
Runaway at a Funeral.
At the funeral of Mrs. Joseph, Ross,
Sunday afternoon, a runaway occiirred,
causing considerable excitement; but
fortunately with no very serious results.
The funeral had reached the Allegheny
Cemetery, the grave ceremonies had
. ,
been performed , and those in attendance
were about re-entering carriages, when
the horses attached to one hired of Spen
cer & Willison, in charge of a driver
named Reynolds, took fright and started
off at full speed. They had not gone far
before they encountered a tree, and tatt
ing different sides were clocked up by
the carriage comingin contact with it.
The driver was thrown from Meseta and
considerably bruised, and the carriage
literally demolished. We may state the
fact that the carriage referred to was not
one of those under the control of e un
dertaker having charge of t he funeral
arrangements. ,The: runaway was , occa
sioned by a carriage of .Taokson & 'De
vore's running against that of Spencer &
Renegade of the , °tome. i J
A new national dra In five. acts,
under the above capti , will be:lrpre
!tented for, the first time I the Academy
of Music this evening, nder the ward
cea of Poets 85 and 88 of the Grand Army
of the Republic. The piece is written in
good style and is full of interest, being
based mainly upon facts and Incidents
connected with the late rebeilion.! The
piece has been in rehearsal for several`
weeks. and the persons sustaining the
several roles are said to be well up in
their parte, and a pleasant entertainment
may - be - anticipated. The object of the
entertainment is to provide means to as
sist the widows of deceased soldiers and
educate their children. This, of itself,
should induce inanyversens to attepd.
Distreadnar :Affidr—Five Children i'col.•
soned—Natal Result. •
On Saturday morning a very dist
ing affair occurred in Allegheny, re tilt
ing in the death of a little son of Mr.
Geo. N. Mille r;` residing on Water street,
near Sandusky,. Fourth ward It seems
the little fellow,in company with a young
er brother and sister and two other child
ren, was playing in theTyard attached to
his parents' residence when one of them
picked up what he supposed to be
a piece of licorice and which 'he
divided among his playmates. A short
time after eating the stuff the children
came into the house, where Mrs. Miller,
observing something peculiar in their
actions, questioned them and discovered
the fin dingi of the supposed licorice.
From their appearance the lady con
cluded something was wrong, which was
confirmed in a few minutes by. one' of
the children, little Georgie suddenly fall
ing to the floor in convulsions. As
quickly as possible physicians were sent
for, and in response Drs. Mahon and
Rankin came to the house. They at once,
from the symptoms, pronounced it a case
of poisoning and administered every
available remedy, but without affording
any relief to the " principal sufferer.
He lay" from the time of calling
in the physician s — about noon Saturday
—until seven o'clock yesterday morning,
all the time unconscious and working In
spasms until death came to his relief.
The other children revived somewhat
under medical treatment, and yesterday
were considered out of danger.
The little victim was but four years of
age, and the oldest of the others was less
than six.
One of them handed to the physician a
small piece of the stuff which had been
eaten, and which upon examination,
proved to be belladona, one of the most
virulent poisons. Subsequently an
other small piece of the stuff was
picked up in the yard at the place
where the children had been playing.
The yard is common to five or six ten
ements, and it is supposed that some per
sons, either through carelessness or igno
rance threw out the poison, where It was
found. •
Coroner Clawson was notified of the
sad occurrence and impannelled a jury
yesterday morning but adjourned the In
quest until to-day.
In Saturday's GAZETTir a correspon
dent severely censured the President
and officials oft the Oakland & East Lib
erty Passenger Railway Company for a
neglect to keep his word in supplying a
car to bring in the visitors who had visi
ted an exhibition at East Liberty on the
previous evening. We are glad to re
ceive the following statement from an
official and perfectly rellaitle source:
The President of the Company kept
hispromise,anci through the Superintend
ant ordered a ear to. leave East Liberty
after the perforthance, with positive int
structiona to the conductor to carry all
passengers through to the city to Wash
, ington street and to collect only the 1
usual fare. The conductor not having
complied with his peremptory orders,
was nromptly discharged, and thus the
complaint of the correspondent was
heeded and respected. • •
This statement entirely relieves the
officers from responsibility, as they can
not be held responsible for the disobecil-*
ence or dishonesty of their agents. The
officials of the road use every exertion In
their power to accommodate the public,
and their words of promise are in every
instance rigidly kept and respected, and'
we are glad that In the present case the
President is fully vindicated, at he is a
gentleman of truth and honor.
The Drama on Troy Hill.
Yesterday aftereoon the frequenters of
Troy Hill were treated to a new Sunday
amusement in the shape of a dramatic
and musical entertainment. Some en
terprising lover of the Thespian art,
without the fear of law, either moral or
human, before his eyes, secured the
large hall in one of the well known gar.
dens of that locality and attracted
an audience of about two hundred
persons, old and young, male and female,
by what purported to
not sacred concert.
Our informant being well versed in
the German language, could not speak
as regards the sacredness of the affair
other than from observation, whiehied
him to entirely different conclustions.
Tickets for the entertainment were sold
at the entrance to the garden, while In
side the nut brown beverage was freely
qaffe d. The adience was oe of te
m u ost: \ enthusiast u ic and nevern h
failed to
manifest its approval of the performance
by hearty demonstrations. It Is .quite
probable that as this is the first it will
also be the lagt performance of the kind.
We find the following in the Louisville
Courier= complimentary to our friend,
Oliver B. Doud, Esq., who was such a
popular leading mall during last season
at the Opera House:
perfect ovation was accorded this
fine.young actor on his appearance at the
Opera House last evening. His Don
Caesar de Baztua was a sprightly and
truthful portraiture. Both the actor,and
the man received the very highest marks
of appreciation. •Mr. Den& had the
usuat'honor of being twice i:alled before
the curtain. At the close of the piece he
was applauded into a good-bye, address,
in which he mid many good things about
our city and people, and expressed the
sincerest gratitude for their manifesta
tions of favor toward him. On with
drawing he said that within an hour he
would - start for New York to enter upon
an engegement of two months. - His suc
cess in the great metropolis will, we
have no doubt, be as signal as it has been
here and elsewhere."
The name of George Hamilton, Esq.,
the present able, zealous, efficient and
courteous County Commissioner, will be
presented for renomination at the Itorth
coming Republican Convention. Hellas,
for a term of years, faithfully discharged
his dutlea, and his record is one of which
any citizen might be proud. If renomi
nated and elected the people can rest as.
sured that their Interests will be careful
lY 'plaided, and that the duties of the
office will be discharged in the same
highly creditable manner as in the past.
Commissioner Hamilton is a gentleman
too well known and esteemed by nearly
all our readers to need any rfurther com
mendation at our hands. •
Mrs. Rose Mcfiarew and Mrs. Mary
Shannon, neighbors residing at Eliza .
Furnace, near Soho, had aquarrel a f w
days since which naturally engender d
feelings of bitter hostility between the .
This hostility finally extended to the
youthful progeny of the respective coei
batants, and ita, a result a pitched battle
ensued, the Shannons, it seems, coining
off conquerors.`fThe next scene in the
play ocourred 'Alden:nen' Lyaelva
dee on ' Saturday, when Mrs. McGaiew
presentedherself, and.made information
against Mrs. Shannon for assault and
battery and anr . ety of the peace. . War,
rant bitted.
A Complaint flee
For Commissioner.
Chlldreus , quarrel.
• -,.11.t.,Z4-='7.i.,.7,5-.V:44 4
Unwarranted Attack.
A single glue, too much, of liquor had
the effect of depriving Daniel Halt/sand
Joseph Berger, residents of the Fourth
ward, Allegheny, of their freedom, and
causing them to be lodged in the county
jail. ft happened thus: After imbibing at s
saloon on Friday evening, at a late hour,
they started for a promenade down Ohio
street in that condition which afflicts peo
ple spoiling fora tight.- Happening to
encounter in their travels three young
men, who endeavored to avoid them, at
once they commenced to exercise their
Pugilistic propensities. Fortunately,
the police happened along just at' this
juncture, and the fighting twain we're
escorted to the lock-up. Saturda
morning Mayor Drum fi ned them erica y
twenty-five dollars, in defiult of which
they were committed to JAIL
lousekeepers, Attention.—The mis
erle*of having poor, unhealthy bread,
cakes and pastries are at an end. No
more troubles in the kitchen. Use Doo
ley's Chemical Yeast Baking Powder.
which is tWonly article of the kind that
possesses the peculiar quality of produc
ing good bread or pastry every time.
This Is owing to the care taken in its
manufacture to use only strictly healthy
ingredients, and with scrupulous exact
ness in each lot. For sale by grocers
generally. Ask for Dooley's Baking Pow
der, and you will be satisfied' with no
At Prices to Compare With Any.—Su
perior Shelled Almonds, Paper shell;
Lisbon, Bordeaux and'via Almonds;
Rose, .Cream Smooth and Burnt' Al
monds, Frea k Marsh Mallows, Own
Drops, Mixed Fruit Candy, Peppermint,
Rose, Mountain Tea, Cinnamon, Pine
Apple, Cough, Cayenne and Sassafras
Lozenges, Finest Olive Oil, French Mus
tard, Mushrooms and Peas, Sauces, Cat
nips, Plain add Mixed Pickles, Olives,
Stuffed Peppers, Pickled Limes,Dundee
Marmalade, Fresh and Preserved Fruits,
at 112 Federal street, Alegheny. •
4 43,n0n0n .BEAvirs.
The Purest and sweetest Cod Liver
Oil in the world, manufactured from
fresh, healthy livers, upon the sea shore;
it Is perfectly pare anti sweet. Patients
who have once taken it can take none
other. Ask for "Hazard and CaswelPa
Cod Liver Oil," manufactured by Cas
well, Hazard it Co., New York Sold by
all druggists.
Engraving.—Harry Algeo, the well
known and experienced engraver on the
hard metals, an arthst in that profession
who has few superiors in the country,
has opened an office at . Mi. 45 Sixth, late
St. Clair street, where he will be pleased
to receive the orders of his fliends and
to execute alt descriptions o 7 fine and
ordinary marking and emrraving on
doorplates, silverware, canes, jewelry,
&c.. at the most reasonable prices.
- '
American Dress Goods.—We have
calved, and propose keeping's full mock
of these celebrated goods; 'whiak in style
and materials will surpass any Imported
goods of the same prioe. :Bates dr. Bell's.
Corns, Corns, Corns.—We are pleased
to learn that Dr. Lindoman will continue
the practiceof Chiroyxidy in our city .a
few days longer, thus enabling the many
who wish to have corns,• bunlons and
bad nails cured without pain or drawing
blood, to call on him. Will remain until
Thursday, May 13th. Room 56 St. Clair
goteL 2t.
Silk Mantillas . ...The very latest novel
ties, and in styles far surpassing aoy that
we have yet shown this season. Bates - d:
Coma/Med.—Christ. Nevergold *as
ommitted to fail by Justice Ammon on
a charge of disorderly conduct perferred
by Thomas Paul. •
Lace Curtains. —A full supply and at
very low prices at Bates & Boll's.
The place to get Whtte LMse, Cli
olned Plaster, Hydraulic Cement. is at
/Coker di OLikey's. 18 Smithfield street.
PATTER3OS--On 'Friday afternoon: it half
' past two o'clock, at the family 'teeldence on
stidge street, Allegheny, OARULIN3,,hdia of
Alfred P.atterson. Esq.
Tenet:alba MONDAY APTEIINOON, at 3 o'clock.
• BATEMAR—VeIday morning; at-23i o'clock,
on boa: d the stenmer Pelle Vernon., atilharlialt."
ton, lowa, WALTIrtt R. BATEM.a.I4.
Funeral TO-DAT, at 3 o'clock, from his late res‘•
deuce or, Butler street, near 43d street.. •mr
riages will leave Devo - e's. Brant streel,at 1:45
D. at. The friends of the family are resmothillY
Invited to attend.
WEEKS—On Saturday, W ee k, Mn. ELT.EIf
WiCElts , , wife of Jeremiah , la the 24th
year of her ,we.
(Baltimore papers cony.) • •
ADDlSON—Private ADOIBPN. while a soldier
In t pally F, 45th IL S. Infantry,died at Tay
lor - Barracks. Louisville, on the 3d inst.,
and was buried with military honors. Ills com
rades deeply feel his loss.
(Claelunatl papers please copy,)
trAuro, Fa COFFINS of all kinds,CRAPES,
G-LOVEn, and e' ery deacrlption of-Funeral Fur.
rdshlng Goods feral:led. Rooms open day and
Meld. Havnw .nd Carriages Inrabhed.
SV EarzaznesS — Rev.Daviulterr, P. 0., nevH.
Jaeobur. D. D., Tlaomaa Ening, fro., sob
B Miller, Ego.
AVENTI r. Allegheny My, where their CUI , EIIs
ROOMS ale constantly supplied wit!' real and
imitation Ito °wood. Mahogany and Walnut
Coatis, at pri ces varying from 11- to •100. Bo
dies prepare'. for tuttrinent. Hearses and Car.
riagea furnished: alsO, .11 ulna of atoarlilug
Goods, If required. Onlott (.3 en . at all hours. day
and night.
Consisting of a fine Ilse of ' Pine Ear Rings,
Sleeve Button", mgrs.! Studs, Ringer Rings.
Malmo, ite., in Estruscan, Mora Agate.limn.
tine. Topaz. Pearl.- Games and many ' other
&Wes, Jul-received by
Would respectfully In !brut his !lends sad SM
Public generally, UAL his
souerrue AN EMILY pax.,
Corner of Penn and Sixth Strelts,
No ao • antra sTREET. - (late st.
Clair.) have inn received from the Nast the beet
lot of New Goode for Sprint Snits ever IFOolidd
to the market. The firm warrant to cut and dt
and . make_ Clothes cheaper and'bctter theand,
dxst-clue ionic,. In this city. 'A new and eiielk"
did asaorttient of GENTIJIM*B
ING GOODS, are at all Unite to be &awl *PO
house. Our Number Is 80 SIXTH STMICAT..